Esa K. Vakkilainen
Title/Nimi: Kraft recovery boilers - Principles and ptractice
Author/Tekijä: Vakkilainen, Esa K.
Copyright © 2005, Esa K.Vakkilainen
Publisher/Julkaisija: Suomen Soodakattilayhdistys r.y.
Printer/Painopaikka: Valopaino Oy, Helsinki, Finland
Year/Painovuosi: 2005
Pages/Sivuja: 246
ISBN 952-91-8603-7
Helsinki, 25.3.2005
Contents i
About the author
Esa Vakkilainen is a graduate of Lappeenranta various technical aspects of kraft recovery boilers.
University. He made his M.Sc., Licentiate and Ph. Main interests have been fouling of heat transfer
D. there. He concluded his graduate studies by surfaces, liquor spraying, air distribution and
enrolling to Institute of Paper Science and Tech- black liquor combustion. He has extensive list of
nology in Atlanta, USA. Esa Vakkilainen started publications in these areas.
his professional career in Lappeenranta University
as an assistant professor (yliassistentti) of Power In 2001 Esa Vakkilainen was employed by Jaakko
plants teaching and researching furnace heat Pöyry Oy, international consultants to pulp and
transfer, optimization of combined cycle proc- paper. He has been involved with majority of
esses, district heating (a Finnish specialty) and recent worldwide recovery boiler purchases.
combustion of biofuels.
Esa Vakkilainen is currently an associate professor
After four years of academics Esa Vakkilainen (dosentti) in Lappenranta University and Helsinki
joined A. Ahlström Corporation and started University of Technology. He has directed over 20
working at their Varkaus Boiler works. He was M. Sc. and 3 Ph. D. theses. Esa Vakkilainen has
responsible for developing a new generation of di- lectured of recovery boilers in technical confer-
mensioning programs for steam generator thermal ences at all major continents. He was the technical
design. It was time of extensive development as chairman for the 2004 International Chemical
circulating fluidized beds were making their way Recovery Conference.
to the mainstream of steam power plants. After
several changes of ownership these boilers are
now part of the Foster Wheeler Corporation.
Contents iii
10.7 Screen design and materials 10-18
10.8 Boiler bank design and materials 10-18
10.9 Economizer design and materials 10-19
11.1 Typical emissions 11-1
11.2 Reduced sulfur species 11-1
11.3 Carbon monoxide 11-2
11.4 Carbon dioxide 11-3
11.5 NOx 11-3
11.6 VOC 11-8
11.7 Dust emissions 11-8
11.8 Sulphur dioxide 11-10
11.9 HCl 11-10
11.10 Miscellaneous minor emissions 11-13
11.11 Heavy metals 11-14
11.12 Dissolving tank emissions 11-15
A.1 Conversion of average emissions
to time not to exceed A-1
A.2 Conversions A-2
Contents v
vi Kraft recovery boilers
1 Principles of kraft recovery
Spent cooking chemicals and dissolved organ- non process elements is prevented by disposal of
ics are separated from pulp during washing. This dregs and grits at causticizing. Malodorous non
black, alkaline liquor was at first dumped. Various condensable gases are processed by combustion
chemical recovery systems were then developed at recovery boiler or lime kiln. In some modern
(Niemelä, 2004), but it was in the 1930’s and and closed mills chloride and potassium removal
40’s when modern type of regeneration of spent processes are employed. With additional closure
liquor was widely adopted. New type of equip- new internal chemical manufacturing methods are
ment increased line size and led to more favorable sometimes applied.
economic situation.
Figure 1-4, Early flame oven from late 1800 Figure 1-5, Early smelt pot from late 1800
(Edling, 1981). (Edling, 1981).
Secondly the combustion is aided by spraying The second early pioneer, Combustion Engi-
the black liquor into small droplets. Controlling neering based its recovery boiler design on the
process by directing spray proved easy. Spraying pioneering work of William M. Cary, who in 1926
was used in early rotary furnaces and with some designed three furnaces to operate with direct
success adapted to stationary furnace by H. K. liquor spraying and on work by Adolph W. Waern
Moore. Thirdly one can control the char bed by and his recovery units.
having primary air level at char bed surface and
more levels above. Multiple level air system was The first CE recovery unit, Figure 1-11, looks a lot
introduced by C. L. Wagner. like a modern recovery boiler. Note direct contact
evaporator on the left, cooled floor tubes and
1-4 Kraft recovery boilers
three drum construction.
Spread of kraft recovery boilers was fast as
functioning chemical recovery gave kraft pulping
an economic edge over sulfite pulping (Boni-
face, 1985). They had about 20 % better energy
efficiency as more than 5000 kg of 3.0 MPa steam
for each ton of pulp could be generated (Roschier,
Figure 1-12, Korsnäs recovery boiler started opera-
1952, Alava, 1955). The first recovery boilers
tion in 1943 (Götaverken).
had horizontal evaporator surface followed with
superheaters and more evaporation, Figure 1-13.
These boilers resembled the state-of-the-art
boilers of some 30 years earlier. This trend has
continued until today. It is easy to understand that
when any stop will cost a lot of money the adopted
technology tends to be conservative. Conserva-
tism meant that e.g. the new Oulu Oy, 100 000
t/a sulphate mill installed four Tomlinson boilers
when it started operating in 1937 (Oulu, 1937).
The basic aims of recovery boiler design could First furnace walls were of carbon steel. With
soon be summarized as; highest possible recovery increasing design pressure there were several cor-
of chemicals, high efficiency, high utilization of rosion problems in lower furnace. The advantage
the calorific values in black liquor and highest of chrome containing alloys as wall corrosion
safety of operation (Hochmuth, 1953). inhibitor was discovered as an answer to high
pressure boiler sulfidation corrosion (Moberg,
CE sticked for a long time with a two level air 1974). In 1972 Tampella delivered first totally
system that had corned fired secondary. They used compound tube recovery boiler furnace to ASSI
similar system in PCF-boilers. Lövholmen mill in Piteå, Sweden. By 1982 there
were 30 recovery boilers with 304 compound tube
1-6 Kraft recovery boilers
bottoms in Scandinavia (Westerberg, 1983). Use
of composite tubing in United States started only
in 1981.
Earlier the recovery boilers had horizontal tube
economizers. They plugged fast and had to be
water washed at intervals of 1- 4 weeks (Rissanen,
1965). It was not until the early 1960 that install-
ing vertical economizers started. In economizers
of vertical flow design the gas flows downwards
and water counter currently upwards (Hyöty,
1994). In a period of few years the current long Figure 1-14, One of the first long flow economizers,
flow economizer design emerged, Figure 1-14 Sunila (Moberg, 1967).
(Moberg, 1967). Vertical economizer design loading (Vegeby, 1961). One advantage noted was
spread fast in Scandinavia where by mid 1970’s that partial load capability improved with higher
more than half of the recovery boilers had long dry solids. Increasing black liquor dry solids from
flow economizers without direct contact evapora- 60 % to 68 % enabled running recovery boiler
tor (Environmental, 1976). without auxiliary fuel firing at 65 % of rated MCR
(Rissanen, 1965). At 60 % dry solids hardly any
In competition to purely vertical, the three partial load could be run.
pass design featured gas flow which was forced
crosswise the economizer tubes to improve heat In 1980’s the first high dry solids units started
transfer. coming on line. Extensive tests of effect of
increasing dry solids from 72 % to 84 % were
There have been several rounds of economizer run at Metsä-Botnia Kemi and Rosenlew, Pori,
header designs. In a typical old design each Finland recovery boilers (Hyöty and Ojala, 1987).
economizer tube is connected to a common large They noticed that above 75 % dry solids the SO2
header. As maximum number of tube rows that and H2S emissions were practically zero. Also
fit to this type header is about 8 … 10. The larger reduction increased more than one percentage
economizers must have front and back head- point. Other benefits listed were steam generation
ers. This design has the disadvantage of having increase and boiler controllability increase. High
a header in the gas flow. The header can corrode dry solids require that ESP ash is mixed to the
and the welded joints tend to receive thermal black liquor with 62 … 65 % liquor. Higher reten-
stress. Modern economizers have flat horizontal tion time also improves the stability of resulting
headers. black liquor.
mary air for maintaining reduction zone and sec- system the air nozzles are in the furnace corners.
ondary air below the liquor guns for final oxida- The preferred method is to create a swirl of almost
tion (Llinares and Chapman, 1989). The recovery the total furnace width. In large units the swirl
boiler size was 100 … 300 tds/d and black liquor caused left and right imbalance. This kind of air
concentration 45 … 55 %. Frequently to sustain system with increased dry solids managed to
combustion auxiliary fuel needed to be fired. Pri- increase lower furnace temperatures and achieve
mary air was 60 … 70 % of total air with second- reasonable reduction. B&W had already adopted
ary the rest. In all levels openings were small and the three level air by then, Figure 1-15.
design velocities were 40 … 45 m/s. Both air levels
were operated at 150 oC. Liquor gun or guns were At first the air port openings were made by bend-
oscillating. Main problems were high carryover, ing one tube away from the opening sideways and
plugging and low reduction. But the main target, making room for this by bending another tube
burning of black liquor could be done. back, Figure 1-16. Airport width was about tube
spacing and large plate areas were needed to make
The second generation air system targeted high airport gas tight. In 1978 CE began experiment-
reduction. In 1954 CE moved their secondary air ing with two level primary air. Upper primary was
from about 1 m below the liquor guns to about designed to about 20 % of total air with velocity
2 m above them (Llinares and Chapman, 1989). up to 60 m/s. Total air split remained the same.
The air ratios and temperatures remained the The aim was to increase hearth temperatures.
same, but to increase mixing 50 m/s secondary air
velocities were used. Third generation air system was the three level air.
In Europe the use of three level air with primary
CE changed their frontwall/backwall secondary and secondary below the liquor guns started about
to tangential firing at that time. In tangential air 1980. At the same time stationary firing gained
Figure 1-15, Typical two level air CE, left and three level air BW, right from early 1960 (Roos, 1963).
Chemrec 55.9 50.7
StoneChem TCI) 49.0 42.6
Piloted processes
Figure 1 19, Estimated net power and heat outputs ABB 70.4 66.6
from recovery boiler and gasification of black liquor, Tampella 60.7 55.9
Pulp production 600 000 ADt/a (McKeough, 2004).
Conventional RB 61.1 58.6
In autocausticization an additional component is
added to the liquor. This component needs to re-
act with sodium hydroxide at furnace and dissolve
back at green liquor. One such chemical is sodium
borate discovered by Janson (1978) and recently
studied by Tran et al., (2001).
Figure 2-1, Typical recovery boiler in operation, Gruvön (Wallén et al., 2002).
In a pulp mill recovery boiler fulfills three main has increased because there is less water in black
functions. The first is to burn the organic mate- liquor, liquor spraying is now more uniform,
rial in the black liquor to generate high pressure new computer controls mean better stability and
steam. The second is to recycle and regenerate controllability and most importantly, new pulping
spent chemicals in black liquor. The third is to lines of corresponding capacity can be built.
minimize discharges from several waste streams
in an environmentally friendly way. In a recovery
boiler, concentrated black liquor is burned in the 2.1 KEY RECOVERY BOILER
furnace and at the same time reduced inorganic DESIGN ALTERNATIVES
chemicals emerge molten. A modern recovery
boiler, Figure 2-1, has evolved a long way from the There are alternative solutions to design of recov-
first recovery boilers, Figure 2-2.
ery boilers. Major recovery boiler design options In addition to major design features the manu-
are; screen or screenless superheater area layout, facturers like to advertise their equipment with
single drum or two-drum, lower furnace tubing minor design features. In Figure 2-4, Babcock &
material, furnace bottom tubing material, vertical Wilcox, presents their design features.
or horizontal boiler bank, economizer arrange-
ment and number and type of air levels. Key design specifications
When sizing a recovery boiler some key design
specifications are usually given to the boiler ven-
dor to do the design. Typically given are dry solids
capacity, black liquor gross heat value, black liquor
elementary analysis, black liquor dry solids %
from evaporation, desired main steam conditions,
feed water inlet temperature and economizer flue
gas outlet temperature. Sometimes also desired
superheated steam temperature control point (%
of MCR) is given.
demands placed on energy efficiency and en- The most important factor in the recovery boiler
vironmental requirements are the main factors has been high availability. The electricity genera-
directing development of the recovery boiler tion in recovery boiler process and steam cycle
(Vakkilainen, 1994). Steam generation increases can be increased by elevated main steam pressure
with increasing black liquor dry solids content. and temperature or by higher black liquor dry
For a rise in dry solids content from 65% to 80% solids (Raukola et al., 2002).
the main steam flow increases by about 7%. The
increase is more than 2% per each 5% increase in Increasing main steam outlet temperature in-
dry solids. Steam generation efficiency improves creases the available enthalpy drop in the turbine.
slightly more than steam generation itself. This is The normal recovery boiler main steam tempera-
mainly because the drier black liquor requires less ture 480°C is lower than the typical main steam
preheating. temperature of 540°C for the coal and oil fired
utility boilers. The main reason for choosing a
There are recovery boilers that burn liquor with lower steam temperature is to control superheater
solids concentration higher than 80%. Unreliable corrosion. Requirement for high availability and
liquor handling, the need for pressurized storage use of less expensive materials are often cited as
and high pressure steam demand in the concen- other important reasons.
trator have frequently prevented sustained opera-
tion at very high solids. The main reason for the Two drum recovery boiler
handling problems is the high viscosity of black
liquor associated with high solids contents. Black Most of the recovery boilers operating today are
liquor heat treatment (LHT) can be used to reduce of two drum design. Their main steam pressure is
viscosity at high solids (Kiiskilä et al., 1993). typically about 8.5 MPa and temperature 480 °C.
The maximum design solids handling capacity of
For pulp mills the significance of electricity gener- the two drum recovery boiler is about 1700 tds/d.
ation from the recovery boiler has been secondary.
2-4 Kraft recovery boilers
Three level air and stationary firing are employed.
Two drum boiler represents one successful stage
in a long evolutionary path and signified a design
with which the sulfur emissions could be success-
fully minimized. Main steam temperature was
increased to 480 °C using this design.
The nominal furnace loading has increased during both the generating bank and the economizers
the last ten years and will continue to increase are arranged on generous side spacing. Two drum
(McCann, 1991). Changes in air design have boiler bank pluggage is often caused by the too
increased furnace temperatures (Adams, 1994, tight spacing between the tubes.
Lankinen et al., 1991, MacCallum, 1992, Mac-
Callum and Blackwell, 1985). This has enabled an The spacing between superheater panels has
significant increase in hearth solids loading (HSL) increased. All superheaters are now wide spaced
with only a modest design increase in hearth heat to minimize fouling. This arrangement, in
release rate (HHRR). The average flue gas flow combination with sweetwater attemperators,
decreases as less water vapor is present. So the ver- ensures maximum protection against corrosion.
tical flue gas velocities can be reduced even with With wide spacing plugging of the superheaters
increasing temperatures in lower furnace. becomes less likely, the deposit cleaning is easier
and the sootblowing steam consumption is lower.
The most marked change has been the adoption Increased number of superheaters facilitates the
of single drum construction. This change has been control of superheater outlet steam temperature
partly affected by the more reliable water quality especially during start ups.
control. The advantages of a single drum boiler
compared to a bi drum are the improved safety The lower loops of hottest superheaters can be
and availability. Single drum boilers can be built to made of austenitic material, with better corrosion
higher pressures and bigger capacities. Savings can resistance. The steam velocity in the hottest super-
be achieved with decreased erection time. There is heater tubes is high, decreasing the tube surface
less tube joints in the single drum construction so temperature. Low tube surface temperatures are
drums with improved startup curves can be built. essential to prevent superheater corrosion. A high
steam side pressure loss over the hot superheaters
The construction of the vertical steam generating ensures uniform steam flow in tube elements.
bank is similar to the vertical economizer, which
based on experience is very easy to keep clean Current recovery boiler
(Tran, 1988). Vertical flue gas flow path improves
the cleanability with high dust loading (Vakkilain- Recovery boiler evolution is continuing strongly.
en and Niemitalo, 1994). To minimize the risk for Maximizing electricity generation is driving in-
plugging and maximize the efficiency of cleaning creases in main steam pressures and temperatures.
If the main steam pressure is increased to 10.4 Increasing recovery boiler main steam tempera-
MPa and temperature 520 oC, then the electricity ture affects the corrosion of the superheaters.
generation from recovery boiler plant increases Designing for higher recovery boiler main steam
about 7 %. For design dry solids load of 4000 tds/d pressure increases the design pressure for all
this means an additional 7 MW of electricity. boiler parts. The recovery boiler lower furnace
wall temperatures increase with higher operating
The current recovery boiler, Figure 2-8, can be pressure. New better but more expensive lower
much larger than the previous ones. Boilers with furnace materials are used. The air flow per unit of
over 200 square meter bottom area have been black liquor burned in the recovery boiler furnace
bought. Largest recovery boilers are challenging decreases. Therefore the number of air ports will
circulating fluidized boilers for the tittle of largest decrease.
bio-fuel fired boiler.
State of the art and current
The superheater arrangement is designed for
optimum heat transfer with extra protection to trends
furnace radiation. Mill closure and decreased
Recovery boiler design changes slowly. There are
emissions mean higher chloride and potassium
however some features that boilers bought today
contents in black liquor. Almost all superheaters
have in common. State of the art recovery boiler
are placed behind the bullnose to minimize the
has the following features;
direct radiative heat transfer from the furnace.
- One drum boiler with 3-part superheater
Increasing superheating demand with increasing
and water screen (optional)
pressure decreases the need for boiler bank and
- Steam design data 9.2 MPa / 490 oC
water screen arrangement.
- Design black liquor dry solids 80 % with
pressurized heavy liquor storage tank
The higher main steam outlet temperature
- Liquor temperature control with flash tank,
requires more heat to be added in the superheat-
indirect liquor heaters for backup
ing section. Therefore the furnace outlet gas
- DNCG burning in the boiler
temperature has increased. The alternative is to
- Low emissions of TRS, SO2 and particulates
significantly increase superheating surface and
- Flue gas cleaning with ESP (no scrubbers)
decrease boiler bank inlet flue gas. If boiler bank
inlet gas temperature is reduced the average
The design changes occurring can be listed. Cur-
temperature difference between flue gas and steam
rent trends for recovery boilers are
is also decreased. This reduces heat transfer and
- Higher design pressure and temperature
substantially more superheating surface is needed.
due to increasing demands of power
This approach has been abandoned because of
increased cost. With increasing dry solids content
- Use of utility boiler methods to increase
the furnace exit temperature can safely increase
steam generation
without fear of corrosion caused by carryover.
- Superheater materials of high-grade alloys
Recovery boiler design 2-7
Figure 2-10, Main steam temperature as a function of recovery boiler capacity.
Figure 2-12, Net heating values of typical kraft liquors at various concentra-
If the black liquor dry solids is below 20 % or we note that on average dry solids has increased.
water content in black liquor is above 80 % the net This is especially true for latest very large recovery
heating value of black liquor is negative, Figure boilers. Design dry solids for green field mills have
2-12. This means that all heat from combustion of been either 80 or 85 % dry solids. 80 % (or before
organics in black liquor is spent evaporating the that 75 %) dry solids has been in use in Asia and
water it contains. The higher the dry solids, the South America. 85 % (or before that 80 %) has
less water the black liquor contains and the hotter been in use in Scandinavia and Europe.
the adiabatic combustion temperature.
Steam generation
Black liquor dry solids has always been limited
by the ability of available evaporation technology Steam generation will depend on recovery boiler
to handle highly viscous liquor (Holmlund and design parameters. A rough estimate can be seen
Parviainen, 2000). Virgin black liquor dry solids from Figure 2-14 and Figure 2-15. About 3.5
of recovery boilers is shown in Figure 2-13 as a kgsteam/kgBL dry solids is often used as a base
function of purchase year of that boiler. value. Specific steam production can be used to
presize other components in recovery boiler plant.
When looking at the virgin black liquor dry solids
2-10 Kraft recovery boilers
Both black liquor dry solids and higher heat- must be scheduled, payments should be given
ing value affect the steam generation. Also black only against work done and purchases made. Cost
liquor sulfidity and main steam values affect the of project capital can be significant.
steam generation efficiency. For accurate steam
generation one should always calculate the mass In addition permitting process should be early
and energy balances. started and closely monitored. A boiler with
environmental performance acceptable in the
future should be purchased. Timing of permitting
2.4 PROJECTING A RECOVERY process is crucial.
Equipment selection criteria
The designer/owner/operator needs to consider
several factors when projecting a new recovery Boiler equipment should be selected based on
boiler. The main tasks are satisfactory expected life span and acceptable
- Determine the steam/power requirement maintenance costs. This decision is often based on
- Determine the fuels available satisfactory previous references.
- Determine possible locations and place
ments All equipment should have adequate permanent
- Compare different types of equipment from strength. The equipment must be placed so that it
different vendors is accessible for inspection and repair. Especially
- Anticipate future needs easiness of future large maintenance tasks, such as
- Permitting changing pump and fan motors, seals etc. needs to
be considered.
Selection process is influenced by applicable
emission requirement, project time schedule and When making the purchasing decision availability
reliability. of spare parts and service should be looked at.
Often also several iterations need to be done. CE norms regulate the working environment in
Improving thermal efficiency and so electricity Europe and OSHA in North America. For other
generation requires extra investments. Invest- countries often similar equipment is proposed and
ments can be partially or totally offset by savings bought. In summary safe, reliable operation is the
in operating cost. Annual costs of owning and op- main target with pleasing working conditions.
erating a recovery boiler plant are a sum of annual
charges for capital, fuel, maintenance, manpower,
ash and waste disposal (Advances in …, 1986).
Best configuration thus depends on actual site The operation of a recovery boiler requires per-
conditions. mits.
Delivery time
One of the most critical factors in a successful
project is the delivery time of a new recovery
boiler. In some projects 18 months have been
achieved, Figure 2-16 (Vakkilainen and Holm,
2000). Delivery time is somewhat affected by the
amount of work the boiler manufacturer has. The
biggest factor is however whether one can start
construction work right after contract and how
easy the installation site is. From the pressure part
delivery point of view the steam drum is the most
critical part.
Figure 3-1, Black liquor air demand as function of the higher heating value.
Calculation of material and energy balances is Typical biofuels consist of carbon, hydrogen,
fundamental. Dimensioning of recovery boiler nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen. Black liquor contains
heat transfer surfaces can not be done if mass and also a high amount of ash; sodium, potassium and
energy flows are unknown. Proper calculation chloride compounds. It is often impossible to de-
is important for mill energy and mass balances. fine the individual chemical compounds that form
These are needed to evaluate economics and run- the fuel. The stoichiometric air demand, I, can be
ning costs. Recovery boiler mass and energy bal- calculated assuming that the fuel can be divided
ances have been presented by Gullichsen (1968b), into three fractions
Clement et al. (1963), Adams and Frederick 1. Organic portion, which combusts fully
(1988) and Vakkilainen (2000b). The only stand- 2. Reactive inorganic portion, which reacts to
ard that covers recovery boiler mass and energy predefined end products
balance calculation is the so called Tappi standard 3. Inactive portion, which passes through
(Performance, 1996). combustion system unchanged
gas), SO2 emissions are 0.052 mg/kgds and HCl 0,96*1,770=1,699 54,5 -S in smelt
Borate balance can similarly be calculated with
Oxygen 341,6 341,6/31,999 CO2, SO2,
Na2CO3, Na2SO4, known flow in black liquor and losses to arrive
= 10,675 K2SO4, K2CO3,
H2O, NaBO2,
at borate in smelt. This can further be divided to
Na3BO3 sodiumtriborate and sodium metaborate.
