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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

To Design 16 bit Synchronous Microprocessor using VHDL on FPGA

Abhilash Wanjari1, Nihal Bisen2, Mohan Chaudhari3, Sujay Rajak4, S.P Washimkar5
1,2,3,4 Student & department of electronic and telecommunication, Pce Nagpur,Maharashtra ,India
5Assistant professor & department of electronic and telecommunication , Pce Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - The project aims at designing a 16 bit Microprocessor may be look when a data processing unit
synchronous microprocessor using vhdl and the either an computing unit by a computer. This has computing
implementation of its components in FPGA (Field and decision-making ability identical to the central
Programmable Gate Array).The project gives description of processing unit by a computer. Presently, the
design and simulation of the modules like the ALU(Arithmetic microprocessor is entity used into a wide spectrum to yield
and logic unit), ROM(Read only memory), RAM(Random called microprocessor-based products either systems. The
Access Memory), Instruction Fetch, Instruction Decode, control target by plan was to make a 16 bit micro- processor usage
Unit. The microprocessor can perform Arithmetic instruction, VHDL language. It is a too zestful project. VHDL language is a
logical instruction, load and store. After simulation, general purpose language also present language get various
schematics generation and timing analysis is carried out in features. The major purpose by these project is until gland
Xilinx ISE simulator. The individual modules are implemented each of these aspect side by side to design a mini CPU,
and tested in. calibrate that functionality this can be make by synthesis.

Key-Words: - Microprocessors, FPGA, VHDL,ISE,HDL The fig.1.shows the block diagram of easy 16 bit
microprocessor. The processor catch a mark by essential
1. INTRODUCTION pieces. There is an register array by eight 16 bit registers,
there is an arithmetic and logic unit, a shifter, a program
16 bit microprocessor contains quantity of essential modules counter, an instruction register, a comparator, an address
which is together composed the processor. The processor register, and a control unit. Each of these blocks connected
using 16 bit data bus for communicate from various blocks via a generic 16 bit tristate data bus [5]. This have 16 bit
like General purpose registers, Arithmetic logic unit, CU address bus.
(control unit), memory, comparator, program counter,
address register, instruction register and shift register. With
the development into integrated circuit technology the
strength of the processor get increased tremendously.
Microprocessors are extensively used into the embedded
sector rooted on general purpose application and special
purpose application. Microprocessors are used in
instruments to make it intelligent using behavioral encoding.
The CPU design by various sections which is beneficial in
performing diffrent functions.

A system computer architecture from associating certain

flexibility to software by high execution of hardware
through processing by a very versatile high-speed compute
texture as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The task
by re configurable processor into embedded system creation
microprocessor-based products either systems. The target
by plan was to make a 16 bit micro- processor usage VHDL
language. It is a too zestful project. VHDL language is a
general purpose language also present language get various A. Alu
features. The major purpose by these project is until gland
each of these aspect side by side to design a mini CPU, The control block supply each of the control signals by adjust
calibrate that functionality this can be make by synthesis. data traffic instead of the CPU. The control block is a too
large state machine in order that contains a lap of states
1.1Block diagram of processor: instead of each instruction ALU

A microprocessor is programmable tool it Take in digital The Prime VHDL component part is the Arithmetic and logic
data inputs, procedure that according from the instruction unit or ALU. The ALU is the basic building block by the
stored into that memory and supply effect as output. that central processing unit from a computer. Depend into where
may be look as a programmable logic device it may be used the ALU is designed that manage make the CPU much
to command a growth either until turn on/off devices. The effective. that execute a deal of arithmetic and logical

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1304
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

