Experimental Mechanics Laboratory Manual
Experimental Mechanics Laboratory Manual
Experimental Mechanics Laboratory Manual
Laboratory Manual
(Revised 2014)
Prof. K. Ramesh
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Copyrights and Trademarks
We have attempted to make this document complete, accurate, and useful, but we
cannot guarantee it to be perfect. When we discover errors or omissions, or they are
brought to our attention, we endeavour to correct them in succeeding editions of the
manual. IIT Madras or Prof. K. Ramesh is not responsible for any direct or indirect
damages or loss of business resulting from inaccuracies or omissions contained
Preface .................................................................................................................................... 1
5. Demo on Computer Aided Data Acquisition & Analysis for Strain Gage
Instrumentation ............................................................................................................. 25
9. Photoelastic Determination of Stress Concentration Factor For a Plate with a Hole ... 43
10. Evaluation of Shear Stress Variation Over the Depth of a Beam Under
Three Point Bending by Photoelasticity........................................................................ 49
13. A Demo on Computer Aided Data Acquisition and Analysis in Photoelasticity ......... 59
How to Avoid Errors in Comparing Experimental Results with Theoretical Model ........... 67
Signal Acquisition with Auto Triggering, for the Agilent 5462x Series .............................71
Miscellaneous Topics
Voigt .................................................................................................................................... 32
Welcome to the exciting world of Experimental Mechanics. This booklet has experiments on
Strain Gauge Technique and Photoelasticity. An experimental technique by itself may not
give complete information of all the 15 unknowns (six components of stress, six components
of strain and three components of displacements at a point) of a general elasticity problem.
In many instances of pragmatic design one does not require all the 15 unknowns. A few key
components only at selected points are required to develop a workable design. A large
number of day to day design problems could be solved by a judicious choice of
photoelasticity and strain gauges. The optics required for photoelasticity is simple and hence
easy to establish and use of strain gauge technique is quite popular because of its versatility.
Photoelasticiy has the advantage of providing whole field information of the stress
field. Several problems could be studied just by observing the whole field nature of the stress
field. Fringe density is a useful tool to identify zones of stress concentration and also zones
where material need to be removed for reducing the weight! The technique is very simple to
employ if one has to evaluate stress concentration factors and hence ideally suited for
structural optimization studies. Photoelasticity has played a very significant role in the
developments of Theory of Elasticity. It is theory of elasticity that has shown that in the case
of bending of beams, near the load application points the shear stress distribution is no
longer parabolic – a deviation from strength of materials. The mathematics involved to arrive
at this result is quite cumbersome, whereas, it is quite simple to demonstrate this by
Strain gauge is a precision technique and to get reliable results it requires extreme
care in carrying out the recommendations of the manufacturer. The most crucial but dull part
is strain gauge pasting. In this laboratory you are given an exposure on how to follow the
various steps but you can be a certified strain gauge installer (look out for the ad by BSSM in
this booklet) only if you paste at least fifty more strain gauges!
The advent of computers has influenced all fields of science and engineering.
Experimental techniques are not left behind. The role of computers in automating data
acquisition for strain gauging and photoelasticity is included as demos.
Several postgraduate students of this laboratory have enthusiastically participated in
the preparation of this booklet and also setting up the experiments listed here. My special
thanks are to these students and also to the laboratory staff namely Mr. A. Sadasivam, Mr. A.
Antony Raj, Mr. T. S. Elumalai and Mr. L. Kannan, project mechanic, in helping me to set up
the experiments.
Prof. K. Ramesh
July 2003
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
General Guidelines
• Please read the details of the experiment given in the booklet thoroughly before you
come for the laboratory class.
• Come prepared with tables to enter raw data pertaining to your experiment.
Necessary guidelines to prepare the table for raw data is mentioned in this booklet.
• The table of raw data should be extensive and should contain all details of the
experiment including the initial readings so that any error in measurement could be
checked even at a later date.
• Raw data is to be entered in ink and at the end of the experiment get the signature of
the lab-incharge on it.
• There will be one report per group.
• One person has to write it and the other two must check it. Doing correct calculations
is important in this lab course. Otherwise one will not be able to draw right
conclusions. Difference of 10% in results is easily acceptable in experimental work.
Any mistake in calculation means – heavy penalty to checkers only.
• If you miss a lab, you will have to do the experiment separately and write the report
separately too.
Lab Report :- Lab report has to be formal, neatly written on good sheets in legible
(i) Flower Garland Analogy :- A technical write-up can be compared with a flower
garland whose flowers are figures, graphs, pictures and equations. Your text works
as a thread. So, prepare your tables, figures and graphs before you start writing.
(ii) Graphs :- They are the most important elements of the report. A reader can easily
grasp the results through well prepared graphs. Graphs, figures and photographs
must be numbered as Fig.1, Fig.2, etc. with appropriate captions. The axes should be
defined completely. If there are more than one line on the graph, each line should be
identified clearly. Each figure should be called by the text.
Tables : Tables are also to be numbered and for each table give a title. Moreover a table
should be readable. Do not bring unnecessary details from the raw data.
Precise and to the point : A report should be precise but complete. Theory and
experimental details should be to the point. I do not want to see essays in theory and
experimental details
Units : Only S.I. units please. There is a separate unit for a quantity. Force should be
represented in N, stress in MPa and modulus generally in GPa.
Tampering with data : Biggest crime in technical work is if you tamper with data. I will
accept any absurd data and still give you good marks. May be our instrument has gone bad
on that particular day and you are getting faulty readings. However, if I find you cheating – all
the members of the group will get zero in that report.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Sign Convention
Imagine a hypothetical cut or section across the slender member. If either part of the member is
considered as an isolated free body, the force and moment required at the section to keep that part of
the member in equilibrium can be obtained by applying the conditions of equilibrium. In general, there
will be both force and moment acting across the section as shown in the figure below.
The notation Fxx , …, etc., of the
components in the figure is used to
indicate both the orientation of the cross
section and the direction of the particular
force or moment component. The first
subscript indicates the direction of the
outwardly directed normal vector to the
face of the cross section. The cross-
sectional face is considered positive when
the outward normal points in a positive co-
ordinate direction and negative when its outwardly directed normal vector points in the negative
coordinate direction. The second subscript indicates the coordinate direction of the force or moment
component. The equations presented in this booklet follow the above sign convention.
In drawing the shear force diagram and bending moment diagrams various sign conventions
are used by different authors. The following sign convention is adopted in this booklet and the flexure
formula needs to be interpreted based on this sign convention.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
• Throw the used gauze away, and with fresh of approximately 1.5 mm between the gage
gauze make a single slow stroke in the backing and terminal.
opposite direction. Throw the second gauze
Glass Plate
Fig. 5
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Fig. 10 Application of
thumb pressure (Step 4)
Fig. 7 Catalyst
application (Step 1)
• The gage and terminals should now be
• M-Bond 200 Catalyst should be applied bonded to the specimen. To remove the tape,
sparingly in a thin uniform coat. pull it back directly over itself, peeling it slowly
• Wipe the brush against the lip of the bottle and steadily off the surface.
approximately ten times to remove most of
the catalyst.
