Portfolio Assessment Rubric

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Portfolio Assessment Rubric

E-Portfolio Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary


Articulation of goals Goals are ill defined or overly Goals are well defined and Goals are multifaceted yet
simple. They are not indicative reflective of the complexity clearly defined, meeting the
of the breadth of learning of the learning experiences needs of all vested parties or
intended to be showcased.. being illustrated. audience members.

Defining of Little to no mention of specific Various audiences are The e-portfolio addresses a
audience audiences. differentiated and their broad, variety of audiences.
specific needs identified.. The intent to address their
particular needs is clearly
evident in the structure and
content of the portfolio.

E-Portfolio Theme or metaphor is barely Theme/metaphor is evident Theme/metaphor provides

structure: applying discernible or does not provide throughout the portfolio and more than just structure and
themes/metaphors a suitable organizational provides organization aids the audiences’
structure of the portfolio. benefits to the portfolio understanding and
content. appreciation of the portfolio.

Platform choice Platform does not address the Platform allows for a variety Platform choice eases or
organizational and content of media and can be enhances how the content is
needs of the portfolio. structured to meet the viewed and allows a variety of
needs of the theme or organizational structures to
metaphor. reflect the chosen theme or
metaphor. Technical learning
requirements are minimal
allowing a focus on content.

Identification of key Key ETEC class concepts and Key learning concepts and The impact of key concepts on
content/concepts content are only vaguely content from the various the learner’s practice and
referred to and their relevance ETEC learning experiences educational philosophy are
is ill-defined. are highlighted and their clearly defined and reflected
overall relevance indicated. on.

Artifact selection The relevance of the selected Artifacts are directly Chosen artifacts reflect a
artifacts to the portfolios goals relatable to the e-portfolios broad, diverse range of skills
and audience is difficult to goals and audience,and and learning opportunities.
identify. help identify significant They provide a bridge between
learning experiences. the experiences and the
reflections, adding clarity to
what is being described.

Quality of reflections Reflections are token Reflections illustrate the Reflections go beyond simply
comments that show little learner’s deeper identifying knowledge change
attempt at deeper understanding of how the and instead delve into how
understanding or analysis of learning experiences have educational philosophy and
the learning experiences changed their knowledge. practice have been altered by
highlighted in the portfolio. the learning experiences.

Practical application No indication of how learning Broad, general examples of Specific examples of how
or relevance of might be applied. how learning might be learning might be applied are
learning applied are indicated as well indicated, with clearly outlined
as the overall relevance to rationale indicating why this
the learner’s practice. new application improves on
existing practices.

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