Assessment On Students' Science Process Skills: A Student-Centred Approach
Assessment On Students' Science Process Skills: A Student-Centred Approach
Assessment On Students' Science Process Skills: A Student-Centred Approach
Elnor C. Roa
PhD, Lugait National High School, Lugait, Misamis Oriental, Philippines, +63 9176234398, E-
mail: [email protected]
The study was conducted to assess the scientific skills of the selected second year
students of Lugait National High School (LNHS) and Naawan National High School
(NNHS) S.Y 2011-2012 on their monitoring of the growth of String beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris). Fifteen second year students in a biology class from both public high schools
were chosen as respondents. They were oriented on the procedures used in bio
monitoring as well as the rubrics used in assessing their performance such as setting up
the equipment, following procedures, data collection, safety and clean up procedure. The
performances of students from both schools were the same in terms of observing the
colour and texture of the leaves and both have a very good knowledge in the bio
monitoring procedures. But they differ in their accuracy and precision in the
measurement of the length of the stem, length and width of the leaves of the bio
monitored plant. The LNHS students were more accurate while the NNHS students were
more precise. The performance of the selected students of both schools in identifying the
colour and texture of the leaves do not differ significantly with the researcher (p>0.05).
Results also showed that the selected LNHS students do not differ with the researcher in
the measurements of the length of the stem and length and width of the leaves. Among
the 5 parameters used in this student-centred approach scientific experiment in bio
monitoring of the Phaseolus vulgaris, the selected second year students from both
schools were moderately excellent in data collection and excellent in the setting up the
equipment, following procedures, safety and precautions and clean up procedure. The
student-centred approach doing hands-on activities incorporating inquiry based science
teaching to science instruction has significantly improved the students' science process
Educators seek ways to meet the demands put upon the educational system in today’s world
of rapid changes. Educators should adopt changes in the field of teaching by applying
varieties of teaching methodologies and strategies that will guide in planning a smooth
operation and management of all the elements contributory to students’ learning and to
improve the quality of education (Mendler & Curwin, 1983).
With the great proliferation of knowledge and rapid changes in the field of Science
and Technology as well as the appearance of many new fields, it is critical to develop
students’ capacity for self-directed learning and self-growth. With this, teachers use different
teaching approaches to meet the needs of the students. The conventional teacher-centred
approach is focused on the teacher, where the teacher talks and the students just listen while
the student-centred approach the students are exposed to hands on activities thus, they will
gain first-hand experience, and they will also know how to use all their senses. Students will
be able to make keen and reliable observations and develop the skill in employing the steps of
scientific method. In this approach, the joy and the pride of discovering are emphasized where
students discover what they planned to look for, thus, learning becomes permanent
(Salandanan, 2009).
The student-centred approach is based on the hypothesis that students who are given
the freedom to explore areas based on their personal interests, and who are accompanied in
their striving for solutions by a supportive, understanding facilitator not only achieve higher
academic results but also experience an increase in personal values, such as flexibility, self-
confidence and social skills (Rogers, 1983). This approach allows students to apply
information to their own situations, making the learning more meaningful (Aspy, 1972).
The student-centred teaching methods shift the focus of activity from the teacher to the
learners. These methods include active learning, in which students solve problems, answer
questions, formulate questions of their own, discuss, explain, debate, or brainstorm during
class; cooperative learning, in which students work in teams on problems and projects under
conditions that assure both positive interdependence and individual accountability; and
inductive teaching and learning, in which students are first presented with challenges
(questions or problems) and learn the course material in the context of addressing the
challenges. The inductive methods of teaching also include inquiry-based learning (IBL),
case-based instruction, problem-based learning, project-based learning, discovery learning,
and just-in-time teaching (Felder & Brent, 2009).
