Use of Plastic Fibre in Fly Ash Brick

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Submitted to

In the partial fulfilment of the requirement of Bachelor Degree in

Civil Engineering


Department of Civil Engineering


First and the foremost, We express our deep sense of gratitude, sincere thanks and
deep sense of appreciation to Project Guide Prof. K.S.Langhe Department of Civil
Engineering, Dr.V.V.P College of Engineering, Ahmednagar. Your availability at any time
throughout the year, valuable guidance, opinion, view, comments, critics, encouragement,
and support tremendously boosted this research work.

Lots of thanks to Head, Civil Engineering Dept., Prof. U.R.KAWADE for providing us the
best support we ever had. Your opinion, view, comments and thoughts have really helped us
to improve our writings.

We like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. JAYKUMAR JAYRAMAN, Principal, Dr.
V.V.P College of Engineering, Ahmednagar for providing a great platform to complete the
thesis within the scheduled time.

We are also Thankful to all the faculty members of Civil Engineering Department,
Dr.V.V.P College of Engineering, Ahmednagar for giving comments for improvement of
work, encouragement and help during the completion of the thesis.

We would like to thank the technical assistants and the peons of the Geotechnical Engineering
Lab at COE, Ahmednagar for rendering help and support during the work.

We also express our special thanks to Mr. Ganesh Phanse (Shri Swami Samartha

Last but not the least; We should say thanks from our bottom of heart to our Family & Friends for
their never ending love, help, and support in so many ways through all this time. Thank you so much.

PET is employed alternatively construction entity which is really a synthetic fibre. Plastics
are non-biodegradable and its disposal is a problem. Carbonated Beverage and water bottles
commonly uses PET, PETE or Polyester (Polyethylene Terephthalate). These plastics since
being non-biodegradable, it involves either to recycle or reuse. And now, many studies show
they have successful results in building materials. This project uses waste PET bottles in
concrete with dust replacement. PET bricks were casted with PET ratios of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%
and 2% and cured for 7 days, 14days and 28 days with respective PET ratios. Likewise, the
compressive strength, Bulk density test, Impact test and Water Absorption test were
conducted on the PET bricks on the respective days 7, 14 and 28 namely.

Fly ash is a thermal waste of coal firing thermal plants and its accumulation near power
plants causes severe pollution problems. Therefore, its utilization as a raw material for brick
making will be a very beneficial solution in terms of economic and environmental aspects
which in case also reduces the use of clay brick that costs the nation heavily losing valuable
top soil. Alongly usage of this thermal waste in brick production causes difficulties in early
strength development.

Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 1
1.1.Fly Ash Waste 1
1.2.Plastic Waste 3
1.3.Quanity Of Fly Ash Generated In India 4
1.4.Types Of Brick 5
1.4.1.Clay Fly Ash Bricks 5
1.4.2.Fly Ash Lime Bricks 5
1.5. Requirements Of Fly Ash Bricks As Per IS 12894 : 2002 6
1.5.1.General Requirement 6
1.5.2.Classification Of Fly Ash Brick 8
1.5.3.Market Demand 9
1.5.4.Raw Materials 10
1.6.Characteristics Of Fly Ash 11
1.6.1.Physical Properties 11
1.6.2.Chemical Properties 11
1.6.3.Pollution Control Needs 12
1.6.4.Inspection And Quality Control 12
1.6.5.Energy Conservation 12
1.6.6.General Characteristics of bricks 13
1.7.Raw Materials, Sources And Availability 13
1.8.Applicability 14
1.9.Scope Of The Project Work 14
1.10. Objective 15
2.Literature Review 16
2.1.Manufacturing And Testing Of Plastic Sand Bricks 16
2.2.Utilisation Of Waste Plastic In Manufacturing Of Bricks And Paver Blocks 17
2.3.A Study On Mechanical Properties Of Fly Ash Brick With Waste Plastic Strips 17
2.4.Modern Technique in Fly Ash Bricks 17
2.5.An Experimental Study On Properties Of Fly Ash Bricks 18
2.6.Use Of Plastic In A Concrete To Improve Its Properties 18
3.Material And Methodology 19
3.1.Materials used 19
3.2.Properties Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick 24
3.3.Testing Methods 25
3.3.1.Compressive Strength Test (IS 3495, (Part 1): 1992) 25
3.3.2.Water absorption test (IS 3495, (Part 2) 1992 ) 27
3.3.3.Efflorenscene test (IS 3495, (Part 3) 1992 ) 28
3.3.4.Impact Test 30
3.3.5.Hardness Test 30
3.3.6.Soundness Test 31
3.4.Advantages Of Fly Ash Bricks 31
3.5.Disadvantages 34
3.6.Manufacturing Process 35
3.6.1.Flow Chart Of Manufacturing Process 36
3.7.Batching 37
3.8.Mixing 39
3.9.Moulding 40
3.10.Curing 40
4.Results And Discussion 41
4.1.Result Of Compressive Strength Test 41
4.2.Overall Compression Strength Result 44
4.3.Graph For Compressive Strength At 7,14 And 28 Days 44
4.4.Graph For Average Compressive Strength At 7,14 And 28 Days 45
4.5.Result Of Water absorption test 45
4.6.Overall Water Absorption Test Result 49
4.7.Graph For Water Absorption Test At 7,14 And 28 Days 49
4.8.Graph For Average Water Absorption Test At 7,14 And 28 Days 50
4.9.Test Result Of Efflorenscene Test 50
4.10.Result Of Impact Test 50
4.11.Result Of Hardness Test 51
4.12.Result Of Soundness Test 51
4.13.Disscussion 51
5.Conclusion 52
6.References 53
7.Photographs 54
List Of Figures

Figure No. Illustration Page No.

1.1. Fly ash bricks 3

1.2. Shape and size of frogs in brick 6

3.1. Fly Ash 20

3.2. Cement 21
3.3. Quarry dust 22
3.4. Plastic Fibre 23
3.5. Universal Testing Machine 27
3.6. The Flow Chart Diagram Of Manufacturing Process 36
3.7. Schematic Diagram Of Manufacturing In Plant 37
3.8. Pan Mixer 40

List Of Tables

Table No. Illustration Page No.

1.1. Generation Of Fly Ash During Different Five Year Plans 4
1.2. Classes of Pulverized Fuel Ash Bricks 9
3.1. Composition Of Conventional Fly Ash Brick 34
3.2. Composition Of Fly Ash Brick (0.5%Fibre) 34

3.3. Composition Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick (1.0%Fibre) 35

3.4. Composition Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick (1.5%Fibre) 35
3.5. Composition Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick (2.0%Fibre) 35
3.6. Batching For Convetional Brick 37
3.7. Batching For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre) 38
3.8. Batching For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre) 38
3.9. Batching For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre) 38
3.10. Batching For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre) 39
3.11. Fly Ash Brick Mixing Percentages 39
4.1. Observation Table For Conventional Fly Ash Brick 41
4.2. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre) 41
4.3. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre) 41
4.4. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre) 41
4.5. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre) 42
4.6. Observation Table For Conventional Fly Ash Brick 42
4.7. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre) 42
4.8. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre) 42
4.9. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre) 42
4.10. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre) 43
4.11. Observation Table For Conventional Fly Ash Brick 43
4.12. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre) 43
4.13. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre) 43
4.14. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre) 43
4.15. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre) 44
4.16. Observation Table For Convetional Fly Ash Brick 45
4.17. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre) 45
4.18. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre) 46
4.19. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre) 46
4.20. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre) 46
4.21. Observation Table For Convetional Fly Ash Brick 46
4.22. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre) 47
4.23. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre) 47
4.24. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre) 47
4.25. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre) 47
4.26. Observation Table For Convetional Fly Ash Brick 48
4.27. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre) 48
4.28. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre) 48
4.29. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre) 48
4.30. Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre) 49
Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


1.1 Fly Ash Waste :-
Fly Ash bricks can be extensively used in all building constructional activities similar to that
of common burnt clay bricks. These bricks are comparatively lighter in weight and stronger
than common clay bricks. Since fly ash is being accumulated as waste material in large
quantity near thermal power plants and creating serious environmental pollution problems
and the fibre of recycled plastic are also used in the manufacture of bricks to reduce the
volume of material and weight of the bricks, its utilization as main raw material in the
manufacture of bricks will not only create ample opportunities for its proper and useful
disposal but also help in environmental pollution control to a greater extent .

