Lithium Battery
Lithium Battery
Lithium Battery
Lithium Processing
Electrical energy for lower carbon emissions GEA is an established and globally recognized supplier for the
With global lithium reserves estimated to be 13 million metric chemical and metallurgical industries, most particularly in
tons (MT), the industry is working to unearth this almost lithium production. Our aim is to offer innovative and creative
feather-light metal that powers a 21st-century economy. solutions which respond to your needs. Our strength lies in
In today’s world, long-life, non-rechargeable lithium batteries global CAPEX-OPEX cost effectiveness and the long-term
are used in pacemakers, watches and calculators, while reliability of our systems.
rechargeable lithium batteries have revolutionized everything
from smartphones to electric drills. Moreover, this technology Major steps in the lithium value chain
now allows us to use lithium-ion batteries to store energy from We provide multiple technologies for major upstream and
solar and wind farms and to power electric and hybrid vehicles. midstream lithium process steps, including evaporative
As the demand for power from “clean” energy sources increases, concentration, precipitation, crystallization, purification,
so too, does the demand for lithium. Other end-use markets separation and drying. Our process systems give customers a
for the metal include ceramics and glass, lubricating greases, competitive advantage resulting from higher rates of production
air treatment, primary aluminum production and even under tighter specifications, combined with reduced costs and
some medicines. improved efficiency. And all of our plants comply with the
complex safety requirements of the chemical industry.
Lithium is found in continental brines and spodumene,
a hard-rock ore. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, China and the Beginning with the initial concentration of lithium chloride or
United States lead in lithium production from brine. lithium sulfate from the raw material (brine or spodumene),
Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile and Australia are major GEA delivers the technology that brings upstream processes
producers of the ore concentrates. to completion. The product produced, battery-grade lithium
carbonate or lithium hydroxide, can then move on to
midstream production.
Our commitment does not stop after the plant begins Research and
operation. A comprehensive service and upgrade program Development
is available to guarantee both the performance and the Test Center
longevity of the facility.
Lithium carbonate
dewatering decanter
Lithium hydroxide
Lithium hydroxide
fluid bed
Glauber's salt
Sodium sulfate
Lithium sulfate
After completing extensive and successful test
work at GEA facilities in Europe, GEA is delivering key
process equipment, including packaging, for production
of a pure lithium hydroxide monohydrate (LiOH.H O),
You deserve a spray drying specialist Get a system that’s right for you
There’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” solution when it When we develop spray drying solutions, we consider two types
comes to spray drying Li-ion battery material. Because individual of atomization devices: rotary or nozzle. Nozzles are available
cathode and anode powders vary widely in composition and with pressure and pneumatic configurations. We also offer
characteristics, GEA’s powder engineers tailor each solution to combination or multiflow nozzle systems.
the specific downstream components.
We recommend rotary atomization most frequently, since the
Comprehensive pilot plant testing enables us to select and equipment is particularly easy to operate and uses little energy.
optimize the process design, so that you can produce powders Rotary atomization of Li-ion battery material typically produces
of consistent superior quality – in the most energy efficient and a mean particle size of less than 10 microns to greater than
cost-efficient way. 100 microns.
GEA is a global technology company with multi-billion euro sales operations in more than 50 countries. Founded in
1881 the company is one of the largest providers of innovative equipment and process technology. GEA is listed in the
STOXX® Europe 600 Index. In addition, the company is listed in selected MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes.
Subject to modifications.
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GEA Germany