BUET Syllabus
BUET Syllabus
BUET Syllabus
Technology, Dhaka
Department of Mathematics
Level - 1, Term - 1
MATH 101 (Algebra, Geometry and Matrix Algebra)
Mathematics - I (2.00 Credit Hours)
Algebra and Geometry: Algebra in system description. Graphs
and coordinate geometry. Linear equations. Interpretation of linear
inequalities. Graphical solution of equations. Function: Definition,
implicit and inverse functions, the standard functions, the power
function, the logarithmic function, the exponential function,
trigonometric function, polynomial and rational functions, the
hyperbolic function, the logistic function.
Matrix Algebra: Definition of matrix. Algebra of matrices.
Multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix and inverse of a
matrix. Rank and elementary transformation of matrices. Solution
of linear equations.
Level - 1, Term - 2
MATH 103 (Calculus and Differential Equation)
Mathematics-II (2.00 Credit Hours)
Differential Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability.
Successive differentiation. Maxima and minima of functions of
single variable.
Integral Calculus: Integration by substitution and by parts.
Standard integrals. Definite integrals. Area under plane curves.
Ordinary Differential Equation: Solution of first order
differential equations by various methods. Solution of general
linear equations of second and higher order with constant
coefficients. Solution of homogeneous linear equations.
For The Department of Bio Medical Engineering
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 113 (Calculus)
3.00 Credit, 3 hours/week
Differential Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability.
Successive differentiation of various types of functions. Leibnitz's
theorem. Rolle's theorem, Mean value theorem, Taylor's and
Maclaurin’s theorems in finite and infinite forms. Expansion of
functions. Evaluation of indeterminate forms by L'Hospital's rule.
Partial differentiation, Euler's theorem. Tangent and Normal.
Subtangent and subnormal in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
Determination of maximum and minimum values of functions
with applications. Curvature. Asymptotes.
Integral Calculus: Integration by the method of substitution.
Standard integrals. Integration by successive reduction. Definite
integrals, its properties and use in summing series. Walli's
formulae. Improper integrals. Beta function and Gamma function.
Area under plane curves and area of a region enclosed by two
curves in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Volume and surface
area of solids of revolution.
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 115 (Complex Variable and Vector Calculus)
3.00 Credit, 3 hours/week
Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions
of a complex variable. Limits and continuity of functions of
complex variables and related theorems. Complex differentiation
and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Infinite series & their
convergence. Line integral of complex functions. Cauchy's integral
formula. Liouville's theorem. Taylor's and Laurent's theorem.
Singular points. Residue, Cauchy's residue theorem.
Vector Calculus: Differentiation and integration of vectors
together with elementary applications. Line, surface and volume
integrals. Gradient of a scalar function, divergence and curl of a
vector function. Integral forms of gradient, divergence and curl.
Gauss's divergence theorem, Stokes’ theorem and Green's theorem
for the plane.
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 213 (Differential Equations)
3.00 Credit, 3 hours/week
Ordinary Differential Equations: Formation of differential
equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher
order with constant coefficients. Solution of homogeneous linear
equations. Solution of differential equations of the higher order
when dependent and independent variables are absent. Solution of
differential equations by the method based on factorization of
operators. Frobenius method.
Partial Differential Equations: Formation of partial
differential equations. Solutions of linear and nonlinear partial
differential equations of first order. Linear equations of higher
order. Equations of the second order with variable coefficients.
Wave equations. Particular solutions with boundary and initial
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 215 (Linear Algebra)
3.00 Credit, 3 hours/week
Definition of matrices. Algebra of matrices. Transpose of a matrix
and inverse of a matrix. Factorization. Determinants. Quadratic
forms. Matrix polynomials. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Introduction to systems of linear equations. Gaussian elimination.
Euclidean n-space. Linear transformations from IRn to IRm.
Properties of' linear transformations from IRn to IRm. Real vector
spaces and subspaces. Basis and Dimension. Row space, column
space and null space. Rank and Nullity. Inner products. Angle and
orthogonality in inner product spaces. Orthogonal basis: Gram-
Schmidt process and QR-Decomposition. Linear transformations:
Kernel and Range. Application to Computed Tomography.
Level-3, Term-1
MATH 313 (Probability and Statistics)
3.00 Credit, 3 hours/week
Measures of central tendency and variation, Chebychev’s theorem,
z-scores, Frequency distribution, Graphical representation of data
including stem, Leaf and Box Plot, Skewness, Kurtosis.
Probability theory: Rules of probability, Conditional probability,
Bayes’s Theorem, Counting techniques. Random Variable:
Concept of random variable, Discrete and Continuous random
variable, variance of random variable and their properties. Discrete
and Continuous Probability Distributions: Binomial, Multinomial,
Negative binomial, Normal, Poisson, Exponential, Uniform,
Gamma distribution. Sampling Theory: Sampling distribution of
mean, and Sampling procedures. Regression and Correlation:
ANOVA. Statistical Inference: Estimation of parameters.
Hypothesis Testing: z-test, t-test and Goodness of fit.