On seeing the present day demand for bricks, an attempt was made to study the behavior of
bricks manufacturing using, different waste materials like quarry dust, plastic fibre, fly ash
was used to manufacture bricks.

Production of burnt clay bricks requires consumption of coal leading to green house gas
emissions. The primary raw material used for bricks is the soil, which is often taken from
prime agricultural land, causing land degradation as well as economic loss due to diversion of
agricultural land. Use of traditional technologies in firing the bricks results in significant local
air pollution. The burnt clay brick industry in India produces over 180 billion clay bricks
annually with a strong impact on soil erosion and unprocessed emissions. At the same time,
the thermal power plants in India continue to produce a huge amount of fly ash, disposal of
which poses significant challenges for the power plants.

Cement Concrete dense/hollow bricks & blocks are very popular & are extensively used in
building construction throughout the country because of the many advantages such as
durability, strength,& structural stability, fire resistance, thermal insulation & sound
absorption it possess. These bricks have an attractive appearance & are readily adaptable to
any style of architecture. It lends itself to a wide variety of surface finishes for both exterior
& interior walls.The hilly states of India have high humidity, dampness & rainfall, so the
bricks are much useful for the N.E. Region, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, and U.P etc. High
density polyethylene hollow spheres replace the ineffective concrete in the centre of the slab,


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

thus decreasing dead weight and increasing efficiency of the floor. This saving, therefore,
brings down the cost of construction considerably.
These slabs have many advantages over a conventional solid concrete slab: lower total cost,
reduced material use, enhanced structural efficiency, decreased construction time and is a
green technology. The dominant advantages of a fibre deck slab are that it uses 30-50% less
concrete than normal solid slabs.

Production of building materials, particularly bricks using fly ash is considered to be one of
the solutions to the ever-increasing fly ash disposal problem in the country. Although there
exist several technologies for producing fly ash bricks, the one that is gaining popularity is
the fly ash fibre brick technology.

Production of burnt clay bricks requires consumption of coal leading to green house gas
emissions. The primary raw material used for bricks is the soil, which is often taken from
prime agricultural land, causing land degradation as well as economic loss due to diversion of
agricultural land. Use of traditional technologies in firing the bricks results in significant local
air pollution. The burnt clay brick industry in India produces over 180 billion clay bricks
annually with a strong impact on soil erosion and unprocessed emissions. At the same time,
the thermal power plants in India continue to produce a huge amount of fly ash, disposal of
which poses significant challenges for the power plants.

Production of building materials, particularly bricks using fly ash is considered to be one of
the solutions to the ever-increasing fly ash disposal problem in the country. Although there
exist several technologies for producing fly ash bricks, the one that is gaining popularity is
the FaL-G technology. The FaL-G technology works with the strength of fly ash, lime and
gypsum chemistry. The slow chemistry of fly ash and lime is manoeuvred by tapping
ettringite phase to its threshold limits through sufficient input of gypsum. Therefore, FaL-G
does not require heavy duty-press or autoclave, which is otherwise required in case of only
fly ash and lime. The FaL-G process completely eliminates the thermal treatment (except
open air drying) and does not require combustion of any fossil fuel.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Fig no. 1.1 Fly ash bricks

The ingredients of the FaL-G bricks and blocks, fly ash, lime, and gypsum, are well- known
minerals that are widely used in industries. All these materials are available in form of wastes
and bi-products from industrial activities and are available in adequate quantities in the areas,
where the project activities are located. In certain cases, where by- product lime is not
available in adequate quantity, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is used as the source of lime,
producing the same quality of bricks and blocks. The technology is proved to be
environmentally safe and sound.

Also 180 billion tones of common burnt clay bricks are consumed annually approximately
340 billion tones of clay- about 5000 acres of top layer of soil dug out for bricks manufacture,
soil erosion, emission from coal burning or fire woods which causes deforestation are the
serious problems posed by brick industry. The above problems can be reduced some extent
by using fly ash bricks.

1.2 Plastic Waste :-

Plastic is one of the daily increasing useful as well as a hazardous material. At the time of
need, plastic is found to be very useful but after its use, it is simply thrown away, creating all
kinds of hazards. Plastic is non-biodegradable that remains as a hazardous material for more
than centuries.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

The quantity of plastic waste in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is expanding rapidly. It is
estimated that the rate of expansion is double for every 10 years. This is due to rapid growth
of population, urbanization, developmental activities and changes in life style which leading
widespread littering on the landscape. They are non-biodegradable and also researchers have
found that the plastic materials can remain on earth for 4500 years without degradation In
India approximately 40 million tons of the municipal solid waste is generated annually, with
evaluated increasing at a rate of 1.5 to 2% every year.

Hence, these waste plastics are to be effectively utilized. Today, it is impossible for any vital
sector to work efficiently without usage of plastic starting from agriculture to industries. Thus
we cannot ban the use of plastic but the reuse of plastic waste in building constructions,
industries are considered to be the most practicable applications.

1.3 Quanity Of Fly Ash Generated In India :-

The principle source of energy in India is the coal and it will remain the major source of
thermal power for the next few decades. Nearly 65% power in India is generated through
thermal power plants (TPP). The high ash content of Indian coals (30% to 40%) is
contributing high volumes of fly ash. It is estimated at present nearly 160 million ton fly ash
is produced every year. The Fig.2 shows the utilization of fly ash in different segments of
works in India. The fly ash generation is increasing in such a proportion that it will not be
possible for the cement industry alone to utilize the same. New avenues of gainful utilization
of fly ash have to be found and promoted. The generation of fly ash in different five year
plans is given in Table – 1.

Table 1.1: Generation Of Fly Ash During Different Five Year Plans
Plan Period Terminal Year Power Coal (million Fly ash (million
Generation, tons) tons)
8th Plan 1996 - 97 50,000 210 80
9th Plan 2001 - 02 87,000 285 110
10th Plan 2006 - 07 1,16,400 400 140
11th Plan 2011-12 1, 38, 3000 500 175


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

1.4 Types Of Brick :-

1)Clay Fly ash bricks
2)Fly ash lime bricks
3)Mud Fly ash bricks
1.4.1 Clay Fly Ash Bricks:-

Brick industry is large field in which fly ash can be utilized as a major raw materials because
both clay and fly ash are of not much differences in respect of their chemical composition.
Furthermore, the residual carbon content in fly ashes bring about an economy in fuel
consumption during firing of bricks. In the process of bricks manufacturing from fly ash,
about 25 to 80 % of clay can be replaced by fly ash and the bricks are produced by
conventional or mechanised processes.

The green bricks after drying in open air or drying shed are fired in conventional or high
draught kiln to obtain finished red clay fly ash bricks. The bricks thus produced are lighter as
the bulk density of fly ash is about one half of the clay.

Logistic problem of getting fly ash at the brick kiln or getting land near power stations to
make bricks there have prevented large scale commercialization of technology.

1.4.2 Fly Ash Lime Bricks :-

In presence of moisture, fly ash reacts with lime at ordinary temperature and forms a
compound possessing cementatious properties. After reactions between lime and fly ash,
calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) are produced which are responsible for the high strength of
the compound.
This process involves homogeneous mixing of raw materials (generally fly ash, sand and
lime), moulding of bricks and then curing of the green bricks. Some technologies call for
usage of chemical accelerator like gypsum. These processes are almost similar and vary
slightly from water curing to steam curing at low pressure or autoclaving at 10-14 kg/cm2.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Bricks made by mixing lime and fly ash are, therefore, chemically bonded bricks. These
bricks are suitable for use in masonry just like common burnt clay bricks. These bricks
possess adequate crushing strength as a load-bearing member and are lighter in weight than
ordinary clay bricks.
Generally, dry fly ash available from power plants meets the properties specified in IS: 3812
and is suitable for manufacture of Fly Ash – lime bricks in accordance with the requirements
of IS: 12894.

