Metabolismo Microbiano

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V o l u m e 14

Managing Editor" A. Fiechter

With 39 Figures

Berlin Heidelberg New York 1980
I S B N 3-540-09621-3 S p r i n g e r - V e r l a g Berlin H e i d e l b e r g N e w Y o r k
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Managing Editor

Professor Dr. A. Fiechter

Eidgen6ssische Technische Hochschule
CH-8093 Ziirich

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. S. Aiba Prof. Dr. R.M. Lafferty

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Prof. Dr. H.J. Rehm
Prof. Dr. B. Atkinson
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Olin Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853/USA
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Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606, Japan
Prof. G.T.Tsao
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D-1000 Berlin 10 IN 47907/USA

Bioconversions of Nitriles and Their Applications

J.-C. Jallageas, A. Arnaud, P. Galzy, Montpellier (France)

Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 33

Z. l~ehfi~ek,Prague (CSSR)

Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 61

R. V. Smith, P.J. Davis, Austin, Texas (USA)

Major Chemical and Physical Features of Cellulosic I01

Materials as Substrates for Enzymatic Hydrolysis
L.T. Fan, Y.-H. Lee, D. H. Beardmore, Manhattan,
Kansas (USA)

Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 119

of Animal Cells in Monolayers
R. E. Spiel Pirbright, Woking, Surray (UK)
Bioconversions of Nitriles and Their Applications

J e a n - C l a u d e Jallageas
L a b o r a t o i r e de C h i m i e O r g a n i q u e
U n i v e r s i t 6 des S c i e n c e s e t T e c h n i q u e s d u L a n g u e d o c
F-34060 MontpeUier Cedex, France

A l a i n A m a u d a n d Pierre G a l z y
C h a i r e de G 6 n ~ t i q u e e t M i c r o b i o l o g i e
Eeole Nationale Sup6rieure Agronomique
F-34060 MontpeUier Cedex, France

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Catabolism and Biodegradation of Nitriles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1 a-Hydroxylation of Nitriles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Formation o f Aldehydes from Cyanhydrins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Reduction o f Nitriles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Hydrolysis of Nitriles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Possibilities of Using Pathways of Nitrile Catabolism for their Bioconversions . . . . . . 13
3 Study of Bacterial Strains with Nitrilase Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1 Conditions of Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Identification of Isolated Strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Study of Nitrilase Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Study o f Amidase Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.5 Search for an Acetamidase--Mutant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4 Examples of Technological Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.1 Production of oL-Lactic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2 Production of Acrylamide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3 Production of L-Methionine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5 Other Biological Hydrolyses of Nitriles and Primary Amides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.1 Production of Lysergic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.2 Production of L-a-Hydroxyacids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.3 Preparation of Optically Active a-Amino Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6 Conclusions and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
7 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

The bioconversions of nitriles and primary amides have a practical interest for the production of
optically active a-hydroxy - or a-amino acids and for the preparation of highly pure amides and
acids. The appropriate chemical hydrolyses are generally not suitable for such syntheses.
The literature concerning the reactions of nitrile catabolism by living organisms is analyzed.
Among these reactions, only hydrolyses are involved in industrial processes.
A large number of economically important products may be obtained by hydrolyzing nitriles or
primary amides: acrylamide, lysergic acid, eL- or L-lactic acid, DL- or L-alanine, DL- or L-methio-
2 J.-C. JaUageas et al.

nine, OL- or L-phenylalanine, and o- or L-phenylglycine, to name a few. The descriptions of the
principal known processes and the possibilities for their improvement are presented and discussed.

1 Introduction

A number of economically important organic compounds are industrially produced

from nitriles by chemical synthesis (Table 1). The main processes are based on three
chemical properties of nitriles:
• hydrogenation to amines

+ 2 H2

• acid or basic hydrolysis to amides or organic acids resp.

+ H20 ~ + H=O

• action of bicarbonates on a-aminonitriles (reaction of Biicherer-Berg).

The production of amines from nitriles involves a rather complex methodology due
to the presence of hydrogen under consuming pressure appreciable amounts of energy.
All reactions based on hydrolysis of nitriles or the Biicherer.Berg-reaction share some
common disadvantages: formation of large quantities of salt, critical separation and iso-
lation resp. of reaction products and prolonged heating. In addition, a-hydroxylic acids
or optically active a-amino acids are never obtained.
Catalytic reactions represent a useful tool for hydratation of nitriles replacing acids
or alkaly and simplifying technology by reducing the energy demand. The catalytical
hydrolysis by the copper salts of acrylonitrile to acrylamide is the sole example of an
industrial process of this type. Nevertheless, some side reactions are taking place in these
reactions and the proper regeneration of the catalyst is difficult. On the other hand,
laboratory experiments have been accomplished for optimation of the Strecker reac-
Nitriles may be biologically transformed in order to avoid some of the disadvantages
associated with all these chemical processes. The bioconversions occur under milder con-
ditions, at pH values close to neutrality and at moderate temperatures. They also can
lead to the synthesis of optically active a-hydroxy - and a-amino acids. In general bio-
logical reactions are of lower economy compared to chemical processes. Generally, they
represent the only selection for the production of optically active compounds.
Considering the interesting possibilities offered by the bioconversions of nitriles, it
is appropriate to examine the literature which deals with living organisms containing ni-
triles and which describes these natural compounds. These data are summarized in Ta-
ble 2, where it may be seen that there are in fact relatively few known natural nitriles.
It is true that published reports have preferentially treated organisms which liberate
Bioconversions of Nitriles and Their Applications

Table 1. Industrial chemical processes leading to amides or acids from nitriles

Nitrile Reaction Product Application of


Adiponitrile Pressure hydrogenation, Hexamethylene- Polymers

NC(CH2)4CN 150 *C diamine
Nitriles of fatty acids Pressure hydrogenation, Amines of fatty Antiagglomerants,
(stearie acid, oleic acid, 150 °C acids surfaetants,
palmitie acid, laurie acid) emulsifiers,
Acrylonitrile Acid hydrolysis, hot Acryla.mide Polyacryl-
CH= = CHCN amide
Phenylaeetonitrile Acid hydrolysis, hot Phenylacetic acid Perfumes
,l~ CH2CN
Lactonitrile Acid hydrolysis, hot DL-Laeticacid Therapeutics,
/CN dyes, tanning,
CHa-cH DL lacquers
Mandelonitrile Acid hydrolysis, hot DL-Mandelicacid Antiseptics
ap C H ~ o H DL

a-Hydroxymethylthio- Acid hydrolysis, hot a-Hydroxymethyl- Chicken feed

butyronitrile, DL thiobutyric acid
Acetone cyanohydrin Acid hydrolysis, hot a-Hydroxyisobutyric Plastics
/ CN acid then
(CHa)2C methacrylic acid
a-Amino nitriles Acid hydrolysis or a-Amino acids Animal feed,
acid/basic hydrolysis, therapeutics,
RCH "/CN hot (Strecker reaction) cosmetics,
~NH 2 surfactants,
#-Aminoproprionitrile Acid/basic hydrolysis, #-Alanine Precursor of
NH2CH2CH2CN hot panthotenic
Malonitrile Basic hydrolysis, hot Malonie acid Medicaments
/ CN
CHz ~ CN

a-Amino nitriles Biicherer-Berg reaction a-Amino acids

~NH 2
4 J.-C. JaUageas et al.

Table 2. Natural nitriles

Formula Name Organism a [Ref.]

Bacteria NH2 CN Antibiotic Streptomy-

~ N ~ 1037 or ces 1-4)
N E-212 or
[ or toyocamy-
ribose cin or unamy-
cin B or
Fungi R, ~ C / CN Cyanogluco- Basidiomy-
sides ceres s-6 )
R2 / ~ O glucose
R, ~ /CN Cyanhydrins Basidiomy-
C ceres 7 )
R, / ~'OH
a-Amino- Basidiomycete
R-CH / CN nitriles W28, 9)
~NH 2 Rhizoctonia
solani 1o)
R-C--=C-CN Acetylenie Clitocybe
nitriles diataeta 11-13)
diemii 14)
glau cona I 5 )
0~. p-Carboxy- Calvatia
N=N-CN phenyl- lilacina l 6, 17)

Algae R, ~ c / C N Cyanoglu- Chlorella 5, 6)
Rz / "~O glucose
Plants R, ~ c / C N Cyanoglu- 800-1000 spe-
cosides cies represent-
R2 / "" O glucose ing 70-80
familiess, 6)
OH 2,4-Dihy- Erica
droxyphenyl- scoparia t 8)
H O / ~ CH2CN acetonitrile

CH3 [sobutyro- Theobroma

CHCN nitrile cacao 19)
CHa /
Bioeonversions of Nitriles and Their Applications

Table 2 (continued)

Formula Name Organism a [Ref.!

Plants * CHaCH2CN 3-Phenyl- Nasturtium of.

propionitrile pcinale20, 2 t)
CH2CN Phenylaeeto- Theobroma
nitrile cacao 19)
sativum. 20-22)
cotinifolia. 23)
CHaCN lndoylaceto- Cruciferae,
nit.rile Lycopersieum
IH esculen tum,
ete 24-29)

OCH~ R icine Ricinus

communis 30)


Nudiflotine Trewia nudb

flora30-3 2)
#-cyanoalanine [
N('r-L-glu- | Legumin°sae33)
NCCH2CH/ COOH tamyl)-#- |
~-NHCOCH~CH2CH/'NH~ cyanoalanine J
N(~ L-glu- Lathyrus
NCCH2 •CH2 •NHCO(CH2)2CH~ C O O H tamyl)-B- pusillus,
aminopropio- Lathyrus odo-
nitrile ratu s 34-36)

2-(2-Cyano- Lathyrus
ethyl)-3- odoratus 36)
isoxalin-5 -
6 J.-C. Jallageas et al.

Table 2 (continued)

Formula Name Organisma [Ref.!

CH.,=C "~ CN I
Cyanolipids Sapinda-
CH3~ ceae38-40)
CH2 = C c H / C N IV
(with R, R' saturated or unsaturated,
14-22 carbons)
Insects RI--~ / C N Cyanogluco- Polydesmus
(anthro- / C sides vicinus,
pods) R2 ~ O glucose Paropsis ato-
moria S, 6,
R I~ /CN Cyanhydrins Diplopoda,
Alpheloria cor-
R~- / C ~ O H rugata, Har-
paphe hayde-
Rl ~ /CN Cyanhydrin Polydesmus
benzoate collaris46)

Sponges NCCH2 DH Aerophlysinin Lanthella,

"~ H.OH ger°ngia54)

Br r

a Species containing the cited product or the group to which the species belongs
Bioconversionsof Nitriles and Their Applications
HCN (cyanogenic organisms), a phenomenon found primarily in the plant kingdom.
Furthermore, nitriles are difficult to isolate and identify. It is thus probable that a large
number of natural nitriles exist, awaiting discovery. Table 2 also shows that nitriles are
found in various families of organisms, except mammals for which they are toxic.
Natural cyano compounds and toxic nitriles must be catabolized by organisms and
degraded to conventional products which are not toxic to cellular metabolism. The pre-
sent review on the bioconversions of nitriles will thus initially treat their catabolism
and biodegradation, particularly hydrolysis reactions. We will then consider the isola-
tion and identification of bacterial strains with nitrilase activity. The possibilities of
using these strains for bioconverting nitriles to organic acids and amides will be discuss-
ed. After a description of the uses of nitrilase-containing bacteria for the production of
optically active a-amino acids, we will finally analyze the various biological processes
for the preparation of acids from nitriles and primary amides described in the literature.

2 Catabolism and Biodegradation of Nitriles

2.1 a - H y d r o x y l a t i o n o f Nitriles

Nitriles may be oxidized to cyanhydrins by oxygenases:


/CH-CN .. IOl , R2/C,x~C N
R2 oxygenase

This enzymatic pathway appears to be present in a large variety of organisms, in-

cluding plants, fungi, insects, algae, sponges, and mammals. In spite of the fact that the
corresponding enzymes and the intermediate a-hydroxynitriles have never been iso-
lated, several proofs have been advanced for the existence of this reaction.
Some nitriles of the type RCH2CN are transformed by plants to carboxylic acids
RCOOHss-sa). The most probable explanation for the synthesis of an acid with a
shorter carbon chain is an initial a-oxidation of the nitrile, followed by the decomposi-
tion of the cyanhydrin to an aldehyde, which is then oxidized to an acid:

f[ RCI-I//CN /] -* RCHO+ HCN

t "~OH 1 *

This hypothesis is supported by the finding that the metabolism of 3-indolylacetoni-

trile by wheat tissue involves the formation of 3-indolealdehyde ss).
In addition, it is probable that nitrile toxicity to mammals and insects results from
the formation of HCN after a-hydroxylation s9-61). Indeed:
8 J.-C. Jallageas et al.

- the administration of nitriles, as that of cyanide, causes the excretion of nontoxic

thioeyanate in the urine; this thiocyanate arises from the action of CN- on thiosulfate
in the presence of rhodanese6Z);
- a study of the action of a mouse liver extract on benzyl cyanide C6HsCH2CN in
vitro demonstrated the synthesis of benzaldehyde C6HsCHO, which must have arisen
after the a-hydroxylation of the nitrileSg);
- in the special case of w-fluorinated nitriles, it has been shown that nitriles with
an odd number of carbon atoms 2n + 1C are much more toxic than those with an even
number 2nC 63' 64) This difference can be understood only by an a-hydroxylation of
the nitrile, followed by an oxidation of the w-fluorinated aldehyde to the correspond-
ing acid and then by a/~-oxidation degradation of the ~o-fluorinated acid to acetic acid
and to toxic fluoracetic acid (for 2n + 1C nitriles), or to nontoxic fluoropropionic acid
(for 2nC nitriles).
Finally, the mechanism generally admitted for the biosynthesis of cyanoglucosides
and cyanhydrins involves an intermediate a-oxidation of the nitriles obtained from a-
amino acids 6s-69). This hypothesis is supported by the Finding that HCN liberation by
a large number of organisms very often depends on the presence of a-amino acids 7°' 71).

2.2 F o r m a t i o n o f Aldehydes from Cyanhydrins

Cyanhydrins give rise to ketone group and eyanhydric acid, either spontaneously or
after the action of specific enzymes, oxynitrilases or hydroxynitrflelyases72-8°). The
enzymatic degradation of cyanhydrins has been demonstrated by UV.measurements
due to a ketonic function in presence and absence of the enzyme.

~ C = O + HCN
R OH R2 /

This reaction is found in fungi, plants, and certain insects (antropods). The sorghum
hydroxynitrilelyase has been extensively studied, particularly concerning its isolation
and purification 72).
Natural cyanhydrins arise from the a-hydroxylation of nitriles (of. 2.1) or from the
enzymatic hydrolysis of cyanoglucosides, which liberates glucose and an aglycone moi-

Rl ~ /O-glucose g-glucosidase
RI , ~ c / O H + glucose
R2 "/C~cN ..... ' R2 / ~CN

2.3 R e d u c t i o n o f Nitriles

The nitrogenase present in algae and bacteria a2-as) is catalyzing the reduction of nu-
merous important types of substrates like nitrogen, alcynes, allenes, cyanides, nitriles,
Bioconversionsof Nitriles and Their Applications

isonitriles, cyanogen, azides, N20, H ÷. Certain nitriles are similarly transformed to

hydrocarbons (Table 3) releasing ammonia and probably also forming intermediately
primary amines. Nitrogenase is found in procaryotes like bacteria, blue-green algae and
actinomycetes considered as less developed organisms. It is possible that these types of
organisms were involved in the formation of hydrocarbons from plant material. It is
noteworthy that acetonitrile has been found in the lighter fractions of far distillates 86).

Table 3. Reduction of nitriles by nitrogenase

Nitriles Products formed

R-CN R - C H s + N H 3 (R = C H 3, C 2 H s, Call7)
CH2 = CH-CN CH3CH=CH 2 + CH,-CH 2-CH 3 + NH s
CH3-CH = CH-CN (cis) C H s - C H 2 - C H = C H 2 + C H s - C H 2 - C H a-CH,
+ C H s - C H = C H - C H s (cis)+ N H s
CH3-CH = CH-CN (trans) CHs-CH=CH-CH 3 (trarts)+ N H s

Besides reduction of nitriles by nitrogenase the hypothetical enzymatic reduction

of ~-cyanoalanine to a,3,-diaminobutyric acid from Lathyrus odoratus has been never
confirmed 87)

x'~NH~ "~ NH2

2.4 Hydrolysis of Nitriles

This reaction is the most common nitrile transformation. Thus, it is normal that differ-
ent authors have attempted to demonstrate it in numerous and varied organisms. The
nitrfles tested belong to highly divers chemical types. Nevertheless the bibliographic
data can be classed on the basis of the chemical type of the starting product and on the
pathway employed beginning with the nitrile.
Nitrile hydrolysis may form amides with an arrest of the reaction at this point. There
is a relatively limited number of examples of this type of reaction:


ribose ribose
toyocamycin sangivamycin
10 J.-C. Jallageaset al.
The transformationof a cyanopyrrolopyrimidinenucleosidehas been describedonly
in Streptomyces rimosus88). It is nonethelessprobable that it also exists in other Strep-
tomyces sp. whichproduce toyocamycinand sangivamycin.

2,2-diphenyl-3(1- 2,2-diphenyl-3(1-
pyrrolidino)-propio- pyrrolidino)-propio-
nitrile namide

The bioconversion of 2,2-diphenyl-3(1-pyrrolidino)-propionitrite found in Penicitlium 89)

must also be present in other organisms. Indeed, it has been reported that about 300 molds,
basidiomycetes, and actinomycetes are capable of transforming this nitrilated substrate.

NCCH2CH -~ N H 2 C O C H 2 C H
~NH2 ~ NH2

/3-cyanoalanine asparagine

This hydrolysis reaction has been described in numerous plants such as wheat, sorghum,
etc. 90-92)./3-cyanoalanine is a natural nitrile found primarily in Leguminosae 33).
Nitrile hydrolysis can also give rise to acids without passing through the amide stage.
This is particularly the case of the nitrilase described by Thimann and Mahadevan93-9s)
and found in a certain number of plants. This enzyme converts 3-indolylacetonitrile and
analogous compounds to the corresponding acids;it is not possible to demonstrate the
presence of the corresponding amide at any moment of the reaction. The authors ad-
vanced the following reaction mechanism:

R_C_=N ESH, R - C = N H R-C=O] + NH3


R-C=O ] -* RCOOH + ESH

tt ÷ J

ESH represents the enzyme, since essential sulfhydryl groups were demonstrated at the
active site(s).
Biocenversions of Nitriles and Their Applications 11

Direct hydrolysis of benzonitrile and of other aromatic nitriles has been described
by Harper 96-98) in a Fusarium and a Nocardia. It was not possible to show the inter-
mediate formation of an amide. In these two studies, the nitriles hydroLyzed had are-
marie rings and thus the enzymes could have been particular nitrilases, specific for aro-
matic compounds.
In most eases, nitriles are hydrolyzed to acids with the formation of an amide inter-
mediate. Literature references to this type of transformation appear in Table 4.

Table 4. Nitrile hydrolyses with amides as intermediates

Nitriles Formulas Organisms [Ref.]

Aliphatic Nitriles
Acetonitrile CH3CN Corynebacterium nitrilophilus,
Corynebacterium sp. 99),
Corynebacteriu m ~seudo-
diph teriticum 100) Pseudo.
monas sp. 101), Nocardia
rhodochrous 102)
Propionitrile CH3CH~CN Nocardia rhodochrous 102)
n-Butyronitrile, adipo- CH~(CH~)2CN, NC(CH2)4CN, Corynebacterium pseudo-
nitrile, butene-l-nitrile CH~=CHCH2CN diph teriticum 100)
Lactonitrile /CN
CH3CH Corynebacterium pseudo-
~OH diphteriticum 100)
Aromatic Nitriles
Ricinine and analogs Pseudomonas sp. 103, 104)


Benzonitrile CN Corynebacterium pseudo-

diph teriticum 100)
Dichlobenil CI Trichoderma sp, Pem'cillium
sp., Fusarium sp., Geo-
trichum sp. 105), Soil
bacteria 106)
CI Flexibacterium sp, 107)


12 J.-C. Jallageas et aL

Table 4 (continued)

Nitriles Formulas Organisms {ReEl

a-Amino Nitriles
a-Aminopropionitrile /CN Corynebacterium sp. 108)
a-Aminoisovaleronitrile /CN Corynebacterium sp. 108)
"~--NH 2

~-Cyanoalanine / COOH Escherichia coli 109-111),
NCCH2CH Neurospora crassa, Lathyrus
~NH 2 sylvestris, Lathyrus odoratus,
Vicia villosa, Guinea pig I t2)
Indoylacetonitrile 'H 2CN Various plants55, 1t 3, 114)


2,4-Dichlorophenoxy- Various plants 55' 113, 114)


a-Cyano-3-phenoxy- Undetermined soil

benzyl-2,2,3,3-tetra- organism I 15)

0 "~eo

Finally, in considerable research on the hydrolysis of nitriles to acids, no studies on

the demonstration of an amide intermediate were performed. This is especially true in
work on the toxicity of aromatic nitriles and aminoacetonitrile to mammals 116-118) and
in research on waste water treatment by activated sludge 119). In addition, no mention
of passage through an amide intermediate was made in studies of the mechanism of
DL-cyanhydrins hydrolysis to a-hydroxyaeids by Torulopsiscandida and o f DL<t-amino-
nitrfles hydrolysis to a-amino acids by fungi 8-t°).
Bioconversions of Nitriles and Their Applications 13

2.5 Possibilities of Using Pathways of Nitrile

Catabolism for their Bioconversions

The production of simple hydrocarbons by nitrogenase action on compounds as elabo-

rate as nitriles is not economically interesting. The same is true for obtaining aldehydes
from cyanhydrins.
Bioconversions using the other two nitrile catabolic pathways, however, seem to be
promising. Biological a-hydroxylation could yield optically active cyanlaydrins which
could be hydrolyzed to yield the corresponding D- or L-a-hydroxyacids. The most eco-
nomicaUy interesting acid, L-lactic acid, could thus be synthesized from propionitrile:


(L) (L)

The above literature search also shows the numerous possibilities of applying biological
hydrolyses of nitriles for the production of economically important amides and acids.
Relatively few amides are commercially available: acrylamide, benzamide, formam-
ide, chloroacetamide, propionamide, salieylamide, nicotinamide, and phenylacetamide.
Among them, only acrylamide is chemically obtained by nitrile hydrolysis; the others
are prepared from acids or their derivatives by the action of ammonia. The correspond-
ing nitriles are generally obtained by dehydration of amides and they are more expen-
sive than the amides and acids. Thus, the only current important application of the bio-
logical hydrolysis of nitriles to amides is for aerylonitrile. This bioconversion could
eliminate the production of secondary products present during chemical hydrolysis and
reduce the energy requirement of the reaction.
There is a larger number of possibilities in the field of biological hydrolysis of ni-
triles to acids. Indeed, certain nitriles are much less expensive than the corresponding
acids, e.g., a-amino acids, lactic acid, malonic acid, mandelic acid, methacrylic acid,
phenylacetic acid, fl-alanine, methylmercaptohydroxybutyric acid, and nitrilotriacetic
acid. The biological production of these acids would have several advantages: avoid the
production of a large quantity of salts, limit energy consumption and, above all, pro-
duce optically active acids.
We will now examine the research we have performed in an attempt to apply the
biological hydrotyses of nitriles to the production of economically important amides
and acids.

3 Study of Bacterial Strains with Nitrilase Activity

The above literature search showed that nitrile hydrolysis was found primarily in bac-
teria and fungi. Since the multiplication and utilization of bacteria are more manage-
able than those of fungi, it is logical to attempt the selection of bacterial strains with
nitrilase activity.
14 J.-C. Jailageas et al.

3.1 C o n d i t i o n s o f I s o l a t i o n

Strains with nitrilase activity were selected from soil. They were isolated by plating a
soil suspension in physiological saline on a medium containing 1.17% Yeast Carbon
Base (Difco), 0.1% acetonltrile, and 2.5% agar. Following purification, each strain was
tested in liquid medium containing acetonitrile as the only nitrogen source. Control in-
oculations were in the same medium minus acetonitrile. Strains capable of growing dur-
ing four or five transfers in acetonitrile-containing medium were retained.
Acetonitrile was chosen as the test substrate because of its stability and solubility
in water. It is nevertheless a volatile compound, and certain precautions had to be taken
during the preparation of solid and liquid culture media. In addition, when large volume
cultures were grown, it was necessary to use special reactors, identical to those used with
methanol, in order to avoid acetonitrile evaporation during growth. Under our particu-
lar aeration conditions, evaporation in Erlenmeyer flasks was relatively low.

3.2 I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f I s o l a t e d Strains

The strains isolated with nitrilase activity were all Gram-positive and obligate aerobes.
They belong to the genera Bacillus and Bacteridium according to Prevot 120, 121), and to
Micrococcus and Brevibacterium according to Bergey ~20. ~21)

3.3 S t u d y o f Nitrilase A c t i v i t y

The nitrilated compounds used to determine the spectrum of nitrilase activity were
either commercially purchased or synthesized with conventional techniques 122' t23).
Hydrolysis of the nitriles tested was performed with whole cells after growth on a
complete medium, termed YMPG: 3 g yeast extract, 3 g malt extract, 5 g bacto-pep-
tone, and 10 g glucose per 1. Cultures were in Erlenmeyer flasks f'filed to 0.1 of their
volume and were agitated for 16 h at 28 °C (80 oscillations min -1 , 8 cm amplitude).
The culture was centrifuged and the bacteria were resuspended in a 4% aqueous nitrile
solution whose pH had been previously adjusted to 8.0. After a 4-5 h incubation, the
hydrolysis supernatant was recovered by centrifugation and analyzed.
The compounds obtained during hydrolysis were identified with relatively simple
techniques, such as proton magnetic resonance spectrometry and chromatography.
Proton magnetic resonance spectrometry was used each time the peaks of the nitrile,
amide, and acid equivalent protons were well separated on the PMR spectrum. The per-
cent distribution of the various products was determined by integration.
In other cases, particularly during tests of the hydrolysis of 3-aminopropionitrile
and of a-aminonitriles other than a-aminopropionitrile, we employed thin layer chro-
matography to identify the amides and amino acids in the reaction medium. Kieselgel
60 F 254 (Merck) was used as support; this silica gel is normally used to separate ionic
or highly polar substances, such as amino acids. Plates were 20 - 20 em and gel thickness
Bioconversionsof Nitrfles and Their Applications 15

was 0.25 mm. Two solvent systems were used: butanol: acetic acid: water (80: 20: 20,
v/v/v) or propanol: 20% NH4OH (70: 30, v]v). The first solvent enabled us to demon-
strate the disappearance of the nitrile, while the second assured a better separation of
the amide and acid. The developer was 0.2% ninhydrin in ethanol: acetic acid (80: 20,
v/v). Thin layer chromatography was also used when assaying the hydrolyses of nico-
tinonitrile and isonicotinonitrfle. In these cases, the solvent was 96% ethanol: chloro-
form: 20% NH4OH (70: 40: 25, v]v/v). Spots were visualized with an ultraviolet lamp
emitting at 254 nm.
The use of gas chromatography enabled us to demonstrate the disappearance of a
large number of nitriles and the appearance of their hydrolysis products, amides and
acids, characterized by their retention times. The column was Filled with Porapak Q
(80-100 mesh) with the following temperature conditions: detector, 300 °C; injector,
250 °C; oven, 130-250 °C, as a function of the compound. Organic acids could be ana-
lyzed only in acid solution; in order to avoid ghost peaks, certain operating precautions
must be taken in the qualitative and quantitative determination of these acids 12a). Spe-
cial techniques were used in some cases: assays of NH4OH and cyanide with specific
electrodes, quantitative cyanhydrin, and cyanide assays by colorimetry 12s).
The nitriles tested, as well as the analytical method used, are found in Table 5. Among
the 18 bacterial strains isolated, we limited ourselves to 9 strains in the study of the ni-
trilase activity spectrum.
• one Bacillus strain: R 332
• two Bacteridium strains: R 340 and R 341
• one Micrococcus strain: A 111
• one motile Brevibacter~um strain: B 222
• four nonmotile Brevibacterium strains of different origins: A 13, B 212, C 211, and
All the nitriles tested were hydrolyzed to some extent by the nine strains in our ex-
perimental conditions. The bacteria tested thus have very wide nitrilase spectra.
It should be noted that this study was performed with whole cells and not homoge.
nates, since the use of whole cells is the most suitable for industrial bioconversions. For
a certain number of nitriles we also verified that hydrolyses could occur with homoge-
It appears probable that these strains contain a rather nonspecific nitrilase, consider-
ing the wide substrate spectrum. We thus undertook a definition of the properties of
this enzyme in one strain, Brevibacterium R 312, using the simplest nitrfle substrate,
acetonitrite. The kinetics of acetonitrfle hydrolysis can be followed easily with proton
magnetic resonance spectrometry 126) or with gas chromatography 127). Knowledge ac-
quired on the properties of acetonitrilase will be useful during the optimization of ni-
trile hydrolysis and also for the eventual immobilization of the enzyme on a solid sup-
port. Nevertheless, it remains to be shown by biochemical or genetic methods that this
acetonitrilase is indeed a nitrilase with general activity.
We will now summarize the most important results of the acetonitrilase study 128).
When a crude cell-free homogenate is prepared by ultrasonic disruption of the bacteria,
enzyme activity is found in the supernatant of a 180,000g ultracentrifugation. Activity
16 J.-C. Jallageas et al.

Table 5. Nitrilase activity spectra of bacterial strains with nitrilase and amidase activities (PMR:
proton magnetic resonance; GLC: gas liquid chromatography; TLC: thin layer chromatography;
E: specific electrode)

Class of Formulas Analytical

compound method

Aliphatic RCN R = CH3, C2Hs, (CH3)2CH, (CHa)aC PMR, GLC
nitriles R = C3H7, iC3HT,C4H9 GLC
a-Ethylenie /CN
nitriles CH2=C R = H, CH~ GLC, PMR
#-Ethylenic CH2=CHCH2CN GLC
Aromatic ArCN Ar = ~, p-toluyl, homoveratryl GLC
a-Aminoni- R = H, CHs TLC, PMR
R C H / CN R = C2Hs, Call ~, (CH3)2CH, q' CH2, TLC

(CH3)2C / C N TLC, PMR

~NH 2
a-Amino- /CN
nitriles CH~CH R = CHa, CHO PMR
N-Sub- ~NHR
R = H, CH 3 PMR, ECN-
a-Hydroxy- RCH/CN R = CH3SCH2CH2 ECN-,
nitriles ~OH Extraction
(CH3)2C~o H

t3-Amino- NH~CH~CH2CN TLC

Hetero- RCN TLC

Aliphatic NC(CH2)nCN n=1,2,4 GLC
a-Aminodi- NCCH~CH2~HCN TLC
NH 2
Bioconversions of Nitriles and Their Applications 17

Table 5 (continued)

Class of Formulas Analytical

compound method

Hetero- ~ TLC, PMR

dinitrile NC CN
Cyanamide NH2CN GLC, ENH s
Cyanhydric HCN GLC, ECN-,
acid ENH s

is precipitated by ammonium sulfate between 40 and 55% of saturation. The pH opti-

mum of acetonitrilase is pH 7, with activity failing off to zero at pH 5 and 10(Fig. 1).
Optimal temperature is 35 °C, with little variation in activity between 30 and 40 °C
(Fig. 2). Heat denaturation studies showed that the enzyme is relatively thermolabile:
although stable at 30 o, it is rapidly denatured at 35 and 40 °C and after 30 min at these
temperatures, there remain 80 and 27%, respectively, of the initial activity (Fig. 3).
Considerable activity is also lost after dialysis against water or phosphate buffer,
which suggests either a cofactor requirement or the association of enzyme subunits for
activity. Since EDTA has no effect on activity, divalent cations are apparently not re-
quired. Finally, studies of the influence of the medium and the physiological state of

• 6.0

o) £Q_4.5

~ E

~ E


5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 1. Acetonitrilase activity as a function of pH at 30 °C

• Crude extract: supernatant of a 13,000 g eentrffugation
x Supernatant e r a 180,000gultracentrifugation
18 J.-C. Jallageas et al.

-~ 5.0



.u_ 2.5


OL i
20 2'5 3O 35 40 45
Temperature (°C)

Fig. 2. Acetonitrilase activity as a function o f temperature

1.0 +--_~ .............. ~. + + + 30°C

• x

~ 0.5





0 3o
Time of heating (min)

Fig. 3. Heat denaturation o f acetonitrilase

E o = activity at time zero
E = activity after a given time o f heating
The enzyme was suspended in 20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, and was heated at the temperatures
indicated. The activity is determined at pH 7 and 30 °C
Bioconversionsof Nitriles and Their Applications 19
the cells showed that the enzyme is apparently constitutive. Enzyme activity decreases
with decreasing growth rate and approaches zero at the stationary phase.
The Michaelis constant of 2.5 x 10-2 M is relatively high. This result favors the hy-
pothesis according to which acetonitrilase is a general nitrilase, since nitrilases with very
specific activities have much higher affinities for their substrates as' 92, 94, 96,104)

3.4 S t u d y o f A m i d a s e A c t i v i t y

The nine bacterial strains were next tested for their ability to hydrolyse caprolactam,
a-amino-e-caprolactam and the amides corresponding to the nitriles in Table 4, most of
which were commercially available. When not available, the amides were synthesized by
the action of gaseous HC1 on the corresponding nitriles in formic acid 129). a-amino-e-
caprolactam was obtained by the action of NH4OH on a-chloro-e-caprolactam 13°' t3t)
The conditions of culture (YMPG medium) and hydrolysis and the analytical techni-
ques were the same as those used for the nitrilase studies. Thin layer chromatography
was used for the qualitative analysis of caprolactam, a-amino-e-caprolactam, and their
hydrolysis products. The solvent system was n-butanol: water: acetic acid (6: 2: 2, w/w/w).
All the amides tested under the present conditions were hydrolyzed, except the vi-
nylic amides (acrylamide, methacrylamide) and the lactams (caprolactam and a-amino-
e.caprolactam)132). The a-amino - and a-hydroxyacids obtained were racemic mixtures.
Similar results were obtained when we used crude cell-free extracts.
The strains studied probably do not contain e-lactamases and it is normal that an
amidase, even one with nonspecific activity, would not attack these internal amides. It
is more difficult to explain the lack of hydrolysis of the vinylic amides, since hydrolysis
was tested with cells grown in Yeast Carbon Base medium containing 0.5% acetonitrile,
acetamide or ammonium acetate as nitrogen source.
Amidase activity, similar to nitrilase activity, thus appears to be relatively nonspecif-
ic, and could be due to the action of an enzyme with little substrate specificity. We at-
tempted to define certain properties of this enzyme, for the same reasons as in the ease
of the nitrilase. Acetamide was used as test substrate and quantitation of aqueous solu-
tions was easily performed with proton magnetic resonance spectrometry 126) and gas
chromatography 127).
The most important results 133) are as follows. The enzyme is localized in the super-
natant of a 180,000g centrifugation of the crude extract and is precipitated between
35 and 65% (NH4)2SO4. The pH optimum is 7 and activity disappears at pH 3 and 11
(Fig. 4). Optimal temperature of the enzyme is included between 60 and 70 °C (Fig. 5).
Acetamidase is relatively thermostable, losing only 25% of its activity after 3 h at 45 °C
(Fig. 6). Activity is rapidly lost during dialysis. EDTA increases activity, probably by
chelating an inhibitory divalent cation.
Acetamidase activity as a function of the physiological state of the cells and of the
culture medium is shown in Table 6. In the exponential phase of growth, activity is
5-6 fold higher in cells growing in acetonitrile - o.r acetamide - supplemented medium
than in cells grown with ammonium acetate; the enzyme is thus apparently inductive.
20 J.-C, Jallageas et al.


~ "~ 1.8


. _ ~.-6 j , ~ i I I t q
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 4. Acetamidase activity as a function of pH

• S 2 : supernatant of a 180,000 g ultraeentrifugation



--I t J J J
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature (°C)

Fig. 5. Acetamidase activity as a function of temperature

Bioconversions of Nitriles and Their Applications 21

t.0 t

.~ 0 . 5

0.2 60°C 55oc

~ ......t, f ~ ~
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time of heating (min)

Fig. 6. Heat denaturation of aeetamidase

E o = activity at time zero
E = activity after given time of heating
The enzyme was suspended in 20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, and was heated at the tempera-
tures indicated. The activity is determined at pH 7 and 30 °C

Table 6. Effect of growth medium and physiological state of cells on aeetamidase activity

Growth Generation Growth Specific activity: t~moles of prod-

medium time phase uct transformed per rain and per
(h) mg of protein at 30°Cand pH 7

Mean Standard N

YCB + Exponential 1.90 0.30 5

0.5% acetonittile 3
pH 6.5 Stationary 1.55 0.20 3
YCB + Exponential 1.90 0.04 3
0.5% acetamide 3
pH 6.5 Stationary 0.50 0.06 3
YCB + Exponential 0.35 0.03 3
0.5% NH 4 acetate 3
pH 6.5 Stationary 0.60 0.06 3
22 J.-C. JaUageaset al.

In the stationary phase in YCB medium, activity is low in the presence of either acet-
amide or ammonium acetate and is high in YCB + acetonitrile. Gas chromatography
demonstrated the absence of acetamide and the presence of acetic acid in YCB + acet-
amide and YCB + acetonitrile; in the latter medium, 20% of the initial acetonitrile had
not been metabolized. The high amidase activity in stationary phase cells grown in aceto-
nitrile medium is perhaps explained by this e x c e s s of acetonitrile, which could act as an
enzyme inducer.
The Km of acetamidase is 3.5 x 10-a M, similar to published values for aliphatic
amidases 1s4. lss)
The results of this study show that bacterial acetonitrilase and acetamidase are con-
siderably different, confirming that the hydrolysis of nitriles to acids in two steps oc-
curs by the action of at least two different enzymes. It was thus consistent to search for
acetamidase- mutants which have retained their acetonitrilase activity.

