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6.1 A LONG - Traddocx

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GRAMMAR Present simple and continuous VOCABULARY Work HOW TO Talk about


1A. Look at the words/phrases in the box. Are these things good (+) or bad (-) for your health?

Walking Junk food Fizzy drinks Working with Lots oh sleep Fresh
computers fruit/vegetables
Stress/worrying City life Alcohol Missing breakfast Smoking Vitamins
Exercise Caffeine Oily fish Frozen food Fatty foods

B. Work in pairs and compare your ideas. Can you add any more words/phrases to the box?

C. Work in pairs and take turns. Ask and answer the questions.
1. What do you do to keep fit and healthy?
2. Do you do anything which is not healthy?
A. What do you do to keep fit and healthy?
B. I get lots of sleep. How about you?
A. I cycle to work every day.
B. Do you do anything which is unhealthy?
A. Well, I probably eat too much junk food.


2A. Look at the photos. Discuss. How do you think these things can help people to live longer?

B. Read the texts to find out. Do they mention any of the things you talked
C. What is the significance of these numbers in the texts?

94 37 20% 80% 102 6 5-10

7 1997 900 3 3-4

94 – Dr Ellsworth Wareham is 94 years old.

D. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1. Do you want to live until you are 102?
Why/Why not?
2. Do you agree with what the people in the texts do and what they
Laugh and live longer
Dr Ellsworth Wareham is a Marge Jetton is 102 years old and
surgeon. lives in Loma Linda, California.
He is a specialist in heart surgery She believes exercise and keeping
and he has been a heart surgeon fit helps you live longer. She rides
for 37 years. Now, he is 94 years 6 miles on a bicycle before
old and he still performs surgery 3 breakfast! The whole world
or 4 times a week. But the should be exercising, she says The
doesn´t tell his patients how old television is full of lit, everything
he is. He thinks that working hard is full of why you should exercise.
and being active help you to live But there is something else. She is
longer. She he also cuts the grass religious, Research shows that
or helps his wife with the people who are religious may live
housework. He is a vegetarian, longer, sometimes 5-10 years
and has a large family. He thinks longer than everyone else.
that these things help you to have
“peace of mind”.
Scientists have studied the people People say that laughing every
of Oklnawa, an island in Japan, day makes you live 7 years longer,
since 1970. They are trying to because it reduces stress. Dr
understand why Okinawana live Kataria, a doctor from Bombay,
longer than everybody else. It believes laughter is good for you.
might be because of their diet. In 1997, he started Laughter Yoga.
Okinawans eats lots of fruit, Since then he has travelled
vegetables and soya. Or maybe around the world and established
it´s because they eat 20%less hundreds of laughter clubs. In
food than people in Western Bangalore, more than 900 people
countries. aftended a “laughter conference”
They have a saying “hara where they laughed for 3 days.
hachibu”. One things is certain: even if
Scientists say that perhaps eating laughing doesn´t make you live
less give you more energy and longer, it certainly makes you feel
keeps you headthier. better.

GRAMMAR present perfect + for/since

3A. Read sentences a) and b) and answer questions 1-3 below.

a) Scientists have stidied Okinawans since 19070.

b) Dr Wareham has been a heart surgeon for 37 years.
1. When did scientists start to study Okinawans?
2. Do they still study Okinawana today?
3. How long has Dr Wareham been a surgeon?
B. Underline the correct alternative to complete the rules.

1. Use the present perfect to talk about things that happened in the past and continue
until now/in the past.
2. Use for/since to talk about a period of time (how long) and use for/since to talk
about a point in time (when something started)
C. Complete the table with the phrases in the box.

sailed down the Nile.

I haven´t to iceland.
you ever ridden an elephant?
No, I

C. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.



4A Complete the table with the correct infinitive.

infinitive Past participle

1 driven
2 flown
3 had
4 met
5 / been
6 seen
7 slept
8 swum

B Use four the past participles above to write sentences about you. Two sentences should be

I´ve driven a Ferrari.

C. Work in pairs and take turns. Student A: say four sentences. Student B: guess which two are

Speakout TIP
Many past participles are similar. Look for patterns to help you remember. In your
notebook, complete the verb patterns and add another verb to each group:
meet- met, keep …
speak- spoken, break …
grow – grown, know …
drive – driven, give …
swim – swum, drink …


5A Complete the questions with your own ideas.

1. Have you ever been to _________________?

2. Have you ever slept in a ________________?
3. Have you ever had_____________________?
4. Have you ever________________________?
5. Have you ever met ____________________?

B Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions above. Who has done most things in your


4A Read the article about cold cures. Which ideas in the text are in the pictures?

B Read the article again. Which person do you agree with most? What do people do in your
country when they´ve got a cold?

C Work in pairs and compare your ideas.

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