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills
The inquiry based learning is an instructional method developed during the discovery
learning movement of 1960’s. It is a form of a student-centred learning where progress is
assessed by how well the students develop experimental and analytical skills (Hannafin et al.,
1999). In many conventional science experiments, students were told what the outcome of an
experiment will be, or expected to be, and the students were simply expected to confirm the
results obtained. In a student-centred teaching using IBL, on the other hand, the students are
either left to discover for themselves what the result of an experiment is. It also applies an
open learning process which has been developed by number of science educators including
John Dewey (Bell et al., 2010).
This study aims to evaluate the students’ performance in doing science laboratory
experiment on the growth of Phaseolus vulgaris planted in two study sites. The physical
changes of the plant such lengths of stem and leaves, changes in colour of the plant were bio
monitored by selected second year high school students of Lugait National High School
(LNHS) and Naawan National High School (NNHS) using a student-centred approach
particularly inquiry based-learning.
For educators, student- centred approach using inquiry implies emphasis on the
development of inquiry skills and the nurturing of inquiring attitudes or habits of mind that
will enable students to continue the quest for knowledge throughout life. Content of
disciplines is very important, but as a means to an end, not as an end in itself. The knowledge
base for disciplines is constantly expanding and changing. No one can ever learn everything,
but everyone can better develop their skills and nurture the inquiring attitudes necessary to
continue the generation and examination of knowledge throughout their lives. For modern
education, the skills and the ability to continue learning should be the most important
outcomes (Hubbard, 2001).
International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
Purpose of study
The result of this study will also serve as a tool for the teacher on identifying the strength and
weaknesses of the students’ performance on the different scientific skills namely, observing,
measuring, data gathering and following the procedures systematically. This study was
conducted based on the following questions.
This study was conducted in Lugait National High School and Naawan National High School.
The three sections of the second year level in each school were chosen and five students per
section were selected by draw lots. Thus, fifteen students from each school, aged 14,
regardless of gender performed the bio monitoring of P.vulgaris in a period of 15 school days.
A total of 30 students served as the subject of the study.
A permission to conduct this study in their school was requested from the school
principal of both Lugait National High School (LNHS) and Naawan National High School
(NNHS) through a written communication. The list of names of the students was coded to
observe confidentiality in manipulating the data. In order for the students to be guided in the
bio monitoring of P.vulgaris plant, guidelines for scoring the students’ performance following
the rubrics of conducting laboratory experiment (Blaine, 2003) was thoroughly discussed
(Appendix 1).
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills
String beans are used as bio monitored plants because of its sensitivity to soil pH level,
anything too acidic or basic prevents uptake of certain nutrients that results to a change in
leaf’s colour or texture.
The selected students were oriented on the procedure of bio monitoring which
included the time when to water the plant, amount of water to be used daily, which leaves to
be measured and analysed, and proper use of equipment such as ruler and beaker. Each
student was assigned to monitor one P.vulgaris planted in one plastic pot. These fifteen
plastic pots with P.vulgaris were placed inside a cage surrounded with fine-mesh net to
protect it from any organisms (Figure 1). The plants were directly exposed to sunlight. Each
student has their own journal where they recorded the physical properties of P.vulgaris such
as the length of the stem and the length, width, colour and texture of the first five leaves. The
presence of chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves) and necrosis (browning of the leaves) were
also recorded. The researcher did the same bio monitoring as reference in evaluating the
students’ performance.
Figure 1. The Phaseolus vulgaris inside the cage enclosed with fine-mesh net.
Statistical procedure
T-test and ANOVA were used in the statistical analysis. The T-test was used to determine the
variation between two groups at 95 percent level of confidence or p<0.05. It was used to
compare the mean score of the selected Lugait National High School and Naawan National
High School second year students in their accuracy of measuring the length of the stem,
length and width of the leaves. In addition, T-test was also used to determine the variation of
the students’ observation on the colour and texture of the leaves and further measures the
students’ skills in applying and following the procedures used in the bio monitoring of
Phaseolus vulgaris.