3.5 S e a r c h f o r an A c e t a m i d a s e - - M u t a n t

Strain R 312 was used for this study. The method used was adapted from Clarke and
Tara 1a6) and involved selecting fluoracetamide-resistant mutants. This compound is
toxic for wild-type, since it is transformed to fluoracetic acid by the action of the non-
specific amidase. This screening thus enabled us to select mutants which could not per-
form this reaction.
Dense inocula o f wild-type were plated on YNB, 0.5% ammonium acetate, 1% fluor-
acetamide, 1.2% agar, pH 6.5. Resistant colonies appeared after 8-10 d and were trans-
ferred to YNB, 0.5% ammonium acetate, pH 6.5, without fluoracetamide. Fluoracet-
amide resistance was then compared to wild-type in liquid medium. The mutant was
then plated on YNB, 0.5% ammonium acetate, pH 6.5, to verify homogeneity and rep-
lica plating was then done on YNB, 0.5% ammonium acetate, 1% fluoracetamide, pH 6.5.
Several defective mutants were thus screened, which were stable during vegetative divi-
sion. One of these mutants, A4, was used for the following studies.
The nitrilase activity spectrum in the mutant was identical to that of wild-type. This
confirmed that there are two distinct enzyme systems involved in nitrile hydrolysis, ni-
trilase and amidase.
We then determined the amidase activity spectrum of this mutant and compared the
activities of wild-type and mutant grown on YMPG medium. Hydrolysis conditions
were the same as those used in the determination of the amidase spectrum of R 312 and
cells were always tested in exponential phase. Activities were determined with whole
cells suspended in water and with cell-free extracts obtained as previously described I a7).
The results of this comparative study, as well as the analytical techniques used, are
shown in Table 7.
Wild.type R 312 apparently hydrolyzes all the amides tested except acrylamide,
methacrylamide, D- and L-asparagine, and D-glutamine, the latter of which is effective-
ly hydrolyzed by the extract, implying that the compound does not penetrate from
Bioconversions of Nitriles and Their Applications 23

T a b l e 7. C o m p a r i s o n o f t h e a c e t a m i d a s e - m u t a n t a n d w i l d - t y p e ( P M R : p r o t o n m a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e ;
TLC: thin layer chromatography; GLC: gas liquid chromatography; ENH ~ : NHa-specifie electrode)

Amides W h o l e cells Extract Analytical


Wild-type Mutant Wild-type Mutant

CH a - CO- NH 2 + - + - PMR
CHa • CH 2 • CONH 2 + - + - PMR
(CH3) 2 - CH - CO - NH 2 + - + - PMR
(CH3) 3 • C • CO • NH 2 + - + - PMR
CH 3 • CHOH. CO. NH z + - + - PMR
(CH3) 2 • COH • CO " NH 2 + - + - PMR

~ CONH2 + + + +

+ - -6 - TLC

+ - + - TLC

[ ~ + - 4- - TLC
NH2CONH 2 + + + + ENH s

HCONH 2 + + + + GLC-ENH 3
NH2(CHa)zCONH 2 + _ + - TLC
CH~CH + - + - PMR
CHaCH + _ + - PMR
NH2CH2CONH 2 + + + + TLC
CHaCH + _ + - TLC-PMR
~ N H 2
CH3CH + + + + TLC-PMR
~NH 2
24 J.-C. Jallageas et aL

Table 7 (co ntinued)

Amides Whole ceils Extract Analytical


Wild-type Mutant Wild-type Mut a nt

CH3CH + + + + TLC-PMR
el,CH~CH + + + + TLC
NH 2
C2HsCH + + + + TLC
CHaS(CH 2)2CH + + ÷ + TLC
~NH 2
(CH3),CHCH + + + + TLC
~NH 2
(CHa)2CHCH2CH + + + + TLC
~NH 2
C 2H s ~ / CONH2
/ CH -CH + + + + TLC
CH, ~ NH 2
/ CO • OH
NH 2 • C O . CH 2 • CH TLC
~NH 2
/ CO • OH
N H , • C O - CH 2 - CH TLC
~NH 2
/CO • OH
NH~ • C O - (CH:) 2 • CH" + + TLC
~'NH 2
NH 2 " CO" (CH2): • C H / ' C O " TLC
~NH 2
Bioeonversions of Nitriles and Their Applications 25

Table 7 (continued)

CH2----CH • C O • NH 2 GLC
/ CO *NH~
"~CH 3
CH 3 -CH =CH • CO.NH 2 + + - GLC-ENH 3
CH==CH - CH 2 • CO • NH2 + + - GLC-ENH 3
q, C O - NH~ + + - ENH 3
NH 2 • CO. CH 2 • CO- NH 2 + + _ ENH 3
NH 2 • CO- (CH2) 2 • CO" NH 2 + + _ ENH 3
NH 2 • CO • (CH~) 4 • CO • NH 2 + + - ENH a

Acetamidase activity of mutant A4 is completely absent in extracts. In the presence

of acetamide, whole cells yield traces of acetic acid, which appear to arise from another
metabolic pathway. The only amides hydrolyzed were formarnide, urea, nicotinamide,
L-glutamine, and the a-aminoamides. It should be noted that whenever DL-a-amino-
amides were used, hydrolysis never exceeded 50% and the a-amino acid isolated was
the L-isomer. Additional results favor the stereospecificity of amidases: D-a-aminopro-
pionamide is not hydrolyzed, while L-a-aminopropionarnide is completely converted
to L-a-alanine.
Wild-type Brevibacterium R 312 did not hydrolyze all the amides tested. L-glutamine
is apparently not hydrolyzed as a result of a permeability barrier. Acetamidase activity
in extracts was not completely nonspecific, but these results require more detailed stud-
ies; thus, it is interesting that acrylamide and methacrylamide are or are not hydrolyzed
as a function of the culture medium. In any case, it remains probable that acetamidase
has a relatively wide spectrum of activity, since the mutation we studied resulted in the
loss of the ability to hydrolyze a large number of substrates. It is virtually impossible
that a single mutation could have led to the loss of such a large number of enzyme spe-
In addition to the relatively nonspecific enzyme termed acetamidase, Brevibacteriurn
R 312 has several specific enzymes for the hydrolysis of urea, formamide, nicotinamide,
glycinamide, L-glutamine, and L-a-amino acids.
In summary, we have at our disposal two types of strains:
1) wild-type R 312 can hydrolyze practically all water soluble nitriles to the corre-
sponding acids, providing growth conditions are carefully chosen. These reactions are
never stereospecific;
2) mutant A4 converts nitriles to the corresponding amides (acrylamide, acetamide,
lactamide, etc.) and can convert certain amides to the acids: nicotinamide, urea,form.
amide, glycinamide, and a-aminoamides. Among the latter, only the L-amide is hydro-
lyzed to the acid.
The above results concerning nitrilase - and amidase - containing bacteria will now
be followed by the description of several technological applications of our strains. We
26 J.-C. Jallageaset al.
will then analyze the patents and similar processes utilizing nitrile and amide biocon-

4 Examples of Technological Applications13 7-- 13 9)

4.1 P r o d u c t i o n o f DL-Lactic Acid

Wild-type R 312 was grown in a medium containing glucose as sole carbon source. Ex-
ponentiaUy growing bacteria were centrifuged, washed with physiological saline and
resuspended in a reaction medium consisting of 10% (w/v) chemically synthesized lac-
tonitrile. The same concentration of lactonitrile may be obtained in situ by mixing equi-
molar aqueous solutions of acetaldehyde and HCN; the reaction is started by adjusting
the pH to about 5 with concentrated ammonium hydroxide. In both cases the pH of the
lactonitrile solution is adjusted to 7 before adding the bacteria. The quantity of cells
added corresponded to about 20-40 g of dry matter 1-1; this resulted in the total hy-
drolysis of the nitrile in 2 - 3 h at 25 °C with constant agitation. Cells were then elimi-
nated and the ammonium lactate in the supernatant could be quantitatively recovered
by drying. It is also possible to quantitatively recover lactic acid by any known method,
e.g., acidification followed by continuous extraction with diethyl ether or any other
appropriate organic solvent.
It is important to note that the lifetime of the bacteria is relatively long under the
above conditions and tests have shown that the same suspension may be used several
times without loss of activity. Fixation of cells would probably improve their useful
The same process may be used to quantitatively obtain various acids, e.g., DL-a-
aminO acids, DL-a-hydroxyacids, aliphatic acids, etc. Conversion is occasionally incom-
plete after 3 h, especially when using nitriles yielding only slightly water soluble amides
(nicotinonitrile, adiponitrile) or when using ~-aminopropionitrile. In the case of the lat-
ter the first step in hydrolysis is very rapid, but/3-aminopropionamide hydrolysis occurs
slowly. Yields may be substantially improved by the acquisition of constitutive mutants
or of more detailed knowledge of the process.

4.2 P r o d u c t i o n o f A c r y l a m i d e

As in the above section, mutant A4 may be grown in any glucose-containing medium;

the cells were centrifuged, washed with physiological saline and resuspended in reaction
medium consisting of 6% (w/v) aqueous acrylonitrile, whose pH had been previously
adjusted to 6.5 - 7 with KOH. The quantity of cells corresponded to 20-40 g of dry
weight and total hydrolysis of the nitrile occurred in 20-30 rain at 25 °C with constant
agitation. The pH must be maintained constant at 6.5-7. After recuperating the super-
natant by centrifugation, acrylarnide may be recovered by chloroform extraction. If
Bioconversionsof Nitriles and Their Applications 27

certain precautions are taken and if acrylonitrile is progressively added to the reaction,
a final acrylamide yield of 20% (w/v) can be obtained.
As in the case of lactonitrile, it appears possible to improve cell utilization by fixa-
tion. Nitrilase immobilization on an appropriate support may also be an important tech-
nologieal improvement.
The procedure for preparing acrylamide may also be used to prepare other amides,
such as acetamide, benzamide, succinamide, etc. The only industrial conversion which
is presently interesting is that of acrylonitrile to acrylamide.
Certain other possibilities may be imagined in the future:
the price of certain nitriles may decrease, thus making their bioconversion to the cor-
responding amides economically interesting;
if new nitriles become commercially available, their bioconversion to amides may be-
come important.

4.3 P r o d u c t i o n o f L-Methionine

Mutant A4 was grown on YMPG medium and exponentially growing cells were centri-
fuged, washed with physiological saline and resuspended in a reaction medium consist-
ing of 6% (w/v) a-aminoey-methylthiobutyronitrilehydrochloride, whose pH had been
adjusted to 6.5 - 8.5 with KOH. The addition of 20-40 g dry weight of cells 1-1 quan-
titatively converted the nitrile to 50% L-methionine and 50% D-methionine amide in
2-3 h. The reaction products were recovered by known techniques: crystallization of
methionine at pH 7 after concentration of the supernatant or chromatography on an ion
exchange resin.
The D-amide was converted to D-methionine by wild-type R 312 at pH 7.
A variation of this process involves the hydrolysis of a-aminonitrile previously syn-
thesized in situ by reacting methylmercaptopropionaldehyde with NH4CI and KCN in
10 N NH,OH at 40 °C for 1.5 h. Bacteria were added after adjusting the pH to 7.
Cell-free extracts may also be used to hydrolyze the nitrile to the L-a-amino acid.
Furthermore, the method is not limited to methionine and we have successfully used
it to prepare L-a-alanine, L-a-aminobutyric acid, L-phenylalanine, L-valine, and t-leu-
cine. It is now possible to imagine the use of this method for the preparation of L-lysine,
L-glutamie acid, L-tryptophan, and D- or L-phenylglyeine from the corresponding a-
aminonitriles already described in the literature. The yield of the process may also be
improved by fixing the cells or by immobilizing the enzyme systems involved. Finally,
a better knowledge of the conditions for inducing a-aminoamidases should enable the
process to become competitive with other existing industrial processes. The L-ct-amino-
amidase activities presently considered are indeed inducible and the optimization of the
medium is thus a prime goal.
28 J.-C, Jallageaset al.

5 Other Biological Hydrolyses of Nitriles and Primary Amides

5.1 P r o d u c t i o n o f Lysergic Acid ~4°)

This method involves the conversion of lysergamide or isolysergamide to lysergic acid

with cultures of Claviceps purpurea. The reaction is performed in an aqueous solution
of organic solvent (dimethylformamide or ethanol) for 5-10 days. The reaction product
is extracted with n-butanol and purified. Although the process is relatively long, it en-
ables one to obtain an important product under unusual conditions for the utilization
of a protist.
This process may be usefully extended to other reactions which are difficult to real-
ize in aqueous solution.

5.2 P r o d u c t i o n o f L-ct-Hydroxyacids 14~)

A strain of Torulopsis candida was inoculated into a medium containing 0.02% (w/v)
racemic a-hydroxynitrile (C3-C7), inorganic salts, glucose and yeast extract. Cells were
centrifuged away after 72 h of growth, the supernatant was brought to pH 10 and re-
sidual eyanhydrin was eliminated by ether extraction. The aqueous solution was then
brought to pH 2 and treated with benzene, thus yielding 160 mg of L-cl-hydroxyacid
per I of culture; final yield was thus close to 75%.
Using this process, it is possible to obtain optically active L-a-hydroxyacids from
racemic cyanhydrins, but the yields are currently low and the operating conditions are

5.3 Preparation of Optically Active a-Amino Acids 142)

The L- and DL-a-aminoamide precursors were dissolved in an aqueous medium pH 8.2,
containing MgClz and MnC12. After adding a crude cell-free extract of Pseudomonas
putida, the reaction mixture was agitated for 20 h at 25 °C. L-a-aminoamide yields
100% of the corresponding L~-amino acid and the DL-a-aminoamide yields 50% L-a-
amino acid and 50% D~-aminoamide. It is thus possible to imagine the production of
L-a-amino acids from corresponding chemically synthesized DL-a-aminoamides. In ad-
dition, an a-aminoamide, o-phenylglycinamide may be raeemized under certain condi-
tions la3). This will result in the recyeling of the residual D-amide and the acquisition
of 100% L-phenylglycine from DL-phenylglycinamide.
This process for preparing optically active amino acids involves, as the procedure de-
scribed above (Sect. 4.3), bacteria with L-a-aminoamidase activity. Nevertheless, our
method has the advantage of utilizing racemic a-aminonitriles which are more easily
synthesized than the corresponding a-aminoamides.
Bioeonversionsof Nitriles and Their Applications 29

6 Conclusions and Perspectives

The various bioconversion processes that we have discussed have a number of interest-
ing characteristics. There is low energy consumption, low salt concentrations, the ab-
sence of secondary products and a reduced evaporation of nitriles since we work at
room temperature. In addition, these bioconversions may enable one to stereospecifi-
tally orient a reaction and thus produce optically active compounds, especially a-amino
acids. There remain, however, a certain number of drawbacks related to current operat-
ing conditions. The quantity of cellular material used is relatively great and the yield
of L-a-amino acids is, with the exception of phenylglycine, only 50% from racemic ni-
triles and a-aminoamides.
In spite of these limitations, we believe that certain improvements are possible, the
most important of which are:
- the acquisition o f inexpensive biological material by the improvement of culture
conditions and a better control of the regulation of enzyme biosynthesis;
- the optimization of bioconversions by varying temperature, pH, activating ca-
tions, etc.;
- technological improvements, including cell fixation and enzyme immobilization.
This improvement will enable us to continuously synthesize large quantities of amides
and acids in a shorter time with the same quantities of cells or of enzymes;
- the development of a general method for racemizing D-a-aminoamides for the
production of L-a-amino acids. This will enable us to obtain a quantitative yield of
L-a-amino acid from the corresponding DL-cz-aminonitrile.
The various processes considered and presented here were influenced by current
market conditions. Certain of these bioconversions could of course be applied to other
substrates (nitriles or amides) if they became commercially available at reasonable cost.
It is also possible to use these processes for obtaining new products, especially relative-
ly complex compounds.

7 Acknowledgments

The authors thank Mr. Bmnie and Mr. Gillonnier of the "Laboratoire de l'Alimentation
Equilibre6, Commentry, France (Groupe Rhfne-Poulenc)" for synthesizing nitriles and

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Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis

Z d e n ~ k Rehfi~ek
Institute of Microbiology
o f the Czechoslovak A c a d e m y o f Sciences
1 4 2 2 0 Prague 4, Czechoslovakia

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2 Importance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3 Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.1 Molecular Flexibility of Ergopeptines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2 Chemical Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5 Formation Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.1 Biogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2 Tryptophan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3 Gibbs Free Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.4 Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.5 Strain Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
6 Physiological Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

This work reviews recent ergot alkaloid (EA) literature and illustrates the present problems of EA
research. Biosynthesis of EA is regulated genetically. Many enzymes and coenzymes of basic meta-
bolism and EA synthesis are common. A polygenie system is assumed for the control of EA and EA
phenotypes. Formation of EA is to a greater degree a result of changes in the physiological state
than an indication of a new physiological state. EA are not waste, physiologically inert products of
cell metabolism. The clavine alkaloid producers are biocyberneticaUy similar. In contrast, the bio-
cybernetics of the organisms forming peptide EA are much more specific. The EA future depends
on the results of basic research, including the horizontal and vertical integration of various disci-
plines. The newer EA derivatives have opened up a new area of investigation.

1 Introduction

Progress in e v e r y e x p e r i m e n t a l region d e p e n d s o n t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f m e t h o d s w h i c h
logically divide the studied subject u p i n t o smaller c o m p o n e n t s . This a p p r o a c h is nec-
essary b u t n o t sufficient. T h e divergence o f the individual directions in research has
m a d e it impossible for a single individual t o c o m p r e h e n d the w h o l e o f a given field.
T h u s it is i m p o r t a n t in each area to u n d e r s t a n d the stage o f analytical d e v e l o p m e n t
34 z. Rehfi~ek
where it is possible and useful to commence at least partial synthesis. The combination
of the analytical and synthetic approaches enables exact solution of even complex prob-
lems. This is particularly true for ergot alkaloids, the research into which, application
and production depends on the results of cooperation of plant physiologists, microbio-
logists, biochemists, organic chemists, pharmacologists, and chemical technologists.
Ergot (Secale comutum)- sclerotium of pyrenomyeete Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.
- has a long history. Over the centuries its rote underwent important changes from a
dreaded toxic parasite on rye to an important source of biologically effective substances.
At the beginning of the fifties, the biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids drew a great deal of
attention. It rapidly changed from a subject of fruitful speculation to the region of ex-
perimental research. Primarily the chemical properties of the alkaloids were studied. In
the meantime, biologists were studying the physiological aspects of the synthesis of al-
kaloids from a practical point of view, i.e., for both agronomists, who were trying to ob-
tain grain with the lowest possible alkaloid content and for pharmacognosists, who were,
on the other hand, interested in high alkaloid yields. The dependence of the pharmaco-
logical effectiveness on the alkaloid chemical structure, enabling preparation of sub-
stances for specific purposes, was important stimulus for the development of ergot al-
kaloid research. The isolation of two enzymes catalyzing the formation of ergot alka-
loids, i.e., dimethylallyltryptophan synthetase in 1971 and chanoclavine cyclase in 1973,
was also an important stimulant. These facts and the range of practical applications of
ergot alkaloids and their semisynthetic derivatives, either alone or in composite prepara-
tions, led to the carrying out of this work.
This work will not only be a review of ergot literature, but also will illustrate the
present problems of ergot research, with emphasis on "white spots", considering aspects
worth pursuing further and it should also stimulate integration of individual fields of al-
kaloid research.

2 Importance

The ergot alkaloids have many potential therapeutic uses, some of which have been re-
alized and others that have not survived the critical test of time. The ergot alkaloids
have been of prime interest to pharmacologists due to their multiple actions, which in-
elude effects on uterine and vascular smooth muscle, and for their use as a tool for
studying the mechanism of the sympathetic nervous system. Within the last few years
newer aspects of the pharmacology of the ergot derivatives have been recognized 1).
One involves the action of certain ergot derivatives as inhibitors of prolactin secretion.
In addition, the newer ergot compounds have been shown to produce stimulation of
dopaminergic receptors and have been utilized effectively in the treatment of parkin-
sonism. Thus, these newer ergot derivatives have been implicated as potential therapeu-
tic agents in many disease states such as parkinsonism, acromegaly, amenorrhea-galac-
torrhea, suppression of postpartum lactation, treatment of breast cancer, and possibly
cancer of the prostate (secondary to inhibition of prolactin secretion).
Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 35

3 Sources

In nature, ergot alkaloids are formed primarily by the fungus Claviceps. More than 40
different alkaloids have been isolated from this pyrenomycete, which has about 50 spe-
cies. Ergot alkaloids have also been found in other fungi 2), especially of the Aspergil-
lus 3), and Penicillium 4) genera and even in some higher plants of the Convolvulaceae-
family 3).
Ergot alkaloids can be obtained in three basic ways:
1. By isolation from the pyrenomycete Claviceps purpurea prepared from field pro-
duction (95% of world production);
2. by extraction of saprophytic cultures of various ascomycetes, especially of the
Claviceps genus (Table 1);
3. by partial or total synthesis.

Table 1. Industrial submerged production of ergot alkaloids5)

Alkaloid Companya

1 2 3 4

Ergocornine + + + +

Ergoeristine + + +

Ergoeryptine + + + +

Ergotamine + +

Ergometrine +

Lysergic acid +
Paspalic acid +

a I Biochemie GmbH, Kundl/Tirol, Austria

2 Farmitalia S.p.A., Milano, Italy
3 Gedeon Richter, Budapest, Hungary
4 Sandoz-WanderAG, Basel, Switzerland

Partial alkaloid synthesis is employed in studying of the structure and pharmacolog-

ical effect of peptide alkaloids with various peptide parts of the molecule. The total
synthesis of lysergic acid, the solution of the spatial arrangement of this substance, the
synthesis of the peptide parts of some alkaloids and especially the total synthesis ofer-
gotamine, enabling the synthesis of most ergot alkaloids with very important results 6).
However, total synthesis remains uneconomical.

4 Chemistry

The chemistry of ergot alkaloids has been reviewed in several works 3' 7, 8, 1). A com-
mon part of ergot alkaloids is ergoline, i.e., partially hydrogenated indolo(4,3-fg)quino-
36 Z. Rehfi~ek

Fig. 1. Ergoline 188)

line (Fig. 1). Most natural ergot alkaloids form 6,8-dimethyl-A 8'9 or A9"l°-ergolene de-
rivatives. Ergot alkaloids can be separated into two basic groups: derivatives of lysergic
acid and clavine alkaloids 9). Bu' Lock and Barr io) also include tricyclic chanoclavines
in the clavine group. The derivatives of lysergic acid so far isolated are the amides, in
which the amide part is a small peptide or a simple alkylamide. The basicity of the am-
ides of lysergic acid is a result of the presence of nitrogen in the 6-position (Fig. 1). The
classic peptide ergot alkaloids, i.e., ergopeptines, are characterized by a modified tripep-
tide containing L-proline t 1) and a-hydroxy-a-amino acid, which formed cyclol with a
carbon from the proline carboxylic group 12-1s). Ergot alkaloids are the only natural
substances with demonstrated cyclol structure. Alkaloids with hydrogens in positions 5
and 10 which are spatially alternately oriented are the subject of considerable pharma-
cological interest. Relatively few new natural alkaloids have been described in the last
ten years. Most of them have only biogenetic importance. The discovery of ergostine
and of ergostinine 16), as representatives of a new, i.e., ergoxine, group of peptide alka-
loids is important.

4.1 Molecular F l e x i b i l i t y o f E r g o p e p t i n e s

It is clear from the molecular formulae of ergopeptines (Fig. 2) that the A/B/C- and the
E/F-ring system each forms a rigid molecular fragment. Apart from these fixe~l frag-
ments, the molecules have in principle a fairly large number of degrees of conforma-
tional freedom, mainly rotations about formal single bonds, such as C(8)-C(18),
N(20)-C(2'), C(5')-C(16'), and C(16)-C(17'), together with pseudorotations in the
two saturated rings D and G. From crystallographic studies of ergopeptines one may
infer that much of this apparent flexibility is limited by various intramolecular forces 17).
Prominent among these internal interactions is a strong hydrogen bond between cyclol
hydroxyl O(13') and carboxyl oxygen O(19). Together with the invariably observed
trans peptide bond C(18)-N(20), this hydrogen bond f'LXeSthe torsion angles around
the single bond N(20)-C(2') within a narrow range.
The proline ring G shows minor conformational variations in the different structures.
The flexible benzyl group H, however, appears to be restricted to a certain orientation
in four of the investigated structures, while another orientation is adopted in two other
structures. Steric hindrance between neighboring atoms is probably responsible for this
reduced flexibility. The D-ring conformation is, however, the major structural determi-
Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 37

• E

H ~cH3

Fig. 2. Molecule of ergotamine 1) HN "'|

nant for various ergopeptines. In the biologically active compounds ergotamine and di-
hydroergotamine the amide group is equatorial to the D-ring, while in the biologically
inactive forms this group is axial and stabilized in this position by an internal hydrogen
bond N(20)-H...N(6) (Fig. 3). The torsion angles around C(8)-C(18) in the structures
of ergotamine and dihydroergotamine fall in a rather narrow range, such that the plane
of the amide group is roughly normal to the mean plane of the D-ring. This restricted
rotation may be attributed to van der Waals contacts between the atoms adjacent to the
C(8)-C(18) bond.
It !


CH 3

,, I
h~N/C% o

Fig. 3. The D-ring partial conformation of deriva-

tives of lysergic (a) and isolysergic (b) acids b
38 Z. Reh~ek

4.2 Chemical Manipulation

The ergot alkaloids can be chemically manipulated to form derivatives that possess al-
tered pharmacologic effects. The selective saturation of one of the double bonds (C9
to C 10) of the lysergic acid moiety results in compounds which differ considerably
from the natural alkaloids Is). One of the most prominent divergencies was found in re-
spect to the uterine effects. The dihydrogenated alkaloids lost the excitatory effect of
the uterus, but they are indeed able to inhibit in vitro and in situ the powerful stimula-
tive action of the natural alkaloids such as ergotamine and ergotoxine 19).

5 Formation Physiology

Most Claviceps strains form alkaloids under conditions of parasitic growth. After the
first proof of the formation of ergot alkaloids in vitro 2°), a number of works were de-
voted to saprophytic strains of Claviceps. Only some of them synthesized alkaloids. Al-
most 1000 different species of f'damentous fungi were tested for their ability to produce
alkaloids under surface and submerged cultivation conditions 21-23). The ability to syn-
thesize clavine alkaloids under laboratory conditions was demonstrated for the Claviceps
strains, for A spergillusfumigatus, and for 19 further strains of phycomycetes, ascomy-
cetes and imperfect fungi.
While metabolic pathways taking part in the synthesis of ergot alkaloids have been
studied in detail, physiological formation of alkaloids has been studied only negligibly.
The formation physiology does not consist only in culture growth and synthesis of the
ergoline skeleton from corresponding precursors 24). The formation of alkaloids requires
changes in the metabolic structure normally leading to propagation of the biomass, a
decrease in the intensity of culture growth and a decrease in the number of nuclei in the
terminal cells of hyphae. Biosynthesis of alkaloids is to a greater degree a result of chan-
ges in the physiological state than an indication of a new physiological state. It is ac-
companied by decreased propagation intensity, accumulation of primary metabolic inter-
mediates and a change in differentiation 2s). Differentiation is considered to be a result
of different expression of the genome under various conditions and at different times 19°' 191)
Morphological differentiation is preceded by synthesis of membranes, i.e., proteins and
lipids. Protein synthesis is quantitatively regulated during morphological changes 192).
For initiation of differentiation, macromolecular turnover with minimum requirements
on synthesis of new macromolecules is important.
At the beginning of their differentiation, vegetative fungal cells form a polarization
gradient in the cytoplasm. Respiration plays an important role in maintaining polarized
growth. Hyphae growing under aerobic conditions require active mitochondria if they
are to dominate in cultures over cells with yeast growth. In vegetatively polarized hy-
phae, apical vesicles move through the cytoplasm along an electrochemical gradient
produced by the oxygen. These vesicles contain precursors of the cell walls and hydro-
lyzing or synthesizing enzymes. The amitochondrial peak of vegetative hypha is a place
Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 39
with high reduction ability provided glycolysis occurs during catabolite repression 26).
This marked reduction ability is a result of sulfhydryl groups, which are very numerous
at the hypha end 26' 27). The sulflaydryl groups have a causal relationship to active alco-
holic glycoIysis catalyzed by SH-enzymes, e.g., hexokinase, glyceraldehyde hydrogenase
and alcohol dehydrogenase. In the direction from the hypha end to the region rich in
oxidative mitochondria there is a redox or electrochemical gradient. In catabolic dere-
pression, in which exogenic glucose is exhausted, a vegetative polarization gradient dis-
appears, mitochondria enter the hypha end and provide it with the metabolic energy
necessary for sporulation syntheses. Turian TM feels that glycolytic activity has a "vege-
tating" role, as conversion of the metabolism to the oxidative one induces conidia for-
Conidiation is a complicated process. In Aspergillus nidulans cultures conidia forma-
tion is controlled by 300-800 genes29). With Claviceps purpurea, the formation of co-
nidia is inversely dependent on the synthesis of alkaloids for those saprophytic strains
which partially retain parasitic development, i.e., differentiation of the sphacelial phase
to the conidial and]or sderotial phase. In contrast, in those strains for which the conid-
ial phase, the phase of vegetative growth and the alkaloid phase are not dearly sepa-
rated, conidia formation occurs simultaneously with alkaloid synthesis. These strains
are, however, quite sensitive to external conditions 3°). Physiological conditions neces-
sary for conidiation and germination of conidia are different from conditions control-
ling alkaloid synthesis 31). The conidiation process is affected by similar factors as the
formation of alkaloids, but is not connected directly with alkaloid formation. Sekiguchi
and Gaucher 32) came to similar conclusions in a study of the strain Penicillium urticae
producing patulin.
The producents of ergot alkaloids do not represent only the spatial organization of
cells and their morphological characteristics, but also organization in time of processes
which occur in the organism. The cells form ergot alkaloids in a relatively short time
interval of their development. In submerged cultures, alkaloid synthesis occurs under
conditions of decreased cell proliferation and dearly defined degradation and resynthe-
sis of nucleic acids and proteins aa-as). With increased alkaloid formation, the proteo-
Iytic activity of the mycelium decreases 36' 37) Many authors l°' 38. 39) observed intense
proteosynthesis during alkaloid formation, however without a subsequent increase in
the overall content of cell proteins. These results indicate a substantial protein turn-
over38). Amino acids freed during protein degradation pass into the metabolic pool of
the mycelium and take part in various synthetic processes. Reh~t~ek et al. 4°) demon-
strated that there is a positive relationship between the synthesis of alkaloids and the
activity of glutamine synthetase converting most of the free cell ammonia into nontoxic
glutamine. Glutamine then takes part in the synthesis of tryptophan - the precursor of
alkaloids and inducer of their formation.
Cultivation conditions suitable for metabolism of primary substances are not suit-
able for alkaloid metabolism'u). Submerged Claviceps cultures, for example, form alka.
loids after using up the phosphate in the medium and accumulating polyols, lipids, poly-
phosphates, nonstructural carbophosphates and also inducers and precursors of alka.
loids. Successful course of the alkaloid synthesis requires the presence of a higher citrate
40 z. Rehh~ek

level or some other intermediates in the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the cell. The produc-
ing cell adjusts the level of these intermediates by accepting them from the medium or
by synthesis. Acceptance of citrate from the medium can be temporarily increased by
increasing the concentration of phosphate in the medium (Pa~outov~, unpublished).
An indicator for the synthesis of alkaloids is the storage of polysaccharides with/~(1-4)
and fl(1-6) bonds of subunits in the space between the cell wall and the cytoplasm42' 43)
The production of ergot alkaloids is correlated positively with the synthesis of lipids42)
(Fig. 4). Results of study of the Candida strain which forms lipids44) support the opin-
ion that microorganisms which eccessively accumulate lipids lack a control mechanism.
Consequently they lack, e.g., phosphofructokinase and are characterized by marked de-
repression of the enzymes of the ribulosophosphate pathway, which is the source pro-
ducing NADPH2 necessary for lipid formation.
Cells generally synthesize alkaloids on poorly assimilable carbon sources. It can be
assumed that the formation of alkaloids occurs simultaneously with induction of en-
zymes which provide the cell with energy from sources other than glucose. Glucose and
other rapidly metabolizable sources of carbon depress the formation of ergot alkaloids4s).
For alkaloid processes a high C: N ratio is necessary46). The C :N ratio does not change
during the process (Pa~outovL unpublished). It must, however, be borne in mind that
with the Claviceps strain, similarly as with other filamentous fungi, syntrophic phenom-
ena are important. A further requirement for submerged alkaloid formation is a nutrient
medium with a high osmotic pressure 47" 48) The importance of the respiration chain
and the presence of oxygen for the synthesis of alkaloids is documented by the results
of the work of M~itlovh and Reh~i~ek49). Oligomycin, an inhibitor of oxidative phos-
phorylation, depresses the growth of submerged cultures of Clavicepspurpurea and al-
kaloid synthesis. Antimycin A blocks electron transfer in the section between cyto-
chrome b and cytochrome cl, and induces opposite alternation of the intensity of cul-
ture growth and of alkaloid formation. These results also support the theory on the
positive role of the clavine alkaloid cycle in the energy metabolism of the producing
Decreased differentiation and decrease in cell proliferation are one of the reasons for
morphological variability of submerged mycelium of Claviceps. The character of fathy-
phae and "sclerotia" of submerged mycelium (Fig. 4 b) is reminiscent of the plecten-
chymatic structure of production sclerotia of parasitic cultures. The formation of scle-
rotial cells can be artificially induced by ethidium bromide (0.05 rnM), acriflavine
(0.05 mM) or fluoreseein (1 mM). A similar effect can be attained by physiological
manipulation of the cultivation conditions, e.g., by using media with citric acid, ammo-
nium sulphate and an increased content of Ca 2÷ (Pa~outov~ et al., unpublished).
The region of formation of ergot alkaloids is not generally identical with the place
where alkaloids are found in increased concentrations. The members oflpomoea genus
form alkaloids in leaves and accumulate them in seeds, which do not produce the alka-
loids. In submerged Claviceps cultures the location of clavine alkaloid synthesis is the
endoplasmic reticulum, which later forms vacuoles containing lipoproteins s ~). Clavines
and simple derivatives of lysergic acid are found primarily in the medium. This cannot,
however, be considered as an indication of active alkaloid transport. The ratio between
Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 41

Fig. 4. Ultrastructure of the submerged mycolium of Claviceps purpurea 42)

a) Sphacelial mycelium cell nonproducing alkaloids. C, cytoplasm; M, mitochondria; N, nucleus;
V, vacuole; B, vacuolar body. Bar = t ,am
b) Productive mycelium cell C, cytoplasm; M, mitochondria; N, nucleus; L, lipid droplet; V, vesicle
(vacuole). Bar = I ~m
42 z. Reh~iSek

intra- and extracellular liquid volume is 1: 25, so that 95% of the alkaloids are in the me-
dium at equilibrium between alkaloid contents in the cell and in the medium. In con-
trast, peptide ergot alkaloids are mostly intraceUular. It is probable that, in addition to
accumulation in vacuoles, they also accumulate in the cell walls and plastides, which also
contain negatively charged groups able to bind alkaloid cations.
It was long assumed that ergot alkaloids are final products which are not metabolized
further. Elymoclavine (Ipomoea rubrocoerulea) is, however, degraded metabolically
similar, e.g., to morphine (Papaversomniferum) and caffeine (Coffea arabica). Robbers
et al. s2) feel that enzymes degrading ergot alkaloids are activated by phosphate.

