Hindustani Manual 00 Philia La

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. &.--C. PlllLLOTT
Tauba tauba I
PH.D., F.A.S.B.



Translator of the Nafhatu'LYamah. the

Baz-Nama-yi Nasirl, and
the Faras-Nama-e Rangln, etc. ;

Editor of the Persian Translation of

Hajl Baba and of the
Qawaninu's Sayyad, etc. etc.


Third Edition.


[All rights reserved].

Calcutta Printed at the Baptist

Mission Press, 41 Lr. Circular



(NOW 23rd CAVALRY, F.F ),



THE success of "Hindustani Stepping-Stones has induced
the author to bring out the present Manual, which is merely
a revised edition of the former work with some useful ad-
ditions. The "Stepping-Stones" was intended to be read
in conjunction with certain portions of Forbes' Manual.
As, however, students have complained of the inconveni-
ence of using two books, the present Manual has been made
complete in itself; no reference to Forbes' Manual is now

In the present work no word or phrase is used that an
uneducated but intelligent native of Delhi does not use ;

further, no word or phrase is used that an uneducated but

intelligent Muslim of the Punjab does not understand. The

author, after completing the work, tested every sentence with
an illiterate Punjabi bearer, from the Murree Hills, who has
been in his service for more than twenty years and any word ;

or phrase not readily understood, was at once erased. Still,

the student that masters this little book will be possessed of
a vocabulary sufficient for all practical purposes and will
have acquired a wealth of idiom that will carry him through
even the exercise for the "Proficiency." Special attention
has been paid to the many idiomatic meanings of the com-
mon everyday verbs, andexamples given, their mean-
in the

ings are nearly, not quite, exhausted. The student should


master the shades of meaning in the various compound verbs,

Lessons, 21, etc., and, in his written exercises and in his
speech he should practise using these idiomatic intensives,
etc., as much as possible. For instance, it is much more
" "
idiomatic to render to elicit information by bat nikal-

chhorna or nikdlkar rahnd [vide Lesson, 23, (d)

and (gr)], than
chhat-lend is "to
by simple bat nikdlnd. Note too that
choose, select," but chhat-dalna to eliminate." The work

has also been based on the recurring mistakes of L.S. and

H.S. candidates at the monthly examinations.
Owing to want of space, many of the meanings of the words
given in the vocabularies, have not been illustrated in the
examples. It is, therefore, the work of the student, with
the help of the Munshi, to frame sentences illustrating the

missing meanings. Paragraphs in smaller print are not

necessary for Lower Standard candidates, and should not
therefore be studied till the matter in larger type has been
The many editions through which Forbes' Manual has
passed are a sufficient proof of its popularity. This popularity
largely due to the fact that it is printed in the Roman
character. Though the Roman character with its short vowel s
and is, for a beginner (especially for the student
that wishes to learn the colloquial
only), a great advantage,
it must be regarded as a go-cart, to be
gradually discarded
as more and more progress is made. Before the student has
mastered this little book, he should be in a position to dis-
card the Roman alphabet. To a beginner, it is often an aid
to memory, to see a new word written both in the Roman
and in the foreign character.
Lastly, the beginner should practise as much as possible
aloud, but this subject is
fully dealt with in the Introduction
that follows.

My thanks are due to Shamsu'l 'Ulama Muhammad Yiisuf

Ja'fari, Khan Bahadur, Head Mawlavi, Board of Examiners,
for substantial
help in the preparation of this little book.

My acknowledgments are also due to the various grammars

and dictionaries, but specially to Forbes and Holroyd.

D. C. P.
September, 1910.
). J


The gratifying welcome accorded to this Manual has in

duced me to issue this Second Edition.

October, 1913.


At the suggestion of my pupils, the Nagari character has
been added to this Edition, vide Appendix G. Three other
Appendices D, E and F have also been added.
D. C. P


THERE are several modern schools or systems of acquiring
a new language, but the best is probably that of Professor
Rosen thai.
Under the old-fashioned system, the student was first
taught the grammar. He learnt to decline and conjugate,
and was laboriously taught rules and exceptions. He was
taught the theory of language, not the language itself. He
was then made to study the literature with the aid of a
dictionary7 colloquial being generally ignored.
, After three
or four years of such drudgery, not a single student, unless
he had been abroad or practised talking with foreigners, was
able to carry on the simplest conversation.
If waiters in Continental hotels, who talk English so

fluently, be questioned, it will be found that they have

acquired all their knowledge by residing in England for
frequently not more than six months. Something therefore
must be wrong in a system that in several years fails to
teach as much as can be picked up without teaching in six
Now to learn a new language easily and quickly, it should
first be learnt colloquially, the systematic study of grammar

and literature being taken up only when a degree of col-

loquial proficiency has been

The Professor's system is based upon the following facts :

two years or so of an infant listens. It

For the first its life,

understands a good deal that is said to it, but it does not

About the third year, it begins to speak.
This shows
that, in Nature's method, the ear is the first organ appealed
to. The child, however, has to acquire new ideas as well as
into America,
speech, so its progress is slow. Immigrants
who know no English, are at first bewildered by the many
foreign sounds. That state of unpleasant mental confusion
lasts for two or three weeks. By that time the ear has
grown accustomed to a few The phrase heard
of the sounds.

oftenest,probably connected with eating and drinking and

perhaps picked up in a restaurant, is instinctively imitated
and a simple phrase such as "Please bring me a beef -steak
and potatoes," is acquired. The learner expands this phrase
and builds on it, till a few months only, he is able to speak

English fluently, often with perfect accuracy. This is what

going on every day in America, instancing also the truth
that languages are learnt by sentences and not by isolated
words. Now every organ has a memory. If a person
cannot spell a word, he hastily writes it down and finds that
the memory in his fingers is better than that in his head.
In acquiring a
language, more than one organ is brought
into use. An actor who learns his
part in the quiet of his
room, repeating.it over in his own mind till he is word-
perfect, finds that at rehearsal he
unable to repeat his

part aloud without considerable effort. The reason is that

he has learnt by eye only, and has not
practised the memory
in his tongue and ear.

Bearing all these points in mind the Professor gives

: his

firstlessons on a phonograph. The first lesson is a simple

but rather long sentence. In a book, this is arranged in
tabular form with an interlinear English translation. The

beginner, the open page before him, turns on the machine and
places the ear-cup to his ear. When the sentence has been
delivered by the machine three or four times, the ear will
have learnt the accent and the intonation of most of the
words, while the eye will have mastered the meaning. The
lessonmust then be repeated aloud with the machine, and in
a short time the tongue and ear will work together. The
beginner has drunk in knowledge by several channels at the
same time and memory. Necessary gram-
ear, eye, tongue,
matical information imparted with each sentence. After

the main sentence with its correct pronunciation has been

mastered with the machine, the student should take up, by
means of a little book, the study of variations on the main

sentence, no word or phrase that the student has not already

acquired being used in the variations. He first reads the
foreign exercise aloud, and then, looking only at the English
side, tries to translate. No effort of memory is to be made.
If a word escapes him, he must at once refresh his memory
from the page. These short exercises should be repeated at
least three or four times a day. In a few days the phrases
willbecome second nature to the He will no longer

think about them but in them." Study, which should not

exceed 15 or 20 minutes at a stretch, must always be carried
out aloud. Mere repetition imprints the sentences on the
ear and memory,in much the same manner as the Morse

alphabet is learnt for signalling. Olendorf well knew the

value of repetition, and if his ridiculous and inconsequent
sentences had not been so repugnant to the youthful mind,
his popularity might never have waned.

in read-
A of the grammar, and exercises
systematic study
taken after the sentences
and can be
writing, up
been mastered.
the number of J
Now as regards the vocabulary and
For Italian, there are only 24
sons on the phonograph. "
i.e. there are 24 records
lessons on the phonograph,
in these 24 lessons is sufficient
and the vocabulary acquired
for all practical colloquial purposes.
The most necessary
It has been esti-
words are contained in the first lessons.
mated that an ordinary English from the day

he is born to the day he dies, uses in speech no more than

far more). Profes-
350 words. (Of course he understands
sor Rosenthal estimates that the average educated
man uses

4,000 words in conversation on

all general subjects. Lep-
sius the Egyptologist limits the necessary vocabulary to

600, while another authority fixes

it at 1,500. However,
be that as itmay, arithmetically speaking, "with 40 words
we can form 1,024,000 sentences of 20 words each." (In
to be
practice, though, most of these sentences would have
eliminated owing to the forced and unnatural order of the

Now, the natives of India use a larger vocabulary than
ordinary English villagers, for not only are they naturally
more fluent, but Muslims and Hindus generally use different
words for all common objects: for a "key" the former
usually say kunji, the latter chabl.
Further, Oriental idiom and thought differ so widely from
European, that it would be
extremely difficult to arrange, as
gramophone records, a series of long sentences (with inter-
linear translation) easily intelligible to a beginner. Short
sentences, however, could be satisfactorily arranged. As
regards idiom, take the simple sentence, "It is a fine day."

Now an Englishman by this means "a sunny day," and if

he wants to translate this thought he must say, The sky is
cloudless." However, an Indian's idea of a fine day is a
"soft day," and the phrase "fine day" calls up in his mind
a vision of a drizzly day in spring, a garden, and a summer-
house. To talk Hindustani, or to translate it, it is first

necessary to think like a Hindustani; and such thought

can only be acquired by, first constantly talking with natives

and, secondly, by reading their colloquial language, the early

reading lessons being written in pure colloquial language.
No action is performed well till it is performed unconsciously,
and no one knows a foreign language till he can think in it
and talk in it unconsciously, i.e. without thinking over the
translation. Continental waiters learn to do this in English
in sixmonths, and it is absurd to suppose that an Englishman
with sufficient education to pass into and out of Sandhurst
cannot do the same. What
is required is a proper system,

and proper teachers. Let the beginner, as far as possible,

follow Professor Rosenthal's practical method. A Munshi,
who soon tires, is not a good substitute for a gramophone,
but still he is the best substitute available, and work with
him can be done aloud.
A few words as regards the use 0f the text -book. The
old method of preparing, say 30 lines of Virgil, was to give a

boy a dictionary and an hour to prepare the task. The boy

spent an hour in laboriously looking up every word in a large
dictionary and as often as not in selecting the wrong meaning.
(Dictionaries are for people who know something of a lan-
guage ;
not for beginners who cannot even talk). Next, the
boy spent an hour in class with a master, a first-class scholar,
in unlearning most of what he had acquired in his hour of

solitary and painful labour. This is the reason that few


have any
grown men who have not been to the Universities,
real acquaintance with the classics.

The modern system, and a wise system it is, is to use a

translation. In an hour, instead of 30 lines, 100 lines are

read, and the meaning of the author being intelligibly ex-

pressed, is at once understood :

nothing has to be unlearnt,
and a great deal of the day's lesson sticks in the memory.
However, a translation to be of any use must be good it ;

must be idiomatic, not literal and bald. With a bald transla-

tion, the is unable to compare the differences in
structure of the two languages, while the baldness of the
translation nauseates him. Literal translations do more
harm than good.
In studying the text-book, too, the easiest portions should
be selected and read first. When going over the text-book
for the third time, the student should keep the English open
before him and read an English sentence first ; the Munshi
should then read out aloud the
corresponding sentence
from the text-book. The advantage of this will soon be
A beginner must recollect that the minds, of illiterate
people usually work slowly, and that however well he speaks,
he has probably a strong foreign accent. When driving in a
tam-tam, do -not suddenly turn round and ask a question from
the sais. First call to him and wake him out of his reverie,
and then put your question.
When I first landed in India, I remember
walking on the
Lucknow Cantonments with a noted oriental scholar,
fringe of
whose instructive conversation had been
making a deep im-
pression on my mind. He suddenly turned to a
and said: "Are there any black
villager partridges about
this spot ? To me, newly landed, the question seemed a

natural one ; for I of course thought that tigers could be shot

on the outskirts of cities, though for elephants it might be

necessary to make a long journey of several hours. To the

villager, the question seemed appalling it acted like a spell,

for he refused even to open, or rather to shut, his mouth.

Now, admitting that "the fool didn't know his own langu-
age," what would be your first thought if you were suddenly
stopped in Piccadilh by a Chinaman and asked if you could

direct him to the nearest grouse-moor ?

With some of the more vigorous and alert villagers of the

North, extreme caution is unnecessary, but even in dealing

with these it is advisable to lead gradually up to a subject,
firstasking the villager his name, then the name of his village,
etc. Study, too, the way natives express the simplest sen-
tences for idiom consists in using simple expressions as a

native does, and not as most candidates imagine, in collecting

and learning by heart out-of-the-way words or expressions
such as "to become camphor" and "the parrot of my hand
flew away." Why write, "These two rocks exhibit con-
siderable petrological consanguinity to each other," '
you can express the same idea by some such simple and
idiomatic sentence as These rocks are very much alike" ?

The other day an engaging-looking European suddenly put

his head into my railway-carriage and said "Are you alone :

in here ? His English was perfect, still I at once decided
he was a foreigner, for an Englishman would probably have
said "Is there only one in this carriage ? My questioner,
it turned out, hailed from America, though he had no
American accent.
A native, squatting by the roadside, might be asked what

This sentence actually occurs in a certain Government report.

he was doing. He would probably reply: "I am doing

nothing," and such a sentence would certainly be rendered
by a H. S. candidate, Mai kuchh nahl karta hti. The native
idiom, however, would be [Mai] Aise hi baitha M "I'm just
seated like this."
Those interested in the modern methods of studying
languages should refer to Professor Rosenthal's pamphlet,
from which I have so freely borrowed.
D. C. P.

September 1910. J


URDU, like Persian and Arabic, is written and read from
right to left, and the first page of an Urdu book would usually
be the last page of an English book.

All these letters in Arabic are consonants. There are also

three short vowels: a ( _^_ ), i ( "7 ) and u ( _L ). The
a and u are written understood) over the consonant to
which they may belong, the i under; and they are pro-
nounced after their consonant. 1

In practice the short vowels are seldom written or printed.


) at the beginning
of a syllable is. practically speak-
Alif ( t

ing, merely a prop for a short vowel..

The consonants t
j ^ are weak consonants or semi-vowels,
allied respectively to the short vowels a, u, and i.
and are
When a weak consonant its allied short vowel,
is preceded by
it becomes a letter of prolongation, i.e. it prolongs the short
vowel, or, in other words, a consonant, but com-
it ceases to be

bines with its short vowel to form a long vowel. In this case

it is equivalent to a long accent over a vowel in the Roman


Supposing it is desired to transliterate bd into the Persian

character. First take the consonant v ;
* nen mark it with
its vowel, i.e. a ; lastly, to show that the sound of the vowel
weak consonant that to the
prolonged, add the
is is allied

vowel a, viz. alif, thus ^ ;

here alif is no longer a consonant
but is merely the long accent over a.

When a weak consonant is preceded by an unallied short

vowel, the two form a diphthong (Hindi).
When a consonant has no vowel, it is silent." and is pointed
with a jazm, which is like a circumflex accent ( _A_ or _^_ ), i.e.

speaking practically, when two consonants come together, the

first is pointed with the jazm. When a consonant is doubled,
it has the mark tashdtd ( * ) placed over it.

The following examples illustrate the system of transliter-

ating the vowels and diphthongs. It will be noticed that
whenever a Hindustani word begins with what is considered
a vowel in English, the first letter is always the consonant
alif :

wt ab now, Jf ag fire, X <j[ is ka of its, his, *<&>[ Ikli sugar-


cane, -X>l ek one, K

^ us ka of that, his, ^"f ud otter,

os dew, L~J| aisa such, ;y crar (or awr) and,

jj-j 6as enough, ctb 6aZ word, i- be (prep.) without, cw din

day, n*!i> dm religion. ^^ ?^6 lady, ^ lo take ye, ^- bed

t ^9
willow, cuJ but idol, ->J^ 6wd f.
drop, *~^> 6osa kiss, ^j bu scent

"ox," ^L ^a
(in Urdu, j> bo). <J*J bail (really bayl ) "is,"

^ hi (an emphatic particle), J^J baul ( or 6t<;/) urine, j~* sau

(saw*) a hundred.

The letter 'ayn )


Jlic 'agZ sense, unite 'adat habit, 't7m knowledge, x^ 7!

A/ ^

religious festival, _>w> 'wwrage, ^* 'ud aloes, w*j.c 'a*6 *


o;y= 'aural woman, >*? 6a'd after, t***mi'da (Ar.) stomach.
g>/o mu'jiza miracle, ^_^ s^ar' sacred law, gl-o zt7' district,

' ^
aUi shu'a' rays of the sun, fj^j rai')?' name of a month, ?yLt>

^w?w' rising of the sun.

This system of transliteration is that employed in most

grammars and dictionaries. It is not, however, quite logical.

But in the Nagari character it is bail.
* But in transliterating from the NagarT character sau would be
* This consonant is represented by an inverted comma above the
line. * Or 'ayb
5 Or 'atvrat.

For instance, v** an ^ &)}* should be transliterated 'uyb and

'awrat, for ^ and 3 are consonants, except when they are
letters of prolongation (i.e. equivalent to a long accent over
a Roman vowel) .

According to Arab grammarians, a syllable cannot begin

with a vowel. Hamzah ( ? and ), the first letter of their

alphabet, not a vowel, vide Appendix D. No syllable in


Arabic can begin with two consonants; Smith becomes

Ismith. In Hindi, however, some words do begin with two
or more consonants, as : stri woman."
(1) The hard letters t ( & } and th (
*> ,
d ( 5 ) and dh
( 4*5 ), and
r ( } } and rh ( **j ) are peculiar to Hindi. Any
word containing a hard letter is therefore Hindi. So, too,
are the soft compounds ph ( A$J \ th &#> ), dh ( &*s ) and
chh ( * ).

(2) The letter zh ( $ ) is peculiar to Persian. The letters p

( sj ). ch ( g ), and g (
^ ) are common to Hindi and Persian.

(3) The letters s ( ), h ( c ), M ( ) s (>'),?( u >-

z ( u ), (
i ),
2 ( ). '( ), and 9 or & ( i5 ). are peculiar
to Arabic.

(4) Hamza (
* ), which in Arabic is in reality an additional
letterwith a peculiar sound of its own, is in Urdu generally
the equivalent of a hyphen, as Fd,ida 8^l [fa-ida] bene- :

fit" ; ;a,o V^- [fa-o] "go." Vide Appendix D.

(5) When enunciating the Urdu soft sounds t, d,
and their

compounds th and
dh, the tip of the tongue should touch
the upper front teeth. When, however, pronouncing the

corresponding hard letters, the underside of the tip of the

tongue should touch the palate above the upper front teeth.
(6) When pronouncing r ( j
the tip of the tongue must ,

be turned much farther back, so that the underneath may

strike the roof of the mouth.

In a few Persian words, is sometimes found, as in ^

properly softer and more dental than the

2 These two letters are

corresponding English letters.

3 The letter r is not found at the
beginning of a word, nor is it ever

Soft r 0) is a lingual as in French.

5, cr *, u ?> are Urdu homophones, though not
like the a in
so in Arabic. They are all pronounced
fc is often pronounced like A, but should be more
(8) c
h in huge.
guttural than the
(9)i 2, 3 z, i> ?, * z are in Urdu homophones and are pro-

nounced like the z in zeal.

(10) t is a strong palatal, but vulgarly is pronounced

(11) a (') is a strong guttural (consonant), difficult for a

European to distinguish. The Indians and the Persians

from each other, but neither pro-
pronounce it differently
nounce it as do the Arabs.
(12) i is a guttural g accompanied by a rattling. The

r in the French grasseye is an approximation only.

(13) <3 <?
is a strong guttural, like the ck in stuck when pro-
nounced in the throat.

(14) on as in not but more dental. In certain cases it is

nasal as in the French bon (Vide Appendix F). In Urdu a

final nasal n may be distinguished by the omission of its
dot, as In the Roman character nasal n is generally
transliterated n or in this edition by the latter sign.
. Be-
fore b and p, it is often pronounced ra. (There is practically
no nasal n in Persian and Arabic).
(15) X h as in hand. As a final letter in Urdu and Persian
' ' '
* '

(not in Arabic) generally silent imperceptible and

or is

then pronounced like a, as : *il^ khanci. AXJ banda. It is

In reading the Qur'an, an attempt is made to give these letters
their Arabic pronunciation.
* There is no silent h in Arabic. The aspirated final h of Arabic
becomes a in Persian and Urdu, thus tnalikah "queen" becomes

aspirated in such words as t; rah "way. road,"

^ shah
"king," *Ji dih village," and their contracted forms *> rah,
A shah, i dih. This letter is generally written in its

"butterfly" form when used to aspirate the consonants b,

" " '

p, t, t, j, d. d, r, k, g, as in bhi also but in its hang-


^V :

form when a separate letter, as

ing ^. bihl quince."

