Coil Tubing
Coil Tubing
Coil Tubing
Sand Cleanouts With Coiled Tubing: Choice of Process, Tools and Fluids
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3 authors, including:
Jeff Li
STran onsulting Ltd.
All content following this page was uploaded by Jeff Li on 19 April 2018.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
FIGURE 1: Two typical sand cleanout circulation modes.
Deviation Angle, o
can be used to help break up and disperse any compacted fill in FIGURE 3: Effect of deviation angle on the minimum liquid velocity
the wellbore. For reverse circulation, fluids are pumped down the needed to clean the hole: a) CT RIH with forward circulation cleaning
CT/completion annulus with returns back up the coil. Options for mode; b) CT RIH with reverse circulation cleaning mode; c) CT POOH
with forward circulation cleaning mode; d) CT POOH with reverse
breaking up compacted fill when reversing are limited. Customized circulation cleaning mode.
nozzles are available that will deliver high energy jetting in the for-
ward circulation mode but will allow reverse circulation without the years the absolute success of this method has been highly vari-
incurring any pressure drop penalty. Clearly if one encounters a able. In most cases, this general approach has not delivered com-
compacted sand “bridge” when reversing it will be necessary to plete fill removal.
first empty any solids inside the CT string and then switch to for- When the tubing string is stationary, the hole cleaning time is
ward jetting mode to break up the “bridge” and then subsequently affected by fluid velocity, pipe eccentricity, deviation angle, fluid
switch back to reversing mode. For safety reasons, certain limita- properties and particle properties. The interaction of these factors
tions apply when reversing up the coiled tubing. makes it challenging to predict hole cleaning time. Fluid velocity
is the primary parameter influencing the hole cleaning process. In a
horizontal well, the sand retreat speed for a given pipe eccentricity
Conventional Hole Cleaning Method increases exponentially with liquid velocity (Figure 2). Here, the
The traditional approach to remove sand has been running in
with CT to the top of fill, increasing the flow rate and then begin-
ning penetration into the fill. The cleanout might be carried out
by continuous slow penetration into the fill followed by stationary
circulation or else penetrating, say, 15 to 50 ft of the fill followed
by moving the CT uphole over the last penetration interval and
continuing circulation while running back in hole. The operation
might continue taking “bites” of the fill and reciprocating the CT
a) CT RIH with forward circulation cleaning mode
until the target depth (TD) or bottom of the wellbore is reached.
At TD, the sand in transit to surface is intended to be circulated
out with one to two hole volumes of circulated fluids, with the CT
generally remaining stationary at TD followed by pulling out of
the hole. In some cases, the traditional cleaning method might in-
volve pumping a certain amount of fluid for every penetration in-
terval, then circulating a bottoms-up volume and then penetrating
another interval and repeating the process until TD is reached.
These stationary circulation or multi-bite methods often involve b) CT RIH with reverse circulation cleaning mode
the use of larger diameter coiled tubing, higher flow rates, and in
some cases, using more costly bio-polymer fluid systems. Over
Stationary hole cleaning mode
90 Inner pipe is fully concentric
Sand Retreat Speed, ft/min
Temperature, ˚F
Special Fluids: Biopolymer and
Foam(1,11,16,41) FIGURE 6: Thermal stability of biopolymer gels up to 300oF.
6,000 2.0
BHP, psi
21,781, 13,871 4,000
3,000 1.0
Wells cleaned with sand vacuuming
0 0.0
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Measurement Depth, feet Job #
FIGURE 7a: Operation depth envelope in different sand cleanout FIGURE 8: Bottom hole pressure and equivalent circulation density in
applications. different sand cleanout applications.
However, the complexity of mixing and handling foams and the Overview of Sand Cleanout Operations
additional annular flow friction created by foamed fluids if the
completions tubulars are flow-restrictive often eliminates it as well Several thousand cleanouts including conventional circulation,
cleanout option. wiper trip, sand vacuuming and reverse circulation jobs have been
Table 1 lists the equivalent circulation density (ECD)/pressure executed worldwide since engineered wiper trip cleanouts were
gradient generated by different fluids. Nitrified fluids can have introduced.
