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Project Cycle Manage and Logic Framework - Vides Undated

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Project Cycle Management

and Logical Framework

Edited by Guido Barbera


1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................4
2.1. Partnership Strategies with Developing Countries.....................................................................5
2.2. Cross cutting issues.....................................................................................................................6
2.2.1. Good governance.................................................................................................................6
2.2.2. Equality of rights and non discrimination of women...........................................................6
2.2.3. Environmental sustainability...............................................................................................6
3. THE PROJECT APPROACH......................................................................................................7
3.1. What is a Project?.......................................................................................................................7
3.2. Weaknesses of the project approach...........................................................................................7
3.3. Sector approach and budgetory aid.............................................................................................8
4. PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT.........................................................................................9
4.1. Definitions..................................................................................................................................9
4.2. The five stages of PCM............................................................................................................11
4.2.1. Programming.....................................................................................................................12
4.2.2. Identification......................................................................................................................12
4.2.3. Formulation........................................................................................................................13
4.2.4. Implementation, including monitoring and reporting........................................................14
4.2.5. Evaluation and audit..........................................................................................................15
5. THE LOGICAL FRAMEWORK APPROACH.......................................................................16
5.1. Definitions................................................................................................................................16
5.2. The Analysis Stage...................................................................................................................17
5.2.1. Stakeholder analysis...........................................................................................................17
5.2.2. Problem analysis................................................................................................................18
5.2.3. Analysis of Objectives.......................................................................................................19
5.2.4. Analysis of Strategies........................................................................................................20
5.3. The Planning Stage...................................................................................................................21
5.3.1. The matrix format..............................................................................................................21
5.3.2. Activity, resource and cost schedules................................................................................28
5.4. Using the logical framework approach during the stages of the project cycle.........................34
5.5. Interlocking logical matrix formats..........................................................................................34
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES...............................................................................................37


ACP Africa, Caribbean e Pacific

ALA Asia and Latin America

CSP Country Strategy Paper

DAC Development Assistance Committee

EC European Commission

EuropeAid EuropeAid Co-operation Office

LFA Logical Framework Approach

LFM Logical Framework Matrix

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MDG Millennium Development Goals

MEDA Countries of the Mediterranean Sea

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

ONG Non Government Organizations

OVI Objectively Verifiable Indicator

PCM Project Cycle Management

PVS Developing Countries

SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

ToR Terms of Reference

UE European Union


In 1992 the European Commission adopted “Project Cycle Management” (PCM) as its primary set
of project design and management tools, based on the Logical Framework Approach (Logical
Framework Approach – LFA). The PCM was already widely used by many donors, including many
Member Nations, and the adoption of the PCM was strongly encouraged by the Development
Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

In 1993, the EC produced its first manual that contained the guidelines for project cycle
management. The manual was subsequently updated in 2001 and then a second time in 2004.
The main innovations introduced in the new edition can be summed up as follows:
 clarifying the main implications of the EC’s Development Policy with regard to the choice of aid
delivery modality (namely projects, sector policy support programmes and/or budgetary aid);
 highlighting the importance of conducting an appropriate level of institutional and organizational
capacity assessment during project identification and formulation;
 removing ‘Financing’ as a single stage in the cycle, given that the financing decision is taken at
different times depending on the EC Regulation under which projects are financed (sometimes at
the end of ‘Identification’ and sometimes after ‘Formulation’), so that the stages have gone from
6 to 5;
 incorporating some additional information on operational tasks and responsibilities at each stage
of the cycle;
 providing a set of key quality attributes, criteria and standards (the Quality Frame) that can be
consistently applied through the identification, formulation and implementation stages of the
project cycle;
 updating the Guidelines on the Logical Framework Approach and providing reference to some
additional analytical tools which can support effective PCM.
These guidelines have been prepared to support ongoing improvements in the quality of EC
development assistance to partner countries. Quality is defined primarily in terms of the:
 relevance;
 feasibility;
 effectiveness
of the programs and projects supported with EC funds, including how well they are managed.

Learning to create projects according to the standards set out by the European Commission
presupposes a better knowledge of the concepts, techniques and tools for Projects which the EC has
adopted, along with good field experience.

This Teaching Unit is a summary of the text of the Guidelines published by EC, enriched with
several contributions from other authors as well as personal notes. It is a good departure point for
those who are just beginning to use the project approach for the first time. It is also a good tool for
evaluation and rethinking of the ways and means presently being used in some organizations.



Article 177 of the European Union (EU) Treaty sets out the three broad areas for European
Community (EC) development cooperation. These are:
 The fostering of sustainable economic and social development;
 The smooth and gradual integration of the developing countries into the world economy; and
 The campaign against poverty.

Beyond these overarching Treaty objectives, regulations and international agreements based on
geographical regions determine the specific EU/EC cooperation objectives. For example:
 Relations between the counties of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) are set out in the
comprehensive trade and development framework of the Lomé convention;
 In Asia and Latin America (ALA) countries, the emphasis is on strengthening the cooperation
framework and on making an effective contribution to sustainable development, security,
stability and democracy;
 With the Mediterranean (MEDA) countries, emphasis is on the establishment of a zone of peace,
stability and prosperity, and on supporting economic and political reform and transition; and
 With select partner countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the TACIS program focuses its
activities on institutional and legal reform, private sector and economic development,
environmental protection, rural economy and nuclear safety.

In order to fulfil its development objectives the EC is using three action mechanisms, giving
attention to their being coherent, complementary and coordinated:
i. Political dialogue (particular importance is given to dialogue with civil society not only as
the one to execute the projects but as a partner in formulating policy);
ii. Cooperation for development;
iii. Businesses.

In November 2000, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers approved the
communication of the Commission on the ‘Policy of the European Community for Development
Cooperation’. This sets out a new strategic direction for the programming and management of EC
development assistance, based on lessons learned from both EC and other international evaluations
of donor funded programmes and projects. Guiding principles behind this policy include:
1. ownership by developing countries of their own development process;
2. increased attention to the social dimension of growth and development, including giving priority
to poverty reduction and the needs of vulnerable groups (including children, women and the
disabled)’ and
3. an increased focus on ‘results’.

To address these challenges, the EC is giving particular attention to:

 promoting the use of Sector Policy Support Programmes and Budgetary Aid;
 increasing decentralisation of responsibilities to the EC’s Delegations (this is tied to concepts 1
and 2);
 promoting harmonization with Member States and other donors (concept 3).


Irrespective of the sector focus, delivery modality (e.g. budgetary aid or projects) or geographic
location of EC development assistance, there are a number of critical cross-cutting development
issues which must be appropriately addressed throughout the project management cycle. The key
cross-cutting development issues include: good governance and human rights, gender equality and
environmental sustainability.