1.5 Requirements Of Fly Ash Bricks As Per Is 12894 : 2002 :-

1.5.1 General Requirement :-
Visually the bricks shall be sound, compact and uniform in shape. The bricks shall be free
from visible cracks, war-page and organic matters.

Fig no. 1.2 Shape and size of frogs in brick

Hand-moulded bricks of 90 mm or 70 mm height shall be moulded with a frog 10 to 20 mm
deep on one of its flat sides; the shape and size of the frog shall conform to either Fig.1 or
Fig.2. Bricks of 40 or 30 mm height as well as those made by extrusion process may not be
provided with frogs.

The bricks shall be solid and with or without frog 10 to 20 mm deep on one of its flat side.
The shape and size of the frog shall conform to either Fig. A or Fig.B

The bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be uniform in
shape and colour.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Pulverized fuel ash commonly known as fly ash is a useful by-product from thermal power
stations using pulverized coal as fuel and has considerable pozzolonic activity. This national
resource has been gainfully utilized for manufacture of pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks as a
supplement to common burnt clay buildings bricks leading to conservation of natural
resources and improvement in environment quality.

Pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks are obtained from materials consisting of pulverized fuel ash
in major quantity, lime and an accelerator acting as a catalyst. Pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks
are generally manufactured by intergrading blending various raw materials are then moulded
into bricks and subjected to curing cycles at different temperatures and pressures. On
occasion as and when required, crushed bottom fuel ash or sand is also used in the
composition of the raw material. Crushed bottom fuel ash or sand is also used in the
composition as a coarser material to control water absorption in the final product. Pulverized
fuel ash reacts with lime in presence of moisture from a calcium hydrate which is a binder
material. Thus pulverized fuel ash – lime in presence of moisture form a calcium – silicate
hydrate which is binder material. Thus pulverized fuel ash – lime brick is a chemically ended
bricks. These bricks are suitable for use in masonry construction just like common burnt clay
bricks. Production of pulverized fuel ash-lime bricks has already started in the country and it
is expected that this standard would encourage production and use on mass scale. This stand
lays down the essential requirements of pulverized fuel ash bricks so as to achieve uniformity
in the manufacture of such bricks.

The Proposed unit will be a started by one of the women entrepreneur and she have
acquired EM Part I from the District Industries Centre, Kanchipuram, And also obtained all
the statuary requirements to run the firm without any technical and managerial problems.

FAL-G is not a brand name, but a product name like Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). This
name is given for easy identification of its ingredients. FAL-G stands for Fly- Ash-Lime-
Gypsum. In recent days, Lime-Gypsum is being replaced by OPC cement as it is cheap and
also quick setting. The process itself is concept development based on a cement theory called
“Crystallo-Mineral Combination or setting behavior” in technical jargon. In a recent
development it was found that use of OPC in many places is not only economical but also it


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

provides quick setting, faster curing, improved strength, and overall better quality ( including

Fly-Ash, an indispensable by-product of Thermal Power Plants, is an environmental threat

across the globe. Power plants are facing an ever increasing challenge disposal of this
polluting agent. This unit is proposed to manufacture FAL-G Bricks & Blocks by consuming
the Fly-Ash as one of the prime raw material. Secondly, it also helps environment by saving
the invaluable top soil by not using them in brick making like conventional brick making.
Thirdly, they need no burning, thus further enhancing their Eco-Friendly Brand. This is the
reason these bricks are also referred as Eco Bricks or popularly Green Bricks, (though the
colour is gray).

Fly-Ash Bricks and Blocks are largely used in various constructions, such as load bearing and
pillar structure Buildings, Boundary walls, Roads, Culverts, Pavements, and wherever
conventional bricks can be used. The general Fly ash bricks fall in the strength zone of 60-
250 Kg/Cm2

Thus is much stronger then conventional Bricks. These bricks gain strength over a period of
time up to 2 years, where as the conventional bricks tend to lose strength over a period of
time. Because of this strength, the same mix can be also be used to make the Paver Blocks in
the same casting machine with interchanging the moulds.

These green bricks can attain very regular and uniform shapes. As no burning is involved, so
the shape also remains unchanged. As a result, the final Brick work with these green bricks
consumes less mortar to build, less mortar to plaster. Further, the FAL-G being artificial
cement itself, it forms a more uniform bond with cement, giving almost a homogeneous
structure. Not only this, even exposed brickwork (without plastering) is a good durable
structure. So people prefer to leave the Green Bricks Brickworks in garages, boundary walls
etc. un-plastered.

1.5.2 Classification Of Fly Ash Brick :-

Pulverized fly ash-lime bricks shall be classified on the basis of average wet compressive
strength as given in Table 1. As per IS 12894:2002


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table 1.2 : Classes of Pulverized Fuel Ash Bricks

Class Designation Average Wet Compressive Strength not Less Than
N/mm2 kg f/cm2
( Approx )
(1) (2) (3)
30 30.0 300
25 25.0 250
20 20.0 200
17.5 17.5 175
15 15.0 150
12.5 12.5 125
10 10.0 100
7.5 7.5 75
5 5.0 50
3.5 3.5 35

1.5.3 Market Demand:-

180 billion tones of common burnt clay bricks are consumed annually approximately 340
billion tones of clay- about 5000 acres of top layer of soil dug out for bricks manufacture, soil
erosion, emission from coal burning or fire woods which causes deforestation are the serious
problems posed by brick industry. The above problems can be reduced some extent by using
fly ash bricks in dwelling units.

Demand for dwelling units likely to raise to 80 million units by year 2015 for lower middle
and low income groups, involving an estimated investment 0f $670 billion, according to the
Associated chamber of commerce and industry. Demand for dwelling units will further grow
to 90 million by 2020,which would requires a minimum investment of $890billion. The
Indian housing sector at present faces a shortage of 20million dwelling units for its lower
middle and low income groups which will witness a spurt of about 22.5million dwelling
units by the end of Tenth plan period. There is ample scope for fly ash brick and block units.

In Chennai alone 1 crore bricks are required for constructional activities in every day. But
good quality of bricks as well as required quantity are not available moreover during the
rainey seasons supply of clay bricks are very difficult. Therefore, in order to fulfill the
required demand there will be a great chance to start more units in the field of fly ash bricks.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

At present 20nos units are engaged and 40 lakhs nos of bricks per month are manufactured
in our state. And there will be scope to start near about 100 units, which will be produced
more than 2 cores no of bricks per month in future. Thus marketing of these product are well

Shelter is third skin, according to a German Concept, which implies it’s importance next to
human Skin and Clothing. This also shows the attachment of human race to this fundamental
requirement. Building Material accounts for major component of the construction cost.
Depending on the location they can contribute to 60 - 70 % of the cost of construction. With
the ever increasing population, the demand for housing increases. This directly creates
demand for this prime commodity of building. Add to the above fact the area under
discussion and its surrounding area is undergoing a major infrastructure revolution. As
Residential, Commercial, IT companies, and Industrial establishments are coming in, we can
conclude that the Bricks unit will prosper and flourish in this environment.

There is a central government gadget notification mandating government departments and

CPWD to use 100% Fly Ash Bricks in their all constructions- directly of through contractors.
This factor will help the marketability of this product immensely.

Fly Ash policy of the Government also mandates that 20% of Fly ash Generated by a power
plant must be given free of cost to SME sector on a priority basis.
1.5.4. Raw Materials :-

Fly Ash s the inorganic mineral residue obtained after burning of coal/lignite in the boilers.
Fly Ash is that portion of ash which is collected from the hoppers of ESP’s and pond ash is
collected from the ash ponds. Bottom ash is that portion of ash which can be collected fro the
bottom portion of the boilers. The characteristics of fly ash depend upon the quality of
lignite/coal and the efficiency of boilers.