For The Department of Chemical Engineering
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 121 (Differential Calculus and Coordinate
3.00 Credit Hours
Differential Calculus: Continuity and differentiability of
functions. Successive differentiation of various types of functions.
Leibnitz's theorem. Rolle's theorem and Mean value theorem.
Expansion of functions. Partial differentiation. Tangent and
normal in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Maximum and
minimum. Indeterminate forms.
Coordinate Geometry: Change of axes. Transformation of
coordinates, simplification of equation of curves. Conic section
Pair of straight lines. System of circles. Parabola, Ellipse and
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 123 (Integral Calculus and Differential Equations)
3.00 Credit Hours
Integral Calculus: Integration by the method of substitution.
Integration by the method of successive reduction. Definite
integrals with properties. Improper integrals. Beta function and
Gamma function. Area under plane curves in Cartesian and polar
coordinates. Area of the region enclosed by two curves in
Cartesian and polar coordinates. Area and volume of surface of
Ordinary Differential Equations: Solution of first order
differential equations by various methods. Solution of general
linear equations of second and higher order with constant
coefficients. Solution of homogeneous linear equations with
applications. Solution of differential equations of higher order
when dependent and independent variables are absent. Solution of
differential equations by the method based on factorization of
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 221 (Vector Analysis, Matrices and Laplace
4.00 Credit Hours
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors.
Addition and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by
scalars. Position vector of a point. Resolution of vectors. Scalar
and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical
interpretation. Triple product and multiple product. Application to
geometry and mechanics. Linear dependence and independence of
vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together with
elementary applications. Definition of line, surface and volume
integrals. Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various
formulae. Gauss's theorem, Stokes’ theorem, Green's theorem and
their applications.
Matrices: Definition of matrix. Different types of matrices.
Algebra of matrices. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix. Elementary
transformations of matrices and rank. Normal and canonical
forms. Solution of linear equations. Quadratic forms. Matrix
polynomials. Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Eigenvalues and
Laplace Transform: Definition. Laplace transforms of some
elementary functions. Sufficient conditions for existence of
Laplace transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms. Laplace
transforms of derivatives. The unit step function. Periodic
function. Some special theorem on Laplace transforms. Partial
fraction. Solution of differential equations by Laplace Trnaforms.
Solution of integral and difference equations by Laplace
transforms. Evaluation of improper integrals.
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 223 (Numerical Analysis and Statistics)
3.00 Credit Hours
Numerical Analysis: Interpolation. Simple difference. Newton's
formulae for forward and backward interpolation. Divided
differences. Tables of divided differences. Relation between
divided differences and simple differences. Newton's general
interpolation formula. Lagrange's interpolation formula. Inverse
interpolation by Lagrange's formula and by successive
approximations. Numerical differentiation using Newton's forward
and backward formulae. Numerical integration. General
quadrature formula for equidistant ordinates. Trapezoidal rule.
Simpson's rule. Weddle's rule. Calculation of errors. Relative
study of three rules. Gauss's quadrature formula. Legendre
polynomials. Newton-Cotes formula. Principles of least squares.
Curve fitting. Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations
by graphical method. Regula-Falsi method. Newton-Raphson
method. Geometrical significance. Convergence of iteration and
Newton-Raphson methods. Newton-Raphson method and iteration
method for the solution of simultaneous equations. Solution of
ordinary first order differential equations by Picard's and Euler's
method. Runge-Kutta method for solving differential equations.
Statistics: Frequency distribution. Mean, median, mode and other
measures of central tendency. Standard deviation and other
measures of dispersion. Moments, skewness and kurtosis.
Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability
distribution, e.g. Binomial, Poisson and Negative binomial
distribution. Continuous probability distributions, e.g. Normal and
Exponential distribution. Characteristics of distributions.
Hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Time series analysis.
Markov chain.
Level-3, Term-1
MATH 321 (Complex Variable, Bessel's Function and
Legendre polynomials)
3.00 Credit Hours
Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions
of complex variables. Limits and continuity of functions of
complex variables and related theorems. Complex differentiation
and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Mapping of elementary
functions. Line integral of complex functions. Cauchy's integral
theorem. Cauchy's integral formula. Liouville's theorem. Taylor's
and Laurent's theorem. Singular points. Residues and Cauchy's
residue theorem. Evaluation of residues. Contour integration.
Conformal mapping.
Level-3, Term-2
MATH 323 (Fourier Analysis, Harmonic Functions
and Partial Differential Equation)
3.00 Credit Hours
Fourier Analysis: Real and complex form of Fourier series.
Finite Fourier transform. Fourier Integral. Fourier transforms and
their uses in solving boundary value problems.
Harmonic Functions: Definition of harmonics. Laplace
equation in Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Solution of these equations together with applications.
Gravitational potential due to a ring. Steady-state temperature.
Potential inside or outside of a sphere. Properties of harmonic
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction. Solution of the
linear and nonlinear first order partial differential equations.
Standard forms. Linear equations of higher order. Equations of the
second order with variable coefficients.
