What Is Advertising PDF
What Is Advertising PDF
What Is Advertising PDF
Unit Structure
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definitions of Advertising
1.3 Features of Advertising
1.4 Objectives of Advertising
1.5 Importance of Advertising
1.6 Active Participant in advertising
1.7 Role of advertising Marketing Mix
1.8 Role of advertising in Society
1.9 Summery
1.10 Questions
(iii) those consumers, who do not use any such product; and
even then, are persuaded to buy the advertised product.
Encourage Purchasing
Encouraging people to purchase goods and services is the
main role of advertising. Some industries rely on advertising more
than others: A cereal company, for instance, must advertise more
aggressively, due to the wide arrange of competing products, than
a power company that faces little to no competition. Advertisers
often influence members of society to purchase products based on
instilling a feeling of scarcity or lack. .
Unit Structure :
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Meaning of IMC
2.3 Tools of IMC
2.4 Importance of IMC
2.5 Framing Integrated marketing
2.6 Summary
2.7 Questions
ship Publicity
Trade Fair
Advertising :
Advertisement is a non-personal presentation of an idea or a
product (where as personal selling or salesmanship help in
personal promotional.) Advertisement supplements personal selling
to a great extent. Advertising has, acquired great importance in the
modern India characterized by tough competition in the market and
fast changes in technology, and fashion and taste customers. It
creates an active role in integrated marketing communication mix
as it creates.
• Good image
• Top of the mind awareness
• Counterclaim the competitors
• Reinforce positive attitude
Publicity :
Publicity is the non-personal presentation. It originates from the
desk of the editor. It aims at only informing the public about the
events, person, firm etc. There is no control on the publicity by the
advertiser as it comes from the media owner. Publicity can be
favorable or unfavorable. Large firms have separate publicity or
Public relation :
A Public relations is defined as a management function which
identifies, establishes, and maintains mutually beneficial
relationships between an organization and the publics. Public
relations consider multiple audiences (consumers, employees,
suppliers, vendors, etc.) and uses two-way communication to
monitor feedback and adjust both its message and the
organization's actions for maximum benefit. It is used to generate
goodwill for the organization. Public relation help the company and
its public by relating each other for mutual benefits. The main
objective of public relation is :
Sales promotion :
Sales promotions are direct inducements that offer extra
incentives to enhance or accelerate the product's movement from
producer to consumer. Sales promotion constitutes devices like
contests, coupons, free samples, premium, and point of purchase
material. Sales promotion is action oriented. It motivates customers
to buy the goods under incentive plans. Sales promotion not only
covers consumers but also dealers and wholesalers. It acts as a
connecting link between advertising and salesmanship. Thus in a
competitive marketing sales promotion act as a effective tool to an
advertiser to solve several short term hurdles in marketing.
Personal Selling :
Personal selling includes all person-to-person contact with
customers with the purpose of introducing the product to the
customer, convincing him or her of the product's value, and closing
the sale. The role of personal selling varies from organization to
organization, depending on the nature and size of the company, the
industry, and the products or services it is marketing. Many
marketing executives realize that both sales and non-sales
Packaging :
A properly designed package can induce the prospects to buy
the product. A well designed package can communicate the type
and quality of the product. Packaging plays an important role in
converting the minds of the consumers as it provides
• Providing information of the product.
• Protection of goods while transportation and handling
• Preservation of quality of the products.
• Promotion of the product.
Internet :
Just as direct marketing has become a prominent player in the
promotional mix, so too has the Internet. Virtually unheard of in the
1980s, the 1990s saw this new medium explode onto the scene,
being adopted by families, businesses and other organizations
more quickly than any other medium in history. Web sites provide a
new way of transmitting information, entertainment, and advertising,
and have generated a new dimension in marketing: electronic
commerce. E-commerce is the term used to describe the act of
selling goods and services over the Internet. In other words, the
Internet has become more that a communication channel; it is a
marketing channel itself with companies such as Amazon.com,
CDNow, eBay, and others selling goods via the Internet to
individuals around the globe.
