Deck Maintenance
Deck Maintenance
Deck Maintenance
Planned Maintenance
Maintenance and Survey Requirements
Corrosion and Deterioration
Preservation of Structures
Working with Confined spaces
Marine Pollution
Planned Maintenance
The master is responsible for the seaworthiness of the vessel and must
ensure that all national and international requirements regarding safety and
pollution prevention are being complied with. Effective planning is required to
ensure that the vessel, its machinery systems and its services are functioning
correctly and being properly maintained, including dry-docking to maintain
hull smoothness.
You can develop a basic maintenance program for your vessel by taking the
following steps:
Step 1 Determine what items need to be maintained.
Step 2 Determine the type of maintenance tasks required on each item.
Step 3 Determine the frequency of carrying out particular maintenance jobs.
Step 4 Prepare a maintenance schedule.
Step 5 Develop operational and recording procedures.
You will need to consider the following issues in the planning process
The actual operation and documentation of the plan will vary from vessel to
vessel. Many vessels use a card index system or computer program for this
purpose. Usually, a job sheet is prepared for each job. The job sheet
contains a description of the work and a list of relevant spare parts and
references to drawings and instruction manuals. On completion of the job,
relevant details are entered in the job sheet.
It is essential that you are thoroughly familiar with the locations and closing
mechanisms of all openings on your vessel through which water may enter
the hull. This way you will not neglect to maintain, test and check the
efficiency of any of the closing arrangements.
Maintenance Items
Check that all access openings at ends of enclosed structures are in good
condition. All door clips, clamps, and hinges should be free and well
greased. All gaskets and watertight seals should be crack free. Ensure that
the doors open from both sides. Figure 1.25 shows the typical components of
a weathertight door.
Check that all ventilator openings are provided with efficient weathertight
closing appliances and repair any defects.
All air pipes of diameter exceeding 30mm bore, must be provided with
permanently attached satisfactory means for closing the openings.
Ensure that the non-return valves on overboard discharges are operating in a
satisfactory manner.
Check that all freeing ports are in a satisfactory condition, e.g. shutters are
not jammed, hinges are free and that pins are of non corroding material.
Check that any securing appliances, if fitted, work correctly.
You can test the efficiency of closures by means of a simple “hose test” or by
a “chalk test”.
Initial Survey
The main purpose of this survey is to ensure that the vessel will be able to
perform the tasks for which it is intended.
All aspects of the vessel’s construction are examined to ensure that it meets
the requirements of Section 5 of the USL Code. After the construction is
complete, the Authority surveys the vessel once more and if satisfied, issues
the owner with a “Certificate of Survey”.
All vessels must under go 'Periodic Surveys and Inspections' to satisfy the
Authority that the vessel continues to comply with all its laws and regulations.
Typical Annual Surveys
Running trial of each main engine and associated gearbox.
Operational test of bilge pumps, bilge alarms and bilge valves
Operation test of all valves in the fire main system.
Operational test of all sea injection and overboard discharge valves and
Operational test of main and emergency means of steering.
Running trial of all machinery essential to the safe operation of the vessel.
Inspection of all pipe arrangements.
General examination of machinery installation and electrical installation.
All safety and relief valves associated with the safe operation of the vessel to
be set at the required working pressure.
Pressure vessels, and associated mountings used for the generation of
steam under pressure or the heating of water to a temperature exceeding 99
degrees Celsius
Inspection of the liquefied petroleum gas installation.
Inspection of cargo handling, fishing and trawling gear.
Inspection of escapes from engine room and accommodation spaces.
Inspection of personnel protection arrangements in machinery spaces.
Inspection of casings, superstructures, skylights, hatchways,
companionways, bulwarks and guard rails, ventilators and air pipes, together
with all closing devices.
Inspection of ground tackle (anchors and chains).
Hull externally and internally except in way of tanks forming part of the
Sea injection and overboard discharge valves and cocks.
Inspection of propellers, rudders and under water fittings.
Pressure vessel and associate mountings of an air pressure/salt water
system having a working pressure of more than 275 kPa.
Deterioration of Timber
Fungal Attack
Lyctus Borers
These only attack hardwoods which have sapwoods containing a high starch
content. Fortunately 33% of Australian hardwoods are immune from attack.
The attack becomes evident when an accumulation of fine flour dust appears
on the surface of the timber. This borer may be exterminated by the use of
proprietary poisons.
