Chap 1-4 COMPILED Edited

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According to Macintosh and Goeldner, “Tourism is a collection of activities,

services and industries which deliver a travel experience comprising transportation,
accommodation, eating and drinking establishments, retail shops, entertainment
businesses and other hospitality services provided for individuals or groups traveling
away from home. The sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the
interaction of tourists, business suppliers, host government and host communities in the
process of attracting these tourists and other visitors (Definition of Tourism (UNWTO
Definition of Tourism)/ What is Tourism?, n.d.).”

Over the decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening
diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Today,
the business volume of tourism equals or even surpasses that of oil exports, food products
or automobiles. Tourism has become one of the major players in international commerce,
and represents at the same time one of the main income sources for many developing
countries. This growth goes hand in hand with an increasing diversification and
competition among destination. This global spread of tourism in industrialized and
developed states has produced economic and employment benefits in many related
sectors - from construction to agriculture or telecommunications (Content:Why Tourism,

World Tourism and Travel is big business with a value of US$7.6- Trillion or 10%
of the world’s entire GDP (Gross Domestic Product) employing 277 million

people worldwide. The Philippines ranked by the World and Trade Tourism Council as
No.67 of 184 nations, indicating that tourism is a major force in the Philippine’s economy
as well. The same council said foreign visitors spent P256-B in 2014 here representing
69% of the country’s total dollar earnings while the P533-B value is 4.2% of the country’s
GDP. Meantime, DOT (Department of Tourism) secretary Ramon Jimenez claims that RP
made a tourism – related income of US$ 5-B from foreign tourists and P1-Trillion form
domestic visitors in 2014. He figures that next year’s foreign figures should tally US$ 6-B
and anything beyond that is already a “major breakthrough” for the country (Dejaresco III,

Tourism directly employs 4.9 million Filipinos representing about 11% of the total
work force not counting the indirect workers in the food and drink suppliers to the
industry. Thus, tourism is the fifth largest employer industry. According to Jimenez,
tourism is also the third largest dollar earning industry, next to the BPO which the country
now lords over globally eclipsing erstwhile leader India (Dejaresco III, 2015).

At the same time, the government allotted P24 billion for additional infrastructure
to make tourism destinations more accessible under the proposed 2016 budget, while
budget for tourism promotion stood at P4.3 billion (Kathleen A. Martin, 2015).

Based on Parks and Culture, nature-based belong to the fastest growing economy
today. It concerns with natural attractions including ecotourism, adventure tourism,
extractive tourism, wildlife tourism and nature retreats (Parks and Culture:Nature-Based
Tourism, n.d.).

Massive influxes of tourists, often to a relatively small area, have a huge impact.
They add to the pollution, waste, and water needs of the local population, putting local
infrastructure and habitats under enormous pressure (Impact of tourism on coastal areas:
Need of sustainable tourism strategy, n.d.).

In many areas, massive new tourist developments have been built - including
airports, marinas, resorts, and golf courses. The damage doesn't end with the
construction of tourist infrastructure. Some tourist resorts empty their sewage and other

wastes directly into water surrounding coral reefs and other sensitive marine habitats.
Recreational activities also have a huge impact (Impact of tourism on coastal areas: Need
of sustainable tourism strategy, n.d.). For example, careless boating, diving, snorkeling,
and fishing have substantially damaged coral reefs in many parts of the world, through
people touching reefs, stirring up sediment, and dropping anchors. Marine animals such
as whale sharks, seals, dugongs, dolphins, whales, and birds are also disturbed by
increased numbers of boats, and by people approaching too closely. Tourism can also
add to the consumption of seafood in an area, putting pressure on local fish populations
and sometimes contributing to overfishing. Collection of corals, shells, and other marine
souvenirs - either by individual tourists, or local people who then sell the souvenirs to
tourists - also has a detrimental effect on the local environment

According to Naidoo (2011), nature-based tourism is considered as one of the

fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry. One of the main factors affecting the
decision of the consumer is the satisfaction derived from nature-based tourism and the
services offered. Thus, it contributes to the loyalty of the customers and the positive
feedback of the organization (Perunjodi Naidoo, 2011).

Management is responsible in determining what aspects of services are

considered satisfactory to a person. It is vital in a marketing strategy to understand the
socio-demographic information of a person (Sessoms, 2016). This includes age and sex
which are one of the factors that made up human characteristic. The study needs to
determine if there is a difference between having a male or female customer or between
young & adult customers in measuring level of satisfaction.

In this context, the study tries to explore the various factors affecting tourist
satisfaction on their visit in Alobijod Cove Resort. The factors affecting tourist satisfaction
is mainly focused on the place, price, products and promotion offered by the resort.

This study is based on the theoretical framework proposed by E. Jerome McCarthy

(1960) which is the 4 P’s: Place, Product, Price and Promotion. Product, this ´P´ is called
the ‘product mix’ which applies to physical products and services. Physical product is

purely about the functional and aesthetic-al characteristics such as dimensions, function
and life. Price, is an important factor for both the supplier and the consumer and is mainly
determined by the proportional relationship between supply and demand. Place includes
the geographical location where the product is being offered. Promotion, this is
commercial non-personal communication aimed at large groups of consumers. Its main
objective is to generate sales (e.g. advertising leaflets, radio and television commercials
and other advertising) (Vliet, 2013). The result of the study will determine if there is a
relationship between age and sex and tourist satisfaction.


The primary purpose of the study was to understand the factors affecting the level of
tourist satisfaction. More specifically the study describes if there’s a relationship between
tourist satisfaction and age. Also, the relationship between tourist satisfaction and sex in
Alobijod Cove Resort. First, examine the characteristics of the tourists visiting Alobijod
Cove Resort. Second, to state the level of satisfaction of tourists to Alobijod Cove Resort
in terms of demographic information such as age and sex. Third, to determine if the
relationship is significant to tourist satisfaction. Finally, the various methods used by the
management in improving employee performance in order to promote tourist satisfaction.

The research findings will be useful to the manager and employees of Alobijod
Cove Resort for future planning in order to improve the level of satisfaction of the tourists.
The tourists’ thoughts, comments and suggestion as well as that of the researchers can
help Alobijod Cove Resort manager to make decisions for further developments. This
research can be used in future tourism planning, tourist management and future
marketing of Alobijod Cove Resort. This research also aims to figure out the factors that
contribute to the level of tourists’ satisfaction in terms of their demographic information
such as age and sex. The research aims to evaluate the place, product, price and
promotion used by the resort with the help of the above-mentioned theory and suggests
what factors can increase the level of satisfaction of tourists.


The objectives of the study are as follows:

 To describe the demographic characteristics of tourists in Alobijod Cove.

 To determine if there is a relationship between the variable of tourist
satisfaction and age of tourists.
 To determine if there is a relationship between the variable of tourist
satisfaction and sex of tourists.


