Dermatite Esfoliativa: Estudo Clínico-Etiológico de 58 Casos
Dermatite Esfoliativa: Estudo Clínico-Etiológico de 58 Casos
Dermatite Esfoliativa: Estudo Clínico-Etiológico de 58 Casos
Exfoliative dermatitis is an inflammatory skin The data was analyzed and processed using
condition characterized by erythema and scaling, Graph Pad Instat and Excel 2000. Statistical significan-
involving most or all skin surface.1,2 It’s a rare disea- ce was done by χ2, test, considering 5% as significant.
se, its incidence being of one to 71 per 100000 der- Fischer’s exact test was used when the frequencies
matologic patients.1 Its occurrence may be associa- expected to be lower than five were analyzed.
ted to other skin or systemic diseases and, very
often, to drug use; nevertheless, sometimes the RESULTS
underlying cause may not be identified, even after Fifty-eight medical records with the diagnosis
thorough clinical investigation.3 Besides, exfoliative of exfoliative dermatitis were identified – in that, 37
dermatitis may be related to neoplastic diseases, were males, 21 females. The most prevalent age
such as cutaneous T-cell lymphomas and Sézary group was above 40 years, mean age at diagnosis
syndrome.1,3,4-6 56.89 years (Chart 1). The main laboratory abnorma-
Although mortality rates are low, morbidity lities found were anemia, hypoproteinemia, eosino-
related to exfoliative dermatitis is considerably high, philia and a rise in serum creatinine (Table 1).
since it is often a chronic disease, with debilitating Sixty-eight biopsies were performed in 51
signs and symptoms, such as intense pruritus and sca- patients (three had two biopsies, and seven, three
ling.1 Thus, the importance of trying to find the etio- biopsies). The histopathologic diagnosis was classi-
logy in patients with exfoliative dermatitis, allowing fied as conclusive or compatible in 37 patients
early, adequate intervention for each case. (72.54%) and unspecific in 14 patients (27.45%). The
The objective of this study is to identify and seven patients who did not have biopsies were chil-
analyze the main causes of exfoliative dermatitis in a dren aged under one year, whose diagnosis of sebor-
sample of patients admitted at the Dermatology rheic dermatitis (four cases) and atopic dermatitis
Section of a teaching hospital. (three cases) were clinically established.
The final etiologic diagnosis according to the
PATIENTS AND METHODS previously established criteria could be determined in
Medical records of patients with diagnosis of 44 patients. The most frequent etiologies associated
exfoliative dermatitis seen at the Dermatology Section to exfoliative dermatitis in this study were psoriasis
of the Hospital Universitário Regional do Norte do and drug induced eruptions, with eleven cases each.
Paraná (HURNP), Universidade Estadual de Sulfonylureas were the drugs most frequently associa-
Londrina, from January 1994 to December 2003 were ted with skin reactions, with three cases (Table 2).
reviewed. Based on that data (age, sex, race, clinical
history, physical examination, laboratory, histopatho- DISCUSSION
logy, treatment and outcome), the patients were clas- Patients with exfoliative dermatitis usually pre-
sified according to clinical and histopathologic diag- sent with a variable degree of compromise in general
The clinical diagnosis was defined as the main
clinical hypothesis, considering the history, physical
GRAPH 1: Age and sex distribution ofexfoliative
exam, response to treatment and outcome. The his-
topathologic diagnosis was defined according to the
features described in the biopsy reports, subdivided
as: 1. conclusive, when the pathology gave the diag-
nosis; 2. compatible, when it was not conclusive but
highly suggestive of a diagnosis; or 3. undefined
when the changes found by pathology were unspe-
The definite etiologic diagnosis was determi-
ned in the cases where the histopathologic diagnosis
was conclusive or compatible and coincident with the
clinical diagnosis, as well as in those cases where
there was no biopsy but the clinical diagnosis was
obvious. The etiologic diagnosis was considered
undetermined in the cases where the histopathologic
diagnosis was unspecific or did not coincide with the
clinical diagnosis.