International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
The Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the mean score
(Appendix 2) obtained by the selected students of Lugait National High School and Naawan
National High School and measurements obtained by students and the researcher (Appendix
3) as the point of reference in giving daily scores from their daily performance (Appendix 4).
Rubrics for conducting science laboratory experiment (Blaine,2003) was used in bio
monitoring of P.vulgaris, this included setting up and caring of equipment (all equipment
accurately placed, all necessary supplies on hand and very neat and organized), following
procedure (demonstrates very good knowledge of the laboratory procedure, gladly help other
students to follow procedures and thoroughly and carefully follows each step before moving
on the next step) , data collection (measurements are both accurate and precise, observations
are very thorough and may recognize possible errors, work is neat and organized and includes
appropriate symbols, units and significant digits), safety (proper safety precautions are
consistently used, consistently thinks ahead of time to ensure safety, will often help other
students to conduct laboratory safely), and clean up (consistently uses proper clean up
procedures, often will help other students to complete task properly and station always left
neat and clean).
Performance of the selected students of LNHS and NNHS in measuring the length of stem,
length and width of the leaves, observing the colour and texture of the leaves and following
the procedures used in bio monitoring
Figure 2 shows the mean score of the selected second year students of LNHS and NNHS in
accuracy and precision in measurement, observations skill and following procedures. LNHS
students got a higher mean score in accuracy and precision of measurements ranging from 53
to 75 points. On the other hand, lower mean score was observed from the results obtained
from the selected students of NNHS ranging from 49 to 71 points. A difference of one point
was observed between the mean score of 71 points of LNHS and NNHS (70 points) in their
observation skills and another one point difference from the mean score of 74 points for
LNHS and NNHS (73 points) in following the procedures used in bio monitoring the growth
of Phaseolus vulgaris.
A significant difference (p = 0.00) was observed among the scores of the students of
LNHS in measuring the length of the stem, length and width of the leaves of P. vulgaris. It
was also observed (Table 1) that there is a significant difference (p = 0.00) between the scores
of the selected students of LNHS and NNHS in measuring the length of the stem, length and
width of the leaves of the P. vulgaris. A significant difference (p = 0.0) was observed among
the scores of the students of LNHS and NNHS in following the procedures used in bio
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills
67 70 74 73
80 71
70 57
Accuracy and precision Observation skill Following procedures
in measurement
Figure 2. The mean score of the selected second year students of LNHS and NNHS in
accuracy and precision in measurement, observations skill and following procedures.
On the other hand, no significant difference (p = 0.10) was observed in the scores of
the students of NNHS in measuring the length of the stem, length and width of the leaves of
the P. vulgaris.
Table 1. Statistical test comparing the performance of the selected students of LNHS and
NNHS in measuring the stem, length and width of the leaves, observing the colour and texture
of the leaves and following the procedures used in bio monitoring.
Parameters Among Among Between
students students NNHS
(ANOVA) ( ANOVA) students
( T- test)
International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
A graph in Figure 3 shows the number of students from LNHS (Black) and NNHS (Orange)
who got higher, lower and equal to the reference. As shown in the graph, the selected second
year students from LNHS and NNHS got consistently lower measurements in the length of
the stem and the length and width of the leaves as compared to the results obtained by the
researcher. On the other hand, the selected students from NNHS got very close results with
the researcher in observing the presence of necrosis and chlorosis of the leaves.
Figure 3. The number of students from LNHS (Black) and NNHS (Orange) who got higher,
lower and equal readings and observations with the reference
The result of the statistical analysis on the observations fn the physical properties of P.
vulgaris planted by the selected second year students of LNHS, NNHS and the researcher as
reference is shown in Table 2. It was observed that there is no significant difference (p = 0.56)
between the measurements of the length of the stem, length and width of the leaves and
observations on the colour and texture of the P. vulgaris leaves measured and observed by the
selected students of LNHS and the researcher.