This convention is not universal.

(16) y w or v. In a few Persian words, it is silent ^"de-

viated ") after a kh, as :
*tj^- khwdh whether," ^^ khtid
"self," i-fy^- Wdrak "food." It is also used to prolong
the short vowel u as in y bu. Further it is made to do
duty for the Hindi vowel o. which is not found in the Arabic

(17) The Hindi letter chh (in Urdu a double letter &#*.) is

an aspirated ch as in the English ivatch-him pronounced

without a hyphen.
(18) <j> y as in yard. It is also used to prolong the short
vowel i as in
^ bi. Further it is made to do duty for the
Hindi vowel e ( *Z), for which there is no equivalent in the
Arabic alphabet.
(19) These letters should be practised, i.e. pronounced
aloud, at first under the direction of a Munshi. In a short

time, not only will their pronunciation cease to be an effort

to the tongue, but the ear also will learn to distinguish the

These strongly aspirated consonants (Hindi) are in the Nagari


character single letters and not compounds as in Urdu. If the Eng-

lish word up-hill be pronounced uph-ill, the sound of ^j (15) ph can
be ascertained.
* There is no o or e sound in Arabic. When the Persians adopted
the Arabic character, they extended the use of the consonants j and

^ to represent the sounds "unknown" to Arabs, viz. o and e. In

modern Persian, however, these sounds no longer exist, their place
being taken by u and I.

difference in sound, and thus many spelling mistakes (which

will be avoided.
are frequently mistakes of pronunciation)
The short vowel a is pronounced like the u in the
(20) " "
" " " " a as
i as in fin u as in put
English word gun

in "father": i as in "marine";
u as the doubled o in
" " " "
boot e as in
; they o as in go." The Hindi diph-

" "
ai and an
as the ai in
aisle when pronounced as
a diphthong and as ow in how," but vulgarly more like o or
the aw in chaw.

(21) Pronounce every syllable and every letter of each

word :
say sa-kib, and not saib or
sdhb. Above all, do not
shorten a final short vowel that should be long say pant :

and kawwa, and not pant and kawwa or worse still kawa.
Accent is less strong than in English and is subordinate to
(22) The same consonant doubled must always be pro-
nounced twice as pat-ta m. "leaf." In Urdu, a consonant
that is doubled is written once only. The mark tashdid
strengthening," may be placed over it to indicate it is
di "
doubled, as in lL. Say pat-thar j%^t ("stone") and not
path-ar. Vide also Appendix G.

(23) When a consonant is


quiescent,' that is when it is

not followed by a short vowel, it may have the sign or
O '
placed over it. as in X~A> masjid mosque."

l Note that the diphthongs are Hindi, and are represented in the
Persian character by the equivalents of ay and aw. Vide also Appen-
dix G


Hindustani has no word which
corresponds exactly with
our definite article
occasionally, the demonstrative pro-

nouns yih "this," and wuh "that," are as employed articles.

The place of our indefinite article a or an
supplied by the is
numeral ek "one," or by the definite
pronoun ko,l "some, a
certain" thus, ek adrm or ko,i adml "a
man, some or man,
a certain man."

(a) Gender. All
substantives are either masculine or
feminine, except a few which are of both Males
are masculine., and females feminine. With regard to life-
less things, practice must determine their
gender. As a
general rule, however, all abstract nouns and names of

things and irrational beings ending in are feminine ; those

in t are also feminine., if derived from
Arabic roots; and
those in ish, if derived from Persian verbal roots.
nouns in t and ish, not restricted as above., and all nouns in
sh, are uncertain. (Paw, water, ghi, clarified butter, daht
curd, hathi, elephant, mott, a pearl, and jl, mind, are mas-

various cases are expressed by means

These answer the same
of terminations, called postpositions.
The following scheme shows
purpose as our prepositions.
One example will
the postpositions and their signification.
suffice for all substantives.

Declension of a Hindustani Noun.


Nominative (and Ace.) mard.

mard, men, the men.
man, the man.
Genitive mard-ka, -ke, -H, of mardd-ka, -ke, -, ot

Dative and Ace mard-ko, to mardo-ko, to etc.

man. or man.
Ablative mard-se, from or with mardo-se, from etc.

\ man.
mardo-me, in etc.
f mard-me, in man.
) mard-par,
on man. mardo-par, on etc.
J j

man. mardo-tak. to etc.

(. mard-tak, up to up
Agent mard-ne, by man. mardo-ne, by

\Vocative ay mard, man. ay mardo, men.

(c) The above example with slight modifications is appli-

cable to all the substantives of the language. It will be

observed that the nominative singular mard remains unaltered

as a root. The nominative plural is the same as the singular.
The vocative plural always ends in o, having dropped the
nasal n ( ) of the preceding cases.

For pronunciation, vide Introduction Part II.

Exception 1. Feminine nouns (even some

ending in 5) are
declined exactly like mard,
except that they add the syllable
e in the nominative
plural, or a if the singular ends in ? (or
u Hindi); thus, mez "a
table"; nom. plural meze; bu.at
bo P. "odour," roil
pi. bH,e; "bread, a loaf"; nominative
plural, rotiya.* In the oblique cases
plural, they add 5 as in
the example
already given; thus, mezo Ico, to the tables,
rotiyo-se, from the loaves. A few peculiarities are dealt with
in Lesson 53.

Exception 2. Masculine nouns ending in a or a, if

Indian, and many masculines ending in the unmarked a or
imperceptible h (by Hindus often written with a
long a),
change their final vowel into e in the oblique cases
and nominative plural, and into 5 for the
oblique cases plural.
Thus, kuttd "a dog"; gen. sing, kutte-kd, -ke, -kt : voc. sing.
ay kutte : nom. plur. kutte gen. plur. etc. kutto-ka,
-ke, -ki ;

voc. plur.ay kutto: baniya'1 "grain-merchant"; gen

baniye kd nom. plur. baniye'; gen plur.
baniyo kd.
banda&sl&ve; gen. sing, bande-kd, -ke, -ki: nom. plural bande ;

gen. bando-kd, etc.Masculine nouns in d, not

purely Hindi,
but borrowed from the
Arabic, Persian, or Sanskrit, are not
necessarily subject to this inflection. For example, da,na P.
"a sage," pita S. "a father," are not inflected; the gen.
sing, is ddnd-kd, etc. ; nom. plur. ddnd ; gen. plur. dana,o kd,
etc. Again dddd, paternal grandfather, may or may not be
inflected as gen.
sing, ddde-kd or dadd-kd

plur. dddo-kd or ;

dddd,o-kd etc. but the inflected form is now

; ;
used rarely
Vide also L. 59.

Note this euphonic change from I in the sing, to iya. Masculine
nouns in * make no change for the nom. moti nom. sing,
plur., as:
and plur. ;
gen. plur. motiyd ka. 2 Or baniya.

(d) The nominative can always be used as a vocative, as :

kutta "0 dog," instead of ay (or ai) kutte.

Remark. In Hindi ta,l is sometimes substituted for ko, and

talak or tori or Id for tak.


(a) Adjectives are generally placed before their substan-

tives and agree with them in gender. Adjectives ending in
any letter except a, are indeclinable Bechari (f.) is an ex-

ception to this rule.

(6) The termination a is used before a masculine noun

only, and in thenominative case singular (or the accusative

case, if under the nominative form). The termination e is used
before a substantive masculine, in any case singular, where a
postposition or interjection used or understood, or before

any masculine in the plural number. Lastly, i is used always

before a feminine noun. Thus, bara ghar "a large house";
bare ghar ka "of a large house"; plur bare ghar, "large
houses bare gharo par "on the large houses."
Again, kitab
"a book," being feminine, we say, bari kitab " a large book ";
ban kitab me, " in a large book " ban kitabe " large books,"

etc. Adjectives purely Arabic, Persian, or Sanskrit, and

ending in a, are not necessarily subject to any change or

(e) In like manner, the genitive case of a noun or pro-

noun generally precedes the word which
governs it; and
the use of ka, ke, or H; ra,
re, or n; and na, ne, or m,
in the formation of such genitives, is determined by the
same rule that regulates the a. e and I of the adjective.
Hence, in Hindustani, the application of all genitives, nouns

and pronouns, is precisely that of the declinable adjective ;

thus, mard ka is used when the noun belonging to it is

mascuKne. and in the nom case singular as. mard ka beta, ;

mard ka ghora, etc the man's son, horse," etc. When
the word belonging to mard is masculine, but not in the
nom. singular (or the sing. ace. form without ko), then ke
must be used; as, mard ke bete ko, "to the man's son";
mard ke beto ko "to the man's sons." When the word be-
longing to mard is feminine, in all cases H is used as. mard ;

H joru "the man's wife"; mard ki beti ko "to the man's

daughter mard H betiyfi, '' the man's daughters."

(d) In English, when we use the verb 'to be' in making

an assertion, we put the nominative first, then the verb, and
' ' '

lastly the thing asserted :

as, my father is wise ;
man is ignorant.' In Hindustani the rule is. first the nomi-
native, then the thing asserted, and last of all the verb ; thus,
" "
mera bap dJana hai my father wise is ;
so wuh admi nd
dan hai, that man ignorant is."

(a) The personal pronouns are thus declined :

Sing. First Person. Plur.

Nom. mat, I, ham (always m.), we.

Gen. mera, mere, men, ham-drd, -are, -art.

D. and A. mujh-ko or mujhe, ham-ko, or -e.

Ab. mujh-se, ham-se.

Loc. mujh-me, -par, -tak. ham-me, -par, -tak.

Agt. mai-ne, ham-ne.


Second Person. Plur.


Norn. tu, turn, you.

Gen. tera, tere, ten,

tum-hara. -hare, -hari.

D. and A tujh-ko or tujhe,

tum-ko or, -he.

Ab tujh-se,

LOG. tum-me, -par, -tak.

tujh-me, -par, -tak,

tu-ne, tum-ne.

(b) It will be observed that the first and second personal

pronouns, 'I' and 'thou,' have a declension peculiar to

In the first place, the gen. sing, ends in ra, re, ri, and the

gen. plur. in ara or hara, are or hare, an or hari instead of the

ka, ke, kl of the substantives. The other cases singular are
formed by adding the requisite postpositions to the oblique
forms or inflections mujh and tujh at the same time, the ;

dative and accus. may optionally add ko or e. The cases

denoting the agent sing, are formed by adding ne to the

nom., as, mal-ne and tu-ne, and not mujh-ne, etc.

(c) The rest of the pronouns are simple in their declen-

sion ;
all that is requisite is to remember the nom. and oblique
form or inflection of each ; thus, yih, he, etc., inflect, is-ka.
ke, -kl.

Sing. Third Person. Plur.

Nom. yih? he, she, it, or this, yih (old ye) they, these.
Gen. is-ka, -ke, -H, in-kd, ke, -kl.
Dat. is-ko or is-e. in-ko, or inhe.

when a noun in apposition comes after mat and tu, they are
changed into mujh and tujh, as mujh ghar'tb ne tujh nadan ne. ;

Properly yah and wah compare yaha "here" and waha "there."

Sing. Third Person. Plur.

Ac. yih, is-ko, or is-e. yih. in-ko, inhe

Ab. is-se. in-se.

LOG is-me, -par, -tak, in-me, -par, -tak.

Agt. is-ne, inho-ne.

(d) Exactly like yih are declined the four following pro-

nouns. It will be sufficient here to give the nominative and

inflection of each, singular and plural.

Nom ivuh,
he, she, it, that. wuh (old we), they or

Inflec. us-kd, -ke, kl. etc., un-? -kd, -ke, -H


Nom. kaun, who ? kaun, who ?

Inflec. kis-kd, -ke, -kl, etc., kin-kd, -ke, -H.


Nom. jo, he who, etc., jo, they who.

Inflec. jis-kd, -ke, -H, etc., jin-kd, -ke, -In.


Nom. so (old) that same, so (old) those same
Inflec. tis-kd, -ke -ki, etc. tin-led, -ke. -H.

(old) : (old).

Properly yah and wah compare yaha "here" and waha "there.

Agent case, unhd ne and jinhd ne.

3 In Modern Urdu wuh is used.


e) The following interrogative is applicable, either to
the singular or plural :

Nom. kya, what ? : Inflec. kdhe-kd, -ke, -fce, of what ? etc.

In pure Urdu, however, the oblique cases of kaun are used

for those of kya. The forms, kdhe-kd, and kdhe-ko, may
occasionally occur, but not the others.

(/) The word dp. self, gives, as a possessive adjective,

ap-nd, -ne. -m "of or relating to self, own." The word dp
is also employed when addressing respectable persons of any
position in life, or speaking of a superior, in the sense of
Your Honour. Your Worship, His Honour, etc. Vide L. 31.

(g) The indefinites are ko,i, and kuchh "some, a, any."

The inflection of ko,i is kisi or kisu, of which kisu is the
older form. The plural is ka,i (or kaj, ek) "some, several."
To these may be added har, or har-ek " every," which has no
inflection. Sab "every, or all," when accompanied by its
substantive, is indeclinable; but when used by itself, in an
emphatic sense, it has sabho (or sab) for the oblique cases

plural; as, sab log kahte hoi "all people say"; sabho ne
kahd "by all it was said" ;
but in modern Urdu sab ne or
sabhi ne kahd The compound jo-ko,l "
is preferred. whoso-
ever." has a double inflection, jis-kisi-kd, -ke, -kl.

(a) The Hindustani verb is
very regular. The accent
always falls on the root syllable, as :
gir-nd. The infinitive
or verbal noun always ends in
m; as girna "to fall," also
"falling" a masculine noun subject to inflection as, girne ;

kd "of falling"; girne ko "to" or

"for, Bv falling."

striking off the syllable nd, we have the root of the verb,
which is also the second person singular of the imperative ;

as, gir "fall thou." By changing nd into td we have the

present participle, as: girtd (hu.d) "falling," By leaving
out the n of the infinitive we have the past participle, as :

gird (hu,d) "fallen." But when either of the long vowels a

or o precedes the nd the n "
is changed into y ;
as land to
bring," Idyd "brought." Fromthese three principal parts
of the verb, viz. gir, girtd and gird, all the other parts are

formed, either by the addition of terminations or by means

of the following two auxiliary tenses :


1. mat hu, I am. Jiam hat, we are.

2. tu hai, thou art, turn ho, you are.

3. wuh hai, he, she, or it is. wuh hai, they are.


1. mai thd or thi, 1
I was. ham the* we were.

2. tu thd or thi, 1
thou wast. turn the or thl, 1

you were.
3. wuh thd or thl, 1

he, she wuh the or thl, 1

they were.
or it was.

(6) In the first of the tenses there is no distinction

between the masculine and feminine, but in the second or
past tense, the forms thd and the are masculine, and thi and
thl are feminine. Tn the first person plural, the* is also used
for the feminine instead of thl. It is a universal rule, that

except in the Aorist and the Imperative, the verb agrees with
its nominative in gender as well as in number thus, the ;

Thl and thi feminine. * Ham is always masc,

masculine singular is a, the feminine singular is I, the masc.

plur. e, and
the fern. plur. ! (contracted for iya). As a
rule, it is sufficient to add the nasal n ( )
to the last
word of the feminines in the plural ; as, girtl thl, not girffi



(a) Adverbs present little difficulty. The following are

a few examples: Aj, "to-day"; kal, "yesterday"; turant.

"quickly"; jhat, "instantly": yaha, "here." These are

original Hindi.
" "
(&) Some prepositions are also adverbs :
as, age ahead ;

(but as a preposition "in front of"). [In VII it will be seen

that prepositions are really substantives].

(c) Zor se, Urdu, "by force "= ba-zor, Persian, which
latter also occurs in Urdu: dur tak, "far"; ban dwdz se,

"loudly." These are substantives with a preposition or


(d) Rat din (Hindi) or shab o roz (Persian) "night and

day," i.e. all the 24 hours roz roz (or har roz) "every day "
; ;

" " "

zabardasti [se] by force ; jaldl [se]
= jald quickly." These
are merely substantives.
" " " "
(e)J<M. quickly :
dur, far ;
wuh bard phurtlld hai,
"he very smart, active."
is These are simply adjectives.
Vide L. 61 (c).

(/) The adjectives aisd, waisd, Una, jitnd (uninflected),

are also used as adverbs
etc., qualifying verbs, as jaisd kiyd :

waisd pdyd= as he sowed, so he Sometimes reaped." they
are inflected
adverbially, as :
aise, waise, etc.

For paradigm of verb vide Lesson 7.

(g) Niz, "also"; hamesha, "always" :

ahistaahisa, "slowly,
" "
silently ; rafta rafta, by degrees." These are real Persian
(h) Ittifdq-an. b}^ chance," is an Arabic substantive in
the Ar. ace. case.

(i) Adjectives in ana. are especially adverbial as, Sipa- :

hiyana "soldier-like, in a soldierly manner": shahdna, "royal;

in a royal manner."

(j) The Con j .

Participle is sometimes adverbial: as,Jan
bujhkar. knowingly, on purpose"; is se barh-kar, "more
" "
than this ; dthupke ana, to come secretly." [Dida o
ddnistaP. "on purpose."]
(k) Other adverbs are ab kl daf'a, " this time aur kahl, "some- ;

where else" jaha kahl, " wherever" kahl no kahl, " somewhere or
; ;

other"; kdbhl nahi, "never"; kabhi kabhl, "sometimes"; fab

" whenever " kabhi na kabhl, " at some time or other." Vide

also L. 61 (c) (4).

(a) Strictly speaking there are none. Their place is taken
by masculine and feminine nouns followed by a postposition
sometimes expressed but usually understood. Thus, ghar he
age,"before the house" really stands for ghar ke age me,
"in the front of the house." This explains why some
prepositions are masculine and some feminine.
(6) Prepositions may precede or follow the nouns they
govern, and occasionally when they follow their noun, the
postposition ke or H
that precedes them is omitted, as us :

pas, for uske pas. The ke is usually omitted before par,

across, the other side."

(c) Manand, "like," if it precedes its noun, is masculine

and takes ke if it follows, ;
it is feminine and takes H.

(^) Us ke sdth or hamrah means "in company with

him," but us ke samet = taking him along with (me)":
samet is used of lifeless things, animals, children, servants,

prisoners, etc. ;
it cannot be applied to superiors. Sipdhl
paltan ke sath (not samet} gayd. Mai naukar samet (or ke sdth)
gayd. Sath and hamrah are never used for lifeless things.

(e) A few Persian and Arabic prepositions occur. These

precede their substantive, which remains in the nominative
" " "
form, as be-hukm without an order
: be-chdra helpless." ;

Hindi nouns in a
however, inflected, as be-samjhe
are, :

" " "

without understanding (it) be-thikdne without trace." ;

(/) The Hind! preposition or postposition bind, contracted

bin, usually precedes (but may follow) an inflected noun as :

bin samjhe "without understanding"; bin ddne pdm =


"without food"; bin jane adv. "without knowing, un- 1

Bin also a negative prefix, as
is :
bin-boyd, adj. unsown."

The following are common :Shdbdsh " well-done "
miration) ; kyd khubl "how
excellent!" (astonishment and
denial) wdh wdh (for admiration and
astonishment) lo
; !

and lijiye (lit. " take ") = " lo ", " behold "
", and, ! !

hai "hulloa!" (surprise); hay hay "alas!" but hai hai

"what a pity!", "what a difficulty!" and also
" " "
chhi chhi fie fie "
uff !
(expresses disgust) ; uh I don't
care !

here Pa8t P"*' 01'? 168

(inflected), used as

among8t ha lf-ca8tes; hence "the chhi chhl

LESSON 1. 13


Mard, m. Man (as opposed to woman).

Admi, m. A human being (from Adam) ;

sometimes a servant; vulg.

husband or wife.

Insan, m. Man (in the sense of man-


Bat, f. A word, talking ; matter,


Bat-chit, f. Conversation.

