TECC Flyer 20 Jun 2017
TECC Flyer 20 Jun 2017
TECC Flyer 20 Jun 2017
Topics include: Hemorrhage control, surgical airway control and needle decompression, strategies for treating
wounded responders in threatening environments, caring for pediatric patients, and techniques for dragging and
carrying victims to safety.
At the core of the TECC program are three distinct phases that have been well-proven by TCCC-trained personnel in
ongoing conflicts. The phases are as follows:
• Hot Zone Care (aka “Direct Threat Care” - care rendered while under immediate/eminent attack)
• Warm Zone Care (aka “Indirect Threat Care” - care rendered while non-immediate threat and from relative cover)
• Cold Zone Care (aka “Evacuation Care” - care rendered while being evacuated from the incident site)
TECC focuses on the medicine during these phases of care and provides guidelines for managing trauma in the civilian
tactical or hazardous environment. While TECC has a tactical (i.e. “Human Threat”) slant, it takes an all-hazards
approach to providing care outside the normal operating conditions of most EMS agencies, such as responding to a mass
casualty or active shooter event.
Since 2002, Strategic Operations Inc. (STOPS), has provided Hyper-RealisticTM training services and products
for military, law enforcement, first responders, and other organizations responsible for homeland security.
Employing state-of-the-art special pyrotechnic effects, special makeup effects, medical simulation systems like
the Human Worn Partial Task Surgical Simulator ("Cut Suit"), actors, standardized patients, and subject matter
experts, in immersive training environments and scenarios that have the highest fidelity in the industry. For
the first time, this innovative brand of Hyper-RealisticTM training is available to open-enrolled first response
professionals. Tactical-medical courses are delivered by prior military and bona fide civilian tactical medical providers
with numerous operational deployments.