Sponsorships :
Many advertisers heavily rely on sponsorship in order to create
positive feelings toward a company. Sponsorships increase
awareness of a company or product, build loyalty with a specific
target audience, help differentiate a product from its competitors,
provide merchandising opportunities, demonstrate commitment to a
community or ethnic group, or impact the bottom line.
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a process of
managing customer relationships that drive brand value primarily
through communication efforts.
Advertising, Publicity, Public Relation, Sales Promotion,
Personal Selling, Packaging, Internet, Trade fairs and Exhibition,
Sponsorship these are the main tools of IMS
IMC helps to create awareness of the products, provide the
information of the new products, act as a communication channel
between the seller and the intermediaries and expand the business.
Identification of target audience, Determining the
communication objectives, Determining the message , Selecting
the communication channel, Determining the budget, Promotion
Mix decision, Implementation of promotion mix and then Follow up
these are the main steps in designing IMC.
Unit Structure :
Chart :
Classification of Advertising on the various basis
3) Outdoor Media :
This include posters, neon signs, transit, point of purchase
(POP), etc. Outdoor advertising can be a good supporting media to
other forms of advertising. It is a good form of reminder advertising,
especially, the POP advertising.
4) Other Media :
This includes direct mail, handbills, calendars, diaries, cinema
advertising, internet and so on. These miscellaneous media can
play an important supporting role to the major media such as
television, and newspapers.
This is designed to alert people to the fact that such ads are
not editorials or informational pieces, but are specifically
advertisements. Companies can place advocacy advertising on
billboards, in print magazines and newspapers, online, and on
4. Advertising by Google
Ponds Age Miracle : Looking young is now really easy Get Ponds
tips and tricks!
Use Olay Total Effects : www.Olay.in/SkinCare
Tips for Beautiful Skin : Get the right beauty tips for your skin
from the Experts. Apply Now! KayaClinic.com
Gym Management Course : Learn how to successfully manage a
Gym, Fitness Club or a Health Club! www.keleven.com
(a) The performance and image of the company and its future
prospects must be good.
(b) The premium, charged on the share price, must be fair and
(c) The brokers and underwriters must extend unqualified support
to the company.
(d) The company should get wide publicity from the press through
press conferences.
(e) True statement of facts, made in the ads.
(f) Finally, financial climate of the country plays an important role.
relations‟ image in the market for the marketer and a patronage for
its product or products. Institutional advertising can therefore be
patronage advertising and public relations service advertising.
Public relations institutional advertising is aimed to create a
favourable image of the company (advertiser) among employees,
investors or general public. Public service institutional advertising
aims at changing the attitudes or behaviour of the people to the
good of the community or public at large. Patronage advertising is
aimed to attract customers by appealing to their patronage buying
motives rather than product buying motives. Most of the companies
are successful in making their image in the minds of the people by
using their names, such as „Bata‟, „Tata‟, „Dunlop‟, „J.K.‟, „Bombay
Dyeing‟ etc.
10. Internet Advertising : The Internet facility has been around for
some 30 years. It actually began in the early 19608 in USA, where
the U. S. Department of Defense saw it as a means of
supercomputer communication for researchers and military facilities
across the country. Until its commercial explosion in 1990s, the
Internet remained a relatively obscure network of linked computers
- mostly by academics, military researchers, and scientists around
the world to send and receive electronic mail, transfer files, and find
or retrieve information from databases –
Different authors have classified advertising in different ways.
Generally the advertising is classified on the following basics 1.
Area Covered, 2. Audience, 3. Media, 4. Functions, 5. Advertising
Stages etc.
Unit Structure:
The most brilliant and original advertising ideas will be wasted
if they are not presented through the right media in the right place
at the right time to the right people. Hence the selection of right
media is an important for achieving the objectives of advertising.
