KG934V1 7-14
KG934V1 7-14
KG934V1 7-14
4. Operation
Front Layout
0 I
Button Function Description
Manual Stop button / Menu Control
Used to initiate generator manual stop sequence.
0 LED blinks during the stopping sequence.
Used to select Off mode, when the engine is in standby.
STOP Used to clear alarms when the Genset was stopped for an alarm.
Used as system menu LEFT button
Manual mode button
Used to select manual mode.
Allows genset to be started only with start button press.
MAN LED indicates manual mode is active.
Auto mode button
Used to select auto mode.
Allows genset to be started only with Auto start input activation.
AUTO LED indicates auto mode is active.
Test mode button / Menu Control
Used to select Test mode.
T Allows the genset to be started manually without changing the contactors.
LED indicates test mode is active.
Used as system menu DOWN button.
Manual Start button / Menu Control
I Used to initiate generator manual start or test sequence.
Used as system menu RIGHT button.
Screen Scroll button / Menu Control
Used to scroll LCD display to next screen.
Used to enter the menu system and accept changes.
ALARM Alarm Acknowledge / Menu Control
Used to silence the sounder when the system is in alarm or has an active
warning. Self resetting if enabled.
LED indicates warnings and alarms.
ACK/RESET Used as menu system UP button.
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LED Function Description
Alarm LED
Indicates warnings and alarm.
Warnings are indicated by 1 blink per second.
Alarms are indicated by 4 blinks per second.
Low oil pressure LED (LOP)
Indicates low oil pressure warnings and alarms
LOW OIL Warnings are indicated by 1 blink per second
PRESSURE Alarm is on solid
High Engine Temperature LED
Indicates warnings and alarm
HIGH ENGINE Warnings are indicated by 1 blink per second
TEMPERATURE Alarm is on solid
Battery Charging LED
Blinking indicates under voltage, over voltage and charge failure
BATTERY On solid indicates no excitation while the engine is running
CHARGI NG Off indicates battery charging condition is OK
Under / over speed LED
Indicates warnings and alarm
UNDER/OVER Warnings are indicated by 1 blink per second
SPEED Alarm is on solid
Low Fuel Level LED
Indicates warnings and alarm
LOW FUEL Warning is indicated by 1 blink per second
LEVEL Alarm is on solid
Genset Running LED
Indicates the genset is running.
GENSET Blinks to indicate the genset is starting or stopping
Initial Power Up
On power up, the unit displays the Kirloskar logo, and turns on LEDs for a lamp test.
The unit then displays the Serial number, Application Code and Firmware version.
After the initialisation process is complete, the unit enters the mode selected in the setup menu and
changes to READY.
When the unit is in READY all measuring systems and display systems are turned on. The unit
remains on for 1 minute and if the genset is not started in that time the unit goes into sleep mode to
conserve battery power. In this mode the unit wakes periodically to check for any unusual conditions
and if it finds none it goes back to sleep, otherwise it alarms accordingly.
Any activity on the buttons immediately wakes the unit and the appropriate action is taken.
In this state the engine and generator parameters are as expected for a stationary genset. If the
conditions are not as expected, an appropriate warning or alarm is displayed on the LCD.
Mode Selection
The unit may be operated in Auto, Manual, Test or Stop modes. The mode is selected by pressing
the appropriate mode button. The mode is indicated on the LCD and the LED associated with the
mode buttons.
The engine can be stopped with the Stop button in MANUAL, AUTO or TEST modes.
In MANUAL mode the unit responds only to the manual push button and may control A and B
contactors if these options have been enabled.
In the AUTO mode, the unit responds to the autostart input or Remote Starts and controls A and B
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In TEST mode the engine responds only to the manual start button and runs for a preset test time if
configured. Contactors are not controlled.
In STOP mode the unit will enter low power mode, which turns off all LED’s and sensor checking and
will not start the genset.