The study is mainly quantitative in nature. The aim of this study is to measure the
tourist satisfaction of those who are having a trip in Alobijod Cove Resort, Guimaras and
to determine if there is a relationship between satisfaction and the tourists’ characteristics
in terms of age and sex. Thus, the researchers plan to use two methods namely tourist
survey and in-depth interview. The study will use open ended questionnaire in
accumulating data from the tourists. These two methods will be beneficial to the
researchers in gathering primary data and to have a larger scope of respondents. There
will also be a site observation in order for us to have firsthand experiences of the beach
resort as well as to make our implications and suggestions regarding the services offered
by the beach resort. Our observations can be a vital factor in understanding the responses
of the tourists.


Given that our study aims to determine factors that influence the level of satisfaction
of tourists of Alobijod Cove Resort and to describe the relationship between tourist
satisfaction and age as well as the relationship between tourist satisfaction and sex. Our
review of Related Literature discusses existing studies interrelated with tourist
satisfaction. It also provides theories and concepts which can be used as basis for our

The methodology provides the procedures and methods to be used in gathering of

data. The study will use survey as the main instrument and interview as its supporting

instrument in order to collect essential data for the study. Also, the methodology will
provide what analysis tool will be used in analyzing the data gathered.

For our results, the study will provide answers to the objectives of the study which is
to understand the relationship of tourist satisfaction in terms of the tourists’ demographic
information such as age and sex.

Lastly, for the analysis, this will discuss the significance of the results to society
generated from the study. The research has a practical and economic significance as the
growth of service in the world’s developed economies continues. Today, customer
satisfaction greatly affects the way an organization gain business growth, a positive
reputation, an increase in the company’s overall profitability image, work atmosphere,
positive employee attitudes, and behaviors.


Review of Related Literature


Customer satisfaction has been a very popular topic in research studies nowadays.
Sufficient number of research studies, journal articles associated with tourist satisfaction
is available online and is very much viable to find. These research studies’ subjects are
primarily situated abroad and a few of them are domestic. These studies are essential
and can be used by businesses for marketing strategies or survival. Most of the research
papers that we’ve assessed are foreign. These studies are our tools to better explain
information regarding tourist satisfaction.

Synthesis of research that tackles about tourist satisfaction in general is presented

here in chapter 2. Contained here in chapter 2 are details regarding the tourism industry
particularly in Asia, description of tourist satisfaction, effects of tourist satisfaction to
business establishments, the link between service quality and tourist satisfaction,
theoretical and conceptual frameworks.


Tourism is a vital role in any country’s economy. Statistics made by World Travel
& Tourism Council shows that in the early 2016 there is a strong start to the year for
international tourist arrivals, with global growth of 5.1% to February, with Sub-Saharan
Africa (11.7%) and Asia Pacific (8.3%) performing particularly well so far. Growth has also
been robust in Europe (4.2%) and the Americas (6.6%) at the start of 2016. Meanwhile,
the Middle East has performed poorly so far this year, reporting negative growth of -9.7%,
with large declines in Egypt caused by the travel restrictions imposed by many countries
fueling the wider regional decline (Media:Wttc Monthly Report July , 2016, p. 1)

The Asia Pacific region recorded strong growth to February 2016 of 8.3%. The
strongest growth in international arrivals has been recorded in Japan (24%), Vietnam
(23%), Sri Lanka (22%) and the Philippines (17%). Other major economies in the region
performed well with South Korea and China recording growth of 12% and 5% respectively
(Media:Wttc Monthly Report July , 2016, p. 3)

A report was also made by the Department of Tourism that shows that receipts for the
month of June 2016 aggregated to about Php 20.77 billion, posting a double-digit increase
of 21.16% versus the Php 17.14 billion earnings in June 2015. Based on regional
grouping, East Asia comprised 51.50% share of total inbound volume equivalent to
236,466 arrivals. Korea, Japan and China which belong to this region accounted for
44.22% of the total volume. Visitor count from North America registered 85,880,
constituting 18.70% of the total arrivals. Countries belonging to the ASEAN region
produced 41,480 arrivals, a share of 9.03% to the total. Visitors from Australasia/Pacific
region accumulated 25,055 arrivals with a share of 5.46% to the total. Meanwhile,
Northern European region provided 17,970 arrivals (Pages: Industry Performance, 2016).

Beach resorts are one of the few tourist attractions that contribute a large chunk in
the tourism industry. Based on the 2015 accounts, the White Beach on Boracay Island,
the Philippines was voted as the best beach in Asia by the TripAdvisor, one of the most
famous travel website. Boracay is considered as one of the gems in the Philippine
Tourism (Ceoworld, 2015).


Tourist Satisfaction measures how tourism products and services supplied by a

company of the tourism system meet or surpass expectation of tourist (IGI Global, n.d.)
It is the feeling of happiness or unhappiness a customer feels after receiving a product or
service and comparing these results with the customers’ expectations, “a consumer is
considered satisfied when his weighted sum total of experiences shows a feeling of
gratification when compared with his expectations” (Choi & Chu, 2001, p. 280). If the
actual performance meets or exceeds the expected performance, then the customer will
feel satisfied or be delighted, but if the actual performance is below the expected

performance, then the customer will be disappointed. The satisfaction of a tourist can
influence their length of stay, the likelihood of coming back or the frequency of visit, and
their referrals to other people about the product or service through word of mouth. Tourist
satisfaction plays a vital role in the success and continued existence of the tourism
business that is why many of the researchers tackle about tourist satisfaction.

In this study, the researchers will consider the following factors in measuring tourist
satisfaction, such as demographic information of the tourists, and McCarthy’s 4Ps which
are place, price, product, and promotion.


Understanding the socio-demographic characteristics of a person is vital in

marketing strategies. Gender and age are one of the factors that made up the human
characteristics. Management is responsible of knowing what aspects of services are
satisfactory to a person. They need to determine if there is a difference between having
a male or female customer or between young, adult or senior customers.

One study conducted by Gargano and Grasso about tourist satisfaction concluded
that the “degree of overall satisfaction is influenced by sex (the females are significant
higher degree than males), age (the probability of answering “very satisfied” increases
with age, in particular 40-60 and >60 years).” Their findings were also the same with the
study of Kwok, Jusoh and Khalifah which suggested that gender creates a difference in
the influence of service quality on satisfaction. They concluded that the effect on female
was more evident than of men (Kwok, Munhurrun, & Seegolam, 2016)

However, some studies also showed otherwise. Jonsson and Devonish found
out that older tourists are more inclined in travelling for relaxation and younger tourists
are more into psychical activities. On the other hand, their studies presented that
there is no significant difference in gender with respect to their travel motivations


1. Lack of municipal water

Water is a significant issue for any resort. It is used in all areas of operations, including
showers, toilets, dishwashing, laundry and swimming pools. Having access to clean water
is paramount. It can also be very costly if there is not easily accessible municipal water.