Chloride 2,5 2,5/35,453 NaCl, KCl, HCl
=0,071 molB/kgds mass, end
Potas- 30 30/78,204 K2S, K2SO4, gB/kgds product
K2CO3, KCl,
sium =0,384 0,462 5,0 available boron
subtracting from incoming potassium the potas- 0,296- Σ =0,162 12,7 K2CO3 in smelt
sium in dust and ash.
Other inorganic 1 g/kgds is assumed to pass
molK2/kgds mass, end through to smelt unreacted.
gK/kgds product
Carbon balance can be calculated after the smelt
0,384 30,0 available potas-
sium compounds are known by subtracting from
-0,000 -0,0 K2SO4, K2CO3 carbon in black liquor the amount of carbon in
and KCl in dust carbonates. This results in the amount of carbon
-0,087 -6,8 K2SO4, K2CO3 that is burned to carbon dioxide.
and KCl in ash
molC/kgds mass, end
Sum 0,296 23,1 potassium in
gC/kgds product
Figure 3-3, Black liquor flue gas production as function of the higher heating value.
The basis for energy balance calculation is so Lower heating value of as fired black liquor is the
called heat loss method. First the sum of all input higher heating value corrected with the hydrogen
energy flows is calculated. Then from this the and water in fuel losses.
energy losses are subtracted. The result is the net
heat available for steam generation.
Losses calculated from equation 3-1, losses from Efficiencies based on lower heating value are ones
Tappi (Performance, 1996) and measured losses that a well built boiler in practice can achieve.
are compared in Table 3-4. Tappi loss function is So actually recovery boiler is doing a very good
not valid for boilers above 3500 tds/d. job. Out of available heat it can transfer about 90
% to steam. A recovery boiler is well in range of
Table 3-4, Calculated heat losses (equation 3-1 efficiencies of the modern biofuel boilers.
and Tappi) compared to measured heat losses from
Finnish recovery boilers (Ahtiala, 1997).
Boiler Capac- Calc. Tappi Meas-
ity heat loss loss ured LIQUOR
tds/d kJ/kgds kW kJ/kgds kW
Sunila SK11 1000 63.3 734 72.9 870 One of the major trends of current years has
been the increase of dry solids from evaporators.
Kaukopää, 3000 45.6 1582 44.6 1590
SK6 The data presented is for study of a 3000 tds/d
Rauma, SK3 3200 44.7 1655 43.3 1600 recovery boiler. Even though this size of recovery
boiler is chosen as example, the results should be
Kaukas, SK3 3350 44.1 1709 42.6 2000
applicable to most of the current recovery boilers
(Lankinen et al., 1991, Vakkilainen and Niemitalo,
Most of the heat losses are from pipes (50 %).
Furnace accounts for roughly a part (22%). An-
other large portion of heat losses is from electrical
equipment (18%). Ducts and tanks account for
only a minor portion (10%) (Ahtiala, 1997).
Figure 3-7, Effect of black liquor dry solids at amount of flue gas, boiler efficiency, steam flow and heat input
to furnace.
than the total heat input. ids the amount of flue gas generated falls by 7 %.
The flue gas passages can be made smaller as the
Steam generation increases with increasing dry flue gas flow decreases. At the same time, a smaller
solids. For a rise in dry solids content from 65 % flue gas fan will be required.
to 80 % the main steam flow increases by 7 %. The
increase is typically more than 2 % per each 5 % Liquor heat treatment and storage in high tem-
raise in dry solids. The superheater pressure loss perature cause some of the combustible material
also increases as main steam generation is raised. to be released as non-condensable gases. The main
To keep steam pressure losses in superheaters in effect is a decrease in black liquor sulphur content.
reasonable level larger tubes or more parallel tubes Release of NCG affects recovery boiler perform-
should be used. ance in the same way as the increase in black
liquor dry solids. The efficiency of steam genera-
Steam generation efficiency improves more than tion goes up and the amount of flue gas decreases.
steam generation itself. This is because preheat- The lower sulphur load to the furnace results in a
ing the higher dry solids black liquor requires less sharp decrease in the heat required for reduction
heat. For a rise in dry solids content from 65 % of sulfur compounds. If CNCGs are burned in the
to 80 %, the steam generating efficiency improves recovery boiler there is no net effect.
from about 65 % to close to 70 %. The decrease in
flue gas flow causes the greatest increase in steam
generating efficiency. For the same rise of dry sol-
The black liquor is composed of a large number of make combustion of black liquor difficult.
organic and inorganic compounds. The amount
and the composition of the black liquor depend Black liquor combustion occurs either as a droplet
on the wood species, the cooking method and the sprayed to the furnace from a liquor gun or in
pulping process. Properties and processes for e.g. the char bed at the bottom of the recovery boiler
sulfite liquor combustion can be different (Hupa furnace (Hupa and Solin, 1985). Black liquor is
et al., 1994). This text considers only kraft liquor sprayed into the furnace through a number of
combustion. The organic matter of black liquor is liquor guns. In many combustion applications the
combusted in the recovery boiler furnace, while aim is to produce very small droplets to maximize
part of the inorganic matter is recovered as smelt. combustion rates and temperature. Black liquor is
Black liquor has one of the lowest heating values not finely atomized as it enters the furnace. Rather
of industrial fuels. This is because of the large black liquor is sprayed as coarse droplets. The av-
inorganic portion of the black liquor. High water erage droplet diameter is about 2 ... 3 mm, so that
content, low heating value and huge ash content unburned material can reach char bed. The black
Table 4-1, Main stages in black liquor combustion in furnace for a 2 mm droplet
Stage Characterized by Time scale in furnace
Drying Water evaporation, constant diameter 0.1 … 0.2 s
after initial swelling
Devolatilization Appearance of flame, ignition, swelling 0.2 … 0.3 s
of the droplet, release of volatiles
Char burning Disappearance of flame, reduction reac- 0.5 … 1 s
tions, decreasing diameter
Smelt Constant or increasing diameter, Long
mo = mp + mw 4-1
mo is the initial droplet mass, kg
mw is the mass of water in droplet, kg
Figure 4-2, Example of drying black liquor drop- mp is the mass of pyrolysable material in
let, laboratory conditions (Åbo Akademi). droplet, kg
liquor droplet combustion is typically divided into The dry solids at start of combustion is
four stages, Table 4-1. This division is similar than
for other biofuels. As most of the combustible xd = mp/(mp+mw) 4-2
material in black liquor originates from wood
(Söderhjelm, 1994), this can be expected. where
xd is the droplet dry solids, -
During combustion, Figure 4-1, black liquor
swells (Hupa et al., 1994). No other industrial fuel The black liquor droplet temperature correspond
swells as much as black liquor during combustion. to boiling point rise ( BPRmax = 650 K)
The swelling behavior is caused by high volatiles
yields and suitable surface properties (Milanova, Td = 100+BPRmax*xd2.74 4-3
1988, Miller et al., 1986, Noopila et al., 1991).
Order of different combustion steps is shown as The heat to droplet is (cp = 2.5 kJ/kg, l = 2450
vertical lines in Figure 4-1. In reality the combus- kJ/kg)
tion stages overlap somewhat (Verrill and Wessel,
1995, Järvinen et al., 2000) at least for the larger 4-4
droplets. A reason for this is the different combus-
tion speeds at different parts of droplets. While
black liquor can already be dry and undergoing
volatiles release at surface, drying is not complete
at droplet centre. is the loss as water vapor
Heat to droplet is
Qd = Qc + Qr 4-5
Drying is characterized by evaporation of water
from the black liquor droplet. It is often ex-
The liquor droplet diameter is constant Dd.
perimentally defined by absence of combustion
(visible flame), Figure 4-2. Evaporation of water
Dd = 1.54*Do 4-6
requires heat. Drying of black liquor droplet
proceeds as fast as the heat is transferred to the
The droplet area is
droplet. Even in the furnace temperatures drying
is limited by the heat flux to the droplet.
Ad = πDd2 4-7
The black liquor diameter increases to 1.3 - 1.6
The convective heat flux is (hc ~ 10 W/m2K)
times the original diameter during the first couple
of milliseconds after insertion into the furnace.
As water is evaporated, the density decreases, 4-8
but the diameter stays constant. Swelling restarts
For modelling of convective heat transfer a model
with the onset of the volatiles release. The black
of Ranz and Marshal (1986) can be used.
liquor droplet is not completely dry at the onset
of volatiles release. Typically about five percent
Dd particle diameter, m
h convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
Red Reynolds number based on droplet
diameter and relative speed, -
Pr Prandtl number based on gas phase, -
Ad droplet surface area, m2
Tg gas temperature, K
Td droplet temperature, K
Figure 4-6, Swelling versus organic combustion time for single droplet studies at 800 oC (=sum of devolatili-
zation and char burning times).
Qp = mo[cp(Td-To)+l(1-xo/xd)]+Q∆p 4-15
Qp = Qc + Qr 4-16
Figure 4-9, Example of black liquor droplet dur- We can see that about two thirds of carbon and
ing char combustion, laboratory conditions (Åbo less than a fourth of hydrogen is present but
Akademi). no organic oxygen is left. The reduction rate
Table 4-2, Composition of kraft char (Grace, expressed as ratio of sodium sulfide to sodium
1990). sulfate is about 50 %. Char continues to burn with
the particle temperature increasing from outside
Component moles/ weight, % to inside. The inorganic residue eventually forms
mole Na2
molten smelt.
Sodium sulfide Na2S 1/6 9.0
Sodium sulfate Na2SO4 1/6 16.4 During the char combustion reduction reactions
Sodium carbon- Na2CO3 2/3 49.0 take place (Grace, 1985). The carbon has a major
ate role in the reduction reaction. Sodium sulfate
Na2SO4 reacts with carbon to form sodium sulfide
Carbon C 3 24.9
Na2S. So while the carbon in the char bed burns it
Hydrogen H 1 0.7 causes the reduction of sodium (Grace, 2004).
D(t) = Dd + (Dp-Dd)(Qp(t)/Qp)Nv 4-17
Na2S + 2O2 → Na2SO4 4-21
Qp = moxo/xp[cp(Tp-Td)+Hv(1-xd)] 4-18
Na2SO4 + 2C → Na2S + 2CO2 4-22
Qp = Qc + Qr 4-19
Na2SO4 + 4C → Na2S + 2CO 4-23
Frederick (1991) models the carbon remaining in
the droplet after the devolatilization as The rate of reduction reaction depends on the
char carbon content. This rate was found to be
xc = A-BT* 4-20
A = 0.513 for kraft liquors
B = 0.384 for kraft liquors The constants measured for kraft char were
and KRed = 1310+410, 1/s
T* = T[K]/1000 B = 0.022+0.008, kmol/m3
Ea = 122, kJ/kmol
Most of the char conversion cn be attributed to
formation of volatiles. Sricharoenchaikul et al. The reduction rate is dependent on temperature.
(2002) found in their LFR-experiments that tar In modern kraft recovery boilers high reduction
formation accounted to less than 5 % of cabon on efficiencies are typical. From thermodynamical
all conditions studied. equilibrium we note that there should be very
little of sodium oxides and thiosulphite. The rate
of reduction process is very slow when reduction
4.3 CHAR COMBUSTION degree is over 95%. Higher reduction degrees
require significant residence time for the smelt.
Char combustion of black liquor starts as the
volatiles release is finished. Often the combustible If there is enough oxygen to reach the char
material remaining after volatiles release is termed surface, the carbon in the char reacts with the oxy-
fixed carbon. Fixed carbon does not include
4-6 Kraft recovery boilers
gen. If there is a deficiency of oxygen the char is
gasified with carbon dioxide CO2 and water vapor
H2O. Both carbon dioxide and water vapor react
with char to form carbon monoxide CO.
Figure 4-10, Example of black liquor droplet dur- 4.4 SMELT REACTIONS
ing smelt reactions, laboratory conditions (Åbo
Akademi). As the char combustion is finished the inorganic
residue remains. The black liquor droplet has
first enlarged and then shrunk to a liquid droplet,
Figure 4-10. If oxygen contacts smelt, the sulfide
in smelt is reoxidized to sodium sulfate Na2SO4.
In recovery boiler it is important to have enough
reacting material on top of smelt to avoid smelt
Laboratory-scale devices are used for studying the
combustion properties of the liquors: Single-drop-
let muffle furnace is maybe the most typical of
these, Figure 4-11.
4.6 COMBUSTION OF BLACK Black liquor drying occurs close to the liquor gun
at the right wall. Droplet velocity is initially high,
LIQUOR DROPLET IN THE FUR- about 10 m/s. When volatiles release starts the
NACE black liquor droplets swell. Increased drag then
A typical lower part of recovery furnace is shown slows them down. At the same time droplets curve
in Figure 4-13. It consists of three air levels; upward because of the drag from flue gases. Dur-
primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The ing char burning the horizontal velocity is low.
furnace bottom is covered with a char bed. The As char burning is completed the droplet density
black liquor is sprayed from black liquor guns. increases. Then it starts falling down until it hits
Combustion of black liquor in the furnace can be the char bed.
simulated. Results of one such simulation can be
seen in Figure 4-14. In it black liquor droplets of Drops with higher initial dry solids start swelling
1.5 mm diameter, but of different dry solids con- faster and tend to burn higher in the furnace (Fre-
tents are sprayed into the furnace. Each droplet is derick and Hupa, 1992). All droplets in figure 4-14
drawn about 0.1 s time intervals. burn at about liquor gun level. In practice this is
too high and larger size droplets would be used.
Figure 4-14, Effect of increased dry solids to The black liquor droplet is a poor heat conductor.
combustion of 1.5 mm black liquor droplets fired to The burning process is controlled by the slow rise
furnace. of the temperature inside the droplet (Järvinen
4-8 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 4-15, Swelling as a function of black liquor Figure 4-16, LHT plant.
dry solids.
et al., 2000). The increase of the dry solids affects has been employed to fire and store black liquor
only slightly the black liquor combustion when up to 90 % dry solids in atmospheric pressure in
the dry solids of black liquor is raised. In Figure order to maximize the benefits of high dry solids
4-15, the small decrease of swelling as dry solids is in black liquor combustion (Ryham, 1990, Ryham
increased is shown. and Nikkanen, 1992).
The results of studies show that the increase in The main benefit of the liquor heat treatment
dry solids shortens the drying time, but it does (LHT) is viscosity reduction which allows the
not have an effect to the time for volatiles release evaporation up to 90 % dry solids and keeps the
nor to the char burning time. The increase of dry black liquor in a pumpable form even at atmos-
solids does not significantly affect the swelling of pheric pressure. This also allows storage of the
the black liquor, Table 4-3 strong liquor in atmospheric tanks. Viscosity
reduction is especially beneficial, if the raw mate-
Table 4-3, Effect of dry solids on combustion rial and cooking method at the mill is such that
properties the handling of strong liquor is a problem. One
Dry solids Pyrolysis Pyrolysis Swelling, Char, possible way to combine the LHT-process into an
% time, s m-loss, % cm3/g g/cm3 existing evaporation plant is shown in Figure 4-16.
70.1 15 36 18.1 0.0486
70.1 30 51 15.9 0.0418 The viscosity of the black liquor is determined by
its composition. The polysaccharides like xylan are
84.6 15 32 19.5 0.0502 dissolved during the cook as long chain molecules
84.6 30 48 14.1 0.0514 which increase the original viscosity level of black
93.2 15 42 12.5 0.0712 liquor. The relationship is clearly shown when we
compare the behavior of black liquors originat-
93.2 30 48 10.7 0.0689
ing from different mills, Figure 4-17. In practice
the effect of the lower viscosity and the reduced
The tests with a very high dry solids have been
polysaccharide content shows up as decreased
performed only with the Northern softwood and
energy consumption in pumping and less severe
hardwood liquors, so further research is needed
with black liquors generated from grass and tropi-
cal woods.
scaling in strong liquor pipes. increase the black liquor swelling during combus-
tion (Backman et al., 1996). The LHT can also
Simultaneously with the reaction of the polysac- affect beneficially to the NOx emissions (Forssén
charides and alkali there happens also another et al., 1997). The amount of released NO convert-
reaction. The sulfide in the liquor reacts with the ible nitrogen and nitrogen remaining in the liquor
lignin generating dimethylsulfide and methyl is reduced with LHT.
mercaptans. This gas is released from the liquor
when the pressure is decreased after the treatment. Burning rate
However, the amount of DMS/MM formed can be
controlled by adjusting the treatment conditions. For individual liquors an increased burning rate
The gas can be introduced into the malodorous with LHT can be observed. The increased rate is
gas treatment system and combusted in a lime more evident if we study the CO2 content profile
kiln or in an existing NCG combustor. in the flue gas from combustion of individual
droplets with on-line gas analysis. Figure 4-18
The most of the benefits of using LHT are related shows CO2 profiles for a mill liquor with and
to the boiler. Increasing the dry solids increases without heat treatment. In the figure the disap-
the boiler capacity and also efficiency. The benefits pearance of the CO2 curve shows the end of char
which are related to high dry solids combustion burning. The char combustion for the heat treated
can be summarised as follows; reduced sulfur liquor was approximately 30% faster than for the
dioxide emission and higher temperature at the untreated sample.
bottom part of the boiler. A well-known benefit
of raising the dry solid level of black liquor is the
reduced sulfur dioxide emission. The higher dry
solids rises the temperature at the bottom part of Figure 4-19 shows the swelling during droplet
the boiler. This gives higher sodium release from combustion for all about 19 liquor samples (Vak-
black liquor droplets. The Na can form Na2SO4 kilainen et al., 1998). First line in each series is
with the SO2 present in the upper furnace. The swelling of a liquor sample without liquor heat
achievable level of SO2-emission is typically a treatment and subsequent 1 – 3 lines are for
function of two factors, the boiler load and the progressively more heat treatment. The swelling
black liquor sulfidity. increased significantly for liquor 1->2 and clearly
for liquors 3->6, 10->13, 14->16 and 17->19. Only
LHT treatment splits long lignin chains. It has for liquor 7->9 the swelling has decreased.
been observed (Backman et al., 1996, Alèn, 1997)
that increasing the amount of shorter (Mw 1500 Liquor heat treatment increases swelling and
… 3000) lignin chains increases swelling. Heat decreases pyrolysis time and mass loss during
treatment of black liquor has also been found to
4-10 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 4-19, Swelling of black liquor.
pyrolysis. The increased burning rate is probably Milanova, 1998 states that two conditions have to
mostly a result of the increased swelling: Increased be met for the char particle to swell. There must be
swelling increases the effective external surface gas generation inside the droplet and the droplet
area during the combustion process. This, again, must have plastic surface properties. The liquor
gives higher heat transfer from the hot environ- heat treatment affects the polysaccharide content
ment to the droplet and a higher heating rate and so also the surface properties of black liquor
during pyrolysis. Also, larger external surface droplet.
increases the amount of oxygen diffused for char
burning. The plot of polysaccharide versus swelling, Figure
4-20, shows decreased swelling with increased
During liquor heat treatment volatile organic polysaccharide content. It is suspected that the
gases are released. It would seem natural to change in liquor swelling can be attributed to
assume that the observed decrease in mass loss in- changes in polysaccharide and low molecular
dicates that same compounds are released during weight lignin content.
pyrolysis. The mass loss during heat treatment is
from 1 to 5 percent of incoming dry solids, Söder-
hjelm et al. (1998). The finding seems to suggest
Sulfur release
that in addition to mass loss, also other changes in Sulfur release during pyrolysis at 900 oC for a mill
the black liquor that affect combustion take place.
liquor is shown in Figure 4-21. The liquor heat This would seem to indicate that at least part of
treatment seems to decrease the sulfur release. the sulfur released during pyrolysis comes from
Sricharoenchaikul et al. (1995) measured that the the lignin demethylation reactions. Manninen and
main pyrolysis products of black liquor droplets Vakkilainen (1996) have modelled the black liquor
were dimethyl sulphide, methyl mercaptane and droplets and found that changes in swelling do not
hydrogensulfide. The same products are the main wholly explain the changes in sulfur release.
species released during heat treatment. McKeough
(1995) measured that of the main sulfur contain- Nitrogen release
ing pyrolysis products of black liquor droplets the
concentrations of dimethyl sulphide and methyl Figure 4-22 shows from the on-line measure-
mercaptane decreased for heat treated liquors. ments amount of NO formed during the pyrolysis
Figure 4-22, Nitrogen compound release as NO in flue gases during combustion at 3 % O2 and 900 oC.
Recovery boiler processes efficiently inorganic are released. Finally char burning takes place
and organic chemicals in the black liquor. Efficient when carbon is burned off. In the lowest part
inorganic chemicals processing can be seen as of the furnace there are char bed reactions. In
high reduction rate. The furnace also disposes of addition to char burning, these consist mostly of
all organics in black liquor. This means stable and inorganic salt, especially melt reactions. In the up-
complete combustion. Reduction (removal of oxy- per furnace there is volatiles combustion. Sodium
gen) and combustion (reaction with oxygen) are sulfate and carbonate fume formation with other
opposite reactions. It is difficult to achieve both at aerosol reactions take place. The best way to study
same unit operation, furnace. the multitude of chemical reactions taking place
in the recovery boiler is to look at first what we
Other furnace requirements are even more know of the conditions in the furnace and then
complex. A recovery boiler should have a high individual reactions main component by main
thermal efficiency. It should produce low fouling component.
ash. Processes in the recovery boiler should be
environmentally friendly and produce a low level
of harmful emissions. In spite of successes, opti- 5.1 FURNACE GAS PHASE
mizing recovery boiler chemical processes is dif-
ficult. Processes are complex and there are several Above the char bed there is a mixture of air from
streams to and from the recovery boiler. primary and secondary air jets and combustion
gases. Relatively few measurements of gaseous
There are many simultaneous reactions going on components in the recovery boiler furnace have
in the lower furnace, Figure 5-1. First there are been done. Most notably Roos (1968), Borg, Teder
the black liquor burning processes described in and Warnquist (1974) measured low solids boiler
Chapter 4. Drying occurs when water is evapo- furnace gases. In addition equilibrium calcula-
rated, Devolatilization occurs when droplet size tions of furnace have been done (Perjyd and
increases and gases generated inside the droplet Hupa, 1984).
Good mixing by the air system is further seen in Björkman & Warnquist further state that the
the decreasing trend for CO, figure 5-4. Most of gasification reaction creates inverted turbulent
the CO has reacted before the highest air level. diffusion flames. It is clear that there exists mixing
The curves for CO and TRS look alike, probably limitation above the char bed surface. Otherwise
because mixing heavily influences both. we could not measure high oxygen and high CO
concentrations at the same time.
Measured NOx profile is virtually identical to the
earlier measurements (Vakkilainen et al., 1998) in There have been different views of the impor-
another boiler, Figure 5-4. Fuel nitrogen species tance of the char bed reactions. Björkman and
are released very fast, virtually with the volatiles Warnquist (1985) consider the weight fraction of
release. It seems probable that much of the nitro- particles that spend their ‘life story’ in flight to
gen species react after the last air level. be insignificant. In the modern recovery boiler a
5-4 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 5-5, Char bed and boiler right and back wall through char bed camera (Saviharju and Pynnönen,
significant portion of the carbon release, maybe 60 Table 5-4, Thermal properties of char bed materi-
… 70 % is happening in flight. Recent measure- als (Adams and Frederick, 1988).
ments (Tamminen et al., 2002) have shown that Material Density cp λ a
maybe only 10 % of fume generation occurs in kg/m3 J/kgoC W/moC 109 m2/s
char bed.