2.2.1. Good governance

Good governance is defined as: ‘The transparent and accountable management of human, natural,
economic and financial resources for the purposes of equitable and sustainable development, in the
context of a political and institutional environment that upholds human rights, democratic principles
and the rule of law’.
The six cornerstones for good governance include:
 Support to democratization including support to electoral processes and electoral observation
(with an emphasis on participation and accountability)
 Promotion and protection of Human Rights (as defined in the international covenants and
conventions, respects of norms and non-discrimination)
 Reinforcement of the rule of law and the administration of justice (as to the legal framework,
legal dispute mechanisms, access to justice, etc)
 Enhancement of the role of non-state actors and their capacity building (as a partner in public
policy making and implementation)
 Public administration reform, management of public finances and civil service reform; and
 Decentralisation and local government

2.2.2. Equality of rights and non discrimination of women

The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 established gender
equality as a basic principle in development cooperation. Gender equality refers to equality of
opportunity, rights, distribution of resources and benefits, responsibilities for women and men in
private and public life and in the value accorded to male and female characteristics. Promotion of
gender equality is not only concerned with women’s issues, but also covers broader actions to be
taken by both women and men. An essential requirement for gender equality is that women should
participate in decision-making and political processes on an equal footing with men.

Gender disparities are deeply entrenched in policies, institutional and legal practices, households and
social relations. Equality of rights and non discrimination of women is a cross-cutting issue that
needs to be built into all aspects of policy formulation, programme and project planning, institutional
structures and decision making procedures.

2.2.3. Environmental sustainability

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of current generations without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In this context, environment and
natural resources are capital that must be maintained in order to support sustained economic activity.
Protecting the environment thus preserves the very basis for development.

Environmental sustainability refers to the need to protect biological and physical systems that
support life (e.g. ecosystems, the hydrological cycle and climatic systems). Environmental
sustainability is a cross-cutting principle which needs to be integrated across all areas of decision

This requires development planners to assess the environmental impact of all proposed policies,
programmes and projects, and to take action to minimize the adverse environmental impacts and to
take advantage of opportunities for environmental improvement.



A project is a series of activities aimed at bringing about clearly specified objectives within a defined
time-period and with a defined budget.

The project should also have:

 Clearly identified stakeholders, including the primary target group and the final beneficiaries;
 Clearly defined coordination, management and financing arrangements;
 A monitoring and evaluation system (to support performance management); and
 An appropriate level of financial and economic analysis, which indicates that the project’s
benefits will exceed its costs.


The project approach has been at ‘the cutting edge of development’ for many years, primarily
because it has helped meet the accountability requirements of donors. However, significant problems
with the ‘classical’ donor-controlled project approach have also become increasingly evident,
 Inadequate local ownership of projects, with the negative implications for sustainability of
 The huge number of different development projects, funded by different donors each with their
own management and reporting arrangements, has resulted in large (and wasteful) transaction
costs for the recipients of development assistance;
 The establishment of separate management, financing and monitoring/reporting arrangements
has often undermined local capacity and accountability, rather than fostering it; and
 The project approach has encouraged a narrow view of how funds are being used, without
adequate appreciation of the ‘fungibility’ issue.
The concept of fungibility of aid resources highlights the fact that donor funded projects can simply
allow partner governments to re-direct their own financial resources to other purposes (assuming that
governments would have spent their own money on the project(s) even if the donor funding was not
available). For example, donor funding of Euro 100m to the Health Sector of a particular country
could allow the partner government to then use (or ‘divert’) Euro 100m of its own resources (which
it otherwise would have had to allocate to Health) to fund other uses (e.g. internal security or
military expenditures). The total effect of donor support therefore depends on how government uses
these freed resources (in an economic sense the ‘marginal use’) and not on the specific project or
programme against which the development assistance is specifically earmarked.
Reaching agreement between the partner government and donors on overall public expenditure
priorities (i.e. having a donor/partner government policy dialogue on overall objectives and
expenditure planning) is thus a way of helping to ensure that fungibility does not compromise the
development objectives that donors specifically want to promote/support.
It is as a result of such issues that the EC and member states have decided to significantly increase
the use of sector programme and budgetary aid approaches, and to progressively decrease the overall
level of funding using the project approach.


Budgetary aid transfers and support to Sector Programmes are only appropriate as mechanisms of
assistance to the public sector. Thus unlike the project modality, they cannot be used for direct
support to the private sector or NGOs

Sector Approaches and Sector Programmes are led by partner governments and they have as their
primary goal that of improving the efficiency and effectiveness with which internal and external
resources are utilized. In striving to attain this goal, sector approaches share three common
 To broaden ownership by partner Governments over decision-making and respect to sector-based
policy, sector-based strategy and sector-based spending;
 To increase the coherence between sector-based policy, spending and results through greater
transparency, through wider dialogue and through ensuring a comprehensive view of the sector;
 To minimise as far as possible the transaction costs associated with the provision of external
financing, either by direct adoption of government procedures or through progressive
harmonisation of individual donor procedures.

The typical components of a Sector Programme include:

 an approved sector-based policy document and overall strategic framework to know what
government is aiming to achieve in the sector and how;
 a sector-based medium term expenditure framework and an annual budget based on a
comprehensive action plan;
 a performance monitoring system to measure progress towards the achievement of policy
objectives and planned results;
 a formalized process of donor coordination presided over by the government;
 an agreed process for moving towards harmonized systems for reporting, budgeting, financial
management and procurement;
 a systematic mechanism of consultation with clients and beneficiaries of government services
and with non-government providers of those services.

In the presence of these elements, and according to its own policy for cooperation, the EC can decide
to support a Sector Programme or some agreed sub-set of activities within that Programme.

Budgetary Aid is a resource transfer to the government of the partner country. Once received, the
transfer is managed by the recipient government, using its existing budget and financial management
systems. Thus, it is a way of providing direct support to the implementation of national or sector-
based policies,. The EC is thus giving direct support to the carrying out of national policies in the
partner country.

Budgetary Aid can be of two types: Macroeconomic and Sector. The first type supports the overall
national development policy and the macroeconomic and budgetary framework; the second type
provides additional funding to a specific sector, supporting a stated policy and agreed spending
framework. It is clear, then, how budgetary aid – compared to projects – maximise ownership and
coherence with national policies, whilst minimising transaction costs.