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 139 (Differential Equations and Statistics)
3.00 Credit Hours
Ordinary Differential Equations: Formation of differential
equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solution of differential equations of first order but higher
degree. Solution of general linear differential equations of second
and higher order with constant coefficients. Solution of Euler’s
homogeneous linear differential equations.
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction. Linear and
nonlinear first order differential equations. Standard forms. Linear
equations of higher order. Equations of the second order with
variable coefficients.
Statistics: Measures of central tendency and standard deviation.
Moments, skewness and kurtosis. Elementary probability theory
and discontinuous probability distribution. Continuous probability
distributions, e.g. normal and exponential. Hypothesis testing and
regression analysis.
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 237 (Laplace Transform and Vector Analysis)
3.00 Credit Hours
Laplace Transforms: Definition of Laplace transforms.
Sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms. Inverse
Laplace transforms. Laplace transforms of derivatives. The unit
step function. Periodic function. Some special theorems on
Laplace transforms. Partial fraction. Solution of differential
equations by Laplace transforms.
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors.
Addition and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by
scalars. Position vector of a point. Scalar and vector product of
two vectors and their geometrical interpretation. Triple and
multiple product of vectors. Linear dependence and independence
of vectors. Definition of line, surface and volume integrals.
Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Gauss’s theorem,
Stokes’ theorem, Green’s theorem and their applications.
For The Department of Water Resources Engineering
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 131 (Differential Calculus and Integral
3.00 Credit Hours
Differential Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability.
Derivatives of standard functions. Leibnitz's theorem. Rolle's
theorem and Meanvalue theorem. Expansion in finite and infinite
forms. Indeterminate forms. Partial differentiation. Euler's
theorem. Tangent and Normal. Subtangent and subnormal in
Cartesian and polar coordinates. Maximum and minimum of
functions of single variable. Curvature.
Integral Calculus: Integration by parts. Standard integrals.
Integration by the method of successive reduction. Definite
integrals. Improper integrals. Beta function. Gamma function.
Jacobian. Multiple integrals. Area and volume of solids of
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 133 (Matrices and Three dimensional
Coordinate Geometry)
3.00 Credit Hours
Matrices: Definition of matrix. Algebra of matrices.
Multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix and inverse of a
matrix. Rank and elementary transformations of matrices. Solution
of linear equations. Linear dependence and independence of
vectors. Quadratic forms. Matrix polynomials. Determination of
characteristic roots and vectors. Null space and nullity of a matrix.
Characteristic subspace of a matrix.
Three Dimensional Coordinate Geometry: System of
coordinates. Projection. Direction cosines. Equations of planes and
lines. Angle between lines and planes. Distance from a point to a
plane. Coplanar lines. Shortest distance between two straight lines.
Standard equation of conicoids: Sphere, ellipsoid, hyperboloid of
one sheet, hyperboloid of two sheets. Tangent planes. Normal
lines. Condition of tangency.
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 231 (Differential Equations)
3.00 Credit Hours
Differential Equations: Definition. Formation of differential
equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solution of differential equations of first order and
higher degree. Solution of general linear equations of second and
higher order with constant coefficients. Solution of Euler's
homogeneous linear equations. Solution of differential equations
in series by the method of Frobenius. Bessel's functions, Legendre
polynomials and their properties.
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction. Solutions of
linear and nonlinear differential equations of first order. Standard
forms. Linear equations of higher order. Equations of the second
order with variable coefficients.
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 233 (Fourier Analysis, Harmonic Functions
and Laplace Transform)
3.00 Credit Hours
Fourier Analysis: Real and complex form of Fourier series.
Finite Fourier transform. Fourier integrals. Fourier transforms and
their uses in solving boundary value problems.
Harmonic functions: Definition of harmonics. Laplace’s
equation in Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Solution of these equations together with applications.
Gravitational potential due to a ring. Steady-state temperature.
Potential inside or outside of a sphere. Properties of harmonic
Laplace Transforms: Definition. Laplace transforms of some
elementary functions. Sufficient conditions for existence of
Laplace transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms. Laplace
transforms of derivatives. The unit step function. Periodic
functions. Some special theorems on Laplace transforms. Partial
fraction. Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms.
Evaluation of improper integrals.
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 235 (Vector Analysis and Statistics)
3.00 Credit Hours
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors.
Addition and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by
scalars. Position vector of a point. Resolution of vectors. Scalar
and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical
interpretation. Triple product and multiple product. Application to
geometry and mechanics. Linear dependence and independence of
vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together with
elementary applications. Definition of line, surface and volume
integrals. Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various
formulae: Gauss's theorem, Stokes’ theorem, Green's theorem and
their applications.
Statistics: Frequency distribution. Mean, median, mode and other
measures of central tendency. Standard deviation and other
measures of dispersion. Moments, skewness and kurtosis.
Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability
distribution, e.g. binomial, Poisson and negative binomial.
Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential.
Characteristics of distributions. Elementary sampling theory.
Estimation. Hypothesis testing and regression analysis.
