DCIM-B01.840.10.01.02 Immulite Com Lis PDF
DCIM-B01.840.10.01.02 Immulite Com Lis PDF
DCIM-B01.840.10.01.02 Immulite Com Lis PDF
Troubleshooting Guide
This manual, and the software described in this manual, are copyrighted. No part of this manual or the
described software may be copied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or
machine-readable form without the prior written consent of Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics except
that you may make one copy of the program CD solely for back-up purposes.
CHEMISTRY ..................................................................................................................7
The Immune Reaction ...........................................................................................................8
Sandwich Assay (e.g., hCG, TSH) ....................................................................................8
Competitive Assay (e.g., TT4, E2)...................................................................................10
Data Reduction................................................................................................................12
Adjustment Theory ..........................................................................................................13
Interpreting Adjustment Results ......................................................................................13
Calculated Intercept Cutoffs ............................................................................................14
Control Results ................................................................................................................15
One Adjustor Assays ..........................................................................................................16
T3 Uptake, Allergy, and Infectious Disease Assays ........................................................16
Determination of Cut-Off..................................................................................................17
Method Verification Data Review Guidelines....................................................................19
Purpose ...........................................................................................................................19
Analytical Sensitivity ..........................................................................................................23
Analytical Sensitivity, Functional Sensitivity and Calibration Range ...............................23
CONTROLS ................................................................................................................. 27
Automated QC Evaluation (IMMULITE 1000) ....................................................................28
Automated QC Definitions ...............................................................................................28
Automated QC Flags .......................................................................................................28
Automated QC.................................................................................................................29
CPS/COUNTS .............................................................................................................. 33
Control/Adjustor Problems.................................................................................................34
Control Problem Immediately after an Adjustment ..........................................................34
A Customer Has Problems with Controls not Currently Assayed/Evaluated in DPC QC 34
Adjustor Handling Issues.................................................................................................35
B12 and Folate ................................................................................................................35
Running Diagnostics ..........................................................................................................43
Running Diagnostics on the IMMULITE ..........................................................................43
Running Diagnostics on the IMMULITE 1000 .................................................................44
List of Diagnostic Programs...............................................................................................46
ATTURN ..........................................................................................................................46
BCODEON ......................................................................................................................47
BCODESPD ....................................................................................................................47
BCODETST .....................................................................................................................48
BKGNDCNT ....................................................................................................................48
CARBACK .......................................................................................................................49
CARCHECK ....................................................................................................................49
CARPOS .........................................................................................................................49
DARKCNT .......................................................................................................................50
DISSUB ...........................................................................................................................50
EMPTYTUB .....................................................................................................................51
LCHAIN ...........................................................................................................................52
LEVCRASH .....................................................................................................................52
LEVFALSE ......................................................................................................................52
LEVSENSR .....................................................................................................................53
LUMCHN .........................................................................................................................53
MCARTST .......................................................................................................................54
PMTCOUNT ....................................................................................................................54
LUMINOMETER......................................................................................................... 199
About the Luminometer ....................................................................................................200
Associated Errors .............................................................................................................201
Luminometer Chain Is not Moving...................................................................................202
Shuttle Is Positioned Incorrectly ....................................................................................202
Test Unit Jam ................................................................................................................202
Dislodged Luminometer Chain Baffle ............................................................................202
Troubleshooting Fuses ..................................................................................................203
Related Diagnostics.......................................................................................................203
CALC Errors Due to Non-Washing of Bead ....................................................................204
Troubleshooting Tips .....................................................................................................204
High-Speed Spinner Is Not Spinning Properly ..............................................................204
Related Diagnostics.......................................................................................................204
CALC Errors Due to High/Low CPS Counts....................................................................206
PMT Attenuator Disc Is not Moving ...............................................................................206
Related Diagnostics.......................................................................................................206
Tests Units Remain on the Luminometer Chain.............................................................207
Operator Pressed ALARM MUTE and GO ....................................................................207
Related Diagnostics.......................................................................................................207
PIPETTOR.................................................................................................................. 215
About the Pipettor .............................................................................................................216
Level Sensing Errors ........................................................................................................217
Reagent Level Sense Error with "Are there caps on the reagent?"...............................217
Loose Probe ..................................................................................................................217
SHUTTLE ...................................................................................................................257
About the Shuttle...............................................................................................................258
Associated Errors .............................................................................................................259
Troubleshooting Tips........................................................................................................260
Shuttle Is Jammed or Not Moving....................................................................................261
Dislodged Luminometer Chain Baffle ............................................................................261
Shuttle Is Blocked by a Test Unit...................................................................................261
Shuttle Is Jammed Against Main Carousel....................................................................261
Mispositioned Main Carousel ........................................................................................262
Broken Shuttle Sensor or Flag ......................................................................................262
Related Diagnostics.......................................................................................................262
TEMPERATURES...................................................................................................... 283
About Temperatures .........................................................................................................284
Luminometer Temperature ............................................................................................284
Main Incubator Carousel Temperature..........................................................................284
Reagent Carousel Temperature ....................................................................................284
System Ambient Temperature.......................................................................................284
Electrical Ambient Temperature ....................................................................................284
Viewing Temperatures ......................................................................................................285
TEMPS ..........................................................................................................................285
Viewing Temperatures within the Software ...................................................................285
Temperature Controller Status LEDs ..............................................................................286
Temperature Controller Status LED Table ....................................................................287
• IMMULITE error messages display on the Instrument Display Panel, monitor, or paper
• Examples:
"Part A reagent missing" appears on the IMMULITE Display Panel if a reagent wedge
has zero tests remaining and another wedge with the same lot number is not on the
Main Incubation Carousel. It will not print or appear on the monitor or in the error log.
"no reagent for TSH tube at barcode reader" appears on the monitor for one cycle,
prints, and posts to the error log.
• Operators may not see errors on the monitor or the IMMULITE Display Panel since
messages only display for one cycle, or 30-second interval. The IMMULITE and the
computer communicate every 30 seconds.
Note: Generic messages appear on the IMMULITE Display Panel. Specific error messages
appear on the monitor and printout.
Figure 2: Graph of Signal (CPS) vs. Concentration (Dose) for Competitive Assays
Data Reduction
Dark Counts
The PMT takes a one second dark count every cycle while the attenuator disk is in the
closed position. This is a background count check. The dark counts should not exceed 300.
The last 10 dark count reads are then averaged (running average).
The attenuator disk turns to its attenuated position and a decision count is taken. If the
counts are below 10,240, the disk turns to its open (unattenuated) position. If the counts
exceed 10,240, the disk remains in the attenuated position and 12 one-second readings are
taken by the PMT. The average dark counts are subtracted from each reading. The highest
and the lowest counts are dropped and the remaining 10 are averaged.
PMT Factor
Each PMT is “calibrated” against a light emitting source of known value. A correction factor
is determined for each PMT so that they all produce the same output for this radioactive
source. This is done so that all PMTs give close to the same counts for any given sample.
The average counts for a sample are multiplied by this PMT factor to standardize counts.
Adjustment Theory
Refer to Section 8 of the IMMULITE Operator's Manual and Section 13 of the IMMULITE
1000 Operator's Manual.
• A stored master curve was developed in Euro DPC or DPC LA for each kit lot. The curve
is mathematically stored in the kit barcode parameters on the box flap, which is scanned
into the software by the operator. Adjusted CPS are read off of this stored curve to
determine the actual dose of a sample.
• Every Instrument yields somewhat different counts (due to variations of each PMT).
Since the master curve was developed on one system and samples are run on another
system, different counts can be expected. Therefore, we can not use a curve generated
on another Instrument to determine dose unless the two systems are equilibrated. We do
this by adjusting.
• Initial Adjustments account for differences in PMTs. Slope and intercept defines the
relationship between the customer’s Instrument and the master curve Instrument. These
are applied to CPS from the customer’s Instrument to make them equivalent to the
master curve Instrument CPS. At this point they can be read off of the master curve.
• A 10-15 percent variation is allowed between an initial slope and a readjustment slope.
This variation is due to loss of enzyme activity in the liquid reagent.
• The sample CPS is multiplied by the adjustment slope, and the intercept is either added
or subtracted. The counts are then read off of the stored master curve that was scanned
into the database. The counts are then converted to a dose.
Adjustment Criteria
1. Controls: Controls are the primary criteria that customers use to validate adjustment.
2. Slope: There are different criteria for initial slopes vs. slopes of readjustment. Initial
slopes should fall within the expected slope range. The slope range is the average of 10
initial slopes plus or minus 20 percent.
3. Intercept: Intercepts generally conform to the following guidelines; however, situations
may occur where these guidelines are not applicable.
Readjustment Criteria
When readjusting a kit, the slope should only change by +/- 10% of the previous slope for the
kit lot.
Control Results
• Customers must run controls according to their laboratory standard operating procedures
to monitor system performance. If controls are out of range, based on the laboratory’s
SOPs, it could indicate an assay problem, a control material problem, an operator error,
or an Instrument problem.
• Customers must run controls to evaluate the validity of an adjustment.
Patient CPS
Determination of Cut-Off
The cut-off for an assay is usually measured in one of two ways:
1. Several hundred patients, both positive and negative, whose clinical status has been
established by another method, are assayed on the Instrument. A cut-off is determined
statistically. If the cut-off level is too low, many negative samples will read positive (poor
specificity). If the cut-off level is too high, many positive patients will be negative (poor
sensitivity). The cut-off that is calculated achieves the optimal sensitivity and specificity.
2. An alternate method for choosing the cut-off, used especially for allergy assays, is based
on the variability in signal response seen with a very large number of negative patient
For some qualitative assays, an indeterminate zone is defined. This zone is defined as plus
or minus a certain percentage of the cut-off CPS. If an indeterminate region is characterized,
then P2 times the mean adjustor CPS and P3 times the mean adjustor cps will give the
signal above and below the cut-off defining the indeterminate region. The percentage above
and below the cut-off is defined by P2/P1 and P3/P1. If no indeterminate is defined, P2 and
P3 are zero.
Control values are now reported only as positive or negative. However, controls can be
monitored more closely by ratio, i.e., how much higher or lower than the cut-off is the control.
• For sandwich assays, RATIO = CPS/Cut-off
• For competitive assays, RATIO = Cut-off/CPS.
The IMMULITE 1000 automatically calculates a ratio for controls. Control ranges are entered
as ratios in the QC/Control Entry screen.
Patient samples can also be reported as qualitative only or qualitative and ratio. The
configuration selection for this can be accessed by selecting Configurations from the Tools
menu, then Report Settings.
To outline the review process for method comparison data.
The data sent in for review documents the performance of the assay/Instrument at the time
of the study and may be useful to include in the method comparison database. This
database is a library of method comparisons of IMMULITE assays to various other
immunoassay systems that is compiled and administered by DPC Los Angeles Technical
The data is currently contained in an Excel spreadsheet that may include the following
• intra assay precision: precision study based on data generated in a single run
• inter assay precision: precision study based on data generated over several days
• calibration: study using calibration verifiers to confirm accuracy / reportable range
• sensitivity: study to calculate the analytical sensitivity for an assay
• dilute: study to evaluate dilutional linearity of an assay
• reference range: study to evaluate selected patient results to estimate a reference range
• method comparison: study to compare results obtained by another method to
Not all of these worksheets will be present in all data files. They do not all need to be
present. For evaluation purposes a precision study should be included with verification of the
reportable range and usually method comparison data.
Reportable Range
• Term used by CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, [USA]) to describe the range
of concentration over which the assay gives accurate, precise results without dilution.
• DPC product documentation refers to this range as the Calibration.
Reference Range
• Range of values seen in a population of healthy individuals.
• Used to be referred to as the "Normal range", though use of that term has fallen out of
favor as too ambiguous.
• Generally defined as the range covered by the central 95 percent of results obtained
from a reference populations of healthy individuals. This means that, by definition, 5
percent of healthy people will have results outside of the range.
Precision Study
• Include a statement of the mean, SD, and % CV for each material tested.
• Then state how it compares to the product claims, e.g., "observed mean was about 4 SD
above expected mean".
Calibration Study
• Include a statement of which calibration verifier concentration(s) did not meet claim for
recovery and by how much they were off.
