Act No. 3753: Law On Registry of Civil Status

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Act No.

Law on Registry of Civil Status

Section 1. Civil Register. – A civil register is established for recording the civil status of persons, in which
shall be entered: (a) births; (b) deaths; (c) marriages; (d) annulments of marriages; (e) divorces; (f)
legitimations; (g) adoptions; (h) acknowledgment of natural children; (i) naturalization; and (j) changes of

Section 2. Civil Registrar-General his duties and powers. – The director of the National Library shall be
Civil Registrar-General and shall enforce the provisions of this Act. The Director of the National Library, in
his capacity as Civil Registrar-General, is hereby authorized to prepare and issue, with the approval of the
Secretary of Justice, regulations for carrying out the purposes of this Act, and to prepare and order printed
the necessary forms for its proper compliance. In the exercise of his functions as Civil Registrar-General, the
Director of the National Library shall have the power to give orders and instructions to the local Civil
registrars with reference to the performance of their duties as such. It shall be the duty of the Director of
the National Library to report any violation of the provisions of this Act and all irregularities, negligence or
incompetency on the part of the officers designated as local civil registrars to the (Chief of the Executive
Bureau or the Director of the Non-Christian Tribes) Secretary of the Interior, as the case may be, who shall
take the proper disciplinary action against the offenders.

Section 3. Local Civil Registrars. – Except in the City of Manila, where the duties of local civil registrar shall
be performed by the officer of the Philippine Health Service designated by the Director of said service, the
Treasurers of the regular municipalities, municipal districts and cities shall be local civil registrars of the
respective municipalities, municipal districts or cities and shall perform the duties imposed upon them by
this Act without extra compensation, in addition to their ordinary duties. In his capacity as local civil
registrar, the officer designated by the Director of the Health Service as local civil registrar of Manila and
the treasurers above mentioned shall be under the direction and supervision of the Civil Registrar-General.

Section 4. Civil Register Books. – The local registrars shall keep and preserve in their offices the following
books, in which they shall, respectively make the proper entries concerning the civil status of persons:

1. Birth and death register;

2. Marriage register, in which shall be entered not only the marriages solemnized but also divorces and
dissolved marriages.
3. Legitimation, acknowledgment, adoption, change of name and naturalization register.
Section 5. Registration and Certification of Birth. – The declaration of the physician or midwife in
attendance at the birth or, in default thereof, the declaration of either parent of the newborn child, shall
be sufficient for the registration of a birth in the civil register. Such declaration shall be exempt from the
documentary stamp tax and shall be sent to the local civil registrar not later than thirty days after the birth,
by the physician, or midwife in attendance at the birth or by either parent of the newly born child.
In such declaration, the persons above mentioned shall certify to the following facts: (a) date and hour of
birth; (b) sex and nationality of infant; (c) names, citizenship, and religion of parents or, in case the father
is not known, of the mother alone; (d) civil status of parents; (e) place where the infant was born; (f) and
such other data may be required in the regulation to be issued.

In the case of an exposed child, the person who found the same shall report to the local civil registrar the
place, date and hour of finding and other attendant circumstances.
In case of an illegitimate child, the birth certificate shall be signed and sworn to jointly by the parents of
the infant or only the mother if the father refuses. In the latter case, it shall not be permissible to state or
reveal in the document the name of the father who refuses to acknowledge the child, or to give therein any
information by which such father could be identified.
Any fetus having human features which dies after twenty four hours of existence completely disengaged
from the maternal womb shall be entered in the proper registers as having been born and having died.

Section 6. Death certificate and register. – No human body shall be buried unless the proper death
certificate has been presented and recorded in the office of the local civil registrar. The physician who
attended the deceased or, in his default the health officer concerned, or in default of the latter, any
member of the family of the deceased or any person having knowledge of the death, shall report the same
to the local health authorities, who shall issue a death certificate and shall order the same to be recorded in
the office of the local civil registrar. The death certificate, which shall be issued by the attending physician
of the deceased or, in his default, by the proper health officer, shall contain the following data be furnished
by the person reporting the death; (a) date and place of death; (b) full name, (c) age, (d) sex, (e)
occupation or profession, (f) residence; (g) status as regards marriage, (h) nationality of the deceased, and
(i) probable cause of death.

