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The document describes the Fugl-Meyer Assessment for the Upper Extremity (FMA-UE), which is used to evaluate motor function, sensation, and passive range of motion in post-stroke patients.

The FMA-UE assessment is used to evaluate physical performance and sensorimotor function in post-stroke hemiplegic patients.

The FMA-UE assessment contains sections A through D which evaluate different aspects of motor function, and sections H and J which evaluate sensation and passive joint motion respectively.

FMA-UE PROTOCOL Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Gothenburg


Assessment of sensorimotor function Examiner:
Fugl-Meyer AR, Jaasko L, Leyman I, Olsson S, Steglind S: The post-stroke hemiplegic patient. A method for evaluation of physical
performance. Scand J Rehabil Med 1975, 7:13-31.
A. UPPER EXTREMITY, sitting position
I. Reflex activity none can be elicited
Flexors: biceps and finger flexors (at least one) 0 2
Extensors: triceps 0 2
Subtotal I (max 4)

II. Volitional movement within synergies, without gravitational help none partial full
Flexor synergy: Hand from Shoulder retraction 0 1 2
contralateral knee to ipsilateral ear. elevation 0 1 2
From extensor synergy (shoulder abduction (90°) 0 1 2
adduction/ internal rotation, elbow external rotation 0 1 2
extension, forearm pronation) to flexor Elbow flexion 0 1 2
synergy (shoulder abduction/ external
Forearm supination 0 1 2
rotation, elbow flexion, forearm
supination). Shoulder adduction/internal rotation 0 1 2
Extensor synergy: Hand from Elbow extension 0 1 2
ipsilateral ear to the contralateral knee Forearm pronation 0 1 2
Subtotal II (max 18)

III. Volitional movement mixing synergies, without compensation none partial full
Hand to lumbar spine cannot perform or hand in front of ant-sup iliac spine 0
hand on lap hand behind ant-sup iliac spine (without compensation) 1
hand to lumbar spine (without compensation) 2
Shoulder flexion 0°- 90° immediate abduction or elbow flexion 0
elbow at 0° abduction or elbow flexion during movement 1
pronation-supination 0° flexion 90°, no shoulder abduction or elbow flexion 2
Pronation-supination no pronation/supination, starting position impossible 0
elbow at 90° limited pronation/supination, maintains starting position 1
shoulder at 0° full pronation/supination, maintains starting position 2
Subtotal III (max 6)

IV. Volitional movement with little or no synergy none partial full

Shoulder abduction 0 - 90° immediate supination or elbow flexion 0
elbow at 0° supination or elbow flexion during movement 1
forearm pronated abduction 90°, maintains extension and pronation 2
Shoulder flexion 90° - 180° immediate abduction or elbow flexion 0
elbow at 0° abduction or elbow flexion during movement 1
pronation-supination 0° flexion 180°, no shoulder abduction or elbow flexion 2
Pronation/supination no pronation/supination, starting position impossible 0
elbow at 0° limited pronation/supination, maintains start position 1
shoulder at 30°- 90° flexion full pronation/supination, maintains starting position 2
Subtotal IV (max 6)

V. Normal reflex activity assessed only if full score of 6 points is achieved in 0 (IV),
lively normal
part IV; compare with the unaffected side hyper
2 of 3 reflexes markedly hyperactive or 0 points in part IV 0
biceps, triceps,
1 reflex markedly hyperactive or at least 2 reflexes lively 1
finger flexors
maximum of 1 reflex lively, none hyperactive 2
Subtotal V (max 2)

Total A (max 36)