• Set the brush down on the gage and swab the
gage backing by sliding - not brushing in the
painting style – the brush over the entire gage
• Move the brush to an adjacent tape area prior
to lifting from the surface.
• Allow the catalyst to dry at least one minute Fig. 11 Removal of cello
tape (Step 5)
under normal ambient laboratory conditions.
The next three steps must be completed in sequence
within three to five seconds. Read these steps before 1.3 Soldering Technique
a. Lifting the soldering iron before lifting the
solder may result in the end of the solder wire
Fig. 9 Bonding (Step 3) becoming attached to the tab:
b. Lifting in the reversed order can leave a
jagged (spike) solder deposit on the tab.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
• Any traces of residual flux can cause gage • Give a small strain cycle to the specimen
instability and drift and will inhibit bonding of bonded with strain gage.
the installation protective coating. • Strain gage installations with completely
• Incompletely removed soldering flux is the cured adhesives when cycled to 1000 με. will
most common cause of degraded exhibits zero shifts less than 2 με.
performance in strain gage installation. • If strain cycle is not possible, a temperature
cycle can be given.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Using Strain gages, find the stress on the top surface of a cantilever, near to fixed end, when
loaded at free end.
Strain gage, Specimen bar (Al), Bar holder with provision for loading, Strain Indicator model
P-3500, Multimeter.
The general setup is shown in Fig. 1. The strain gauged cantilever is attached to a ‘holder’
having a micrometer to give deflection in steps of 0.5mm. Leadwires from the strain gauge
are attached to the P-3500 which then displays the strain.
Gauge Load P
L0 δ
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Resistance strain gage is based on the phenomenon that the electrical resistance in a piece of
wire is directly proportional to the length and inversely to the area of the cross section. If a
resistance strain gage is properly attached onto the surface of a structure whose strain is to be
measured, the strain gage wire/film will also elongate or contract with the structure, and as
mentioned above, due to change in length and/or cross section, the resistance of the strain
gage changes accordingly.
This change of resistance is measured using a strain indicator (with the Wheatstone
bridge circuitry), and the strain is displayed by properly converting the change in resistance to
strain. Every strain gage, by design, has a sensitivity factor called the gage factor which
correlates strain and resistance as follows
∆R / R
Gage factor (SG) =
σ xx = Eε
The stress induced due to bending can be evaluated analytically using flexure formula.
The flexure formula is
Mb σ E
− xx =
I zz y ρ
where Mb is the bending moment applied, Izz is the moment of inertia of the beam cross-
section, σ xx is the normal stress acting on plane x in the direction x, y is the distance of the
fiber from the centroidal axis, E is the Young’s Modulus of the beam material and ρ is the
radius of the curvature of the bent beam.
The beam is bent by applying a known deflection at free end. This can be converted to
the free end load P by knowing the free end deflection analytically.
For a cantilever beam with end-load, the free-end deflection δ (in y direction) =
So, P = 3
Moment at gage location M t = − PL1
Test procedure
1. Set the specimen bar (beam) to the bar holder so that the bar acts as a cantilever beam.
Measure the important dimensions- L0, L1 , breadth b, and thickness t.
The bar should not be loaded now, and for the following steps 2-7.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
2. Measure the resistance of the strain gage using the multimeter and note it down
3. Connect the two ends of the strain gage as a QUARTER bridge as shown on the inner
side of the strain indicator’s lid (Fig. 5).
4. Depress the GAGE FACTOR button and set the (initial) gage factor to 2.005 or 2.06.
This value is supplied by the strain gauge manufacturer. Please refer the gauge spec
sheet for this value. Use the small four-position ‘range selector’ knob first and then the
bigger potentiometer. Lock the potentiometer.
5. Depress the AMP ZERO button (amplifier)- the display should be +/-0000. else use
the ‘fingertip control’ knob to bring +/- 0000.
6. Balance the circuit (still beam is not loaded). Depress the RUN button (with all other
buttons OFF) and see the display. The present strain gauge actual output will be
shown. Using the BALANCE knob, set the display to a convenient value (zero or any
other value). Since the readings are going to be relative with respect to a point, it does
not make any difference if the initial setting is zero or not as long as it is taken into
account. If the initial setting is not zero, the initial value should be subtracted from the
reading value. (You may have to use both the smaller and the bigger knobs). Lock the
7. With no load on cantilever, take the 1st set of readings. Note down the indicated strain.
8. For next step, make a deflection of 0.5mm with the micrometer handle. Add deflection
in 0.5 mm steps, to a max of 5 mm. Repeat the measurements.
Note: Weight of the beam itself does contribute to the strain and may also be considered.
However, since we zeroed instrument under the load of the beam weight it is irrelevant for our
Sample Table
2. Estimate the stress using stress-strain relations. Compare it with that predicted by
beam theory.
3. If you have to consider the weight of the beam, how would you modify the
experimental procedure?
4. If you have to account for the self-weight of the beam analytically how would you
A resistance strain gage is bonded to the surface of a component so well that it becomes an
integral part of the component. Note that a strain gage is capable of measuring only the
normal strain (tensile or compressive along the axis of the gage). Strain is supposed to be
measured at a point but experimentally a strain gage measures an average strain over an area.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Bridge excitation, gage resistance, gage length, gage backing etc. influence the strain
measurement. Wheatstone bridge is the most commonly used circuit for strain measurement.
Figure 3 shows a Wheatstone Bridge circuit. Initially E is adjusted to be zero by arranging the
resistances such that R1 R3 = R2 R4. If, after this initial adjustment there are small changes in
the values of the resistances, then the voltage output ∆E of the bridge can be obtained as:
R1 = R2 = R3 = R4
R1, R2, R3 and R4 can either be active strain gages or dummy strain gages.
The Eq. (1) can be interpreted as like strains in adjacent arms cancel but in opposite arms add.
This aspect is judiciously used in strain measurement for temperature compensation or for
doubling or quadrapling signal in transducer applications.
One of the arms of the bridge say R1 is replaced by a strain gauge. With the initially balanced
bridge, any change in resistance due to strain of the gauge causes a change in E. The output
voltage obtainable from Eq.(1) is,
R1 R2 ∆R1
∆E =
V (2)
( R1 + R2 )
In general, ∆ R1 can be due to both strain and temperature change. In order to measure the
change in∆ R1 only due to strain, the change in resistance due to temperature has to be
cancelled. This is known as temperature compensation. Temperature compensation is critical
for static measurements where the strain reading needs to be monitored for a long period of
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
A Wheatstone bridge that has two similar gauges in place of R1 and R2, while R3 and R4 built
into the strain indicator, is termed as a Half bridge circuit. The output E is given by,
R1 R2 ∆R1 ∆R2
=∆E V −
( R1 + R2 )
R1 R2
If both the gauges are in similar temperature environments, then the measurement is
automatically compensated for temperature effects. In strain measurement it is always
recommended to use at least a half bridge circuit. The strain sensitivity can be increased to
two fold if choice of strain gage location are so selected such that
∆ R1 and ∆ R2 experience
opposite but equal strains.