Khayal, m.
Idea, thought imagination

(and hence mind).

Safed, adj. White.

i, f. Whiteness ;
whitewash ;
the white of an egg.

P*Za, adj., Hindi. Yellow ;

also pale from sick-

ness, etc.

Pila-pan? m., Hindi. Yellowness.

Zard, Persian. Yellow.

Zardi, f., Persian. Yellowness; also the yolk (of

an egg).

Razi, adj. Pleased, satisfied (in Punjab


also well, in good health).

Na-rdz, adj. Displeased, dissatisfied.

Vulgarly MiiyaL The short vowels, especially of Arabic words
are often incorrectly pronounced in Urdu.
2 All nouns
ending in pan (= English ness) are masculine.

Raza-mandi, f. Consent.

'A jab, adj. Strange (also as an expression

of astonishment).

'A jib, adj. Wonderful, strange, rare.

Ta'ajjub, m. subs. Wonder, astonishment.

Zarra, subs., adj., and adv. An atom ;

a little ; please ;

(when used as an adjective just.

pronounced zara).

Zara-sa, adj. A smallish quantity.

Su,l, f. A needle : also the hand of a


Gharl, f. Watch.

Gora, adj. Fair ;

hence a British soldier
or sailor.

Chauki, f.
Chair, bench ; also a police

Pdya, m. A leg of a chair, table, etc. ;

a pillar; also leg of a

slaughtered animal (used as


Hisab, m Account, reckoning.

Wildyat, f. A foreign country; hence
Kabul; hence also England
Wilayati, adj. English; also belonging to
Lambd, adj. Long.
Lamba,i, f.
, adj. Short, or small.
LESSON 1. 15

Bal, m., used in sing, or pi. Hair.

Ma'lum, Ar., past part, (from What is known, known

'Urn, knowledge). (used for abstract ideas only).
Chihra, m. Countenance.

Khidmat, f. Service.

Khidmat-gar, m. Any personal servant ; (a-

mongst Europeans) a table-


Iman, m. Trust ; religious belief ;


Be-tman, adj. (Lit. without faith), dishonest.

Be-din, adj. Without religion, irreligious.

Diyanat, f.
Diyanat-dar adj. , Honest.

Bad-diyanat, adj. Dishonest.

Qissa, Ar., m., Kahani, H., f. Tale, story, narrative.

Ki, conj. That.

To, conj. and adv. Then, in that case at least as ; ;

for I admit also used as a

; ;

correlative of agar and jab.

Nahl to, conj. Otherwise.

Afsos, subs., m. Sorrow, grief.

Afsos! interj. Alas!

Pasand, adj. and subs. Approved, liked: approval.

Na-pasandi, f.

1 Often use 1 as a particle of emphasis there is no exact equiva-


lent in English. The use of this very idiomatic particle can be learnt
from the examples.

andeshe, m. Anxiety, anxious thought.

Andesha, pi.
reaction, and
f. (and m.)
sometimes = andesha.

Grief, sorrow, pain

of mind,
RanjS no pi.,
- .
Your Honour (requires a verb
in the third person plural).

Kam. Work., business.

Shikayat, f Complaint, accusation ; (also

in high Urdu, ailment).

Bhari. adj. Heavy; important,
f. subs., and adj.
Late ;
lateness ; delay
f. subs, (nob good Urdu) . Lateness.

Itnl der me. In the meanwhile ;

while this
was going on.

Ear, pron. Every, each.

Ear ek, pron.
Each one.

Risala? m. Native cavalry a pamphlet.

pi. risdle, ;

Ab. Now.
Abhi. This very moment.

Larnd (kin se) . To fight (with).

And, int. To come.

Taiydr, adj. Ready, prepared.
Hdzir, adj. Present.
Sdth (sang), prep, and subs. With ; accompaniment.

Ranj aur gharri, sing. = various kinds of affliction.
2 Most nouns ending in the silent Persian h are masculine.
LESSON 2. 17

Banda, pi.bande, m. ;
Servant ;
slave (
= your hum-
(fern, bandi and bdndi). ble servant, with verb in
3rd. pers. sing.).

Khudd kd banda, m. God's creature, i.e. man ; vulg.

applied also to animals.
Kuttd. Dog.
Kutti or kutyd. Bitch.

Hdthi, m., Hathm, f.

Lom,n, f. (^Y. and /?gr.) Fox.

Gay. Cow.
Beta. Son.

Betl Daughter.
Qusur, m. Fault.

Not, no.
Na Not.

Hu,d, m., etc.. 7tw,t, f. Became (past tense of hond

"to be" and "to become").
Yaha, adv. Here.

Fa/if, adv. (emphatic). In this very place.


(a) The difference between hotd hai is, is becoming," and
hai "is, exists," is that hotd hai indicates (1) what is habi-

tually happening, as Eoz roz (or liar roz) is trup me jhagrd


" "
hotd hai there are (always) daily quarrels in this troop ;


Garmiyo me is na,dl me pdni pdydb hotd hai this river is

The fern, is used by women, only when they speak of themselves,
as : bandl ab chali=" I am now going." Vide also L. 53 (/) (2).
" and
fordable throughout the hot season ;
substitute hai
the meaning is This river is fordable now." f Continuous

rahtd hai,
action, however, without a break, is expressed by
as : Is nadt me pant paydb rahtd hai this river is fordable

throughout the year "] (2) present action, as

Abht bdrish :

" " Ghan

hoti hai it is
raining now
(3) a general truth, as

me, do su,iyn hoti hai watches have two hands." Hai
indicates a particular thing or existence, as Yurap ke :

" "
rahne-wdle gore hote hai (not hai) Europeans are fair but ;

" "
mera bhd.t gord hai my brother is fair Chauki me char ;

" "
pd,e hote hai (not hat) chairs have four legs but is ;

chauki me pach pd,e hat (not hote hat) "this chair has five
legs"; Khudd hai "there is a God, God exists"; Wuh
darakht ab tak hai "that tree still exists."

Note. Ma'lum hai "it is known"; ma'lum hotd hai "it

appears, it seems."

(b) Thd "was"

at a particular moment; 7m ,5

signifies The English "was" has often to be

" "
rendered by hud and not by thd when in English became ;

can be substituted for was," it must be translated by hu,a.

(c) To, as an Enclitic, is not always translatable : vide

note 1, page 15. Dekho to "Just look"; yih to sach hahl
"now that's not true."

(d) Is the (your) master Sahib '

hat (vulg. hai) ?

at home ?

My account (or reckoning) is Hamdrd 1 hisdb thtk

' hai,
right and yours is wrong. tumhara a

Sahib as a term of respect


requires a plural verb.

In Lucknow and Delhi mera would be
used. In Delhi tera for
small children or menial servants but in
Lucknow the singular tera

is only used in
poetry or in addressing the Deity.
LESSON 2. 19

That man's hair is long. Us mard ke bdl lambe hai.

He is pale. Us kd rhihra zard hai.

Is your khidmatydr (table- Kyd, tumhdrd khidmat-gdr

servant) a dishonest man ? be-vmdn (or bad-diydnat)

This is not the Wildyat me yih bat nahl hai

England. (or hofi hai).

He was not in the least Wuh zard bhl '

nd-rdz na hu,d.

annoyed, put out.

This is a wonderful story, tale Yih kahdm bahut *ajib hai.

I think about this a great deal. Mujhe is bdt kd bard khaydl


The funny thing is that he 'Ajab to yih hai ki wuh is bdt

agreed to this (or was par rdzi hu,d.

pleased at this).
I don't like this, I don't Yih bdt mujhe pasand nahl*
like such behaviour, or I [hai}.
don't like this affair.

I am very anxious (nervous) Mujhe is bdt kd bard (or bahut)

about this matter. andesha hai.

I am full of thought, anxiety. Mujhe ban fikr hai.

This is a very astonishing Bare ta'ajjub kl bdt hai.

I am very sorry for this. Mujhe is bdt kd bard afsos hai.

I am very sorry for him. Mujhe uske hdl par bard afsos

This is a sad affair. Yih bare afsos ki bdt kai.

Bhl " also, even. Vide L. 18 (e).

Your Honour Ap ko kis bat kd ranj hai ?

About what is

Us ko dp se shikdyat hai.
He has a complaint against
you (your Honour).
Kis bdt Li shikdyat hai ?
Of what matter (or ailment)
do you complain ?
Yih bhdri bdt hai. or
a serious, important (to)
This is

yih (to) bart bdt hai.


He has some business to do. Us ko kuchh kdm hai.

Yaha tumhdrd kyd

kdm hai ?
What business have you here ?
business here. Yaha tumhdrd kuchh kdm
You have no
nahl hai.

This is the case in every regi- Yih har ek risdle me hold hai.

ment of native cavalry.

It is now finishing, being com- Ab tamdm hotd hai.


He is always ready to quarrel Wuh zara si bdt par mujh se

with me at the least thing. larne ko taiydr hotd hai. 6

I will be ready directly. Mai abhi taiydr hotd hu

How is it he does not come ? Yih kyd bdt hai ki uruh hdzir
nahl, hotd \ha>] ?

He won't recover, get well, Wuh kaha (or kab) achchhd

(lit. where, or when,
is he hotd hai ?

getting well?).
How could he get well (lit. Wuh kab achchhd hotd thd ?

when was he getting or be-

coming well) ?

Note spelling and pronunciation of kya "what?", and kiya (ki
" he etc. did."
2 More correctly tayyar. 3 Or more
forcibly ho-jata hai.
LESSON 3. 21

You are never in time. Turn kabhi waqt par hazir

nahl hote [ho].

I your slave) have committed Bande se ek

( qusur hu,d.
a fault (lit. from your slave
a fault has occurred).

I didn't succeed at all, in the Mujh se kuchh bhi na-hu,d.

least (lit. nothing at all

was done by me).

You are very late, you have Turn ko ane a
me ban der
come verv late. hu,i or tumhare ane me ban
der hu,i or turn ne ban der



(a) (1) On the degrees

of comparison. When two objects
are compared, that with which the comparison is made is

put hi the ablative but no alteration is made in the adjec-


tive thus, :this house is higher than that house," is Yih ghar
us ghar se ucha hai this house than that house is high."

Sometimes, however, the adverb ziydda or aur bht "more,"

is used as in our own language as, Yih ghar us ghar se ;

" "
ziyada ucha hai, this house is more lofty than that house :

" "
aur kola blacker aur bhi kola "even blacker." For the

superlative, a universal comparison is made: thus, "This

" "
house is the highest yih ghar sab se ucha hai literall}
this ;

Or fern, bandl se. Laudl=girl, bondmaid, etc., is also used as a
feminine for bandl.
2 Infinitive.
Ne, sign of the Agent case ; used with past tenses of transitive

the adjective is repeat-

house is higher than all." Sometimes,
is inserted between as, achchhe se achchhd
ed and se ;

mal dekhld,o show me the best velvet."

Note the following intensives Bahut achchhd

very :

" "
bahut hi achchhd very good indeed, exceedingly
good ;
kahl bihtar far
good"; nihdyat sard "extremely cold";

better." Also the Persian phrase ba-darjaha bihtar l>y

Vide also L. 48 (6) (2), L. 61

(many) degrees better." (k),

and last Example in L. 62.

(3) W uh sab se shauqin hai "he is the most enthusiastic

" "
of the lot ;
sab me hoshydr hai he is the most intelligent ";
us H nisbat to yih achchha hai "compared to that, this one
is good."
" "
(&) There is no word to express too before an adjec-
tive ;.
the simple adjective is used, as : Yih ziydda hai this

is too much."

(c) Aur is both a conjunction, and a pronominal ad-

jective : in the latter sense it means more, other, another."
Auro se ivuh achchhd hai he (or it) is better than the
others." Aur to aur = "not to speak of others."

(d) Irdda, m. Intention.

Makdn, m. Place ;

Bhi? adv. Also ;

at all, even.

Bhi bhi, adv. And also ;


Dorio or dono. adj. The two, both.

Hi* particle. (Used for emphasis).

" "
Nihayat, subs.
extremity also used as adj. and adv. :

For nlz " also," vide Lesson 57 (c) (2).


Sunte hi "
immediately on hearing." Numerous examples of the
use of hi are given in Lesson 51
(e) and (/).
These two words are derived from the same Arabic root.

La,iq, adj and prep. Fit, able, competent, quali-


subs. Ability, qualification, capa-
city, merit.
Ziydda ;
barhkar. More.

Kam, adj. Less.

Kami, subs., f. Deficiency.

Dcha, adj High.

Uchaji. subs., f.
'Umr, f.
Barabar* adj., adv., and prep. Equal; continuously; all

along ;
and vulg., opposite.

Jhuth, f subs., and adj. Falsehood ;


Jhuthd, adj. False; liar. [sub*, leavings of


Hosh, m. Senses, proper senses.

Hoshyar. Clever, sensible ;

sober (not
drunk) ;
alert (of sentries).

Hoshyan, f. Cleverness ;
carefulness ;

soberness ;

Dil, subs. Heart, mind (lit. and fig.).

Rohm, subs. Pity, mercy.

Rahm-dil, adj. Of pitiful heart.

Sakht-dil. Hard-hearted.
Sang-dil Stony-hearted.

Lu,iq and liyaqai are derived from the same Arabic


2 The Conjunctive Participle of barhna
" to increase."
3 Lit. bar-a-bar, P., breast to breast."

Narm-dil. Soft-hearted

Nisbat, f., and prep. Proportion betrothal con-

; ;

nection with reference to


Men nisbat (me). Compared me, in to com-

parison with me.
Makkhan, m Butter.

Shorba, m. Broth' or soup.

Namak, m. Salt.

Namkm, adj. Salty, salted ; savoury.

Shauhar. Husband.
Khdwind. Husband, or master.
Joru. Wife.
BibL Wife, or lady.

Bhaj. Brother ;
chum. etc.

Bahin. Sister.

Larka. Boy.
Larkl Girl.

Bhul f.
Mistake, error.
Bhulna. int (i.e. does not take To forget ;
also to make a
ne). mistake.

Qalam, m. Reed pen cutting of a plant.

; ;

Qalam karna. To strike off with one blow,

to cut right off aslant.
Bar ha, i. m.
Barha.l mistri, m. )

Mistn. Carpenter, blacksmith, or

Blacksmith .

Lohar mistri.

Mere pas (lit.

near me) I have. [FwteL. 20 (e)].

Shod*, f. Marriage or any celebration

(in writing, "gladness").
Kabhi. Ever.

Kabht nahl. Never.

warn. There.

Wohl (emphatic). In that very place.


a) Bahut (adj., adv.), when it means "many," takes
either a singular or a plural noun, as : bahut din tak. bahul
mahine tak, or bahut dino tak, bahut mahino tak : but bahut
mdl hai "there much wealth" It has a plural,
is as:

bahuto se puchhd "he asked (from) many."

(6) This butter is too little. Yih makkhan thofd hai.

No, it is plenty Nahl, bahut hai.

It is sufficient. Kdfi hai, or bas hai.

There is too little salt in the Shorbe (or vulg. shurwe) me

soup. namak kam hai.

Give (me) one more. Ek aur do.

These two are different, not Yih aur hai, aur wuh aur.

This is some other man. Yih aur admi hai.

Oh! I've come to the wrong Hai! bhulese aur makdn pur

place (house) by mistake !

I have changed my mind [lit. Ab merd irada. aur hai.
now my intention is other
(than it was)].

Bhiile se, idiomatic for bhiil *c.


I have more pens and books Mere pas qalam aur kitdbe
than your munshi has. tumhare munshi (ke qalam '

aur kitabo ') se ziyada hat.

He has more planks than the Us ke pas barhaj, mistri se

carpenter has takhte ziyada hat.

This pepper (or chilli) is very Yih mirch bahut tez hai.


This tea is too strong. Yih chd bahut tez hai.

It is quite near. Pas (or nazdik] hi hai.

I too am here. Mai bhi yahd, hu.

It is not at all, not in the Yaha kuchh bhi qarmi

least, hot here. hai

Only this one is good ;

this Sirf yihi achchha hai.
one alone is good.
This is the same torn that was Yihi wuh (or yih wuhi] billa
here yesterday. hai jo kal yaha tha.

His house is high, but mine is Uska makan ucha hai, lekin
still higher, is even higher. mera (makan us ke makan
se) aur bhi ucha hai; or
Uska makan ucha hai, lekin
mera makan us ke makan
se bin ucha hai.
Both are of equal length (lit. Lambaj me dorio barabar hai.

both are equal in length).

She is not old though she Wuh ziyada 'umr kl nahl hai,
is older than 1 am, not go-ki mujh se ban hai chhoti

Here ke as qalam is masculine the substantives following are of

different genders. Note that the second substantive only is inflected.


He is a greater liar. Wuh ziyada jhutha hai.

nearer Delhi or Ydha kaun< nazdik Itai,
Which is

ya Lahor? ; or
Dilti Dilti
Lahore ?

yaha se nazdtk* hai ifi

Lahor ?
Beta bap se hoshyan me kam
The son is less sharp, clever,
than the father.

He is not in his right senses Wuh hash me nahi hai.

(he is mad or drunk, etc.).

He is in a swoon. Wuh be-hosh hai.

He came to himself. Wuh hosh me aya.

You had better go (lit. your Tumhara jana & bihtar hai (or

going is better, or is good). achchha hai).

Compared to him I am pitiful, Us H nisbat to. mal r<ilnn-<HI

soft-hearted. hu.'

He has more ability, merit. Wuh us se liydqat me bafhknr

(or ziyada) hai.

Has his marriage ever really Us H shadt kabh* hu,i bhi

taken place ? hai?

Stop!, Sufficient!, Cease! Bos karo.

I have only one book. Mere pas sirf ek kitdb hai.

I have just the one book. Mere pas sirf ek hi kitab


Nice* warm milk. Garm garm* dudTi.

1 Kaun " who, which ? Kya could not be used.
2 Or is jagah ke pas, but not yaha ke pas.
Jana, infinitive used as a noun, " going."
Note that the noun in this case
* is sing. The root idea in this
repetition is niceness and not warmth.
LESSON 5. 29


(a) In asking a question, Hindustani does not. like Eng-

lish, invert the words the tone of the voice alone marks the

interrogation. There
however, a few interrogative words,
" " " "
such as kaun who
kya what ? ", kaha where ?
? ", etc. ,

the use of which cannot be mistaken. When a sentence

contains no such interrogative word, kya or aya may be used
at the beginning, as: Kya yih tumhara qalam hai ? Is this
your pen ? This word kya is not necessary in speaking, as
the tone of the voice indicates interrogation.

(6) The Interrogative pronouns are both substantives and

" " " "
1 oKaun means what ? ", as well as and " which ?
who ? :

" "
but kya means only what ? The difference between the
two is that kaun is used before real nouns, while kya is used
before abstract nouns and adjectives, as Yih kaun kutta hai :

" "
what dog is this ? but Yih kya bat hai
what is this, '

what's all this ? ;
Puchhne me. sharm kya hai "what shame
" " "
is there in asking ?
Kya khub = how nice !

" "
Note. Yih kya chtz hai ? what (thing) is this ?
to be an exception to the rule.

(e) Note the force of kya in the sense of "rather."

" "=
Admi kya ? deo hai man you call him ? he is a devil admi
nahl, balki deo hai "he is not a man but. nay, a devil."

(d) Kaun and kya (as also kaha) are used in indirect as
well ?is Mai janta hu ki wuh kaun hai
in direct questions, as :

"I know who he and mai nahl janta hu ki wuh kaun

hai "I don't know who he is"; mat janid hu ki wuh kaha
hai (jaha wuh hai mujhe ma'lum hai) "I know where
he is."
Remark. According to Platts the first example is un-
idiomatic and wrong according to him the governing clause

in such sentences must be either directly or indirectly nega-

tive. This is. I think, a mistake : vide also last examples in
lesson 6.

(e) Interrogation often expresses a strong negation, as :

Mere pas rupiya kahS, hai ? "I have no money (lit. where
have I any rupees ?).

(/) To indicate a question, kyfi, (

=" well ? ") can be sub-
stituted for and can pre-
kya at the beginning of a sentence,
cede it Kya indicates a little surprise but kyu merely draws
attention to a question: Kya wuh awega* "what! will he

come?"; Kyti wuh awega "well, will he come?"; Kyti? '

" "
kya wuh awega well ? is he going to come ?

