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Updated September 1, 2017
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Effective September 1, 2017 (unless otherwise noted)

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 11. Timely Upload of PLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2. Definitions Used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 11.1 U se of PLD Obtained Email Addresses. . . . . . . . . 14

3. Commodities Handled and 12. ZIP CodeTM/Postal Code Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Restrictions on Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 13. P.O. Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1 Items Not Accepted for Transportation . . . . . . . . . . 6
14. UPS Customer Center and
3.2 Maximum Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Center. . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Prohibited by Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
15. Third-Party Retailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Alcoholic Beverages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.5 Biological Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 16. UPS Access Point® Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.6 Firearms and Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 17. Pickup Services – Scheduled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.6.1 Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 18. UPS On-Call Pickup® Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.6.2 Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
19. Saturday Air Processing Fee;
3.7 F ood Transport; Assumption Saturday Stop Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
of Legal Responsibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
20. Drop Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.8 Hazardous Materials Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.9 Dry Ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 21. Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.10 Limited Quantity/ORM-D Packages . . . . . . . . . . 10 22. Direct Delivery Only Surcharge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.11 Hazardous Waste, Mercury, 23. Residential Surcharge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
and Mercury-Containing Waste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.12 Live Animals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 24. Delivery Area Surcharge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.13 Perishable Commodities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 25. Delivery Attempts; UPS Access Point® Locations . . . 17
3.14 Pharmaceuticals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 26. Hold for Pickup and Hold at Location Services. . . . . 17
3.15 Portable Electronic Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
27. Shipper Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.16 Tobacco Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
28. UPS carbon neutral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4. Provisions for Export and Customs Clearance
of International Shipments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 29. UPS Delivery Intercept® Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1 Electronic Export Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 30. Delivery Change Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 Certificate of Origin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 31. Correction of Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3 UPS Paperless® Invoice Service.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
32. Saturday Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.4 Pre-Release Notification for Import Shipments. . . . 12
4.5 Record-Keeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 33. Delivery Confirmation Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
33.1 Delivery Confirmation (domestic only). . . . . . . . 19
5. UPS Import Control® Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
33.2 D elivery Confirmation Signature Required
6. Right of Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 (domestic and international) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7. Refusal of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 33.3 Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature
Required (domestic and international). . . . . . . . 19
8. Packaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
34. UPS Next Day Air Early ®
9. Use of UPS-Provided Materials and Services . . . . . . 13 Verbal Confirmation of Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10. Use of UPS Electronic Information Systems . . . . . . . 14 35. Proof of Delivery (P.O.D.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States


36. Tracking/Tracing and Refund Request Charge. . . . . 19 52. Payment of Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

37. Special Handling of Undeliverable Shipments; 52.1 Invoice Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Refused Shipments Returned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 52.2 Alternative Payment Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
38. C.O.D. Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 52.3 Late Payment Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
38.1 Preparation and Listing of C.O.D. Packages. . . . . 19 53. UPS Service Guarantee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
38.2 Responsibility for C.O.D.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 53.1 Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
38.3 Consignee’s Checks in Payment of C.O.D.s. . . . . 20 53.2 Exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
38.4 C.O.D. Package of $10,000 or More . . . . . . . . . . 20 54. Claims and Legal Actions:
38.5 Acceptance of Personal Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Individual Binding Arbitration of Claims. . . . . . . . . .27
38.6 C.O.D. Remittance Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 54.1 Making Claims for Loss or Damage
38.7 Restrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 to Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
38.8 Charges for C.O.D. Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 54.2 Acknowledgment of Claims for Loss
38.9 Remittance of C.O.D.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 or Damage to Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
54.3 Time Limit for Filing Claims for Loss
39. UPS Returns® Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 or Damage to Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
40. UPS Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 54.4 Investigation of Claims for Loss
40.1 Daily Rates and Retail Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 or Damage to Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
40.2 Letter Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 54.5 Salvage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
40.3 Pak Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 54.6 Disposition of Claims for Loss
40.4 UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box Rates. . . . . . 22 or Damage to Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
40.5 Private Express Statutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 55. Responsibility for Loss or Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
40.6 Rates for Large Packages; 55.1 Maximum Declared Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Large Package Surcharge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 55.2 Liability Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
40.7 Over Maximum Limits Charge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 55.3 Exclusions from Liability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
40.8 Additional Handling Charge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
56. Data Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
40.9 Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge . . . . . . . . . . 22
57. Incorporation of Documents;
41. Peak Surcharges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Waiver; Future Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
42. Fuel Surcharges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
43. Manual Processing Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
44. Third Party Billing Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
45. Billing Options for Domestic Shipments. . . . . . . . . . 23
46. Billing Options for International Shipments. . . . . . . 23
47. Bill My Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
48. Disbursement Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
49. Currency Conversion Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
50. Missing/Invalid Account Number or Refusal Fee. . . . 23
51. Shipping Charge Corrections; Audit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4 ups.com

Effective September 1, 2017 (unless otherwise noted)

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

1. Introduction “UPS Hundredweight Air Services” – “Charges” means all applicable trans­
The following contains the general includes: portation and other charges including,
terms and conditions of contract under – UPS Hundredweight Service® UPS Next but not limited to, all applicable acces­­
which United Parcel Service (“UPS”) is Day Air® sorial charges, brokerage service fees,
engaged in the transportation of Package surcharges, additional handling charges
– UPS Hundredweight Service® UPS Next
shipments itself and jointly through and late payment fees. Any such Charges,
Day Air Saver®
inter­change with its affiliates via the including but not limited to any sur­
services described below. –U
PS Hundredweight Service® UPS 2nd charges, are not intended solely to cover
Day Air A.M.® the cost of pro­­viding service and may
The UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions
PS Hundredweight Service® UPS 2nd result in profit to UPS.
of Service (“Terms”) are effective on the
Day Air® – “Claimant” means any person assert­
date set forth above and are subject to
change without prior notice. The Terms The Terms apply to the following ing any claim in any forum for legal
are published periodically in printed international services: or equitable relief – including, but not
form in the UPS Rate and Service Guide – UPS Worldwide Express Plus® limited to, any claim for damages,
(“Service Guide”) and electronically on refunds, credits, injunctive relief, and
– UPS Worldwide Express NA1® declaratory relief – arising out of or
the UPS website (ups.com). The most
current and controlling version of the – UPS Worldwide Express® related to the provision of services
Terms is published at www.ups.com/ –U
PS Worldwide Express Freight® by UPS.
terms. In tendering a Shipment for Midday – “C.O.D.” means for all purposes
service, the Shipper agrees that the – UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Collect on Delivery.
version of the Terms and the applicable
Service Guide in effect at the time of – UPS Worldwide Saver® – “Commercial” refers to any address
shipping will apply to the Shipment – UPS Worldwide Expedited® that is not Residential.
and its transportation. The Terms apply – UPS 3 Day Select® from Canada – “Daily Rates” and “Retail Rates”
to the following services:1 refer to the effective UPS Rates for
– UPS® Standard services
– UPS Air Services Shipments originating in the 48 contig­
“UPS Worldwide Express Freight uous United States established by UPS
PS Hundredweight Service® Air Service” includes:
Services for the service selected by the Shipper
PS Worldwide Express Freight that apply to the Shipper and the
– UPS 3 Day Select® Midday Package, and are in effect at the time
PS Hundredweight Service® UPS 3 – UPS Worldwide Express Freight of shipping, plus any additional charges
Day Select® or rates for nonstandard service, or
– UPS® Ground 2. Definitions Used additional or nonstandard usage, and
– UPS® Ground with Freight Pricing – “Alaska and Hawaii Rates” refer to any other additional charges referenced
the effective UPS Rates for Shipments within the Terms or the Service Guide,
– UPS Hundredweight Service® Ground or those applicable additional rates
originating in Alaska and Hawaii pub­
– UPS Returns® Services lished in the effective Service Guide set out in any customized contracts.
“UPS Air Services” includes: for Alaska and Hawaii, or Retail Rates Effective December 28, 2015, “Daily
established by UPS for the service Rates” is deemed to mean “Standard
– UPS Next Day Air® Early List Rates.”
selected by the Shipper that apply to
– UPS Next Day Air® the Shipper and the Package, and are – “Delivery” shall be deemed to include,
– UPS Next Day Air Saver® in effect at the time of shipping, plus but not be limited to any of the follow­
– UPS 2nd Day Air A.M.® any additional charges or rates for ing: (1) delivery to the Consignee or
non­standard service, additional or the Consignee’s actual or apparent
– UPS 2nd Day Air® non­standard usage, and any other agent or representative, or pursuant to
additional charges referenced within Consignee’s instructions, (2) delivery to
the Terms or the Service Guide, or the address or location specified in the
The Third Party Billing Service fee described
1 those applicable additional rates set UPS Shipping System or, to any person
in Section 44 applies to all UPS services out in any customized contracts. present at such address, (3) delivery
worldwide, regardless of origin or destination. – “Business day” means Monday to an alternate address or location,
*Refer to www.ups.com/holidays for service through Friday except the following including to a UPS Access Point®
limitations during the holiday season. holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial location, (4) delivery in accordance
Note: Visit ups.com for guarantee details, Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, with trade custom or usage, (5) deliv­
service availability, delivery time commit- Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day ery pursuant to UPS’s driver release
ments or to request a pickup. (December 25), and New Year’s Eve.* procedures, (6) delivery pur­suant to
ups.com 1-800-PICK-UPS® UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States   5

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

UPS’s Shipper Release procedures, or then the party that contracted with UPS without limitation, by Host Manifest
(7) delivery otherwise permitted under for the Shipment. The term Shipper Upload and Electronic Manifest Tool.
the Terms. does not include, for example, a party The term “UPS Automated Shipping
to whom a Shipment was Third Party or System,” “Source Document” and “PLD
– “Drop Shipment” means any Shipment
collect billed, the party who drops off Upload,” individually or col­lec­tively, are
tendered pursuant to a written agree­
a UPS Returns® Services package, or a sometimes referred to by the term “UPS
ment or prior arrangement between
party that uses another party’s account Shipping System.”
UPS and a specific Shipper that permits
for a Shipment.
the Shipper to tender quantities of – “UPS Customer Center” means a
individual Packages directly to UPS at – “Third Party” means any party that is UPS facility where Shippers may tender
a UPS pre-approved designated location. not the Shipper or Receiver/Consignee. Packages to UPS for transportation,
and a Consignee or other recipient
– “Letter Rates” refers to the UPS Rates – “Third-Party Retailers” means loca­
may receive a Package Delivery.
applicable to single package Shipments tions of The UPS Store® centers, UPS
using UPS Express® Envelope or UPS® Authorized Shipping Outlet locations, – “UPS Rates” refers collectively to Daily
Letter packaging containing corres­pon­- and UPS Alliance Locations (located Rates (which are inclusive of Standard
­d­ence, urgent documents, or elec­tronic within Staples® retail locations). UPS List Rates), Retail Rates, Alaska and
media, with an actual weight of eight may designate certain Third-Party Hawaii Rates, Letter Rates, Pak Rates,
(8) ounces or less. (“UPS Express® Retailers as UPS Access Point® loca­ and UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG
Envelope” and “UPS Letter” may tions, as that term is defined below, but Box Rates.
be referred to interchangeably.) all terms and conditions applicable to
– “UPS Returns® Services” refers col­
Third-Party Retailers set forth herein
– “Package” means any container and its lectively to UPS Authorized Return®,
shall continue to apply, regardless of
contents, and includes a UPS Express® Print Return Label, Electronic Return
such designation.
Envelope, as well as any article that Label, and Print and Mail Return
may be handled without packaging – A “UPS Access Point®” location is an Label, 1 UPS Pickup Attempt, 3 UPS
if the handling thereof can be accom­ independently owned and operated Pickup Attempts, UPS Returns® on the
plished in a reasonably safe and business or a location (including a UPS Web, UPS Returns® Flexible Access,
practicable manner. Access Point® locker) designated as and UPS Returns® Exchange.
a UPS Access Point location by UPS
– “Perishable Commodity” refers to a – “UPS Smart Label®” tag as defined
where a Consignee or other recipient
perishable commodity or a commodity here and described in the UPS Guide
may, where available, receive a Package
requiring protection from heat or to Labeling includes but is not limited
Delivery. Where available, Packages
cold, including, but not limited to, to the MAXICODE, postal code bar
processed for shipment prior to tender
live animals, foods, dry ice, flowers, code, current UPS Routing Code,
using a UPS Shipping System may
biological materials. appropriate UPS service level icon,
be tendered to a UPS Access Point®
and UPS 1Z tracking number bar code.
– “Receiver” or “Consignee” refers to location. Hours of operation and avail­
the party to whom the Shipment is ability of staffing vary by location. – “UPS Worldwide Express Freight®
being sent. Center” means a UPS facility where
– “UPS® Automated Shipping System,”
Shippers may tender UPS Worldwide
– “Residential” refers to an address that “Source Document” and “PLD Upload.”
Express Freight® Service pallets to UPS
is a home, including, but not limited to, Source Document means a shipping
for transportation, and a Consignee or
a business operating out of a home. If document provided by UPS for the
other recipient may receive pallets.
an address can be construed as either purpose of tendering a Shipment to
Residential or Commercial, then it will UPS for transportation. UPS Automated 3. Commodities Handled
be considered Residential. Shipping System means WorldShip® and Restrictions on Service
– “Shipment” means one or more Pack­ technology, UPS CampusShip® tech­
UPS holds itself out to transport general
ages, or one or more pallets in a UPS nology, UPS® Internet Shipping (also
com­modities, as usually defined, subject
Worldwide Express Freight® Service, referred to as online shipping), UPS
to the following restrictions.
shipped under a single Source Docu­ marketplace shipping, UPS® Developer
Kit, iShip® technology, UPS Host The Shipper agrees to indemnify, defend,
ment or UPS Automated Shipping
Access, UPS MobileTM shipping apps, and hold harmless UPS and its affiliated
System entry to one Receiver.
or an approved UPS Ready® solution companies, their officers, directors,
– “Shipper” refers to the party holding that meets UPS requirements at the employees, agents from all claims,
the UPS account used to process and time of Shipment. PLD Upload means demands, expenses, liabilities, causes
tender a Shipment to UPS or, if no the transmission to UPS of Package of action, enforcement procedures,
account was used for the Shipment, manifest information, includ­ing and suits of any kind or nature brought
6 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

arising from or relating to a Shipment in –P

ackages with an actual weight of accept, including when such Shipments
violation of applicable law or regulation, more than 150 pounds, or Packages are tendered for transportation at UPS
or of these Terms. that when measured to determine the Customer Centers, UPS Worldwide
billable weight exceed 108 inches in Express Freight® Centers, UPS Access
3.1 Items Not Accepted
length, or exceed a total of 165 inches Point® locations, or any Third-Party
for Transportation
in length plus girth [(2 x width) + Retailer.
No service shall be rendered in the
(2 x height)] combined. If found in
transportation of any of the prohibited UPS reserves the right, but is not required,
the UPS system, they are subject to one
articles listed in the applicable Service to return to the Shipper any Shipment
or more of the following additional
Guide or the Terms. containing a prohibited article. Such
charges: Over Maximum Weight,
return will be made solely at the Shipper’s
UPS does not accept for transportation, Over Maximum Length, or Over
risk and expense.
and Shippers are prohibited from Maximum Size. Such charges apply in
shipping: addition to all other applicable Charges 3.2 Maximum Values
including, but not limited to, a Large UPS does not accept for service Packages
rticles of unusual value, which shall
Package Surcharge; with values as set forth below:
be deemed to include, but are not
limited to: –W
ithout prior approval by UPS, UPS –A
ny Package with an actual value of
•A ny Package with an actual value Worldwide Express Freight® Service more than $50,000, or $70,000 for
of more than $50,000, except that pallets that exceed maximum size or Packages declared in accordance with
the actual value of Packages declared weight restrictions (which vary the Enhanced Maximum Declared
in accordance with the Enhanced by origin and destination) as set forth Value provisions of Section 55.1
Maximum Declared Value provisions at https://www.ups.com/media/en/ (“Maximum Declared Values”);
of Section 55.1 (“Maximum Declared wwef_max_dim.pdf. Such pallets are –P
ackages with a value of $1,000 or
Values”) cannot exceed $70,000; subject to an Oversize Pallet Handling more shipped via a Third-Party Retailer
•A ny pallet with an actual value of Surcharge. or UPS Access Point® location (includ­
more than $100,000; – S hipments tendered (including pre- ing a UPS Access Point® locker) if such
•C oins, cash, currency, bonds, postage processed drop offs) to a Third-Party Packages were processed for shipment
stamps, money orders, and negotiable Retailer or UPS Access Point® location using a UPS Shipping System prior to
instruments (such as drafts, bills of containing any hazardous materials drop off at the Third-Party Retailer or
exchange, or promissory notes, but requiring shipping papers, firearms, UPS Access Point® location or billed
excluding checks); or ammunition. These prohibitions using Bill My Account;
• Unset precious stones, and industrial also apply to shipments delivered to –P
ackages processed for shipment prior
diamonds; a Third-Party Retailer or UPS Access to tender using a UPS Shipping System
•A ny article that contains more than Point location, except for ammunition and tendered to a UPS driver with a
50 percent by weight of gold or that satisfies all requirements for the value of more than $1,000, unless a
platinum, or any combination there- shipment of ammunition set forth in UPS high-value shipment summary
of in raw form including, but not Section 3.6.2 (“Ammunition”), includ­ is obtained by the Shipper or person
limited to, bullion, bars, or scraps ing qualifying for the exception for tendering the Package and signed by
of these metals. Limited Quantity/ORM-D packages; the driver upon tender of the Package;

azardous waste, defined as a solid –U
PS Returns® Services Shipments con­ –P
ackages shipped or delivered to a
waste that meets any of the criteria of taining hazardous materials (except UPS Access Point® location with
the hazardous waste as described in for Limited Quantity/Other Regulated a value of $5,000 or more;
40 C.F.R. § 261.3; Materials Shipments (“ORM-D”)
omestic Packages with a value of
Ground Packages, as set forth below),
uman remains, fetal remains, human more than $1,000 returned via Print
or firearms, or requiring Delivery
body parts, or components thereof; Return Label, Print and Mail Return
Confirmation Services; and
Label, Electronic Return Label, or 1 UPS
ommon fireworks; –A
ny other items prohibited by the Pickup Attempt Return Services;
eplica or inert explosives or weapons Service Guide, or on the ups.com – I nternational Shipments with a value
that bear an appearance to actual website. of more than $1,000 per Package or
explosives or weapons (except as Shippers are prohibited from shipping pallet returned via UPS Print Return
a contractual service); and UPS will not accept for transporta­ Label, UPS Print and Mail Return
ackages containing marijuana, as that tion Shipments containing articles that Label, Electronic Return Label, 1 UPS
term is defined by 21 U.S.C. § 802(16), UPS is not authorized to accept or that Pickup Attempt, or 3 UPS Pickup
including marijuana intended for UPS states in the Terms that it will not Attempts Return Services (including
medicinal use; via UPS Returns® on the Web) unless
ups.com 1-800-PICK-UPS® UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States   7

