Public Domain
Public Domain
Public Domain
The term public domain has two senses of meaning. Anything published is out in the public domain in the sense
that it is available to the public. Once published, news and information in books are in the public domain, although
they may also be copyrighted. In the sense of intellectual property, works in the public domain are those whose
exclusive intellectual property rights have expired,[1] have been forfeited,[2] have been expressly waived, or are
inapplicable.[3] For example, the works of Shakespeare and Beethoven, and most of the early silent films, are all now in
the public domain by either being created before copyrights existed or leaving the copyright term.[1] Examples for
works not covered by copyright which are therefore in the public domain, are the formulae of Newtonian physics,
cooking recipes,[4] and all software before 1974.[5] Examples for works actively dedicated into public domain by their
authors are reference implementations of cryptographic algorithms,[6][7][8] NIH's ImageJ,[9] and the CIA's World
Factbook.[10] The term is not normally applied to situations where the creator of a work retains residual rights, in
which case use of the work is referred to as "under license" or "with permission".
As rights are country-based and vary, a work may be subject to rights in one country and be in the public domain in
another. Some rights depend on registrations on a country-by-country basis, and the absence of registration in a
particular country, if required, creates public domain status for a work in that country.
1 History
2 Definition
3 Public domain by medium
3.1 Public domain books
3.2 Public domain music
3.3 Public domain films
4 Value
5 Relationship with derivative works
6 Perpetual copyright
7 Public domain mark
8 Application to copyrightable works
8.1 Works not covered by copyright law
8.2 Expiration of copyright
8.3 Government works
8.4 Dedicating works to the public domain
8.4.1 Release without copyright notice
8.4.2 Public domain like licenses
9 Patents
10 Trademarks
11 Public Domain Day
12 See also
13 References
14 External links
Although the term "public domain" did not come into use until the mid-18th century, the concept "can be traced back
to the ancient Roman Law, as a preset system included in the property right system."[11] The Romans had a large
proprietary rights system where they defined "many things that cannot be privately owned"[11] as res nullius, res
communes, res publicae and res universitatis. The term res nullius was defined as things not yet appropriated.[12] The
term res communes was defined as "things that could be commonly enjoyed by mankind, such as air, sunlight and
ocean."[11] The term res publicae referred to things that were shared by all citizens, and the term res universitatis
meant things that were owned by the municipalities of Rome.[11] When looking at the public domain from a historical
perspective, one could say the construction of the idea of "public domain" sprouted from the concepts of res
communes, res publicae, and res universitatis in early Roman law.[11]
When the first early copyright law was first established in Britain with the Statute of Anne in 1710, public domain did
not appear. However, similar concepts were developed by British and French jurists in the eighteenth century. Instead
of "public domain" they used terms such as publici juris or proprit publique to describe works that were not covered
by copyright law.[13]
The phrase "fall in the public domain" can be traced to mid-nineteenth century France to describe the end of copyright
term. The French poet Alfred de Vigny equated the expiration of copyright with a work falling "into the sink hole of the
public domain"[14] and if the public domain receives any attention from intellectual property lawyers it is still treated
as little more than that which is left when intellectual property rights, such as copyright, patents, and, expire or are
abandoned.[15] In this historical context Paul Torremans describes copyright as a, "little coral reef of private right
jutting up from the ocean of the public domain."[16] Because copyright law is different from country to country, Pamela
Samuelson has described the public domain as being "different sizes at different times in different countries".[17]
Definitions of the boundaries of the public domain in relation to copyright,
or intellectual property more generally, regard the public domain as a
negative space, that is, it consists of works that are no longer in copyright
term or were never protected by copyright law.[18] According to James
Boyle this definition underlines common usage of the term public domain
and equates the public domain to public property and works in copyright
to private property. However, the usage of the term public domain can be
more granular, including for example uses of works in copyright permitted
Newton's own copy of his Principia,
by copyright exceptions. Such a definition regards work in copyright as
with hand-written corrections for the
private property subject to fair use rights and limitation on ownership.[1] A
second edition
conceptual definition comes from Lange, who focused on what the public
domain should be: "it should be a place of sanctuary for individual creative
expression, a sanctuary conferring affirmative protection against the forces of private appropriation that threatened
such expression".[18] Patterson and Lindberg described the public domain not as a "territory", but rather as a concept:
"[T]here are certain materials the air we breathe, sunlight, rain, space, life, creations, thoughts, feelings, ideas,
words, numbers not subject to private ownership. The materials that compose our cultural heritage must be free for
all living to use no less than matter necessary for biological survival."[19] The term public domain may also be
interchangeably used with other imprecise and/or undefined terms such as the "public sphere" or "commons",
including concepts such as "commons of the mind", the "intellectual commons", and the "information commons".[15]
The Musopen project records music in the public domain for the purposes of making the music available to the general
public in a high-quality audio format. Online musical archives such as preserve collections of classical
music recorded by Museopen and offer them for download/distribution as a public service.