Inactive 400- 1254 0.078 50-75
char 1330
There has been some char bed models produced
to study the operation of char bed, (Richardson Active char 290-460 1254 0.28- 500-
0.38 1000
and Merriam, 1978, Shiang and Edwards, 1986,
Sumnicht, 1989 and Sutinen et al., 2002). They Smelt, 923 1338 0.450 181
have provided insight on the basic events in the liquid
char bed. As there are only a few reported meas- Smelt, solid 2163 1421 0.882 284
urements of relevant char bed data those studies
have formed the basis of our char bed understand- Table 5-5, Measured char bed composition
ing. (Heinävaara, 1991).
Element S1 S2 S3
All these attempts have tried to model stationary
char beds. In practice we see the char bed height Carbon, C* % 0.5 2.4 0.3
and temperature changing. By creating a time Sulfur (tot), S % 10.5 11.1 11.6
dependent model of char bed it would be possible Sodium, Na % 40.8 40.1 42.2
to model the real behavior of char bed. To create
Potassium, K % 3.9 4.0 4.2
a time dependent char bed model, reaction rates
for main reactions have to be determined. There Chloride, Cl % 0.3 0.4 0.3
are some measurements of char bed heat transfer Magnesium, Mg % 2.7 2.6 0.7
behavior, from them time dependent behavior Calcium, Ca 10-6 45.3 47.3 68.5
can be extrapolated. The flows in the char bed
Iron, Fe 10-6 69.8 161 161
are a new challenge that has not been previously
modeled. Phosphor, P 10-6 18.7 9.6 32.5
Na2CO3 % 66.2 74.1 63.6
Char bed physical characteristics Na2SO4 % 6.8 3.7 8.3
Na2S % 21.6 24.9 23.3
Char bed contains mainly carbonaceous char,
sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate, sodium sulfide Na2S2CO3 % 0.9 1.0 0.8
and sodium chloride with a smaller percentage of * Measured as heating loss of the unsolvable portion of sample
Most of the material reaching the char bed is Androscoggin 960-1140, peak
CE, 600 t/d 770-830, core
either pyrolysed or gone through complete char
burning. Sometimes portions of liquor reach the
bed in a state of incomplete drying (Björkman & Table 5-8, Measured thermal conductivities and
Warnquist, 1985). diffusivities of char beds (Richardson and Merriam,
Mill Type, size Conductiv- Diffusivity
Char bed temperature and W/m3oC
ity, W/m2oC
density Ticonderoga B&W, 500 0.078 160
The structure of char bed is mostly a mixture of t/d
frozen and liquid sodium salts in a carbon matrix. Androscoggin CE, 600 t/d 0.28, char 290
The char bed contains sections ranging from very 0.45, smelt
porous to solid, glassy portions. Richardson and
Merriam (1977) measured properties of several
char beds during the ADL study. In their opinion
only the top layer of the bed is hot and reacting. in the bed was found to be up to 0.3 m deep in the
Measurements were made of temperatures, densi- char bed.
ties, thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivi-
ties. Some thermal properties of different char bed The surface temperatures measured in the ADL
materials are shown in the Table 5-7. Richardson study are somewhat higher than the ones reported
and Merriam (1977) observed that the bed surface by Borg et al. (1973) Figure 5-6. STFI values were
temperature wasn’t constant but there were cooler measured with a pyrometer.
and hotter spots. They also measured tempera-
tures and densities inside the bed, Table 5-7. In New devices such as char bed imagining cameras
some measurements the maximum temperature (Harrison and Ariessohn, 1985) have revealed the
cycling nature of char bed surface temperature. In
5-6 Kraft recovery boilers
vated if molten smelt pockets remain in the bed.
The surface temperature of the char bed has a Heat transfer in char beds isn’t solely conduction.
strong influence on emissions from recovery boil- Richardson and Merriam (1978) indicated that
ers. The higher the char bed surface temperature radiative heat transfer in the porous structure
the higher the dust emissions and the lower the plays a role. Heat transferred with the flowing
SO2 and H2S emissions (Chamberlain and Cairns, molten smelt is maybe the most significant heat
1972). Borg et al. (1973) have stated that the H2S transfer mode.
emissions from the char bed decrease from 750
ppm to 250 ppm when the bed surface tempera- Char bed is a large heat sink. The typical hearth
ture increases from 825 to 860 oC. This is consist- area loading of a modern recovery boiler is 0.2
ent with data from Lien et al, (2004) which state kgds/s /m2. With a HHV of 14.5 MJ/kgds this
that fume and particle production from char bed means heat input per char bed unit area of about
start at about 850 oC. 3 MW/m2. Kelly et al. (1981) measured the smelt
inventory of a CE boiler to be 250 kg/m2. With an
Furnace loading and black liquor dry solids average smelt enthalpy of 1350 kJ/kg the heat in
content have increased since 70’s. This means that smelt per char bed unit area is about 340 MJ/m2.
the surface temperatures are higher in the mod-
ern recovery boilers. The differences in density The average bed height is typically less than 2 m.
measurements were reportedly caused by uneven The average char bed temperature is less than 800
structures of char beds. The surface of the char o
C. With average heat capacity of 2000 J/kgoC and
bed is very porous. The deeper we go into the bed density of 1300 kg/m3 the heat in the char bed is
the denser it gets. less than 4200 MJ/m2.
Thermal conductivity and This means that the char bed contains about 1500
s worth of heat. The long cooling times observed
diffusivity are result of slow heat removal, not large heat
In some mills char bed thermal conductivity and content.
thermal diffusivity measurements were made,
Table 5-8. Safety
With high char beds cooldown times of 50 to 100 One of the main hazards in operation of recovery
hours have been reported. This situation is aggra- boilers is the smelt-water explosion. This can
vated if molten smelt pockets remain in the bed. happen if even a small amount of water is mixed
with the solids in high temperature. Smelt-water
With high char beds cooldown times of 50 to 100 explosion is purely a physical phenomenon.
hours have been reported. This situation is aggra-
5-8 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 5-8, Smelt flow as function of sodium in black liquor.
Figure 5-9, Effect of weak white liquor composition on reduction in green liquor, reduction is smelt 95 %,
sulfidity 35 %.
Figure 5-12, Reactions of sodium and potassium in the lower furnace (Reactions of potassium are similar to
reactions of sodium).
Reactions with carbon dioxide Sjöberg and Cameron (1984) studied the sodium
sulfate reduction with CO.
and monoxide
Na2SO4 + 4CO → Na2S + 4CO2 5-16
Na2S + CO2 + H2O → Na2CO3 + H2S 5-11
They found the rate equation to be
Sodium sulfide can react with carbon dioxide and
produce hydrogen sulfide. 5-17
Based on Figure 5-13 the most probable gaseous This reaction would produce sulfur dioxide and
components are sodium chloride and sodium oxygen in addition to volatile sodium. The reac-
hydroxide. Existence of metallic sodium is not tion is more favorable at high temperatures and
thermodynamically favorable. There have been low oxygen concentrations.
discussions as what is the form of sodium release.
Gaseous sodium, sodium atoms and sodium oxide Sodium carbonate can decompose
have been suggested as products. There is a large
amount of water vapor in recovery boiler furnace. Na2CO3 → Na2O + CO2 5-23
After release most of the sodium reacts fast to
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (Jokiniemi et al., 1993, There is an abundance of water vapor present so
Jokiniemi et al., 1995). Furnace tests have detected probably sodium hydroxide is formed
as much as 26 w-% alkali hydroxides in lower
furnace fume deposits (Tavares et al., 1995). Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH 5-24
to the tube surface, Table 5-12 (Klarin 1992). Table 5-12, Elementary analysis of char bed close
to the tube surface (Klarin, 1992).
Distance from 2-5 5-10 10-30 >30
5.6 SULFUR tube surface, mm
Sulfur emissions play a crucial role in the char bed Color Black Grey Yellow Red
reactions. The one main concern in any recovery Solubility to Very Good Fair Slow
boiler is; will we get low enough sulfur emissions. water good
The sulfur in black liquor is for the most part in Aluminum, Al 0 0.27 0.33 0.08
inorganic sulfur compounds. The main inorganic
Chloride, Cl 1.6 1.85 0.35 0.32
compounds are sulfide and sulfate. In addition mi-
nor amounts of thiosulfate, sulfite and polysulfates Iron, Fe 0 0 0.4 0.14
are present (Grace, 2001). 30 to 40 % of sulfur is Potassium, K 12.0 5.77 5.09 7.15
bound to organosulfur compounds. Thiosulfate Silica, Si 0.30 0.22 0.33 0.77
and organic sulfur are rapidly released from gase-
ous sulfur compounds (Jing and Iisa, 2001). Sodium, Na 38.1 67.6 67.8 64.7
Sulfur, S 48.0 24.3 25.8 26.8
The sulfur as such is not stable compound at S/Na2 2.52 0.72 0.76 0.83
recovery boiler furnace conditions. Björkman
K/Na2 0.32 0.09 0.08 0.12
Figure 5-15, Potassium release versus chloride in black liquor in industrial boilers.
Figure 5-17, Sulfur release as function of temperature (Wessel and Kaufman, 2000).
Figure 5-18, Sulfur release as function of furnace temperature (McKeough and Janka, 2001).
must have also been dried by then so neither H2O Na2S2O3 + 3CO → Na2S + S + CO2 5-27
nor CO2 gasification could take place. Typically
sulfur release after volatiles release stops. In pyrolysis tests about 30 % of released sulfur was
hydrogen sulfide. Most of the sulfur release came
McKeough et al. (1995) attribute inorganic sulfur when methoxyl groups of dissolved lignin in black
reactions to reaction of sulfide and reduction of liquor react with hydrogen sulfide ions. Primary
thiosulfate. Thiosulfate in black liquor seems to reaction is formation of methyl mercaptan (MM)
decompose very fast < 0.3 seconds (Sricharoen- and secondary reaction is formation of dimethyl
chaikul et al., 1995). In laboratory experiment sulfide (DMS) (McKeough et al., 1995).
about 40 – 50 % of sulfur in thiosulfate and 20
– 70 % of sulfur in sulfide was released (Kulas et Liginin-OCH3+NaHS→Lignin-ONa+CH3SH 5-28
al., 1989).
CH3SH+NaOH → CH3SNa + H2O 5-29
Na2S + CO2 + H2O → Na2CO3 + H2S 5-25
Na2S2O3 + CO2 → Na2CO3 + SO2 + S 5-26 5-30
Some of the sulfur reactions occurring in recovery The chloride is released from black liquor char by
furnace are shown in Figure 5-20 and listed below. vapor pressure. It is unclear whether it is released
as pure Cl(g), chloride gas Cl2(g) or sodium chlo-
Na2S + -OCH3 → CH3SH,(CH3)2S 5-32 ride NaCl(g). It however reacts very fast to form
hydrogen chloride HCl(g).
Na2S2O3 → Na2S + SO2 5-33
Some of the sodium chloride reactions occurring
Na2S + CO2 + H2O → Na2CO3 + H2S 5-34 in recovery furnace are shown in Figure 5-21 and
listed below.
2H2S + 3O2 → 2SO2 + 2H2O 5-35
NaCl(s,l) → NaCl(g) 5-39
NaOH + SO2 → NaHSO3 5-36
NaCl + NaHSO4 → HCl + Na2SO4 5-40
Na2CO3 + 2SO2 + 0.5O2 → Na2SO4 + CO2 5-37
NaCl + H2O → HCl + NaOH 5-41
Na2CO3 + 2SO2 + 0.5O2 → Na2SO4 + CO2 5-52 Järvinen (2002) has modeled black liquor com-
bustion. During char combustion water vapor
and carbon dioxide gasification seem to be the
Main carbon containing products from black dominant reactions, Figure 5-24. Direct oxidation
liquor pyrolysis in laminar entrained flow reactor of char was negligible.
tests are tars, CO, CO2 and various hydrocarbons
(Sricharoenchaikul et al., 1995). Main hydrocar- The water vapor can react according to the Lang-
bon product was methane which had yield 3 … 6 muir-Hinshelwood kinetics with C to form CO
w-% of carbon. Other smaller hydrocarbon spe- and H2.
cies were methanol, ethylene, acetylene, acetalde-
hyde, acetone and formaldehyde. McKeough et al., -C(s) + H2O → CO + H2 5-55
1995 noted that increasing temperature increased
carbon monoxide production. Adomeit et al. (1976) noted first the big effect of
water vapor on char combustion rate of coal char.
Recovery boiler dimensioning reflects on the design also improves and changes by time. This
properties of the design fuel, black liquor. The text aims to present some general guidelines that
evolution of recovery boiler design follows the can be followed when purchasing and projecting a
evolution of industrial boilers in general. Black recovery boiler. They can not give for all cases an
liquor is a low calorific fuel, therefore the furnace optimum answer, because of differences in fuels,
is large. Fume deposits on surfaces have total construction details and materials. So caution
emissivity about 0.5 (Wessel et al., 1998). As should be used when using the presented set of
normal boiler tubes have emissivity of 0.8 this guidelines.
makes radiative heat transfer low. Black liquor
has extremely high ash content; therefore the heat A typical example of modern recovery boiler is
transfer surfaces have been designed fouling in shown in Figure 6-1. Pressure parts are made from
mind. Black liquor is corrosive, therefore moder- steel tubing. Lower furnace part (1) is made from
ate flue gas temperatures, steam temperatures and compound tube and has start-up burner openings,
steam pressures are used. primary and secondary air ports. Above these in
the furnace (2) are liquor guns and tertiary air
As with many industrial devices exact design rules ports. Example boiler is of single drum (7) design
and especially operating margins implemented by with vertical flow boiler bank (5). Feedwater from
different manufactures vary. The recovery boiler feedwater tank (14) is fed to economizers (6) and
further to drum. Steam from drum is superheated to steam is called evaporation or boiling. The
in panel superheaters (4). Dolezahls (13) condense whole process of evaporation from saturated water
steam, which is sprayed to control main steam to saturated steam takes place at almost constant
temperature. Superheaters are protected by screen temperature. At low heat flux conditions this
tubes (3). temperature is called the saturation temperature
and can be found from e.g. steam tables (Schmidt,
Electrostatic precipitator and hopper ash is mixed 1989, Wagner and Kruse, 1998). Most of evapora-
with black liquor in a mix tank (11). Black liquor tion takes place in the furnace below the nose.
temperature is controlled by indirect black liquor Less evaporation is done on the upper walls of the
heater (12). Air for combustion is supplied by fans furnace. Often about 10 … 15 % of evaporation is
(8) and heated by steam air heaters (9). Heated air done in a dedicated evaporator. This surface is also
is inserted to the furnace through air ports. Smelt called boiler generating bank or boiler bank.
from furnace flows to the dissolving tank (10).
Inside heat transfer coefficient for boiling in
natural circulation boilers is high. It is in the rage
6.1 MAIN HEAT TRANSFER of 30 000 … 120 000 W/m2K. This means that the
SURFACES tube average temperature is close to the saturation
The main heat transfer surfaces in recovery boiler
are evaporative surfaces (2, 3 & 5), superheating Because of natural circulation there is no pressure
surfaces (4) and water preheating or economizing loss across an evaporating surface.
surfaces (6). Each type of surface has its own func-
tion in boiler design. The main characteristic of all
these surfaces is that they are preliminary made of
seamless tube. Increase of steam temperature from saturated
temperature is called superheating. Superheating
There are other heat transfer surfaces that belong was first used to dry steam. Soon it was real-
to the auxiliary equipment. Dolezahl steam attem- ized that superheating allowed for higher power
perator has typically tube surface. Air preheaters production (Hills, 1989). Typically the total su-
are finned tube surfaces. Smelt spout cooling wa- perheating surface is divided into stages. Large re-
ter and dissolving tank vent circulation exchang- covery boilers have four to six superheaters. These
ers are often plate type surfaces. superheaters are arranged from two to four stages.
Water is sprayed to steam between superheating
Evaporating stages to control the final steam temperature.
In the first steam generators, phase change con- Steam density is rather low. So the inside heat
sumed most of the heat. Phase change from water transfer coefficient in superheaters tends to be low.
The first estimation for the heat required to super-
heat steam is the enthalpy difference between the
main steam outlet point and the point where the
line crosses saturated steam line, Figure 6-6.
With supercritical cycles the temperature increase feedwater to boiling is the enthalpy difference be-
from enthalpy corresponding to critical tempera- tween the points where the line crosses saturated
ture and pressure decreases with increasing pres- water and the feedwater inlet point.
sure. As can be seen the enthalpy needed around
critical pressure forms an unstable saddle point. When pressure increases the portion of heat
Controlling final temperature is a demanding task required for economizers becomes larger.
there. This is one of the reasons why few boilers
operate at close to critical pressure. Temperature - heat input profile
Water preheat (economizer) Temperature - heat input profile can then be
formed based on heats to each part of the steam
The first estimation for heat required to bring water cycle. Figure 6-7 shows a real tempera-
Figure 6-6, Enthalpy for ideal superheat as a function of main steam values.
Table 6-1, Typical values for recovery boiler fur- We know that at least three things can limit the
nace design parameters, MCR load. furnace capacity (Adams, 1994). If the flue gas
velocity is excessive, then the carryover that accu-
Parameter Value mulates on heating surfaces can plug gas passages.
Heat release rate kW/m 2
2700 .... 3300 If the char bed combustion rate limit is reached
Furnace outlet temperature C
950 ... 1000 then the char bed growth can be uncontrollable.
If there is poor air jet mixing then the emissions
Generating bank inlet C
550 ... 650
from the boiler can be unacceptable.
Table 6-2, Effect of dry solids on maximum
Major changes have been made to the recovery
furnace capacity, if furnace upwards velocity limits
boiler. Current recovery boilers have improved
air systems and so more combustion capacity.
Dry solids HHRR Maximum Velocity Minimum The as fired black liquor is in new boilers close to
% kW/m2 capacity m/s capacity
80 % dry solids concentration. This increases the
65 3 150 100 % 4.5 60 % of max furnace temperatures and the rate of dry solids
75 3 750 120 % 4.5 50 % of max burning. New liquor firing practices have in-
90 4 100 130 % 4.5 40 % of max creased the fraction of black liquor that is burned
in suspension. Finally, a higher char bed tempera-
ture is seen. All this has significantly increased the
combustion rate. In the following sections we limit
the discussion to the modern recovery boilers.
The most dramatic effect on furnace capacity has
been from the increase in dry solids concentra-
tion. Furnace capacity can be limited by carryover.
In such a case the average velocity in the lower
furnace gives an indication of maximum firing
rate. An example of the effect of dry solids can
be seen in Table 6-2. The increase in dry solids
from 65 to 90 % would increase the dry solids
firing capacity from 3150 to 4100 kW/m2 or 30 %.
Figure 6-11, Two different size boilers with same
So even with somewhat increased temperatures
residence time.
the required furnace cross section reduces with
Dimensioning of heat transfer surfaces 6-7
Figure 6-12, Effect of boiler MCR capacity on furnace relative heights.
increased dry solids if we design for a constant If we assume that the design heat flux to the
lower furnace velocity. This example illustrates furnace walls is constant, then for same hearth
why carryover because of an excessive lower fur- loading the relative height should be constant. On
nace velocity should not limit the performance of the other hand, the larger the recovery boiler, the
high dry solids recovery boilers. lower is the relative height needed for complete
combustion. This is because doubling the width
Furnace height quadruples the capacity. If we also double the
height then the furnace volume increases eight
Furnace height must provide for the time needed times. Then there would be two times more time
for complete combustion. Furnace height depends to complete the combustion. Larger boilers have
on the required residence time. From industry ex- consequently more time to finish combustion.
perience it can be determined that approximately
4.5 seconds is required. If we apply this rule to Mixing of air jets
some typical recovery boiler hearth release rates
we find that the minimum height corresponding The penetration depth of a single air jet into the
to a 4.5 s residence time increases with increased furnace is given by Adams and Frederick (1988)
dry solids, even if the applied hearth heat release
rate is higher, Table 6-3.
In practice this would mean that two boilers of
same specific loading, but widely different capac-
ity would have an equal height, Figure 6-11.
Lp is the jet penetration length, m
k is an experimental constant, ~1.5
Does the 4.5-second rule limit recovery boiler ca-
Dn is the hydraulic diameter of air port
pacity? We can plot actual recovery boiler capacity
opening, m
versus their height and the height required for
Vn is the jet velocity, m/s
complete combustion at MCR load, Figure 6-12.
Vf is the furnace gas upward velocity, m/s
For nearly all recovery boilers the furnace height
Tn is the jet gas temperature, K
seems to be about three times the furnace width.
Tf is the furnace gas temperature, K
Table 6-3, Furnace height required to ensure a
4.5 s residence time. Evaluating the equation we find that most of
Dry solids HHRR Minimum height the parameters are independent of boiler size.
% kW/m2 m The ratio of jet velocity to furnace velocity has
65 2800 17
increased since modern air systems use higher
velocities (pressures) than before. But the design
75 3300 19 velocities are approximately the same independ-
85 3800 22 ent of furnace size. Similarly the ratio of furnace
90 4000 25 temperature to jet temperature is approximately
6-8 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 6-13, Effect of dry solids capacity on HHRR (redrawn after McCann, 1991).
One parameter that changes with boiler size is the A major dimensioning criterion for recovery
hydraulic diameter of air port opening. If we de- boilers is the furnace floor area. Typical hearth
sign large and small furnaces with the same hearth solids loading is close to 0.2 kgds/sm2 (McCann,
loading, then we need the same amount of air per 1991), Figure 6-13. Hearth solids loading may
unit of furnace bottom area. The airflow require- be misleading as it does not take into account
ment per unit of wall increases linearly with wall the variation in liquor properties, especially the
width. If we keep the number of airports constant heating value. A better indicator is the hearth heat
then doubling the wall width would double each release rate.
air port area. The hydraulic diameter of the air
port opening increases as the square root of the Processes in recovery boiler are not limited by the
wall width increase. furnace volume. After furnace bottom area has
been chosen the furnace height is determined to
In summary, based on the above equation the correspond to desired furnace exit temperature.
single jet penetration depth would increase slower
than the furnace size, so at some capacity the mix-
ing would not be enough. Analyses of modern air
Furnace outlet temperature
systems indicate that currently the jet penetration The adiabatic combustion temperature, Figure 6-
is high enough even for the largest boilers (Adams 14, represents the maximum temperature achiev-
and Frederick, 1992, Vakkilainen, 2000). able by black liquor combustion. It is easy to see
that a minimum practical operating dry solid is 55
Furnace loading %, where adiabatic combustion temperature is still
above 1000 oC.
There is very little data on the effect of recovery
boiler size on its performance. McCann (1991) In recovery furnace the combustion black liquor
states that the recovery boiler hearth heat release radiates heat to furnace walls, so maximum
rate, HHRR increases with boiler size. Typical temperatures are about a third lower than adi-
MCR furnace design parameters for new boilers abatic temperatures. Char bed operation requires
are 2700 … 3300 kW/m2 (La Fond et al., 1993). temperatures in excess of 900 oC. Typical design
If a boiler is well tuned, operates with high dry furnace outlet temperatures are 950 ... 1050 oC,
solids black liquor and is equipped with mod- but in highly loaded furnaces they can exceed this
ern air system, the maximum operating rate is by several hundred degrees.
between 3100 and 3700 kW/m2 (Burton, 2000).