• Also note whether the problem appeared to be bias (good reproducibility, but at the
wrong concentration) or scatter in the data.
Sensitivity Study
• Include a statement of the calculated sensitivity at 2 SD and 3 SD and what the product
claim is.
Dilution Study
• Include statement of which dilutions did not recover and provide values for expected
value (what we should have gotten) and the actual results.
Reference Range Study
• If a substantial number of values fell out side of the expected reference range, include a
statement of the number of values that were outside the range, include the result most
outside the range.
Scatter Plot
• When reviewing the scatter plot there are two basic aspects of the relationship between
the Instrument results and the comparative method that need to be checked, correlation
and bias.
• Correlation ONLY describes how scattered the data is compared to the calculated
regression line.
• You can see how scattered the data is on the plot and can also use the calculated
correlation coefficient or “R”.
• If there is a lot of scatter in the data, or the “R” is less than 0.9, mention this in the
• Bias describes the numerical difference between the results (i.e., the Instrument result is
twice the comparative method result).
• Bias is best characterized by the regression slope and intercept.
• Always include the slope and intercept in your summary.
• Also check the PI or our current method comparison database to see how the bias in this
study compares to what we may have seen before comparing to the same method. If this
study shows a different bias, mention that in the summary.
Analytical Sensitivity
This is what is published in the package inserts as Sensitivity. The formal definition is “the
lowest concentration that can be distinguished from background noise.” This value is
determined by assaying replicates (usually 20) of a sample that is known to have zero
concentration of the analyte. Then the CPS from these replicates are used to calculate a
mean and SD. The analytical sensitivity is set as the dose equivalent to the mean plus 2 SD
for immunometric assays and the mean minus 2 SD for competitive assays. This experiment
is often replicated for customers during validation studies, though there is NO regulatory
requirement to do so.
In the clinical lab, analytical sensitivity has little practical value. The basic reason is that for
almost all assays (especially competitive) the imprecision of the assay increases so rapidly
at low concentrations that, well before the analytical sensitivity is reached, the SD is so large
that results are virtually irreproducible and of little clinical value. This phenomenon can best
be seen by looking at a precision profile, which is a graphical representation of how the
precision of an assay changes with concentration. A number of IMMULITE/IMMULITE 1000
package inserts include precision profiles.
The analytical sensitivity does NOT represent the realistic lower limit of effective
performance for assays, though customers often think it does and the package insert often
adds to this confusion. This is why the lower limit of the calibration or reportable range of the
assay, as set in the software, is almost NEVER equal to the analytical sensitivity.
This limitation of the analytical sensitivity is not new, it applies to RIA, IMMULITE/IMMULITE
1000, and all methods by all manufacturers. How it is handled is what varies. The
manufacturer could have the assays report down to this limit and as long as users didn’t run
replicates, they would probably never notice the poor precision. However, DPC chooses not
to do this and instead limits the calibration range to what is the truly useful range of the
assay. The confusion about, and the limited usefulness of, analytical sensitivity for describing
effective assay performance, led to the development of another concept: functional
Functional Sensitivity
There is NO requirement that the calibration range of an assay encompass reference ranges
published in the literature or even ranges we publish. It gets a little tricky with our own
ranges. When IMMULITE first came out many of the reference ranges were established by
performing method comparison experiments with IMMULITE and Coat-a-Count (CAC). The
slope and intercept from these comparisons were then used to adjust the CAC reference
range to adapt it to IMMULITE use. This made good use of the well established and
documented CAC reference ranges and is a perfectly reasonable way to establish a
reference range (see NCCLS guidelines for establishing reference ranges). However, for a
number of the assays, the CAC assay has better performance at the low end and was able
to measure lower concentrations. As a consequence, the adjusted reference range may
have a lower bound that is below the lower reporting limit of the IMMULITE assay. For a
number of assays (especially fertility) we have been developing IMMULITE specific ranges
by doing large multi-center studies and the PI ranges are being revised as the data becomes
Automated QC Definitions
No Automated QC
• QC data is evaluated using the SD and ranges in the Control Data tab on the Control
Entry screen.
• Flags low or high
Single Rule
• QC data is evaluated using the SD and ranges in the Control Data tab on the Control
Entry screen.
• Flags: In Control or Out of Control
Multi Rules
• Uses Westgard Multi Rule configurations to evaluate QC results within and across QC
Multi Rules with N(x)
• Uses Westgard Multi Rule configurations to evaluate QC results within and across QC
• Tracks trends over a longer period of time based on the N(x) configuration.
Automated QC Flags
QCNE (QC Not Evaluated)
The number of controls in the run for a particular assay did not match the number of controls
configured for that assay in the QC Rules tab of the Control Entry screen.
Note: A control run is the number of controls the software sees on the Main Incubation
Carousel at the time the first control is read by the PMT.
Automated QC
Multi Rule Evaluation - Within and Across Control Materials
When an assay is configured for Multi Rule evaluation, the IMMULITE 1000 applies the
appropriate series of QC rules to all of the results in a completed QC run for that assay.
Rules are applied both "within" and "across" control materials where appropriate.
• Control results are compared within the same control material across multiple runs (same
level, run on different days).
• If QC results are very different (with high Z scores) than the targets, confirm that the
ranges and units were not changed.
Patterns in Data
Remember: CPS x slope + intercept (y=mx+b)
• For any given assay, if the slope and intercept of the adjustment are outside the
guidelines, but the control results are acceptable, troubleshoot the reagent.
• For any given assay, if the slope and intercept of adjustment are outside the guidelines,
and the control results are not acceptable, troubleshoot the adjustors.
• For any given assay, if the slope and intercept appear acceptable, and only the middle
control of a three level control is out, troubleshoot the control.
If the CPS values are too low, something is missing. Look for errors in sample or reagent
pipetting, or with substrate dispense.
• Sandwich assay: sample/reagent pipettingÆ substrate
• Competitive assay: reagent pipetting Æ substrate
Low CPS may also be an indicator of problems with the substrate itself. This is easy to
investigate by running a water test to see the CPS of substrate alone.
Contamination can also cause low CPS. Check the location of the water bottle on
IMMULITE/IMMULITE 1000 systems, as well as the water source on both systems. Is it
sitting in the sunlight or under a heating vent?
High CPS
If the CPS values are too high, suspect problems with the spin or with the wash of the bead.
Unbound material is left behind, adding to the CPS.
Contamination can also cause high CPS.
• competitive assay Æ check sample pipetting also
Low Counts (CPS > 25000, but much less than normal)
Possible Causes
• Probe wash has gotten into the test unit- either from residual probe wash in water bottle
or faulty V2 causing probe to drip probe wash
• Substrate reservoir is contaminated
• No sample pipetted
Negative CPS
Possible Causes
• Extremely high dark counts (above 1000)
• Blown fuse
• Bad Parity
• Used to prime the large syringe (Syringe A) for diagnostic evaluation.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Error flagging is not turned on.
• Cycles the Attenuator Disk to the home position, attenuated position, and the
unattenuated position.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Visually check the PMT Attenuator Disk motion to verify sensor operation.
• Observe the position of the single sensor notch found on the right side of the
Luminometer cover above the PMT.
• The single sensor notch points to a 9:00 position at home, 5:00 in the attenuated
position, and 1:00 in the unattenuated position.
• The Attenuator Disk should move smoothly as it turns.
• Verifies proper functionality of the Sample & Test Unit Barcode Reader.
• A test unit/sample cup holder is read once every two seconds.
• The next text is then indexed in front of the Barcode Reader.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
IMMULITE Instructions
• PC Mode is required to run this diagnostic.
• There is no limit or specific sequence of test units or sample cups.
• The information will appear on the simulation screen following a successful read.
• Bad barcode reads appear as white ghosts.
• Verifies the operation of the Sample & Test Unit Barcode Reader by turning the
sample/test unit barcode reader on and off.
• Used when cleaning the orange o-ring.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Press the GO button on the Instrument Display Panel to toggle the motor on and off.
• Used to observe or adjust the motor speed of the Sample & Test Unit Barcode Reader.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Load at least four test units or sample cups onto the Load Platform.
• Run the program and observe the motor speed.
• The speed should be 750 to 790 ms/rev for test units, and 730 to 770 ms/revs for sample
• Press the Pause button until the next test unit advances.
• Each position should not be more than 40 ms/rev of each other.
Note: Consult with Field Service before adjusting the barcode motor speed.
Adjusting the Barcode Motor Speed
• When facing the back of the Instrument, the barcode speed potentiometer is the one
closest to the Water and Probe Wash Bottles.
• To adjust the speed, make slight, incremental turns while running BCODESPD.
• As you turn the potentiometer, the speed increases or decreases on the Instrument
Display Panel.
• This program provides the current background counts for the Instrument's PMT.
• It will alternate moving the attenuator between the attenuated and unattenuated position.
• While at each position, a set of 12 one-second background counts are taken.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
IMMULITE Instructions
• Exit to DOS once the program is running.
• Run Getdatat.
• The Getdatat program provides the actual raw background counts.
• Useful for removing sample cups from the Main Incubation Carousel.
• This program moves the carousel backwards in single index steps when the Syringe
Prime button is pressed, or indexes continuously by holding the prime button down.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Make sure the Shuttle is in the home position inside the carousel at about 3 o'clock.
• Follow the prompts on the Instrument Display Panel.
• Press the Syringe Prime button to move the carousel backwards (counter-clockwise).
• Rotate the carousel until the test units and/or sample cups are in the pipetting area.
• Manually remove the test units or sample cups.
• The carousel should be completely empty.
• This program is used to judge the position of the Main Incubator Carousel in relation to
the tube Shuttle.
• It indexes the carousel ring gear one position, moves the Shuttle into the space between
the carousel baffles, pauses for one second, moves the Shuttle back to home and
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Checks the indexing of the Main Incubation Carousel.
• Indexes the Carousel Ring Gear one position every second.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Checks the carousel shaking function.
• Momentarily initializes, indexes the carousel one step, moves the Shuttle in the space
between the baffles, and shakes the carousel for a few seconds.
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Introduces decontamination material into the fluidics of the Instrument.
• Draws the decontamination fluid into both syringes, one at a time, and then into the water
pump (five times).
• Under no circumstances should bleach be used to decontaminate the system.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Run DECON for at least five minutes.
• Let the system sit for 15 minutes.
• Run DECON1, which stops automatically after 15 minutes.
• Must be used after DECON.
• Flushes out the decontamination fluid and replaces it with fresh water.
• Fills each syringe twice and the water pump 10 times.
• This diagnostic stops automatically. (After about 20 minutes.)
• Tests the Substrate Pump dispensing volume.
• Transports five test units from the Load Chain to the substrate fill position.
• Dispenses 200 µl of substrate into each test unit and moves them to the Sample
Collection Tray.
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Thoroughly prime the system.
• Place five test units on the Load Platform.
• Check the level of each for consistency.
• Tests the Water Pump dispensing volume.
• Transports five test units from the Load Chain to the water fill position.
• Dispenses 200 µl of water into each test unit and moves them to the Sample Collection
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Thoroughly prime the system.
• Check the level of each for consistency.
• The level of water should be just above the bead.
• Check if there are any splatters on the side of the test unit. Imprecision can occur if the
nozzle is not dispensing straight down.
• Used to check the main driving motor movements of the Instrument.
• Also used to evaluate the proper coordination between interfacing driving motors of the
• Useful if a problem at the transfer points is suspected.
• Useful for removing test units from the system in the event of a shutdown while samples
are in process.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Do not run if Sample Cups are on the system.
• Remove all sample cups and test units from the Load Platform before initializing this
diagnostic program.
• The Load Chain, Main Incubation Carousel, Shuttle, and Luminometer all advance in
• Any test units that are in the Luminometer will be moved from the Luminometer Chain
onto the Exit Ramp.
• Check for hesitation. The emptying should be synched.
• Also check for missing or dislodged baffles.
Note: EMPTYTUB cannot be used to remove a sample cup from the Main Incubation
Carousel since it moves the components forward.
• Test for proper level sensing of the Probe in each of the five sample pipetting positions.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Pipette at least 100 µl of liquid (must be material that will detect a change in capacitance,
i.e., PBS, probe wash, reagent, sample) into five sample cups.