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 145 (Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus
and Co-ordinate Geometry)
3.00 Credit Hours
Differential Calculus. Continuity and differentiability. Leibnitz’s
Theorem. Rolle’s Theorem. Mean value Theorem in finite and
infinite forms. Lagrange’s form of remainders. Cauchy's form of
remainder. Expansion of functions. Evaluation of indeterminate
forms by L’Hospitals rule. Partial differentiation. Euler's Theorem.
Tangent and Normal. Subtangent and subnormal in Cartesian and
polar coordinates. Maximum and minimum values of functions of
single variable. (1.0 credit)
Integral Calculus: Definite integrals and its properties. Walli’s
formula. Improper integrals. Beta function and Gamma function.
Area under a plane curve in cartesian and polar coordinates. Area
of the region enclosed by two curves in Cartesian and polar
coordinates. Arc lengths of curves in Cartesian and polar
coordinates. Volume of solids of revolution. Area of' surface of
revolution. Multiple integrals. (1.0 credit)
Coordinate Geometry: Transformation of coordinates axes and
its uses. General equations of second degree and their reduction to
standard forms. Pair of straight lines. System of circles. Coaxial
circles and limiting points. Equations of parabola, ellipse and
hyperbola in Cartesian coordinates. Tangents and normals. Pair of
tangents. Chord of contact. Chord in terms of its middle point.
Parametric coordinates. Conjugate diameters. Asymptotes. (1.0
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 147 (Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE),
Partial Differential Equations (PDE) & Vector
4.00 Credit Hours
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE): Degree and order of
ordinary differential equation. Formation of differential equations.
Solution of first order differential equations by various methods.
Solution of first order but higher degree ordinary differential
equations. Solution of general linear equations of second and
higher orders with constant coefficients; Solution of homogeneous
linear equations and its applications. Solution of differential
equations of higher order when dependent and independent
variables are absent. (1.5 credit)
Partial Differential Equations (PDE): Introduction; Solution of
linear and non-linear PDE of order one. Second order linear PDE:
its nomenclature and classifications to standard forms: Parabolic
Elliptic and Hyperbolic. Solution of second order linear PDE by
separation of variables. Higher order linear PDE with constant
coefficients. (1.0 credit)
Vector Calculus: Multiple products of vectors. Differentiation
and integration of vectors together with elementary applications.
Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various
formulae. Definition of line, surface and volume integrals. Green’s
theorem. Gauss’s theorem. Stoke’s theorem. (1.5 credit)
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 245 (Complex Variable and Statistics)
3.00 Credit Hours
Complex Variable: Functions of a complex variable. Limits and
continuity of functions of complex variable. Complex
differentiation and Cauchy-Riemann Equations. Mapping by
elementary functions. Line integral of a complex function.
Cauchy's Integral Theorem. Cauchy's Integral Formula. Liouville’s
Theorem. Taylor's Theorem and Laurent's theorem. Singular
points. Residue. Cauchy's Residue Theorem. Contour integration.
Mapping. (1.5 Credit)
Statistics: Frequency distribution; Measures of central tendency.
Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion. Moments,
Skewness and kurtosis. Elementary probability theory. Random
variable, Mathematical expection. Discontinuous probability
distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Negative binomial.
Continuous probability distribution: Normal and Exponential.
Hypothesis testing and regression analysis. (1.5 Credit)
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 247 (Linear Algebra, Laplace Transform &
Fourier Analysis)
3.00 Credit Hours
Linear Algebra: Introduction to systems of linear equations.
Gaussian elimination. Inverse of matrix. Eigen values and eigen
vectors. Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Euclidean n-space. Linear
transformations from IRn to IRm. Properties of linear
transformations from IRn to IRm. Real vector spaces and
subspaces. Basis and Dimension, Change of basis, Rank and
Nullity. Inner product spaces. Diagonalization. Linear
transformations: Kernel and Range.
(1.5 credit)
Laplace Transform & Fourier Analysis: Laplace transforms of
some elementary functions including unit step function; Periodic
function etc. Inverse Laplace transforms. Solutions of differential
equations by Laplace transforms.
Fourier series: Fourier Integrals. Fourier transforms and their
uses in solving boundary value problems of wave equations. (1.5
Integral Calculus: Integration by the method of substitution.
Standard integrals. Integration by successive reduction. Definite
integrals, its properties and use in summing series. Walli's
formulae. Improper integrals. Beta function and Gamma function.
Area under plane curves and area of a region enclosed by two
curves in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Volume and surface
area of solids of revolution.
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 159 (Calculus-II)
3.00 Credit Hours
Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions
of a complex variable. Limits and continuity of functions of
complex variables and related theorems. Complex differentiation
and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Infinite series. Convergence
and uniform convergence. Line integral of complex functions.
Cauchy's integral formula. Liouville's theorem. Taylor's and
Laurent's theorem. Singular points. Residue, Cauchy's residue
Vector Analysis: Multiple product of vectors. Linear
dependence and independence of vectors. Differentiation and
integration of vectors together with elementary applications. Line,
surface and volume integrals. Gradient of a scalar function.
divergence and curl of a vector function. Various formulae.