The recommended values have increased as design Recovery boiler furnace exit temperature depends
has improved. Barynin and Dickinson (1985) strongly on black liquor dry solids and heating
recommended 2680 … 2840 kW/m2 and super- value, Figure 6-15. So low MCR loading means
heater inlet temperature below 925 oC. Walsh and lower furnace and high MCR loading requires
Strandell (1992) noted 2500 … 3200 kW/m2 and higher furnace for the same furnace outlet tem-
superheater inlet temperature 925 … 950 oC. perature. Furnace outlet temperature affects the
Table 6-4, Design basis for the three recovery boilers (For design liquors see Table 2-1).
Two drum Modern Current
Design dry solids capacity, ton dry solids/day 1700 2400 4000
Design black liquor HHV, MJ/kg dry solid 15.0 13.9 13.0
Design dry solids, % 64 74 80
Design steam temperature, C o
480 480 520
Design steam pressure, bar(absolute) 85 85 104
Steam production, kg steam/kg dry solids 3.584 3.357 3.004
Specific steam production*, kg steam/MJ 0.238 0.242 0.231
Furnace design HSL, ton dry solids/m2 day 15.6 17.1 20.1
Furnace design HHRR, kW/m 2
2715 2760 3031
Superheater design area, m2 day/ton dry solids 6.0 5.2 6.8
Boiler bank design area, m day/ton dry solids
3.5 3.0 3.5
Economizers design area, m2 day/ton dry solids 7.1 10.1 9.1
* steam production per unit of black liquor divided by the HHV of unit of black liquor
Superheater spacing
Typical superheater spacing can be seen in Figure
6-21. For low temperature, nonfouling zone tight
spacing can be used. For high temperature, where
fouling is probable, wide spacing is used.
Figure 6-21, Superheater spacing (Singer, 1981)
Panel superheater
When tubes in an inline superheater are placed
close to each other in gas flow direction a panel or
platen superheater is created, Figure 6-22. Panel
superheaters were introduced to use in 1952 by
Combustion Engineering.
Superheater hanging
To limit the amount of ash that can escape
Figure 6-23, Cooler edge tubes. through superheater openings in the boiler roof,
protective boxes are used, Figure 6-24. They seal
the opening to the roof to form gas tight construc-
fn is the form correction (correction for
number of rows, correction for
αi = αi(pCO2,s) 6-21
εw is the emissivity of the wall, for fully
oxidized boiler tubes 0.8 is typical 6-22
εdg is the emissivity of the dusty gas
αdg is the absorptivity of the dusty gas where
εa is the background emissivity, -
For dusty gas we can express the emissivity and
absorptivity assuming no band overlapping, For dust emissivity εd a fully dispersed approach
through pure gas and pure dust emissivities is used
εdg = εg + εd - εdεg 6-9
αdg = αw + εd - αwεd 6-10
The emissivities and absorptivities of pure gas αd is the absorption coefficient of dust
mixtures can be calculated with pure gas proper- Bd is the dust loading, kg/m3
ties s is the radiation beam length, m
The correction factor fA for outside heat transfer
is an empirical coefficient. It is dependent of fuel
ptot = pH2O + PCO2 + pSO2 6-14 type and properties, steam generator configura-
tion, type of surface and expected calculation
6-15 error. The exact numerical value must so be
determined empirically from previous experimen-
tal data.
Gas side pressure drop, inline
6-17 Gas side pressure drop can be calculated accord-
ing to the Gaddis equation in VDI – heat atlas,
Ld1-Ld7 (1993).
The individual emissivity functions can be math-
ematically approximated as
∆pgs = ∆pgf 6-25
gas side pressure losses = friction losses Inside heat transfer, fluid inside
For in line arrangement the pressure drop coef-
ficient for heat transfer surface with horizontal Turbulent convection heat transfer for steam and
tubes is water flowing inside an circular tube can be cal-
culated according to the Hausen equation; 2300 <
∆p = nrζr∆pd 6-26 Re < 107, 0.6 < Pr < 500, d << L, Tw ~ Tf (Hausen,
nr is the number of rows in heat transfer
surface 6-30
∆pd is the dynamic pressure, calculated at the
gas side mean temperature and smallest Nui = 0.0235(Re0.8 - 230)(1.8Pr0.3 - 0.8) 6-31
For laminar flow case, Re < 2300 a value of
The single row pressure drop ζr for in line tubes is
sum of laminar and turbulent coefficients Nui = 3.64 6-32
We want to determine the heat transfer from the εln = εln(Tgi,Tgo,Tsi,Tso) 6-36
flue gas flow to the steam flow. The basic equation
involved is Rln = Rln(Tgi,Tgo,Tsi,Tso) 6-37
For the case of superheaters we usually determine We do this by starting from the definition of the
an overall heat transfer coefficient kt which is heat flow to the steam.
treated as an independent value. The temperature
distribution as reference to area can be solved for Φs = qmscps(Tso - Tsi) 6-39
simple parallel and counterflow cases. Usually we
express the solved equation in basic form. For the simple no external heat flow case the heat
flow to the steam equals the heat flow from the
flue gas
Φg = qmgcpg(Tgi - Tgo) = Φs 6-40
heat to steam flow = overall heat transfer coef-
ficient * logarithmic temperature difference * Then the parameters describing the heat transfer
effective heat transfer surface can be defined
where G = ktAeff 6-41
For the complex heat transfer situation occurring Φg = (qmgcpg + qmdcpd)(Tgi - Tgo) 6-62
in the recovery boiler superheaters, where there is
also several additional heat flows, we can redefine Φsw = kswθswAsw 6-63
the nondimensional heat transfer parameters with
aid of correction factor b to be able to treat this External heat Φex and heat losses Φl are usually
multi heat flow case as single heat flow case in the constant, fixed values.
heat transfer calculations (Vakkilainen, 1994)
G = ktAeff 6-51
Heat capacities
To make use of the dimensionless parameters ε,
θ = Tgi - Tsi 6-52 R and z possible we must refer the heat transfer
situation to the simple two massflows exchange
6-53 heat case with the aid of correction factor b. We
have chosen the steam side heat flow to be the
determining heat flow. Then for recovery boiler
parallel flow
R = C*min/C*min 6-67
countercurrent flow
et al., 1974). The key is to control the reactions furnace loading would be higher with the 65 %
taking place in the lowest part of the furnace, dry solids content black liquor than with the 80
on the bed surface and just above it. Increasing % dry solids black liquor. Higher furnace loading
black liquor dry solids will increase lower furnace indicators include hearth heat release rate, solids
temperatures (Backman et al., 1995, Ryham and loading, total heat input and net heat input. This
Nikkanen, 1992, Haynes et al., 1988). Temperature is because the flue gas losses are high for the 65 %
will have a significant impact on emissions, reduc- liquor.
tion efficiency and on the fouling and corrosion of
the convective heat surfaces. Liquor heat treatment reduces the furnace load-
ing. The net heat input remains almost constant.
The air system introduces most of the combustion The liquor dry solids flow decreases, as does the
air into the lower furnace, just above the furnace black liquor volumetric flow. The average flue gas
floor. As the dry solids increases, the penetra- flow falls more than 10 %. The hearth heat release
tion of air jets increases. With increasing dry rate falls by 11 %, and the nominal firing capacity
solids and improved design, emissions have been by 8 %. Because the higher black liquor heating
reduced significantly. The nominal furnace load- value and the dry solids firing rate decrease, the
ing changes only slightly with an increase in black net heat release rate remains constant. Even by a
liquor dry solids content. The furnace loading is conservative estimate, the furnace bottom area
usually determined by either the hearth heat re- could be reduced by 4-8 %.
lease rate (HHRR) or the firing capacity. Because
the higher black liquor heating value and the dry Furnace temperature profiles have been pub-
solids rate remain constant, these indicators show lished by Jones (1989) and Jutila et al (1978). A
constant loading. The hearth heat release rate in heat release profile can be found through fitting
the furnace remains constant. to achieve a known temperature profile. Making
correct furnace outlet temperature predictions
As we raise dry solids from 65 % to 80 %, the total require fine tuning to available measurements.
heat input per plan area is reduced. This is caused
by a reduction in the black liquor sensible heat In typical furnace temperature profiles the tem-
input. The net heat input to the furnace increases perature reaches a maximum in the lower furnace
noticeably, as less water needs to be evaporated. ant then starts dropping toward the nose. The
The average flue gas flow decreases as less water lower furnace temperature increases about 100 oC
vapor is present. If the furnace temperature with an increase in dry solids from 65 % to 80 %.
remained constant, this would reduce the flue gas This is significantly less than the 200 oC change in
flow rates, but by less than 0.5 m/s. adiabatic flame temperature. On the other hand,
the radiative heat flux to the walls increases by
Loading values for the example 3000 tds/d recov- about 20 %. Increased lower furnace temperatures
ery boiler for a furnace of similar size are listed in can speed up local corrosion in recovery boilers.
Table 6-5. Steam generation with higher dry solids
increases. The steam generation with 80 % dry The furnace outlet temperatures increase as the
solids equals the steam generation at 106.9 % flow dry solids content rises from 65 % to 80 %. The
of the 65 % dry solids content black liquor. measured increase is 20-35 oC. It must be borne
in mind that the measurement error of furnace
If we were to fire at the same steam flow, the outlet temperatures is at least +20 oC. The increase
Dimensioning of heat transfer surfaces 6-21
Table 6-6, Heat available for superheating.
Liquor dry solids, % 60 65 70 75 80 85
Flue gas flow, kg/s 221.0 216.9 212.8 209.5 206.7 204.2
Furnace exit
temperature, oC 913 926 936 943 949 953
Cp gas, kJ/kg Co
1.391 1.372 1.355 1.340 1.324 1.314
Steam flow, kg/s 122.8 126.6 129.9 132.8 135.3 137.5
Heat for superheat, MW 109.9 110.4 109.7 108.8 107.5 106.4
Heat for superheat, kW/kg 894.6 871.3 844.0 819.2 794.3 773.6
If furnace outlet temperature
constant = 926 oC
Heat for superheat, MW 113.9 110.4 106.8 103.9 101.2 99.1
Heat for superheat, kW/kg 927.5 871.3 821.7 782.5 748.1 721.2
in furnace outlet temperatures is caused by If the boiler bank inlet temperature is reduced, the
changes in the mass flow and the net heat input to average temperature difference between the flue
the furnace. gas and the steam is also reduced. This reduces
heat transfer and we need substantially more
The calculated furnace outlet temperature varia- superheating surface. Heat treatment changes the
tions for a fixed-size furnace are shown in Table heat available for superheating, Table 6-6. This
6-5. Understandably, liquor heat treatment lowers behavior is similar to the decrease in superheating
the furnace exit temperature. The change in with falling boiler load.
furnace exit temperature will show up, albeit with
reduced magnitude, in the flue gas temperature Mixed measurements on the effect of high dry
entering the boiler bank. solids on superheating have been presented. Jones
has recorded a significant superheating tempera-
The basic dimensioning of recovery boiler super- ture drop with the Arkansas Kraft boiler (Jones
heaters will not change much in response to the and Anderson, 1992). The Metsä-Sellu Äänekoski
change in black liquor dry solids content. As these boiler does not show such behavior (Ryham and
surfaces are radiative surfaces, their heat transfer Nikkanen, 1992). One possible reason for this
does not depend on flue gas velocity. The radia- is the smaller amount of fouling of heat transfer
tive heat transfer at the superheaters increases by surfaces.
10-20% along with the increase in black liquor
dry solids. The heat flow increase will not require Example
changes in the design of the superheater. More im-
portant than the change in radiative heat transfer During operation with 65 % dry solids and at
is the change in fouling of superheater surfaces. 90 bar steam drum pressure, total superheat-
ing equals to 230 oC of which 50 oC is used for
With increasing dry solids content there should be attemperating. If we assume that furnace exit
no obstacle to increasing the furnace exit tempera- temperature remains constant at 950 oC and boiler
tures. For new recovery boilers, less than 1000 oC bank inlet temperature is now 580 oC, how would
is typically specified even though nose tempera- superheating change when black liquor dry solids
tures of up to 1100 oC have been measured. With is 80 %.
higher dry solids the observed superheater corro-
sion rates are much reduced. A possible cause is We can use non dimensional calculation and as-
the lack of reducing conditions and the increase in sume heat transfer coefficient does not change.
carbonate content in deposits.
Total temperature difference θ is about
The flue gas flow is lower with higher dry solids
liquor and the heat flux required to superheat 950 - 310 = 640 oC.
steam increases. This means that the temperature
drop of flue gas across superheater will increase. Temperature difference of flue gas is
To maintain constant superheating either the
furnace outlet temperature must be increased or 950 -580 = 370 oC.
the boiler bank inlet temperature can be lowered.
Non dimensional parameters for the current case How would then increase in furnace exit tempera-
are ture by 23 oC affect the boiler bank inlet tempera-
ture and heat to superheat.
R = 170/370 = 0.459
We can again use non dimensional calculation
ε = 370/640 = 0.578 and assume that heat transfer coefficient does not
Total temperature difference θ is
Rε = 0.459*0.578 = 0.266
973 - 310 = 663 oC.
and we can solve z
All dimensionless parameters, R, ε and z remain
z = ln((1-Rε)/(1-ε))/(1-R) = 1.025 constant so from previous example R = 0.406, ε =
0.569 and z = 1.025
Now the flue gas flow will decrease 5 % (Figure 6-
3) , so z will decrease 5 % to 0.974. The steam flow Temperature drop of flue gas from nose to boiler
will increase 7%, so R will decrease by 7% and by bank inlet is εθ = 0.569*663 = 377 oC. The boiler
5 % to 0.406. bank inlet temperature is then 973 - 377 = 596 oC.
The heat capacity ratio R is the same so heat to
We can then solve the new ε by assuming that z steam increases by 377/370-1 = 2 %.
remains constant
From table 6-6 we see that for example boiler the
ε =1-(1-R)/ (e -z(1-R)-R) = 0.569 available heat to superheat decreased 107.5/110.4
= 2.6 %, steam flow increased 135.3/126.6 = 6.9 %
then and superheating decreased 20 oC. Our assump-
tion of constant heat transfer coefficient caused
Rε = 0.406*0.569 = 0.231 underprediction of change.
The processes occurring in boilers are divided system handles smelt and vent gas system handles
according to the main media to several subproc- wet exhaust from green liquor system. Starting
esses. The main categories are air system, flue gas and stopping black liquor recovery boiler requires
system, black liquor system and water and steam auxiliary fuel firing, which is usually oil or gas.
system. The ash system takes care of the ESP and
convective surfaces ashes. Kraft process produces smelly odorous gases.
These gases classified as concentrated NCG and
Recovery boiler has processes that are typically diluted NCG are often burned at recovery boiler.
missing from other types of boilers. Green liquor
Figure 7-2, Specific air for black liquor combustion as function of black liquor higher heating value.
Air is typically delivered at several horizontal The main target of the design of the air system
elevations to ensure complete combustion and is to maintain a high and uniform temperature
minimize emissions, Figure 7-5. Forced draft and gas distribution in the lower furnace. With
fans are used to supply air to furnace. Airflow is optimized air introduction the emissions are low
controlled with dampers in furnace openings and and the reduction efficiency is constantly high.
ducts and by control of air fans. Damper in the With a proper design the combustion takes place
duct can control the airflow to furnace. The same in the lower part of furnace. The whole height is
can be done by changing of rotative speed of the effectively utilized for cooling the flue gases before
blower or by inlet vane control dampers. The air they enter the superheaters.
flow control with dampers in furnace openings
produces high duct air pressures. This increases The combustion air is introduced into furnace
blower power consumption but ensures uniform from at least three air levels; primary, second-
flow though each opening. ary and tertiary. The primary and secondary are
located close to the furnace floor beneath black
Air intake is typically located high inside the liquor guns. The tertiary air is introduced above
boiler house. This ensures even temperature liquor guns. With this system reducing conditions
profile in the boiler house and utilization of heat are maintained close to the char bed in the lower
losses. Upstream location of air blower from air part of the furnace. Effective oxidizing environ-
preheaters decreases air blower power consump- ment in the upper part is generated. This means
tion. After air heater the air is split into separate that 80 to 90% of total air is introduced through
ducts for even distribution to different sides of the primary and secondary air nozzles and the rest
boiler. It is important to use low design velocities and excess air via tertiary air nozzles.
as even small variations in parallel air duct lengths
otherwise cause large differences. Each air level has a separate air fan (forced-draft
fans). In smaller boilers only two air fans are used;
Air heaters control air temperature. There are one for primary and one for both secondary and
several air heater types. When flue gas is relatively tertiary. Having separate fans for each level, air
pressure in windbox and airflow can be controlled
Recovery boiler processes 7-3
Depending on the black liquor analyses a typical
value of specific airflow is 3.6-4.0 m3n/kgds. While
calculating the actual volumetric air flow the tem-
perature, pressure and altitude corrections have to
be made. In order to increase the controllability 20
to 30% design margin is used at the primary and
secondary air levels. When operating at design
load the airports are about 80 percent open. At
the tertiary air level design margin is up to 100%.
The big margin is due to willingness to control the
share of tertiary air in wide scale. Design margin
is also needed to take into account possible chang-
es in black liquor composition. If the calculated air
flow from given black liquor analysis differs a lot
from typical specific value wider design margins
have to be reconsidered.
Figure 7-9, Different primary air airport damper The individual dampers of secondary and tertiary
arrangements (Ahlstrom Machinery). airports are connected to a governor shaft that
runs along each wall. The system is provided with
Airport flow adjustment an actuator and the dampers can be operated
remotely wall by wall. Since the connection to the
Airflow to each level is accurately measured with a shaft is adjustable it is still possible to individually
venturi either on fan inlet or on fan outlet. Airflow adjust a damper even if it is connected to the main
is controlled with dampers in furnace openings shaft. Governor shaft can be used in air control-
and by control of air blowers. ling if requested.
Figure 7-10, Furnace temperature with three and four level airs.
tator, possible scrubber and stack. Flue gas system of an example boiler is shown in
figure 7-13. Similarly to air system flue gas fans
Natural draft caused by density differences in draw air from the furnace to the stack. In old days
stack is not adequate to draw flue gases out from draft in the stack was enough. Flue gas ducts con-
recovery boiler furnace. The flue gas flow is nect pieces of equipment. Electrostatic precipita-
controlled by induced draft of ID fans. Flue gas tors and other emission reduction equipment are
fan controls also the furnace draft. The furnace employed to decrease pollution.
pressure at liquor gun level must be kept below
boiler house pressure.
Boiler water and steam circulation starts with low
pressure feedwater and ends with high pressure
and temperature steam. The water and steam
circulation components transport, pressurize,
preheat, vaporize and superheat the water into
steam, Figure 7-14.
The water from the economizer is used to generate sion due to the presence of molten smelt in a
clean attemperating or desuperheating water-5 porous char bed. To minimize possible damage an
from steam in a sweet water condenser-4. The emergency system, rapid drain system is installed.
feedwater then flows to the steam drum-6. In The rapid drain system consists of fast valves and
steam drum steam is separated from water. pipes to major pressure parts. If the rapid drain is
Separation is achieved by gravitation, screens and opened pressure inside boiler drives water from
cyclone separators. the pressure part. In rapid drain system there are
separate lines from furnace walls, from the boiler
Downcomers-7 feed saturated water to evapo- generating bank and from economizers. Water
rative surfaces. Partially evaporated water is is left at the lowest part of the furnace to provide
collected with risers to the steam drum. Furnace cooling for the floor tubes. If all water from floor
walls do most of evaporation. Depending of boiler tubes is drained, the heat from char bed damages
operating pressure between 10 to 25 % evapora- the tubes.
tion is done in boiler bank. The two predomi- Water circulation is caused by density differ-
nant boiler bank arrangements are vertical and ence between steam filled heating surfaces and
horizontal flow. Both can be used for dirty and downcomers. The circulation is limited by friction
clean gases. losses in surfaces, headers, risers and downcom-
ers. Increasing boiler operating pressure decreases
Saturated steam exits from drum and flows the driving force, density difference. High pressure
through superheaters. The role of superheaters operation requires either pump assisted circula-
is to heat the steam well above the saturation-8. tion or once through operation.
Because turbines can only operate down to some
95 % steam content, proper choice of main steam Downcomers and raisers
pressure and temperature is required. Steam flow
is controlled by main steam valves-9. The steam Downcomers are tubes that start from the drum
from superheaters flows trough main steam line- and lead water to lowest points of furnace walls
10 to turbine. and boiler banks, Figure 7-16.
The steam temperature control is done by at- Downcomers can be divided to main downcomers
temperating. Either condensed steam or feedwater and connecting tubes. It is customary that from
is sprayed into steam line between superheaters. two to five large tubes go straight down from the
Typically only a two stage desuperheating is used. drum. From these tubes smaller tubes take water
The source of the spray water must be determined to wall headers.
by the available feedwater purity.
Separate downcomers are often constructed to
Recovery boiler has a risk of smelt/water explo- the boiler bank and sometimes also to the side
Recovery boiler processes 7-9
wall extension between furnace tubes proper and
boiler bank.
Wall tubes
Wall tubes are the membrane wall tubes that ex-
tend from the lower headers to the upper headers.
Usually front and back wall are bent together to
form the furnace bottom, Figure 7-16. In addi-
tion front wall is often bent towards the boiler
bank to form the furnace roof. In lower furnace
compound membrane construction is used. In
middle and upper furnace carbon steel membrane
construction is almost always used.
Typically each heat transfer surface starts and
ends with header, Figure 7-16. Headers are larger
tubes that connect all parallel tubes of a heat
transfer surface together. Their role is to divide the
incoming liquid evenly to all tubes. They also try
to collect the fluid without causing uneven flow.
External pipes
Figure 7-16 Main tubes in a recovery boiler (Kvaer- Most of the parts of the pressure vessel belong to
ner). the heat exchanger surfaces and circulation sys-
tem. There are is a system of pipes, equipment and
vessels that handles the feedwater. There is also a
system of pipes that handles main steam. In ad-
dition there are pipes that belong to the desuper-
heating system, blowdown system, air preheating
system, draining system, air venting system and
piping assisting the operation of the safety valves.
All these tubes and pipes are called external pipes.
Feedwater system
Feedwater system consists of piping tanks and
equipment that pump water to the inlet of the
economizer, Figure 7-15. Demineralized water is
pumped to the feedwater tank. Feedwater tank
has a storage capacity corresponding to 15 … 45
minutes of feedwater usage at MCR. In addition to
storage, deaeration is carried out to the incoming
water. The purpose is to remove all traces of gases
especially oxygen and carbon dioxide from the
Figure 7-17, Superheater connection tubes water
Feedwater is pumped from the feedwater tank to spond to some 20 minutes to 1 hour reserve water
the economizers with feedwater pumps. Typically calculated from MCR feedwater.
the feedwater pumps are driven by electric mo-
tors. To ensure safety during pump failure there Feedwater tank is also used to separate gases from
are usually more than one pump. Feedwater flow the feedwater. This is done by steam stripping
is controlled by feedwater valves. incoming water in the deaerator.
pumps can be common for several boilers. For Spray water group
safety normally one needs full feedwater flow even
if one feedwater pump fails. In a spray water group feed water is injected into
steam. This increases the steam massflow and
Dolezahl – attemperator decreases the steam temperature. Typically spray-
ing to different tubes is arranged close to another
Dolezahl attemperator is used especially in the for maintenance purposes. Also automatic spray
industrial boilers where feed water quality is lower water valve is usually doubled or tripled with
than in the utility boilers. In a Dolezahl feedwater hand valves. Often, because of location airing and
condenses steam. This condensate is sprayed using emptying valves need to be installed.
the static head formed to attemperate the pro-
duced steam. Normally saturated steam is used. Steam temperature increases in each superheating
High quality of spray water is ensured as saturated surface. Between surfaces water is sprayed to con-
steam has much higher purity than corresponding trol final steam temperature. Forcing steam flow to
feedwater. change sides helps balance uneven temperatures.