• Place the five sample cups into the five pipetting positions.
• Put an empty wedge in the Reagent Carousel as a visual marker and leave the lid open.
• The Probe will level sense each cup, starting with position five.
• Any failures will trip the jam sensor, which in turn will index the Reagent Carousel one
• Tests for false level sensing in the reagent, five sampling positions, and assay dispense
pipetting positions.
• This test does not require any sample cups to run.
• This diagnostic stops automatically. (IMMULITE 1000 Only)
• Place an empty wedge on the Reagent Carousel and a sample cup at the furthest point
on the Load Chain as visual markers.
• If the Probe false level senses in the reagent position, the Load Chain advances.
• If it false level senses in any pipetting position, the Reagent Carousel indexes.
• You can also trigger the system to level sense by touching the Probe after its first pause
on the way down.
• Wires and cables can be jiggled to trigger intermittent problems.
• Intermittent problems indicate a problem with the board.
• Otherwise, the Probe may be loose.
Note: The Reagent Carousel does not move during this diagnostic.
• Used to check for consistent reagent level sensing.
• Tests dead volume settings at the reagent positions.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Place a wedge containing 1000 µl of reagent in the position on the Main Incubation
Carousel that is underneath the hole of the Reagent Carousel Lid (because the Reagent
Carousel does not move during this diagnostic).
• The diagnostic will repeatedly level sense in the wedge and display the steps left (SL) on
the Instrument Display Panel (should be between 8-12).
• Confirm the Probe is entering the wedge when it level senses.
• If the numbers are not consistent, consult with Field Service. It may be necessary to
adjust the settings using LEVSNADJ in System Configurations.
• Wipe off the Probe with a DI moistened kimwipe after the diagnostic to prevent cross
• Exercises the level sensor in the sampling positions.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Place a sample cup containing probe wash in the first pipetting position.
• The diagnostic will repeatedly level sense in the sample cup and display the steps left
(SL) on the Instrument Display Panel. The number should be consistent.
• Confirm the Probe is entering the cup, and is centered, when it level senses.
• If the numbers are not consistent, consult with Field Service. It may be necessary to
adjust the settings using LEVSNADJ in System Configurations.
Caution: Ensure the Shuttle is at the far left home position before running LUMCHN.
• Checks the movement of the Luminometer Chain by indexing it one position every
• Takes 40 seconds to complete a full rotation of the Luminometer Chain.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Moves the Pipettor to each position and lowers it.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Place a wedge in the pipetting position in the Reagent Carousel.
• Place five sample cups in the pipetting positions. The Vanity Panel may have to be
removed when using five test units.
• Check the position of the Probe as it dips into the each pipetting position.
• If the Probe is not centered, the Probe may be bent or positioned incorrectly.
• Activates measurement readings by the PMT.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
IMMULITE Instructions
• Exit to DOS once the program is running.
• Run Getdatat.
• Runs a special enzyme-cutting probe wash routine which is part of daily maintenance.
• A special probe cleaning kit must be used with this diagnostic
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Pipette 2 mL of probe cleaning enzyme cleaner into the probe cleaning wedge.
• Place the probe cleaning wedge in Position 1 on the Reagent Carousel.
• Refer to the kit's package insert for more information.
• Used to evaluate the dispense angle of the Probe.
• The Probe is positioned over the Probe Wash Station and dispenses water.
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Check the Probe from the front, sides, and back while it is dispensing.
• The dispense should not be more than 7-10 degrees off center.
• Unscrew the Probe at the fitting at the top of the Pipettor and twist as it dispenses.
• If the spiral of the stream is wide, the Probe is bent (a slight spiral is acceptable)
• Alternatively, remove the Probe and gently roll it on a flat service.
• Clean the Probe with a DI moistened wipe and return the Probe if it is not bent.
• Replace the Probe if it is bent or dispenses at an angle.
Note: Be sure to tighten the fitting when returning/replacing the Probe.
• Used to evaluate the dispense quality of the Probe.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Look for excessive splashing on the Probe Shaft or out of the home well.
• Look for any dripping when the Probe lifts up and momentarily moves to the Wash Well.
• Dripping indicates back pressure or an occlusion inside the Probe or its associated
• The depth of Probe in Wash Well may need to be adjusted (Consult with Field Service).
• Tests the Reagent Carousel Barcode Reader with reagents on board.
• Used to checks the Reagent Carousel home position sensors.
• Moves and pauses the Reagent Carousel in the home position between positions one
and two in front of the Barcode Reader LED.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Place a reagent wedge in Position 1 of the Reagent Carousel.
• The red LED should project an oval red light between the edge of the wedge and the first
barcode line when the carousel pauses in the Home position.
• Use the ALARM MUTE button to extend the pause at the Home position for a closer
• Used to check the Reagent Carousel Position Sensor at all 12 positions of the Reagent
• Moves the Reagent Carousel to each of the 12 positions.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Remove all reagents from the Reagent Carousel.
• Look directly through the individual notches found around the edge of the carousel.
• Each position should be centered in front of the Barcode Reader LED.
• Use the ALARM MUTE button to extend the pause at each position for a closer
• Used when removing the Syringes.
• Allows the operator to evaluate how the Shuttle loads the test unit into the spin position.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Manually load a test unit onto the Main Incubation Carousel, one position before entering
the Shuttle.
• Inspect for proper actuation of the shuttle springs.
• The test unit should fit snugly into the spinner wheels and sit on a straight angle (without
• Press GO to have the program eject the test unit for remove.
• Used to evaluate the High-Speed Spinner cycle.
• Manually load a test unit with 200 µl of liquid onto the Main Incubation Carousel, one
position before entering the Shuttle.
• The test unit will be taken to the spin position and the High-Speed Spinner motor will
activate for 30 seconds.
• The test unit should lift up slightly and the liquid should quickly clear from the bottom of
the tube.
• The bead should float in the air while the tube is spinning.
• To check the actual spinner speed, use the WASHSPD diagnostic.
• Used to check the positioning of the Shuttle.
• The Shuttle is moved from the home position to a neutral Luminometer position.
• Next, the Shuttle is moved to the spinner.
• Then, the Shuttle is moved to the substrate dispense position.
• The cycle is then repeated.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Checks the dispense of the substrate pump.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Remove the thumbscrew holding the substrate heater and water nozzle in place.
• Lift the substrate heater and title it backward.
• Hold a beaker under the substrate heater nozzle.
• Run the SOLE2S diagnostic.
• Use the ALARM MUTE button to pause and control the shots into the cup.
• Allows for a quick visual check that the high-speed spinner motor is working.
• During this test, the test units will be loaded into the spin position and the spinner motor
will turn on for one second.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Manually load as many test units as desired onto the Main Incubation Carousel.
• Manually rotate to one position before entering the Shuttle.
• Turns the high-speed spinner motor on or off.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Press the GO button to turn the high-speed spinner motor on and off.
• Tests the functionality of the Valve 1 (V1) of the syringe assembly.
• The water should alternately dispense from the "probe" and from the wash well.
• Except for valve throw, the water should never move in the tubing when the water is
dispensing up from the bottom of the wash well.
• If water is moving down the probe when it should not be, this can cause under-aspirating
of reagent and/or sample.
• It can also cause fluid to be drawn into the probe from the home well resulting in
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
Note: Consult with Field Service before running this diagnostic.
• Run the V1TEST diagnostic.
• If the valve is not working at all, water will always dispense from the probe.
• If the valve is stuck in the activated position, the water will always come from the wash
• If one of the two diaphragms in the valve is partially clogged, one port will slowly drip
while the other is dispensing.
• Tests the functionality of Valve 2 (V2) of the syringe assembly.
• The water should alternately dispense from the "probe" and the tubing that goes into the
probe wash container.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Tests the functionality of the Valve 4 (V4) of the syringe assembly.
• This program works exactly like V1TEST.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
Note: Consult with Field Service before running this diagnostic.
• Run V4TEST diagnostic.
• If the valve is not working at all, water will always dispense from the probe.
• If the valve is stuck in the activated position, the water will always come from the wash
• If one of the two diaphragms in the valve is partially clogged, one port will slowly drip
while the other is dispensing.
• Tests or allows adjustment of the speed of the High Speed Spinner motor.
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Place one test unit on before the Sample Barcode Reader.
• Follow the prompts on the Display Panel.
• Listen for any unusual sounds and watch the speed of the tube.
Note: Consult with Field Service before adjusting the speed. The target speed is 5520. The
speed will appear on the Instrument Display Panel.
• Used whenever water or substrate contamination is suspected.
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Used whenever water or substrate contamination is suspected.
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
IMMULITE Instructions
• See WATERTST (IMMULITE) on page 293.
IMMULITE 1000 Instructions
• See WATERTST (IMMULITE 1000) on page 295.
Adjustor result file not The result file could not File deleted-Repeat N/A
found be found. Adjustment
Ambient Elec. Temp High The ambient electronics Clean the intake fan N/A
[nn] temperature reading is filter on the right side
higher than the of the IMMULITE.
acceptable range. Lift the top panel to
allow the electronics
Note: This is not a fatal to cool.
error condition. TEMPS
Check the fan on the
top left side
Note: The temperature
falls back into an
acceptable range within a
short amount of time.
Ambient Temp. High The internal ambient air This problem should N/A
temperature reading is correct itself.
higher than the
Note: The lab
acceptable range. TEMPS
temperature should be
less than 30ºC.
Atten. Factor not set The attenuation factor Check Configurations, LUM
was not set. Config Settings, PMT
Note: This message
should not be
encountered if the
computer has been
configured correctly.
Atten. Home Error Appears on the LUMINOMETER
Panel if the error
corrects itself.
cannot correct the error,
the Instrument
automatically shuts
down and an error
message appears.
Bad File Name or Number The computer was Press any key to
in Line xx of Module PC yy turned off or reset return to the DOS
at address zz. Hit any Key without following the command line.
to Return to System. proper Log Off At the
procedure. C:\CIRRUS\IMM
prompt, type fixit and
press [Enter].
A message indicating
that the software is
attempting to repair
the database will be
displayed until the
damage is corrected.
Note: Some data
may be lost in this
Type start and press
[Enter] to return to
the Start-up menu.
Repeat all tests in
Note: Be sure to shut
down the Analyzer
before choosing RUN
TURBO. See also:
Database Needs
Bad LIS Checksum Checksum did not match Re-send results to the N/A
(transmission error). LIS.
Bad or Missing Frame Usually indicates a bug Re-send the results to the N/A
Carousel Shut Down This message appears Repeat all tests in MAIN
when the Main Carousel progress after the cause CAROUSEL
is disabled (i.e. when a of the shut-down is
shuttle/carousel jam is determined and
Error during Control QC Refer to the explanation Refer to the solution N/A
below for the error below for the error
message: Error during message: Error during
Patient QC. Patient QC.
Error during Patient QC Unforeseen error . N/A
Five Replicates used for More than the required No action is necessary. N/A
Curve Adjust. 5th four Test Units were run The software looks for
replicate dropped. behind the Adjustor quadruplicates only;
sample cup. therefore, the fifth Test
Unit is ignored.
Front End Shut Down The Load Chain and Wait for the LOAD
pipettor are disabled IMMULITE to PLATFORM
because an error was complete the tests in
detected in the Load progress.
Chain, pipettor, or Investigate the cause
syringes which the of the problem by
IMMULITE could not checking the -LCHAIN
correct. associated error
messages or looking -PROBANGL
Note: If possible, the for an obstruction.
IMMULITE will continue -PIPXPOS
processing the tests -PROBTEST
currently in progress.
General failure reading Bad disk Format a new disk (type N/A
Drive A format_a:) and try to
perform the backup
(occurs during backup)
procedure again.
Lum. Chain and Atten. There is a Luminometer Look for the source of the LUMINOMETER
Shut Down. chain jam. jam. Since this is a fatal
error, the IMMULITE will ATTURN
stop. LUMCHN
Message Too Short Usually indicates a bug Re-send the results N/A
LIS mesg. too short\bad in the LIS software; to the LIS.
frame however, could be If the error continues
caused by a bad to occur, call your LIS
message (due to line provider.
noise, etc.).
