Yr 3 English - Pursuasive Writing

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Year 3:

ENGLISH: Pervasive Writing

웃 - Individual Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Personal & Social Critical & Creative Ethical Intercultural

Capability Thinking Understanding Understanding
� - Pairs


 - Groups
- Class
- Display
Cooperative/Group Reflection Recording Information Thinking Tools Other
 Group Work  Values line  Future Wheel  Two Stars and a  Semantic Grid  Rubric  Multiple  Journals  Computers
Teaching Strategies

 Eight Square  Placemat  Stations Wish  Structured  Mind Map Intelligences  Interview  IPads
 Think. Pair. Share  Envoy  Thumbs Up/Down  5 Fingers Overview  T-Chart  Blooms  Conferencing  Class Presentation
 Elevator Speech  Graffiti  Call Out  321  Venn Diagram  KWL Taxonomy  Thinkers Keys  Clockwise/carousel
 Community Circle  Round Robin  Card Cluster  PMI  Table  Diagram  Six Thinking Hats  Problem Solving  Learning Centres
 Jigsaw  Round Table  Numbered Heads  Today  Y Chart  Flow Chart  SCAMPER  Questioning  Smart Board
 Gallery Walk  Snow Ball  Inside/Outside  Decision Tree  Graph  Inquiry Process  Modelling  Worksheet
 Role Play  Debates Circle  Retrieval Chart  Brainstorm  Discussion  Scaffolding
 Anticipation Guide  Gradual Release
of Responsibility
Text Structure and Organisation
 Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose and context (for example, tense and types of sentences) (ACELA1478)
 Understand that paragraphs are a key organisational feature of written texts (ACELA1479)
Expressing and Developing Ideas
 Identify the effect on audiences of techniques, for example shot size, vertical camera angle and layout in picture books, advertisements and film segments (ACELA1483)
 Learn extended and technical vocabulary and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs (ACELA1484)
WA Curriculum

Texts in Context
 Identify the point of view in a text and suggest alternative points of view (ACELY1675)
Interacting with Others
 Listen to and contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in collaborative situations (ACELY1676)
Interpreting, analysing and evaluating
 Identify the audience and purpose of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts (ACELY1678)
Creating Texts
 Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print, and multimodal elements
appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1682)
 Re-read and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation (ACELY1683)

Week Day Focus Learning Goal Lesson Resources Assessment

1 L1: For or Against To explore point of view in relation to a See Lesson 1: For or Against Plan from Teach Starter Developing See Lesson Plan 1
situation or issue. Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan – Year 3 and Year 4
2 Persuasive Text – To identify and explore the structure of See Lesson 2: Persuasive Texts – Text Structure Plan from Teach See Lesson Plan 2 Formative:
Structure persuasive text Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan – Year 3 and Correct order of
Year 4 text.
1. Hand out cup up sections of “Homework is Unnecessary”
to some students.
2. Ask those students get in the order that they were given
out and read aloud to the class their passage.
3. Ask: Does it make sense? Discuss why
4. Review structure of a Persuasive Text.
5. As a class decide the correct order, moving students to
their correct place.
6. Ask students with passages to read aloud their passage
and check to.
7. Student then, in pairs, go and order their choice of topic
8. Teacher check and glue into English Book.
2 1 Language Feature To explore language features of a See Lesson 3: Persuasive Texts – Language Features Plan from See Lesson Plan 3
persuasive text. Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan – Year 3
and Year 4

2 Exploring Modality To explore how modal words are used to See Lesson 4: Persuasive Texts – Exploring Modality Plan from See Lesson Plan 4
express degrees of certainty in Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan – Year 3
persuasive texts. and Year 4

3 1 Persuasive Devices To explore how persuasive devices can See Lesson 5: Persuasive Texts – Persuasive Devices Plan from See Lesson Plan 5
be used to strengthen a point of view. Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan – Year 3
and Year 4
 In pairs, students will be allocated one device to explore.
They review the worksheets and posters on that device.
 Once completed, they will plan a way of presenting their
device to the classroom. (role play, rhyme, presentations,
acting, dance).
 After each performance, the class will discuss the device
and write an example in their workbooks.
2 Building an Opinion To use persuasive devices to build a See Lesson 6: Building an Opinion Using Persuasive Devices Plan See Lesson Plan 6
convincing opinion about an issue. from Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan –
Year 3 and Year 4