When considering an appropriate mix of aid delivery methods, four important considerations to be
balanced include:
i) the degree of control donors wish to maintain over their resources;
ii) who takes primary responsibility for targeting resources;
iii) the level at which donors and their partners wish to engage in dialogue – policy or project;
iv) the level of transaction costs associated with managing donor funds.

The following figure shows the characteristics of the two tools, projects and macro-economic
budgetary aid. The sector-based programmes and sector-based budgetary aid are part of an
intermediate situation.

Figure 1: The mix of aid delivery methods

Direct support to Macro-economic

projects budgetary aid

Donor control over Partner Govt. (PG)

eternal resources control of external

Donor targeting of Targeting by PG through

external resources National Budget

Limited donor influence Donor influence on PG

on partner policy policy & budget

High transaction costs Lower transaction costs

Within the EC, given the characteristics of the various types of aid, the tendency is to increase the
use of budgetary aid and sector-based programmes and to progressively transfer responsibility for
the projects to local partners.

The Project method remains preferable for the following:

 decentralized cooperation with NGOs, private sectors and civil society;
 emergency interventions (ECHO) and post crisis aid (short term aid and projects with greater
 specific technical assistance;
 capacity building pilot activity (long term actions which governments do not like when they need
to show results in short amounts of time);
 regional activities (here national governments are often hesitant to give aid), especially in the
environmental sector;
 investment projects where governments do not yet have the ability to manage the whole process
and elevated costs of the transaction;
 countries or sectors that present inadequate conditions for other types of interventions.



The cycle of operations for managing the EC’s external assistance projects has five phases, as shown
in Figure 2 below:

Figure 2: The Cycle of Operations

Source: Project Cycle Management Guidelines, Volume 1, European Commission - EuropeAid
Cooperation Office, 2004, p. 16

This cycle highlights three main principles:

1. Decision making criteria and procedures are defined at each phase (including key information
requirements and quality assessment criteria);
2. The phases in the cycle are progressive – each phase should be completed for the next to be
tackled with success; and
3. New programming and project identification draws on the results of monitoring and evaluation
as part of a structured process of feedback and institutional learning.

Project Cycle Management – PCM is a term used to describe the management activities and
decision-making procedures used during the life-cycle of a project (including key tasks, roles and
responsibilities, key documents and decision options).

PCM helps to ensure that:

 projects are supportive of overarching policy objectives of the EC and of development partners;
 projects are relevant to an agreed strategy and to the real problems of target groups/beneficiaries;
 projects are feasible, meaning that objectives can be realistically achieved within the constraints
of the operating environment and capabilities of the implementing agencies; and
 benefits generated by projects are likely to be sustainable.

To support the achievement of these aims, PCM:

- requires the active participation of key stakeholders and aims to promote local ownership;
- uses the Logical Framework Approach (as well as other tools) to support a number of key
assessments/analyses (including stakeholders, problems, objectives and strategies);
- incorporates key quality assessment criteria into each stage of the project cycle; and
- requires the production of good-quality key document(s) in each phase (with commonly
understood concepts and definitions), to support well-informed decision-making.

The latest version of the EC’s Guidelines on PCM, when compared with earlier versions, gives more
importance to the concept of quality. The quality of a project is measured in terms of relevance,
feasibility and effectiveness. In the Quality Frame these three attributes are subdivided into 16

criteria which are key for evaluating the quality. In each phase of the cycle, the project must be
analyzed on these quality criteria, so as to facilitate decision making.
The Quality Frame is shown in Figure 3 below

Figure 3: Quality Frame

Relevant Feasible Effective & well managed

The project meets demonstrated The project is well designed and The project is delivering the
and high priority needs will deliver sustainable benefits to anticipated benefits and
target groups is being well managed

1. Consistent with, and supportive 6. The objectives (Overall 12. The project remains relevant
of, EC development and objective, purpose and results) and feasible
cooperation policies and the work programme 13. Project objectives are being
2. Consistent with, and supportive (activities) are clear and achieved
of, Partner Government logical, and addressed clearly
14. The project is being well
policies and relevant sector identified needs
managed by those directly
programmes 7. The resource and cost responsible for implementation
3. Key stakeholders and target implications are clear, the
15. Sustainability issues are being
groups are clearly identified, project is financially viable and
effectively addressed
equity and institutional has a positive economic return
16. Good practice principles of
capacity issues analysed, and 8. Coordination, management
project management are
local ownership demonstrated and financing arrangements
applied by EC Task Managers
4. Problems have been are clear and support
appropriately analysed institutional strengthening and
local ownership
5. Lessons learned from
experience and linkages with 9. The monitoring and evaluation
other ongoing/planned (M&E) system and audit
projects/programmes have arrangements are clear and
been assessed and practical
incorporated into strategy 10. Assumptions/Risks are
selection identified and appropriate risk
management arrangements
are in place
11. The project is environmentally,
technically and socially sound
and sustainable


As we have already mentioned, the PCM is made up of five stages: programming, identification,
formulation, implementation and evaluation/audit.
Before this the project cycle included another stage, the financing of the project, which appeared
between the phases of formulation and implementation. The financial mechanisms of CE view
financing as an operation that could even come before the formulation of the project, right after the
stage of identification. This is the case for programs. So, in the updated guidelines of 2004, this
phase has been left out.

The key documents that are produced within the EC project management cycle, and who is primarily
responsible, are shown in Figure 4 below:

Figure 4: The project cycle, main documents and responsibilities

Source: Project Cycle Management Guidelines, Volume 1, European Commission - EuropeAid
Cooperation Office, 2004, p. 19

4.2.1. Programming

During the programming phase, the European Union establishes the general guidelines and
principles for cooperation with a particular Country or Region.
During the Programming phase, the situation at national and sector level is analysed to identify
problems, constraints, and opportunities which cooperation could address. This involves a review of
socio-economic indicators, and of national and donor priorities.
The documents produced during this phase are the Country Strategy Paper and the National
Indicative Programme.

4.2.2. Identification

The purpose of this phase is to identify project ideas that are in line with the development objectives
expressed in the programming phase. They can be formulated by a series of actors: national
governments of recipient Countries, non-state actors such as civil organizations, NGOs, multilateral
or regional development agencies, etc.

