Debussy Wider Listening
Debussy Wider Listening
Debussy Wider Listening
La Princesse Jaune: Influenced by Japonism Attempted to emulate Javanese music after he visited Java. Encountered Balinese Gamelan at an
movement in Paris in the late 19th century. Avoids chromaticism. exposition in Paris in 1931 and used modal
Orientalism seen in multiple works, eg,. 1. Gong-like left hand with a hypnotising, pulsating effect. inflected figurations inspired in these
Samson et Dalila, where she is depicted with Pieces feature Perfect 4ths and 5ths, parallel movement,, pentatonic scales.
music from the East for its sensual appeal. repetitive pentatonic melodies. Coda of 1st movement is a hypnotic, moto
Modal scales and deep percussion sounds give Tonally ambiguous, cadences avoided in traditional sense. perpetuo section.
the MIddle Eastern sound. Polyrhythms, syncopation and triplet figures extensively used. Parallel movement : 4ths 5ths and octaves .
Spanish composer who moved to Paris in 1905 and incorporated Javanese Gamelan had been heard at the Paris World Exhibition in 1889 and influenced
Debussy's impressionist style into this piece for piano and orchestra, many French Impressionist composers, including Debussy and Ravel.
paying homage to Andalusia. 'La vallee des cloches': Explores piano sympathetic resonances, pentatonic ostinato
Music not descriptive, but expressive of places and sensations evoked patterns reminiscent of 'Pagodes.'
by the titles of each movement. 'Symphonic impressions'. 'Ma Mere l'Oye': Used a tuned percussion section in the orchestra to capture Gamelan
'En el Generalife' Rippling demisemiquaver and triplet piano ostinatos sonorities, celeste plays on low end of register to emulate bells.
blended with orchestra Explored Spanish music styles in accordance with his Spanish heritage . Wrote a
In the Gardens of the SIerra de Cordoba' Strumming effects on strings, habanera in 1895 which was included in his later work 'Rapsodie espagnole', rich with
highly rhytmic section drawing on Gypsy and Flamenco influence . Spanish character.