pressure gradient as low as 0.2 psi/ft, foam 0.1 psi/ft and the sand Figures 7a and 7b plot the operating depth envelope and de-
vacuuming system as low as 0.06 psi/ft. Based on the BHP and true viation angle for two different sand cleanout techniques for chal-
vertical depth of the well, a fluid type can be short listed. lenging wells. These are wiper trip cleanouts in the Norwegian
sector of the North Sea and sand vacuuming operations from the
American continent. The wiper trip cleanouts in Norway were in
Sand/Junk Bailers(3,21,38–40) monobore wells with 7-in. or larger completions, where annular
fluid velocities are low throughout the entire completion and solids
Over the years different types of sand bailers have been devel- transport velocities are correspondingly low. The maximum depth
oped for use with jointed pipe, wireline and CT for the removal of is 21,781 ft measured depth (MD) with a maximum TVD of 13871
large and/or heavy particles and debris. By far the commonest type ft. Because the well bore volumes are large as are the number of
of bailer used for coiled tubing is the venturi junk basket(4,22,38). hole volumes pumped, the chosen cleanout fluid was either sea
This tool is not dependent on hole size to work, so, for example, water or nitrified sea water. The pump rate varied between 2 bpm
a 21/8-in. OD BHA can be used to retrieve debris from 95/8-in. and 6 bpm (Figure 9).
casing. The materials typically cleaned using a venturi junk basket The majority of concentric CT sand vacuuming jobs(3) has
are not likely to be circulated out with any of the previously men- been performed below 5,000 ft MD as shown in Figure 7b. These
tioned cleanout methods. wells have a 95/8-in. intermediate casing with either a 7-in. or 51/2-
Fluid pumped down the CT passes into the venturi tool, where in. slotted liner running along the horizontal section to TD. The
it exits through a forward angled jetting nozzle into the wellbore. deepest sand vacuuming job captured in the data shown in Figure 7
The jet velocity creates a pressure drop inside the body of the ven- was at a MD of 13,200 ft and TVD 3,713 ft, and the average TVD
turi tool, which results in fluid in the wellbore being drawn into a for these wells is approximately 5,700 ft. The deepest TVD well
chamber in the tool. A debris filter screen is placed before the ven- worked on with CCT to date is 9,500 ft, although a program of
turi chamber to prevent debris from blocking the venturi tubes and work is currently being planned at TVDs around 10,400 ft.
a hollow “basket” section with a finger type trap retains the fill. Figure 8 plots the BHP and the equivalent circulation density
When the tool basket is full, the tool must be POOH. The volume (ECD) for both wiper trip and sand vacuuming sand cleanout oper-
of fill that can be removed from the hole is limited by the size of ations, respectively. Compared with the wells cleaned by the sand
the “basket.” Often multiple runs have to be made, emptying the vacuuming, the BHP and the ECD in these wells with wiper trip
basket after each trip. Junk baskets are generally only practical if cleanout are relatively high, and the average of BHP is approxi-
the volume of fill is relatively small. mately 4,500 psi and the ECD is 1.22. The average BHP and the
25,000 180 9.0
Wiper trip cleanout SandVac cleanout
Maximum Reach Depth (MD), feet
120 6.0
100 5.0
80 4.0
60 3.0 Effective return rate
40 2.0
SandVac cleanout
20 1.0
0 0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Job # Job #
FIGURE 7b: Maximum measurement depth and deviation angle in
different sand cleanout applications. FIGURE 9: Pump rates in different sand cleanout applications.
6 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
Table 2: Summary of the feature for different hole cleaning methods.
ECD in the wells with the sand vacuuming are 960 psi and 0.68, However, with such a low liquid ratio, the in-situ liquid velocity
respectively. The lowest ECD is 0.09 A typical pump rate for the was insufficient to suspend the proppant and transport it out of the
sand vacuuming operation is between 0.3 bpm to 0.75 bpm (Figure 5-in. liner section with nitrified water alone.
9) depending on the size and length of the CCT string. Small-diameter concentric CT to suit intervention through 27/8-
The average depth of wells cleaned by reverse circulating is be- in. tubing was not locally available at the time, and so sand vacu-
tween 5,000 ft and 10,000 ft (Figure 7b). The maximum depth is uming was rejected as an option.
16,500 ft. The typical effective return rate is between 0.4 bpm to Because the well was significantly below hydrostatic, then re-
1.25 bpm (Figure 9). The typical surface pump rate is between 1 verse circulation would require circulating a nitrified fluid. The
bpm to 6 bpm. disadvantage of reversing with nitrified fluids is that gas/liquid
Table 2 summarizes the features of different cleaning methods. slippage in the annulus can result in the leading edge of the cir-
Figure 10 is a flow chart to guide the engineer to select the appro- culation fluid having a slightly depleted gas/liquid ratio and hence
priate cleaning method and how to optimize the process with the too high a hydrostatic gradient. This imbalance is magnified when
assistance of a cleanout simulator. After collecting the necessary the fluid enters the CT (because the CT internal volume is small
well data regarding the completion geometry, well survey, BHT compared to the wellbore volume) so it becomes necessary to es-
and fill size/type, the cleanout simulator can be run to analyze the tablish returns by nitrifying whatever liquid is inside the wellbore.
