Mus Basic Conducting Syllabus 17

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Greatbatch School of Music

Houghton College
Course: Basic Conducting MUS 229 Credit Hours: 2
Semester: Fall 2017 Time: M, W 7:45-8:45 a.m. Chapel PH
Instructor: Dr. McGarvey - Office CFA 212, 585-567-9404 [email protected]
Course tutors: Nathanial Libbey Dillon Hirsch
Prerequisite(s): MTH 200

Texts: Hunsberger and Ernst: The Art of Conducting. Belwin Mills Publishing Corp. 1992,
2nd Edition.
Materials: Baton: you can receive from Custom Batons purchases in class ($30 with group student discount)
Objectives: Demonstrate a clear conducting technique in all basic patterns
Demonstrate effective skills in conducting cues, cut-offs, tempo changes, and the various types of fermatas
Demonstrate ability to conduct with or without a baton
Demonstrate independence of the left hand
Demonstrate facility in reading clefs and transposing instrumental parts
Develop skills in analyzing and preparing a score for conducting
Demonstrate knowledge of the most important musical terms in various languages
Develop basic skills in preparing for leading and evaluating rehearsals

Course expectations and procedure:

Daily assignments will be given that may include conducting practice, reading, and written work
For each recorded individual conducting session (including exams), a written evaluation will be submitted before
the Monday class of the following week on what worked well, what needs more work, and your plan to correct
any deficiencies.
Conducting requires preparation there is no such thing as sight reading while conducting. Students will be well
prepared for each class, ready to demonstrate their mastery of the newly-covered skills
Students will be prepared to sing each line of each part of each example to demonstrate score knowledge
students will be prepared to play and/or sing the assigned literature from the anthology for each chapter so that
they can provide an adequate performance ensemble for the conductors
the conducting portion of each exam will cover assigned excerpts and will be graded on the students ability and
effectiveness in demonstrating the proper techniques covered in class
the written portion of each exam will test the students recognition and memory of musical terminology as listed
later in this syllabus. Knowledge should be cumulative.

Conducting video reflections

Video reflections are due before class time on Monday for the previous weeks recorded conducting session week
on what worked well, what needs more work, and your plan to correct any deficiencies.
Reflections should be submitted electronically
No reflection will result in no credit for the conducting exercises
Late reflection will result in a reduction of conducting exercises score by

Clef transposition exercise

Chapter five offers helpful principles and exercises for learning how to transpose
The clef transposition exercise offers practice in applying these principles to real music
On a four-staff system, write out all four parts of Figure 5-18 (pages 78-80) in C transposition (all parts in the
same key, non-transposed).
Assignment will be graded on accuracy of notes, rhythm, and key; dynamics and articulation marks are not
Assignment is due by class time on assigned due date (see syllabus schedule)

Written score analysis

Chapter five (pages 51-53) outlines three phases of a conductors score study
You will choose your own score to analyze and address in appropriate detail each question posed
Your analysis responses should follow the order, numbering, and headings of each points under the three phases
This assignment will be graded on the following:
o Clarity of your answers
o Accuracy of your answers
o Thoroughness of your answers
Late reflections will not be accepted for credit

Professional rehearsal video reflection

Choose one of the following groups, watch, then answer the questions below. Reflection is due 10/25. Late reflection will
not be accepted.
This assignment will be evaluated by the following:
1. Name of conductor, orchestra, title of work being rehearsed
2. First-out-of-mouth comments: choose four instances when the conductor stops the ensemble, and provide direct
quotes from the first sentences that you hear. Then, summarize the traits of those comments in terms of the following:
clarity, conciseness, prescriptive, use of musical terms, use of imagery, brevity, didactic (teaching), anything else that
stands out to you
3. Technique in preparation and cue gestures: evaluate conductors preps in terms of eye contact, breath, clarity of prep
gesture(s), conveys tempo, articulation, character, dynamics
4. Gestural techniques: clarity, shows line, tempo changes, dynamics and dynamic changes, articulation
5. Verbal comments while conducting: does the conductor give verbal instructions/comments while ensemble is playing?
If so, what is the nature of the comments, do they seem to assist the ensemble in making better music more quickly?
In what ways do they seem to help or hinder?
6. Name a couple techniques that you learned from watching and reflecting on this video
Video links in groups. Choose one group for assignment (some groups have only one clip, one has two)
1. Group #1:
a. Gardiner Bach cantata 58 minutes
2. Group #2:
a. Bernstein Mahler
rehearsal Watch the first hour
3. Group #3: watch and write on BOTH clips
a. Stokowski
Barber Adagio 8 minutes
b. James Levine
Tanglewood Orchestra 9 minutes