Negative Slope calculated! Sample cups were Re-run both levels of N/A
Are the Adjustor levels identified as low and Adjustors, pipetting each
high, but either the level into the correct
Overflow Error during A variable was set equal Note the exact overflow N/A
Adjust test testCode Kit to a very large number. error message.
Lot nn
Note: This error is
infrequent when the
master curve
parameters are correct
and the IMMULITE is
running properly.
Reagent lot# xmit error The correct lot Re-read the reagent N/A
information could not be barcodes.
transmitted to the
Reagent pipetted does not Either: Re-run the Adjustors and N/A
match kit. Adjust aborted. Different Reagent enter the correct kit.
Wedge lots were Note: Be sure to use the
pipetted throughout correct kit components.
the two Adjustor
The kit needing
adjustment does not
correspond to the
Test Units and
Reagent Wedge
Reagent part A missing Either: If the Test Unit and REAGENT
The Test Unit and Reagent Wedge lots are CAROUSEL
Reagent Wedge lots mismatched:
are mismatched. A Check the Reagent
mismatched lot Status or Kit Entry
occurs when the screen for kit
Test Units and component lot
Reagent Wedge numbers.
currently on-board Confirm that the
are not from the actual lot numbers of
same kit lot. Test Units agree with
Note: Pause is the Reagent Wedge
automatically initiated. on-board.
Change either the
The Reagent Wedge
Reagent Wedge or
has not been placed
the Test Units, as
in the Reagent
Carousel Tray.
Note: Mismatched
The Reagent
Test Units appear as
Temperature controller not The temperature Do not run the IMMULITE N/A
operating properly controller has failed. until the Instrument is
Test Unit lots do not match The Test Units being Re-run the Adjustors N/A
kit. Adjust aborted used do not match the using the correct Test
kit to be adjusted. Units.
Tip Jam Error. Are there Indicates that either: Depending on the cause
caps on the reagents? there is no sample either:
caps were left on the Check the sample
reagent volume. If
the probe is not necessary, add more
positioning correctly sample and re-run
the tests. TIPJAM
Remove cap(s) from
the reagent.
Watch the pipettor to
try and determine the
cause of the jam.
Turbo kits cannot be run Turbo reagent wedges Either:
while in Normal Mode. have been loaded onto Remove all Turbo
Please take all turbo kits the reagent carousel Reagent Wedges and
off the reagent carousel. while in Normal Mode. press GO to continue
running in Normal
Log off and choose
run the Turbo kits.
300 LIS Error: Timeout During The LIS is not Check the cable
Receive responding to the connection.
IMMULITE 1000. This Review LIS log.
can be caused by:
A cable problem
A hardware
An issue with the
LIS software
301 LIS Error: Invalid Frame Usually indicates an Review LIS log.
Number issue with the LIS
software; however, it
could be caused by a
bad message (e.g. due
to line noise, etc.).
302 LIS Error: Invalid Checksum Checksum did not Review LIS log.
match (transmission
303 LIS Error: Missing Control Usually indicates an Review LIS log.
Character. issue with the LIS
software, but may be a
bad message (e.g., line
304 LIS Error: Invalid Message There are fewer than Review LIS log.
Length five characters in an
incoming ASTM
formatted data
305 LIS Error: Invalid Frame The frame number is Review LIS log.
Sequence not sequential for an
incoming ASTM
formatted data
307 LIS Error: Timeout During The LIS is not Re-sort data in the
Send responding to the LIS worklist.
IMMULITE 1000. This Try resending the
can be caused by: data.
Review LIS log.
A cable problem
A hardware
An issue with the
LIS software
308 LIS Error: Excessive LIS errors There are numerous Review LIS log.
are occurring LIS errors during a
309 LIS Error: Log File Error There was an error Check the LIS
while writing to the Log settings.
File. Test the serial port
by trying a different
315 LIS Error: Patient Message Not A record required for Review LIS log.
Received LIS communications is
not found.
316 LIS Error: EOT received prior An LIS message was Review LIS log.
to ENQ received out of
sequence when
establishing a
communication session.
317 LIS Error: Invalid LIS Message An invalid message Review LIS log.
type code was
319 LIS Error: Cannot open Serial port is not Check the LIS
communication port. configured properly or settings.
not at all. Test the serial port
by trying a different
cable, or by
changing the port.
30009 Shuttle Position Error The shuttle has not Look for the cause
found the sensor at the of the jam (Test
Luminometer. Units, a bent Shuttle
flag, or a Baffle that
Note: This message popped off the
will also appear on the Luminometer.
Instrument display Refer to the Main
panel when the error is Carousel section on
detected. A notice will page 209.
appear on the display
panel if the IMMULITE
1000 is able to correct
30012 Load Chain Error The Load Chain has not Look for the source
found a position sensor. of the error on the
Load Platform (i.e., a
sample cup
Note: This message incorrectly seated in
will also appear on the the sample cup
Instrument display holder or a crushed
panel when the error is Test Unit).
detected. A notice will Refer to the Load
appear on the display Platform section on
panel if the IMMULITE page 189.
1000 is able to correct
30013 Pipettor Z-direction has Something has Determine if
jammed looking for Home interfered with the anything is
probe movement or a interfering with the
hardware error has Pipettor movements
occurred. (i.e., probe tubing)
Refer to the Pipettor
section on page 215.
Note: This message
will also appear on the
Instrument display
panel when the error is
detected. A notice will
appear on the display
panel if the IMMULITE
1000 is able to correct
30060 Heaters have shut down due to The 35-degree Check status of
35-degree calibrator error. calibration resistor Temperature LEDs.
cannot be read properly (Refer to the
due to a heater Temperatures
controller error. section on page
Power down for at
least one minute.
Check LEDs again.
30061 Heaters have shut down due to The 39-degree Check status of
39-degree calibrator error. calibration resistor Temperature LEDs.
cannot be read properly Power down for at
due to a heater least one minute.
controller error. Check LEDs again.
30064 Heaters have shut down due to Reagent cooling is not Verify the fan below
a Reagent Carousel working properly the Reagent
temperature error. because of a TED error Carousel is
or a thermistor failure. functioning.
Check status of
Temperature LEDs.
Refer to the
section on page 283.
Power down for at
least one minute.
Check LEDs again.
30065 Heaters have shut down due to The Main Carousel Verify the fan below
a Main Carousel temperature heater is not working the Reagent
error. correctly because of a Carousel is
heater controller error functioning.
or a thermistor failure. Check status of
Temperature LEDs.
Refer to the
section on page 283.
Power down for at
least one minute.
Check LEDs again.
30113 Unexpected error 30113. Call Occurs when an Check the Error Log.
Technical Service. underlying hardware Consult with Field
error causes a software Service.
communication issue.
30115 Test Unit Lots do not match kit. The Test Units being Troubleshoot for
used do not match the mismatching kit
kit to be adjusted. components.
30116 Either High or Low Adjustor The second adjustor is Re-run both
level missing. Adjustment not on board the adjustors.
Aborted. Instrument.
30117 Adjustor Record not found in The result file could not Verify the kit is
Database be found. scanned.
Verify kit barcode
30120 Low CPS, Sample #xxx (test Refer to pages 11-10 Use CPS to
name) xxx and 11-11. troubleshoot (e.g.,
Calc Errors).
30145 Dark Count High results Dark counts exceed Check CPS for
invalid. Call Technical Service. acceptable high previous test unit.
number. Results are For multiple
invalid. occurrences, check
dark counts (from
the System Status
30146 FATAL CURVE ADJUST Kit information is Re-scan the kit
ERROR – Assay information incorrect in the barcode.
incorrect in Kit Database xxx database. Enter barcode info
(assay name) xxx (kit lot) manually.
Readjust the kit.
30150 Dilution not allowed for this On-board dilution of this Dilution must be
assay or sample type assay or sample is not performed manually.
30151 Dilution Required Dilution is required for Re-run tests using
this assay. on-board dilution
Need diluent wedge
and dilution cup
Hardware related
Due to insufficient
Note: If any other error
message accompanies
this one, it is a
hardware problem.
31206 No Reagent Pipetted A tip jam has occurred Verify the reagent
during pipetting. volume.
Check the error log
A false level sense has for associated
occurred. errors.
Not enough reagent is Refer to the Pipettor
left to continue testing. section on page 215.
Error Number 31222
will also occur.
It is a hardware-related
error (as indicated on
the Instrument Display
31207 Unexpected error 31207. Call Occurs when an Review the event log
Technical Service. underlying hardware and troubleshoot
error causes a software accordingly.
communication issue. Consult with Field
31208 Assay not found An assay is not in the Verify the software
volume table. version.
Upgrade to the
current version if
31209 Kit Component Mismatch. Occurs when an Verify that the
Repeat failed adjustor level. underlying hardware correct tests units
error causes a software were used.
communication issue. Rerun the
31210 Unexpected error 31210. Call Occurs when an Review the event log
Technical Service. underlying hardware and troubleshoot
error causes a software accordingly.
communication issue. Consult with Field
31218 Unexpected error 31218. Call Occurs when an Review the event log
Technical Service. underlying hardware and troubleshoot
error causes a software accordingly.
communication error. Consult with Field
31219 Does not match any reagent. Occurs during pipetting Verify the correct
when the proper reagent lot is on
reagent is not on-board board.
or if the probe tip jams Check the event log.
on a reagent lid.
31220 Reagent Level Sense Error Probe level senses Check for cap on
above the maximum Reagent Wedge or
height of liquid. bubbles on top of
Check the reagent
Refer to the Pipettor
section on page 215.
31221 Unexpected error 31221. Call Occurs when an Review the event log
Technical Service. underlying hardware and troubleshoot
error causes a software accordingly.
communication issue. Consult with Field
31222 Reagent Volume Low or Empty The volume in a Replace Reagent
Reagent Wedge is low Wedge.
or empty. Note: Error will start
posting when there are
Error Number 31206
10 tests left in the
will also occur.
31224 No Reagent Wedge Found for Occurs when the proper Verify reagent
Assay. regent wedge for an wedge lot number.
assay is not on-board
the Instrument or if
there was an error
reading the barcode for
that reagent.
31225 Expired Kit An expired kit was Verify kit expiration
scanned. date.
31422 LIS Error: LIS Unavailable The LIS is not Check the Event
responding to the Log.
IMMULITE 1000. This Check the LIS cable.
can be caused by: Verify the LIS is
A cable problem
A hardware problem
An issue with the LIS
31531 Unexpected Error 31531. Call While calculating an Review the event log
Technical Service. adjustment, the and troubleshoot
software has accordingly.
encountered an Consult with Field
unexpected error. Service.
31532 Unexpected Error 31532. Call While calculating an Review the event log
Technical Service. adjustment, the and troubleshoot
software has accordingly.
encountered an Consult with Field
unexpected error. Service.
31900 Unexpected Error 31900. Call An unexpected error Refresh the Kits
Technical Services. occurred while the screen by moving to
software was displaying a different screen,
the Kits screen. then back to Kits.
Compaq Deskpro
IBM 300 GL
IBM 433/DP
Note: The phone line is incorrectly connected to the network port (connector to the right of
trackball). The external modem that comes with the Instrument must be connected to the
phone line. Then connect the modem with the power and communications RS 232 cables
that are supplied. The Remote Diagnostics port next to the LIS port should also be used.
The following symbologies can be enabled by scanning the appropriate code in the
symbology section of the PSC User's Guide for the Handheld Laser Scanner:
• Interleave 2 of 5
• Standard 2 of 5
• Code 93
• Codabar
• Code 11
• MSI/Plessy
Note: The hand-held scanner can be programmed at any screen in the software.
Note: The barcode labels shown below were generated through barcode software.
Reproduction through copying or faxing should not be performed.
3. Scan the "PC-AT, PS/2 and 50/60/80" barcode (Hex Equivalent is CF):
(Page 62 of old Bar Code manual, "REV.B"; page 46 of new Bar Code manual, "REV.B-
(Page 32 of old Bar Code manual, "REV.B"; page 41 of new Bar Code manual, "REV.B-
7. Scan the "Postamble 3" barcode six times (Hex Equivalent is 0):
8. IMMULITE Only: Scan the "Confirmation" barcode and verify "01234567" appears. Exit
to DOS. At the DOS prompt, scan in the confirmation barcode. An error "Bad command
or file name" will post. This is normal since DOS does not know what to do with this
There is a 50/50 chance to save the run. After logging back onto the primary screen, have
the operator search in PATIENT ENTRY (press F1) for sample cup that is onboard.