hole cleaning process with each option among the stationary hole This inevitably introduces the risk of producing hydrocarbons up
cleaning, wiper trip and the reverse circulation and optimize the the CT. Wellbore conditions, local operating practices, regulatory
hole cleaning process. If the wellbore BHP is too low and the well requirements and environmental considerations ruled out reversing
cannot be cleaned using conventional CT, then sand vacuuming as an option.
with CCT can be evaluated. For large particles more than 0.5-in. or Foam was considered, but the practicalities of handling foam
for metal junk, a venturi junk basket may be a viable option. returns on the location, together with the lack of documented suc-
cess using foam at the specified temperature, eliminated it from
further consideration
Field Cases A nitrified biopolymer gel was considered the best choice for
this well because of its excellent shear thinning properties. It has
Over 1,000 successful solids-cleanout applications have been a low viscosity when pumping through CT but exhibits high vis-
completed worldwide using the wiper trip methodology/process. cosity with very strong carrying capabilities when it is in static or
More than 600 sand/well vacuuming cleanouts have been executed low shear rate. The simulator predicted returns to surface pumping
in Canada, USA, Venezuela and the Middle East. More than 1,600 nitrified biopolymer gel at 0.125 to 0.15 bpm and nitrogen at 1,060
reverse circulation CT sand cleanout operations have been com- scfm. The carrying properties of the gel would ensure the fill could
pleted in Alaska, North Sea, Colombia, California and GOM. The be lifted in the low shear region encountered in the 5-in. liner in
operations were designed and optimized using the solids-transport addition to being transported up the small-diameter annulus where
simulator. Details of six solids cleanout operations with different shear rates would be much higher.
methods are discussed in the following section. The operation went ahead as planned with the nitrified biopo-
lymer gel. The penetration rate was designed based on the sand
Case 1: Stationary Cleanout With Nitrified cleanout software(10). After reaching the hold up depth above the
top of the fill with 11/2-in. CT, nitrified brine was circulated bot-
Gel in Forward Circulation toms-up at the proposed cleanout pumping rates to ensure that cir-
The subject well was completed with a 5-in. liner between culation without losing returns was possible. When circulation to
10,745 ft and 12,152 ft and 27/8-in. tubing landed at 10,827 ft. The surface was confirmed, the well was then successfully cleaned out
BHP was estimated at 1,600 psi with a BHT of 250oF. The perfo- using nitrified biopolymer gel at the proposed pump rates. This
rations were covered with a mixture of sand and frac proppant and was confirmed by tagging end depth after the cleanout operation.
the top of the fill was tagged at 12,090 ft. Subsequently, the perforations were washed with acid, resulting in
The challenge was achieving adequate annular velocity in the the well doubling its production.
liner to lift the solids while minimizing both the hydrostatic pres-
sure and annular friction losses in the production tubing. The
cleanout methods outlined in the flow chart shown in Figure 10,
namely stationary circulation with nitrified fluids, reverse circula-
Case 2: Wiper Trip Cleanout With Water
tion, foam, sand vacuuming with concentric coiled tubing and ni- This well is located in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.
trified fluid wiper tripping, were all considered. A tractor run on electric wireline to set a plug and add new per-
The simulator determined that returns could be maintained forations could not reach the required depth because of produced
using nitrified water (0.15 bpm of water and 1,060 scfm of N2). sand deposits in both the deviated and horizontal section of the
August 2010, Volume 49, No. 8 7
Run simulator to select Run simulator to select CT Run simulator to select CT size,
Select low Select low
FIGURE 10: Flow chart to select hole cleaning method and to optimize the process.
CT size and estimate Select low density fluids size, estimate POOH speed estimate RIH/POOH speed and hole
density fluids density fluids
hole cleaning time and hole cleaning time cleaning time
CT size and estimate size, estimate POOH speed
and hole cleaning time and hole cleaning time
hole cleaning time
Completion Size, in
Deviation Angle, o
The wellbore deviation angle profile and the completion informa- 70 7
tion are shown in Figure 11. 60 6
The well had been cleaned out 2 years prior with a rig assist 50 5
snubbing unit and 3.5-in. drillpipe. The cleanout produced signifi-
cant amounts of solids, including mostly produced sand with trace 40 4
60 6
the CT. To cleanout 40% of the initial sand volume
takes approximately 4,360 minutes. Because of the
50 5 relatively large completion and the resulting low
40 4 velocity in the annulus, the redistributed sand bed
between 4,101 ft and 4,921 ft could not completely
30 3
removed with the optimized flow rate, as shown in
20 2 Figure 13.
10 1 Option 2: Keep the CT stationary, but this time reverse cir-
0 0
culate. Again, solids cannot be completely cleaned
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 out.