Approved by Fugl-Meyer AR 2010 1 Updated 2015-03-11

FMA-UE PROTOCOL Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Gothenburg

B. WRIST support may be provided at the elbow to take or hold the starting none partial full
position, no support at wrist, check the passive range of motion prior testing
Stability at 15° dorsiflexion less than 15° active dorsiflexion 0
elbow at 90°, forearm pronated dorsiflexion 15°, no resistance tolerated 1
shoulder at 0° maintains dorsiflexion against resistance 2
Repeated dorsifexion / volar flexion cannot perform volitionally 0
elbow at 90°, forearm pronated limited active range of motion 1
shoulder at 0°, slight finger flexion full active range of motion, smoothly 2
Stability at 15° dorsiflexion less than 15° active dorsiflexion 0
elbow at 0°, forearm pronated dorsiflexion 15°, no resistance tolerated 1
slight shoulder flexion/abduction maintains dorsiflexion against resistance 2
Repeated dorsifexion / volar flexion cannot perform volitionally 0
elbow at 0°, forearm pronated limited active range of motion 1
slight shoulder flexion/abduction full active range of motion, smoothly 2
Circumduction cannot perform volitionally 0
elbow at 90°, forearm pronated jerky movement or incomplete 1
shoulder at 0° complete and smooth circumduction 2
Total B (max 10)

C. HAND support may be provided at the elbow to keep 90° flexion, no support at none partial full
the wrist, compare with unaffected hand, the objects are interposed, active grasp
Mass flexion
0 1 2
from full active or passive extension
Mass extension
0 1 2
from full active or passive flexion
a. Hook grasp cannot be performed 0
flexion in PIP and DIP (digits II-V), can hold position but weak 1
extension in MCP II-V maintains position against resistance 2
b. Thumb adduction cannot be performed 0
1-st CMC, MCP, IP at 0°, scrap of paper can hold paper but not against tug 1
between thumb and 2-nd MCP joint can hold paper against a tug 2
c. Pincer grasp, opposition cannot be performed 0
pulpa of the thumb against the pulpa of can hold pencil but not against tug 1
2-nd finger, pencil, tug upward can hold pencil against a tug 2
d. Cylinder grasp cannot be performed 0
cylinder shaped object (small can) can hold cylinder but not against tug 1
tug upward, opposition of thumb and can hold cylinder against a tug 2
e. Spherical grasp cannot be performed 0
fingers in abduction/flexion, thumb can hold ball but not against tug 1
opposed, tennis ball, tug away can hold ball against a tug 2
Total C (max 14)

D. COORDINATION/SPEED, sitting, after one trial with both arms, eyes marked slight none
closed, tip of the index finger from knee to nose, 5 times as fast as possible
Tremor at least 1 completed movement 0 1 2
Dysmetria pronounced or unsystematic 0
at least 1 completed slight and systematic 1
movement no dysmetria 2
≥ 6s 2 - 5s < 2s
Time at least 6 seconds slower than unaffected side 0
start and end with the 2-5 seconds slower than unaffected side 1
hand on the knee less than 2 seconds difference 2
Total D (max 6)

Approved by Fugl-Meyer AR 2010 2 Updated 2015-03-11

FMA-UE PROTOCOL Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Gothenburg

TOTAL A-D (max 66)

H. SENSATION, upper extremity anesthesia

hypoesthesia or
eyes closed, compared with the unaffected side dysesthesia
upper arm, forearm 0 1 2
Light touch
palmary surface of the hand 0 1 2
less than 3/4 3/4 correct or correct 100%,
correct or considerable little or no
absence difference difference
shoulder 0 1 2
elbow 0 1 2
small alterations in the
wrist 0 1 2
thumb (IP-joint) 0 1 2
Total H (max12)

J. PASSIVE JOINT MOTION, upper extremity, J. JOINT PAIN during passive

sitting position, compare with the unaffected side motion, upper extremity
only few pronounced pain during
degrees movement or very marked some no
decreased normal
(less than 10° in pain at the end of the pain pain
shoulder) movement
Flexion (0° - 180°) 0 1 2 0 1 2
Abduction (0°-90°) 0 1 2 0 1 2
External rotation 0 1 2 0 1 2
Internal rotation 0 1 2 0 1 2
Flexion 0 1 2 0 1 2
Extension 0 1 2 0 1 2
Pronation 0 1 2 0 1 2
Supination 0 1 2 0 1 2
Flexion 0 1 2 0 1 2
Extension 0 1 2 0 1 2
Flexion 0 1 2 0 1 2
Extension 0 1 2 0 1 2
Total (max 24) Total (max 24)


B. WRIST /10
C. HAND /14

TOTAL A-D (motor function) /66




Approved by Fugl-Meyer AR 2010 3 Updated 2015-03-11

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