During epidemics, bodies may be buried provided the proper death certificates have been secured, which
shall be registered not later than five days after the burial of the body.

Section 7. Registration of marriages. – All civil officers and priests or ministers authorized to solemnize
marriages shall send a copy of each marriage contract solemnized by them to the local civil registrar within
the time limit specified in the existing Marriage Law.

In cases of divorce and annulment of marriage, it shall be the duty of the successful petitioner for divorce or
annulment of marriage to send a copy of the final decree of the court to that local civil registrar of the
municipality where the dissolved or annulled marriage was solemnized.
In the marriage register there shall be entered the full name and address of each of the contracting parties,
their ages, the place and date of the solemnization of the marriage, the names and addresses of the
witnesses, the full name, address, and relationship of the minor contracting party or parties or the person or
persons who gave their consent to the marriage, and the full name, title, and address of the person who
solemnized the marriage.
In cases of divorce or annulment of marriages, there shall be recorded the names of the parties divorced or
whose marriage was annulled, the date of the decree of the court, and such other details as the regulations
to be issued may require.

Section 8. Registration of legitimations by subsequent marriage. – The acknowledgment of the children

legitimated by subsequent marriage, referred to in article one hundred and twenty-one of the Civil Code,
may be recorded in the legitimation register, entering: (a) The names of the parents; (b) that at the time
when the children were conceived, the aforesaid parents could have contracted marriage, and that they
actually contracted marriage, stating the date and place when such marriage was solemnized, the minister
who officiated, and the civil register where such marriage was recorded; (c) the names of the children
legitimated with reference to their birth certificates.

Section 9. Registration of acknowledgment by public instrument. – Any voluntary acknowledgment by the

natural parents or by only one of them by public instrument, shall be recorded in the acknowledgment
register of the civil registrar of the municipality where the decree was issued. The names of the interested
parties and such other data as may be required by the regulations to be issued shall be entered in register.
It shall be the duty of the natural parents whose voluntary acknowledgment was may be means of a public
instrument to send a certified copy thereof to the local civil registrar of the municipality in the civil register
whereof the birth of the acknowledged child was recorded, not later than twenty days after the execution
of such instrument, for the registration thereof.

Section 10. Registrations of adoptions, changes of name, and naturalization. – In cases of adoptions,
changes of name, and naturalization, it shall be the duty of the interested parties or petitioners to register
the same in the local civil registrar of the municipality where the birth of the acknowledged child was
registered setting forth the following data: (a) full name of the natural child acknowledged; (b) age; (c)
date and place of birth; (d) status as to marriage, and residence of the child acknowledged; (e) full name of
the natural father or mother who makes the acknowledgment; (f) full name of the notary public before
whom the document was acknowledged; (g) full names of witnesses to document; (h) date and place of
acknowledgment of said document and entry and page number of the notarial register in which the name
was recorded.

Section 11. Duties of clerks of Court to register certain decisions. – In cases of legitimation,
acknowledgment, adoption, naturalization and change of given or family name, or both, upon the decree
which issued the decree to ascertain whether the same has been registered, and if this has not been done,
to have said decree recorded in the office of the civil registrar of the municipality where the court is

Section 12. Duties of local civil registrar. – Local civil registrars shall (a) file registrable certificates and
documents presented to them for entry; (b) complete the same monthly and prepare and send any
information required of them by the Civil Registrar-General; (c) issue certified transcripts or copies of any
certificate or document registered upon payment of proper fees; (d) order the binding, properly classified,
of all certificates or documents registered during the year; (e) send to the Civil Registrar-General, during
the first ten days of each month, a copy of the entries made during the preceding month for filing; (f) index
the same to facilitate search and identification in case any information is required, and (g) administer
oaths, free of charge, for civil register purposes.

