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Differentiating a general partnership from a limited partnership

General Partnership Limited Partnership

How constituted May be constituted in any Formed only by
form by contract or compliance with the
conduct of the parties ; statutory requirements;

Can be constituted orally Cannot be constituted

Registration requirement No need of SEC Requires SEC registration
Composition All general partners One or more general
partners and one or more
limited partners;

1 limited partner is enough

under the law
Liability All are personally liable for The limited partner is liable
partnership obligations only up to the extent of his
even beyond their contribution; not beyond

Contribution Cash, property or services A limited partner can only

or a combination of any of contribute money or
the ones mentioned property but not services

If a limited partner
contributes both cash and
services or property and
services he becomes a
general-limited partner;

If he is a limited partner
and he contributes only
services he becomes a
general partner
Management of the All partners have an equal No participation in the
company right in the management if management of the
manner not agreed upon business (akin to that of a
silent or dormant partner in
a general partnership)
Suit by or against the Must sue in the name of Must sue in the name of
partnership the partnership; the partnership;

General partner can be a Limited partner not a

proper party to the proper party to the
proceedings proceedings ; only a
general partner can be a
proper party to the

Assignment of one’s Assignee acquires interest Limited partner’s interest is

interest of the partners but needs freely assignable.
the consent of the other
partners to make him a If limited partner is
partner empowered by the
certificate to make the
assignee the substituted
limited partner, he
becomes such; if not all
partners must give their
In both cases, there must
be an amendment of the
Charging of interest and Interest of a partner may Interest of a limited partner
redemption of partner’s be charged ; may be subject to
interest attachment or execution;

A partner’s interest may be A partner’s interest may be

redeemed not only with the redeemed not only with the
separate property of one of separate property of one
more general partners but of more general partners
also with partnership but not with partnership
property property

Retirement, death, civil Change in the relation of If partner is a general

interdiction, insanity or partners is a cause for partner – it dissolves the
insolvency of a partner dissolution whether judicial partnership ;
or extrajudicial .
If partner is a limited
partner – partnership not
dissolved ; except if there
is no limited partner left
Notice of dissolution Notice of dissolution is Notice of dissolution is not
given; certificate with SEC necessary since what is
is cancelled if registered required is merely the
cancellation of the
Winding up Same rules Same rules
Priority in asset distribution 1. Those owing to the Priority in Distribution of
after creditors other than Assets:
partners 1. Those due to creditors,
2. Those owing to including limited
partners other than partners
for capital and profits 2. Those due to limited
3. Those owing to partners in respect of
partners in respect of their share in
capita profits/compensation
4. Those owing to 3. Those due to limited
partners in respect of partners for return of
profits capital contributed
4. Those due to general
partner other than
capital & profits
5. Those due to general
partner in respect to
6. Those due to general
partner for return of
capital contributed

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