Median (Third) Occipital Condyle
Median (Third) Occipital Condyle
Median (Third) Occipital Condyle
Abnormalities of the craniovertebral junction, most of which are associated with the occipital
bone, are of interest not only to anatomists but also to clinicians because many of these
deformities produce clinical symptoms. The occipital bone in humans is formed by the fusion
of the sclerotomes corresponding to the roots of the hypoglossal nerve. In lower vertebrates,
the cranial half of the first cervical sclerotome forms a separate bone between the atlas and
occipital bone, the proatlas; in man it may contribute to anomalous structures around the
foramen magnum. One such structure, a median occipital condyle, which exhibited an
articular facet for the odontoid process, was observed in an adult male skull at the anterior
margin of the foramen magnum. This anomaly is discussed in light of available literature.
Clin. Anat. 15:148 –151, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: median occipital condyle; condylus tertius; proatlas; occipital bone;
foramen magnum
termination. On each side, bony buttresses extended normal clivus-odontoid articulation in children and
anteriorly from the anterior margins of the occipital suggested that it may represent a “third occipital con-
condyles, the left of which was more prominent. The dyle” or condylus tertius.
anomalous process had a length of 0.65 cm; at its base The median occipital condyle is normally described
the process had an anteroposterior diameter of 0.75 cm as having a narrow base and a broader inferior surface,
and a transverse diameter of 0.6 cm. It exhibited an which bears an articular facet for the apex of the
articular facet on its posterior surface 2 mm postero- odontoid process or, more rarely, the anterior arch of
superior to its tip and 2 mm anteroinferior to the the atlas (Lombardi, 1961; Shapiro and Robinson,
anterior border of the foramen magnum (Fig. 1). The 1976). In the case presented here, the median occip-
pharyngeal tubercle was observed as a slight projec- ital condyle was broader at its base and tapered toward
tion 0.7 cm anterior to the median occipital condyle. A its inferior surface. The median occipital condyle var-
low bony ridge extended between the median occip- ies in length (0.65 cm in this case); Hadley (1948)
ital condyle and pharyngeal tubercle in the median mentioned that a third condyle with a length of 13–14
plane. No other major abnormalities were found mm had been reported in the literature.
around the foramen magnum of the other 152 speci- Prescher (1990) mentioned that Meckel was the
mens. The atlas and axis associated with this skull first to describe the condylus tertius in 1815 as a bony
were not available. process projecting downward in the midline from the
inferior aspect of the basiocciput along the anterior
margin of the foramen magnum. Hadley (1948) pro-
posed that the third condyle may develop from an
In a review of radiologic findings in syringomyelia ossification center within the cruciate ligament. Lom-
and syringobulbia, McRae (1953) reported that 38% of bardi (1961) noted that Kollmann considered the third
the patients had bony abnormalities in the region of condyle to be a result of the incomplete regression of
the foramen magnum. In a study of radiographs, Lom- the hypochordal arch of the occipital vertebra or proat-
bardi (1961) observed such anomalies in 19 of 4,000 las. Putz (1975) described an isolated condylus tertius
cases (0.47%). Lombardi (1961) also mentioned that located at the anterior margin of the foramen mag-
Sauser had observed craniovertebral anomalies in five num, which articulated with the apex of the dens. In
of 1,119 skulls (0.44%). Lombardi (1961) reported the an anatomical specimen, the differential diagnosis can
occurrence of a third condyle in six of 4,000 X-rays. very easily be made, as the false condylus tertius
Menezes et al. (1980) also reported two cases of ab- possesses a fine channel at its base because the pro-
150 Rao
cesses basilares are not completely fused in the mid- When a third condyle is present, the attachments and
line at their bases; radiologically, differentiation be- location of the apical and alar ligaments of the dens, as
tween a true and false condylus tertius can be well as their role in limiting movement and stability of
impossible (Prescher, 1990). the craniovertebral region, is not known. Because the
The occipital bone is formed by fusion of the four articulation with the odontoid process was not located
sclerotomes corresponding to the three primary roots at the tip of the third condyle in the present case,
of the hypoglossal nerve (Sensenig, 1957). In some flexion and extension movements of the head on the
lower vertebrates, such as reptiles, the cranial half of atlas may have been limited by associated ligamen-
the first cervical sclerotome remains as a separate tous tissue. The abnormal osseous formations that
bone, the proatlas, between the occiput and atlas originate from the arches of the proatlas, when fused
(Shapiro and Robinson, 1976). In man, the neural arch with the base, may narrow the foramen magnum and
of the proatlas divides into anterior and posterior seg- cause compressive neurological symptoms (Lombardi,
ments (Ganguly and Roy, 1964). The anterior seg- 1961).