Pamela Samuelson has identified eight "values" that can
arise from information and works in the public
Rock, Rock, Rock
1. Building blocks for the creation of new knowledge, examples include data, facts, ideas, theories, and scientific
2. Access to cultural heritage through information resources such as ancient Greek texts and Mozart's symphonies.
3. Promoting education, through the spread of information, ideas, and scientific principles.
4. Enabling follow-on innovation, through for example expired patents and copyright.
5. Enabling low cost access to information without the need to locate the owner or negotiate rights clearance and
pay royalties, through for example expired copyrighted works or patents, and non-original data compilation.[23]
6. Promoting public health and safety, through information and scientific principles.
7. Promoting the democratic process and values, through news, laws, regulation, and judicial opinion.
8. Enabling competitive imitation, through for example expired patents and copyright, or publicly disclosed
technologies that do not qualify for patent protection.[22]:22
Once works enter into the public domain, derivative works such as adaptations in book
and film may increase noticeably, as happened with Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel
The Secret Garden, which became public domain in 1987.[30] By 1999, the plays of
Shakespeare, all public domain, had been used in more than 420 feature-length
films.[31] In addition to straightforward adaptation, they have been used as the
L.H.O.O.Q. (1919).
launching point for transformative retellings such as Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Derivative work by the
Guildenstern Are Dead and Troma Entertainment's Romeo and Juliet.[32][33][34] Marcel Dadaist Marcel
Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q. is a derivative of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, one of Duchamp based on the
thousands of derivative works based on the public domain painting.[26] Mona Lisa.
Perpetual copyright
Some works may never fully lapse into the public domain. A perpetual crown copyright is held for the Authorized King
James Version of the Bible in the UK.[35]
While the copyright of the Peter Pan works by J. M. Barrie (the play Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up
and the novel Peter and Wendy) has expired in the United Kingdom, it was granted a special exception under the
Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988 (Schedule 6)[36] that requires royalties to be paid for commercial
performances, publications and broadcasts of the story of Peter Pan within the UK, as long as Great Ormond Street
Hospital (to whom Barrie gave the copyright) continues to exist.
Works created before the existence of copyright and patent laws also form part of the public domain. For example, the
Bible and the inventions of Archimedes are in the public domain, but copyright may exist in translations, or new
formulations, or digitized editions of these works, so for example most translations of the Bible into foreign languages
and the digital editions of these are copyrighted.
Expiration of copyright
Determination of whether a copyright has expired depends on an examination of the copyright in its source country.
In the United States, determining whether a work has entered the public domain or is still under copyright can be
quite complex, primarily because copyright terms have been extended multiple times and in different waysshifting
over the course of the 20th century from a fixed-term based on first publication, with a possible renewal term, to a
term extending to fifty, then seventy, years after the death of the author. The claim that "pre-1923 works are in the
public domain" is correct only for published works; unpublished works are under federal copyright for at least the life
of the author plus 70 years.
In most other countries that are signatories to the Berne Convention, copyright term is based on the life of the author,
and extends to 50 or 70 years beyond the death of the author. (See List of countries' copyright lengths.)
Legal traditions differ on whether a work in the public domain can have its copyright restored. In the European Union,
the Copyright Duration Directive was applied retroactively, restoring and extending the terms of copyright on material
previously in the public domain. Term extensions by the U.S. and Australia generally have not removed works from
the public domain, but rather delayed the addition of works to it. However, the United States moved away from that
tradition with the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, which removed from the public domain many foreign-sourced
works that had previously not been in copyright in the US for failure to comply with US-based formalities
requirements. Consequently, in the US, foreign-sourced works and US-sourced works are now treated differently, with
foreign-sourced works remaining under copyright regardless of compliance with formalities, while domestically-
sourced works may be in the public domain if they failed to comply with then-existing formalities requirementsa
situation described as odd by some scholars, and unfair by some US-based rightsholders.[40]
Government works
Works of the United States Government and various other governments are excluded from copyright law and may
therefore be considered to be in the public domain in their respective countries.[41] They may also be in the public
domain in other countries as well. "It is axiomatic that material in the public domain is not protected by copyright,
even when incorporated into a copyrighted work."[42]
In October 2014 the Open Knowledge Foundation recommends the Creative Commons CC0 license to dedicate
content to the public domain,[51][52] and the Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL) for
In most countries the term of rights for patents is 20 years, after which the invention becomes part of the public
domain. In the United States, the contents of patents are considered valid and enforceable for twenty years from the
date of filing within the United States or twenty years from the earliest date of filing if under 35 USC 120, 121, or
365(c).[54] However, the text and any illustration within a patent, provided the illustrations are essentially line
drawings and do not in any substantive way reflect the "personality" of the person drawing them, are not subject to
copyright protection.[55] This is separate from the patent rights just mentioned.
A trademark registration may remain in force indefinitely, or expire without specific regard to its age. For a trademark
registration to remain valid, the owner must continue to use it. In some circumstances, such as disuse, failure to assert
trademark rights, or common usage by the public without regard for its intended use, it could become generic, and
therefore part of the public domain.
Because trademarks are registered with governments, some countries or trademark registries may recognize a mark,
while others may have determined that it is generic and not allowable as a trademark in that registry. For example, the
drug "acetylsalicylic acid" (2-acetoxybenzoic acid) is better known as aspirin in the United Statesa generic term. In
Canada, however, "Aspirin", with an uppercase A, is still a trademark of the German company Bayer, while aspirin,
with a lowercase "a", is not. Bayer lost the trademark in the United States, the UK and France after World War I, as
part of the Treaty of Versailles. So many copycat products entered the marketplace during the war that it was deemed
generic just three years later.[56]
Bayer also lost the trademark in the same jurisdictions for "Heroin" which it trademarked a year before it trademarked
Although Hormel resigned itself to genericide,[57] it has fought attempts by other companies to register "spam" as a
trademark in relation to computer products.[58]
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External links
Internet Archive (
RetroFilm Vault Public Domain Movies Archive (
Public Domain Review (
Center for the Study of the Public Domain (
cspd/), Duke University
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