Table 2. Statistical test comparing the observations on the physical properties of Phaseolus
vulgaris planted by the selected second year students of LNHS, NNHS and the researcher as
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills
On the other hand, a significant difference was observed (p = 0.02) between the
measurements of the length of the stem, length and width of the leaves (p = 0.02) and the
number of leaves appeared (p =0.02) as observed by the selected students of NNHS and the
researcher. On the contrary, no significant difference (p = 0.3) was observed on the
observations of the colour and texture (p = 0.86) of the leaves observed between the selected
students of NNHS and the researcher as reference.
Statistical test comparing the scores among and between the selected second year high school
students of LNHS and NNHS in conducting laboratory experiments used in bio monitoring of
Phaseolus vulgaris
Table 3 shows the results of the statistical analyses showing the mean score of the selected
LNHS and NNHS in the rubrics for conducting laboratory experiments used in bio monitoring
of P. vulgaris. The result shows a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the mean scores of
the selected second year students of LNHS and NNHS in setting up and caring of the
equipment, following procedures and data collection. Meanwhile no significant difference
was observed (p > 0.05) in safety and cleans up criteria in the rubrics of conducting laboratory
Table 3. Statistical test on the scores of the selected students of LNHS and NNHS in
conducting a laboratory experiment used in bio monitoring.
Strength and weaknesses of the selected second year students of LNHS and NNHS conducting
a science laboratory experiment
Figure 4 shows the strength and weaknesses of the selected second year students of LNHS
and NNHS in conducting a science laboratory experiment which is bio monitoring of P.
International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
vulgaris. The selected students from LNHS and NNHS both got highest score in safety and
clean up procedures with the highest score of 75 points while the common weakest area in
both schools is data collection with 64-66 points.
75 74 73 66 64 75 75 75 75
Mean Score
1. Set up and 2. Following 3. Data 4. Safety 5. Clean up
equipment care procedures collection
Mean scores of the LNHS students Mean scores of the NNHS students
Figure 4. The mean score obtained by the selected second year high school students of LNHS
and NNHS in the different parameters in conducting a science laboratory experiment.
Performance of the selected students of LNHS and NNHS in measuring the length of stem,
length and width of the leaves, observing the colour and texture of the leaves and following
the procedures used in bio monitoring
The scores obtained by the selected LNHS students in measuring the length of the stem,
length and width of the leaves of the plants they bio monitored ranged between 61 to 75
points. However, a significant difference (p = 0.00) was observed in the mean scores of the
LNHS students. This significant difference in their scores indicated that the measurements
done by these students were accurate with reasonable precision (Appendix 4).
Meanwhile, the difference in scores of NNHS in measuring the length of the stem,
length and width of the leaves of the plants they bio monitored was not significant (p =0.10).
This is an indication that their measurements were precise and moderately accurate.
The range of scores obtained by the LNHS students (61-75) is significantly higher (p =
0.00) than the scores (49-71) obtained by the selected NNHS students. Very noticeable from
the submitted journals that only one from the fifteen selected LNHS students got a perfect
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills
score of 75 or a measurement that perfectly coincided with the reference while no one from
NNHS got the same reading as the reference. This result simply showed that the accuracy of
students from LNHS in measuring the length of the stem, length and width of the leaves of the
plants they bio monitored was significantly higher than the accuracy of the students from
There are many reasons why poor precision in a scientific measurement may arise.
One of this is human error. If the person is tired, pre-occupied, inability of the eyes to read the
exact calibration of the apparatus and misuse of the instrument may contribute to the accuracy
of the measurements (Panisi & Kimlin, 1999). Many of the students from LNHS and NNHS
were always in a hurry which was very clear in their actions, some were busy with some
requirements from other subject matter and some showed lack of interest.
The LNHS selected students scored from 68 to 75 points in observing the colour,
texture and number of leaves appeared in P. vulgaris in their study site. While the selected
second year students from NNHS scored ranging from 62 to 75 points. It was also observed
that 20% (3 students) and 53% (8 students) of the students from LNHS and NNHS,
respectively, got a perfect score of 75 points or has the same observations as the reference.
