Galih Elsy Karawid

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Galih Elsy Karawid

Theme : Pharmacy in Islam

Topic : Honey

Controlling idea : Maximizing Honey Production

Mind Mapping :

Check the purity Chosing the place

Maximizing Make sure the

Honey Honey conditions

Harvest from Enviromental

beehive conditions

Maximizing Honey Production


How to Maximize Honey Production

Honey is one of the commodity in herbal medicine in Muslim community. Both the Holy
Quran and Hadiths refer to honey as a healer of disease. In the Quran, we read, “And Lord taught
the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in people’s habitations… there issues from within
their bodies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for humankind. Verily in this is a Sign
for those who give thought.”  Additionally, in Sahih Bukhari, we read that the Prophet, may the
mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Honey is a remedy for every illness and the
Quran is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the
Quran, and honey.” Because of its benefits and a lot of demand, the production of honey can be
improved by several steps and technique. To maximize honey production we should choose a
good place, checking the conditions of the colony, and the environmental conditions.

Locations are important for honey productions. Good location for a honey farm is a place
with plants that have good nectar for the bees. The example of the plant that has a good nectar is
citrus, apple, apricot, plum, peach, cherry, and guava. Place beehives near nectar sources within
a one-kilometer radius because it is a good distance for bees to gather. Bees are looking for food
in two kilometers radius, but if the nectar sources are near, it will be much better for honey

The condition of honeybee colony also needs to look after to maximize the production of
honey. A honeybee colony should have a queen bee in good condition. Queen bee is the key to a
good colony. A queen bee will live about five years, but, from year to year will decrease the
number of eggs that in general. That is why it is several farmer bees replace queen bee in the
second year. Queen bee that is still young will produces many eggs and build a powerful bee
colony that capable of producing a lot of honey.

The environmental conditions around honeybee colony become an important factor in

improving honey production. A good environment will have many variations of plants and bees
will be easy to get nectar from it. A bad environment like an environment that has a lot of
pesticides that can kill the bees. When the season of insecticides use is coming, the honey farmer
should cover the hives with net and the bees won't come out and got poisoned by insecticides.

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