5.1 Biogenesis

Ergot alkaloids are produced under conditions ofsubstrate limitation other than by car.
bon from key intermediates in basic metabolism by pathways differing from basic me-
tabolism. Many enzymes and coenzymes of basic metabolism and alkaloid synthesis are
common. According to cybernetics, alkaloids are formed, like other substances, in two
ways at least (Fig. 5); otherwise, regulation of their formation would not be possible. The
ergot alkaloid skeleton is derived from tryptophan (I), mevalonic acid (II) and methio-
nine (VII) sa-s6). The treatment of these precursors depends on the biocybernetics of
the given individual, i.e., on the appropriate genes being present in the ceil, on their ac-
tivation and deactivation in dependence on changes in the medium and also on structural
changes. Genuine ergot alkaloids are levorotary.
The central precursor of the ergoline skeleton is tryptophan. The initial alkylation
of tryptophan is an important step in the biosynthesis of alkaloids. The five-carbon unit
derived from mevalonic acid (II) is incorporated as isopentenylpyrophosphate (IV) or
the closely related hemiterpenoid in position C (4) of the decarboxylated tryptophan sT).
Alkylation of tryptophan in the unusual C(4) position is probably either caused by en-
zyme controlled steric and/or electronic changes in tryptophan or is a result of N- or O-
prenylation of side-chain of tryptophan and subsequent intramolecular shift of an alkyl
group to position C(4) by internal electrophilic substitution s8). Heinstein et and
Lee et al. 6°)- prepared 4-dimethylallyltryptophan (V) from 7,3,-dimethylallylpyrophos-
phate and L-tryptophan using a mycelium extract of Clavicepspurpurea. Petroski and
Kelleher61, 62) carried out the enzyme synthesis of 4-(E-4'-hydroxy-3'-methyl-but-2'-
enyl)-L-tryptophan (HDMAT)(VI). They used isopentenylpyrophosphate (IV), L-tryp-
tophan and a mycelium extract of Clavicepspaspali for the preparation of HDMAT,
which also appears in the medium during alkaloid biosynthesis63). Petroski and Kelleher61)
also demonstrated the incorporation of HDMAT into the lysergic acid amide molecule

Fig. 5. Some biogeneticrelationships among ergot alkaloids61, 74, 75, 94, 95,133, 152,181-187).
I tryptophan, II mevalonate,III dimethylaUylpyrophosphate,IV isopentenylpyropbosphate,
V 4-dimethylallyltryptophan,VI 4-(E-4'-hydroxy-3'methyl-but-2'-enyl)-L-tryptophan,VII me-
thionine, VIII chanoclavine-l,IX hydroxyehanoclavine-I,X agroelavine,XI elymoclavine,XII
lysergol, XIII lysergene,XIV paspalicacid, XV lysergicacid, XVI lysetgylalanine,XVII ergo-
metrine, XVIII a-hydroxyethylamideof lysergieacid
>-o., A
~oo. ,,cl_cH,

~..o./ / <,,, / (w,) -/~--~ cxl .. ~'-A..,'-~

/ / f~ ~"-c°°" c.~-s-c.~-c DO. , .~~~ .~

y!. "~c,)"~k c..o. .~.. ...c..o., cx,v,

d"c.. X . ~c..o.\ ~ ~ \ /
, ~ c o o . . ~ ~ . ~ " \ /

(IV) ( Vl ) (IX) (XIII) (Xll) ~. coo~i

~ N - C H 3

CO--NH--C--H_ /~"-~(XV)
(XVlll) o. ~ c% / c.rc._coo.
c. "~_ co-N.-c..---" • L.
co-,.-~L'. ~ , 2 . , ' 'coo. ""

( XVlI} ~.~o. (XVl}


and consider HDMAT as the precursor of the hydroxychanoclavine-I molecule (IX),

from which elymoclavine (XI) is directly produced.
Mevalonic acid(II), which is another building block of ergolines, is neither the limit-
ing substrate nor part of the regulation of the biogenesis of alkaloids 64-66). Mevalonic
acid may also be formed by the malonyl CoA pathway with participation of biotin de-
pendent carboxylation 67). Biotin takespart in the synthesis of mevalonic acid and ergot
alkaloids by the fungusAspergillusfumigatus 6s).
In comparison with the other groups of alkaloids, the relationships among ergot al-
kaloids were studied in greater detail. Clavine alkaloids lie at the beginning of the bio-
genetic order and peptides oflysergic acid are at the end (Fig. 5,6). The oxidation order
agrodavine (X) ~ elymoclavine (XI) ~ lysergic acid (XV) is the main biogenetic path-
way. Hydroxylation of the methyl group of agroclavine is a specific reaction of the
Claviceps species66) and requires the presence of cytochrome })-45070).In many fungi
agroclavine and elymoclavine are 8-hydroxylated71). It is generally felt that the conver-
sion of agroclavine to elymoclavine occurs through the presence of peroxidase or oxygen
transferase. Jindra et al.72) found that the oxygen of the hydroxyl group of elymocla-
vine originates from molecular oxygen. The precursor of the agroclavine molecule is
chanoclavine-I (VIII) and not isochanoclavine-I 7a' 74). Hydroxychanoclavine-I (IX) is
considered to be the precursor of the elymoelavine molecule (XI). The conversion of
clavine into derivatives of lysergic acid passes through paspalic acid (XIV). In contrast

0 0
E--SH L-Profine, ATP ~-
H H=N~ / C = O

d-Cysergic Acid E "~S-- |L-Voline

Ly$--NH\ / C--HN\ / C --0 ATP HtN\/C -HN\ /C =0
H'~'C\ H'r'C\cH/CH~ H~C\ H..C\ /CHs
\ CH
CH5 ~CH3

E-SH l \CH, ~14~

C~5 /CHs
cH OH F---I
2, CyclizatJon
L~"--NH---F" ~'H ~'"
I 0~;
O/C-- N~_.,.¢=0
H~'CH_ CH3 H CH-- CHs

Fig. 6. Cyclol formation in ergotamine 189)

Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 45

to lysergic acid (XV), paspalic acid occurs freely in the medium at higher concentra-
Lysergic acid (XV) is a key substrate for the chemical synthesis of ergot alkaloids
and their derivatives. At present it is formed both by isomerization ofpaspalic acid (XIV)
and also by hydrolysis of the a-hydroxyethylamide oflysergic acid (XVIII). Both the
initial substances are prepared by fungal cultivation. The natural derivatives oflysergic
acid are the amides. Their formation requires activation of the carboxyl group, most
probably as the coenzyme-A thiolester. The cell converts free lysergic acid to the amide 4).
The amide of lysergic acid is also formed by secondary chemical degradation of the hy-
droxyethylamide of lysergic acid (XVIII)4' 75. '76)
Almost 20 peptides of lysergic acid are known; none the less, the biosynthesis of
these ergopeptines remains obscure. Their formation is far more sensitive to cultivation
conditions than the formation of clavines. The peptide part of 8-ergolene contains two
structurally unusual components, a-hydroxy~-amino acid and cyclol TM 13, "/7). In the
formation of cyclol (Fig. 6) protons pass from NH-group to the carboxyl. Simultaneously,
a new N- C bond is formed, along with a new asymetric center with a tertiary OH group.
The hydroxyl of the a-hydroxyalanine and a-hydroxyvaline parts of the peptide alka-
loids is apparently incorporated into peptide chain, as it is improbable that the organism
would synthesize three amino acids which do not occur in nature, i.e., L-a-hydroxyva-
line, L-a-hydroxyalanine, and L-a-hydroxy-a-aminobutyric acid To).
The discovery that L-proline-U-~4C is the precursor of the proline part of the ergo-
toxine peptide 79) and that protyldiketopiperazines are incorporated into peptide alka-
loids contributed to partial clarification of the mechanism of the biosynthesis of peptide
alkaloids. Maier et aLso) demonstrated that the formation of the peptide chain of ergo-
line begins with protine. Phenylalanine and proline are the most effective precursors of
the peptide part of ergotamine 82). Peptides are not precursors of the peptide part of ergo-
toxines. Submerged cultures of Claviceps purpurea producing ergocomine and ergo-
cryptine split added peptides to the amino acids before incorporation into the alka-
loids s3). Condensation of the precursors ofpeptide alkaloids occurs through the activated
intermediates. Extracts of Claviceps catalyze, e.g., the formation of the CoA-thiolester
of lysergic acid s4). It is, however, possible to assume the existence of other acylthioki-
nases activating further substrates. Inhibitors ofproteosynthesis, such as cycloheximide,
do not affect the formation of the peptide part of ergotoxine alkaloids 3s). The synthesis
of the peptide part of ergoline is in all probability a nonribosomal process. It does not,
however, proceed arbitrarily, in contrast to some peptides l°), which are formed by spon-
taneous condensation of amino acids, as, similarly as with peptide antibiotics, this pro-
cess occurs on a multienzyme complex as). The tripeptide is not a free intermediate of
this biosynthesis.
If we evaluate ergot alkaloids as secondary content substances, then their formation
requires the participation of specific synthetasessT). The number of isolated enzymes
which catalyze the synthesis of ergot alkaloids is very small; however, two of the isolat-
ed enzymes fulfilled theoretical predictions: dimethylallyltryptophan synthetase sg' 86, 88)
and chanodavine cyclase 86, a9). Dimethylallyltryptophan synthetase (dimethylallylpy-
rophosphate: tryptophandimethylallyl transferase) catalyzes the first specific reaction
46 z. P,ehfi~ek

of the formation of 8-ergolene and is responsible for the introduction of the isoprene
residue into position C(4) of tryptophan. Analogues of tryptophan increase the activity
of this enzyme9°, 91). The dimethylallyltryptophan(4-isoprenyltryptophan) produced
is 5-10 times more effective as a precursor of clavine alkaloids than tryptophan92).
Robbers and Floss 93) demonstrated accumulation of dimethylallyltryptophanunder
conditions of anaerobic cultivation of the fungus Claviceps. A further enzyme, chano-
clavine-I-cyclase,catalyzes the cyclization of chanoclavine-I to the four-ring 8-ergolenes,
i.e., to elymoclavine and agroclavine, both individually 94) and simultaneously 9s).
This organisms producing davine alkaloids are biocybernetically similar. They con-
rain similar genes; the manner of their deactivation and activation in dependence on
changes in medium and cell structures is also similar. In contrast, the biocybernetics of
the organisms producing peptide ergot alkaloids are much more specific. This is also re-
flected in the fact that peptide alkaloids have so far been found only for one species,
i.e., Clarvicepspurpurea.
Fungi and higher plants form ergolenes from the same precursors. In this connection
it is important to determine whether the ergolene pathway was formed twice in nature
independently or only once, the necessary genetic information being transferred from
the fungus to the plant or vice versa. The concept of universal existence and limited ex-
pression of this genetic information is less probable.

5.2 T r y p t o p h a n

Tryptophan is the central precursor of ergot alkaloids96). Teuscher 47' 97) demonstrated
active transfer of tryptophan from the medium to the mycelium of the Claviceps cul-
tures and the dependence between this transport and the alkaloid formation. Mycelium
growing in the initial phase of its development in excess tryptophan exhibits active al-
kaloid synthesis in a later,phase of the process. Possible differences in nutrient ac-
ceptance by young and old cells could also be mentioned here. However, much data ob-
tained in fungi studies indicate that the differences in assimilation and metabolism of
amino acids by cells of the mycelium of various ages are negligible~7' 98). Excessive ac-
cumulation of free tryptophan in mycelium affects the cell regulation systems, e.g.,
through induction of various enzymes in the synthesis of secondary content substan-
ces99). The absence of induced enzyme activity in a rapidly growing culture is attributed
to catabolite repression 1°°-1°2).
Teuscher 97) found intense metabolism of tryptophan in the phase of intense alkaloid
synthesis for a Clavicepspurpurea culture. The formation of tryptophan in ergot strains
occurs in the usual manner through chorismic and anthranlic •
.- 103)
. The absence of
Zn 2+ and K+ decreases the synthesis of tryptophan. The participation of Zn 2+ in in-
creasing the level of cycle AMP through inhibition of phosphodiesterase or activation
of adenylate eyelase is also worth noting1°4). Claviceps strains degrade tryptophan in
variousways, both common and unusual47). In intense formation of alkaloids, degrada-
tion of tryptophan through kynurenine does not play an important role 47' los). Under
these conditions tryptophan is employed primarily for synthetic processes.
Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 47

In recent years, enzymes used in the biosynthesis of tryptophan have been a subject
of interest, especially their genetics and regulation possibilities. With most of the systems
studied so far, the formation of enzymes of tryptophan metabolism is controlled by re-
pression. Work on enzyme aggregation ~°6' 107) contributed to clarification of the basis
of enzyme regulation. Various types of enzyme aggregate have been described, e.g., for
Neurospora and other fungi 1°7' ~os). In each aggregate the activity of one or more en-
zymes depends on enzyme aggregation. In study of the relationship between genes and
enzymes it was found that point mutation can be employed to attein simultaneously
the loss of activity of several enzymes as a result of interference between the product of
the gene and the aggregation.
The role of tryptophan in the synthesis of ergot alkaloids is not unambiguous. For
several types of Claviceps it was not possible to find a relationship between the content
oftryptophan in the mycelium and the alkaloid formation ~°9' ~~0) or increased biosyn-
thetic activity after addition of tryptophan ~ ~). Gr6ger and Erge 112) attribute this to
the rapid change of tryptophan through other metabolic pathways. If tryptophan is not
a component of the nutritive medium, the cell forms it endogenously, with feedback
controll 13, 114).If the mycelium grows on a medium containing tryptophan and is trans-
ferred after cessation of growth to a medium which does not contain tryptophan, alkaloid
formation is more intense. The level of tryptophan in the mycelium grown in the presence
of tryptophan is 2- 3 times higher than in the mycelium from media without tryptophan.
The content of free and protein tryptophan is higher for cultures of Claviceps pur-
purea than for cultures of Clavicepspaspali 36). The ratio of the concentration of tryp-
tophan in the cell pool to the concentration of protein tryptophan of the mycelium cor-
responds to a value of 1.8 for alkaloid production and to a value of 0.5 for nonproductive
cultures. The decrease in the content of protein tryptophan in the mycelium has a fa-
vorable effect on the biosynthesis of alkaloids 1is). According to Erge et aLas) the pro-
tein tryptophan is used for alkaloid formation. Radioisotope experiments, studying the
fate of tryptophan added and endogeneously synthesized, indicated the existence of
only one tryptophan pool in the cell I t6). The level of free tryptophan in the cell attains a
maximum just before the beginning of alkaloid synthesis6s). Rehfi~ek and Malik 1is)
described three characteristic phases of the endogeneously formed tryptophan cell pool:
the decrease phase, the increase phase and the excess phase. The boundary between the
decrease phase and the increase phase is a suitable region for study of continuous alka-
loid production.
The utilizability of endogeneous tryptophan is indicated by the levels of tryptophan
synthetase and tryptophan oxygenase. Induction of tryptophan synthetase precedes
induction of tryptophan oxygenase3a' 36) Tryptophan synthetase is derepressed by
imidazolylglycerol phosphate 117). The decrease in the concentration of tryptophan in
the cell pool is accompanied by increased activity of tryptophan synthetase. The activ-
ity of tryptophan oxygenase is higher in the presence of higher concentrations of free
mycelium tryptophan as), which probably protects tryptophan oxygenase against dena-
turization and proteolysis 118, a19)
Tryptophan is not only the direct precursor of ergot alkaloids, but is also a factor
in the induction and depression of enzymes synthesizing alkaloids I o, 9 t, 120).Vining66)
48 z. Reh~ek

feels that tryptophan stimulates alkaloid formation especially through increased activity
of the alkaloid enzyme system. Exogeneous tryptophan removes inhibition of alkaloid
production by phosphate consisting of depressed tryptophan synthesis6s) and of activa-
tion of the enzymes splitting alkaloidss2). Inorganic phosphate, which in greater con-
centrations completely inhibits alkaloid formation 33' 6s, 121,122), represses dimethylal-
lyltryptophan synthetase90 and chanoclavine cyclase89). Added tryptophan or thiotryp
tophan derepresses these enzymes. In its stimulating effect on alkaloid synthesis, tryp-
tophan can be replaced by its nonmetabolized structural analogues 123). On the other
hand, the relationship of alkaloid formation to the metabolism of endogeneous trypto-
phan36, [ is, ta4) stimulates consideration of the role of alkaloid biosynthesis in the re-
gulation of the level of endogeneous tryptophan.

5.3 Gibbs F r e e E n e r g y

The Gibbs free energy balance in the formation of ergot alkaloidss°) indicates that one
of the key reactions in the biogenesis of ergot alkaloids is the formation of dimethylal-
lylpyrophosphate (Fig. 7). This energetically demanding reaction precedes enzyme al-
lylation of tryptophan in position C(4) which is poorly accessible chemically. In con-
trast, the subsequent cycle of clavine alkaloids is part of the endogenic metabolism re-
leasing the energy necessary for maintaining the integrity and viability of the cells under
conditions of limited growth or even under conditions in the absence of growth and





,I /018

Fig. 7. Mutual relationshipsand balanceof the Gibbs free energy (freeenthalpy) in the ergot alka-
loid formationsO). The numbers refer to the free energy charge AG°' in kcal per mole reactants at
24 °C, pH 7.0
Ergot Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 49

death of the mycelium. The energy of the clavine cycle is reminiscent of the "energy of
maintenance ''12s) taking part in the resynthesis of the macromolecular components of
the cell. This assumption is supported by the free energy balance of the formation of
clavine alkaloids, by the low activity of the citrate cycle during the synthesis of clavines 36)
and also by data indicating that the energy required for the tumover of the macromol-
ecules is derived primarily from sources which the cell does not drain for its growth sT).
Considering that the evolution pressure results in types of cells marked by especially
economical use of nutrients, it is possible to consider the positive role of the clavine
cycle in the evolution of producers of clavine alkaloids. The manner of transformation
of the biological energy of the clavine cycle is common for various taxonomically dif-
ferent organisms s°). The formation of clavine alkaloids is accompanied by a decrease
in the free energy with a tendency to achieve higher entropy. The molecules of deriva-
tives of lysergic acid represent a more regular arrangement than clavine molecules. In
the formation of derivatives of lysergic acid the free energy increases and entropy de-
The free energy balance in the formation of ergot alkaloids contributes, among other
things, to the explanation of the frequent occurrence of clavines and o f the a-hydroxy-
ethylamide of lysergic acid and of the relatively rare occurrence of ergometrine and
ergotamine in ergot cultures. An important role in the occurrence o f clavine alkaloids
in nature is also played by other factors, e.g., the mechanisms of Claviceps paspali, which
protects sclerotium from deterioration through soil microorganisms, insects and root
excreta of plants 131). Claviceps purpurea lacks these protective mechanisms in its scle-
rotium; its sclerotium survives in the soil for approximately six months.

5.4 R e g u l a t i o n

Biosynthesis of alkaloids is regulated genetically as part of programs for culture differ-

entiation and development. The assumed genetic connection of structural genes of the
alkaloid system in a regulating unit of the operon contributes to clarification of the re-
gulating mechanisms. Alkaloid synthesis and syntheses of some primary metabolites are
controlled by common mechanisms. In the beginning of the alkaloid formation, the
production of some primary metabolites is either blocked or inhibited. The sensitivity
of some enzymes to activity regulation decreases during cell ageing. A condition for re-
gulation o f the biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids is knowledge of the physiology o f the
formation of these substances.
All ceils contain more genes than enzymes. Regulating moments are decisive for gene
manifestation. For example, a suitable physiological state of the cell is necessary for ini-
tiation of the action of genes controlling alkaloid formation. Genes involved in alkaloid
synthesis are under rigorous metabolic control 136). Many stages of alkaloid formation
are not specific only for this biosynthetic pathway 127). Some reactions of alkaloid syn-
thesis are catalyzed by enzymes that also take part in other stages of the cell metabolism.
In addition, reactions in which enzymes do not participate must not be neglected.
Alkaloids are not produced in cells with a lack of precursors or in which the alkaloid
synthesis enzymes are repressed. The formation of alkaloid enzymes and thus also the
50 z. Reh~ek
production of alkaloids involve a derepression or induction process. Cells that do not
form alkaloids can form partial sections of the alkaloid pathway. Then it would be pos-
sible to supplement the remaining sections in the sequence required by a mutation of
one gene and thus complete the alkaloid synthesis. Mutation of one gene can also lead
to the formation of new compounds and to structural modifications inside the cell. For
example, cell components that were segregated in the parent cell can interact in the
mutant. This general opinion has been supported by some observations96). The feed-
back in the regulation of the ergot alkaloid synthesis results from the effect of the ac-
cumulated alkaloids. Dimethylallyltryptophan synthetase, the first enzyme of the alka-
loid synthesis, is inhibited by agroclavine and elymoclavine, i.e., by the final products
of the pathway of clavine alkaloid formationsg' 12a)
An indispensable part of the study of ergot alkaloids is consideration of the mecha-
nism controlling the biosynthesis of tryptophan. Tryptophan represses all enzymes of
its metabolic pathway and can also repress the enzyme-forming system of participating
enzymes. The structural genes of the tryptophan system are genetically coupled and
form a regulating unit 129). In wild strains, two regulating mechanisms have been found:
inhibition of anthranilate synthetase by the feedback and enzyme repression by tryp-
tophan. In mutants requiring tryptophan, the synthesis of enzymes is derepressed under
conditions with limited tryptophan access; on blocking of the tryptophan synthesis
more of the enzymes are liberated and repression then occurs due to their excess. Tryp-
tophan has no effect on the feedback inhibition at the anthranilic acid site in some mu-
tants 13°). By mutation of the tryptophan operator, a mutant with constitutive enzyme
synthesis can be obtained 132). In such a mutant either the gene has lost its ability to ac-
cept the repressor or the cell forms a defective tryptophan enzyme repressor. The in-
ductor remains free and the enzyme biosynthesis proceeds constitutively and indepen-
dently of the tryptophan requirement. In yeast, the tryptophan synthesis is regulated
primarily by inhibition of anthranilate synthetase by the tryptophan feedback. Enzyme
repression has no effect, or only a negligible effect 129). Anthranilic acid and indole act
as precursors and interfere in the feedback inhibition. Higher concentrations of anthra-
nilic acid have an inhibiting effect. Therefore, mutants accepting a higher level of an-
thranilic acid have been prepared. A combination of anthranilic acid with indole was
more suitable than separate addition of these precursors 134).
The increasing tryptophan level in the cell pool of a submerged Claviceps culture
during the exponential development phase documents looser control of the tryptophan
synthesis36, 114, 13s, 136) The biosynthetic stage at the boundary between the phases
of the decrease and increase in the tryptophan level in the cell pool is a promising model
for study of the regulation of the ergot alkaloid formation and for monitoring of conti-
nuous production of these metabolites 12a).
In following the physiology of the formation of ergot alkaloids, the metabolic path-
ways of histidine and tryptophan are worth studying, as they involve not only repres-
sion and feedback inhibition 129' 13o, 137-139), but also cross pathway regulation 36' 14o).
The alkaloid yield can be increased by adding amitrol (3-amino-1,2,4-triazol) to a three-
day old submerged culture of Claviceps purpurea. Amitrol competitively inhibits the
enzyme of the histidine pathway, imidazolylglycerolphosphate dehydratase 141). The ef-
Ergot Alkaloidsand Their Biosynthesis 51

fect of amitrol is manifest in accumulation of imidazolylglycerol in the cultivation me-

dium, in a change in the protein and free tryptophan levels in the mycelium, in an in-
crease in the alkaloid production and in a change in the alkaloid spectrum 14°). The
change in the alkaloid spectrum caused by amitrol and the fact that the parasitic scle-
rotia of Claviceps purpurea contain alkaloids from the ergotoxine series, whereas the
corresponding saprophytic strain forms lysergic acid and chanoelavine 142) support the
opinion that the ergot alkaloids do not belong among decisive taxonomic paramet-
ers~40,143). On the other hand the cell rieinoleic acid is not only a ehemotaxonomic
parameter of the production culture of Claviceps purpurea 144) and an indicator of scle-
rotial type growth 14s), but also an indicator of the ability of the strain to produce al-
Oxygenases play a certain role in the formation of alkaloids147). The favorable effect
of aeration and the culture demand for molecular oxygen during the alkaloid synthesis
can be attributed to these enzymes. Oxygenases contribute to the effective nourishing
of the mycelium by the tryptophan precursor and to the effect of tryptophan as an in-
ductor of certain enzymes. If oxygenases are inhibited, the cell has more tryptophan
available for repression of the enzymes and the alkaloid biosynthesis is suppressed.
Ergot alkaloids participate in regulation of the formation of the enzyme-forming
system33, 148). This role of alkaloids can be considered in terms of the induction hypo-
thesis (Jacob and Monod), according to which the constitutive state predominates and
requires an inductor binding the repressor before the enzyme-forming system begins to
operate. The constitutive strain forms the inductor endogenously and the enzyme is
formed automatically, provided that suitable cultivation conditions are created. Clavi-
cepspaspali does not form the inductor endogenously and the latter must be added24' 1~2)
Tryptophan can be considered as an inductor w' 120). The tryptophan added is bound
to the repressor and thus enables enzyme formation. However, tryptophan can also af-
fect the alkaloid formation as a stimulation of the activity of the enzyme-forming system.
Tryptophan and 5-methyltryptophan are effective initiators of dimethylallyltryptophan
synthetase91). Thiotryptophan stimulates alkaloid formation more effectively than tryp-
The carbohydrate metabolism proceeds almost identically in productive and non-
productive Claviceps cultures up to the oxidative decarboxylation of pymvate to acetyl-
coenzyme A. The most effective component in the carbohydrate degradation is the tri-
carboxylic acid cycle. The activity of its key enzymes is one to two orders of magnitude
higher than that of the glycolytic and hexosomonophosphate enzymes. With citrate
synthetase, a negligible activity has been found in a productive Claviceps culture and 3-
to 5-times higher activity in a strain with a very low alkaloid content. Accumulation of
citrate suppresses the citrate synthetase activity and activates acetylcoenzyme A car-
boxylase 1so). Under these conditions a greater amount of malonylcoenzymeA is formed
and a greater number of condensation reactions takes place. During the alkaloid syn-
thesis acetylcoenzymeA enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle to a limited degree and takes
an alternative path to the synthesis of fatty acids Is 1). The lipid content in the mycelium
increases almost parallel to the activity of acetylcoenzyme A earboxylase and the total
alkaloid level33, 43).
52 Z. Rehfi~ek
In a submerged culture of Clavicepspurpurea with high alkaloid yields, acetylcoen-
zyme A caxboxylase was cytochemicatly localized in the endoplasmie reticulum of scle-
rotial cellss~). The activity of this enzyme is structurally bound in membranous fibers
of the endoplasmic reticulum which later participate in the formation of vacuoles. Ace-
tylcoenzyme A carboxylaso has not been found in the endoplasmic reticulum of non-
vacuolized fibrous hyphae, ovoid spores with numerous lipidic droplets and cells of a
nonproductive strain.
In the beginning of submerged cultivation of the Claviceps strain with intense cell
proliferation, the tricarboxylic acid cycle is the predominant amphibolic pathway. The
culture gains energy and intermediates for synthetic processes in the subsequent alka-
loid phase chiefly through the glyoxylate cycle Is2' 192). During the alkaloid phase, the
glyoxylate cycle simultaneously enables the introduction of pymvate into cells. 2-Keto-
glutaric, isocitric, citric, and fumaric acids stimulate the synthesis of alkaloids in cells
with an intense glyoxylate cycle and decreasing activity ofisocitrate dehydrogenaseiS2).
The glyoxylate cycle contains some reactions in common with the tricarboxylic acid
cycle. In eucaryon cells the two cycles are physically separated. Most enzymes of the
glyoxylate cycle are located in organdies termed glyoxysomsI sa-lss). Mitochondria are
the components of the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Possible participation
of glyoxysomes and mitochondria in the regulation of alkaloid biosynthesis cannot be
Chemical energy is transferr0d in all enzymatic reactions. Regulating mechanisms
based on a general form of stored energy also participate in the control of alkaloid syn-
thesis. Atkinson is6' 1s7) characterizes this type of control as the activation and inhibi-
tion of the enzymes of the primary metabolism by relative levels of ATP, ADP, and
AMP in the cell. The energy content is measured quantitatively as the ratio [ATP] +
1/2 [ADP]/[ATP] + [ADP] + [AMP]. A high energy content inhibits some enzymes of
the primary metabolism. The biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids is inhibited by inorganic
phosphate at concentrations that are optimal for the culture growth or do not inhibit
the growth 1s8). A high phosphate level in the medium activates the enzymes degrading
alkaloids s2) and stimulates the formation of ATP and an increase in the energy content.
An increase in the ATP level in the cell pool is accompanied by inhibition of citrate syn-
thetase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
and participates in the suppression of the activity of the tricarboxylic acid cycle ls9).
A decrease in the activity of the tricarboxylic acid cycle is favorable for the alkaloid
formation. Adenosinetriphosphatase in cell-free preparations of Clavicepspaspali is in-
hibited by added ergometrine aa' a4). This finding is the first illustration of the potential
role of ergot alkaloids in the producent energy metabolism. The finding that an increas-
ing concentration of ATP in the mycelium pool and decreased utilization of ATP favor-
ably affect the alkaloid formation 34) suggests that the production of energy is not a
limiting factor in the alkaloid biosynthesis. As can be expected, a low concentration of
AMP supports the use of acetylcoenzyme A for biosynthesis of fatty acids and alkaloids,
at the expense of the tricarboxylic acid cycle inhibited by a high ATP concentration.
Syntrophic effects must also be taken into consideration. Fungi, in contrast to bacteria,
have a greater amount of substances available, from which they can energetically supply,
e.g., 72-h cultivation.
Ergot Alkaloidsand Their Biosynthesis 53

Temporary changes in the biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids can be induced by mani-

pulation of cultivation conditions. Kelleher et al. 16o) increased the production of alka-
loids twice or three-times by adding 0.075% Tween 80 to the cultivation medium con-
taining a submerged culture of Clavicepspaspali. However, Tween 80 at this concentra-
tion causes excessive foaming of the cultivation medium and the suppression of foam-
ing in turn inhibits the alkaloid synthesis. Dimethylsulfoxide (1%) increases the alka-
loid yield by 50% without foaming of the cultivation liquid. Both these surfactans af-
fect the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane. By disturbing the permeation bar-
rier, the cells increase the liberation of alkaloids from the region of their synthesis and
thus prevent possible feedback inhibition. Surfactans do not affect the biosynthetic
pathway 161). The shortening of the alkaloid formation phase by the addition of Tween
80 is accompanied by a shift in the organic acid and amino acid level in the cell pool 162).
From this finding it follows that the alkaloid biosynthesis is regulated by the level of
the intraceUular precursors of the primary metabolites.
An increased concentration of numerous metabolites in the cell pool can also be at.
rained by increasing the medium osmolarity 163). An increased concentration of free
metabolites in the cell prevents their further synthesis (feedback control). Membranous
systems of eucaryons can maintain a relatively high level of native proteins in the cell,
but cannot maintain a high level of low-molecular metabolites. Development pressure
favors low concentrations of metabolites. Ergot alkaloids are produced only in media
with a high osmotic pressure 47'48). Puc a. So~,iF,164) obtained a maximum alkaloid yield
with ergocornine strain of Claviceps purpurea on a medium containing 20% mannitol
or 10% mannitol and 2% sodium chloride, i.e., with a final osmolarity of the cultivation
medium of about 1 osmole (kg H20) -l.
Data on the effect of aeration of the cultivation liquid on the alkaloid production
are controversial. A decreased respiration is given as one of the possible ways of increas-
ing the alkaloid formation 16s). However, the'opposite opinion has also been express-
ed159, 166)
Permanent changes favoring alkaloid synthesis can be induced by manipulating the
strain genetic structure t67' 168). In preparation of productive mutants of Claviceps,
doses of a mutagen leading to a percentage of surviving cells lower than 0.5 gave good
results. Mutants obtained by irradiation with UV light were more stable than those pre-
pared by treatment with ethylmethansulphonate. It is more difficult to affect the alka-
loid spectrum by mutagenic treatment than to increase the alkaloid production.

5.5 Strain Stability

Productive strains often lose the ability to form alkaloids after a series transfer of the
spores or of vegetative mycelium. The loss of production ability is sometimes accom-
panied by changes in the culture morphology 3°). The fact that strain cells are polynu-
clear contributes to the explanation of the phenomenon of strain degeneration. The
physiological manifestations of polynuelear cells result from combined genetic cooper-
ation of various nuclei in the common cytoplasmic field. During the cell growth the in-
54 Z. [lehfi~ek
dividual nuclei may divide at various rates. A shift in the genetic configuration thus oc-
curs, leading to a shift in the phenotypieal manifestation of the population. Jinks 169)
classified the differences in the intensity of the alkaloid formations in the category of
cytoplasmic variations. Changes in the strain ability to produce alkaloids occur not only
due to genetic changes, but also due to exceptional sensitivity o f the strain to changes
in the cultivation medium. Living cells are an oscillating system that constantly passes
through series of states and is simultaneously an active manipulator of the environ-

6 Physiological Role

Biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids plays a role in the production organism physiology by

maintaining certain mechanisms of the metabolism and cell division in an operative
state, especially under conditions of the limited growth of the organism. This concept
is supported by experimental results that confirm a considerable protein turnover dur-
ing the phase of alkaloid formationaa' 170), by the finding that nongrowing cells die if
the metabolism of the secondary content substances is inhibited in them87) and finally
by the proof of inverse dependence of the production of secondary content substances
on the cell differentiation171). On cessation of the process of cell division, the alkaloid
synthesis is directly related to the viability of the culture. Highly productive mutants
of Claviceps strains are an exception to this consideration; they are marked by alower
viability and occur only exceptionally under natural conditions.
Ergot alkaloids are not waste, physiologically inert products of cell metabolism 33' 34, 124)
Mothes 172) considers their formation as a detoxificating process. Alkaloid synthesis is
one of the ways of removal of accumulated metabolic intermediates. This process en-
ables the reactions in which these intermediates are formed to remain in an operative
state and thus participates in the regulation of the primary metabolism.
In a productive cell, ergot alkaloids increase the activity of tryptophan synthetase
and acetylcoenzyrne A carboxylase and inhibit alathranilate synthetase, isocitrate lyase,
malate synthetase and adenosine triphosphatase a4, 124, 136). Suppression of the peptid-
ase activity was also observed (P,.eh~ek and Sajdl, unpublished). Ergometrine (10 -4 M)
added to a submerged culture of Clavicepspaspali increases the alkaloid formation by
120%34). Ergotamine (5 x 10-4 M) and ergometrine (5 x 10-4 M) reduce the intensity
of conidia formation in a productive culture of Clavicepspurpurea31)
The effect of tryptophan on the enzyme system in the ergot alkaloid synthesis 1°' 41, 66)
suggests participation of the alkaloids in the feedback inhibition and repression of the
enzyme-forming system. At low concentrations of alkaloids and tryptophan, the reac-
tions are ordered linearly or sequentially. The product of one reaction in the series is
the substrate of the subsequent reaction s6). The substrate (tryptophan) and the final
product (alkaloid) do not compete for the site on the enzyme surface because their
chemical structures are different and hence possible inhibition is allosteric and noncom-
petitive. On blocking of the alkaloid synthetase the enzyme-forming system is dere-
Ergot Alkaloidsand Their Biosynthesis 55

pressed and the cell forms more enzymes. After formation of a higher enzyme level, the
enzyme are repressed again.
Clavine alkaloids probably form a reservoir from which, in the course of evolution,
interactions developed leading to the formation ofpeptide alkaloids. Alkaloids are not
formed to perform a certain function, but under certain conditions some alkaloids
"find" their function. This situation has an analogue in morphology. The formation of
elavine alkaloids is a part of endogenous metabolism releasing the energy required for
maintenance of the integrity and viability of cells under conditions of limited growth 14°).
As part of important regions in the productive cell it is more resistant to regulation
The occurrence of ergot alkaloids depends not only on genetic information, but also
on the ability of the cell to tolerate these substances. Alkaloids confirm that metabolic
development must be supplemented by coevolution of the tolerance mechanism toward
some secondary content substances 173). It can be generally stated that mechanisms de-
veloped in productive organisms against their own products are not different from those
developing in other originally sensitive organisms.

7 Conclusion

Biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids is a genetically controlled enzymatic process. There is

little experimental data on the type of genetic control, but they permit the assumption
of the existence of a polygenic system as a universal model for the control of alkaloids
and alkaloid phenotypes. Alkaloid formation thus lies at the level of the genetic infor-
mation apparatus and its realization continues at the level of physiological realization.
It is justly assumed that the principal findings about the physiology of the alkaloid
formation will be provided by the results of the study of the membrane processes in
the productive organisms. Valuable data are also expected from enzyme cytology, chief-
ly because this discipline combines dynamic biochemistry and descriptive cytology in
order to understand the cell from the point of view of functional properties and spatial
organization of its components. Numerous metabolic functions are localized'in cell
structures and considerations on structures thus should become a part of functional
analysis. This field includes the problem of compartmentation of enzymes and macro-
molecules, the problem of distribution of alkaloids and their transport at the molecular
level. The fact that various kinds solve the same functional problems differently empha-
sizes the need for application of comparative functional anatomy of subcellutar organi-
zation. Vacuoles - a polyvalent class of cell organelles - are also worth studying, as they
participate in the degradation of cell components and are storage places for macromol-
ecules. The first goal should be identification of the mechanism by which cytoplasm
components are incorporated into the vacuole.
The complex relationship between primary metabolism and alkaloid formation has
not yet been studied sufficiently extensively. Here attention could be paid especially to
the following questions: Which factors are responsible for accumulation of a primary
56 Z. Rehfi~ek

metabolite controlling the alkaloid synthesis? Is catabolite repression of alkaloid syn-

thesis related preferentially to the intensity of the culture growth or to the specific source
of carbon or nitrogen? What are the kinetic constants of alkaloid formation control?
Are there some aspects of the primary metabolism and o f the alkaloid synthesis that are
mutually exclusive? If so, can they be made compatible by changing the control system?
Industrial process is generally developed on the foundations provided by basic re-
search and empirical experience 174). A condition for modem production of ergot al-
kaloids is knowledge of physiological controls, for rationalization o f the process condi-
tions including shortening of the initial nonproductive phase and for regulated prepara-
tion ofhighty productive mutants. Among the alkaloids, ergolene carboxylic acids (pas-
palic, lysergic) are in the center of attention at present. They are substrates for chemi-
cal synthesis of the classical ergot alkaloids and their derivatives17s). Interest is growing
in clavine alkaloids Is' 176, 177), especially in elymoclavine 17s). A specific point in this
research is the preparation o f ergot alkaloids by coreaction using a mixed culture of
productive organisms 179) or of a productive organism and its natural competitive con-
taminant ~s0).
The newer ergot derivatives have opened up a whole new area of investigation into
the pharmacologic activity for the ergots especially as it applies to the neuroendocrine
system. There are several potential therapeutic uses for which the newer ergot alkaloids
are currently being considered, including the treatment of parkinsonism, acromegaly,
amenorrhea/galactorrhea syndrome, in the suppression of postpartum lactation, and
possibly as an adjunct in the treatment of breast cancer and prostatic carcinoma.
The search for new natural alkaloids involves the testing of nontraditional organisms.
The more related the organisms are, the greater is the probability of their forming the
same alkaloids. The series of ergot alkaloids is widened by their semisynthetic analogues.
Some of them are important practically or find use in the study of the relationships be-
tween the chemical structure and the biological effect.
In spite o f past successes of ergot alkaloids in practice, the future of these pharma-
ceuticals depends on the results of basic research. With new discoveries, new unexpected
problems will, of course, arise. For this purpose it is necessary to provide a certain
material and mental capacity.

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Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases

R o b e r t V. S m i t h a n d P a t r i c k J. D a v i s
Drug Dynamics Institute, College of Pharmacy
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712, USA

The P-450 elec tron transfer system is a relative young detection o f the biochemists described first
in liver cells. Only recently has decisive progress been made in microbial cells and in connection
with research on uti~zation o f alkane as the sole source o f carbon for microbes. Engineers, by
studies on the effects o f mixing and microdroplet formation, made the initial contributions to
our understanding o f microbial growth on alkanes. B u t the understanding o f the whole mechanism
o f uptake was far from being complete. Fundamental studies o f alkane uptake and oxMation by
yeasts and bacteria soon followed. In Smith and Davis's article one may see that most likely the
proper understanding o f this extramitochondrial electron transfer chain will help us in future to
improve industrial alkane processes, which are so important in some countries. We thus thought
that a "'purely biological" paper on this important topic should appear in this volume o f Advances
in Biochemical Engineering. In one o f the next volumes two "applied "articles on alkane biology
will appear. Hopefully the bridge to the application will then be complete.
The Editor

1 Introduction .............................................. 62
2 Characteristics o f Mammalian C y t o c h r o m e P-450 M o n o o x y g e n a s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.1 A n a t o m i c a l Location o f P-450 M o n o o x y g e n a s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.2 T h e Nature o f Microsomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.3 C o m p o s i t i o n o f Microsomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.4 F u n c t i o n a l Characteristics o f P-450 M o n o o x y g e n a s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.5 Substrate Specificity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3 I n d u c t i o n o f Mammalian C y t o c h r o m e P-450 M o n o o x y g e n a s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.1 Gross Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 69
3.2 Inducing Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.3 Mechanisms o f I n d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4 Characteristics o f Microbial M o n o o x y g e n a s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.1 F u n g i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.2 Yeasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.3 Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5 I n d u c t i o n o f C y t o c h r o m e P-450 M o n o o x y g e n a s e s in Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.1 Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.2 Yeasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.3 Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.4 Effects o f Surfactants and A n t i o x i d a n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6 Case o f Biphenyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.1 H y d r o x y l a t i o n s b y Mammalian vs. Microbial S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
62 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis

6.2 Induction of 2- vs. 4-Hydroxylase Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

7 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1 Induction of Mammalian P-450 Monooxygenases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.2 Induction of Microbial Monooxygenases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
9 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

The characteristics and induction P-450-type monooxygenases are reviewed. A discussion of the loca-
tion, composition, functional characteristics, and substrate specificities of mammalian liver cyto-
chrome P-450 monooxygenases is provided. This is followed by a description of the effects of induc-
ing agents where particular emphasis is placed on biochemical correlates of induction. After a de-
scription of the nature of microbial monooxygenases, induction in these organisms is surveyed.
Comparisons are developed for enzymes in fungi, yeasts, and bacteria. Mammalian and microbial hy-
droxylations of the model hydrocarbon, biphenyl, are reviewed. Results of biphenyl-hydroxylase
experiments in mammalian systems are discussed and a rationale described for parallel experiments
in microorganisms.