Integral forms of gradient, divergence and curl. Gauss's divergence
theorem, Stokes’ theorem and Green's theorem.
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 257 (Ordinary and Partial Differential
3.00 Credit Hours
Ordinary Differential Equations: Degree and order of
ordinary differential equations. Formation of differential
equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher
order with constant coefficients. Solution of homogeneous linear
equations. Solution of differential equations of the higher order
when dependent and independent variables are absent. Solution of
differential equations by the method based on factorization of
operators. Frobenius method.
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction. Solutions of
linear and nonlinear partial differential equations of first order.
Linear equations of higher order. Equations of the second order
with variable coefficients. Wave equations. Particular solutions
with boundary and initial conditions.
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 259 (Linear Algebra)
3.00 Credit Hours
Introduction to systems of linear equations. Gaussian elimination.
Definition of matrices. Algebra of matrices. Transpose of a matrix
and inverse of a matrix. Factorization. Determinants. Quadratic
forms. Matrix polynomials. Euclidean n-space. Linear
transformations from IRn to IRm. Properties of' linear
transformations from IRn to IRm. Real vector spaces and
subspaces. Basis and Dimension. Rank and Nullity. Inner product
spaces: Gram-Schmidt process and QR-Decomposition.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Diagonalization. Linear
transformations: Kernel and Range. Application of linear algebra
to electric networks.
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 357 (Probability and Statistics)
3.00 Credit Hours
Introduction. Sets and probability. Random variables. Properties
describing distributions. Treatment of grouped sample data. Some
discrete probability distributions. Normal distribution. Sampling
theory. Estimation theory. Tests of hypotheses. Regression and
correlation. Analysis of variance.
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 161(Differential Calculus, Three Dimensional
Co-ordinate Geometry and Vectors)
4.00 Credit Hours
Differential Calculus: Differentiation of explicit and implicit
functions and parametric equations. Successive differentiation of
various types of functions. Leibnitz's theorem. Rolle's theorem,
Meanvalue theorem. Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms.
Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form
of remainder. Cauchy's form of remainder. Expansion of functions.
Partial differentiation, Euler's theorem. Tangent and Normal.
Subtangent and subnormal in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
Determination of maximum and minimum values of functions.
Points of inflexion. Applications. Evaluation of indeterminate
forms by L' Hospital's rule. Curvature, radius of curvature, center
of curvature and chord of curvature. Evolute and involute.
Asymptotes. Envelopes, curve tracing.
Three Dimensional Coordinate Geometry: System of
coordinates. Distance between two points. Section formula.
Projections. Direction Cosines. Equations of planes and lines.
Vectors: Definition of vectors, equality of vectors. Addition and
multiplication of vectors. Triple product and multiple product.
Application to geometry and mechanics. Linear dependence and
independence of vectors.
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 163 (Integral Calculus and Differential Equations)
4.00 Credit Hours
Integral Calculus: Definition. Integration by the method of
substitution. Integration by parts. Standard integrals. Integration
by the method of successive reduction. Definite integrals, its
properties and use in summing series. Walli's formula. Improper
integrals. Beta function and gamma function. Area under plane
curves in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Area of the region
enclosed by two curves in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
Trapezoid rule, Simpson's rule. Arc lengths of curves in Cartesian
and polar coordinates. Parametric and pedal equations. Intrinsic
equation. Volume of solids of revolution. Volume of hollow solids
of revolution by shell method. Area of surface of revolution.
Convergence and divergence of infinite series.
Ordinary Differential Equations: Formation of differential
equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher
order with constant coefficients. Solution of homogeneous linear
equations with applications. Solution of differential equations of
higher order when dependent and independent variables are
absent. Solution of differential equations by the method based on
factorization of operators.
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 261 (Matrices, Vector Calculus, Series
Solution, Laplace Transforms)
4.00 Credit Hours
Matrices: Types of matrices and algebraic properties. Rank and
elementary transformations of matrices. Solution of linear
equations using matrix. Linear dependence and independence of
vectors. Quadratic forms. Matrix polynomials. Determination of
characteristic roots and vectors.
Vector Calculus: Differentiation and integration of vectors
together with elementary applications. Line, surface and volume
integrals. Gradient of scalar functions. Divergence and curl of
vector functions. Physical significance of gradient, divergence and
curl. Stokes' theorem, Green's theorem, Gauss's theorem and their
Series Solution: Solution of differential equations in series by
the method of Frobenius. Besesl's functions, Legendre's
polynomials and their properties.
Laplace Transforms: Definition of Laplace transforms.
Elementary transformation and properties. Convolution theorem.
Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms.
Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms.
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 263 (Complex Variable, Fourier series, Harmonic
Functions and Partial Differential Equations)
4.00 Credit Hours
Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions
of complex variables. Limits and continuity of functions of
complex variables and related theorems. Complex differentiation
and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Mapping by elementary
functions. Line integral of complex functions. Cauchy's integral
theorem. Cauchy's integral formula. Liouville's theorem. Taylor's
and Laurent's theorem. Singular points. Residues and Cauchy's
residue theorem. Evaluation of residues. Contour integration.
