Esp Classroom Observation
Esp Classroom Observation
Esp Classroom Observation
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the students’ speaking skill from
Informatics Engineering in ESP classroom. There are several aspects that we want to
discusses regarding to the observation in ESP class. First, it is about the use of
English General Purposes in ESP observation classroom. Second, it is discusses
regarding the use of mix language or trans-language in ESP classroom. Third, it is
about classroom management problem in ESP class. Fourth, to examines the teacher
solving problem skill in ESP class. The last, this paper explores about how the
teacher gives the corrective feedback to the students in ESP classroom.
The teacher still used EGP materials in teaching ESP. Actually, the students
need to learn and improve the ESP materials for their main subject. The students have
to practice and apply their English more in order to support their English ability in
ESP classroom. The teacher must correct the pronunciation repeatedly in order that
students can imitate and also can pronounce it well. In here, the role of the teacher
gave corrective feedback to the students by giving the good correction in order to
avoid some mistakes. ESP is really important for the students who want to learn
English language, not only in English education program but also ESP can be applied
in different majors or program like in Informatics Engineering.
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