During the identification phase the key assessments required to help ensure the relevance and
feasibility of a project idea are:
 assessment of policy and programming framework;
 stakeholder analysis, including institutional capacity assessment;
 problem analysis, including scoping of cross-cutting issues;
 assessment of other ongoing and planned initiatives, and assessment of lessons learned;
 preliminary objectives and strategy analysis;
 preliminary assessment of resource and cost parameters;
 preliminary assessment of project management, coordination and financing arrangements; and
 preliminary assessment of economic/financial, environmental, technical and social sustainability

The core PCM tools that can be used include:

 Quality assessment criteria The criteria and standards provide a checklist of key issues which
should be assessed at this stage of the cycle, focusing on the relevance and likely feasibility of
the proposed project idea.
 The Logical Framework Approach – namely stakeholder analysis, problem analysis,
preliminary objective setting and strategy analysis;
 Institutional capacity assessment This tool is provided to highlight the key questions that need
to be asked and answered in undertaking an institutional capacity assessment;
 Promoting participatory approaches and using facilitation skills;
 Preparation of Terms of Reference;
 Economic and Financial Analysis

The document produced during this phase of the cycle is the feasibility study for the project, which
should lead to the decision, on the basis of the analysis itself, to move to the successive phase -

4.2.3. Formulation

The purpose of the Formulation stage is to confirm the relevance and feasibility of the project idea as
proposed in the Identification Fiche, and to prepare a detailed project plan.
In this stage too, as in the others, the various stakeholders who have been identified should actively
participate in the details of the project.

The tools that can be applied to support the formulation of good quality projects include:
 Quality assessment criteria;
 The Logical Framework Approach, including the preparation of the Logframe Matrix (LFM),
and supporting activity, resource and cost schedules (budgets);
 Institutional capacity assessment, building on previous analysis undertaken in the identification
 Guidance on promoting participation and the use of facilitation skills;
 Guidance in preparing Terms of Reference;
 The Financing Proposal format.

So as to have and support the correct implementation of the project, the end of the
formulation/programming stage includes the elements summarized in Figure 5 which follows:

Figure 5: Information elements produced by end of Formulation

Situation analysis/Key assessments

Policy & programme context
Stakeholder analysis & institutional capacity assessment
Problem analysis
Lessons learned and review of ongoing/planned initiatives
Strategy selection

Project description Management arrangements

Coordination and management
Overall objective and purpose
Target group, location and
duration 13 Financial management/financing
Results and indicative activities
Monitoring, evaluation and audit
Resources and costs
Feasibility and Sustainability
Economic and financial
Social and Governance
Risk management

Source: Project Cycle Management Guidelines, Volume 1, European Commission - EuropeAid Cooperation
Office, 2004, p. 38

4.2.4. Implementation, including monitoring and reporting

The purpose of the implementation stage is to:

 Deliver the results, achieve the purpose(s) and contribute effectively to the overall objective of
the project;
 Manage the available resources efficiently; and
 Monitor and report on progress.

The implementation stage of the project cycle is in many ways the most critical, as it is during this
stage that planned benefits are delivered. All other stages in the cycle are therefore essentially
supportive of this implementation stage.

The implementation stage is usually composed of the following main periods:

1. the inception period which initiates the process and includes the set-up needs, the definition of
contracting arrangements with the various subjects involved, the mobilization of resources, the
establishment of working relationships with the stakeholders, the holding of workshops, review
and revision of project plan, and the establishment of monitoring and evaluation systems;
2. the main implementation period which includes procuring and deploying resources (including
personnel), implementing activities and delivering results, monitoring and reviewing progress,
revising operational plans in the light of experience, and reporting on the progress being made;
3. the phase-out period in which all responsibilities are handed over to the local partners, ensuring
that maintenance plans are in place, that relevant skills have been transferred, and that recurrent
costs are secured.

Key tools that can be used to make these assessments in the PCM include:
 Quality criteria and standards;
 Logframe matrix;
 Activity/work programme schedules and resource/budget schedules;
 Risk management matrix;
 Progress report formats, including CRIS’s “Implementation Report”;
 Guidance on promoting participation and using facilitation skills;
 Terms of Reference.

The key documents required/produced during this stage include the operational work plans, periodic
progress reports, specific reviews/study reports (e.g. mid-term evaluation), and completion report (at
end of project).

4.2.5. Evaluation and audit

The purpose of the evaluation is to make an “assessment, as systematic and objective as possible, of
an ongoing or completed project, programme or policy, its design, implementation and results. The
aim is to determine the relevance and fulfilment of objectives, developmental efficiency,
effectiveness, impact and sustainability. An evaluation should provide information that is credible
and useful, enabling the incorporation of lessons learned into the decision-making process of both
recipients and donors.”1

The criteria used by the EC for the evaluation of projects are relevance, efficiency and effectiveness,
impact and sustainability, which are strictly related to the Logic Frame as we can see in Figure 6
which follows:

Figure 6: Link between Evaluation Criteria and the Logframe

Source: Project Cycle Management Guidelines, Volume 1, European Commission - EuropeAid

Cooperation Office, 2004, p. 49

From this diagram we understand how relevance refers to the appropriateness of the project
objectives in view of the needs and priorities expressed in the Programming Stage of the Country
Strategy Paper and the National Indication Programme.
Efficiency measures the level at which expected results are reach within reasonable costs, looking at
the relationship between input and resources used to meet the specified output/results.
Effectiveness measures how well project objectives have been fulfilled.
Impact refers to the effect produced by the project on the wider context into which is was inserted,
thus describing its contribution to reaching the general action objectives and priorities expressed in
the CSP.
Lastly, sustainability measures the ability of the project to continue producing benefits even after
financing from external sources ceases/

OCSE/DAC, 1998: Review of the DAC Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance.

The tools used during this phase include not only the Logical Framework, but the Evaluation and
Audit reports.

There are thee types of evaluation:

 Mid-term and on-going evaluation, which takes policy during the implementation stage, aims at
evaluating the level of fulfilment of project objectives and expected results, thus offering the
possibility of introducing corrective measures where needed during the implementation stage;
 Final evaluation, which takes place at the end of the project, evaluates the overall level of
fulfilment of project objectives and expected results;
 Ex-post evaluations, which take place after the project has been completed, focuses on
evaluating questions of impact and sustainability as well as to draw lessons for future projects
and programmes.

Principles underpinning the approach to evaluation are:

 Impartiality and independence of the evaluation process from the programming and
implementation functions;
 Credibility of evaluation, through use of appropriately skilled and independent experts and the
transparency of the evaluation process, including wide dissemination of results;
 Participation of stakeholders in the evaluation process, to ensure different perspectives and
views are taken into account; and
 Usefulness of the evaluation findings and recommendations, through timely presentation of
relevant, clear and concise information to decision makers.