However, before explaining the factors which should be kept in
mind for selecting the right advertising media, it is essential that we
must know the meaning of advertising media. An advertising media
is a means or vehicle of delivering a definite message. It is a means
through which an advertising message or information is passed on
to the prospective customers, readers, viewers, listeners or
passers-by. For instance, a producer seeks through advertisement
media to keep in touch with old customers as well as to attract new
customers. Medias are subject to intensive buying and selling
activity. Examples of media are newspapers, magazines, radio,
television, direct mail, posters, film, catalogues etc.
11. Size and Nature of the Business Enterprise : The size and
nature of the business enterprise also play an important part in
making a choice for the advertising media. Different media will suit
to departmental stores, chain stores, small shops, manufacturers
and producers etc. A big business enterprise may make use of
television, radio and newspapers having national network, whereas
a small unit may prefer local newspapers and cinema-slides etc.
4.7.1 Meaning :
Film is an audio-visual medium of communication and offers
wide opportunities to the advertiser to screen commercial films and
slides produced by them. Today cinema is an important and
3. The audience may not like to waste time in seeing such films
repeatedly. They resent to it as they come for entertainment
4. Restrictions are imposed against screening of films, e.g., there is
5. For screening films, the cooperation of theatres is a must which
is not easily available.
8. It is quite economical.
9. It has comparatively long life.
10. It is a very good media to stress brand names and package
4.12.1 Meaning
There are several Media Options which have emerged due
to increased popularity of advertising. Advertising through cell
phones and marketing through social sites are some of the
Emerging Media Options.
Car Cards : Car cards are small size thick papers or posters
placed inside the vehicles like the buses or railway trains. They
are also posted on the window screens or the side glasses of
motor cars. The main purpose is to remind the travelers about
the product. However, it is possible that many travelers may not
look at the cards while travelling.
Advantages :
1. It acts as a supporting or supplementary to press media
2. It is constantly reminding prospects of the products.
3. It is colourful and has a pleasing appearance. So, prospects
welcome this form of publicity.
4. It has a wide appeal. At attracts all human population of literates
and literates and illiterates.
5. This media is more permanent compared to newspapers, films,
magazines etc.
6. It provides scope for talents, skill and art.
Disadvantages :
1. It is difficult in measuring response as it appeals to the general
public and not in particular.
2. Selection of wrong sight, wrong materials, wrong methods etc.
wastages may arise. Also, due to damages to the posters,
hoarding etc. wastages are created.
3. This media can be used only as a supporting media to the others
like T.V. Radio etc.
4. It is alleged that the posters, hoardings, neon signs etc. spoil the
natural beauty of the places.
A good salesman must see that he should not show any goods
which may go against the window display. Secondly, counter
display must bring out as many varieties as are related to the
particular type displayed at the window. Thirdly, the salesman must
see that goods are not placed one upon the other.
1. What is Advertising Media? Explain the main factors to be kept
in mind while selecting advertising media.
2. What is Advertising Media? Explain the determinates of
advertising media.
3. What do you understand by Radio Advertising? Explain its
merits and demerits of Radio Advertising.
4. Radio Publicity has become a „must‟ of the Modern Business”.
5. What is FM broadcasting? Explain modulation characteristics of
FM Radio broadcast
6. What is Internet Advertising? What are the types of Internet
7. What are the advantage and disadvatanges of Internet
8. Television Publicity has become a must of the Modern
Advertising.” Comment.
Unit Structure :
Media Mix: Once the media selection is decided upon, the next
step is to determine the mix of the media one must use. This will be
arrived at by considering the advertising company‟s marketing
objectives, its target market, media characteristics, and its matching
with the target market. The overall advertising budget also
influences the nature of such mix, in addition to the available
audience. For example, to achieve certain advertising objectives,
one may require to use a mix of 50% newspaper, 25% magazine
and the rest 25% television. However, more than one mix may fulfill
the advertising objectives, and yet be within the overall budget cost.
But one should aim at balanced mix.
Media Buying : The specialist who is the counter part of the media
sales representative is the media buyer. Most of these specialists
work for advertising agencies, although some are retained by
advertisers and some work for firms of media specialists who offer
media buying services to both advertising agencies and
advertisers. Media buying service is likely to be more personal and
5.5.1 Meaning :
Unit Structure:
6.3.1 Functions :
1. The ABC has its own field force that collect circulation figures of
its member published by contacting newspaper and magazines
6. The ABC collects its data from the vendors of the periodicals and
publications by using standard techniques of mail interviews or
personal interviews.