In this case all the four arms of the bridge are formed of similar strain gauge elements outside
the strain indicator.
The strain sensitivity can be increased up to four times by judicious choice of pasting the
strain gauges on the specimen and connecting them appropriately to the bridge.
A schematic diagram of the circuit element employed in a direct reading strain indicator is
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
that this is used to adjust the voltage on the instrument amplifier rather than resistance
on an arm of the bridge.
• Gage factor is adjusted through a potentiometer which controls the reference voltage of
the analog-to-digital converter.
P-3500 Specification
Fig. 5 Strain Measuring Bridge (instrument) Front panel, Quarter-bridge circuit connection
details and P-3500 specifications.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
The apparatus (Fig.1) setup consists of fixtures for holding the specimen and is provided with
the lever arm and weighing pans for loading the shaft in pure torsion. The telescope and scale
arrangement is to measure the twist of the shaft. The lamp is used for clear vision of the
readings in the telescope. P3500 for strain measurement.
A slender member subjected primarily to twist is usually called a shaft. Shafts are used in the
transfer of mechanical power from one point to another. In such an application, one is
primarily interested in the twisting moment, which can be transmitted by the shaft without
damage to the material. Knowledge of stresses that develop due to twisting (and its variation
over the cross-section) is necessary to be known. In certain applications twisted shafts are
used as a spring with prescribed stiffness with respect to rotation. In such a case, one is
interested primarily in the relation between the applied twisting moment and the resulting
angular twist of the shaft. For a circular shaft of constant diameter transmitting a uniform
torque, the torsion formula is
M t τ θ z Gφ
= = (1)
J r L
where, Mt is the twisting moment applied, J is the polar moment of inertia of the cross-
section, τθz is the shear stress developed due to torsion (Fig. 2), r is the radius of the element
being considered, G is shear modulus of the material, φ is angle of twist (Fig. 3) and L is the
length of the uniform shaft.
z L
r θ
Fig. 2 Figure showing shear stress Fig. 3 Figure showing the definition of angle
distribution of twist
Analysis of Results
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Sample Table
S.No Load Torque Telescope readings (x2) (x2 - x1) Angle of twist
1. If you are given two rectangular rosettes, how would you paste and connect them to
get the maximum signal output? Justify your answer with neat sketches and
appropriate equations.
2. How is shear modulus related to Young’s modulus?
3. For a generic point on the shaft surface draw the Mohr’s circle of stress
4. Discuss the reasons for deviation of experimental results with that of theory.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Most of the practical applications of strain measurement need measuring strains at multiple
points. To find the strain tensor at a point one needs three strain gauges. A strain rosette has
three strain gauges prealigned on a single backing. Multichannel strain data acquisition is
necessary in such applications. This experiment demonstrates the use of multichannel data
acquisition of strain by using SB10 (Switching and Balancing Unit) in conjunction with
All the structures, which are having elastic property, stiffness and mass, have natural
frequency with which the structure vibrates in the absence of external excitation.
Measurement of natural frequency is important because when forcing frequency matches
natural frequency, the structure vibrates with large
amplitudes and sometimes may fail. (which is
known as resonance condition) This experiment
also demonstrates the use of strain gage to measure
vibration characteristics namely natural frequency
and damping factor. (Damping factor is a measure
of the property by which how fast the vibration
Equipment Used
(A) Evaluation of Strain Tensor and Principal Stresses by Using Strain Rosette - An
Application of Multichannel Strain Data Aquisition
• Measure the location of strain rosette and orientation of its elements (θA, θB, θC)
• Rigidly fix the beam in the flexure apparatus.
• Connect the strain rosette to switching and balancing unit (SB10) as shown in the
circuit available on it.
• Connect SB10 to P3500 as per circuit given on the instrument.
• Balance individual channels with usual procedure with knobs provided for respective
channels in SB10.
• Give an end displacement using micrometer at one end of the beam.
• Measure strains in respective channels (εA, εB, εC) by using the switching unit.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
• Use the appropriate expression to calculate principal stresses. Compare your results
with theory.
Entry knob
Soft keys
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Values like frequency, period, voltage levels of waveforms (∆x, ∆y etc) can be easily
measured using cursors. Cursors are horizontal and vertical markers/gridlines that indicate X-
axis values (usually time) and Y axis values (usually voltage) on a selected waveform.
To make cursor measurements,
1. Connect a signal to the oscilloscope and obtain a stable display.
2. Press the Measure/Cursors key; it illuminates.
3. This step (step 3) is not mandatory since we are going to use the default settings.
Included only for information.
Press the Mode softkey
The three cursors modes are: Normal (default), Binary & Hexadecimal. Normal is the
setting for our purpose.
Note: Repeated pressing of softkeys will toggle the options available with that softkey.
X and Y cursor information is displayed above the softkeys. ∆X, 1/∆X, and ∆Y values
are displayed still above.
4. Press the Source softkey to select the source (channel no.) for the waveform.
∆X = 1/∆X = ∆Y =
Source X_Y key X1 X2 Not
(channel) X/Y_selection applicable
5. Press the X_Y softkey to decide whether to select either X cursors or Y cursors for
measurement. X cursors are vertical dashed lines to measure horizontal distance.
Similarly for Y cursors (voltage).
First, we’ll select X. (this being the default setting). The tick mark should be in X, as
in the fig.
6. Now, press X1 softkey.
The gridline of X1 (short-dashed vertical line) is brighter now than the other gridlines.
X2 is long-dashed vertical line. Now when we rotate the entry knob, the X1 gridline
moves. Move this to one point of the waveform, say the peak (-4.8ns, nanosec). The
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
cursor values are displayed within the X1 and X2 softkeys, and the current ∆X (X1 –
X2) and 1/∆X values are shown above that.
7. Press X2 when reaching one point of the wave. X1 will get locked at the earlier value
(-4.8ns). We can move the X2 gridline now.
8. As we move along the X2 gridline, the ∆X (X1 – X2) and 1/∆X values get changed
with the X2 gridline. ∆X can give the period and 1/∆X, the frequency. For eg., if X2 is
at 103.2ns, ∆X= 108ns and 1/∆X= 9.2MHz (frequency).
9. Press the X_Y softkey to measure Y distances (voltages) now. Y1 and Y2 gridlines
appear. Y1 will be active now.
10. The procedure follows that of X. ∆Y gives Y2-Y1 once Y1 is locked by pressing the
Y2 key.
11. Finally, to turn cursors off, press this key again until it is not illuminated, or press the
Quick Meas key.
Wheatstone was not the inventor of the bridge to which his name
is associated with! It was invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in
1833. This was seven years after George S. Ohm discovered the
relationship between electric current and voltage. It was first used
by Wheatstone in 1843 to measure resistance in electric circuits. His inventions
include stereoscope, method for measuring the velocity of electric current through a
conductor etc.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Any design and manufacturing process need validation tests. Most of the tests need
measurements of strain and displacements. Some specific areas like Aerospace applications
require temperature measurements also. System-5000 supports all the above transducers and
thus at a single platform it is possible to acquire all the necessary data.