Measurement Depth, feet Option 3: Consider forward circulation again but this time
POOH from 7,375 ft to surface. Solids cannot be
FIGURE 12: Well deviation angle profile and completion information completely cleaned out at the optimized flow rate.
for Case #3. After 170 minutes of wiper trip, the redistributed
delivered that the cleanout efficiency of the new methodology/pro- solids are shown in Figure 14. Because of the low
cess has allowed CT to perform the operation (instead of snubbing), velocity in the annulus, the jetting at the end of
using friction reduced seawater only and providing a cleanout ef- BHA still cannot sweep the sands out of the sec-
ficiency that allows subsequent operations to be performed in the tion between 4,593 ft and 4,757 ft (around 55o
wellbore as planned. deviation).
Option 4: Reverse circulate while CT is pulled out of hole to
the top of distributed perforation solids bed at 7,129
Case 3: POOH With Water in Reverse ft. Cleanout takes 50 minutes including the time to
Circulation sweep solids to surface through 7,545 ft of CT.
In this case, Option 4 represents the only way to clean the hole
A horizontal well in Canada (Figure 12) was planned to be hy- given the large completion size. The actual job did use Option 4;
draulically fractured at five different zones between 7,379 ft and cleanout of perforation solids took 80 minutes with the CT being
5,440 ft. The well was completed with 7-in. casing to 5,157 ft and pulled to 5,250 ft.
with a 6-in. ID liner from 4,813 ft to 7,615 ft. The total measured Although we have concentrated on cleaning out solids from
depth was 7,628 ft and TVD is 4,633 ft. 2-in. CT with a specialized the abrasive perforating process, a more significant problem is
BHA was used to abrasively perforate multiple cuts in each target the cleanout of fracturing proppant after each treatment. Once
interval. The general operating procedure is as follows. the stimulation is complete, the same cleanout method can be ap-
Rig up surface equipment and pressure test to 7,250 psi. Run in plied—namely, reverse circulate down the annulus as the CT is
the hole with a minimal circulation rate to 4,409 ft; at this point, the POOH to the top of the fracture proppant bed, which, depending
well deviation reaches 50°. Increase flow rate and RIH continuing on the fracturing process used, may well extend to the heel of the
to TD cleaning any left over completion debris prior to abrasively build section.
cutting the first set of the perforations. POOH to 7,379 ft for the
first zone perforating cut (four cuts between 7,379 ft to 7,375 ft). Case 4: RIH With Nitrified Water in Reverse
After perforations are made, use reverse circulation and POOH CT
to 5,233 ft to clean up the perforating sand. Move the CT up hole Circulation
to the second zone and frac zone 1 by pumping an annular fracture A vertical gas well in Texas was completed with 23/8-in. tubing
treatment. Tail in the fracturing treatment with a sand plug con- at 9,400 ft and 7-in. casing to TD 10,500 ft. The BHP was approxi-
taining a lightweight sand additive. This process is then repeated mately 1,250 psi and the production rate was low because the per-
for each zone of interest. After all the treatments, CT is used to forations were covered by formation sand. Because of the small
clean out the sand plugs in the horizontal section of the wellbore. completion tubulars, the size of CT that could be used was lim-
In the following section we will concentrate only on the first ited. Because of the low BHP and the sensitivity of the reservoir
cleanout of the solids used for the abrasive perforating process. to gelled fluids, only nitrified water with a high gas ratio could be
After incorporating the latest test data into a proven computer circulated. The small annular clearance between the coiled tubing
Solids Bulk Cross Sectional Area Solids Bulk Cross Sectional Area
Solids in Completion (%) Solids After Penetration (%) Solids in Completion[%] Solids After Penetration[%]
Solids After Circulation (%) Solids After Wiper Trip (%) Solids After Circulation[%] Solids After Wiper Trip[%]
60 60
Solids % of Total Cross
Solids % of Total Cross
50 50
Sectional Area
Sectional Area
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000
was approximately 226 psi. The well was completed with 85/8-in. TVD
casing to 2,441 ft with a 51/2-in. liner from 2,382 ft to TD (see 7
Figure 15). The length of the horizontal section was 4,167 ft.
TVD, feet
A study was initiated to evaluate cleanout strategies for this 5
well. Two cleanout strategies were investigated: pumping nitri- 4
fied water through conventional 23/8-in. CT vs. using the sand 3
vacuuming cleaning system with CCT. Because of the low BHP 2 1,376
and large volume of sand in the horizontal liner, the nitrogen re- 1 1,378
quirements for a conventional cleanout using nitrified water were
0 1,380
enormous and simply impractical. Furthermore, a tubing force