Despite these differences in points observed in both schools, the result of the statistical test (p
= 0.59) among the scores of the selected students of LNHS and NNHS showed no significant
difference. This indicates that students from LNHS performed in the same manner in
observing the colour and texture of the bio monitored plants as the students from NNHS.
The mean score of (71-74) was obtained by the selected LNHS students in following
the procedures used in bio monitoring. It was also noted that no student got a perfect score in
following the procedures used in bio monitoring. However, precision on the way they
followed the procedures was noted as shown from the result of the statistical analysis. The P
value obtained is equal to 9.36 which indicates that the score obtained by each student from
LNHS do not differ significantly, thus, precision exist.
Meanwhile, 47% from the selected students from NNHS demonstrated a very good
knowledge of the bio monitoring procedures. Additionally, 7 out of the 15 NNHS students got
a perfect score in following the procedures. The mean score obtained by the selected NNHS
students ranged from 51 to 75 points. The differences from the scores of the selected second
year students from NNHS were found to be significant (p =0.00). This could be attributed to
the wider range (51-75) of score obtained by the students.
International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
It is worthwhile to note that despite these differences in points obtained by the LNHS
students (71-75) and NNHS students (51-75), the result of the statistical test (p = 0.1)1
showed no significant difference. This indicates that students from LNHS and NNHS
similarly followed the procedures in bio monitoring the growth of P. vulgaris.
Comparison of the observations on the physical properties of Phaseolus vulgaris plant by the
selected second year students of LNHS, NNHS and the researcher as reference
The selected students from LNHS reported that the plants they bio monitored have stems’
length ranging from 168 to 242 mm. This range of the stem is very close to the measurement
observed by the researcher ranging from 172 to 292 mm. It was noted that, one of the 15
students got the same measurements with the researcher. The statistical test comparing the
observations of the selected students from the LNHS and the researcher p = 0.56 showed no
significant difference.
Accordingly, many students have poor observation and measuring skills due to lack of
diligence and patience. Improving scientific skills require diligence and patience (Wilson,
1996). Furthermore, in the case of NNHS students, since the researcher is not their subject
teacher, there is a tendency for them to take for granted the bio monitoring procedure. It could
also be due to the schedule of the bio monitoring which is done daily and they have other
subject requirements to comply.
It was also observed that 73% of LNHS and 20% of NNHS selected second year
students coincided with the results obtained by the researcher in counting the number of
leaves in the plants they bio monitored. A contradicting statistical test result was obtained in
this parameter; at p = 0.15 (LNHS vs. reference) and p = 0.02 (NNHS vs. reference). This
result implies that greater number of students from LNHS got the same results with the
researcher in counting the number of leaves appeared in P. vulgaris than those from NNHS.
The selected second year students from LNHS reported also that the plants they bio
monitored have leaves with length ranging from 60 to 95 mm and the width ranging from 31
to 50 mm. This range of the leaf measurement is very close to the measurement observed by
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills
the researcher ranging from 62 to 94 mm and the width ranging from 34 to 48 mm. Thereby
giving a statistical test result showing no significant difference (p = 0.63) in the results
obtained from the selected LNHS and the researcher.
On the other hand, the selected second year students from NNHS reported that the
plants they bio monitored have leaves with length ranging from 2 to 90 mm and the width
ranging from 1.7 to 47 mm which is significantly lower than p = 0.02 compared to the
measurements obtained by the researcher which is 44 to 92 mm.
It was observed that 9 out of 15 selected students from LNHS got the same results
with the researcher in observing the presence of necrosis on the leaves of P. vulgaris in their
study sites, while all of selected students from the NNHS got the same results with the
researcher. The statistical test (p = 0.86) comparing the results obtained by the selected
students from LNHS and NNHS with the researcher showed no significant difference.
