Analytical Methods of Solution of Conjugated Problems in Convective Heat Transfer
Analytical Methods of Solution of Conjugated Problems in Convective Heat Transfer
Analytical Methods of Solution of Conjugated Problems in Convective Heat Transfer
PergamonPress 1971. PrintedinGreat Britain
P,, are the rootsof the ch~acte~st~c equation 3. The bo~d~~-v~~c problem solution for
the solid (4H6) is found by the generalized
BmPm)= 0
1Fl@nt, (‘10) Fourier sine transformation
which can be found, for example, in [137.
x exPC- WI (11)
sin iucda > ;
sh ol(b- 1)
Pe~or~~g subs~tutio~ of (9), (11) and (12) into transform of the unknown function x,(a)
the conjugation conditions (Q written for the
transforms, we obtain the equation for the CJ+&)
~~(~~- b,(t) 7 @dt = f+(t); (13)
i, r---f
x,(t) = (1~4 ;y
5x,(4 exp[ - ~1 sin4 du.
0 ah,1
5 + 0 = ho0
5-m =O
a%, ah
and the eqli;irion for the solid F+Ocp2+2arp’([)
al [
r;,++ =o (30)
C,, vk are constants to be determined later on. %A,_, Ch-, + x
Here the transform of the unknown function is c (2n + l)!
x,(a) = C Cvayk. (35)
- k = 4j
The transformed solution (21x23) with allow- ’
ance for (29) may be written as n=l
h _ ho0 WW + Y)
Applying I$ and Ck values obtained and invert-
fs x,(a) ing by the formula
a sh a
c/J+ 1)n .
2 1 ’
written for transforms yield the equation from + x z’_ l(O) (hb - h&l
x = 0.5 5 ,/Re,.
Lf h, = hl~,,=hl,=,=h,+xZ’_,(O)(h,-h,)
< t-o’5 + 0.25<-2’5 + 0.25~z;.,(O)<-~
Performing expansion in power series of the
+ 0~25x2Z;(0)Z’I.5(O)~-3’5
functions entering into equation (37) and equat-
ing coefficients with like powers a give vI,and C, + (7*542/16Jn)
values determined by the formulae x32;.5(o)2;(o)2;.5(o)6-4 + ... . (40)
Note, that functions Z, in equations (39) Numerical calculation is performed with allow-
and (40) with I$ found are determined as the ance for (46) the constant C being determined at
boundary-value problem solution the end of the calculation at 5 = 0. [ll] reports
results obtained by the finite-difference method.
z;, + ocpz;, + 2a(p’(l + v,) Z, = 0
(41) Note that functions Z,, at Ye> 0 are non-
Z&o = 1 Z”I,([+m = 0. monotonous.
The exact solutions are obtained only for two It should be emphasized that solutions (39)
cases, when V, = - 1, V, = - 05. and (40) include the new criterion
It is easy to see that at x + 0 the well-known From the graphs obtained it is seen that h,
Nusselt numbers are obtained from (49) and Nu may differ considerably from those
usually used (at x + 0). Thus, in case (a) at
Nu* = lirn~~ = 0,332 ,,@eJ . .$‘(I+). (50)
individua1 points NU values differ several times
2. Consider* two calculational examples by from the ordinary Nu * ; the same refers to the
formulae derived in [ 1l] temperature of the surface in a flow (since at
(a) Poor conducting material (As = 2.52 x+0, hti = hb). At the same time for a good
W/(mdeg): The plate is b = O.Olm thick. The conducting material h, and Nu values do not
flow characteristics are M, = 3 ; q = 280°K ; differ very much (by not more than 25 Der cent) I
‘Tb,= 223°K 11, = 9.54 x 10-6m2;s* 3 = 2.04 from the corresponding values of h$ and Nu*
x lo-’ W/mdeg; U,(l) = 900 m/s’; 1m~,(2) = (for the case x -+ 0).
400 mjs. In this case x(l) = 3.95; zc2) = 2.64. By
equations (40) and (49) there have been calculated
the temperature of the surface and the Nusselt
numbers. The results are presented in Figs. 1
and 2.
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Abstract-The present paper presents solution methods of convective heat transfer problems which take
into account heat propagation in the solid in contact with a moving fluid. The method is referred to as the
solution of conjugated problems.
In particular, the paper treats heat transfer in laminar fluid flow in circular and planar tubes with
allowance for the dissipation of mechanical energy. In addition, there are considered both steady-and
unsteady-state heat transfer problems for flow of a compressible fluid past a plate. In all cases heat transfer
in the fluid is discussed in relation to that in a solid wall.
On the basis of the analysis of the solution a new criterion is introduced which characterizes the effect of
thermophysical properties of the wall on heat transfer. A few examples are considered for illustration
R&me-Cet article concerne les methodes de solution de problemes de convection thermique en tenant
compte de la propagation thermique dans un solide en contact avec un Ccoulement de fluide. La methode
s’inspire de la recherche de la solution des problemes conjuguts. En particulier, l’article traite le transfert
thermique dans un tcoulement de fluide laminaire a I’inttrieur de tubes circulaires et plans avec admission
d’energie mecanique. De plus, on considbre a la fois les problemes de transfert thermique stationnaire et
instationnaire pour une plaque dans un ircoulement compressible. Dans tous les cas, le transfert de chaleur
dans le fluide est discute en relation avec celui dans une paroi solide. A partir de cette analyse, on introduit
un nouveau crittre qui caracterisel’effet des proprietes thermophysiques de la paroi sur le transfert thermique.
En illustration, on considbre quelques exemples.