TERM/WEEKS: Term 1 (Weeks 2-3, Lessons 3-4-5) Year Level: 8 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Science - Cell Biology
TERM/WEEKS: Term 1 (Weeks 2-3, Lessons 3-4-5) Year Level: 8 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Science - Cell Biology
TERM/WEEKS: Term 1 (Weeks 2-3, Lessons 3-4-5) Year Level: 8 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Science - Cell Biology
General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
Device access: 1 x Windows Machine per student. Links to Lesson Website previously emailed to students.
All three lessons are sequential and start in the second week of term 1
Australian OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
Curriculum (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Week 2 Cells are the basic • Identifying structures within Formative assessment at the Introduction Animal Cell Quiz
Lesson 3 units of living living cells. beginning using game to Review and assess knowledge of the animal cell structure through a Game/Quiz. Resource http://www.sheppardsoftware.c
things; they have check understanding of Cell called ‘Cell Quiz’ om/health/anatomy/cell/cell_qui
• Create a Google slide
specialised Structures Body z.htm
demonstrating ability to
structures and • The students will be divided into 4 groups of 4.
functions research and present findings Formative Assessment of the • Within each group they are to choose 2 organelles which they will research in depth
(ACSSU149) of the structure and function Google slide quality and then Cell. (2018). In Encyclopedia
using Britannica School. (Article reading level, 1 2 or 3, to be selected as appropriate)
of different organelles within also class presentations with
• Findings to be presented on a google slide allocated to their group. The findings Britannica. Retrieved
Communicate cells. informal questions to the
ideas, findings presenters. should include as a minimum:
• Introduction to unit from https://school-eb-com-
and evidence bas o Diagram/s showing organelle structure,
ed solutions to assignment. Students will Summative assessment in o Function of the organelle, au.ipacez.nd.edu.au/levels/high/
problems begin to think and plan the form of a Rubric for the o If it is found in animal plant or fungal cells, article/cell/273572#
using scientific assignment that A4 Poster/Infographic due o Interesting fact/s.
language, and demonstrates the distinct one week after lesson 5.
• Each group is to present their slide to the class discussing what they found from Google slides for organelle data:
representations, differences between plant their research. https://docs.google.com/present
using digital cells, animal cells and fungal
technologies as ation/d/15Vp14S7SfczemUMBzO
cells. Conclusion vb9vq8NUXapu47YUCyYVGZgu8/
appropriate (ACSI
S148) • Students are introduced to their unit assignment. They are to team up in pairs and edit#slide=id.p
collaborate to create an A4 poster/infographic using the ICT Tool “Easel.ly” or
similar. They will work together combining their learning during the 5 lessons. https://www.easel.ly
for use in Poster/Infographic
• The infographic is to present in detail, the learning outcomes of lessons 1-5, that
being the structure and function of plant, animal and fungal cells including
differences between all. The infographic will serve as an exam study aide.
Australian OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
Curriculum (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Week 2 Cells are the basic • Students demonstrate the Formative assessment of the Introduction Microscope with pond water.
Lesson 4 units of living correct use of a light use of a microscope by the • In pairs the students will use a light microscope to view a drop of pond water.
things; they have microscope by investigating a teacher: • Students attempt to identify single celled organisms within their sample and sketch Pencil and paper for sketching.
specialised • checking through what they see. Annotating what they can identify.
drop of pond water for living
structures and eyepiece to see that all
organisms and creating a • Sketch is digitally saved and uploaded to collaborative tool ‘Padlet’ for review by the
functions groups have correctly
(ACSSU149) sketch of a living organism. whole class.
focused on an
• Students recognise that some Collaborative tool:
Communicate organism. Body https://padlet.com
organisms consist of a single
ideas, findings • Review of pencil • As a class the various sketches are reviewed and compared on padlet. Students
cell and that the cell needs to
and evidence bas sketches uploaded to asked to try and identify which ones might be the same organism. Via direct
carry out all the functions to
ed solutions to padlet. instruction on the padlet the teacher will provide example photos of pond water
sustain it.