(a) TRP Weekly Reports : The TRP Weekly Reports provide data
on weekly viewership of different programmes by cities. The
viewership details are provided separately for primary audience and
for the total audience (Total Audience = Primary Audience +
Secondary Audience). Weekly viewership data is given across sex,
age and income of the viewers.
6.5.1 Objectives :
(a) A sample of voters was first drawn from the electoral rolls in
group of a pre-determined size.
(b) The addresses where the selected voters were residing were
located. Within each such contacted household, adults‟ age 15+
years constituted the frame for randomly selecting an individual for
the readership interview.
6.5.3 Publication :
A special Publications Committee, comprising of senior media
controllers and directors from advertising agencies, decides on the
Publications to be included in the NRS. The Committee identifies
and includes those publication covered by ABC depending on their
circulation figures. They use their collective judgment to include
publications not covered by the ABC. NRS III covered 322
publications, whereas NRS IV included 288 publications.
Unit Structure :
1. Transit Advertising
2. Satellite television.
3. Cable television
4. FM channel.
5. Video advertising.
Advantages :
The following are the main advantages of satellite
7.2.4 FM broadcasting :
FM broadcasting is a broadcast technology pioneered by
Edwin Howard Armstrong that uses frequency modulation (FM) to
provide high-fidelity sound over broadcast radio.
Now a day DD has not been remain the only option to the viewers.
The viewers have a greater choice and freedom to choose a proper
channel. Transit Advertising, Satellite television, Cable television,
FM channel, Video advertising are the main emerging options.
Unit Structure :
advertising can bring down the cost of production from Re. 1/- to
Re. 0.80/- per unit as is evident from Table.
(f) Through good advertising, other selling costs may fall such as
cost of personal sales, point-of-sale displays. Therefore, prices fall.
(g) Advertising does raise price, but consumers are willing to pay it
for the brand of their choice. The consumer must pay a higher price
if he wants a better product. His reason, not his emotions, guides
him to choose a better product. So, advertising can succeed by
appealing to reason.
8.6.1 Meaning :
rum, gin, tobacco, pan parag and other harmful products should be
1. Explain the effects of advertising of (a) Production cost, (b)
Distribution cost and, (c) Customer price.
2. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Effects of Advertising on Production Cost
Unit Structure :
9.2.2 Objectives:
9.2.3 Characteristics:
The codes laid-down by ASCI have following characteristics:
3. Aim of Code : The code is laid down with the aim to ensure the
public protection and guard them against false and untruthful
5. Ads for Children : The ASCI code also keeps control on ads
meant for children. Such ads should not contain any information or
idea either in illustration or words, which might cause moral,
physical or mental harm to children.
3. The items advertised shall not suffer from any defect or efficiency
as mentioned in Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
9. Any such effects which might startle the viewing public must be
incorporated in advertisements. For example the use of the
following sound effects will not be permitted:
(i) Rapid gunfire or rifle shorts (ii) Sirens
(iii) Bombardments (iv) Screams
(v) Raucusus laughter and like
FM Radio Phase(FM Radio Broadcasting Services Through
Private Agencies)
Conditional Access System (CAS)
Community Radio Stations
Prasar Bharati
Akashvani (All India Radio)
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited
Uplinking/Downlinking of TV Channels
Content Regulation on Private TV Channels
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)
Headend-in-the-Sky (HITS)
Digital television transition
Radio And Television Licence Around The World
Broadcasting Authority of India
Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP)
Directorate of Field Publicity
Photo Division
Publications Division
Research Reference & Training Division
Song & Drama Division
Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI)
Press Council of India
Press Information Bureau (PIB)
Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC)
Directorate of Film Festivals (DFAI)
Films Division (FD)
Central Board of Film Certification
Children's Film Society, India
Film and Television Institute of India (FTII)
Film Certification Appellate Tribunal
National Film Archive of India (NFAI)
Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute
National Film Development Corporation
The mandate of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting are:
Unit Structure :
Definition :
The American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA)
defines an advertising agency as : “An independent business
organization, composed of creative and business people, who
develop, repair and place advertisements in advertising media for
sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and services”.
