ASME Filtro
ASME Filtro
ASME Filtro
Compressed Air
and Gas Filters
• Coalescing, Particulate & Hydrocarbon Adsorption
Finite ®
and Gas Filters
Finite Filter's large capacity ASME filter vessels have been
designed specifically for our coalescing elements and
incorporate large sump capacities and generous exit cavities for
maximum performance with low differential pressures.
All units are "U" stamped and conform to ASME Section VIII
standard code for pressure vessels. With flow capacities to
37,000 SCFM and optional materials of construction, most
compressor source filtration requirements can be met.
Porting to: 16" Flange
Flows to: 37,000 SCFM (63,000 m3/hr)
Design: ASME Code/CRN (Canadian Registration)
Available Options:
High Temperature
High Pressure
All Stainless Construction
Typical Applications
Coalescing (Oil Removal) Interceptor (Particulate Removal) Adsorber (Vapor Removal)
Compressed Air
and Gas Filters
International Standard ISO8573-1 Notification as specified in ISO8573 - 1
is fast becoming the industry
standard method for specifying Solid Water Oil
compressed air cleanliness. Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
The chart to the right details the Class particle Concentration Pressure Dew point Concentration
specifications of the classes. size (µm) ppm (mg/m3 ) o
F (oC) ppm (mg/m3 )
The diagrams below describe
1 0.1 0.08 (0.1) -94 (-70) 0.008 (0.01)
various systems in terms of their
2 1 0.8 (1) -40 (-40) 0.08 (0.1)
corresponding ISO classification.
3 5 4.2 (5) -4 (-20) 0.83 (1)
4 15 6.7 (8) 37 (+3) 4.2 (5)
5 40 8.3 (10) 45 (+7) 21 (25)
6 - - - 50 (+10) - -
Typical Applications
ISO Class 2 Solid Water 3 Oil ISO Class 1 Solid 4 Water 1 Oil
ISO Class 2 Solid 4 Water 3 Oil ISO Class 1 Solid 2 Water 1 Oil
Note: In the pictorial examples shown above, the contribution of hydrocarbon vapors has not been taken into account
in determining the oil class category.
Find your (or similar) application from the descriptions below, from the basic application circuits on the
previous page, or consult a Finite® application engineer. Determine media grade, media type and end
seal required. If your application requires a coalescing element, use the information listed below. For
other media types, please see the following page.
Grade 6 filters are used when “total Grade 8 filters combine high efficiency Grade 10 filters are used as prefilters for
removal of liquid aerosols and suspended with high flow rate and long element life. A grades 6 or 8 to remove gross amounts of
fines” is required. Because of its overall separate prefilter is not required for "normal liquid aerosols or tenacious aerosols which
performance characteristics, this grade is to light" particulate loading. are difficult to drain.
most often recommended.
A grade 8 element is great prefilter protection A grade 10 element coupled with media
A grade 6 element is great prefilter for refrigerated air dryers. This element type D is a recommended afterfilter for heat
protection for desiccant air dryers. This maintains dryer efficiency by preventing regenerated type dryers. This grade is often
element prevents oil or varnish from coating coating of coils with oil or varnish. referred to as a coarse coalescer.
the desiccant, while maintaining the dryer
This rolled stainless steel This particulate element is This hydrocarbon vapor removal
mesh element has two metal constructed of pleated cellulose element consists of an ultrafine
retainers with rolled mesh with a 3 micron rating. It is metal grained, highly concentrated,
steel in between. It is an retained for added strength and activated carbon sheet media. It is
extremely robust design. includes an outer synthetic fabric metal retained for added strength
layer. and includes an outer synthetic
This media is used for the fabric layer.
reduction and elimination of 3P particulate interceptor
excess liquids in gas streams. elements are used where very This media is used to remove
Excellent prefiltration for high dirt holding capacity and hydrocarbon vapor and is safe for
coalescing grades 6 and 10 relatively fine pore structure are breathing air.
when extreme quantities required.