• If they see "Assay in Progress", at least some of the results were salvaged.
Error 88
• Usually occurs when scanning in a kit (the kit must be rescanned).
• If the software automatically reverts to DOS during a run and the message "Error 88"
appears on the computer monitor, the database is broken.
• Performing FIXIT should correct the problem.
• However, the error is "fatal," i.e., the run is almost always lost.
• If FIXIT does not resolve the error, consult with Field Service.
Power Issues
Ask the following questions if a customer has a problem with power:
• Is a UPS or line conditioner being used?
• Were there any power glitches/electrical storms/lights flicker?
• Is the Instrument plugged in?
• Are any LED lights on? Which ones? Also check the four LEDs in the electronics area
and also the Sample Barcode Reader and Reagent Barcode Reader.
• If the Instrument Display Panel is blank after downloading the software and following the
prompts, check the rainbow-colored ribbon cable connections in back of the display
• If the LED lights on the back of the Instrument are not illuminated, a fuse may have
Troubleshooting Fuses
Use the following guidelines to determine if a fuse is blown.
Note: Perform common troubleshooting before changing fuses.
The PC Indicates a Problem Communicating with the IMMULITE
• The fuse for the IC logic power supply (F2) is blown.
• The IC logic power supply is defective.
No Motors Are Moving, nor Is the Main Cooling Fan Moving
• The fuse for the heater/motor power supply (F3) is blown.
• The heater/motor power supply is defective.
The CPS of the Test Units Are Zero
• The fuse for the PMT power supply (F1) is blown.
• The PMT power supply is defective.
The Fans Are Not Moving and the F4/F5 LED is off
• Replace the F4/F5 fuse.
• The F5 fuse is only used internationally.
No Power from All of the Individual Supplies
• Main input fuse is blown.
• The input filters/fuse holder is defective.
• The Instrument's power cord is defective.
• The power switch is defective.
• The UPS (if available) may be off, defective, or needs to be charged or reset.
OKIDATA Microline
Note: The OKIDATA Microline manual is available in Troubleshooter.
Front Panel
OKIDATA B4200/B4250
• Jams can be caused by improper paper size or paper thickness. Thin paper provides
optimal performance.
• Ensure the top cover of the printer is closed.
• If the jam light is flashing or printer rollers are continuously turning, the printer buffer may
be full. Turn off the printer and disconnect the wide data and power cables. Delete ALL
print jobs from the Windows print buffer. Plug the cables back into the printer and turn on
the printer. Print a test page.
• The jam light can also be caused by "low paper". The paper tray has a tab on the rear
that pushes the paper against the front of the tray. There is a paper sensor at the front
end of the tray. If paper does not touch this sensor, the printer does not acknowledge
that the printer tray is full.
• Other jams can be solved by resetting the toner count. See Resetting Toner Sequence
on page 144.
• If jam light persists, the printer may require a new printer toner cartridge.
Backup Agent
The Backup Agent is used to backup records, configure the amount of time records are
retained in the database, and set the number of backups to keep on file.
1. Select the Start button at the lower left corner of the screen.
Note: If the Instrument software is running, press the ALT and TAB buttons
simultaneously to access the Start menu.
2. Select IMMULITE 1000, then select Backup Agent.
3. Select the Settings tab to configure the Backup Agent.
4. Select a sample type (patients, controls, adjustors, verifiers) in the Result Type field.
5. Select the PRINT button. A prompt displays the number of selected samples to print.
6. Select the OK button at the prompt. The results will print in the format (long or short) that
was configured on the Report Settings page in the Configurations window.
Note: If no results meet the selection criteria, No samples match selection
criteria displays.
Event Viewer
1. Select the Start button at the lower left corner of the screen.
Note: If the Instrument software is running, press the ALT and TAB buttons
simultaneously to access the Start menu.
2. Select IMMULITE 1000, then Event Viewer.
The historic error log by default is set to save 90 days of events.
Detailed errors can be accessed by double-clicking the Normal option. The password
is C1RRUS.
Kit Configurations
1. Select the Start button at the lower left corner of the screen.
QC Graph
1. Select the Start button at the lower left corner of the screen.
Note: If the Instrument software is running, press the ALT and TAB buttons
simultaneously to access the Start menu.
2. Select IMMULITE 1000, then QC Graph to access the Levey-Jennings graphs without
entering the running software.
• BACKDAT must be performed before the daily backup.
• This feature allows the customer to copy the patient database and troubleshooting
messages to a floppy disk.
1. To copy a database, exit to DOS.
2. Insert a new formatted floppy disk into the drive.
3. Type BACKDAT.
• This program allows the operator to view, print, or archive data to a floppy disk for
troubleshooting or report consolidation purposes.
• Patient, adjustors, and calibration verification data is retained by the database for 31
• Control data is retained for six months.
1. From the Start-Up menu, select EXIT TO DOS.
2. Type EXPORT and press [Enter].
3. Enter any three characters to name the file or press [Enter].
4. Select the start and end dates and times for data collection. Remember, only 31 calendar
days of data is in the database.
Select the test type (or press [Enter] to default to ALL) and the type of data to be
viewed (or press [Enter] to default to ALL).
You can print all data types at once by selecting ALL, or print each one individually
(Two or three data types cannot be selected at once).
5. A box appears, summarizing your choices. Print the data, send the information to the
display, or export it to a disk in drive a or b (drive c is not recommended).
6. Once data is generated, answer Y or N to "Do you wish to continue getting data from this
file?" If no, type START at the DOS prompt and press [Enter].
7. Open the data in Excel (or other spreadsheet programs) on a PC that is not connected to
Note: If a customer wishes to store data for future reference, export monthly to a floppy.
• Data collection program used to obtain raw CPS data from the Luminometer.
1. After the diagnostic program begins running (after pressing GO on the IMMULITE), press
2. From the Start-up menu, select EXIT TO DOS.
3. Type getdatat and press [Enter]. A menu appears.
4. Press [P] to turn on the printer (if a printout is needed).
Note: Make sure the printer is on-line, not in pause, and loaded with paper.
5. Press [S] to "collect and store" the data.
6. Respond to the next three questions by pressing [Enter] after each. Name the file for
future reference (optional).
7. Once all counts print, stop the IMMULITE by pressing ALARM MUTE+GO on the
IMMULITE Display Panel.
8. Press [Esc] and then [Q] to quit the data collection program.
• The parameters represent the lot information, curve parameters, and most current
adjustment information.
• The Conc. Low and Conc. High fields provide the actual dose for the low and high
• Use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys to scroll through the kits. The kits included in
this menu reflect the assays and kit lots currently scanned in by the operator.
Note: Changes made to the KITS screen will be overwritten when the software is upgraded.
When changes are made, use F10 or the Print Screen key to print a copy of the screen for
future reference.
Descriptions of Fields in Test Parameters
• Number of test and Name of test
• DPC's Default units: the default and alternate units, including the report multiplier.
The Units Being Reported field is below DPC's Default Units.
Note: If units are used that are not available in the software, the multiplier factor should
be changed accordingly.
• Days between Curve Adjust: adjustment frequency
• Lower bound for answer and Upper bound for answer: Reportable range for that
assay. Fields can be edited by the customer provided they validate.
Note: Any change to the KITS screen is off-label and not supported by DPC. Inform the TSR
and follow the Tech Service Guidelines for reporting this change.
• User assay low and User assay high: patient reference ranges. These values default to
the lower bound for answer and upper bound for answer. Customers can change these
values in Start-Up Menu/Configurations/Assay Settings, and would not have to access
KITS to do so.
• Sig Digits 1=TSH 2=Other: the number of places to the right of the decimal place.
The following fields are defined in the kit barcode and should not be changed.
• Reagent1 Volume in ul's, Reagent2 Volume in ul's, Reagent3 Volume in ul's
• The PC program must be used to retrieve information from certain diagnostic programs
(e.g., results from the Barcode Reader).
• PC is also used to test the database.
1. Determine if the Instrument is in Standard or Turbo mode.
2. After the diagnostic program begins running (after pressing GO on the IMMULITE), press
3. From the Start-up menu, select EXIT TO DOS.
4. Type pc or pcstat and press [Enter].
Note: If "Database needs repair" appears on the monitor, see Repairing a Database on
page 165 for more information.
5. Respond to the questions displayed by pressing [Enter] three times.
6. When the following message appears:
Cannot communicate with the IMMULITE.
Continue running? Y/N
7. Choose [Y] for yes.
Note: Test units will no longer be viewed on the simulation screen in PC mode.
8. To exit, select Log Off and Log Off System.
Note: Do not place new tests on the Instrument until all tests have completed in PC
mode. The operator must log off of the running software and then download Run
IMMULITE again. Then add new tests. Reprint any records AFTER the run is complete,
and before logging off of PC or PCSTAT mode.
• This is the cumulative error log beginning with the first use of the IMMULITE.
• If the database is replaced, the error log will not include any errors before the
replacement date.
Viewing the Cumulative Error Log
1. From the Startup menu, exit to DOS.
2. Type Status and press <Enter>.
3. Press Page Up or Page Down to view errors.
Note: Since the status log can be quite large, printing the entire log is not recommended.
1. Use CTRL + Page Down to get the most current data.
2. Use the up and down arrow keys to go to the first line to be printed.
3. Press F4.
4. Use the arrow keys to highlight data and press F3 to print the marked sections.
5. Selecting F4 again will de-select the area.
Note: The status log also contains slopes and intercepts for all adjustments.
• WATER is the data collection program for WATERTPM and WATERTST.
• WATER can be used to print data, but not to save it.
• This program subtracts the substrate blank reading from each test unit and takes into
account the PMT factor.
• Divide the substrate alone CPS by the PMT multiplier to get the actual CPS.
• GETDATAT provides the actual CPS since it doesn't take the PMT multiplier into
account. In addition, GETDATAT saves the data for FSE access.
1. Verify that the printer is powered on and on-line. Tests will not run if the printer is off or
2. Once WATERTST or WATERTPM is loaded in the diagnostics menu and the test units
start moving, press [Esc] and exit to DOS.
3. At the DOS prompt, type WATER and press [ENTER]. A box will post. Select Watertst
or Watertpm.
Note: This must be done within 10 minutes of starting the program. Otherwise, the test
must be repeated because the data will be lost.
4. A "Waiting for data" message appears and results post in about 10 minutes.
5. Once the readings complete and print, press [Esc] to exit to DOS and START to return
to the IMMULITE Start-Up menu.
Interpretation of Data
The guidelines for acceptable water tests are listed below.
1. For all water tests, the cps for each Test Unit should be:
> 4,500 cps and < 9,000 cps
If the cps are . . . It is possible that . . .
< 4,500 The substrate volume was insufficient
For either outcome, perform the test again to confirm the results.
If the cps is consistently outside the 4,500 cps to 9,000 cps range, call Technical
1. For WATERTST, refer to the last line printed with results:
External water source – Substrate Only = XXX cps
If the value of XXX above is lower than – 650 cps, insufficient substrate may have been
dispensed into one of the test units. This could be due to a clogged nozzle. Check both
test units to determine if they contain enough substrate. It could also be pH related.
Check pH (if possible). If the value of XXX above is above 2000 cps, DO NOT use this
water source on the system. Find a new water source and test this new source.
CAUTION: If this water source was used, the system must be decontaminated.
2. For WATERTPM, refer to the last two lines printed with results:
Probe Water – Substrate Only = XXX cps
Pump Water – Substrate Only = XXX cps
If the value of XXX for either equation above is lower than –650 cps, insufficient
substrate may have been dispensed into one of the test units. This could be due to a
clogged nozzle. Visually check all test units to determine if the liquid level is equally
distributed between the test units. If the value of XXX above is above 2000 cps, perform
the test again to confirm these results. Decontaminate the system and/or call Technical
Repairing a Database
Ask the client these questions before repairing a database:
• Was there a power outage?