4 1 Constructing a To identify and use the correct paragraph See Lesson 7: Constructing a Persuasive Paragraph Using OREO See Lesson Plan 7 Formative:
Persuasive Paragraphs structure when writing a persuasive text. Plan from Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Paragraph structure
using OREO Plan – Year 3 and Year 4

2 Using a persuasive To use a writing prompt and scaffolding See Lesson 8: Using a Persuasive Prompt – Shared Writing Plan See Lesson Plan 8
Prompt sheet to write a persuasive text in pairs. from Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan –
Year 3 and Year 4
5 1 Applying Proofreading To learn and apply proofreading and See Lesson 9: Applying Proofreading and Editing Skills Plan from See Lesson Plan 9
and editing skills editing skills. Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan – Year 3
and Year 4

2 To independently write a persuasive text, See Lesson 10: Using a Stimulus – Independent Writing Plan from See Lesson Plan 2 Summative
using appropriate text structure, Teach Starter Developing Persuasive Writing Skills Unit Plan – Year 3
language and features. and Year 4 Brightpath

6 1 Advertising Detective To explore the key elements used in Turning in  Magazines

advertising, setting, subject and 1. Hand out magazines for students to share.  Tell Me A Story
audience. 2. Discuss what they see a lot of. Worksheet
3. Write advertisement on the board, ask for definition.  Ad Poster
4. Ask students in pairs to find an ad in their magazine.
I Do:
1. Explain how important all elements in the ad are carefully
planned. Discuss the setting, subject and audience.
We Do:
2. Think, Pair, Share, - what they see in an ad – the setting,
subject and audience.
You Do:
3. Tell Me A Story: students choose an advertisement from
the magazine and write a story based on the setting,
subject and audience. (See Example)
Wrap Up
4. Review stories that have been created.
2 Finding To explore angles of advertisings can Tuning In: Two images of same
Advertisements impact the message. 1. Two images of the same objects but with different camera object
angles. Frame It Worksheet
2. Discuss which one is more effective and why
I Do:
1. Self talk about one pictures makes me think of one thing
and the other something else.
We Do:
1. In pairs, students walk around the room with frames
holding them at different angles, looking at objects at
unusual angles and distances.
You Do:
1. Students illustrate what they saw through their frame .
2. They then swap and their partner has to finish the
Wrap Up:
1. As a class, students share what their object was and
whether what their partner drew was similar.
7 1 Alternative Meanings Explore how the same thing can have a Warm Up: Meanings Worksheets
number of different meanings depending 1. Students lay down and listen to some words. They need to
on the setting or the audience. create a picture in their head about each word.
2. Ask some students to share what they thought of and
create brainstorm of the different thougths.
I Do:
1. Explain how the same thing can sometimes have a number
of different meaning depending on the setting or the
We Do:
1. Review worksheet (fire) and complete as a class.
You Do:
1. In small groups, students discuss what the different
meanings could be to each title on worksheet. They
complete a worksheet each.
Wrapping Up:
1. Return to mat and share some of the things that were
discussed in small groups and discuss why they may have
different meanings.
2 Advertising Strategies To explore the different types of Tuning In: Video Formative:
strategies that advertisements use to 1. Watch an ad Challenge worksheet Strategies used in
gain attention. 2. Discuss what was interesting about it and why. Challenge
I Do:
1. Discuss strategies that advertisements use.
2. Re watch the ad and ask students to write on their
whiteboards if they see any of the mentioned strategies.
3. Discuss
We Do:
1. Discuss advertising challenge and allocate students
You Do:
1. In pairs students develop an ad of the soft drink using the
strategies we have reviewed.
Wrapping Up:
1. Students share some of their ideas for their challenge.

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