problems single celled organisms (Diatoms and Rotifers) as well as common bacteria.
using scientific • Students list examples of
Formative assessment of • Using the same padlet from before students are to brain storm single celled
language, and single celled organisms and student unit learning via
representations, their impacts on humans. organisms that directly impact on humans. (Gut bacteria, bacteria in dairy, yeast) Quiz for ‘Life functioning within a
results of Socrative Quiz and
using digital • Students recognise that some • In the same pairs from before, students are to recall year7 science requirements for single celled organism’
technologies as life, and propose which organelle in single celled organisms might carry out these https://www.socrative.com
organisms consist of many
appropriate (ACSI functions. This is answered in a Socrative quiz.
cells (millions and sometimes
billions). This is demonstrated • In groups of 3 students are to research the number of cells in different organs and
Google document – with listings
by researching how many organisms as listed in a pre-prepared google document. This research can be across
such as:
cells different organs or many platforms. (Google search, Britannica school, youtube etc) - Human heart
organisms might have. • Findings must be inputted, with reference to sources, into a google document only - Human skin
their group has access to. (To avoid answer poaching). Teacher reveals and discusses - Total in the human
research inputs and additional answers on the projector. body
- Mouse
- Elephant
• Students log into a Socrative quiz to self-assess learning from unit so far.
Quiz for ‘Self assess unit
• Last 5 minutes of lesson spent by teacher covering specific questions from the learnings’
Socrative Quiz that were poorly responded to and reinforcing the key unit outcomes. https://www.socrative.com
Australian OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
Curriculum (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Week 3 Cells are the basic • Appreciate that not all cells Formative assessment of Introduction Intro: Youtube video on cell
Lesson 5 units of living do the same thing and that in student mind mapping • As a summary of the lesson 1-4 outcomes of this unit students watch an structure:
things; they have multicellular organisms theories and more animation that provides superior 3D imagery of both plant and animal cells and https://youtu.be/URUJD5NEXC
specialised importantly the mark-ups their structures. 8
specialised cells are required.
structures and done on another group’s
functions • Hypothesis how specialised mind map.
cells might carry out their Body
• Via direct instruction students are introduced to the idea that cells work together
functions by creating a mind Summative assessment of
student understanding of in a multi cellular organism and are specialised for their specific task.
map/flowchart. https://answergarden.ch
assignment requirements • Using ‘Answer Garden’ the class brainstorms, as a class, “What might be some of
• Student self-assessment of for brainstorm of specialised
using plickers results. the functions that organisms might need their cells to do for them?”. (This will
progress and understanding cell functions
include both Plant and Animal)
of unit assignment Summative Assessment
expectations. • The answer gardens top 6 responses are then used by 6 equally sized groups to
through a rubric for the
hypothesis how a specific cell might go about doing those very functions. (Both Mind mapping tools for cell
infographic assignment.
Plant and Animal cell examples must be attempted) Teams should use a mapping function exercise:
The key outcomes being
Plant and Animal cell ICT tool such as Popplet.com, Mindmeister.com or Bubble.us to map out their
structures, examples of theory and present this to the class. https://bubbl.us
unicellular and multicellular • Via direct instruction the students work through the specifics of the most
organisms and specialised important functions they should be familiar with (e.g. Muscle, Nerve, Blood and
cell functions in multicellular
Fat cells in Animals and Guard, Conducting, Photosynthetic and Structural cells in
• In the same groups students now review and mark-up another group’s cell
functioning theory with this new and further researched information.
• Students complete a plickers student response survey on how they are travelling https://www.plickers.com
with their “infographic” assignment (due in 1 week)
• Teacher spends a few minutes going through the rubric for clarity on assignment
• Class spends last 10 minutes of the lesson working on their assignment while
getting support from peers and the teacher.