Mer We Dd3220-Hvac Diagrams

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list of diagrams
01 Installation in guest room (principles)
02 Outline diagram: boiler and chiller
03 Outline diagram: heat pump
04 Connection of thermostats
05 Air Handling Unit

The following diagrams show various ways in which air conditioning can be installed in hotels using criteria that are generally
considered as being satisfactory. They show principles only and Accor shall not be held liable for them in any way. Various
specialist consulting engineers shall be appointed to interpret and adapt these diagrams to turn them into proper working
drawings, meeting the full requirements of the final design.

Issue : OCT-2007 ASIAN

LAYOUT OF A FAN-COIL UNIT (Outline diagram only) Details of the extraction: MER_WE_DD3220
The 2 connections for 2 adjacent ACCOR
- The fan-coil unit shall be of the two-pipe type with an electrical heater (where required): it shall bedrooms shall be offset by about 50 cm STANDARDS
have a change-over coil and a top-up electrical heater. It shall be fed with hot water in winter in order to avoid sound bridging between
(electrical heater turned off) and with chilled water in summer (electrical heater can be turned on).
In mid-season, the unit shall be fed with chilled water and can, therefore, either heat or cool the
adjacent bathrooms MERCURE
- The fan-coil unit shall be installed over the WC false ceiling. It shall blow air via an acoustic duct HVAC
run over the bathroom and connected to a supply air grille in a panel over the door.
- The air shall be extracted into the WC false ceiling void via a grille located over the door. Installation
- The fresh air shall be connected to the supply air duct to the fan-coil unit, with an automatic in a guest room
regulator to ensure a permanent air flow rate of 60 m3/hr. The air shall be extracted from the (principles)
shower and from the WC via 2 self-adjusting grilles, each of 30 m3/hr.
A B No. date: 01/03
Note:This diagram does not show a fire damper on the fresh air supply. If one has to be installed,
01 rev A
the diameter of the duct must be increased after it has passed through the partition and an
access trap installed (for maintenance and checking). A: Supply air duct, usually without thermal insulation.
B: Return air duct, not insulated.
C: Supply air grille in white lacquered aluminium, horizontal fins fixed facing
upwards, with sub-frame (with sealing gasket) for accurate fixing into the partition
1 and easy connection of the supply air duct. Size 600 x 150, pattern
Anémotherm/Alton AL15 or similar.
2 D: Fan-coil unit supply air duct, in noise-reducing material with smooth internal
height under false ceiling: 2.20 m surface.
Features of the fan-coil unit:
- Very quiet (e.g. 28 dBA at low speed), see 5 E: Extract duct split into 2 sections, in galvanised sheet steel, usually 100 mm
C D E F diameter, terminated with self-adjusting terminals. (Galvaflex flexible tubing shall not
Accor documents.
- With top-up electrical heater of about 600 W, G be used).
built into the water coil. F: Fresh air supply duct, with internal acoustic lining, fitted with self-adjusting air flow
L rate module (60 m3/hr). This damper shall be accessible via a small access panel
- The water coil (change-over) shall have at least
3 rows. fitted into the duct and fixed with screws.
3 G: 30 minute fire damper, resettable via the outlet L
- Regulation shall be made using a fast-reacting
motorised 3 way "on/off" valve (no "thermal" H: Wall-mounted thermostat.
4 I: Extract terminal in shower ceiling, self-adjusting 30 m3/hr. If the structural ceiling
operation, no modulated valve).
- Cooling capacity calculated for a temperature height is insufficient to allow the ducts to cross, this terminal shall be over the bath.
in the bedroom of 23°C. J: Fan-coil unit, fixed to the slab with anti-vibration fixings.
- No over-capacity, which is a cause of noise K: Return air grille to the fan-coil unit in panel over the WC door, fins fixed to slope,
problems. (Generally, for an external temperature fixed in such a way that the ceiling cannot be seen through it. With sub-frame. Size
of up to 34°C, a unit similar to Trane FHK 02 will 400 x 200, type Anémotherm/Alton 3 HD.
suffice). L: Extract terminal in the WC partition, self-adjusting 30 m3/hr. Access to the fire
- Comment: normally the water flow rate shall damper for maintenance shall be via this terminal: the shape of the terminal and of
be around 250 l/hr. A valve shall be installed over the short length of duct shall be such that this operation is possible.
the condensate tray to adjust this rate. It shall be H I J K 1: Insulated hot water / chilled water pipework.
possible to take a true reading of the flow rate, a 2: Water supply connections to FCUs, in copper (normally 14/16 mm diam), with
tee shall not be used. T quarter turn isolating valves with their operating handles on a raised stem to raise
them above the insulation.
Features of the thermostat: 3: condensate drain: the first 10 cm shall be in transparent plastic (to check flow),
- with On / Off switch the remainder in rigid PVC 20 mm diam, connected to the vertical pipework via a
- 3 speed selector deep-seal trap (this trap may be common to 2 bedrooms).
- thermostat graduated in degrees Celsius (AND 4: 3 way valve over the condensate tray and, on the water outlet from the FCU,
Fahrenheit in countries that use those units). water flow rate adjustment valve (an ordinary tee will not be acceptable).
- With no other visible component (no indicator 1 m (approximate scale) 5: vertical condensate drain pipe, in PVC, with a deep-seal trap at its base
lamp, etc.)
A: 2 boilers, piped in series (with by-pass valves), with large water volume, without circulation pump or sophisticated regulation, with the usual
safety accessories (relief valves, water-loss pressure gauge, aquastat, air bleed valve, drain valves etc.). ACCOR
B: Filling circuit with valves, meter, cut-off, pressure gauge, chemical insertion inlet etc. STANDARDS
C: Chiller, if possible of screw type, using refrigerant 134 or 407, if possible with a hydraulic kit including pump, tank etc. Very quiet equipment.
Mounted on base with anti-vibration pads. MERCURE
D: If the plant does not have an integral hydraulic kit, provide a pump, anti short-cycle tank etc. The tank shall be fitted with all safety devices:
pressure gauge, air bleed valve, drain valve, HVAC
E: Connection of the plant with isolating valves and anti-vibration sleeves on the pipework.
F: expansion tanks
G: The fan-coil unit system shall be at a fixed temperature in summer (6°C), and a variable temperature in win ter, depending on the external outline diagram:
temperature (approx. 55°C at -10°C ext.). boiler and
H: The temperature of the air supplied from the AHU shall be approximately constant in both summer and winter (between 18 and 24°C). The chiller
number of units will depend on the size of the hotel.
No.° date: 01/03
I: The number of AHUs serving the general services will depend on the layout of the hotel.
02 rev A
Comment: The regulation of each boiler shall be carried out by its own aquastat, set at 75° C for the first and at 85 °C for the second.
Sequential operation shall be achieved with a thermostat located on the water pipework between the two boilers, which shall prevent the MER_WE_DD3220
second boiler from running if the water temperature on the outlet from the first is over 70 °C.