System Specifications
The Configuration of System - 5000 in Solid Mechanics Laboratory has the following
• Model 5100 Scanners - 2 Nos
• Scanner No.1 consists of 4 cards, each card has 5 strain channels - 20 Ch. of strain
• Scanner No.2 consists of 3 cards, 2 cards of 5 strain channels each - 10 Ch. of strain
1 card of 5 LVDT channels each - 5 Ch. of disp
• Data acquisition card embedded in PC
• Pentium I or above PC with Windows-95(or above) operating system
First Measurement
For carrying first measurement the following step by step methodology is to be used.
Hardware Settings
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Sequence of Operations
Select Sensors
Output Display
Selection of Sensors
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Assignment of Channels
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Zero/Calibration Of Channels
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Display of Output
• From toolbar click the “start scan” button to initiate scanning. One gets the following
table showing strain values, channel Nos. & other information with out inactive
caption and the data
displayed is real time
data. Stopping the scan
can be done by red button
toggled at start button.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Export Data
Offline Display
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
• Similarly one can get data display in the form of plots by selecting the corresponding
options in display dialog box.
• Also equivalent stresses by applying various failure criteria such as von Mises, Tresca
etc. can be chosen for display. All these can be displayed as plots also.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
His work finally settled the old controversy over the rariconstant and
multiconstant theories. The questions were these : “Is elastic isotropy to be defined
by one or two constants and, in the general case, is elastic aeolotropy to be defined
by 15 or 21 constants”? Voigt used thin prism cut out from single crystals in various
directions in his experiments. The elastic moduli were determined from torsional and
bending tests of these prisms. In addition, the compressibility of crystals under
uniform hydrostatic pressure was studied. The results disproved rariconstant theory
and noted that one needs 2 constants for isotropy and 21 constants for aeolotropy.
The result of his work also helped in coining the term tensor! (as he dealt with
tensions of crystals of various planes).
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
The stress-fringe values of model materials vary with time and also from batch to batch.
Hence, it is necessary to calibrate each sheet or casting at the time of the test. Calibration is
performed on simple specimens for which closed form stress field solution is known.
Although the stress fields for simple tension or beam under pure bending are known, the use
of circular disc under diametral compression is preferred for calibration. Circular disc is
preferred, because the specimen is compact, easy to machine and it can also be easily loaded.
The stress field in a circular disc cannot be obtained using principles of Strength of Materials
but one has to use the principles of Theory of Elasticity. The stress field can be obtained
starting from Bousinesque’s solution. With the center of the disc as the origin, the stress field
is obtained as
( R − y) x 2 ( R + y) x 2 1
+ 4
σ x r1 r2 D
3 3
2P ( R − y) ( R + y) 1
σ y = − + −
τ πt r14
D (1)
xy (R + y) 2 x (R − y) 2 x
r24 r14
2 2 2 2 2 2
Where r1 = x + (R – y) and r2 = x + (R + y) , R denotes the radius of the disc, D represents
its diameter, t is the thickness of the disc and P is the compressive load applied. The principle
stress difference (σ1 – σ2) at any point in the disc can be expressed as
4 PR R2 − (x2 + y2 )
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) = (2)
π t ( x2 + y 2 + R 2 )2 − 4 y 2 R 2
At the centre of the disc due to symmetry, the shear stress is zero and the principal stress
difference is obtained as
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) = (3)
π Dt
From Stress-Optic Law,
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) =σ (4)
Where N is the fringe order, t is the thickness of the model material and Fσ is the material
stress fringe value in N/mm/fringe. From Equations (3) and (4) the material stress fringe value
can be obtained as
Fσ = (5)
π DN
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Compensation techniques are basically point-by-point techniques. The basic principle is that,
by external means, the retardation provided by the model is compensated such that a fringe
passes through the point of interest. The additional retardation added or subtracted is known
as fractional retardation. Analyzer can be used as a compensator. The use of the analyzer as a
compensator is known as Tardy’s method of compensation.
Initially, the principal stress directions at the point of interest are determined using a plane
polariscope. A circular polariscope is then formed such that the polarizer is kept at the
isoclinic angle and all the other optical arrangements are appropriately arranged. At this stage,
if the optical elements are correctly aligned, there should be no difference in the isochromatic
field compared to the conventional arrangement. The analyzer alone is then rotated until a
fringe passes through the point of interest. The rotation given to the analyzer can be related to
the fractional retardation as
δ n = ± β /180
Where β is in degrees and the sign is based on the physics of the problem. To determine the
sign one should note down the value of the fringe order that moves when the analyzer is
rotated. If a lower fringe order is passing through the point of interest the sign of β is to be
taken +ve and –ve otherwise. For a circular disc under diametral compression, the point of
interest is the centre of the disc and the principal stress direction are at θ = 0 and θ = 90 .
Since the basic polariscope arrangement coincides with the principal stress directions, the
employment of Tardy’s method of compensation simply amounts to rotating the analyzer.
When the analyzer is rotated the fringe that passes through the centre forms the “figure of
eight” as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1. Arrangement for Tardy’s method of compensation Fig.2. Fringe passing through
the centre forms figure of eight
Diameter of disk, D = mm
Thickness of disk, t = mm
Lever arm Magnification =
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Analyzer rotated CW Analyzer rotated CCW
Load N
S.No put in
load β Fringe Total β Fringe Total
pan order fringe order fringe
moved order moved order
After getting the total fringe order, using Eq. (5) the material stress fringe value is
calculated. Repeat the same procedure for different loadings and get the average value of the
material stress fringe value. A better approach to do this is to evaluate the material stress
fringe value in a least squares sense graphically. Draw a graph between Load P and Total
fringe order N. Calculate the slope P / N from the graph and use it in Eq. (5) to get the
material stress fringe value.
1. You have done the experiment with analyzer rotated CW & CCW. Let the respective
β values be β1 and β 2 . What is the value of β1 + β 2 you have obtained and what
should be its value? Can you explain the reason for deviation?
2. Each member of the team repeat the above. Have all of you got the same value of β ?
Can you comment on the possible errors that would have caused the difference?
3. Having done a detailed experiment on circular disc can you suggest a method to verify
the alignment of polarizer and analyzer?
4. Verify the various optical arrangements to get circular polariscope and list the
respective positions of the optical elements.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
7. Virtual Polariscope
The software P_SCOPE is a virtual polariscope, which helps to visualize and analyze the
photoelastic fringes of circular disk and ring under diametral compression for various optical
arrangements. This software also displays the polarization state of the light vector and the
position of all the optical elements. Another information that shows on the status bar of this
windows program is, fringe order and isoclinic angle at current cursor position along with the
Plane Polariscope
The screen shot given in Fig. 1. explains how to set a plane polariscope. The menu item
shown in the figure will load the dialog box where one can specify the settings relevant to a
plane polariscope. A default button is available to make things easy.