ment forms the occipital condyles whereas the poste- In several cases cited by VanGilder and Menezes
rior segment forms a portion of the rostral articular (1985) multiple anomalies were present. The bony
facets of the atlas. The dorsal portion of the lateral deformity by itself may be sufficient to cause pressure
masses of the atlas and the tip of the dens also arise on the upper cervical spinal cord during movements of
from the proatlas (McRae and Barnum, 1953; VanG- the head and neck. The clinical presentation is de-
ilder and Menezes, 1983). The body and neural arches pendent on bony or mechanical compression of the
of the axis develop from the second cervical scle- neural axis at the cervicomedullary junction, and the
rotome, whereas most of the dens develops from the associated abnormalities of the nervous system (Spill-
first cervical sclerotome, except the tip, which devel- ane et al., 1957). Dysgenesis of the odontoid process
ops from the proatlas (McRae and Barnum, 1953). (os odontoideum and ossiculum terminale) may be
Failure of fusion of the tip of the dens to the rest of associated with displacement of the distal segment of
the dens results in an ossiculum terminale (Hadley, the dens rostrally or instability of the atlanto-axial
1948), in which case there is normally a small round joint (secondary to an incompetent cruciate ligament)
defect at the tip of the dens in which the ossicle rests and compression at the cervicomedullary junction
(Wollin, 1963). Some form of bony accentuation (Wollin, 1963; Menezes et al., 1980). Symptoms of os
around the margin of the foramen magnum that may odontoideum can range from vague discomfort to
represent a vertebralization of the proatlas is not un- gradually developing partial or complete quadripare-
common (Lombardi, 1961). In birds, the anterior arch sis. An os odontoideum may cause sudden death from
of the proatlas may fuse with the anterior margin of cord damage due to minor trauma to the weakened
the foramen magnum forming a third or median oc- atlanto-axial complex (Fielding and Griffin, 1974).
cipital condyle (Wollin, 1963). On the other hand, if VanGilder and Menezes (1983) reported post-trau-
segmentation fails to occur, atlanto-occipital fusion matic posterior invagination of an unfused odontoid
results (Hadley, 1948; McRae, 1953; McRae and Bar- process in two patients, resulting in ventral cervicome-
num, 1953). The most interesting feature of cranio- dullary compromise. McRae (1953) also observed a
vertebral abnormalities is their diversity. Thus, an marked gliding of the atlas on the axis (range 5–25
occipital vertebra and an atlanto-occipital fusion rep- mm) during flexion and extension of the neck in cases
resent the opposite ends of a continuum (Shapiro and with os odontoideum (these movements occurred at
Robinson, 1976). the atlanto-axial joints instead of at the atlanto-occip-
Because the third condyle lies in the midsagittal ital joints). Compromise of neural structures at the
plane, it may limit rotation of the head. Because of its cervicomedullary junction results in symptoms and
articulation with the tip of the odontoid process, signs involving cervical roots, cranial nerves, brain-
movement may also be limited by the restraining stem and spinal cord dysfunction, and vascular insuf-
action of the joint capsule and other ligamentous ficiency (Menezes et al., 1980). Cranial subluxation of
structures, especially the cruciate ligament, anterior the odontoid process due to rheumatoid arthritis
and posterior longitudinal ligaments, and tectorial causes severe and chronic occipito-cervical pain due to
membrane. entrapment of the first and second cervical roots (Sla-
Most of the time, manifestations of the occipital tis et al., 1989). Patients may exhibit myelopathy pre-
vertebra have no clinical significance. None of Lom- senting with different degrees of weakness in the
bardi’s (1961) patients had any complaints attributable upper or lower extremities, and motor myelopathy
to the median occipital condyles, but when well-de- may include quadriparesis that is attributed to repet-
veloped, they may limit the mobility of the head. itive trauma to the pyramidal tracts and chronic com-
Median Occipital Condyle 151
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