I Introduction

Eukaryotic organisms are characterized by the presence o f cytochrome P-450 mono-

oxygenases which catalyze the oxidation o f wide array o f organic substrates. Monooxy-
genases activate molecular oxygen causing one atom to be incorporated into a substrate
and the second reduced and converted into water. Heme-based monooxygenases are
characterized by a spectral band at 450 n m in the visible spectra o f their reduced [Fe(II)]
carbon m o n o x i d e (CO) complexes. These enzymes, hereafter referred to as c y t o c h r o m e
P-450 monooxygenases or j u s t P-450 monooxygenases are different from diooxygenases
most c o m m o n l y f o u n d in bacteria, which catalyze concerted incorporation o f molecular
oxygen into substrates.
Organisms can increase monooxygenase activity to more effectively metabolize cer-
tain foreign substances. This response can be qualitative (change substrate selectivity)
or quantitative (enhanced capacity to utilize a given substrate or substrates) and will
hereafter be referred to as induction.
Induction in mammals was first described in the 1950's b y workers at the University
o f Wisconsin t, z) who observed increased metabolism (N-demethylation and azo-reduc-
tion) o f 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene in rats following administration o f 3-
methylcholanthrene (3-MC).


3'-Methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene 3-Methylcholanthrene
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 63

Since the early fifties, a great many studies have appeared describing the induction of
monooxygenases in a variety of eukaryotic organisms.
Induction processes can be of importance in clinical medicine 3' 4)
We have been interested in the comparative metabolism of xenobiotics by mamma-
lian and microbial systems for the past several years. In 1974, Smith and Rosazza de-
scribed this work for the first time and coined the term "microbial models o f mamma-
lian metabolism "s). The microbial models approach involves the use of microorganisms
to produce difficult-to-synthesize metabolites that are formed in only minute quantities
by mammalian systems6-8).
We have become interested in the comparative aspects of induction of P-450-type
monooxygenases in mammals and microorganisms. Besides the underlying comparative
biochemical importance of this work, we feel that microbial induction studies may lead
to methods for altering the course of transformations and improving yields thereby en-
hancing the versatility of the "microbial models" approach.

2 Characteristics of Mammalian Cytochrome

P-450 Monooxygenases

Over the past few years, scientists have debated whether mammalian P-450 monooxy-
genases are best represented as a single enzyme or a series of enzymes. Investigators
wished to reconcile the broad substrate specificity of these enzymes while recognizing
that a membrane-bound (stem) enzyme could be fragmented into apparent apoenzymes
during solubilization steps. However, considerable evidence now exists supporting the
theory that a series of P-450 monooxygenases occur in mammals 9-11). This evidence as
well as discoveries which have further illuminated our understanding of the location, func-
tion, and role of mammalian cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases are described below.

2.1 A n a t o m i c a l L o c a t i o n o f P-450 M o n o o x y g e n a s e s

As indicated in Table 1, the cytoplasmic network of tubules and vesicles known as the
endoplasmic reticulum is the location of most mammalian cytoehrome P-450 monooxy-
genases. These membrane-bound enzymes are primarily associated with the smooth
endoplasmic reticulum (SER) which is devoid of ribosomes; the rough endoplasmic re-
ticulum (RER), which is associated with ribosomes, is less important in terms of P-450
monooxygenase content. It is well known that P-450 monooxygenases occur in greatest
concentrations in hepatocytes 8' 15). Thus, in the intact animal, the liver is generally the
prime site ofxenobiotic transformations. Besides hepatic tissue, P-450 monooxygenases
are found in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells in the gastrointestinal tract, lung, and
kidney of mammals. Substrate specificity (for steroids) is considerably narrower for
kidney P-450 monooxygenase than the other's noted 1i). This is also true for the P-450
monooxygenase derived from adrenal cortex mitochondria I l, 12)
64 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis

Table 1. Location and relative substrate specificities of cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases

Tissue (cells) Sub-cellular Relative substrate Ref.

organelle specificity

Liver (hepatoeytes) SER a Broad b 6-8, 10

Mitochondria Narrow 13
Nuclear envelopec - 14
Gastrointestinal tract SER Broad t6, 17
Kidney SER Narrow 11
Mitochondria Narrow 11
Lung SER Broad 11
Adrenal cortex SER Narrow 18
Mitoehondria Narrow 11, 12

a Smooth endoptasmic reticulum

b See Table 3
c Not fully defined

The presence of monooxygenases in mitochondria was, for a long time, thought to

be an exceptional property of adrenal cortex ceils. However, cytochrome P-450 steroid
hydroxylating enzymes have recently been derived from rat liver 13) and chick kidney
mitochondria I l). A more novel and perhaps more important finding is that cytochrome
P-450 monooxygenases are located in the nuclear envelope of rat hepatocytes 14). This
diseovery may have profound toxicological significance particularly in light of the ap-
parent induction of benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase activity in this enzyme system by
3-MC (see Sect. 3).

2.2 The N a t u r e o f Microsomes

When physically disrupted by a process such as homogenization, the SER of cells is con-
verted into microsomes. These proteinaceous-lipoidal spheres can be isolated by a series
of steps with ultimate recovery following centrifugation at approximately 100,000 x gl 9).
It should be emphasized that microsomes are artifacts of physical manipulation of cells
rather than actual anatomical structures. There is occasionally confusion on this point
in the literature.
Microsomes are generally thought to be homogeneous, however, subfractionation on
sucrose gradients has recently been accomplished indicating that forms of different den-
sity are generated upon homogenization of mice liver cells2°). Furthermore, density dis-
tribution patterns are altered following induction with phenobarbital 0~b)~°). While the
noted study 2°) suggests different forms of cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases, more
definitive evidence for distant enzymes has been gathered by solubilization techniques
(i.e., treatment with detergents) and resolution of components via column chromato-
graphic and gel electrophoretic methods I t)
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 65

2.3 C o m p o s i t i o n o f M i c r o s o m e s

Lu and Coon 21) were the first to report the successful solubilization and resolution of
hepatic mierosomes into three fractions which when recombined, catalyzed the oxida-
- 21), steroids, drugs, and other xenobiotics 22-24). In the last few years,
tion of fatty acicts
the essential components have been identified as eytochrome P-450 monooxygenase(s),
NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, and phospholipid 2s-3°). Furthermore, character-
izinginformation on these constituents have been obtained as indicated in Table 2. Most
noteworthy is the resolution of P-450 monooxygenases from various mammals into as
many as ten separate enzymes through sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) gel electrophore-
sis9-11, 31-33).

Table 2. Composition of mammalian hepatic microsomes

Component Composition Prosthetic group

Cytochrome P-450 Series of 4-10 proteins a, molecular lron-protoporphyrin IX

monooxygenase weight range ~ 45,000-65,000
NADPH-eytochrome P-450 Possible hexamer with individual FAD and FMN (1: 1)
reductaseb protein components each having
a molecular weight of ~ 79,000
Phospholipid Phosphotidylcholine and possible
other lipidsc

a Determined by SDS gel electrophoresis

b Probably the same as, or very similar to NADPH-cytoehrome c reductase 34)
e Can be replaced by dilaurylglyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine or other detergents such as Triton

It is widely believed 9-11) that the different P-450 monooxygenases account for the
varying substrate specificities observed with these enzymes. Thus, the different forms
of P-450 monooxygenases cannot be regarded as isoenzymes 9) and differences in sub-
strate specificities in various mammals are possibly attributable to differing patterns of
these enzymes 9). Coon et al. to) leave open the possibility that some substrate specificity
may be imparted by multiple forms of NADPH-eytochrome P-450 reductase. However,
this question will require further study along with the overall relevance o f the above
noted findings to man.
Up to this point, we have somewhat loosely referred to liver monooxygenases by the
notation, P-450 which we remind the reader, refers to the visible absorption maximum
(so-called Soret band) of the reduced CO-complex. However, following the discovery of
multiple forms o f the cytochrome P-450's and in depth investigation o f at least two o f
these enzymes in pure form, it became apparent that slightly different spectral proper-
ties existed for each enzyme.
As will become apparent in later sections, phenobarbital administration to mammals
causes a proliferation of cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases possessing a Soret band
66 R.V, Smith and P.J. Davis

(for the composite mixture of CO-complexes) at 450 nm. In contrast, certain aryl hy-
drocarbons (and related substances) such as 3-MC and/~-napthoflavone induce the for-
mation ofmicrosomal cytochromes with a Soret band centered at 448 rim. In fact, pure
cytochrome P-450 and P-448 have been isolated from rabbits following induction by Pb
and/3-napthoflavone, respectively. Unfortunately, there are a number of cytochrome
P-450 monooxygenases for which no inducing agent has yet been found and this has
hampered their isolation and characterization (see Sect. 3). Thus, there is potential for
confusion by merely referring to cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases simply by the
position of their respective Soret bands.

#-Napthoflavone (5,6-benzoflavone)

As a means of classifying microsomal cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases, Coon et

al.l°' 30 have recommended nomenclature based on mobilities of individual enzymes
on SDS-gel electrophoresis. Figure 1 provides a schematic representation of P-450 mono-
oxygenases obtained from rabbit liver microsomes and electrophoretically resolved. At
least eight distinct bands are observed which vary in concentration according to the
type of inducer used (see additional discussion in Sect. 3). The cytochrome enzymes are
numbered 1 through 8 v~ the nomenclature P-450LM, to P-450LM, (LM = liver micro-
some) which is based on mobility (the higher the mobility, the larger the numerical nota-
tion) and molecular weight (the higher the numerical notation, the greater the molecular

Fig. 1. Diagrammaticrepresentation of rabbit liver

microsomal (LM) cytochrome P-450 monooxygen-
ases separated by SDS-polyaerylamidegel electro-
phoresis; Pb, phenobarbital-induced; N, normal;
BNF, l~-napthoflavone-indueed;LM2, purified
P-450LM2 ; LM4,purified P-450LM4 . (see Ref. 10))
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 67

weight). This represents a convenient index for categorizing cytoehrome P-450 mono-
oxygenases and it is our hope that it will be universally adopted; not only for compari.
sons of monooxygenases from mammals but also for comparative studies with microor-
ganisms (see Sect. 4). Bill and Hodgsen 32) have recently critically evaluated the experi-
mental routines for the SDS-gel electrophoretic separation of P-450 monooxygenases
and their report is recommended to workers who may be unfamiliar with this method-
elegy. The recent isolation and purification ofcytoehrome P-450 enzymes from rat liver
by laurie acid affinity- and gel-chromatography is also noteworthy a2a).

2.4 Functional Characteristics o f P-450 Monooxygenases

Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases bind substrate and molecular oxygen and interact
with reductases in a two-step sequence33) to activate the oxygen. Ultimately, one oxy-
gen atom is incorporated into the substrate and the second is reduced to water (Fig. 2).
Formation of a P-450-xenobiotic-O2 ternary complex helps to explain the generally
suggested substrate specificity imparted by the cytochrome monooxygenases. The inter-


2 H÷ f ~Xenobiotic-OH
X~H ~NADPH-cytochrome
y le reductase

P-450÷2-Xen°bi°tic ~ I " / P-450+2-Xenobiotic

NADPH-cytochrome I~
P-4SO reductase P-40÷3-Xenobiotic

NADPIt ~ NA~ + NADP ÷ cytochrome bS + cytochrome b5-

Fig. 2. Oxidation of xenobiotics v/a cytochrome P-450-1inked monooxygenases
68 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis

action of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase in a two-step (2-electron) sequence is also

indicated in Fig. 2. Furthermore, the possible coupling of this reductive process with
an NADH-mediated electron transfer as shown, explains the often suggested synergistic
role for the latterpyridine-nucleotide as well as cytochrome bs and cytochrome bs-re-
ductase34, 36-38) A coupling/decoupling role for hydrogen peroxide has recently been
proposedai, 39) as represented in Fig. 2. Thus, NADPH (and NADPH-generating sys-
tems) can be replaced by hydrogen peroxide and a variety of organic peroxides in the
oxidation of certain xenobiotics by microsomal mixtures 4°-4s) and cytochrome
P-450LM ~46) in particular. This is an intriguing finding and may support the postulated
intermediacy of the P-450 +2 - O ; complex depicted in Fig. 2. However, the role of hy-
drogen peroxide in intact hepatocytes may be of lesser importance 46a).
Cytoehrome P-450 monooxygenases are differentially inhibited by a variety of sub-
stances including CO, SKF-525A, metyrapone, ethylisocyanate, and the Lilly com-
pound, 2,4-dichloro-6-phenylphenoxyethylamine (DPEA)47-slc). Indeed, varying in-
hibitory effects on different microsomal preparations are suggested as underlying sup-
port for multiple forms of P-450 monooxygenases 11). However, inhibitor studies must
be interpreted with caution, especially with heterogenous preparations. For example,
microsomal hydroxylase activity is widely thought to be insensitive to cyanide s2-s4).
However, cytochrome P-450 systems have recently been found to be inhibited by cya-
nide in a concentration-dependent manner ss' s6).


SKF-525 A I~C~H 2CH2NH' Metyrapone

Lilly Compound, DPEA

2.5 Substrate Specificity

Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases catalyze a wide variety of oxidations with a vast

number of substrate-types as indicated in Table 3. Indeed, many authorities suggest 9-1 l)
that this fact supports the purported multiplicity of P-450 monooxygenases. It is thought
that few (and perhaps no liver microsomal) P-450 monooxygenases (e.g., P-450LM~)
catalyzes a single reaction; but certain cytochromes will have greater activity of a cer-
tain type than others. For example, cytochrome P-448 (LM4 from rabbits) possesses
much greater aryl hydroxylase activity than eytochrome P-450 (LM2 from rabbits).
Induction of Xenobiotie Monooxygenases 69

Table 3. Examples of oxidative transformations catalyzed by mammalian cytochrome P-450 mono-


Reaction type Representative Products Ref.


Aliphatic Octane, dodecane, 1 ° and/or 2 * alcohols 23

hydroxylation cyclohexane
Aromatic Acetanilide, benzo[alpyrene, Arene oxides, phenols 57-59
hydroxylation chlorobenzene
N-Dealkylation Benzphetamine, 2 * Amine + formaldehyde 23, 60
O-Dealkylation Ethoxyresorufin, Phenol + acetaldehyde 60-62
Desulfuration Parathion Oxoester 27, 63
N-Hydroxylation 2-Acetaminofluotene N-Hydroxy-acetamino- 64

3 Induction of Mammalian Cytochrome P-450 Monooxygenases

The stimulation o f liver growth in mammals by exposure to foreign organic compounds,

has been known for more than three decades 6s). In the last ten years a number of in-
sights have been gained on induction and its molecular correlates. Indeed, the use o f in-
ducing agents to produce microsomal fractions enriched in certain P-450 monooxygen-
ases has been of immeasurable benefit in the isolation and purification of the few forms
of P-450 (e.g., LM~ and LM4 from rabbits) that have been subject to characterization.
There is reason to believe that a more thorough understanding of induction processes
and the P-450 monooxygenases p e r se will develop as studies continue with purified

3.1 GrossEffects

The stimulation of tissue growth by inducing agents can be described as individual cel-
lular (e.g., hepatocyte) growth or cell proliferation. These events are described by the
terms hypertrophy and hyperplasia, respectively. However, it is noted repeatedly in the
literature that hyperplasia should also include proliferation of genetic material 6s). The
hypertrophy observed with inducing agents is related to increased d e n e r o synthesis of
proteins, which can serve as precursors to cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases6sa). Thus,
animals appropriately treated with inducing agents such as Pb or 3-MC will show a pro-
liferation of SER. The resulting increases in microsomal yields and their enzymatic ac-
tivities are discussed below.
70 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis

3.2 I n d u c i n g A g e n t s

Inducers of hepatic P-450 monooxygenases consist of compounds possessing a broad

spectrum of structural types, uses, and pharmacological activities. A representative listing
of mammalian inducing agents is given in Table 4. The only features that these com-
pounds appear to share are:
1. high lipid-solubility permitting ready localization in the endoplasmic reticulum,
2. ability to serve as substrates for, or the capacity to bind to P-450 monooxygen-
ases 66).
Following administration of an inducing agent, different effects are observed depend-
ing on the particular nature of the agent. Gillette 67' 6s) dassified materials into three
groups, depending on their action as inducers. First, phenobarbital and many other drugs
increase levels of cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-eytochrome c reductase. Secondly, 3-
methylcholanthrene and other polyeyelie hydrocarbons increase cytochrome P-448 but
not levels of P-450, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, or the rate of P-450 reduction.
Thirdly, spironolactone and other steroids increase NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and
the rate of P-450 reduction and may 66) effect levels ofcytochrome P-450. These steroidal
inducers are much less commonly used experimentally but may be of particular impor-
tance since some are natural substrates for monooxygenases. The Gillette classification
system contains some useful generalities;however, it does point out a problem of nomen-
clature. Much of the early literature and even some recent literature indiscriminately
employs the term "cytochrome P-450" to mean all forms of the cytochrome. In many
of the more recent publications the terms cytochrome P-448 and cytochrome P-450 rep-
resent specific forms having absorbance maxima for their reduced CO-complexes at
448 nm, respectively. These papers contain an inherent ambiguity since P-448 (also
called P~ -450 and P450LM , ) and P-450 referred to are probably mixtures of several
cytochrome enzymes. As we pointed out earlier, SDS gel electrophoresis of solubi-
lized microsomes from uninduced animals reveals several cytochrome P-450 apopro-
teins~O, a~, 69-72). Inducers cause increases in the levels of one or more of these apopro-
rein bands 73). Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) and 3-MC increase a single so-called
"band 4" of mouse liver microsomes (probably P-448 and perhaps analogous to LM4
described in rabbits l°) ) while Pb affects another 74). However, there is some "'cross-induc-
tion"; for example, Pb in mice also causes slight increases in "band 4"'. Additionally,
recent evidence suggests that "band 4" may not be homogeneous73). Some workers re-
port that cytochrome P-450 from uninduced rats is different than the P-450 produced
in Pb-treated animals7s). This is probably due to the induction of a form of P-450 that
is present in low concentration in uninduced animals. An analogous situation is observed
in rabbits where LM2 markedly increases in rabbit liver microsomal preparations fol-
lowingPb-induction 1°). In future years, it is our hope that a standardized SDS gel elec-
trophoresis procedure will be adopted so that cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases from
various species and resulting after a number of induction treatments, can be compared.
Such a procedure would also help in comparative induction studies with mammalian
and microbial microsomal preparations.
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 71

Table 4. Examples of agents that affect induction of hepatic cytoehrome P-450 monooxygenases

Inducing agent Description (use and/or Structure

pharmacological effect)

Benzo[alpyrene Carcinogen

Butylated hydroxytoluene Antioxidant

3-Methylcholanthrene Carcinogen

#-Napthoflavone Hydrocarbon analog

Phenobarbital Sedative, hypnotic I-~,~/CzH5

Polychtorinated biphenyls Heat-exchange fluids,
(arochlors) insulators, lubricants,
and plasticizers
Pregnenolone 16 a-carbonitrile Steroidal derivative

H(~~ ''cN
Safrole Carcinogen, formerly a
flavoring agent

2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- Herbicide impurity;

p-dioxin (TCDD) teratogen C f ~ l
1,1,l-Trichloro-2,2-(p-chloro- Insecticide
phenyl) ethene (p,p'-DDT)
and other isomers
CJ~ccl ~
72 R.V. Smith and P,J. Davis

Several workers have recently employed EPR to study induction processes and re-
suiting effects on the spin state(s) of the iron atom of P-450 monooxygenases31' 76).
Low- and high-spin form of P-450 have been detected; the proportion of each changes
with different inducing agents. Interestingly, distinctly different EPR spectra have been
for rabbit liver P'450LM2 (Pb-induetion) and P-450LM' (3-MC induction). This addi-
tional tool for distinguishing P-450 monooxygenases is likely to become more useful
especially in possibly delineating binding mechanisms associated with P-450-substrate
Differences in substrate specificity have been utilized by a number of investigators
to categorize inductions ofcytochrome P-450 monooxygenases. Correlations are partial-
ly successful as can be seen from Table 5. Pb-induction in rats has a pronounced effect
on pentobarbital hydroxylatlon • 7s), benzphetamine N-demethylation7s), and amino-
pyrine N-demethylations°) that is not observed to any significant extent for microsomal
preparations from rats induced with 3-MC.

Ou ,~H CH,CH2CH3 f
~T~,,T/N "---cH~ - ~
HOiH~oC2Hs CH~ - -


(CH,)zNt "CH~

Table 5. Substrate specificities of liver microsomal preparations obtained from rats pretreated with
phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthlene

Substrate Transformation Relative increase in specific activities a

Pb-treated 3-MC-treated

Pentobarbital Aliphatic hydroxylation 1,000 60

Benzphetamine N-Dealkylation 250 50
Ethylmorphine N.Dealkylation b, e 100 (?) 100
O,Dealkylation a, d 100 i00
Aminopyrine N-Demethytatione 480 100
Aniline Aromatic hydroxylation 120 170
Benzo[alpyrene Aromatic hydroxylation 70 390
Testosterone 6 #-Hydroxylation 100 100
7 tz-Hydroxylation 100 200
16 a-Hydroxylation 550 50
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 73

In contrast, 3-MC-induction has a much greater influence on benzo[a]pyrene hydroxyla-

tion 7s). For this reason, the cytochrome principally induced by 3-MC is often referred
to as aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase. The reader should also recall that this monooxygen-
ase is synonomous with P-448 or P1-450. Some anomalies exist in categorizing effects
of Pb and 3-MC according to substrate specificities. For example, O-dealkylase activity
towards 7-ethoxycoumarin8~), p-nitroanisole a ~), and ethoxyresorufin62) is induced by
3-MC but not by Pb. However, as indicated in Table 5, O-dealkylation of ethylmorphine
(a substrate widely used as a model in mammalian transformation experiments) is neither
effected by Pb or 3-MC.

~ N02
HsCzo~ H,CO"

~ OC2Hs


Overall, the data in Table 5 emphasizes the problem of developing patterns of sub-
strate specificity based on remits from relatively "crude" microsomal preparations. More
work is required on transformations by P-450 monooxygenases. Also, studies should be
initiated with closely related series of compounds to detect more subtle differences that
may exist in the substrate specificity of different cytochrome monooxygenases.
Recent studies of the induction of hepatic monooxygenases by the polychlorinated
biphenyls (Table 4) have led to some interesting structure-activity relationships. Aro-
clor 1254 is a mixture of principally polychlorinated biphenyls containing 54% chlorine
by weight. This relatively highly chlorinated mixture of compounds is reported to be
an effective inducer of cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases. In rats, the pattern of in-
duction mimics that observed by combined administration of Pb and 3-MC82' as). In-
deed, Ryan et al. a4) isolated two P-450 monooxygenases from liver microsomes of rats
treated with the Aroclor 1254 mixture. One of the cytochromes was electrophoretical-
ly and antigenetically identical with the principal cytochrome monooxygenases (P-450)

a Activities of 100 assigned to untreated controls; data from Ref.75) unless otherwise indicated
b Ref 77, as)
c Nerland and Mannering79) note that the level of N-dealkylation is increased by Pb-induction but
site unpublished results
d Ref.79)
e Ref.80)
74 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis

obtained from the livers of Pb-induced rats. The second appeared to be essentially iden-
tical with that obtained from 3-MC-induced rats (P-448).
Poland and Glover85) systematically studied the induction properties of a number of
components of Aroclor 1254 under the assumption that certain constituents were re-
sponsible for the two types of induction (P-448). In this work, the authors took advan-
tage of two substrate specificities mentioned earlier. That is, the marked increase in
aminopyrine N-demethylase after Pb-induetion and benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase fol-
lowing 3-MC-induction. Thus, they assumed that compounds disproportionately increas-
ing aminopyrine N-demethylase were more like Pb in their effect while congeners (or
isomers) showing greater aryl hydroxylase activity behaved more like 3-MC. Sixteen
variously halogenated biphenyls (chlorinated and brominated) were evaluated. Com-
pounds increasing benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase were all highly substituted, lipophilic,
and relatively planar. One such compound is 3,4,5,3',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl.

el l


In contrast, distinctly non-planar biphenyls such as those with chlorosubstituents in the

2- and 2'-positions behaved more like Pb in mice and rats 8s). The planar biphenyls in-
duced a cytochrome monooxygenase possessing a Soret band at 448 nm (reduced CO-
complex) while the corresponding cytochrome-CO complex obtained from microsomes
of animals induced with non-planar polychlorinated biphenyls showed an absorption
maximum at 450 nm. These results support the work of Ryan et al. s4). Furthermore,
Poland and his co-workers provided additional insight into the inductidn behavior of
several other chlorinated-planar substances such as TCDD (Table 4) ss), 2,3,6,7-tetra-
chlorodibenzofuranss), and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran86' 87).

C l ~ C l
2,3,6,7-Tetrachlorobiphenylene 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran

These compounds are powerful inducers of cytochrome P-448. Interestingly, it has

been observed that the relative activities of the P-448 inducers indicated above can be
correlated to their relative affinities for a cytosol protein present in the liver of rats and
miceSS, 86) This finding may represent an important first step in a number of induction
processes and deserves further study.
Besides the direct indication of multiple P-450 enzymes afforded by the actual isolation of the
various enzymes themselves,other indirect evidence may be gained by use of suitable probes of en-
zymatic catalysis. Where a substrate yields a variety of products, changes in product profiles with
varying conditions (inducers, inhibitors) may indicate that these products are not produced by the
same enzyme(s). Trager87a) has described the ingenioususe of warfarin as such a probe, based on
both the stereospeeifieityof metabolism (R-vs.S-Warfarin)and the regiospeeificityof hydroxylation.
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 75

The latter potential arises because hydroxylation occurs at the 6-, 7-, 8-, 4'- and benzylic posi-

6 3~3~ Warfarin
7 4~

By careful examination of the Km values of the various hydroxylations, and the product ratios
of induced vs. uninduced animals, conclusions were drawn as to the multiplicity of enzymes involved.
For example, the 6-hydroxylation of R-Warfarin showed a product ratio of phenobarbital induced
to uninduced (central) of 1.96 ± O.15, a value comparable to that observed for 7-, 8-, and 4'-hydrox-
ylation, indicating a common hydroxylase. However, differential induction was seen for benzylic
hydroxylation which showed a product ratio of 1.5 ± 0.18 thereby implying the involvement of a
separate hydroxylase. Similar comparisons of statistically differential inductions of product forma-
tion in R- and S-warfarin indicated that at least five distinct enzymes were responsible for formation
of the ten hydroxylated products; one for R-benzylic and one for S-benzylic hydroxylation; one
for S-7- and one for S-8-hydroxylation; and one for the production of the other six hydroxylated
produets. This type of study appears to be a sensitive probe of hydroxylase activity and will prob-
ably expand as a tool for examining multiple P-450 enzymes, although it is obviously not limited to
Diet can influence the course o f induction o f hepatic monooxygenases aa). A number o f
natural foods contain inducing agents. These include members o f the Brassicacae family
(e.g., radishes) as well as spinach, turnips, celery, and dill. The naturally occurring in-
ducers in these foodstuffs are probably terpenes. Furthermore, rats are known to be in-
duced by cedarwood bedding 89), aerosols o f eucalyptol 9°), and a variety o f other ter-
penes 91,92)

3.3 Mechanisms of Induction

Up to this point, induction has been described in terms o f increased production o f cyto-
chrome P-450 monooxygenases. It is generally thought that this proliferation o f cyto-
chromes occurs via stimulation o f protein synthesis. There is much evidence to support
this hypothesis 93) and recent investigations have uncovered a number o f l o c i that may
be important in the mechanism(s) of induction.
Various interactions that could ultimately lead to increased protein synthesis are
noted in Fig. 3. Most important o f these are the binding o f inducers such as 3-MC to
nuclear DNA. This stimulates expression o f messenger RNA's which play an integral role
in ribosomal activity 93). The inducer-DNA interaction may be potentiated by covalent
binding and important active metabolites could be formed through recently discovered
nuclear cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases 94-98). Other effects such as the direct in-
fluences o f inducers on ribosomal synthesis and stabilization (v/a ribonuclease inhibition),
and protein initiation, elongation, and termination factors have been excellently re-
viewed by Bresnick 93) and do not require reiteration. In summary, a number o f known
inducers appear to work at several levels of RNA and protein synthesis to increase levels
o f P-450 monooxygenases.
76 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis



Fig. 3. Sites within mammalian cells that are reportedly important in the induction of cytochrome
P-450 monooxygenases.Inducers may facilitate (fac.) or inhibit (inh.) processes as indicated (see
Ref.g3)). Abbreviations: hn-RNA (heterogeneousnuclear RNA), m-RNA(messenger RNA), r-RNA
(ribosomal RNA), SER (smooth endoplasmic reticulum)

4 Characteristics of Microbial Monooxygenases

4.1 F u n g i

Amblke et al. 99) demonstrated the presence of a cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase in

the microsomal fraction of a Claviceps purpurea strain that produces clavine-type alka-
loids. Time course studies showed a direct correlation between alkaloid production and
P-450 monooxygenase levels, thereby indicating an in vivo function of the enzyme. Ad-
ditionally, cytochrome bs was detected in the C. purpurea studied. It is interesting to
note that cyanide inhibited the production of cytochrome P-450 in this organism while
the total alkaloidal yield decreased proportionately to the levels of the enzyme; hence,
the P-450 monooxygenase was not inhibited per se by cyanide. The interconversion of
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 77

cytochrome P-450 and cytochrome P-420 was examined in this system l°°). Following
removal of cytochrome bs by steapsin (a lipase), the conversion of cytochrome P-450
to cytochrome P-420 was effected by snake venum protease, sodium cholate or oxygen.
The reconversion of P-420 could be accomplished in quantitative yield by treatment
with 10% glycerol, which also prevents the P-450 to P-420 transformation by steapsin.
A similar transformation ~-420 to P-450) has been reported with mammalian mono-
oxygenases using polyols or reduced glutathione1°O which presumably act by uncoup-
ling detergents and/or sulfhydryl reagents from cytochrome P-420.
The exact function of the P-450 monooxygenase described by Ambike et al.99, lOO)
is unknown. However, it would be interesting if it behaved as a hydroxylase in the con-
version of tryptophan to chanoclavine because of the mechanistic implications of the
presumed regiospeciflc hydroxylation necessary for the biosynthesis of the latter 1°2).
In a preliminary communication, Auret et al.lo3) described the now well-defined
NIH-shift during the aromatic hydroxylation of anisole by nine fungal species. The
NIH.shfft, which has been suggested to be a priori evidence for arene oxide formation
by monooxygenases (in conjunction with other evidence 1°4' los)) involves a rearrange-
ment of a substituent, for example at the para-position, during the spontaneous rear-
rangement of the epoxide to the phenol as indicated in Fig. 4. In a study expanding on
these results 1°6), the amount of deuterium retention was shown to be --, 70%, which is
comparable to values obtained with in vitro mammalian liver systems during p-hydrox-
ytation of anisole. Comparable retentions were also observed using, 3,5-di3H-anisole
indicating that the initial position of the deuterium atom does not influence the amount
of retention, consistent with a 3,4-oxide and the NIH-shift (see Fig. 5).
An interesting observation reported by Boyd et al.l°6) deserves comment. Young
cultures, which presumably consisted of spores and germinating spores, showed a pre-
ponderance of O-demethylation o f anisole to phenol while aromatic hydroxylation
was observed in older cultures. An investigation of this phenomena is certainly war-
ranted both from a fundamental biochemical standpoint (different enzymes or a single,
altered enzyme), and because of the current widespread interest in using microbial cul-
tures to carry out specific type-reactions including O- and N-dealkylations and aromatic


Fig. 4. Hydroxylationof anisole-4-2Hby P-450 monooxygenaseindicatingthe nature of the NIH-
78 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis


CH 3
-.COL. o(.)

Fig. 5. Mechanism for equivalent retention of deuterium during the aromatic hydroxylation o f ani-
sole-3-~H and anisole-4-aH by cytoehrome P-450 monooxygenase

Unlike mammalian species, which show a preference for p-hydroxylation of anisole,

most of the fungal species tested showed a predominance of o-hydroxylation. It must
be remembered, however, that this is with a single substrate, and a limited number of
fungi. Deuterium studies concerning the o-hydroxylation of anisole were consistent
with a 2,3-epoxide rather than a 1,2-epoxide, although lower deuterium-retention values
were obtained than with liver microsomes. The low values of deuterium retention in
the o-hydroxylation ofaryl acids with Aspergillus niger prompted the proposal of a dif-
ferent mechanism involving a 1,2-oxide, or an insertion mechanism 1°3' 106). The lack
of an observed isotope effect would tend to discount, but not completely disprove the
latter hypothesis.
Two studies by Ferris et al. 11~' 112) focused on a fungal monooxygenase system
capable of carrying out reactions similar to those o f mammalian liver systems. Cunning-
hamella bainieri (ATCC 9244) was chosen as the model system which was used as a cell
suspension supplemented with NADPH. In analogy to mammalian work, this culture
was shown to carry out the following metabolic reactions: N-demethylation of amino-
pyrine; O-demethylation ofp-nitroanisole and anisole ;hydroxylation ofanisole, aniline,
and naphthalene; and reduction of both 1,2-dimethyl-4-(p-earboxyphenylazo)-5-hy-
droxybenzene and p-nitrobenzoie acid. This diversity in the ability to metabolize a
number of xenobiotics is of prime interest in considering that microbial systems mimic
the types of reactions, and indeed, can be used as models for mammalian metabolism
is proposed by Smith and Rosazza 6' 7).
In analogy to previously cited work 1°3' 106), Ferris et al. 111, 112) reported evidence
for the NIH shift in the p-hydroxylation of anisole, with the expected degree of de-
uterium retention. No primary isotope effect was observed as would be expected if an
insertion mechanism were operating. Isotopic labelling using 1SO2 revealed incorpora-
tion of a single atom of 1sO which is indicative of a typical monooxygenase. Interest-
ingly, Cunninghamella bainieri (ATCC 9244) predominantyl caused p-hydroxylation,
while C. elegans (ATCC 9245) I°3' lo6), principally effects o-hydroxylation of anisole.
Naphthalene was metabolized to the trans-dihydrodiol, indicating the presence of ex-
poside hydratase, and to a 9:1 mixture of 1- and 2-naphthol in similar fashion to mammals.
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygonasos 79
Conclusive evidence was presented for a cytochrome P-450 in C bainieri112). A typ-
ical difference spectrum of the reduced P-450-CO complex indicated a peak at 450 nm,
after removal by digitonin solubilization of a strongly negatively absorbing species
(445 nm). Hydroxylase activity, as determined by a benzo[a]pyrene assay, was found
to be considerably less than that of rat liver, although the assay was not performed at
the pH optimum and this was indicated by the authors 112). The aryl hydrocarbon hy-
drolase activity was found to be NADPH dependent as with mammalian microsomal
P-450, and was also inhibited by SKF-525A, metyrapone, and carbon monoxide.
Microorganisms have been used for decades in commercialprocesses involving the
hydroxylation of steroids. Nearly every position on the carbocyclic skeleton can be hy-
droxylated by the proper choice of cultures 107, 113). Recently, Breskvar and Hudnik-
Plevnik 114, 1Is) have implicated a cytochrome P-450 in the 11-a-hydroxylation of pro-
gesterone by Rhizopus nigricans. The hydroxylation was shown to occur in both cell
suspension and cell-free systems. The reaction was inhibited by CO, and light reversed
the inhibition. The difference spectrum of the membrane fraction sedimenting at
105,000 x g showed a peak at 450 nm, indicative of the reduced P-450-CO complex.
This cytochrome was not found in mitochondria, but did sediment at high g-values in-
dicating a membrane bound, rather than soluble cytochrome P-450. The substrate,
progesterone, exhibited a typical type II binding with cytochrome P-450, as defined by
Shenkman et al.l 16).
One of us, in conjunction with J.P. Rosazza, examined a selected group of microor-
ganisms, mostly fungi, to carry out aryl hydroxylations similar to those reported for
mammalian systemss). Many of these cultures were chosen based on their reported ability
to carry out this type-reaction, and indeed, some had been shown to contain cytochrome
P-450. The metabolism of a number of model aromatic compounds were examined, in-
cluding acetanilide, aniline, anisole, benzene, benzoic acid, biphenyl, chlorobenzene,
coumarin, naphthalene, nitrobenzene, trans-stilbene, and toluene. Generally, the results
obtained showed good qualitative comparisons to those reported in mammalian systems.
A closer parallel was also noted in a number of cases, to in vitro rather than in vivo
mammalian results.
Smith, Rosazza et al. 117) also examined the aromatic hydroxylation of isomeric
xylenes using the cultures noted above s). Generally a close correlation was found be-
tween the positions of hydroxylations by microbial and mammalian species. These
results, as well as parallels reported by others as already discussed, prompted Smith and
Rosazza6, 7) to suggest that it may be possible to define microbial transformation sys-
tems that could mimic many of the biotransformations occurring in mammals. This area
of study was dubbed, "microbial models of mammalian metabolism". Ample literature
is available to facilitate choosing microorganisms to carry out desired reactions 1°6-1 lo).
The same advantages of scale-up would apply to the isolation of enzymes for further
study and commercial use, such as in cytochrome P-450 production. The future pros-
pects of such production were recently reviewed by Wiseman 118)
A cytochrome P-450 has been implicated by Murphy et al. 119), in the biosynthesis
ofpatulin by Penicillium patulum (see Fig. 6). The hydroxylation of m-cresol to m-hy-
droxybenzyl alcohol and 2,5-dihydroxytoluene was shown to require NADPH and me-
80 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis



Fig. 6. Steps in the biosynthesis of patulin by Penb

H t~ H cillium patulum (see Ref) 19))

lecular oxygen. The conversions are possibly conducted by different enzymes in sepa-
rable membrane fractions. The formation of both products was strongly inhibited by CO,
but only marginally by cyanide. The CO inhibition was reversed by light, and evaluation
of various wavelengths indicated maximal reversal at 450-455 nm. Only low levels of a
cytochrome P-450 were observed in the reduced-CO difference spectrum, and a peak at
420 nm was always present. AU attempts at solubilizing the apparently particulate
monooxygenase were unsuccessful.
Cerniglia and Gibson 12o) examined the ability of a Cunninghamella elegans strain,
isolated by enrichment culture on crude oil, to metabolize naphthalene. These authors
found close correlation to the routes of naphthalene metabolism in mammalian systems.
Major metabolites included 1-naphthol and 4-hydroxy-l-tetralone. Four other minor
metabolites were also isolated and characterized. In a second study, the microsomal
preparation from that fungal strain was found to oxidize napthalene in a typical mono-
oxygenase fashion 121). Both 1- and 2-naphthol, as well as the trans-dihydrodial were
found. These compounds are indicative of a common 1,2-epoxide intermediate, as well
as the presence of epoxide hydratase which has been seen in at least one other fungal
species ~11, ~t2). Metabolism was dependent upon NADPH, and 02, and was also inhib-
ited by CO but not cyanide. Studies with gener~y accepted P-450 inhibitors, such as
SKF-525A and metyrapone, were also consistent with this view. A typical spectrum of
the reduced P-450-CO complex was obtained indicating a cytochrome P-450 with higher
levels of cytochrome P-420.
An interesting proposal presented 12°) was that 1,4-oxygenated products ofnaptha-
lene may result from the formation o f a naphthalene-l,4-endoperoxide, presumably by
a dioxygenase. This suggestion has been made previously for naphthalene by Sch~fer-
Ridder et al) 22), and a similar result has actually been demonstrated in the microsomal
transannular 1,4-peroxidation of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene to give the 9,10-epi-
dioxide which is then reduced to the cis-dio1123). Such a metabolic reaction would prop-
ably involve a dioxygenase and, hence, lsO2 labeling would be def'mitive in that regard.
The reaction may also be thought of, in a chemical sense, as a Diels-Alder addition of
molecular oxygen. Further implication of enzymatic involvement in such a process
would be the chiral specificity that one might expect with the resultant epidioxide of
the benzanthracene, or of a substituted naphthalene (see Fig. 7). It is of interest that
similar metabolism studies to those previously cited 12°) are being conducted with bac-
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 81

H3c "

H H,

R , R

Fig. 7. Possible products resulting from diooxygenase-catalyzed oxidation of 9,10-dimethyl-l,2-

benzanthraeene and a substituted naphthalene

teria, however, sufficient data is not yet available to implicate P-450 monooxygenase
involvement in their metabolism 124).
Although numerous fungal species are able to utilize alkanes for growth, studies have
only recently addressed the possible involvement of monooxygenases in the metabolism
of gaseous alkanes. An Acremonium strain (BE/l) was isolated based on its ability to
utilize ethane, propane, and butane 12s). These were shown to be metabolized by the
alcohol-aldehyde-acid route. While a difference spectrum of P-450 could not be demon-
strated in a microsomal preparation, inhibition by CO but not cyanide and dependence
on NADPH was observed which are strongly suggestive of a monooxygenase, in analogy
to those found in several yeasts (see below).