2. Poor municipal waste facilities

Poor municipal waste facilities are unfortunately the norm rather than the exception in
Southeast Asia. Singapore and Puerto Princessa in Palawan, Philippines are examples
of places with good municipal waste facilities, though for most places waste is poorly
handled and ends up in unsecured landfills with few items recycled.

3. Responsible food sourcing

As well as dealing with waste, composting also produces fertile soil. Southeast Asia is in
general blessed with lots of good local food products, though freshness can be an issue
as transportation facilities often lack refrigeration. It is therefore important to purchase
food products from as close proximity as possible.

4. Carbon footprint
The balancing act of keeping a low environmental impact is complex for resorts in
Southeast Asia. Most companies do not account for the environmental impact of guests
travelling to the resort. For resorts like Soneva Kiri that rely on large number of guests
from Europe, the CO2 emissions for long-haul air travel can easily count for 75% of their
entire carbon footprint. (Holly Tuppen, 2015)


Customer satisfaction is important because it provides marketers and business

owners with a metric that they can use to manage and improve their businesses.
(Beard, 2014)

1. A Leading Indicator of Consumer Repurchases

Customer satisfaction is the best indicator of how likely a customer will make a
purchase in the future. Asking customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1-10 is a
good way to see if they will become repeat customers or even advocates (Costumer
Satisfaction is Important, n.d.).

2. A point of Differentiation

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers; customer

satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator. Businesses who succeed in these cut-throat
environments are the ones that make customer satisfaction a key element of their
business strategy (Costumer Satisfaction is Important, n.d.).

3. Reduces Customer Turnover

An Accenture global customer satisfaction report (2008) found that price is not the
main reason for customer turnover; it is actually due to the overall poor quality of customer
service. Customer satisfaction is the metric you can use to reduce customer turnover. By
measuring and tracking customer satisfaction you can put new processes in place to
increase the overall quality of your customer service (Costumer Satisfaction is Important,

4. Increases Customer Lifetime Value

A study by Info Quest found that a ‘totally satisfied customer’ contributes 2.6 times
more revenue than a ‘somewhat satisfied customer’. Furthermore, a ‘totally satisfied
customer’ contributes 14 times more revenue than a ‘somewhat dissatisfied customer
(Costumer Satisfaction is Important, n.d.).

5. Reduces Negative Word of Mouth

Customer satisfaction is tightly linked to revenue and repeat purchases. What often
gets forgotten is how customer satisfaction negatively impacts your business (Costumer
Satisfaction is Important, n.d.).

6. Cheaper to Retain Customers than acquire New Ones

Customers cost a lot of money to acquire since the management will have to spend
for new marketing strategy and advertisement for their products (Costumer Satisfaction
is Important, n.d.).


FIGURE 2.1 Conceptual Framework for assessing if there is a comparative difference in terms of socio-
demographic characteristics in relation to the 4p’s.

The conceptual framework shows the relationship between the socio-demographic

characteristics (age, sex) to tourist satisfaction. Tourist satisfaction is assessed in terms
of the 4 p’s namely product, price, promotion and place. Measuring tourist satisfaction is
the aim of this study. This study identified variables which will be used in the assessment
namely, socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex) and 4p’s (product, price,
promotion, place).

The 4 p’s namely price, place, promotion and product is the framework used in this
study. In this research, it is used as a basis in forming questions in order to measure
tourist satisfaction.

Dimensions Indicators Measurement

Place Accessibility, Appearance, Rate your level of

Uniqueness, Cleanliness, satisfaction in a scale of 1
Ambiance, Facilities ( to 5 with 1 as the lowest
shopping and recreation, and 5 as the highest.
medical and security)

Price Food and Room, Facilities Rate your level of

and Activities, Fare and satisfaction in a scale of 1
entrance fee, other to 5 with 1 as the lowest
additional fees required and 5 as the highest.

Product Physical Appearance, Rate your level of

Room, Recreation, satisfaction in a scale of 1
Customer Service, to 5 with 1 as the lowest
Cleanliness and 5 as the highest.

Key Informant Interview

Promotion Social Media Accounts, Rate your level of

Discounts and Promotions, satisfaction in a scale of 1
Advertisement (events and to 5 with 1 as the lowest
activities) and 5 as the highest.

Key Informant Interview

Table 2.1 This shows the indicators and measurements for each P of the framework 4P’s


Tourism industry is evidently a large international industry with huge potential for
growth. It is becoming an increasingly global and complex phenomenon with sociological,
behavioral, economic, political, cultural, environmental and educational dimensions. For
many countries, tourism is an increasingly important source of income, employment and
wealth (Khan,2013). Satisfaction among tourists is essential primarily for promotions
and further developments of the destination.

The literature described what and how important tourism industry in countries
around the world. It briefly defined what tourist satisfaction is and its role to businesses.
The literature continued discussing different challenges that beach resorts face, some
factors that affects customers’ satisfaction, its roles in the market and also its implications
in the society. It was also presented in the literature, the relation of tourist demographic
information in satisfaction, and how service quality influences tourist satisfaction.



Research Methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a

specific matter or concern that is also referred as research problem. In Methodology,
researcher uses different criteria for solving/searching the given research problem.
Different sources use different type of methods for solving the problem. If we think about
the word “Methodology”, it is the way of searching or solving the research problem
(Industrial Research Institute, 2010).


The research study focused on the tourist and was aimed at measuring their
satisfaction and in determining whether there is a comparative difference in terms of their
socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex), therefore the researchers decided to apply
quantitative approaches in order to gather data. The respondents’ views in terms of the
place, product, price and promotion were the foundation of the information gathered, thus
statistical analysis has been used by the researchers to better explain the said
information. The perception of the tourist regarding the resort was vital in this study thus
primary data were obtained from them. A key informant interview was also conducted
with the management to provide supplementary information. Leaflets/brochures provided
by the resort were also used as secondary data together with online reviews to further
comprehend the study. The sample was chosen from tourists visiting Alobijod Cove
Resort in Nueva Valencia, Guimaras in the Philippines.