Circular Polariscope
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
One can switch between circular disk and ring by the following menu and consequent dialog
box. This dialog box allows one to specify the parameters of the model.
Compensation Techniques
Various compensation techniques to determine the fractional fringe order are simulated in this
software. The descriptive procedure for each compensation technique is explained below.
Software will assume the current selected point as the point of interest. So, prior to clicking
the menu the point of interest should be selected.
1. Find the isoclinic angle at the point of interest using the dialog box in Fig. 6. The spin
buttons will increase or decrease the integer value of the angle and the slider bar
contributes decimal value. These changes will virtually rotate the element and
corresponding intensity value at the point of interest can be seen by pressing
<Intensity> button. We can press <Refresh> button to see the current fringe pattern.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
This process should be continued until the intensity value is close to zero. Then press
<Next> button to proceed to second step.
2. Now the software will add the compensator whose retardation can be changed using
the dialog box in Fig. 7. Adjust the compensation at the point of interest using the
slider bar until the intensity is close to zero.
Note: While giving the compensation, observe whether a higher fringe order or lower
fringe order moves to the point of interest. This can be done using the refresh button.
Then press <Next> button.
aligned to principal
stress directions at
the point of interest
Figure 9 shows the menu item for Tardy compensation. Manual method is exactly similar to
Babinet-Soleil compensation except for the second step. Here instead of adding the
compensator the analyzer will be allowed to rotate.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Virtual Experiments
1. Align the virtual polariscope as a plane polariscope in dark field and observe the
isoclinics in steps of 10o for circular disk under diametral compression and make a
neat sketch of your result.
2. Repeat the same for the case of ring under diametral compression and make a neat
sketch of the isoclinics.
3. For three selected points determine the total fringe order by both Babinet Soleil
compensation and also by Tardy’s method of compensation.
4. Provide a sketch of polarization state of the light vector after each element when the
compensation is achieved by Babinet Soleil compensation and also Tardy’s method of
5. What information do you get in a plane polariscope bright field? State your
6. Verify the various optical arrangements to get a circular polariscope. Sketch these
arrangements schematically.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
1. Familiarize yourself with the software Photosoft_H using the manual provided in the
laboratory. Try to use various options and also learn how to save the picture files and
to load them.
2. Get the Dark-field fringe patterns of the following problems with the fringe order
clearly labeled.
a. Circular disk under diametral compensation
b. Ring under diametral compression
c. Plate with a hole
d. Contact stress problem.
Put these results in the four of default windows
3. Get the Isoclinic field in steps of 10o for the following problems
a. Disk under diametral compression
b. Ring under diametral compression
4. Study the influence of change of light source on isochromatics and isoclinics for the
problem of a concentrated load on a semi-infinite plate. Clearly mark the fringe orders
5. Study the influence of change of material on isochromatics and isoclinics for the
problem of plate with a crack in Mode-I loading.
6. Using the zoom option, show that the fringe order is zero at a singular point.
7. Get the typical fringe pattern in the neighborhood of a crack in Mode-I, Mode-II and
Mixed mode loadings.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
To determine the stress concentration factor for a finite plate with hole of different sizes and
combinations by Photoelastic experiment.
A structural member (Fig.1) under uniaxial tension experiences the simplest form of state of
stress. The stress tensor for this case is
σ 0 0
[τ ] = 0 0 0
0 0 0
σ= =
A wh
Where, σ- Stress (MPa), P- applied load (N), A- cross sectional area (mm2), w- width of the
member (mm), h- thickness of the member (mm). However, when the member contains a
discontinuity such as a hole (Fig.2), notch or a sudden change in cross section, the state of
stress is not a simple one but is more complicated and high-localized stresses near the
discontinuity may occur. Further, the stress field in the near vicinity of the geometric
discontinuity in general is multiaxial. The state of stress could only be found by principles of
Theory of elasticity.
P w P
The stress distribution can be evaluated by Theory of elasticity for the simple case of an
infinitely wide plate with a small hole subjected to tensile loading. The closed form solution
of stress distributions for the plate is given by
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
σ a2 a4 a2
rr 1 − +
1 + 3 4
− 4 2
cos 2θ
2 r r r
σ a2 a4
σ θθ= 1 + −
1 + 3 4
cos 2θ (1)
2 r r
σ a4 a2
σ rθ =
− 1 − 3 4 + 2 2 sin 2θ
2 r r
Where, σ is the magnitude of the remotely applied tensile stress.
σ σ
The state of stress in the plate is approximately plane stress (provided the plate
thickness h<<a), so that σzz = σzr = σzθ = 0. The distribution of stress components at the
surface of the circular hole (i.e. at r = a) is
σ rr = 0
θθ σ (1 − 2 cos 2θ ) (2)
σ rθ = 0
For θ = π/2, the hoop stress (σθθ) in Eq. (2) attains its maximum value of
σθθ = σmax = 3σ. This corresponds to the peak of the circumferential stress distribution as
shown in Fig.4 Hence we may say that the stress concentration factor (ratio of the maximum
local stress to the far-field stress) for this geometry is equal to 3. Here, it is important to note
that the stresses in the immediate vicinity of the hole are much higher than the far-field stress.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Consequently, failure processes may initiate locally at the edge of the hole under values of
far-field stresses, which are themselves sufficiently small to preclude such failures remotely.
σ σ
Figure 5 shows the radial variation of σθθ along the ray θ = π/2, emphasizes that the
magnitude of the stress concentration associated with the hole decays rapidly with increasing
distance from the notch. This is a clear example of St. Venant’s principle, which states that
the perturbations in a linear elastic field due to the presence of an isolated geometrical
discontinuity of size “d” are localized within a region of characteristic linear dimension ~ 3d
from the discontinuity. The stress level outside this region is therefore close to the nominal
applied stress levels (unperturbed).
The above-mentioned solution is valid only for an infinite plate. For a finite plate
one has to adopt an experimental approach or a numerical approach.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
The basic information one will get from photoelasticity are the fringe order N and the isoclinic
angle θ. The fringe order N is experimentally related to maximum shear stress for two-
dimensional problems through stress optic law as
σ1 − σ 2 = σ (3)
N fringe order
Fσ material stress fringe value (N/mm/fringe)
h specimen thickness (mm)
σ1 maximum principal stress (MPa)
σ2 minimum principal stress (MPa)
Photoelasticity primarily gives only principal stress difference. However our interest is
to find the stress concentration factor, which needs the estimation of the maximum stress. At
points P or Q (Fig.5), which lie on a free surface, σ2 = 0 at these points and the fringe order at
these locations are indicative of the maximum stress. Therefore,
N max Fσ
σ max = (4)
Two types of stress concentration factor definitions are found in the literature. It is
important to apply the analysis consistent with the given definition. The stress concentration
factor defined in Theory of elasticity literature is based on the applied stress σ and is defined
σ N max
= =
σ far field N far field
Where, σmax is the maximum local stress at the edge of the hole and, σfar field is the
applied far-field stress remote from the hole. In design studies, stress concentration factor is
defined based on the nominal (or net-section average) applied stress σnom and is defined as
σ max
K DS = (6)
σ nom
σnom = MPa
( w − d )h
P is the applied load; w, d and h are the geometric dimensions of the specimen given in Fig. 2.
