PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama: Empowering Rural Communities For Growth

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Empowering rural communities for growth

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Inovasi Dinamika Pratama
The Team
Breaking Bread with Rural Communities
EMPOWER individuals and communities for GROWTH by
providing a platform to develop SUSTAINABLE clean energy

Provide modern access to ELECTRICITY,
areas using a portfolio of technologies deployed sustainably
using data-driven analysis to match each community’s unique
Our Company
The Founders
One of the founders was the engineer who invented the innovative modular microgrid for Engie
backed Electric Vine Industries. Both co-founders have lead projects to physically inspect over
300 remote microgrids across Indonesia

The Core Team

Along with the founders, Inovasi’s core team have over 30 years of experience specifically in rural
electrification across Indonesia and South East Asia. The team members have worked with the
private sector, development agencies and the Indonesian government’s Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources under the Patriot Energy program and as members of the Renewable Energy
Acceleration Task Force.

The Company
Supporting our vision to empower growth for rural communities, our goal is to have over 1,000
Rural Growth Service Provider points across Indonesia. Anchored in basic infrastructure needs
such as electricity and telecommunication, our company identifies each community’s needs and
provide the appropriate technology and business model.

This means quality installations, scale-ups and servicing of customer needs from Energy Access,
Capacity Building for Productive Use of Energy, and boosting economic development.
Rural Microgrid Inspection 100% Renewable Energy
GIZ Energy Program Indonesia Island Electrification Study
Our team members lead a project to inspect
300 solar microgrids across In 2015, our founder and team performed a
Indonesia’s remote communities (see map at study for the islands of Flores and Alor to More than 40 investigate how they can be electrified using
engineers and technicians were deployed to 100% renewable energy. Both utility scale power
inspect the installation, measured their generation and rural community electrification
performance, and surveyed economic and social
conditions. The locations were mostly very
were considered. About 100 villages
were visited in addition to local PLN and the local
remote including in the jungles of Papua.
government agencies.

Rural Community Surveys Designed and Implemented an

Innovative Microgrid
In the last 3 months alone our team members Lundin Foundation
have visited and surveyed over50 villages Operational since 2016, the highly modular
in three Indonesian regions. We have developed microgrid designed by our founder and
and continue to improve the survey methodology implemented by our team members incorporated
to capture technical, social and economic smart metering, modular topology and mobile
conditions at rural communities. The focus is to payment to a village in Sentani, Papua. The pilot
be able to project growth and predict behaviors
related to not only a current snapshot but also served 45 households . The topology
future willingness to pay. and design is now being used by Electric Vine
Industries with investments from Engie.
Off-grid Solar PV Revitalization Least Cost Electrification Study
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Asian Development Bank
Our team members have been involved in this study
Our team members have been contracted by the covering the provinces of Papua, West Papua and
Maluku individually. Combining rooftop tagging
MEMR to inspect 9 off-grid solar PV methodologies and an economic model, each
sites that are reported to be non-functional. We clusters of homes were mapped against various
inspected the systems for damage, further potential ways to electrify them. Grid extension, connecting
issues and recommendations for troubleshooting, to existing grid, microgrids and small home systems
repair and finding the root cause of the issues. were given parameters based on field studies and
surveys. The result is that each cluster was given
the least cost option for electrification.
Community Based Biomass
Gasification Feasibility Study
World Resource Institute Utility Scale Solar Site Selection
Private Sector Clients
In 2017, our team members visited and surveyed
several villages in the Central Sulawesi to identify Our team members have assisted several private
their potential for biomass gasification. A strong sector clients in connecting with the local
community engagement was established and the government agencies, PLN (Indonesia’s utility
head of the district was very keen to use bamboo company), and local communities. Utilizing our
as a nexus to attract investment to the area and as survey capabilities, we visit possible locations for
a source of electricity. Annual bamboo festivals, projects, perform the survey and analyze the data
unique bamboo architecture, and bamboo based for project suitability. Ownership structure, price,
handcrafts will be the primary tourist attraction. illegal squatting, and the presence of local thugs
were identified early on for the clients.
Andre Susanto
Andre Susanto has over a decade of
various engineering design, testing and
management experience spanning
work in the United States, Tajikistan,
Japan, and South East Asia including

He has designed and implemented

various off-grid solar PV systems across
the Asia Pacific regions. Having closely
worked with rural communities, he
developed a deep passion to empower
their growth.

