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Grade 7 – Matter

Doing Scientific Investigations The Learners should be able to… S7MT-Ia-1 June 22-July 1, 2016
1. Ways of acquiring 1. describe the components of a scientific investigation; (8 days)
knowledge and solving
2. Diversity of Materials in the 2. investigate properties of unsaturated or saturated S7MT-Ic-2 July 4-8, 2016
Environment solutions; S7MT-Id-3 (5 days)
3. express concentrations of solutions quantitatively by
2. 1 Solutions preparing different concentrations of mixtures according
to uses and availability of materials;
2.2 Substances and Mixtures 4. distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set S7MT-Ie-f-4 July 11-15, 2016
of properties; (5 days)
2.3 Elements and Compounds 5. recognize that substances are classified into elements S7MT-Ig-h-5 July 18-21, 2016
and compounds; (4 days)
2.4 Acids and Bases 6. investigate properties or acidic and basic mixtures S7MT-Ii-g July 22, 27
using natural indicators; and (4 days)
2.5 Metals and Non-metals 7. describe some properties of metals and non-metals S7MT-Ij-7 July 28 – August 1
such as luster, malleability, ductility, and conductivity (3 days)
Grade 7 – Living Things and Their Environment
I. Parts and Functions The Learners should be able to…
1. Microscopy 1. identify parts of the microscope and their functions; S7LT-IIa-1 August 2-5 and 9, 2016
2. focus specimens using the compound microscope S7LT-IIb-2 (7 days)
2. Levels of Biological 3. describe the different levels of biological S7LT-IIc-3 August 10-12, 2016
Organization organization from cell to biosphere; (3 days)
3. Animal and Plant Cells 4. differentiate plant and animal cells according to S7LT-IId-4 August 16-19 & 22-23,
presence or absence of certain organelles; 2016
5. explain why the cell is considered the basic S7LT-IIe-5 (6 days)
structural and functional unit of all organisms;
4. Fungi, Protists, and 6. identify beneficial and harmful microorganisms; S7LT-IIf-6 August 24-26, 2016
Bacteria (3 days)
II. Heredity: Inheritance and 7. differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in S7LT-IIg-7 August 30-31 and
Variation terms of: Sept. 1-7, 2016
1. Asexual reproduction 7.1 number of individuals involved; (7 days)
2. Sexual reproduction 7.2 similarities of offspring to parents;
8. describe the process of fertilization S7LT-IIg-8
II. Ecosystems 9. differentiate biotic from abiotic components of an S7LT-IIh9 Sept.8-9 & Sept. 12-16,
1. Components of an ecosystem; 2016
ecosystem 10. describe the different ecological relationships S7LT-IIh-10 (8 days)
2. Ecological relationships found in an ecosystem;
2.1 Symbiotic relationships 11. predict the effect of changes in one population on S7LT-IIi-11
2.2 Non symbiotic relationships other populations in the ecosystem; and
3. Transfer of energy through 12. predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors on S7LT-IIj-12
trophic levels
the ecosystem
Grade 7 – Force, Motion and, Energy

I. Motion in One Dimension The Learners should be able to…

1. Description of Motion 1. describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or S7FE-IIIa-1 Sept. 19-23 and 26-29, 2016
1.1 Distance or Displacement displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration; (9 days)
1.2 Speed or Velocity 2. differentiate quantities in terms of magnitude and S7FE-IIIa-2
1.3 Acceleration direction;
3. create and interpret visual representation of the motion S7FE-IIIb-3
2. Motion Detectors of objects such as tape charts and motion graphs;
II. Waves 4. infer that waves carry energy; S7LT-IIIc-4 Sept. 30 and Oct. 3-7, 2016
1. Types of Waves 5. differentiate transverse from longitudinal waves, and S7LT-IIIc-5 (6 days)
2. Characteristics of Waves mechanical from electromagnetic waves;
2.1 Amplitude 6. relate the characteristics of waves; S7LT-IIId-6
2.2 Wavelength
2.3 Wave velocity
III. Sound 7. describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts S7LT-IIId-7 Oct. 10-12, 13-14, &
1. Characteristics of sound of wavelength, velocity and amplitude; 17-19, 2016
1.1 Pitch 8. explain sound production in the human voice box, and S7LT-IIIe-8 (8 days)
1.2 Loudness how pitch, loudness, and quality of sound vary from one
1.3 Quality person to another;
9. describe how organisms produce, transmit, and receive S7LT-IIIe-9
sound of various frequencies (infrasonic, audible, and
ultrasonic sound);

IV. Light 10. relate characteristics of light such as color and S7LT-IIIf-10 Oct. 20-21 & Nov. 3-4, 2016
1. Characteristics of Light intensity, frequency and wavelength; (4 days)
1.1 Intensity or Brightness 11. infer that light travels in a straight line; S7LT-IIIg-11
1.2 Color
V. Heat 12. infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to S7LT-IIIh-i-12 Nov. 7-9, 2016
1. Heat Transfer occur; (3 days)
1.1 Conduction
1.2 Convection
1.3 Radiation
VI. Electricity 13. describe the different types of charging processes; and S7LT-IIIj-13 Nov. 10-11& 14-16, 2016
1. Charges 14. explain the importance of earthing or grounding (5 days)
2. Charging processes S7LT-IIIj-14
Grade 7 – Earth and Space

1. The Philippine Environment The Learners should be able to…

1.1 Location of the Philippines 1. demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using S7ES-IVa-1 Nov. 17-18, 21-25, 28-29 &
using a coordinate system a coordinate system; Dec. 1-2, 5-9
1.2 Location of the Philippines 2. describe the location of the Philippines with respect to S7ES-IVa-2 (16 days)
with respect to landmasses and the continents and oceans of the world;
bodies of water 3. recognize that soil, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil S7ES-IVb-3
1.3 Protection and conservation fuels are Earth materials that people use as resources;
of natural resources 4. describe ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably;
2. Interactions in the 5. discuss how energy from the Sun interacts with the S7ES-IVd-5 Dec. 12-15, 2016
Atmosphere layers of the atmosphere; (4 days)
2.1 Greenhouse effect and global 6. explain how some human activities affect the S7ES-IVd-6
warming atmosphere;
2.2 Land and sea breezes 7. account for the occurrence of land and sea breezes, S7ES-IVe-7
2.3 Monsoons monsoons, and intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ);
2.4 Intertropical convergence 8. describe the effects of certain weather systems in the
zone Philippines; S7ES-IVe-8
3. Seasons in the Philippines 9. using models, relate; S7ES-IVe-9 Jan 2-6 & Jan. 9-11, 2017
3.1 Relation of seasons to the 9.1 the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime; (5 days)
position of the Sun in the sky 9.2 the length of daytime to the amount of energy
3.2 Causes of seasons in the received;
Philippines 9.3 the position of the Earth in its orbit to the height of S7ES-IVe-10
the Sun in the sky;
9.4 the height of the Sun in the sky to the amount of
energy received; Jan. 11-13, 16-17 & 18-20,
9.5 the latitude of an area to the amount of energy the 2016
area receives; S7ES-IVi-11 (8 days)
10. show what causes change in the seasons in the
Philippines using models;
4. Eclipses 11. explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur; and S7ES-IVj-12 Jan. 23-25 & 26-27, 2016
4.1 Solar Eclipse 12. collect, record, and report data on the beliefs and S7ES-IVj-12 (5 days)
4.2 Lunar Eclipse practices of the community in relation to eclipses.

Prepared by:

T-III/Subject Teacher

Science Department Head


Secondary School Principal IV

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