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

a UPS high-value shipment summary laws to ship alcoholic beverages. To and the Shipper requests service in accor­
is obtained by the Shipper or person receive service for Packages containing dance with the conditions set forth in
tendering the Shipment and signed by alcoholic beverages, the Shipper must the written authorization from UPS
the driver upon tender of the Shipment; enter into an approved UPS agreement for the Package tendered. Any Package
for the transportation of wine, beer, containing biological materials shall
– I nternational UPS Import Control®
or spirits, as applicable. For all Packages be considered a Perishable Commodity.
Shipments with a value of more than
containing alcoholic beverages, the
$1,000 per Package or pallet unless 3.6 Firearms and Ammunition
Shipper must use Delivery Confirmation
a UPS high-value shipment summary UPS accepts Packages containing fire­
Adult Signature Required service
is obtained by the Shipper or person arms or ammunition only pursuant to
requesting an adult signature for each
tendering the Shipment and signed by the following limitations.
Package containing alcoholic beverages,
the driver upon tender of the Shipment;
and must affix a special UPS alcoholic 3.6.1 Firearms
ackages with a value of more than beverages label to each Package. Except UPS accepts Packages containing fire­
$500 shipped via a UPS Drop Box; for UPS Delivery Intercept® requests, arms (as defined by Title 18, Chapter 44,
requests to reroute Packages containing and Title 26, Chapter 53 of the United
– Prepaid Letters with a value of more
alcoholic beverages are not available States Code) only (a) between licensed
than $100;
(including, but not limited to, Delivery importers, licensed manufacturers,
ackages with a value of more than Change Requests and UPS My Choice® licensed dealers, and licensed collectors
$999 when Shipper Release is selected; requests). For all U.S. inbound import (as defined in Title 18, Chapter 44 of the
ackages with a C.O.D. amount in Shipments containing alcoholic bever­ United States Code), and government
excess of $500 shipped via a UPS ages, the Receiver must be licensed and agencies; and (b) where not otherwise
Drop Box; authorized to receive the alcoholic bev­ prohibited by federal, state, or local
erages. UPS does not accept Packages law from (i) an individual to a licensed
– International Shipments containing containing beer or spirits for Delivery importer, licensed manufacturer,
jewelry (not including costume jewelry) to a consumer. It is the responsibility licensed dealer or licensed collector;
having a value of more than $500 per of the Shipper to ensure that a Package and (ii) from a licensed importer,
Package or pallet or a value of more tendered to UPS does not violate any licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer,
than $2,500 per Package or pallet for federal, state, or local laws or regulations or licensed collector to an individual.
Shipments tendered to eligible destina­ applicable to the Package. The Shipper shall comply with and shall
tions set forth at ups.com/jewelry; ensure that each Shipment containing
UPS reserves the right to dispose of any
PS Worldwide Express Freight® firearms complies with all federal, state,
alcoholic beverages tendered for ship­
Midday and UPS Worldwide Express and local laws applicable to the Shipper,
ment which Shippers are prohibited from
Freight® Service Shipments having recipient, and Package, including,
shipping, which UPS is not authorized
a value of more than $100,000 without limitation, age restrictions.
to accept, which UPS states that it will
per pallet. not accept, or which UPS has a right to –T
he Shipper must use Delivery Con­
3.3 Prohibited by Law refuse. UPS reserves the right to discon­ firmation Adult Signature Required
No service shall be rendered by UPS in tinue service to any Shipper for, among service for each Package containing
the transportation of any Shipment that other reasons, tendering a Package con­ a firearm (including handguns). UPS,
is prohibited by applicable law or regula­ taining alcoholic beverages that does in its sole and unlimited discretion,
tion of any federal, state, provincial, or not comply with all applicable laws may require the Shipper to select a
local government in the origin or des­ or the Terms. UPS Next Day Air® delivery service
tination country. It is the responsibility for any Package containing a firearm.
3.5 Biological Materials
of the Shipper to ensure that a Shipment Handguns (as defined by 18 U.S.C.
UPS accepts Packages containing
tendered to UPS, and any UPS Shipping § 921) will be accepted for trans­por-
“Biological Substance, Category B” as
System entry that the Shipper prepares tation only via a UPS Next Day Air
defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.134, which
for that Shipment, does not violate any delivery service.
are prepared in accordance with all
federal, state, provincial, or local laws or aspects of 49 C.F.R. § 173.199. –F
irearms (including handguns) are
regulations applicable to the Shipment. accepted for transportation only via
Transportation of other biological
3.4 Alcoholic Beverages Scheduled Pickup Service or at a UPS
materials is limited, must be prearranged,
Packages containing alcoholic bever­ Customer Center. Firearms (including
and will only be provided under the
ages (wine, beer, or spirits) are accepted handguns) are not accepted for trans­
following conditions: the Shipper has
for transportation only as a contractual portation via UPS Drop Boxes or in
received prior written authorization from
service and only from Shippers who are response to a request for UPS On-Call
UPS for the specific Package tendered;
licensed and authorized under applicable Pickup® service, and are not eligible for
8 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

Delivery Change Requests (including, fully regulated hazardous material. responsibility to establish and maintain
but not limited to, requests to hold for See further details in Section 3.10 records as provided in this paragraph,
pickup) or UPS My Choice® requests, (“Limited Quantity/ORM-D Packages”). regardless of any FDA-designated
or drop-off or pickup at UPS Access compliance date for any provision
mmunition is not accepted for ship­
Point® locations or Third-Party of 21 C.F.R. Part 1 Subpart J.
ment internationally.
Retailers. UPS Returns® Services are
3.8 Hazardous Materials Service
not available for Packages containing See www.ups.com/content/us/en/
Hazardous Materials, defined as those
firearms. resources/ship/packaging/guidelines/
materials regulated under Title 49
firearms.html, www.ups.com/content/
irearm parts, which do not constitute of the Code of Federal Regulations
firearms as defined under federal law (49 C.F.R.) (excluding Limited Quantity/
guidelines/ammunition.html or contact
(including without limitation Title 18, Other Regulated Materials Shipments
UPS for more information.
Chapter 44, and Title 26, Chapter 53 (“ORM-D”) Ground Packages, as ref­
of the United States Code), and which 3.7 Food Transport; Assumption erenced below), and Dangerous Goods,
otherwise comply with federal, state, of Legal Responsibility defined as those materials regulated by
and local law, will be accepted for Shipments containing “food,” as the International Civil Aviation Orga­
transportation. defined in section 201(f) of the Federal nization (ICAO) and published in the
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, will International Air Transport Association
irearms (including handguns) and
be accepted for transportation only (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations
firearm parts are not accepted for
according to the following terms. (collectively referred to as “Hazardous
shipment internationally. Replicas
Shipper assumes all responsibility with Materials,” or “Dangerous Goods,”
or simulated firearms are not accepted
respect to establishing and maintaining or “International Dangerous Goods”),
for shipment internationally except
all records required under 21 C.F.R. Part are accepted for transportation only
as a contractual service.
1 Subpart J §§ 1.326-1.363. In so doing, as a contractual service and in accor­
See www.ups.com/content/us/en/ Shipper assumes the legal responsibility dance with the UPS Guide for Shipping
resources/ship/packaging/guidelines/ under 21 C.F.R. § 1.363 for establish­ Ground and Air Hazardous Materials,
firearms.html or contact UPS for more ing and maintaining records that would or the UPS Guide for Shipping Inter-
information. otherwise be required to be maintained national Dangerous Goods. To receive
by UPS. Shipper agrees its records will Hazardous Materials or Dangerous
3.6.2 Ammunition
comply with 21 C.F.R. § 1.352 and Goods service, the Shipper must sign
UPS accepts ammunition for transporta­
shall identify the immediate recipient and agree to the provisions set forth
tion where such ammunition constitutes
of the transported food; the origin in an approved UPS agreement or
“cartridges, small arms,” as defined in
and destination points of shipment; agreements relating specifically to the
49 C.F.R. § 173.59. The Shipper shall
the date the Shipment is received and the transportation of Hazardous Materials,
comply with and shall ensure that each
date released; the number of Packages Dangerous Goods, or International
Shipment containing ammunition com­
shipped; a description of the freight Dangerous Goods (“Hazardous Materials
plies with all federal, state, and local
describing the type of food received Agreement(s)”). Contact UPS for spe­
laws applicable to the Shipper, recipient,
and released; and the route of movement. cific information, including a list of
and Package, including, without limita­
Shipper agrees expressly to make all “Common Items That May Be Classi­
tion, age restrictions.
records required by 21 C.F.R. § 1.352 fied as Hazardous Materials.”
mmunition will be transported only available to FDA as required by 21
when packaged and labeled in compli­ An additional charge will be assessed
C.F.R. § 1.361. Shipper commits, and
ance with 49 C.F.R. § 172 (Hazardous for each Hazardous Materials Shipment.
recognizes that it has the responsibility,
Materials), and must be shipped in If the Shipper fails to select a service
to ensure that all such records are main-
accordance with the UPS Guide for level, provide the Dangerous Goods
tained consistent with the record reten­
Shipping Ground and Air Hazardous Class, or identify that a Shipment is not
tion requirements provided in 21 C.F.R.
Materials. Ammunition may not be fully regulated, the Shipment will be
§ 1.360 and the record availability
shipped in the same package as a charged at the highest level of service,
requirements provided in 21 C.F.R.
firearm. as Accessible Dangerous Goods, as fully
§ 1.363. Shipper agrees that within
regulated, or any combination of the
o meet the exception for Limited 45 days of the date of shipment, Shipper
above based on the Shipper’s failure to
Quantity/ORM-D, ammunition can will obtain or request from UPS any
provide sufficient information to UPS.
be shipped via UPS Ground only information needed from UPS to satisfy
UPS may also assess an additional sur­
within the 48 contiguous United Shipper’s respons­ibility to establish and
charge for Packages or pallets containing
States or UPS Ground Intra-Oahu maintain records. Shipper recognizes
certain types of Hazardous Material.
and Intra-Alaska. All other allowable that the foregoing obligations with
Applicable surcharges are described in
ammunition Ship­ments are accepted respect to establishing and maintaining
the Service Guide and at the ups.com
only on a contractual basis, and must records cannot be terminated. Shipper
be prepared under the rules for a expressly agrees to immediately assume
ups.com 1-800-PICK-UPS® UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States   9

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

It is the Shipper’s responsibility to deter­ UPS reserves the right, in its sole and regulations (including Limited Quantity/
mine if a Shipment contains a Hazardous unlimited discretion and without prior ORM-D Shipments that are tendered
Material and to properly classify, label, notice to the Shipper, to dispose of any without the proper shipping documenta­
mark, and package it in accordance with international Shipment containing tion). If a Shipper tenders an undeclared
applicable governmental regulations. Dangerous Goods refused by the Hazardous Materials Shipment to UPS,
When required, the Shipper is respon­ Receiver or which for any other reason UPS shall not be liable for the Shipment
sible for ensuring that all of its employees cannot be delivered. Shipper shall be in the event of loss, damage, delay, or
involved in the preparation of Hazardous responsible for all disposal fees. misdelivery, nor shall UPS be liable for
Materials for transport are properly any special, incidental, or consequential
The Shipper agrees to indemnify, defend,
trained, tested, and certified in accor­ damages.
and hold harmless UPS, its parent cor­
dance with 49 C.F.R. Part 172.700
poration, and affiliated companies, their If the Shipper ships Hazardous Materials
through 172.704, or with IATA (Section
officers, directors, employees, agents, from more than one location, and the
1.5) and for ensuring that a program
and their successors and assigns, from Shipper fails to comply with any provi-
exists for the retraining, testing, and
all claims, demands, expenses (including sions of the Terms, the Hazardous
certification as required by these rules.
reasonable attorney’s and consultants’ Materials Agreement(s), or any govern-
All packaging used by the Shipper for the fees), liabilities, causes of action, enforce­ mental regulations, UPS may, in its sole
transportation of Hazardous Materials, ment procedures, and suits of any kind and unlimited discretion, terminate all
when required by regulation, must pass or nature brought by a governmental of the Shipper’s shipment locations or
UN performance testing in accordance agency or any other person or entity limit such termination to those locations
with 49 C.F.R. Part 178.602 through arising from or relating to the trans­ where the failure to comply occurred.
178.609 or IATA (Section 6.0). portation of a Hazardous Materials
Shippers are prohibited from shipping
Shipment, from the Shipper’s breach of
The Shipper must use a software system, and UPS will not accept for trans­
the Hazardous Materials Agreement(s)
such as the most current version of portation Shipments containing any
or the Terms, or from the Shipper’s non-
WorldShip® software that is acceptable Hazardous Materials requiring ship­
compliance with governmental laws or
to UPS for the preparation of documents ping papers (defined as those materials
regulations applicable to the transporta­
for shipping Hazardous Materials, or an regulated under Title 49 of the Code
tion of Hazardous Materials whether
alternative method determined by UPS of Federal Regulations) or Dangerous
such action is brought by a governmental
in its sole and unlimited discretion to Goods requiring Shipper’s Declara­
agency or other person or entity. Under
perform the same functions. UPS will tion for Dangerous Goods documents,
no circumstances shall UPS be liable
provide Shippers, upon request, a list when such Shipments are presented for
for special, incidental, or consequential
of vendors who provide acceptable shipment at UPS Customer Centers,
damages arising from the transportation
software systems. Third-Party Retailers, or UPS Access
of a Hazardous Materials Shipment.
Point® locations. Hazardous Materials
UPS reserves the right to refuse to
Pursuant to 49 C.F.R. Part 173.30, in requiring shipping papers cannot be
accept, to return, or to dispose of, in
the event the Shipper loads any UPS picked up via UPS On-Call Pickup®
compliance with applicable laws and
vehicle, the Shipper agrees to segregate service, or retrieved via any UPS Returns®
regulations, any Hazardous Material
Hazardous Materials in accordance Service, except as a contractual service.
that it determines not to have been pre­
with 49 C.F.R. Part 177.848 and prop­ UPS Ground with Freight Pricing service
pared in accordance with the UPS Guide
erly secure Hazardous Materials in is not available for Hazardous Materials
for Shipping Ground and Air Hazardous
accordance with 49 C.F.R. Part 177.834. Shipments (unless the Package qualifies
Materials, the UPS Guide for Shipping
as a Limited Quantity/ORM-D Package
Inter­n ational Dangerous Goods, and all UPS does not accept Hazardous
as set forth in Section 3.10 (“Limited
applicable governmental laws and regu­ Materials in any amounts that require
Quantity/ORM-D Packages”)).
lations. The Shipper agrees to reimburse placarding under 49 C.F.R. Part 172,
UPS for any costs or expenses incurred Subpart F. The Shipper agrees not to Additional terms applicable to the ship­
as a result of any improperly packed or tender Hazardous Materials to UPS ment of Hazardous Materials are set
prepared Hazardous Materials which in any amount for a single vehicle that forth in the UPS Guide for Shipping
Shipper tenders to UPS. In addition, the would require placarding in accordance Ground and Air Hazardous Materials,
Shipper agrees to reimburse UPS for with 49 C.F.R. Part 172, Subpart F. and the UPS Guide for Shipping Inter-
any costs or expenses incurred by UPS national Dangerous Goods, the terms
UPS reserves the right to discontinue
if Hazardous Materials tendered by the of which are each incorporated here by
or terminate service immediately with
Shipper are refused by the Shipper upon this reference and available at https://
respect to the transportation of Haz-
return or cannot otherwise be delivered www.ups.com/content/us/en/resources/
ardous Materials if the Shipper fails
for any reason including, but not limited ship/hazardous.
to comply with any provisions of the
to, wrong delivery address or refusal of
Terms, or any applicable government
Receiver to accept Delivery.
10 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

3.9 Dry Ice containing material, or used mercury- 3.15 Portable Electronic Devices
Packages containing dry ice (carbon containing device (including, but not UPS transports Shipments containing
dioxide, solid) as a refrigerant, but no limited to, medical devices, spent radio frequency identification devices
other Hazardous Materials, are accepted fluorescent lamps, thermostats, or (RFID), ultrawideband devices (UWB),
for transportation within the United thermometers) is limited, must be pre­ and other portable electronic devices
States via UPS Ground and UPS Air arranged, and will only be provided (PED) only when such devices are in
Services (provided such Packages are pre­ pursuant to prior written authorization an inactivated state or otherwise in
pared in accordance with all applicable from UPS upon satisfaction of certain compliance with applicable law including
governmental regulations) without a requirements including appropriate 14 C.F.R. § 91.21, 14 C.F.R. § 121.306,
Hazardous Materials Agreement. Pack­ packaging and financial assurances. or 47 C.F.R. § 15.521(a).
ages containing Hazardous Materials
3.12 Live Animals 3.16 Tobacco Products
that use dry ice (carbon dioxide, solid)
UPS provides service on a limited basis Shipments containing tobacco or
as a refrigerant are accepted for trans­
for some types of live animal Shipments. tobacco products, as those terms are
portation within the United States via
(The term “animal” as used here refers variously defined under applicable state
UPS Ground and UPS Air Services only
to anything living, except plants.) Live law (“Tobacco Product Shipments”),
as a contractual service. Any Package
animals may be shipped only pursuant are accepted for transportation only
containing dry ice will be considered
to the restrictions and conditions set from Shippers who are licensed and
a Perishable Commodity. Packages
forth on the ups.com website regarding authorized to ship tobacco and tobacco
containing dry ice may be tendered for
Shipping Live Animals. A live animal products pursuant to applicable laws.
shipment at The UPS Store® locations,
Shipment will be considered a Perishable UPS does not provide pick-up service
where such services are available. A
Commodity. Access https://www.ups.com/ from any person or entity included in
contract is required for all international
content/us/en/resources/ship/packaging/ the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
Shipments of dry ice.
guidelines/animals.html or contact arms and Explosives PACT Act –
3.10 Limited Quantity/ UPS for information regarding shipping Non-Compliant List. Tobacco Product
ORM-D Packages live animals. Shipments shipped to a consumer will
Limited Quantity/ORM-D Packages only be accepted for transportation as a
3.13 Perishable Commodities
are accepted for transportation without contractual service. However, because
UPS does not provide a protective service
Hazardous Materials shipping papers UPS prohibits Shipments of cigarettes
for the transportation of Perishable
and without a contract, only within the to consumers under any circumstances,
Commodities. Such commodities will
48 contiguous United States via UPS UPS does not offer a contractual service
be accepted for transportation solely at
Ground, UPS Ground with Freight for the delivery of cigarettes to con­
the Shipper’s risk for any damage arising
Pricing service, and UPS Hundredweight sumers. To receive service for Tobacco
from the perishable nature of the item.
Service® Ground, and via UPS Standard Product Shipments shipped to a con­
Shippers shall not file claims for, and
to Canada and UPS Ground Intra-Alaska sumer, the Shipper must sign and agree
UPS shall not be liable to Shippers or
and Intra-Oahu services, when properly to the provisions set forth in an approved
any third parties for, any damage arising
classified, packaged and marked, pro­ UPS agreement for the transportation of
from the transportation of Perishable
vided the Shipper has reviewed the tobacco products. For all other service
Commodities arising from exposure
required checklist and service restric­ for Tobacco Product Shipments, the
to heat or cold or the perishable nature
tions with a UPS representative. Limited Receiver must be licensed and authorized
of the item, regardless of whether the
Quantity/ORM-D Packages shipped via to receive tobacco or tobacco products
Shipment is delivered pursuant to an
UPS Air Services and UPS 3 Day Select® pursuant to all applicable federal, state,
applicable UPS Service Guarantee or is
service within the United States and provincial, or local laws or regulations,
delayed in transit. UPS reserves the right
Puerto Rico are accepted for transporta­ and the Shipment must conform to the
to dispose of any Shipment in the UPS
tion on a contractual basis only. Limited terms, conditions, restrictions, and pro-
system containing a Perishable Com­
Quantity/ORM-D Packages containing hibitions set forth at www.ups.com/
modity that UPS deems in its sole and
ammunition are not accepted for ship­ tobacco at the time of shipping. It is the
unlimited discretion to be of no value,
ment internationally. responsibility of the Shipper to ensure
unsafe or unsanitary.
that a Shipment tendered to UPS, includ­
3.11 Hazardous Waste, Mercury,
3.14 Pharmaceuticals ing a Tobacco Product Shipment, does
and Mercury-Containing Waste
The Shipper shall comply with and shall not violate any federal, state, provincial,
Packages containing hazardous waste,
ensure that each Shipment containing or local laws or regulations applicable
defined as a solid waste that meets any
pharmaceutical products complies with to the Shipment.
of the criteria of hazardous waste as
all applicable federal, state, provincial,
described in 40 C.F.R. § 261.3, are UPS reserves the right to refuse to
and local laws and regulations govern-
not accepted for transportation. accept, transport, or deliver any Tobacco
ing the dispensing, shipment or tender
Product Shipment that UPS, in its sole
UPS’s acceptance for transportation of shipment of pharmaceutical products.
and unlimited discretion, determines
of any elemental mercury, mercury-
ups.com 1-800-PICK-UPS® UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States   11