India depends upon primarily on coal for the requirement of power and her power generation
is likely to go up from 60,000MW in the year 2010. While generation of power from
bituminous sources is on increase. The generation of fly ash is also likely to increase. The fly
ash generation in India Thermal Stations is likely to shoot up to 170 million tones in 2010


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

from the present level of 100 million tones. The disposal of fly ash in the present method will
be a big challenge to environment, especially when the quantum increases from the present
level. The proposed unite will be using both type of fly ash depends upon the availability

1.6 Characteristics Of Fly Ash :-

The physical and chemical properties of Fly Ash are tabulated below

1.6.1 Physical Properties :-

Specific Gravity 2.54 to 2.65 gm/cc

Bulk Density 1.12 gm/cc
Fineness 350 to 450 M2/Kg

1.6.2 Chemical Properties :-

Silica 35-59 %
Alumina 23-33%
Calcium Oxide 10-16%
Loss on ignition 1-2%
Sulphur 0.5- 1.5%
Iron 0.5- 2.0 %

It may be seen that lignite fly ash is characterized primarily by the presence of silica,
alumina, calcium etc. Presence of silica in fine form makes it excellent pozzolanic material.
Its abundant availability at practically nil cost gives a very good opportunity for the
construction agencies.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

1.6.3 Pollution Control Needs :-

The technology adopted for making fly ash bricks is eco-friendly. It does not require
steaming or auto-calving as the bricks are cured by water only. Since firing process is
avoided. There are no emissions and no effluent is discharged. Facial masks and dust control
equipment may be provided to the employees to avoid dust pollution more over all the raw
materials are kept under covered by polythene sheet to avoid air pollution.

• There are no solid or liquid effluents out of this plant.

• The unit is a Green unit as it consumes Fly-ash, saves fertile top soil and earns CER
• Workman working in the Bricks production Unit to be provided with protective equipments
like dust masks, safety goggles, Gum Boots, Gloves etc.

1.6.4 Inspection And Quality Control :-

The Bureau of Indian Standards has formulated and published the specifications for
maintaining quality of product and testing purpose. IS : 12894 :2002. Compressive strength
achievable: 60-250 Kg/Cm Sq. Water absorption: 5 – 12 %; Density: 1.5 gm/cc Co-efficient
of softening (depending upon water consistency factor) Unlike conventional clay bricks fly
ash bricks have high affinity to cement mortar though it has smooth surface, due to the crystal
growth between brick and the cement mortar the joint will become stronger and in due course
of time it will become monolithic and the strength will be consistent.

1.6.5 Energy Conservation :-

General precautions for saving electricity are followed by the unit by providing energy meter.
This products are low energy consumption since no need of fire operation in the production
unlike conventional bricks. Thus considerable energy could be saved not only in
manufacturing activities but also during the construction.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

The management has to be vigilant in ensuring higher productivity by the optimal utilization
of man and machine hours. Periodic checks on working stages, functioning of machinery,
their preventive maintenance and timely repairs will help in energy conservation.

1.6.6 General Characteristics of bricks:-

1. The standard size of the brick is 23cm x10cmx7cm.

2. The bricks are manufactured and tested as per IS 12894-2002.
3. Fly ash bricks are sound, compact and uniform in shape, size and colour. Smooth
rectangular faces of the bricks are accompanied with sharp and square corners.
4. They are free from visible cracks, warpage, flaws and organic matter.
5. Economical & environment friendly.
6. 30% lighter than ordinary clay bricks.
7. Compressive strength:
8. Water absorption

1.7 Raw Materials, Sources And Availability :-

Fly-Ash :-

A lot has been said about this raw material in this Project Profile itself. But this Raw material
is freely available in Thermal Power plants. There are no taxes on this item whatsoever.
Transportation charges are only to be attended by the entrepreneur.

However, the proposed Unit will get Fly Ash from locally available Thermal Power plants,
which is having best quality fly ash not only in the country, but also in the whole world

OPC :-

Lime used in this process is known as Hydrated Lime, which can be obtained by Calcining
Brunt Lime. One KG of Brunt Lime gives 2.2 Kgs of Hydrated Lime after Calcining. Brunt


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Lime can be obtained from Kuddur, Andhra Predesh where Lime Kilns and High Quality
Brunt Lime are pettily available. Alternativily Hydrated lime is available as an industrial by-
product of Paper Mills

This Project however aims to utilize OPC cement as a substitute for Lime. It will give faster
strength to the bricks, besides giving improved consistent quality. It also ensures a better cost
effectiveness for the same. Using OPC will be a standardized practice compared to Lime, as,
unlike OPC, Lime quality changes widely across suppliers and across seasons. The other
prime advantages of using OPC (compared to Lime) is it’s easy availability locally through
nationwide Retail Network of Cement Companies.

Sand / Crusher Dust :-

Sand is used as an economizer and to increase the strength of bricks to some extant. Sand is
procured locally. Crusher dust can also be successfully used in place of sand.
1.8 Applicability :-
The blocks being available in several load bearing grades are suitable for use: -
Load bearing external walls, in low and medium size structures.
Non - load bearing internal walls in low and medium size structures.
Non - load bearing internal or external walls in high-rise buildings.

1.9 Scope Of The Project Work:-

Since fly ash brick have not been used on large scale for the construction work, but it has
good scope ion future, because these bricks are being manufactured from the waste material
like fly ash, plastic fibre and quarry dust, manufacturing of these brick avoid the difficulty of
dumping fly ash, plastic waste since the natural resources are becoming limit so what makes
it availability and easy way to manufactured will increase it construction work.

Fly ash fibre brick also reduce the chances of pollution during its construction work which is
not same in all the bricks manufacturing process. High compressive strength, better
workability, fire resistance and all these quality of the brick will increase its future scope of


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

construction work. Soon we will find that in lots of construction work fly ash Fibre bricks are
being widely used.

1.10 Objective:-

In this investigation on light weight brick is carried out and a comparative study is executed
with respect to brick masonry construction and strength parameter, economy, light weight
character and insulation property are studied and compared.
1. Determination Of strength of Fly Ash Plastic Fibre Brick with using different
composition materials.
2. Determine strength of Fly Ash Plastic Fibre Brick with number of days


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


Brick is a solid unit of building having standard size and weight. Its history traces back
thousand years (almost 75000BCE). Clay bricks made of fired clay. The composition of clay
varies over wide range. Usually clays composed mainly of silica (grains of sand) alumina,
lime, iron, manganese, sulphur, and phosphates with different proportion. Clay bricks have
average density of 125 pcf. Bricks are manufactured by grading or crushing the clay in the
mills and mixing it with water to make it plastic. The plastic clay is then moulded, textured,
dried and finally fired.
The clay bricks have following disadvantages:
1. Time consuming construction
2. Cannot be used in high seismic zones
3. Since brick absorb water easily, therefore, it cause fluorescence when not exposed to
4. Very less tensile strength
5. Rough surfaces of brick may cause mold growth if not properly cleaned
6. Cleaning brick surface is a hard job
7. Color of low quality brick changes when exposed to sun for a long period of time.
Therefore following people working on the fly ash brick:

2.1 Manufacturing And Testing Of Plastic Sand Bricks :-

P. Tharun Kumar et al (2017), Assistant Professor, Shree Venkateshwara Hi Tech
Engineering College, Othakuthirai, Gobi – 638 455.

Plastic sand brick possess more advantages which includes cost efficiency, resource
efficiency, reduction in emission of greenhouse gases, etc.,Plastic sand brick is also known as
“Eco-Bricks” made of plastic waste which is otherwise harmful to all living organisms can be
used for construction purposes.It increases the compressive strength when compared to fly
ash bricks. By use of plastic sand bricks, the water absorption presence of alkalies was highly
reduced. Owing to numerous advantages further research would improve quality and
durability of plastic sand bricks.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

2.2 Utilisation Of Waste Plastic In Manufacturing Of Bricks And Paver Blocks :-

Dinesh S. et al (2016), Assistant Professor, Department of civil engineering, Sri Ramakrishna
Institute of technology, Coimbatore, India

The Plastic sand bricks possess more advantages which include Cost efficiency, Removal of
waste products thus abolishing the land requirement problem for dumping plastic, Reduction
in the emission of greenhouse gases by the conversion of flue gases into synthetic oil etc.