Therefore the above Eq. (6) changes to,
N F (w − d )
K DS = max σ (7)
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Experimental Procedure
First arrange polarizer, analyzer and quarter-wave plates for a circular polariscope
arrangement. Then the Photoelastic model of plate with a hole is mounted on the loading
frame. The lever arm of the loading frame should be suitably adjusted so that the straightness
of the lever is maintained. If it is not straight, moving the loading frame portion by up or
down by using the handle on the top can rectify it. Now the loading frame is ready for
Now the specimen is loaded and one can observe isochromatic fringe patterns. Using
Tardy’s method of compensation total fringe order at the point (point P and Q as mentioned
earlier) where maximum stress developed and far-field fringe order away from hole is to be
determined. After completing the experiment, specimen is taken out from the loading frame
and the geometric dimensions are measured using a vernier caliper. The experiment is to be
conducted on the following four specimens (Fig. 6) of finite dimension.
1 2 3 4
Fig. 6. Specimen geometries
Caution: Since the specimen has geometric discontinuity of varying sizes, the maximum load
that can be applied for a specimen is to be less than that of the recommended value for that
specimen. Consult the student in charge of the experiment before loading the specimen.
Thickness of specimen h= mm
Width of specimen w= mm
Material stress fringe value Fσ = N/mm/fringe
S.No. Load Nmax Nfar-field σmax (MPa) σave (MPa) σnom (MPa) KTE KDS
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
1. For each of the specimens, compare the SCF with that of the one reported in the
design handbook.
2. Draw a graph of KDS versus d/w. Comment on your result.
3. What is the role of additional hole in the specimen 4? Comment and justify your
4. Compare the effort involved in evaluating SCF for these problems by FEM.
5. Comment on the effort involved in employing Tardy’s method of compensation in this
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Evaluation of shear stress variation over the depth of the beam under three point bending for
several sections and to comment on the conventional strength of materials solution.
x z
Select two sections A and B along the length of the beam. Select the sections such that A is
close to the load (5 mm or so) and B is away from both the loading points as shown in Fig. 1.
Select at least seven points along each section of which two points correspond to the surfaces
and one is at the geometric center of the beam depth. Load the beam and view it in plane and
circular polariscope setups. Determine the isoclinic angle at each of these points. Then find
out the fringe order at every point on each section using Tardy’s method of compensation.
The Stress-Optic law relates principal stress difference and fringe order as,
σ1 − σ 2 = σ (2)
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Where N is the fringe order, Fσ is the material stress fringe value and h is the thickness of the
Shear stress at any point over the depth is given by,
σ1 − σ 2 NFσ
=τ xy = sin 2θ sin 2θ (3)
2 2h
Using Eq. (1) calculate the theoretical shear stress for all the points on the two sections
A and B. Using Eq. (3) calculate the experimental shear stress for all the points on the two
sections A and B. Draw the shear stress variation along the two sections A and B. Compare it
with the theoretical result.
1. Is there any difference in the shear stress variation along the two sections between
theoretical result and experimental result? If so, what is it and explain the reason?
2. How can you theoretically find the stress distribution on a section close to the point of
loading? Indicate the steps involved.
3. Can you develop a numerical model using FEM to solve this problem?
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
• To show the linearity of the strain gauges in the open and closed end cylinders.
Figure 1 shows a SM1007 thin cylinder testing apparatus. It consists of a thin walled hollow
aluminum alloy cylinder of inner diameter 80 mm and wall thickness of 3 mm which is
subjected to internal pressure bya manually operated hydraulic hand pump to pressurize the
cylinder, pressure gauge to indicate pressure developed inside the cylinder, strain gauges
pasted at different orientation with respect to axis of cylinder on the surface to measure
strains, a hand wheel to adjust the cylinder to open and closed condition, digital indicator to
indicate strains measured by strain gauges in micro-strains.
Open and closed configuration of the cylinder can be achieved by operating the hand wheel:
• In open condition the hand wheel is screwed in, it clamps the free-moving pistons present
inside the cylinder. The frame then takes the axial (longitudinal) stress and not the
cylinder wall, as if the cylinder has no ends. This allows ‘Open Ends’ experiments
(Figure 2).
• In closed condition the hand wheel is unscrewed; the pistons push against caps at the
end of the cylinder and it behaves like a closed cylinder. The cylinder wall then takes the
axial (longitudinal) stress (Figure 3).
There are six strain gauges on the cylinder, arranged at various angles to allow the study of
how the strain varies at different angles to the axis.
A cylindrical vessel or shell may be thin or thick depending upon the thickness of the plate in
relation to the internal diameter of the cylinder. The ratio of d/t = 20 can be considered
suitable line of demarcation between thin and thick cylinders. In thin cylinders, the stress may
be assumed uniformly distributed over the wall thickness. Boilers, tanks, steam pipes etc. are
usually considered as thin cylinders. Thin cylinders are frequently required to operate under
pressures up to 30MPa or more, for high pressures such as 250MPa or more, thick walled
cylinders are used.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Pressure gauge
Strain gauges
Thin walled aluminum
Hydraulic hand pump
Hand wheel
Digital display
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
When thin cylinders are subjected to internal fluid pressures the following types of stresses
are developed.
Pd (1)
σH =
d = Inside diameter, mm
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
2. Longitudinal stresses - These acts parallel to the longitudinal axis of the shell.
3. Radial stresses - These stresses acts radially and are too small for a thin cylinder. Hence
theycan be neglected.
These three stresses are mutually perpendicular to each other and are principal stresses.
1. Switch on the power to the thin cylinder and leave it for at least five minutes before doing
the experiment. This allows the strain gauges to reach a stable temperature and gives
accurate reading.
2. Open (turn anticlockwise) the pressure control and screw in the hand Wheel to set up the
‘open’ or ‘closed’ end conditions.
3. Shut the pressure control and use the ‘Press & hold to zero’ button to zero the strain
gauge display readings.
4. Pump the hand pump until the pressure is approximately 0.4MPa and wait for a few
seconds for readings to stabilize and then record the readings.
5. Carefully increase the pressure in any increments up to 3.2MPa, but do not exceed a
cylinder pressure of 3.5MPa.
6. Open the pressure control to reduce the indicated pressure back to 0 MPa.
Analysis of results
1. Plot strain against pressure for all six strain gauges (Separate plots for Open end and
closed end conditions).
2. Calculate the direct Hoop stress at each pressure, and plot Hoop stress against Hoop
strain. Slope of the plot is the young’s modulus of the cylinder material
3. Plot longitudinal strain against hoop stress to evaluate poison’s ratio of the cylinder
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
To determine the internal pressure acting on the stress frozen thick cylinder
2. View the stress frozen thick cylinder under a circular polariscope in dark field
3. Measure the distance from the center of the cylinder to the point where the lowest
fringe order exists on thick cylinder.