Andre founded the company to

address this gap through three pillars:
commercial consultancy, community
engagement and market accessibility.
Trio Aditia
Project Manager
Trio has implemented microgrid
projects in Papua and developed
potential business models for battery
charging rental systems for rural
communities. With an IT background,
Trio has managed the operations of
smart meters and remote monitoring
units across various regions in
Indonesia. Recently, Trio also added
community engagement and capacity
building as part of his skills and

As an invaluable member of the team,

Trio has been managing Inovasi’s
various projects since 2017 and have
worked with the founders of Inovasi
since 2014
Team Leader
Afifah has recently visited the Riau
area in Sumatra to engage with the
communities and the local
government. She was able to closely
connect with a successful village
owned company that operates several
government funded solar PV systems,
community equipment rental, and
promoting a local tourist attraction.

Afifah holds an Engineering Master of

Science degree in Environmental and
Energy Engineering from the
University of Sheffield
Recent Activities
Inovasi looks for projects to enable community
growth and also self-fund projects to identify rural
community needs
Commodity Processing
Capacity building for cultivation, harvesting and
processing to increase value
Stakeholder Engagement
Including prominent community leaders, local
government, and community members
Stakeholder Engagement
Including prominent community leaders, local
government, and community members
Win-Win Solution
How do we operate?
Long term goals and aspirations
Energy as a Service

Solves regulatory Utility grid Bridging the gap

barriers collaboration
Inovasi’s team members
Energy as a service Most of the energy bridges the gap between
provide a work-around access and the needs of the
for the governmental electrification solutions community and the
regulations preventing we have in our portfolio available funding
the private sector to sell are flexible enough to sources/technologies
electricity to consumers accommodate the utility available.
without a business area grid when they arrive.
license or concession This is even more We provide the services
permits important when many required for the community
times the power quality to have access to electricity.
and availability from the This service connects the
utility grid is less than people who need the
ideal (4-12 hours/day electricity to those with the
availability using diesel money and those providing
generators) the technology.
Enabling Growth

O&M contract Community Access to market

Allows Inovasi to Many of the local
provide local staff The local staff members communities have valuable
members to provide are not there only as a commodities they can trade.
first line of support. technical support for Unfortunately often there is
This include solar panel the electrical systems. no capacity to process it
cleaning, routine They’re also there to properly to earn higher
maintenance and build capacity (energy incomes. Most importantly,
checkup as well as efficiency, productive often they have no access to
troubleshooting. use of energy, the end user markets.
appropriate technology
applications, etc) and to Inovasi will be working with
enable economic local communities to
growth through advice promote local products and
and assistance. services (e.g. tourism) to the
national and international
Putting it all together
The Business of Innovation
Inovasi – Scaling up Energy Access

Fit for Purpose Local Knowledge Social Entrepreneurship

We are technology With data on over 500 Inovasi’s long term goal is
agnostic and we find the villages (and growing), to be a sustainable and
right fit for the needs of the Inovasi has insights and successful business by
communities. We perform methodologies to make providing services to the
the surveys and analysis energy access a viable rural communities. This
strictly on behalf of the business through allows flexibility in how we
communities to support innovative technologies conduct projects and
their economic growth. and business models engage various partners

Alignment of interests
A sustainable business relationship can only happen when
all parties involved add value to the relationship. This is
what our company look for when designing project terms
and bring together various partners to support each
community’s needs for growth.

Understanding the communities’ needs as well as the

various other stakeholders is Inovasi’s way to scale up
energy access. Aligning everyone’s interest and provide a
win-win relationship for all parties involved.
Any questions?
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