Conformal mapping.
Fourier Series: Real and complex form of Fourier series. Finite
Fourier transform. Fourier integrals. Fourier transforms and their
uses in solving boundary value problems.
Harmonic Functions: Definition of harmonics. Laplace’s
equation in Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Solution of these equations together with applications.
Gravitational potential due to a ring. Steady-state temperature.
Potential inside or outside of a sphere. Properties of harmonic
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction. Solutions of
linear and nonlinear differential equations of first order. Linear
equations of higher order. Equations of the second order with
variable coefficients.
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 171 (Calculus and Differential Equation)
3.00 Credit Hours
Differential Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability of
functions. Successive differentiation, Leibnitz's theorem. Partial
differentiation, Euler's theorem. Tangent and normal. Maximum
and minimum.
Integral Calculus: Integration by the method of substitution.
Standard integrals. Integration by parts. Definite integrals and their
properties. Area under plane curves in Cartesian and polar
coordinates. Surface area and volumes of solids of revolution.
Ordinary Differential Equations: Definition. Formation of
differential equations. Solution of first order differential equations
by various methods. Solution of differential equations of first
order and higher degree. Solution of general linear equations of
second and higher order with constant coefficients. Solution of
Eluler's homogeneous linear equations.
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 173 (Vector Analysis and Matrices)
3.00 Credit Hours
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors.
Addition and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by
scalars. Position vector of a point. Resolution of vectors. Scalar
and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical
interpretation. Triple product and multiple product. Application to
geometry and mechanics. Linear dependence and independence of
vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together with
elementary applications. Definition of line, surface and volume
integrals. Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various
formulae. Gauss's theorem, Stokes' theorem, Green's theorem and
their applications.
Matrices: Definition of matrix. Different types of matrices.
Algebra of matrices. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix. Rank and
elementary transformations of matrices. Normal and canonical
forms. Solution of linear equations. Quadratic forms. Matrix
polynomials. Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Different types of
eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors.
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 271 (Numerical Analysis, Statistics and
Partial Differential Equations)
4.00 Credit Hours
Numerical Analysis: Interpolation: Simple difference. Newton's
formulae for forward and backward interpolations. Divided
differences. Relation between divided differences and simple
differences. Newton's general interpolation formula. Legrange's
interpolation formula. Inverse interpolation by Lagrange's formula
and by successive approximations. Numerical differentiation of
Newton's forward and backward formulae. Numerical integration.
General quadrature formula for equidistant ordinates. Trapezoidal
rule. Simpson's rule. Weddle's rule. Calculation of errors. Relative
study of three rules. Gauss's quadrature formula. Legendre
polynomials. Newton-Cotes formula. Principles of least squares.
Curve fitting. Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations
by graphical method. Regula-Falsi method. Newton-Raphson
method, geometrical significance. Iteration method. Convergence
of iteration and Newton-Raphson methods. Newton-Raphson
method and iteration method for the solution of simultaneous
equations. Solution of ordinary first order differential equations by
Picard's and Euler's method. Runge-Kutta method for solving
differential equations.
Statistics: Frequency distribution. Mean, median, mode and other
measures of central tendency. Standard deviation and other
measures of dispersion. Moments, skewness and kurtosis.
Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability
distribution, e.g. binomial, Poisson and negative binomial
distribution. Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and
exponential distribution. Characteristics of distributions.
Elementary sampling theory. Estimation. Hypothesis testing and
regression analysis.
Level-1, Term-1
MATH 181 (Differential Calculus and Integral
3.00 Credit Hours
Differential Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability.
Differentiation of explicit and implicit functions and parametric
equations. Differentials. Successive differentiation of various
types of functions, Leibnitz's theorem. Rolle's theorem, Meanvalue
theorem, Taylor's theorem, Maclaurin's theorem, Lagrange's form
of remainder, Cauchy's form of remainder. Expansion of functions
by differentiation and integration. Evaluation of indeterminate
forms by L'Hospital's rule. Equations of tangent and normal.
Partial differentiation. Euler's theorem. Maximum and minimum
values of functions of single variable. Curvature, circle of
curvature. Asymptotes.
Integral Calculus: Integration by parts. Standard integrals.
Integration by the method of successive reduction. Definite
integrals with properties. Improper integrals. Beta function and
Gamma function. Area, arc lengths of curves in Cartesian and
polar coordinates. Volumes of solids of revolution. Area of surface
of revolution.
Level-1, Term-2
MATH 183 (Coordinate Geometry, Ordinary
Differential Equations)
3.00 Credit Hours
Coordinate Geometry: Change of axes, transformation of
coordinates. Pair of straight lines. System of circles. Coaxial
circles and limiting points. Equations of parabola, ellipse and
hyperbola in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Tangents and
normals. Pair of tangents. Chord of contact. Chord in terms of its
middle points. Parametric coordinates. Diameters, conjugate
diameters and their properties.