Evaluation must not be confused with monitoring and audit. The following table presents in a
concise manner the characteristics of each of these activities:

Evaluation Assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, relevance and sustainability

of aid policies and actions

Monitoring Ongoing analysis of project progress towards achieving planned results with the
purpose of improving management decision making

Audit Assessment of (i) the legality and regularity of project expenditure and income
e.g. compliance with laws and regulations and with applicable contractual rules
and criteria; (ii) whether project funds have been used efficiently and
economically e.g. in accordance with sound financial management; and (iii)
whether project funds have been used effectively e.g. for purposes intended.
Primarily a financial and financial management focus, with the focus of
effectiveness being on project results.

The documents produced during this stage are the Evaluation Reports and Audit Report.



The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) was developed in the late 1960’s to assist the US Agency
of International Development (USAID) to improve its project planning and evaluation system.
The LFA has since been adopted as a project planning and management tool by most multilateral
and bilateral development agencies. The EC has required the use of the LFA as part of its PCM since

The LFA is an analytical process and set of tools used to support project planning and management.
It is important to distinguish between the LFA, which is an analytic process, and the Logical
Framework Matrix (LFM) which, while requiring further analysis of objectives, how they will be
achieved and the potential risks, also provides the documented product of the analytical process.

Drawing up a LFA has two main stages, Analysis and Planning which are carried out progressively
during the Identification and Formulation phases of the project cycle:

1. During the Analysis Stage the existing situation is analyzed so as to develop a vision for the
“desired future situation”, and to choose the strategies to apply so as to reach it. The key idea is
that projects/programmes are aimed at problems faced by the target group, whether of women or
men, and their needs and interests. There are four elements to the Analysis Stage:
- Stakeholder Analysis;
- Problem Analysis (a view of reality);
- Analysis of Objectives (image of an improved situation in the future); and
- Analysis of Strategies (comparison of different options to address a given situation).
2. In the Planning Stage the results of the analysis are transcribe into a practical, operational plan
ready to be implemented. In this stage the Logframe matrix is prepared, requiring further
analysis and refinement of ideas; activities and resource requirements are defined and scheduled;
and a budget is prepared.


5.2.1. Stakeholder analysis

Any individuals, groups of people, institutions or firms that may have a significant interest in the
success or failure of a project (either as implementers, facilitators, beneficiaries or adversaries) are
defined as ‘stakeholders’. A basic premise behind stakeholder analysis is that different groups have
different concerns, capacities and interests, and that these need to be explicitly understood and
recognized in the process of problem identification, objective setting and strategy selection.
Every society sees differences in the roles and responsibilities of women and men, in their access
and control of resources and in their participation in decision making processes. Everywhere we see
that access to services (e.g. transportation, heath, education) and further economic, social and
political opportunities are not equal between women and men. Inequalities due to gender can be an
obstacle to growth and can damage development.
Avoiding to adequately face the gender problem could jeopardize the efficacy and sustainability of
the projects/programmes, and increase even unintentionally the existing inequalities. It is thus vital
to analyze gender differences and inequalities and consider them in the proposed activities,
objectives and strategies, as well as in the allocation of resources.
Stakeholder analysis must systematically identify all of the gender differences as well as special
interests, problems and the potential of both women and men among the stakeholders.
Ideally the project/programme should be defined in a workshop for participative planning which
involves representatives of the principle stakeholders, assuring a balanced representation of the
interests of both women and men. Each time the logical framework is reconsidered during the life of
the project, it is necessary to go back again to the original stakeholder analysis.

Stakeholder analysis and Problem analysis are closely connected; without the opinion of interested
parties on the problem, there will be no clarity on the nature of the problem, nor on the needs of the
individuals concerned, nor on the possible solutions.
The following matrix is offered as a tool for collecting information during this phase of analysis:

Figure 7: Stakeholder analysis matrix

Stakeholder Interest and how Capacity and motivation Possible actions to

ad basic affected by the to bring about change address stakeholder
problems interests

Another tool often used for doing the stakeholder analysis is the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats), which is used to identify the strengths and weaknesses from within, as well
as possible threats and opportunities from the outside.

Figure 8: SWOT Matrix

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

The PCM Guidelines for the EC describe another two tools which are less used: the Venn Diagram
and the Spider Diagram (cf. Project Cycle Management Guidelines, Volume 1, European
Commission - EuropeAid Cooperation Office, 2004, pp. 65-66).

5.2.2. Problem analysis

Problem analysis identifies the negative aspects of an existing situation and establishes the ‘cause
and effect’ relationships between the identified problems. It involves three main steps:
1. Definition of the framework and subject analysis;
2. Identification of the major problems faced by target groups and beneficiaries; and
3. Visualisation of the problems in form of a diagram, called a “problem tree” or “hierarchy of
problems” to help analyse and clarify cause-effect relationships.

A clear problem analysis thus provides a sound foundation on which to develop a set of relevant and
focused project objectives. Figure 9 gives an example of a problem tree:

Figure 9: Example of a problem tree

High mortality rates for
infants and mothers

High infection rates in High rate of severe High rates of post partum
children and newborns complications at birth and newborn infections

Poor nutrition in Low levels of child Late or missing diagnosis Low hygiene and patient
children and and newborn of complications during care standards by staff
newborns vaccinations birth

Commercial pressure Low supply of high Infrequent visits

to use substitute milk protein foods to rural clinics
Lack of Lack of skills in
medicines the staff

Mothers do not wish Insufficient or

to visit the clinics inadequate
presence of clinics
Source: Claudio M. Vitali, Presentazione su “La progettazione degli interventi nel settore socio-
sanitario”, CEVAS, Gennaio 2005, p. 12.

5.2.3. Analysis of Objectives

Analysis of objectives is a methodological approach employed to:

 Describe the situation in the future once identified problems have been remedied, with the
participation of representatives;
 Verify the hierarchy of objectives; and
 Illustrate the means-ends relationships in a diagram.

The negative situations of the problem tree are converted into solutions, expressed as positive
achievements. These positive achievements are in fact objectives, and are presented in a diagram of
objectives showing a means/ends hierarchy. This diagram aims to provide a clear overview of the
desired future situation. ENDS
Often this type of diagram offers some objectives that cannot be fulfilled by the project in question,
and must be taken into consideration in other projects. Some objectives may be unrealistic so that
alternate solutions must be sought or the efforts to reach them should be dropped.

Figure 10: Example of an objective tree


Reduced mortality rates for
children and mothers

Reduced infection rates in Reduced rate of severe Reduced rates of post partum
children and newborns complications at birth and newborn infections

Improved nutirition in Better levels of child Quick dioagnosis of Improved hygiene and
children and newborns and newborn complications during birth patient care standards by
vaccinations staff

Increased nursing of Improved supply of Increased number of visits to

babies high protein foods rural clinics
Sufficient number Improved staff
of medicines skills
Mother open to more Increased and
frequent visits to imporved number of
clinics clinics

Source: Claudio M. Vitali, Presentazione su “La progettazione degli interventi nel settore socio-
sanitario”, CEVAS, Gennaio 2005, p. 15.