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

does not comply with UPS requirements may be imposed for failing to provide license or permit) will be charged to the
for the shipment or any applicable law UPS with all required documentation, Shipper or Consignee along with any
or regulation, and to discontinue any licenses, permits, statements, and infor­ applicable duties, fees, or taxes, and any
or all service to any Shipper for, among mation, for making inaccurate, false, or applicable late payment fees assessed
other reasons, tendering such a Ship­ fraudulent statements, or for violating by UPS. Unless a written agreement
ment. UPS reserves the right to dispose U.S. or other country laws regulating between UPS and the Shipper specifies
of any Tobacco Product Shipment that exports or imports (see, e.g., 13 U.S.C. otherwise, UPS reserves the right in its
Shippers are prohibited from shipping, § 305; 18 U.S.C. §§ 545, 554 and 1001; sole and unlimited discretion to charge
that UPS is not authorized to accept, 19 U.S.C. §§ 1595a and 1592; 22 U.S.C. the Shipper or Consignee for any such
that UPS states that it will not accept, § 401; and Subchapter C of 15 C.F.R. fines, penalties, liquidated damages,
or that UPS has a right to refuse. (i.e., The Export Administration storage charges, expenses, duties, fees,
Regulations)). taxes, or late payment fees. Regardless
4. Provisions for Export and Customs of any such written agreement specifying
Shipper further authorizes UPS to share
Clearance of International Shipments otherwise, in the event of non-payment
information generally considered con­
The Shipper (or the party tendering by the Consignee, the Shipper is liable
fidential under 19 CFR 111.24 or any
an international Shipment to UPS for for all Charges.
applicable laws, rules, or regulations of
service, referred to for purposes of this
countries other than the United States The Shipper agrees to indemnify, defend,
Section 4 as “Shipper”) is responsible
that govern the confidentiality of and hold harmless UPS, its parent cor­
for compliance with all applicable U.S.
customs brokerage data, including but poration, and affiliated companies, their
export control requirements, and must
not limited to information concerning officers, directors, employees, agents,
provide UPS with all documentation
points of contact, addresses and tele­ and their successors and assigns, from
and information required by the laws
phone numbers, revenue, and customs any and all claims, demands, expenses,
of the origin and destination countries
entry data, with corporations owned by or liabilities including, but not limited
for export and import of Shipments
or under common ownership with UPS, to, fines, penalties, liquidated damages,
(i.e., for export and customs clearance).
with corporations owned and operated storage charges, duties, fees, taxes,
The Shipper is responsible for deter­
by United Parcel Service, Inc., Delaware, late payment fees, or other money due,
mining export and import licensing or
or with UPS’s authorized service providers arising from the transportation, impor­
permitting requirements for a Shipment,
incidental to their provision of services. tation, exportation, or customs clearance
obtaining any required licenses and
of Shipments on behalf of the Shipper,
permits, and ensuring that the Consignee When an international Shipment is ten­
or arising from the Shipper’s noncom­
is authorized by the laws of the origin dered to UPS, UPS is thereby appointed
pliance with the laws of the origin and
and destination countries to receive the as the agent for performance of customs
destination countries, or UPS require­
Shipment. The Shipper must regularly clearance in the destination country to
ments applicable to the Shipment.
review its import and export transac­ the extent allowed by law. The Shipper
tions and immediately notify UPS of shall provide all Powers of Attorney UPS provides routine customs clearance
any incorrect or incomplete information and other authorizations required by through UPS Supply Chain Solutions®
provided, including information filed applicable law for UPS to serve as the brokerage offices designated by UPS
with, or otherwise transmitted (whether Shipper’s agent to perform customs for handling customs clearance of Ship­
in writing or electronically) to, a U.S. or clearance in the destination country. ments at no additional charge, except
other governmental agency. By tender­ UPS is specified as the nominal Consignee for UPS® Standard to and from Canada
ing an international Shipment for service for the purpose of designating a customs Shipments, for which a brokerage service
and providing UPS with documentation broker to perform customs clearance. charge applies. Other UPS Supply Chain
(including any Source Documents), the Local authorities may require documen­ Solutions® customs brokerage offices
Shipper certifies that the docu­men­tation tation confirming that UPS has been charge fees for the clearance of Pack­
includes all required licenses and permits, designated as the nominal Consignee. ages and freight. For UPS Standard to
that the statements in that documenta­ Mexico, UPS Supply Chain Solutions®
Fines, penalties, liquidated damages,
tion and any other information that customs clearance is required. Failure
storage charges, or other expenses
the Shipper provides to UPS relating to to do so will result in Packages auto­
incurred as a result of an action by U.S.
exportation and importation are com­ matically returned to Shipper.
Customs and Border Protection (or any
plete, true, correct, and in compliance other U.S. or other country’s government Additional charges may apply for
with the laws of the origin and destina­ agency regulating imports or exports), complex customs clearance procedures,
tion countries, and that the Consignee or as a result of the failure of the Shipper which include, but are not limited to,
is authorized by the laws of the origin or Consignee to provide complete, true, the following:
and destination countries to receive the and correct documentation, statements, –C learance procedures involving a
Shipment. Furthermore, the Shipper or information required by the laws of government agency other than U.S.
understands that civil and criminal pen­ the origin and destination countries Customs and Border Protection;
alties including seizure and forfeiture, (including the failure to obtain a required
12 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

–C ustoms Bonds; and timely filed, whether by the Shipper The Shipper shall have an affirmative,
– Drawbacks; or by UPS acting as the filing agent on non-delegable duty to disclose to UPS
–F ormal entries involving more than behalf of the Shipper. any and all required commercial invoice
three tariff lines; information, and to ensure its accuracy
4.2 Certificate of Origin
and completeness. The Shipper must
–L ive Entries; UPS may, based solely on information
provide timely upload of PLD to use
–C ountry of Origin Marking; or that the Shipper furnishes, prepare a
UPS Paperless® Invoice service.
Certificate of Origin for goods manu­
–T emporary Import Bonds (T.I.B.).
factured and originating within the 4.4 Pre-Release Notification
UPS is under no obligation, unless the United States on behalf of the Shipper for Import Shipments
customer requests in writing and UPS when one is required but not included A Shipper or Consignee may request
agrees in writing, to undertake any pre- with the export documents provided that UPS notify the Consignee prior to
or post-importation action including, by the Shipper. When authorizing UPS submission of a U.S. import Shipment
but not limited to, obtaining binding to prepare a Certificate of Origin, the to U.S. Customs and Border Protection
rulings, advising of liquidations, filing Shipper certifies that the information so that the importer may validate the
protests, or filing petitions for relief. it provides to UPS is complete, true, classification, valuation, or other import
UPS may prepay duties, fees, or taxes and correct and that the completed information. An additional fee applies
on behalf of the payer. For importa­ Certificate of Origin complies with the for this service and will be billed to the
tion into the United States, a fee will be laws of each country where a claim will importer or to the Shipper when the
assessed and billed to the importer. A fee be made that the goods are manufac­ Shipper is selected as the payer of the
may also apply for shipments to other tured and originate in the United States. duties and taxes for the Shipment.
countries. A processing fee will be assessed and
4.5 Record-Keeping
billed to the Shipper.
For any claims arising from import, The Shipper agrees and consents that
export or customs clearance activities, 4.3 UPS Paperless® Invoice Service UPS may preserve a record of the car­
the liability of UPS (including UPS A Shipper must register with UPS in riage for an international Shipment using
Supply Chain Solutions) shall be limited advance of shipping to use UPS Paperless® means other than producing a copy of
to the lesser of (i) $50 per entry, filing, Invoice service, where such services the air waybill. The Shipper has a duty
or transaction; or (ii) the amount of fees are available. By using UPS Paperless® to and is solely liable for maintaining all
paid to UPS for such entry, filing, or Invoice service, the Shipper authorizes records as required under the export and
transaction. UPS to use the Shipper’s letterhead and customs or other laws of the origin and
electronic signature to prepare true, destination countries, unless otherwise
4.1 Electronic Export Information correct, and paperless commercial agreed to in writing. UPS assumes no
If Electronic Export Information (EEI) invoices that reflect, in all material responsibility to act as a record-keeper
is required to be filed through the Auto­ respects, the Shipper’s sale transactions or record-keeping agent for the Shipper.
mated Export System (AES) under the of merchandise to its buyers (i.e., the
Foreign Trade Regulations of the U.S. “Sold To” Parties) necessary to expe- 5. UPS Import Control® Service
Bureau of the Census (“Census”) (i.e., dite in accordance with law the export UPS Import Control® service allows a
Part 30, 15 C.F.R.), and the Shipper and customs clearance of international Shipper to process an import Shipment,
has not filed the EEI and provided an Shipments. The Shipper shall provide to including commercial invoice. Where
Internal Transaction Number (ITN) to UPS in advance all required information available, a Shipper may use UPS Import
UPS to confirm that an EEI transaction including, but not limited to, the true Control® service to create a Print Import
was submitted to Census by the Shipper and accurate price at which the merchan­ Label, Electronic Import Label, or Print
accepted and is on file in the AES, UPS dise was sold to the “Sold To” Party, any and Mail Import Label to provide to
will electronically file the required EEI required additions to customs value (e.g., the sender or party tendering the Ship­
on behalf of the Shipper, provided that dutiable commissions, royalty/license ment to UPS, or a Shipper may request
all information required to file the EEI fees, assists, packing costs, and proceeds 1 UPS Pickup Attempt or 3 UPS Pickup
is supplied by the Shipper in the UPS of subsequent sales), the currency of the Attempts to request that UPS make
Shipping System or other export docu­ sale, country of origin, terms of sale, pickup attempts to retrieve import Ship­
mentation and UPS has received proper the quantities, ultimate Consignee, and ments from a sender’s address. 3 UPS
authorization or a Power of Attorney a complete commercial description of Pickup Attempts is not available for
from the Shipper to complete and file the the merchandise. By using the service, UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Service
EEI. A processing fee will be assessed Shipper represents and certifies that any Shipments. UPS Import Control® service
and billed to the Shipper. The Shipper paperless commercial invoice that UPS is available only in countries where UPS
is solely responsible for determining prepares is true and accurate, which pickup services are available. An addi­
whether EEI is required to be filed means that it is, in all material respects, tional charge will be assessed for each
through the AES for its shipment and an electronic copy of the same commer­ unique UPS Import Control label.
for ensuring that the EEI is accurately cial invoice provided to the buyer.
ups.com 1-800-PICK-UPS® UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States   13

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

Shipments containing certain items are for any Shipment which by reason of as created in a UPS Automated Ship­
prohibited from being shipped and are the dangerous or other character of its ping System), markings, logos, or other
not accepted by UPS for UPS Import contents may, in the sole judgment of written notice of contents contained
Control® service including, but not UPS, soil, taint or otherwise damage within the Package.
limited to, Hazardous Materials Ship- other Shipments or UPS’s equipment, The use of UPS-provided packaging is
ments requiring shipping papers, fire­ or which is improperly or insecurely not a guarantee that an item is suffi­
arms, or Shipments requiring Delivery packed or wrapped, as determined by ciently packaged for transportation.
Confirmation Services. C.O.D. service UPS in its sole judgment. UPS does not provide special handling
is not available for UPS Import Control® for Shipments with “Fragile,” orientation
Before accepting any Shipment, UPS
Shipments. markings (e.g., “UP” arrows or “This
reserves the right to require sufficient
The maximum actual or declared value verification, as determined by UPS in End Up” markings), or any other similar
for each UPS Import Control® Shipment its sole and unlimited discretion, of the such markings.
is $50,000 per Package and $100,000 Shipper’s name and address, or any other When shipping media of any type con­
per pallet, provided that, for any UPS information necessary to accept the taining sensitive personal information
Import Control® Package or pallet with Shipment for service. UPS reserves the (such as personal financial or health
an actual or declared value in excess of right to refuse to provide service for any information), it is recommended that
$1,000, the Shipper must ensure that a Shipment or to or from any location, or the Shipper retain a copy of the data and
UPS high-value shipment summary is to provide alternative service arrange­ secure the data on the media through
generated and signed by the UPS driver ments, or to intercept, hold or return any encryption or other technological means.
upon tender of the Shipment to UPS. Shipment when, among other reasons, UPS is not liable or responsible for loss
If no high-value shipment summary UPS, in its sole and unlimited discretion, of, damage to, or irretrievability of
is obtained and signed, the maximum determines that it is unsafe or economi­ data stored on media of any type, or for
actual or declared value of each such cally or opera­tionally impracticable to loss of information, including without
Package or pallet is limited to $1,000. provide service, that its services are being limitation personal, health or financial
used in violation of federal, state, or local information. For the shipment of elec­
Notwithstanding anything herein to the
law, or for fraudulent purposes, or when tronic media, or for breakable items,
contrary, for all UPS Import Control®
the account of the person or entity respon- see the packaging guidelines located at
Shipments tendered to UPS for export
sible for payment is not in good standing. the ups.com website. The guidelines
from the U.S., that transit the U.S.,
or that contain U.S.-origin goods, the advise against the use of UPS Express®
8. Packaging Envelopes, UPS Express® Pak, or UPS
sender or tendering party is the exporter
It is the responsibility of the Shipper to Express® Pad Paks to ship sensitive per­
for purposes of the Export Administra­
ensure that proper packaging is used and sonal information or breakable items.
tion Regulations (“EAR”), and it shall
that contents are adequately and securely
be responsible for determining licensing UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Service
packed, wrapped, and cushioned for
authority (license, license exception, Shipments must be palletized, stackable,
transportation. Shipments must be so
or NLR) and obtaining the appropriate able to be lifted by forklift, and shrink-
packed or wrapped as to meet UPS’s pub-
license or other authorization as pro- wrapped or banded to a skid. Shipper
lished standards related thereto set forth
vided in Section 4 (“Provisions for must ensure that pallets and packaging
in the Service Guide, or on the ups.com
Export and Customs Clearance of comply with all applicable laws and
website, and as to pass tests set forth in
International Shipments”). In no event regulations of the origin and destination
the International Safe Transit Associa­
shall a party arranging for UPS Import country.
tion (“ISTA”) Procedure 3A, Procedure
Control® service provide a writing
for Testing Packaged Products, published
assuming responsibility for determining 9. Use of UPS-Provided Materials
by ISTA. Acceptance of tender by UPS
licensing requirements and obtaining and Services
is not an indication that a Package is
license authority for any UPS Import UPS-provided materials including, but
packed in accordance with UPS’s pub­
Control Shipment to the tendering not limited to, packaging materials and
lished standards. In addition, any tested
party. UPS does not agree to serve as supplies, envelopes, labels, label printers,
product must be free from damage and
the exporter for purposes of the EAR. shipping documents, publications and
the packaging must afford reasonable
protection as determined by UPS in its products are provided solely for the use
6. Right of Inspection of UPS Shippers to obtain UPS services
sole judgment.
UPS reserves the right in its sole and on their behalf and to interact with UPS.
unlimited discretion to open and inspect Shipments containing goods of high
Any other use of such UPS-provided
any Shipment tendered to it for transpor­ value or high risk, including without
materials is strictly prohibited.
tation, but is not required to do so. limitation jewelry, pharmaceuticals,
computers, hand-held electronic devices, UPS Express® Envelopes, UPS Express®
7. Refusal of Service mobile telephones, and electronic com­ Pak, UPS Express® Boxes, UPS Express®
UPS reserves the right to refuse to ponents of these, must not have labels, Tubes, UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG
provide service, among other reasons, customized shipping labels (including
14 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

Box packaging may not be used for such PLD Contact(s) in accordance with 14. UPS Customer Center and
UPS® Ground, UPS® Standard, UPS 3 the UPS Privacy Notice in effect at the UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Center
Day Select ®, or UPS Worldwide time of shipping, to the extent permit­ Before accepting a Shipment tendered
Expedited® Shipments. ted by law. The Shipper warrants that for transportation or releasing any Ship­
(i) informed and specific consent, in ment at a UPS Customer Center or a
Under no circumstances may a Shipper
compliance with all applicable laws, UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Center
sell any UPS-provided materials,
rules, and regulations (including, where to a Consignee or other recipient, UPS
products, or services to any third party
applicable, of the jurisdiction of Con­ reserves the right to require sufficient
without prior written authorization
signee’s domicile), has been secured from verification, as determined by UPS in
from UPS.
the individual associated with each PLD its sole and unlimited discretion, of the
A weekly charge applies for use of Contact to receive notifications from Shipper’s or recipient’s name, address,
UPS-provided thermal label printers. UPS related to the delivery of such Ship­ authorization to ship or receive the
ments and for use by UPS of the PLD Shipment, or any other information
10. Use of UPS Electronic Information Contact(s) in accordance with the UPS UPS deems necessary to accept or release
Systems Privacy Notice in effect at the time of the Shipment in its sole and unlimited
Use of UPS electronic information shipping, to the extent permitted by law discretion. Persons tendering or picking
systems to which Shippers are granted and that (ii) the PLD Contact(s) is accu­ up Shipments on behalf of a business
access by UPS and which are accessed rate and is controlled by the Consignee may be required to provide identifi­
by means of hardware, software, or or associated addressee for the Shipment cation issued by the business and a
internet interfaces, including UPS Ship­ with which it is associated. Shipper will government-issued identification. A
ping Systems, are subject to and will be store such consents and, upon request Residential Consignee will be required
governed by the terms in effect at the by UPS, make available such consents to provide a government-issued identifi­
time of shipping for the relevant system, to UPS. cation. UPS reserves the right to require
including without limitation, the UPS The Shipper shall defend, indemnify and payment to be made at Customer Centers
Technology Agreement, the iShip® hold harmless UPS, its parent corpora­ and UPS Worldwide Express Freight®
Master Enterprise Service Agreement, tion, and affiliated companies, their Centers by payment card only.
the ConnectShip® End User License officers, directors, employees, agents,
Agreement, or that agreement licensing and their successors and assigns, from 15. Third-Party Retailer
use of a UPS Ready® solution. and against any and all liability, losses, The UPS Store® locations are indepen­
damages, costs and expenses (includ­ dently owned and operated by licensed
11. Timely Upload of PLD franchisees of The UPS Store, Inc., a
ing reasonable legal fees) of any nature
The Shipper must provide Timely Upload subsidiary of United Parcel Service, Inc.,
whatsoever incurred or suffered in con­
of Package Level Detail (“PLD”) to UPS. and are not agents of UPS. Other Third-
nection with damages arising out of or
If timely upload of PLD is not provided, Party Retailers are independently owned
resulting from any breach of the warran­
certain UPS services are unavailable, and operated businesses and are not
ties in the previous paragraph.
including but not limited to Direct agents of UPS. UPS assumes no liability
Delivery Only, Ship to a UPS Access 12. ZIP Code™/Postal Code Information other than to the Third-Party Retailer
Point® location, UPS Delivery Intercept® The Receiver’s ZIP Code™ is a required as the Shipper of the Package, for lost,
service, and UPS Proactive Response® part of the address for domestic Ship­ damaged or delayed Packages sent by the
service. Timely Upload of PLD as used ments. When available, ZIP+4™ should Third-Party Retailer. Any such liability
in these Terms refers to the electronic be used. The Receiver’s postal code, to the Third-Party Retailer is subject to
transmission of all applicable PLD infor­ telephone number, and contact name the limitations set forth in the Terms.
mation to UPS at or before the time that are required parts of the address for All inquiries regarding Packages shipped
Shipments are tendered to UPS. PLD international Shipments. by any Third-Party Retailer must be
includes, but is not limited to, Consign­ directed to the Third-Party Retailer that
ee’s full name, complete delivery address, 13. P.O. Boxes
shipped the Package. UPS will deal solely
and Shipment dimensions and weight. UPS does not provide Delivery to a P.O. with the Third-Party Retailer in all
11.1 Use of PLD Obtained Email Box. The Shipper must make every effort matters concerning Packages shipped
Addresses and Telephone Numbers to obtain a street address. If the Shipper by any Third-Party Retailer including,
By including the email address or tele­ should use a P.O. Box address, the recipi­ but not limited to: tracking/tracing
phone number of the Consignee or ent’s telephone number must be included. requests; claims and guarantees; C.O.D.
associated addressee in PLD for a Ship­ A Package addressed to a P.O. Box may preparation and remittance; return of
ment (“PLD Contact(s)”), the Shipper experience delays, is not covered by any undeliverable Packages; proper packag­
acknowledges and agrees that UPS may UPS Service Guarantee, and is subject ing and labeling; and billing. Even if UPS
send notifications related to the delivery to an Address Correction charge. Army responds directly to customers of the
of such Shipment to the Shipment’s asso­ Post Office (APO) and Fleet Post Office Third-Party Retailer regarding tracking
ciated PLD Contact(s) and may use (FPO) addresses are not accepted.
ups.com 1-800-PICK-UPS® UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States   15