4.2 Yeasts

A monooxygenase system from Torulopsis sp. capable of hydroxylating the penultimate

carbon of[atty acids has been described by Heinz et al.126). Activity was shown both
in the intact cell, and in a cell-free system consisting of the I0,000 x g supematant frac-
tion (microsomes). The enzyme(s) was found to be stabilized by glycerol, but not by
sulfhydryl compounds (dithiothreitol, mercaptoethanol) or ascorbate. Studies indirect-
ly implicated a P-450 type monooxygenase by the incorporation of one oxygen atom
from 1802, and the mqukement for NADPH. Additionally, the hydroxylation of fatty
acids was inhibited by CO, and not by cyanide.
Lebeault et al. 127) demonstrated the presence of a cytochrome P-450 in Candida
tropicalis utilizing tetradecane as a sole carbon source. This 27,000 x g supernatant frac-
tion (containing microsomes) was capable of affecting ~o-hydroxylation of fatty acids
and alkanes, the most active substrate being laurate. A similar system may be involved
in alkane metabolism by Candida intermedia (NRRL-Y 63 28-1) 127a). This system also
showed a dependence on molecular oxygen and NADPH, and was inhibited by CO but
not cyanide. A typical difference spectrum indicative of a cytochrome P-450 was ob-
82 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis

served, but only in yeasts grown on hydrocarbon. In addition, the system was capable
of N-dealkylating a number of drug substances including aminopyrine, benzphetamine,
and ethylmorphine 127).
In a second paper, these investigators examined the partial purification of the P-450-
like system and the role of phospholipids 12s). Interestingly, the cytochrome P-450 pre-
pared by fractionation on DEAE cellulose was not readily auto-oxidized, and could be
further stabilized by glycerol or dithiothreitol. Such observations are encouraging for
the preparative use of such systems as described by Wiseman 118). Other fractions in-
cluded cytochrome reductase and a heat stable lipid, both of which were required with
the cytochrome P-450 for activity. In evaluating the effects of phospholipids on the ~-
hydroxylation of laurie acid, it was found that yeast lysophosphatidylethanolamine gave
highest activity with the reconstituted P-450 system. This system was also active in cat-
alyzing the N-dealkylation of the drug substances noted above, but was not capable of
O-demethylating p-nitroanisole 128), a classic reagent for demonstrating O-dealkylase
Gallo et alJ 29' 129a) have also examined the cytochrome profiles of C tropicalis
grown on alkanes, and demonstrated the presence ofa cytochrome P-450 and an NADPH-
cytochrome c reductase. In a recent study by these authors, a new procedure was tested
for the isolation of P-450-containing microsomes by lysis of protoplasts formed by the
action of helicase on intact yeast cells is°). This method was shown to be superior to
other disruption techniques such as the French press or disintegration, but only if one
considers P-450 levels in crude cell homogenates. After sucrose gradient centrifugation,
the three procedures all gave comparable results. With the helicase treatment, no P-420
was detected, but could be formed by the action of protease on P-450. Attempts at re-
conversion were unsuccessful in this case. The microsomal P-450 isolated was remark-
ably stable, showing no spectral deterioration if stored at - 20 o for 15 days I so). Candida
guilliermondii also produces a form of P-450 (455 nm) catalyzing the oxidation of
alkanes ~30a).
For several years, Saccharomyces cerevisae has been under intense investigation be-
cause of the presence of an electron transport system similar to that in the endoplasmic
reticulum of mammals I a l). The presence era cytochrome P-450 in this organism grown
under anaerobic conditions has been demonstrated by a number of groups 131-133, 133d,133e),
and alSO forms aerobically if cells are harvested prior to glucose depletion133a, b). This
work was recently summarized by Wiseman ! la). The exact function of this enzyme is
not fully delineated, although Wiseman 118) has suggested involvement in the a~-hydrox-
ylation of oleie acid prior to its incorporation into endoplasmic reticulum or mitochon-
dria 133), while others suggest involvement in yeast sterol synthesis 132). There is a de-
monstrable reciprocal relationship between cytochrome P-450 levels and mitochondrio-
genesis, in that high glucose levels are necessary for suppressing mitochondrial forma-
tion and the stimulation of P-450 formation I al, 131a, 131b) This interaction may also
be linked by cyclic nucleotide formation I ~8).
The spectral and catalytic stability of P 4 5 0 from S. cereviseae was examined by
Wiseman et al. 13a), and the oxidized form appears to be more stable. Catalytic capability
was followed by biphenyl-4-hydroxylase activity 1as) ; the enzyme also N-demethylates
Induction of Xenobiotie Monooxygenases 83
ethylmorphine, and aminopyrine 1Is). The authors suggested I la) that additional stability
might be attained by cross-linking or immobilization of the enzyme. Also, substrates
exhibiting both type I and II binding have been found to protect the enzyme from de-
naturation by detergents ~~a)
Callen and Philpot 133b) utilized S. cerevisiae as a model system for the metabolic
activation of a variety ofpromutagens. Conversion of two diploid strains was used as an
indication of metabolic activities which was attributed to cytochrome P-450 dependent
monooxygenase(s). The correlation of P-450 levels and conversion was impressive with
nearly all of the promutagens tested.
Yoshida et al.136, 136a) recently reported that a solubilized form of P-450 from Sac-
charomyces cerevisiae more closely resembles cytochrome P-448, in analogy to the 3-
MC-induced cytochrome in mammals. These authors observed type II and modified
type II binding, but no type I binding of substrates with this solubilized enzyme, which
is capable of hydroxylating aniline and N-demethylating aminopyrine. In a second
study137), P-448 was obtained in 75% pure form using proteolytic procedures for isola-
tion. The system was spectrally stable when stored at -80 °, and showed no contamina-
tion by eytochrome P-420. Studies also indicated it to be more stable to denaturing
agents than mammalian cytochrome P-450, an important consideration in large scale
isolation and utilization.

4.3 Bacteria

Perhaps the most intensively studied source of cytochrome P-450 is the fluorescent
pseudomonad, Pseudomonas putida. As first described by Gunsalus et al, 13s), this sys-
tem is capable of conducting a stereospecific hydroxylation of camphor, forming the
5-exo-alcohol. Molecular oxygen was required, as well as NADH138). This has been found
to be the case in nearly all bacterial P-450 systems; that is, a dependence on NADH
rather than NADPH. Due to the very specific catalytic capability of this enzyme system,
it was designated eytochrome P-450ca m . Research with this camphor hydroxylase has
been quite extensive, and was recently reviewed by Gunsalus et al. 139), as well as
Wiseman 11s)
The P'450eam system possesses three proteins that have been resolved. These indi-
vidual components are: 1, an NADH coupled Putidaredoxin reductase; 2, aniron-sulphur
protein termed Putidaredoxin; 3, a cytochrome P-45014°). All components are neces-
sary for hydroxylation to occur. Similar components were reported for an enzyme cat-
alyzing the ~-hydroxylation of fatty acids by Pseudornonas oleovorans, although a
P-450 does not appear to be involved 141). The scheme proposed by Gunsalus 13s) for
P-450cam is presented in Fig. 8.
Cytochrome P450ca m has been purified 142) and crystallized143) and consists of a
single polypeptide, with a molecular weight of 44,000-46,000. Higher levels of enzyme
were afforded by substrate protection, although this was not an absolute necessity. Any
inactive form (P-420) generated during the isolation or by organic solvent denaturation,
could be reactivated using sulfhydryl reagents, especially cysteine 144). Glycerol and other
84 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis


__NADH __ P-FAD __ 2P- (FeS) ~ , 1 ( "~

P-450+3 NAD P-FADI"I

2 2P- (FeS)2 /

-4~0+2-S ~ ~ p-ts_0"3-s
S-OH + H20
~ 2 H÷
, j lle " o 0~
0-I 2
Fig. 8. Oxidation of substrate (S) via cytochrome P-450ca m
P-FAD = putidaredoxin reductase; P-(FeS) = putidaredoxin

polyols were unable to reverse it. These results suggest a modification of a sulfhydryl
groups o f the apoprotein.
Dus et al) 4s) have compared the immunological cross-reactivity o f P-450 from
phenobarbital-induced rabbit liver microsomes and P-450cam. A close relation was shown
based on competitive binding and inhibition of catalytic activity. Treatment o f the pro-
teins with cyanogen bromide yielded heme-containing peptides, with amino acid com-
positions that were quite similar in the heme region 14s).
Broadbent et a1.146) found that a Nocardia species (NHI) grown on iso-vanillate,
conducted O-dealkylation ofp-alkylphenyl ethers via a P-450 monooxygenase, dubbed
P-450npd (npd = Nocardia para dealkylation). In a particularly elegant study, this cyto-
chrome was obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or ion exchange chromato-
graphy and shown to be homogenous by several criteria la6). A molecular weight of
42,000-45,000 was calculated and the amino acid composition determined. Compari-
sons ofP-450np d and P-450ca m indicated similarities in isoelectric point, binding spec-
tra, and molecular weight;major differences included markedly different substrate spec-
ificities and the lack of a high spin state for the iron present in P-450np d 146)o
Cardini and Jurtshuk 147) examined an alkane hydroxylase from Corynebacterium
species (7EIC) and demonstrated that if functioned as a typical P-450-type monooxy-
genase. Both NADH and molecular oxygen were required for the conversion of octane
to octanol in cell-free systems. Catalysis was sensitive to CO but not to cyanide, as
would be expected, and a typical 450 nm peak was observed for the reduced P-450-CO
complex. The presence of cytochrome P-420 was also demonstrated. The levels of cyto-
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 85

chrome P-450 in this preparation were reported to be 0.25 nmoles mg-I protein. A "par-
ticulate" form of eytochrome P-450, associated with lipids, was obtained from this
culture 148). The flavoprotein isolated, serves in the capacity to reduce cytochrome
P-450 or eytochrome c, and requites NADH.
The solubilization and partial purification of a cytochrome P-450 from a nitrogen-
f'txingRhizobium bacteroids was reported by Appleby 149). The bacterial P-450 demon-
strated a molecular weight of 50,000 and was converted to P-420 by prolonged incuba-
tion, in a reduced form, with CO. Evidence based on difference spectra were used to
predict a schematic formulation of the catalytic center. Although the role of such an
enzyme system was not shown, it was suggested that it may function as an azoreductase,
in analogy to such, a function attributed to mammalian P-4501so).
Miura and Fulco lsl' is2) have examind an co-2 fatty acid hydroxylase from Bacillus
megaterium (ATCC 14581), andhave shown it to be a soluble enzyme (100,000 x g su-
pernatant) and quite stable. The enzyme system required NADPH and molecular oxy-
gen. Later studies demonstrated inhibition by CO, but not by azide or cyanide is3). Dur-
ing fractionation on DEAE-ceUulose, a component was removed which could be replaced
by bacterial ferrodoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum is 1). Presumably the hydroxyl-
use and reductase form a non-dissociating complex. Due to this interconvertabflity, this
system was described as similar to P-450 systems from other bacteria, and, indeed, from
mammalian adrenal cortex, in that aU require an iron-sulfur protein for activity. This is
in contrast to liver rnicrosomal P-450 (and, apparently, fungal and yeast P-450) where
no such dependence has been shown. The inhibition of this system by p-hydroxymer-
curibenzoate, a typical sulfhydryl modifying reagent, could be reversed by ferrodoxin,
cysteine, or glutathione. It has been suggested that the mercurial interacts with a sulfur
group or the iron-sulfur protein linking P-450 to the flavoprotein reductase Is4).
Bacillus megaterium (ATCC 13368) has also been found to conduct the 15/3-hy-
droxylation of progesterone, and a number of other 3-oxo-A4-steroids 1ss). This system
requires NADPH, and is inhibited by CO, metyrapone, and SKF-525 A. A typical reduced
cytochrome-CO complex spectrum was indicative of P-450. In analogy to mammalian
P-450 hydroxylases, both sodium periodate and sodium chlorite can function as hy-
droxylating agents in this system, presumably by bypassing the reduction steps of the
NADPH pathway (see Fig. 2). These authors have, in fact, suggested a new criteria for
indicating P-450 involvement ;support of hydroxylation by the noted oxidizing agents i s s).
Also, because of the diverse number of microorganisms catalyzing various hydroxyla-
tions, usually with high regio- and stereospecificity, it was suggested that cytochrome
P-450 from microbial species may prove invaluable in determining the nature of substrate
specificity with such monooxygenases.
Berg et al. Is6) have also fractionated the progesterone 15-/~-hydroxylaseorB. mega-
terium and found an NADPH dependent FMN containing flavoprotein called megare-
doxin reductase, an iron-sulfur protein, megaredoxin, and cytochrome P-450meg. Ac-
tivity depends on all of these components. Thus, while similar to other bacterial P-450
systems based on a requirement for an iron-sulfur protein, B. rnegaterium appears unique
because of its dependence on NADPH (with its reductase containing FMN) rather than
NADH (with its reductase containing FAD).
86 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis

5 Induction of Cytochrome P-450 Monooxygenases

in Microorganisms

It should be expected that for monooxygenases of the P-450 type, as with other
enzyme systems, that induction by substrates is a strong possibility. Indeed, many of
the cases so far studied have shown induction of this type. Several of the species
discussed above were, in fact, isolated by means of enrichment culture on substrate
which de facto implies its metabolism. Fewer studies have been found where authors
have examined to more classical P-450 inducers used routinely in mammalian work. In
the limited number cases studied, parallels to the induction in mammalian species have
been observed.

5.1 F u n g i

The P-450 from the alkaloid producing strain of Claviceps purpuria examined by
Ambike et al.99) was shown to be induced two-fold by Pb. The increase in alkaloid pro-
duction was shown to parallel P-450 induction. While enzyme levels were not drama-
tically induced with 3-MC, a typical spectral shift from 450 nm to 448 nm was obser-
ved 99). Evidence based on protein synthesis inhibitors was given to indicate de novo
P-448 synthesis with 3-MC. Tryptophan, used in the biosynthesis of the alkaloids, did
not increase cytochrome P-450 levels, but was synergistic in this regard with Pb.
Using a benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase assay, Ferris et al.112) examined a number
of inducers of the cytochrome P-450 in Cunninghamella bainieri (ATCC 9244). Sur-
prisingly, benzene, 3-MC, Pb, and sodium barbital were all inactive in this respect.
However, a 10-fold induction of hydroxylase activity was observed when phenanthrene
was employed as the inducing agent. Unfortunately, these results were complicated
by low cell yields 112). Since aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity is catalyzed by
P-448 in mammalian species, it is not surprising that barbiturates demonstrated no
effect. It is surprising, however, that 3-MC, a classic mammalian inducer of P-448 and
aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase did not appropriately function in the C. bainieri. It
would be of further interest to examine the effects of these inducers on the other
diverse P-450-catalyzed reactions in this organism 110)
Convincing evidence has been provided by Breskvar and Hudnik-Plevnik ls7) that
the progesterone hydroxylase ofRhizopus nigricans, a P-450 enzyme system, is in-
duced by the substrate. Induction was shown in both growing cultures and in sucrose-
buffer cell suspension, the latter showing higher induction. Inhibitor studies with
cycloheximide revealed that increased hydroxylation was due to true induction, i.e.
de novo enzyme synthesis.
Cerniglia and Gibson 121) examined the influence of classic inducers on the me-
tabolism o f naphthalene by their Cunninghamella elegans strain. Cultures were grown
in the presence of the inducers. Naphthalene resulted in a five-fold increase in its own
metabolism as compared to cultures grown in glucose. Indeed, the culture used in
much of their work was isolated by enrichment culture based on its ability to utilize
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 87
hydrocarbons such as naphthalene as a sole carbon sources Pb showed a three-fold in-
crease and 3-MC a two to three-fold increase in naphthalene oxidation compared to
glucose. It would be interesting to know if the 3-MC induced cytochrome represented
P-448 rather than P-450, since there was no apparent drastic change in metabolic
profde between Pb (a classic P-450 inducer) and 3-MC (a classic P-488 inducer) 121).

5.2 Yeasts
All indications are that the cytochrome P-450 of Candida tropicalis (LM-7) is induced
by n-alkanes, with tetradecane being most widely used. This strain was, in fact, isolated
based on its ability to,use long chain n-alkanes as the major carbon source. Investiga-
tors often maintain this culture on agar slants coated with a tetradecane film 128).
Lebeault et al. 127) showed that the hydroxylase activity, the P-450 levels, and
NADPH-dependent cytochrome c reductase were all induced by the presence of tetra-
decane dispersed in the reaction under high aeration and agitation. Glucose does
not induce P-450 in this culture.
Studies by Gallo et al. 129, 13o) indicated similar results. In fact, it was reported
that P-450 is absent if the culture is grown on classical substrates such as glucose or
acetate. Of further importance is that hydrocarbons not only induce those enzymes
concerned with hydroxylation, but also certain alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases.
A number of other heminic compounds were induced by hydrocarbons in this organism,
but the physiological significance of these substances is not yet known 129' 13o). The
fatty acid metabolizing system of Candida intermedia 0qRRL-Y6328-1) also shows in-
duction by growth on hydrocarbons, which was the basis of the original isolation 127a).
Wiseman and Lim is 8) found that the cytochrome P-450 of Saccharomyces
cereviseae may be induced by Pb in the growth medium containing 0.5% glucose. It
should be remembered from an earlier discussion that this is the reverse situation con-
cerning glucose vs. P-450 levels; i.e. high levels (20%) of glucose are necessary for
mitochondrial repression and production of sizeable quantities of P-450. Normally, at
0.5% glucose, no P-450 is formed, however, the Wiseman and Lim ls8) study indicates
that the lower carbohydrate levels are conducive to P-450 production if Pb is present
and, indeed, resultant cytochrome levels approach those seen in 20% glucose. No in-
duction above normal levels was seen in cultures grown in 20% glucose with Pb. De-
adaptation and inhibitor studies indicated de novo enzyme synthesis which is associated
with true induction lss).

5.3 Bacteria

Broadbent et al. 146) describe aNocardia sp. that possesses a P-450-isovaniUate-in-

ducible O-dealkylase with activity towards a series ofp-alkylphenyl ethers. The P-450ca m
of the fluorescent P. putida (Pp61) is probably induced by the substrate, camphor,
since the strain was first isolated by the enrichment culture technique using camphor
as the sole carbon source 13s). Although apparently not examined, it is highly unlikely
88 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis
that this system would be induced by classical inducers such as Pb. The narrow sub-
strate specificity of this system would probably not allow for metabolism of the in-
ducer which is one (though not the exclusive) requisite for induction 66).
A Corynebacterium sp. (7E1C) was also grown on a sole carbon source of n-octane,
usually applied in the vapor state as hydrocarbon-saturated air 148). Careful examination
of cultures grown on another carbon source not involved in the metabolism of octane,
namely acetate, indicated a six-fold reduction of the eytochrome which was also only
apparent as its P-420 form. The induction was shown both spectrally and catalytically.
Fractionation of the hydroxylating system indicated that the flavoprotein component
is absent in the non-induced (acetate grown) cells 14a).
Edelson and McMullen lsg) recently examined the O-demethylase activity ofE. coli,
a common constituent of gut microflora. Studies involving the dealkylation of p-nitro-
anisole indicated that such activity could be induced by Pb to an activity 1.5 times
that o f uninduced ceils. The inducer only moderately reduced cell-growth. No stimu-
lation was observed by the addition of exogenous cofactors, but inhibition by CO was
apparent. This study is exciting because of the numerous implications of gut mieroflora
in the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics 16°' 161). The possibility that agents
administered to mammals may influence the xenobiotic metabolizing activity of in-
testinal microorganisms may open a new and potentially fruitful area o f research.

5.4 E f f e c t s o f S u r f a c t a n t s and A n t i o x i d a n t s

Because microbial transformation studies are frequently carried out in the presence of
additives such as surfactants and antioxidants, it is important to understand influences
of these types o f agents on P-450 monooxygenases. Surfactants are commonly employed
in microbial work as wetting agents or as antifoams. When used as the latter, it is
generally considered that they replace normal surface-active agents of the medium or
culture that cause foaming, but cannot support foam-formation themselves 162). In
addition, it can be expected that dispersion of water insoluble compounds by enhanced
wetting, decreased flotation,or micetlular solubilization may be beneficial 8). For examp-
le, metabolism of progesterone wetted with 0.01% Tween 80 was increased more than
2-fold withAspergillus ochraceus 163). Whitworth et al. 164) found marked growth
enhancement of Candida lipolytica (ATCC 8661) on dodecane when surfactants
such as Tweens and Spanswere used. This was probably a result of enhanced dispersion
of the hydrocarbon, as well as the ability of the surfactants to support growth.
The various types of agents available and their sources have been described else-
where 162, 16s), as were the mechanism ofantifoaming action166! Basically, the criteria
for a good antifoam are, activity at low concentrations, no deleterious interaction with
the microorganism (or the desired metabolic process), and no interference with the
assay or isolation of products 162) . Most problems are encountere in stirred vessels
where antifoams are more commonly employed. In such cases, Bryant 165) suggests
that the antifoam may affect oxygen transfer at any of three critical steps, the transfer
of air across the gas/liquid interface, transfer of gases in the fluid medium, or transfer
of dissolved gases to the surface of the microorganism which may be rate-limiting.
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 89
These mechanisms suggest that one should not blindly add antifoams to reactions
unless the effects of such agents on biochemical properties being examined are evaluated.
One might expect this to be especially true of oxidative reactions such as those involving
P-450 systems. The role of dissolved oxygen in controlling a number of microbiological
systems has been discussed t67) .
Authors generally agree that choosing an antifoam is empirical, but it has been
suggested that silicones appear to provide good antifoam action with bacteria, while
polyglycols are more effective with fungi 162). Some investigators prefer "natural
surfactants" such as vegetable oils, since they may be used as a carbon source and
hence, do not tend to accumulate; they also act as slow-release carbon stores ~68) . In
any case, the amount of antifoam used should be minimal, and may be reduced further
by using a synergistic "carrier" 162)
In one of the studies by Duppel et al. 128), the influence of Antifoam B on Candida
tropicalis was examined. Since maximal growth depended on high stirring rates for
increased aeration and tetradecane dispersion, severe foaming resulted which could not
be prevented by the antifoam. The additional important observation was made that,
when using Antifoam B, P-420 was formed at the expense o f P-450! Berg et al. ts6),
used Antifoam B in the submers production of Bacillus megaterium for a P-450
determination. Apparently, no difficulties were encountered in this case.
Wiseman et aL133, 133 b) examined the influence of Tween 80, an oleic acid deri-
vative, on P-450 production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Tween 80 was required,
along with ergosterol, for the biogenesis ofmitochondria induced by aerobic conditions
or glucose limitation. The surfactant was shown to double P-450 levels after 50 hours
using a 3% glucose medium. It was proposed that this was due to decreased cytochrome
degradation, rather than induction of the enzyme system.
A number of cases can be cited in which antioxidants or other stabilizing agents
have been utilized to prevent the decomposition o f cytochromes P-450 from microbial
sources. Indeed, several cases will be noted below in which the denatured form, P-420,
was reverted to P-450 in the presence of antioxidants. In such cases, reconversion is
often based on spectral reconversion, which is only presumptive of reconverted catalytic
activity. Numerous agents have been employed including polyols and sulfhydryl com-
pounds which have also been shown to allow reconversion of mammalian P-4201 o l). It
was proposed that such agents uncouple the denaturing detergents or sulfhydryl com-
pounds which cause the formation of P-4201°1).
A cytochrome P-450 from Claviceps purpurea was converted to P-420 with sodium
chelate x°°). This was reversed to varying degrees with glycerol; 10% (V/V) solutions
providing nearly quantitative reconversion. Steapsin treatment (to remove bs) also
caused the P-450 to P-420 conversion, which could be prevented by glycerol.
Murphy et al. 119) found that the m-cresol hydroxylase activity of Penicillium
patulum was most stable in ceU-free form if 10% glycerol was incorporated into the
buffer. The vast majority of authors who have examined P-450 from microorganisms
have utilized a combination of stabilizing agents in cell-free systemsincluding
dithiothreitol, glycerol and/or EDTA 114, 121, 12s, 12a, 129, 136, 13"/, 143). In addition,
some of these agents have been shown to reverse the P-450 to P-420 process. For
example, the P-420 cam from P. putida could be converted to P-450ca m with
90 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis
sulfydryl compounds such as cysteine, but not with glycerol or other poly-
ols 144) . The ~-2 hydroxylase ofB. megaterium was inactivated with p-hydroxymercu-
ribenzoate, which could be reversed with cysteine or glutathionel s a). The P-450 from
this culture catalyzes the 15/3-hydroxylation of steroids and is somewhat denatured
during purification lS6). The P-420 formed was converted to P-450 using sodium
borohydride 1s6).
Other investigators have encountered difficulty in affecting the conversion of P-420
to P-450, or in stabilizing P-450. For example, the P-420 formed during microsomal
isolation from C. rropicalis was not reversed by using reducing agents or polyols 13°).
Stabilizationwas afforded using bovine serum albumin and EDTA during fractionation.
It has been suggested by Scarpa and Lindsay 169) that such agents protect microsomal
membranes and prevent denaturation of cytochromes by the inhibition of endogenase
proteases and by inhibition of phospholipids which are dependent on free calcium
Ferris et al. 111) found that p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibited the aryl hydrocar-
bon hydroxylase activity of C. bainieri, presumably by conversion to P-420 or by
binding to an associated reductase. Hydroxylase activity in the cell-free system de-
creased on storage at 5 °, and this could not be prevented by using sodium borohydride,
mercaptosuccinate, dithiothreitol, or a number of other agents 111)
Some workers 1°9) have stabilized the P-450 from Torulopsis sp. with glyceral during
isolation, but found no stabilizing effect attributable to sulfhydryl compounds or
ascorbate. Lebeault et al. t27) found that the P-450 from C. tropicalis was not readily
autooxidizable, but could be stabilized with glycerol or dithiothreitol. Duppel et
al. 128) found that P-420 formation during the fractionation of the P-450 hydroxylase
from C. tropicalis could not be suppressed using glycerol. However, the solubilized
form of P-450 from this organism is the presence of glycerol and dithiothreitol showed
no P-420128).
It is obvious from such cases that the choice of the appropriate antioxidant(s) for
a particulat microbial system involving P-450 is empirical. It should also be apparent,
however, that specificity may be exhibited in such systems, and that a variety of agents
may have to be examined before an appropriate agent is found. Such studies are not
only important from a biochemical standpoint, but also for the practical application
of such systems to larger, preparative-type applications.

6 Case of Biphenyl

Biphenyl has become a model substrate for studying P-450-catalyzed hydroxylations.

Two reasons are that its two principal metabolites, 2-hydroxybiphenyl and 4-hydroxy-
biphenyl, are relatively stable chemically and are quite readily analyzed 171-174). Addi-
tionally, and more importantly, the two hydroxylated products appear to be formed
to differing extents by distinct forms of cytochrome P-450. Thus, their relative pro-
duction can serve as an indirect marker for induction. Indeed, the reported differential
induction of biphenyl-2-hydroxylase activity by carcinogens in certain
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 91

mammals 17s-la~) has intrigued a number of workers who propose 1't7-182) that such
a system may serve as the basis of a screen for carcinogenic compounds. Recent in-
vestigations in a number of laboratories 134, 186) suggest that hydroxylations parallel
to those affected by mammalian systems also occur in certain eurkaryotic microor-

6.1 Hydroxylations b y Mammalian vs. Microbial Systems

As indicated in Fig. 9, biphenyl is converted to a variety of hydroxylated metabolites

in vivo. The proportions of phenolic metabolites varies with species, however, the
4-hydroxylated derivatives (principally 4-hydroxybiphenyl) are most important quan-
titatively187-190). The in vitro hydroxylation of biphenyl by liver microsomal pre-
parations has also been extensively studied 17s- 182, 191). Practically all of the phenolic
metabolites found in Fig. 9 have been detected in vitro. However, the greatest amount
of effort has been placed on the formations of 2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxybiphenyls (see
below) which are quite readily separable by gas chromatography (GC) or high per-
formance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 174, 182, 183)
There is considerable species and age differences observed in the production of
2- and 4-hydroxybiphenyls. Biphenyl 4-hydroxylase activity is observed in liver
microsomal preparations from all of the greater than eight mammalian species in-
vestigated 171, 19l). In contrast, relatively few animals possess 2-hydroxylase acti-
vityt 71, 191). Interestingly, formation of 2-hydroxybiphenyl is more prevalent in
microsomal preparations from younger vs. older animals 171). Earlier studies suggested
that the different biphenyl hydroxytases possessed varying kinetic properties 171). It
is now widely believed (from studies with inhibitors and inducing agents; see below)
that the 2-hydroxylase activity is principally due to cytochrome P-448. In contrast,
cytochrome P-450 is primarily responsible for the 4-hydroxylation of
biphenyl181, 182, 18s)
A recent article by Billings and McMahon 182) has shed light on the mechanism of
formation of 2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxybiphenyl by mammalian liver microsomal mono-
oxygenases. Their studies support intermediary arene oxides in the production of
2- and 4-hydroxybiphenyl (see Fig. 10). In contrast, the 3.hydroxy-isomer is probab-
ly formed by a direct insertion mechanism as indicated by a significant deuterium
isotope effect (Kn/KD=l.27-1.45) observed during the 3-hydroxylation of bi-
phenyl-d lO" Isotope effects less than 1.2 (K H/K o) were observed during the for-
mation of 2- and 4-hydroxybiphenyl by rat liver microsomes thereby supporting the
arene oxide mechanism in the generation of these metabolites. Interestingly, Billings,
and McMahon 182) have accumulated evidence suggesting that 3,4.dihydroxybiphenyl
is formed from the parent hydrocarbon by successive monohydroxylations rather than
dehydrogenation of a dihydrodiol. These results may be of general importance in
catechol formation and should be explored further.
Smith and Rosazzas) have studied the metabolism of biphenyl by eleven microor-
ganisms (nine fungi and two Actinomycetes) that were chosen based on their repor-
ted ability to metabolize aromatic substrates. In analogy with mammalian systems,
92 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis



Fig. 9. Hydroxylated metabolites of biphenyl formed in vivo in various mammals (see


Dir e c t
Insert i o n

Fig. 10. Hydroxylations of biphenyl by liver monooxygenases (see Refs. 175-182, 191))
]Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 93

4-hydroxylation predominated in the majority of cultures that metabolized biphenyl;

4-hydroxybiphenyl was produced by six cultures while 4,4'-dihydroxybiphenyl was
detected with two organisms. Two microorganisms produced both 2-hydroxybiphenyl
and 4-hydroxybiphenyl with the former metabolite predominating in a Helicostylum
piriforme and the 4-hydroxy isomer predominating in an Aspergillus niger s). A Strep-
tomyces rimosus produced 2-hydroxybiphenyl exclusively, albeit in low yields) . We
have generally confirmed these results recently in our laboratories through use of a
sensitive and selective GC assay 174), and we are pursuing the identification of other
trace metabolites from the noted organisms. It is interesting that Gibson's group 192)
have recently noted that four organisms out of thirteen fungi and one yeast examined,
produced 2-hydroxybiphenyl, 4-hydroxybiphenyl, and 4,4'-dihydroxybiphenyl. Fur-
thermore, three of these cultures produced 2,2'-dihydroxybipheny1192) . Wiseman et
al. 133, 134) showed that a P-450-containing microsomal fraction from aSaccharomyces
cerevisiae is capable of catalyzing the 4-hydroxylation of biphenyl.
A number of investigators have isolated bacterial strains capable of utilizing bi-
phenyl as a sole carbon source, includingAchromobacter 19a' x94), Pseudomo-
nas 19s, 196), Beijerinckia197) and several unidentified species 19s, 199) Based on the
results of these studies, however, it appears that all of these aetivities are probably
attributable to diooxygenase rather than monooxygenase enzymes.

6.2 I n d u c t i o n o f 2- vs. 4 - H y d r o x y l a s e Activities

Induction of mice and rats with 3-MC and other compounds that increase cytochrome
P-448, causes preferential increases in 2-hydroxylation of bipheny117s' 176, Is2). In
contrast, Pb induces principally 4-hydroxylase activity which is attributable to increased
de novo synthesis of cytochrome P-450 Is1' 1a2). Analogous, though somewhat less
pronounced effects, are observed in hamsters; possibly due to the constitutive 2-hy-
droxylase in this species 191).
Recently, McPherson et al. 181) reported that preincubation of rat liver microsomes
with carcinogenic compounds such as 3,4-benzo[a]pyrene, 3-MC, and safrole selective-
ly induced biphenyl-2-hydroxylase activity. At the same time, 4-hydroxylase activity
was inhibited or not effected at all. It was proposed that the preferential induction of
2-hydroxylase in vitro might serve as the basis for a screening procedure for carcino-
gens l s 1). However, Billings, and McMahon 182) report an inability to reproduce the
findings of McPherson et al. la 1) using rat and mice liver microsomes. The former
authors 182) did, indeed, observe an increase in biphenyl-2-hydroxylase activity by
preincubation with the P-448 inducer, a-naphthoflavone (7,8-benzoflavone). How-
ever, a significant inhibition of 2.hydroxylase activity was observed following prein-
cubation with benzo[a]pyrene and 3-MC182) . This discrepancy may be related, in part,
to spectral interferences arising from the metabolism of inducers as described by
Burke et al. laa)

94 R.V. Smith and P.J. Davis
Since Billings and McMahon 182) utilized a GC assay, their conclusions should be more
valid. However, the induction of biphenyl-hydroxylase activity deserves further study.
Of particular importance is whether or not the in vitro induction of biphenyl-2-hydro-
xylase ~-448) is real.
Such a study should also address the problem of P-450-P-448 interconvertability
and the importance of individual forms of P-450 in the various biphenyl hydroxylations.
Utilizing fungal species chosen earlier for their ability to metabolize biphenyl s) and
a sensitive and selective GC assay 174) , we have initiated studies to examine whether
the differential induction of hydroxylase activities seen with mammalian species also
occurs in microorganisms. The cultures being studied include Helicostylum piriforme
(QM-6945) for the production of 2-hydroxybiphenyl, Cunninghamella echinulata
(ATCC 9244) for the production of 4-hydroxybiphenyl, and Cunninghamella elegans
(ATCC 9244) for the production of 2- and 4-hydroxyisomers. Classic carcinogenic and
non-carcinogenic inducing agents are being examined, as welt as several polychlorinated
biphenyls based on results with mammalian systems as-87). Having studied the effect
of a number of microbial growth parameters on the qualitative and quantitative pro-
files of hydroxybiphenyl metabolites 2°°), inducer studies have commenced 2°1). It is
our hope that results from these investigations will aid in delineating the mechanism(s)
of 2- and 4-biphenyl hydroxylase induction in microorganisms.

7 Outlook

7.1 I n d u c t i o n o f M a m m a l i a n P-450 M o n o o x y g e n a s e s

Because of its basic biochemical and toxicological importance, the induction of

mammalian monooxygenases will receive even greater attention in the future. Inducing
agents have been advantageously employed to enrich certain liver microsomal P-450
monooxygenases which allowed subsequent isolation and purification. It seems likely
that additional inducing agents will be discovered that may permit isolation of the re-
maining uncharacterized P-450 monooxygenases that occur in mammals.

7.2 I n d u c t i o n of Microbial M o n o o x y g e n a s e s

Sufficient evidence now exists for the widespread distribution of cytochromes P-450
in a significant number of diverse microorganisms, and the number discovered will
undoubtedly increase. Such observations are of interest from a purely biochemical and
teleological standpoint, i.e., not only in understanding the function(s) of such enzymes
in lower forms of life, but also for comparative biochemical studies of metabolic
capability between microorganisms and mammals. It is true that a number of P-450
systems thus far isolated, catalyze the conversion of a narrow range of substrates
(P.450ca m 138), P.450npd146). Nonetheless, other microbial P-450 systems (particular-
Induction of Xenobiotic Monooxygenases 95
ly eukaryotie, such as that from C. bainieri I t t,112) and C. tropicalis 127' 128) catalyze
a range o f metabolic reactions rivalling those o f mammalian liver.
As interest grows in the large scale preparations o f c y t o c h r o m e P-450 and in the use
o f biological systems to conduct specific reactions, study o f microbial P-450 will
continue to flourish. It appears that a major emphasis needs to be placed on evaluating
conversions o f P-420 to P-450 and vice versa n o t o n l y b y spectral analysis, b u t also b y
catalytic evaluation, since this represents the ultimate criterion for utilizing microbial
c y t o c h r o m e P-450"s.

8 Acknowledgements

This work was supported in part by grant F-690 from the Robert A. Welch Foun-
dation. The authors are grateful to Terry T. Sayther for performing some prelimi-
nary literature work that contributed to this paper.