health, seen in the laboratory as anemia, malnouris- etiology in exfoliative dermatitis is usually poor,
hment and other metabolic problems. The patients of due to the fact that changes specific to dermatosis
this study proved to have laboratory abnormalities or drug reactions are frequently masked by unspe-
such as anemia, eosinophilia, hypoproteinemia and a cific changes induced by exfoliative dermatitis.3 A
rise in serum creatinine. conclusive clinical-histological correlation may thus
Regarding age, it is known that exfoliative demand several biopsies.9 In different international
dermatitis may be found since the neonatal period,7 studies, the rates of final etiologic diagnosis based
when the prevalence is low, and it is most commonly on histopathology varied from 15%10 to 43%11 of
seen over 50 years.3,8 Previous studies also show a hig- cases submitted to biopsy. In this study, histology
her incidence in males.2,3,8 In this study, the subset of was useful for the final diagnosis in 37 patients
patients older than 40 prevailed significantly (48-58, (72.54% of cases submitted to biopsy). This diffe-
82.75%) as compared to the frequency of patients rence seen in various studies may be due to patient
under that age group (p< 0.05). Males prevailed characteristics, which vary in each service.
(37/58), but this was not statically significant (p> Nevertheless the importance of the histopathologic
0.05). examination to determine the etiology of exfoliative
Identifying the etiology in every case of exfo- dermatitis is clear.
liative dermatitis is not always possible. The corre- Many studies have tried to identify the causes
lation between the clinical presentation and the related to exfoliative dermatitis in different popula-
tions.3,8,10-14 In most of them, exfoliative dermatitis
was related to the exacerbation of cutaneous disea-
ses. Pal and Haroon,8 studying 90 cases in Pakistan,
TABLE 2: Exfoliative dermatitis per etiology found a defined cutaneous underlying disease in
Causes Number % 74.4% of patients, drug reactions in 5.5%, malig-
nancy in 5.5% and undetermined causes in 14.6 % of
Skin conditions
Psoriasis 11 18.97
cases. In Germany, Eugster et al.13 assessed 64
Contact dermatitis 9 15.52 patients and observed that defined underlying der-
Seborrheic dermatitis 5 8.62 matosis, followed by drug reactions, were also the
Atopic dermatitis 3 5.17 most common causes, in 58% and 16% of cases, res-
Congenital ichthyosiform 3 5.17 pectively. In Brazil, Vasconcelos et al.12 assessed 247
erythroderma cases of exfoliative dermatitis and observed that pso-
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 2 3.45 riasis was the most frequent underlying disease (44.
Total 33 56.89 9%), followed by drug reaction (7.3%). The present
Drug reactions
study corroborated such data – skin disease was the
Chlorpropamide 1 1.72 most common cause (75% or 33/44 of cases with a
Glibenclamide 1 1.72 defined etiology), this finding being significant in
Glimepiride 1 1.72 regard to non dermatologic causes, which corres-
Piroxicam 1 1.72 ponded to p<0.05.
Sulfone 1 1.72 Of the cutaneous diseases, psoriasis was the
Hydrochlorothiazide 2 3.45 most common underlying disease found in this study
Flue vaccine 1 1.72 (18.97%), although not statistically significant when
Undefined drug 3 5.17
compared to other skin conditions (p >0.05). Other
Total 11 18.97
studies also showed psoriasis as the most prevalent
Undetermined 14 24.14 causal dermatosis in exfoliative dermatitis,3,10,12 what
Total 58 100 may turn it into the main cause of exfoliative derma-
titis. On the other hand, the fact that this study was study.1,2,4,5 This may be due to the service characteris-
developed at a hospital that is a referral center for the tic, which does not provide specific care for cancer
use and free dispensing of systemic retinoids may patients who are seen at an oncology hospital near-
have contributed for the selection of patients with by.
more severe psoriasis. Even after exhaustive investigation, there were
In the group of drug-reaction-induced der- cases in which the etiology of the exfoliative dermati-
matitis, the most common drugs are allopurinol, tis remained uncertain. In cases with undetermined
carbamazepine, penicillin, gold and isoniazid, but cause, strict clinical and histological follow-up are
many different classes of drugs may be responsible mandatory, due to the possibility of omission of drug
for the disease.1,3 In this series, sulfonylurea was the intake or slow progression of cutaneous lymphoma.3
most frequently involved drug, with three cases.
There are frequent reports of neoplasm-associated CONCLUSION
exfoliative dermatitis, including gastric carcinoma, At the Hospital Universitário da Universidade
laryngeal carcinoma, lymphomas (Hodgkin´s, non- Estadual de Londrina (HURNP), exfoliative dermati-
Hodgkin´s, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma) and hema- tis is an uncommon syndrome, most patients being
tological disorders (leukemias and myelodyspla- over 40 years and most cases associated to preexisting
sias), although no such cases were seen in this skin conditions.
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