non-return valve 1/4 turn valve

arrow = fluid direction
Adjustment tee
B mesh filter
pressure gauge
3-way valve
C safety aquastat
adjustment valve
C meter
finger tip
A temp. sensor
F circulation controller pressure gauge

NO Normally open
NC Normally closed


6°C E

NO summer

winter Fan-coil units

NO summer

NO winter

NO summer

AHU No.1
NO winter
General services

DHW production
see specific diagrams

dhw circuit

cold water
B: Filling circuit with valves, meter, cut-off, pressure gauge, chemical insertion inlet etc.
C: Chiller, if possible of screw type, using refrigerant 134 or 407, if possible with a hydraulic kit including pump, tank, etc. Very quiet equipment.
Mounted on base with anti-vibration pads. STANDARDS
D: If the chiller does not have its own hydraulic kit, provide pump, anti short-cycle tank etc. The tank shall be fitted with all safety devices: pressure
gauge, air bleed valve, drain valve, MERCURE
E: Connection of the chiller with isolation valves and anti-vibration sleeves on the pipework.
F: expansion tanks HVAC
G: The fan-coil unit system shall be at a fixed temperature in the summer (6°C), and at a variable temperature in winter, depending on the external
temperature (approx. 55°C at -10°C ext.).
H: The temperature of the air supplied from the bedroom AHU shall be approximately constant in both summer and winter (between 18 and 24°C). outline diagram:
The number of AHUs will depend on the size of the hotel. Heat Pump
I: The number of AHUs serving the general services will depend on the layout of the hotel.
J: Tank with electrical element: if the Heat Pump is being thawed out (or out of order), the electrical element in the cylinder shall be switched on and date: 01/03
the 3-way valve shall be in full recycling. The regulation shall be set at 45 °C on the tank Note: This soluti on with a tank and an electrical heater may No.
be abandoned in favour of a solution with a high-capacity electrical heater in the fan-coil units. 03 rev A

Comment: The heat pump solution will only be valid if the climate is favourable (mild winters). Allowance must be made for the heat pump not to MER_WE_DD3220
work in the winter, which means that the electrical heaters must be capable of providing the full heating requirement. These heaters will normally be
incorporated in the items of equipment: the fan-coil units shall therefore have an electrical heater that is capable of heating the bedroom in the
coldest part of the winter. The same applies to the AHUs. The independence of the zones in the general services must be ensured: the number of
AHUs shall be selected to suit the final design.


6°C E


Fan-coil units to bedrooms


AHU No. 1
General services

Adjustment tee non-return valve 1/4 turn valve

arrow = fluid direction
3-way valve mesh filter
adjustment valve cut-off
safety aquastat
temp. sensor C meter
finger tip
NO Normally Open circulation controller pressure gauge
NC Normally Closed
Electrical connection to fan-coil units A 220 V ACCOR
Change-over of terminal coils B 220 V
Solution with chiller and gas Thermostat
boiler connection

In heating mode, the electric heater cannot be No. date: 01/03

turned on, only the water coil is in service
04 rev A

D These diagrams give details of the

connections of the thermostats
and of the change-over relays.
Adaptations must be made to suit
the equipment selected for the
1 cold contact, 1 hot contact

E G 6 F

Solution with heat pump

In heating mode the water coil shall have priority,

if it is insufficient, the electric heater may be
turned on.