Marine Borers
The pill bug - a crustacean
The gribble - a crustacean
The shipworm or toredo - a mollusc
The crustacean borers cause the typical "hour glass" type of wastage seen in
neglected piles of wharves, etc. If allowed to go unchecked they are
responsible for considerable damage to the underwater section of wooden
vessels. Sometimes they are referred to as "putty borers".
The toredo commences life as free swimming larva which attach to
submerged timber and immediately begin to bore. In Australian waters they
may reach a length of up to 1 metre. They use the attached wood as
habitation, the worm feeding on minute marine life in the surrounding water.
For the owners of wooden vessels these borers are a constant worry.
Prevention of attack from both forms of marine borer is possible by deep and
total impregnation of the timber with creosote or proprietary preservatives.
An alternative by costly procedure is metal sheathing.
Corrosion of metal
Corrosion is the alteration and decomposition of metals or alloys by direct
chemical attack or by persistent electrochemical reactions. Corrosion can be
classified as:
Chemical corrosion. Electrochemical
Chemical Corrosion
This is the attack of metals by solutions of acids or alkaline which will
chemically combine with the metal to form entirely new products. The
material can be considered as being dissolved in the solution. Such attack is
usually caused by spillage of liquids such as battery acids, galley refuse, or in
toilet areas.1.2.2 Electrochemical Corrosion
This is the most common type of corrosion. It is caused by very small
electrical currents flowing between one metallic area to another. These
electrical currents cause the material which is being corroded to change to a
completely different substance; for example, steel changes to rust. Whether
the corrosion takes place below the waterline, or above the waterline, the
presence of both oxygen and an electrolyte (i.e. a conducting solution) play
an important part. Saltwater is a liquid which encourages corrosion because
it is an excellent conductor of electricity. Corrosion is indicated by the
presence of rust or wastage of a metal.
Preservation of Structures
Preservation of Timber
The following precautions will keep the risk of fungal and insect attack to a
Ensure good ventilation throughout the boat, particularly when it is lying idle.
Make sure rainwater cannot get in.
Prevent condensation by ventilation. Where it is unavoidable eg. on insides
of windows, use water-repellent preservative on woodwork.
Use a water soluble preservative in the bilge water. A cheap and effective
one can be made by dissolving 0.65 Kg of borax and 0.45 Kg of boric acid in
4 litres of hot water. This mixture is non-corrosive and harmless to animals.
Inspect the vessel’s timbers for decay regularly, at least every 6 months. If
decay is found act at once, a few weeks in summer is enough for major
damage to be done.
Use a preservative from a variety of preservatives that have been developed
for the successful treatment of timber for decay resistance.
Use a proprietary poison for extermination of marine insects.
Preservation of Metals
Fire Retardant Paints - the action of these paints is that as they burn, gasses
are given off which blanket the flame and slow or stop the combustion
Barrier Paints - in the case of painting an underwater section with a new coat
of anti-fouling, unless the old system is completely removed, it is essential
that a coat of barrier paint is used between the old and the new coats of anti-
This is because the solvent in the new paint will react with the old and some
of the poison will leach down through the old paint thereby reducing the
amount available to come out of the new coat to seaward.
Likewise when using a ‘high performance’ 2 part paint over the top of a coat of
conventional paint, the coats must be separated by a coat of barrier paint. The chemical
reaction occurring in the HP paint will damage the underlying conventional paint.
Non Skid Paints - used on decks and steps to prevent slippage. Generally
around door entrances, windlass area, boarding areas and on steel step
Paints can be applied by brush, roller or spray gun. In all cases you should
refer to the manufacturer’s instructions on the recommended procedure,
materials and safety precautions. This information is usually available from
the paint container itself.
There are six main glue types commonly used in boats:
Contact adhesives that may be natural or synthetic. They are applied to both
surfaces and allowed to partially dry before bonding together.
Cascamite (Casco urea formaldehyde) is a powder that is mixed with water
with only a few hours shelf life. It is water resistant but brittle with poor filling
Aerolite is a two part catalyst and resin powder with water mix. The powder &
water mix has a shelf life of a few days.The clear catalyst is applied to one
surface and creamy resin applied to the other, allowing the coating of all
surfaces prior to the event of bonding. Useful in tricky clamping up operations
such as laminating multiple timbers or stitch and glue construction where
time is a consideration.
