Mount Royal University and Medicine Hat College Bachelor of Education Grade 3 Math - Patterns Unit

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Mount Royal University and Medicine Hat College

Bachelor of Education

Grade 3 Math – Patterns Unit

Curricular Outcome(s) Overview of Opportunities Competen F/S Assessment Date

cies Type
Lesson 1 Intro: Clap a pattern for Proble F Exit slip: Feb
Describe how an the students and have m Create your 12
increasing pattern grows them repeat it. If you Solving own
and continue the pattern. were making a pattern increasing
Outcome: Demonstrate what would come next? Comm pattern.
an understanding of Clap once, then twice, un-
increasing patterns by then three times, then ication
describing and four. What comes next? Workbook
extending. Numerical Create a definition of what Collabe pages
and non-numerical a pattern is. What can you r-ation
patterns using
use to make a pattern
manipulatives, sounds
(numbers, pictures,
and diagrams. (Numbers
objects, colors etc.) What
to 1000)
did you notice about the
clapping pattern, was it
increasing? This type of
pattern is known as an
increasing pattern.
Teaching: As a class, use
the linking cubes to create
a pattern. Start by giving
the students an example
and then have the
students come up with a
pattern. Let the students
practice making patterns
with the linking cubes.
Students complete page 2
and 3 in workbook.
Exit slip: Create your own
increasing pattern.
Lesson 2 Intro: Give students an Proble F Exit slip Feb
Create and compare example of an increasing m 13
patterns that have the number pattern. In their Solving F Workbook
same rule. table groups, have them Comm pages
Outcome: Demonstrate
an understanding of represent this pattern un-
increasing patterns by using sounds, counters or ication
describing, extending, actions. Each group can
comparing and creating. share theirs with the class.
Numerical and non- Collaber-
Teaching: Have students
numerical patterns using ation
look at Justin’s dot pattern
manipulatives, sounds, on page 6 in the text.
diagrams and actions. What is the pattern rule
(Numbers to 1000) Justin is using? Using
counting chips, have
students continue the
pattern using the same
rule. Then have students
create Marc’s pattern
using the counting chips.
What rule is being used?
In table groups, have
students take turns make
up a pattern and have
their group members
guess what the rule is.
Students complete page 4
and 5 in their math
Lesson 3 Intro: In table groups, give Proble F Self- Feb
Create and describe students counting chips m assessment 14
increasing patterns. and have them create a Solving
Outcome: Demonstrate pattern with a rule. As a
an understanding of class, students walk Comm F Workbook
increasing patterns by around and guess what un- pages
describing, extending, the pattern rule is for each ication
comparing and creating. table.
Numerical and non- Teaching: Read the Collabe
numerical patterns using introduction about the r-ation
manipulatives, sounds,
penny auction. Each table
diagrams and actions.
group will receive fifty
(Numbers to 1000)
pennies and they can
choose from the two
options. Students are
given a self-assessment to
follow as they are making
their patterns to ensure
they are on task. Each
group presents their
patterns to the class. Ask
students to create and
explain an increasing
pattern? Students
complete page 6 in their
math workbooks.
Google Classroom Students complete a Proble F Google Feb
Google classroom to m Classroom 15
practice increasing solving
Lesson 4 Intro: Students create a Proble F Workbook Feb
Describe how a mind map of what they m pages 27
decreasing pattern gets think a decreasing pattern Solving
smaller and continue the is. Think about
pattern. subtraction, things getting Comm
Outcome: Demonstrate smaller or money left after un-
an understanding of spending. Students should ication
decreasing patterns by realize that when
describing, extending, something decreases, it Collabe
comparing and creating. gets smaller or becomes r-ation
Numerical and non-
numerical patterns using
Teaching: Bring up the
manipulatives, sounds,
textbook pages 10 and 11
diagrams and actions.
(Numbers to 1000) on the board. Read the
problem aloud to the
students. Students do a
think, pair, share about
solutions they came up
with to solve the problem.
Each pair will share their
idea with the class. Write
a number line on the
board 32-0 by 4’s. Have
the students count
backwards and follow
along with arrows. How
many arrows did we
draw? What is the
solution to the floats: 8.
What is another way to
solve the problem?
Students complete page 7
and 8 in math pattern
Exit slip – Can you create a
decreasing pattern?
Google Classroom Students complete a Proble F Google Feb
Google classroom to m Classroom 28
practice decreasing solving
Mid Chapter Review Review increasing and Proble S Workbook Feb
decreasing patterns with m pages 28
students. Do a few Solving
examples on the board.
Have them complete a Comm
Google classroom. Then un-
Students work on pages 9 ication
and 10 in math pattern
workbooks. Collabe
Lesson 5 Hook: Math game with Proble F Workbook Mar
Show a pattern in a way dice to create increasing m pages ch 5
that can help you solve a patterns. Solving
Outcome: Demonstrate Teach: Draw a number line Comm
an understanding of on the board from 0-12. Ask
decreasing patterns by students to play, what’s my
describing, extending, number? Start at the number
comparing and creating. 5, count forward by 6 and
count backwards by 2. Ask Collabe
Numerical and non- r-ation
numerical patterns using one student to come up and
manipulatives and draw on the number line to
diagrams. (Numbers to figure it out. Answer = 9.
1000) Students can also use grids
to figure out a decreasing
pattern. Start with 25 boxes
in the grid and take 3 away
each time. Does the pattern
have the number 8 in it?
You can use a grid to help
solve a problem. Smart
board presentation with
number lines and grids to
Individual: Complete math
pattern workbook pages 11-
Lesson 6 Teach: Using textbook page Proble F Workbook Mar
Show increasing and 16, explain to students how m pages ch 9
decreasing patterns on a you can make a pattern Solving
100 chart. using a 100 chart. Dylan
Outcome: Demonstrate started at 38 and subtracted Comm
an understanding of 5 each time. He skip un-
increasing patterns by counted backwards by 5 ication
describing, extending, each time and his pattern
comparing and creating. made two vertical lines. Collabe
Numerical and non- Show students the picture r-ation
numerical patterns using on the textbook page. Create
manipulatives and an example together as a
diagrams. (Numbers to class using the 100 chart.
1000) Start at 28 and decrease by
4 each time. Circle the
numbers on the 100 chart as
you go along, using the
smart board. Explain to
students they can create a
pattern that is horizontal,
vertical or diagonal. Give
each student their own 100
chart and have them create a
decreasing pattern and write
their rule on the back. Ex) I
started at 28 and decreased
by 5 each time. Once all
students are done, they will
do a think pair share. Can
you create and describe
your decreasing pattern
using the 100 chart? Have
them each share their
pattern with a partner and
they can guess the pattern
and the rule. They show
their partner the answer on
the back. Then they share
with the class.
Individual: students work on
pages 13 and 14 in their
math pattern workbooks.
Lesson 7 Teach: On the smart Proble F Workbook Mar
Create number patterns board, read students m page 15 12
to solve a problem. aloud the problem. Arun Solving
Outcome: Demonstrate made patterns by writing
an understanding of the letters in the word Comm
increasing patterns by cougar over and over in un-
describing, extending, 100 chart. Show students ication
comparing and creating. how he made an F
Numerical and non- increasing pattern on the Collabe Self-
numerical patterns using smart board with C’s: 1, 7, r-ation assessment
manipulatives and 13, 19, 25. Pattern rule –
diagrams. (Numbers to start at 1 and add 6 each
1000) time. The O’s make a
decreasing pattern: 50,
44, 38, 32. Pattern rule –
start at 50 and decrease
by 6 each time. On a blank
100 chart, show students
a pattern they could
make. Then, have them
think, pair, share what the
pattern rule is. As a class,
students help you create
one increasing pattern
and one decreasing
pattern using animals. Can
you create and describe
your decreasing pattern
using the 100 chart? At
their table groups,
students will get a blank
100 chart and have to
make some increasing and
decreasing patterns using
the list of animals. They
will need to explain the
connection between the
animal name and the
pattern rules. Have the list
of animals and
abbreviations they will use
on the board. Students
check off choice 1
checklist in their math
pattern workbooks as they
go along.
Lesson 8 Hook: Expert groups in Proble F Workbook Mar
Use a pattern to solve a skip counting. m pages 16 ch
problem. Teach: On the smart board Solving and 17 13,
Outcome: Demonstrate read aloud a problem for 2018
an understanding of students to solve using the Comm
increasing patterns by 100 chart. Each student un-
describing, extending, gets their own 100 chart ication
and creating. Numerical and help to solve the
and non-numerical problem together. Collabe
patterns using diagrams. Practice another problem r-ation
(Numbers to 1000) as a class using a 100 chart
on the smart board. Then,
give students another
problem and have them
think, pair, share to solve
it. Pick one group to come
up to the board to show
their work.
Individual: students work
on pages 16 and 17 in
their math pattern
Google Classroom Students complete a Proble F Google Mar
Google classroom on m Classroom ch
problem solving using solving 19
increasing and decreasing
Chapter Review Students complete the Proble F Workbook Mar
chapter review in their m pages ch
math pattern workbooks. solving 20
Final Assessment Students write a short Proble S Test Mar
answer test on increasing m ch
and decreasing patterns. solving 23