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Major Chemical and Physical Features
of Cellulosic Materials
as Substrates for Enzymatic Hydrolysis

L. T. Fan, Y o n g - H y u n Lee, David H. B e a r d m o r e

D e p a r t m e n t o f C h e m i c a l Engineering
Kansas State University
M a n h a t t a n , KS 6 6 5 0 6 , U S A

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2 Chemical and Molecular Structure of Cellulose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3 Structure and Morphology of Cellulose Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4 Physical and Chemical Constraints on the Susceptibility of Cellulose to
Enzymatic Hydrolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.1 Degree of Water Swelling of Cellulose Fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.2 Crystallinity of Cellulose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.3 Molecular Structure of Cellulose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.4 Extraneous Materials - Lignin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.5 Presence of Substituent Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5 Capillary Structure of Cellulose Fibers and Enzymatic Hydrolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5.1 Capillary Structure of Cellulose Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5.2 Penetration of Enzyme into Capillaries in Natural Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.3 Digestibility as a Function of Pore Size Distribution and Surface
Area of Cellulose Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

This review emphasizes the structure and morphology of cellulose, which are pertinent to
understanding the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. Physical and chemical constraints on the
susceptibility of cellulose to hydrolysis will be examined. In addition, the relationship between
the capillary structure of cellulose fiber and enzymatic hydrolysis will be discussed.

1 Introduction
Glucose can be o b t a i n e d f r o m cellulose by acidic or e n z y m a t i c hydrolysis. The resulting
glucose solution is useful as a substrate for p r o d u c t i o n o f single cell p r o t e i n or alcohol.
T h e p r o d u c t i o n o f glucose via cellulose degradation is b y n o m e a n s new. H o w e v e r ,
native crystalline cellulose is w a t e r insoluble, and its density and c o m p l e x i t y m a k e it
very resistant to attack by the cellulolytic e n z y m e . T o develop a c o m m e r c i a l process
102 L.T. Fan et at

Table 1. Molecularweight and degree of polymerization of various celluloses39)

Source Molecular weight Degree of polymerization

Native cellulose 600,000-1,500,000 3,500-10,000
Chemical cottons 80,000- 500,000 500- 3,000
Wood pulps 80,000- 340,000 500- 2,100
Rayon filament 57,000- 73,000

of cellulose hydrolysis, the physical factors that make cellulose hydrolysis difficult
should be identified and examined.
Comprehensive accounts of many aspects of cellulases and their application are
available in the literature4s' as, 19, 37, 50, 22, 52, 3, 18). Papers on cellulases, presented
at the 4 th and 5 th International Fermentation Symposia, have been published col-
lectively47, 13). Reese and Mandels as) reviewed enzymatic degradation of cellulose.
Nisizawa a°) and Wood s3) published comprehensive reviews of the mode of action of
cellulase. Reviews on various aspects of cellulase application also appeared in Advances
in Biochemical Engineering 2°' 21).
Comprehensive treatments of cellulose and its derivatives are available in a book by
Bikales and Segals). The journal Cellulose Chemistry and Technology l) is a valuable
source of information on physical, chemical, and technological aspects of cellulose
and cellulosic materials. The most comprehensive sources of information on cellulose
are the proceedings published after each of the international conferences on cellulose
held every third year, often at Syracuse University, New York. The conference pro-
ceedings appear in the Journal o f Polymer Science, part C.

2 Chemical and Molecular Structure of Cellulose

Cellulose is the most widely distributed skeletal polysaccharide, amounting to approx-

imately 50% of the cell wall material of wood and plants. It is one of the three major
components of wood and agricultural and municipal cellulosic wastes. The other two
components are hemicellulose and lignin. Cellulose is a high molecular weight linear
polymer composed of D-glucose residues, building blocks, joined by fl-1,4.glucosidic
bonds. Hydrolysis of these bonds yields mainly D-(+)-glucose as well as ceUobiose
that consists of two glucose residues. Table 1 shows typical cellulosic materials and
their degrees of polymerizationa9). In native cellulose, up to 10,000/~-anhydroglucose
residues are linked to form a long chain molecule. This means that the molecular
weight of native cellulose is above 1.5 million. As the length of the anhydroglucose
unit is 0.515 nm(=5.15 A), the total length of the native cellulose molecule is about
5/am. Cellulose of pulp and filter paper usually has a degree of polymerization ranging
from 500 to 2100.
Major Chemical and Physical Features 103

1 ,1

j~= 84 e O: 0,817 nm

Fig. 1. Arrangement of cellulosemolecules and hydrogen bonds in a cellulose 1 unit cell27)

In a cellulose chain molecule, the anhydroglucose units adopt the chair configuration
with the hydroxyl groups in the equatorial and the hydrogen atoms in the axial
positions. The conformationat formula (chair form) of cellulose (poly43-1,4- D-glucosan)
is shown below.

O O-----

Every other chain unit is rotated 180 ° around the main axis. The results in an unstrained
linear configuration, with minimum steric hindrance 44). The glycosidic linkage acts as
a functional group, and this, along with the hydroxyl groups, mainly determines the
chemical properties o f cellulose. All significant chemical reactions occur at these
locations. It has been reported recently that the hydroxyl group in the 3-position is
bound by an intramolecular hydrogen bond to the ring oxygen atom of the next
chain unit 44).
Cellulose molecules form a fibril, a threadlike long bundle of molecules, which is
stabilized laterally by hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups of adjacent molecu-
les. The molecular arrangement of this fibrillar bundle is sufficiently regular that cellu-
lose exhibits a crystalline X-ray diffraction pattern. A schematic model of the native
cellulose lattice was proposed by Meyer, Mark, and Misch in 1930. Figure 1 gives a
spatial representation of the unit cell or crystal of cellulose developed by Liang and
Marchessault 27). In this model, each unit cell contains four glucose residues. These
include two in the center of the figure and one-fourth of each of the eight which are
104 L.T. Fan et al.

Table 2. Stability of bonds in native cellulose44)

Dimensions Length Stability Nature of bond

lnmi [kcal/molel

a 0.817 15 Hydrogen
b 1.031 50 Covalent
c 0.784 8 van der Weals

placed at the corners of a monoclinic cell. The corner residues are shared by each of
the four unit cells which meet at the corners. The cellulose chain in the center of the
unit cell runs in a direction opposite to that of the edges 44).
The dimensions of the unit cell and the strength of different bonds are listed in
Table 2. The length of the unit cell, which is 1.03 nm (1 nm = 10 A), is the length of one
of the repeating arthydrocellobiose units. Figure 1 B shows a projection of the unit cell
on the ac-plane perpendicular to the direction of the b-axis. Notice that the shortest
distance between atoms of neighboring chains of native cellulose is no more than 0.25 nm
in the direction of the a-axis, which makes possible the formation o f hydrogen bonds
between adjacent chains. In the direction of the c-axis, the distance is much greater
and molecular chains are attached to each other by van der Waal's forces only 44).
Ward s l) has pointed out that the consequence of the high degree of order in native
cellulose is that neither a water molecule nor an enzyme molecule can enter the struc-
ture. Therefore, the native cellulose is inert in the digestive tract. However, the struc-
ture of acid- or alkali-swollen cellulose is open and is split relatively easily by cellu-

3 Structure and Morphology of Cellulose Fibers

The chemical nature of cellulose, its physical and mechanical properties, and its
fibrillary structure are deducible from its molecular structure. Like all hydrophilic
linear polymers, individual cellulose molecules are linked together to form elementary
fibrils or protofibrils, about 40 A wide, 30 A thick, and 100 A long, in which the
polymer chains are oriented in a parallel alignment and firmly bound together by
numerous strong hydrogen bonds. An elementary fibril is the smallest structural unit
of microfibrils and fibers, and a number of the elementary fibrils are aggregated into
long slender bundles called microfibrils. In electron mierographs, the native cellulose
mierofibrils are usually seen as bundles in lamellae which contain an extremely large
number of fibrillar units a a).
A schematic representation of the cross section of a small lamella of microfibrils,
proposed by R ~ b y 33), is shown in Fig. 2. The crystalline region in which the linear
molecules of the cellulose are bonded laterally by hydrogen bonds is characterized by
the cellulose lattice which extends over the entire cross section of the microfibrils.
Major Chemical and Physical Features 105

• ~ooL , -

i- - IS~-*-llttllllllllllllll~
¢ I*gggSS*SggS¢I~SgSg
It I~.'~LLLLg~.~.~I'~$~SSI~
S ~.

~,,., ,,,,,,., ..,......, .... ,,..,,.,.,, ~,~;~~~',~2;-_ -~.:.~

,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,., ,,,,,, .... , ,, , , , . , , , , , , , , , ~ ~ - < , , ~ . .

o0~ ~oi

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of a lamella of cellulose microfibrils from the secondary wall of
a plant 33)

This crystalline region is bounded by a layer of cellulose molecules that exhibit various
degrees of parallelism. The less ordered region is called the paracrystalline or amorphous
region. The specific dimensions of microfibrils and spatial relationship between the
crystalline and paracrystalline regions are still controversial subjects. The disordered
region allows disintegration of the cellulose by hydrolysis into rod-like particles with
aqueous, nonswelling, strong acid. Disordered areas of the microfibrils may be native
or formed by mechanical forces, giving deformation beyond the limit of elastic re-
covery of the microfibrils. The length of a resultant particle after acid hydrolysis
(miceUes or microcrystals), which corresponds to the leveling-off degree of poly-
merization of the hydrocellulose, varies with the extent of the pretreatment of native
cellulose a 3).
Cowlingl 1) reviewed recent models of microfibril structure, shown in Fig. 3, from
which we can make the following three observations: (a) The microfibril is about
50 x 100 A in cross section and consists of a crystalline core of highly ordered cellulose
molecules surrounded by a paracrystalline sheath. In cotton, this sheath contains
mainly cellulose molecules, but, in wood, it also contains hemicellulose and lignin mo-
lecules. (b) The cellulose molecules are less well ordered at certain points along the
length of a microfibril. (c) The cellulose molecules may exist in a folded chain
lattice formed as a ribbon wound in a tight helix.
The fine structure of elementary fibrils (protofibrils) has been a subject of research
for many years. Models of the various molecular arrangements of cellulose have been
recently summarized by Chang 9) These models are shown in Fig. 4. The term "LODP"
in Fig. 4 stands for leveling-off-degree-of-polymerization.There are two different types
of models of the molecular arrangement of elementary fibrils. On the basis of the ob-
servation of chain folding in a linear synthetic polymer, models of cellulose fibrils in-
volving folded chains (models c, d, and e) have been repeatedly suggested. On the other
hand, models based on extended cellulose molecules without folding (models a and b)
are also in the liberature. Chang 9) has concluded that model c of Fig. 4 is supported
by most of the known facts about cellulose.
106 L.T. Fan et al.

0 b C

-; 100 A D
l ./ I / . °.I ' /....
I "1" ' / .,'1 .' , - ' . .

"~,/~¢/////iiiii;, s
/.'~/11//I//1117 /I

..~.°'~,////I/////i/ •
• "/ ~/,P I'PI'/'/'PP'/'/'/I ~
" Sl "/ , "I
/,'t...." I / ...t .' ,.~, • , ...

Cr~stolline region

Parocrystalline region

Fig. 3. Recent concepts of the structure of cellulose microfibrils 11)

8 b C d e

Fig. 4. Models o f molecular arrangements in the protofibrih (a) Full extension and complete
crystalline model (b) Fibrillized fringe micellar model (c) Fibrillized models o f Ellefsen
(d) Manley's planar zig-zag model (e) Chain folding with fold length much smaller than LODP 9)
Major Chemical and Physical Features 107


~ Cellulose
elementary fibril
• . *¢ :
:.:,:.-. Polyoses
4~I Lignin

Fig. 5. Model of the ultrastructural organization of the cell wall components of wood 16)

Fr~led Amorph°us7 Crysfalline ?

end'- ~ - ~--~------~ ~
.-L c

Shorl chain , ,',., '-~. { _ Residu(]l

fragments -" ");';
. ~ " - crystollile C
,,,~ ,, 7 _ . ~

Fig. 6. Schematic summary of initial stages of dissimilation of a partially crystalline cellulose

fibril: (A) Original cellulose fibril (B) Initial attack on amorphous region (C) Residual
crystal/ire and digestion of short chain fragments (D) Attack on residual crystallite 3°)

Model c has been incorporated into a high-level structure, originally postulated by

FengellS, 16), which is shown in Fig. 5. This illustrates the ultrastructural organization
of the cell wall components. The elementary fibrils are cemented together by potyoses
such as hemiceUulose to form a microfibril. This microfibril is surrounded b y a lignin
and polyose layer which protects the microfibril from enzyme action. Pretreatment
of cellulosics, aimed at degrading these protective layers, is essential to rapid enzymatic
108 L.T. Fan et aL
The molecular structure of cellulose and the structures of an elementary fibril and
a microfibril are important features from the standpoint of enzymatic degradation of
cellulose. As mentioned previously, a cellulose fibril contains crystalline and amorphous
regions. The proportion of crystalline or amorphous material has been estimated to
range from 50 to 90%. Generally, about 70% crystallinity exists in native cellulose.
Nisizawa 3°) has depicted the different regions in a cellulose fibril at progressive stages
of enzymatic degradation as shown in Fig. 6. In a partially crystalline cellulose fibril,
the amorphous regions in the fringe micelles are first attacked, leading to an enrich-
ment of crystalline regions. The crystalline regions are, in turn, gradually solubilized
after loosening of their peripheral parts. Thus, the degradation of the substrate pro-
ceeds with mutual repetition of shortening of the chain length and subsequent loose-
ning of the residual substrate. However, this scheme is higt~y idealized, considering
the structural complexity of natural cellulose.

4 Physical and Chemical Constraints on the Susceptibility

of Cellulose to Enzymatic Hydrolysis

The ability of cellulolytic microorganisms and that of cell free cellulolytic enzymes to
degrade cellulose vary greatly with the nature of the substrate. Cowling and Brown 12)
and Cowling 1°' 11) have discussed comprehensively the influence of fiber structure on
its susceptibility to enzymatic degradation. They have pointed out that the structural
features of cellulosic materials which determine their susceptibility to enzymatic
degradation include (1) the moisture content of the fiber; (2) the size and diffu-
sibility of the cellulolytic enzymes and other reagent molecules involved in relation to
the size and surface properties of the grown capillaries, and the space between micro-
fibrils and the cellulose molecules in the amorphous region; (3) the degree of
crystallinity of the cellulose; (4) the unit cell dimensions of cellulose; (5) the con-
formation and steric rigidity of the anhydroglucose units; (6) the degree of polymeri-
zation of the cellulose; (7) the nature of the substances with which the cellulose is
associated; and (8) the nature, concentration, and distribution of substituent groups.
Some of these structural features that are important in enzymatic hydrolysis of cellu-
lose will be elaborated.

4.1 Degree o f Water Swelling o f Cellulose Fiber

The properties of wood and cellulose are profoundly affected by water. In partially
dried cellulose, changes in the quantity of hygroscopically bound water induced by
variations in the relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere govern many
mechanical and physical properties and the extent of swelling or shrinkage. Little or
no swelling of wood or cellulose takes place in relatively nonpolar liquids, e.g., benzene,
whereas more polar solvents, e.g., water, produce significant swelling 28).
Major Chemicaland PhysicalFeatures 109




W DATA FROM: B A K E R , et o1.,(1957)


0 I I I I I i
0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14

Fig. 7. DigestibiJJty of cotton linters and wood celluloseagainst X-ray crystallinity index 14)

The volumetric swelling of wood in water varies from 9 to 21.1% depending on the
type of wood. The expanded capillary structure of water-swollen fibers may cause a
significant increase in surface area of the cellulose fiber, and the total area of the swollen
material may be as much as 100-fold greater than the area that results after drying
from water 6). This opens up the Free structure so that the substrate is more accessible
to cellulolytic enzyme and also facilitates diffusion of extracellular enzyme. Further-
more, molecules of water are added to the cellulose during hydrolytic cleavage of
glycosidic links.

4.2 C r y s t a l l i n i t y o f Cellulose

The degree of crystallinity of cellulose is one of the most important structural parame-
ters which affects the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis. The crystallinity of native cellulose
was experimentally determined with an X-ray diffractometer using the focusing and
transmission techniques by Segal et al.43). They measured the intensity of the 002
interference and the amorphous scatter at 20 = 18°. The fraction of crystalline material
in the total cellulose was expressed in terms of an X-ray crystallinity index. Dunlap
et al. 14) has reanalyzed the data by Baker et al. 4) , as shown in Fig. 7, to examine the
relationship between the cellulose crystallinity and digestibility. This figure indicates
a linear inverse relationship between the crystallinity index and digestibility.
Norkrans 32) and Walseth 49) showed that cellulolytic enzymes degrade the more
readily accessible amorphous portions of regenerated cellulose, but are unable to
attack the less accessible crystalline portions. They observed a significant increase in
crystaUinity during hydrolysis of cellulose with enzymes. As the highly accessible
110 L.T. Fan et aL
Cellulose IV

200° C
Ball milled H20
Cellulose I wood pulp Cellulose I
or/and 25° C
Cellulose IV
Ball milling

Cellulose II
and , H20 Highlymilled H~O
.... JCellulose II
Cellulose IV 83° C wood pulp 25° C

Cellulose I

Fig. 8. Origins of the four crystal types of cellulose23)

materials become more crystalline, they show increasing resistance to further

hydrolysis 4°).
Caulfield and Moore a) made somewhat different observations from those of Reese
et al. 4°). Their measurement of the degree of crystallinity of ball-milled cellulose be-
fore and after partial hydrolysis indicated that the mechanical action (ball milling) in-
creases the susceptibility of both the amorphous and crystalline components of
cellulose. They also observed that the enzyme digestibility of the crystalline compo-
nent is enhanced to a greater extent by grinding than is the amorphous component.
They concluded that the overall increase in digestibility is apparently a result of
decreased particle size and increased available surface rather than a result of reduced

4.3 M o l e c u l a r S t r u c t u r e o f Cellulose

Cellulose exists in four recognized crystal structures designated as celluloses I, II, HI,
and IV23). The sources of these four structural types are shown in Fig. 8. Rautela an"
King 34) cultivated Trichoderma viride on the four different crystal forms and determi-
ned the activation energy for the enzymatic hydrolysis of each separate substrate. Their
results showed that this organism produces an enzyme that yields the minimum activa-
tion energy for hydrolysis of a specific substrate. These results indicate that this fungus
can synthesize an enzyme having active sites of a unique structure which accommodate
a specific crystal lattice structure of an individual substrate.
Major Chemical and Physical Features 111
King 24) has suggested that the greater resistance of crystalline than amorphous
cellulose may not be due just to its physical inaccessibility to enzyme molecules, but
also to the conformation and sterie rigidity of the anhydrogluose units within the
crystalline regions.
Rowland 42) studied the selective availability of hydroxyl groups in fibrous and
crystalline cartons. It became evident from his study that the relative availability of
hydroxyl groups on the most highly crystalline segments of the elementary fibril
approached 1,0, and 0 • 5 for O...I-I,
and O( o..H, respectively " These values of
the theoretical relative availability on the surface o~"crystalline cellulose I result from
the complete unavailability of Oea~H for reaction as a result of hydrogen bonding to
O(s, ) and 50 % unavailability of O(6)H as a result of hydrogen bonding to O(1,, ).

4.4 E x t r a n e o u s Materials - Lignin

The combination of lignin with partially crystalline cellulose that exists in wood
constitutes one of nature's most chemically and biologically resistant materials. Many
enzymes are prevented from degrading the cellulose in wood by the presence of Iignin.
Although the detailed chemical structure of lignin is reasonably welt understood, the
nature of the association between lignin and the wood polysaccharides still remains
uncertain. A presently accepted view is that it is largely physical in nature, which
means that lignin and amorphous cellulose form a mutually interpenetrating system of
high polymers, but some covalent links exist between lignin and hemiceUulose 17). The
relationship between the lignin content of untreated cellulosics and their respective
digestibility has been presented by Millett et al. 29).
To degrade cellulose in wood, either the material must be partially delignified, the
organisms must possess the ability to degrade cellulose and lignin, or the organisms
must disrupt lignin's association with cellulose. Readers are referred to the recent
reviews on the mechanisms for biological degradation of lignin by Kirk2s) and Ro-

4.5 Presence o f S u b s t i t u e n t G r o u p s

Substituted cellulose derivatives are formed by replacing the hydrogen of the primary
and secondary hydroxyl groups of cellulose with reactive groups such as methyl, ethyl,
hydroxyethyl, and carboxymethyl. The addition of these groups makes cellulose less
crystalline and more soluble in water in proportion to the degree of substitution (DS)
and the solvating capacity of the substituent groups. The DS at which complete
solubility is attained ranges from 0.5 to 0.7 depending on the solvating capacity of
the substituents and the degree of polymerization of the cellulose 12).
Susceptibility of substituted cellulose derivatives to enzymatic hydrolysis increases
as they become more water soluble and less crystalline up to the complete solubility
point. After this point, the susceptibility decreases with increasing DS until complete
112 L.T. Fan et al.
immunity to enzyme action results. This usually occurs at a DS somewhat greater than
1.0. Substituent groups of large molecular dimensions are more effective in contributing
resistance to enzymatic degradation than small groups 36).

5 Capillary Structure of Cellulose Fibers and Enzymatic Hydrolysis

The susceptibility of cellulose to enzymatic hydrolysis is determined largely by its

accessibility to a ceUulolytic enzyme. Direct physical contact between the enzyme and
the substrate molecules of cellulose is a prerequisite to hydrolysis. Since the cellulose is
an insoluble and structurally complex substrate, this contact can be achieved only by
diffusion of the enzymes into the complex structural matrix o f the cellulose. Any
structural feature that limits the accessibility of the cellulose to enzymes will diminish
the susceptibility of cellulose to hydrolysis. The influence of change in the structure
and composition of a variety of cellulosic substrates upon their susceptibility to
enzymatic attack has been described in the preceding section.
While a good correlation has often been obtained between a particular structural
feature and the hydrolysis rate of a substrate, a great deal of ambiguity remains. The
lack of agreement between different sets of data can be illustrated by the following
examples. Lee 26) has found that the most reactive regenerated cellulose is also the
most crystalline, in contrast to most reports. This implies that the degree of swelling,
not the crystallinity of the substrate, is the most important factor, because a higher
degree of swelling increases the pore size above a certain critical value which is necessary
to allow enzyme molecule to penetrate the substrate. Another example of the con-
fusion arises in equating the accessibility of the cellulose to its amorphous fraction 46).
A highly amorphous substrate may be slow to hydrolyze because the amorphous ma-
terial in the wood is accessible to water and hydrogen ions but is completely inaccessible
to an enzyme. These two examples emphasize the importance of capillary structure
and enzyme reactivity to hydrolysis.
In this section, the most significant structural feature will be considered. This is the
capillary structure of cellulose relative to the size and diffusivity o f each ceUulolytic
enzyme. Direct physical contact between the enzyme and its substrate produces an
enzyme-substrate complex which then breaks down to yield the product of the reaction.
It is expected, therefore, that the rate of reaction should be a function of the surface
area of cellulose fibers as defined by the size, shape, and surface properties of the
microscopic capillaries within the fiber in relation to the size, shape, and diffusibility
of the cellulolytic enzyme itself.

5.1 Capillary S t r u c t u r e o f Cellulose F i b e r s

The capillary voids in cellulosic fibers include (1) gross capillaries such as the cell
lumina, pit apertures, and pit-membrane pores that are visible in the light microscope
and are in the range between 200 A and 10 or more microns in diameter and (2) cell
Major Chemicaland PhysicalFeatures 113


0 20 40 60 80 I00 120

Fig. 9. Frequency distribution for cell wall capiUaries12)

wall capillaries such as the spaces among microfibrils and those among cellulose mole-
cules in the amorphous regions, which are less than 200 A in diameter 12). The total
surface area exposed is the gross capillaries in quite large, approximately 2 x 103 cm 2
per gram of wood or cotton. It is, however, several orders of magnitude smaller than
the total surface area exposed within the cell wall capillaries, which is approximate-
ly 3 x 106 cm 2 g-I lO). The area exposed on the gross capillary surfaces of one gram
of wood or cotton is sufficient to accommodate about 3 x 10 Is randomly oriented
enzyme molecules 200 x 35 A in size, which is equivalent approximately to 3 mg o f
enzyme protein per gram of wood or cotton. It should be noted that the hemiceltulose
and lignin occupy the spaces among the microfibrils and cellulose molecules in the
amorphous regions. Cutting or grinding the wood would produce a considerable amount
of additional contacting surface between the cellulose and enzyme. If vibratory ball
milling or other treatment do not increase reactivity, it must be due to the changes
within the cell wall itself rather than to the size of the cell wall fragment.
The dimensions of the cellulose capillaries have been determined recently using the
solute exclusion technique by Aggebrandt and Samuelson2), Stone and his cowor-
kers 46) , Nelson and Oliver 31), and Van Dyke 48). Figure 9 shows a frequency dis-
tribution of capillary dimensions in water.swollen wood, cotton, and wood pulp. The
median and maximum dimensions of cell wall capillaries in the three materials are
about 5 and 40 A for water-swollen wood, about I0 and 75 A for water-swollen
cotton, and about 45 and 110 A for water.swollen wood pulp 12). The substantial in-
crease in the median and maximum pore sizes during pulping results, in part, from
removal of lignin and hemicellulose from cell wall capillaries.
114 L.T. Fan etaL

diameter of
4o0 zo

2 30 A

2oc 4oA


0 I0 20 30

Initial Rote, % dissolved per h

Fig. 10. Relationship between the initial rate of reaction and the surface area of cellulose accessib-
le to molecules of different sizes46)

5.2 P e n e t r a t i o n o f E n z y m e i n t o Capillaries in N a t u r a l F i b e r s

Cellulolytic enzyme molecules range from 24 to 77 g in diameter, with an average of

59.8, ~~). Thus, these molecules would be expected to diffuse readily within the gross
capillaries and act on cellulose molecules exposed on the surface of these capillaries.
However, only a small fraction of the cell wall capillaries in water-swollen wood and
cotton fibers is sufficiently large to permit penetration of most of the cellulolytic
enzyme molecules. For this reason, it is likely that the cellulolytic enzymes are physical-
ly excluded from all but the largest cell wall capillaries. For them to gain access to
these regions, the capillaries must be enlarged.

5.3 Digestibility as a F u n c t i o n o f P o r e Size D i s t r i b u t i o n and S u r f a c e

Area o f Cellulose F i b e r s

Stone et al. 46) measured the pore volume using the polymer exclusion technique and
calculated the surface area within the swollen fibers accessible to all the molecules.
The substrate reacted with a commercial cellulase enzyme preparation, and the initial
rate of reaction was compared with the accessibility of the substrate to molecules of
various sizes. A linear relationship was found between the initial reaction rate and the
surface area within the cellulose gel which was accessible to a molecule of 40 A diame-
ter. Figure 10 shows the relationship between the initial rate of reaction and the surface
Major Chemicaland PhysicalFeatures 115
area of cellulose accessible to molecules of different sizes. It appears that the digestibility
of cellulose with different degrees of swelling is directly proportional to the accessibili-
ty of molecules of 20-40 3, in diameter, which might correspond to the size of
cellulase molecules.

6 Conclusions

Cellulose is a linear homopolymer of anhydroglucose units linked together with

/~-l,4-glucosidie bonds. Cellulose molecules are linked together to form elementary
fibrils, or protofibrils of about 40 A wide and 30 A. thick. The fine structure of ele-
mentary fibrils has been a subject of research for many years. Two major schools of
thought exist. Based on the observation of chain folding in a linear synthetic polymer,
models of cellulose fibrils involving folded chains have been repeatedly proposed. On
the other hand, models based on extended cellulose molecules without folding are also
in the literature. However, the subject is still controversial. The aggregates of elemen-
tary fibrils, of essentially an infmite length and a width of approximately 250 A, are
called microfibrils, and they contain zones of less crystalline order between the ele-
mentary fibrils. The heavily lignified cell wall surrounding the fiber reveals the cemen-
ting role of lignin and indicates its possible hindrance to cellulose hydrolysis. To re-
move this lignin layer, intensive mechanical grinding and chemical treatment are often
employed in pretreatment of cellulosic materials prior to hydrolysis by either acids
or enzymes.
Cellulose contains crystalline and amorphous regions. The proportion of crystalline
materials is estimated to be 50-90%, and the remainder as amorphous material. The
different regions in cellulose exhibit different susceptibilities at progressive stages of
enzymatic degradation. The structural features of cellulosic materials which determine
their susceptibility to enzymatic degradation include (1) the degree of swelling by
water, (2) the erystallinity of cellulose, (3) the molecular arrangement of cel-
lulose, (4) the presence of extraneous material such as lignin, and (5) the pre-
sence of substituent groups. However, the most important structural feature which
affects enzymatic hydrolysis may be the capillary structure of the cellulose fiber. This
is because the susceptibility of cellulose to hydrolysis is determined largely by its
accessibility to cellulolytic enzyme; direct physical contact between the reagents and
the substrate molecules of cellulose is prerequisite to hydrolysis. Since the cellulose
is an insoluble and structurally complex substrate, this contact can be achieved only
by diffusion of the enzyme into the complex structural matrix o f cellulose. Any struc-
tural feature that limits the accessibility of cellulose to enzymes will diminish its sus-
ceptibility to hydrolysis. Therefore, the rate of reaction should be a function of the
surface area of the cellulose which is accessible to the enzyme. It is reported that a
linear relationship exists between the initial reaction rate and the surface area within
cellulose which is accessible to a molecule of the enzyme size.
116 L.T. Fan etaL

The least known aspect of the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose may be the effect
of the major structural features of cellulose on the hydrolysis rate. This relationship
should be further examined until it is fully understood. This knowledge will aid in the
development of an economical and effective pretreatment which can modify the cel-
lulose structure to give the optimal hydrolysis rate.


This is Department of Chemical Engineering contribution No. 79-118-R, Agricultural

Experiment Station, Kansas State University.

7 References

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Interscience 1971
18. Gaden, Jr., E.L. et al. (eds.): Enzymatic conversion of cellulosic materials: technology and
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22. Hajny, G.J., Reese, E.T. (eds.): Celluloses and their applications. Adv. in Chem. Set. 95, ACS,
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24. King, K.W.: Va. Agric. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull., 154 (1961)
Major Chemical and Physical Features 117
25. Kirk, T.K.: Biotechnol. Bioeng. Symp. No. 5, 139 (1975)
26. Lee, Jr., G.F.: Physical factors affecting enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. M.S. Thesis,
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53. Wood, T.M.: BiotechnoL Bioeng. Symp. No. 5, 111 (1975)
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation
of Animal Cells in Monolayers

R a y m o n d E. S p i e r
Animal Virus Research Institute
P i r b r i g h t , Woking, S u r r e y , E n g l a n d

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3 Products Derived from Surface-dependent Animal Cells Grown in Tissue Culture . . . . . . 122
4 The Basic Components of the Tissue Culture Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
4.1 Medium Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
4.2 Cell Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.3 Surfaces on Which Animal Cells Grow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4,4 The Cell Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.5 Interactions Between the Cell Surface and the Supporting Substratum . . . . . . . . . . 129
5 Advantages o f Unit Process Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6 Operational Features of Systems Designed for the Large-scale Cultivation o f Surface-
dependent Animal Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.1 Physical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.2 Monitoring and Control of Process Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.3 Biological Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6.4 Commercial Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7 Equipment for the Cultivation of Animal Cells in Monolayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
7.1 Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
7.2 Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7.3 Rigid Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.4 Flexible Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
7.5 Spirals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
7.6 Hollow Fibres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
7.7 Packed Beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
7.8 Microcarriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
9 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

The history o f monolayer cell culture is reviewed and the potential product applications for cells
grown in this way outlined. Recent developments in understanding the basic components o f this
system and the way in which ceils interact with the surface on which they grow are considered.
The general features of the different types of equipment which have the potential of producing
such cells on the industrial scale are reviewed. A discussion o f the particular equipment types
follows and leads to the conclusions that no one system has yet been perfected and that most
potential for development resides in the glass sphere packed beds and/or microcarrier systems
120 Raymond E. Spier

1 Introduction

The recent interest in new methods of providing surface for the growth of animal cells
calls for evaluation. Conventially, those animal cells which require a surface to grow
upon are cultivated on the walls of glass bottles. The bottles generally used for this
purpose may be held in stationary racks or they may be set upon rollers and slowly
rotated. Using such bottles, often by the thousand (Fig. 1), many successful processes
for the production of viral vaccines have been developed. However, such processes,
relying upon a multiplicity of bottles (multiple processes), are inefficient and have
little potential for improvement so that efforts are presently directed towards con-
solidating the surface provided by many bottles into one container. The resulting unit
processes for the production of animal cells and the materials which can be generated
from such ceils form the subject matter of this chapter.
It is evident that there are many advantages to be gained from the transition from a
multiple process to a unit process. Each development which purports to achieve this
will be evaluated by the extent to which the expected advantages are realised in
practice. Apart from the technical advantages of unit process systems, further reasons
for developing very large scale (1000 1) systems come from (a) the requirement to
produce interferon from human diploid fibroblasts in sufficient quantities for general
therapeutic use; (b) the realisation that potent vaccines against certain strains of foot-
and-mouth disease (FMD) virus require the use of surface-dependent Baby Hamster
Kidney cells (BHK 21 C 13) and (c) a growing need to produce larger quantities of the
inactivated polio vaccine.
Developments in new technology are also dependent on advances in cell biology.
The quality of the media, sera and cells are important variables in cell production
systems and often determine the applicability of a particular unit process system. The
interaction between these biological parameters and the equipment in which they
express themselves is also examined below.

2 Background

Animal cell culture developed into an active area of investigation at the end of the
19th century. Reviews by Wilmer 1) , Paul 2) , and Weymouth 3) describe the develop-
ment of culture media and the early investigations on the methods of growing animal
cells outside the body. During the decade 1950-1960 considerable progress was made
in the formulation of media. Earle and his coworkers in 19514) and later in
1953/4 s) began to consider methods for the production of "massive cultures" on
"three-dimensional substrates". In this work, folded cellophane sheets and packed
beds made from either a mass of 1/8 inch diameter Pyrex glass helices or 6 mm dia-
meter glass Raschig rings 6) were used. At this early date it was clear that certain physi-
cal parameters would significantly affect cell growth. The velocity of rotation of a
tube, the linear rate of flow of medium over the inner surface of the tube and the
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 121

Fig. I. One of four incubators each holding 7,200 individual roller bottles (with thanks to Dr.
J.F. Panina, Istituto Zooprofilatico Sperimentale de I'Emilia at Lambardia, Brescia, Italy)

initial cell inoculum concentration were considered important. They concluded that
the cellophane sheets lacked sufficient structural rigidity but that a matrix made from
"shaped glass particulate forms" was best. The scale-up of such cultures from 100 1
appeared to be "entirely practical".
After a gap of 8 years, McCoy et al./~ followed up Earle's work and showed that
cells would replicate in a static bed of glass helices when medium was perfused through
them. This system consisted o f 12 individual 40 ml beds o f helices fed from a common
medium reservoir. A cell yield of 1 x 106 cells per ml could be obtained.
122 Raymond E. Spier
The year 1967 marks the turning point in the development of systems for the
large-scale propagation of animal cells. In this year Molin and Hed~n8) presented their
paper on the cultivation of human diploid cells on titanium discs and van Wezel9)
described the growth of primary cells and cell strains on DEAE Sephadex A50 micro-
carriers. Following these developments, one or more new systems for the bulk culture
of animal cells have been described each year. The remainder o f this chapter will con-
sider these systems.

3 Products Derived from Surface-dependent Animal Cells Grown

in Tissue Culture

A great variety of products can be made from animal cells (Table i). They may be
divided into five major groups: a) viral vaccines, b) interferon, c) hormones,
d) immunological reagents and e) cellular biochemicals such as enzymes or materials
which have been specifically transformed by cultivated cells. At the present time the
viral vaccine application is the most widely used.
The factors which control the use of products derived from animal cells are com-
plex. In most countries regulations have been formulated to protect the population
against the use of ineffective and unsafe agents. Such regulations are generally
administered by an independent agency funded by the government. Thus every new
system for generating a product from a tissue culture cell is examined in great detail
by the regulatory agency of the country in which the product is to be used. For this
reason it is important to understand how such regulatory agencies work and hence to
appreciate the motives behind the drive for the production of interferon from surface-
dependent fibroblastic cells.
Regulatory agencies. Each product which is made from a cultivated animal cell
must be granted a licence prior to sale in the society at large. Such licences are granted
on the basis of the demonstrated efficacy and safety of the product. There are no
defined rules by which either the efficacy or safety o f a product may be established.
Each product from each manufacturer is examined by members of the licensing
authority in consultation with the production staff of the manufacturing company. In
such meetings tests to define the quality of the product are agreed upon. The results
of the tests are also discussed and, if necessary, further tests are proposed until the
licensing authority is satisfied that the product is safe and efficacious.
In addition to the specific examination of a particular product there is a series of
guidelines governing many aspects of the facilities in which a product for human use
may be made 12, 14) and also the type of cell from which such products may be
derived 11). Two cell types may be used for generating products for human use. The
first is the primary cell produced by the trypsinisation of a specified excised tissue
derived from an animal which has been shown to be in good health and the second is
from a highly defined and controlled human diploid cell line. Cells of the latter type
must (a) exhibit a karyology which is almost identical with the parent tissue,
(b) exhibit a decreased or zero growth capability after about 4 0 - 5 0 passages in
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 123
Table 1. Products made from animal cells grown in monolayers

Product Licenced Ref.

