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Analysis of SPM Trial Papers 2018

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Write a story abt a The Living Photograph:
teacher who had 1. In stanza 1, what does the word ‘there’
Describe an
to deal with refer to?
Describe the time important event
Write about difficult students 2. The persona and her grandmother are of
Ask not what the when you were that has taught
someone who had Discuss the in his class and different races. Which line shows the
country can do for away from home. you to be a
Article – Earth a great impact on influence of social how he managed difference?
KELANTAN you but what you Write about the determined
Day your life. Describe media among to solve the 3. In Stanza 2, why did the persona’s
can do for your reasons for going person. Explain
how he / she has teenagers problem. End your grandmother become small?
country away and how your answer with
changed you story withL’…He 4. Suggest what you can do to foster a
you felt about it. close reference to
smiled proudly good relationship with your family
the text.
looking at his members.
students.’ Action: Reason:
Charge of the Light Brigade:
1. In Stanza 1, which word means ‘a group
‘One must stand
of soldiers’?
Write an article to Write a story ‘Don’t judge a up for what is
2. In Stanza 2,
the local If you are granted about a boy who book by its cover.’ right’
i) Which word can be used to describe
newspaper on Describe how three wishes, Dieting is the best lost someone he Write your With close
the feeling of discouragement?
common Teacher’s Day is what would the way to lose weight both loved and experience where reference to the
PERLIS ii) Why did the soldiers not rebel
problems faced by celebrated in your three wishes be? effectively. Do you hated. End your you were wrong in novel you have
against the order given to them?
the elderly and school Explain your agree? story with:…I judging the studied, describe
3. Based on Stanza 3, if you were the
tips to care for choices knew he had gone person by his or events that
commander of the Light Brigade, what
them. forever.’ her appearance. support the above
would you do in that situation? Give a
reason for your answer.
Action: Reason:
Write a will get you
Write a story in
letter to him/her to through anything”.
which someone
encourage Write a story The Living Photograph
made an
him/her to go If you were given about a boy who 1. From stanza 1, which line shows that Write about one
important decision Keeping a clean Describe your
camping. Share the chance to got lucky one day. the grandmother is a pleasant person? character who has
in life. In your environment is favourite form of
with your friend spend a day with End your story 2. From stanza 2, list two things of what such
T’GANU story, give important. What social media.
the benefits of a famous person, with: “If it were not the persona remembers of her determination in
the details of the can you do as a Explain your
joining a camping who would that for the incident, grandmother. the novel you
decision and teenager? choice.
and the person be? his life would have 3. How can we treasure our memories have read.
explain why the
challenges he/she been the same.” with our loved ones? Give two ways Support your
decision was
may face during answer with close
the camping. reference to the