Ordinary Differential Equations: Degree and order of
ordinary differential equations. Formation of differential
equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher
order with constant coefficients. Solution of homogeneous linear
equations with applications. Solution of differential equations of
higher order when dependent and independent variables are
Level-2, Term-1
MATH 281 (Differential Equation (special types) and
Vector Analysis)
3.00 Credit Hours
Differential Equations: Solution of homogeneous differential
equations. Solution of differential equations by the method based
on factorization of operators. Solution of differential equations in
series by the method of Frobenius. Bessel's functions. Legendre's
polynomials and their properties.
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors.
Addition and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by
scalars. Position vector of a point. Resolution of vectors. Scalar
and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical
interpretation. Triple product and multiple product of vectors.
Application to geometry and mechanics. Linear dependence and
independence of vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors
together with elementary applications. Definition of line, surface
and volume integrals. Gradient, divergence and curl of point
functions. Various formulae. Gauss's theorem. Stokes' theorem,
Green's theorem and their applications.
Level-2, Term-2
MATH 283 (Partial Differential Equations, Matrices
and Statistics)
3.00 Credit Hours
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction. Solutions of
linear and nonlinear partial differential equations of first order.
Linear equations of higher order. Equations of the second order
with variable coefficients.
Matrices: Definition of matrix. Different types of matrices.
Algebra of matrices. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix. Rank and
elementary transformations of matrices. Normal and canonical
forms. Solution of linear equations. Quadratic forms. Matrix
polynomials. Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Eigenvalues and
Statistics: Frequency distribution. Mean, median, mode and other
measures of central tendency. Standard deviation and other
measures of dispersion. Moments, skewness and kurtosis.
Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability
distribution, e.g. binomial, Poisson and negative binomial
distribution. Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and
exponential distribution. Characteristics of distributions.
Elementary sampling theory. Estimation. Hypothesis testing and
regression analysis.
Level - 3, Term - 2
MATH 381 (Fourier Analysis, Harmonic Function,
Complex Variable and Laplace Transform)
4.00 Credit Hours
Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions
of a complex variable. Limits and continuity of a function of
complex variable and related theorems. Complex differentiation
and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Mapping by elementary
functions. Line integral of a complex function. Cauchy integral
theorem. Cauchy's integral formula. Liouville's theorem. Taylor's
and Laurent's theorem. Singular points. Residues and Cauchy's
residue theorem. Evaluation of residues. Contour integration.
Conformal mapping.
Fourier Analysis: Real and complex form of Fourier series.
Finite Fourier transform. Fourier Integrals, Fourier transforms and
their uses in solving boundary value problems.
Harmonic Functions: Definition of harmonics. Laplace's
equation in Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Solution of these equations together with applications.
Gravitational potential due to a ring. Steady-state temperature.
Potential inside or outside of a sphere. Properties of harmonic
Laplace Transforms: Definition of Laplace transforms.
Elementary transformation and properties. Convolution theorem.
Solution of differential equation by Laplace transforms.
Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms.
For The Department of Industrial And
Production Engineering
Level - 1, Term - 1
MATH 191 (Differential Calculus and Integral
4.00 Credit Hours
Differential Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability.
Differentiation of explicit and implicit functions and parametric
equations. Differentials. Successive differentiation of various
types of functions, Leibnitz's theorem. Rolle's theorem and
Meanvalue theorem, Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms.
Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form
of remainder, Cauchy's form of remainder. Expansion of functions
by differentiation and integration. Evaluation of indeterminate
forms by L' Hospital's rule. Tangent and normal, subtangent and
subnormal in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Partial
differentiation, Euler's theorem. Maximum and minimum for
functions, points of inflection, applications. Curvature, circle of
curvature and involute. Asymptotes. Envelopes. Curve tracing.
Integral Calculus: Integration by parts. Standard integrals.
Integration by the method of successive reduction. Definite
integrals with properties. Improper integrals. Beta function and
Gamma function. Area, arc lengths of curves in Cartesian and
polar coordinates. Volumes of solids of revolution. Area of surface
of revolution.
Level - 1, Term - 2
MATH 193 (Vector, Matrix and Coordinate Geometry)
4.00 Credit Hours
Vectors: Definition of vectors, equality of vectors. Addition,
subtraction and multiplication of vectors. Scalar and vector
product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation. Triple
product, multiple product and their application to geometry and
mechanics. Linear dependence and independence of vectors.
Matrices: Definition of matrix. Different types of matrices.
Algebra of matrices. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix. Rank and
elementary transformations of matrices. Normal and canonical
forms. Solution of linear equations. Quadratic forms. Matrix
polynomials. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Coordinate Geometry: Transformation of coordinates and
identification of conics. Three dimensional coordinate system.
Projection. Direction cosines. Equations of planes and lines. Angle
between lines and planes. Distance from a point to a plane.
Coplanar lines. Shortest distance between two straight lines.
Standard equations of sphere, ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one sheet,
hyperboloid of two sheets. Tangent planes, normal lines.
Condition of tangency.