Two part with a hardener and a resin and a shelf life of an hour or two, epoxy
resin glues are now universally used in marine timber construction. They are
waterproof, very strong but do not penetrate the end grain of timber. The
West System successfully uses additives and extenders to modify the
qualities of epoxy resins for composite construction.
Aerodux or Cascophen are superior two parts with good spreading qualities.
They are fully waterproof and UV resistant with a few days shelf life after
mixing. They are not gap filling.
Sealants are used to form tough but flexible gaskets between fittings for insulation,
waterproofing and increasingly as a bedding adhesive.
Traditional sealants:
Shellac, a natural resin, is nowadays more commonly associated with French polish for
furniture finishing. It is dissolved in methylated spirit and was used as a bedding material
under decking as it does not dissolved in water or by the action of the oils in wood.
Stockholm tar with its distinctive smell is still used to waterproof natural fibre
ropes, yarn and canvas.
A solid form of tar at normal temperatures, it is melted and laid into the gaps
between deck planking to seal them. Geofferies Marine Glue
A linseed oil and chalk mixture that was fortified with powdered white lead
(lead oxide) but is now commonly mixed with the less toxic red metal primer
paint, and used to seal the plank seams in timber carvel construction.
Very slow drying natural or mineral oil pastes that provides a sticky
waterproof seal that is flexible. As mastics age they dry, shrink and crack
away from the surfaces. They are most successfully used as gaskets rather
than surface fillets or beadings.
Modern sealants:
Form a permanent bond and should not be used for fittings that require to be moved. Not
suitable for ABS type plastics. Some are not suitable for overpainting. Liquid nails,
Construction adhesive
Single and two part varieties provide a rubber like flexible sealant. They can
be premoulded to form gaskets and components can be disassembled with
varying degrees of ease. They must be applied to dry surfaces. Oily timber
will require sealing with a primer. Most can be sanded and overpainted.
Bond well to all surfaces to form a highly elastic seal. Most can be
disassembled with ease and are not paintable. They are readily available and
you will get a quality of Sealant that matches the price you are willing to pay
Sealant/Bedding table
Material Polysulphide Polyurethane Silicone
ABS to GRP 4 4 3
ABS to Wood 4 4 3
Deck/hull joints 1 1 2
Deck seams 1 4 4
Electrical insulation 2 1 1
GRP to GRP 2 1 2
GRP to glass 2 1 2
Glass to metal 2 1 2
Glass to vinyl 4 4 3
Glass to wood 1 2 3
Metal to wood 1 2 3
GRP to metal 1 1 2
Plank seams underwater 1 4 4
GRP to plastic 4 4 2
Plastic to wood 4 4 3
GRP to wood 1 1 2
Under all NOHSC standards and codes, employers have a duty to:
hazardous substances;
Duties of employees
Under all NOHSC standards and codes, employees have a duty to:
◾ comply, as far as they can, with all activities carried out in accordance
with the standard
◾ report to their employer anything that might affect the employer’s
compliance with the standard.
Confined spaces are fully or partially enclosed areas which aren’t designed to
be normal places of work, and where entry and exit are restricted. They
include things like storage tanks, silos, pits or degreasers, pipes, shafts or
ducts, or confined space onboard ships.
Working inside spaces like this (including putting one’s head or upper body
inside them) can be dangerous for various reasons. Fatalities or severe
injuries can occur because:
• there’s not enough oxygen, or too much oxygen (leaking from an oxygen
supply, for example);
• the atmosphere or surfaces inside are contaminated,
• steam, water, or other gases or liquids may enter the space in an
uncontrolled way;
• there is a risk of suffocation (eg by grain, sand, flour), electrocution,
explosion or fire.
Confined spaces can increase the risk of injury from other hazards too—such
as equipment operating in the space, noise (tasks such as hammering may
become louder), radiation, or temperature (conditions may be too hot or too
cold as a result of the work process or the weather conditions, bad ventilation
or inappropriate clothing).The constraints of the space can also make manual
handling injuries and falls more likely.
Special duties
The national standard also sets out various duties which apply to people who
design, manufacture or supply confined spaces.
Getting Started
Start by listing the confined spaces in your workplace, noting any work
associated with them (regular maintenance, for example) and whether it is
necessary to enter the space to perform the work.
The best option is eliminate the need to enter the confined space at all—use
tanks designed to be self-cleaning, for example, or equipped with observation
Try to get the design right in the first place: If the space can’t be designed to
eliminate the need for entry, the design of the space should minimise the risk
to anyone entering or working inside it (including providing safe means of exit
and entry).