5.2.4. Analysis of Strategies

The last step in the Analysis Stage implies the identification of the possible strategies (clustering)
and the selection of the strategy/strategies that will be used to reach the desired objectives. The
analysis of strategies implies deciding which objectives will be included in the project and which
will e left out. It also includes selecting the scope of the project (specific objective) and the general
objectives. In other words, different groups of objectives of the same type will be clustered, and each
of these groups of objectives represents a possible project strategy.

The choice of strategy to follow is made on the basis of an agreed set of criteria which may include:
priorities of the stakeholders (both women and men), probability of success, budget, relevance of the
strategies, timeframe for realizing the project, its contribution to the reduction of inequalities,
including that of gender inequality, etc.

The Analysis of Strategy requires the following:

Reduced mortality rates for
 Identification of the various possible strategies
children andfor reaching the specific and general objectives
through clustering of the objectives of similar types;
 Clear criteria for choosing the strategies;
 Choice of project strategies.
Reduced infection rates in Reduced rate of severe Reduced rates of post partum
children and newborns complications at birth and newborn infections
Depending on the area to be addressed and the quantity of work foreseen, the groups of objectives
(the strategies) chosen may be a simple project or a programme that consists of a certain number of
Improved nutirition in Better levels of child Quick diagnosis of Improved hygiene and
children and newborns and newborn complications during birth patient care standards by
vaccinations staff
Figure 11: Example of identification and choice of strategies

Increased nursing of Improved supply of Increased number of visits to

babies high protein foods rural clinics
Sufficient number Improved staff
20 of medicines skills
Mother open to more Increased and
frequent visits to imporved number of
clinics clinics
Nutritional Seconday
Strategies health care
Primary health
care strategies


Source: adapted from Claudio M. Vitali, Presentazione su “La progettazione degli interventi nel
settore socio-sanitario”, CEVAS, Gennaio 2005, p.17.


During the planning stage, the results obtained during the preceding analysis are transferred to an
operative plan ready to be implemented. This stage of planning is articulated in three distinct
1. preparation of the logical matrix LFM;
2. definition of the working plan, which includes writing the timeline (which shows the position of
each activity in a timeframe) and the programming of the resources;
3. preparation of the budget.

5.3.1. The matrix format

The Logical Framework is a way of representing the substance of the project/programme in a

synthesis which includes everything and is easily understood. The matrix has four columns and four
The vertical lines identify what the project intends to do, clarifies the relationship of cause and
effect, and specifies the presuppositions and important uncertainties which are outside the control of
the project manager.
The horizontal lines refer to effects and resources used by the project, making reference to specific
key indicators and to the sources from which the indicators can be verified.

The following figure show the typical structure of the Logframe Matrix:

Figure 12: The Logframe Matrix

Project Source of
Indicators Assumptions
Description Verification



Means Costs

The preparation of a Logframe matrix is an interactive process, not just a linear set of steps. As new
parts of the matrix are drafted, information previously assembled needs to be reviewed and, if
required, revised. Nevertheless, there is a general sequence to completing the matrix, which starts
with the project description (top-down), then the assumptions (bottom-up), followed by the
indicators and then sources of verification (working across). This general sequence is illustrated in
the following figure:

Figure 13: Sequence for compiling the Logframe matrix

Project Source of
Indicators Assumptions
Description Verification
1 8 9

Purpose 2 10 11 7

Results 3 12 13 6

Activities 4 Means Costs 5

Prerequisites First Column: Intervention Logic

The first column of the Logframe matrix summarises the ‘means-end’ logic of the proposed project
(also known as the ‘intervention logic’).
- The fourth line gives the activities to realize;
- If these activities are carried out, the desired results should come about;
- Collectively, the results should help fulfil the specific objective;
- The specific project objective contributes to fulfilling the general objectives.

The four levels of intervention logic are defined as follows:

i. The general objectives of the project/programme explain why the project/programme is

important for society, in long term benefits for the stakeholders as well as benefits that can be
generalized to other groups. They also show how the project/programme is part of the
government’s regional/sector policies, those of interested organizations and of the EC, as
well as policies that aim at cross-section cooperation within the community.

The project is not the only means for reaching the general objectives (it is only a contribution to
reaching the general objectives), since a series of convergent projects and other interventions can
lead to fulfil these objectives.
In terms of their expression, the objectives should be linked to the problems which emerged from
the analysis; they should be expressed in terms of improvement, empowerment, enlargement,
greater capacity for, etc.

ii. The project’s specific objective is the purpose to be met with the realization of the project,
that is, the flow of benefits, duration and clarifications identified, which the project intends to
produce for the stakeholders.
Thus, the specific objective should address the central problem and be defined in terms of
sustainable benefits for the target group/s. The specific objective should also express the equal
distribution of benefits between women and men within the target group/s.
There should be only one specific objective for each project. Projects with multiple purposes
usually have unclear or conflicting objectives. In projects that have multiple components several
objectives should be clearly specified, one for each component of the project. In this case the
project will be complex and could eventually have management problems.

iii. The expected results are products/output, which can be physical or activities carried out; the
combination of results obtained through the specific project objective should, in theory, be
the beginning of sustained benefits enjoyed by the members of the target group.

iv. The activities are the actions that must be carried out to produce the results. They are the
synthesis of what the project must accomplish.

From this description of intervention logic, it is clear that it is simply the carrying over of the
objectives and identified strategies from the analysis phase (cf. par. 5.2.3. e 5.2.4.) to the first
column of the Logframe matrix, as the following figure illustrates:

Figure 14: Links between the Problem Tree and the Logframe Matrix

Reduced mortality rates for

children and mothers General

Reduced rates of post Reduced rate of severe
partum and newborn complicatons at birth

Improved hygiene and Quick diagnosis of

patient care standards by complications at birth

Increased number of visits
to rural clinics


Improved staff Sufficient number

skills of medicines

Increased and Mother open too

improved number of more frequent visits
clinics to clinics

Secondary heal
care strategies

Primary health
care strategies

In the example shown in figure 14, two strategies were chosen so there are two specific objectives.
As mentioned above, since it is better to have only one specific objective per project, the formulation
General Reduced mortality rates
of the objectivesforcould beand
children reconsidered
mothers IN n the Logframe matrix. At the same
and reinserted time the
relations between means and ends should be reconsidered, incorporating at the same the results and
activities into theImporved
Specific Logframe matrix.
health of pregnant mothers, of those nursing babies,
The other objectives thatof were
the children themselves,
originally presentandbut
of newborns
not inserted into the intervention logic represent
objectives outside the project control. They are thus external conditions to the project that must
always be kept in Quick
Result mind.diagnosis
In fact,of for the project to really
Improved be and
hygiene successful,
patient these objects must also be
Improved nutrition for
Levels complications at birth care standards by staff children and newborns