1. How would you assign the fringe order for the fringes observed in the stress frozen
sample? Discuss the reasons for the variations of fringe order along the radius of thick
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Among the various experimental techniques, only photoelasticity offers techniques for
measuring the stress field interior to the model. Success of three-dimensional photoelasticity
became possible with the developments in material research, which made it possible for the
use of a unique process named as stress freezing.
In this, a model made of an appropriate epoxy is loaded and is allowed to go through a heat
treatment process for locking the deformation of the model and hence the stresses. However it
is termed as stress freezing, because the deformation locking phenomena can be explained
similar to the case of a stretched spring kept in a water bath subjected to freezing in a
refrigerator. At the end of freezing, water turns ice and it prevents the spring to come back to
its original position even when the loads are removed.
The epoxies used for making
Photoelastic models are composed of long
chain hydrocarbon molecules. Some of the
molecular chains are well bonded but a
large number of molecules are loosely
bonded. These can be termed as primary
and secondary bonds respectively (Fig. 1).
At the critical temperature of the polymer,
the secondary bonds break and the primary
bonds entirely carry the applied loads.
When the temperature is lowered, keeping
the loads still, the secondary bonds will re-
form between the elastically deformed
primary bonds and serve to lock them into Fig. 1. Primary and Secondary molecular
their deformed positions as ice preventing chains in Diphase Polymer
the stretched spring. When the loads are
removed, the primary bonds relax slightly,
but a significant portion of their
deformation is not recovered. Since, these
deformations are locked on a molecular
scale; the deformation and accompanying
birefringence are maintained even in small
sections cut from the original model.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
and providing appropriate coolant while cutting. Although the slice has a finite thickness and
will have some variation of stresses over the thickness, their effect is usually ignored for a
simplified analysis.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Photoelasticity has remained one of the most versatile experimental techniques. With the
advancements in computer hardware playing a major role in several fields, photoelasticity has
also not been left behind. The first attempts were made in the early 80s, which were confined
to mimicking the manual fringe identification algorithms using digital computers. A paradigm
shift in data acquisition has come about once it was realized that intensity information over
the model domain could be recorded and accessed easily using CCD cameras and associated
PC-based digital image processing hardware. Several methods aimed at evaluating the
Photoelastic parameters based on processing the intensity information such as phase shifting,
polarization stepping, load stepping and their variants have appeared. In this demo the role of
fringe thinning followed by data collection and use of statistical methods for data analysis is
The image of the loaded circular disc is grabbed using CCD camera and the PC-based digital
image processing hardware. Generally, the fringes do not appear as thin lines, but they appear
as broad bands. Early methods to measure the fringe data were manual. Photographs of the
fringe pattern were magnified for facilitating better accuracy and the fringe edges were traced;
midpoints between the edges along the length of the fringe bands were joined to produce the
fringe lines. With the advent of the electronic revolution, photoelectric devices were used to
measure the darkest points (or the minimum intensity positions) those form the actual fringe
When intensity is taken into consideration, one locates the minimum intensity points
forming the fringe band, which are referred to as fringe skeleton points. Fringe thinning
involves the two steps of edge detection and fringe skeletonization. Edge detection is an
important step. The better is the edge detection algorithm; the better will be the skeleton
identification. For photoelastic images, a simple thresholding operation is sufficient to
identify the edges. A process of semi-thresholding is implemented in the methodology. In
this, for grey levels higher than the threshold, it is made white and the rest of the intensity is
unaltered. This helps in identifying the edges of the fringe and also retains the intensity
variation within the fringe.
For skeletonization, the fringe areas are to be identified first and within the fringe area,
the skeleton point needs to be identified based on the minimum intensity criteria. To identify
the skeleton point, the pixels between the edges of the fringe need to be scanned
appropriately. The image is scanned row-wise (0-deg scan), diagonal-wise (45-deg scan),
column-wise (90-deg scan) and cross diagonal wise (135-deg scan) as shown in Fig. 1. For
each scan direction, the pixel having minimum intensity between the edges is selected as
skeleton point. Thus, at the end of initial processing, one gets four images of fringe skeletons
corresponding to each scan direction.
Noise points, which are scanning direction dependent, appear in each of the above
scans. Further, the fringe skeleton is not continuous in one scan. The discontinuity is also scan
direction dependent. The use of the logical operators shown in Fig. 1 can eliminate the fringe
discontinuity and noise. The logical “OR” operation between the orthogonally scanned
images helps to get a continuous fringe skeleton but the image contains noise. The noise is
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
scan direction dependent and is removed by the logical “AND” operation performed between
the logically “OR”ed images.
Fringe Skeleton
In Photoelastic experiment, material stress fringe value is a very crucial parameter. Since this
is the only parameter, which relates the optical phenomenon to the stresses, up to two or three
decimal places accuracy may be required in its evaluation. Though photoelasticity is a whole
field technique, data from only one point is used in the conventional method. Due to the
spread of the applied loads, the agreement between the theoretical and experimental value at
the center of the disc is off by about 4 percent. However in the zone r/R= 0.3 to 0.5, the
theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement.
The basic idea is to use as many data points as possible from the field to evaluate the
material stress fringe value. If more data points are taken, the equations available are more
than the number of unknown parameters to be determined. In such cases one gets over
determined set of equations. The usual method to solve such a system of equations is to obtain
a new set of equations, using the least squares criteria, which are equal to the number of
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Report Writing
A report must be concise (but complete) and readable. Generally a report is typed but due to
our limitations, it can be legibly handwritten preferably on bond papers. Attach the raw data
to your report. Although this is not a general practice it helps to verify your calculation.
A laboratory report is generally divided into sub-headings like objective, theory,
experimental details, results, discussion, conclusion and appendix. The objective is stated
concisely in a sentence or two. For the experimental work of this laboratory, only the
important definitions and theoretical results are to be presented. If you want to include a
derivation, present it in an appendix and make a reference of it in the main text. The report is
generally written for a technically trained person who may not be familiar with the work
described in the report. Hence, some information on the background and the methodology
adopted need to form part of the report. At the same time, in this busy world, one wants to
reach the discussion and conclusion sections without spending too much time in knowing the
One of the best ways to discuss results is to compare them either with the results of
other experimental results available in research papers or books or with theoretical
predictions of a model. The comparison is generally found effective if presented in a graph or
through a table.
It is very important to present the data in a readable table. Show sample calculations
wherever necessary. Each table should be titled, too many columns crowd it and make it
hard to read and therefore only the relevant portion of the raw data should be included. For
example, initial reading of dial gauge is not carried to the formal text of the report; only the
displacements are reported.
Graphs are very useful and are important features of a report to understand the
results at a glance. Therefore, it pays to complete all the requirements of a graph; a suitable
title should be stated clearly and if there are more than one line on the graph, each line
should be identified properly. To make the graph readable, simple scales should be chosen
for the axes and the axes are to be labeled with appropriate units.