Guimaras is considered as one of the exotic Island in the Philippines located in

Western Visayas. The original name was Himal-us but was changed to Guimaras after
the folktale of the ill-fated lovers named Princess Guima and the slave Aras, who defied
tradition for their romance. The Island was once a sub-province of Iloilo but by virtue of
R.A 7160 it was proclaimed a regular province on May 22, 1992. The province is basically
agricultural, with palay, coconut, mango, vegetables, livestock, poultry and fishing as
major products. Likewise, the major industries in the Island are tourism, fruit processing,
coconut processing, handicrafts making, mining and lime production. Guimaras is located
Southwest of Panay Island and Northwest of Negros Island in Western Visayas with a
total land area of 60, 465 hectares or 604.65 square kilometers (It's more fun in the
Philippines, n.d.). The study was conducted at Alobijod Cove Resort, the place is
located in Nueva Valencia, Guimaras. Alobijod Beach Resort is considered as the most
popular "sands" on the island. It is among the newest and newly renovated resort in the
area which is a usual junk off point for island hopping (Budgetbiyahera, 2012). This
place was selected in order to measure the tourists’ satisfaction pertaining to the different
category such as demographic information, location, prices, security and promotion. This
study has been implemented on the tourists and visitors of the Alobijod Cove Resort and
was conducted within its vicinity. This study will test how the location, security, price,
accommodation, facilities and promotion can contribute to the level of satisfaction of the
tourists based on their age and sex. Alobijod Cove Resort was chosen as the locale of
this research since it is a good place in measuring the satisfaction of tourists given the
large number of people going to the area, it will be convenient for the researchers to
conduct a study because the business is well established and is known for its tourism
industry. The researcher is based out in Iloilo City and Guimaras Island is the most
suitable area to complete the research in a time bound manner and in a cost-effective


The researchers, in conducting the survey will apply closed-ended questionnaires
thru face to face contact with the target population. The method chosen is convenient

sampling. This sampling method is a specific type of non-probability sampling method
that relies on data collection and from population members who are conveniently
available to participate in the study. Thus, it is a sampling method that involves getting
respondents wherever you can find them and typically wherever is convenient. The study
is mainly inferential statistics in nature wherein samples obtained will be used to make
generalizations about the population from which the samples were taken. This will help
the researchers to make accurate estimates of population characteristics by surveying a
small portion of the population. The study is conducted with the tourists treated as a
sample and if the level of their satisfaction differs based on demographic information such
as age and sex. The tourist was chosen in order to have first-hand information on tourists’
perspective. It can help the researchers arrive at a possible outcome of unbiased results
from the tourist to develop sensible decisions which is based on analyzed results. It also
enables the researcher to project the possible outcome based on attitudes and behaviors
including thoughts, opinions, and comments about the target survey population. On the
other hand, the researcher will also conduct Key Informant Interview with the
Management of the resort to supplement the information gathered from the tourist and to
take into consideration the management’s perspective about tourist satisfaction. This will
provide the researchers’ information on how the management deals with the tourists.
Also, information like what time of the day do the tourist normally arrive at the resort,
number of tourists expected to visit the resort every day, week or month and the off peak
and peak season where vast number of tourists are likely to visit Alobijod Cove Resort.


The aim of this study was to measure the tourist satisfaction of those who are having
a trip in Alobijod Cove Resort, Guimaras thus quantitative method was used to gather
data for the study. Two methods have been applied in this study one is in depth interview
and the other is tourist survey. In the tourist survey, the questionnaires were comprised
with structured questions. The questions were categorized into four parts. First part was
the place satisfaction, next was the product, followed by price and lastly was the
promotion. These questionnaires were then rated by the respondents using the Likert

There are many benefits in using survey one is that it was able to gather numerous
data from a great number of respondents. It was also easy to administer since it has only
taken a couple of time with the respondents. It was also one of the practical research
methods to use. Indeed, it has many pros but it has flaws also and the most common of
it is that the respondents may feel discourage in providing accurate information which
some of our respondents were. They would also feel uncomfortable with disclosing some
of their opinions. All of these usually end up with misleading information so one research
method is also considered.

In depth interview was also considered to be one of the research methods to gather
more data. Since the aim of the study was to determine the satisfaction level of Alobijod
Cove Resort tourists, supplementary information was needed. In depth interview was
conducted with the the manager of the resort. Like many other research methods, in-
depth interview has its own limitations and benefits. In conducting an interview,
misleading data or inaccurate data will be avoided since the interviewee is unable to
supply false information. The interviewer could also collect adequate information since
the interviewer could ask it anytime during the interview. In depth analysis could be
executed since some abstract factors such as attitudes, feelings can be analyzed.

Limitations of conducting an interview is that people are most likely not engaging in
interviews since some of them don’t trust the interviewers. Most people are so private in
terms of their opinions. It could also take much time for the interviewers since most of the
time interviews become to lengthy.

The research instrument we have used was developed based on the models from two
research papers namely the Visitor Satisfaction Survey on the Gold Cost by Beverly
Sparks and Questionnaire for tourist satisfaction in Taiwanese Hot Springs by Wei-Jaw
Deng. The questionnaire was divided into three sections. Part I gathered the demographic
information of the tourists. The questionnaire was designed in English as this is the
appropriate language to be used and can be understood by most of the locals as well as
foreign tourists. Part II consisted the 4 dimensions of the 4P’s namely place, product,
price and promotion. Each of these dimensions were further divided into related
statements. Respondents were then required to rate all questions in Part II using a Likert-

type scale which ranges from 0= I don’t know, 1=strongly dissatisfied, 2=dissatisfied,
3=undecided, 4= satisfied, 5=strongly satisfied. Ritchie (1991; 1995) argued that Likert
scales are appropriate for evaluating visitor experiences of attractions as they are
effective in measuring customer attitudes and are easy to construct and manage. Part III
contained questions such as the tourist’s overall assessment of the resort, description of
the place with regards to satisfaction and the overall comments or suggestions for the
improvement of the resort. Part III of the questionnaire consisted open-ended questions.
This section allowed general attitudes to be expressed which aided in the interpretation
of the structured questions. A short and concise cover letter was also included to explain
the purpose of the survey and to ask for the permission of the tourist in undertaking the
survey. The sampling technique used in the survey was the convenience sampling
method. The survey was conducted in Alobijod Cove Resort during the weekend wherein
the questionnaires were distributed during 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm last
October 2016. The respondents were approached and informed about the purpose of the
survey prior to answering the questionnaire.


Primary data were obtained through the use of tourist survey and in-depth
interview. By using the survey, we have been able to reach out to a large number of
respondents. In the tourist survey, the questionnaires were comprised with structured
questions. These questions were formed to determine the satisfaction level of tourist. The
questions were categorized into four parts. First part was place, it measures satisfaction
in terms of destination. Next was the product, price, and lastly was the promotion. This
was then rated by the respondents using the Likert Scale.

In depth interview was also done to gather more data. We conducted an interview
with the management of Alobijod Cove Resort to establish the basis of our findings. Guide
questions were prepared by the researchers which allowed us to have a smooth flow of
interview. Records and notes were also done by the researchers to ensure accurate
understanding of the proceedings.


Our secondary data were obtained from the leaflets/brochures from the resort and
reviews from tourist online. The leaflets/brochures were acquired from the resort itself and
were used to present the current products and services of the resort.


In handling and managing the data collected, the researchers plotted the into a
table classifying the male and the female and at the same time the young and the old. In
this study, the researchers defined what ages belongs with young and old. Ages 35 years
and below belong to the young and ages 36 years and above belong to the classification
of old.


In analyzing the data collected, researchers will first tally the survey results and
split it into categories of male and female, and young and old. Then use percentage
distribution to see if there is a difference in the answer/satisfaction level of male and
female, and young and old. Researchers will also run different tests like Independent T-
Test to identify if there is a significance in their relationship.