• Is the printer on?
• Was the IMMULITE improperly shut down?
• Is there a recurring software error of any kind?
• Find the software version above the Start-up Menu options.
In the event of a database error, perform the following steps in order, and consult Field
Service when prompted. Always follow the first five steps after a database error.
2. CHKDSK: This is an older version of SCANDISK, a utility that detects and repairs hard
drive errors. Run after FIXIT.
a. At the <C:\CIRRUS\IMM> prompt, type CHKDSK and press <Enter>.
b. Note if any files are damaged.
c. Type CHKDSK/F to fix any errors.
d. If Field Service suggests performing a SCANDISK, proceed to Step 3; otherwise,
continue to Step 4.
4. DEFRAG/F: This program condenses the data on the hard drive for maximum efficiency
and performance. The program takes seconds to complete.
a. At the <C:\CIRRUS\IMM> prompt, type DEFRAG/F.
b. C: drive will be highlighted. Press <Enter>.
c. When finished, the program returns to <C:\CIRRUS\IMM>. If a bad command or file
name error appears, verify what the client typed.
d. Proceed to Step 5.
Note: Although this is rare, the client may have an older version of DOS that does not
contain this utility.
5. PC: This is the fastest way to test the software. The PC program is a parallel program to
the running IMMULITE software. See PC and PC Stat on page 161 for more information.
a. Type PC and press <Enter>.
b. Answer the questions by pressing <Enter> three times.
c. Answer "Continue Running?" by pressing Y for yes.
d. If the PC program allows entry into the Primary screen, select LOG OFF, LOG OFF
SYSTEM, and type START at the <C:\CIRRUS\IMM> prompt. The Start-up Menu
e. Download Run Immulite (the running software). If no errors occur during this step, the
client may return to running.
Note: You can not run in PC mode when testing the integrity of the database. Not all the
files are downloaded in PC mode.
6. FIXDB: This program enables the IMMULITE to use the copy of the main database that
is generated every time the operator logs off the Instrument.
a. If an error occurs while in PC mode or in the Run Immulite program, exit to DOS.
b. Type FIXDB, and press <Enter>. The message "Copy Complete" appears, and you
will be returned to the <C:\CIRRUS\IMM> prompt.
Reinstalling a Database
Software Version 4.13 can be used to reinstall a database. The configuration table is not
affected by a reinstallation.
IMPORTANT: The account must be informed that the following information will be deleted
when reinstalling a database. If the account has a lot of assays, consider sending a TSR
since all kits must be rescanned and readjusted.
Since the following information will be deleted, the account should print it before reinstalling
a database.
• All QC data (EXPORT may be used)
• Ranges for all QC materials (Start-up Menu, QC)
• All reference ranges and units on all assays (Start-up Menu, Configurations, Assay
• Attenuation Factor (CAF), Multi PMT factors (DOS, KITS, Password KITS, type in factor
number to exit screens. Record the factor number for CAF and PMT.)
• LIS configuration information (Start-up Menu, LIS Parameters, password CONNECT)
• Report format for long reports (Start-up Menu, Configurations, report Format)
Follow the procedure below to reinstall a database using software version 4.13:
Note: ALWAYS consult Field Service before beginning.
1. Put Disk #1 into the disk drive.
2. Type A:Install_A_New (Replace the underscores with blank spaces before continuing).
Note: There should not be a space between A: and Install.
3. Press <Enter>. The program will alert you that existing data will be erased.
This program removes all patient, adjustor and control data older than 31 calendar days and
compresses the database.
• Ask the client to choose Backup from the Start-up menu.
• The following files are saved on a floppy disk: error log, patient database, QC database,
and configuration files.
• The most efficient method of performing backup is to utilize two floppy disks, one for
every other day. This ensures at least one good backup disk in case the database is
Perform the following procedure if a "fatal error" occurs during the backup procedure:
• Exit to DOS, type PC, and press Enter three times. The Primary screen appears.
If there were no errors during this process:
1. Log off.
2. Type START at the <C:\CIRRUS\IMM> prompt.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Log off.
6. Perform a Backup onto a new disk. (Save the old backup disk and label as such.)
If there were errors during this process, exit to DOS and do the following:.
• Perform a backup onto a new disk.
• If additional problems occur, consult Field Service.
Deleting Records
• Records will automatically be deleted if an associated result is not posted before
Error 88
• Usually occurs when scanning in a kit (the kit must be rescanned).
• If the software automatically reverts to DOS during a run and the message "Error 88"
appears on the computer monitor, the database is broken.
• Performing FIXIT should correct the problem.
• However, the error is "fatal," i.e., the run is almost always lost.
• If FIXIT does not resolve the error, consult with Field Service.
Control Entry
Up to 25 different controls can be identified to the system in the Control Entry screen.
Checking Existing Control Ranges
• Go into Data Entry, Patient Entry and use Page Up and Page Down to locate the cup
with the control. The range of the control will appear on that screen along with "ASSAY
• Run the control for the assay in question. The entered range will display at the top of the
control report printout.
Changing or Editing Control Information
• If you need to edit any information in the Control Identification screen, you must re-enter
all test codes and levels for that assay.
• If a control is running and went through the barcode reader, changes made to the control
identification will not be applied to that control. The changes, however, will then be
applied to any controls subsequently run (provided they went through the barcode reader
after the changes were made).
Entering Control Ranges for Qualitative Assays
When entering control information for qualitative assays designate:
• negative controls: low limit: 1, high limit: 1
• positive controls: low limit: 3, high limit: 3
• indeterminate controls: low limit: 2, high limit: 2
Editing Records
If an error was made while entering patient information, or if information needs to be added
to a patient record, the record can be edited at any time before the sample is read at the
Note: When editing a closed record, the changes can only be printed, not saved to the
1. Go into the Worklist or Patient Entry screen.
Note: In Patient Entry you cannot edit any information in the purple edit box.
2. Type in the sample cup number
3. Press Enter. The purple and yellow edit box appears displaying the existing record for
the sample cup number.
4. At the prompt, select the record to edit or create a new patient.
5. In Worklist Entry screen, edit the accession number in the purple box (notice the field is
blue, meaning it is available).
DB9 Connector
Contact Number EIA Circuit Description Instrument Computer (LIS)
2 BB Received Data Input Output
3 BA Transmitted Data Output Input
5 AB Signal Ground ... ...
• The LIS feature allows results to be uploaded to a host (LIS) computer system.
• The IMMULITE can accept broadcast downloads of work orders from the LIS and send
individual requests for work orders to the LIS via the host query function.
• The industry reference is ASTM 1394-Standard Specification for Low-Level Protocol to
Transfer Messages Between Clinical Laboratory Instruments and Computer Systems.
• See Cable Specs on page 176 for information about cabling.
Uni-directional Bi-directional
Activate the LIS feature? YES YES
Activate Host Query? NO NO
Activate Uni directional Mode? YES NO
Enter Header Message Password
Enter Receiver ID Provided by LIS Vendor. If not, leave blank.
Enter Sender ID
Enter Baud Rate Most common choice is 9600 (Highest speed)
Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits Parity is NONE
Data Bits is 8.
Stop Bits is 1.
Broadcast Download
The LIS can download a group of work orders for various specimens. In the LIS Data
Management screen, the operator can assign sample cup numbers individually or have the
IMMULITE automatically number the work orders.
1. Using the arrow keys, select the sample where the numbering process should begin.
2. Press <F2> and type the starting number. Sample cup numbers are assigned in
numerical order
3. Sample cup numbers can also be assigned to accession numbers on the Worklist Entry
Communication Modes
The IMMULITE 1000 can be configured to interface with the LIS. The three communication
modes are:
• Uni-Directional: Communication is one-way from the Instrument to the LIS.
Note: The patient accession number is mandatory for results to be uploaded to the LIS.
• Bi-Directional: Communication is two-way between the Instrument and the LIS. An LIS
worklist is generated once a download from the host computer to the Instrument is
Note: The LIS must be configured to communicate with Instrument
• Bi-Directional Query: Allows the operator to request information for a single patient
accession number. The Instrument will communicate with the LIS to request for the
single sample.
Upload of Results
To manually send results to the LIS:
• Select the TAG ALL button to tag all resulted records or tag individual results by
highlighting the desired results.
Broadcast Download
The LIS can download a group of work orders for various specimens. There are two ways to
assign sample cup numbers to downloaded LIS records:
• Use the AUTO NUMBER feature on the Worklist Display screen.
• Manually enter the numbers on the Worklist Entry screen.
Host Query
1. Customers can use the hand-held laser scanner to scan barcoded tubes. See the hand-
held laser scanner manual if the scanner needs to be programmed to read a certain
2. The accession number must be entered from the Worklist Entry screen or patient results
will not be sent to the LIS.
3. After the accession number is scanned in, the Instrument will query the LIS to determine
what tests (work orders) need to be run.
4. A record not found error can indicate a programming bug in the LIS.
5. Request the LIS vendor's data stream and examine the terminator message for
terminator codes.
Required Fields
• Field 1: record types definition
• Field 2: sequence definition
• Field 3: practice assigned patient ID
Order Record
Required Fields
• Field 1: record types definitions,
• Field 2: sequence number,
• Field 3: accession #(specimen ID),
• Field 5: universal test ID
Additional Information
• (9.4.3) Specimen ID field supports an accession number for a control as:
First 2 characters: ~C
Next 6 characters: Control Name
Next 3 characters: Control Lot
Next 6 characters: Expiration Date as YYYYMM
Last 1 character: Control Level
Note: The LIS can download tests for a control sample but not adjustors or verifiers.
• Fields 9.4.19, 9.4.21 and 9.4.22 are not supported and should not be used by an LIS
Required Field
• Field 1: record types definition
• Field 2: sequence number
• Field 3: test code
• Field 4: result
• Field 5: units
• Field 7: result abnormal flags
• Field 9: results status
Additional Information
• No changes in Test ID, Units, or Result Abnormal Flags.
• (10.1.9) Results Status field.
IMMULITE: This is always an F for final results.
IMMULITE 1000: This is an F when the result is sent for the first time and will be an
R (resent) if the result was resent.
Query Record
Required Fields
• Field 1 - record types definition,
• Field 3 - Specimen Accession number,#.
• Field 5 - Universal Test ID,
• Field 13, Request information status code (Requests orders and demographics.)
• Requests ALL tests for an accession number.
Required Fields
• Field 1: Record Types Definition
• Field 2: Sequence number
• Field 3: Termination code (Third field required with response to query)
Terminator codes are F and N.
Use terminator I to indicate no test orders for the queried accession number.
Note: It may be necessary to remove the Vanity Panel to locate the problem. When doing
this, do not remove the screws. Simply loosen the screws so the Vanity Panel lifts straight
up. Do not pull the Probe Tubing when lifting the Vanity Panel.
• Determine if the Star Wheel at the entrance of the Sample Collection Tray is jammed,
stiff, or misaligned.
• Is there a sample cup or test unit tipped at the Star Wheel?
• Did the operator attempt to remove a jammed sample cup from the Star Wheel.
• Check for a raised or dislodged Baffle.
• Is the Load Chain or Load Platform sticky?
• Was serum spilled?
• Determine when the Load Platform was previously decontaminated.
• If necessary, decontaminate the Load Platform, Sample Collection Tray, and the Barcode
Idler Assembly using surface disinfectant and a damp cloth.
Note: Do not use bleach solutions on the Instrument.
Troubleshooting Fuses
Use the following guidelines to determine if a fuse is blown.
Note: Perform common troubleshooting before changing fuses.
The PC Indicates a Problem Communicating with the IMMULITE
• The fuse for the IC logic power supply (F2) is blown.
• The IC logic power supply is defective.
No Motors Are Moving, nor Is the Main Cooling Fan Moving
• The fuse for the heater/motor power supply (F3) is blown.
• The heater/motor power supply is defective.
The CPS of the Test Units Are Zero
• The fuse for the PMT power supply (F1) is blown.
• The PMT power supply is defective.
The Fans Are Not Moving and the F4/F5 LED is off
• Replace the F4/F5 fuse.
• The F5 fuse is only used internationally.
No Power from All of the Individual Supplies
• Main input fuse is blown.
