Art Comments

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Comments for art reports that should help you with your report writing.

^ can record visual and other information.

^ can identify the different colours, textures, smells and sounds in the environment and describe
~ feelings about them.

^ can describe the differences in surfaces and textures.

^ created a collage using natural and made materials.

^ made a sculpture using natural and made materials.

^ could explain how ^ are made ~ sculpture.

# could identify the parts of ~ creation that ^ like and say what ^ found interesting about the
shapes, forms and textures ^ had created.

# could identify what ^ would like to develop in ~ future pieces of art work.

^ can print different shapes and patterns.

^ could explain what the surfaces ~ prints and patterns might represent.

^ could identify differences in shapes, patterns and decoration in buildings. ^ could also relate
these to the purpose of the building ^ was investigating.

^ could record in words and drawings information about buildings in ~ local area.

^ could describe how the inside and outside of different buildings made * feel.

^ could describe and record the visual qualities of the different shapes, patterns and decorations
that ^ could see and remember.

^ could share ~ ideas about how a large-scale work might look.

^ could use ~ own observations and experiences of local buildings to help * design a panel that
emphasised the shape, pattern and decoration of the building ^ had studied.

^ worked collaboratively to create a relief panel by exploring and using a variety of materials and
^ discussed and agreed how the work would be displayed.

# could identify ~ successes and ^ was able to suggest improvements ^ would make in ~ future
pieces of art work.

^ can compare and comment on different ideas, methods and approaches to group portrait work.

^ can suggest ideas about why the images were made and what the pictures show about the
people in them.

^ can say what ^ thinks and feels about the images.

^ can record first-hand observations of figures in different poses.

^ can make a composition showing the relationship between the two figures # has decided to

^ can explore how paint can be applied to represent the qualities of the people and objects.

^ can explore how pencil strokes can be applied to represent the qualities of the people and

# can actively identify what is most effective in ~ own and others’ work and suggest

With support, # can identify what is most effective in ~ own and others’ work and suggest

^ can compare and comment on ~ own and ~ peers portrait work.

^ was able to create a collaborative picture combining a number of figures in a group


^ was able to work in a group to agree a plan for a group composition.

^ could organise and combine shapes, colours, patterns and textures, using mixed media.

To improve ~ work in this area, # should focus on more attention to ~ colouring and shading.

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