Richard William Paul and Linda Elder define ethics as “a set of concepts and
principles that guide us in determining what behavior helps or harms sentient creatures”.
Ethical considerations are important because these promotes assurance that researchers
followed guidelines in terms of human rights, confidentiality, honesty, etc.

Researchers of this study made sure that the purpose of the study was explained
to the prticipants of the survey and that they gave their consent voluntarily. They were
informed that they can ask questions regarding the study, they can withdraw from the
study anytime they want or to decline to answer any particular questions in the study, and
that any information they will provide will be held with confidentiality. Researchers applied
guiding principles like respect for persons and their autonomy, trust, and confidentiality.

The problems that researchers encountered in the conduct of study are: the
manager of Alobijod Cove Resort cannot give the exact or estimated number of tourists
coming to the resort every day; study was conducted during lean seasons therefore,
researchers only had few respondents; the manager state there are no peak days and
peak hours just the time where tourists start to arrive at the resort during lean seasons
and sometimes they have zero tourists.

3.8 Contextualizing Customer Satisfaction

Research Research Questions Data Needed Methodology Expected outputs


 To describe the
 What are basic  Basic  In-depth interviews  Transcript of the
socio- information of the Information of  Survey survey responses
demographic respondent (Name, respondents  Quantitative
characteristics Age, Sex, Address,  Percentage of Description of the
Occupation, Civil tourist visiting qualifications of
of tourists in
Status) the island. the respondents.
Alubijod Cove  What is your highest  Brochure of  Explanation of the
degree or level of Activities cause-effect
school you have (Offerings of the relationship of
completed? If enrolled, resort, satisfaction.
highest degree accommodation
received? prices, food
 How many are you in prices, fare,
the group? entrance fee,
 How many times have and etc.)
you visited the resort?
 How long is your stay
in the resort?
 How did you learn
about the resort?

 To determine if  What age bracket  Age of the  Survey  Analysis of the
there is a comprises the highest respondent relationship
percentage of tourist?  Survey between age to
(Student, Young responses satisfaction.
between the Professionals, Family,
variable of Colleagues, Senior)
tourist  How satisfied are you
with the physical
satisfaction and
appearance of the
age of tourists. place? (young – 35
below, old – 36 above)

 To determine if  What gender  Sex of the  Survey  Analysis of the

there is a comprises the highest respondents relationship
percentage of tourist?  Survey between sex to
 How satisfied are you responses satisfaction.
between the with the physical
variables of appearance of the
customer place? (Female, Male)
and sex of

Table 3.1 Research objectives, Questions, Data Needed, Methodology & Expected Outputs


This chapter described the research study site and the methods and tools used by
the researchers in conducting the study. Discussed in Chapter 3 were the research design
and description of the locality were the organization is located. Also, included here were
the discussion about the selection of the respondents, the methods used in data
collection, the description of primary and secondary data and the procedures in managing
and analyzing it. Lastly, included were the ethical considerations and problems that the
researchers encountered in data collection.


Results & Analysis


This chapter describes the analysis of data and followed by a discussion of the
research findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study.
Data were analyzed to identify, describe and explore the relationship between tourist
satisfaction the demographic characteristics such as age and sex. Data were obtained
from self-administered questionnaires, completed by 34 tourists visiting Alobijod Cove
Resort, (n=44). This is also supported by the fact that the month of October does not
belong to the peak season as stated by the management.

The questionnaire comprised of three sections and data gathered will be presented
as follows:

 The first section comprises of demographic data such as age, sex, status,
educational attainment, occupation, times they visit the resort, who they are with,
purpose of visiting the resort, mode of transportation and present address and the
plan for length of stay.
 The second section consisted of the 4 dimensions of the 4P’s namely place,
product, price and promotion wherein each of these dimensions were further
divided into related statements.
 The third section contains open-ended questions such as the overall assessment
of the resort, comment and suggestions and description for the place.


Alobijod Cove is a beach resort in Nueva Valencia, Guimaras operating for almost
20 years. The owners of the resort came from Marahay Clan. The first owner is the eldest
among the siblings. Presently, Alobijod Cove was changed to Alobijod Cove Resort by
the new owner which is the youngest sister of the former. The management offers various
privileges and incentives to its employees through providing them free food and shelter.
Currently, the management also plans to work on the following benefits for the employees
such as Social Security System (SSS), PhilHealth, etc. Mostly, employees stay with the
business ranging from 2 to 16 years. The working hours of the employees usually lasts
for 12 hours per day. As stated in the Labor Code, 8 hours is the normal working hours,
the management is compelled to give the employees with overtime pay.


Every organization is handled by an experienced person. Definitely Alobijod Cove

Resort is one of them. This establishment is being managed by a very competent and
capable person, Mr. Ronnie. In an interview that we conducted with the manager last
October 8 and 19 of 2016, we have found out significant information about his
experiences. He is currently the general manager of the resort for about 6 months. He
graduated Bachelor of Science in Commerce however his line of expertise is beyond his
academic degree. Presently he is 44 years of age and within this period he has been
through a lot of different jobs. Mr. Ronnie started being a working student during his
college days. He began as a waiter in Sarabia Manor Hotel. In there, he has observed
the different types of works and through that he has been able to know how each job can
be done. Because of his observational skills, he has been able to done variety of jobs
from being a doorman to bartender whenever he’s asked to. He has also been an on-call
employee in Days Hotel until such time that his efforts has been recognized and he has
been advanced to a regular employee. During his work in Days Hotel, he has also a
sideline job in Bourbon Street wherein he worked daytime at Days Hotel and nighttime at
Bourbon Street. Until such time where he has realized to take on another journey in his
life which is much peaceful compared to city life, he decided to find job in an island. He
started his island life as a manager in Coast Aguada. In there, he realized that his life is
more meaningful if he would work on an establishment such as resorts. From then on,

he decided to seek opportunities in Guimaras and there he started working in Pitstop as
Manager. Pitstop was the first establishment he has worked in Guimaras before taking
on the managerial responsibility in Alobijod Cove Resort. His various job experiences
were the backbone of his achievements in life.


Workers are vital in the business operations because they are the lifeblood of an
organization. Based on the interview conducted with the manager, Alobijod Cove Resort
has 24 workers employed at present including the general manager, Mr. Ronnie. All of
which are regular workers which is really good since it gives security of tenure to its
employees. Mr. Ronnie specifically wants to provide opportunities to locals and those
who have not finished studies thus most of their workers range from early 20s to 26 who
are mostly high school graduates and are from Guimaras. Given the fact that most of
them are high school graduates, their work experience is limited however some of them
have worked as farmer or “labandera” before landing to the resort.