The results obtained in this study is a very good indication of the positive outcomes of
student-centred approach. Accordingly, student-centred approach allows students to actively
participate in discovery learning processes. For learning by doing, students use almost all of
their senses and learning becomes more permanent and hands-on activities get them to acquire
experiences. Letting the students engage in more science activities and exercises will develop
their scientific skills in observing, comparing, contrasting and hypothesizing (Ergul, 2011).
When science processed skills are emphasized in the classroom, student proficiency on
individual skills increases and retained over time. In a student-centred approach, the students
are personally involved in planning the learning activity, especially the procedures to be
followed. They experience manipulating the measuring device or equipment. The students
learn best from their experiences. It is essentially a way of acquiring knowledge of skills
through direct and keen observations followed by analysis of what has been sensed and
understood (Markel, 1999).
Statistical test comparing the scores among and between the selected second year high school
students of LNHS and NNHS in conducting laboratory experiments in bio monitoring of
Phaseolus vulgaris
International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
The LNHS selected students scored ranging from 72 to 75 points or an average score of 73
points in setting up and caring of equipment used during the bio monitoring of Phaseolus
vulgaris. While the selected NNHS students scored ranging from 71-75 points. It was also
observed that 67% (10 students) and 27% (4 students) of the selected students from LNHS
and NNHS, respectively, got a perfect score of 75 points. The result of the statistical test that
shows no significant difference among the scores among the students of LNHS (p = 0.06) and
NNHS (p = 3.70)indicated that applying the student-centred approach in the bio monitoring
experiment students from both school were able to set and care the equipment appropriately.
The selected students from LNHS scored ranging from 71 to 75 in following the
procedures used in bio monitoring, while the selected students from NNHS scored ranging
from 51-75 points. It was also observed that there is no student from LNHS and 2 students
from NNHS got perfect (75 points) in following the procedure. No significant difference (p =
9.36) was observed among the scores obtained by the selected LNHS students. However, a
significant difference (p = 0.0) was observed in the scores obtained by the selected NNHS
students. Despite these differences in points observed in both schools, the result of the
statistical test (p= 0.11) between two schools was not significant. Rubrics analysis on this
result pointed out that the students in both schools showed a very good demonstration of
knowledge of the laboratory procedures, they gladly help their classmates to follow
procedures thoroughly and carefully followed each step before moving on to the next step.
The score obtained by the selected LNHS students in data collection during the bio
monitoring of P. vulgaris ranged between 51 to 75 points while the selected NNHS students
scored ranging from 49 to 75 points. This result indicated the presence of precision on the
way both students from LNHS and NNHS collected their data as also shown in the results of
the statistical analysis (p = 0.00). Rubrics’ analysis in their scores in data collection showed
that there was accuracy and precision in their measurements, their observations were very
thorough, they have recognized possible errors, and they gave neat and organized results that
included appropriate symbols, units and significant digits.
One hundred percent (15 students) of both LNHS and NNHS got 75 points in safety
and precautions. The results affirmed the findings that student-centred approach in a form of
science experiments shows an important part of the student’s education. Students should also
use science experiments as a way to learn basic safety precautions (Soden, 2012). In fact,
learning and utilizing safety rules during science experiments should be a team process. Most
importantly, teachers should be present with the students during all science experiment not
just a role model but to supervise as well. In a student-centred approach, students can play an
active, responsible role in maintaining safe science laboratory. Furthermore, the performance
of the selected students in both schools showed that they consistently observed proper safety
precautions and often help other students to ensure laboratory safely.
Similarly,100% (15 students) of both LNHS and NNHS students got a perfect 75
points in clean up procedure. This implies that applying student-centred approach, the
students from both schools were able to show consistently the use of proper clean up
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills
procedure, often help other students to complete task properly and their work area were
always left neat and clean.
