Edtpa Lesson Plan 2
Edtpa Lesson Plan 2
Edtpa Lesson Plan 2
Grade and Topic: Grade 7, Science Length of Lesson: 45 minutes for two days
● Given a diagram, students will label all stages of cell division with complete accuracy as well as list
three significant facts about each stage of division.
Standard 1-Cells. GLE 0707.1.4 Illustrate how cell division occurs in sequential stages to maintain the
chromosome number of a species.
1. Cell Diagram
2. Cell Division Diagram
3. Colored Pencils
4. PowerPoint presentation of Cell Division
5. Virtual animal and plant cells at: https://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model_js.htm
6. Guided Notes: Cell Division
7. Interactive Cell Division tool: https://tn.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/lsps07.sci.life.stru.celldivision/cell-
Students will complete a Webquest assignment online pertaining to the information they are learning in class
about cell division.
Students will use an interactive cell division website:
1. I will give a brief overview of what we will be learning about in class and what activities we will complete during
class. I will explain my expectations for their participation and efforts.
2. I will play a rap about cell division to start our lesson off with a fun activity.
● Procedures:
1. After the video, I will then do a lecture on cell division, DNA, and other functions that may occur in a cell.
Students will complete guided notes while I lecture. (30 minutes)
2. The students will be placed in groups and asked to view an online interactive tool that will help them see the
different stages of cell division. (15 minutes)
3. After the interactive activity, students will stay in groups and work together to complete a WebQuest
assignment. (30 minutes)
4. The end of the WebQuest assignment requires for students to each individually write a one-page paper fully
covering the three-part objective listed on this lesson plan. They will also be asked to discuss why learning
about this topic is important. (15 minutes)
● Closure: I will close the lesson with allowing students to discuss out loud while they feel learning about
this topic is necessary. I will also inform them about what lesson we will be learning the next class.
● The grade they will receive is based off the accuracy of the one-page paper they complete.
Paper 3 2 1 Grade
Listed Cell Division Student listed all Student listed some Student listed little or
Stages stages of the cell stages of cell division no stages of cell
division process and and/or some facts division and/or facts
three facts about each about each stage. about each stage.
stage. Student lacked
understanding of
subject matter.
Grammar/Spelling/ Student made little or Student made some Student made a lot of
Format no grammatic/spelling grammatic/spelling grammatic/spelling
errors and follows errors and follows errors. Student does not
paragraph form. some paragraph form. follow paragraph form.
I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for
enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this lesson.
Guided Notes (handout):
Completed Work:
As students will be completing an in-class one-page paper for their assignment, it will be handwritten. Students must
ensure their name, class period, and date are headed on their paper. They must create a relevant title for their paper, and
their paper must be in paragraph format.
Taylor Hamblin
Cell Division Reflection
Students will write a paper in paragraph format covering the three-part objective and
importance of the lesson. They will complete this paper after completing a WebQuest Assignment
in groups. Each paragraph in their paper should have roughly 5-7 sentences.
Students must fill an entire-one page for this assignment and accurately cover all
requirements for the paper (see rubric).