To enter STOP mode, press the Manual Stop button when the unit is showing READY in the
manual mode.
o The PREHEAT Output , if configured, will activate for the time specified.
o If ETR (Energise To Run) fuel control is configured, the unit will control the fuel output
and display FUEL ON and the proceeds to the CRANK state. If the Fuel Pull-in is
configured it will be on for the first second of this sequence.
o For ETS (Energise To Stop) the sequence does not activate the output and proceeds to
the Crank sequence after a short delay.
o The Crank output is activated and the display shows ‘Cranking’ with a count down time.
o The Crank output is deactivated when the unit has detected a speed signal above the
crank disconnect speed specified in the settings. If selected, the crank will also terminate
on achieving oil pressure or Battery charging alternator excitation has been achieved.
This provides a secondary crank disconnect function to avoid over-cranking.
o If the genset does not start, the LCD will show STOPPING, control the Fuel and Crank
outputs accordingly, and return to READY. There are no retries with a Manual Start.
o If the unit looses power due to battery voltage droop during cranking, and the engine
fires, then on regaining adequate battery voltage, the unit will continue to allow the
engine to run.
o When the engine starts, the display shows RUN UP with a count down in seconds. This
allows the engine measurement system to stabilise. Over speed and loss of speed
signal are the only parameters checked during RUN UP.
o The display shows WARM UP with a countdown time. This allows the engine to stabilise
at full speed before going on load. Oil pressure and Over-speed are monitored.
o The display shows RUNNING. Operating parameters are scrolled onto the display.
o Engine temperature alarms have a hold-off period and will not prematurely cause engine
shutdown if the engine has been previously run and has a high temperature.
o Contactors, if configured, are controlled
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o The display will show COOLDOWN with a count down time.
o The B contactor (if configured) is opened immediately and after a short delay contactor
A (if selected) is closed.
o On expiry of the cool down timer the sequence continues to stop the engine.
o The cool down timer can be set to zero in the menu system to skip this sequence step.
o To truncate the cool down timer press the stop button again.
o The set can be returned to the running sequence by pressing the start button. The
contactors return to place the genset on load again.
o The display will show STOPPING with a countdown time.
o If ETR fuel control has been selected the Fuel output will be deactivated.
o If ETS fuel control has been selected then the Fuel output will be activated for the Max
Fuel Time or until the engine stops. The stopping process will retry if the engine fails to
stop the first time. Between stopping retries the Fuel output is deactivated for a short
time to help overcome any jamming.
o The fuel output is controlled until the engine stops rotating and oil pressure decays. If
the Oil Pressure has not decayed by the end of the ‘Max Fuel Time’, the fuel output is
deactivated and the controller raises the alarm FAILED TO STOP. The speed must
remain at zero and the oil pressure must be below the alarm set point for the ‘Stop Time’
before the engine is considered stopped.
o The engine has stopped and is ready to start again as required.
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5. Display Operation
Once the genset is fully running or if the genset is stopped and in ‘READY’, the running
parameters are displayed. This includes generator and engine parameters simultaneously
on separate displays. The unit sequentially scrolls through screens as shown below:
Splash Screen 1
Only shown at Power up
Splash Screen 2
Only shown at Power up
Product Identification
Only shown at Power up
Software Version
KOEL Serial Number
KOEL Application Code ID
Sequence Status
Oil Pressure
Engine Temperature
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Genset Voltages
Line to Neutral
Line to Line
Genset Average
Genset KWHours
Contactor Status
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In most cases, Warnings do not stop the genset and are self resetting. Alarms will normally stop the
genset and require the operator to clear the alarm by pressing the Stop or Hooter button. The genset
can not be started if an alarm exists.
Warnings are indicated by slow flashing of the alarm LED and displaying the appropriate message
on the LCD as follows.
Alarms are indicated by fast flashing of the ALARM LED and displaying the appropriate message on
the LCD.
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The Mains contactor output can be setup to deactivate the Mains contactor in several ways
Immediately when the start button is pressed or the autostart input is activated.
A short delay after the start request
When the genset is running and able to take load.
The Generator contactor output will activate only after the Mains contactor has opened and only
when the genset able to take load. The timing is controlled by the XFR DELAY configuration setting.
If the genset was started by activating the Autostart input, then deactivating the input will move the
sequence to the “Run On” sequence then to the “Cool Down” sequence. During cool down the
Generator contactor output is deactivated and after a delay the Mains Contactor output is controlled
to re-activate the Mains contactor.
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