Strength and weaknesses of the selected second year students of LNHS and NNHS in
conducting a science laboratory experiment
It is good to note that applying student-centred approach particularly Inquiry Based Learning
in conducting science experiment in selected students from LNHS and NNHS showed that
among the 5 parameters evaluated the students showed moderately excellent in data collection
only. This parameter can be considered as their weak area. All of them are excellent in the
other 4 parameters as also shown by the 75 points (perfect score) they obtained in safety and
precautions; 75 points in clean-up procedures; 74.5 in setting up and equipment care; and 73.5
in following procedures used in bio monitoring.
Students are naturally curious about the world around them. Young minds are best
suited to learn through hands-on experimentation. Involve students in science activities that
encourage exploration and questioning. One of the best things about student-centred approach
is that it nurtures and develops the learner’s conceptual framework. This framework is the
foundation of the students to learn more detailed and specific knowledge (Armstrong, 2012).
The following conclusions are formulated based from the results obtained by the study:
1. The selected second year students from LNHS are accurate in measuring the
length of the stem, length and width of the leaves of the bio monitored plant while
NNHS students were found precise in measurement.
2. The selected students from both schools performed in the same manner in
observing the colour and texture of the leaves of the plants being bio monitored
and they have exhibited a very good knowledge in the bio monitoring procedure.
3. The selected second year students from LNHS and NNHS got consistently, lower
measurements in the length of the stem, length and width of the leaves of the P.
vulgaris as compared to the researcher. However, the students from LNHS got
very close result with the researcher in observing the presence of necrosis and
chlorosis of the leaves.
4. Among the 5 parameters used in a student-centred approach scientific experiment
in bio monitoring of the P.vulgaris, both the selected second year students from
LNHS and NNHS are moderately excellent in data collection. This parameter can
be considered as their not so strong area while all of them are excellent in the other
4 parameters.
5. Applying student-centred approach in a science experiment will develop the
students’ scientific skills in observing and measuring. Students experienced
manipulating the measuring device or equipment and were personally involved in
data collection. The student-centred approach enhances personal growth and
encourages students to utilize self-regulation like following class instruction or
International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
We are very grateful to our respondents, the public second year high school students of Lugait
National High School and Naawan National High School for their cooperation in conducting
the study. We are also indebted to the principal, faculty and staff of LNHS and NNHS for
allowing the researcher to conduct her study in their school. We are also very thankful to our
family for their undying support.
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International Journal of Biology Education
Vol. 3, Issue 1, May 2013
Appendix 1. Rubrics for conducting science laboratory experiment (Blaine, 2003)
Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Set-up of equipment is not Set-up of equipment is Set-up of equipment is All equipment accurately All equipment accurately placed
accurate, help is required generally workable with generally accurate with 1 or placed All necessary supplies on hand
Set-up and with several major details several details that need 2 small details that need All necessary supplies on Very neat and organized
Equipment Many necessary supplies refinement refinement hand
Care must found in mid-lab Some necessary supplies All necessary supplies on
must be searched out hand
Lacks the appropriate Demonstrates general Demonstrates good Demonstrates sound Demonstrates very good
knowledge of the lab knowledge of lab knowledge of the lab knowledge of lab knowledge of the lab
Following procedures procedures procedures procedures procedures
Procedure Often requires help from the Requires help from Will ask peers for help with Will discuss with peers to Gladly helps other students to
teacher to even complete teacher with some steps in problems in lab procedures solve problems in follow procedures
basic procedures procedures Works to follow each step procedures Thoroughly and carefully
before moving on to the Carefully follows each follows each step before
next step step moving on to next step
Measurements are Measurements are Measurements are mostly Measurements are Measurements are both
incomplete, inaccurate and somewhat inaccurate and accurate accurate with reasonable accurate and precise
Data imprecise very imprecise Observations are generally precision Observations are very thorough
Collection Observations are incomplete Observations are complete Observations are and may recognize possible
or not included incomplete or recorded in Work is organized thorough errors in data collection
Symbols,units and significant a confusing way Only 2 or 3 minor errors Work is generally neat Work is neat and organized
figures are not included There are 3 or more minor using symbols, units and and organized Includes appropriate symbols,
errors using symbols, units significant digits Includes symbols, units units and significant digits
and significant digits or 2 and significant digits
major errors
Proper safety precautions Proper safety precautions Proper safety precautions Proper safety procedures Proper safety precautions are
are consistently missed are often missed are generally used are consistently used consistently used
Safety Needs to be reminded often Needs to be reminded May need to be reminded Uses general reminders Consistently thinks ahead to
during the lab more than once during the once during the lab of safe practices ensure safety
lab independently Will often help other students to
conduct labs safely
Proper clean-up procedures Needs to be reminded Proper clean-up procedures Consistently uses proper Consistently uses proper clean-
are seldom used more than once during the generally used clean-up procedures up procedures
Clean-up Often requires help to lab to use proper clean-up May need some help on Station generally neat Often will help other students to
complete clean-up procedures occasion to complete tasks and clean complete tasks properly
3 or more items left at station 1 or 2 items left at station Station generally left clean Station always left neat and
or station not cleaned or not cleaned clean
Appendix 2. Mean score of the selected second year students of LNHS in bio monitoring the
Phaseolus vulgaris.