2.3 A Study On Mechanical Properties Of Fly Ash Brick With Waste Plastic Strips :-

S. Alan et al (2015), Assistant Professor (SG), RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India

In this study, recycled PET strips were considered as reinforcement for brick as a means for
studying and analyzing thereby improving its performance. Also the ecological benefit of
successfully using a waste material give added benefit and had been a prime motivation for
the work. So from the study it was concluded that PET strip bricks have high compression
strength, modulus of rupture which can be attributed to the increased bonding tendency of
PET with cement matrix.

2.4 Modern Technique in Fly Ash Bricks :-

M.S. Priya (2014), Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai.

The observed results of compressive strength test prove plastic waste and quarry dust
influence on the strength at all ages. It is found, in general, that the rate of strength
development is lower for bricks containing only quarry dust at early ages. The rate of strength
gain is significant after 28 days. And from durability point of view, the plastic waste addition
bricks are more durable than the normal fly ash bricks.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

2.5 An Experimental Study On Properties Of Fly Ash Bricks :-

Er. Rinku Kumar (M-Tech student at RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal); Er. Naveen Hooda
(Assistant Professor at RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal),(Sep 2014)

In fast growing today’s world development of new building materials and Processing &
utilization of industrial waste is being given the top priority in the program of building
research at a very high rate. This is important for achieving maximum disposal of wastes and
conservation of scarce resources and materials. The bricks produced were about 29% lighter
than clay bricks. The compressive strength of bricks manufactured from fly ash possessed
higher than 20 MPa. This generally exceeds the best of load carrying clay bricks available by
more than 25% and is several times better than acceptable commercially available common
clay bricks. Other important characteristics of the fly ash bricks have been evaluated. The
values of these characteristics for fly ash bricks are excellent and have exceeded those
pertaining to clay bricks. Moreover, fly ash bricks have been produced with a naturally
occurring reddish colour similar to that of normal clay bricks. The new bricks and process
have been patented. This dissertation presents the results of testing and the advantages gained
by this type of fly ash bricks over conventional clay bricks. In the present study, the effects of
fly ash on the properties of bricks are studied and the behaviour of fly ash bricks is compared
with conventional burnt clay bricks.

2.6 Use Of Plastic In A Concrete To Improve Its Properties :-

Raghatate Atul M.(2012), A.S. Polytechnic, Pipri Dist: Wardha, Maharashtra- 442001, India

Worked on Plastic bags which are used for carrying goods become a waste after use and
create environmental problems. Large amount of plastic waste produced every year. Recycle
and reused of plastic require vast manpower and processing cost thus the very small amount
of plastic recycled and reused and rest going into landfills, incinerators and dumps. Here
author suggested the use of these plastic bags pieces in a concrete as a plastic FIBRE to
improve the properties of concrete. Use of plastic has a dual advantage cost of material is low
also it solve the problem of disposal of plastic up to some extent.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


Materials and Method :-

This deals with the experimental investigation, which includes the details of tests conducted
to study the various physical properties such as compressive strength and water absorption

3.1 Materials used :-

Fly ash:-

Fly ash refers to the ash produced during combustion of coal. Pulverized fuel ash commonly
known as fly ash shall conform to Grade 1 or Grade 2 of IS 3812.The proportion of the Fly
ash is generally in the ratio 60-80%, depending upon the quality of raw materials.

Fly ash is finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of powdered coal and
transported by the flue gases and collected by electrostatic precipitator.

ASTM Broadly Classify Fly Ash Into Two Classes

Class F: Fly ash normally produced by burning anthracite or bituminous coal, usually has
less than 5% CaO. Class F fly ash has pozzolanic properties only.

Class C: Fly ash normally produced by burning lignite or sub-bituminous coal. Some class C
fly ash may have CaO content in excess of 10%. In addition to pozzolanic properties, class C
fly ash also possesses cementious properties. Fly ash used is of type class C with a specific
gravity of 2.19. The figure below shows fly ash fig.3.1


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Fig no.3.1 Fly Ash

Cement :-

A cement is a binder substance used in construction that say and harden and can bind other
material together. The most important type of cement are used as a component in the
production of mortar in masonry, and of concrete which is a combination of cement and
aggregate to form a strong building material.

Cement used in construction can be characterized has being hydraulic or non hydraulic,
depending upon ability of cement to set in the presence of water.non hydraulic cement will
not set in wet condition under water, rather, it set as it dries and react with carbon dioxide in
the air. It can be attack by some aggressive chemical after setting.

Hydraulic cement (e.g. Portland cement)set and become adhesive due to chemical reaction
between the dry ingredients and water. The chemical reaction results in mineral hydrates that
are not very water soluble and so are quite durable in water and safe from chemical attack,
this allow setting in wet conditions or underwater and further protects the harden material
from chemical attack. The chemical process for hydraulic cement found by ancient romans
used volcanic ash.

Portland cement conforming to IS 12269-1987 was used. Parasakti cement 53 Grade

procured from single source, properties in the laboratory. Cement is a fine, grey powder. The
cement was of uniform colour and was free from any hard lumps. The quantity of cement


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

required for the experiments was collected from one single source and the bags were stored in
nearly air tight container. Summary of the various test conducted on cement. The figure
below shows cement fig.3.2

Fig no.3.2 Cement

Quarry Dust :-

Quarry dust has been proposed as an alternative to river sand that gives additional benefit to
concrete. Quarry dust is known to increase the strength of concrete over concrete made with
equal quantities of river sand, but it causes a reduction in the workability of concrete .When
examining the above qualities of fly ash and quarry dust it becomes apparent that if both are
used together, the loss in early strength due to one may be alleviated by the gain in strength
due to the other, and the loss of workability due to the one may be partially negated by the
improvement in workability caused by the inclusion of the other. The stone dust passing
through IS sieve 1.1.It is residue taken from granite quarry. Due to excessive cost of
transportation from natural sources locally available river sand is expensive. Also creates
environmental problems of large-scale depletion of these sources. Use of river sand in
construction becomes less attractive, a substitute or replacement product for concrete industry
needs to be found. Whose continued use has started posing serious problems with respect to
its availability, cost and environmental impact. In such a case the Quarry rock dust can be an
economic alternative to the river sand. Usually, Quarry Rock Dust is used in large scale in the
highways as a surface finishing material and also used for manufacturing of hollow blocks
and lightweight concrete prefabricated Elements. After processing fine particles of size less
than 4.75 mm is used in this work.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

First Arriving mix percentage of fly ash bricks for Fly ash (50 to 60%), OPC (5 to 15%), and
Quarry dust (30 to 35%).Standard fly ash brick size of 230 mm x 110mm x 70 mm are used
to cast the bricks. For each proportion 12 number of bricks are casting in that nine bricks are
used to determine the compressive strength of brick in N/mm² at 7days,14days,21days
curing time and three bricks are used to determine the water absorption. Compressive Stress
is determined using Compression Testing Machine (CTM) of 3000 kN capacity. The figure
below shows quarry dust fig no. 3.3

Fig no.3.3 Quarry dust

Plastic Fibre :-

Every day millions of people drinks water from packed plastic bottles and though it is
expected that after consumption of water, bottle should be crushed and dropped in dustbin.
But it is nit in practice effectively. So instead of telling everyone to do so, a new method to
used plastic bottles effectively in innovated.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

In our country fly ash is produced in tremendous amount which has waste before a few year
ago and then fly ash brick were invented .