3. Backup controls
• Risk increases the more people there are inside (although two may be
safer than one in some circumstances??)
Training tips
Advice and training materials can be obtained from State and Territory
governments, and employer and employee groups.
Marine Pollution
The enormous growth in the maritime transport of oil and the size of tankers,
the increasing amount of chemicals being carried by sea and a growing
concern for the world’s environment as a whole made many feel that the
1954 OILPOL Convention was no longer adequate, despite the various
amendments which had been adopted. In 1969 the IMO Assembly (again
prompted partly by the TORREY CANYON incident two years previously)
decided to arrange an international conference to consider a completely new
convention. The Conference duly met in London in 1973.
1 The Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983.
2 The Environmental Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981.
In New South Wales and other States, there is a parallel legislation (e.g.,
NSW Marine Act 1987).
Under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
1973/78 (known as MARPOL), all of the above applies. In Australia, this
convention is enacted in the Protection of the Sea (Prevention of pollution
from ships) Act 1983 and the Navigation Act 1912.
Annex I - Oil
A complete ban on operational discharges of oil from ships except under the
following conditions:
1 The rate at which oil may be discharged must not exceed 60 litres per
mile travelled by the ship;
2 The oil content of any bilge water discharged must be below 100 parts
per million;
3 Ship must be more than 12 miles from nearest land; and
4 Ship must have in operation an approved oil discharge monitoring and
control system, oily water separating equipment or oil filtering
Parties to the Convention are obliged to provide adequate facilities for the
reception of residues and oily mixtures at oil loading terminals, repair ports,
Oil tankers must have the equipment necessary to operate the “load on top
system” or to retain oily residues on board until they can be discharged into
shore reception facilities. This equipment includes slop tanks, oily-water
separating equipment or filtering systems, oil content meters, oil discharge
monitoring and control systems, sludge tanks and suitable pumping and
piping arrangements.
All ships of 400 gross tonnage and above - including non-tankers - must be
equipped with oily-water separating equipment or a filtering system for the
discharge of machinery space bilges.
Every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above, and every other ship
of 400 tons gross tonnage and above will be subject to the survey specified
(a) an initial survey before the ship is put in service, or before the Certificate
is issued for the first time, to ensure that the structure, equipment,
systems, fittings, arrangements, and material fully comply with the
requirements of the Annex;
(b) a period survey at intervals of five years before the re-issue of the
Certificate, for the same reasons stated in (a);
(c) one intermediate survey held not before six months prior to, nor later
than six months after the halfway date of the Certificate’s period of
validity, to ensure that the equipment and associated pump and piping
systems, including oil discharge monitoring and control systems, crude
oil washing systems, oily water separating equipment and oil filtering
systems, fully comply with the requirements of the Annex;
(d) an annual survey held within three months before or after the
anniversary date of the Certificate; except when the annual survey
coincides with the intermediate survey, then the annual survey will not
be necessary.
For existing crude oil tankers a third alternative was permissible for a period
of two to four years after entry into force of MARPOL 73/78. This was called
dedicated ‘clean ballast tanks’ (CBT) and was a system whereby certain
tanks were dedicated solely to the carriage of ballast water: This was
cheaper than a full SBT system, since it utilised existing pumping and piping,
but when the period of grace expired (2 October 1987), other systems had to
be used.
This was set up after the grounding of the Oceanic Grandeur in Torres Strait
in April 1970.
• Cease operation
• Ease pressure on overflowing tank.
• Sound emergency alarm
• Ban smoking anywhere on board
• Take all fire precautions
• Control spill
• Inform authorities
• Clean up on deck
Fuel Expansion In Hot Weather
Fuel expands in volume about 0.5% per 1°C rise in temperature. Therefore,
with a 10° rise in air temperature - a common daily fluctuation in Australia -
the fuel in a tank, sitting in open air, may expand by 5%. Ignoring some
expansion of the tank itself, this amounts to 5 cm rise in the sounding in a
tank full of fuel, measuring 1 x 1 x l metre. Without sufficient ullage (space
between the liquid and tank top), the fuel could overflow. Due to pollution
hazards associated with fuel, it is usual for fuel tanks to be fitted with a
venting pipe.
A1 Ship: name, size, type, call sign/ship station identity and flag
Note: Give C or D
E True course
F Speed in knots
P1 Type of oil or the correct technical name of the noxious liquid substances
on board
2 UN numbers