(g) Yih " this" and wuh "that" are, in modern Urdu, the sarao
in the nominative singular and plural
ye and we are not now used

(except in Hindi).

(h)Kaun ?
(gen. sing. Who ? Which ? What ?

and gen.
kiska, pi. kinka
"whose ").

Kya ? indeclin. [but vide p. What ? also How ? How !

7 (e)].

Kaisal; adj. and adv.

Kidhar ?

Kitnal ad
Kitne ?, masc. pi.


Or a,ega.
LESSON 5. 31

Kab* When?
Why? Well?
Kis waste (or -liye). For what ?
Why ?

Is waste (or -liye). For this, therefore.

KyU-kar ? How?
Kahe-ko ? For what ?
Why ?

Kahe-kd ? Of what ?

" "
Dana, m. Grain ; vw/gr .
gram .

Ghana, m. "Gram/' the chick-pea.

Lo<7 (gen. Zogo M), pi. People.

JVam, m. ; (narni, adj.) Name.

Be-wuquf. (Lit. "without sense"), fool-


Khelnd, tr. and intr. To play.

To play cards
Khilond, subs. Toy, plaything.

Bajna, intr. To sound, be played.

Bajdnd, tr. To play, make music.

<?*, m. Song.

Gana, intr. To sing.

To sing a song

), m. Heart," mind (lit. and fig.).

Di/er, adj. Brave, bold.

The nominative kaha kya = is used only in the Braj dialect of
Hindi, and not in Hindustani.
" to
Cognate accusative, as kud kudna jump a jump."

Life ;
Jan, f.

Men Jan.
My life ; my dear.

Jan-war, m Animal.

Zikr, m.
Manner., way, like.
Tarah, f. ; gen. a prep

To rah tarah ke or H. Of various kinds.


Who is it ? It is I. Kaun hai ? Mai hu.

Who are those people ? Wuh kaun log hai ?

What book is this ? Yih kaun kitab hai?

What is your name ? Tumhdrd kyd ndm h"i

How foolish you are ! Turn kyd be-wuquf ho !

What colour is it ? Us kd rang kyd hai ?

What's all this, what has hap- Yih kyd hu,d ?

pened.. what's the matter ?

Where (or when) can this thing Aist chtz kaha (or kab]
be obtained ?
(simple ques- milegi ?

tion) or such a thing can-


not be got again. 1

How much grain have they Un ke pas kitnd ddna ha


To what people do these Yih ghore kin logo ke hai ?
horses belong ?

If the latter meaning be intended, stress should he laid on the
word kahS or kab.
2 Future tense of milna " to be obtained, etc."

What relation is he of yours ? Wuh tumhdrd kaun hold hai ?

You (Your Honour) here and Ap yahn kaha ?

why ? How is it you are

Of what is this toy, play- Yih khilond kdhe-kd hai ?

thing, made ?
How can you '

fight with me ! Turn mujh se kya laroge ?

or Who are you to fight
with me ?

What kind of animal is this ? Yih kaisa jdnwar hai ?

What is the milk like ? Dudh kaisa hai ?

How big it is ! Kaisa (or kitna, or kis-qadar)

bard hai !

How ill he is ! Wuh kaisa bimdr hai! (also

= kis tarah bimdr ho saktd
hai "how can he be ill ? ").

However brave he may be. Wuh kaisa hi diler ho*

Not to mention his playing Uske bajdne kd kya zikr, uskd

(setting aside his playing), gdnd bhi bahut Tchub hai.
his singing is excellent.
The train must have come in Rel" kab kl d-ga,i hogi ?

a long time ago.

How could the gait of the Chakor uski chal kl tarah kya
chakor partridge compare chalegd?
to hers? (i.e. it could not


But with a difference in intonation Kya, mujh : se turn laroge ?
" What do "
you want to fight with me ?
2 Aorist or Pres. Subj. of hona.
" to move, be in motion."
Future, 3rd per. sing. masc. of chalna

I know what I have to do. Mai jdnta hU ki mujhe Toya

kya karna chdhiye.


Now I understand what deci- Ab mat, samjhd* ki kya jaisala

sion to give. karna chdhiye. 1

Black you call him ? he's a Kdld kya ? tawd hai.

griddle (i.e. as black as the

bottom of a griddle).

I know who the thief is. Ma'lum hai (or hu,d) ki chor
kaun hai.

I know what is in this box. Mujhe ma'lum hai ki is baks

me kya kyd* chize hat.


The following
a paradigm, or example of the conjuga-
tion of the neuter or intransitive verb, girna, to fall." It

may be observed that the tenses naturally divide themselves

into three groups of three tenses each.

(a) ROOT, gir, fall thou ;

Pres. Part, girtd (hu,d) falling ;

Past Par. gird (hu,d) fallen; Conj. Part, gir-kar or gir-ke

(rarely gir*) having fallen; Adv. Part, girte hi immediately
on, or in the very act of, falling, as soon as fell ;
Noun of

Agency and Future Part, girne-wdld, faller, or about to fall.

(I) Tenses of the Root.

AORIST. I fall, or may fall, etc.

1 Mai gir-ft, I may or should Ham girJi, we etc.

fall, were I to fall.

' " 2
necessary." Preterite.
Kya '
kya, what various (things).'
* This
shortened form often indicates more haste than the full form.
Vide also L. 55 (d).
LESSON 7. 35

2 Tu gir-e, thou etc. Turn gir-o, you etc.

3. Wuh gir-e, he etc. Wuh gir-e, they etc.

Note that, though in Greek the Aorist is a past tense, in Hindi

and Urdu it corresponds to a Present Subjunctive. .

The FUTURE. I shall or will fall etc. is formed by adding

to the Aorist, ga for the mase. and gl for the fern. sing. and ;

ge for the masc. and gl for the fern. plur.


m. f. m. f.

1. Mai gir-u-gd -gl. Ham gir-e-ge -ge.


2. Tu gir-e-gd -gl. Turn gir-o-ge -gl.

3. Wuh gir-e-gd -gl. Wuh gir-e-ge -gl.

IMPERATIVE. Let me fall. etc. ; differing from the Aorist

in the second pers. sing. only.

Sing. Plur.

1. Mai gir-u, let me fall. Ham gir-e, let us etc.

2. Tu gir, fall thou. Turn gir-o, fall ye.

3. Wuh gir-e, let him fall. Wuh gir-e, let them etc.

(2) Tenses of the Present Participle.

The CONDITIONAL. Had I fallen, or I would have fallen. 1 etc.

m. f. m. f.

1. Mai girtd, or girtl. Ham gir-te (m. or f.)


2. Tu girtd, or girtl. Turn gir-te, or -ft.

3. Wuh girtd, or girtl. Wuh gir-te, or -ti.

Ham is always masc. except in the i 'unjab.

2 Refers to time past, present, or future, but usually for past.


PRESENT. I fall, or am falling, etc.

m, 1 m. f-

1. Mai girta hu,

or girtt hu. Ham girte

Tu hai. Turn girte ho, or girtt ho.

2. girta hai. or girtt

3. Wuh girta hai, or girtt Wuh girte hat, or girtt hai.


IMPERFECT. I was falling or used to fall, etc.

m. f. m. *

1. Mai girtd tha, or girtt tin. Ham girte the.

2. Tu girta tha, or girtt thi. Turn girte the, or girtt ttft.

3. Wuh girta tha, or girtt thi. Wuh girte the, or girtt thi.

(3) Tenses of the Past Participle.


m. f. m. f.

1. Mai gira* or girt. Ham gire.

2. Tu gira or gin. Turn gire, or girl.

3. Wuh gira, or girt. Wuh gire, or gift.

PERFECT. I have fallen,

m. f. m. f.

1. Mai gira hu, or girt hu. Ham gire hat.

2. Tu gira hai, or girt hai. Turn gire ho. or girt ho.

3. Wuh gira hai, or girt hai. Wuh gire hat, or girt hat.

1 An old
form of the Present, still used locally, is formed by adding
hu, etc., to the Aorist, as: mat giru hu, etc. haiya, m., and haigl, f.,;

are sometimes used for hai.

2 Ham is always masc., except in the Punjab.
3 In verbs like mfcoZ-no, intr. " to come out, turn out," the Preterite
is nikla and not nikal-a as would be
expected, so too aamafhna, aamjha.
LESSON 7. 37

PLUPERFECT. I had fallen,

m. f. m. f.

1. Mai giro, tha, or gin thl. Ham gire the.

2. Tu gird tha, or girl thl. Turn gire the,, or gin thl.

3. Wuh giro, tha, or girl thl. Wuh gire the, or girl thl.

(b) Additional Tenses.

Future Imperative 2nd pers.

1. sing, and pi , Tu or turn qiriyo
"fall" (in the future). (This form is also used as a 3rd pers. sing.
Precative, for the Deity).

2. Respectful Imperative, Respectful Aorist, or Impersonal Aorist

2nd person pi., (&p) giriye please fall (now), one should fall (now).
(In this form there is a slight idea of command). 1

3. Future Precative 2nd or 3rd persons pi., (Ap) giriyega please fall

(in the future). (In this form the e is no command).

4. Wuh girta ho he may be falling wuh girta hoga ho will or must


be falling wuh girta hota had he been (or he would have been) falling,

etc. (of time past or present, not of future); giro, ho he may have

fallen ; giro, hoga he will or must have fallen ; agar wuh giro, hota had
he fallen, etc. (of past time only).
5. In transitive verbs, tenses formed from the Past Part, require
the agent case (ne).

The personal pronouns, except when emphasis is required, may be

omitted, especially in those tenses in which the endings clearly indicate
the number and person, such as the Future.

(c) The Negatives. These are mat, na, and nahl. The first,

prohibitive only, precedes or follows the Imperatives : it is

imperious and so the modern tendency is to discard it.

Instead of mat, na can precede or nahl follow the Impera-
tives (or the Infinitive when the latter is used as an Impera-

In ap gir there is no command.

Nahf alone is used with the Present Tense.

With the Aorist and the Past Conditional, nn is preferred,

but nahl may be used.

(d) The next is a verb of extensive use and is conjugated

precisely like the preceding

Hond, to Be or Become.
ROOT, ho ;
Pres. Part, hotd (hu,a) ;
Past Part, hu.a ;
junc. Part. Jio-knr or ho-ke (rarely ho ') having become : Adv.
Part, hote hi immediately on becoming or happening, as
soon as etc. ; Noun of Agency and Fut. Part, lione-wnJn be-er.
or about to be or become.

( I
Tenses of the Root.

AORIST. I may be or should be. etc.

1. MathU^ Ham ho.

2. Tu ho. Turn ho.

3 Wuh ho. Wuh ho.

FUTURE. I shall or will be. etc.

1. Mai hugd, or -gi. Ham hoge.
2. Tu hoga, or -gi. Turn hoge, or -gi.

3. Wuh hoga, or -gi. Wuh hoge. or -gi.

IMPERATIVE. 8 Let me be, etc.

1. Maihu. Ham ho.

.2. Tu ho. Turn ho.

3. Wuh ho. Wuh ho

Vide also Lesson 55 (d).
Compare with the Pes. (Aux.) Tense, p. 9.
3 In this verb, identical with the Aorist.
LESSON 7. 39

(2) Tenses of the Present Participle.

INDEFINITE. Had I been, or (would that) I had been.

1. Mai -\ 1 Ham hote

2. Tu \. hota, or hotl. 2. Turn i

or hotl.
3. Wuh J 3. Wuh

PRESENT. I am, or become etc.

1. Mai hota,-, or hotl hu. ] Ham hote hai.

2 Tu hota-, or hotl hai. 2. Turn hote- or hotl ho.

3 Wuh hota-, or hotl hai. 3. Wuh hote- or hotl hai

IMPERFECT. I was becoming, or used to become.

1. Mai ^
Hotatha, 1. Ham Hote the.

Tu Hote the
2. or 2. Turn
hotl thl. 3.

'/'erase.* o/' ^//,6 /'a,s/5

(3) Participle.

PRETERITE or PAST TENSE. I was or became.

1. Mai ^Thaorhu,a, 1. Ham. Theorhu ;


2. Tu I or 2. Twm The or hu,e

3. JTwA J thi or /iw,t, 3. tf ttfe. ) Thl or AM,?

PERFECT. I have been or become.

1. Mai hu.a-, or hu,l-hu. 1. Hamhu,ehai.

2. Tw hu,a-, or hul-hai. 2. Twm /i-w,e-, or hu,l-ho.

3. VKwA hu,d-, or hu,l-hai. 3. PTw^ M,e-, or hu,l-hai.


PLUPERFECT. I had been or become.

Hu,atha, 1. Ham Hu,e the

Hue the.
or 2. Turn
huj th%. 3. Wuh hu,t ih\.

I Fut. Impera. Hujiyo (irregular).

2. Respect. Impera, etc., Hujiye (irregular)


3. Future Precative Hujiyega (irregular).


( ) Chtz, pi. chize. Thing.

Ko~% (with noun in sing.), Some-one ;

any one ; some ;

any one a certain one

gen. fast kd; pi. ka,i. ; ;

about, nearly.

Ka,i ek, or ka,i. Several.

Ko,i naM. No-one.

Kuchh. Something ; somewhat ;

all ; some, a few.

Yih kuchh, or Una kuchh. All this, so much.

Kitnd kuchh. However much.

Ko,l chiz. Something.
Kuchh nahi. Nothing.

Ko,i koji, pi. A few.

Ba'z-e, or ba'z, pi. A few some (persons or


Ohar, H'., m. House, home ; family.

The other additional tenses are regularly formed.


Khana, P., m.
Compartment, case ; (alone it
does not mean "house"). 1

Pigeon-house, dove-cot.
Sau, or sai. One hundred.
Derh. One and a half.
Adiia, adj. Half.
Ek do, or ek adh. One or two.

Maujud, adj. Existent ; also present ;


Hazir, adj Present; ready.

KhvU, adj. and adv.
Empty; vacant: only.
Ghafi* f.
An hour a watch or clock.

Originally a thatched house :

now any one-storied house

(of European fashion) also ;

the Bengali
Dam. m.
Breath, life; a moment, a
Ek-dam .
At once,
immediately (vulq.) ;

direct ;
Ek-dam se. All together.

Be-dam. Out of breath.

Fursat, f .
Leisure :

Except in Persian constructions


Originally there were 60 gharls in one

one ghart was about 24 day and night (r$t <ftn) so

To get an opportunity.
A Pigeon;acock.P igeo
Dear in price.
Scarcity of provisions,
MaMgi, f.

Sastd, adj.
A rupee money.
Tta^a, m.

Rupees; money.

Koj when it means "about, a few, nearly,"
= dasekminitm~ed,o "com;-
inflected as
" this should be km to*
in about ten minutes grammatically:

the idiom. A'oJ dam me

minit me, but this latter is not
" " time or other.
kin dam (me) some
few minutes ;

" takes
is several," but ba<z-e often
The plural of ko,i to,.'
its ba'z-e may be used with or without a noun,
noun after it ba'z-e kahte hm IH
kaj always requires a


noun and verb to be in the singular.

(2) ^o,t requires the
din aisa a,egd ''some such day will come";
as: ko,i
ko.l ghan me mara chdhtd lial he will die in a few hours."
a certain," can also be substituted for the
3. Koj,
" "
definite article ek a. one vide (e).

(c}Kuchh sometimes used before persons, vide l;i>i

In Yih bhi kuchh ddmi liai he too
examples in lesson 9 (6).
is somewhat of a man," kuchh = kisi-qadr, adv.

_ "
Hogd, will be." also signifies must be," as WahS

ek aur sher bhi hogd "there must be. will be. yet another

tiger there."
LESSON 9,. 43
(e) Ek placed after number signifies about/' as Sau ek :

ic " "
about a hundred," but ek sau ek one hundred and one ;

das ek "about ten" Ek also takes the place of the in-

definite article in English, "a."
Ek ddh means one or two."


(a) In the sense of "present," hdzir is used for inferiors ;

and maujud for superiors or inferiors, and also for things.

Das rupiya maujud hai=" there is a sum of ten rupees in
hand " but das rupiya hdzir hai
I have ten rupees at your
service." Hdzir for things is used only to superiors.

(6) Is there any one ? (i.e. Ko,l hai ?

is any one in ?)

Some one or other must be at Ko,l na ko,i ghar me hogd.

There is no one (at home). Ko,i nahi hai.
There is nothing, or it is Ko,l chtz nahl hai, or Kuchh
nothing nahl hai.

There must be something in Ko,i chtz ghar me hogi.

the house.

There must be something or Kuchh na kuchh hoga.


There must be about 150 Ko,i derh sau rupiya


rupees in hand. hogd.
There is some little salt. Kuchh kuchh a namak to hai.

A collective noun takes a singular verb.
* Note the force of repeating the word. This matter is fully dealt
nth in Lesson 48.

There were about twenty Bis ek adml waha maujud the.

persons present.
Ko,\ ddh ser dudh,

About half a seer of milk.

One or two horses. Bk adh ghora.

Some bungalow or other must Ko,i na ko,l bagla khaK to

be vacant. hoga,

In a few hours. Ko,\ ghafi me?

In a few moments. Ko,t dam me.

What else 1 or Of course. Aur kya ?

I have no leisure now. Is waqt mujhe fursat kahn .'

Some say one thing and some Ba'z-e kuchh kahte hai. ba'z-e

another. kuchh.

This is nothing. Yih kuchh bat nahl.

It is not so. Yih bat nahl Jiai.

Some people are of one opin- Ba'zo 8

kl kuchh ray hai, 6a'o
ion and some of another. ki kuchh.

There are a few people here. Ko,\ ko,i ddmi yaha hal.
There is a little grain. Kuchh ddna hai.

What is the matter ?

Nothing. Kya hai ? Kuchh natil.

This is not at all good. Yih kuchh achchha nahl hai.

I have no more ; (lit. near me Mere pas aur kuchh nahl hai.
is nothing more).
They have several pigeons. Unke pas ka,t (or ka,i ek)
kabutar hai.
How many ? Kitne ?

Colloquial for adha.


Ko,i eh ghari me =
In about an hour. PI. of ba'z.

Ever\7 thing is ready. Sab kuchh '

taiyar hai.

Of summoned, some
those Jo log buld,e ga,e the, un me
have come and some not. se kuchh a.e hai aur kuchh

I will buy some of those Un me se kuchh i

bail mol-
bullocks. lugd.

He is suffering all this afflic- Wuh tumhdre waste yih sab

tion for your sake. kuchh dukh uthdtd hai.

However much you exert Kitnl kuchh koshish karo

yourself (still) your object magar tumhdri murdd pun
won't be obtained. na hogt.
Does such a thing ever 8 Ko,i,
(or katii) aisa bhl hold

happen ? hai ?

He does not get angry with Ek ddh bhul ho-jane par, wuh
his servants, when they apne naukaro par ghussa
commit (only) one or two nahl hotd.


(a) We shall next introduce a few verbs.

Sab ko,l=sdb log, is vulgar.
2 Kuchh here=" some," an indefinite number; but ka,l,or ka,\
several, a few."
3 Note this use of ko,l for kahl.

Water. Pant (m.). Bird. Parind (any bird) (in.).

MachhE Chlryd (small bird) (f .) .

Fish. (f.).

Name. Ndm (m.).

row street. People. Log (in. pi.).

Intransitive Verbs.

To - To flow '


To proceed, ^ tarA ,,-

To come. ^4na. advance. Jj

Togo. ./ana, chalnd. To retreat, fall back. Hain't.

To run. Daurnd. To sit down. Rnithna.

To sleep. Sond. To return. Phirnd.

To arrive. Pahuchnd. To die. Marrid (Past P.

and WM,a or wm,a).

(6) A sentence formed by an active or transitive verb

consists of three parts, the nominative, the verb, and the
object; as, "The tiger eats flesh = *for gosht khdia Imi.
Here sher is the nominative, gosht the object, and khdtd hai
the verb. Generally speaking, the Hindustani arrangement
the nominative or agent, then the object, and lastly
is, first

the verb. The nominative and object may of course be

much more complex than in the foregoing sentence; thus
"The tiger of the forest eats the flesh of all other animals
= jangal kd sher aur sab jdnwaro kd gosht khdtd hai. In
languages with regular cases, like Latin, the object is put
in the accusative case, which has
generally a termination
different from the nominative. In English always, and in
Hindustani often, the accusative is the same as the nomina-
tive, and is to be determined merely
by inference or pnsi-
LESSON 10. 47

tion. There are, however, in Hindustani instances in which

it is necessary to distinguish the object by the addition of
.the post-position ko.