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

requests, UPS will not be liable to those 16.1 Ship to a UPS Access Point – Daily On-Route Pickup: When Daily
customers. The Third-Party Retailer is Location Service On-Route Pickup service is selected,
solely responsible for the issuance of any Subject to an additional charge and UPS will call on Shipper’s location each
refunds and claims to those who shipped where available, Shippers with a valid business day to pick up Packages while
Packages by the Third-Party Retailer. UPS account may ship Packages directly making deliveries in Ship­per’s area.
For any Package shipped by the Third- to a UPS Access Point location to be – Day-Specific Pickup: When Day-
Party Retailer with a declared value picked up by the Consignee. Specific Pickup is selected, UPS will
in excess of $1,000, the Third-Party call on Shipper’s location each business
Shipper will require the Consignee to
Retailer must provide a copy of the high- day as preselected by Shipper. Shipper
select its preferred means of notification
value control log to UPS at the time of may select up to four business days
from UPS (where available, e-mail, text
tender of the Package. The Third-Party per week for Day-Specific Pickup.
message, or telephone call) and to provide
Retailer shall not ship any articles which
a valid e-mail and/or phone number for – U PS Smart Pickup® service: When
UPS does not accept for transportation.
notification. Shipper will transfer Con­ UPS Smart Pickup® service is selected,
The Third-Party Retailer shall indemnify
signee’s preferred means of notification UPS will call on Shipper’s location any
and hold harm­less UPS in any action
email and/or telephone number (where business day when the Shipper trans­
against UPS arising from the loss, damage,
available) to UPS as part of the package mits PLD using the current version of
or delay of a Package shipped by the
level detail required for correct delivery WorldShip® software, UPS CampusShip®
Third-Party Retailer.
of each package. UPS may, as a service software, or UPS Internet Shipping,
16. UPS Access Point® Locations provider on behalf of Shipper and where by the deadline designated by UPS,
available, provide by email, text, or or if Shipper has scheduled a pickup
Packages that may be received for Deliv­
phone call notifications relating to the by telephone or through the ups.com
ery or tendered for shipment (meaning,
Shipment to the Consignee via the Con­ website, prior to the deadline desig­
Packages that have been processed for
signee’s preferred means of notification. nated by UPS.
shipment prior to tender using a UPS
Shipping System only) at a UPS Access Where Shipper provides an e-mail For Daily Pickup, Daily On-Route
Point ® location are subject to restric­ address or phone number, Shipper does Pickup, and Day-Specific Pickup, a
tions, including, without limitation, in so pursuant to Section 11.1 (“Use of weekly service charge based on the
regard to weight and size and actual and PLD Obtained Email Addresses and account’s weekly billing total, as
declared value, as set forth in the appli­ Telephone Numbers”). reflected in the UPS billing system,
cable Service Guide and on the ups.com will be assessed. The weekly billing
UPS will deliver Ship to a UPS Access
website. Subject to modification by the total may not necessarily reflect all
Point Location packages to the desig­
Shipper, UPS Access Point® locations Packages tendered during a calendar
nated location. Delivery attempts to the
will hold Packages for up to seven (7) week. For UPS Smart Pickup® service,
designated UPS Access Point location
calendar days. Refer to tracking detail a weekly service charge will be assessed.
constitute a delivery attempt for the
for Package-specific information, includ­
purposes of the UPS Service Guarantee. Scheduled Pickup Services are not avail­
ing but not limited to, the last available
Delivery is deemed complete when the able for any UPS Worldwide Express
pickup date. If the Shipment is not picked
package is delivered to the designated Freight® Service.
up within seven (7) calendar days (or
UPS Access Point location.
other time selected by the Shipper), it 18. UPS On-Call Pickup® Service
may be returned to the Shipper as unde­ Additional terms, restrictions and
When UPS On-Call Pickup® service
liverable. See further details in Section requirements are set forth in the Service
is requested by the Shipper, UPS will
37 (“Special Handling of Undeliverable Guide for the applicable destination
arrange (where reasonably practicable)
Shipments; Refused Shipments Returned”). country and at https://www.ups.com/
a pickup at the Shipper’s loca­tion. An
Before accepting a Shipment tendered media/en/ShiptoaUPSAccessPoint
additional charge for UPS On-Call
for transportation or releasing any Ship­ location_US_EN.pdf, which are each
Pickup® service will be assessed.
ment at a UPS Access Point® location incorporated herein by this reference.
to a Consignee or other recipient, a UPS On-Call Pickup® service from a
Shipper, Consignee, or other recipient 17. Pickup Services – Scheduled Residential address will be assessed
may be required to produce sufficient UPS offers the following Scheduled an additional surcharge for residential
verification of the Shipper’s or recipi­ Pickup Services: pickup. If the Residential address is in
ent’s name, address, authorization to – Daily Pickup: When Daily Pickup a remote or less accessible area as desig­
ship or receive the Shipment, and any service is selected, UPS will call on nated by UPS, an additional surcharge
other information UPS deems necessary Shipper’s location once each business for extended area or remote Residential
to accept or release the Shipment in its day to pick up Packages. UPS may pickup also will apply.
sole and unlimited discretion, including, not call upon a location on any day in UPS On-Call Pickup® service must be
without limitation, provision of govern­ which the account indicates that there requested for each UPS Worldwide
ment-issued identification. are no Packages available for pickup.
16 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

Express Freight ® Service Shipment – Shippers with UPS Smart Pickup UPS does not accept, and Shippers are
pickup or drop-off (for door-to-door service may schedule a Saturday prohibited from shipping, any Package
and non door-to-door services), and pickup by processing a qualifying via a Drop Shipment that contains
may not be combined with a Package Package for pickup each Saturday, Hazardous Materials, except for Limited
pickup. No additional charge for UPS excluding holidays, on which the Quantity/ORM-D Packages that are
On-Call Pickup® service applies to service is needed. Refer to Section 17 tendered for UPS Ground service in the
any UPS Worldwide Express Freight ® (“Pickup Services—Scheduled”) for 48 contiguous United States.
Service. additional information regarding
21. Delivery
scheduling a pickup via UPS Smart
19. Saturday Air Processing Fee; Pickup service. UPS does not limit Delivery of a Shipment
Saturday Stop Charge to the person specified as the Receiver
The Saturday Air Processing fee in the UPS Shipping System. Unless the
UPS offers Saturday pickup of UPS
(formerly referred to as a “Saturday Shipper uses Delivery Confirmation
Air Services Packages and UPS
Pickup” charge) will be assessed for service requiring a signature, UPS
Hundredweight Service® Air Services
each UPS Air Services Package or each reserves the right, in its sole and unlim­
Shipments for Delivery in the United
UPS Hundredweight Service® Air ited discretion, to make a Delivery
States and Puerto Rico where such
Services Shipment processed using a without obtaining a signature.
services are available and subject to
UPS Shipping System, tendered to UPS,
a processing fee. Saturday pickup
or tendered to a Third-Party Retailer 22. Direct Delivery Only Surcharge
is available for domestic UPS 3 Day Where available and subject to a Direct
on a Saturday, in addition to any appli­
Select ® Service, UPS Ground, UPS Delivery Only surcharge, UPS may in
cable UPS On-Call Pickup® charge
Ground with Freight Pricing, UPS its sole and unlimited discretion accept
and Saturday Stop Charge.
Hundredweight Service® UPS 3 Day a Shipper’s request to limit (1) reroutes
Select, and UPS Hundredweight Service Where a Saturday pickup is requested of Packages to an alternate address
Ground Shipments in select areas (these but there are no Packages to be picked by the Consignee (including but not
areas are referred to here as “Saturday up, a minimum processing fee will limited to Delivery Change Requests
Ground Service Territories”). Within be assessed outside Saturday Ground and UPS My Choice® requests, other
Saturday Ground Service Territories, Service Territories. than requests to hold for will call at a
a Saturday Stop Charge that varies UPS Customer Center) and (2) delivery
depending on the type of pickup service 20. Drop Shipment
to a UPS Access Point ® location
selected will apply any time the Shipper A unique Drop Shipper account number
following a first delivery attempt
requests that UPS pick up any Packages will be assigned to approved Shippers
at a Residential address.
on a Saturday, in addition to any and must be used solely for the origin
Saturday Air Processing fee(s), regard­ and destination locations as specified Direct Delivery Only does not limit
less of whether there are packages to be in the UPS Drop Ship Letter of Under­ UPS Delivery Intercept® requests or
standing or as required by UPS. Delivery pursuant to UPS’s driver release
picked up that day. Refer to the Service
Guide for an explanation of applicable UPS reserves the right to refuse any or Shipper Release procedures, and does
charges associated with pickup service Drop Shipment request, in its sole and not require signature on Delivery or
on Saturdays. unlimited discretion, including, but not Delivery to the person specified as the
limited to, any Drop Shipment that is Receiver in the UPS Shipping System.
The Shipper should contact UPS for The Shipper must provide timely upload
operationally or economically imprac­
information regarding UPS’s Saturday of PLD to request Direct Delivery Only.
ticable to transport. A request for Drop
pickup area. Refer to UPS’s website or Shipment service is not reasonable unless
call 1-800-PICK-UPS® (1-800-742-5877) the Shipper makes a prior arrangement 23. Residential Surcharge
for Delivery commitment information with UPS, agreed to in advance by UPS, A Residential Surcharge will apply if
applicable to Packages picked up on as to timing, location, and volume of either the delivery address entered in
Saturday. Saturday pickup service is the Drop Shipment. the UPS Shipping System or the actual
provided by the following methods: delivery address is considered Residential
When a Shipper, through prior arrange­ (regardless of a Shipper’s designation of
Shipper may request Saturday pickup ments with UPS, tenders Packages at
via UPS On-Call Pickup® service by the address as Commercial).
UPS’s receiving stations with a return
contacting UPS on or in advance of address requiring a movement greater 24. Delivery Area Surcharge
each Saturday, excluding holidays, than a Zone 2 movement from the point A Delivery Area Surcharge or Extended
on which the service is needed. of tender, any undelivered Packages will Delivery Area Surcharge will apply to
– At the Shipper’s option, UPS will be returned automatically and will be each Package delivered to certain ZIP
call at the Shipper’s premises every charged at the rate applicable between Codes™ within the 48 contiguous states.
Saturday, excluding holidays, to pick the point of tender and the return
A Remote Area Surcharge will apply to
up qualifying Shipments. address. The effective UPS Rates for
each Package delivered to, and any UPS
the applicable shipment will apply.
ups.com 1-800-PICK-UPS® UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States   17

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

On-Call Pickup service from, certain by the Consignee. For each such Ship­ UPS carbon neutral at the time a Ship­
ZIP Codes within Alaska and Hawaii. ment, the Shipper will complete an ment is tendered to UPS. By selecting
Refer to the Area Surcharge listing at address label showing the words “Hold UPS carbon neutral, UPS will purchase
ups.com/rates or call 1-800-PICK-UPS® for Pickup,” the Consignee’s name, and retire in the appropriate registry a
(1-800-742-5877) for the listings of telephone number, the name of a contact sufficient number of voluntary or regu­
effective applicable ZIP Codes for the person, and the full address of the desig- latory carbon credits as determined by
Delivery Area Surcharge, Extended nated UPS Customer Center. In addition, UPS in its sole and unlimited discretion
Delivery Area Surcharge and Remote the Shipper will apply a UPS Hold for to offset calculated carbon dioxide emis­
Area Surcharge. Pickup label below the address label sions. UPS carbon neutral is available
on the Shipment. Hold for Pickup is only for Shipments shipped using a UPS
A Delivery Area Surcharge, Extended
not available for international Package Automated Shipping System. An addi­
Delivery Area Surcharge or Remote
shipments. tional charge will be assessed for each
Area Surcharge, respectively, will apply
if either the delivery (or pickup, where For UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Package or pallet.
applicable) address entered in the UPS Service Shipments, the Shipper may
Shipping System or the actual delivery request that UPS hold a UPS Worldwide 29. UPS Delivery Intercept® Service
(or pickup, where applicable) address Express Freight® Service Shipment at a After a domestic Package has been ten­
falls within ZIP Codes designated by UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Center dered to UPS but before Delivery,
UPS as subject to such charges. Such location for pickup by the Consignee. a Shipper may request that UPS return
charges apply in addition to all other For each such Ship­ment, the Shipper a Package to the Shipper, reroute a
applicable Charges, including but not will complete an address label showing Package (including a request by Shipper
limited to the Residential Surcharge. the words “Hold for Pickup,” the Con­ to correct an address, or where a Package
signee’s name, telephone number, the has been returned to the Shipper after a
25. Delivery Attempts; name of a contact person, and the full Delivery attempt), hold the Package for
UPS Access Point® Locations address of the Consignee (designated pickup at a UPS Customer Center, or
If UPS is unable to deliver a Shipment, UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Center hold a Package for future Delivery. UPS
a notice will be left at the Consignee’s address not required). may in its sole and unlimited discretion
address stating that Delivery has been also accept a UPS Delivery Intercept®
UPS will hold the Shipment at the des­
attempted. Thereafter, a second and, request from a Third Party when the
ignated UPS Customer Center or UPS
if necessary, a third attempt to deliver Shipper has requested that the Third
Worldwide Express Freight® Center and
the Shipment may be made without Party’s UPS account number be billed
will attempt to contact the Consignee
additional charge. for such Package. UPS will honor a UPS
at the telephone number shown on the
For Residential deliveries and where label. Shipments not picked up within Delivery Intercept® request in its sole and
available, UPS may in its sole and five (5) business days from the date of unlimited discretion where practicable
unlimited discretion, after the first arrival will be considered undeliverable. and where the Shipper has guaranteed
delivery attempt, deliver a Shipment to payment of applicable Charges resulting
a UPS Access Point ® location, where 27. Shipper Release from the change.
such Shipment will be held for pickup. A Shipper may request that UPS release An additional charge, set forth in the
Requests for subsequent Delivery a Shipment on the first Delivery attempt. UPS Rates applicable to the Shipment
attempts are subject to additional When Shipper Release is selected, UPS in effect at the time of the request will
Charges which will be assessed to will make only one Delivery attempt, be assessed for each Package returned
the Consignee. For UPS Worldwide a signature will not be obtained upon
to the Shipper, rerouted, or held for
Express Freight ® Service Shipments, Delivery, and a UPS Delivery record
future Delivery. If a request to reroute
only one Delivery attempt will be made showing a completed Shipper Release
a Package requires a Package movement
and subsequent Delivery attempts are delivery shall be conclusive proof that
from the original Receiver address
subject to additional charges which Delivery was completed. Shipper Release
beyond a UPS Zone 2, additional Charges
will be assessed to the Consignee. is provided solely at the Shipper’s risk of
also will apply. Such additional Charges
Refer to Section 30 (“Delivery Change loss or damage arising from the release
will be calculated as a newly-initiated
Requests”) for further information. of the Shipment by UPS and UPS will
Shipment between the original Receiver
not be liable for any damages arising
26. Hold for Pickup and address and the new rerouted address,
from the release of the Shipment.
and will include (but not be limited to)
Hold at Location Services
28. UPS carbon neutral all applicable surcharges. All original
At the time a Shipper tenders a Shipment
A Shipper may request that UPS offset Charges will continue to apply as if the
to UPS, the Shipper may request that
Package were delivered to the original
UPS hold a domestic Package at a desig- the climate impact of a Shipment via
Receiver address. For a request to return
nated UPS Customer Center for pickup UPS carbon neutral service by selecting
to the Shipper, all applicable Charges
18 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

