Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment
Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment
Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment
Ensuring Ecological
Integrity, Clean and Healthy
The environment and natural resources (ENR) sector plays a critical role in
the country’s development. It provides the following ecosystem services: (a)
provisioning (e.g., food, raw materials, freshwater); (b) regulating (e.g., local
climate and air quality, carbon sequestration and storage, erosion prevention); (c)
supporting (e.g., habitats for species, maintenance of genetic diversity); and (d)
cultural (e.g., recreation, tourism). These ecosystem services support the growth
and performance of other sectors, including agriculture, fisheries, industry and
services, and provide livelihood, especially to resource dependent communities.
The country’s rank in environmental compared with Singapore and Malaysia but
management performance dropped is consistently much better than Indonesia
between 2006 and 2014 but improved and Vietnam.
from thereon. Over the past decade, the
country’s Environmental Performance Management of natural resources has
Index (EPI) ranking2 dropped from 55th in been improving. Several improvements
2006 to 114th in 2014, but recovered to rank were noted in the management of the
66 out of 180 countries in 2016 (Figure 20.1). country’s ENR, particularly in the reduction
The Philippines’ performance is poorer of open and denuded forest lands in the
Environmental, geological, human-induced and hydro-meteorological hazards
The EPI is a global metrics for the environment which ranks countries’ performance on high-priority environmental issues
related to health impact, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and
habitat, and climate and energy.
Source: Adapted from Environmental Performance Index Reports, Yale University, 2006-2016
Progress was also noted in the issuance of National ambient air quality for particulate
patents and certificates of land ownership. matter measuring 10 micrometers in
In fact, of the 14.1 million hectares (ha) of diameter or smaller (PM10) has improved
alienable and disposable lands, only around over the last five years, from 76 micrograms
400,000 ha remain untitled. The issuance per normal cubic meter (µg/Ncm) in 2011
of land titles and residential patents to 46 µg/Ncm in 2015. This is due to more
incentivizes the beneficiaries to make their effective management of air quality in
land more productive so that it can generate strategic areas in the country, including
higher income. close monitoring of industries and stricter
implementation of anti-smoke belching
On mining rehabilitation, only four mine campaign. However, pollutant sources
sites remain abandoned, thus requiring continue to increase, in particular, the
government intervention to prevent further rapidly growing number of privately owned
damage to the environment and nearby vehicles (44% increase from 2006 to 2015),
communities. which remains the largest contributor of
emissions in the country.
Slight improvements in environmental
quality have been noted but monitoring of In terms of water quality, many of the
environmental compliance remains weak. classified water bodies are now unfit for
Strategic Framework
Ensuring ecological integrity and a clean potential growth. The key outcome under
and healthy environment is an important this chapter is to ensure ecological integrity
foundation supporting the three main and improve the socio-economic conditions
pillars of the PDP: enhancing the social of resource-based communities through
fabric, reducing inequality, and increasing sustainable integrated area development.
Table 20.1 Plan Targets to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment,
Chapter Outcome: Ecological integrity ensured and socioeconomic condition of resource-based communities improved
Subsector Outcome: Biodiversity and functioning of ecosystem services sustained
Forest cover increased (in ha) 2010 6.8 M Increasing
Coral reef:
• Excellent: 12,957.51
Quality of coastal and marine habitats improved (in ha) 2016 • Good: 1,717.62 Improving quality
• Fair: 171,762
• Poor: 1,235,488.73
Number of residential free patents issued 2016 To be determined 360,000
Employment from ecotourism and sustainable
To be determined Increasing
community resource-based enterprises increased
Subsector Outcome: Environmental quality improved
47% HUCs and major urban
Percentage of highly urbanized and other major urban
centers within ambient air
centers within ambient air quality guideline value 2015 Increasing
quality standard for PM10 &
2016 • Public water supply: 0% Improving
Percentage of priority water bodies within water quality
2016 • Food production: 70% Increasing
guidelines increased
2016 • Recreational: 80% Increasing
Area assessed and mapped for soil fertility status and soil
2016 1,000,000 2,700,000
fertility management increased (in ha)
Area of land degradation hotspots decreased (in ha) 2016 2.3M 2.0M
Metro Manila: 48%
Solid waste diversion rate increased 2015 80%
Outside Metro Manila: 46%
Subsector Outcome: Adaptive capacity and resilience of ecosystems increased
Resilience index To be determined Increasing
• 552 CLUPs
Number of reviewed CC/DRRM-enhanced plans • 37 CDPs
2016 All LGUs
increased • 1522 LDRRMPs
• 1114 LCCAPs
Figure 20.2 Strategy Framework to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy
Environment, 2017-2022
Tenurial instruments include the following: IFMA, forest land grazing lease agreement, CBFMA, certificate of ancestral
domain title and protected area community-based resources agreement
Results of study under the Strengthening MPAs to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines project
Bioprospecting of marine resources in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS).
Watershed ecosystem service indicators include: (a) total water yield (m3/ha/yr.); (b) sediment retention capacity (t/ha/yr.);
(c) avoided potential floodwater (m3).
Table 20.2 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy
Environment, 2017-2022