operations similar similarly add and subtract and some Determines which shift operation to perform. The shift
logical manipulation such as AND, OR, and XOR. entity can perform a shift left, shift right, also rotate left, also
rotate right operation.
B. Comparator
G. Tri register
The comparator match two values also returns a „1‟ or „0‟
depend at the sample by comparison.The compare method is The tri register is related towards the data bus also can
chosen through the significance of input port sel. through stand information through the data bus also into the same
input a and b are similar set the value eq since port sel. time expedition information by the data bus.
through ports a and b go through the common value, the port
output returns „1‟ and if only the values are not equal, 2. COMPOSITION AND TESTING:
certainly output returns „0‟.
The ALU inputs A also B are the two input buses at which the
C. Control ALU manipulation are featured. Output bus C regress the
result by the ALU operation.Input select (sel) patch up which
The control section supplies the essential signal to texture of the arithmetic either logical operation is performed.
the data flow properly via the CPU also perform the required
functions. Into the program the architecture contains a state Set input operation
machine so causes each convenient signal tariff to update
rooted towards the present state also input signals also 0000 Addition
making a next state instead of the state machine. The 0001 Substraction
command get a some inputs also a lot by outputs. 0010 Multipication
Perform each of the states instead of an instruction 0011 Division
executions the essential moves from complete the 0100 Anding
0101 Oring
D. Register 0110 Xoring
0111 Noring
The register section is applied instead of the address register
1000 Xnoring
also the instruction register. These registers are applied
from hold at the input data on a increase edge by the clock
input also drive output with the hold data.This contains Table 1.ALU Function Table
three ports. Port is the input port also q is the output port.
Port clk (clock) controls as the data is picked into the The table displays the comparison modes and values. every
register entity. When a flourish edge happens towards input operations function into two input values also return a single
clock, the tariff by input a is fixed since output q. This also bit output. present bit is applied to command the stream by
accept 1 nanosecond obstacle to remove delta obstacle manipulation inside the processor as long as executing
problems till simulation. instructions. The comparator lie by a large case statement
where all branch to the case statement contains a IF. If state
E. Register Array tested is real, a „1‟ value is fixed; else „0‟ is fixed. Every
statement take place after 1nanosecond to discard delta
The reg array block is used until through the set of registers delay problems.
inside the CPU in order to used, To store intermediate tariff
during instruction. From write a location into the reg array
elected input sel (select) from the location since to be
written , input data through the data until be written , also
set a increase edge in the input clk (clock). since read a
location by reg array, set input sel until the location towards
get read and set input en to a „1‟; the data is output on port

F. Shift

The next device to be described is the shift. The shift

block is used to perform shifting and rotation operations
within the CP It has a 16 bit input bus, and a 16 bit output
bus and a select input that

Chart -1: Simulation of logical unit

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1305
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The suitable work from the processor is validated. The [3] Volnei A . Pedroni “Circuit Design & Simulation
simulation result demonstrate so the processor is eligible by with VHDL, 2nd Edition
implementing the given modules into the design.through the
programming keep done in VHDL, an VHDL simulator is [4] Brown, Digital Logic with VHDL Design
applied to test the functionality by the CPU. The VHDL RTL
report by the CPU is spurious by a task VHDL simulator. This [5] Stephen Brown;V Zvonko “ Fundamentals of
way we keep used Model Sim SE 6.5 simulator also xilinx ISE digital logic with VHDL”,Mc Graw Hill International
13.2. An simulator requirement two inputs, the description 2ndEdition,2006
through the design also the stimulus until drive the design.
[6] Charles H,Roth,Jr,”Digital System Design using
occasionally formation are self-stimulating also not require
VHDL,2nd Edition
any external stimulus, but at most state VHDL designers
utilization a VHDL test bench of one kind either another until [7] Mark Z wolinski, “Digital System Design with
drive the design entity tested. VHDL” Prentice Hall, 2000

[8] Jikku Jeemon “pipelined 8- bit RISC processor

design using Verilog HDL on FPGA”IEEE
international conference in electronics
information communication Technology, pp. 2023

[9] Tessy Ninan “Design and Anlysis of 16 bit

microprocessor using xilinx tool” 2015 IEEE
international journal scientific research
engineering & technology IEEE 2278 - 0882.

Fig -1: Altera DE2 board


Microprocessors are a mass storage device. They are the

advanced form of computers. They are also called as
microcomputers. The impact of microprocessor in different
lures of fields is significant. The availability of low cost, low
power and small weight, computing capability makes it
useful in different applications. 16 bit processors have high
performance and power than 8 bit processor and low power
consumption than 32 bit processors. VHDL is also a very
useful hardware description language. It is a very powerful
language with numerous language constructs that are
capable of describing very complex behavior. In our project
we have designed a 16 bit CPU . The CPU is described by a
number of lower-level components that are instantiated to
form the CPU design. In our work we have done the VHDL
coding of the CPU and simulated it successfully. We also have
tried to implement it in FPGA Kit but due to the hardware
problem we couldn’t do it.


[1] Douglas L . perry “VHDL programming by

Example” Mc Graw Hill , 4th Edition.

[2] Nazein M. Botros “HDL programming

Fundamentals: VHDl & verilog”

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1306

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