Steam drum
Steam drum consists of a circular section welded
from bent steel plate with two forged ends. Cir-
cular section has a number of inlets and outlets.
A drum can be made of a single thickness sheet if
the pressure is low or with plates of multiple thick-
nesses if pressure is high. One reason for different
thicknesses is that sections where are openings
need to be thicker than sections without openings.
Steam water mixture enters from raisers. Cyclone
Figure 7-25, Operation of drum. separators force water down. Steam exits through
Figure 7-26, Placement of water separators in a drum, 1- feed water in, 2 – downcomers, 3 – raisers, 4 - steam
out, 5 - droplet separator.
baffle separators from top. Water exits through 7.4 BLACK LIQUOR AND ASH
downcomers. Additional separation is done by a
wire mesh or baffles at the top of the steam drum. In modern recovery boiler the black liquor from
heavy black liquor storage is pumped through
Only <<0.01 % water in steam is allowed. Water heavy liquor pipe to ring header. Ring header is a
contains impurities. Impurities deposit on tubes large diameter pipe that circles the furnace. The
and cause superheater overheat. Especially purpose of the ring header is to ensure equal flow
carbonate (CO3) and sulfate (SO4) form hard to to all liquor guns. Collected fly ash form precipita-
remove deposits with low thermal conductivity. tor is mixed with about 50 % dry solids liquor in a
Impurities will also deposit on turbine blades. Na mix tank and pumped back to the evaporator. Ash
+ K are the most harmful impurities for turbine. recycle helps evaporator operation in high solids.
As the steam drum is the heaviest piece of equip- Black liquor system of an example boiler is shown
ment it is often lifted as the first piece of pressure in figure 7-28. It needs to have flow, temperature
part equipment. and pressure measurement. Typically there are
more than one insertion points of the black liquor
into the furnace, with black liquor guns.
Figure 7-28, Black liquor system of a recovery boiler (Ahlstrom Machinery, 1998).
To control the liquor temperature the liquor are used to control ash flow. Ash can is handled
can be heated in a liquor heater. Heating is done dry or sluiced and pumped away.
either directly with steam or indirectly with a heat
exchanger. In older boilers make up chemicals were added to
mixing tank. Now as there often is excess sulfur in
Black liquor system design is thoroughly covered the mill the make up is added as sodium hydrox-
by standards and safety recommendations. This ide.
is because if it malfunctions, fire or explosion
outside or inside the furnace could happen with
loss of life and property. 7.5 OIL/GAS SYSTEM
When we burn black liquor chemical ash is Oil/gas fired fuel system of an example boiler is
formed. Ash system of an example boiler is shown shown in Figure 7-30. If several fuels are used
in Figure 7-29. Ash system consists of ash trans- each fuel has its own fuel system.
port equipment like screws and conveyors. There
are hoppers where ash is collected. Rotary feeders Oil firing system has built in safety systems. Each
Figure 7-30, Oil/gas fired fuel system of a recovery boiler (Ahlstrom Machinery, 1998)
burner needs it own flame monitoring. Instead Mixing molten inorganics to water creates heat.
of main flame monitoring an auxiliary or support In a 3000 tds/d boiler the heat input is more than
flame can be monitored. Normally double valve 10 MW. Heat usually escapes dissolving tank as
arrangement is required to ensure closing of oil steam. With steam green liquor droplets and H2S
line. gases formed escape. To reduce gas volume, dust
and TRS content the vent gases are scrubbed with
Flame is lighted with an igniter. Often gas igniters alkaline liquid.
are used. Especially heavy fuel oil is heated to
lower its viscosity. To ensure sufficient atomiza- Smelt spouts run from furnace to dissolving tank
tion of oil pressurized air or steam is used to assist transporting molten smelt. They are cooled by ~60
atomization. o
C water that circulates inside them.
If natural gas is used as fuel, venting to air is often Because green liquor forms pirssonite that will
used to ensure that gas leak to furnace is impos- quickly block transport pipes, weak wash and
sible. green liquor pipes are exchanged to one another
once a shift.
The primary airports are cleaned in groups of two In operation, they normally cause a small under
or three openings. At the secondary air level they pressure into the furnace.
are cleaned separately. All this is performed ac-
cording to pre-programmed intervals. The selection of fan is made with the performance
curves provided by the fan manufacturer. The
curves are based on experiments that the manu-
Pyrometers and char bed facturers have made in laboratories for different
cameras types of fans. The curve illustrates the change in
the total pressure created by the fan as a func-
Separate pyrometers are not needed if bed cam-
tion of volume flow and speed of rotation. When
eras are used. Instead cameras with integrated py-
choosing a fan, the required volume flow and
rometer should be used. Cameras and pyrometers
pressure difference must be known. Other factors
are located in secondary air openings. One camera
influencing the choice are
on a side wall close to rear wall and the other one
- Efficiency
in the opposite corner in the front wall.
- Required space
- Shape of the characteristic curve for the fan.
Air fans
Most recovery boiler fans are radial type. Some-
In boiler plants, fans supply primary and second- times two sided air inlet is preferred. Axial fans
ary air to the furnace. The air is primarily used are avoided as more expensive.
for combustion of fuels, but can also be utilized
in pneumatic transport of fuels and other solid
materials to the furnace. The induced draft (ID) Steam air preheater
fans exhaust combustion gases from the boiler.
Steam air preheaters are used to preheat steam.
Most typical sootblower in the recovery boiler has
a rotating lance which is inserted from wall to the
heat exchanger surface, Figure 7-35. Tip of the
lance has a hole. Steam at sonic speed is injected
from tip. Sootblowers are pulled outside the boiler,
when not in use.
This type of sootblower gradually rotates around
while it is inserted and retracted. The sootblower
is then able to clean a large area of a heat ex-
changer surface.
Electrostatic precipitators
Electrostatic precipitator efficiency depends on
e is the collection efficiency, -
A is the collector surface, m2
w is the collection migration velocity, m/s
V is the actual gas flow, m3/s
k is an empirical constant (0.4 .. 0.5 ..0.6), -
Figure 7-38, Section of an ash conveyor. The principle of electrostatic precipitator is simple.
Figure 7-37. Dust laden flue gas flows along col-
7-18 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 7-39, Typical ash conveyor before insulation.
Ash conveyors
Ash is collected to hoppers. Motors turn ash con-
veyors. Collected ash is dropped to ash chutes.
(DCE) or cascade evaporators, Figure 7-43. Cas- Other problems that plagued the cascade evapora-
cade evaporator looks like old mill’s waterwheel, tor were fire (black liquor is burnable after all) and
where flat surfaces are replaced with rows of tubes. crusting of liquor to tubes because of too high flue
Incoming black liquor sticks to the tubes when gas temperatures.
they are submerged in a black liquor pool. When
these tubes emerge from the black liquor, flue There was another type of direct contact evapora-
gases evaporate water from the liquor that sticks tor promoted by Babcock & Wilcox. In it the black
to the tube surface. Black liquor dry solids 70 … liquor was sprayed to flue gases in a cyclone. Be-
74 % can be reached. Cascade evaporator was a cause this type is based on equilibrium and the CE
rather cheap way of increasing black liquor con- type is based on countercurrent drying the B&W
centration at a time when multiple effect evapora- type achieved lower solids 60 … 65 %.
tors could produce only 45 to 50 % dry solids.
Last new boiler to be equipped with cascade
A big problem with cascade evaporators is that evaporator started operating 1991 in US. At that
TRS in the black liquor is released during the time cascade evaporator was almost phased out
process. Even if black liquor oxidation, which de- in Scandinavia. Boilers with cascade evaporators
creases the TRS levels to close to the 10 ppm level, have been supplied recently to India and China.
is used the resulting sulfur emission is considered
unacceptably high for a modern mill.
Fouling 8-1
Figure 8-1, Deposits on superheaters seen along cavity between SH3 and SH2.
al., 2001, Janka et al., 2004). With the aid of these Niemitalo, 1994, Janka et al., 1998).
programs and measured black liquor properties
one is able to predict from given operating condi- The flue gas velocities at superheater area are
tions which surfaces are prone to fouling (Forssén rather low 3 – 5 m/s. This creates good conditions
et al., 2000). for separation of large particles. For particles over
10 µm the collection efficiency at superheater
As the heat transfer surface gets fouled the build- surfaces is high (Jokiniemi et al., 1996).
up of deposits decreases available gas flow area.
This causes an increase in flue gas flow velocity Superheater deposits decrease the heat transfer
and pressure loss across a heat transfer surface. and lower the steam temperature. Low super-
The pressure loss is often more important for heater main steam temperature requires boiler to
maintaining operation than the decreasing heat be shut down for water was. Superheater deposits
transfer. Usually the recovery boiler maximum can significantly reduce the recovery boiler avail-
capacity is limited by the flue gas side pressure ability (Clement et al., 1995). As superheater heat
loss. Fouling increases until the flue gas fan can transfer decreases the temperature entering boiler
not supply enough pressure and flow. Then the re- bank increases. Superheater deposition can thus
covery boiler load must be decreased or the boiler negatively influence the fouling in downstream
shut for water washing. heat transfer surfaces.
temperature of ash deposited, increased black erick et al., 1998). As sulfur release stays rather
liquor chloride content, too high flue gas tem- flat (Perjyd and Hupa, 1984) the excess shows as
perature into boiler bank and fast sintering rate carbonate in ash, Figure 8-3.
of deposits (Frederick et al., 2001). All of these
indicators point to problems in controlling the With low dry solids firing there is no carbonate.
fouling rate. As less and less sodium is released there is excess
of sulfur. Part of the dust remains sodium bicar-
Economizer fouling bonate (Backman et al., 1984). Increased sodium
bicarbonate decreases pH of dust. Figure 8-4
Economizer fouling is typically caused by low ash shows actual simultaneous mill measurements of
pH. Higher dry solids increases lower furnace dust carbonate and pH. To keep dust pH above 10
temperature. Increased lower furnace temperature one needs at least 2 to 3 % of carbonate in ash.
increases sodium and potassium release (Fred-
Fouling 8-3
Figure 8-4, Effect of dust carbonate to pH of ESP ash.
Figure 8-5, Pressure losses in heat transfer surfaces during 14 days after startup, 60 equals situa-
tion after 60 days (Vakkilainen and Niemitalo, 1994).
Figure 8-6, Temperature raises in superheaters during 14 days after startup, 60 equals situation
after 60 days (Vakkilainen and Niemitalo, 1994).
Fouling 8-7
Figure 8-10, Measured ESP dust concentration from recovery boilers.
calculations (Perjyd and Hupa, 1984) suggest that light streaks against darker background. Detec-
fume formation increases as the lower furnace gas tion devices to monitor combusting carryover are
temperature increases. This is shown as slightly available and are widely used. Flue gas tempera-
upward trend in the figure 8-10. tures drop fast after the boiler nose. This means
that the carbon reactions practically stop when the
Briscoe et al. (1991) reported that in their meas- carryover particle reaches superheater. Carryover
urements chemical fume production remained that is combusting at nose shows as unburned car-
about constant even though lower furnace gas bon residue in the deposits. It can be seen as black
temperature varied. Increased temperatures in color on boiler bank ash coming out of hoppers.
lower furnace didn’t result in decreased TRS emis- Carryover that has combusted totally has high
sions. reduction and contains sodium sulfide. Even if
combustion was over early, sulfation of sulfide
is slow for carryover size droplets (DeMartini,
Carryover 2004). High flow of fully combusted carryover can
Carryover is burned and unburned particles that be seen as pink or red color at superheater soot-
get caught with the flue gases. Very small particles blower lances. In modern high dry solids boilers
burn fast and form liquid droplets which don’t get carryover carbon content is very low. Carryover
entrained with the flue gas. Large particles do not particles are depleted of potassium and chlorine
have time to swell and hit furnace walls or char (Khalaj et al., 2004).
bed before they entrain. It is the fraction around
initial 1 mm size that is responsible for entrainmet Intermediate size particles
(Horton and Vakkilainen, 1993).
The actual coarse material that is seen on super-
For kraft recovery boilers running close to MCR heater section is very diverse. There are particles
equipped with modern air systems the typical that are larger than fume but smaller than the
carryover rate is 2 – 4 g/m3n (Kaila and Saviharju, residue of medium sized black liquor droplet.
2003). The amount of carryover depends on the These particles are called the intermediate size
air flow settings and the chosen air model (Costa particles. In industrial measurements (Mikkanen
et al., 2004). Typically carryover decreases for et al., 2001) at least five different types of interme-
lower loads. At about 85 % load and 70 % dry sol- diate particles have been identified based on their
ids liquor carryover rates in three boilers were 0,5 assumed formation path.
– 1,5 g/m3n (Backman et al., 1995). For older boil- 1. Large agglomerates which consist of 0.3±0.7
ers with conventional air systems carryover rates µm diameter primary particles. These
can be as high as 5 – 8 g/m3n (Metiäinen, 1991). particles form when the fine fume particles
deposit onto the heat exchangers, sinter and
Carryover can be broadly classified into two dis- re-entrain to the flue gas.
tinct groups. Carryover that is still burning when 2. Extensively sintered irregular particles
it reaches the boiler nose elevation can be seen as 30±250 µm in diameter. The appearance
and the composition of these particles uted most of this loss to physical ejection during
suggest that they were formed from drying and volatilization. The release of ISP from
extensively sintered fine fume particles and char bed seems to increase with increasing char
subsequently removed from the heat bed temperature (Verrill and Lien, 2003). Total
exchangers by soot blowing. mass release at 1000 oC seems to be about 8 % of
3. Spherical particles 5±100 µm in diameter, initial char mass. About 75 % of the released mass
which appeared highly porous inside. These seemed to be ISP (Kochesfahani et al., 1998). This
particles are enriched in potassium. would mean that 10 … 30 % of Na loss or 2 … 4
Formation of these particles is most likely g/m3n is ISP from char bed.
through residue of burning black liquor.
4. Dense spherical particles 5±250 µm in The amount of intermediate size particles in typi-
diameter. These particles are enriched in cal recovery boilers is still somewhat open. Wessel
Na and K and depleted in Cl and C. and Kaufman (2000) indicated in their recovery
Furthermore, these particles deposit boiler model that about half of all particles could
efficiently in the superheater area. be ISP. In field studies at two US boilers between
5. Irregular, rough particles 3±40 µm in 1 and 2 g/m3n have been found (Schaddix et al.,
diameter. These particles have Si, Ca and 2003, Baxter et al., 2001, Lind et al., 2000). In an-
sometimes traces of Mg in their spectra other set of field studies at three North American
suggesting that they originate from the boilers 20 to 40 % of large material at superheater
mineral impurities in the black liquor. inlet was ISP (Kochesfahani and Tran, 2000). The
Some of these particles might have formed measured ISP amount equaled 1 … 3 g/sm2. Mass
on the evaporator. averaged size of ISP was about 50 µm.
Fouling 8-9
the ratio of the particle stopping distance, lp, to
the characteristic cylinder dimension, that is to
the cylinder radius Rc. Impaction of particle on
the cylinder surface will occur only, when Stk >
0.125 (Friedlander, 1977). The stopping distance
is a finite distance, which a particle will travel
before coming to rest as t → ∞, when the particle
is projected into a stationary fluid with a velocity
Up,0. The stopping distance is usually calculated
by applying Stokes linear drag law (Friedlander,
lp = Up,0τ 8-4
Inertial impaction
For particle sizes larger than about 20 µm the
main deposition mechanism is the inertial impac- where Ψ(Rep) is the non-Stokesian drag correction
tion. The capture efficiency of a collector(cylinder) factor (Israel and Rosner, 1983, Wessel and Righi,
in a cross flow of combustion gases is mainly 1998), which is monotonously decreasing function
determined by inertia, which can be characterized of Rep and Stk is the same Stokes number, which
with the Stokes number was already defined in equation (8-4).
Fouling 8-11
Deposition to surfaces boiler heat transfer surfaces determines many of
the deposit properties. The first melting tempera-
Deposition rate is controlled by particle size ture (FMT) is the temperature at which the melt
distribution, temperature difference, heat transfer appears in a recovery boiler deposit. The tempera-
surface construction and ash content in the flue ture where deposit melting appears marks also the
gases. It is therefore obvious that deposition rate region where fouling problems occur. Under-
to different recovery boiler surfaces is not constant standing and predicting first melting temperature
but varies. is particularly important in terms of superheater
corrosion (Tran et al., 1999).
Fume tends to deposit on economizers and boiler
banks, Figure 8-13 (Jokiniemi et al., 1996). Fume Liquid content
deposition occurs mainly through thermophore-
sis. Carryover tends to deposit on superheater When recovery boiler dust is heated it at first
surfaces. If we look at deposits on these surfaces behaves like solid. At first melting temperature liq-
we see a clear difference on particle size that forms uid appears. Above that temperature there exists
these deposits. Boiler bank dust contains larger, a state where the deposit is partially molten and
carryover particles mixed with smaller fume, partially solid. Depending on the type of system
Figure 8-14. Economizer deposits tend to contain after small or larger temperature difference the
mostly fume, small submicron size spheres. whole system is molten.
Figure 8-13, Fume deposition on recovery boiler heat transfer surfaces (Jokiniemi et al., 1996).
Figure 8-16, Basic phase diagrams for binary systems: left eutectic and right minimum melting (Tran et al.,
Fouling 8-13
Figure 8-17, Predicted liquid contents as a function Figure 8-18, Effect of potassium and chloride on
of temperature for recovery boiler dusts (Backman recovery boiler dust sticky temperature (Backman et
et al., 1996). al., 1995)
temperatures of component B is higher than com- the wall. If there is too much water the plaster will
ponent A and the mixture melting temperatures again will fall off the wall But between these states
are well below the melting temperature of pure the plaster will stick to the wall.
compound B.
Liquid content can be predicted with computer
The temperatures where 15 w-% of the deposit programs (Backman et al., 1996).
is at molten state and 85 w-% is at solid state is
called T15 or sticky temperature. The temperatures Sintering
where 70 w-% of the deposit is at molten state
and 30 w-% is at solid state is called T70 or flow Sintering is a process where dust particles that
temperature. Recovery boiler dusts tend to stick to have stuck to a heat transfer surface gradually
the heat transfer surfaces and form hard deposits densify and harden. Originally loose and porous
when they are between T15 and T70. An example material becomes solid almost crystal like. As
showing the effect of water content on material deposits densify, their strength increases exponen-
behavior is plaster. If it is dry it will fall off from tially, and they become more difficult to remove
Figure 8-19, Progression of neck development and grain growth during sintering of an ash sample from the
electrostatic precipitator of a kraft recovery boiler. Conditions were 450 oC for three minutes upper right fifteen
minutes lower left, and sixty minutes lower right (Frederick et al., 2001).
by sootblowing. Because of the end product the In real recovery boiler deposits the sintering
process is often called deposit hardening. behavior is much more complex. These deposits,
Figure 8-20, contain fine fume, large carryover
Fume particles sinter at temperatures above particles and intermediate particles. Each particle
300 oC (Tran et al., 1988). The rate of sintering type has its own composition and so its own
increases rapidly with temperature (Skrifars et sintering behavior. The actual deposit sintering
al., 1991). The recovery boiler deposits sintering behavior is then sum of sintering of all of these
and hardening is affected also by deposit packing different materials.
density, dust and flue gas composition.
Fouling 8-15
Figure 8-21, Examples of ash adhesive forces as function of temperature (Fujisaki et al., 2003).
Enrichment of chloride of less than 1.5. Another way to express this is the
mole ratio of chloride to the sum of sodium and
Chloride compounds in the lower furnace have potassium in ESP dust is about 8±1 times the mass
higher vapor pressures than other sodium and weight percent of cloride in virgin black liquor.
potassium compounds (Hupa, 1993). They are This means that the weight fraction of chloride in
typically enriched in the precipitator dust. Chlo- ESP dust is about 4±2 times the chloride in virgin
ride content is typically expressed as molar ratio black liquor. As with the potassium enrichment
of chloride to sum of sodium and potassium. The factors, this is less than data reported in other
enrichment or enrichment facor is usually defined sources (Tran and Reeve, 1991, Adams and Fred-
as the ratio of chloride content in dust sample to erick, 1988).
chloride content in virgin black liquor, i.e.
Chloride enrichment versus furnace temperatures
ECl = Clsample/(Na2,sample+K2,sample) / ClBL/(Na2,BL+K2,BL) indicated by the CO3 content of the dust gives two
separate enrichment regions. When the ESP dust
where CO3 content was below 4 weight-% the data was
Clxx is the chloride content at xx as mol-% scattered. Above an ESP dust CO3 content of 4
weight-%, the data were much less scattered and a
The data from twenty-one operating boilers, Fig- decrease in enrichment with increasing carbonate
ure 8-23 shows that in these boilers the chloride content was noted. This implies that chloride en-
enrichment ranges from 0.3 to 6. The average richment decreases with increasing temperature.
chloride enrichment is 2.9 with standard deviation Smaller fume particles are enriched in chloride
Fouling 8-17
Figure 8-24, SO2 content of gases concentrations at the boiler flue gas exit level versus temperature at the
secondary air level for four different kraft recovery boilers.
(Mikkanen, 2000, Välimäki and Salmenoja, 2004). SO2 and furnace temperature affected the chloride
Effect of SO2 on chloride
Replotted Figure 8-25, shows enrichment values
enrichment that first decrease to less than unity and then
increase sharply when SO2 decreases to 0 to start
(Frederick et al., 1998) reported data on SO2
another decline with further temperature increase.
concentrations at the boiler flue gas exit level and
This is consistent to data presented in Figure 8-23.
temperature at the secondary air level (~2.5 m) in
In real boilers, because of mixing limitations and
the lower recovery furnace for four kraft recovery
non uniformity of temperature fields the sharp
boilers. The SO2 concentration decreased with
increase should be much more gradual.
increasing temperature in the lower furnace for
each boiler, Figure 8-24. These characteristic SO2
versus temperature curves were shifted to different ESP dust enrichment
locations along the temperature axis for the differ-
ent boilers. The probable reason for the shift is the Based on more than 200 tests with analysis of ESP
different sulfur release rate for each liquor. dust and black liquor, it is possible to predict ESP
dust composition as a function of black liquor
Using data from Figure 8-24 and measurements composition and dry solids;
of chloride enrichment factors in a laboratory - Prediction of SO2 is based on (Maso, 1988)
combustor Frederick et al. (1998) studied how - Depending on lower furnace temperature
Figure 8-25, Prediction of enrichment of chloride to dust as function of lower furnace temperature.
Figure 8-27, Prediction of potassium and chloride enrichment for carryover and fume for several black liquor
dry solids levels. Lower left carryover, middle boiler bank, upper right ESP ash.
Fouling 8-19
Figure 8-28, Prediction of effect of dry solids to boiler bank dust properties in a recovery
boiler, sulfidity = 27 %.