(c) Bread ;
a loaf. Roil (f .). Meat. Gosht (m.).

Butter. Makkhan (in.). Milk. Dudh (m.).

Wine. Sharab (f.). Rice (boiled). Shot (m.).

Tea. Oha (f.). Plate (any utensil). Bartan (m.)

Any light meal. Nashta (m.) Spoon. Chamcha (m.).

Breakfast. Hdziri (f.). Sugar. flhakar (m.).

Sugar-candy. Mian (L).

Knife. CKhuri (f ). A letter. Chitthi (f.).

Fork spur thorn. Knta

; ; (m.). News. Khobar (f.).

Cold. Thanda. Clean. Pure.

Hot. Garm. Strainer. Sdfl, f .

Sweet Miiha. Ready Taiydr .

Transitive Verbs.

Does not admit of agent case (ne), as it
le-ana, vide L. 13 (c) 2.

Though transitive in meaning this verb does not take ne, 'vide'
L. 13 (a) and (c).

To call. Bulana. To take. Lend.

(d)Kahnd. To say, tell ;

to command ; to

compose poetry.
Bolna.* To utter sounds ;
to speak.

Utarna. intr. To descend alight, ; dis-

mount disembark ; ;
on a journey ; put up at ;

to cross over.

Utraj, t. Descent.

Utarna, tr To take down, etc.

Utarwana, caus. To make to descend, etc.

Pul, m. Bridge.

Oari, f.
(pi. gariya). Cart ; carriage.

Thika, m. Contract.

Thika gari. (used in Bengali Hackney-carriage.

Maza, m. Taste ; enjoyment.
Be-maaa. Tasteless.

Phlkd, adj. Insipid, without taste.

Fever ; vapour, steam exha- ;

lations from the ground.

Tap, f. Fever.

Charhna, intr. To climb ;

to mount.
Gharhdnd, caus. To make to climb or mount.

Charhaf, f. Ascent ; invasion.

Tola, m. Male parrot.

Though transitive in meaning bolnd, like lana, does not take nc,
'vide' L. 13(o) and (c).
LESSON 10. 4!)

f. (tuti, Pers.). Female parrot.

Argara, m. A hackney-carriage stand ;

riding school.

Haqq, m. Right, due.

Haqqddr, subs, and adj. Rightful ; rightful owner.

Mustakiqq* (kd), partic. Deserving of, entitled to.

Khandan, m. Family (in the sense of line-


Ta'rif, f. Praise ;
(also, in writing;

Ittifaq. m. Agreement, concord, chance.

Na-ittifaqi* f. Discord, disagreement.

Ittifaq-an, adv. By chance.

Muttafiq, Ar. partic. United, agreed, unanimous.

f. River, stream.

f. Labour.

Miknati, adj. Laborious, hard-working.

Jf^Aa,, f. Sweetmeats; pudding.

Sharatn. m. Drunkaid, wine-bibber.

Ri'ayat, f. Privilege, consideration,


In'am, m. Reward of any kind.

Bakhshish, f. Reward in money.

There is also a small cage- bird called #5$ or tijti, the common Rose-
Finch (Carpodacus erythrinus).
2 Derived from the Arabic root
haqq it takes the genitive.

3 is
Be-ittifaqi vulgar.

Blch, subs, m., and prep. Middle; midst.

and adv. Infantry on foot.

Paidal, subs,

Qdbil, prep, and adj. Fit, worthy, able.

QabiUyat (qdbiliyyat) ,
f. Fitness, merit.


(a) The difference between kahnd and bolnd is that the '

former is used of articulate speech only, whereas the latter,

to utter sounds," can be used of animals, as : Men
tod bolti hai = "my parrot is screaming or calling out," but
Men "
toti Miya Mitthu*" kahtl hai = my parrot says
" "
Pretty Polly.'' Kahnd, to say, tell, command ; bolnd, to

(b) Bolnd is often vulgarly used for "to tell, to say," but
this is generally incorrect. however, quite correct to
It is,

say Bolo mat'' keep quiet, don't utter words."

Bolnd. however, may be correctly used before direct narra-
" "
tion, as : Wuh bold ki "mai dMgd he said he would come
(lit. he said 'I will come')," but 8d,is ko bolo ki yaha dwe
(or a,e) "tell the sais to come here (lit. tell the sais that he
should come here) is vulgar ;
sd.is ko yaha dne (ko) kaho (not

(c) The use of bolnd in such phrases as the following is

colloquial :Aj argare me ghord kuchh nahl bold the horse
did nothing, was quite quiet, to-day in the riding-school."

(d)Charhnd in its literal sense requires par, as : Wuh

Kahna requires ne vide Lesson 13 (c), but bolna does not.
Miya, a term of respect, as Mr. Mitthii from mltha " sweet."

3 The use of 6oto in such a case is incorrect. Vide L. 26 (c) (2).

LESSON 11. 51

darakht par charhd ;

but in its metaphorical sense (when a
substitute for and) it requires the dative, as Mujhe bukhdr

charhd (or ayd) I've got fever."

(e) He speaks good Persian. Wuh achchhl Farsi bolta hai.

He composes good Persian Wuh achchhl Fdrsi kahtd hai .


This has no taste at all, it's Is me kuchh bhi maza nahl

insipid. hai, phtkd hai.
It is tasteless ;
it is very taste- Be-maza hai ; bahut hi be-maza
less indeed. hai.

There very little water in

is Nadi me thord pdnl hai. us
the river, can you ford it ? se paidal utar-sakoge ?

No, we must cross by the

1 1
Nahl, pulpar seutarndhogd.'
1 have fever since yesterday ;
Kal se bukhdr charhd 8 hai.
it has not left me yet. ab tak nahl, utrd.

I will make the carts cross by Gariyo ko pul par se utarwa.-

the bridge. ugd.

Are that family (i.e. its vari- Us khdnddn me ittifdq hai ?

ous branches) friendly with

each other ?

By chance I caught his eye. Ittifaq-an mert akh us se Ian,

or mere uske l
char akhe huM.

All are agreed or are un- Sab muttafiq hai.


No for " no" is vulgar.
2 The pronoun ham ko " to us " (or turn ko, etc., as the case may be)
is understood.
The pronoun mujh ko (or whatever the person may be is understood.
3 )

Probably for mere uske darmiyan; akh is feminine. (Vide p. 62,
line H).

officers don't pull Sarddro ke bich nd-ittifdqi hai.

The native
due. Yih merd haqq hai. Nahl.
This is my right, just
it is a privilege. ri'dyat ki bdt
money. Lut ke rupai ke sab mwtahiqq
All are entitled to loot

Yih kitdb ta'rif ke ld,iq hai.

This is an admirable, praise-
worthy, creditable
This coolie is hard-working : Yih quli mihnati hai, in'dm

he is entitled to a reward. ke ld,iq hai or in^dm kd

mustahiqq hai.

He is worthy of pity. Wuh rahm ke qdbil hai.

He Us ko ghussa charhd (or di/d).

got angry.
Mai uski gardan par charhd
just sat on his

I till

he consented to do this. jab jdkar* yih kdm karnc

ko rdzi hu,d.

Nice warm dishes (to eat). Garm garm khdnd*


of a transitive verb is definite or
a)_When the object
ko is added, as a general rule for
specific, the postposition

chhuri ld,o "bring (a) knife"; but for

example, signifies

"bring that knife," the postposition ko is usually added;

thus, us chhuri ko ld,o.

Kisl ke sir par baithna is also the idiom.
i often, as here idiomatically used for tab.
Jab is Jab jakar gives
the idea of unwillingness, vide also Lesson 57 (e)
" then : and then only."
3 See last example in L. 4, and footnote.
LESSON 12. 53

Put (the) water on the table. Pam mez par rakho.
Take away (the) sugar Shakar (not ko) lejd,o.
Clean (make clean) this plate. Is Hasan ko sdf karo

Cool the water. Pdni ko thandd karo.

(6) Isti'mdl, m. Use.

Iftti'mdl karnd. To use.

Baratnd, H. tr. To use.

Kdm me land. To use.

Kdm denci. To be useful

Wdjib. Proper, fitting.

Wdjtbi, adj. Fair, moderate.

Naukar, m. Any servant.

Naukarl, f . Service.

Qtmat, f. ;
and Qimati, adj. Price; Costly.

Lagdm, pi. lagdme, f. Bridle.

Be-lagdm, adj. Unruly, without bridle.

Ghantd, pi. ghante, m. Hour = ghart)
( ; bell, gong.

f. Ladder : also stairs, steps.

(For stairs the pi. sirhiyU,

is generally used.)

Jahdz, pi. jahaz, m. Ship.

Paltan, pi. paltane, f. Regiment of foot.

Pard,o. m. Camping-ground, stage.


Balki, conj. Nay, rather, moreover, but.

1 When " but" means " instead of" it must be rendered in Hindu-
stani (not in Persian) by balki.

T handd hond, intr. To become cold ;

also to die.

Bat kdtnd, tr. To contradict : to interrupt.

Saiana, tr. To tease ;

harass: persecute.

f Smartness.
Phurtl, .

Phurfila, adj.
Smart ;

Bhala-manus, Hindi, m. Gentleman (lit good man).

Karwa, adj.

M iZ& karwa karna. To look surly, give sour lo. .ks

( )
.Ko.t means "bring me a servant." but
naukar ld,o

naukar ko sdth ld,o means "bring the servant with you,"

or referring to one pre-
implying that there is only one,
viously mentioned.
If however the object is lifeless, the ko is often omitted.
as :
gdn khan karo stop the cab."
(d) The ko of the direct object is added to (1) definite

nouns ; (2) proper names ; (3) to the interrogative pronoun

kaun ; (4) to personal pronouns ; (5) to persons. Us ne kaun
kuttd bhej-diyd but kit naukar ko bhej-diya ? ;
mat ne sab
bhej-diya "I sent
all (the things) mat ne sab bhej-diye;

sent all (the dogs)," but mai ne sab ko or sabho ko bhej-diya

I sent all (the persons)."

Remark. The ko is, however, occasionally omitted even

after persons. ne sirf fin admi qatl kiye "he killed
In, its

only three of the men," the omission of the ko gives the idea
of men of no inportance.

(e) The ko is added to even indefinite nouns if its omi.-- i'>n

could cause any ambiguity, as Mai samjfid ki ek janwar ko :

dekhkar bliagla hai "I guessed he was running away from

some wild beast" : omit the ko and janwar might be mis-
taken for the subject.
LESSON 12. 55

In such sentences as, Sirkd dudh ko pharfa hai vinegar
curdles milk"; Agar ko,isharab ko sharbat se badle "were
any one to exchange wine for sherbat." the ko cannot be

(/) (1) The ko cannot, or should not. be used in the same clause as
the sign of the indirect object (dative) and of the direct object (accusa-
tive). After verbs of giving and (often of) sending, ko is generally used
for the dative and the direct object therefore often cannot take ko.

Jan ko bhej do " send John " Mat ne ek muharrir us ke pas bhej-diya

"I sent him a clerk as a servant," but with ko, "I sent him one of
my clerks (with a message)."
(2) Personal and demonstrative pronouns, however, have two forms
of the dative and accusative, and advantage may be taken of this fact
when both a dative and an accusative occur in the same clause but ko ;

will indicate the accusative, as: Usko ek sahib ne mujhe (not mujh ko)
"sahib gave it to me," but mujhe ghar [ko] le-gaya " he took
me home"; use (dat.) us ko sdp-diya "he made him over, entrusted
him, to him." Instead of .in kitabd ko turn ko parhna chahiye " you
should read these books," write either, In kitabd ko tumhe parhna
chahiye, or else yih kitabe tumko parhnl chahiye.

Remark. It will be noticed in these sentences the accusative pre-

cedes the dative.

(3) If however a noun and a pronoun occur as direct and indirect

object, the ko may indicate either the dative or the accusative but the
accusative will come first.

(g) After the demonstrative pronouns yih and wuh, with or without
a noun, the ko can optionally be inserted or omitted, except after
verbs of givigg, etc., i.e. after verbs that take a dative as well as ac-
cusative, as: Us ne iffuh kitab usko dedl "he gave him that book";
wuh do " give me that," but either us kitab ko us ke pas bhej-diya, or
wuh kitab us ke pas (or usko) bhej-dl; yih (not isko) sunkar, " having
heard this," but either yih bat or is bat ko aunkar. Isko or usko alone
means " him, her, it.

(h) It was stated in (d) that ko is used after persons. It may

however be omitted after insignificant persons, as; Tamam sipahl
walia bhej-diye, or tamam sipahiyd ko waha bhej-diya "he sent all the
soldiers there."

of the ko of the indirect object

or dative :

(i) Examples " "

" " on Saturday
rat ko
at midnight sanishar ko ;
Adht ;

to Lahore"; das rupai ko

Ldhor gaya "he has gone
" " he sent him the book,
for ten rupees kitab us ko bhej-cK

It also used with the infinitive

he sent the book to him." is
hai he is ready to go."
as Wuh
jane ko taiyar
' '

Remark. The ko of the dative ofgenerally motion to is

omitted, except in the Punjab. occasionally inserted to It is

drive to the Eden
avoid awkwardness, as Led! Bdgh ja,o :

but Ledl ko tez hak-ke chalo. drive us quickly
Gardens," Bdgh
to the Eden Gardens." If ko is omitted in the last example,
the sentence becomes clumsy, vide also L. 57 (/). The ko in
adverbs of time may be omitted.
" " "
Marnd with ko means either kill or beat," accord-

ing to the context. Without ko, for animals of size, it means

"to kill" : but for insects, etc.. with or without ko, it can
only mean "to kill." Jan se marna means to kill."

(k) You now speak good Ab bahut achchht Hindustani

Hindustani ? bolte ho ?

No only moderate, so so. Nahl, wajibi.

Tell me its right, fair, price. Iski wajibi qimat bolo.

This is in use. Yih to isti'mdl me hai.

I came down the hill in one Mai pahdr se ek ghante me

hour. utra.

Dismount (from the horse). Ghofe se uiro.

He came down the ladder Wuh sifhi se utar-dyd.
(or stairs).

We, however, disembarked in Ham log to Kalkatte me jahaz

Calcutta. se utre.
LESSON 13. 57

I shall put up at the hotel. Mai to hotel me utrugd.

Help me to mount. Mujhe ghore par charhd-do, or

char ha, o.

It is hilly country, many ups Charhd,i utrd,i bahut hai.

and downs.

[Order] The regiment will

: Paltan ogle pard,o par na
not halt at the next stage utregi balki
dusre par.
but at the one after

I will give it to thee. Mai usko tujhe dugd.

Let me
give that (may I give Mai wuh tujhe du.
that) to thee ?


(a) Before the tenses formed from the past participle of
a transitive verb, the nominative of the sentence assumes the

Agent case with ne. The verb then agrees in gender and
The man wrote a

number with the object, thus, letter,' must

be admi ne ek chitthi likhi - by the man a

letter (was)
written.' necessary to render the object very defi-
If it is

nite, and consequently to add ko, the verb must always be

in the form of the third person singular masculine, as The :

man killed the tigers " = mard ne sherd ko mdr-ddld (masc.

sing.) The boy has struck the girl " larke ne larki ko mdrd

hai (masc. sing.).

(b)Bald, L Calamity.
Bald se. Hang it, I don't care.

Not lekin here vide Note 1 p. 53. ,

2 That is, Preterite, Perfect, and Pluperfect.

3 With this exception, the trans, verb is conjugated like the intraris.

Wrath also ghfizub kn = ad

Ghazab, m.
: j

(idiomatically) terrible the

devil of a. etc.

Roza, m. Any Muslim fast.

Fdqa, m. Going hungry, starving.

Pesh, prep, and adv. Before.

And, intr. To come, etc.

Kisl se (or -ke sdth) pesh and. To treat a person.

Mihrbdni, pi. mihrbdniya. f. Kindness.

Jutt, pi. jutiya, f . Shoe ; also boot.

But or but, pi. 6t*f, m. Any English shoe or boot.

Musibat, pi. musibate. f. Misfortune.

Qismat (no pi.), f. Portion ;

lot ; fate. .

Bad-qismafi, f. 1 11 -fortune.

.Vastfe (always pi.), m. Fate ; lot, chance.

Ma'ne or raa'rw or ma'nq. tn. Meaning, purport.


With, in company with. him.

Sdtht, pi. -sa^t, m. Comrade, companion.
TVitfc, adj. Proper, right.

Haraj (no pi.), m. Inconvenience, interruption.

Sftor (no pi.), m. Noise.

SAor o g^w^, or yfculshor (no Much noise.

pi.), m.

Natija, pi, nofi/e, m. Result, consequence.

^am [me] and. To be useful ;

also to bi- k i I IP. 1

(in any noble strife).

LESSON 13. 59

Kaham. pi. kahdniyff. f.

Story, tale (sp. fiction).

Boli, pi. boliyS. f.

Language, dialect ;
mode of

speaking street cry

; bid ;

at an auction cries of bird


or beast.

Dusrd. adj. Second; another: next.

Bhara, p. p. Filled, brimful.

Bhar. adj. vide (g) (below).

Piyala-bliar, adj A cupful.

Tmr-bhar, adv. For the whole of one's life.


(c) (1) Kahna requires ne ; bolnd does not.

(2) the second part of a compound (transitive) verb is

" 5 '
intransitive, ne is inadmissible, thus us ne kMyd he ate.
but wuh khd-gayd "he ate up." Vide L. 21 (a).

(3) Some few transitive verbs do not take ne : with a few

it is optional ;
with a few others the use and omission of ne
is a matter of new and old fashion.
(4) Formerly ne was not used with lifeless subjects : Your
coming has pleased me dp ke dne se mat bahut khush hu,d :

but now-a-days dp ke dne tie mujhe khush kiyd is used, though

rather stilted. In easy colloquial ne is not often used with
lifeless things.

(d) And has various idiomatic uses besides "to come" :

these are illustrated in L. 14 (a).

(e) Lo<j. pi. (gen. logo kd). "people" is sometimes used

to form a plural. ham
often used for the singular
Since is
" "
I," log is sometimes added to it to indicate the plural we."
" "
Such plurals as kutte log dogs are very vulgar.

(ft Reciprocity is expressed thus : Wuh ek dusre ko ehdhte

Vide p. 8
hat "they love one another, each other." (g).

(0) The adjective bhar is added to adjectives of weight,

so good bhar-
quantity and measure: Maqdur-bhar (not
"to one's utmost power or ability, as far as one
"one's bellyful,
can"; pet-bhar or bhar-pet, adj. and adv.,
" "
also completely kurti-bhar kaprd enough cloth to make

a jacket"; bas-bhar "the length of a bamboo"; bhar-pur
"brimful"; kauri bhar "the weight of a kauri, i.e. a small

quantity" ; bhar-pana to be paid in full" ; bhar-pd,t subs.,

f., "a receipt."

(h) The proper vocative singular can be used with either

singular or a plural Imperative, as Ai lafke sun or suno :

"listen, boy"; but larka sun (not suno) "listen my dear

boy" (affectionate).


(a) I don't know English. Mujhe Angrezi nahl all (hat).

Your son's name cropped up Tumhdre bete kd zikr dyd thd.

in the course of conversa- or bich me dyd tha.

tion (lit. mention of your

son had come between us) .

These boots fit me well, but Yih jutiya pd,o me thik dti
they have no lasting quali- hal lekin in me kuchh jdn
ties ; shoddy. (or dam) nahi hai*

Tt was due to my ill-luck that Men bad-qismatl se yih musi-

this misfortune befell me. bat pan, or pesh 5,t.

Pur for pura, adj. " full, complete, entire, etc."
* la me /on nahi. hai, also means " " worn out."
perished" or
LESSON 14. 61

The Sahib treated us well. Sahib ham logoke sdth ban

mihrbdni se pesh d.e. 1

What is the meaning of this ? Is ke kyd ma'ne hai ?

This will interfere with my Is se mere kdm me haraj hogd ?


What harm will there be if I Is kam me kya haraj hai ?

(or you or he) do this ?

I hope Your Honour is not in- Is shor o ghul se dp kd haraj

convenienced by this row. to natii hai ?