It is one of the duties of the manager to greet and interact with the tourists, to check
on necessary supplies in various sectors of the resort, overseeing hiring practices and
holding meetings and seminars with the employees of the resort. The manager is very
particular with the day-to-day tracking of all aspects of running a resort as well as attention
to detail. Tourist satisfaction plays an important role in the success of a business since
they represent its fundamental source of revenue. Keeping customer satisfied also means
they are likely to bring more customers to a business by word of mouth or verbal referral.

According to our interview with the manager, he believes that it is one way of
increasing tourist satisfaction to listen to tourist demands and every time tourists receives
greetings. It is being practiced by the employees to always wear a smile when they serve
tourists needs, accompanying them to their rooms and providing information as well as
answering inquiries. The practice is observed by the manager as well as all resort staff
members, from front desk up to janitorial employees. The manager also roams around
the resort in order to cater the demands of the tourist.


In this study job method is defines as the process wherein the management applies
various methods in improving the performance of its employees and reducing employee
turnover and job dissatisfaction. The manager is observing the process of job rotation
which is a technique used by employers in rotating assigned jobs to employees
throughout their employment. It could help promote flexibility and identify which
department does the employee excel the most. The manager also uses performance-
based evaluation. It is a form of method wherein the manager evaluates the performance
of each employees and give significant rewards to those who are performing well and
sanctions or warnings to delinquent employees. This would encourage employees to
perform well on their respective tasks or duties. In order to facilitate and improve the
performance, provide sufficient knowledge and increase motivation the manager offers
seminars and trainings to the employees from time to time. Also, the manager oversees
the hiring practices and communicate with the employees personally if problems arises.


Table 4.1 Demographic Information (Age)


AGE F % F % f %
Below 16 2 8% 2 11% 4 9%
16 – 20 6 24% 3 16% 9 20%
21 – 25 2 8% 3 16% 5 11%
26 – 30 5 20% 2 11% 7 16%
31 – 35 6 24% 2 11% 8 18%
36 – 40 1 4% 1 5% 2 5%
41 – 45 2 8% 2 11% 4 9%
46 above 1 4% 4 21% 5 11%

TOTAL 25 19 44 100%
Table 4.1 Shows that the highest percentage which is 24% were composed of 16-20 years old
and 31-34 years old belonging to the female category while 21% of the sample in the male

composed of 46 years old and above. Furthermore, 20% of the total sample is composed of the
16 to 20 years old of the population.

Table 4.2 Demographic Information (Status)


F f %
Single 17 68% 11 58% 28 64%
Married 8 32% 7 37% 15 34%
Widowed 0 0% 1 5% 1 2%

TOTAL 25 19 44 100%
Table 4.2 shows that most of the respondents were single for both male and female. There were
68% of the female population, 58% from the male population and a total of 64% from the sample.

Table 4.3 Demographic Information (Status)


Student 10 40% 4 21% 14 32%
Professional 13 52% 13 68% 26 59%
Non-professional 2 8% 2 11% 4 9%

TOTAL 25 19 44 100%
Table 4.3 Shows that the highest percentage from the female respondent which is 40% were
mostly students and 68% from the male respondents belong to the professional category. The
total sample shows that 59% are professionals.

Table 4.4 Demographic Information (Educational Attainment)


Elementary 1 4% 0 0% 1 2%
High School 0 0% 3 16% 3 7%
High School Graduate 1 4% 1 5% 2 5%
Vocational 0 0% 2 11% 2 5%
College 10 40% 4 21% 14 32%

College Graduate 10 40% 6 32% 16 36%
Master's Degree 3 12% 2 11% 5 11%
Doctorate 0 0% 1 5% 1 2%

TOTAL 25 19 44 100%
Table 4.4 Shows that 40% of the female respondents are still in college and college graduates
while 32% of the male respondents were college graduates. From the total sample, 36% are also
college graduates.

Table 4.5 No. of times of Visit


Once 16 64% 9 47% 25 57%
Twice 3 12% 5 26% 8 18%
Thrice 3 12% 3 16% 6 14%
Others 3 12% 2 11% 5 11%

TOTAL 25 19 44 100%
Table 4.5 shows that most of the respondents visited the resort for the first time both from the
male and female category. 64% comprises of female while 47% from the male and 57% from the
total sample.

Table 4.6 Length of Stay


Half Day 2 8% 2 11% 4 9%
Whole Day 9 36% 7 37% 16 36%
Overnight 11 44% 8 42% 19 43%
Others 3 12% 2 11% 5 11%

TOTAL 25 19 44 100%
Table 4.6 shows that both the female and male category prefers to stay overnight with a range of
44% from the female and 42% from the male. Overall rate of 43%.

Table 4.7 Purpose of Visit


Recreation 17 68% 15 79% 32 73%

Team Building 2 8% 0 0% 2 5%
Others 6 24% 4 21% 10 23%

TOTAL 25 19 44 100%
Table 4.7 shows that recreation is mostly preferred or the motive of the respondents in visiting
the resort from both categories with 68% from the female and 79% for the male. A total of 73%
from the sample.


Table 4.8 Female Tourist satisfaction (Place)

Strongly Undecided Strongly I Don't
Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q1 3 16% 14 74% 2 11% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q2 1 5% 12 63% 4 21% 2 11% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q3 1 5% 5 26% 4 21% 1 5% 0 0% 8 42% 19 100%
Q4 5 26% 13 68% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q5 0 0% 16 84% 2 11% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q6 1 5% 4 21% 9 47% 3 16% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q7 2 11% 12 63% 4 21% 0 0% 1 5% 0 0% 19 100%
Q8 0 0% 6 32% 3 16% 3 16% 0 0% 7 37% 19 100%
Q9 2 11% 14 74% 1 5% 2 11% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q10 8 42% 10 53% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q11 1 5% 8 42% 4 21% 1 5% 1 5% 4 21% 19 100%
Q12 0 0% 2 11% 2 11% 7 37% 2 11% 6 32% 19 100%
Q13 2 11% 4 21% 4 21% 2 11% 1 5% 6 32% 19 100%
Q14 1 5% 15 79% 3 16% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
This table shows that 79% of the female respondents were satisfied with the place. Overall most
of the female respondents were satisfied and only a few were dissatisfied.

Table 4.9 Female Tourist satisfaction (Price)

B. Price
Undecided Strongly TOTAL
Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied I Don't Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q1 0 0% 11 58% 2 11% 3 16% 0 0% 3 16% 19 100%
Q2 0 0% 8 42% 1 5% 4 21% 0 0% 6 32% 19 100%
Q3 1 5% 7 37% 3 16% 5 26% 1 5% 2 11% 19 100%
Q4 2 11% 15 79% 1 5% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q5 0 0% 11 58% 4 21% 2 11% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q6 0 0% 14 74% 1 5% 2 11% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q7 1 5% 14 74% 3 16% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q8 0 0% 15 79% 3 16% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q9 1 6% 7 39% 5 28% 2 11% 1 6% 2 11% 18 100%
Q10 1 5% 13 68% 5 26% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%

Q11 1 5% 13 68% 5 26% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%

This table shows that 68% of the female respondents were satisfied with the price offered by the
resort and only 26% were undecided.