(a) The agency has fulfilled the minimum business limits with
Doordarshan / AIR and the Indian Newspapers Society.
their clients about their own professional work. If things go too far,
such clients may be abandoned. However, client turnover is not a
healthy practice as it puts both the parties to a loss. But under the
unavoidable circumstances, there may be no other alternative but
to turnover too another client.
10.7.1 Meaning :
Board of Directors
General Manager
Contact Media Copy Radio & TV Merchandising
Department Department Department Department Department
10.9.1 Meaning :
When an advertiser leaves one advertising agency, and shifts
to another, this practice is termed as client turnover. Highly frequent
rate of client turnover results in great loss to advertisers. When an
agency is changed the advertiser suffers on two counts, on having
to do away with the old agency and another with the new one. It is
very much like an employer suffering financial and other kinds of
losses on account of high „rate of labour turnover in his enterprise.
Productivity is the main factor of loss of the employer as well
advertiser. Just as the old employee‟s experience with organization
is an important factor in policy decisions and implementation.
Similarly the old agency‟s experience in advertising the company‟s
product lines is a total loss in case of turnover to another agency.
The old agency must have already collected considerable data
about the company‟s product, the market, the nature and the extent
of competition the consumers and host of other subjects. Such a
mass of information and data cannot be easily transferred to the
new agency. Researchers have identified as many as forty factors
that influence the sale of a product, advertising being one of them.
Advertising agency has grown by leap and bound and now they
account for billing over Rs. 2000 crores per annum. They are
constantly in need of talented and creative staff in their following
functional departments:
Unit Structure :
11.2.1 Meaning :
11.3.1 Meaning :
11.4 AIDA
The advertiser should tell the prospect about the product, their
main features, how they can be consumed and where they are
available. For example, the prospect who wants to book new
scooter should get such information in the advertisement as: place
of display, place and date of booking. Every advertisement normally
carries such basic information to guide the prospective buyers. It is
this stage which plays a decisive role in generating the sale of the
advertiser‟s product.
11.7.1 Meaning :
Unit Structure :
Advertising Budget
Steps involved in preparing an Advertising Budget
Methods of Framing the Advertising Budget
Approaches to Advertising Budget
4. Control of Budget : The fourth and the last step in the budget
making process is to have a control over the budget. It is the prime
duty of the advertising manager to see whether the actual
expenditure coincide with the budgeted expenditure or not. The
advertising manager should also see that the amount appropriated
for advertising is being used only on the item and activity as
expressed in the budget.
1. Affordable Method : In this method one has to find out what the
company can afford in a given business situation. Particularly,
those companies which have limited resources use this method.
When funds availability is a constraint, a limited fund is allocated
after other unavoidable expenses have been duly met. Under this
method it is usually assumed that advertisers do not spend too
heavily. Under this method, advertising activity is blocked-up at last.
Adverti sin g
= Past year's sales or anticipated sales or both X Pre - determined percentage
Merits :
(i) This method is most appropriate where competition is rigorous
as the management is supposed to keep itself in line with its
competitors. Under this method, the management always keeps
himself alert.
(ii) It reduces considerably the possibilities of advertising wars
amongst competitors.
(iii) It enables the management to maintain or increase its share of
the market in accordance with the objectives of the company.
(iv) It enables the management to monitor the marketing
programmes of its competitors. Thereby the marketing strategy
may be changed accordingly.
Demerits or Weaknesses :
(i) It is not a rational method because the need, size, problem,
opportunities and resources of every company vary
considerably from each other. These are hardly similar to each
(ii) There is no empirical or other evidence to suggest that
competitive parity in advertising appropriations has prevented
advertising wars.