will apply and be assessed to the Shipper, For UPS Worldwide Express Freight ® not limited to, P.O. Boxes, missing
as set forth in Section 37 (“Special Service pallets, after the Receiver has suite, apartment, or unit numbers, old
Handling of Undeliverable Shipments; received notice from UPS that Delivery addresses, and missing/incorrect ZIP
Refused Shipments Returned”). will occur, the Receiver may request that Codes), UPS will make reasonable
UPS hold a pallet at a UPS Worldwide efforts, to be determined in its sole
The Shipper must provide timely upload
Express Freight ® Center. After the and unlimited discretion, to secure the
of PLD to initiate a UPS Delivery
Receiver has received notice from UPS correct or complete address. An address
Intercept® request.
that Delivery has been attempted, the validated by UPS may be incorrect or
30. Delivery Change Requests Receiver may request that UPS return incomplete for purposes of completing
After the Receiver has received notice a pallet to the Shipper, hold for future Delivery, and may be corrected by UPS.
from UPS that Delivery has or will be Delivery, or make a Delivery Reat­ If the correct or complete address is
attempted, the Receiver may request that tempt. Delivery Reattempt charges secured, UPS, at its sole and unlimited
UPS hold a Package for pickup at a UPS will apply to subsequent attempts discretion, will attempt Delivery, and the
Customer Center. After the Receiver has to deliver UPS Worldwide Express Shipper, upon request, will be provided
received notice from UPS that Delivery Freight ® Service Shipments beyond the with the correct or complete address in
has been attempted, the Receiver may first Delivery attempt. For requests to order to update its internal records. UPS
request that UPS return a Package to the return to the Shipper, all applicable may in its sole and unlimited discretion
Shipper, hold for future Delivery, reroute Charges will apply and be assessed to correct or complete an address based on
a Package, direct eligible Packages to a the Shipper. information obtained from the Shipper
UPS Access Point® location, redeliver or Consignee. An address correction
UPS will honor a Delivery Change
to the original address a Package that charge will be assessed to the Shipper for
Request in its sole and unlimited discre­
was taken to a UPS Access Point loca­ an address correction or completion.
tion where practicable and where the
tion, or other such Delivery Changes Receiver has guaranteed payment of 32. Saturday Delivery
as UPS in its sole and unlimited discre­ any applicable Charges resulting from
UPS offers Saturday Delivery by request
tion may offer (collectively, “Delivery the change. By requesting a Delivery
for certain Delivery areas for certain UPS
Change”). A UPS InfoNotice® tag or Change, the Receiver acknowledges and
Air Services and international services,
postcard number is required for requests agrees that the limitations of liability set
as set forth in the Service Guide. For
to reroute. forth in the Terms in effect at the time of
these services a Shipper must request
An additional charge set forth in the Shipment apply to the Shipment subject
Saturday Delivery by indicating the
UPS Rates applicable to the Shipment to the Delivery Change Request and
selec­tion in the UPS Shipping System
in effect at the time of the request will that the value originally declared by the
and attaching a Saturday Delivery rout­
be assessed to the Consignee for each Shipper, if any, shall continue to apply
ing label to each Package or pallet. Refer
Package rerouted, redelivered, directed throughout the course of transportation
to UPS’s website or call 1-800-PICK-UPS®
to a UPS Access Point location, or held pursuant to the Delivery Change Request.
(1-800-742-5877) for available Saturday
for future Delivery by a Delivery Change UPS assumes no liability other than to
Delivery areas for these services. An
Request. If any Delivery Change Request the Shipper of the Shipment for loss,
additional charge will be assessed for each
requires a Package movement from the damage, or delay of any Shipment
such Shipment for Saturday Delivery and
original Receiver address beyond a UPS subject to Delivery Change.
will be billed to the payer of the Charges.
Zone 2, additional Charges also will UPS may restrict Delivery Change
Saturday Delivery for UPS 3 Day Select,
apply and be assessed to the Consignee. Requests at the request of the Shipper.
UPS Ground, UPS Ground with Freight
Such additional Charges will be cal­ Delivery Change Requests for Packages
Pricing, UPS Hundredweight Service
culated as a newly-initiated Shipment containing firearms are not available.
UPS 3 Day Select, and UPS Hundred­
between the original Receiver address Delivery Change Requests to reroute
weight Service Ground Shipments is also
and the new rerouted address, and will or direct to a UPS Access Point loca­
available for certain Delivery areas, but
include (but not be limited to) all appli­ tion international Packages or Packages
not by request. Refer to UPS’s website or
cable surcharges. All original Charges requiring an adult signature are not
call 1-800-PICK-UPS® (1-800-742-5877)
will continue to apply as if the Package available. It is the responsibility of
for Saturday Delivery commitment infor-
were delivered to the original Receiver the Receiver to ensure that a Delivery
mation for these services. Where Saturday
address. For a request to return to Change Request complies with all
Delivery is available for these services,
Shipper, all applicable Charges will federal, state and local laws and regula­
a Saturday routing label is not required
apply and be assessed to the Shipper, tions applicable to the Shipment.
and there is no additional charge.
as set forth in Section 37 (“Special
Handling of Undeliverable Shipments; 31. Correction of Addresses 33. Delivery Confirmation Services
Refused Shipments Returned”). If any Shipment as addressed by the
UPS provides the following Delivery
Shipper has an incorrect or incomplete
Confirmation Services. An additional
address (examples include, but are
charge applies for each service. Delivery
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

Confirmation information, including 34. UPS Next Day Air® Early tional Shipments returned to the Shipper
signatures where applicable, is available Verbal Confirmation of Delivery also are subject to an undeliverable
online or by mail. Where applicable, The Shipper may request optional Shipment surcharge set forth in the
only valid UPS accounts will receive Verbal Confirmation of Delivery when effective UPS Rates. The UPS Service
responses via mail: shipping via UPS Next Day Air® Early. Guarantee does not apply to undeliver­
Verbal Confirmation of Delivery is not able Shipments returned to the Shipper.
33.1 Delivery Confirmation
(domestic only) available in Hawaii and is not available UPS reserves the right to dispose of a
A Shipper may request Delivery Confir­ for international Shipments. When this Shipment, including salvage (after reten­
mation Service by indicating Delivery service is selected, UPS will call the tion of the Shipment for a reasonable
Confirmation in a UPS Automated Ship- Shipper to confirm Delivery on the day period of time as determined by UPS,
ping System. Delivery Confirmation of Delivery. The additional charge for not to exceed 30 days) if the Shipment
information will include the date of each Verbal Confirmation of Delivery is refused by the Consignee or for any
Delivery and either the name of the recip­ request will be billed to the payer other reason cannot be delivered, and
ient or the disposition of the Package; or, of the Charges. return of the Shipment is refused by
in the event of a return, the reason for the Shipper or the Shipment cannot
the return and the date processed.
35. Proof of Delivery (P.O.D.) otherwise be returned to the Shipper.
Upon request, UPS will provide proof The Shipper or Consignee’s sole recourse
33.2 Delivery Confirmation Signature of Delivery of a Shipment via fax trans­ in such circumstances shall be in accor­
Required (domestic and international) mission, email, or mail. The request dance with and subject to Sections 54
A Shipper may request UPS to obtain must include a fax number, including (“Claims and Legal Actions: Individual
the recipient’s signature on Delivery. area code, for an operating fax machine, Binding Arbitration of Claims”) and 55
The Shipper must use a UPS Automated an email address for email delivery, or (“Responsibility for Loss or Damage”).
Shipping System to initiate a request for an address deliverable by the United
this service. UPS may obtain, at its sole States Postal Service for mail. 38. C.O.D. Service
and unlimited discretion, a signature,
UPS accepts C.O.D. Packages for Delivery
other electronic acknowledgment of 36. Tracking/Tracing and in the United States and Puerto Rico.
receipt or authorization to release with- Refund Request Charge C.O.D. service is not provided for inter-
out a signature upon delivery pursuant UPS reserves the right to assess a Shipper national Shipments except for interna­
to the UPS My Choice® service from an additional charge per request for each tional Shipments originating in Canada
the recipient when this option is selected. Tracking/Tracing and Refund Request for Delivery in the United States. C.O.D.
33.3 Delivery Confirmation Adult initiated by or at the request of the Ship- service is not available for UPS Worldwide
Signature Required (domestic and per. This charge will not be assessed for Express Freight Services from any origin.
international) the first 50 tracking requests per calen­
dar week, or for a quantity of tracking 38.1 Preparation and Listing
A Shipper may request UPS to obtain
requests equal to or less than 20 percent of C.O.D. Packages
the signature of an adult 21 years of age
of the Shipper’s volume for that week, Shippers not using a UPS Automated
or older on Delivery. UPS, in its sole and
whichever is greater. This charge will Shipping System must prepare and attach
unlimited discretion, will determine if
not be assessed for a quantity of tracing to each C.O.D. Package a UPS® C.O.D.
Delivery can be completed when such a
requests equal to or less than two percent tag showing the amount to be collected
request is made, and may request photo
of the Shipper’s volume for that week. and enter such amount in the space
identification indicating the recipient’s
UPS also reserves the right to assess the provided for that purpose.
age, before completing Delivery. The
Shipper must use a UPS Automated Ship­ Shipper a charge set forth in the effective Shippers using a UPS Automated Ship­
ping System to initiate a request for this UPS Rates for Service Guarantee refund ping System will generate, and apply
service. UPS reserves the right to assess requests when the subject Shipment was to each C.O.D. Package, a system-
the Shipper the additional charge for this delivered in accordance with the appli­ generated address label with a C.O.D.
service when the Shipper requests UPS cable UPS Service Guarantee in the bar code and the amount to be collected
to obtain an adult signature on Delivery effective Terms. for each individual Package. Each C.O.D.
and an approved UPS label is not affixed Package in a UPS Hundredweight
to the Package or pallet indicating such
37. Special Handling of Undeliverable Service® or UPS Ground with Freight
request, or, the Shipper tenders a Package Shipments; Refused Shipments Returned Pricing C.O.D. Shipment must carry a
or pallet that, based upon its contents, Shipments refused by the Consignee, or C.O.D. tag or system-generated label
requires an approved UPS label request­ which cannot be delivered for any reason for the goods contained in that Package.
ing an adult signature upon Delivery will be returned to the Shipper at Ship­
per’s expense, including, but not limited 38.2 Responsibility for C.O.D.s
and no such label has been affixed to Upon Delivery of each C.O.D. Package,
the Package or pallet. to, forwarding costs, return transportation
charges and all other applicable Charges, UPS will attempt to collect the amount
duties, and taxes. Undeliverable interna- shown on the C.O.D. tag or the system-
20 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

generated label attached to the Package unless the variance of the amount remit­ Entry of a C.O.D. amount is not a dec­
and transmit to the Shipper the amount ted is less than $1.00. laration of value for carriage. Payment
so collected (subject to the terms in of the C.O.D. charge does not constitute
38.4 C.O.D. Package of $10,000 or More
Section 38.9, “Remittance of C.O.D.s,” payment of the declared value charge.
UPS may require payment for any
below), or, if collection cannot be made,
C.O.D. Package of $10,000 or more UPS will not accept currency in any
will return the Package to the Shipper.
to be received in a single check or other amount for payment of C.O.D. Shipments.
The Shipper must notify UPS within
negotiable instrument such as a cashier’s
45 days from the date of shipment of a 38.8 Charges for C.O.D. Collections
check, money order, official bank check,
C.O.D. Shipment if the Shipper has not An additional charge will be assessed for
or other similar instrument.
received payment of the C.O.D. amount, each C.O.D. Package tendered to UPS.
or any claim relating thereto shall be 38.5 Acceptance of Personal Check
38.9 Remittance of C.O.D.s
deemed waived. Suits shall be instituted In the event that UPS accepts a personal
Subject to the following provisions
within two years after denial of any or company check when a Shipper has
of this Section, UPS shall remit C.O.D.
portion of the claim. properly instructed UPS to collect a
collections to the Shipper after the date
cashier’s check or money order only,
If collection cannot be made within three of collection.
UPS reserves the right, in its sole and
Delivery attempts, or the Consignee The Shipper irrevocably authorizes UPS
unlimited discretion, to deposit into a
refuses Delivery, UPS will return the to apply, in its sole and unlimited dis­
UPS account the personal or company
Package to the Shipper. cretion and without prior notice to the
check collected and to provide the
38.3 Consignee’s Checks in Payment Shipper with a check issued by UPS. Shipper, any C.O.D. collections to any
of C.O.D.s past due Charges owed by the Shipper.
38.6 C.O.D. Remittance Verification
Unless instructions to collect a cashier’s To this end, if there are any past due
In the event that a Shipper timely notifies
check or money order only are shown Charges owed by the Shipper, the Ship-
UPS that the Shipper has not received
on the C.O.D. tag (in conformity with per hereby (a) irrevocably assigns and
payment of the C.O.D. amount, if UPS’s
the instructions on the tag) or system- transfers to UPS all of the Shipper’s
records show that it collected a C.O.D.
generated label, UPS will accept a check right, title and interest in and to each
payment and the remittance has not been
or other negotiable instrument issued check or other negotiable instrument
cashed, UPS may, in its sole and unlimited
by or on behalf of the Consignee. When for payment of a C.O.D. that is received
discretion, provide the Shipper with a
instructions to collect a cashier’s check by UPS or its employee or agent, and
digital image of the check or money order
or money order only are clearly indicated (b) constitutes and appoints UPS as the
along with a C.O.D. Remittance Verifi-
on the C.O.D. tag or system-generated Shipper’s attorney-in-fact and authorizes
cation in order to assist the Shipper in
label, UPS reserves the right to accept UPS, in the Shipper’s name, place, and
locating the missing C.O.D. payment.
a cashier’s check, money order, official stead, to endorse any such check or other
If the Shipper is still unable to locate
bank check, or other similar instrument negotiable instrument with the Shipper’s
the C.O.D. payment, UPS may, in its
issued by or on behalf of the Consignee. name, to deposit the same into any UPS
sole and unlimited discretion, provide
account, and to apply the proceeds of the
All checks or other negotiable instru­ the Shipper with an indemnified C.O.D.
same against any past due Charges owed
ments (including cashier’s checks, official check or money order, which is a digital
by the Shipper. The Shipper acknowl­
bank checks, money orders, and other image of the original payment collected
edges and agrees that such appointment
similar instruments) tendered in payment by UPS at the time of Delivery and can
of UPS as the Shipper’s attorney-in-fact
of C.O.D.s will be accepted by UPS based be deposited in a bank, provided that the
is coupled with an interest and is irrevo­
solely upon the Shipper assuming all original check or money order has not
cable. UPS may exercise any of its rights
risk relating thereto, including, but not previously been deposited or negotiated.
under this Section either directly or
limited to, risk of non-payment, insuf­ If the indemnified check or money order
through any employee or agent.
ficient funds, and forgery, and UPS shall turns out to be invalid for any reason
not be liable upon any such instrument. including, but not limited to, insufficient The Shipper relinquishes, waives, and
funds or forgery, UPS shall not be liable agrees not to assert any claim against
All checks or other negotiable instru­
upon the instrument. UPS or any of its employees or agents,
ments (including cashier’s checks, official
any Consignee, any collecting or paying
bank checks, money orders, and other 38.7 Restrictions
bank, or any other person or entity,
similar instruments) will be transmitted C.O.D.s are accepted for amounts
that may directly or indirectly arise as
to the Shipper together with UPS’s own up to $50,000 per Package.
a result of UPS’s exercise of any of its
check if Consignee check(s) collected
C.O.D. Packages with an amount rights under this Section “Remittance
are for less than the C.O.D. amount.
to be collected in excess of $500 are of C.O.D.s.” Without diminishing any
Remittances (checks, money orders, etc.)
not accepted for transportation via of UPS’s rights under the preceding
received that are less than the C.O.D.
a UPS Drop Box. sentence, the Shipper agrees that UPS
dollar amount indicated by the Shipper
and such other persons or entities shall
will be reimbursed for the full amount
not be liable to the Shipper or any other
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

person or entity for any special, inci- Services including, but not limited to, 40.1 Daily Rates and Retail Rates
dental, or consequential damages in Hazardous Materials Shipments requiring Daily Rates apply to UPS account holders
any claim made with respect to UPS’s shipping papers, firearms, and Shipments who received Daily Rates prior to July 11,
exercise of any such rights. requiring Delivery Confirmation Services. 2016, to Shippers who establish a six-digit
UPS account on or after July 11, 2016, or
The Shipper agrees that, following UPS’s C.O.D. (Collect on Delivery) service is
as UPS may otherwise agree in writing.
application of any C.O.D. collections not available for UPS Returns® Services
to any past due Charges owed by the Packages. Third Party Billing is not Shippers who do not receive Daily Rates
Shipper in accordance with this Section, available for UPS Returns® Services in will be charged Retail Rates. Retail Rates
the Shipper will continue to be fully the United States. Third Party Billing also apply to Shipments processed and
liable for the payment of all remaining is available for UPS Returns® Services paid for at The UPS Store® locations
Charges owed by the Shipper (including, outside the United States. or UPS Customer Centers.
without limitation, (i) any Charges that
UPS Returns® Services Shipments are Shippers who drop off at any The UPS
are not covered by the application of the
subject to maximum declared values. Store® location, UPS Access Point
C.O.D. collections, and (ii) any Charges
See Section 55.1, “Maximum Declared loca­tion or a UPS Customer Center
relating to a previously applied C.O.D.
Values.” Packages that have already been
collection that is reversed by reason of
processed prior to drop off will receive
the uncollectibility of the C.O.D. check or 40. UPS Rates the rates applicable to the transaction.
other negotiable instrument or otherwise). The applicable UPS Rates are determined UPS Worldwide Express Freight® Service
Nothing in this Section shall constitute on the basis of Shipment and Shipper pallets that are processed as door-to-
an election of remedies by UPS or any characteristics, including Shipment door pallets prior to drop off at a UPS
other person or entity or a waiver of any weight and size and origin to destina­ Worldwide Express Freight® Center will
of the rights of UPS or any other person tion distance, and are subject to change. receive door-to-door rates.
or entity under the remaining provisions Except as otherwise stated in the Terms,
40.2 Letter Rates
of the Terms or at law or in equity. all charges, fees, or surcharges shall be
Letter Rates for domestic Shipments
those set forth in the UPS Rates in effect
39. UPS Returns® Services are available only for UPS Express®
at the time of shipping.
Envelopes containing correspondence,
Where available, UPS offers UPS Returns®
To determine the amount of any Charges urgent documents, or electronic media,
Services (including UPS Authorized
for UPS service, consult the UPS Rates with an actual weight of eight ounces or
Return Service®, Print Return Label,
in effect at the time of shipping. The less. UPS Express® Envelopes containing
Electronic Return Label, Print and Mail
effective UPS Rates are available at items other than those listed or weighing
Return Label, 1 UPS Pickup Attempt,
www.ups.com and upon request at more than eight ounces will be assessed
3 UPS Pickup Attempts, UPS Returns®
the local UPS office. the corresponding rate for the applicable
on the Web, and UPS Returns® Exchange).
Shippers are responsible for providing weight. For international Shipments,
3 UPS Pickup Attempts is not available
accurate and complete Shipment infor­ UPS Express® Envelopes may be used
for UPS Worldwide Express Freight®
mation in the UPS Shipping System used, only for single package documents of no
Service Shipments. UPS Authorized
including service selected, number, weight, commercial value (which may include
Return Service® requests and UPS
and dimensions of Shipments. If any electronic media in some countries), with
Returns® Exchange requests are
aspect of the Shipment information is an actual weight of eight (8) ounces or
contractual Package services only.
incomplete or incorrect as determined by less. UPS Express® Envelopes containing
An additional accessorial charge applies other items, or weighing more than eight
UPS in its sole and unlimited discretion,
to each UPS Returns® Services Package (8) ounces will be assessed the corre­
UPS may adjust Charges at any time.
or pallet and will be assessed when the sponding rate for the applicable weight
service is requested, unless the applicable UPS reserves the right in its sole and (except as expressly set forth in Section
Service Guide specifically provides other­- unlimited discretion to use any mode of 40.3 (“Pak Rates”)).
wise. The applicable charges will be transportation whatsoever to provide the
service selected by the Shipper. Regard­ 40.3 Pak Rates
those set forth in the UPS Rates in effect
less of the mode of transportation used, Pak Rates are available only for
at the time the charge is applied. After
the effective UPS Rates for the service UPS Worldwide Express Plus®, UPS
entering the UPS system, a Package or
selected by the Shipper shall apply. If, Worldwide Express®, and UPS Worldwide
pallet returned will be charged the rate
however, a Shipper selects a UPS service Saver® single package U.S. export ship-
calculated from the pickup location to
to a destination for which only a higher ments in UPS Express® Envelopes con-
the destination via the service selected.
level of service is available, UPS will sub­ taining correspondence, urgent documents,
Shipments containing certain items are or electronic media, with an actual weight
stitute the next higher level of available
prohibited from being shipped and are of more than eight ounces but less than
service and will charge the correspond­
not accepted by UPS for UPS Returns® or equal to two pounds; or when UPS
ing rate for the substituted service.
Express® Pak is selected at the time of
22 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