This will have a bad result, Is ka natija burd hoga

the consequences will be

This thing will be useful. Yih chiz kam a,egl.

Ten men were killed in the Das sipdhl lard, I me kam d.e.

battle (or war).

They are thirsting for his Wuh us ke khun ke* pyase

blood. hat.

I am not hungering for wealth Mai mal ka^ bhukha nahl.

(property) .

This girl is much loved by her Yih larld apne ma bap ki

parents, is very dear to her ban pyarl hai.


(b) Idioms :

Violent anger. Bald kd ghussa.

3 &
Terrible injustice. Ghazab kl (or bald kt) nd-
A dreadful famine. Bald Hi (or ghazab ki) qahtsdti.

Plural for respect.
2 Note these genitives.
3 In this sense ghazab, bala and qiyamat have all the same force.

A terrible dacoity has oc- Ghazah kd ddkd hu.d.


Paltry fellow !
man worth Take '
ka dflmi.
two pice '
or a half -penny) .

You paltry slave-girl (lit. that Derh rupiai ki kaniz !

cost \\ rupees).

To encounter, come face to KifH *e do chdr hand.

face with, any one suddenly
(lit. two eyes become four) .

We met unexpectedly. Merv\usk\ chdr akhT> ////.7.

I am ready to start (lit. my Mcrd, rikdb me. pd.~> Imi.

foot is in the stirrup).

To scold at nothing (said of a Hawd se larnd.

scolding person).

To bargain, haggle. Mol jol karnd*

I am keeping the fast (volun- Mai roze se hu.


He is starving (fasting invol- Wuh fdge Sf tin I.

untarily) .

He is mad about sport. Wuh shikar ke pichht


Just do this. Zard yih kdm karo.

Follow your nose ; also = as Ndk ki sidh me (jd,o)
the crow flies.

To be cautious (lit. to look Dd,e bd,e dekhnd.

right and left).

In Calcutta however taka is a rupee.
Molna (used in Calcutta) and mol-lena, tr.,
2 "
to buy ; mol, m.
"purchase" jol has no meaning In Delhi mol
tol karna.
LESSON 15. 63

Come at the usual time. Ma'muli waqt par ana. 1

It's an ordinary sort of horse. Ma'muli ghord hai.

Indifferent topics of con versa- Idhar udhar kl bate.

tion, small talk, etc. (lit.

words of hither and thither) .

Far and wide, I have to-day Aj, dur tak. merd jawdb natil.
no match.
A man named Muhammad Ek
said . ne
kahd ki -
Muhammad nam

To keep an appointment (lit. Iqrdr par ana.

to come according to pro-

mise) .

Ah, I admire your cleverness. Bas : tumhari an

Jwshyan ke

qurbdn jdM (or jd,iye) .

Pathans are the very devil. Pathdn log ghazab hate hai.

My heart was broken by grief. Gham se merd kalejd




(a) Saknd means '

to be able, can ( Potential) . and
(Completive). When
chukna* '
to have done or finished
these govern another verb, the latter is not in the infinitive

(as with us), but in the ROOT, which is always placed first ;

the two together thus form a compound verb.

Infinitive used as Future Imperative.
2 Nam is in apposition to Muhammad. Also naml " named," " fa-

3 Indians usually say " liver" where we say " heart."
* No ne.


He can (or is able to) speak Wuh hamarl zaban bol-sakta

our language. hai.

Are you able to read iny writ- Turn mera likha '

No one will be able to read Siwa.e tumhdre. ko,i isko na

this but yourself. pafh-sakega.

He can speak a little English. Wuh kuchh kuchh (or, thorl

bahut) Angrezi bol-sakta hai.

They have done eating. Wuh khd-chuke hai.

Have you done writing ? Turn likh-chuke ?

Jab ml waha pahucha or

They had done reading when (tab

I arrived there. to) wuh parh-chuke the.

(6) Samajhna,'
To understand, consider,

(does not take ne) . think.

Samajh, f .

Samajh-dar .

Samjhana, caus. To cause to understand, to

explain to comfort, con-


sole reason with; per-



Nikalnd, intr. To come out ;

to turn out.

Nikalna, tr. To turn out, expel; also to

break in a horse (educate

Likha, subs., " writing," but likha hu,a " something written."
2 But samajh-lena requires ne. \
3 Verbal roots which
are also nouns are usually feminine, as mar
" "
beating." So too, Persian verbal roots, as amad coming."
LESSON 15. 65

Ghalat, adj. Wrong.

Ghalati, pi. ghalatiyn, f.
Mistake, error.
Hogd. Will be, must be (w'de L 8)


Hu,d hogd. Will have been, must have


Bald, pi. bald,e, f.

Bald se (exclamation) .
Never mind, hang it !

Hdth, pi. hath, m. Hand.

Andar, P.,
In, inside.
Bhitar, H.Jadv.
Bdgh/i, m. Rebel, mutineer.
Ydyhistdn. Country across the border.
Rond, intr. To weep, shed tears.

Saikrd, m. A century, or a hundred.

Saikro ddml. Hundreds of persons.

Kharch, m. Expenditure, cost.

Kharch karnd. To spend, expend.

Imdrat, pi. 'imdrate, f .

Any masonry building.
Pahuchnd, intr. To arrive.

Pahuchnd. tr. To cause to arrive.

.*', conj. That.

(JaK, pi. gdliya, f.
Abuse, specially filthy abuse.
G55 rfewa. To abuse.

iKoshish, pi. koshishe, f.

Endeavour, attempt, striving.
^aAno. To abuse (English fashion) ;

to rate.

goods in the
Mai, m. Property, ;

Punjab often 'cattle.'

Daulat(nov\.),i Riches, wealth.

Mal-dar, adj. Possessed of property.

Daulat-mand, adj. Possessed of riches.

Poor ;
also bachelor (vulg.) .

Paidd, adj. Born; apparent, evident.

Paidd hond. To be born ;
to be produced ;

to be procured.

Ha (corrup. of ya&!,
= here). =The French chez.

Mere h& ; tere h&-Yr. chez At my place, etc.

moi, etc.

Shifa (no pi.), f.

Cure (by God, not doctor).

Shifd-khdna, m. Hospital.

Bahuterd ad j ,
. Much .

Magar, conj. But (and in writing per-


Chukdnd, tr. To settle (a dispute, an ac-

count) ;
to pay a debt.
'Ildj, m. Treatment, cure by doctor.


(a) Chuknd "to be finished" sometimes expresses "al-

ready," as : Wuh jd-chukd hai he has already gone."

(b) It is usually better to insert nahl "not" between

saknd and the verb-root; thus mai likh nahi saktd hU is

better than mai nahl likh saktd hti but both are right;
LESSON 16. 07

(c)-Chukna with any verb is, in the Preterite

only, used ironically
for the Future, as Jl U
mal ja-ckuka=" I won't go, i.e. Oh
yes I've
gone (ironical) catch me going."

Ghukna may be used in the

Imperative, as Yih kam jald kar-chuko. :

Should, however, the Imperative indicate time anterior

to a second
Otooa, chukna cannot be used, as Pahle
yih kam kar-lo (not kar-chuko)

dusra kam karna, " first do this and t

en that."

and Miya as terms of respect require a

(d)Sahj,b plural
verb. 1

Sahib, with a singular verb, often indicates a

or a half-caste in
European clothes, and Miya* with a singu-
lar verb is in the mouth of a
Hindu a contemptuous expres-
sion for a Muslim.

(e)l am unable to talk Hin- Mat Hindustani bol nahri sakta


I do not know how to talk

Mujhe Hindustani boll nahl
Hindustani. atl hai.

I cannot do this (either = I Ham se yih kam nahl ho-

won't or I can't). sakta hai.
Do you understand have
? (lit. Turn samjhe not so correct
you understood what I turn ne samjha) ?


Do you understand as I go Turn samajhte ho ?

Well, hang it, let him come Bald se, usko andar ane do ;
in -

How much service have you ? Tumhan kitne din kl naukarl


SUCh CaS6S the adj6Ctive th subject must also be

2 In some parts of India
MiyS-ji is a title for a school-master. The
meaning of miyS, varies in different districts.

The service in this hotel (or Is hotal kd intizam achchhd

refreshment -room) is poor. nahl.

The sepoy did good service Sipdhi ne Sarkdr H khidmat

for Government. achchhi ki.

What induced you to let these Turn ne. kyd samajhkar, in

rebels stay with you ?

bdghiyo ko apne pas rahne

He didn't understand me. Wuh hmnari bat '

nahl, samjha.
He did this at my persuasion. Us ne mere samjhdne se yih
kdm kiyd.*

Comfort the boy, he's crying. Larke ko samjhd,o, rota hai.

I reasoned with him well, ex- Mai ne usko bahut samjhdyd

plained matters, but he lekin usne ek na-mdni, or
didn't heed me in the least. na-sunl,
(or wuh kab suntd
Thousands of rupees must Is imdrat me hazard rupai
have been spent on this kharch hu,e hoge.

He must have reached there Ab tak waha pahuch-gayd

by now. hogd.
He is sorry that this turned Usko afsos hai ki yih bat
out to be wrong. ghcilat nikli.

He loaded me with filthy Ume mujhe bun (or mri)


abuse, called me filthy gdliya dl.


He called me names (not Us ne mujhe burd bhald kahd.


" " what "

Not ham ko. 2
Kiya "did ; kya ?

Idiom feminine
: bat understood.
From sarna to be rotten ; sar-jana to go rotten.

Dinner is over. Khdnd ho-chukd.

What can be, or will have Uskl Icoshish se kyd hu,d hogd ?

been, done by his exer-

tions ? what is likely to
have been done by his en-
deavours ?

What from merely drinking

! Kyd, shardb hi ke pine se
wine has such a man of pro- aisa mdl-ddr ddmi muftis
perty become penniless ? ho -gaya ?

A horse like this can never Tumhdre ha aisa ghord kabhi

have been bred in your pqidd nahu,d hoga.

I tried all sorts of remedies Mai ne bahutere ilaj kiye

but I didn't get well. magar shifd na pd,i.

Id is over. 'Id ho-chuki.

When 1
I have finished this Jab l
yih kdm kar-chukUgd
business, I will let you (Fut.) to tumhe khabar dtiga.


Lagnd, intr. To be attached, joined, etc,

to begin (and continue).

Lagana, tr. To affix, etc., etc.

Ghazdb, m. Wrath.

Shd'ir, m. Poet.

Shi'r, m. Poetry : also a couplet.


Jab with Present Tense is temporal =" whenever" with Aorist or ;

Future it means " when (conditional) " and sometimes " whenever."

adj. and subs. Tight, narrow, contracted ;

worried in straits a girth.

; ;
LESSON 17. 71

Pichhe, prep. Behind.

Sarakna, in.tr. To shift from its place.

'Aish o 'ishrat, f. Luxurious living ;


'Phul, m. Flower.

Phal, m. Fruit ;

Mausim, m. Season.

HUa, m. hlle, pi. Trick, wile ;

false excuse.

Dlwana, adj. Mad.

Diwana, subs., pi. cKwane. Madman, madmen.

intr. To be made, prepared, fabri-
cated ;
to be feigned, made
like. 1

Banana, tr. To make.

Sawar, adj. and subs. Mounted on a horse, or in

any conveyance a horse- :

man, trooper of Native


Ghiithi, pi. chittliiya. Letter, specially official (in

Bahra, pi. bahre, adj. Deaf.

Jawdb, pi. jaivab, m. Answer.

Jawab dena. To answer ;
also to dismiss :

and sometimes to refuse.'

Aram (no pi.), m. Rest, quiet, ease.

Bhdgna, intr. To flee away, abscond (not

to run).

For some idiomatic significations of banna, vide Lessons 3S and 55.


Mafi m .
Gardener (Hindu).

Malin, maline, f. Gardener's wife.


Gul, pi. gul, m. Flower; an ornamental flow-

er a spot on a pigeon,

horse, etc. also the burnt ;

part of a wick.
Gul karna. To extinguish a lamp, candle.

Gulab, pi. guldb,

m. A rose ;
also rose-water.

m. Handle a pestle a packet ;

Dasta, pi. daste, ; ;

a quire of paper.

Gul-dasta. Nosegay.

tr. To break (lit. and met.).

intr. To be broken.
Qasam, pi. qasame, f. An oath.

Qasam khana. To swear (Zi7. eat an oath)

Garha or gaddha, m. , pi. garhe. A pit.

Mitti, f. Earth, mould ; vulg. corpse,

Bharna, tr. and intr. To fill.

Band karna, tr. To close, stop, shut up.

Dubnd, intr. To sink ; to set (of the sun,

moon or stare) to be ;

deluged ;
to drown, or
nearly drown ;
be immersed

Dubona or dubana, tr. To plunge into water, duck ;

cause to drown.

Note the first t of torria and tutna soft and hard. ;

3 But bhar-dena and bhar-jana, tr. and intr. only.

LESSON 18. 73

Pdnl ke upar bahna, intr. ; and To float ;

to make to flow or

bahdnd, tr. float, or to wash away.

Asu bahana, tr. To shed tears.

Haiza, m. Cholera.

Khara, adj. Standing, erect ; halted.

Khard karnd, tr. To erect ;

to stop from motion .

Kuril, pi. ; kurtiyS, f. A short coat, tunic.

Jharan, pi. ; jhdrane, f . A duster.

Jharna, tr. (jharna, intr.). To sweep, to dust ;

to shake
dust or water off clothes ;

to brush away with the

hand ;
to beat a jungle for

game : to shake fruit off

a tree.

Par jharna, tr. To moult, shed feathers.

On purpose.


(a) The verbs lagna, intr., "to begin" (Inceptive), dend

" "
(takes we), to grant permission or "allow" (Permissive),
and pana (no ne ), "to get permission" or "be allowed"
(Acquisitive), govern the Infinitive of another verb in the
inflected state, that is, -ne instead of -nd.

(b) The Conjunctive Participle (jd-kar, jd-ke, etc., "hav-

ing gone") serves to throw two or more short sentences into

1 From janria to know and bujhna to solve (a riddle).

2 Pana when it means " to find," takes ne.

one; thus. "Go to my room, and bring me quickly my

sword mere kamre me ja-kar talwar jald ld,o. Vide also
L. 26 (d).

(c) (1) The intransitive lagria has many common idioma-

tic meanings besides "to begin, etc." Most of these are

illustrated below.

(2) After an infinitive, lagna may take the place of the Subjunctive,
as: Mai waha ky& jane laga, "why should I go there?"; mat waha
" "
kyS jane laga tha why should I have gone there ?

(d) (1) Beginners should avoid the construction known in

English as the "error of the misrelated participle," that is.


they should see that the participle and the finite verb refer to
the same grammatical subject M
ujh ko ghar jdke bukhar dya


I got fever after reaching my house/' is quite correct Urdu,

for though bukhar is the grammatical subject of the finite

verb (while mujh ko is the dative case), still the logical sub-
ject is "I." The beginner, however, if he copies such con-
structions will make serious errors.

(2) The Conj. Participles barh-kar ''more," and khass -kar

"especially" are adverbs.*

(e) The substantive verb of a tense is often omitted in a

negative sentence, as Mai us ke (or us se) milne ko kabhi

nahl jdtd [hu] I never go to see him."

(/) The inflected infinitive before sakna (as jane saktd for
ja-sakta) is vulgar and incorrect.

(g) His house caught fire. Uske ghar me ag lagi.

"The Shah spoke for three hours, when, becoming fntigued, the
ministers left the darbar." It was the Shah who became
fatigued, not
the ministers.
Compare the English "notwithstanding, concerning, etc."
LESSON 18. 75

I feel hungry. Mujhe bhuk


lagl hai.

I don't like this place. Mera dil yaha nahl lagtd (hai) .

The youth has fallen in love Jawan ka, larki se, dil laga hai
with the girl. (or lag-gaya hai) .

The horse has a sore back Ghore ki pith lag-go,^,.

The hat does not

suit her. Topi us ko achchhl nahl, lagti

A wise man does not easily 'Aql-mand ko ko,i bat jald bun
(quickly) take offence. nahl lagti (hai).

I made a good shot. Men goli nishane par thik lagi.

I fell asleep. Men akh lag-ga,i.' 6

I am always thinking about Mera dil har waqt uski taraf

her. laga-rahta hai.
When the sword struck him Jab talwar us ko (or better us
then *
ke) lagi tab .

It will occupy only a short Faqat thofi der lagegi.


I didn't get a single partridge. Ek bhi titar mere hath (me) na-

The key did not fit the lock. Chabi qufl me nahl lagi.

Why should you go there ? Turn kyu waha jane lage ?

" thirst." Mai bhuka " I am '

Pyas pyasa hH hungry and thirsty.'
Peahab laga hai " I want to make water."
" "
2 Us ko
may mean him" or her" according to the context. If
it is necessary to lay emphasis on the feminine, some word like larkl,
or 'aurat, must be used.
3 For this form of this verb vide Lesson 23 (c).
* i.e. Uske badan me or kovide Lesson 20 (e) 4, etc.
Vulgarly chabi lagl hu*i hai' 1
it is locked."

He rose and began to say. Wuh uth-kar kahne lagd.


I set fire to the house (vide also Mai ne ghar me dg lagd-dl .*

first sentence).
Chhitkani* lagd,o.
Bolt the door (or window).
Agar uruh tag kaske na lagdtd,
If he had not pulled the girth
saddle would have to zin pichhe ko sarak-jdtd.
tight, the
slipped back.
a very dissolute Raja sahib 'aish o 'ishrat me
The Raja is

lage-rahte* hat.
At this season the trees are in Is mausim me darakfrffi me (or

blossom. par) phul lage-rahte hoi.

He's a fine poet. Wuh ghazab ka

sha'ir hai.

A devil of a war took place. Ghazab ki laraj waqi' hu,i.

He is the devil to work. Wuh bald kd mihnatt hai.

to lift this. Koshish karke isko uthd-lo.

He pretended to be mad. (Hlla karke) diwdna ban-gayd.

.1 rode there. Mai, wdha sawdr ho-ke gayd.

He has accomplished his busi Apnd kdm jhut bol-kar nikdld

ness by lying. hai (or nikdl-liyd hai).

He laughingly said that . Us ne has-kar kahd ki .

The thief came silently (with Ghor chup-ke (dabe pd,o ) dyd.
stealthy steps). ,

Kindly tell me, please tell me. Mihrbdnl kar-ke bolo (or kaho) .

began and continued.'

Laga here equals
Laga-dena ; form of verb vide Lesson 22
for this (c) 2.
Not ko vide Lesson 12 (c).
Hu,e understood after lage. Plural of respect after sahib.
These two idioms bala ka, and ghazab ka, have either a good
or bad sense. 6 Se understood after dabe
LESSON 18. 77

He pretended to be deaf and did Us ne, bakra ban-ke, kuchh

not answer. jawdb na diyd.
Even after leaving here there Yaha se jd-kar bhi dram na-
is no rest to be obtained. M milne kd. 1

He escaped with just his life. Apm jdn le-kar bhdg-gayd.

The mall made a bouquet of Mali ne phul tor * tor (ke) gul-

flowers. dasta bandya.

He swore that . Us ne qasam khd-kar kahd

ki .

Fill up this hole (lit. this hole, Is garhe ko, mitti bhar-kar,
having filled earth in it, stop band kar-do.

When I got there, I found that Watia jdkar mujhe ma'lum

I had come to the wrong hu,d ki bhule se aur makdn
place. par d-gayd hu."
He sank, was nearly drowned, Wuh dubd.
or was drowned.
He was drowned (dead). Wuh dubke mard,

He died of cholera. Wuh haiza karke mar-gayd.

Does not a great boy like you Turn ko, itne bare ho-kar, sharm
" *
feel ashamed (of doing such dtl ?
a thing) ?

After striking him repeatedly, Mai ne us ko mdr-marke

I turned him out of the se nikdl-diyd.

He stood up and said that . Us ne khare kokar kahd ki .

For the signification of the Infinitive used like this, vide L. 32 (e).
2 Tor tor (Tear) the repetition here expresses repeated action.

3 In Hindustani this is direct narration.

4 Hai understood vide (d) and (e).

I stealthily tied a duster to M ai ne chhupdkar '

ek jhdran

his coat (tail). us kt kurtt se badh-di.

He secretly put the letter in Us ne chhipdkar chittht dg me

the fire. daft-

By continually quarrelling he Us ne lar lar-kar ghar bhar kt

has worn out the whole nak me dam kar-diyd 1 -

house. kar-rakhd) hai.