Figure 8-29, Prediction of effect of sulfidity to boiler bank dust properties in a recovery
boiler, dry solids =75 %.
Fouling 8-21
Figure 8-31, Decline of exit velocity of supersonic turbulent sootblower jet (Kaliazine et al., 1998).
leads to fast increase of draft loss (Uloth et al., Change black liquor properties
Black liquor properties affect the fouling rate
of a recovery boiler. The three main options are
8.7 HOW TO DECREASE increasing dry solids, decreasing chloride content
FOULING RATE in black liquor or lowering sulfidity. In addition to
these, changes in pulping can affect the black liq-
Fouling rate is a combination of three parameters; uor combustion properties, which, in turn, affect
amount of incoming particles, their ability to stick the furnace outlet temperature and so recovery
to the surface and the removal rate by sootblow- boiler fouling. An example of development of
ing (Tran, 2004). Many of these parameters relate potassium and chloride levels in a Scandinavian
to the patrticle composition especially potassium mill is shown in Figure 8-32
and chlorine content. There are several measures
that can be used to decrease fouling in a recovery Increasing potassium and chloride content will
boiler. Their effectivity to solve the current fouling increase recovery boiler dust sintering rate at tem-
problem should be weighed carefully. The cat- peratures above 450 oC (Skrifars, 1989, Hupa et al.,
egories are; affect the liquor properties, decrease 1990). Chloride concentration in white liquor can
flue gas temperatures, decrease carryover rate and be calculated from the approximate mill balance;
improve surface cleanability.
Clwl = 0.25*Clin*(1-ηS)/[1-(1-ηS)(1-ηW)] 8-21
Fouling 8-23
8-24 Kraft recovery boilers
9 Firing black liquor
The purpose of the black liquor gun is to from Boiling temperature of black liquor is defined as
small black liquor droplets to facilitate burning. sum of boiling temperature of water at same con-
Liquor flow inside a tube is either constricted or ditions and black liquor boiling point rise. Boiling
bounced of a plate to form a sheet of liquid, Figure point rise is liquor dependent but is mostly a func-
9-2. This sheet will break up and create droplets. tion of black liquor dry solids. Typically constant
With liquid sheet the droplet formation occurs difference to boiling point temperature produces
with two mechanisms. In wavy formation the ‘optimum’ firing conditions for a particular liquor
surface tension and drag help form waves from gun type and black liquor. At very high dry solids
local instabilities (Dombrowski and Johns, 1963). this temperature must be increased to compen-
These waves will break into ribbons, which will sate for the decrease in water volume in the black
collapse into cylindrical strands and ultimately liquor, Figure 9-5 and to keep the liquor viscosity
form droplets (Spielbauer and Aidun, 1992). In low enough for pumping.
Figure 9-4, Liquor droplet velocity at liquor gun exit as a function of the firing temperature (Vakkilainen
and Holm, 2001).
After selecting the nozzle size and type, the liquor correlated with a simple two term equation.
flow is controlled by the liquor pressure and tem-
perature. A higher firing temperature has another Cf = a + bRenc 9-2
effect. The liquor flashes in the nozzle tube and
causes a bigger pressure loss due to the acceler- where
ated velocity, Figure 9-5. Thus, we have to raise Ren is Reynolds number at nozzle outlet, -
the liquor firing pressure to keep the boiler load a, b, c are constants, -
Reynolds number is calculated on the basis of the
Flow from black liquor gun smallest flow area of the nozzle. The minimum
flow area is a function of plate installation angle.
The nozzle pressure loss can be expressed through The values for the constants a, b and c are pre-
flow coefficient and flow dynamic pressure at sented in table 9-1 (Spielbauer and Adams, 1990).
nozzle. The flow coefficient takes into account the
friction and acceleration losses (Spielbauer and Table 9-1, Nozzle flow coefficient constants (Em-
Adams, 1990). pie et al., 1992).
Nozzle type a b c
Δpn = Cf ρu2/2 9-1
splashplate nozzle 1.17 373 -0.92
C27 D28
Figure 9-13, Two typical splash plate liquor guns, left partially blocked, right totally open (TKK).
During devolatilization gases are released from the
black liquor droplet and the diameter of the black
liquor droplets increases by a factor of 3 (Horton
et al., 1992). This means larger drag forces due to
larger cross-sectional area. If the friction forces are
high enough, entertainment takes place.
Sulfur release
The release model from (Manninen and Vak-
kilainen, 1995) was used for calculating sulfur
release during pyrolysis. It can be seen that the
larger the droplet size, the lower in the furnace the
sulfur release occurs, Figure 9-17. Figure 9-18, Release of sulfur in vertical plane, noz-
zle 2.
When comparing the total release of sulfur in the
furnace nozzle 2 released sulfur closest to the wall.
At the same time, the release distribution is flatter.
With wider opening, the maximum release point
moves towards the liquor gun wall.
too low for significant thermal NOx production Ernola et al. (1989) have presented an extensive
(Nichols et al., 1993). Formation of thermal NOx study on NOx reduction using CHEMKIN com-
is very low until the furnace temperatures reach puter code in coal combustion. They found H2 and
1400 oC, Figure 9-27. Even increase of black liquor CO to be effective reducing agents. They conclud-
dry solids from 67 to 80 % does not in typical ed that the main destructive reactions were
boiler produce significant amounts of thermal
NOx (Adams et al., 1993). NO + CO → N + CO2 11-3
Aho et al., (1994) studied the reduction of General observations of mill trials seem to indi-
nitrogen in the black liquor. One can somewhat cate that
change the nitrogen content by treating chips, - flue gas dust content and NOx emissions
making cooking changes and treating black liquor. have no significant correlation
The results however have so far showed this to be - black liquor HHV and NOx emissions have
uneconomical. no significant correlation
- air split between primary and secondary
Part of the nitrogen in black liquor is in the form level has no significant effect to NOx
of NH3 and so easily vaporized. Parts of nitrogen - air pressure has no significant correlation
can then be extracted from black liquor in the with NOx
stripper area. This product may enrich to some - CO emissions affect NOx
parts of the recovery cycle so great care should be - staging air higher (to tertiary) can reduce
taken when this waste stream is destroyed. NOx a little
- adding a upper tertiary or quaternary air
Effect of operating parameter level can reduce NOx
changes to NOx emissions Decreasing furnace temperature seems to decrease
Changing air and liquor distribution affects NOx NO. This change can be attributed to higher SO2
levels. In trials done in a North American boiler formation. In trials with actual operating recovery
the NOx level could be varied from 75 to 55 ppm. boilers typically after SO2 emissions go to zero an
The nitrogen content in the black liquor was low. increase in NOx emissions is seen, Figure 9-29.
20 to 30 % reduction from highest values can be
done by proper air staging and firing. In the NOx tests performed by manufacturers the
Figure 9-29, Effect of furnace temperature to NO during trials at a North American mill.
Trials in Sweden with oxygen enriched air to Figure 9-31, Effect of residence time to quaternary
recovery boiler have resulted in unchanged con- air to NO reduction during trials at a Japanese mill
centration of NOx in flue gas. As flue gas flow is (Wallén et al., 2002).
reduced, the total emission of NOx per ton of pulp
did reduce (Verloop et al., 2001).
level and the first tertiary air level improve NOx
Reduction of NOx in the upper
furnace NOx behavior in a large Scandinavian boiler
has been studied by Vakkilainen et al. (1998a).
Recovery boiler NOx emission can be decreased The recovery boiler employs partially interlaced
by applying air in stages (Forssen et al., 2000a). secondary air injection model. This type of air
Typically this has been done by adding fourth model is capable of achieving high mixing rates
level of air. The effect of amount of quaternary in the lower furnace resulting at a fairly even
air can be seen in Figure 9-30. More than 10 % of temperature profile. The average temperature at
total air is needed to achieve significant reduction. the furnace exit is about 950 oC.
Also residence time in furnace before the final air The modelling results showed fairly typical flow,
injection seems to play a role, Figure 9-31. More temperature and gaseous species concentration
than 10 s residence time was needed for NOx re- patterns. Nitrogen is released primarily during the
moval. This seems to indicate that sufficiently low pyrolysis phase. Half of the fuel nitrogen was as-
temperature is reached before the final combus- sumed to be released during pyrolysis as ammonia
tion takes place. Brink et al. (2004) predict that and half as molecular nitrogen, Figure 9-32. The
long residence time between the black liquor gun nitrogen release occurs between the secondary
9-16 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 9-32, Furnace vertical NH3 concentration Figure 9-34, Furnace NO- measurement profile
profile, dry gases. converted to dry gases and 3 % O2.
The study shows that this kind of modeling can Reduction eff. % 93–96 96-97
be applied to a 3150 tds/d recovery boiler. The Sootblowing % 2.5 – 3 <2
modeling results increased the understanding of steam
the in-furnace processes and helped in interpreta- SO2 emission ppm 200 – 300 0
tion of the measurements and of the observations
CO emission ppm ~100 30 - 60
in the operation of the boiler. The results also
support the role of fuel nitrogen as a major source NOx emission ppm 60 – 80 ~70
of the recovery boiler NO emissions. HHRR MW/m2 3.1 3.1
Gross steam % 100 105.5
Other means of controlling NOx
droplet size might have a beneficial effect to NO
We can control the formation of NOx by. emissions. In modelling studies fine black liquor
- Reducing the free oxygen concentration droplets produces more NOx than coarse black
(Boström, 1990). This decreases both liquor droplets (Forssén et al., 2000b).
the thermal and fuel NOx generation. All
new improved air systems use this as part
of their NOx reduction strategy. Reduction 9.6 SOX AND TRS CONTROL
of oxygen level should be continued until
unacceptable CO emissions result. In the early 1980’s it was discovered that increas-
- Reducing the mean and the peak ing black liquor dry solids decreased the sulfur
temperature levels in the boiler. This emissions (Maso, 1988). It was quickly understood
reduces the thermal NOx. that this happened because increased dry solids
- Improving mixing, which affects increased furnace temperatures. This increased
temperature and concentration profiles sodium release, which then could bind sulfur di-
decreases usually NOx emissions. oxide to sodium sulfate (Perjyd and Hupa, 1984).
- Staging the air to more levels than
conventionally. Increased furnace temperatures also increase reac-
tion rates decreasing the reduced sulfur emissions.
Some studies indicate that increasing black liquor Lankinen et al. (1991) have outlined how the third
Figure 9-35, Effect of black liquor dry solids content to sulfur emissions (A. Ahlstrom Oy).
generation recovery island will affect the boiler dried liquor droplets will have only a marginal
operation, Table 9-8. How the char bed processes influence on reaction and temperature conditions.
will be affected is not as obvious. They based this assumption on the large mass and
high temperature of the char bed. The modern use
Earlier it was common practice to oxidize black of char bed imagining cameras has concluded that
liquor. Oxidation decreased TRS emissions from even small low temperature areas will significantly
black liquor. With modern air systems and higher increase sulfur emissions. Practical experience
dry solids, black liquor oxidation is becoming with char bed imagining cameras indicates that
obsolete. creation of ‘cool spots’ in the bed correlates with
increased SO2 emissions. If poor mixing or low
In recent years the dry solids concentration from temperatures prevail in furnace also higher TRS
evaporators has increased from 65 to about 80 % emissions result.
dry solids. Increasing the black liquor dry solids
concentration does not change the combustion Firing high dry solids black liquor has decreased
air flow or the black liquor dry solids flow (Vak- recovery boiler fouling (Vakkilainen, 2000, Vak-
kilainen, 2000). The flue gas flow decreases as less kilainen et al., 1995). This effect can be attributed
water enters the furnace. The same amount of heat to decreased sulfur emissions and the diluting
from burning organics can increase the flue gas effect of sodium carbonate, Figure 9-36. It should
temperature. Even a moderate increase in black be noted that there are two regimes of fouling; low
liquor dry solids increases the lower furnace tem- solids fouling is controlled by SO2, and high solids
perature and decreases the SO2 emission, Figure fouling is controlled by the ash sticky temperature.
9-35 (Ryham and Nikkanen, 1992, Vakkilainen et
al., 1998).
It is also obvious from Figure 9-35 that increasing – MILL EXPERIENCE
sulfidity increases sulfordioxide emissions. Even
boilers that fire 80 % dry solids will have sulfur Actual black liquor firing practices differ between
emissions if sulfidity is high enough (Ibach, 1995). different boilers. This is illustrated by studying
firing practices in five modern boilers (Järvinen et
Sulfur dioxide and NOx have cross correlation. al., 1997). These boilers are large and from both
This cross correlation exists also with high dry main Scandinavian vendors. The furnace dimen-
solids boilers (Jones and Stewart, 1993). Increas- sions and liquor gun locations for each boiler are
ing furnace temperatures decreases sulfur dioxide presented in Table 9-9. Dimensionless height is
emission. Increase of NOx emissions is not be- the actual height divided by the square root of
cause of thermal NO formation. Recovery boiler bottom area.
furnace temperatures hardly reach required 1400
C (Nichols et al., 1993). NOx emissions increase
because H2S is much better scavenger of oxygen.
Firing parameters
To record operating practices inquiries were sent
Björkman and Warnquist (1985) claimed that non to operators and then the answers were reviewed
and discussed with copies of parameters from In order to compare the liquor droplet combus-
automation systems. Typical liquor firing param- tion and flight path between different boilers, an
eters at full load are shown in Table 9-10. All of average flue gas velocity was calculated. Flue gas
the mills pulp several wood species and operators density was scaled with respect to the adiabatic
use different parameters to fire black liquor from flame temperature. The furnace temperature when
pulping of different wood species. These values firing high solids black liquor is higher due to a
reflect the actual average values in use at the mill, smaller flue gas amount. Furnace temperature has
and are not necessarily manufacturer’s recom- a great effect on char bed processes and on droplet
mendations. combustion. The liquor mass flow rates and flue
Liquor spray properties The black liquor combustion level was calculated
on the basis of the vertical carbon release distribu-
As it was previously observed, the boilers differ tion in the furnace. The results are presented as
from each other as far as liquor firing is con- a function of the liquor droplet size, Figure 9-38.
cerned. Various types of nozzles are used. There A clear correlation between the combustion level
are differences in the boiler geometry and the and the droplet size can be seen. The larger the
liquor dry solids content. The liquor spray proper- droplet size, the lower the combustion level.
ties; nozzle outlet velocity and mean droplet size
were calculated with respect to the real operating If combustion of different wood species is com-
parameters. The results are presented in Table pared, the effect of the liquor type is obvious.
9-12. Softwood liquors burn at a higher level compared
to hardwood liquors. This is because of softwood
liquor swells more.
Black liquor combustion height
Differences in black liquor firing practices can be The horizontal carbon release level is presented
Table 9-11, Black liquor and flue gas flows Table 9-12, Liquor spray properties (Järvinen et
(Järvinen et al., 1997). al., 1997).
Boiler Gun / do / ho mass No of Flue gas Flue gas Firing Firing Nozzle Droplet Furnace
flow guns flow velocity temp. press. velocity size temp.
- /mm/mm kg/s - m3n/s m/s o
C kPa m/s mm K
Figure 9-40, Fraction of the liquor delivered to the char bed and the fraction of the
liquor burned in suspension.
The main advantage of the very high dry solids is pentine is more typically fired in the lime kiln.
that black liquor can be fired at substantially lower Main use of methanol has lately been as a support
partial loads (Mäntyniemi and Hartley, 1999). The fuel for CNCG burner. There are mainly positive
char bed is more stable and easily controlled and experiences from this type of operation. However
the boiler is able to handle process disturbances from the mill energy balance point of view also
more smoothly (Vakkilainen and Holm, 2001). In methanol could be better used at the lime kiln to
addition emissions can be controlled also when reduce fossil fuel consumption.
burning odorous gases (Mäntyniemi and Haaga,
2001). Removal of turpentine from NCG is important
because turpentine is very explosive. Collec-
Some problems in burning of very high dry solids tion lines that contain turpentine are prone to
black liquor have been that the membrane mate- explosion hazard. Several incidents with NCG in
rial of manometers does not last long, valves tend Finland have probably been caused by high tur-
to stick and they have other mechanical problems pentine concentrations. If NCG contains gaseous
and there are difficulties to get big enough droplet turpentine, the line should have droplet separation
sizes. and flame arrester for safety reasons.
Turpentine and methanol can be fired in recov- It is important to note that soap affects the refrac-
ery boiler furnace. Most often turpentine and tometer reading, Figure 9-43.
methanol are fired at liquid form using separate
lances using the CNCG burner opening. Tur-
9-24 Kraft recovery boilers
Figure 9-43, Effect of addition of soap to black liquor dry solids reading by refractometers.
Recommendations for
combustion of waste streams
Burning waste streams in a recovery boiler
causes risks. Analysis of accidents with NCG
burning helped to quantify these risks. The
following risks were identified; leaking of toxic
streams to working environment, disruptions
in condensate removal, explosion in line or
duct containing gases, gaseous explosion in
recovery boiler furnace, smelt-water explosion
in recovery boiler furnace and corrosion in Figure 9-45, Example of how recovery boiler looks
ducts, lines or pressure parts. after NCG handling accident.
When recovery boilers are designed one of the If corrosive environment is known proper mate-
most difficult questions that arise is; what kind rial can be selected. Often only experience can
of materials should one use for different parts give the answer to this. The recovery boiler is
of the boiler. Corrosion is typically divided into physically large. Corrosion rate in one side of the
areas based on location of corrosion; water side boiler can significantly differ from corrosion on
corrosion, high temperature corrosion and low another side, Figure 10-1.
temperature corrosion
Sulfidation is the most common form of corrosion
in the lower furnace, in openings and in super-
heater tubes. In particular hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
contents close to the wall in the lower furnace
Figure 10-3, Effect of temperature and H2S concen- can be around twenty mole percent (Singh et al.,
tration on corrosion rate of carbon steel and alloy 1999). In modern, high solids boiler the concen-
AISI 304 (Salmenoja and Tuiremo, 2001). tration close to the wall above the tertiary air is
only some tens of ppm (Vakkilainen and Holm,
typical boiler look like. 2001). In sulfidation the iron reacts with sulfur in
the gas phase forming iron sulfide FeS. This means
In Figure 10-2, we see that the boiler tube oxidizes that the protective oxidized surface of metal tube
fast and forms protective iron oxide (Fe3O4) layer. reduces in presence of sulfur containing species.
Protection is typically higher if tube Cr, Ni and
Mn content is increased. Increase in corrosion Corrosion due to gaseous H2S is low up to 250 oC,
prevention is often associated with tighter depos- but at carbon steel it increases rapidly above 310
its, which prevent passage of corrosive agents. o
C, Figure 10-3. Metal temperatures of the furnace
Specifying a proper alloy and thus a proper pro- tubes are typically 15-30 oC hotter than the satura-
tective layer composition helps to protect against tion temperature of the boiler water. Sulfidation
Alkali corrosion
Recovery boiler ash in contact with the tubes is
Figure 10-6, Forest residue superheater ash FB
normally solid. Sodium and potassium may form
(Kurkela et al., 1998).
ash with low melting points 500 … 600 oC. Con-
tact of tube surface with molten alkali salts causes
fast corrosion. This is because chemical reactions
Figure 10-7, Effect of chromium on corrosion. Figure 10-8, Effect of material temperature on cor-
rosion rate, A – D different materials (Salmenoja
and Tuiremo, 2001).
occur faster with molten than solid phase, a liquid Chloride corrosion
phase provides an electrolyte for electrochemical
reactions, a liquid phase can readily dissolve the Chloride in fuel forms NaCl, Cl2 and HCl in gase-
corrosion products and liquid phase can fluidize ous from. In active oxidation these gases react
the ash. Carbon steel corrodes very fast in molten with iron to FeCl2 (Grabke et al., 1995). This when
smelt, 1 … 3 mm/h. So maintaining protective, in contact with oxygen, reacts back to Fe2O3 re-
frozen layer is essential for safe operation. leasing chloride in gas form. Reformed iron oxide
layer is porous and does not offer protection from
Typical first melting temperatures of recovery corrosion. Released chloride can react with fresh
boiler deposits are shown in Figure 10-9. With iron oxide and the cycle repeats. Active oxidation
high enough liquid content ash flows down the leads to rapid waste of superheater tubes, Figure
superheater surface. First melting point is a func- 10-10.
tion of boiler operation. Increasing lower furnace
temperature increases fuming and carbonate in Chloride corrosion needs continuous gaseous
deposit (Stead et al., 1995). Alkali corrosion usu- chloride species present to proceed. Salmenoja
ally leaves a smooth, even surface. Uniform thin- et al. (1999) found in laboratory tests that it took
ning can be seen in e.g. superheater tube bends. A some 20 min to start the corrosion and some 15
special case for alkali corrosion prevention is the min to stop when HCl in oxidizing conditions was
smelt spouts. By keeping tube temperature close used.
to 100 oC carbon steel can survive the molten, free
flowing smelt. Chloride corrosion has been studied a lot in con-
nection with waste burning and recovery boilers.
It can be identified from sharp chloride layer
between deposit and the uncorroded tube (Nishio
et al., 2001), Figure 10–11.
Figure 10-12, Effect of operating conditions on corrosion rates of superheater tubes from two boilers.
Thermal fatigue
Thermal cycles take place in recovery boiler
floors. A cycle is initiated each time boiler is shut
down and started up. Such spikes have also been
observed during normal operation. Cracks can
be created when a certain amount of cycles has
occurred. The higher the stresses or strains as-
sociated with a thermal cycle the fewer cycles are
needed for a crack to initiate.
The Savcor company in Finland has measured the Cold side corrosion is caused by molten hydrox-
bed electrical resistance with a probe they have ide corrosion. There vaporized sodium hydrox-
developed and they have seen that bed resistance ide deposits on cold back side of air port tubes.
varies a lot from “normal” between 2 and 5 k cm Especially boilers with cast air tubes have suffered
to as low as 0.1 k cm and sometimes even lower from this corrosion mechanism. As rate with com-
(Laitinen et al., 1998). This indicates the exist- pound is much higher than with carbon steel, this
ence of molten phases in the bed material during doesn’t normally present great concern.
normal steady state operation.