HighterFigure 15: and

rate of child Intervention logic in the
Sufficient Logframe
supply of matrix
newborn vaccinations medicines Increased rate of
nursing children
Sufficient supply of Improved staff skills
Greater availability of
high protein foods
Higher number of visits to
rural clinics

Primary Health Higher number of Mothers

Secondary Health Nutrictional
Care strategies willing to go to clinics
Care Strategies Strategies
Greater availability and more
regular hours in clinics
Activity a….. a…...
Source: Claudio M. Vitali, Presentazione su “La progettazione degli interventi nel settore socio-
sanitario”, CEVAS, Gennaio 2005, p.23. Second column: the Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Objectively Verifiable Indicators describe the project’s objectives in operationally measurable terms
(quantity, quality, time, etc). Specifying OVIs helps to check the feasibility of objectives and helps
form the basis of the project’s monitoring and evaluation system. They are formulated in response to
the question “How would we know whether or not what has been planned is actually happening or
happened? How do we verify success?”

For each objective or result to measure, the OVIs must contain the definition:
 of the variable (the element to measure: WHAT?);
 the recipients (those who will benefit from the project: WHO?);
 the quantity (the present situation and the proposed situation: HOW MUCH?);
 the time (the time period within which the objective should be reached: WHEN?);
 the place (WHERE?).

A good OVI should also be SMART:

Specific to the objective it is supposed to measure;
Measurable (either quantitatively or qualitatively)
Available at an acceptable cost;
Relevant to the information needs of managers;
Time-bound – so we know when we can expect the objective/target to be achieved.

Specification of OVIs verifies the fact that the objectives are operative and are a good basis for a
monitoring system for the project. The OVIs should be reliable measures and be cost effective.
Much attention should be paid to making sure the OVIs – which are the heart of the project –
incorporate realistically the notion that there are ‘sustainable benefits for the target group’.
It is often necessary to establish more than one indicator for each objective statement. At the same
time, the trap of including too many indicators should be avoided. The guiding principle should be to
collect the minimum amount of information required to help project managers and evaluators
determine whether objectives are being/have been achieved.
The OVIs should be already defined during the indication and programming stage, but they often
need to be specified better, in greater detail during the implementation stage; that is, as soon as there
is additional information and the monitoring needs have been specified.

25 Third Column: Source of Verification

The source of verification (SOV) should be considered and specified at the same time as the
formulation of OVIs. This will help to test whether or not the Indicators can be realistically
measured at the expense of a reasonable amount of time, money and effort.

The SOV should specify:

 how the information should be collected (e.g. from administrative records, special studies,
sample surveys, observation, etc) and/or the available documented source (e.g. progress reports,
project accounts, official statistics, engineering completion certificates, etc.)
 who should collect/provide the information;
 when/how regularly it should be provided (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.)

Sources of information external to the project should be check for accessibility, reliability and
relevance. At the same time, costs for labour and for collecting information should be studied so
that the necessary means can be provided.
There is often a direct relationship between complexity of the evaluation (the difficulty of collecting
data and analysing it) and its costs. If an OVI is too costly to verify, and too complicated to check, it
should be replace by a simpler one which is less costly, and often is indirect, a proxy. Fourth Column: Assumptions

The project along cannot fulfil all of the objectives identified in the tree of objectives. In fact, once
the strategies is chosen, there are other outside objectives which are not included in the intervention;
they are external factors.

Even though they are outside the control of the project manager, external factors influence project
implementation and its sustainability over time. These external factors (or conditions) must be
present if the project is to be successful, and should be included as presuppositions or hypotheses in
the fourth column of the Logframe matrix.
So, the hypotheses are external conditions which are not influenced by the project, but which
determine the desired outcomes of the project, of the specific objective and the general objective.

The probability and significance of the external conditions to be kept in mind, should be valued as
part of the process for estimating the risk level of the project. Some of these may be critical to the
success of the project, and others of only marginal importance. A useful outline for evaluating the
importance of assumptions can be seen in Figure 16 which follows:

Figure 16: Assessment of Assumptions

Is the assumption important?

Do not include it in the logframe

Will it hold true?

Almost certainly
Do not include in the Logframe
Include as an assumption

Very unlikely
Is it possible to redeisgn the project?

YES NO The project may not be feasible

Once the assumptions have been analysed and tested, and assuming the project is still considered
‘feasible’, the only assumptions that would remain in the Logframe matrix are those which are likely
to hold true, but which nevertheless need to be carefully monitored during project implementation.
They can become part of the project’s monitoring and risk management plan.

The relationship between the Logframe matrix described in the first column and the assumptions
inserted in the fourth column is given by the vertical logic in the Logframe. This works as follows:
 once the Assumptions have been verified, the activities may begin;
 once the activities have been carried out, and if the Assumptions at this level hold true, results
will be achieved;
 once these Results and the Assumptions at this level are filled, the Project Purpose will be
achieved; and
 once the Purpose has been achieved and the Assumptions at this level are fulfilled, contribution
to the achievement of the Overall Objectives will have been made by the project. This
relationship is illustrated in Figure 17:

Figure 17: La Vertical logic of the matrix


Purpose Assumptions

Results Assumptions

Activities Assumptions


Figure 18: Example of completed Logframe matrix

Intervention Logic Indicators Evaluation source Assumptions

Objective Reduced mortality rates for Mortality rated Statistics of the
children and mothers reduced by x -y Health Ministry which
before the year will be analyzed both
200_…- for children before and after the
below 1 year and 5 project execution
years as well as
pregnant women and
mothers who are
nursing children……

Improved health of pregnant Reduced incidents of Hospital and clinic
mothers, of those nursing post partum and data will be analyzed
babies, of the children newborn infections both before and after
themselves, and of the within health centres the project execution
newborns will be reduced by x-y
before the year 200..