Since tables and figures are the main parts of the report, they should be prepared
with care and patience. All tables and figures (sketches, photographs and graphs) must be
numbered, i.e., Table 1, Table 2 etc. and Fig.1, Fig. 2 etc. They do not become part of the
report until they are referred to in the text. Only Figures and Tables referred in the text will
be checked.
Since the writer spends hours in conducting the experiment and in reducing the data,
he is in a good position to bring the highlights of the results to the attention of the reader.
Also, the writer may discuss various aspects of the results such as limitations of the test
equipments, problems arose during the experimentation, likely places of large errors etc.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Courtesy: Experimental Stress Analysis Note Book, Measurements Group, Inc., USA
Courtesy: Experimental Stress Analysis Note Book, Measurements Group, Inc., USA
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
When you make measurements experimentally, the resulting value, if done carefully, is truth
and can be used as a benchmark to test the analytical model. In many instances you may
not measure force, torque or bending moment directly. You must clearly understand the
functioning of the force application system and verify whether you have adjusted the
necessary aspects suitably. If necessary draw the free body diagram of the system and
check whether you are adopting a correct procedure in calculating the force/torque or
bending moment as the case may be. If any distance measurement is involved, measure
them with utmost care and always apply statistical principles in measurement. Take a few
readings and use its average for any calculations.
Learn to be alert (difficult after a heavy lunch in the afternoon!) while doing the
experiment. One should have a rough idea of what would be the trend of the experimental
readings. For example if loading is increased, the deflection, stress or strain, should also
increase in the same proportion. The results for loading and unloading should be close
enough! If any deviation is observed you must make mid-course correction on the
experimental procedure.
In the laboratory, the choice of dimensions of the test specimens are so chosen that it
closely satisfies the assumptions made in the analytical model. Despite this, considerable
deviations could exist if you do the experiment for the first time. One of the most common
sources of error made by several students is the input that they feed to the analytical model.
This input mainly consists of force, length, and cross-sectional details. These are to be
measured and a careless approach in measurement could cost you dearly! For example if
you do not measure the cross-sectional details of the specimen carefully, the error can blow
up since I = bd3 /12 and any small error in d can blow up! On the other hand, the actual
experimental measurement of deflection, strain or stress may be quite accurate yet the
comparison is poor because input to analytical model is erroneous!
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Consider that the five readings of a voltmeter reads the values 103, 105, 103, 105 and 104 V.
The average value of this is 104 V and the maximum deviation is only 1 V. The precision of the
equipment is then ± 1 percent. Suppose that this measurement was done for a known input of 100 V
(from a well calibrated standard source) then the deviation of the instrument is high from the actual
value and the maximum deviation is 5 V. Hence, the accuracy of this instrument is poor and the
readings are not better than 5 percent. However, the accuracy can be made very close to the precision
of the instrument by resorting to re-calibration of the instrument. Accuracy cannot be made better than
the precision of the instrument. Precision of the instrument depends on various factors.
Hysteresis exists for an instrument if there is a difference in readings depending on whether the value
of the measured quantity is approached from above or below.
The deviation of the actual reading from the input is the error in measurement. This error could
be systematic or random. Systematic errors could be introduced due to faulty calibration of the
instrument. Every effort must be made to eliminate the influence of systematic errors in measurement.
Random errors – as the name indicates are truly random and every effort must be made to reduce this
error. This could be due to error of parallax, poor reading of the chart and so on. Statistical methods of
data analysis could reduce the influence of random errors in data interpretation.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Dial Gages are used to accurately measure movements of tests in progress. They come in
varying lengths and accuracies, so be sure to note gage factors and length.
Method to Use
Start by fastening the magnetic gage base to the equipment - simply push the
button on the base in to activate the magnet.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
A proving ring is a device used to measure force. It consists of an elastic ring in which the
deflection of the ring when loaded along a diameter is usually measured by means of a
micrometer screw and a vibrating reed. The proving ring you will use in this laboratory uses a
dial gauge to measure the change in diameter. The proving ring was developed by H. L.
Whittemore and S. N. Petrenko of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
in 1927.
Proving rings have evolved over time; however, they are still manufactured according
to design specifications established in 1946 by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), the
predecessor of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Those
specifications can be found in the Circular of the National Bureau of Standards C454, issued
in 1946. The concept behind the proving ring is illustrated in the diagram below.
Proving rings can be designed to measure either compression or tension forces. Some
are designed to measure both. The basic operation of the proving ring in tension is the same as
in compression. However, tension rings are provided with threaded bosses and supplied with
pulling rods which are screwed onto the bosses.
Typically, proving rings are designed to have a deflection of about 0.84 mm to 4.24
mm. The relative measurement uncertainty can vary from 0.075 % to about 0.0125 %.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
SK: Softkeys (those unmarked keys whose function varies according to context)
SKCD: Softkey function displays- the lower part of the display screen shows some
small windows above the SK which will show what the SK will do at this
context. It also shows some additional info, like frequency, period etc.
SKCD display
Soft keys
1 Connections
1 Connect a BNC cable (1.5m, white color, both ends BNC male part) between the
P3500 and the oscilloscope. The cable (looks like cable TV’s, only 1 pin) ports
On P3500- The ‘output’ port, just below battery indicator, left side upper part
of the box.
On oscilloscope- In the signal input port. Use (analog) port 1. (any of ports 1-
2 may be used).
2 Switch on P3500, do standard checks/adjustments. The output port will now send
the strain gauge output to the oscilloscope.
4 Press the vertical oval switch ‘1’ of analog input port. It glows yellowgreen. Signal
will come in screen. It is an almost flat signal, with occasional noise.
1 There are 4 circular knobs to handle the signal- 2 for vertical and 2 for horizontal.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras
Vertical ones in the ‘analog’ area and horizontal, in ‘horizontal’ area of the
Vertical bigger- zoom the signal vertically
Vertical smaller- move the signal up/down
Horizontal bigger- zoom the signal horizontally
Horizontal smaller- zoom the signal right/left (wrto time)
2 Press ‘select’ continuously till freq is selected; then SKCD will be ‘select: freq’
4 Frequency measurement
Note: Getting the correct ‘decaying signal’ depends on the horizontal zoom knob’s correct
setting. Start turning the knob. Immediately the signal will take the form of a straight line. We
need the line’s length to be some 50% of screen width. Leave the knob.
2 Give a mild impulse/strike with a pen or light hammer. Or, press cantliver end by 5mm
and release. The screen signal will reflect the impulse.
3 The measured frequency will be indicated in the screen SKCD, for a brief time, till the
signal dies down, which happens almost immediately.
Frequency is approx 60Hz.
5 Damping measurement
1 Give an impulse. As we see the decaying signal, press ‘Run/stop’. It’ll go red.
2 Whatever signal was on screen, it was acquired and put in memory. The screen
will show the saved/acquired signal now instead of the live one.
3 You should see the natural vibration characteristics of the beam now.
Copyright © 2003, Prof. K. Ramesh AM5400 Experimental Stress Analysis Lab Course Material, IIT Madras