At upper and lower end of air ports there is larger
Doug Singbeil and his group in Paprican have width of membrane, because of tube bends. This
made SCC tests in simulated water wash condi- membrane is then at higher temperature and
tions both with artificial salt mixtures and with exhibits higher corrosion rates. Corrosion can be
real smelt taken from a boiler. Tests show that augmented by periodic temperature excursions
these environments (salt + water) can cause crack- (Tay et al., 2004).
ing at temperatures ~170 oC. They have found a
threshold stress about 170 MPa and a threshold There are differences with external conditions
temperature about 160 oC for 304L (Keiser et al., between air ports even close to each other. The
2001). It seems that the presence of sodium sulfide following affect the corrosive environment: pres-
will prevent complete dryout until about 180 oC ence of molten smelt on the char bed surface, flow
(Tran et al., 1999). of molten smelt towards the air port tubes and
presence of large pieces of char near primary air
Preet Singh from IPST has made numerous tests ports. It has been suggested that a combination
in different artificial water wash solutions using of several events may lead to tube temperature
the slow strain rate test method. These experi- excursions at primary air ports (Vafa, 2003).
ments show that 304L steel may suffer from SCC
already at very low temperatures like 50 oC. These
tests, however, show only if the alloy is prone to 10.3 EROSION
SCC in test environment but don’t tell if SCC re-
ally takes place in real recovery boiler water wash Gas side heat transfer surfaces in boilers are
environment. subjected to passage of ash particles. Erosion
is caused as these particles hit the heat transfer
surface. Erosion rate increases with kinetic energy
Airport corrosion of the particles. Erosion depends strongly on ash
Drum maximum pressure MPa(a) 2.5 3.6 6.8 9.1 12.6 16.1
Superheated steam pressure MPa(a) 2.3 3.3 6.3 8.5 11.1 14.1
pH25 upper limit 15.1 15.0 13.5 12.8 11.8 10.5
pH25 lower limit 9.5 9.5 9.0 9.0 8.5 8.5
p-value mval/kg 8.0 6.0 2.0 0.75 0.20 0.05
p-value if phosphates mval/kg 1…8 1…6 1…2
Conductivity25 mS/m 400 350 80 40 15 4
Na+K mg/kg 800 650 150 80 30 8
PO4 mg/kg 10…20 <15 <15 2…6 2…6 2…6
Silicates mg/kg 108 56 7.0 3.0 1.0 0.35
characteristics and local velocity field. high pH. This corrosion is characterized by loss
of magnetite film, irregular patterns and is often
The erosion problems caused by ash in recovery referred to as “caustic gouging”.
boilers are small. Firstly the flue gas velocities are
moderate (4 … 12 m/s). Secondly the ash in kraft Hydrogen attack results in loss of metal strength.
recovery boilers is typically rather soft. There are no visible signs to indicate wether this is
A significant source of erosion in recovery boilers
is erosion caused by sootblowers. Sootblowing Main means of steam/water side corrosion protec-
steam contains condensate droplets. When blown tion is creation of a protective oxide film on the
these droplets hit the tubes. If the distance to the metal surface. Steam/water circuits in power plant
tube is short (velocity is high) tube erosion will depend on such films for their integrity. The prime
occur. Erosion can be partly controlled by adding aim of water treatment is to maintain conditions
high resistance erosion control plate on top of the where these protective oxide films are formed and
tubes. are stable (MPSP, Vol. E, 1992).
3Fe + 4 H2O → Fe3O4 + 4H2 10-3 The caustic will concentrate under scale where
evaporation of water occurs. As steam contains
Magnetite forms as a thin, tenacious film on boiler almost no caustic the caustic concentration is
tube. This film protects boiler steel against attacks. increased. The concentrated caustic readily “dis-
Highly acidic or caustic conditions can dissolve solves” the protective magnetite film, forming
the magnetite film. complex caustic-ferritic compounds. The exposed
is enough. Too much height will cause problems struction. Carbon steel has also been lately used
when we try to empty the bed for shutdown. as floor material, Figure 10-23. Floors with carbon
tube are not susceptible to SCC corrosion.
Four different corner designs are shown in Figure
10-22. The amount of heat transferred to corner Extensive research in Finland has been carried out
tubes differs from one design to another. Of the where the corrosion of different materials in mol-
different recovery boiler corner designs only the ten polysulfides was studied. This research showed
design at the upper left is not recommended. The that Sanicro 38-type composite material had the
lower designs are safer than the upper designs. best corrosion resistance among the steels studied
(Mäkipää and Backman, 1998). Test panels made
Furnace tube materials of Sanicro 38 installed in 1991 and 1994 have not
shown any alarming corrosion. Nor have there
Some of the most typical furnace tube materials been any reported cracking found in recovery
are listed in Table 10-3. Many more have been boiler bottoms made from Sanicro 38 since 1995.
tried and for one reason or another abandoned. This highly alloyed material seems to have good
Carbon steel was the material of choice before the corrosion resistance, but it is fairly expensive.
compound tubing. Upper furnace from above the
highest air level is always made from carbon steel. Stainless steel 304L seems to last well in the fur-
Carbon steel seems to resist most corrosive condi- nace walls above the char bed. It is very resistant
tions at oxygen rich conditions. But bare carbon to sulfidation. SCC in the tubes at the furnace bot-
tubes can not resist black liquor burning on them tom tubes has made manufactures and recovery
nor smelt contact. Most modern recovery boilers boiler owners search for replacement materials in
use highly alloyed compound tube as floor con- that area (Keiser et al., 2000).
Membrane materials
Membrane materials should be similar to the tube
material used. Carbon steel fin is used in case of
carbon steel tubes. Either composite membrane or
totally stainless steel membrane is used in case of Figure 10-25, Refractory with studs to protect the
composite floor tubing. furnace wall (Quest Integrated Inc)
anymore widely used in recovery boilers.
Fins receive thermal radiation and need to con-
duct heat to the tube proper. Fin surface is thus
at higher temperature than the tube surface. In 10.6 SUPERHEATER DESIGN AND
high heat flux areas and with wide fins this can MATERIALS
lead to tube cracking, Figure 10-24. A composite
membrane has better thermal conductivity as Recovery boiler superheaters suffer from corro-
compared to solid material, which is important sion, design issues and operation issues. Opera-
especially in case of wide tube spacing. tion problems that cause superheater failure can
be (McMillan, 2004)
1) Condensate blocked tubes during start up
Refractory and studs 2) Water from hydrotest not being evacuated
Small studs can be welded to tube and then during start up
covered with refractory, Figure 10-25. Refrac- 3) Water carryover from the drum
tory is also a fair corrosion protection. It should 4) Desuperheater spray water quality control
be remembered that both refractory and studs issues
need regular replacement. It is also impossible to 5) Sootblower action
inspect a floor for faults after it has been studded. 6) High temperature cycling caused by poor
Because of this neither refractory nor studs is superheating control
Even the most modern recovery boilers suffer
Material selection and corrosion 10-15
from superheater corrosion (Salmenoja, 2004).
Corrosion is the main problem that limits the
ability of kraft recovery boiler to produce electric-
ity (Bruno, 1997). In e.g. coal fired boilers much
higher superheater temperatures are typically
used. In comparison to coal fired boilers kraft
recovery boilers have higher rates of alkali metals,
chloride in gaseous form and often highly reduc-
ing conditions caused by carryover particles On
the other hand levels of some high temperature
corrosion causing substances like antimony, vana-
dium and zinc are typically low.
Typical materials
Typical primary superheater materials, when they
are protected from direct furnace radiation are
carbon steel. Secondary and tertiary superheater
materials contain often 1 to 3 % Cr. These kinds
of materials are easy to weld and have good cor-
rosion protection. T22/10CrMo910 material can
Figure 10-28, Effect of chromium content on corro- usually be used up to 495 oC steam outlet
sion rate in laboratory tests, (Fujisaki et al., 1994).
Cr Ni Mo Si Cu Al Mn C Fe Other
15Mo3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.26 0.3 0.65 0.16 97.6
SA213 - T12 1.0 0.5 0.45 0.45 0.1 97.5 P,S
13CrMo44 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.26 0.3 0.55 0.14 97.1
SA213 - T11 1.25 0.50 0.75 0.45 0.15 96.9 P
10CrMo910 2.3 1.00 0.50 96.1
SA213 - T22 2.25 1.00 0.75 0.45 0.15 95.4 P
X10CrMoVNb91 9,0 0,3 1,00 0,40 0,50 88,7 V, Nb
SA213 - T91 9,0 0,33 0,99 0,24 0,03 0,45 0,11 88,7 Cb, N
HCM 12 12.0 1.00 86.9 V, Nb
X20CrMoV121 12.0 0.5 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.23 85.2 V
AISI 304 19.0 9.5 71.4
SS3338 18.0 12.0 0.72 0.15 69.2 Nb, Ta
AISI 316 17.0 11.0 2.70 69.2
AISI 321 18.5 10.2 0.75 2.00 0.06 68.5
AISI 347 17.5 10.3 1.30 0.70 1.60 0.08 68.4 Nb, Ta
253 MA 21.0 11.0 1.70 66.2 N, Ce
2205 22,0 5,5 3,20 1,00 2,0 66.2
Esshete 1250 16.0 11.0 1.25 1.00 7.0 62.5 V, Nb
AISI 309 23.0 14.5 0.70 1.50 0.10 60.2 P
HR2M 22.2 14.4 1.49 0.55 3.14 0.03 58.1 N
YUS170 24,4 13,2 1,50 0,78 0,58 0.02 59.5 N, P
AISI 310 25.0 20.5 0.50 0.08 53.8
Alloy 800 HT 21.0 32.5 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.75 0.05 44.3 Ti
HR3C 25.0 29.5 0.42 1.28 1.10 0.06 42.6 N
AC66 27.0 32.0 0.25 0.02 0.8 0.06 39.2 Ce, Nb
Sanicro 28 27.0 31.0 3.50 1.00 0.05 0.01 37.3
Sanicro 38 21.0 38.0 2.50 0.30 1.70 0.80 35.6 Ti
Alloy 825 22.0 39.0 3.50 0.36 0.50 34.5 Ti
HR11N 28.5 41.2 1.06 0.12 0.50 0.01 28.6 N
Nicrofer 45 TN 27,0 46,9 2,70 0,20 0,08 23,0 Re
Super 625 21.0 52.7 8.97 0.21 0.28 0.20 0.01 15.8 Nb
Alloy 600 15.5 74 0.25 0.26 0.50 0.07 9.3 V, Nb
Sanicro 65 21.0 61.0 8.40 0.35 0.38 8.8
Alloy 625 21.0 58.0 9.0 0.50 0.4 0.50 0.10 5.0 Nb,Ti
temperatures (Clement, 1990). With higher chrome content of the superheater tube is in-
temperatures and higher chloride and potassium creased, Figure 10-28. Similar trend was found
contents in the black liquor it is advisable to use from Swedish studies in Norrsundet recovery
higher chromium containing tubes. boiler (Eriksson and Falk, 1999). They found that
alloyed austenitic materials 304L and Sanicro
Fujisaki et al. (1994) found that recovery boiler 28 had much better corrosion resistance than
superheater corrosion is much reduced when high alloyed ferritic materials SS2216 and X20.
Finned design causes temperature differences In economizers the loss of tube thickness can be
between fin and tube. This will create high stresses caused by gas side corrosion; sulfidation and acid
at fin ends. To prevent these stresses cut fins are dew point corrosion or water side erosion corro-
preferred, Figure 10-31. sion.
Some pluggage problems have been reported on Lower ends of economizers in recovery boilers
boiler bank lower end (Sandquist, 1987). If lower suffer from water side erosion corrosion. Typically
headers are located too close to each other they the symptoms are worst in the first few meters of
trap falling material. Placing a sootblowers close economizer tube.
to the lower end is also critical to keep it free from
fouling. Recovery boiler economizers have hundreds of
weld joints. Each weld even after inspection is
potentially problematic. Therefore the preference
10.9 ECONOMIZER DESIGN AND was to avoid unnecessary welds and use only
MATERIALS continuous tubes without butt welds. Largest boil-
ers have economizer lengths of 27 meters. Carbon
Modern economizers are of vertical design. Earli- steel tubes maximum length is some 23 meters.
est horizontal economizers had severe plugging So in the newest boilers this preference can not be
problems and were replaced by cross flow design. adhered to. Attention should be paid to qualifica-
Cross flow economizer had lower heat transfer tion of welds in economizer tube joints.
coefficients and was more prone to plugging than
the modern vertical economizer.
Environmental issues matter to the pulp and Table 11-1, Typical emissions (dry, 3 % O2) to air
paper industry (Vasara, 2001). In reducing emis- from recovery boilers (IPPC, 2001).
sions to air the performance of the recovery boiler
ppm mg/m3n mg/MJ kg/ADt
is the key factor. The pulp and paper industry has
in the recent past significantly reduced emissions Sulphur 35 - 275 100 - 800 60 - 250 1-4
from recovery boilers (Bruce and Van der Voored, dioxide
2003). Total elimination of all emissions to air is TRS <7 < 10 <5 < 0,05
impossible, but proper recovery boiler design and NOx 50– 125 100 - 260 50 - 80 0,8 – 1,8
operation can minimize the impact of harmful
Dust 10 - 200 0,1 – 1,8
Table 11-2, BAT emission levels from kraft pulping
Emissions to air from recovery boilers can be
process and recovery boilers (IPPC, 2001).
broadly categorized with the age of the boiler,
the black liquor dry solids and the boiler load. Emission Kraft pulping Recovery boiler
But emissions do not only depend on the process Particles kg/ADt 0.2 … 0.5 0.2 … 0.5
conditions and the type of equipment. Significant SO2 kg(S)/ADt 0.2 … 0.4 < 0.1
emission decreases can be achieved when trained,
NOx kg(NO2)/ADt 1.0 … 1.5 0.7 … 1.1
educated and motivated personnel run a properly
maintained unit with high level process control TRS kg(S)/ADt 0.1 … 0.2 < 0.1
optimization (IPPC, 2001).
It is possible to reduce the sulfur dioxide emis-
sions from recovery boilers to near zero levels.
11.1 TYPICAL EMISSIONS Additional sulfur releases occur from lime kiln,
NCG-boiler and as uncontrolled gaseous releases.
Kraft recovery boiler is the largest producer of The role of uncontrolled gaseous releases in TRS
gaseous effluents from the pulp mill. Typical emissions can clearly be seen. Lime kiln contrib-
emission levels of main controlled substances are utes some 25 … 35 % of the mill NOx release. A
shown in Table 11-1 (IPPC, 2001). It is evident significant source of mill ammonia is the green
from that table that at present stage some kraft and white liquor system (Kymäläinen et al., 1999).
pulp mills still produce significant sulfurdioxide
and dust releases. The NOx levels from kraft pulp-
ing are well below the average NOx releases from 11.2 REDUCED SULFUR SPECIES
energy production. Kraft pulping gets accused
of producing bad smell. The smelly component Reduced sulfur species are smelly gases. They
release (TRS) from recovery boilers is however of include hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan,
minor magnitude. dimethyl sulphide and dimethyl disulphide. The
main reason for limiting their emission is to
When determining emission levels it is often improve local environment around the mill. The
advantageous to look at total emissions from pulp main source of TRS in modern kraft pulp mills
mills. BAT emission levels from kraft pulping are uncollected vent gases and other points where
process and recovery boilers are shown in table mill liquors are handled in contact with the air.
11-2 (IPPC, 2001). These figures should include Therefore in addition to NCG, the mixing tank
lime kiln, NCG-combustion and uncontrolled vent gases and dissolving tank vent gases need to
gaseous releases. In integrated mills the bark be burned in the furnace.
and auxiliary boiler emissions are not typically
included to pulp mill releases, because modern The TRS emission is often caused by cold char
pulp mills can produce all their heat from just bed and poor mixing in the furnace. When black
black liquor. liquor dry solids is increased furnace temperature
Emissions 11-1
Figure 11-1, TRS emissions from modern recovery boilers.
gets higher. Typical emission levels for modern 11.3 CARBON MONOXIDE
recovery boiler main stack at over 65 % liquor are
1 … 5 mg/m3n or 5 ppm at 3 % O2 and dry gas, Incomplete combustion produces carbon mon-
Figure 11-1. Reduced sulfur species (TRS) will oxide (CO). It is a colorless, odorless, poisonous
oxidize in a modern furnace to sulphur dioxide. gas. CO formation increases dramatically when
This requires sufficient temperature and mixing. black liquor is burnt at very low excess oxygen
Improving recovery boiler air system below the conditions. Carbon monoxide is emitted from
liquor gun level can be used to lower TRS emis- all combustion sources including motor vehicles,
sions (La Fond et al., 1994). power stations, waste incinerators, domestic gas
boilers and cookers.
Emissions 11-3
Figure 11-4, Typical recovery boiler NOx emission values.
Recent changes in recovery boiler operation have Part of the nitrogen in black liquor is in the form
increased the NOx level. Examples are; increasing of NH3 and so easily vaporized. Parts of nitrogen
black liquor dry solids, combustion of NCG in can then be extracted from black liquor in the
recovery boiler furnace and combustion of dis- stripper area. This product may enrich to some
solving vent gases in the recovery boiler. parts of the recovery cycle so great care should be
taken when this waste stream is destroyed.
Effect of fuel nitrogen content to
NOx emissions NOx - reduction
When boilers are run with liquors from pulping The following reduction means have been tried in
of different wood species, high nitrogen contain- recovery boilers in an industrial scale
ing woods (hardwood) produce more NOx than - Optimisation of the feeding of air and fuel
softwood liquors. Field tests support the conclu- - Increasing number of air levels
sion that recovery boiler NOx emissions correlate - Feeding of the ammonia to the top of the
with nitrogen in the black liquor (Clement and furnace
Barna, 1993). Laboratory tests show that the - Vertical air
nitrogen release from black liquor seems to be - Oxidation /reduction processes
independent of wood species and cooking method
11-4 Kraft recovery boilers
Several other methods can be used to reduce the Ammonia consumption is at 3000 tds/d
NOx of recovery boilers. Among the methods
known from the general combustion processes are NH3 kg/24h = 3000*3,86*0,771*100/1000 = 893
the following kg/24 h
- electron beam method
- catalytic conversion (SCR) NOx removal is
SCR can not be used in recovery boilers as the NO2 kg/24h = 3000*3,86*2,053*25/1000 = 594
fine aerosol particles and the sodium containing kg/24 h
gases pose challenges to the lifetime of the catalyst
(Anderson and Jackson, 1991). This comes as about 1,5 tons of NH3 per one ton
of NO2 removed.
Selective noncatalytic reduction
Approximate operating cost is then 2.000 – 2.500
Selective noncatalytic reduction is the next pos- €/t NO2. Ammonia in water solution costs 2 – 3
sibility to reduce NOx from recovery boilers. The € per kg of ammonia. For a 3000 tds/d recovery
use of noncatalytic reduction is difficult in recov- boiler the operating cost of ammonia would be
ery boilers as it requires a rather narrow operating about 3 million Euro per year.
temperature range around 950 oC to function.
NOx is removed by injecting some reducing sub- Oxidation-/reduction processes
stance into flue gas. Typical chemical components
used are ammonia, urea and their derivatives. The From chemical industry there are known several
main reaction path is. methods to oxidize NO to NO2 followed by cap-
ture of NO2 and reduction to N2. Known oxidizers
2NH3 + 2NO + 1/2O2 → N2 + 3H2O 11-1 are peroxide, ozone and chlorinedioxide. This
process can occur in a recovery boiler (Janka et
Ahlstrom Machinery and Gotaverken have tried al., 1998). The scrubber material needs to be able
the feeding of the ammonia to the top of the to withstand the oxidizer. Published operating
furnace in a recovery boiler (Lövblad et al., 1991). costs are from 2.300 to 3.100 €/t NO2. Trials of this
During the trials the gas temperature at injection process have been conducted in several mills.
point was about 1000 oC. With this technique a 15
… 35 % or 22 … 60 ppm reduction was reached. Use of chlorine dioxide is about 4 ppm for 1 ppm
The NOx level in the flue gases lowered from de- of NOx.
pending on how much reducing agent is used and
how big ammonia slip is allowed. To restrict the ClO2 kg/24h = 3000*3,86*3,149*400/1000 = 14586
ammonia, discharge below 5 ppm level only about kg/24 h
25% reduction was reached.
Removed NOx is
Table 11-3, Achievable NOx reduction levels
NO2 kg/24h = 3000*3,86*2,053*75/1000 = 1786
Normal Reduced
gen kg/24 h
w-% ppm mg/ mg/MJ ppm mg/ mg/MJ
m3n m3n required chlorine dioxide is about 8 tons per
0,08 83 170 55 62 128 41 removed ton of NO2.
0,10 97 200 65 73 150 49
Chlorine addition to recovery cycle would be
0,15 130 266 87 97 200 65
Cl kg/t pulp = 14586 kg/24 h / 1670 t / 24h = 9
With the spraying of the ammonia there exists kg/ t pulp
always some ammonia slip caused by the uneven-
ness of the spraying and NOx. Ammonia is known Normal chlorine input is 1 - 2 kg/ t pulp, so the
to cause low temperature corrosion and is in itself addition might increase the chloride level in the
a corrosive agent. mill significantly. In one Finnish mill the chlorine
level in black liquor would have increased from
A recovery boiler has 100 ppm of NOx at dry flue 0.3 w-% to 1.8 w-%. So the additional capacity
gases and dry flue gases 3,86 m3n/kgds. Level of reduction in recovery boiler must be considered if
ammonia in flue gases is 100 ppm/m3n. The am- chlorine based oxidizer is used.
monia content is then 1 ppm of NH3 to 1 ppm of
NO. 1 ppm NH3 = 0.771 mg(asNH3)/m3n.
Emissions 11-5
Typical mill emission levels
Table 11-5, NOx and SO2 emissions from Swedish
Typical emission levels of NOx (and SO2)in Scan- pulp mills in 2001 (Collected from company web
dinavia are listed in Tables 11-4 and 11-5. pages in 2002).
Produc- NOx SO2 NOx SO2
Table 11-4, NOx and SO2 emissions from Finnish tion t/a t/a kg/ADt kg/ADt
pulp mills in 2001 (Environmental report, 2002).
Husum 591000 1199 768 2.03 1.30
Produc- NOx SO2 NOx SO2
tion Väröbacka 327000 660 400 2.02 1.22
t/a t/a kg/ADt kg/ADt
Piteå 395000 743 126 1.88 0.32
Äänekoski 397000 963 465 2.43 1.17 Billingsfors 50621 93 49 1.84 0.97
Sunila 300000 594 106 1.98 0.35 Iggesund 308000 558 508 1.81 1.65
Kaskinen 368000 705 587 1.92 1.60 Munksund 215000 360 76 1.67 0.35
Joutseno 334000 618 377 1.85 1.13 Skärblacka 395000 654 356 1.66 0.90
Kemi 443000 801 22 1.81 0.05 Karlsborg 275000 449 377 1.63 1.37
Varkaus 178000 323 322 1.81 1.81 Aspabruk 159555 243 87 1.52 0.55
Valkeakoski 142000 243 107 1.71 0.75 Valvik 169400 256 142 1.51 0.84
Pietarsaari 527000 852 155 1.62 0.29 Norrsundet 245000 351 384 1.43 1.57
Kuusankoski 420000 666 69 1.59 0.16 Obbola 241000 336 271 1.39 1.12
Uimaharju 560000 844 155 1.51 0.28 Gruvö 630000 871 109 1.38 0.17
Lappeenranta 678000 1011 392 1.49 0.58 Östrand 395000 541 537 1.37 1.36
Rauma 470000 681 433 1.45 0.92 Mörrum 390000 520 360 1.33 0.92
Kemijärvi 178000 248 69 1.39 0.39 Skutskär 467000 613 602 1.31 1.29
Veitsiluoto, 312000 421 10 1.35 0.03 Mönsterås 658000 770 350 1.17 0.53
Frövi 222400 213 61 0.96 0.27
Imatra 727000 981 410 1.35 0.56
Gävle 654500 622 196 0.95 0.30
Oulu 299800 353 24 1.18 0.08
Skoghall 528000 489 321 0.93 0.61
Kotka 121000 83 280 0.69 2.31
Average 340776 524 309 1.54 0.91
Average 379694 611 234 1.61 0.62
Table 11-6, Nitrogen oxide emissions from pulp
The emissions per ton of pulp produced vary a
mills as kg/ADt.
lot from mill to mill. The national average mill
size and the average emissions per ton of pulp Range Average
produced are very close to each other. If we count Finland 2001 1,2 – 2,0 1,61
only those mills that achieve sulfur emission be- Sweden 2001 1,0 – 2,0 1,54
low 0,5 kg/ADt, the corresponding NOx emission
USA (Pinkerton, 1,38
is 1,2 … 1,8 kg/ADt.