shipping, the customs value of the Package additional charges: Over Maximum set forth at ups.com/peaksurcharges.
is less than or equal to $100.00, and Weight, Over Maximum Length, or Peak Surcharges apply cumulatively
the weight of the Package is two pounds Over Maximum Size. Such charges if a Package meets more than one of
or less. UPS Express® Pak shipments apply in addition to all other applicable the specified criteria. Peak Surcharges
weighing more than two pounds will Charges, including but not limited to apply in addition to any other applicable
be assessed the corresponding applicable the Large Package Surcharge. Charges. No waiver, discount, or reduc­
UPS Rates for the Shipment. tion of any type to the Peak Surcharges
40.8 Additional Handling Charge
shall apply unless UPS agrees in writing
40.4 UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG An Additional Handling charge will be
to such waiver, discount, or reduction
Box Rates assessed for any Package that requires
with specific written reference to the
UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box special handling, as determined by UPS
Peak Surcharges.
Rates apply to UPS Worldwide Express in its sole and unlimited discretion,
Plus®, UPS Worldwide Express®, and including, but not limited to: 42. Fuel Surcharges
UPS Worldwide Saver® single package –A
ny article that is encased in an outside UPS reserves the right to institute fuel
U.S. export Shipments, using UPS 10 KG shipping container made of metal or surcharges on some or all Shipments
Box and 25 KG Box packaging. Ship­ wood; without prior notice. The surcharges
ments that exceed 10 KG and 25 KG,
ny cylindrical-like item, such as a are subject to adjustment weekly. The
respectively, will be assessed the appli­
barrel, drum, pail, or tire, that is not surcharges may apply to any domestic
cable UPS Rates for the actual weight
fully encased in a corrugated cardboard or international transportation or other
and service selected.
shipping container; charges including, but not limited to,
40.5 Private Express Statutes – Any Package with its longest side exceed- any accessorial charge or surcharge. The
The Shipper shall comply with the ing 48 inches or its second-longest side current fuel surcharges are set forth at
requirements of the Private Express exceeding 30 inches; ups.com/bridge/fuelsurcharge.html.
Statutes when using UPS 2nd Day Air
ny Package with an actual weight Regardless of the mode of transporta­
A.M.® and UPS 2nd Day Air® services.
greater than 70 pounds; and tion used, the effective fuel surcharge for
40.6 Rates for Large Packages; the service selected by the Shipper shall
– Each Package in a UPS Hundredweight
Large Package Surcharge apply. The surcharges will be applied
Service®, UPS Ground with Freight
A Package is considered a “Large Package” to such services and for such periods as
Pricing, UPS® Standard, or inter­
when the Package measurements exceed UPS, in its sole and unlimited discretion,
national Shipment (excluding UPS
130 inches in length plus girth [(2 x width) may determine necessary.
Worldwide Express Freight® Service
+ (2 x height)] combined.
Shipments) where the average weight 43. Manual Processing Charges
The rate for a Large Package will be per Package is greater than 70 pounds
UPS reserves the right to assess a manual
based on the greater of the dimensional and the weight for each Package is
processing charge of $0.50 per Package
weight or the actual weight, and is not specified in the UPS Shipping
or $35 per week (whichever is greater) to
subject to a minimum billable rate set System used.
Shippers who ship Packages using a UPS
forth in the UPS Rates applicable to
40.9 Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge Shipping System that applies outdated
the Shipment in effect at the time of
UPS Worldwide Express Freight ® UPS Rates until such time as the Shipper
the shipping.
Service pallets are subject to maximum upgrades the UPS Shipping System to
A Large Package Surcharge (LPS) will size and weight restrictions (which vary reflect current UPS Rates.
be applied to each Large Package, includ­ by origin and destination) as set forth at
A manual processing service charge
ing any Package that exceeds the weight https://www.ups.com/media/en/wwef_
will be assessed to each Package
or size restrictions set forth in Section 3.1 max_dim.pdf. Pallets exceeding size or
shipped using a UPS 3 Day Select®
(“Items Not Accepted for Transportation”). weight restrictions are not accepted for
or UPS Ground shipping document.
Each Large Package in a multiple-package transportation without prior approval
Shipment may receive an LPS. LPS will by UPS. Pallets that exceed these restric­ 44. Third Party Billing Service
not apply to UPS Authorized Return tions are subject to an Oversize Pallet Any Shipment billed to a Third Party
Service® UPS® Ground Packages, or Handling Surcharge. (regardless of the country of origin or
to UPS Worldwide Express Freight ® destination of the Shipment) is subject
Service Shipments. 41. Peak Surcharges
to a Third Party Billing Service fee,
One or more Peak Surcharges will apply
40.7 Over Maximum Limits Charge charged to the payer, set forth in the
to certain Packages tendered to UPS for
Packages that exceed the weight or size Service Guide at the time of shipping.
shipment during a Peak Period, based
restrictions set forth in Section 3.1 (“Items The fee for Third Party Billing Service
on service level and package character­
Not Accepted for Transportation”) are shall be charged for each transaction,
istics. Details regarding the application
subject to one or more of the following based upon all Charges, excluding
of Peak Surcharges and Peak Periods are
charges, duties and taxes assessed by
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

government authorities. The Third The Shipper is liable for payment in the the account number, including the Ship-
Party Billing Service fee will not apply event of non-payment by the Consignee per’s account number, is missing, the
to UPS Returns Services or UPS Import (or Receiver) or Third Party. All Ship­ account number is not the correct account
Control Shipments. ments must have a valid UPS billing number for the bill-to party, the account
option indicated on the UPS Shipping number is for a Receiver or Third Party
45. Billing Options for Domestic Shipments System entry. Regardless of the billing who fails to pay the Charges, or the
Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by option selected, some charges including, Package is shipped to an unauthorized
UPS, Charges will be billed to the Shipper. but not limited to, address correction Consignee. In the event of non-payment
UPS accepts Shipments for Collect billing charges, will be billed to the Shipper. by the Receiver or Third Party, the
and Third Party billing (subject to a Shipper will be billed a refusal fee plus
47. Bill My Account the Charges.
Third Party Billing Service fee), provided
UPS may provide in its sole and unlim­
the Consignee or Third Party has a valid 51. Shipping Charge Corrections; Audit
ited discretion a Bill My Account
UPS account number and has agreed UPS reserves the right to bill for Charges
service to registered Shippers to allow
to accept the Charges. Regardless of the based upon the characteristics of, and
the Shipper to bill to its own account
billing option selected, some charges services requested for, Shipments actually
Charges incurred at UPS Customer
including, but not limited to, address tendered to UPS. UPS also reserves the
Centers and participating Third-Party
correction charges, will be billed to right to audit any Package, Shipment
Retailer locations. A processing fee for
the Shipper. and/or invoice to verify service selection,
using Bill My Account may apply and
may vary by shipping location. When dimensions, or weight, and applicability
46. Billing Options for
using Bill My Account, a Shipper with of any Charges. As part of that audit,
International Shipments UPS may weigh and measure any Package
customized contract incentives that may
The amount billed includes, but is not or Shipment tendered to UPS using any
otherwise apply to the account may
limited to, Charges, duties, fees, and method UPS deems appropriate, includ­
be limited to certain maximum incen­
taxes, if applicable. Unless otherwise ing but not limited to multidimensional
tives (“Incentive Caps”). The applicable
restricted in the origin or destination measuring devices. UPS may in its sole
processing fee and Incentive Caps are
country, Shippers tendering Packages and unlimited discretion increase or
subject to change without prior notice
using a UPS Shipping System may select adjust Charges based on the results of
and are published at www.ups.com/
the payer of Charges, duties, and taxes such audit. UPS reserves the right in its
billmyaccount. Incentive Caps and
as Shipper, Receiver, or Third Party sole and unlimited discretion to bill for
processing fees in effect at the time of
(subject to a Third Party Billing Service Charges based on shipping characteris­
shipping will apply to Shipments billed
fee). UPS accepts shipments for Receiver tics provided by the Shipper, regardless
using Bill My Account.
or Third Party billing provided the of whether UPS has audited the ship­
Receiver or Third Party has a valid 48. Disbursement Fee ping characteristics. In the event that a
UPS account number and has agreed to Package’s or Shipment’s dimensions are
To expedite customs clearance, UPS may
accept the Charges. In the event of non- altered during transit, UPS reserves the
make or process payments of duties and
payment by the Receiver or Third Party, right to bill for Charges based on the
taxes on behalf of the payer as dictated
the Shipper is liable for all Charges altered dimensions.
by the billing option selected. An addi­
including, but not limited to, duties,
tional fee, set forth in the UPS Rates
fees, and taxes.
applicable to the Shipment in effect at
52. Payment of Charges
An additional Duty and Tax Forward- the time of shipping, will be assessed Except where an alternative payment plan
ing Surcharge will apply if the Shipper and billed to the payer. applies, UPS’s payment terms require
selects a billing option in which duties payment in full in advance.
and taxes are to be paid outside of the 49. Currency Conversion Rate UPS may provide in its sole and unlim­
destination country. Charges to a payer’s account in a foreign ited discretion alternative payment terms
currency will be converted to the payer’s to certain of its Shippers. UPS, in its sole
UPS reserves the right in its sole and
currency using a weekly exchange rate and unlimited discretion, shall decide
unlimited discretion to request advance
secured through Major Money Center which, if any, of the alternative payment
payment of Charges for any Package sent
Banks, plus an exchange fee, set forth in plans described below (see Section 52.2,
to or from any international destination
the UPS Rates applicable to the Shipment “Alternative Payment Plans”) will be
or origin.
in effect at the time of shipping. made available to the Shipper.
For all Shipments where the Shipper is
not paying the Charges, the Shipper must 50. Missing/Invalid Account Number A Shipper that is not enrolled in any of
notify the bill payer prior to shipping, or Refusal Fee the Alternative Payment Plans described
and agree to pay all Charges in the event A processing fee will be charged for a below shall pay all Charges in advance
of non-payment by the bill-to party. missing or invalid account number when of shipment, as required by UPS.
24 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

Notwithstanding any billing plan that collection of Charges owed by the The filing of a lawsuit does not consti­
is in effect or payment or billing option Shipper. The Shipper authorizes UPS tute notification by the filer or on behalf
selected at the time of shipment, the to charge the declined transaction fee to of any other party.
Shipper is ultimately liable for and agrees the Shipper’s payment card account or
Requests for invoice adjustments cannot
to pay all Charges, including in the event electronic payment account or to collect
be made without a good faith basis for
of insolvency, bankruptcy, non-payment, the fee directly from the Shipper, at
submitting the request as to each specific
or refusal to pay by the Receiver or UPS’s sole option.
package and adjustment requested. If
Third Party.
If, for any reason, a negotiable instru­ UPS determines that a requestor has sub­
All Charges must be paid in the lawful ment submitted to UPS as payment for mitted batch or multiple single requests
money of the United States of America. Charges is returned to UPS unpaid, or for adjustments without a substantial
an electronic request for payment is basis, all requests of such requestor
If a Shipper submits Shipment informa­
dishonored, UPS may charge the Shipper will be denied in their entirety for such
tion to UPS through a UPS Shipping
a dishonored payment fee of twenty time period as UPS may determine in its
System and does not subsequently tender
dollars ($20) per incident, in addition sole and unlimited discretion. A right
such Shipment to UPS, it is the Shipper’s
to any late payment fees assessed by or claim, of any kind, to challenge the
sole responsibility to request an adjust­
UPS and any collection costs which may amount invoiced is conditioned upon full
ment in the event Shipper is invoiced for
be incurred by UPS in the final collection and strict compliance with all require­
any such Shipments (even where Shipper
of Charges owed by the Shipper. ments regarding notice set forth in this
is ordinarily invoiced based on a UPS
Section; otherwise, failure to comply
package scan), as set forth below (see UPS may provide trade credit information
with the notice requirements set forth in
Section 52.1, “Invoice Adjustment”). on its Shippers to commercial reporting
this Section constitutes agreement to pay
Shippers who fail to do so will be liable agencies.
the amount in the invoice. Full and strict
for all applicable Charges.
52.1 Invoice Adjustment compliance with this Section is required,
As an accommodation to the Shipper, Requests for an invoice adjustment even where it is believed that such compli­
and in UPS’s sole and unlimited discre­ (e.g., adjustment of Charges based on an ance would not result in relief or would
tion, UPS may render invoices, or copies incorrect rate, billable weight, account otherwise be futile.
of invoices, or charge certain Packages number, failure to tender a Shipment,
52.2 Alternative Payment Plans
to a Third Party at the request of the type of service, shipping charge correc-
Where UPS elects to make an alternative
Shipper. The Shipper remains respon­ tion, etc.) or a refund due to a duplicate
payment plan available to the Shipper,
sible for the timely payment in full of payment must be received by UPS within
UPS may render an invoice to the Ship-
all Charges owed by the Shipper. By 180 days of receiving the contested
per on a weekly (i.e., seven days) or a
requesting UPS to render invoices, or invoice, or any billing dispute is waived.
monthly (i.e., four or five calendar weeks)
copies of invoices, or charge certain Notification to UPS of a request for an
basis. A weekly invoice will include the
Packages to a Third Party, the Shipper invoice adjustment must be made in writ-
Charges incurred in the previous week.
is deemed to authorize the Third Party ­ing using one of the following methods:
Notwithstanding that UPS has elected
to act on behalf of the Shipper, and – S ubmit a request through UPS’s online to render an invoice to the Shipper on a
UPS may rely thereon in all respects. Billing Center at ups.com/billing; weekly basis, an invoice may be issued
UPS also may in its sole and unlimited –E
mail a request to UPS through the only when the Shipper has incurred
discretion elect to render an invoice that ups.com website using the “Support aggregate Charges in excess of ten
includes amounts owed for services pro­ Category” “billing”; or dollars ($10), or when five (5) calendar
vided by UPS affiliates. –M
ail a request to United Parcel Service, weeks have elapsed from the date of
If Charges are paid by payment card or P.O. Box 7247-0244, Philadelphia, PA issuance of the last invoice, whichever
by an electronic payment method, the 19170-0001. event occurs first. A monthly invoice
Shipper expressly authorizes UPS to will include the Charges incurred for the
The notification to UPS must include the four- or five-week period for which the
assess any Charges and to obtain pay- date of shipment, the tracking number
ment of the Charges by use of the pay- invoice is issued. In its sole and unlimited
for each disputed charge, and the reason discretion, UPS may offer one or more of
ment card or electronic payment method. for the disputed charge. A partial pay-
If, for any reason, any such transaction the following alternative payment plans
ment against an invoice is not considered for the payment of Charges:
is rejected or declined, the Shipper will a request for an invoice adjustment or
pay to UPS a declined transaction fee notice to UPS of a disputed charge. UPS –E
lectronic Funds Transfer Plan
of ten dollars ($10) per incident, in reserves the right to refuse to issue any (Debit EFT)
addition to any late payment fees assessed invoice adjustment until all outstanding By written agreement with UPS, the
by UPS and any collection costs which Charges owing to UPS have been paid Shipper will provide UPS with the
may be incurred by UPS in the final in full. Shipper’s bank account number and
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

bank routing number to enable UPS to changed by UPS at any time to reflect a Past due balances will be subject to a
electronically request payment, for all revised estimate of four weeks’ Charges. late payment fee as described below in
Charges incurred by the Shipper, directly All prepayment amounts will remain addition to any collection costs which
from the Shipper’s bank, on a weekly or on account with UPS. No interest will may be incurred by UPS in the final col­
monthly basis. The Shipper’s bank will be paid or accrued on the prepayment lection of Charges owed by the Shipper.
remit the amount requested to UPS and amounts. This payment plan alternative is avail­
deduct that amount from the Shipper’s able only to existing customers already
Shipper will receive invoices on a weekly
bank account. Payments to UPS will be approved for a Special Payment Plan.
basis, except as described above. Each
shown on the Shipper’s bank statements.
invoice will list the previous period’s –C
redit Extension Plan
The Shipper is responsible for payment
Charges incurred. Payment for all accu­ By written agreement with UPS, the
of any fees imposed by the Shipper’s bank.
mulated Charges will be due within Shipper may elect to pay an annual
Additionally, the Shipper will receive a
seven (7) days following the Shipper’s credit extension fee and thereafter
weekly or monthly invoice, as applicable,
receipt of every fourth invoice; however, receive invoices for Charges incurred by
except as described above, from UPS
if prior to receiving the fourth invoice the the Shipper on a monthly basis with no
listing the services provided for the
Shipper’s accumulated Charges should prepayment requirement. The invoices
applicable billing period. If, for any
equal or exceed the prepayment amounts will be payable within seven (7) days
reason, an electronic request for payment
on account with UPS, then the accumu­ following receipt by the Shipper. The
is dishonored, the Shipper is responsible
lated Charges will be due within seven credit extension fee is based upon the
for making a timely payment directly to
(7) days following the Shipper’s receipt Shipper’s total annual Charges, as esti­
UPS. Past due balances will be subject
of the invoice requiring such payment. mated by UPS, and is subject to change
to any collection costs which may be
Past due balances will be subject to a annually by UPS in its sole and unlimited
incurred by UPS in the final collection
late payment fee as described below, discretion. To be eligible for the Credit
of Charges owed by the Shipper. No late
in addition to any collection costs which Extension Plan, the Shipper must use
payment fee shall be assessed with respect
may be incurred by UPS in the final col­ UPS’s transportation services and the
to the Electronic Funds Transfer Plan.
lection of Charges owed by the Shipper. Credit Extension Plan solely for business,
onthly Prepayment Plan commercial, or agricultural purposes.
– S pecial Payment Plan
By written agreement with UPS, the A Shipper is not eligible for the Credit
By written agreement with UPS, the
Shipper will make a prepayment with Extension Plan if the Shipper uses UPS’s
Shipper may prepay an amount equal
UPS in an amount equal to four weeks’ transportation services and the Credit
to the anticipated Charges for a period
anticipated Charges as estimated by Extension Plan for any personal, family,
of between ten to twenty-six weeks, as
UPS. Upon notice to the Shipper, the or household purposes. By using the
estimated by UPS. The Charges actually
required prepayment amount may be Credit Extension Plan (if made available
incurred by the Shipper will be deducted
changed by UPS at any time to reflect a to the Shipper), the Shipper represents,
by UPS on a weekly basis from the pre­
revised estimate of four weeks’ Charges. warrants, certifies, and agrees that it will
payment amounts on account with UPS.
All prepayment amounts will remain use UPS’s trans­porta­tion services and the
Weekly invoices marked as paid will be
on account with UPS. No interest will Credit Extension Plan solely for business,
forwarded to the Shipper reflecting the
be paid or accrued on the prepayment commercial or agricultural purposes and
balance of the prepayment amount on
amounts. not for any personal, family, or house­
account with UPS. When the prepayment
hold purposes. Past due balances will be
The Charges incurred for the applicable amount on account with UPS reaches the
subject to a late payment fee as described
month will be totaled and billed to the minimum balance specified in the written
below in addition to any collection costs
Shipper on a monthly basis. Payment is agreement, the Shipper is required to make
which may be incurred by UPS in the final
due within seven (7) days after receipt another prepayment for an additional
collection of Charges owed by the Shipper.
of the UPS invoice. Past due balances period pursuant to the same agreement,
will be subject to a late payment fee or, if the Shipper does not do so, the –W
eekly Payment Plan
as described below in addition to any Shipper must make another payment Each week the Shipper will receive an
collection costs which may be incurred arrangement with UPS. All prepayment invoice for the previous week’s Charges
by UPS in the final collection of Charges amounts will remain on account with except as described above. The invoice
owed by the Shipper. UPS. No interest will be paid or accrued is due within seven (7) days of receipt.
on the prepayment amounts. If the No prepayment is required under
eekly Prepayment Plan
Charges incurred by the Shipper exceed this plan.
By written agreement with UPS, the the remaining balance of the prepayment
Shipper will make a prepayment with amounts on account with UPS, the Past due balances will be subject to a late
UPS in an amount equal to four weeks’ excess Charges will be due within seven payment fee as described below in addi­
anticipated Charges as estimated by (7) days following the Shipper’s receipt tion to any collection costs which may
UPS. Upon notice to the Shipper, the of the invoice requiring such payment. be incurred by UPS in the final collection
required prepayment amount may be of Charges owed by the Shipper.
26 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