16% Written exams covering terms, transpositions, & material covered in class
50% Conducting exercises
In-Class Conducting Exercises with written self-evaluation from viewing video
10% Rehearsal (rehearsal on a class conducting piece of your choice)
8% Class preparation/contribution/performance as ensemble member
4% Professional video rehearsal reflection
4% Score Analysis
8% Conducting final

Approximate average time expectations

Learning activity Typical minimum time on task Time in minutes
Class time 2 hours/week 1860
Practicing conducting/score study 2.5 hours per week 2400
Reading 1 hour per week 960
Homework 30 minutes per week 480
Practice (ensemble) 30 minutes per week 480

Self-Reporting of Disabilities. If you have an academic disability that requires special accommodations or modifications, it is
up to you to self-report any such disability to the Center for Academic Success and Advising (CASA, 585-567-9262,
Chamberlain 222). With appropriate documentation, you will be afforded the necessary accommodations and/or
modifications. For more information about CASA, go to:
Basic Conducting - Fall 2017
Class Schedule

Week 1 - 8/28, 30
Role of the Conductor
Chap. 1
Prep Gestures and Downbeats
Four- and Three-Beat Patterns
Style of Articulation

Week 2 - 9/4, 6
Chap. 1 contd
1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 1-6

Week 3 9/11, 13
Chap. 2
Two Beat Patterns
Ambidextrous Conducting
Communicating the Ictus Visually
Alternative Pattern Styles
2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4

Week 4 9/18, 20
Chap. 2 contd
Using the Baton
Exam #1 (Wednesday)

Week 5 - 9/25, 27
Chap. 3
One Beat Patterns
The Left Hand
Additional Releases
3-3, 3-4, 3-7

Week 6 - 10/2, 4
Chap. 3 cont'd
Chap. 4
Entrances on 2, 3 and 4

Week 7 - 10/9, 11
Chap. 4 contd
4-2, 4-5, 4-10

Week 8 - 10/16, 18
Exam #2 (Monday)
Chap. 5
Score Study
Clefs and Transpositions

Week 9 - 10/23, 25
Chap. 5 contd
Transposition exercises due (Monday)
Professional Video Reflection due (Wednesday)

Week 10 10/30, 11/1

Selection of Analysis Assignment piece due for approval (Monday)
Chap. 6
Subdivision of the Beat
Entrances on Incomplete Beats
6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-9
Week 11 11/6, 8
Chap. 6 contd
Exam #3 (Wednesday)

Week 12 11/13, 15
Analysis Assignment Due (Monday)
Chap. 7
Dynamic Changes
Dynamic Accents
Subito Dynamic Changes
Tempo Alterations
7-3, 7-4, 7-7, 7-9, 7-10
Week 13 11/20
Selection of Rehearsal Project piece due (Monday)
Chap. 7 contd

Week 14 11/27, 29
Chap. 7 contd
Rehearsal projects
Week 15 12/4, 6
Rehearsal Projects

Final Exam December 15, Friday, 8:00-10:00 a.m.

All assignments are due on Monday of each week unless otherwise noted
Bold What you are to have prepared for class
Italics - reading assignments due on Monday of that week
Musical terminology for Exam #1
English French German Italian
Violin Violon Geige (violine) Violino
Viola Alto Bratsche Viola
Cello Violoncelle Violoncell Violoncello
Double bass Contrebass Kontrebass Contrabasso
String Corda
Open string Corda vuota
Plucked Pizzicato
Bowed Arco
At the point Punte darco
On the fingerboard Sul tasto
Near the bridge Sul ponticello
With the wood Col legno
With mute Sourdine Mit Dmpfer Con sordino
Without mutes Sans sourdines Ohne Dmpfern Senza sordini
Modifying words
Very Tres Sehr Assai, molto
A little Un peu Etwas Un poco
More Piu
Too much Troppo
But not too much Ma non troppo
Not too Non troppo
Always Sempre
Suddenly Subito
Little by little Poco a poco
Similarly Simile
With movement Con moto
All Tutti
Less Meno
Much molto
Musical terminology for Exam #2