1. Vaccines
- polio La yes 12, 36
- polio D yes 12, 24
- FMD D yes 35
- mumps L yes 13, 30
- measles L yes 13, 29
- rubella L yes 13, 28
- Mareks L yes 34
- yellow fever L yes 12
- rabies D yes 32, 33
- others 12, 25
2. Interferon 26, 27,41
3. Hormones 31, 37, 40,41
4. Immunological reagents 38, 41
5. Cellular biochemicals
- chalones 39
- insulin 41
- enzymes 41
- plasminogen 42
- plasminogen activator 43

aL: uninactivated vaccine; D: inactivated vaccine

tissue culture (c) be free from adventitious contamination by mycoplasma, bacteria,

fungi, viroids or other transforming principles (e) be fully controlled during each pro-
duction run by demonstrating normal behaviour. Such regulations are not applied to
products for use in veterinary applications where BHK cells grown in suspension may
be used. However, recommendations for greater control over the way in which such
suspension cells are used are presently under consideration l°).
Apart from the detailed examination o f each new product, the regulatory agency
may take into consideration the relationship between the new product and a product
which has been available for many years. If the established product has performed well
and safely, then, providing the changes incurred in the production o f the new product
are small and not contentious, a licence may be granted quite rapidly. Such a situation
occurred when the process to produce mumps, measles and rubella virus vaccines was
adapted from a roller bottle system to a unit process system in which the cells were
grown on titanium discs ~a).
The agency is also influenced by the balance o f risks against gains with regard to
the use o f a particular product. For example, before the advent o f polio vaccines the
number o f polio cases was about 1 0 0 - 2 0 0 per million population Is). After
vaccination at first with inactivated vaccines and then with live attenuated virus
vaccines the number of cases dropped to 1 case per 4.5 million doses o f live virus
vaccine administered 16' 23). Now that the overall level of polio is low the risks
124 Raymond E. Spier
associated with the live virus vaccine have become significant and there is a growing
movement to replace it with the inactivated vaccine which has not been associated
with any case of polio 17, 2a)
The situation with regard to the use of interferon is still under consideration. At
present it is possible to produce useful quantities o f interferon from a lymphoblas-
toid ceil line which has been transformed by an oncogenic agent, Epstein.Barr
virus Is). However, in spite of the various purification steps (immunoadsorbent
columns, chloroform precipitation and pelleting from 94% ethanol at pH 4), a licence
for the general use of this product has not yet been granted. For this reason the
alternative methods ofproducinginterferon from cell lines which have been approved for
the production of material fit for human use have received considerable attention.
Such approved cell lines (WI3819) MRC5 :°) IMR9021)), require a surface for growth
and as the product is required in very large quantities the development o f a unit
process technology becomes virtually essential. (A typical treatment could consist o f
3 - 4 doses a day where each dose contains 1 x 106 units of interferon which is
produced by 3 0 - 6 0 ml of tissue culture fluid.)
Foot~nd-mouth disease virus. While the impetus to develop large-scale equipment
for the cultivation of monolayer cells for interferon has come from the difficulty of
obtaining a licence to use lymphoblastoid interferon, the reason for developing similar
equipment for the production of FMD vaccine has come from the requirement to pro-
duce strains of FMD virus which can only be produced to immunogenic levels in BHK
monolayer cells 22). Large quantities of such vaccines are required in the big cattle-pro-
ducing countries where animals are vaccinated two or more times per year.
Polio vaccine. The current movement towards the use of inactivated polio vaccines
is based on four reasons~3): (a) the balance of the risks against the gains has changed
considerably since vaccination against polio was started (see above), (b) the attenuated
virus vaccine is less effective in those areas of the world where poorly nourished
children may be either infected with strains of enterovirus before vaccination or have
inhibitors of the immunogenic reaction present in their intestines (c) the cost differen-
ce between the inactivated and attenuated live virus vaccines has decreased (d) it has
been shown that injection of inactivated vaccine is not significantly more difficult to
administer than the oral ingestion of a sugar cube. The production problems which this
change causes can be seen in the need to concentrate the tissue culture fluid to prepare
the inactivated polio vaccine24) while the live vaccine is made from diluted tissue
culture fluid.
Other virus vaccines. The inactivated vaccines referred to above are made in very
large quantities. Other vaccines made from attenuated live virus preparations are often
diluted before vaccine formulation. It is thus possible to produce 20 x 106 doses of
vaccine each year from about 2000 bottle cultures where each culture yields 100 ml of
virus at 100 times the use concentration. The reasons to convert such a multiple pro-
cess into a unit process are not founded on the impracticability o f the multiple ope-
ration but rather from the increase in the efficiency of the unit operation which
reduces the overall costs of production.
Recent Developmentsin the Large Scale Cultivation 125

4 The Basic Components of the Tissue Culture Systems

The successful operation of equipment of advanced design is critically dependent on

the quality of the materials of which it is made and the quality of the materials which
are fed into it. Current research has increased the number of possible alternatives in
both of these areas. In this section recent developments in medium formulation, cell
biology and the relationship between a cell and the surface to which it attaches itself
and on which it grows and divides will be examined.

4.1 Medium Composition

Media of different degrees of complexity have been formulated. They consist of

mixtures of inorganic salts, amino-acids, vitamins, nucleotides and low molecular
weight growth factors such as hormones, steroids and fatty acids. Most media for the
growth of primary cells and diploid cells require serum and are often further fortified
with complex mixtures of peptones, tryptic digests and albumin hydrolysates3).
Current investigations have sought to discover the effect of amino.acid composition on
the growth and longevity of diploid fibroblasts and ways of controlling or eliminating
the serum component of the medium.
Amino-acid composition. During investigations on the amino-acids necessary to
support the growth of human diploid fibroblasts (HDF), it was found that, of the
13 amino acids required for the formulation of Eagle's minimum essential medium
(MEM), only two amino-acids glutamine and cystine 4s) or glutamine and
cysteine4a) in addition to the salts, 10% calf serum and folic acid 44) would suffice.
The choice of antibiotic mixture could also influence cell growth and longevitys°).
Serum quality. Perhaps the most important determinant of the growth-promoting
capability of the medium is the quality and quantity of the serum used. Many tests
have been prepared to select batches of sera for use in critical tissue-culture
operations46- as, i s9)In addition, much work has been devoted to analysing the
serum in order to isolate the growth-promoting factors sT) (see also reviews 49, so, s8))
and whilst many fractions have been found to be active it has not been possible to
fully characterise the growth promoters.
Many investigators have taken the alternative approach of formulating a medium
which does not require serum. The potential advantages of such a medium would be
(a) low cost (b) heat sterilisability (c) chemical definability (d) ability to produce a
virus in the absence of antibodies to that virus (e) consistency of quality (f) reduction
of allergic reactions (g) reduction of exogenous contamination by mycoplasrna and
virus strainss l-sa). However, serum-free media do not support the growth of primary
or HDF cells and may only be used for cells which grow in suspension sa, ss) or are
transformed (see below).
Additional growth factors have been sought in (a) medium in which cells have
been grown (conditioned medium) s°' s9), (b) factors discharged by X.radiated
cells s9) or (c) different cell types s°).
126 Raymond E. Spier

4.2 Cell Q u a l i t y

The factors which control cell quality are dependent on the type of cell under con-
sideration. The three main cell types used for vaccine or interferon production are
(a) primary (or secondary) cells, (b) diploid cell lines and (c) established cell lines.
These cell types and others are defined in detail in Federoff 6°) .
Primary cells. These cells are generally obtained from the trypsinisation of a de-
capitated avian embryo or a tissue excised from a healthy animal. In the former case
the age of the embryo and the treatment of the egg from the moment it is laid are
important variables. The age of the embryo determines the cell yield though older
embryos may be difficult to handle because of feathers. In order to fully control the
quality of the embryo it is necessary to specify in detail the source of the eggs
(specific pathogen-free hens) and the processing of the eggs from the moment of
laying. It is not uncommon for eggs obtained from commericial sources to be held at
ambient temperatures for several days before beginning the incubation at 37 °C.
Primary cells derived from green monkey kidneys are commonly used for polio
vaccine preparation. The green monkeys must be free from the Simian papovavirus 40
(SV40) 61) and are very expensive (£ 150 per monkey). For this reason the technique
of van Weze162) which doubles the yield of cells which can be obtained, by perfusing
the kidney with trypsin while it is still in the body, is an important development.
Other primary ceils such as rabbit kidney (for Rubella, Vaccinia) calf kidney (for
measles in Japan) are also used for human vaccines 64) . The range of primary ceils
which can be used for FMD virus production is very wide and includes bovine and
porcine kidneys, goat heart and foetal camel lung, skin and kidney cells63).
Diploid cells. In view of the difficulties of obtaining adequate quantities of
primary green monkey kidney cells at a reasonable price and the advantages of using a
prescreened cell culture, polia vaccine production in WI38 and MRC5 diploid cell lines
has also been licenced. Other vaccines may also be prepared in these cell lines6s). In ad-
dition to vaccines, interferon may be prepared from such ceils.
There is little doubt that diploid cells vary in their growth properties and ability
to generate useful products. Even well-characterised diploid cell lines behave very
differently in the hands of different investigators. Such differences may take the form
of differences in growth rate, longevity and ability to produce interferon 27) . In the
latter case a 6-fold difference could be seen between different cell lines and the yield
of interferon from cells between 16-20 population doublings was, on average, more
than 12 times that from the same ceils between 55-60 population doublings. In
addition to the productive capacity of the cells, the sensitivity of some of the cell lines
to interferon showed a slight decline 27).
The appreciation of such variation is important when comparing the results of one
laboratory working with a particular diploid cell line and another laboratory with
either the same or different cell lines. This is particularly relevant when considering the
growth of cells on microcarriers where the characteristics of the growth system are
likely to accentuate the effect of small differences in the quality of the ceils or other
components of the system.
Established cell lines. Cell lines which are capable of growth for an indefinite
number of passages are included in this category. Such cells are not used for the pro-
Recent Developmentsin the Large Scale Cultivation 127
duction of vaccines or other materials for human use. They may be used for the pro-
duction of veterinary vaccines (FMD vaccine)22). During the course of many growth
cycles, BHK monolayer ceils may change considerably from their original fibroblastic
character. This is particularly obvious when the cells are examined in bottle cultures.
"Normal" growth is characterised by a "frosted glass" pattern of whorls, while other
BHK monolayer cells may have whorls which are only visible under the microscope or
ceils which are epithelial in form or even cell sheets in which clumps or nodules may
be seen. In addition to such physical differences, the cells show marked differences in
susceptibility to a range of FMD virus strains 67).
As well as variations in appearance and susceptibility, differences of growth rate or
serum dependence may be seen 68). It is clear that most of these changes are charac-
teristic of cells which have been transformed. From the extensive literature on the
characteristics of transformed cells 69-72) it may be possible to define the degree of
transformation of the BHK monolayer cells and relate this to the susceptibility of
cells to particular strains of FMD virus.

4.3 S u r f a c e s o n Which A n i m a l Ceils G r o w

The processes of celt attachment, flattening out and cell division are all dependent on
the relationship between the cell and its supporting substratum or surface. Changes in
cell shape during the growth cycle have been vividly pictured in scanning electron-
micrographs 73) and the relationship between cell shape and cell division has also been
characterised 74) .
Materials used for physically supporting the cells during growth, A wide variety of
material types have been used to support cell growth (Table 2). Many of the materials
are coated with serum, protein or polymers before use. All are used in a medium which
contains a complex mixture of macromolecular and polymeric materials. Not only is
the detailed chemistry of the surface important but the physical form in which that
surface is presented to the ceils is influential. For example, single BHK cells would not
grow on glass beads smaller than 20/a in diameter 7s) and the choice of the appropriate
surface contours of metal plates was found to be useful for the growth of a variety of

4.4 T h e Cell S u r f a c e

The functional entity which defines the relationship between a cell and its exterior
is a highly complicated multi-layered structure with many different chemical elements
and physical components. In addition, the surface is a dynamic structure in which
various molecular components may move and, during the course of a cell cycle or
during locomotory activity, further changes in the dispositions of the various mole-
cules which make up the cell surface occur. Table 3 summarises a portion of the data
on the gross composition of the cell surface.
128 Raymond E. Spier

Table 2. Materials used for supporting surface-dependent cell growth

Material Treatment Ref.

o Window glass alkali wash 77
steam 78
o Borosilieate glass 22
o Steel 76
o Titanium 76, 8
o Polystyrene KMnO4 80
poly (2-hydroxyethytmetharcylate)
(Poly HEMA) 74
corona discharge 79
concentrated H a SO 4 81
u.v. 81
v Melanex -+ surface roughend (physically) 82, 88
o Polycarbonate 83, 84
o Acrylonitrile/vinyl chloride (plus others) 86
o Teflon (PTFE) 87
Carbohydrate polymers
o Cellophane 4
o Cellulosic sponge collagen 89
t~ DEAE Sephadex A50 (standard) collodion (cellulose nitrate) 90
senlm 91
carboyxymethyl cellulose 92
o DEAE Sephadex A50 (low charge) 93
o Cellulose acetate-silicone-polycarbonate 95

Basically the molecules associated with the outer plasma membrane o f the cell are
proteins, glycoproteins, lipids, glycolipids and lipoproteins. Each of these molecular
species may carry a net charge as a result of the basic groups of amino-acids and
amino-sugars or acidic groups as on amino-acids, sulphated polysaccharides and
N-acetylneuraminic acid residues. The overall effect is that cells have a negative charge
and migrate to the positive electrode in electrophoresis experiments 156)
The way in which the various molecules are organised in the plasma membrane
has received much attention. It was shown that all the carbohydrate-containing
molecules have the carbohydrate portion on the outside of the membrane 102, 1o3)
Furthermore, the protein molecules were either nested into one side or the other of
the membrane or traversed the whole membrane. The latter molecules are said to be
amphipathic in that the part of the molecule within the double layer of lipid mole-
cules is composed of hydrophobic amino-acids while the external portion of the
molecule mounting the carbohydrate residues is hydrophilic 1°4). From the calcu-
lations in Table 3, it is inferred that most of the lipid molecules in the outer layer of
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 129

Table 3. Some components of the fibtoblast cell relevant to the way the cell relates to its substratum

Component Approximate Ref.

Surface area 1000 uma

Total cell protein
t~ - quiescent 1200 pg 94
D - growing cells 350 pg 94
Weight of cell membrane 8.6 pg 98 (by calculation)
(p=l.15, thickness=75 A)
Weight of membrane protein 4.3 pg 98 a
Weight of membrane lipid 3.4 pg 98
Weight of membrane carbohydrate 0.7 pg 98
Weight of carbohydrate in sphingolipid 0.05 pg 98
No. of lipid molecules/protein molecules 70 99
"Cell surface protein" (CSP)b
o - quiescent cells 25-70 pg 94, 96, 97
t3 - growing cells 1-10 pg 94, 96, 97
No. of lipid-bound sialic acid residues 840 x 106 100 (by calculation)
No. of neutral sphingolipid molecules 200-300 x 106 101,100 (by calculation)
Total glycolipid molecules 1040-1140 x 106
No. of protein molecules (assuming average
molecular weight of 100,000) 26 x 106
Therefore no. of lipid molecules 1820 x 106

aproportions assumed to be as for red blood cell ghosts

bCell-surface protein or CSP or SF or LETS or Band I or Glycoprotein I or Cell Adhesion Factor
(CAF), tool. wt. 200,000-250,000 (94, 96, 97)

the membrane also have carbohydrate residues containing the acidic N-acetylneur-
aminic acid residues.
All the molecules in the membrane are mobile. This can be seen most vividly in
the caping p h e n o m e n o n induced b y the interaction o f the glycoproteins in the mem-
brane with the plant lectin concanavalin A l ° s ' 106).
In addition to the double-layered membrane described above, some o f the proteins
which are associated with the membrane are attached to an underlying n e t w o r k o f
microtubes and microfilaments 108-11 o) which together comprise a cytoskeleton.
Both actin and myosin types o f protein molecules are held t o be active in such
structures 1o7). It is thought that m a n y o f the changes in cell shape, cell-to-cell
adhesion, and cell-to-substratum adhesion occur as a result o f changes induced in this
cytoskeleton 111)

4.5 Interactions Between the Cell Surface and the Supporting Substratum

The interaction between the ceil and its supporting substratum normally occurs in a
m e d i u m containing serum, thus adding to the complexitiy o f the system. In spite o f
130 Raymond E. Spier
such difficulties recent work has discovered many new features about the association
between the celt and its solid support.
(a) A glycoprotein (called the cell-surface protein or CSP) with a molecular weight
of 200,000-250,000 Daltons has been implicated in the attachment of the cell to its
substratum and to plant lectins (Table 39s-97)). The protein is produced by the cell
and may constitute up to 3% of the total cellular protein 96). From calculations on
the weight of the cell membrane, not all of this protein is present in the membrane and
it may be excreted from the cell94). This protein will also restore the ability of a trans-
formed cell to spread, adhere to the substratum and exhibit a degree of density-depen-
dent growth inhibition 97) .
(b) By using a new chelating agent which sequesters calcium ions specifically,
(EGTA) it has been possible to examine in more detail the "footprint" which is the
remains of a vesicular structure left behind on both plastic and glass substrata after
the cells have been released by the removal o f calcium ions 112). One of the glyco-
proteins present in this material has been identified as the material described in (a)
above. Other proteins include a myosin-like protein, an actin protein and histories
(although it is thought that the latter have leaked out from within the cell). In all,
some 15 species o f protein molecule have been found in the footprint 112).
(c) The implication of bivalent alkali metal ions (Ca++, Mg++) in the attachment
of cells to the substratum is well known. It has been reviewed 113) and the inclusion
of magnesium acetate in the medium has been shown to help the adhesion of cells to
roller bottles 114)
(d) Opinions have differed on the influence of serum in the cell-adhesion process.
Some investigators 77' 1is) have indicated that serum reduces the attachment of cells
to the substratum while others 9s) have found the ceil-surface protein (CSP), [cf.
section (a) above], to be present in the serum. It has also been shown that 10 different
serum proteins are associated with the surface substratum after it has been washed in
EGTA 11z).
(e) It is thought that the removal of calcium ions by EGTA and the action of tryp-
sin on cells which are attached to the substratum causes a disintegration of the
cytoskeleton, either locally or generally, thus releasing the cell from the
surface 112, 109, 118)
(f) Considering the nature of the substratum, there seem to be two factors which
can be identified as having a controlling influence on cell attachment and spreading.
The first is the macromolecular organisation of the substratum. Agarose (a poly-
galactose carbohydrate) is a neutral material which generally does not support the
growth of untransformed cells. However, if the gel is allowed to form slowly under
conditions where the rate of cooling is carefully controlled, the galactose chains form
a double helix which generates a regular fibrillar-like structure in the gel. Such a
preparation supports cell growth and adhesion. The same material, cooled rapidly, has
a structure where the organisation of the molecules is highly localised; this latter
preparation does not support cell growth 116)
The second factor hinges on the charge structure of the substratum. It would seem
that cells will adhere to most surfaces which express charged structures of both nega-
tive and positive net charges but that neutral materials present the greatest
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 131

8 16 $ 16

- i
2 2 4

0 0 0
0 10 20 0 1 2 3 4
uv exposure (rain) conc H2SO4 (hrs)

Fig. 2a. The relationship between the time 7 cm "bacterial grade polystyrene Petri dishes" were
exposed to u.v. light (at a distance of 10 cm) and (i) the wettability of the plates as determined
by drop diameter (e) (it) the yield of cells per em ~ after incubation at 37 °C for 96 h (A). The
boxed symbols on the ordinate were obtained with untreated glass Petri dishes

Fig. 2b. The relationship between the time 7 cm "bacterial grade polystyrene Petri dishes" were
treated with concentrated sulphuric acid and (i) the wettability of the plate as determined by drop
diameter (e) and (it) the yield of cells per cm 2 after incubation at 37 °C for 96 h (A). The boxed
symbols on the ordinate were obtained with untreated glass Petri dishes

problems 116). This is borne out by work in the author's laboratory where bacterial
grade polystyrene dishes which do not wet easily can be transformed into wettable
dishes by oxidising agents (KMnO4), strojag acids (H 2 SOa, chromic acid, nitric acid),
u.v. light and the corona from an electrical discharge 79). In two cases an optimum de-
gree of treatment was observed for growing cells (Fig. 2). In a different context it was
also shown that electrically neutral Sephadex would not support the growth of cells
while the positively charged DEAE Sephadex would 116). It was also reported that
there was an optimum for cell growth with a charge density on the DEAE Sephadex
microcarriers of about 2 meq g-I dextran I i 7).
(g) Poly HEMA [poly (2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate)74) ] is a polymer which, when
added in varying thicknesses on the surface of polystyrene dishes, decreases the
adhesiveness of cells to the substratum in a controlled manner. The decrease in
adhesion results in cells which do not flatten out and in the limiting case may stay
rounded. DNA synthesis and division in untransformed cells was also shown to parallel
the degree of adhesiveness as flattened cells would divide while rounded ones did not.
132 Raymond E. Spier
This effect did not apply to transformed cells. Tissue-culture grade polystyrene dishes
are negatively charged and the neutral hydrophobic hydrogel could act by controlling
the intensity of this charge by def'ming the distance between the source of the charge
and the cell. In this way the stimulus to cell flattening may be modulated.
It is clear that the interaction between a cell and its substratum in the presence of
serum is a complicated phenomenon. It can probably be broken up into several steps.
The first may involve the adsorption of serum proteins on to the substratum 211) This
could be followed by the attachment of cell-surface components to the already adso-
rbed serum proteins 112). Such an attachment could take place through the CSP. Then
molecules of CSP remote from the initial point of attachment may move into the
attachment zone and effect a consolidation of the initial contact. Actin filaments
would then bridge the junction between the cellular end of the CSP and the micro-
tubule assembly beneath the cell surface. What does seem certain is that the cell is
not in contact with the substratum over the whole of the adjacent cell surface.
Electronmicrographs of footpads 112) and whole cells 118) show that, when trypsin
and calcium-ion-sequestering agents disturb the cytoskeleton, the cell looses its
"grip" and the remaining bond between the cell and the substratum is based on phy-
sical attractions or "stick" in localised areas of the cell membrane 118). Serum is not
an obligatory component of this chain of events although it is generally present in
most systems which seek to grow untransformed cells in the monolayer mode.
Whether it is necessary to insert a molecular bridge between the substratum and the
cell will depend on the characteristics of both components and remains an unanswered

5 Advantages of Unit Process Systems

Multiple processes involving the performance of the same operation several thousand
times are clearly not efficient. While many such operations can be highly
automated 119, 12o), yet, with the exception of temperature control, little influence
can be exerted over the environment within each bottle. When such processes are
scaled-up, the buildings, equipment and labour are scaled up commensurately. Thus
there is little to be gained from operations on the larger scale. The expected advantages
from unit process systems are presented in the Table 4. At present these advantages
have not been fully realised in the field of surface-dependent animal cell cultures
(cf. 13)). However, by analogy with the history of the development of penicillin pro-
duction systems, where growth of the mould on trays was rapidly superceded by
large-scale deep-tank operations of up to 75,000 1 capacity 121) , it is not unlikely that
a similar scale up of tissue-culture systems would yield similar advantages.
At the time of writing it is not possible to put values on the cost advantages of unit
process systems as opposed to multiple process systems. The unit processes under
discussion are less than 10 years old and the special buildings and trained operating
personnel have not yet emerged. So, in order to discuss the relative merits of the
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 133

Table 4. Advantages of unit process systems

1) Enable production at an economic price

2) Increase profitability by:
a) Lower capital costs building
b) Lower operating costs less labour
more efficient use of materials
more efficient use of services
less contamination
c) Yields per unit cost higher better control over system
larger batches
3) Improved standards of safety and working conditions

various unit process systems it is necessary to examine in detail the operational

characteristics of each system and then by a critical analysis to highlight those systems
which have the potential for further development or have the capability of fulfilling a
unique need.

6 Operational Features of Systems Designed for the Large-scale

Cultivation of Surface-dependent Animal Cells

The operational features of large-scale tissue culture systems may be divided into
physical, biological and commercial sections. The physical features o f the system
consist of the hardware and the manner in which it is operated, while the biological
section deals with the kinds of materials which can be grown and produced in the
equipment. The final section examines the large-scale production process from a
manufacturer's standpoint and presents some of the questions a manufacturer would
ask before deciding on which system would be of most potential benefit to his or-

6.1 P h y s i c a l F e a t u r e s

Ability to scale-up. At present, surface-dependent animal ceil cultures have not been
scaled-up above 100-200 1 medium volume. As the requirement for large cultures
could be of several thousand litres in size, equivalent to current practice in the field
of suspended animal cell cultures 122' 127, 123), it is clear that the present design of
a surface-dependent system should enable scale-up to take place with the minimum
modification to the system geometry or mode of operation.
The extensive literature on the scale-up of bacterial and fungal deep-tank
cultures ~24-126) attests to the complexity of scale-up operations. An additional
134 Raymond E. Spier
problem presented by monolayer tissue culture is the biphasic nature of the system.
However, there are monolayer systems which are homogenous, such as the microcarrier
cultures and other systems where the fluid component is thoroughly mixed and
irrigates the solid phase of the system evenly7a) . Systems made from stacked
plates s4) and bundles of hollow fibres s6) did not permit the regular flow of medium
across the surface and modifications to these systems were made to obviate this. It
remains to be seen whether the redesigned small-scale prototypes are any better than
their predecessors. Similarly it is unlikely that spiral-film systems when operating in
the vertical mode provide an even distribution of medium.
The scale-up of rotating plate systems also presents problems:
(a) When the plates are increased in diameter, the circumferential speed, which
defines the shear effects of the medium on the cells growing on the surface of the
disc increases, even if the rate of plate rotation is held constant.
(b) As the plates are mounted on a shaft the bending moment of the shaft increases
with the length and weight of plates. (This will cause problems with end bearings or
require the installation of additional bearings in the middle of the unit, thus restricting
the ease of use.)
(c) As the surface in such units is generally a limiting factor, it is important to take
advantage of both sides of the plates. Thus the equipment is rotated through 180 °
for planting ceils on the second side and then rotated a further 90 ° for the cell
growth 12s). As such equipment increases in size the supporting framework becomes
massive and the equipment increasingly difficult to handle.
(d) Also, all connections to the unit have to be either broken or flexible for the
orientation operation which leads to further complications and potentially dangerous
working conditions.
Scale-up on the basis of maintaining a fixed rate of transfer of oxygen from the
gaseous to the aqueous phase 127) has not been exploited for monolayer systems.
Rather, dissolved oxygen concentration has been held within noncritical
limits 24).
In large-scale microcarrier cultures agitation is arranged to be just sufficient to
maintain the microcarrier in suspension. It is preferable to use a large impeller
roaring slowly rather than a small impeller spinning rapidly. In this way the shear
forces are minimised and the delicate Sephadex microcarriers are less likely to
disintegrate (Fig. 6D).
Finally, systems based on sheets of window glass do not scale-up readily, for, in
bigger units, the temperature cycling during sterilisation is often sufficient to break the
large glass sheets.
Surface/volume ratio. The importance of this parameter depends on whether the
equipment is used for cell generation or product manufacture. For cell growth, pro-
viding the surface available is not limiting, the number of cells produced is related to
the volume of medium used (Fig. 3). This means that the size of the system may be
defined in terms of the volume of medium it contains. This relationship does not hold
for virus production where an 80% overall yield of FMD virus may be obtained in 30%
of the medium volume used in the growth phase (Fig. 4).
Although the term "contact inhibition" is no longer applied to cell growth 129, 1ao),
the number of cells which will grow on a given surface area is very variable and de-
pends on the type of cell and a variety of factors related to the composition and
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 135



0I, 5O t50
ml medium/Roux

Fig. 3. Cell yield obtained at 96 h from Roux bottles planted with 10 x 106 cells in different
volumes of medium. The box associated with each point portrays the standard deviation (data
from 4 experiments averaged)






~-0 1,2 I-~, 1-6 1.8 2-0

log m!, medium Ibottle

Fig. 4. Percentage yield of FMD virus strain Asia I Iran 1/73 (A) (5 experiments) and O~ BFS 1860
(e) (14 experiments) grown in different volumes of medium in roller bottles, compared with a
control containing 100 ml medium. The bars associated with each point show the size of the
standard deviation
136 Raymond E. Spier
manner of application of the growth medium. Thus cells which are said to be
"density-inhibited" may be induced to divide further when stimulated by medium
changes 13~, t a2), additional applications of serum 1a3) small molecules such as
amino-acids, glucose and phosphate 1a4), steroids 1as), pH changes 136), growth
factors I a7), and polypeptide hormones 13s). Also, cells which were thought to grow
in monolayers only have been induced to grow in multiple layers when medium was
supplied continuously in a perfusion system 139). In such a system WI38 cells were
induced to form a sheet 5 cells thick.
Whenever the designers of equipment to produce surface-dependent animal cells
on the large scale felt that the system was surface-limited, they sought to pack as much
surface as possible into a given volume of equipment and then they made sure that all
of it (both sides of plates, films, spheres)14o) was made available for the cells. How-
ever, in systems where the surface is provided by microcarriers or glass spheres it is
possible to confine a large surface area in a relatively small volume. In these cases it
is the volume of medium needed to satisfy the amount of surface available which be-
comes the limiting and hence controlling factor in the determination of the size of
the equipment. (For BHK monolayer cells 1 m 2 surface needs spproximately 5 1
medium to produce a cell sheet with 6 x l0 s cells per cm 2 .)
The second phase of the operation, the production of a virus or cellular biochemi-
cal, is not generally dependent on the volume of medium. It is advantageous in this
phase to use as little medium as possible so as to produce a product with the highest
concentration. Thus those unit process systems which lack the flexibility of opera-
ting at different ratios will be less advantageous than those which
Operational characteristics. When a process is easy to operate there are fewer
errors and the likelihood of contamination or malfunction is correspondingly lower.
The improved reliability and reproducibility so obtained makes an important con-
tribution to the overall efficiency and profitability of the operation.
Washing. This is the first operation of the production cycle. Equipment which has
to be disassembled before washing suffers from the disadvantages (a) as the scale of
the operation increases the difficulty of disassembly also increases (b) in the
reassembly operation, it is often necessary to assemble specific pieces together in
defined orientations, (c) if the assembly is incorrect leakage and contamination occur,
(d) the time, labour and space required in the washing area are all important cost
factors. For these reasons disposable plastic units 141-143) or units which can be
washed in place 78) have advantages.
Sterilisation. The largest item which can be conveniently autoclaved is about
100-2001. Most units of 100 1 and over would be sterilised where they stand.
Equipment which changes its orientation during the cell-planting or cell-growing mo-
des of operation has to use either flexible steam hose or couplings which both
disconnect and seal. When microcarriers are used, the beads are sterilised outside the
unit either by steam (Sephadex-based beads) or irradiation (polystyrene). Such beads
may then be fluidised in the medium and transferred into the culture vessel as a
suspended solid. Again, disposable plastic systems offer some advantages although
the size of such systems is relatively modest.
Recent Developmentsin the LargeScale Cultivation 137
Fluid transfers. Fluid transfers to and from the culture unit are involved in the
following operations (a) planting cells (four operations for some plate systems),
(b) refeeding or peffusing cells during the growth phase, (c) washing or treating the
cells, (d) addition of medium into which product is liberated, and (e) discharge of product.
It is clear that such operations should be easy to do with great reliability. In two
special cases it is important to remove as much of the ceil-growth medium as possible.
The first is during the preparation of vaccine for human use where traces of non-
human serum (normally foetal bovine serum) could cause allergic reactions. In this
case the general practice is to wash the cell sheet two or more times with phosphate-
buffered isotonic saline solutions. The number of washes is determined by the liquid
hold-up in the system after the spent growth medium has been discharged. This
could be a disadvantage of microcarrier type systems where the volume of retained
fluid is relatively high and the time required to resediment the beads and filter off
the wash fluids could be significant. The second case is the superinduction of
interferon144, lS3). In this system, translation of induced interferon mRNA is
blocked by the inhibitor cycloheximide. This inhibitor and the inducer (normally
poly I - C ) are then removed and interferon is produced by the translation of the
induced mRNA. Also, if this latter operation is done in the presence of actinomycin D
(which blocks DNA-dependent RNA synthesis), the time over which the interferon is
produced is extended. For such a system to work it is necessary that the inducers
and inhibitors should be added and removed from the system with the greatest speed
and facility. It is possible that the timing and completeness of such opera:ions is
crucial to the successful induction operation.
Sampling. A sample removed from a system should, as nearly as possible, represent
the whole system. In the biphasic systems covered by this review this kind of sampling
operation is only possible for microcarrier systems. Here, removal of the beads on
which the cells grow is a valuable feature of the system. It is discussed further below.
With the other systems it is generally possible to obtain a sample of the fluid bathing
the cells and, where mixing is efficient, this may be taken as representative of the
whole. Mechanisms for the removal of a sample with the minimum risk of contamina-
ting the culture vessel have been reported 127' 14s). The use of an evacuated bottle
with an exposed rubber diaphragm which is pierced by a needle attached to a thin pipe
whose distal end is in the middle of the vessel is a useful method of sample removal. It
has the advantage that, on removing the bottle from the needle, the diaphragm wipes
the needle free from drops, which decreases the hazard to the environment from a
contagious virus or toxic product.
Infecting. It is a common practice in virus production systems to add the virus to
the cells in as concentrated a preparation as possible. This facilitates the adsorption
of virus. Those systems which can operate at a higher surface/volume ratio during this
phase of the operation have an advantage over the systems with a fLxed surface/volume
Space requirement. Many authors 146-148) have stated that the unit process system
they have been considering is highly compact and therefore saves space in the labora-
tory, incubator or building in comparison to roller bottles or stationary bottles where
about 90-95% of the system is taken up by the gas space. This gas space is clearly
138 Raymond E. Spier
eliminated in a system where the medium is gassed by blowing air or oxygen into it.
However the volume of the system is controlled by the total amount of medium re-
quired for growing the cells so that, although the surface available for cell growth may
be condensed into a very small volume (as with microcarrier systems), the actual
volume required will be similar to other systems which seek to produce the same
number of cells.
Robustness and simplicity. In order for a piece of equipment to become part of a
production process it must be robust and simple. In routine production most pieces of
equipment can be expected to be dropped, bumped or otherwise maltreated. Units
which do not require very careful handling are not made of, or contain, glass or
other easily fractured materials will survive longer.
Simplicity is also an important feature. In simple equipment, faults are easier to
trace and worn or broken parts are readily replaced. The actual operation of the
equipment is facilitated, both in a reassembly operation and in running. Furthermore
the equipment may be used in areas where technical support staff are not readily
Safety. Considerations of safety must include both the safety of the operating
personnel to the biological or physical hazards posed by the equipment and also the
safety of the environment around the production facility. Delicate vessels made of
glass or thin-walled plastics pose a severe risk. Large-scale units made from stainless
steel could be protected by (a) double valving, (b) incinerators on outlet gas lines,
(c) well-designed sampling equipment (see 'Sampling" above), (d) welded pipework
and (e) adequate alarm and monitoring systems to warn of impending failure.
In addition, consideration must be given to the building in which such equipment
is housed. While it is outside the scope of this chapter to consider this in detail, much
work is in hand on methods of monitoring and designing buildings with carefully
controlled air flows between the various sections of the building and between the
building and the exterior.
The safety of personnel who operate large-scale equipment is also of paramount
importance. Heavy, complicated and intricate equipment generates hazards. Equip-
ment with moving parts and many electrical connections also presents problems.

6.2 M o n i t o r i n g a n d C o n t r o l o f Process Parameters

The ability to monitor and control the reactions which occur in the culture systems is
one of the major advantages which unit process systems have when compared with
multiple processes. The extent to which it is practicable to achieve such control will
determine the relative value of the various systems discussed in Sect. 7 below. Of
all the systems proposed for monolayer cell cultivation the system based on micro-
carriers is clearly the most controllable as it is homogenous and approximates to a
suspended culture of animal or other microbial cells. Other systems operate with the
surface for cell growth in a rigid structure. Within such structures it is possible that
irregularities develop. Thus for both the static-plate and the hollow-fibre systems s4, 86)
second generation units were developed to overcome such problems. It is likely that
Recent Developmentsin the Large Scale Cultivation 139
other systems based on a fine matrix of particles 149, lso) will also operate at reduced
efficiencies. Ceils grow across the gaps in a matrix to such an extent that they may
form a continous sheet over a 100 mesh stainless steel screen 44) and can often be seen
bridging the gap between two closely associated microcarrier particles (Fig. 6C). In
situations like this the medium may be completely mixed and therefore homogenous
but the irregular and uneven flow of medium, caused by the disorderly blocking up of
the pores of the bed or matrix, results in the ragged growth of cells and the develop-
ment of local pockets where cells might die and degenerate. Similar irregularities exist
in titanium plate propagators where the thin metal plates may not be exactly parallel.
This causes heavier planting of cells where wide gaps occur and very few cells in the
narrow gap areas.
Many systems are made up of two separate vessels, one to hold the surface and
some medium and the second to hold the remaining medium 7s' 147). The medium is
made to circulate round the system by a pump. If the rate of recirculating the medium
over the surface is adequate the difference in the pH, glucose concentration, dissolved
oxygen level or other consumable or waste product concentrations between the inlet
and outlet ports of the vessel containing the surface will not be great and may be
There is little published work on the effect of physical parameters on the growth
of monolayer cells in unit process systems. The literature for suspension cultures of
animal cells is more extensive 127, 1S1) Care must be taken in interpreting such results,
as cells which can grow in the absence of a substratum are considered to some degree
transformed and will generally exhibit differences in energy metabolism is2) as well as
differences in cell-surface features 7o).
Temperature. Control of temperature may be obtained by siting the equipment in
an enclosure whose air temperature is controlled. In such circumstances, unless very
great care is taken, temperature gradients of 1°-2°C may occur across the enclosure,
leading to quite large differences in cell yields. Alternative methods of control involve
circulating water, maintained at a controlled temperature, around the jacket of a unit
process propagator. In such a case either the temperature of the water or the circulat-
ing pump output is modulated by temperature differences. This simple system works
well for most large-scale units although some difficulty could be experienced con-
structing vessels which require a special conical geometry in their lower section lss) .
pH. Control of the pH of a culture at a single value may not be the most
advantageous way of obtaining the maximum yield as the cells may require a different
pH value for attachment, spreading and for growth and division. There is little doubt
that the size of the net negative charge on the cell surface is dependent on the pH o f
the medium ls6) so that the relationship between the cell and the substratum is likely
to be sensitive to the pH o f the bulk of the medium.
The measurement of pH is simple in the systems which are well mixed but units
whose entire working volume is Idled with distributed rigid surface may have difficulty
finding space for the probes or a position in the vessel where the medium is moving
past the probes sufficiently rapidly so as to represent the bulk of the medium. In such
cases an external loop around which medium is propelled by a peristaltic, diaphragm
or airlift pump may be used to house the probes. The disadvantages of such a system
140 Raymond E. Spier
are (a) increased complexity, (b) problems in sterilisation and (c) difficulty in
handling the equipment.
The modern meters for measuring pH are accurate to 0.01-0.02 of a pH unit
(expanded scale) and stable. In systems where the rate of mixing is not high (i.e. all
systems except the microcarrier case), it is advantageous to control the pH by
adjustments of either the percentage of COa in the gas stream or the throughput of
air whilst using a bicarbonate buffer in the medium. For well mixed systems additions
of acid or alkali may be used.
It should be noted that it is not possible to control pH automatically in systems
where the whole unit rotates I s7) unless a very precise mechanism rotates the equip-
ment 360 ° in one direction and then exactly 360 ° in the reverse direction ls8).
Dissolved oxygen, redox 16°). The relationship between these two parameters is
that the redox potential of the medium depends on the chemical composition of the
medium as well as the oxidation state of the various medium components. The
oxidation state of the components also relates to the dissolved oxygen level but
further changes in such oxidation states may occur when the dissolved oxygen level is
either 0% or 100% saturated, ( 0 - 1 6 0 mm Hg).
In making such measurements, care should be taken to standardise the
sensors 167, 168). Values obtained for optimal growth of animal cells in suspension are
7 5 - 1 0 0 mV (O.R.P.) 161' 162) or 80 mm Hg (dissolved oxygen) 163) . However for the
growth o f monolayer cells on microcarriers, a dissolved oxygen level above 25 mm Hg
proved satisfactory 2a). The amount of air needed to obtain this level may be
calculated from an oxygen requirement per cell of 0 . 5 - 2 x 10 -12 ml 02 s-1 164, 16s)
The propagator unit designed from Teflon bags 166) is capable o f bringing cells into
contact with the gaseous phase most readily as the Teflon on which the cells grow is
permeable to the physiologically important gases. Other systems rely on the
dissolution of gas in the culture medium to provide the cells with the required environ-
Carbon dioxide. There is some evidence to show that the presence of carbon
dioxide in the gas phase is necessary for the expression of cell functions 16s). The phy-
sical capability to achieve this is dependent on the design of the equipment in a
manner similar to that of the aeration system.
Movement of substratum relative to the medium. This may be achieved by either
moving the substratum directly or by keeping the substratum stationary and moving
the medium past it. In either case the relative motions of the two phases controls the
thickness of the boundary layer covering the ceils, which in turn regulates the rates at
which waste products are removed and nutrients are taken up by the cells. Most
investigators have found, therefore, that optimal cell growth occurs at a particular
rotation rate for tubes lS7), plates 171, 8) or medium circulation rate 170, 22). In
microcarrier systems the prime consideration is to develop sufficient agitation to main-
tain the beads in homogenous suspension without either breaking the beads or gene-
rating conditions where cell attachment to the beads is impeded 24' 169)
Rotating plates will generate a variable boundary layer along the radius of the plate
as the velocity with which a point on the plate moves through the medium depends on
the distance of the point from the axis of rotation. However the plate is generally only
Recent Developmentsin the Large Scale Cultivation 141
half-immersed in the medium at any time which enables nutrient transfer to occur by
gaseous diffusion and drainage.
The movement of medium in a perfused system can be effected by an air-lift,
peristaltic or diaphragm pump. The discharge from each of these pumps pulsates.
Peristaltic pumps are less advantageous in that they depend on alternatively squeezing
and relaxing a flexible tube which could split or, if a blockage occurs, become detached
from its connections. This may cause the loss of a culture, and, where a hazardous
virus is in production, a major security risk is incurred. The use of a gas to move the
medium around the system 22' 170) has some advantages in that there are no mechanical
parts to fail and the aeration, circulation and mixing may be effected simultaneously.
Monitoring cellgrowth. It is important to know the state of development of the
cell sheet in order to determine the time for cell recovery (for the preparation of an
inoculum) or for generating product. As the traditional method of assessing cell
growth is by visual (microscopic) means, many unit process systems are designed so
that tubes 172), plates 173) and spirals 174) can be observed directly in situ. This
method of operation could result in a poor assessment of growth as in some instances
only a few peripheral plates or turns of the spiral are visible and they may not be
representative of the culture as a whole.
Visual observations on samples of microcarriers extracted from cultures however
do give a good indication of the state of the culture. In this respect cells grown on the
surface of Sephadex-based microcarriers are more readily observed than cells on
polystyrene microcarriers (Fig. 6).
In the absence of direct visual examination it is possible to infer the extent of cell
growth by observing variations in parameters which change as a function of cell num-
ber. Such parameters could be glucose concentration in the medium 17s' 78,200)
turbidity 166), pH (colour of phenol red indicator) or the gassing rate where the
dissolved oxygen level was controlled and pH adjusted by addition of acid or alkali. In
each case correlations established in small-scale propagators should be checked in
larger units.
Larger units tend to be built out of stainless steel so that (with the exception of
microcarrier systems) it will become increasingly necessary to use indirect methods
to monitor the growth of the cells. Automated equipment adapted to this function
could prove valuable in many situations.
Monitoring cell breakdown. The growth of many virus strains causes cellular break-
down or other cytopathogenic effects. It is quite common to estimate the time to
harvest a vires culture by the visual examination of the cell sheet. While such exami-
nations are possible for microearrier systems (at all scales of operation) and for trans-
parent culture vessels (see previous section), it is not possible to see the cell sheet in
larger units built from stainless steel. Instead, the parameters which may be monitored
are (a) enzymes released from infected cells such as isocitric dehydrogenase its),
glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 17s) and lactic dehydrogenase 176), (b) enzymes
which are associated with the virus produced such as neuraminidase, (c) antigens
associated with the virus assayed by a complement fixation 177),
radioimmunoassay 17s) or ELISA technique 211), and (d) observation o f physical
variables such as pH or dissolved oxygen level which, at a constant rate of aeration,
142 Raymond E. Spier
should increase to a maximal value when all the cells have ceased to motaboliso 19a)
Again, such assays may be effeeted with automated equipment.

