Green Sheets: Group/Guided Reading

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Green Sheets

  = Language comprehension
  = Word recognition

Group/Guided reading

Introducing the story

Look at the title picture and read the title with the children,
pointing to the words as you read. Ask: Which grapheme is in
both words? Help the children to identify “ee” as /ee/ in green
and sheets.
(Imagining, Questioning) Ask: What colour do you think the
sheets were before they turned green? What do you think
happens in the story?
Pay attention to the tricky words used in the book. Read these
words for the children if necessary, to help build familiarity
before they read the story independently.
the to no he was all my her said so do there
out went oh here

Strategy check
Remind the children to use their knowledge of phonics to
sound out and blend new words.

Reading the story

● Ask the children to read the story aloud and help where
necessary. Praise and encourage them as they read.
On page 96-①, help the children to read the word washing,
w-a-sh-i-ng. Explain to the children that in this word the
grapheme “a” is code for the /o/ sound. Encourage them to
use this information to sound out and blend the word.
(Imagining, Prediction) Pause after reading page 99-⑩. Draw
attention to Mum and Dad’s expressions. Ask: How do you
think they feel about the green sheets? Would you like green
sheets? What do you think they will do next?
On page 99-⑫, help the children to read the word school.
Sound out the individual sounds for the children and
encourage them to blend the sounds together. Explain that in
this word the grapheme “ch” is code for the /k/ sound.
(Questioning) After reading page 100-⑬, look at the picture
and ask: Why is Biff’s PE kit light green? What happened to it?
Return to page 98- ⑨ so that the children can check their
Observing  Can the children get the main idea of the story? Can they use
their phonic knowledge to decipher new words?

Returning to the story

(Clarifying) Return to page 96-③ and take turns to read Dad’s
words, giving emphasis to the words in italics. Ask: Why is Dad
shouting and in a hurry? Look carefully at the pictures on page
97-④, ⑤ for a clue.
(Clarifying) Look at page 98-⑨ again and ask: What made the
washing go green? Look at the colour of Biff’s shorts on page
97-⑥ and ensure that the children understand that the colour
ran out of Biff’s shorts and dyed the white things green.
(Clarifying) Look at the picture on page 100-⑬. Ask: How does
Biff feel about having a pale green PE kit that is different to
the rest of the class?

Independent reading

Objective Read a range of familiar and common words and simple

sentences independently.
As they read, encourage the children to sound out and blend
new words, for example t-u-r-n, d-ow-n, d-ear, g-oo-d.
Support children with reading challenge words:
washing machine shouted shorts PE green mean
think school
If a word is too difficult, simply read the word for them.
● Remind the children that the text in speech marks shows that
characters are speaking. Model for the children how to read all
the speech with lots of expression and encourage them to do
the same.
Observing Did the children read independently with emotion and

Speaking, listening and drama activities

Objective  Speak with clear direction and appropriate intonation; take

turns in speaking.
● Talk about other things that might have gone wrong with the
washing. For example, everything shrinking, everything
getting torn by something being put into the washing
machine by mistake, something being left in the pocket of a
piece of clothing and being washed by accident, the washing
machine flooding the kitchen floor or everything turning a
bright colour.
● Discuss how Mum, Dad and Biff would feel if these things
● Talk about any times the washing has gone wrong in the
children’s homes. Ask: How did you feel? How did your
parent/carer feel?

Writing activities
Objective To write stories using simple setting, e.g. based on previous
● Together write a class version of the story using one of the
ideas discussed in the Speaking, listening and drama activity
● Work as a class to create new text for the story based on the
different events and how Mum, Dad and Biff would feel. Act
as scribe to write the new sentences for page 98-⑨ to page
100-⑬ on the board. Where appropriate, encourage the
children to use their phonics skills to help you to spell words.
● Provide the children with paper and a variety of pens, crayons
and coloured pencils. Ask them to create a new page 98-⑨
showing what happens in the washing machine, drawing a
picture and adding a sentence. They can copy the sentence
from the board or create their own, as appropriate.
Alternatively, they may want to create new page 99- ⑩ to
show Mum and Dad’s reaction to what happens.

Cross-curricular suggestion
Art and design – Provide the children with small bits of a torn
sheet and a variety of paints or dyes (as appropriate for use in
your setting). Encourage mixing colours and then dipping the
material into various mixes to see what colour the material

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