Following are some advantages of using plastic bottles brick

- Low cost non brittle
- absorbs abrupt shock loads
- Reusable
- Less construction material
- Easy to build

Plastic Fibre material used as clashes of plastic bottles, plastic meshes. Generation of plastic
waste is one of the fastest growing areas. Every year more than 500 billion plastic bottles are
used (nearly one lakh bottles per minute Collection, hauling ad disposal of plastic bottles
waste creates an additional environmental impact. In a landfill or in environment, Plastic
bottles take up to 1000 year to degrade. The figure below shows Plastic Fibre fig no.3.4

Fig no. 3.4 Plastic Fibre


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

3.2 Properties Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick :-

1. Durability :-

The life of composite materials is generally longer. Although some variety of

composite materials can be costly than solid wood, this is often balanced by
reduced costly maintenance and less frequent replacement due to rotting and

2. Appearance :-

The material is also popular because of its uniform appearance and

consistency in pattern. The synthetic material is manufactured from the “right
proportion” of mixed substances, and thus each board has the same
appearance as the next.

3. Moisture Resistance:-

The plastic content in composite decking makes it less susceptible to

moisture, which would normally cause wood to expand and contract. This
characteristic reduces wear and tear and prevents warping. The synthetic
material also protects the surface from decay caused by prolonged exposure to

4. Resistance To Heating And Fading:-

Typically the material is treated with UV stabilizer and hence has better
resistance to heating and fading. The added preservatives and colorant keep
the uniform appearance and prevent the deck from fading to some extent.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

5. Design Flexibility:-

One of the advantages of composite material over wood is its ability to be

molded to meet special shapes and sizes. It can be extruded to make
continuous profiles of desired cross-section with better dimensional
consistency and accuracy. It also behaves almost like wood and can be shaped
using conventional woodworking tools. Staining is not necessary but color
can be applied, if desired, for aesthetic reasons.

6. Environment :-

The material can be considered as environmentally friendly because it uses

recycled plastics. It can also be recycled completely, and processed without
any significant deterioration in performance.

7. Low maintenance:-

They do not require frequent staining, sealing and other additional treatments.
Decks can easily be cleaned by normal sweeping, hose or water jet

3.3. Testing Methods:-

3.3.1. Compressive Strength Test (IS 3495, (Part 1): 1992):-

Aim :-
To Determine The Compressive Strength.

Theory :-

This is the main test conducted to test the suitability of the brick for construction work. This
test is executed with the help of compression testing machine.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

A brick is placed in a compression testing machine. It is pressed till it breaks. Then the
compression strength of the brick is recorded from meter of the compression testing machine,
A brick after undergoing compression test.


A compression testing machine, the compression plate of which shall have a ball seating in
the form of portion of a sphere the centre of which coincides with the centre of the plate, shall
be used.

Preparation of Test specimen:-

Remove unevenness observed in the bed faces to provide two smooth and parallel faces by
grinding. Immerse in water at room temperature for 21 hours. Remove the specimen and
drain out any surplus moisture at room temperature. Fill the frog ( where provided ) and all
voids in the bed face flush with cement mortar (1 cement, clean coarse sand of grade 3 mm
and down ). Store under the damp jute bags for 24 hours followed by immersion in clean
water for 3 days. Remove, and wipe out any traces of moisture.

Measure dimension nearer to 1mm. Place the specimen with flat faces horizontal, and mortar
filled face facing upwards between two 3-ply plywood sheets each of 3 mm thickness and
carefully centered between plates of the testing machine. Apply load axially at a uniform rate
of 14 N/mm2 (140 kgf/cm2) per minute till failure occurs and note the maximum load at

The load at failure shall be the maximum load at which the specimen fails to produce any
further increase in the indicator reading on the testing machine.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Fig No. 3.5 Universal Testing Machine

3.3.2. Water absorption test (IS 3495, (Part 2) 1992 ):-

Water absorption test on bricks :-

Aim :-
To Find The Amount Of Water Absorbed By The Bricks

Theory :-

This test is carried out to determine the amount of water absorbed by the brick. When
immersed in water for a period of 24 hours it should not, in any case, exceed 20% of weight
of dry brick.

i) Electric oven ii) Weighing balance


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Preparation of Test specimen:-

Dry the specimen in a ventilated oven at a temperature of 105 to 115°C till it attains
constant mass. Cool the specimen to room temperature and obtain its weight ( M1 ).
Specimen warm to touch shall not be used for the purpose .

Immerse completely dried specimen in clean water at a temperature of 27 f 2°C for 24 hours.
Remove the specimen and wipe out any traces of water with a damp cloth and weigh the
specimen.Complete the weighing 3 minutes after the specimen has been removed from water
( M2 ).

3.3.3. Efflorenscene test (IS 3495, (Part 3) 1992 ):-

Efflorenscene test on bricks :-

Determination Of Efflorescence


This test is conducted for finding out the presence of soluble salts in a brick when it is
immersed in water for 24 hours and taken out and allowed to dry in shade. Absence of grey
or white deposits on its surface indicates absence of soluble salts. If the white deposits cover
about 10%surface, the efflorescence is said to be slight and it is considered as moderate,
when the white deposits cover about 50% of surface. If grey or white deposits are found on
more than 50% of surface, the efflorescence becomes heavy and it is treated as serious, when
such deposits are converted into powdery mass.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

A shallow flat bottom dish containing sufficient distilled water to completely saturate the
specimens. The dish shall be made of glass, porcelain or glazed stoneware and of size 180
mm x 180 mm X 40 mm depth for square shaped.

Place the end of the bricks in the dish, the depth of immersion in water being 25 mm. Place
the whole arrangement in a warm ( for example, 20 to 30°C ) well ventilated room until all
the water in the dish is absorbed by the specimens. and the surplus water evaporates. Cover
the dish containing the brick with suitable glass cylinder sothat excessive evaporation from
the dish may not occur. When the water has been absorbed and bricks appear to be dry, place
a similar quantity of water in the dish and allow it to evaporate as before. Examine the bricks
for efflorescence afterthe second evaporation and report the results.

The liability to efflorescence shall be reported as ‘nil’, ‘slight’, ‘moderate’, ‘heavy’ or
‘serious’ in accordance with the following definitions:
a) Nil - When there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence.

b) SIigltt - When not more than 10 percent of the exposed area of the brick is covered with a
thin deposit of salts.

c) Moderate - When there is a heavier deposit than under ‘slight’ and covering up to 50
percent of the exposed area of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking
of the surface.

d) Heavy - When there is a heavy deposit of salts covering 50 percent or more of the exposed
area of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.

e) Serious - When there is a heavy deposit of salts accompanied bp powdering and/or flaking
of the exposed surfaces.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

3.3.4 Impact Test :-

Impact Test On Bricks :-

Aim :-
To Find Impact Value


In this test brick is drop 2m from ground level to know brick impact value. If brick is
breaking into number of pieces then it’s impact value is low and if brick not break then it
considered as good quality of brick.

2m from ground level drop the bricks sample by free falling. Note the pieces how much it

3.3.5 Hardness Test :-

Hardness test on bricks :-

To Find Hardness Of Brick


This test is carried out to see that the brick is sufficiently hard or not. We can judge hardness
of the brick by making impression on the surface of the brick with the help of a finger nail.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


This test is carried out to check the hardness of the brick.In this test nill is scratched on the
surface of brick.If no impression of scratched is left on brick then brick is sufficiently hard
and can be used.

3.3.6 Soundness Test :-

Soundness Test For Bricks :-

To Find Soundness Of Brick

Theory :-

This sound is carried out to find out that a clear ringing sound is produced or not when the
two bricks are struck with each other without breaking any of the two bricks. If the two bricks
are not broken after striking with each other and a clear ringing sound is produced then it
means that the bricks are sufficiently sound

Procedure :-

In this test two bricks are struck with each other. For good quality bricks the bricks should
not break and should produce metallic sound when struck over each other.