I went away just before he Wuh 8 ane bht na paya thd ki

came. mat chald-gayd ( = wuh dyd
bhi na-thd ki mat chald-gayd
= wuh ane hi ko tha ki mai


" " "

Ghdhnd, to be about to do or to be about to finish

doing," and karna* in the sense of "to make a practice of,"

"to be in the habit of (Frequentative)," often govern the
past participle instead of the infinitive. The participle so
governed is always in the form of the singular masculine
in a. 5 Thus
He is in the habit of reading Wuh har subh ko parhd-karta
every morning. hai.

Also chhipakar.
Nak me dam karna (lit. " to bring the breath into the nose") an
id om for " to worry, wear out " : the in transitive is nak me dam ana.
K r-rakha signifies " has
kept the house in a state of .'

Note no ne.
Kama in this sense is intransitive.
Vide also L. 20 (d).
The Past Part, of Jana
such cases is regular, i.e. jaya and not
gaya; also in the passive mujh ae wahct jaya na gaya" I could not
venture to go there."
LESSON 19. 79

He is in the habit of writing W uh har roz kuchh likhd-kartd

something every day. hai.

He used always to give (make) Wuh hamesha shdgird ko yih

this injunction to the scho- tdktd kiyd-kartd thd.

I am about to finish learning Mai Hindustani zabdn slkhd

Hindustani. chdhtd ~hn.

I am going to finish writing Mai yih chitthi likhd-chdhtd

this letter. A.
(6) The form chdhiye of the verb chahna is used imper-
" "
sonally, like the Latin decet," and oportet," or the French
" "
il faut," as
chahiye ki turn jd,o,
you must or ought to go,
it isnecessary that you go." This form of chahna is often
followed by the Aorist, as in the preceding example, but more
often it is construed with the uninflected infinitive, the sub-

put in the dative case, as tumko jdnd chahiye. It


ject being :

used also to govern the Past Participle of the verb, as Adab :

sikha chahiye, "it proper (or necessary) to learn good man-

ners" ;
but this construction is at present met with only in
the expression dekhd chdiye "let us see (what happens)."
Vide also L. 32 (c).

(c) Dastana. 8 Glove.

Jord, H., m. ^
A pair, i.e. a couple ;
a suit

Juft, P., m. 5 of clothes.

Jord khdnd. To pair.

1 Jana is the subject of chahiye.

2 Vide L. 33 is also considered Desiderative,' vide L.
(a). Chahiye
20 (6).
3 From the Persian dost " hand" ; it ends in the Persian silent h ;

vide note 2, p. 16.


A pair (two) of horses, clubs,
or dumb-bells of sepoys, ;

brothers, etc.

hond. To
Juffi karnd or juft pair.

Tirath, m. A Hindu pilgrimage, or place

of pilgrimage.

'Adat, pi. 'ddate, f. Habit, custom.

HdL m., Ar. pi. ahwal, m.

State, circumstances.

Halat, f ;
Ar. pi. hdldt,
m. State, circumstances

Dekhnd, tr. To look, see.

Dikhdnd, caus. To show.

Dikhaj, subs., f. Appearance, view money ;

paid for seeing any unusual


Dikkaj derui, intr. (no ne). To appear, seem.

Zamin, f. Land, ground ;

the earth.

A land-owner.

Ghord, m. Horse ;
also cock of a gun. 4

i, f.
Mare ;
also a saddle -stand, and
a clothes-horse.

TaiZ, m. Pony.
Tatwdm, f. Pony-mare.
Kambal or kammal, m. Blanket.

Ghddar, pi. chddare, f. Sheet (of cloth or metal).

^aZ, adv. To-morrow ; yesterday.

M, f. An instrument, machine.

Sometimes, in Urdu, used as a singular.
2 Also the Knight in chess.
LESSON 19. 81

Kal kd ghora. A mechanical horse.

Ms, pi. raa,e, f. Mother.

Bap, m. Father.

Ms-bap, m., pi. Parents.

Akh, f., pi. akKe. Eye ;
aZso a good eye for."

Akh and, intr. To have ophthalmia.

Tasma, m. Strap.

Nil, m. Indigo.

Ntld, adj. Drak blue.

Khasna, intr. To cough

Km*, f. A cough.
Hasnd, intr. To laugh.
Chalnd. intr. To move, to come in motion.

Bachna, intr. To be saved, get off. remain

over, be spared ;
to avoid
a threatened ill.

Bachdnd, tr. To save, etc., etc.

Writing, line ;
also a letter.

Dast-khatt, m., pi. Signature.

Pliisalrid, intr. To slip, slide.

Ghusnd (me), intr. To enter (by force or hur-

riedly) .

Bachcha, m. The young of anything.

Chuhd, m. Rat.

CAwAi.. f. Mouse.

Uthna, intr. To rise up ;

swell ;
rise from

Uthdnd, tr. To raise ;

to awaken ;
to suffer.


(a) With the past tenses of chdhnd, the agentive ne may

be used or omitted both are right. If however the subject

is without life it is better to omit ne, as Mai ne (or ma?) :

chdhd ki usko zara dekh-lu, but merd dil chdhd, ki usko zdra
dekh-lu "I wanted to see him for a minute" ;
'aurat chdhi

(or 'aurat ne chaha)

ki yaha se bhdg-jd,e, or 'aurat kd dil chaha
ki yahu, se bhdg-jd,e "the woman wanted to abscond."

(b) Chdhnd may also govern the uninflected (not inflected)

infinitive, but the sense is different. Chdhnd with a past

" " "
participle properly signifies
about to do or about to finish
" "
doing with an infinitive wishes to do (desiderative)," as

Hindustani sikhd chdhta hu "I am about to finish learning

Hindustani ;
Hindustani sikhnd chdhta hu "I want to learn
Hindustani." These two expressions however are often in-

correctly used for each other, as yih : kdm dj kiyd (or karnd)
chdhiye you must do this to-day."
(c) Chdhna also signifies "to love, to like." as: Ma bete

ko chdhti hai "the mother loves her child." Chdhat, subs, f.,
" " " '
love chd,o; fonding."

(d) When karnd means "to be in the habit of," vide L. 19

(a), the agentive ne cannot be used. In the Present, Imper-
fect, or Perfect Tenses, karnd indicates habitual action but ;

in the Preterite Tense either habitual or continued action.

The Pluperfect does not appear to be used.

Remark. The expression wuh kiyd kiyd is not in use.

(e) There is in Hindustani no verb to have." (1) If the
thing possessed is saleable, the preposition pas is used, as :

i For chahiye " it is necessary," vide L. 32 (c).

LESSON 20. 83

Us ke pas zamln hai "he has land" ;

mere pas (or yaha)

naukar hai is an exception.

(2) If the possession is unsaleable, the masculine inflected

genitive, or the dative case, is used, as : Us ke. (or usko) ek
beta hai "he has a son" (a general statement) ;
(sing.)'ke (or ko) Skh nahl hotl "scorpions have no eyes."
Vide also L. 60 (e).

But in us kd (uninflected) ek beta hai, some word is em-

phasised, as: "He has a son," or "he has one son," or "he
has a son (not a daughter)."

(3) If the thing is ideal, not real, the dative only is used,
as :
Mujhe fursat nahl hai "I have no leisure."

(4) For limbs, etc., the proper genitive is used, and for

such sentences as "she has blue eyes" the Urdu idiom is

"her eyes are blue us kl tikhe mil hai ;
us kl ndk Iambi hai,
"his nose is large" (in English "he has a large nose").
Remark /. In, Ek gadhd jis ke dum na-ihl, "an ass that
had no tail/' the explanation is that badan me is understood.
Compare, us ke chot lagl "he was hurt, bruised, etc."; ghore
ne uskeIdt marl "the horse kicked him, etc., etc."

Remark II. Mujh pas, and us pas, and turn pas, are sometimes
colloquially used for mere pas, us ke pas, and tumhare pas.

(g) When two separate nouns of different genders occur

together as a semi-compound, the masculine or more worthy
gender will predominate, as rotl-makkhan, m. sing. bread

and butter"; chharrd-bdrut, m. sing, "powder and shot";

ma bap, m. pi. "parents"; hisdb-kitab, m. "accounts."
(h) Pas also signifies "to" when the motion is towards

Vide L. 64 (c) (3).
* Masc. and declined like mard : the nom. pi. is also bichchhu.

living beings or things

that cannot be entered as Us ddmt ;

ke pas (not ko) jd,o "go to that man" ghore ke pas (not ko) ;

jd,o "go to the horse."

(g)ls it near here ? Wuh is jagah ke pas hai ?

It is quite close. Pas hi hai.

It is near here Ydhd, se nazdtk hai.

She continued writing. Wuh '

likhd ki.

This always used to happen. Yih bat (hamesha) hu,d

ki (

He has both a horse and a Uske pas ghord (bht) hai aur

pony. tattu bht hai.

He has both a blanket and a' Uske pd* kambal bht hai aur
sheet. chddar bht hai ; or uske pas
kambal aur chddar dono hai
(for lifeless things hai is

better than hai).

I have nothing at all. Mere pas kuchh bht nahl hai.

This is same (that very)

the Yih wuhi ghord hai jo kal mere
horse which I had yester- pas thd.

He has no parents. Uske rna-bdp nahl hai.

His (or her) eyes are blue. Uskt Skhe niU hat.

I have a severe cough. Mujhe sakht khiisi hai.

Whose mare is this ? Yih ghort kiskt hai ?

Whose ponies are these ? Yih tattu kin logo ke hai ?

This pony-mare is the khan- Yih talwdni khansdma kt hai.


Vide (d).
LESSON 20. 85

Come to me to-morrow. Mere pas kal and. 1

He has seven or eight pairs. Uske pas sat dth jor'e hat.

In the opinion of Hindus, pil- Hindu, o ke nazdlk tirath jdnd

grimage is a meritorious pun hai.


He is in the habit of taking Usko sharab pine ki 'ddat hai ;

or wuh sharab piyd kartd


They don't know anything Unko, iskd hai, kuchh ma'lum

about it (lit. to them the nahl hai.
state of this is not at all

Fasten the strap tight. Tasma kaske badho.

This pigeon belongs to that Yih kabutar is kd jora (or juft)

hen. hai.

These two pigeons are a pair. Yih dono kabutar jora hai.

Patna is about to become a Yih Patna bhl Landan hu,d

London. chdhtd hai.

He has no eyes for a horse. Us ko ghord pahchdnne Id akh

nahl, hai = us ki nazar ach-
cMw nahl hai. s

He has just closed his eyes, Us ki d,kh dbhi lagl hai.

fallen asleep.

He is on the point of falling. Wuh gird chdhid hai.

The can be used as a future imperative but is less im-

perious. When
used as a present imperative it is polite.
religious merit rewarded by
Pun, only used by Hindus, is
Heaven " opposed to pap " sin " papl " sinner." The Muslim equi-
; ;

valent for pun is sawab, and for pap is gunah.

Meaning of the latter depends on the context it may also mean ;

" he has "

poor eye-sight or " he eyes women evilly."


(a) Hindustani abounds in compound Intensive verbs. A

verb is rendered intensive by employing its root
only, and
suffixing some other verb. The root of the principal verb is

invariable, but the suffixed verb is fully conjugated ; thus,

mdrna, to beat, becomes intensive by adding the verb dalna.
" "
whereby mar-dalna signifies to kill downright so, ;
"to throw down"; bol-uthna, "to speak out";
"to die"; kho-dend, "to lose"; tor-dend, "to break to
pieces, to smash." Almost every verb may be rendered in-
tensive. The servile
verb of an intensive, often lays aside
its primitive meaning. Vide also L. 13 (c) (2).

(b)Zillat, L, pi. zillate. Disgrace, baseness.

Khiffat, f. A slight, affront.

Awdz, f., pi. dwdze. Sound, voice.

Ddbnd, intr. To be pressed, squashed ; be
buried beneath ; restrained,
kept in check ; quelled.
Ddbdrid, tr.
Press, squash, etc., etc.
Dabd,o, m. Pressure, influence.
Rdh, pi. rdhe, f.
Road, way, path.
Rdhl, m. Traveller on roa,d = jdnewdld.
Ham-rdh, prep. In company with
Intizdr, m.
Watching, waiting for
Intizdr khichnd '
or Icarnd (or To wait for, expect anxiously.
me rahna).
K rdh dekhnd. T o wait for, expect anxiously.
The causal is with khtchwana or karana.
LESSON 21. 87

Rah dikhdnd, caus. To make a person to wait ;

also to show the way.

Duhrana, tr. and intr. To repeat, say a second time,

repeat after also to double, ;

fold in two ; (tr.) : to occur

again (intr..).

m. Week.
Nahr, pi. nahre, f . Artificial canal or stream.

De-mdrnd, tr. To dash against.

Ho-lena. intr. To accompany (kist ke sdth or

pichhe) : sometimes to be
over, finished outright ; also
to pass by, see on the way.

Girria, intr. To fall (from a known source).

Parna, intr. To lie down, be in a lying
state ; happen ; metaphori-
cally to fall ;
to fall (from
unknown source).

Gir-parnd, intr. To fall suddenly (inten.).

Girdna, tr. To cause to fall, knock down :

also to let fall or drop.

Tap, pi. <a>e :

Pawing of fore-foot.
Tap mdrnd. To paw the ground with the
fore-foot (of a horse).

Ro-lend, intr. To weep one's fill, take ones'

fill of weeping.

So-lend, intr. To sleep one's fill.

1 From the Persian haft "

De-marna=chhor-marna "
to bequeath ; the former requires ko
and the latter ke waste.


(a) Dem in the following idiomatic compounds does not

admit of ne, 1 the verbs being regarded as intransitive.

Samjhdj dena, intr. To be understood.

Dikhdj dena, intr. To appear, show.

Sund,l dena, intr. To be heard.

Pakrdj dena, intr. To allow oneself to be caught.

Chal-dena* intr. To move off, clear off.

" "
Remark. Dena
in the Imperfect tense was giving (and
sometimes in the Present) signifies to offer." 8
dena Kdm
"to be useful," is transitive, and requires ne. Sdth dena to
accompany," is properly transitive and takes ne ;
vide also
p. 53 foot-note 1, Urdu of Sepoy to Subadar."
(6) The subjoined or 'servile' verb of an Intensive, (1)

modifies or strengthens the first verb ; (2) sometimes the.

meaning of both verbs is retained, in which case the first part

of the compound is the shortened form of the Conjunctive
Participle, as : us gSw ko dekh d,o, having seen the vil-
" "
lage return here ;
mdl us ke makdn ho-dyd hu I have been
to his house and come back."
' '
The use of the verb is, to a great extent, governed

by rule, as will be discovered by a study of the following.

(c) (1) Dena and Lend. In compounds, dena usually sig-

nifies doing a thing for some one else, but lend for oneself, as :

Yih rupiya bat-do " divide this money amongst them " (i.e. give

So too with -Jena as in ho-lena.
2Dena here is simply intensive and does not signify
for the benefit
of any one else,' vide (c).
3 In the Pret. dene " he offered."
LESSON 22. 89

and divide it) ; yih rupiya bSt-lo divide this money amongst
yourselves" (i.e. take and divide yih khatt parh-lo "read
" "
this letter to yourself ; yih khatt parh-do read this letter to
me." Ham
apas me has-lete the "we were joking amongst
ourselves" (for our own amusement), (but ham h&s-dete the
"we could not help laughing)."

(2) Dena also sometimes gives the idea of "on purpose,"

as : Mai ne (jan-bujh kar) usko mar-diya (or qasd-an mara} '

I hit him on purpose," but bhul se usko mara (not mar-diya).

(3) The compound in dena is also used to express a time more re-

mote than the simple verb, thus Jab mai the tar me pahucha us ke do
' '

ek minat peshtar darwaza khola-gaya tha " when I arrived at the theatre,
I found that the doors had been opened just a minute or two before."
but mere pahuchne se bahut pahle darwaza khol-diya-gaya tha. The two
final verbs in the preceding could be interchanged, but it is better not
to do so, and the same rule applies to the Active.

(4) Dena also signifies some definite time, as: Jab mai waha gaya
wuh hasta tha (not has-deta tha) " when I went there he was laughing
(i.e. he was laughing before I arrived)," but jab mai usko gudgudata

tha wuh has-detl thl (or not so good hastl thl) " whenever I tickled her,
she laughed."

(5) The Imperative do can be added to the root of any verb,

" "
and signifies for my sake it is more polite than the simple


Us-ne muj'he mustbat se bacha-diya "he saved me from misfor-

tune." Mai girne hi ko tha M
sahib ne mujhe bacha-liya 2 (rarely -diya) ,

or mujhe girte girte sahib ne bacha-liya " I was on the point of falling
when the Sahib saved me."
If, however, a person makes a request, dena may be used, as:
Mujhe bacha-do " save me (for my sake)," or bacha-lo
" save- me
of your pity)."

If the object were insignificant (say an mar-diya would

mean " killed."
Liya signifies for his own pity or mercy.

(7) Lena sometimea gives the idea of unwillingness, as: M at shart.o

ko qabul kar-leta hu "I unwillingly agree to the conditions," but

" I
shartfl ko qabul karta hu willingly agree to the conditions." Qabul
karna "to agree, to acknowledge, to confess": qabul kar-lena "to
" " to confess." Lad-lena " to load
agree unwillingly qabul kar-dena :

for oneseif," but lad-dena, tr., " to load," gives an idea of force or


Occasionally Una gives the idea of chukna to have finished,' as


= " When 7 have

pah&ch-lena intr. pahSch-chukna = pahuch-jana.
finished this matter I will turn my attention to something else 706
mai yih kam kar-ltiga tab kisl duare kam kl t.araf mutawajjih huga.
Sometimes it gives an idea of success.
Lena often indicates that one action is to be done before another,
" when
as (Jab) yih kitab likh-lo (or likh-chuko) to mujhe kjiabar denu

you have finished writing the book, tell me : here likh-do could not
be used.

Here mal-ll-jiyo signifies that the ghl has to be administered to the

horse first. Were it is to be administered second, mal dijiyo would be

(d) (1) Pa/fina, in compounds, generally signifies some

suddenness, as gir-parna "to fall suddenly" h&s-parna
: to :

burst out laughing" ro-parna "to burst out fall a-


weeping"; chal-parna "to start off"; phisal-parna to slip
" "
suddenly, or accidentally ; ghus-parna to enter suddenly"
" " "
ho-pafna to happen suddenly ; kud-pafna to jump into."
(2) There are, however, some exceptions to this idea of suddenness,
as: rah-parna " to remain," vide
6(1); ban porno "to be effected,
managed, to get the upper hand" le-parna to lie down with," vide


(3) With tutna, however, it from a height ;

also gives the idea of '

chhat tut-parl " the roof came down (on somebody)"

daku-mujh par ;

tulrpare met pu l yak-a-yak tut-gaya " the bridge broke," but tut-

" broke and

para came down (on somebody)."
LESSON 23. 91

(e) Uthria, to rise up," has in compounds a force similar

to parna, as jag-uthnd "to wake

up suddenly; to start out
" " " " "
of sleep bol-uthna
; to cry out ; jal-uthim to catch fire ;

ghabra-uthna "to lose one's head suddenly."

Note. Utha-rakhnd signifies "to postpone," i.e. to "take
up and put aside."
(/) Dalna, "to throw," gives in compounds the idea of
completion or vehemence, as de-ddlnd ( = de-dena) "to give

away"; marna "to beat or kill," but mar-dalria "to kill


outright"; kha-dalna (=kha-jana^) "to eat up" kah-dalna

"to speak out" parh-dalnE "to read through" dekh-dalna
; ;

" " "

to look through badal-dalna ( = badal-dena badalna)
" "
change (but badal-lena to exchange ").


(a) (1) Baithna, "to sit," in a compound, gives the idea

either of finality or suddenness, as uth-baithna
: to sit up

suddenly (from a lying position)," but baith jaria "to sit

down " kar -baithnd " to do anj^thing suddenly, or in an im-

proper manner, or without forethought." Mar-baithna "to

beat without cause " qismat ko ro-baithnd
to weep over
one's lot (completeness)." Wuh bddshah ban-baitha "he be-
came king by force," but wuh badsliah bankar baitha "he sat
on the throne as king."

