Self-Portrait Lesson
Self-Portrait Lesson
Self-Portrait Lesson
Day: Friday Date: 02/02/2018 Time: throughout the day Class: Pre-Primary
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- ask child to look at their face in the mirror and tell me what they can see. What do you see when you
5-10 mins look in the mirror? Discuss each feature and encourage child to touch them and describe what they are like. Discuss
how they are different from my features.
Body- invite child to use the paint and brushes to draw a picture of themselves. Guide the child with focus questions:
10-20 mins -What shape is your face?
-What colour is your skin/eyes/hair?
-Where do your ears/nose go?
-Can you add cheeks/eyebrows/eyelashes?
5 mins Closure- Photograph each child. Encourage them to try a crazy move or pull a funny face.
Transition- ask children to hang their portraits on the drying rack (with assistance) and invite the next child to start
the activity.
Children’s Interviews (lesson 2)
Day: Thursday & Friday Date: 8-9th February Time: 10:00am Class: Pre-Primary
EYLF Outcomes:
1.3: Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities
51: Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a
range of purposes
5 mins Introduction- Invite each child to sit in a quite, comfortable space. Ask if they have ever seen an interview on TV
before? Explain that I will be asking some questions to get to know all about them. (Ask if they are OK with this).
10 mins Body – Ask each interview question. Allow enough wait time for children to answer each question. Provide my own
personal examples if children are unsure how to answer a question.
2 mins Conclusion – Explain to children that their interviews will be displayed in the classroom alongside their self-
portraits so that everyone can learn a bit more about who they are.
Lesson Evaluation:
-Children were quite excited to sit down for an ‘interview’. Most children were happy to tell me about themselves but others
needed more prompting.
-Many were unsure about what they wanted to be when they were older. Most only thought about when they were an older
child (not an adult) and answered with things like ‘be able to cross the monkey bars’ or ‘be able to skip rope’.
Interview Questions
Day: Friday Date: 16th February 2018 Time: throughout the day Class: Pre-Primary
EYLF Outcomes:
1.3: Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities. Learning Intentions:
2.1: Children respond to diversity with respect -To understand that one half of the face is symmetrical
5.4: Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems to the other
Body – Ask each child to have a go at drawing the other side of their face. When they are ready, they can add paint
to their portraits.
Conclusion – Discuss how the painted side of the face looks the same as the photograph side of the face. Introduce
the word ‘line of symmetry’ that separates the two halves.
Lesson Evaluation:
-This lesson highlighted the wide range of abilities in the classroom
-About half of the children were unsure how to draw symmetrically along the line of symmetry. Many drew a whole new nose
next to the half nose in their photo.
-A lot found it difficult to line up their features with the same distance as the other side.
-A lot of prompting needed to encourage children to look in the mirror and realise that one side of their face was the same
(symmetrical) to the other side. Further lessons are needed in this area.