redit Card Payment Plan For the Special Payment Plan, a late –U
PS Worldwide Express Freight®
The Shipper may elect to pay the previ­ payment fee will not be assessed if there Service
ous week’s Charges by credit card. The has been a positive balance in the Ship­ –U
PS Worldwide Saver®
Shipper will receive billing detail item­ per’s prepayment account with UPS –U
PS Worldwide Expedited®
ized on its card statement or a weekly at any time during the 27-day period
PS 3 Day Select® from Canada
invoice, except as described above, from immediately preceding the transmittal
of the current invoice to the Shipper. The –U
PS® Standard
UPS listing the previous period’s Charges
incurred. The Shipper will provide UPS late payment fee for the Special Payment In the event UPS fails to attempt Delivery
with the Shipper’s credit information to Plan will be assessed on the “charges this by the date and time (if applicable)
enable UPS to process Charges incurred period” of the Shipper’s invoice (includ­ indicated at https://wwwapps.ups.com/
by the Shipper on a weekly basis. ing without limitation any previously ctc, for the applicable date, time and
assessed but unpaid late payment fees) location of tender, or as provided when
Shipper acknowledges and agrees that that is fourteen (14) days past due. 1-800-PICK-UPS® (1-800-742-5877)
there may be a delay of two or more
A late payment fee will be assessed only is called, UPS, at its option, will either
days between the date that payments
once on each invoice that is fourteen (14) credit or refund the transportation
are received by UPS and the date that
days past due. Each late payment fee will charges for each such Shipment to the
the payments are posted and credited
be due and payable within seven (7) days payer only, upon request, provided the
to the Shipper’s account with UPS. If a
following the Shipper’s receipt of the conditions set forth in the UPS Service
UPS remittance advice is attached to the
invoice that first reflects the assessment Guarantee are met. Transportation
Shipper’s payment, the payment will be
of the late payment fee. The late payment charges do not include other fees or
credited accordingly. If no remit­tance
fee is in addition to any collection costs charges that may be assessed by UPS
advice is attached to the Shipper’s payment,
that may be incurred by UPS in the including, but not limited to, fuel sur­
the payment will be credited to the Ship­
final collection of Charges owed by the charges. This is the sole remedy available
per’s account.
Shipper. Neither the assessment nor the under the UPS Service Guarantee. UPS
52.3 Late Payment Fee payment of a late payment fee will (a) may, but is not required, to present the
For the Monthly Prepayment Plan, the affect the Shipper’s responsibility to pay actual time of Delivery in tracking detail
Weekly Prepayment Plan, the Special all Charges owed, or (b) in any manner or proof of Delivery, and reserves the right
Payment Plan, the Credit Extension preclude UPS from exercising any of its to amend any delivery confirmation or
Plan, and the Weekly Payment Plan, a rights or remedies hereunder or under the actual time of Delivery within forty-
late payment fee will be assessed if the applicable law. eight (48) hours of the date of Delivery.
Shipper’s payment is not received by UPS
UPS shall not be liable for any damages
within fourteen (14) days of the invoice 53. UPS Service Guarantee whatsoever for delayed Delivery, except
due date. Except as otherwise stated UPS guarantees on-schedule Delivery as specifically provided for Shipments
below, the late payment fee will equal of Shipments shipped via the following made under the UPS Service Guarantee.
six percent (6%) of the total past due services, where available, to all 50 states Under no circumstances shall UPS be
balance of the Shipper’s invoice (includ­ and Puerto Rico: liable for any special, incidental, or
ing without limitation any previously –U PS Air Services consequential damages including, but
assessed but unpaid late payment fees)
–U PS Hundredweight Service® Air not limited to, damages arising from
that is fourteen (14) days past due.
Services delayed Delivery or failure to attempt
In determining the late payment fee for –U PS 3 Day Select® on-schedule Delivery.
the Monthly Prepayment Plan and the
–U PS Hundredweight Service® UPS 3 UPS may cancel, suspend or modify
Weekly Prepayment Plan, UPS will apply
Day Select® the UPS Service Guarantee (or change
the prepayment amounts on account
– U PS® Ground the guaranteed time in transit) for any
with UPS to reduce the calculated base
– U PS® Ground with Freight Pricing service(s), and for any period of time,
amount on which the late payment fee
as determined by UPS in its sole and
is assessed, provided that UPS will so –U PS Hundredweight Service® Ground
unlimited discretion, and without prior
apply the prepayment amounts to the
UPS guarantees on-schedule Delivery notice. Visit www.ups.com/holidays
oldest outstanding invoice first, and to
of Shipments shipped via the following for changes effective during the holiday
each subsequent invoice thereafter, until
services, where available, and provided season.
the prepayment amounts have been fully
that customs clearance is performed by
so applied. If an invoice 14 days past 53.1 Conditions
UPS Supply Chain Solutions® brokerage
due is fully so covered by the prepayment The UPS Service Guarantee is subject
offices designated by UPS for clearing
amount, no late payment fee will apply. to the following conditions:
these Shipments:
If an invoice 14 days past due is partially –U
PS’s guaranteed Delivery schedule
so covered by the prepayment amount, –U PS Worldwide Express Plus®
has been obtained by referencing
the late payment fee will apply to the –U PS Worldwide Express NA1® UPS’s website or contacting a UPS
portion not so covered by the prepay­ –U PS Worldwide Express® Customer Service office. “On-time”
ment amount.
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

or “on-schedule” means, subject to the UPS reserves the right to refuse any improperly offered for transport, the
terms of this UPS Service Guarantee, request for a credit or refund when such application of security regulations
Delivery is attempted within the UPS request is either (a) made by, or (b) based imposed by the government, or other-
guaranteed Delivery schedule. on information obtained by, a party wise applicable to the Shipment, riots,
ach Package and Shipment is properly other than the payer of the Charges. strikes or other labor disputes, civil
recorded in a UPS Shipping System. unrest, disruptions in national or local
53.2 Exclusions
air or ground transportation networks
ach Package and Shipment bears the The UPS Service Guarantee does not
(including, but not limited to, UPS’s
appropriate UPS tracking label and apply to:
transportation network), disruption
an address label, or a combined label –U
PS 2nd Day Air A.M.® Packages or failure of communication and
generated by a UPS Automated Ship­ for Residential deliveries. information systems, and adverse
ping System, showing the Consignee’s
– Shipments tendered pursuant to Drop weather conditions.
correct name, deliverable address
Shipments, special operating plans, – I nternational Shipments for which
(UPS does not provide Delivery to a
or customized handling or processing the Shipper has selected the Receiver
P.O. Box), and ZIP Code (or postal
arrangements, or tendered either under or Third Party as the payer of any
code for international Shipments).
an account number on which Service applicable duties and taxes and
ach Package or pallet in a Shipment Guarantee claims are addressed by a Delivery is delayed until payment
bears a UPS Saturday Delivery routing special agreement or where such arrange­ments are made.
label (where required) when optional claims have been addressed by special
Saturday service is requested and –U
PS Import Control® Shipments for
agreement with the payer of the Charges.
available. which the Shipper has selected commer-
– S hipments processed using a UPS cial invoice removal.
ach Shipment is tendered to UPS Automated Shipping System that is not
during UPS’s published business hours. –U
PS Ground Shipments or UPS®
located at the pickup address assigned
Shipments received from or destined Standard Shipments that are picked
to the UPS account number on which
to certain locations may require earlier up or scheduled to be delivered on and
the Shipment was made.
pickup times (available at the UPS between November 27 and December 3,
PS Ground Returns Service Packages. and on and between December 18 and
ackages subject to a Large Package December 24, and any alternative or
PS is notified by UPS’s Interactive
Surcharge or Additional Handling Fee, additional date(s) during the holiday
Voice Response system or through UPS’s
Packages that exceed maximum size season set forth at www.ups.com/
online Billing Center at ups.com/billing
or weight limits, Shipments contain­ing holidays.
of a service failure within fifteen (15)
any Package subject to a Large Package
calendar days of the date of scheduled – Shipments without Timely Upload of
Surcharge, Additional Handling Fee,
Delivery or the date by which UPS has PLD, Shipments not accompanied by
or that exceed max­imum size or weight
amended or corrected the actual time a UPS Smart Label tag, or when the
limits, or UPS Worldwide Express
of Delivery in tracking detail or proof delivery address on any address label
Freight® Service Shipments tendered
of Delivery, whichever is later, and is or combined label affixed to the Package
without prior approval containing any
advised of the Consignee’s name and does not match the delivery address
pallet exceeding maximum size or
address, date of shipment, Shipment on the UPS Smart Label tag, bar code,
weight restrictions (as set forth at
weight, and UPS tracking number. or PLD for the Package.
or UPS Worldwide Expedited® Ship­ wwef_max_dim.pdf). –U
PS Air Services and UPS 3 Day Select
ments, the guarantee shall apply only Shipments of Hazardous Materials or
– S hipments made using a Call Tag.
to Shipments with a U.S. origin or Dangerous Goods Shipments, and all
destination and when the billed party – S hipments subject to a UPS Delivery international Hazardous Materials or
is resident in the United States and Intercept® request, Delivery Change Dangerous Goods Shipments except
is responsible for all Charges. Request, or a UPS My Choice® request. UPS Standard Shipments.
or UPS Worldwide Express Freight® – S hipments that are delayed due to
Service Shipments, the guarantee shall causes beyond UPS’s control including, 54. Claims and Legal Actions:
apply to a Shipment where any pallet but not limited to: the unavailability or Individual Binding Arbitration of Claims
exceeds maximum size or weight refusal of a person to accept Delivery Time Limits and Pleading Requirements
restrictions (as set forth at https:// of the Shipment, acts of God, natural for Claims/No Right to Set Off
www.ups.com/media/en/wwef_max_ disasters, war risks, acts of terrorism, Claims against UPS must be made within
dim.pdf) only if the Shipper obtained acts of public authorities acting with strict time limits, including as set forth
confirmation of eligibility for the UPS actual or apparent authority, acts or in Section 52.1 (“Invoice Adjustment”)
Service Guarantee, prior to tender of omissions of customs or similar author­- regarding invoice adjustments or billing
the Shipment to UPS for service. ities, authority of law, insufficient disputes; Section 54.3 (“Time Limit for
information provided by a customer, Filing Claims for Loss or Damage to
Hazardous Materials Packages Property”) regarding claims for loss or
28 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

damage to property; and pursuant to award under the law and must honor of such fee in excess of that amount.
Section 53, “UPS Service Guarantee.” the terms and conditions in the Terms. The arbitrator will allocate the
administrative costs and arbitral fees
All claims against UPS arising out of Claimant and UPS agree that their sole
consistent with the applicable rules of
or related to the provision of services relationship is a contractual one gov­
the American Arbitration Association.
by UPS, including, but not limited to, erned by the Service Guide and Terms.
Reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses
demands for damages, refunds, credits, Any controversy or claim arising out of
will be allocated or awarded only to
and any legal or equitable relief what­ or related to the provision of services by
the extent such allocation or award is
soever, shall be extinguished unless UPS shall be resolved solely based on the
available under applicable law.
the Claimant (1) timely and completely agreements set forth in the Service Guide
complies with all applicable notice and and Terms. All issues are for the arbitrator to decide,
claims periods set forth in the Terms except that issues relating to the scope,
Institutional Arbitration
and in the Service Guide, including as application, and enforceability of the
The arbitration shall be conducted by
to claims for loss or damage to property arbitration provision are for a court
the American Arbitration Association
under Section 54.3, claims under Section to decide. The Federal Arbitration Act
(AAA) in accordance with its Commercial
53, “UPS Service Guarantee,” claims for governs the interpretation and enforce­
Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary
invoice adjustments under Section 52.1, ment of this provision. This agreement
Procedures for Consumer-Related
or claims for breach of contract or any to arbitrate shall survive termination
Disputes (the “Rules”), and judgment on
other cause of action; and (2) pleads on of the Terms.
the award may be entered in any court
the face of any complaint filed in court
of competent jurisdiction. The Rules, Severability
against UPS or states in its submission
including instructions for how to Notwithstanding anything to the con­
of its claim in arbitration against UPS,
initiate arbitration, are available at trary in the AAA Rules, if any part of
as the case may be, satisfaction and
https://www.adr.org. The arbitrator this arbitration provision is deemed
compliance with those notice and claims
shall decide all issues of the case on the invalid or ineffective for any reason,
periods as a contractual condition pre­
basis of the applicable law, not equity. If this shall not affect the validity or
cedent to recovery. Claimants may not
you initiate arbitration, you must serve enforceability of the remainder of this
deduct the amounts of pending claims
UPS’s registered agent for service of arbitration provision, and the arbitrator
from any Charges owed to UPS, and
process, Corporation Service Company, shall have the authority to amend any
the Shipper waives any and all rights,
which has locations in every state. Infor­ provisions deemed invalid or ineffective
including any statutory or common law
mation also can be found on the website to make the same valid and enforceable.
rights, to set off the amount of any claim
of your local Secretary of State.
against Charges owed to UPS. Desk Arbitration
Any arbitration under this Agreement For all disputes concerning an amount
Agreement to Arbitrate Claims
will take place on an individual basis; less than fifteen thousand dollars
Claimant and UPS agree that, except
class, mass, consolidated or combined ($15,000.00), the parties shall submit
for disputes that qualify for state courts
actions or arbitrations or proceeding their arguments and evidence to the
of limited jurisdiction (such as small
as a private attorney general are not arbitrator in writing and the arbitra­
claims, justice of the peace, magistrate
permitted. Claimant and UPS are tor shall make an award based only on
court, and similar courts with monetary
each waiving the right to trial by jury. the documents; no hearing will be held
limits on their jurisdictions over civil
Claimant and UPS are further giving unless the arbitrator in his or her discre­
disputes), any controversy or claim,
up the ability to participate in a class, tion, and upon request of a party, decides
whether at law or equity, arising out of
mass, consolidated or combined action it is a necessity to require an in-person
or related to the provision of services by
or arbitration. hearing. For a dispute governed by
UPS, regardless of the date of accrual
the AAA Consumer-Related Disputes
of such dispute, shall be resolved in its Place of Arbitration/Number of
Supplementary Procedures, and concern­
entirety by individual (not class-wide Arbitrators/Costs of Arbitration/
ing an award between fifteen thousand
nor collective) binding arbitration. Governing Law/Survival
dollars ($15,000.00) and fifty thousand
Any arbitration will take place in the
Arbitration is the submission of a dispute dollars ($50,000.00), inclusive, UPS
county where Claimant resides and will
to a neutral arbitrator, instead of a judge shall pay Claimant’s filing fee under
be determined by a single arbitrator.
or jury, for a final and binding decision, the AAA Rules, provided that Claim­
known as an “award.” Arbitration pro­ Any filing fee or administrative fee ant agrees that both parties shall submit
vides for more limited discovery than in required of Claimant by the AAA Rules their arguments and evidence to the
court, and is subject to limited review shall be paid by Claimant to the extent arbitrator in writing and that the arbitra­
by courts. Each party has an opportu­ such fee does not exceed the amount of tor shall make an award based only on
nity to present evidence to the arbitrator the fee required to commence a similar the documents, without a hearing being
in writing or through witnesses. An action in a court that otherwise would held. Notwithstanding this provision,
arbitrator can only award the same have jurisdiction. For all non frivolous the parties may agree to proceed with
damages and relief that a court can complaints, UPS will pay the amount desk arbitration at any time.
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

Access to Small Claims Courts Award a copy of the original invoice or, if no
All parties shall retain the right to seek The arbitrator may award money or invoice was issued, other proof, certi­
adjudication in a state court of limited equitable relief in favor of only the indi­ fied to in writing, as to the purchase
jurisdiction, such as small claims, justice vidual party seeking relief and only to price paid by the Consignee (where the
of the peace, magistrate court, and the extent necessary to provide relief property involved has been sold to the
similar courts with monetary limits on warranted by that party’s individual Consignee), actual cost or replacement
their jurisdiction over civil disputes, for claim. Similarly, an arbitration award cost of the property, or extent of the
individual disputes within the scope of and any judgment confirming it apply damage to the property.
such court’s jurisdiction. only to that specific case; it cannot be
No claims will be voluntarily paid unless
used in any other case except to enforce
Acknowledgements filed in writing or transmitted electroni­
the award itself. To reduce the time and
Claimant and UPS acknowledge and cally by or on behalf of the Shipper in
expense of the arbitration, the arbitrator
agree that pursuant to these Terms: accordance with these provisions.
will not provide a statement of reasons
LAIMANT AND UPS AGREE for his or her award unless a brief expla­ A request for proof of Delivery or damage
THAT WE ARE WAIVING THE nation of the reasons is requested by one inspection or the filing of a lawsuit do
RIGHT TO HAVE A TRIAL BY of the parties. Unless both Claimant and not constitute notification of a claim.
JURY TO RESOLVE ANY DISPUTE UPS agree otherwise, the arbitrator may A right or claim, of any kind, for loss
ALLEGED AGAINST CLAIMANT, not consolidate more than one person’s or damage to property is conditioned
UPS OR RELATED THIRD PARTIES; claims, and may not otherwise preside upon full and strict compliance with this
LAIMANT AND UPS AGREE over any form of a representative, private Section 54.1 and Sections 54.3 through
THAT WE ARE WAIVING THE attorney general or class proceeding. 54.6. Full and strict compliance with
RIGHT TO HAVE A COURT, Confidentiality of Arbitration this Section is required, even where it
OTHER THAN A STATE COURT Notwithstanding anything to the is believed that such compliance would
OF LIMITED JURISDICTION AS contrary in the AAA Rules, UPS and not result in relief or would otherwise
DEFINED ABOVE, RESOLVE ANY Claimant agree that the filing of arbitra­ be futile.
DISPUTE ALLEGED AGAINST tion, the arbitration proceeding, any 54.2 Acknowledgment of Claims
CLAIMANT, UPS OR RELATED documents exchanged or produced for Loss or Damage to Property
THIRD PARTIES; during the arbitration proceeding, any After receiving a proper written or
LAIMANT AND UPS AGREE briefs or other documents prepared for electronic transmission of a claim in the
THAT WE ARE WAIVING THE the arbitration, and the arbitral award manner and form and with the support­
RIGHT TO HAVE A COURT shall all be kept fully confidential and ing documents described in Section 54.1
REVIEW ANY DECISION OR shall not be disclosed to any other party, (“Making Claims for Loss or Damage to
AWARD OF AN ARBITRATOR, except to the extent necessary to enforce Property”) and Section 54.4 (“Investiga­
WHETHER INTERIM OR FINAL, this arbitration provision, arbitral tion of Claims for Loss or Damage to
EXCEPT FOR APPEALS BASED ON award or other rights of the parties, or Property”) herein, UPS or its designee
THOSE GROUNDS FOR VACATUR as required by law or court order. This will acknowledge the receipt of such
EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN confidentiality provision does not fore- claim in writing or electronically to
SECTION 10 OF THE FEDERAL close the American Arbitration Associa­ the claimant within 30 days after the
ARBITRATION ACT. tion from reporting certain consumer date of receipt, unless such claim has
arbitration case information as required already been paid or denied in writing
LAIMANT AND UPS AGREE by state law. or electronically. UPS will at the time
54.1 Making Claims for Loss each claim is received create a separate
or Damage to Property file and assign thereto a successive claim
All claims for loss of or damage to file number and note that number on all
property transported or accepted for documents filed in support of the claim
transportation must: (1) be in writing and all records and correspondence
(or an electronic communication) and with respect to the claim, including the
must include reference to the Source written acknowledgment of receipt and,
Document or pickup record number and if in its possession, the Source Document
date of shipment or copies of other docu­ and delivery receipts, if any, covering
ments sufficient to identify the Shipment the Shipment involved. At the time such
involved, and the declared value; (2) assert claim is received, UPS will cause the
the liability of UPS for alleged loss or date of receipt to be recorded on the face
damage; (3) make claim for payment of the claim document, and the date of
of a specified or determinable amount receipt will also appear on the acknowl­
of money; and (4) be accompanied by edgment of receipt sent to the claimant.
30 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