Prepared by Nurlina Oon bt Abdullah (SISC+ PPD Petaling Perdana Page 1

Based on the
In conjunction with Write a story Charge of the Light Brigade
novel that you
Science and Learning self- about an athlete 1. In Stanza 1, what does the phrase
Describe If you were to be have studied,
technology Week defence skills who had to ‘Valley of Death’ refer to?
your somebody else for which character
organised by your should be made overcome 2. I) In Stanza 2, why did the soldiers
experience What are some of a day, who would do you think
school, you have been compulsory in challenges to continue fighting a losing battle?
MRSM helping a the ways to save you be? Describe deserves our
asked to write an school. Do you prove himself. ii) What happened to the soldiers in
friend who water at home? the day and sympathy? Briefly
article for the school agree? Give End your story Stanza 3?
was a bully explain your describe the
bulletin on how reasons to with: ..it was the 3. Do you think war is necessary? State a
victim choice. character and
technology affects our support your view happiest time of reason.
give reasons for
lives his life.’
your choice.
Your Write a story
Your family is planning Charge of the Light Brigade
birthday is Write a story about a teenager
to go for a holiday at Co-curricular 1. Which word in Stanza 1 means ‘attack’? Based on the
approaching where your action whose hard work Describe your first
the end of the year. activities help to 2. Which line in Stanza 3 shows the novel that you
and your helped to save and determination experience with
Your brother / sister instil leadership bravery of the soldiers? have studied,
parents someone’s life. In had paid off. End online shopping.
PULAU has asked you to qualities in 3. Why do you think the soldiers have no write about one of
intend to your story, give your story with: You should write
PINANG choose either to stay in students. Do you way to escape death? the characters
give you a details of the ‘… he jumped about what you
a hotel or a homestay. agree? Give 4. What would you have done if you were who has faced a
birthday incident and state with joy as all his bought and your
Write a letter to your reasons to one of the soldiers in The Light challenge and
present. the lessons that hard work and feelings
brother / sister stating support your view Brigade? overcome it
What you you have learned. determination had
your choice Action Reason
like to have? paid off.’
Write a story
Your cousin recently The Living Photograph
about the “When you think
had fainted during the If you had a Write about the 1. In stanza 1, which phrase describes
experiences of a positive, good
school assembly due chance to Students should most frightening the grandmother’s hair?
city boy who had ‘A friend in need things happen”
to poor health and choose your be allowed to experience you 2. In stanza 2, why do you think the “tall
to transfer to a is a friend indeed’ With close
overall own perfect wear casual have ever had. grandmother became small”?
village Write about a reference to the
body weakness. You life partner, clothes to school Describe the 3. the crinkled smile is still living,
after his father’s situation when a text, describe an
PAHANG are worried about how would as a preparation event in detail and breathing.
business went person faced a incident that
(Cluster 3) him/her who is going to he/she be? for why it was so From this line in stanza 3, what can
bankrupt. difficulty and help brings a change in
sit for the SPM Explain why the real world. frightening to you. you say about the relationship between
In your story give came from a very a character. Give
examination you would Do you agree? Begin your story the grandmother and persona?
details about his unexpected reasons why the
later this year, Write a want him / Give reasons to with: “That night I 4. Appreciating the elders is lacking
new experiences friend. change is
letter to your cousin on her to be that support your view. had an uneasy among teenagers nowadays.
and what were his important to the
how to stay fit and way. feeling… “ How can you promote this value among
feelings character.
healthy. teenagers? Suggest 2 ways.
facing them

Prepared by Nurlina Oon bt Abdullah (SISC+ PPD Petaling Perdana Page 2

Your school has Charge of The Light Brigade
In conjunction with the 1. In stanza 1, which phrase reflects
Write a story carried out many
National Kindness distance?
Describe about someone programmes for With close
Week, write an article The Internet is a 2. Which word means ‘made a mistake’?
your you know who the students. reference to the
for your school teenager’s good Describe what 3. ‘Theirs not to make reply
favourite has broken a Write about your text, describe how
SELANGOR newsletter on ‘How to friend. you see at your Theirs not to reason why’
month of the promise. experience an incident in this
SET A become a better Do you agree? school canteen Why do you think the soldiers could not
year. Give In your story, give participating in story has
person’. Use the Give reasons to during recess
reasons why details of the one of them and make a reply? influenced the
information in the support your view.
it is so promise and why explain how you 4. In your opinion, is war the answer to main character
poster to write your
it was broken. felt solve conflicts? Give two reasons.
about it.
Charge of The Light Brigade
1. In stanza 1, what were the soldiers Teenagers face
You have visited the ordered to do? many challenges
We make
public library in your 2. In Stanza 1, whom does ‘he’ refer to? while growing
“The An invention you decisions all the
area recently and are 3. ‘Theirs not to make reply up.’
happiest day can never live Students time. ‘Honesty is the
disappointed with the
in my life.” without. nowadays face Write a story to best policy.” Theirs not to reason why
SELANGOR condition of the place. With close
Describe the Write about the peer pressure. show how a Write a story to Theirs but to do and die’
SET B Write a letter of reference to the
day in detail invention and What do you decision made show that this was
complaint to the Head text you have
and explain explain why it is think? has changed a true. What is the characteristic of the Light
of the Library based on read, write about
why. important to you. person’s life to be Brigade reflected here ?
the notes you have the challenges
better 4. One of the consequences of war is the
made. faced by the main
loss of lives. State two others.
Based on the
You heard that your Charge of The Light Brigade
Write a story novel that you
cousin has started
about an 1. In stanza 1, who is speaking to the have studied,
smoking. You are soldiers?
experience write about a
concerned and want to 2. Quote one line in stanza 2 that tells us
among siblings “Many hands theme of bravery
advise him to stop this the soldiers obeyed the order without
Describe If you could make which taught them make light work” and how the
habit before it is too Does school questions.
what makes one wish, what to appreciate life Describe an theme has helped
PERAK late. Write a letter to prepare us for 3. What happened to the soldiers in
you sad and would it be and more. experience when you to become a
your cousin to advise life? Discuss. stanza 3?
explain why. why? Begin your story this was true for better person..
him to stop smoking 4. Suggest two ways to protect your
with “Sally’s heart you. Support your
and to tell him about country.
was heavy as she answer with close
the negative effects of
sat at the bus reference to the
smoking and how he
stop….” text.
can stop smoking.