Small, M. (2010) Math Focus 3. Toronto, Ontario: Nelson Education Ltd.

Possible Formative (F) or Summative (S) Assessment Types

Admit/Exit Slips Graphic Pass/Fail (PF) Journal (J) Test/Exam (T)
(AES) Organizer (G)
Checklist (CL) Interview (I) Poll/Survey Rubric (R) Quiz (Q)
Complete/Incomplete Know/Want to Know/Learned Peer Task
(CI) (KWL) Evaluation Performance
(PE) (TP)
Frequency Chart (FC) Observations Portfolio (P) Self- Other (OT)
(OB) Evaluation
Literacy/Numeracy (refer to Literacy/Numeracy Progression sheet)
 Task awareness: Task analysis – Students identify tasks that involve numeracy and determine
which information may be used to complete a task. Students will need to determine the pattern
rule to figure out the next number in increasing and decreasing patterns.
 Strategies, Methods or Tools: Strategies – Students identify different strategies that may be
used to complete a task involving numeracy. Students will use various strategies in order to
complete their increasing and decreasing patterns (100 chart, mental math, adding and
subtracting, etc).
 Communicate meaning: Clarity – Students present ideas or information in a logical and clear
manner, with some details. Students are able to describe how to create increasing and
decreasing patterns and how to use them in problem solving.
 Task awareness: Task analysis – Students identify the literacy skills needed to complete a task.
Students use literacy in solving problems with increasing and decreasing patterns.

Competencies (list the competency and how it relates to which curricular

 Critical thinking – Involves using reasoning and criteria to conceptualize, evaluate and synthesize
ideas. Students use critical thinking skills to create increasing and decreasing patterns.
 Problem solving – Involves selecting strategies and resources to move from what is known to
what is sought. Students decipher how to solve a problem using increasing and decreasing

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