(iii) The use of competition as a yardstick for appropriation makes it
easy for a company to ignore the needs of analyzing the
realities of its own competitive situation and to visualize the
possibility of other and better available strategies.
Merits :
(i) This method is more realistic, imaginative, objective, and
replaces the rule of thumb and customary thinking.
(ii) It forces the management to think in terms of advertising
objectives and awakens it to the need for their achievement.
(iii) It is flexible and may be adapted to changing company needs.
(iv) This method has a special merit in the introduction of a new
(v) It does not operate on the inaccuracies of the percentage of
sales basis.
Demerits or Weaknesses :
(i) This method is difficult to use, for it calls for adequate research
data and past experience.
(ii) This method is objective-oriented. However, its objectives are ill-
defined, the whole expenditure and the efforts will then go to
(iii) It is difficult to translate objectives into task that will lead to
objective achievement.
accept this view for income purposes also. They further argue that
press, radio and television advertisements have short life span and
thus why the money spent on advertisement should not be debited
to Profit and Loss Account in the same accounting year. The fruits
of the advertisement have already been derived in the form of
increase in sales during the concerning accounting year. In their
opinion there is no rational reasoning in carrying forward the
advertising expenditure onwards for a number of years.
Unit Structure :
advertising copy and its elements such as headline, slogan etc. All
these elements must be creative in attracting the attention of
13.2.1 Meaning :
13.3.1 Meaning :
13.4.1 Meaning :
Buying motives are concerned with the urges which compel the
prospect to buy. Selling points are the talking points for the
13.5.1 Meaning :
13.6 COPY
13.6.1 Meaning :
13.7.1 Meaning :
13.8.1 Meaning :
13.9 LOGO
13.9.1 Meaning :
The word „logo‟ comes from the Greek word „logos‟ meaning
„simply the world‟. The noun „logos‟ also appears in the Bible
signifying „the word of God‟. Today the world logo is used in
marketing and in advertising parlance. From the coveted double „R‟
of Rolis Royce to the immediately recongrusable script that Coca-
Cola uses, logos are quickly identified by everyone. Apart from
large corporations in every country even the small businessman
and one-man enterprises have adopted the corporate logo as a
means for creating brand recognition and corporate image.
13.9.2 Need for Logo : The need for a logo arises from the need to
be different, followed closely by the need to be recognised.
The word „logo‟ comes from the Greek word „logos‟ meaning
„simply the world‟. The noun „logos‟ also appears in the Bible
signifying „the word of God‟. Apart from large corporations in every
country even the small businessman and one-man enterprises
have adopted the corporate logo as a means for creating brand
recognition and corporate image.
Unit Structure :
14.2.1 Meaning :
14.3.1 Meaning :
Unit Structure :
Advertising research
Need and importance of Advertising Research
Types of Advertising Research
Testing of an Advertisement
Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness
Pre-testing and Post-testing methods
15.2.1 Definition
Advertising research is defined as the systematic gathering
recording and analysing of data relating to the effectiveness of
15.3.1 Meaning :
(i) The advertiser must decide the type of media, such as,
newspapers, magazines, television, radio or direct-mail, etc., he
intends to use.
(iv) Finally, he must determine space units i.e. full page, or, half
pages, or, quarter pages broadcast time units, such as 60 seconds,
20 seconds, and the position of the ad in print media as well as in
give a chance to worry the respondents about why they are there,
whether they are fashionable and so on. Concept tests are used to
measure the interest and credibility of different advertising
4. Folio Tests : Folio tests are used for press advertisements that
are finished or near finished form. Test advertisement along with a
couple of advertisements is placed into a folder. The „Folio‟
composed in this way is then placed before the selected few
consumers who are expected to give their reactions. The rest
advertisement is singled out later in the interview and the consumer
is asked to discuss its appeal and motivational power in creating
interest, arousing desire and attracting attention. This method of
pre-testing spots out the most responsive advertisement.
Benefits of Pre-Testing :
(i) To check clerical, grammatical, printing or technical errors.
(ii) To make communication more effective from readers points
of view.