Level - 2, Term - 1
MATH 291 (Differential Equations, Vector Calculus
and Laplace transform)
3.00 Credit Hours
Ordinary Differential Equations: Formation of differential
equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher
order with constant coefficients. Solution of homogeneous linear
equations with applications. Solution of differential equations of
higher order when dependent and independent variables are
absent. Solution in series by Frobenius method. Bessel's function.
Legendre's polynomials and their properties.
Vector Calculus: Differentiation and integration of vectors
together with elementary applications. Line, surface and volume
integrals. Gradient of a scalar function. Divergence and curl of
vector functions. Physical significance of gradient, divergence and
curl. Gauss's theorem, Stokes' theorem, Green's theorem and their
Laplace Transforms: Definition of Laplace transforms.
Elementary transformation and properties. Convolution theorem.
Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms.
Evaluation of improper integrals by Laplace transforms.
Reference Books
1. Calculus by Howard Anton, Irl Bivens and Stephen Davis.
2. Calculus with Analytic Geometry by Earl William
3. Integral Calculus with Applications by A. K. Hazra.
4. Schaum’s Outline of Calculus by Frank Ayres and Elliott
5. Differential and Integral Calculus by B. C. Das and B. N.
6. Differential Calculus by P. N. Chatterjee.
7. A Text Book on Differential Calculus by Khosh
Mohammad and P. K. Bhattacharjee.
8. Precalculus by Michael Sullivan.
Coordinate Geometry
1. The elements of coordinate geometry by S. L. Loney.
2. Two Dimensional Coordinate Geometry by Mohammad
3. Elements of Coordinate Geometry by Kazi Md.
4. Solid Geometry: Analytical Geometry of Three
Dimensions by Qazi Zameeruddin and Vijay K. Khanna.
5. A Text Book on Coordinate Geometry by Rahman &
6. An Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry of Three
Dimensions by Robert J. T. Bell.
7. Coordinate Geometry by Zameeruddin.
8. Solid Geometry by M.L. Khanna.
9. Simplified Course in Coordinate Geometry by
Raisinghania M.D., Saxena H.C., Dass H.K.
10. Coordinate Geometry (2-D and 3-D) by G. C. Sharma.
Differential Equations
1. Differential Equations with Applications by M. M. K.
2. Differential Equations by Shepley L. Ross.
3. Schaum’s Outline of Differential Equations by Richard
Bronson and Gabriel Costa.
4. A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling
Applications by Dennis G. Zill.
5. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and
Boundary Value Problems by Rene Dennemeyer.
6. Elements of Partial Differential Equations by Ian Naismith
7. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil.
8. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dean G. Duffy.
9. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by M. D.
Linear Algebra
1. Linear Algebra and Its Applications by Gilbert Strang.
2. Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version by
Howard Anton and Chris Rorres.
3. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Linear
Algebra by Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson.
4. Matrices and Linear Transformations by Mohammad Iman
5. Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications by Bernard
6. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Matrices by
Frank Ayres, Jr.
Vector Analysis
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil.
2. Vector Analysis with Applications by Md. Ali Ashraf and
Md. Abdul Khaleq Hazra.
3. Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version by
Howard Anton and Chris Rorres.
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig,
Herbert Kreyszig and Edward J. Norminton.
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dean G. Duffy.
6. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Vector
Analysis by Murray R. Spiegel.
7. Vector Analysis by M. D. Raisinghania.
Complex Variables
1. Complex Variables and Applications by James Ward
Brown and Ruel V. Churchill.
2. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Complex
Variables by Murray R. Spiegel.
3. Complex Variables: Harmonic and Analytic Functions by
Francis J. Flangian.
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil.
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dean G. Duffy.
Harmonic Functions
1. Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists by
Louis Albert Pipes and Laurence R. Harvill.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig,
Herbert Kreyszig and Edward J. Norminton.
4. Harmonic Function Theory by Sheldon Axler, Paul
Bourdon and Ramey Wade.
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dean G. Duffy.
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by H. K. Dass.
Laplace Transforms
1. Schaum’s Outline of Laplace Transforms by Murray R.
2. Operational Mathematics by Ruel Vance Churchill.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil.
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig,
Herbert Kreyszig and Edward J. Norminton.
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Alan Jeffrey.
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by H. K. Dass.
Fourier Series
1. Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems by Ruel V.
Churchill and James Ward Brown.
2. Schaum’s Outline of Fourier Analysis with Applications to
Boundary Value Problems by Murray R. Spiegel.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O’Neil.
4. Fourier Series by Ian Naismith Sneddon.
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Alan Jeffrey.
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dean G. Duffy.
Numerical Analysis
1. Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and
Engineering by John H. Mathews.
2. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Kendall E.
3. Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas
4. Numerical Methods for Engineers by Steven C. Chapra and
Raymond P. Canale.
5. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis by S. S.
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Alan Jeffrey.
1. An Introduction to Statistics and Probability by M. Nurul
2. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by
Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers
and Keying Ye.
3. Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Irwin Miller and
John E. Freund.
4. Probability and Statistics with Applications by Y. Leon
5. Elements of Probability and Statistics by Frank Louis Wolf.