Janice Document

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prepared by:
Repique, Janice M.
presented to:
Ms. Bernadette Alto Chua
2018, March 20 (Tuesday)

Today’s Date: 2018, March 15

First Name: Janice
Middle Name: Madia
Last Name: Repique
Mother’s Maiden Name: Elsie Corong Madia
I was born on January 3, 1994 in the town city of Albay, Pio Duran Bicol
I was born at exactly 4 in the morning on the 3rd day of the week
My current Address: Blk. 3 Lot 26 Carnation Street Adelina II – 2A Barangay
San Vicente, City of San Pedro Laguna, Philippines
My Father is: Alden Imperial Repique
My Mother is: Elsie Madia Repique
Complications at Birth: did not cry
My Nationality is: Filipino
I was born as the eldest among three (3) siblings
I have two (2) brothers and am the only girl
My natural hair color is: dark brown
My eyes are natural brown-black in color

I did not cry when I was born; which was quiet unusual. The closest I got to crying was when I was
handed by my mother but her first word to me were “Hello! Aww… please don’t cry”. I stopped crying
and just stared at her. I was born at exactly 4 in the morning on Tuesday 03 January 1994. I weighed 8lbs
11oz and was 50cms long. When my mother was in labor my father was beside her and helping her
delivered by easing the pain she felt that time. And my mother was so thankful that he’s beside her when
everything’s so tough for her that day; that papa was there to comfort her while giving birth to me. I never
crawled as a baby; I went from sitting unaided almost straight to walking, which I started doing during
my 11 months of existence. Before I could walk my mum used to give me lots of picture books and toys
to play with, which kept me happy for hours just sitting and messing with my other relatives. The day I’ve
learned to walk, I used to make ways going upstairs and amused myself with new toys and explore new
things I hadn’t seen before.
Until the day, my mothers’ month of labor to my brother next to mine. It was a very unforgettable
memory I’ve ever had. It was a day for my mum’s labor when at the same time I got bite by our dog in
my nose and has to be checked in the hospital because there’s a lot of blood and it needs to be checked as
soon as possible for me to be able to survive. I was only 6 years old that time and my mother was
panicking; so confused what to do because our house was at the top of the hill and the hospital was so far,
wherein you need to walk long and take two rides before you get there. And my mother held me in the
hospital without thinking that she could be and my brother in her stomach would be in danger too;
because it’s her labor day. Without hesitation, she carried me with all force she had that time. My father
was not there during the accident; he was at work and only knew what happened when I was about to be
checked by the doctor. And almost crying that he’s not there to help mum carry me to the hospital instead
mum sacrificed just to secure that I’m okay. The same day my mum had already laboring for my brother.
And thanks God she had her normal birth delivery. That was a very memorable and thankful experience
we’ve had because we’re thankful that everything’s was fine after all.
We were all happy back then ‘til the last baby in the family was born. My youngest brother was born.
We were thankful that we all had our normal birth. Everything was quiet great and we live as a complete
and happy family back then when suddenly, everything’s turn out to be wrecked. Our life was so
miserable then, especially we; my brothers and I experienced a lot of sacrifices when our family got
broken. When I had my happiest memory then, I also had my saddest memory too. That is when we had
to be separated from our parents until this time I was in college and already a graduating student. We are
still broken as a family, my brothers are not with me and my parents too. I sacrificed a lot and almost
experienced depression, almost a suicide stage because of a lot of problems I had especially financial
because I only had self-supporting. But then I realized quitting is the biggest mistake I could ever had
and this could not repay all the sacrifices I’ve been to. Instead I continued my life and still fighting though
it’s not that easy. This is all for my brothers to help them after I graduated. I am still hoping to graduate
this year and I claim it to God. All my sacrifices would be worth it. Soonest.

As I gazed one last time in the mirror, I saw a woman in love with a staggering miraculous
and precious man. I saw a woman capable of so many things and had so much to offer the world.
I saw the future and the future was staring back at me. I began to cry.

At the beginning of this journey, I was lost and alone. I did not see any way out. I was faced
with a decision to make. I came face to face with my true self. I stared into the deepest, darkest
and most intimate places in my soul. I triumph over my demons and was left with a vision of
who really I am? If you look at me closely, you can see that, every now and then. I turn away
from my group of friends. My smile falters and becomes another person for a few seconds; a sad
person. A person who is broken and damaged. And after a few depressing seconds, I went back
to the group; smiling and joking around. I almost look like I’m actually happy but if you look at
me closely, you can see how spurious my smile really is and you can see the wreckage behind
my fake smile. But then I realized no one would help me but myself only. I offer everything to
God. I surrender all my heartaches and depression to him and then suddenly everything was fine.
For the first time, in a very long time; I smiled an honest to goodness heart felt smile.

“It was a new day with the promise of tomorrow”. “Everything was so tough.” Life was so tough
but then again keep going, keep fighting”. ” Someday everything will be fine. “Surrender
everything to God”. “Believe not only but also have deep faith with him.”

YOU may be WEAK...

but JESUS our GOD was STRONG.

Build your life on the sure foundation of Jesus.

For Jesus is the ROCK of FAITH...

The ROCK of HOPE… and the
that YOU can depend on.

In every situation, look to the LORD,

and HE will take away all your WEAKNESSES,

your DOUBTS and FEARS.

It is the COURAGE you get from HIS promises,

that you will find your STRENGTH;

that you will find your FAITH.

Then when the STORMS of LIFE comes;

You will be standing in the SURE foundation of

EASY is to JUDGE the MISTAKES of others,
difficult is to RECOGNIZE our own MISTAKES.

EASY is to HURT someone who LOVES you,

DIFFICULT is to HEAL the wound.

EASY is to SET RULES, difficult is to FOLLOW THEM.

EASY is to DREAM at night,

difficult is to FIGHT for a DREAM.

EASY is to say WE LOVE,


EASY is to make MISTAKES,

difficult is to LEARN from THEM.
When you look up, he looks down.

When you lift up,

he opens up.

When you step into the dance,

he leads.

When you cry, he wipes the tears.

When you ask, he answers.

When you rise up,

he empowers.


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