(iii) Minimise waste in advertising.
(iv) To make it m ore meaningful and effective.
(v) It is simple, less time consuming, and less costly.
Benefits of Post-Testing :
(i) To find out the extent to which the ad has been noticed,
seen or read.
(ii) To find the extent to which the message is understood by
the readers.
(iii) To measure the memory value of advertising.
(iv) To find the impact of advertising on consumer buying
(v) To see whether ad is accomplishing its objectives.
(vi) To evaluate the comparative effectiveness of different ads
in terms of appeals, layout illustration etc.
(vii) To improve future advertising efforts.
(a) Order of Merit Rating : In this case various ads are shown to
the jury of consumers at a time and asked to place them in rank
order. Each rank can be assigned certain points, then chart will be
prepared and maximum points to be assigned by all members will
be selected.
4. Procedure :
The procedure is to select two groups of cities (market area),
one group is called (Control group of cities) and other is called (The
test group of cities) each group contains three cities. The existing
ad campaign is continued in control group and new ad campaign is
run in test group.
Now sales results of the control groups are compared with the
results of the test groups. If the sales show a better performance,
the new campaign is treated as effective and later on is run over
the entire market area.
Evaluation :
Ad. campaign is run on a small scale to find out - its
effectiveness before running the ad over entire market of this test is
conducted properly, it provides authentic results. However, (i) It is
time consuming, (ii) It is expensive, (iii) It poses a problem in
respect of selection of cities maintaining comparable situations.
Merits :
1. It can be used to check the relative effectiveness of several
ads by remaining them on a limited basis.
2. It is easily implemented and comparable.
1. It is time consuming. 2. It is expensive.
Other Methods :
There are several other pre-testing methods :
1. Recall Tests :
This test is made to measure the memory value of the reader
(respondent). The procedure is to select a group of respondents
and it is confirmed that they have read the particular issue of the
magazine. The respondents are given cards on which the names of
all products advertised in the issue are shown. The respondents
are asked to list each ad they think have seen and tell what it looks
like. Question can be asked on the message, colour, headline, etc.
to find out the impact value.
2. Readership Test :
This test finds out what the readers read and how well they
remember it. The advertisement to be tested is to be published in a
newspaper or a magazine. The an interviewer carrying a copy of
that medium asks the persons to be interviewed and asks them
which newspapers or magazines, they read, what advertisements
have been seen and remembered and their effectiveness. The
advantage of this method is that, a comparative evaluation is
possible and it focuses on the ways of getting attention.
Keying on an Advertisement
After preparation of an advertisement is over, it is to be
inserted in newspaper and/or magazines. Thereafter, the advertiser
has to check the effectiveness of the advertisement. For this
purpose, he has to adopt certain methods to ascertain what enquiry
is received from which advertisement. This process of identifying
the enquiries pertaining to a specific advertisement is known as
keying an advertisement. Advertisement can be keyed by inserting
coupons in the advertisement is known as keying an advertisement.
Advertisement can be keyed by inserting coupons in the
advertisement itself. This coupon is given a key number or some
identification mark which helps their sorting. The readers are
requested to fill in their names and addresses in the coupons and
mail them to the advertiser for getting a catalogue of further
(Applied component group)
At the S.Y.B.Com. examination
(Revised Syllabus w.e.f. academic year 2010-2011)
(Applicable in IDOL from year 2011-2012)
S.Y.B.A / S.Y.B.Com.
: Dr. S. R. Kamble
Dr. Ambedkar College
Wadala, Mumbai
Printed by :
Unit No. Title Page No.
1. Introduction Advertising 01
2. Integrated Marketing Communication 13
3. Classification of Advertising 22
4. Advertising Media 37
5. Media Planning 62
6. Media Research 72
7. Emerging Media Options 82
8. Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising 91
9. Regulation and Control on Advertising 105
10. Advertising Agency 113
11. Planning an Advertising Campaign 129
12. Advertising Budget 145
13. Creativity in Advertising - I 156
14. Creativity in Advertising - II 173
15. Advertising Research 181