Prepared by Nurlina Oon bt Abdullah (SISC+ PPD Petaling Perdana Page 3

The Living Photograph
Your cousin has received Write a story 1. From Stanza 1, describe what
his/her SPM results. He when you were grandmother was wearing? “ Friends are people
/ She is asking for an praised for Teenagers 2. What is the colour of the
During an outing who always support
opinion whether to If you could something that should save grandmother’s hair?
“Playing video with your family, us”
further studies or to look choose to be you did not do but money. Write 3. What does the line “her soup forgot to
games is you met a famous With close reference
for a job. Write a letter to anything, what it has taught ways on how boil” tell us about the persona’s
JOHOR harmful”. celebrity. to the text, how far is
your cousin telling him / would you want you a lesson. teenagers can
What do you Describe your grandmother? the statement above
her about the to be? Explain save money for
think? experience 4. The writer admires her grandmother true in the novel you
advantages and your choice. Begin your story their
and your feelings. for her personal qualities. have read?
disadvantages of with “ I would future.
furthering studies and never have State one quality and support your
working. imagined that…..”. answer with evidence from the poem.
Quality Evidence
Recently, you visited a You were on a
Teenager’s Write about your The Living Photograph Based on the novel
wet market with some journey back to
Write a story on life nowadays experience as a 1. To whom the title of the poem relates that you have
relatives from out of your hometown “No pain, no
things that you do is greatly volunteer helping to? studied, choose one
town. The condition of during a festive gain”.
to make you feel influenced by a charity home. 2. Why do you think the grandmother character that shows
the market left you season that you Describe how you
better when you social media. End your story forgot to boil the soup? appreciation towards
MELAKA dissatisfied. As a celebrated. overcome difficult
are feeling down. Do you with : 3. How old was the poet when the the family ties.
concerned citizen, write a Describe an moment in your
In agree? Give “…I shed tears photograph was taken? Give reasons why do
letter to the Town interesting life in order to
your story, explain reasons of joy seeing the 4. Give two suggestions on how you can you choose him/her
Council to complain character that achieve success.
on why you do so. to support fruit of my show your love and appreciation with close reference
about the unsatisfactory you met on that
your view. labour” towards your grandmother to the text.
condition. journey.
Charge of The Light Brigade
Write a story 1. From Stanza 1, the commander
Write a story in
about someone instructs the troop to attack the
which you had to
You attended a seminar who has finally The best days of enemies. Which line refers to this?
If you want to help a friend
on the importance of Youths prefer forgiven you our lives are spent 2. The soldiers realised that their leader Write about a difficult
introduce our overcome her
conserving the making after you broke in school. had made a mistake. Why do you think situation faced by
local food to problem at school.
NEGERI environment. Your friends via your promise five Describe your they still follow the order made in one of the
tourists, what In your story give
SEMBILAN teacher has asked you to social media. years ago. best days in Stanza 2? characters and how
would it be? details of your
write an article for your What do you Begin your story school and why 3. From Stanza 2, when the soldiers she or he deals with
Explain your friend’s problem
school bulletin on how to think? with. ”I heard they are entered the Valley of Death, how do it.
choice, and explain how
save the environment someone calling meaningful to you. you think they felt?
you manage to
my name. I 4. If you were the leader of the troop,
help her.
turned and …” what would you have done when you
knew you had made a mistake? Why?

Prepared by Nurlina Oon bt Abdullah (SISC+ PPD Petaling Perdana Page 4

Prepared by Nurlina Oon bt Abdullah (SISC+ PPD Petaling Perdana Page 5

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