of liquid contaminants are
Element Elements
and Gas Filters
How To Order
F F 6 - 12 0 1 - 6 Q U
Port Type Config. Port Size Filter Body Number of Media Media End Seals
(O.D. nom.) Elements Grade Type
Compressed Air
and Gas Filters
Temp: 200oF (93oC) Temp: 200oF (93oC)
Pressure: 250 PSIG (17 bar) Pressure: 250 PSIG (17 bar)
Differential Pressure Gauge Kit Differential Pressure Gauge Kit
ADT-50 ZLD-10
Float Actuated Drain Trap Zero Air Loss Condensate Drain
TV-50 ADS-50
Timed Solenoid Valve Drain Trap Float Actuated Stainless Steel
Note: All accessories are sold separately. Drain Trap
29 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Finite Filter Operation
Oxford, MI
Drawings, Dimensions & Specifications
1/2 NPT 1/2 NPT
Vent Vent
Compressed Air
and Gas Filters
1/4 NPT
A Gauge D 1/2 NPT 1/2 NPT
Ports A Drain Drain
D 1/4 NPT A
A D Gauge 1/4 NPT 1/4 NPT
Ports Gauge Gauge
Port Port
1/2 NPT 1/2 NPT
1/2 NPT Drain
Drain 1/2 NPT Drain
Drain Refer to this Refer to this
Refer to this Refer to this drawing for: drawing for:
drawing for: drawing for: HF3-801(NPT) FF6-1603
HT3-801(NPT) FT6-1603 FF3-801 FF8-1804
FT3-801 FF4-1201 FF10-2207
FT4-1201 FF6-1201 FF12-3011
FT6-1201 FF16-3615
Compressed Air
and Gas Filters
1. Vessels are shipped from the factory without element(s). The element(s) are shipped
separately. The vessel should be set and plumbed before installation of element(s) and a
differential pressure gauge to minimize the possibility of damage.
2. Air temperature must be below 200o F when using the nylon tubing supplied with the
differential pressure gauge kit. Use copper or stainless steel tubing for higher temperature
applications, and remote mount the gauge (do not attach to vessel nameplate bracket).
** Be especially careful when plumbing a vessel containing "DS" or "DV" element(s). This high
temperature element is commonly used as either a coalescer (liquid removal) or a particulate
filter. Inlet and outlet labels are installed at the factory denoting coalescing (in to out) flow.
Outside to In: All elements used for particulate removal only; adsorbers, particulate, and
high temperature ("A", "P" and "D") elements.
This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or
system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application
including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to
the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing is solely
responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements
of the application are met.
The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing are subject
to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.
1/2 NPT
Vent 1/2 NPT 1/2 NPT 1/2 NPT
Vent Vent Vent
1/4 NPT
Gauge 1/4 NPT
Ports Gauge 1/4 NPT
Ports Gauge 1/4 NPT
Port Gauge
1/2 NPT
1/2 NPT
1/4 NPT
1/4 NPT Gauge
Gauge Port
Finite filters should be installed in a level pipeline mounted vertically, the Air coalescing is a continuous, balanced, steady-state process
vessel sump downward with one element length clearance above or below occurring at or below rated flow, which depends on two factors for
Compressed Air
and Gas Filters
vessel for element removal. The filter should be installed at the highest high performance: (1) The vessel sump must be kept free of waste
pressure point available, and as near as possible to the equipment to liquid buildup and (2) The element must be replaced when the
be protected and have a drip leg immediately upstream. The coalescers differential pressure reaches 6-8 psid, 12 psid Maximum. Differential
and particulate filters should be visible and easily accessible for periodic pressure can be sensed at the inlet and outlet ports by two gauges,
draining and maintenance. or by Finite's KBDPI-25 differential pressure gauge.
The filters should be piped in accordance with the "IN" and "OUT" labels. Vessel sump draining is accomplished by opening the customer
Should these tags become unreadable, install the coalescer so that supplied manual drain valve, at least once every 8 hours depending
flow passes through the filter tube from inside-to-outside. Plumb on the liquid load. Connecting an automatic drain to the vessel
particulate and adsorber filters so that flow passes through the filter sump is highly recommended. (See literature on Finite's TV-50,
from outside-to-inside. The various filter locations relative TD-50 or ZLD-10 timed drain valves.)
to other equipment should be as follows (unless specific instructions are
given to the contrary): Floor standing vessels have two sumps and two drain connections.
Never connect these drains together as contamination of the outlet gas
(1) COALESCERS and WATER SEPARATORS (WS) (liquid removal) will occur. Two separate drain lines with separate drain traps or valves
are placed before the dryer. should be used to ensure that contamination will not occur.
(2) The INTERCEPTOR (particulate removal) should be installed
ahead of the COALESCER when prefiltration is required. A Finite coalescer, under normal system conditions, will operate for
(3) The INTERCEPTOR (particulate removal) can also be 6 to 12 months before reaching its Maximum differential pressure.
installed downstream of desiccant dryers to prevent desiccant A "PU" series Interceptor, or a "QU" series coalescing element
migration. with a pleated prefilter can be employed ahead of the coalescer
(4) The ADSORBER (vapor removal) is always preceded by a to increase its life. The interceptor should be replaced when its
differential pressure reaches 8 - 10 psid.
When Coalescer or Interceptor differential pressure reaches clogged condition
Finite coalescers are designed for nominal operation with 10-20 wt.
(6-8 PSID) replace element immediately. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN
FILTER TUBE. System contamination can result. DO NOT BY-PASS THE
oil. Any viscosity increase over that of 20 wt. oil must be offset by
COALESCER unless the by-pass line is also filtered. a proportionate oversizing of the filter element. Consult your Finite