Table 4.10 Female Tourist satisfaction (Product)

Strongly Undecided Strongly I Don't
Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q1 3 16% 8 42% 4 21% 0 0% 0 0% 4 21% 19 100%
Q2 3 16% 14 74% 1 5% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q3 0 0% 8 42% 6 32% 3 16% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q4 0 0% 14 74% 4 21% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q5 2 11% 13 68% 2 11% 0 0% 1 5% 1 5% 19 100%
Q6 3 16% 11 58% 3 16% 1 5% 0 0% 1 5% 19 100%
Q7 2 11% 11 58% 5 26% 0 0% 0 0% 1 5% 19 100%
Q8 3 16% 11 58% 3 16% 0 0% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q9 3 16% 9 47% 4 21% 1 5% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%

Q10 1 5% 10 53% 6 32% 0 0% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q11 1 5% 11 58% 5 26% 2 11% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q12 2 11% 11 58% 2 11% 1 5% 0 0% 3 16% 19 100%
Q13 2 11% 11 58% 2 11% 1 5% 2 11% 1 5% 19 100%
Q14 2 11% 12 63% 2 11% 1 5% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q15 1 5% 11 58% 5 26% 0 0% 0 0% 2 11% 19 100%
Q16 1 5% 16 84% 0 0% 1 5% 0 0% 1 5% 19 100%
Q17 1 5% 17 89% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
This table shows that 89% of the female respondent were satisfied with the product and only 5%
were undecided. Overall the female respondents were satisfied and a few were dissatisfied.

Table 4.11 Female Tourist satisfaction (Promotion)


Strongly Undecided Strongly I Don't

Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q1 1 5% 7 37% 3 16% 3 16% 1 5% 4 21% 19 100%
Q2 0 0% 7 37% 3 16% 4 21% 2 11% 3 16% 19 100%
Q3 1 5% 2 11% 5 26% 1 5% 1 5% 9 47% 19 100%
Q4 0 0% 9 47% 3 16% 3 16% 2 11% 2 11% 19 100%
Q5 0 0% 6 32% 5 26% 2 11% 2 11% 4 21% 19 100%
Q6 2 11% 14 74% 2 11% 1 5% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
Q7 1 5% 9 47% 6 32% 3 16% 0 0% 0 0% 19 100%
This table shows that 47% of the female respondents were satisfied with the promotion of the
resort. 32% were undecided and 16% were dissatisfied.

Overall the table shows that 84% of the female respondents were satisfied of the place
and product of the resort, 64% were satisfied of the price and only 44% were satisfied of
the promotions by the resort.

Table 4.12 Male (Place)

A. Place
Strongly Undecided Strongly I Don't
Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q1 3 20% 11 73% 1 7% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 15 100%
Q2 3 20% 7 47% 3 20% 0 0% 0 0% 2 13% 15 100%
Q3 0 0% 7 47% 2 13% 2 13% 1 7% 3 20% 15 100%
Q4 0 0% 13 87% 2 13% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 15 100%
Q5 2 13% 11 73% 1 7% 0 0% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q6 2 13% 5 33% 4 27% 2 13% 0 0% 2 13% 15 100%
Q7 2 13% 8 53% 3 20% 1 7% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q8 0 0% 5 33% 3 20% 1 7% 0 0% 6 40% 15 100%
Q9 2 13% 12 80% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q10 2 13% 10 67% 2 13% 0 0% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q11 2 13% 3 20% 1 7% 0 0% 1 7% 8 53% 15 100%
Q12 0 0% 2 13% 3 20% 0 0% 1 7% 9 60% 15 100%
Q13 2 13% 2 13% 3 20% 2 13% 0 0% 6 40% 15 100%
Q14 2 13% 10 67% 3 20% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 15 100%
This table shows that 67% of the male respondent were satisfied with the place and only 20%
were undecided.

Table 4.13 Male (Price)

B. Price
Strongly Undecided Strongly I Don't TOTAL
Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q1 3 20% 8 53% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 4 27% 15 100%
Q2 1 7% 8 53% 2 13% 3 20% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q3 2 13% 5 33% 2 13% 1 7% 2 13% 3 20% 15 100%
Q4 5 33% 6 40% 1 7% 0 0% 1 7% 2 13% 15 100%
Q5 1 7% 8 53% 0 0% 2 13% 0 0% 4 27% 15 100%
Q6 2 13% 9 60% 1 7% 1 7% 1 7% 1 7% 15 100%
Q7 3 20% 10 67% 2 13% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 15 100%

Q8 4 27% 7 47% 2 13% 2 13% 0 0% 0 0% 15 100%
Q9 3 20% 5 33% 2 13% 2 13% 0 0% 3 20% 15 100%
Q10 1 7% 10 67% 1 7% 1 7% 0 0% 2 13% 15 100%
Q11 5 33% 7 47% 2 13% 0 0% 1 7% 0 0% 15 100%
This table shows that 38% of the male respondents were strongly satisfied with the price offered
by the resort, 47% were satisfied, 13 % were undecided and 7% were strongly dissatisfied with
the price.

Table 4.14 Male (Product)

Strongly Undecided Strongly I Don't
Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q3 1 7% 6 40% 3 20% 3 20% 0 0% 2 13% 15 100%
Q4 2 13% 8 53% 3 20% 1 7% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q5 2 13% 10 67% 2 13% 0 0% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q6 3 20% 8 53% 2 13% 2 13% 0 0% 0 0% 15 100%
Q7 2 13% 8 53% 3 20% 0 0% 0 0% 2 13% 15 100%
Q8 2 13% 9 60% 1 7% 1 7% 0 0% 2 13% 15 100%
Q9 2 13% 8 53% 2 13% 0 0% 0 0% 3 20% 15 100%

Q10 1 7% 7 47% 3 20% 0 0% 0 0% 4 27% 15 100%

Q11 1 7% 12 80% 1 7% 0 0% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%

Q12 3 20% 9 60% 0 0% 1 7% 0 0% 2 13% 15 100%
Q13 3 20% 7 47% 2 13% 2 13% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q14 2 13% 10 67% 0 0% 1 7% 1 7% 1 7% 15 100%
Q15 2 13% 10 67% 1 7% 0 0% 1 7% 1 7% 15 100%
Q16 2 13% 10 67% 1 7% 1 7% 0 0% 1 7% 15 100%
Q17 2 13% 10 67% 2 13% 0 0% 1 7% 0 0% 15 100%

Table 4.15 Male (Promotion)

Overall the table shows that approximately more than 60% of the male respondents were
satisfied of the place and product of the Alobijod Cove Resort. On the other hand, for the

price only 47% were satisfied and 42% were satisfied of the promotions used by the


Table 4.16 Young (Place)