Section 13. Documents registered are public documents. – The books making up the civil register and all
documents relating thereto shall be considered public documents and be prima facie evidence of the truth
of the facts therein contained. They shall be open to the public during office hours and shall be kept in a
suitable safe which shall be furnished to the local civil registrar at the expense of the general fund of the
municipality concerned. The local registrar shall not under any circumstances permit any document
entrusted to his care to be removed from his office, except by order of a court, in which case the proper
receipt shall be taken. The local civil registrar may issue certified copies of any document filed, upon
payment of the proper fees required in this Act.

Section 14. Expenses and fees of the office of the civil registrar. – All expenses in connection with the
establishment of local civil registers shall be paid out of municipal funds, and for this purpose, municipal
councils and boards shall make the necessary appropriation out of their available general funds:

For the registration of documents and for certified copies of documents on file in the local civil registrar’s
office, fees shall be charged in accordance with the following schedule:
For registration of legitimations P2.00
For registration of an adoption 2.00
For registration of an annulment of marriage 10.00
For registration of a divorce 10.00
For registration of naturalization 20.00
For registration of a change of name 2.00
For certified copies of any documents in the register, for each one hundred words 20.00
The Civil Registrar General or any local civil registrar may issue certified copies of documents free of charge
for official use or at the request of a competent court. All fees collected for such purposes shall accrue to
the general fund of the municipality concerned.

Section 15. Preservation of present register books. – All birth, death and marriage registers and other
papers relating thereto at present in the keeping of the municipal secretaries or the clerk of the Municipal
Court of Manila shall be transferred by the same to the officers acting as local civil registrars in each city or
municipality and shall form part of the archives of the latter.

Section 16. False statement. – Any person who shall knowingly make false statement in the forms furnished
and shall present the same for entry in the civil register, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than
one month nor more than six months, or by a fine of not less than two hundred pesos nor more than five
hundred or both, in the discretion of the court.

Section 17. Failure to report. – Other violations. – Any person whose duty is to report any fact concerning
the civil status of persons and who knowingly fails to perform such duty, and any person convicted of having
violated any of the provisions of this Act shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten pesos nor more than
two hundred.

Section 18. Neglect of duty with reference to the provisions of this Act. – Any local registrar who fails
properly to perform his duties in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of the regulations issued
hereunder, shall be punished for the first offense, by an administrative fine in a sum equal to his salary for
not less than fifteen days nor more than three months, and for a second or repeated offense, by removal
from the service.

Section 19. Application of this Act to the special provinces. – The Director of the National Library, in his
capacity as Civil Registrar-General, is hereby authorized upon recommendation of the (Director of Bureau of
Non-Christian Tribes) Secretary of the Interior, to designate the municipalities in the specially organized
provinces where the provisions of this Act shall be applied.

Section 20. Transitory provisions. – All rights, duties and powers established by Act Numbered thirty-six
hundred and thirteen, entitled the Marriage Law, with the reference to the procedure for the issuance of
the marriage license prior to the solemnization of marriage, the registration, of marriages, and the filing of
the documents in connection therewith, conferred and imposed by said Act upon the clerk of the Municipal
Court of Manila and the municipal secretaries, are hereby transferred to the officer of the Health Service in
accordance with section three of this Act, and to the municipal treasurers, respectively, in their capacity as
local registrars.

All duties and powers established by subsections (d) and (e) of section twenty-one hundred and twelve of
the Administrative Code, imposed and conferred by said section upon the municipal secretaries, are hereby
likewise transferred to the municipal treasurers in their capacity as local civil registrars.

Section 21. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

Section 22. This Act shall take effect three months after its approval.

Approved, November 26, 1930.

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