3.4 Advantages Of Fly Ash Bricks :-

1. Appearance :-

These bricks have a pleasing colour like cement, are uniform in shape and smooth
in finish, also, they require no plastering for building work. The bricks are of
dense composition, uniformly shaped with/without a frog, free from visible


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

cracks, warp- age, organic matter, pebbles and nodules of free lime. They are
lighter in weight than ordinary clay bricks and less porous too. The colour of fly
ash bricks can be altered with the addition of admixtures during the process of
brick making. They come in various sizes, but generally are similar to the sizes of
clay bricks.
2. Structural Capability :-

These bricks can provide advantages being available in several load-bearing

grades, savings in mortar plastering, and giving smart looking brickwork. High
compressive strength eliminates breakages/wastages during transport and
handling, the cracking of plaster is reduced due to lower thickness of joints and
plaster and basic material of the bricks, which is more compatible with cement
mortar. Due to its comparable density the bricks do not cause any extra load for
design of structures and provides better resistance for earthquake loads due to
panel action with high strength bricks.

3. Thermal Properties :-

Thermal conductivity is 0.90-1.05 W/m2 ºC (20-30% less than those of concrete

blocks). These bricks do not absorb heat; they reflect heat and gives maximum
light reflection without glare.

4. Sound Insulation :-

It provides an acceptable degree of sound insulation.

5. Durability And Moisture Resistance :-

These blocks are highly durable, after proper pointing of joints, the bricks can be
directly painted in dry distemper and cement paints, without the backing coating
of plaster. Rectangular faced with sharp corners, solid, compact and uniformly
Water absorption is 6-12% as against 20-25% for handmade clay bricks, reducing
dampness of the walls.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

6. Toxicity and Breath-ability :-

There are no definite studies on the toxic fume emissions or the indoor air quality
of structures built with fly ash bricks, though claims of radioactive emissions by
these blocs have been made at some scientific forums.
Fly ash as a raw material is very fine and care has to be taken to prevent from
being air-borne and causing serious air pollution as it can remain airborne for long
periods of time, causing serious health problems relating to the respiratory system.
Though block manufactured from fly ash has no such problems.

7. Fire And Vermin Resistance :-

Fly ash bricks have a good fire rating. It has no problems of vermin attacks or

8. Sustainability :-

( Environmental impacts ) Fly ash is one of the numerous substances that cause
air, water and soil pollution, disrupt ecological cycles and set off environmental
hazards. It‘s also contains trace amounts of toxic metals – silica, aluminium, iron
oxides, calcium, magnesium, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium, which may have
negative effect on human health and plants.

But the brick is better off, for fly ash changes into a non-toxic product when
mixed with lime at ordinary temperature as the calcium silicathydrates and forms
a dense composite inert block. Thus having the potential as a good building
material, while offsetting about 100million tonne‘s of fly ash annually produced in
India by the numerous thermal power plants, which could cause serious
contamination of land, groundwater and air.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

9. Buildability, Availability And Cost :-

The blocks have an easy workability and high compressive strength eliminates
breakages/wastage during handling giving a neat finish, with lower thickness of
joints and plaster. The construction technique remains the same as regular bricks
ensuring easy change of material, without requiring additional training for the
masons. Though these bricks are abundantly available closer to thermal power
plants all over the country for obvious reasons, finding dealers in all major cities
and towns wouldn‘t be a problem.

3.5 Disadvantages:-

1. Bonding is lower due to smooth finish; this can be easily corrected by using
cement: sand mortar of 1:4 and proper curing. Also the quality of sand needs to be

2. Mechanical strength is weak. But this can be rectified by adding marble waste or
Mortar between blocks.

3. Limitation of size. Only modular size can be produced. Large size will have more

Table No.3.1 Composition Of Conventional Fly Ash Brick Material of brick Percentage of material
1 Fly ash 55%
2 Quarry dust 30%
3 Cement 15%

Table No. 3.2 Composition Of Fly Ash Brick (0.5%Fibre) Material of brick Percentage of material
1 Fly ash 55%
2 Quarry dust 29.5%
3 Cement 15%
4 FIBRE 0.5%


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No. 3.3 Composition Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick (1.0%Fibre) Material of brick Percentage of material
1 Fly ash 55%
2 Quarry dust 29%
3 Cement 15%
4 FIBRE 1.0%

Table No. 3.4 Composition Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick (1.5%Fibre) Material of brick Percentage of material
1 Fly ash 55%
2 Quarry dust 28.5%
3 Cement 15%
4 FIBRE 1.5%

Table No. 3.5 Composition Of Fly Ash Fibre Brick (2.0%Fibre) Material of brick Percentage of material
1 Fly ash 55%
2 Quarry dust 28%
3 Cement 15%
4 FIBRE 2.0%

3.6 Manufacturing Process :-

 Fly ash, OPC, Sand dust and Plastic fibre are manually fed into a pan mixer where
water is added in the required proportion for intimate mixing.

 The proportion of the raw material is generally in the ratio 55% of fly ash 15% OPC,
30-28% Dust,0.5-2% plastic fibre, depending upon the quality of raw materials.

 The materials are mixed in pan mixture. After mixing, the mixture is conveyed to the
hydraulic/mechanical presses.

 The homogenised mortar is put into the mould boxes. Depending on the type of
machine, the product is compacted under vibration / hydraulic compression etc.

 The Fig no. 3.6 shows the flow chart diagram of manufacturing process and The Fig
no. 3.7 shows the schematic diagram of manufacturing of the bricks


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

 The fly ash bricks are dried up under sun from 2 to 4 days, depending whether lime
route or cement route; the dried up bricks are stacked and subjected for water spray
curing once or twice a day, for 28 days, depending on ambience. The bricks are

3.6.1 Flow Chart Of Manufacturing Process:-

4. Plastic Fibre

Fig no. 3.6 The Flow Chart Diagram Of Manufacturing Process


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Fig No. 3.7 Schematic Diagram Of Manufacturing In Plant

3.7 Batching:-

The measurement of materials for making brick is termed as batching. Use of weigh system
in batching facilitates accuracy, flexibility and simplicity

Table No. 3.6 Batching For Convetional Brick

Quantity (kg) For 1 brick(kg)

Fly ash 1.53

Quarry dust 1.23

OPC 0.54


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No. 3.7 Batching For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre)
Quantity (kg) For 1 brick(kg)

Fly ash 1.53

Quarry dust 1.21

OPC 0.54

Fibre 0.017

Table No. 3.8 Batching For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre)
Quantity (kg) For 1 brick(kg)

Fly ash 1.53

Quarry dust 1.19

OPC 0.54

Fibre 0.034

Table No. 3.9 Batching For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre)
Quantity (kg) For 1 brick(kg)

Fly ash 1.53

Quarry dust 1.17

OPC 0.54

Fibre 0.051


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No. 3.10 Batching For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre)
Quantity (kg) For 1 brick(kg)

Fly ash 1.53

Quarry dust 1.15

OPC 0.54

Fibre 0.068

3.8 Mixing :-

Mixing of materials is essential for the production of uniform and strengthens brick. The
mixing should ensure that the mass becomes homogeneous, uniform in color and consistency.
Generally there are two types of mixing, Hand mixing and machine mixing. In this project,
we adopted machine mixing.

Table No. 3.11 Fly Ash Brick Mixing Percentages :-

Materials Percentages
Fly ash 55%

Quarry dust 28 – 30%

OPC 15%

PET Fibre 0 – 2%


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Fig No. 3.8 Pan Mixer

3.9 Moulding:-
The mould is used for preparing brick in uniform shape. The size of mould is 230×100×70
mm. The mould were assembled and placed on the base plate.The faces must be thinly

3.10 Curing:-
The test specimens after compaction were allowed to dry for a period of 24 hours. The
specimens were kept in ordinary curing tank and allowed to cure for a period of 7, 14 and 28


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

In the present study, fly ash bricks are subjected to the following tests to find out its
suitability for the construction work:

4.1. Result Of Compressive Strength Test :-

4.1.1 For 7 Days Test:-

Table No.4.1 Observation Table For Conventional Fly Ash Brick

Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 155
Control =22500 181 160.33 7.13
(mm2) 145

Table No.4.2 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 191
Sample 1 =22500 154 177.62 7.90
(mm2) 188

Table No. 4.3 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 199
Sample 2 =22500 165 191.33 8.50
(mm2) 210

Table No.4.4 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 173
Sample 3 =22500 212 202 9.00
(mm2) 221