1. Functioning Primary Health An increase in the Data from the Health Improved home
Care services at the district number of villages Ministry nutrition due to the
level with regular Health greater availability of
1.1.Quick diagnosis of birth Care Services by x-y Data for vaccinations high protein foods
complications before the year 200_ at clinics will be and to the fact that
1.2 Higher rate of child and analyzed every 3 more mothers
newborn vaccinations An increase in the months... breastfeed their
1.4 Higher number of visits to number of children infants and babies
rural clinics vaccinated against
polio by x-y before the
2. Improved Secondary Health year 200..
Care services
2.1 Improved hygiene and
patient care standards by staff
2.2. Sufficient supply of
2.3. Improved staff skills

1. Recover or renew equipment Means Costs The Health Ministers
and ambulances …€ maintains real
2. Carry out a programme for Personnel financing at the same
mobile hospitals …€ levels as those before
3. Recruit and train personnel …€ the project began.
who can assist in the birth Buildings
process…… …. …€

Source: Claudio M. Vitali, Presentazione su “La progettazione degli interventi nel settore socio-
sanitario”, CEVAS, Gennaio 2005, p.28.

5.3.2. Activity, resource and cost schedules

A Project Logframe describes usually in very general terms, which activities should be carried out.
Once the matrix is completed, usually during the programming stage, further programming takes
place so as to add the new operational details to the Project Realization Plan. As figure 16 (which
follows) shows, it will first of all be necessary to identify and list the activities which will help fulfil
the various parts of the project, establish the sequence of these activities and their timeframe. Then it
will be necessary to provide cost estimates for each of the activities, thus constructing the budget for
each activity and of the project as a whole.

These activity and resource specifications must be done during the feasibility study stage, which is
part of the project formulation stage. Detailed information on the impact of net recurring costs could
bring about a reformulation of the location and extent of the project.
Following this, during the first months of realizing the project, a general schedule of activities (the
Implementation Schedule) is drawn up and the detailed programmes of activities and resources is
updated accordingly.

Figure 19: The Operational Plan


Program the activities needed to fulfilll

the desired objectioves

Identify and specify the activities needed Determine the resources needed for the
to realize each part of the project various activities

Establish the timeframe for Estimate the total costs for

Establish the order of the the activities: estimate the resources needed to
activities necessary time for the complete all the project
completion of each activity activities

Timelinde for the activities Divide the estimated total

and preparation of the work costs assigning a budget to
schedule each of the activities

The project document

guide for executing and
monitoring the project

Scheduling activities is a way of representing the various project activities, identifying their logical
and temporal sequence as well as all the interdependencies that exits between them; this provides the
basis for assigning managerial responsibilities for completing each of the activities.
All of the information in an Activities Schedule can be synthesized in a graphics format called a
Gantt Diagram. An example is given in the following figure:

Figure 20: Gantt Diagram

Source: Project Cycle Management Guidelines, Volume 1, European Commission - EuropeAid Cooperation Office, 2004, p. 89.

Once the Activities have been entered into the schedule, the resources necessary to undertake the
Activities must be specified.
As there will be a need to aggregate or summarise the cost information, the resources should be
allocated to agreed cost categories. The will have a significant influence on the decisions for
investment during the project evaluation and, later on, if financing becomes available, also on an
easy implantation process.
Once all of the costs for the single activities have been grouped in the overall budget, it is important
to remember that the implementing agency will be required to meet any recurrent costs of
maintaining service provision beyond the life of the project. Recurrent costs may be covered (fully
or partly) through increased revenue that has been generated through project Activities. Whether or
not this is the case, it is important that the net recurrent cost implications of the project are clearly
specified so that the future impact on the implementing agency’s budget may be determined.
Finally, the project costs determination should permit the allocation of costs to the different sources
of financing so that each one has a clear idea of the competence of his/her contribution.

The following figure shows and outline for representing the resources needed for each activity.

Figure 21: Resource and Cost Programming

Source: Project Cycle Management Guidelines, Volume 1, European Commission - EuropeAid Cooperation Office, 2004, p. 91.


The Logical Framework Approach LFA is the principle tool in the PCM system, and is ultimately
applied to all the phases of the project cycle:

 in the Identification stage:

 supports the analysis of the existing situation;
 identifies potential objectives and strategies;
 analyzes the relevance and feasibility of the project idea;

 in the Formulation stage:

 analyzes the relevance and feasibility of the project;
 helps in the preparation of the work plan with clear objectives, measurable results,
management strategies for risks, and definition of the manager responsibilities;
 offers information for analyzing the cost-benefits relationship;

 in the Implementation stage:

 supports the contracts phase;
 supports the preparation of the operational plan, monitoring, risk management, progress
reports (all that is projected);
 in the Evaluation and Audit stage:
 provides a vision of what has been programmed so as to evaluate the performance and
impact of the project.


Complex interventions, made up of several components or projects, are normally called

“Programmes”. These can be sector-based programmes, national level programmes, or regional
programmes with several sectors interested in them.
The principles for the Logical Framework Approach are equally applied to this type of intervention;
appropriate planning requires using the same stages of analysis and planning (cf. par. 5.2. e 5.3.).
At the beginning, each logical framework can be subdivided into smaller matrixes. Each of these
will describe components in the “master” Logframe matrix, but in greater detail.

Policy Programme Projects

Overall objective

Purpose Overall objective

Result Purpose Overall objective

Result Purpose


1. What are the different types of help offered by the European Commission?

2. What are the weaknesses of the project approach?


3. Describe the phases of the project cycle.


4. What is the difference between control and evaluation?


5. What relationship exists between the Project Cycle Management and the Logical Framework

6. Describe the four phases in the analysis of the LFA.


7. What is the difference between LFA and LFM?


8. Describe the characteristics of an objectively verifiable indicator.



European Commission - EuropeAid Cooperation Office, Project Cycle Management Guidelines,

Volume 1, Bruxelles, March 2004

Forum Solint, Il Trenino. Linee guida per la presentazione degli annessi finanziari di ECHO e la
presentazione del budget, July 2004

Forum Solint, The monitoring and Evaluation Manual of the NGOs of the Forum Solint, January

Marino Tommaso, La gestione del ciclo del progetto. Manuale, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
C.A.R.I.D., Ferrara, November 2003

Ministero degli Affari Esteri Direzione generale cooperazione allo sviluppo, Manuale operativo di
monitoraggio e valutazione delle iniziative di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, 2002

Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Direzione Generale per la cooperazione allo sviluppo, Progetti
promossi da Ong, Procedure di presentazione e gestione approvate dal Comitato Direzionale con
delibera n. 73 del 9-10-2006, Rome, October 2006

Raimondi Antonio e Antonelli Gianluca, Manuale di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo - Linee evolutive,
spunti problematici, prospettive, SEI-VIS, 2001

Vitali Claudio Maria, Presentazione su “La progettazione degli interventi nel settore socio-
sanitario”. CEVAS, January 2005.

The European Commission Development Cooperation Policy guidelines can be found at:

Web Sites to visit:



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