54.3 Time Limit for Filing Claims claimant to establish the value in of a claim in such circumstances shall
for Loss or Damage to Property the quantity shipped, transported, be contingent on UPS’s receipt of the
As a condition precedent to recovery, or involved. UPS reserves the right to damaged property in the same condition
all claims for loss or damage to property request the original shipping record as on the date the damage was incurred.
must be filed in writing or electronically or Source Document.
54.6 Disposition of Claims
with UPS within the following time limits:
For an asserted claim of $1,000 or more for Loss or Damage to Property
or domestic Shipments (including for a Package processed through a UPS UPS or its designee, after receiving a
shipments to and from Puerto Rico), Shipping System and tendered to a UPS written claim for property transported,
claims must be filed within nine months driver, a copy of the signed high-value will pay, decline, or make a firm com­
after Delivery of the Package or, in case shipment summary applicable to the promise settlement offer in writing to
of failure to make Delivery, within nine Shipment obtained by the Shipper and the claimant within 120 days after UPS
months after a reasonable time for signed by the UPS driver at the time of receives the claim; provided, however,
Delivery has elapsed. tender may be required to support the that if the claim cannot be processed
or international Shipments, claims claim. UPS reserves the right to refuse and disposed of within 120 days after
must be filed within sixty days after to pay any claim if, having requested such receipt, UPS or its designee will at that
Delivery of the Package or pallet or, in a signed high-value shipment summary, time and at the expiration of each suc­
the case of non-Delivery, within sixty no such summary is provided. ceeding 60-day period while the claim
days after a reasonable time for remains pending, advise the claimant
For an asserted claim of $1,000 or more
Delivery has elapsed. in writing of the status of the claim and
for an international UPS Returns® or a
– S uits shall be instituted within two the reason for the delay in making final
UPS Import Control® Package or pallet,
years after denial of any portion of disposition thereof and shall retain a
the signed UPS high-value shipment
the claim. Where claims are not filed copy of such notice to the claimant
summary applicable to the Shipment
or suits are not instituted thereon in in its claim file.
must be submitted in support of the claim.
accordance with the foregoing pro­- No claim for loss or damage shall be
By filing a claim and supporting docu­
visions, such claims shall be deemed paid unless a valid claim has been filed
ments to UPS, the claimant certifies that
waived and will not be paid. in accordance with terms set forth herein
the claim, amount of claim, and support­
54.4 Investigation of Claims (in Section 54.1, “Making Claims for
ing documents are true and correct.
for Loss or Damage to Property Loss or Damage to Property,” Section
– Prompt Investigation. Each claim for – Original Packaging Materials. In the 54.3, “Time Limit for Filing Claims
loss or damage to a Package or Ship­ event that a claim is made for damage for Loss or Damage to Property” and
ment filed in the manner prescribed to a Shipment, the original packaging Section 54.4, “Investigation of Claims
herein will be promptly and thoroughly materials must be made available to for Loss or Damage to Property”). UPS
investigated, if investigation has not UPS or its designee for inspection prior reserves the right to refuse to pay any
already been made prior to receipt of to reshipment. claim for loss or damage to property
the claim. – Verification of Loss. When an asserted until all outstanding Charges owing to
claim for loss of an entire Package or UPS have been paid in full. UPS reserves
– Supporting Documents. Each claim the right to refuse to pay any claim for
must be supported by the following: pallet or an entire Shipment cannot be
otherwise authenticated upon inves­ loss of property if, having requested a
(1) evidence of payment of the ship­ detailed description of the property,
ping and any declared value charges; tigation, UPS will obtain from the
Consignee of the Shipment involved a no such description is provided.
and (2) either the original invoice or
a photocopy, exact copy, or extract certified statement in writing that the
55. Responsibility for Loss or Damage
of, the original invoice, a certification property for which the claim is filed
UPS’s liability for loss or damage to each
of prices or costs, with trade or other has not been received from UPS or
UPS domestic Package or international
discounts, allowance, or deductions from any other source. UPS reserves
Shipment, or to each pallet in a UPS
of any nature whatsoever and the the right to require verification by the
Worldwide Express Freight® Service
terms thereof, or depreciation reflected filing of a police report and providing
Shipment, is limited to a value of $100,
thereon. Where the property involved a copy of the filed report to UPS in
except as set forth below. Unless a
in a claim has not been invoiced to the support of the claim.
greater value is recorded in the declared
Consignee shown on the bill of lading 54.5 Salvage value field of the UPS Source Document
or receipt, where an invoice does not When UPS pays the actual cost, the pur­ or the UPS Automated Shipping System
show price or cost, where the property chase price, or the replacement cost of used, the Shipper agrees that the released
involved has not been sold, or where the property, all rights, title to, and inter­ value of each domestic Package or inter­
the property has been transferred at est in the property shall thereupon pass national Shipment, or pallet is no greater
bookkeeping values only, UPS will, to UPS, and UPS reserves the right to than $100, which is a reasonable value
before paying a claim, require the obtain the property for salvage. Payment under the circumstances surrounding
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

the transportation, and that UPS shall is a UPS Next Day Air delivery service; –$
1,000 per Package or pallet for inter-
not be liable for more than $100 for each the Package is proc­essed for shipment national Shipments returned via the
domestic Package or international Ship­ using a UPS Shipping System (declara- following UPS Returns® Services:
ment or pallet. tions of value on paper Source Docu- UPS Print Return Label, UPS Print and
ments are not eligible for Enhanced Mail Return Label, Electronic Return
To increase UPS’s limit of liability for
Maximum Declared Value); and the Label, 1 UPS Pickup Attempt, or
loss or damage above $100, the Shipper
Package does not contain any hazard- 3 UPS Pickup Attempts (including
must declare a value in excess of $100
ous material or a Perishable Commod- via UPS Returns® on the Web), unless
for each Package or pallet in the declared
ity. Except as set forth in this Section, a UPS high-value shipment summary
value field of the UPS Source Document
the portion of any declaration of value is obtained by the Shipper or person
or the UPS Automated Shipping System
above $50,000 per Package is null tendering the Package or pallet and
used and pay an additional charge. The
and void; signed by the driver upon tender of
Shipper cannot declare a value in excess
1,000 per Package for Packages the Shipment;
of the maximum allowable limits set
forth below. UPS shall not be liable under shipped by a Third-Party Retailer if –$
1,000 per Package or pallet for inter-
any circumstances for an amount in no high-value control log was provided national UPS Import Control® Ship-
excess of the declared value of a domestic to UPS on tender of the Package; ments unless a UPS high-value shipment
Package or international Shipment, or –$
1,000 per Package for a Package summary is obtained by the Shipper or
pallet. When a Shipper declares a value processed for shipment prior to tender person tendering the Package or pallet
in excess of $100, it does not receive any using a UPS Shipping System and and signed by the driver upon tender
form of insurance. Shippers desiring tendered to a UPS driver, unless a of the Shipment;
cargo insurance, all risk insurance, or UPS high-value shipment summary –$
999 per Package for Packages shipped
another form of insurance should pur­ is obtained by the Shipper or person via Shipper Release service;
chase such insurance from a third party. tendering the Package and signed by
Shippers cannot declare a value for
The rules relating to liability established the driver upon tender of the Package;
UPS® Prepaid Letters.
by the Convention for the Unification – up to $5,000 per Package for a Package
shipped or delivered to a UPS Access Declaring a value in the declared value
of Certain Rules Relating to Interna­
Point® location. field of the UPS Source Document or
tional Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw,
UPS Automated Shipping System used
Poland, on October 12, 1929, that con­ – $500 per Package for a Package shipped does not increase UPS’s limitations of
vention as amended, or the Convention via a UPS Drop Box; liability for, and Shippers may not
for the Unification of Certain Rules for
– up to $1,000 per Package for a Package declare a value for, damages related to
International Carriage by Air (Montreal,
shipped via a Third-Party Retailer or providing or failure to provide C.O.D.
28 May 1999), shall apply to the interna­
UPS Access Point® location (including service, including, but not limited to:
tional carriage of any Shipment insofar
a UPS Access Point® locker) if such failure to collect the C.O.D. amount;
as the same is governed thereby. There
Package was processed for shipment failure to collect the specified form of
are no stopping places which are agreed
using a UPS Shipping System prior to payment; collection of an instrument
upon at the time of tender of the Ship­
drop off at the Third-Party Retailer or in the wrong amount; failure or delay
ment, and UPS reserves the right to route
UPS Access Point® location or billed in delivering the collected instrument
the Shipment in any way UPS deems
using Bill My Account; to the Shipper; or collection of forged,
500 per Package or pallet for inter­- insufficient funds, or otherwise invalid
55.1 Maximum Declared Values national Shipments containing jewelry instruments.
The maximum declared value is $50,000 (not including costume jewelry), or Any declared value contrary to what
per Package and $100,000 per pallet, $2,500 per Package or pallet for Ship- is allowed in the applicable Terms or
except for the following for which the ­ments tendered to eligible destinations Service Guide (e.g., the portion of any
maximum declared value may not exceed: set forth at ups.com/jewelry; declaration in excess of allowed maxi­
– S ubject to the limitations set forth –$
1,000 per Package for domestic mums) is null and void. Acceptance for
below, certain Packages are eligible for Packages returned via UPS Print carriage or receipt of payment for any
the enhanced maximum declared value Return Label, UPS Print and Mail Package or Shipment bearing a declared
of $70,000 per Package (“Enhanced Return Label, Electronic Return Label, value contrary to what is allowed does
Maximum Declared Value”). A Pack- or 1 UPS Pickup Attempt Return not constitute a waiver of any provisions
age is eligible for Enhanced Maximum Services, (including via UPS Returns® of the Terms or Service Guide limiting
Declared Value only where the Package on the Web service), and UPS Returns® UPS’s liability or responsibility for any
is a domestic Package; is tendered Flexible Access service; such Package or Shipment. If a Shipper
pursuant to the Shipper’s Scheduled declares value in excess of the applicable
Pickup Service; the service level selected
32 ups.com

UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

maximum allowed or in any respect con­ similar printed matter) of replacing – loss or damage to Perishable Commodi-
trary to what is allowed in the applicable the physical card(s), certificate(s), or ties to the extent the loss or damage
Terms or Service Guide, it is the Shipper’s printed matter, not to exceed $100 per results from exposure to heat or cold
sole responsibility timely to request an Package or per pallet. In no event shall or the perishable nature of the item;
adjustment as set forth in Section 52.1 UPS be liable for the face value of any – loss or damage to human remains,
(“Invoice Adjustment”) to recover any phone card, ticket, gift certificate, gift fetal remains, human body parts,
Charges. Shippers who fail to do so card, coupon, or similar printed matter. or components thereof;
will be liable for all invoiced Charges. – Media. UPS’s liability for a Shipment – loss or damage to fluorescent tubes
55.2 Liability Limits containing documents, film, photo- or bulbs;
UPS’s maximum liability for loss or graphs (including negatives), slides,
– loss of, damage to, or irretrievability
damage to each UPS domestic Package transparencies, videotapes, compact
of data stored on any type of media,
or international Shipment, or to each discs, laser discs, computer tapes,
or of information including without
pallet in a UPS Worldwide Express and media of similar nature is limited
limitation personal, health or financial
Freight® Service Shipment, shall not to the replacement cost of the media
exceed the lesser of: on which the content is recorded.
– loss or damage due to acts of God,
– $100, when no value in excess of $100 – Pairs, Parts. In the event of loss of
natural disasters, war risks, acts of
is declared on the Source Document or or damage to a pair or set of articles,
terrorism, nuclear damage, acts of
UPS Automated Shipping System used UPS’s liability is limited to the value
public authorities acting with actual
(or when a value in excess of $100 is of that part of the pair or set which is
or apparent authority, acts or omis-
declared, but the applicable declared lost or damaged, and UPS shall not be
sions of customs or similar authorities,
value charges are not paid); liable for the value of the whole pair
authority of law, the application of
or set. In the event of loss of or damage
– t he declared value on the Source Docu- security regulations imposed by the
to any part of property (including any
ment or UPS Automated Shipping government or otherwise applicable
part of a machine) which, when com­
System used when a value in excess to the Shipment, riots, strikes or other
plete for sale or use, consists of several
of $100 is declared and the applicable labor disputes, civil unrest, disruptions
parts, UPS shall be liable only for the
declared value charges paid; in national or local air or ground trans­-
value of the part lost or damaged,
– t he purchase price paid by the Consignee por­tation networks (including, but not
not to exceed the declared value of
(where the shipped property has been limited to, UPS’s transportation net-
the part lost or damaged. In no event
sold to the Consignee); work), disruption or failure of commu-
shall UPS be liable for the value of the
nication and information systems,
– the actual cost of the damaged or complete item.
or adverse weather conditions;
lost property;
In the event of partial loss or damage – loss or damage to any Package or
– t he replacement cost of the property at to a pallet in UPS Worldwide Express Shipment for which UPS has no scan
the time and place of loss or damage; or Freight® Service, UPS shall be liable only or other record reflecting that the
– t he cost of repairing the damaged for the value of the contents of the pallet Package or Shipment was tendered
property. lost or damaged, and not the value of to UPS by the Shipper; or
the full pallet.
UPS’s liability for Shipments containing – loss or damage to any Shipment
the following commodities shall be 55.3 Exclusions from Liability containing articles that Shippers are
limited as follows: UPS shall not be liable or responsible for: prohibited from shipping, that UPS
– Checks. UPS’s liability for a Shipment – loss or damage to articles of unusual does not or is not authorized to accept
containing a check or checks is limited value (as defined in these Terms); for transportation, that UPS states
to the cost of stopping payment on and – loss or damage to Prepaid Letters; that it will not accept, or that UPS
reissuing the check(s), not to exceed has a right to refuse.
– loss or damage resulting from insects,
$100 per Package or pallet. In no event UPS shall not be liable for any loss or
moths, vermin, inherent vice, deteri­
shall UPS be liable for the face value damage arising from providing service
ora­tion, dampness of atmosphere,
of the check(s). to, or on behalf of, a person or entity
extreme of temperature, ordinary wear
– Phone Cards, Tickets, Gift Cards, and and tear, or that which occurred or that obtains such services, including
Similar. UPS’s liability for a Shipment arose prior to or after the course of the delivery of property, by trick, false
containing a phone card, ticket (such transportation by UPS; pretense, or other fraudulent scheme.
as event or airline ticket), gift certifi-
– loss or damage resulting from improper, UPS shall not be liable for any damages
cate, gift card, coupon, or other similar
inadequate or unsafe packaging or arising from UPS’s inability, failure, or
printed matter with an exchange value
wrapping that fails to meet UPS’s refusal to comply with a request to stop,
is limited to the cost (which shall not
published standards related thereto return, or re-route shipment of a Package
include any amount of the value attached
set forth in the Terms or at ups.com; after tender to UPS.
to the card, certificate, or coupon, or
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UPS® Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service – United States

UPS shall not be liable for any inter­ 56. Data Protection other right and may do so for any reason
ruption of service due to causes beyond The Shipper agrees that UPS and other it chooses, without limitation. UPS is
UPS’s control including, but not limited companies in the UPS group of compa­ not bound by any previous exercise of
to: the unavailability or refusal of a nies worldwide, including companies its discretion, judgment or any other
person to accept Delivery of the Ship­ in countries that may not have the same right. Nor does any previous exercise
ment, acts of God, natural disasters, level of data protection as the country constitute a determination or admission
war risks, acts of terrorism, acts of where the Shipment is tendered for by UPS about how such discretion, judg­
public authorities acting with actual service, may use any data provided by ment or right should be or should have
or apparent authority, acts or omis­ the Shipper to UPS for the purposes set been exercised.
sions of customs or similar authorities, forth in and subject to the UPS Privacy The parties disavow and waive any obli­
authority of law, insufficient informa­ Notice published on UPS’s website at gations of good faith and/or fair dealing,
tion provided by a customer, Hazardous https://www.ups.com/content/us/en/ whether implied by law or otherwise,
Materials Packages improperly offered resources/ship/terms/privacy.html, in connection with their agreements
for transport, the application of security which is incorporated here by this regarding services to which these Terms
regulations imposed by the government reference. The Shipper has certain rights apply, including but not limited to UPS’s
or otherwise applicable to the Shipment, under the law (exercisable by contacting exercise of any discretion, judgment
riots, a government agency hold, strikes UPS) to have access to, rectify, object to or other right, afforded by the Service
or other labor disputes, civil unrest, dis­ the use for direct marketing of, or delete Guide, the Terms or the UPS Source
ruptions of any kind in national or local personal data held by UPS about it. Document. UPS (and any of UPS’s affili­
air or ground transportation networks
ates and subsidiaries) have no special,
(including, but not limited to, UPS’s 57. Incorporation of Documents;
confidential, or fiduciary relationship
transportation network), disruption Waiver; Future Changes with any Shipper or Claimant.
or failure of communication and infor­ All Shipments are subject to the terms
mation systems, and adverse weather and conditions contained in the Terms. Any failure to enforce or apply any terms
conditions. The effective Service Guide, and any or provisions of the Service Guide or
modifications or amendments of them, the Terms shall not constitute a waiver
are hereby incorporated by reference in of that term or provision by UPS, and
these Terms. In the event of a conflict shall not diminish or impair UPS’s right
or inconsistency between the Terms and to enforce such term or provision in the
the effective Service Guide, the Terms future. If one or more provisions of the
shall control. UPS reserves the right to Terms shall be held to be invalid, illegal,
unilaterally modify or amend any portion or unenforceable, the validity, legality,
of the Service Guide or the Terms at any and enforceability of the remaining pro-
time without prior notice. visions shall not be so affected or impaired.
ACCORDANCE WITH THE UPS The Terms, the Service Guide and the UPS may engage subcontractors to
SERVICE GUARANTEE, WHETHER UPS Source Document for each Ship­ perform transportation and incidental
OR NOT UPS HAD KNOWLEDGE ment together comprise the complete services.
SUCH DAMAGES MIGHT BE and exclusive agreement of the parties, UPS contracts on its own behalf and
INCURRED. UNDER NO CIRCUM­ including any of UPS’s affiliates or on behalf of its servants, agents, and
STANCES SHALL UPS BE LIABLE subsidiaries, except as modified by any subcontractors, each of whom shall
FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER existing or future written agreement have the benefit of these Terms. No such
FOR DELAYED DELIVERY, EXCEPT between the parties, and may not be party has authority to waive or vary
AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED FOR contradicted, modified or supplemented these Terms.
SHIPMENTS MADE UNDER THE by any oral agreement or by any implied-
UPS SERVICE GUARANTEE. by-law covenant.
Acceptance for carriage of any Shipment For any language in the parties’ agree­
containing articles that Shippers are ment that gives UPS any discretion,
prohibited from shipping, that UPS does judgment or other right, UPS’s exercise
not or is not authorized to accept for of such discretion, judgment or other
transportation, that UPS states it will not right is not limited in any way whatso­
accept, or that UPS has a right to refuse, ever – even if the specific language does
does not constitute a waiver of any pro­ not so specify. UPS has the sole and
visions of the Terms or Service Guide unilateral authority to choose how to
limiting UPS’s liability or responsibility exercise its discretion, judgment or any
for any such Package or Shipment.

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