The lowest emission of NOx per ton of pulp IPPC BAT 1,0 – 1,5
produced has been achieved at a mill where the New pulp mill, hard- 1,4
corresponding sulfur emissions are the highest. wood
The nitrogen oxide emissions can be plotted. Ta- New pulp mill, 1,2
bles 11-4 and 11-5 have been plotted as function softwood
of total pulp production and scaled to 100 %.
Dissolving vent gases Table 11-7, BAT NOx emissions from recovery
boilers (IPPC report, 2001).
Dissolving vent gas flow is about 0.25 m3n(dry)/ Mill Country kg/ADt
kgds. Dissolving vent gases containing nitrogen
as ammonia at about 100 ppm/m3n(dry). One can Äänekoski Finland 1,748
assume that 30 % ammonia is converted to NOx Pöls Austria 1,600
(Crawford and Jain, 2002). The increase in NOx Värö Sweden 1,510
emission from recovery boiler is in the order of
Iggesund Sweden 1,500
NOx+ % = (3,67*100 + 0,30*0,25*100)/(3,67*100) Vallvik Sweden 1,440
* 100 -100 = ~2 % Kaskinen Finland 1,366
Örstrand Sweden 1,360
Aspa Sweden 1,290
The flow of high volume low concentration NCG Skutskär Sweden 1,260
is typically 5 … 10 % of total air flow. The nitrogen Dynäs Sweden 1,240
in DNCG gases is mainly ammonia. Level of
Bäckhammar Sweden 1,220
nitrogen compounds in DNCG can be assumed
to be 10 ppm/m3n(dry) (Janka, and Tamminen, Husum Sweden 1,210
2003). One can assume that 30 % ammonia is Enocell Finland 1,186
converted to NOx even if the CNCG burner is in- Skoghall Sweden 1,140
stalled above the liquor guns. The increase in NOx
Sunila Finland 1,029
emission from recovery boiler is in the order of
Obbola Sweden 1,020
NOx+ % = (3,67*100 + 0,30*0,1*3,67*10)/ Stora Celbi Portugal 1,020
(3,67*100) * 100 -100 = <1 %
Joutseno Finland 1,013
Emissions 11-7
Table 11-8, Volatile organic emissions from US kraft recovery boilers with dry bottom ESP and without
direct contact evaporator (NCASI, 2001).
MILL # C1 C2 J K M Avg.
Acetaldehyde ppm 1.8-2.3 0.5-0.9 0.2-0.4 0.5
Methanol ppm 7-22 4.70 2.4-2.8 4.3-9.7 1.7-2.0 2
Acetone ppm 0.14-0.21 0.33 0.17-0.20 0.10-0.29 0.1-0.2 0.1
Methyl ethyl ketone ppm 0.35 0.29 0.09-0.30 0.07-0.1 0.1
Benzene ppm 0.26-0.27 0.72 1.79 0.3-2.7 0.5
Methyl isobutyl ppm 0.81 0.5
Toluene ppm 0.12 0.02-0.03 0.5
m,p-xylene ppm 0.04 0.03 0.05
o-xylene ppm 0.04 0.02 0.05
Xylenes ppm 0.09 0.18 0.1
Styrene ppm 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.1
Alpha-pinene ppm 0.10 0.1
Beta-pinene ppm 0.06-0.21 0.1
Terpenes ppm 0.11-0.38 0.13-2.3 0.14-0.17 0.3
Formaldehyde ppm 0.98 1
VOC ppm 152 119 3-193 100
BAT recovery boiler NOx suspended in the air. They are one of the most
noteworthy air quality problems in urban areas
emission (Ohlström et al., 2000). Typically particulate
BAT recovery boiler emission levels in Europe matter comes from a variety of different sources.
are listed in Table 11-7. The best recovery boilers Especially smaller particle size can directly affect
achieve emissions little below 1.0 kg/ADt. NO human blood through respiratory system. Par-
emission strongly correlates with N-content in the ticulate matter comes from combustion sources,
fuel. road traffic, dusts, sea salt and biological particles.
Particulate matter is usually reported as total solid
mass flow. Additionally small size particular mat-
11.6 VOC ter is reported as PM10 or PM2.5 (particles with
diameter less than or equal to 10 or respectively
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) contributes 2.5 micrometers). 80 … 99 % of recovery boiler
to the formation of ground-level ozone in the particulate matter emission belongs to PM2.5
atmosphere. Some high molecular mass VOC are category (Mikkanen et al., 1994, Mikkanen et al.,
carcinogens (Froste, 1996). Common sources of 2001).
VOC emissions include vehicle exhausts and the
chemicals industry, with other minor releases also
occurring naturally from forest fires. The majority 11-1
of industrial emissions to air are from leaks during
production, use, storage, transport and disposal of where
carbohydrates. Volatile organic compound emis- e is the collection efficiency, -
sions from recovery boilers are low and mainly of A is the collector surface
low molecular weight. w is the collection migration velocity, m/s
V is the actual gas flow, m3/s
Most of the measured VOC (CxHy, CxHzOH, …) k is an empirical constant (0.4 .. 0.5 ..0.6), -
emission seems to come from the mixing tank
vent gases and dissolving tank vent gases. Even at high dry solids the emission after the
recovery boiler economizer is typically below 20
g/m3n. The dust emission is strongly dependent on
11.7 DUST EMISSIONS boiler load. It has been noted that firing with high
Dust or particulate matter is small particles black liquor droplet velocities and small droplets
causes excess carryover and high dust loading. oC fume particles that hit do not stick to each
Dust emission can be reduced by using electro- other. Sintering can occur at heat transfer surfaces.
static precipitators. There fume can form large agglomerates. These
agglomerates can re-entrain to flue gas when soot-
Effect of operating conditions to blowed. They show as larger 20 … 30 μm particles
at electrostatic precipitator inlet (Mikkanen, 2000,
dust emissions Janka et al., 2000). Amount of re-entrained dust
is 10 … 30 % of total dust flow (Tamminen et al.,
In kraft recovery boilers the ash is formed by
several mechanisms. Most of the ash is formed
through fume formation. Almost all ESP ash is
Chemical equilibrium calculations (Perjyd and
typically fume. Some of the black liquor fired into
Hupa, 1984) suggest that fume formation increas-
recovery boiler furnace gets caught with flue gas.
es as the lower furnace gas temperature increases.
Furnace gases then drag these particles with them
When boilers are run with higher dry solids the
out of the furnace. It has also been postulated that
furnace temperature increases (Vakkilainen and
during char combustion some intermediate size
Holm, 2000). Higher dust emission is then a trade
particles are formed.
off to lower sulfur emissions.
In the kraft recovery furnace the alkali elements
Most of the fume tends to end up in electro-
are vaporized. When flue gases are cooled the
static precipitator. Figure 11-7 shows ESP dust
vapors become supersaturated. Another mecha-
as function of black liquor dry solids. Furnace
nism of supersaturation is formation of species
temperature increases with increased black liquor
by reactions. E. g. sodium hydroxide and sulfur
dry solids, which increases sodium and potas-
dioxide react to sodium sulfate, which has lower
sium release (Frederick et al., 1995). ESP ash flow
vapor pressure than the reactants (Jokiniemi et al.,
forms an estimate of fume formation in recovery
1996). Resulting particle size is 0.5 … 1.3 μm.
boiler. Black liquor sodium and potassium release
depends also on the liquor i.e. wood species and
In recovery boiler furnace there are small metal
the pulping conditions (Backman et al., 1999). In
oxides and other impurities present, which will
addition the firing conditions affect the lower fur-
serve as starting nucleus for the vapors. This proc-
nace temperature. As can be seen then the actual
ess is called heterogeneous condensation. After
fume formation rate can vary a lot.
formation of nucleus the vapor condensation
keeps then supersaturation low.
Typical mill emission levels
Much of the particle size growth is result of ag-
glomeration. Small liquid particles collide with Typical emission levels in Scandinavia are listed in
each other and form new spherical particles. After Tables 11-9 and 11-10.
flue gas temperature decreases below about 550
Emissions 11-9
Table 11-9, Dust emissions from Finnish pulp mills BAT recovery boiler emission
in 2001 (Environmental report, 2002).
Production Dust Dust
ADt/a t/a kg/ADt
The typical emissions, according to the IPPC
Äänekoski 397000 304 0,77 document, from recovery boiler are shown in
Sunila 300000 133 0,44 Table 11-11.
Kaskinen 368000 227 0,62
BAT recovery boiler emission levels in Europe
Joutseno 334000 93 0,28 are below 50 mg/m3n. The best recovery boilers
Kemi 443000 29 0,07 achieve emissions little below 0.2 kg/ADt.
Varkaus 178000 158 0,89
Valkeakoski 142000 547 3,85 11.8 SULPHUR DIOXIDE
Pietarsaari 527000 647 1,23
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas. About
Kuusankoski 420000 125 0,30
half of world sulphur dioxide emissions are from
Uimaharju 560000 161 0,29 burning of fossil fuels (Lefohn et al., 1996). Large
Lappeenranta 678000 87 0,13 part of the rest comes from emissions from metal
Rauma 470000 191 0,41
production and large industrial plants. Pulp mills
used to be a major source of sulfur emissions, with
Kemijärvi 178000 127 0,71 most of it coming from recovery boiler.
Veitsiluoto, Kemi 312000 87 0,28
Imatra 727000 37 0,05 Sulphur dioxide is a major contributor to acid
rain. Sulphur dioxide irritates the eyes and air
Oulu 299800 98 0,33
passages. It may increase asthma or lung disease
Kotka 121000 87 0,72 symptoms. Sulphur dioxide is transported by air
Average 379694 185 0,67 for long distances.
Emissions 11-11
Figure 11-10, Correlation of sulfur dioxide emissions with Heart Heat Release Rate at sulfidity between
40 to 45 % (Wallén et al., 2004).
Figure 11-11, Examples of measured HCl concentrations in recovery boiler flue gas.
10 ppm HCl => 4.5 m3n*10*10-6*1.63 kg/ Sonnenberd and Nichols (1995) studied the effect
m3n*35.5/36.5 = 71 mg of adding bleach plant effluents to the black liquor.
250 mgdust/ m3n and 0.5 m-% Cl in BL => 4.5 They found that adding 1 mass-% bleach plant
m3n*250*0.005*3*4.5/2 = 38 mg effluent to black liquor increased dioxin levels
Total emission = (71+38)= 110 mg/kgblds from black liquor droplet combustion by about a
Emissions 11-13
11.11 HEAVY METALS Protection Agency has listed eleven metals as
hazardous air pollutants. These are antimony,
Heavy metal emissions are harmful as they may arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobolt,
collect to human body. Especially inhaling small lead, manganese, mercury, nickel and selenium.
particles can increase heavy metal levels in blood. The European Community has signed a protocol
Heavy metal levels in recovery boiler dusts are to limit the total annual emissions into the atmos-
very low. Most of the matter in dust is harmless phere of cadmium, lead and mercury. Directive
sodium sulfide, sodium carbonate and sodium 2000/76/EC list twelve heavy metals that require
chloride. limits; antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium,
cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel,
Heavy metals include antimony (Sb), arsenic thallium and vanadium. The most problematic
(As), barium (Ba), beryllium (Be), cadmium ones listed are cadmium, thallium and mercury.
(Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), Expected levels from recovery boilers are listed in
gold (Au), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), Table 11-2.
mercury (Hg), niobium (Nb), nickel (Ni), sele-
nium (Se), silver (Ag), tellurium (Te), thallium The actual level in black liquor varies significantly
(Th), zink (Zn), vanadium (V) and other even from mill to mill (Control, 1999). The main source
more minor elements. They can be found as trace of these trace elements is wood chips. So the in-
elements in black liquor. The US Environmental flow is mainly controlled by the soil conditions in
Emissions 11-15
11-16 Kraft recovery boilers
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Index I-1
laboratory scale 4-8 dry solids
pyrolysis time 4-8 effect on dimensioning 6-21
stages 4-1 effect on steam generation 3-8
compound tubing 1-6, 7-10, 10-13 duct 7-4
copper 10-10, 11-14 dust 9-14
corrosion early recovery technology 1-2
acid 10-11 economizer 1-7, 7-9, 10-16
airport 10-8 cross flow 10-16
alkali 10-4 design 10-16
caustic 10-10 fouling 8-3
chloride 10-5 heat transfer coefficient 6-6
control 10-11 horizontal 1-7
flow assisted 10-11 vertical 1-7
gas side 10-2 efficiency
general 10-7 steam generation HHV 3-8
high temperature 10-3 steam generation LHV 3-8
molten hydroxide 10-5 electrostatic precipitator 1-5, 7-18
oxygen 10-10 elemental composition 3-1, 3-9
smelt 10-7 emission 9-13, 11-1
sulfidation 10-2 carbon dioxide 11-3
thermal fatigue 10-8 carbon monoxide 11-2
crack 9-12, 10-6, 10-8, 10-15 dioxins 11-12
cross sectional area 6-7 dissolving tank 11-14
current recovery boiler 2-6 dust 11-8
cyclone evaporator 1-6, 1-7, 7-21 fluorine 11-14
cyclone separator 7-9, 7-13 furan 11-14
damper 7-3 HCl 11-11
guillotine 7-6 heavy metal 11-14
deaerator 7-8, 7-11, 10-10 nitrogen oxides 11-3
decanting furnace 1-6 reduced sulfur species 11-2
delivery time 2-12 sulfuric acid 11-12
deposit sulphur dioxide 11-10
hardening 8-13 volatile organic compounds 11-7
melting 8-11 energy balance 3-6
strength 8-14 enrichment 8-14
desuperheating 6-5 BB dust 8-17
dew point 10-6, 10-19 chloride 8-15, 10-7
devolatilization 4-3, 5-11, 9-8 ESP dust 8-16
dimethyl disulfide 4-5 factor 8-14, 8-15
dimethyl sulfide 4-5, 4-10, 4-12 potassium 8-14, 10-7
direct contact evaporator 1-4, 1-6 sulfur 10-7
direct alkali recovery system 1-11 entrainment 8-7
dissolving tank 1-3, 2-5, 7-7, 7-16, 7-20 EPRS 6-7
explosion 7-20 erosion 10-9
stack 7-20 evaporation 1-1, 6-2
vent gas 7-7 evaporator
DNCG 2-7, 7-7, 9-25 direct contact 1-4
Dolezahl 7-11, 7-12 horizontal 1-5
downcomer 1-6, 6-5, 7-9, 7-13 excess air 3-2, 7-4, 9-12
draft 7-3, 7-8 explosion 9-22, 9-25
forced 7-3 fan
induced 7-8, 7-17 air 7-17
droplet 1-4, 4-1, 4-2, 4-7, 5-4, 9-2, 9-4, 9-7 flue gas 7-8
drying 4-2 induced draft 7-17
flight path 9-5 feedwater 10-11
size 9-8 pump 7-11
drum 1-6, 2-4, 7-9, 7-13 system 7-10
single 1-6 tank 7-10, 7-11
two 1-8, 2-4 fin 10-14, 10-18
I-2 Kraft recovery boilers
firing effect on fouling 8-16
pressure 9-3 hoppers 7-15
stationary 1-8 HSL 2-6, 6-7, 6-11
temperature 9-3 hydrochloric acid 5-18
first melting temperature 8-17 hydrogen sulfide 4-5, 4-12, 5-15, 10-2
fixed carbon 4-6, 5-13 oxidation 5-16
flame oven 1-2 h-p diagram 6-4
flashing 9-5, 9-7, 9-20 ID fan 7-8
floor 10-12 igniter 7-15
construction 10-13 infiltration 3-5, 7-4
decanting 1-6 inertial impaction 8-2, 8-9, 8-10
sloping 1-6 inorganic matter 4-1
tube 1-4, 1-6, 10-6 intermediate size particles 8-6, 8-8, 8-10, 11-9
flow temperature 8-12, 8-16 interlacing 1-9, 7-5
flue gas iron 11-14
system 7-8 jet penetration depth 6-8
fly ash 7-14 key design specifications 2-2
forced draft fan 7-2, 7-7 lead 11-14
fouling 1-5, 8-1 lignin 5-16
predicting 8-2 lime kiln 1-1, 1-11, 4-10, 9-24
fume formation 5-3, 5-5, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7, 11-8, 11-9 liquor gun 9-2
furnace 1-3, 1-5 liquor heat treatment 3-9, 4-9
brick lined 1-6, 10-13 liquor heater 2-7, 6-2, 7-15
compound tube 1-6, 7-0, 10-13 lower furnace 6-2, 10-12
decanting 1-6 main steam
design 10-12 pressure 2-1, 2-8
height 6-7 temperature 2-8, 10-14
materials 10-12, 10-13 major design features 2-2
membrane wall 1-6, 7-10, 10-9, 10-13 make up chemicals 7-15
outlet temperature 6-10 manganese 11-14
requirements 5-1 magnesium 10-10, 11-14
roof 10-17 material balance 3-1
Sanicro 1-7 membrane 1-6, 7-10, 10-9, 10-13, 10-15
sizing 6-6 mercury 11-14
sloping botttom 1-6 methanol 5-20, 7-7, 9-22
studded 1-6, 10-13 methyl mercaptane 4-5, 4-12
tangent 1-6, 10-13 mixing 1-9, 5-4, 5-18, 6-8, 7-5, 9-11
wall 1-6, 10-12 modern recovery boiler 2-4
gasification 1-10 natural circulation 6-2, 6-5
generating bank 6-15 NCG
gold 11-14 CNCG 2-9, 7-7, 9-24, 9-25
governor shaft 7-6 DNCG 2-7, 7-7, 9-25
green liquor 7-16 HVLC 7-7
hanger rods 6-14, 10-18 LVHC 7-7
HCl 5-18, 5-19, 8-21, 9-19 nickel 11-14
header 6-15, 7-9, 7-10 niobium 11-14
square 1-6 nitrogen
hearth heat release rate 6-7, 6-9 in black liquor 9-13
hearth solids loading 6-7, 6-9 release 4-13, 9-13
heat loss non process element 1-1
radiation and convection 3-8 NOx
heat transfer emission 9-13, 11-3
convection 6-19 fuel 9-13
radiation 6-16 prompt 9-14
steam side 10-15 reduction 11-4
heating value 3-1, 3-5 thermal 9-14
heavy metals 9-14 nozzle
HHRR 2-6, 6-7, 6-8, 9-17 fan 9-2
high dry solids 1-7 splash plate 9-2
Index I-3
swirl cone 9-2 secondary air 7-5, 9-11
U-type 9-2 model 9-11
V-type 9-2 selenium 11-14
willow flute 9-2 silver 11-14
oil sintering 1-11, 8-6, 8-14, 8-15, 8-21, 8-22
burner 7-15 sintering index 8-15, 8-21
system 7-15 single drum 1-6, 2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 6-1
organic matter 4-1 smelt
oxidation 9-37 composition 5-8
particulate matter 11-6 flow 5-8
permit heat 7-16
environmental permit 2-11 inventory 5-7
zoning requirements 2-11 properties 5-9
phosphor 5-5 smelt spout 1-4, 2-5, 5-8, 7-10, 7-16, 7-20
pitting 10-7, 10-9, 10-10 smelt-water explosion 5-7, 7-9, 9-25
platen 6-14 SO2 11-1, 11-6, 11-10
plugging 8-2, 8-3 soap 1-1, 9-24, 9-25
polysaccharides 4-9, 4-11 sodium
polysulfate 5-14 bicarbonate 8-3
port rodder 7-16 bisulfate 10-5
potassium 5-13, 8-24 metallic 5-12
release 5-23 release 4-5, 4-10, 5-10
precipitator 1-4, 7-14, 7-18, 8-6 vaporization 5-12
pressure drop sodium carbonate 4-6, 5-2, 5-10, 5-11, -18, 7-14,
gas side 6-18 8-3, 8-13, 8-17, 9-12
pressure sulfation 5-18
main steam 1-10, 2-1, 2-8 sodium chloride 5-8, 5-18
pressure vessel code 2-11 sodium sulfate 5-2
primary air 1-6, 1-8, 2-5, 5-4, 7-3, 9-10 decomposition 5-13
projecting recovery boiler 2-11 sootblower 1-5, 7-17, 7-18
pump sootblowing 8-21, 8-22
feedwater 7-11 specific
steam turbine driven 7-11 air requirement 7-2
purchasing 2-11 flue gas production 3-5
pyrolysis 4-3 steam production 2-10
pyrosulfate 10-5 spray water 7-12
quatenary air 9-15 group 7-12
radiation 2-3, 4-3, 6-12, 6-16, 10-16 spraying 1-4, 4-1, 4-8, 9-1, 9-2, 9-6
raiser tubes 6-5 state of the art boiler 2-7
recovery boiler steam
evolution of design 2-3 generation 1-1, 1-7, 2-4, 2-9, 3-6, 3-8, 6-3, 6-21
process 1-2 steam drum 1-5, 1-6, 2-3, 2-4, 7-12, 7-13, 10-18
purposes 2-1 erection 7-14
recycle 7-14 sticky temperature 8-12, 8-17
reduction 5-1, 5-8, 5-11 stoichiometric 3-2
efficiency 5-8, 9-12 studding 10-12
in green liquor 5-8 studs 10-14
reduction rate 4-6, 5-1 sulfate-sulfide cycle 5-11
refractory 1-6, 10-12, 10-14 sulfidity 5-8
reoxidation 4-7 sulfur
residence time 6-7 dew point 10-6
ring header 7-14 emission 9-18
rotary oven 1-3 release 4-5, 4-12, 5-14, 9-6, 9-22
safety 1-9, 2-6, 5-7, 5-8, 6-5, 7-11, 7-15, 9-24 sulfurdioxide 5-2, 5-15, 11-1, 11-6
saturated superheater 7-9, 10-4
steam 6-2 connection tube 7-11
water 6-2 corrosion 9-12, 10-15
screen 2-2, 2-3, 6-2, 6-14 design 10-15
screen plate 7-20 fouling 8-1, 8-2, 8-5, 8-21
I-4 Kraft recovery boilers
materials 10-16
panel 6-14
spacing 6-13
tube arrangement 10-17
superheating 6-3
area 6-12
heat required 6-4
heat transfer coefficient 6-3
sweet water condenser 7-9
swelling 4-1, 4-4, 4-8, 4-10
tall oil 9-24
tangent tube 1-6, 10-13
dissolving 7-16, 7-20
feedwater 7-11
tellurium 11-14
boiling 9-2
gradient 8-8
liquor firing 9-7, 9-20
main steam 2-8, 10-15
spikes 10-7
tertiary air 7-5, 9-12
thallium 11-14
thermophoresis 8-8
thiosulfate 5-14, 5-15
TRS 7-20, 9-12, 9-18
turpentine 7-7, 9-24
two drum recovery boiler 2-4
valve 7-18
double 7-15
safety 7-16
spray water 7-12
vanadinium 11-14
vapour condensation 8-10
venting 7-10, 7-16
vertical flow economizers 1-7, 2-5
virgin black liquor dry solids 2-9, 3-2, 4-4, 8-16
viscosity 4-9, 9-4
VOC 11-7
wall drying 1-6
circulation 7-8
preheating 6-3
wash 1-5, 10-7
windbox 7-4, 7-6
zink 11-14
Index I-5
I-6 Kraft recovery boilers
A Emission conversions
Figure A-2, Same emissions ordered from large to small and scaled so average equals 100.