Character terms
Sweetly Dolce
Sweetest Dolcissimo
With vigor Con brio
Animated Animato
Expressively Espressivo
Calm, quieting Calmando
Soft and gentle Tranquillo
Singing Cantabile
Sad, mournful Dolente
Solemn Grave
With fire Con fuoco
Lively Vivace
Heavy, firm, vigorous Pesante
Sustained, held Tenuto
Majestic Maestoso
Dying away Morendo
Playful Scherzando
Simple, unaffected Semplice
Agitated Agitato
Broadly Largamente
With loving expression Amoroso
With grace Con grazio
Humorously Giocoso
With lightness Leggiero
Fiercely Fiero
Marked Marcato
Movement, agitated Mosso
Dry Secco
Separated Staccato
Under the voice Sotto voce
Brass instruments
Horn Cor Horn Corno
Trumpet Trompette Trompete Tromba
Cornet Cornet a pistons Kornett Cornetta
Trombone Trombone Posaune Tromboni
Tuba Tuba Bass tuba Tuba
Stopped Bouche Gestopft Chiuso
Open Ouvert Offen Aperto
Musical terminology for Exam #3

Tempo terms
As fast as possible Prestissimo
Very fast Tres vite Presto
Lively Vif Lebhaft Vivace
Lively, quick (fast) Vite Schnell Allegro
Moderately quick Un peu allgre Etwas bewegt Allegretto
Animated Anim Bewegt Animato
Moderately Modere Mssig or gemssig Moderato
Walking Allant Gehend Andante
Broad Lent Langsam Largo
Just (proper) tempo Tempo giusto
The same tempo Listesso tempo
Slower Meno mosso
Suddenly slower Ritenuto (Riten.)
Gradually slower Ritardando
Slow down Rallentando
Sustaining Sostenuto
Becoming faster Accelerando, stringendo
Without measure Senza misura
With measure (strict) All misura
Freely (at your pleasure) A piacere
Double tempo Doppio movimento
Woodwind instruments
Piccolo Petite flte Kleine Flte Flauto, piccolo
Flute Flte Flte Flauto
Oboe Hautbois Oboe Oboe
English horn Cor Anglais Englisch Horn Corno Inglese
Clarinet Clarinette Klarinette Clarinetto
Bass clarinet Clarinette basse Bas Klarinette Clarinetto basso
Bassoon Basson Fagott Fagotto
Saxophone Saxophone Saxophon Sassofono
Division and octave
Divided Divisi
In unison All unisono
Octave Ottava, 8va
Play octave higher All ottava, ottava alto,
ottava supra, 8va
Play octave lower Ottava bassa, ottava
sotta, 8vb
Doubled at the octave Coll ottava
Musical terminology for Exam #4

Dynamic marks
Very soft Pianissimo (pp)
Soft Piano (p)
Moderately soft Mezzo piano (mp)
Moderately loud Mezzo forte (mf)
Loud Forte (f)
Very loud Fortissimo (ff)
Gradually louder Crescendo (cresc.)
Gradually softer Decrescendo
Gradually softer Diminishing
Dying to nothing Niente
Dying away Smorzando (smorz)
More Piu
Poco Little
Meno Less
Piu forte Louder
Poco forte A little loud
Poco piano A little soft
Meno forte Less loud
Accent terms
Forcing Forzando (sf)
Loud, immediately soft Fortepiano (fp)
Percussion instruments
Snare drum Tambour Klein trommel Tamburo
Bass drum Grosse caisse Grosse Troimmel Gran cassa
Kettle drums Timbales Pauken Timpani
Xylophone Claquebois Xylophon Silofono
Orchestra bells Jeu di timbres Glockenspiel Campanelli
Chimes Closhes Glocken Campane
Cymbals Cymbales Becken Piatti
Harp Harpe Harfe Arpa
Return to normal
To original tempo A tempo Primo
To former tempo A tempo
As usual A solito
As written Loco
As at first Come prima
As above Come supra

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