6.3 Biological F e a t u r e s

Growth o f required cells. There are many constraints which are applied to a manufac-
turer which severely restrict the choice of cell type which may be used to generate a
particular product (a) the cell must be able to produce the particular virus or bio-
chemical required, (b) such cells should be recognised by the regulatory authorities as
an approved source of materials for human use and (c) the cells must flourish in the
equipment chosen for their production.
Equipment, therefore, should be able to support the growth of primary cells and
human diploid fibroblasts (HDF). Very little difficulty has been reported for the
growth of primary cells in any type of unit process equipment. However, the growth
of HDF on microcarriers has not been achieved with complete success 24).
Cell harvesting. The ability to recover the cells which have been grown in a unit
process system is a requirement for the preparation of a cell inoculum for the next
larger scale of operation. This operation can be a key feature and earl expose the
weakness of particular systems. There are four ways in which the cells may be
harvested (a) by the use of a proteolytic enzyme (trypsin is the one generally used
although papain, pronase, pancreation2°°) and chymotrypsin have been examined),
(b) by using a chelating agent, conventionally EDTA although EGTA may also be
used (cf. D3 above) (c) a combination of enzymes and chelating agent and (d) phy-
sical removal by scraping, wiping or stretching the substratum.
The need to trypsinise cells supported on the substratum within a unit process
system has given rise to some novel methodologies: (a) after bathing rotating discs in
trypsin, the cells may be discharged by increasing the speed of rotation so that the
centrifugal force dislodges the cells from the substratum9' 17s), (b) the harvesting of
cells from Sephadex after trypsinisation has led to the development of vibromixer
method of agitation 9°) or the separation of cells from microcarriers as a result of the
shear forces generated by forcing the trypsinised microcarrier through a 1.2 mm
bore capillary tube 179), (e) cells may be harvested from glass spheres by vibrating
the spheres in the presence of trypsin 179) , (d) an alternative method is to use
trypsin-EDTA mixtures 170) and bathe the cell sheet in this solution.
Two features are of importance. The first is that if the substratum can be concen-
trated before trypsinisation then less trypsin will be required and consequently less
serum for the neutralisation of the trypsin. Secondly the volume of cell suspension
will be smaller and this will require less centrifugation or may even be used as an
inoculum directly. While there is no evidence that trypsin penetrates into the cell it
does cause a considerable disturbance to the cytoskeleton 1°9). There is also evidence
that when cells are harvested by using trypsin the amount of cell-surface protein
associated with the resuspended cells is considerably reduced when compared to
cells which have been removed from the substratum by mechanical means 94). This
Recent Developmentsin the Large Scale Cultivation 143
could affect the attachment and flattening reactions of the cell in a subsequent growth
To overcome some of the drastic effects induced by the action of trypsin a variety
of mechanical means have been proposed to remove ceils from the substrata on which
they have been grown. In two cases an' 1a 1), the substratum (a plastic film) is removed
from the culture vessel and scraped or stretched so that the ceils are dislodged
mechanically whilst in a third case the substratum (titanium plates) is wiped by
specially designed blades which are actuated within the culture unit itself 18°).
A further possibility which pertains to the microcarrier system is the transference
of cells from a bead which is fully covered by cells to a freshly added naked bead. Ceils
which are in the process of division and are therefore only weakly associated with the
substratum are most likely to be dislodged by a marginal increase in the shear forces of
the system. Such cells could then attach to fresh beads when the system resumed its
original state 92). While this may be possible for some particular cells, it was found
necessary to subject BHK monolayer cells to the action of trypsin for a considerable
time (2 h 179)) before the ceils could be released by the application of mechanical
forces. However, a situation of bead-to-bead transfer has been seen with other BHK
monolayer cells in a different laboratory but after several such passages the cells be-
haved as BHK suspension cells and maintained themselves off the bead surface, in-
dicating that the particular BHK monolayer cells used in these latter experiments were
already some way along in the process of transformation 182).

6.4 C o m m e r c i a l Characteristics

Having accepted the argument that unit process systems offer advantages over multiple
process systems, the manufacturer is presently faced with a variety of unit process
systems to choose from (Sect. 7 below). He would wish to know which systems are
capable of reliable operation with his cell/product system at the scale of operations at
which he wishes to work. A second question would be, 'Are such systems available
"off the shelf" for his "in-house" use without incurring heavy licensing fees?' and,
thirdly, 'Would such systems generate problems in the licensing of the final product?'
Having selected one (or more) systems the manufacturer has then to test it (them) to
determine whether the product yields and quality offer advantages over either his
existing multiple process technology or against values quoted in the literature for
other systems.
Product quality. The most important determinant of quality is the potency of the
product. For most production systems the product potency is controlled by the bio-
logical variables such as the particular cell substrate used27) or the particular virus seed
material or strain 67). After the preliminary screening to select the cell and virus which
yield the most product the next step is to obtain the product in a concentrated form.
The advantages of obtaining a low-volume, concentrated product are many:
(a) subsequent product handling operations such as purification, subunit preparation
and isolation are very much more efficient, (b) the storage space required to hold pro-
duct during the extensive testing procedures and during the time necessary to assess
144 Raymond E. Spier
demand for particular product formulations may be very expensive if the manner of
storage is over liquid nitrogen or in the liquid state at 4 °C, (c) the option of
combining more components in a particular formulation of limited volume is possible,
and (d) there would be less water to remove in a freeze-drying operation.
Such advantages as are listed above are attainable in those systems with a flexible
ratio of surface area/volume. The degree to which such a concentration process may be
extended depends on the overall yield of the system, for whilst the product may be
concentrated it may only be formed to a fraction of the extent of a more dilute
system. An example taken from the FMD vaccine system may be seen in Fig. 4.
Product yield. Yield of product per ml of medium, per cm z of surface, per
man-hour or other variable is insufficient to ascertain the performance of a unit. A
manufacturer will normally look at the productivity of a process over a whole year
and assess it in relation to the costs of obtaining the material produced. Thus reliable
operations free from contamination will weigh heavily in the balance of advantage,
whereas the efficient use of medium or surface is less likely to register as an impor-
tant factor. A further advantage of reliable uncontaminated operation is that a
manufacturer will feel confident enough to "put more eggs into his basket" and ope-
rate at larger scales with subsequent economies. Such economies are easily seen when
it is recognised that a considerable proportion of the production cost of a vaccine (for
example) is incurred by the testing procedures. (A protocol for testing a vaccine for
human use may involve some 6 0 - 7 0 individual tests and consume 10-201 of
Following reliability of performance to a given standard, the capital costs of
equipment and buildings and the operating costs of consumables, services, labour
and overheads have to be included in the economic assessment of a process.
Regulatory agency factors. Regulations have been formulated which govern most
aspects of the production of a vaccine for human use 12) (see also Sect. 3). The con-
version of a bottle process to a unit process will have to be accepted by the agency.
For most unit process systems (with the exception of the microcarrier system) the
isolation of a part of the confluent cell cultures to serve as uninfected controls is
difficult. With packed-bed systems it is possible to use a thief device but the microsco-
pic examination of the withdrawn bed matrix could prove difficult. With these and
other systems parallel cultures (at a smaller scale of operations) may serve as controls.
Also other parameters may serve to demonstrate the normal state of the cell sheet
(glucose utilisation rate at low serum concentration, absence of detectable enzyme
release from cells, etc.).
Patents. Most of the systems described in the following section have one or more
patents associated with them. To date most of these patents have not been challenged
in court so that their utility is unknown. What is clear is that the concept of using
DEAE Sephadex A50 beads is not patented although there is an American patent
application laa) to cover the use of the "low charge" variety, a situation which is
challenged by the manufacturers of Cytodex 1. A German patent exists covering the
system of glass spheres held in a jacketed conical vessel ~84). However, the principle of
using glass spheres as a supporting substratum for growing cells was reported 4 years
previously 1as) so that only the details of the German operation may be protected.
Recent Developmentsin the Large Scale Cultivation 145
A wealth of patents cover the commercial propagators such as the Teflon bag unit 166),
hollow-fibre units s6) and some of the processes that are possible in units based on
titanium plates Is°' 76, 34). The value of such protection depends on the absence of
alternative ways of achieving the same or better ends.
In view of possible complications, potential users of a system must be aware of
all the patents relating to use of that particular system. Whilst many patents have been
used in the preparation of this chapter, the author does not claim to have (a) considered
every patent relating to a particular system or (b) appreciated all the legal rights of the

7 Equipment for the Cultivation of Animal Cells in Monolayers

Monolayer cells have been cultivated successfully for many years in stationary bottles
and rotating bottles. It is natural that the basic principles inherent in the use o f such
containers should be maintained when the surface of many such bottles is consolidated
into one vessel. Hence many of the systems which have been designed to supercede the
multiple-bottle processes have been based either on a "plurality of stacked plates",
which mimics the stationary bottle, or on a multiple array of tubes, Which imitates the
roller bottle approach. Systems which have extended these concepts further have
transformed the rigid plate into a flexible film or plastic bag held in a spiral
configuration. The more extreme departures from conventional practice are embodied
in systems based on hollow fibres, packed beds and microcarriers. The numerous
alternative approaches for the development of large-scale unit process systems from
multiple bottle processes have been summarised in Table 5. For the purpose of dis-
cussion the various systems have been grouped into eight categories.

7.1 Plates

Sheets of glass and plastic (polystyrene or polycarbonate are the plastics generally used
although it is possible to use many others) held in a supporting structure can be used
in place o f a rack of stationary bottles. Such plates may be round 186) or
square147, 142, 84) and the medium is either circulated through the plate matrix by
an airlift pump 186) or it is pumped between the plates by a peristaltic pump operating
in an external recirculation loop 147, 8 4 ) In the Multitray unit 142), which most closely
resembles a stack of stationary Roux or Brockway bottles, the medium is stationary.
The main problem with units made up of a stack of stationary plates, in which the
medium is moved by a pump, is that it is difficult to ensure that the medium passes
evenly over the surface of each plate in the stack. Thus the use of an air-lift pump and
a magnetically driven stirrer in the early units 186) has been superceded by a system
where the medium is fed directly into the gap between the plates by using a discharge
146 Raymond E. Spier

Table 5. Unit process systems for the cultivation of animal ceils on surfaces

Variant Largest size (approximate

System Substratum Form Substratum Surface/vol. Surface Max.vol.
Type material movement (for product) area (m 2) medium Ref.
cm2 m1-1

Plates Glass horizontal stationary 2 23 100 186

glass horizontal stationary 25 10 (50) a 198
carbonate horizontal stationary 2 0.5 2.5 84
polystyrene horizontal stationary 3.3 0.6 (3) 142
glass variable rotating 7 0.4 (0.6) 187
Discs Titanium vertical rotating I0 7.2 14 188
glass vertical rotating 4 2.5 12.5 173
polystyrene vertical rotating 6 0.6 (1.1) 143
Tubes (rigid) Glass multiple rotating >30 1.3 (5.6) 157
glass multiple rotating 15 5 6.5 189
glass multiple rotating >30 11.4 5.7 172
glass multiple roaring >30 11.4 5.7 172
(flexible) Teflon spiral rotating ? 20 (100) 158
Films Melanex spiral stationary 2 4 20 174
Melanex spiral stationary 5.3 0.85 1.6 141
Melanex spiral stationary 3,4 0.63 1.8 191
polycarbonate spiral rotating 4 0.15 (0.75) 83
Hollow fibres Organic fibre stationary 2 0.005 (0.025) 85
organic fibre stationary 27 0.16 (0.8) 86
Packed beds Glass spheres stationary 12 3.75 (18.75) 155
glass spheres stationary 13 20 100 78
organic jacks rotating - - 2(?) 192
glass matrix stationary >30 (10) 50 149
kieselgur matrix stationary >30 (200) 1000 193
Microcarriers DEAE Sephadex
A50 bead suspended >30 (30) 150 24
DEAE Se~hadex
A50 L.C.° bead suspended >30 (0.6) 3 93
Biosilon bead suspended >30 0.005 0.025 194
glass bead suspended >30 (0.I) 0.5 195

aNumbers in brackets calculated on the basis of 5 1of medium per 1 m 2 surface

bL.C. low charge

manifold or diffuser 147, a 4 ) The difficulties of achieving an even flow using this
technique will increase as the scale o f the unit grows.
Whilst the early systems 186) operated at a f~xed surface]volume ratio once the
system was operational, the later designs 147) are more flexible as the bulk o f the me-
dium is contained in an external reservoir. Instruments to m o n i t o r and control process
parameters may be placed in the recirculation pipework. However, in order to achieve
Recent Developments in the Large Scale CuRivation 147
this concentration of surface the plates have to be close together (<1 mm), adding to
the difficulties of distributing the medium evenly.
Problems resulting from the use of window glass, which breaks during sterilisation,
may be solved by using potycarbonate or Pyrex, but the equipment necessary to main-
tain the configuration o f the plates is complicated and is unlikely to wear well in
routine production operations.
Some of the equipment is protected by patents a4) although this equipment seems
to be remarkably similar in its overall operating characteristics to the system described
in Ref. 147) which was published in the same year as the patent a4) was Filed.
With the Multitray unit, where the medium is stationary, different problems are
found (a) as 75% of its volume is gas space it is not very compact, (b) although the
recommended limit to the minimum amount of medium which should be applied to
the trays gives a surface area/volume ratio of 3.3 cm 2 ml -l (Table 5) it is possible to
work at higher ratios if the unit is rocked on special equipment, (c) the units are
bulky and are best operated in specially constructed batteries of 4 Multitray modules
per battery 196), (d) the cost of the 30-bottle equivalent Multitray package is about
the same or slightly less than the equivalent number of plastic bottles, (e) a patent
covers the manufacture of the Multitray 197). There are, however, compensating
advantages, (a) the unit is disposable and reaches the user in a dean, sterile, ready-to-
function state (b) the number of handling operations is small compared to that in-
volved in the equivalent number of bottles (c) for laboratories which produce a few
large batches of cells and cell products in a year, this method, lying between a multip-
le and a unit process, could be of value. As the Multidish system is relatively new
difficulties have been reported in obtaining supplies.

7.2 Discs

The disc system is built up by threading a number of round plates on to a shaft and
constructing a vessel in which the shaft and discs may be rotated. Such units operate
with the discs in the horizontal plane during cell planting and with the discs rotating
in the vertical plane, generally with the unit half full of medium, during the cell
growth phasel 7s). Two methods are used to obtain cells on both sides o f the discs
(a) half of the cells are allowed to attach to one side of the disc then the medium is
discharged from the propagator, the second half of the cells is added to the discharged
medium and the cell suspension is pumped back into the unit which is turned through
180° before incubation overnight, (b) a second method involves mounting the unit in
a framework and rotating it bodily with a full charge of cells for several hours at
1 revolution/10 rain 12s) . Both methods are awkward and are difficult to scale up.
As the surface in the disc units is made to rotate, considerable mechanical problems
are encountered. One unit 173) uses a shaft which penetrates the end wall of the vessel
and thus constitutes a contamination hazard. Also as the units get larger it becomes
more difficult to use a magnetic couple to rotate a heavy stack of discs and wear on the
supporting bearings increases the torque necessary to induce rotation. Further problems
result from the narrow gap between the plates generating considerable surface-tension
148 Raymond E. Spier
forces as the plates rotate out of the liquidZ4°). The variation in the surface area/volume
ratio is limited as the units have to be at least half full during each stage of the
production cycle. In addition the vessel is normally completely filled with the discs
so that all monitoring and control operations have to be done on an external loop.
The advantages of using glass or titanium are evident in that products suitable for
human use may be made in such units la). Whilst numerous patents have been taken
out on the application of this equipment 17s, 12a, 76, 180, 171) the prior art established
in 1967 8) could perhaps render the equipment available to other interested parties.
A polystyrene unit based on similar principles 143) is available. It is relatively small
in size and could function as a single unit replacing several roller bottles. It is dis-
posable and is easy to use although the costs for a large-scale operation would be

7.3 Rigid T u b e s

An array of rigid tubes held between end-plates which have been specially designed so
that all the tubes may be filled, emptied and sterilised as a unit (or bank) have carried
forward the principles of the roller bottle into a unit process system. The mechanical
requirements have led to the design of complex and unique end-plates and
manifolds lS7, 172). This may be circumvented by fLxing all the tubes between the
end-plates and placing the whole assembly inside a second vessel. Arrangements are
then made to rotate the tube array relative to the outer container 189).
Systems of the former design will scale up with little change in the basic geometry
if the diameter of the tubes is kept constant. Medium in a tube at the periphery of an
array will move around the tube at the same speed as it would in the centre o f the
array. However, the complexity of the equipment with the concomitant difficulty o f
disassembly, washing, reassembly and leak testing makes this equipment clumsy to
use. Larger-scale units mounted in a massive framework 172) and washed and sterllised
in place are difficult to run leak-free as the junction of each tube with the end-plates
and the joints of each valve present a potential area for leaks to develop, a problem
generally accentuated by repeated cycles of heating and cooling.
The latter system lag) operates like a disc unit. Here as the diameter of the rotating
assembly increases the circumferential velocity will also increase; furthermore, as the
unit has to be at least half full for all stages of operation, a degree of flexibility is lost.
Although the units described in the literature are made from glass and therefore
cause little concern to regulatory authorities, they do constitute a hazard when a
dangerous material is produced in them. They would probably work as well if con-
structed from metal.
A further variant of this system is represented by a roller bottle which encases a
number of concentric tubes 190). This condensation of nine roller bottles into one unit
is a half-way stage to a unit process system and may have applications in unique
Recent Developmentsin the LargeScale Cultivation 149
7.4 Flexible Tubes

Having shown that cells would grow on chemically etched FEP-Teflon (Dupont)
(a fluor-ethylene-propylene copolymer 181) which is permeable to oxygen and carbon
dioxide) a unit process system was developed lSa) to grow large quantities of cells on
the inner wails of a Teflon tube formed into a spiral in such a way that medium could
be pumped through the lumen of the tube while the outside of the tube was available
for gas exchange. In this way pH, pO2, and pCO2 could be monitored and controlled.
The equipment designed for this purpose is complex and costly. Each of 20 tubes may
be perfused with medium individually (or in series?) while the reels supporting the
spiral are rotated backwards and forwards every hour. The possibilities of tube rupture
and mechanical breakdown are considerable. A further disadvantage of the system is
that all the tubes are controlled as one unit when they may be functioning individually.
This development, protected by patents 166' 199), presents interesting possibilities for
examining the relationship between cell growth and the composition of the gas phase in
contact with the cells but the complexity and cost of the equipment could exclude it
from a routine production department.

7.5 Spirals

Systems based on holding a film of material [Melanex 174) plain or physically

roughened l91) (polyester) or polycarbonate an)] in a spiral configuration inside a
cylindrical container are included in this category. During the planting operation the
cells are added to the unit in a suspension which completely fills the vessel. The filled
vessel is then rotated about its long axis overnight to allow the cells to stick to the
Film. For cell growth the unit is changed to an upright position, when air is passed
through an air-lift pump to circulate the medium 146).
The surface area/volume ratio in such units is not very flexible. The commercially
available disposable system 141) has too high a surface/volume ratio for the growth of
cells so that the medium has to be replaced 2°°). For the production of virus there is
no concentration effect if the units are maintained in the upright position and if they
are rotated in a horizontal position the maximum concentration factor is two.
The scale-up of the system presents problems. In the smaller units the even dis-
tribution of the medium is not critical but the inherent weakness of getting medium
within the space between the spiral elements is accentuated on the large scale. Also the
construction of a large spiral is arduous as it becomes increasingly difficult to main-
tain the gap between adjacent layers. The larger units are also troublesome and heavy
to handle and would require complex equipment for the different orientation steps
required. In addition the opportunity to apply monitoring and control systems is
limited. Whilst it is possible to remove the spiral and release the cell sheet
mechanically 88), when the cells are removed in situ, by the use of an enzyme, a large
volume of fluid results and low yields are reported owing to the length of time re-
quired for the trypsinisation operation 2°°).
150 Raymond E. Spier
Such units have been used to advantage for small research operations 146) as they
conserve space and, on a modest scale, can be handled with facility on the laboratory
bench. The ready availability and ease of use of such units is also an asset.

7.6 H o l l o w F i b r e s

The growth of cells on the surface of hollow fibres is an attempt to recreate the kind
of environment which cells experience within the body. Considerable progress has
been made in this area although the scale of operation has been comparatively small
(Table 5). Cells may be grown on the inside or on the outside of the fibres and in
either situation they may be induced to react with a specific chemical, such as uncon-
jugated bilirubin converting it to its conjugated derivative. In this form the molecule
may cross the membrane and thus become separated from the unreacted material.
Numerous other possibilities exist for transformations o f this sort 41). The production
of a "'rapid harvest" leukemia virus from ceils grown on hollow fibres has also been
It is unlikely that such systems will be used on the large scale. Most of the hollow
fibres are sterilised chemically86' ao), a time-consuming process which could introduce
difficulties in operating technique. In large-scale units there would be doubt that the
sterilising gas or fluid had penetrated to every part of the equipment and had
permeated particles which had not been removed in the washing process. The main
problem is that of homogeneity. Cells grow in clumps across the lumen of the fibres or
in masses between the fibres thus preventing the even flow of medium and gass6).
Attempts to overcome this by making thin pads of fibres8s) may work on the small
scale, but the engineering of larger units would lead to the development of a complex
structure which is unlikely to be a practical industrial implement. There may however
be specific reactions which only living immobilized ceils can do, so that a bioreactor
may be developed for such applications. In addition, hollow fibres could provide a
system which is compatible with human blood and in favourable circumstances could
act as an external artificial organ. Such applications would be in the biomedical field
rather than in the area of the production of viral prophylactics or antiviral agents.
Much of the information presented has been derived from patents s6, 40, ,,1) so
that others wishing to enter the field should be appraised of the current situation.

7.7 P a c k e d Beds

A packed bed consists of a mass of randomly oriented particulate material held in a

container. The choice of material, size and shape of such particles is critical. The
ideal bed is one in which, when medium or foam 170) is made to flow over it, each
particle is irrigated to the same degree. This results in an homogenous environment
for cell growth and allows the proper functioning of control systems, thus facilitating
scale up. Elements used in packed beds have been jacks (made from plastics such as
methylmethacrylate or polystyrene) 192) , diatomaceous earth 193) , a glass matrix 149)
Recent Developmentsin the LargeScale Cultivation 151
or 3 mm glass spheres Iss' 22, 78). In each system, with the exception of the plastic
jacks, the beds have been stationary while the medium has been circulated over them.
The system of plastic jacks, immobilized in a rotating roller bottle and fed by a
perfusion system 192), is a system of limited scale. There is little data on the use of
such a unit, yet it would seem that for a laboratory application it could remove some
of the risk of opening and closing a number of bottles. In principle, the method could
be scaled-up but engineering problems as well as the difficulty of retaining the con-
ditions found effective on the small scale could limit the systems' exploitation.
Diatomaceous earth is commonly used as a filter aid to remove cells from media.
There are many grades of different porosity and the application cited 193) describes the
growth of BHK monolayer cells "deposited in the carrier bed" as determined by the
disappearance of glucose from the recirculating medium. However, no evidence is
presented to show that the cells grew on the surface of the particle, so that the particu-
lar monolayer cells used may have been transformed in some degree and able to grow
independently of surface attachment. In such a system, in which the cells are basically
filtered out, the growth of the cells would tend to occlude the spaces between particles
and thus cause the circulating medium to seek open channels for easy passage with a
resulting uneven growth performance.
A "super culture" apparatus has been described 149) in which ceils are grown on a
"glass matrix" which has been "layered 1 cm thick on porcelain plates" yielding very
large masses of cells. Monolayer cells are highly adept at growing across gaps in a sur-
face structure (see below), and it is likely that the concentrated disposition of the glass
surface would encourage such growth, thus leading to irregular flows of medium and
eventual blockage of the system altogether. So far the claims of the manufacturers
have not been supported by parallel reports in the scientific literature.
In both the kieselguhr and glass-matrix systems the problems of removing cells
from the bed has not been dealt with. This omission severely limits the scale of ope-
rations at which these units may be used.
For those systems where care has been taken to choose a supporting substratum
which will permit medium to flow through the packed bed with ease, the gaps between
the bed elements are large (>2 ram) and the bed element selected was the 3 mm dia-
meter glass sphere. Three groups of investigators have adopted such spheres I s s, 78, 17o)
and current work at the 1001, or larger, scales is in hand. Such systems can be scaled
up successfully7s) and cells may be harvested from glass spheres for use as inocula for
larger-scale operations 179). Additional advantages of such systems are (a) the sub-
stratum is glass, and therefore is not a matter of concern for a regulatory agency,
(b) virtually all cell lines (including human diploid fibroblasts) grow readily and re-
producibly on the glass substratum (c) medium can be removed and the cells washed
or chemically treated easily and rapidly as there is no sedimentation time involved and
little liquid hold-up. (d) As the idea of growing cells on glass spheres was reported in
19701as) the system, in principle, may not be protected by patents (cf. however 18,0),
(e) such systems are not available as standard items but are relatively easy to specify
and build by process engineering groups (Fig. 5), (0 the systems may be monitored
and controUed with ease 2°2), (g) when the system is scaled up the rate at which liquid
is pumped around the recirculation loop does not increase commensurately. Rather,
152 Raymond E. Spier

Fig. 5. Propagators based on packed beds of glass spheres. Medium capacity for L -, R 0.1, 1, 10,
and 100 I

that amount of liquid is moved which maintains a constant linear velocity as it passes
through the substrate bed.
The main criticism of such systems is that the cells may not be seen directly.
However, Sect. 7.1 included a variety of methods whereby the state of the cells may
be determined by indirect means, and regulatory agencies, who generally require that
the cells used for the production of a virus vaccine should be available for observation
in the uninfected state for some time after the production virus has been concluded,
could be satisfied by the inspection of control cultures run in parallel with the larger
unit but at a smaller scale of operation.

7.8 Microcarriers

A microcarrier may be defined as a particle of between 100-500/~m diameter which

can be held in homogeneous suspension in a stirred-tank reactor. Other properties of
microcarriers that would be advantageous are (a) a density of about 1.03-1.05 g cm a
so that beads may be kept in suspension by the application of least energy and that
when the stirrer is switched off the beads will sediment rapidly and completely, (b) a
clear optical appearance so that cells may be easily seen as they grow on the surface of
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 153
the bead (c) there should be no doubt that materials toxic for cells or dangerous for
humans and animals are not associated with the particles. The three materials which
have been proposed for microcarriers are glass, Biosilon and derivatives of a cross-
linked dextran, Sephadex.
Of the three materials proposed for microcarriers, glass in the form of
Spheroci119s) offers the least potential. The density of the glass is over 1.5 g cm 3 ,
although the dry bulk powder could have a lower density by virtue of intra-particle
space as well as pores of 100 A within the particle. Such a material is difficult to keep
in suspension 9°). Attempts by the author to grow chick or duck embryo fibroblasts
on such material were unsuccessful.
The use of a plastic material such as Biosilon 194) in the form of microcarriers has
most of the desirable features referred to above. In preliminary experiments the author
had no difficulty in growing BHK monolayer cells on this material although it remains
to be seen how the many varieties of human diploid fibroblasts perform. Such micro-
beads may be observed under the microscope but the growing cells are not as visible
on this carrier as on the Sephadex one (Fig. 6E). As this material has only just become
available products made from cells grown on it have not yet been licensed for use and
the price of the materials has not been established, although the author understands
that it is unlikely to be very different from plastic bottles when costed on a surface
area basis.
Sephadex. The use of DEAE-Sephadex A50 beads was initiated in 1967 by
van Wezel 9). This pioneering investigation opened up an area which, over the last few
years, has expanded into an active and vital field of activity. The main problem with
this system was thought by van Wezel to be the "toxicity" of the beads when used at
superoptimal concentrations 2°3). This was counteracted by coating the beads with
nitrocellulose (Collodion) 9°) or serum 9°' 22). However, Horng et al.204) held that the
toxicity was likely to be due to the adsorption of "certain growth-enhancing factors"
from the medium. In these experiments the beads were not deliberately precoated
with serum but were held in phosphate buffer prior to suspension in medium con-
taining 10% heat-inactivated calf serum. In other experiments, however 169), when
the beads had been precoated with serum a similar decrease in cell growth was obser-
ved when the bead concentration was elevated. At that time the effect was thought to
be similar to that observed by Rein et al. sg) where chick embryo cells grew in Petri
dishes only if they were planted at a high enough concentration per unit surface
area (cf. Ref.S)). A further possibility is that when the ratio of cells to beads is optimal
all the beads become partially covered with cells [about 10-20% confluent
(Fig. 6 A)]. This makes it less probable for a cell-free bead to collide with a cell which
is already associated with a bead. In the event that a second bead becomes attached to
a cell already attached to another bead the subsequent motions of the two larger
bodies may tear the cell apart. That such collisions do occur can be seen when small
beads are seen in association with larger beads with a dense mat of cells formed between
them (Fig. 6).
A different approach was taken by Levine an his coworkers 92) . In 1975 they also
thought that the problem of toxicity was due to the removal of components from the
medium. They decided to decrease the capability of the bead to remove such com-
154 Raymond E. Spier

:ii i


Fig. 6. BHK monolayer cells growing on microcartiers

A Serum-treated DEAE-Sephadex AS0 system at 24 h
B Serum-treated DEAE-Sephadex AS0 system at 96 h
C Cytodex 1 (low-charge Sephadex) system at 96 h
D Broken beads due to incorrect positioning of the stirrer
E Biosilon beads with BHK monolayer cens
F Nodule formation in medium containing half the normal serum concentration (5%; beads,
serum-treated DEAE-Sephadex AS0)

ponents by preneutralising some of the positively charged sites on the bead surface
with a polyanion (carboxymethyl cellulose). Using this material they were successful
in growing a variety o f ceU types. T h e y developed this approach further b y making
a DEAE-Sephadex bead with about 1/3 o f the positively charged sites 93) o f the
regular DEAE-Sephadex A50 commercially available 2°~) . This was shown to be an
improvement. Later Levine I l 7) reported that for the HEL 299 (a HDF) a charge
density o f about 2 meq g -~ dextran was optimal. Below I meq g -~ cells did n o t grow
and nodule formation was observed. It is o f interest to note that when BHK mono-
Recent Developments in the Large Scale Cultivation 155
layer cells are grown at a low serum concentration on serum-coated DEAE-Sephadex
AS0 beads, nodule formation is also observed (Fig. 6 F). Higher concentrations of
serum in the growth medium led to the even growth of cells over the whole surface of
the bead 2°s) (Fig. 6 B).
One of the features claimed for the low-charge beads is that they would support the
growth of diploid cells and, in particular, those cells which could easily be licensed for
the production of interferon 148). However, reports from various workers, who have
used beads prepared according to the procedure of Levine 206) or have obtained low-
charge beads under the name of Cytodex 1201), indicate that the good results which
can be obtained with HDF ceils are not obtained consistently or reliably.
Consistent performance is a prerequisite of any process which is a contender for
large-scale industrial use. The DEAE-Sephadex A50 system used in BHK monolayer
cells has also suffered from inconsistent performance 2°7). In contrast such erratic
performance has not been observed in the primary green monkey kidney cell system
as used by van Wezet as it is capable of reliable operations at the 150 1 scale 24). Also
Meignier 2°8) has scaled up a pig kidney cell line system to 1301 using DEAE-Sephadex
A50 with 15 mg of carboxymethylcellulose/g dry Sephadex and a bead concentration
of 1 g 1-~ . Cells grown in this system have been used successfully for the production
of FMD vaccine.
In a variety of systems it has been shown that it is possible to produce cells at a
high concentration in the reaction vessel. In the case of Levine et al.92) this was achieved
by refeeding his system which contained the low-charge Sephadex at a concentration
of 5 g 1-1 . In this way cell concentrations of HDF of 4 x 106 cells per ml were
obtained and about the same concentration for chick embryo cells 92). Such concen-
trations may also be obtained using 2 g 1-1 standard Sephadex when the cell inoculum
is raised to 2 x l0 s cells per ml 2°4). Furthermore the production of BHK monolayer
cells at concentrations of 2 - 3 x 106 cells per ml can be achieved when using
0.5 g Sephadex 1-1 20s) or 3 g 1-l 117). There would therefore seem to be little, if any,
increase in the capacity of the low-charge Sephadex to produce cells at a higher con-
centration compared to alternative ways of using the standard DEAE-Sephadex A50.
The factors involved in the animal cell-Sephadex interaction are clearly complex
(cf. Sect. 4.3) and it is unlikely that charge density alone is the prime determinant of
the behaviour of the system. Variations in cell quality, serum quality and in the re-
lative concentrations of all the system components (cells, serum, beads, etc.) interact
in a complex way to determine the final outcome.
To date, inactivated poliovaccine grown in green monkey kidney cells attached to
DEAE-Sephadex A50 microcarriers has been licensed2°9) in the Netherlands and the
patent position governing the use of the low-charge beads is in process of resolution.

8 Conclusions
It is clear that no one system of growing animal cells in monolayers on the large scale
has yet been perfected (cf.21°)). At present much remains to be done to make the
microcarrier system both more reliable and versatile and, whilst systems based on glass
156 Raymond E. Spier
spheres may be developed to the large commercial scale, much background work on
methods of monitoring cell and product formation is necessary.
Also while the microcarrier system could be used to advantage in the production of
virus vaccines (polio, FMD, rabies) the ease of washing and chemical treatment of the
glass sphere system, coupled with the lack of novelty in the substratum composition,
could make the latter system a preferred solution in the interferon production ope-
Other systems, too, may have advantages in particular applications. Hollow fibres
could prove more useful in processes which require a particular separation of feedstock
and product, while various laboratories which require a large batch o f cells relatively
infrequently may use disposable units lal-143). Also plate systems, both horizontal
and vertical, could continue to be used in those situations where they are presently
in the process of development, whilst tube systems have a limited life in current pro-
duction operations. Both of these latter systems are awkward to use and do not scale-
up readily. Spiral films, too, may have reached the zenith o f their development and are
unlikely to be used for large-scale industrial production systems.
The developments described above have been crowded into the past ten active
years. In the future, further effort will be applied to understanding in more detail the
relationship between a cell and the substratum it needs to grow on. By using such
information the different kinds of equipment which have been designed and built
to operate as unit process systems on the large-scale will become successfully and
reliably productive. A result of such productivity is that it will be possible to generate
cheaper, safer, easier-to-use products of high potency and wide range of applicability.

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