BSP-GSP Encampment Closing Program Annie L. Jacinto: Master of Ceremonies

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Piddig District
Master of Ceremonies

"We must change boys and girls from a 'what can I get' to a 'what can I give' attitude."

Greetings of love, peace and joy to everyone…

We are now at the closing part of a 2-day activity. The awarding and recognition of our accomplishments
and achievements. But this doesn’t outweigh the experiences and values learned because scouting is about
giving young boys &girls opportunities to learn through hands-on experiences.

Bruce Springsteen, once said, “A good song takes on more meaning as the years pass by”. Yes, songs make us
realize how happy the world is, how happy is to be with nature, how happy is to be with people with a common
goal and that makes scouting really fun. To lead us with various camp songs, may we welcome Tita Pricilla
Ambanta. May we give her a round of applause.

Thank you very much ma’am. Our boys and girls are really fond of music, fond of adventure and fond of being
together. The harmony that has been produce by the camp songs manifest unity among our scouts.

This camp has established linkages, circles of friends and even chains of emotions. Moreover, the activities
conducted ignite every spirit to strive harder to do more and to be more. To know more about the experiences
our scouts have had, may we call on____________________________.

Wow! Indeed you have very awesome and wonderful impressions. Hope that these impressions would be more
meaningful if we are to work as one and as a family.

We have many things to bring home. Memories, Experiences and Friendship. However, the most important thing
to bring home is the message of _______________________________.

Thank you very much ma’am for those inspiring words.

The activities conducted have relative merits if you did well. But it does not mean that you did well, you learned
well. Ladies and gentlemen, the awarding of talents and skills in this years BSP GSP Encampment.


May we all stand for the Retire of the colors.

May I call on _______________________ for the declaration of the closing of the camp.

This has been___________________.See you to the next camp.

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