A. Place
Strongly Undecided Strongly
Statement Satisfied Satisfied (neutral) Dissatisfied Dissatisfied I Don't Know
f % f % f % f % f % f % f %
Q1 6 18% 26 79% 1 3% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 33 100%
Q2 2 6% 19 58% 7 21% 4 12% 0 0% 1 3% 33 100%
Q3 0% 13 39% 8 24% 3 9% 1 3% 8 24% 33 100%
Q4 5 15% 26 79% 2 6% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 33 100%
Q5 2 6% 27 82% 2 6% 1 3% 1 3% 0 0% 33 100%
Q6 2 6% 11 33% 10 30% 5 15% 1 3% 4 12% 33 100%
Q7 3 9% 18 55% 7 21% 1 3% 2 6% 2 6% 33 100%
Q8 1 3% 10 30% 5 15% 3 9% 1 3% 13 39% 33 100%
Q9 4 12% 24 73% 0 0% 2 6% 0 0% 3 9% 33 100%
Q10 9 27% 22 67% 1 3% 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 33 100%
Q11 3 9% 11 33% 6 18% 1 3% 1 3% 11 33% 33 100%
Q12 0% 3 9% 7 21% 5 15% 5 15% 13 39% 33 100%
Q13 4 12% 3 9% 8 24% 3 9% 1 3% 14 42% 33 100%
Q14 2 6% 27 82% 4 12% 0 0% 0 0% 0% 33 100%
This table shows that
Table 4.17 Young (Price)

Figure 4.3 This figure shows that approximately more than 70% of the young respondents
were satisfied with the place, price and product of the resort while only 45% were satisfied
of the promotion.

Figure 4.4 This figure shows that 64% of the old respondents were satisfied of the place,
45% were undecided with regards to the prices offered by Alobijod Cove Resort, 82%
were satisfied with the product, and 36% were satisfied with the promotion.


The result of the study implies that the demographic information such as age and
sex showed no significant difference regarding tourist satisfaction. One study conducted
by Gargano and Grasso about tourist satisfaction concluded that the “degree of overall
satisfaction is influenced by sex (the females are significant higher degree than males),
age (the probability of answering “very satisfied” increases with age, in particular 40-60
and >60 years).” (Gargano & Grasso, 2016).

However, Jonsson and Devonish’s study said otherwise. They found out that
older tourists were more inclined in travelling for relaxation and younger tourists were
more into psychical activities. On the other hand, their studies presented that there
was no significant difference in gender with respect to their travel motivations.
(Jonsson & Devonish, 2008)

Furthermore, the study that we conducted does not coincide with the findings
of Jonsson and Devonish in terms of the significance of age to tourist satisfaction.
However, in terms of the significance of sex to tourist satisfaction, our study affirmed
with their results that indeed there was no significance. Our study contradicted that
of Gargano and Grasso which showed that age and sex influenced the degree of
tourist satisfaction.


Conclusion and Recommendation


This chapter concludes the research study. Analysis, conclusions and

recommendations are presented here. Findings in the previous chapter are discussed
and analyzed. The relationship between the socio-demographic characteristics (age,sex)
to their level of satisfaction was established and if there was, significance of it were also
provided. Recommendations were also provided for further improvements of the resort.

The scope of the following conclusions is limited to the level of satisfaction of

Alobijod Cove Resort tourist only. Thus, misleading inferences can be made if applied to
other situations. Still, these conclusions are relevant in determining whether or not socio-
demographic characteristics does affect tourist satisfaction.




PLACE 1 2.1818 2.1818 0.88227 0.60302
PRICE 0.256 2.3939 2.000 1.17099 0.89443
PRODUCT 0.133 2.3636 1.9091 0.92932 0.5396
PROMOTION 0.528 2.7879 3.0909 1.26880 1.64040
INTERPRETATION Not significant
Table 5.1 shows that there is no significant difference between tourist satisfaction and



PLACE 0.348 2.3158 2.0800 1.15723 0.4
PRICE 0.328 2.1053 2.4400 0.99413 1.19304
PRODUCT 0.666 2.3158 2.2000 0.88523 0.86603
PROMOTION 0.896 2.8947 2.8400 1.55973 1.21381
INTERPRETATION Not significant
Table 5.2 shows that there is no significant difference between tourist satisfaction and


This study sought to describe the demographic information of the tourists visiting
Alobijod Cove Resort as a tourist destination. The overall satisfaction for Alobijod Cove
Resort from all the respondent was high, with a large population saying they were mostly
satisfied with the place and product while they are greatly dissatisfied with the promotion
of the Alobijod Cove Resort. The study also shows that the old respondents were mostly
satisfied with the Alobijod Cove Resort compared to the young respondents. It also shows
that the demographic information such as age and sex shows no significant difference
with regards to tourist satisfaction.

Therefore, the study concluded that the demographic information of the tourist
such as age and sex showed that there was no significant difference in terms of tourist
satisfaction. Moreover, this study does not coincide with the findings of Jonsson and
Devonish in terms of the significance of age to tourist satisfaction. However, this study
agreed with their results in terms of the significance of sex to tourist satisfaction.
Furthermore, this study disagreed that of Gargano and Grasso which showed that
age and sex influenced the degree of tourist satisfaction.

Lastly, the study showed that there is no relationship between tourist

satisfaction and the demographic information such as age and sex of the tourist.
Therefore, the management need not to vary the place, price, product and promotion
of the resort for all sexes and ages.


Not all establishment can be perfect in providing services to its valued clients, thus
there are always room for improvements. As mentioned in chapter 3, we have included
an open-ended question in our tourist survey asking the tourist of their respective
suggestions in terms of the resort. There is quite a list of suggestions the tourist has
indicated. Four (4) suggestions has been frequently suggested by the tourist namely (1)
additional recreation and activities, (2) faster food preparation, (3) improve the cleanliness
of the rooms, bathrooms and shore, and (4) improve the maintenance of the facilities.
Tourist are fond of recreational or night life activities however the resort is lacking with
such activities. The restaurant also takes time in food preparation which may be a factor
for the tourist to lose their appetite. Tourist are also particular with the cleanliness of the
rooms and shore since this factor is vital with the overall appearance of the resort. Other
suggestions of the tourist include (1) having Wi-Fi connection in the vicinity, (2) more food
variety in the restaurant, (3) transport service from the wharf to the resort and vice versa,
(4) swimming pool to give tourists an alternative, (5) improve advertisements and
promotions and lastly (6) the service quality of the resort should be in lined with the prices.
These recommendations are very vital in the future development of the resort since these
comes from the tourists who receives first-hand the services of the resort.


If given the chance to remake the study, the researchers would include another
field of consideration such as educational attainment and the locality where the tourists
came from. The researchers would also use another framework that will also suit the
study. These would make the study more comprehensive. Lastly, the researchers would
also interview the staff of the resort to know their point of view in handling the tourists and
their perspective in the way the resort is being managed.


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