• The input filters/fuse holder is defective.
• The Instrument's power cord is defective.
• The power switch is defective.
• The UPS (if available) may be off, defective, or needs to be charged or reset.
• Used to visually check the functionality and positioning of the Load Chain.
• The Load Chain is indexed once every second.
• Run for about a minute.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Verify the smooth movement of the Load Chain.
• Check for missing baffles.
Note: If sample cups are stuck in the Barcode Reader area, this diagnostic will move them
into the Sample Collection Tray.
Before Operation
If the system has not been used for approximately one week:
• Fill a clean Water Bottle with fresh distilled water. Do not empty and refill a Water Bottle
that was sitting unused with water in it during the inactive period.
• Flush the system with fresh distilled water using DECON1.
Troubleshooting Fuses
Use the following guidelines to determine if a fuse is blown.
Note: Perform common troubleshooting before changing fuses.
The PC Indicates a Problem Communicating with the IMMULITE
• The fuse for the IC logic power supply (F2) is blown.
• The IC logic power supply is defective.
No Motors Are Moving, nor Is the Main Cooling Fan Moving
• The fuse for the heater/motor power supply (F3) is blown.
• The heater/motor power supply is defective.
The CPS of the Test Units Are Zero
• The fuse for the PMT power supply (F1) is blown.
• The PMT power supply is defective.
The Fans Are Not Moving and the F4/F5 LED is off
• Replace the F4/F5 fuse.
• The F5 fuse is only used internationally.
No Power from All of the Individual Supplies
• Main input fuse is blown.
• The input filters/fuse holder is defective.
• The Instrument's power cord is defective.
• The power switch is defective.
• The UPS (if available) may be off, defective, or needs to be charged or reset.
Related Diagnostics
Caution: Ensure the Shuttle is at the far left home position before running LUMCHN.
• Checks the movement of the Luminometer Chain by indexing it one position every
• Takes 40 seconds to complete a full rotation of the Luminometer Chain.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
Troubleshooting Tips
Rule out other causes before troubleshooting the High-Speed Spinner.
• Is this a one time occurrence?
If so, inspect the test unit's label.
• Is the label loose?
• Visually check the consumables.
• Rule out the sample by rerunning the sample in between two controls.
If the problem is intermittent and the sample is ruled out, monitor the issue.
• If the problem persists, inspect the test units on the Exit Ramp.
Related Diagnostics
• Used to evaluate the High-Speed Spinner cycle.
Related Diagnostics
• Cycles the Attenuator Disk to the home position, attenuated position, and the
unattenuated position.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Visually check the PMT Attenuator Disk motion to verify sensor operation.
• Observe the position of the single sensor notch found on the right side of the
Luminometer cover above the PMT.
• The single sensor notch points to a 9:00 position at home, 5:00 in the attenuated
position, and 1:00 in the unattenuated position.
• The Attenuator Disk should move smoothly as it turns.
Related Diagnostics
Caution: Ensure the Shuttle is at the far left home position before running LUMCHN.
• Checks the movement of the Luminometer Chain by indexing it one position every
• Takes 40 seconds to complete a full rotation of the Luminometer Chain.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Used to check the main driving motor movements of the Instrument.
• Also used to evaluate the proper coordination between interfacing driving motors of the
• Useful if a problem at the transfer points is suspected.
• Useful for removing test units from the system in the event of a shutdown while samples
are in process.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Do not run if Sample Cups are on the system.
• Remove all sample cups and test units from the Load Platform before initializing this
diagnostic program.
• The Load Chain, Main Incubation Carousel, Shuttle, and Luminometer all advance in
• Any test units that are in the Luminometer will be moved from the Luminometer Chain
onto the Exit Ramp.
• Check for hesitation. The emptying should be synched.
• Also check for missing or dislodged baffles.
Note: EMPTYTUB cannot be used to remove a sample cup from the Main Incubation
Carousel since it moves the components forward.
• Mixes and incubates assay test units for 30 or 60 minutes until the Shuttle moves them
into the Luminometer for further processing.
• Ask the operator to account for all sample cup holders.
• If a cup cannot be located in the sample cup rack or the Sample Collection Tray, it may
be on the carousel.
• Examine the Main Incubation Carousel to find the sample cup.
• The sample cup may be stuck in the gear area (at the 1 o'clock position).
• Press ALARM MUTE and GO to stop the Instrument. The run is lost once the operator
presses ALARM MUTE and GO.
• The Instrument Display Panel should read that the Instrument is IDLE. (Parts of the
Instrument can now be moved freely.)
• Alternatively, run CARBACK to remove the sample cup.
• Run EMPTYTUB to remove test units that remain in the Luminometer.
IMMULITE 1000 Note: Multiple, incorrect dilution sequences loaded consecutively will cause
a sample cup to enter the Main Incubation Carousel.
• Run MCARTST in System Configs to check the hole sizes on the Main Carousel.
• Instruct the operator to record the numbers on the Display Panel as the Main Carousel
• Nominal values are 22-26 for large holes, and 8-12 for small holes.
• Consult with Field Service to rule out dirt in the holes or Main Carousel sensor.
• Spraying compressed air on the Main Carousel sensor holes may remove the dust or
Note: Before manually moving any parts of the Instrument, verify that the Probe is not inside
a sample cup or a test unit. Ensure the Instrument is Idle and manually lift the Probe and
place it in the Wash Station to prevent damage.
• Perform a visual inspection to locate the cause of the problem.
• It may be necessary to move the Vanity Panel and inspect for a raised or popped baffle,
or other obstruction.
To remove the Vanity Panel, loosen the screws (do not remove them) and lift the
Vanity Panel straight up.
Do not pull the Probe Tubing when lifting the Vanity Panel.
• Check the Sample Collection Tray. If the Sample Collection Tray if full or missing, the
Load Chain will stop moving.
• Run LCHAIN to verify the smooth movement of the Load Chain.
Related Diagnostics
• Useful for removing sample cups from the Main Incubation Carousel.
• This program moves the carousel backwards in single index steps when the Syringe
Prime button is pressed, or indexes continuously by holding the prime button down.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Make sure the Shuttle is in the home position inside the carousel at about 3 o'clock.
• Follow the prompts on the Instrument Display Panel.
• Press the Syringe Prime button to move the carousel backwards (counter-clockwise).
• Rotate the carousel until the test units and/or sample cups are in the pipetting area.
• Manually remove the test units or sample cups.
• The carousel should be completely empty.
• Used to check the main driving motor movements of the Instrument.
• Also used to evaluate the proper coordination between interfacing driving motors of the
• Useful if a problem at the transfer points is suspected.
• Useful for removing test units from the system in the event of a shutdown while samples
are in process.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Do not run if Sample Cups are on the system.
• Used to visually check the functionality and positioning of the Load Chain.
• The Load Chain is indexed once every second.
• Run for about a minute.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Verify the smooth movement of the Load Chain.
• Check for missing baffles.
Note: If sample cups are stuck in the Barcode Reader area, this diagnostic will move them
into the Sample Collection Tray.
• Tests the positioning sensor of the Main Incubator Carousel
• Watch the Display Panel as the program runs.
• The hole width of each position hole of the ring gear (in steps) will display on the
Instrument Display Panel with each repeated index of the Main Carousel.
• Nominal values are a range of 22–26 for ‘large’ holes.
• Nominal values are a range of 8–12 for ‘small’ tabbed holes.
• Used to check the positioning of the Shuttle.
• The Shuttle is moved from the home position to a neutral Luminometer position.
• Next, the Shuttle is moved to the spinner.
• Then, the Shuttle is moved to the substrate dispense position.
• The cycle is then repeated.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Transfers liquid from the reagent wedge and sample cup into the test unit.
• The Probe consists of a stainless steel shaft with an inner core of Teflon tubing.
Reagent Level Sense Error with "Are there caps on the reagent?"
Note: If this situation occurs, "Reagent Level Sense Error. Are there caps on the reagent"
appears on the Instrument Display Panel.
The level sensor sensed reagent at an elevation > 150 tests left. Determine if:
• Caps are on the reagents (about 220 tests remaining)
• Bubble on the mouth of the wedge (about 180 tests remaining)
• The wedge is mis-positioned (about 180 tests remaining).
• Reagent is brand new (about 150 tests remaining)
• The reagent was topped off with leftover reagent.
• The Probe is coming in contact with something, e.g., plastic strands from the cover or
wedge opening.
• The Probe is loose.
• Liquid is splashing onto the lower Probe Arm.
• The Probe is scraping the reagent wedge.
• If buildup is suspected, follow the instructions below for cleaning the Probe.
• Remove the Probe and clean with a DI moistened kimwipe. This removes any buildup.
• Allow the Probe to dry.
• Wipe off the underside of the lower arm and allow it to dry.
• If the problem persists, continue troubleshooting.
Loose Probe
The fitting at the top of the Probe Block is loose.
• Tighten the fitting at the top of the Probe Block.
Splashing can occur if the:
• Probe is dispensing at an angle.
• Pipettor is not centered in the home well.
• Prime the system manually or with the PRIME diagnostic to remove air from the system.
Related Diagnostics
• Used to evaluate the dispense angle of the Probe.
• The Probe is positioned over the Probe Wash Station and dispenses water.
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Check the Probe from the front, sides, and back while it is dispensing.
• The dispense should not be more than 7-10 degrees off center.
• Unscrew the Probe at the fitting at the top of the Pipettor and twist as it dispenses.
• If the spiral of the stream is wide, the Probe is bent (a slight spiral is acceptable)
• Alternatively, remove the Probe and gently roll it on a flat service.
• Clean the Probe with a DI moistened wipe and return the Probe if it is not bent.
• Replace the Probe if it is bent or dispenses at an angle.
Note: Be sure to tighten the fitting when returning/replacing the Probe.
Note: The Reagent Carousel does not move during this diagnostic.
• Determine if the customer performs a Daily Probe Cleaning.
• Check if fresh solution is used daily.
• Run the PRBCLEAN diagnostic if necessary.
Blocked Probe
An obstruction may cause the Probe to dispense off center.
Note: Never attempt to remove a blockage by inserting a stylet or any other object into the
• Check dispense angle using the PROBANGL diagnostic.
• Run PRIME to check for an obstruction.
The 5000 µl Syringe stops for one second during dispense to switch valves.
At that moment water should come out in drips.
If not, this indicates the release of back pressure from the fluidics due to an
obstruction in the Probe or tubing, or the presence of air.
• Replace the Probe if the Probe is blocked.
Probe Tubing
Probe tubing has too much or not enough slack, which causes it to get caught on something
or prevents it from reaching all positions.
• Check that the Probe tubing has the correct tension.
• The Probe tubing clips into the notch at the top of the Vanity Panel.
• Tubing should flex over itself without pinching, kinking or knotting.
• Rotate the Pipettor to all positions while the Instrument is idle and observe tubing.
• Remove kinks if necessary.
• Run PIPXPOS and observe.
Operator Error
• The operator may have tried to open the Reagent Carousel Lid or change reagents while
the Probe was in motion.
Probe Tubing
Probe tubing has too much or not enough slack, which causes it to get caught on something
or prevents it from reaching all positions.
• Check that the Probe tubing has the correct tension.
• The Probe tubing clips into the notch at the top of the Vanity Panel.
• Tubing should flex over itself without pinching, kinking or knotting.
• Rotate the Pipettor to all positions while the Instrument is idle and observe tubing.
• Remove kinks if necessary.
• Run PIPXPOS and observe.
Related Diagnostics
• Moves the Pipettor to each position and lowers it.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Place a wedge in the pipetting position in the Reagent Carousel.
• Place five sample cups in the pipetting positions. The Vanity Panel may have to be
removed when using five test units.
• Check the position of the Probe as it dips into the each pipetting position.
• If the Probe is not centered, the Probe may be bent or positioned incorrectly.
In All Cases...
• If problem is assay specific, examine what is different about the assay that is having the
problem from the assays that are fine.
• Find out when the problem started and what, if anything, has changed such as:
New water source
New kit lot
Recent service performed on Instrument
Software change
Change in primary operator
• If the problem is assay specific, examine what is different about the assay that is having
the problem from the assays that are fine.