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No.4.5 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 226
Sample 4 =22500 202 215.67 9.58
(mm2) 219

4.1.2 For 14 Days Test:-

Table No.4.6 Observation Table For Conventional Fly Ash Brick

Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 194
Control =22500 206 200.33 8.90
(mm2) 201

Table No.4.7 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 260
Sample 1 =22500 236 240.67 10.70
(mm2) 225

Table No.4.8 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 246
Sample 2 =22500 257 242.33 10.77
(mm2) 224

Table No.4.9 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 241
Sample 3 =22500 276 251.33 11.17
(mm2) 237


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No.4.10 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 281
Sample 4 =22500 230 265.67 11.80
(mm2) 286

4.1.3 For 28 Days Test:-

Table No.4.11 Observation Table For Conventional Fly Ash Brick

Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 240
Control =22500 280 265 11.78
(mm2) 275

Table No.4.12 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 318
Sample 1 =22500 204 270.67 12.02
(mm2) 290

Table No.4.13 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 315
Sample 2 =22500 313 310.00 13.77
(mm2) 302

Table No.4.14 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 349
Sample 3 =22500 310 325 14.40
(mm2) 316


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No.4.15 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre)
Samples Cross sectional Load(KN) Average Compressive
area (mm2) Load(KN) Strength(N/mm2)
225X100 381
Sample 4 =22500 324 338 15.02
(mm2) 309

4.2 Overall Compression Strength Result :-

Samples Control Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

7 Days 7.13 7.90 8.50 9.00 9.58
14 Days 8.90 10.70 10.77 11.17 11.80
28 Days 11.78 12.02 13.77 14.40 15.02

4.3 Graph For Compressive Strength At 7,14 And 28 Days :-

Graph For Compression Strength At 7,14 And 28 Days



Compressive Strength N/mm2

8 Sample 1
Sample 2
6 Sample 3
Sample 4

7 Days 14 Days 28 Days


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

4.4 Graph For Average Compressive Strength At 7,14 And 28 Days :-

Graph For Average Compressive Strength At 7,14, And 28 Days


Compressive Strength N/mm2



6 Compression Strength

7 Days 14 Days 28 Days

4.5 Result Of Water absorption test :-

4.5.1 For 7 Days Test:-

Table No. 4.16 Observation Table For Convetional Fly Ash Brick
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.82 2.95
Control 2.65 2.94 2.73 2.99 9.52
2.72 3.08

Table No. 4.17 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.65 2.98
Sample 1 2.83 2.85 2.72 2.94 8.08
2.69 2.99


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No. 4.18 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.74 2.90
Sample 2 2.51 2.82 2.65 2.86 7.92
2.71 2.86

Table No.4.19 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.78 2.85
Sample 3 2.55 2.82 2.63 2.82 7.22
2.46 2.80

Table No. 4.20 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.48 2.62
Sample 4 2.45 2.61 2.45 2.60 6.12
2.42 2.57

4.5.2 For 14 Days Test:-

Table No. 4.21 Observation Table For Convetional Fly Ash Brick
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.61 2.85
Control 2.80 2.99 2.69 2.92 8.55
2.66 2.91


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No. 4.22 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Weight M1 Wet Absorption
(Kg) Weight M2
(Kg) =
2.65 2.95
Sample 1 2.80 2.96 2.68 2.90 8.20
2.59 2.80

Table No. 4.23 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.70 2.79
Sample 2 2.45 2.75 2.61 2.77 6.13
2.68 2.76

Table No. 4.24 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.82 2.89
Sample 3 2.51 2.70 2.59 2.74 7.79
2.46 2.63

Table No. 4.25 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.42 2.60
Sample 4 2.41 2.53 2.41 2.52 4.56
2.39 2.43


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

4.5.3 For 28 Days Test:-

Table No. 4.26 Observation Table For Convetional Fly Ash Brick
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.65 2.90
Control 2.78 2.99 2.67 2.90 8.61
2.57 2.81

Table No. 4.27 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (0.5% Fibre)

Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water

(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.54 2.70
Sample 1 2.76 2.95 2.65 2.86 7.92
2.64 2.93

Table No. 4.28 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.0% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.69 2.79
Sample 2 2.44 2.71 2.60 2.76 6.15
2.66 2.78

Table No. 4.29 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (1.5% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.80 2.87
Sample 3 2.50 2.68 2.58 2.71 5.04
2.43 2.58


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

Table No. 4.30 Observation Table For Fly Ash Brick (2.0% Fibre)
Samples Dry Weight Wet Weight Average Average Water
(Kg) (Kg) Dry Wet Absorption
Weight M1 Weight M2
(Kg) (Kg) =
2.41 2.59
Sample 4 2.38 2.54 2.37 2.47 4.22
2.33 2.28

4.6 Overall Water Absorption Test Result :-

Samples Control Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

7 Days 9.52% 8.08% 7.92% 7.22% 6.12%
14 Days 8.55% 8.20% 6.13% 5.79% 4.56%
28 Days 8.61% 7.92% 6.15% 5.04% 4.22%

4.7 Graph For Water Absorption Test At 7,14 And 28 Days :-

Graph For Water Absorption Test At 7,14 And 28 Days

Water Absorption(%)

6 Control
5 Sample 1
4 Sample 2
3 Sample 3
Sample 4
7 Days 14 Days 28 Days


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

4.8 Graph For Average Water Absorption Test At 7,14 And 28 Days :-

Graph For Average Water Absorption Test At 7,14 And 28 Days

Water Absorption (%)

Water Absorption
7 Days 14 Days 28 Days

4.9 Test Result Of Efflorenscene Test:-

Samples Efflorenscene
Control Nil
Sample 1 Nil
Sample 2 Nil
Sample 3 Nil
Sample 4 Nil

4.10 Result Of Impact Test :-

Samples Impact Value

Sample 1
Sample 2 Bricks not break into pieces
Sample 3
Sample 4


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick

4.11 Result Of Hardness Test :-

Samples Hardness of Brick

Sample 1
No impression after scratching on the surface
Sample 2 of brick help of a finger nail.
Sample 3
Sample 4

4.12 Result Of Soundness Test :-

Samples Soundness of Brick

Sample 1
A clear ringing sound produced
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4

4.13 Disscussion :-

Here we saw that in above observations the compression strength of fibre fly ash brick
contain 2% fibre is increasing as 7,14 and 28 days; And water is absorption less as 7,14 and
28 days respectively.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


Based on the compressive strength test ,water absorption test, efflorenscene impact,
hardness and soundness test the following conclusions were made.
1. As we get high strength, practically no breakage during transport and use.
2. The results shows the fly ash fiberbricks are economical and lighter than conventional fly
ash bricks.
3. Fly ash fiber brick masonry is environmentally eco friendly because in this unit
constituents can be substituted by waste products like fly ash and recycled plastic material.
4. These bricks masonry presents better architectural view as compared to brick masonry.
5. Fly ash fiber brick masonry consumes less mortar than brick masonry because volume of
joints is less in fly ash fiber brick masonry.
6. Due to uniform size of bricks mortar required for joints & plaster reduced
7. It can be understood that fibre fly ash bricks are better alternative to conventional fly ash
bricks in structural, functional and economic aspects; by use of this aspect we can convert
waste into wealth.


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


1. P. Tharun Kumar et al (2017), Assistant Professor, Shree Venkateshwara Hi Tech

Engineering College, Othakuthirai, Gobi – 638 455.
2. Dinesh S. et al (2016), Assistant Professor, Department of civil engineering, Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of technology, Coimbatore, India
3. S. Alan et al (2015), Assistant Professor (SG), RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore,
4. M.S. Priya (2014), Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai.
5. Er. Rinku Kumar (M-Tech student at RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal); Er. Naveen
Hooda (Assistant Professor at RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal),(Sep 2014)
6. Raghatate Atul M.(2012), A.S. Polytechnic, Pipri Dist: Wardha, Maharashtra-
442001, India


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick



Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


Use Of Plastic Fibre In Fly Ash Brick


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