Study site 1 ( Lugait National High School ( L1 - L15) L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 Mean Score
Appendix 3. Mean score of the selected second year students of NNHS in biomonitoring the
Phaseolus vulgaris.
Study Site 2 ( Naawan National High School ) N1 - N15 N1 N2 N13 N14 N15 Mean Score
N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12N13
Appendix 4. Bio monitoring results of the selected second year students of LNHS (Study site
1), NNHS (Study site 2) and the researcher.
Length of the stem (mm) Number of leaves appeared Length of the leaves (mm) Width of the leaves (mm) Presence of necrosis Presence of chlorosis
Study site 1 Study site 2 Study site 1 Study site 2 Study site 1 Study site 2 Study site 1 Study site 2 Study site 1 Study site 2 Study site 1 Study site 2
LNHS Reference NNHS Reference LNHS Reference NNHS Reference LNHS Reference NNHS Reference LNHS Reference NNHS Reference LNHS Reference NNHS Reference LNHS Reference NNHS Reference
Plant 1 210 217 122 226 8 8 8 8 60 62 75 78 40 42 39 40 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 0
Plant 2 225 231 134 146 8 8 5 8 83 85 24 44 42 45 13 27 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0
Plant 3 200 211 83 192 8 8 6 7 69 72 65 68 33 35 35 38 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Plant 4 215 221 95 102 8 8 6 8 75 79 33 48 50 47 16 27 2 2 0 0 3 3 0 0
Plant 5 210 210 110 212 8 8 8 8 71 75 60 88 43 46 42 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plant 6 187 191 220 224 9 9 7 8 68 72 80 84 41 43 45 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plant 7 167 172 131 140 8 8 5 8 67 71 60 64 40 45 38 41 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Plant 8 189 194 126 142 10 10 7 8 63 64 65 71 31 34 45 62 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plant 9 200 211 200 120 8 8 8 8 79 79 90 92 41 44 47 52 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plant 10 290 292 260 263 8 8 5 8 91 94 40 55 42 45 30 48 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Plant 11 200 210 1.6 166 5 8 9 8 70 72 2 74 35 39 3.8 53 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plant 12 212 219 160 164 8 9 9 8 73 78 85 86 35 39 38 40 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0
Plant 13 245 251 120 128 8 8 5 9 88 88 4 49 43 44 2 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plant 14 242 246 1.6 172 7 8 9 9 82 83 2 64 42 43 3.5 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plant 15 230 240 8.2 186 5 8 8 8 95 86 3.5 84 45 48 1.7 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Appendix 5. Photos taken during the bio monitoring of String beans (Phaseolus vulgaris).
Orientation of the selected second year students of Lugait National High School and Naawan
National High School on the rubrics used in following the procedures of the bio monitoring
Figure 5. The 15 selected second year students from LNHS (left) and NNHS (right)
Assessment on Students’ Science Process Skills