• Find out when the problem started and what, if anything, has changed such as:
New water source
New kit lot
Recent service performed on Instrument
Software change
Change in primary operator
• Includes a cooling chamber and barcode reader for the reagent wedges.
• Cooled to 16 ° C.
• Begins to cool after the Main Carousel and Luminometer exceed 35 ° C.
• An alarm activates when the temperature is 22 ° C or greater.
• The barcode scanner mounted at the side of the chamber reads the reagent wedge
barcodes as the Reagent Carousel rotates.
• The chamber also includes a reagent tray that the wedges clip into.
• Wipe the Reagent Carousel with a paper towel to get ride of excess moisture.
• If the high humidity persists, it is possible to put the desiccants from the test unit bags
into the Reagent Carousel.
Related Diagnostics
Run these diagnostics once other issues have been ruled out.
• Used to checks the Reagent Carousel home position sensors.
• Moves and pauses the Reagent Carousel in the home position between positions one
and two in front of the Barcode Reader LED.
Reagent Level Sense Error with "Are there caps on the reagent?"
Note: If this situation occurs, "Reagent Level Sense Error. Are there caps on the reagent"
appears on the Instrument Display Panel.
The level sensor sensed reagent at an elevation > 150 tests left. Determine if:
• Caps are on the reagents (about 220 tests remaining)
• Bubble on the mouth of the wedge (about 180 tests remaining)
• The wedge is mis-positioned (about 180 tests remaining).
• Reagent is brand new (about 150 tests remaining)
• The reagent was topped off with leftover reagent.
• The Probe is coming in contact with something, e.g., plastic strands from the cover or
wedge opening.
• The Probe is loose.
• Liquid is splashing onto the lower Probe Arm.
• The Probe is scraping the reagent wedge.
• If buildup is suspected, follow the instructions below for cleaning the Probe.
• Remove the Probe and clean with a DI moistened kimwipe. This removes any buildup.
• Allow the Probe to dry.
• Wipe off the underside of the lower arm and allow it to dry.
• If the problem persists, continue troubleshooting.
• Power off the Instrument for 1-2 minutes (doing this will reset the board).
• Turn on the Instrument and monitor the temperatures for 15 minutes.
• Call customer 30 to 45 minutes later for an update.
Note: The Instrument must be in RUN mode when using System Status | Temps | Dark
Counts. Otherwise, the current temperature reading does not be display. If the Instrument is
not in RUN, use the TEMPS diagnostic. (IMMULITE Only: Exit to DOS, run GETDATAT.)
• Rotates, reads, and decodes barcodes on sample cups and test units.
• Based on the barcode information, the sample cup or test unit is routed to the sample
pipetting area or the Main Incubation Carousel.
Motor Issues
• Observe sample cup holders and test units as they rotate in the Barcode Reader.
• It should take 1 to 1.5 turns to read a barcode.
• Four revolutions or more could indicate a bad motor.
• In addition, bad barcode read can occur if the motor speed is too slow or too fast.
Related Diagnostics
• Verifies proper functionality of the Sample & Test Unit Barcode Reader.
• A test unit/sample cup holder is read once every two seconds.
• The next text is then indexed in front of the Barcode Reader.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
IMMULITE Instructions
• PC Mode is required to run this diagnostic.
• There is no limit or specific sequence of test units or sample cups.
• The information will appear on the simulation screen following a successful read.
• Verifies the operation of the Sample & Test Unit Barcode Reader by turning the
sample/test unit barcode reader on and off.
• Used when cleaning the orange o-ring.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Press the GO button on the Instrument Display Panel to toggle the motor on and off.
• Used to observe or adjust the motor speed of the Sample & Test Unit Barcode Reader.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Load at least four test units or sample cups onto the Load Platform.
• Run the program and observe the motor speed.
• The speed should be 750 to 790 ms/rev for test units, and 730 to 770 ms/revs for sample
• Press the Pause button until the next test unit advances.
• Each position should not be more than 40 ms/rev of each other.
Note: Consult with Field Service before adjusting the barcode motor speed.
Adjusting the Barcode Motor Speed
• When facing the back of the Instrument, the barcode speed potentiometer is the one
closest to the Water and Probe Wash Bottles.
• To adjust the speed, make slight, incremental turns while running BCODESPD.
• As you turn the potentiometer, the speed increases or decreases on the Instrument
Display Panel.
Related Diagnostics
• Used to visually check the functionality and positioning of the Load Chain.
• The Load Chain is indexed once every second.
• The Shuttle transfers the test unit from the Main Incubation Carousel to the Wash Station
and the Luminometer Chain.
Related Diagnostics
• Used to check the positioning of the Shuttle.
• The Shuttle is moved from the home position to a neutral Luminometer position.
• Next, the Shuttle is moved to the spinner.
• Then, the Shuttle is moved to the substrate dispense position.
• The cycle is then repeated.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Allows the operator to evaluate how the Shuttle loads the test unit into the spin position.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Manually load a test unit onto the Main Incubation Carousel, one position before entering
the Shuttle.
• Inspect for proper actuation of the shuttle springs.
• Automatically pumps water into the test unit during the spin/wash cycle.
• The test unit the moves under the Substrate Heater and substrate is added.
• The solenoid pumps are interfaced with Motherboard # 1.
• The pumps dispense 200 µl of water and substrate.
• Facing the Instrument: the solenoid pump is located on the right hand side, behind the
Load Platform, to the right of the substrate housing.
• IMMULITE: Solenoid Pumps/LAPs
• IMMULITE 1000: Linear Actuator Pumps (LAPs)
Note: If substrate and water dispense volumes are correct, refer to the Syringe section on
page 273 or the Luminometer section on page 199 to troubleshoot other related issues.
Related Diagnostics
• Tests the Substrate Pump dispensing volume.
• Transports five test units from the Load Chain to the substrate fill position.
• Dispenses 200 µl substrate into each test unit and moves them to the Sample Collection
• This diagnostic stops automatically.
• Thoroughly prime the system.
• Place five test units on the Load Platform.
• Look at the float.
• If it is at the top, remove the Substrate bottle until the float is lower.
• If it overflows, replace the Substrate Spike.
Note: Normal fluid expansion due to temperature and atmospheric pressure changes may
cause the float to rise above the fill line.
Related Diagnostics
• Used to check the dispense volume and/or drawback adjustment of the Water Pump.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
• Remove the thumbscrew holding the Substrate Heater and Water Nozzle in place.
• Lift the Substrate Heater.
• Disconnect the Water Nozzle.
• Hold a beaker under the Water Nozzle.
• Run the SOLE1W diagnostic.
• Use the ALARM MUTE button to pause and control the shots into the cup.
Blocked Probe
An obstruction may cause the Probe to dispense off center.
Note: Never attempt to remove a blockage by inserting a stylet or any other object into the
• Check dispense angle using the PROBANGL diagnostic.
• Run PRIME to check for an obstruction.
The 5000 µl Syringe stops for one second during dispense to switch valves.
At that moment water should come out in drips.
If not, this indicates the release of back pressure from the fluidics due to an
obstruction in the Probe or tubing, or the presence of air.
• Replace the Probe if the Probe is blocked.
Worn Flair
A flair at the ends of the tubing may be worn.
• The account can replace the tubing.
Loose Syringes
Syringes were not tightened or screwed in correctly.
• Verify the Syringes are secure.
• Run PRIME to verify there is power.
Power Glitch
A power interruption disrupted communication between the CPU and the Dilutor (pump)
assembly, or the logic board is confused.
• Run PRIME.
• Turn the power off for one minute. Then run PRIME again.
Luminometer Temperature
• Specification: 36.9 to 37.1 degrees C
• Can take up to 45 minutes to reach this specification when the Instrument is powered on.
• The alarm will be activated below 36.8 and above 37.2 degrees C.
• Used to monitor Instrument temperatures.
• The temperatures are updated every 30 seconds.
• This diagnostic does not stop automatically.
IMMULITE Instructions
• Exit to DOS once the program is running.
• Run Getdatat or enter PC mode if the Instrument is running in Standard Mode, or
PCSTAT if the Instrument is in Turbo Mode.
• Press the Space Bar to update the temperatures.
• Power off the Instrument for 1-2 minutes (doing this will reset the board).
• Turn on the Instrument and monitor the temperatures for 15 minutes.
• Call customer 30 to 45 minutes later for an update.
Initial Troubleshooting
If water issues are suspected, determine the following:
• Was anything done recently to the water system?
• If a main filtration system is used, were the filters changed recently?
• Is monthly maintenance current?
• When was the last WATERTST and WATERTPM performed? If the results are recent
(less than a couple of days old), review them to determine if they are acceptable.
• When was the last DECON performed?
• Is a transport bottle used? If so, when was the last time it was decontaminated?
• Is the spigot contaminated?
• Is the water bottle in direct sunshine?
• Are gloves being worn? Always wear gloves when dealing with fluidics.
Note: Verify that new water test units are being used. Water test units are designed for one-
time use only.
1. Run WATERTST. Acceptable WATERTSTs do not guarantee water is optimal since
WATERTST only tests for Alkaline Phosphatase contamination.
2. If the WATERTST meets the guidelines:
Perform a DECON followed by WATERTPM.
Note: Do not use Alcohol to decontaminate the following: An IMMULITE or IMMULITE
1000 system with Euro Dilutors.
3. Review the results and determine if they are acceptable. See Acceptability Guidelines on
page 297 for more information.
Note: If a customer is using the GETDATAT program, the IMMULITE water test results
must be manually multiplied by the PMT factor of the Instrument. If a customer is using
the WATER program, the water test results have been multiplied by the PMT factor in the
software. The printed water test results reflect this.
4. If the water test results are acceptable and issues still exist, prime the Water and
Substrate Pumps and try the following:
Fresh controls
Adjustment with fresh adjustors
New kit
Note: If the results for Substrate Only are elevated for WATERTST and WATERTPM,
see Instructions for Substrate Decon on page 299.
5. If suggestions in step 4 do not work, a new water source should be considered. Any new
water source must be tested with WATERTST.
Note: Reintroducing bad water into a clean system allows the problem to persist.
WATERTST Guidelines
For WATERTST, refer to the last printed line of results:
• If the CPS for either equation above is lower than -650 CPS:
Insufficient substrate may have been dispensed into one of the test units. This could
be due to a clogged nozzle. Verify the substrate dispense volume. Prime and repeat
Visually check all test units to determine if the liquid level is equally distributed
between the test units.
• If the CPS above is above 2000 CPS:
Perform the test again to confirm these results.
Then decontaminate the system with 0.1M NaOH or probe wash.
Stubborn Contamination
For contamination issues that cannot be resolved after multiple decons, and if pump water
minus substrate is greater than 2000:
• Perform a DECON with 0.1M NaOH.
• While DECON is running, press and hold the Prime button on the water pump to extend
the bellows in the pump.
Note: Alternatively, tape the prime button down instead of pressing and holding it.
• Allow to sit for 30 minutes.
• Soak water and substrate nozzles in alcohol for 15 minutes.
Note: If probe water minus substrate only is greater than 2000 after multiple DECON
attempts (not historically typical), replace the probe.
1. Before beginning, verify that the customer has one bottle of 0.1M NaOH and two brown
bottles of DI water on hand.
2. Home the Shuttle to the left.
3. Remove the substrate bottle and discard if older than 30 days.
4. Replace the Substrate Spike.
5. Run SOLE2S to empty the substrate reservoir.
Note: Make sure shuttle is in the “home” position before starting Decon.
6. Place the bottle containing NaOH on spike.
7. Fill reservoir using gray prime button. The float should be about ¾ of the way up.
8. Prime using SOLE2S.
9. Stop SOLE2S and let NaOH sit for 20 minutes
10. Run SOLE2S to empty the remaining NaOH in the bottle.
11. When the substrate bottle is empty, replace with bottle of DI water.
12. Prime using SOLE2S until empty.
13. When empty, place the second bottle of DI water on spike and run SOLE2S until empty
to rinse thoroughly.
14. Place a new bottle of substrate on spike. Fill reservoir using SOLE2S.
15. Run WATERTPM to check the substrate CPS.
16. Run controls and determine if readjustment is necessary.