1 cold contact, 2 hot contacts in sequential operation

3 Hot 2

Hot 1
6 1
7 2
2 0/I

A: The electrical connection to the FCUs shall normally be made from a mini-distribution board (local consumer unit in the bedroom)
B: The change-over cable shall be live when the FCU is being fed with chilled water. If the cable is 220V, there must be a mechanical connection to
link the 220V supply to the FCU and the 220V supply to the relay: if the FCU is turned off, the supply to the relay must also be cut off (for safety
reasons: if the FCU is isolated, the small relay might be forgotten). Another possibility is for a 48 VDC supply to these relays, which is a safe voltage.
C: This individual cut-off device to the FCU will only be essential if the change-over cable is 220V.
D: Electrical heater in the FCU with its safety thermostat.
E: 3-way TOR valve
F: Relay controlling the change-over (forms integral part of the FCU). The 2 diagrams are shown turned off, with the relay "at rest" (coil not live), the
FCU pipework is therefore supplied with hot water.
G: Fan motor, 3 speeds, connected to thermostat

Note: The capacity of the electrical heater shall normally be approx. 600 W when there is a gas boiler or district heating, etc. On the other hand, if
there is a heat pump, the electrical heater must be sized to allow for the possible failure of the heat pump (so generally > 1 kW).

Air handling unit
Ext. Air + - Supply Air

No. date: 10/07

05 rev B


Composition of a unit A: Rain deflector.

Energy recovery B: Fresh air inlet, with insect screen.
- The diagram represents a unit in a cold temperate C: Flat pre-filters, quality EU 3, regenerable type (may be cleaned a few times).
climate. Adaptations are to be made to the surrounding D: Pocket filter, quality EU 7.
Ext. Air Extract Air area. In particular, in certain hot and humid zones, the E: Active carbon filter, only in particularly polluted zones (airports for example).
heating coil may be positioned after the cold coil in order to F: Frost-protection register.
control humidity. If humidification is needed, this may G: energy recovery
consist of steam injection, etc. H : Heating coil, copper tubing, aluminium fins. In humid or saline regions (seaside, tropical
Disch. Air Supply Air zones, etc.), the coil shall be given an effective treatment against corrosion (blygold or
- The unit shall be formed from modular double skin polyurethane)
casings in lacquered galvanised sheet metal with glass I: Frost sensor, set at 5°C. When active, it closes the register F, cuts off the electrical supply to
Plate heat exchanger
wool insulation (or injected foam). The inspection panels the fan and gives an order to open the hot valve wide.
shall be easy to unscrew, the doors shall be hinged and J: Cold coil, copper tubing, aluminium fins. In humid or saline regions: as above.
fitted with 1/4 turn knobs. The filters and the coils shall be K: droplet screen if the air speed is greater than 2 m/sec.
Ext. Air Supply Air on rails. L: condensate tray connected to an external pipe, with trap. If the AHU is in a plant room, this
Thermometers shall be provided at the air inlet and outlet pipe shall be run to a floor gulley; if the AHU is on a flat roof, the condensate may drain onto
and on the inlet and outlet from the coils. the roof.
Extracted M: Fan, fairly low speed so as not to create a noise problem. Speeds greater than 1200 rpm
Disch. Air
Energy recovery: will not be permitted. Connection between motor and fan with double belt. The assembly shall
- Plate heat exchanger: Registers shall be provided to be mounted on a frame with anti-vibration pads.
Energy recovery wheel allow the heat exchanger to be by-passed if needed. N: Acoustic baffle. Depending on the layout (particularly if the unit is in a plant room), these
Provide a filter on the return air to protect the heat baffles may be located where the duct passes through the wall of the room: in this case the
exchanger. The plates shall be in aluminium. Comment: do noise generated by the services equipment will remain confined.
not use this solution in regions where the external O: Fire detection, connected to the hotel's fire alarm panel. In the event of fire, turn off the
Ext. Air Supply Air temperature drops below -10°C (risk of freezing). electrical supply to the fan and close the register F.
- Energy recovery wheel : Registers shall be provided to P: Flexible connection to the air duct
enable the caloduc to be by-passed, or it shall be possible
to turn off the wheel motor according to the temperature. Except in certain temperate climates where it is never hot nor cold (i.e. between 12 and 30°C)
Provide a filter on the return air. energy recovery between the external air and the discharged air shall be obligatory. The
- Water coils: the water coils shall be connected with a solution selected will depend on the layout of the building. A system using glycol in water,
system of pipework and a pump. A water/glycol mixture which has a lower efficiency, shall only be installed if the architectural constraints do not allow
shall be used to protect against the danger of frost. other systems to be installed.
Disch. Air Extracted - Heat pipe: refrigerant coils shall be connected with a
Air system of pipework between the return and supply sections
of the AHU.
Run-a-round water coils

Ext. Air Supply Air

Disch. Air Extract Air

Heat Pipe

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