1 The passive mar arjaria always signifies "to be killed" and never
" to be beaten " mar-khana or (plta-jana or pitna) is
" to be beaten."

Vide also L. 12 (/).

2 When any part of a compound verb is intransitive the whole com-

pound treated as intransitive,

is i.e. it does not admit of ne, as Mai :

usko kha-gaya " I ate it up."


(2) In the following, the idea of both verbs is preserved :

He went and sat down there. W uh waha jd-baithd. 1

To meet and sit together. Mil l


Note.Baithd hai, Perfect tense "he has sat" ;

also "he
2 " ''
is seated or he is sitting ;
the Present tense baithtd hai he

every day, he is in the habit of sitting."

sits Similarly para
" " "
hai he is lying, fallen letd hai he is lying down."

(3) Note the idiom goli sir me baithi the bullet pierced,

entered, his head."

(b) Marna in compounds gives an idea of impropriety and

folly : Yaha peshdb kyU kar-mdrd ? Mai ne pddshdh ko sidhd
likh-mara. It is not interchangeable with baithnd.

(c) (1) Jand "to go" added to the roots of verbs, express
" "
completeness or finality, as : Kha jdnd to eat up pi-jdnd ;

"to drink up"; dub -jana "to sink down, to drown"; but
" "
dub-marnd to die of one's own accord by drowning ;

dubke-marnd "to be accidentally drowned"; gir-jdnd "to

fall down" (gir-parnd "to fall suddenly"); d-jdnd "to
come, arrive (completeness)"; rah-jdnd "to be left quite
" "
behind par-jdnd to lie down, to subside (of wind, voice),

to beengaged in, to be put to or to take up a work plchhe. ;

par-jdnd "to goad continually to a business"; vide also

L. 28 (?'). Jdnd often indicates that the action is away from
the speaker. It is the servile most commonly used with In-
" to
(2) Kah-jana, kah-kar-jana say before leaving," but ko,l sha'ir
" some ancient
kah-gaya hai (dead) poet has said."
(3) Note the following idioms: Fula kitab mujhe de-ja,o bring me
such and such a book (and go away again) " this might be said to ;

Here ja and mil are Conjunctive Participles, for/5-fcar and milkar.
2 Baitha in the second case is Past Participle for baitha hu,a (hai).
LESSON 23. 93

some one next room. Jo kuchh Sahib turn se kahe wuh mujh se
in the
kah-jana "whatever the Sahib says to you, come and report it (and
go away)" said to one just departing. Turn mujh se kah-ga,e the kl

mal Lahor ja,uga magar ab talc yihi ho you told me when you left me'

that you were going to Lahore but you're still here." Mal is kitab ko
" I will read this book do
parhta hu turn usko sun-ja,o you listen to ;

it from beginning to end" in this idiom there js an idea of duration.


However kar-a,o "go and do it and come back," can be said only to
one while karke
" come to me after
a,o have done it " you
can be said to one either present or at a distance.

(d) With Intransitive verbs only, purpose or intention is

indicated by Rahnd, as : Mai so-gayd "I fell asleep," but so-

" "
rahd went to sleep," vide Stumbling Blocks,"
I deliberately

p. 37tumhe sharm ke mare mar-rahnd chdhiye "von ought


to die (on purpose) of shame."

(2) Ho-rahna " to be accomplished (in Fut.) to be done some time

or other," as Jaldi kya hai, kam ho-rahega " what is the hurry, it

will be done some time or other," but yih kam abhl abhl ho-j'a,ega
" it will be done at once" " it will cer-
(not ho-rahega) ho-fa,ega ;

tainly be done." The Future of rahna added to an intransitive verb

means " some time or other" (indefinite time).

(3) There is, however, an exception in the use of Rahna :

its added
Perfect tense to a root signifies present uninter-

rupted continuance, and its Pluperfect, past continuance, as :

Raste me jd-rahd hai "he is now going along the road; (jata
hai "he is going, or goes," might signify "every day").
Raste me jd-rahd thd he was going along the road (jata ;

thd might signify either "he was going" or "he was in the
habit of going "). Ka,t sal se is bat darkhwdst kar-rahe the, H
but har sal is bat kl darkhwdst karte the or karte rahe the (not
" "
kar rahe the). Ho-rahd hai is happening now and ho-rahd
thd "was happening then." Zakhmi ho-rahd thd "he was
(still) wounded," but zakhrni hu,d thd "he had been wounded
(but now recovered)." Rahna, so used
is is not classed as a
Continuative, vide L. 26 (a).

In the Past or Preterite Tense the signification of both verbs

is retained, as:Wuh waha ja-rdha "he went there and stayed";
mal us shahr ka ho-raha I made that city my permanent dwelling, I
stuck to it" jab se mal ne usko dekha, mal uska ho-raha "ever since

I saw him I have taken his part." Ja-rahna and a-rahna also indi-
cate suddenness of action.

(4) Rahnd with the Conjunctive Participle of Transitive or

Intransitive verbs signifies to do after effort or determina-
tion/ as : Akhir nikal-kar rahd at last he managed to es-

cape"; vide also chhornd, (g) ;

mai usko daftar se nikal-kar
rahd I managed to get rid of him from the office."

(5) Jdtd-rahnd in all its tenses signifies to be completely

lost, and to die."

(e) And "to come,"

in compounds, generally retains its
Darya charh-dyd hai the river has
proper signification, as :

risen up in flood"; ham dekh-d,e hai "we have seen (and

" will
come back) " mai khud dp ke hamrdh ho-dtd &
I my-
self accompany you there and back, go there and come back

with you." Utarnd is "to descend, come down," and utar-

dnd has much the same meaning. The action of the verb is
towards, instead of away from, the speaker ;
while with jdnd
it is away from the speaker.

(/) Rakhnd. In compounds with rakhnd, the signification

is often to do a thing beforehand, as kah-rakhnd to order or :

tell beforehand "; rok-rakhnd

" "
to engage beforehand (and
also "to stop"). Sometimes the signification of both verbs
is retained, as hear and keep in your memory."
: sun-rakho
Us ne mujhe tang kar-rakhd hai " he has kept me in a position
of discomfort." Samajh-rakhnd to keep in mind." Mai ne
" "
ko,i bat kahne se uthd na-rakhi I left nothing unsaid ; (the
idea is taking up a thing and putting it down only when done
with Kempson) .
LESSON 23. 95

Notice the shade of difference in meaning between Is bat

ko halal kar-rakhd "he made this lawful some time ago" (i.e.
having made it lawful kept it so), and Is bat ko halal kiyd
" he made this lawful

(g) Chhorna, added to the roots of transitive verbs, gives

an idea of completion after effort, as Mai ne is qadr mihnat

" " "

ki ki imtihdn pas kar-chhord I worked so hard that I got
well through my examination." This is more forcible than
kar-liyd. Nikdl-chhornd "to succeed in expelling." Vide
also L. 26 (d).

Also karke chhorna has much the same force, as : Mai ne

wuh kdm kar-c.hhord or karke chhord. more The latter is
forcible. Compare with karke raha Example: Mai (d) (4).
wuh kam karke raha (not kar-raha) gives the idea of " I was
determined to do it and I did it."
(h) (1) In the ordinary "declamatory negative (^
cr*^)" the simple verb must be used, as Usko chhor-do, but :

usko mat chhor o (not here chhor mat do) mai ne usko l

kdt-ddld, but mai ne usko nahl kdtd (not nahl kdt-ddld).

(2) Exceptions are, clauses implying some expectation or

exception, as Do to sahl, mai use khd na jd-,ugd, " well give

it me, I'm not going to gobble unko is bat ka bard
it up :

khaydl thd ki kahl goll ki mar ke andar na d-pare they took
good care not to come within range of our rifles." Wuh mar
nahl gayd "he did not die." Mai ne kdt nahl ddld, fagat
chhild hai. Chhor mat do indicates an expectation.

Interrogatively, also, the negative intensives are used in

the same sense, as: Kyd usne darakht ko kdt nahl ddld? 11

" "
what, didn't he cut down the tree ?
Note the position of mat, na, etc., and see next para. (2).
* Note the position of the nahl.


The mother lay down with MS, bachche ko 1

(a)' le-pari.

the child.

I could do nothing and that's Mujh se kuchh na-ban-pard,

all about it. bas.

He jumped into the canal. Wuh nahr me kud-pard.

My hand happened to fall on Ittifdq-an merd hath ek chuhe
a rat. par para.
I was pawed by the pony- Tatwdnl ki tap mujh par pan .

It is raining, rain is falling. Pdni partd hai.

The fox was stumbling and Lomn girfi parti chall jail thi.

limping along.

Why did you let this book Turn ne yih kitdb kyu gird,i ?

As I was weak my enemy got Mai kam-zor thd, is liye dush-
the upper hand man kl *

It is ill to suffer such insults. Aisi zillate utharii bun hat.

It has gone and burst.' Phat-gaya.
I suffered endless trouble (lit., Mai ne aisi taklif uthaj, ki mat
I suffered such trouble that (or na) puchhiye.
don't ask me about it).

He lost his voice. Uski dwaz baith-ga,i (or par-

Vide Lesson 22, 6 (2).
2 "To fall" metaphorically.
.Actually falling (of rain, snow, etc.) perhaps the only instance of

parna meaning to fall actually.

* Some
such word as tfiqat (fern.), " power," is understood
LESSON 24. 97

hould anv outside influence, Agar bdhar se ko,i dabd,o paf-

pressure, ba brought to bear jd,e to.

then .

ly hat has been squashed in. Men topi dab-ga,i.

he is now weeping. Wuh ro-rahi liai.

waited for him for a whole Mai ghante bliar talc uske inti-

hour. zdr me rdhd.

cannot control him ; (or. if Wuh mujh se dabtd nahl,.

inanimate) it cannot be
pressed by me.
left no work T undertook till Jis kdm me mai par-gayd (or
I completed it. lag-gayd or lag-raha) uslco
kar-chhord '

'his will be done some time Yih kam ho-rahega.

or other (indefinite).

'his will be done some time Yih kam hafte ke andar andar !L

or other within a week. ho-rahega.

tepeat this (oath, etc.) after Jaise jiiseham kahtc, ja.e turn
bJii kahte ja.o; or men in

bato ko jo abhl bolta hn


le has had a relapse. Us H bimari duhra-ga,i.

'11 come here again some day. Mai phir yahS, d-rahUjd.
^-morrow is a holiday, so do Kal ta'lil hai. is liye kal kd
the work of to-morrow to- kdm dj kar-rakho.
!ee me on your way to office. Daftar jdte waqt mere pds se

Compare uthn rnkhnri vide. Lesson T3 (f).

a Andnr andar less than, not more emphasis ;


What was to happen, has hap- Jo h ina tha ivuk ho-liya.

pened and is finished.

I got all I wanted, my heart's Mere dil K arzu nikal-ga,i.

desire was completed.

To accompany. Kul ke safh (or /Jichhe) ho-lena.

(&)_ Note the following methods of forming feminines


(i) Brahman,
m. "a Brahman," Brahmam, f. "a Brah-
man woman"; ahir, m., ahiri, f. "cowherd" (a

caste) kanjnr, m. (a caste, a kind of Gypsy),

jari,t. a kanjar's wife, a prostitute." etc. Pathan, ;

m., Palhani, f.

(ii) Ghora "horse," ghofl "mare"; billa, m., billi. \.


(iii) Sunar, m. "goldsmith," sunaran (and sundrm) gold-

smith's wife"; kumhar, ra., kumharan (and kiun-

Mrm), f.

(iv) Ut m. "camel,"
Ulni. f. ; sher, m. "tiger," sherm, f.

" " "

tigress ; mulld, m. T., a schoolmaster, a learned
man," mullani ''a mulla's wife."

(v) Mali, m., malin, "gardener" (Hindu) dhohl. m..

f. ;

dhobin, f. washerman " (a caste) kujra^ m.. k-Ujfi, ;

" "
greengrocer and fruiterer

f. (a caste) ; qam,i (or

" " "
qasa i). m., gasd,in. f. butcher ; dulha, m., bride-

groom," dulhan, f. "bride"; hathi, m. halhni, f.


(vi) Mamti, m. "maternal uncle," milmarii (for mamarii*)

f. tattu, m. "pony," latwani, f. "pony mare."

Kujre-qafu',i=:" low people."


Antepenultimatea usually short: vide L. 53 (ft), foot-note.
LESSON 25. 99

(vii) Baniya, in. "grain-merchant" (a caste), baniyayan

or baniya,in. f. ( u Jt>i> ) f. ; na.t, m. barber,"
na.in, f.

(viii) Khatri. m. (a caste), Khatrani, f. ;

mih-tar. m. "a
sweeper," mihtar-am,
f. "a sweepsr's wife."

(c) Others are: m., ra, f

.Ka/<*. bh-ij. m., bahan or .

bahin,f.', nii/cik (vulg. n^ ,ik)a guide, a corporal," n&yak'i,

nayik-i (and ria,ika.. ni^ki), f MI?M m. " maternal unole,"


khala. f. ; fte^, m. (T.), begam, f. (a Mughul title) ; Khi,n,, m.,

Khvnam, f. (a title); ssi, m. "bull, stallion," gr5,e or ^5,0, f.


(rf) 2Var s^er or slier-e'1 nar "male tiger," mcida sher or

xhe.r-e mada "female tiger."


Apnd, etc., poss. pron. One's own.

Apne. pi. One's own people.

Kahna, tr. To say.

Kahlana, intr. and caus. To be called ;

also to cause to


Bairhna, intr. To increase, to grow ;

to ad-
vance ;
to surpass.

Age barhna, intr. To advance.

Murna, intr. To turn to one side.

Morna, tr. To turn over, fold back.

Here the Sanskrit suffix -aril is added to a Persian word.
* This '
-e is the Persian izafat; L. 61 (g).

M uh morna. To turn the face aside, to

refuse to obey, avoid do-


Batti, f. Wick, (and hence) light.

AT (no pi.), f- Cover, protection.

Sulgana, tr. To kindle, set alight.

intr. To fall down (of buildings) ;
be pulled down.

Dhana, tr. To pull or knock down build-


Letwi, intr. To lie down.

Kahla-bhejnt, tr. To ssnd an oral message, send


Likh-bhejni, tr. To send word in writing, write


MOgt&hejna, tr. To send for things.

Buld-bhejnT,, tr. To send for persons.

To ask for through a psrson

(by letter or orally).

Ldfcn, f. Wood ;
a stick.

Qcufim, adj. Ancient.

Khlss. adj. Special, particular, private.

Khimyat, pi. kassiyale, f. Th3 nature, characteristic, pe-

culiar quality.

Khlss-kar, adv. Especially.

In Ihe Punjab " to fall down" generally.
2 Vide Caus. verbs, Lesson 44.
LESSON 25. 101

'Amm, adj. Common, general, vulgar.

Common people.
Bazar ke log

Ghazal, pi. ghazale, f. Love-song or ode (formerly

always short).

Qd'ida, pi. qa'ide, m. A rule, regulation ; propriety ;

custom ;
clastur ; regularity.

Qawa'id, Ar., pi., m. and f. Rules, regulations-, etc.. masc

pi. :
parade of troops, f.

sing. ; grammar, f. sing.

Parwarish, f. Cherishing, rearing ;

taining ; patronage.
Chal (from chalria) , pi. chale, /. Motion gait
; procedure ; ;

conduct, behaviour, trick.

Chal-chalan, m. and f. Character.

Bad-chalan, adj. Ill -behaved, of bad character

Nek-chalan, adj. Of good character.

Nek-chalnl, f. Good character.

Pyara, H., adj. j Dear, beloved ;

a relative ju-

'Aziz, A., adj. and subs. nior in years.

Apne pas se. Out of one's own pocket ;

from himself, myself, your-
self, etc., etc.

Ap se, or dp se dp. Of my (your, -their, etc., etc.)

own accord.

Apa* me. Amongst ourselves, your

selves, themselves.


a) (i) Jana (Progressive) and Rating (Continuative) suf-

fixed to a present participle express progression or continu-

ance, as Wuh har roz aehchhd hold jdid hai
he is getting 1

" "
better every day wuh kahtd-gayd aur mat likhtd-gayd he

kept on saying, or dictating, and I kept on writing what he

said (progressive)," but wuh kahtd-rahd* aur mal likhtd rahd
he went on saying it, while I went on with my writing (con-
tinuative)," (i.e. there was no connection between the two
acts). Merd gala baithd-jdtd hai I am losing my voice

rapidly," but baithtd-jdtd hai "I am losing it by degrees."

Jdnd and Rahria cannot be used interchangeably.

(2) Jdtd-rahnd, however, in all its tenses signifies "to bo

completely lost," a curious idiom that according to Kempson

originates in the idea of going on till the vanishing point is
reached Akhir wuh men nazar se jdid-rahd
: at last he dis-

appeared from view." Vide L. 23 (d) (3).

Remark.The Imperfect and Preterite tenses, however,

may mean either "was being lost," or "was in the habit of
going" and also "was lost" or "used to go."

Rah-jSna preceded by a Present Participle gives the idea of in-

effectiveness, as: Larka rota hi rah-gaya aur ma ueko chhor-kar chall
" the child
ga,l kept on crying to be taken, but its mother left it be

(&)(!) when kahnd, or kah-dend, or kah-ddlnd, s signifies

" "
to tell or relate," requires se with the object
it when to:

command," or "call, name," ko, as: Us se kalio ki ten ma

mar-ga,l "tell him his mother is dead"; sard qissa mm ne

A good example of a Progressive verb.
* Orholta-raha "he went on
3 Kah-dalna " to tell without reserve."
LESSON 27. 103
" "
us se kah-diyd I told him the whole but us ko (not
story ;

us se) waha jane kaho "tell him (i.e. order him) to go there."
Am ko Angrezi me kyd kahte hoi ? " what is a mango called in

English?" Wuh mujhko Shaiidn kahtd hai "he calls me a


(2) With bolna, se only used. Mai turn se nahl boltd


"I'm not addressing you " "

I don't want to talk to you."
Bolna with ko in the sense of "to order is vulgar.

(c) One form of the Conjunctive Participle [vide L. 18 (b)]

is identical with the root ;
this form is still occasionally used,
more in speaking than \rriting,' as: Mai ne subh sawere uth,
muh hath flho, In compounds such
ndshtd kar, aprii rah li.

as mil-baithna "to sit together," where both verbs retain

their original significations [vide L. 22 6 (2)], the first part of

the compound is the Conjunctive Participle mil-kar baithnd ;

can be substituted for mil-baithna this latter is not an inten-


sive. Other examples are. A-pahuchnd, jd-pahuchnd, kar-

dikhana, phar-khana, bhag-nikalna. Rakh-chhornd is "to keep
by for future use," but rakh-kar chhornd is "to place after
effort"; vide L. 23 (g).


(a) On the possessive adjectivial pronoun Apnd.

When the Nominative or Agent is followed in the same

clause by a possessive pronoun belonging to itself, such posses-
sive is rendered by apnd, -ne, -m, never by the possessive mera,
mere, men, etc. Examples :

I read my book. Mai apnl kitdb parhtd hu.

Thou readest thy book. Tu apnl kitdb parhtd hai.

Indicates haste : 'vide' Stumbling- Blocks.

He reads his (own) book. Wuh apm kitab parhln 1m i.

She reads her (own) book. Wuh apm kilab parhti hai.

We have seen our father. Ham ne a/we bap ko dekha hai.

Have you written your letter ? Turn ne apm chitthl likJn ?

The goldsmith and carpenter Sundr aur barha,i apne shahr

went to their (own) city. (me) gaye.
The women feed their (own) 'Aurate apne bachcho ko palti
children. hai.

N.B. If. in the above examples, the words 'his,' 'her/

'their,' refer not to the nominative, but to somebody else,
then they must be expressed by is-ka or us-ka, etc.

(2) A pna refers to (1) the grammatical subject. (2) the logi-
cal subject. (3) the speaker, as Wuh apm kit'ib pirhta hai :
"he is reading his book (2) usko apm 'izzat ka khayal hai

"he has a regard for his own honour = wuh apm 'izzat ka

khayal rakhta hai; (3) orapna (2), (or mera) dil nah'i chahta
ki waha
"I don't want to go there."
ja,u (4) Afma also

means "own as Yih uskt apm kitab hai " it's his own book,

not some one else's" ; apne pas se "out of my own pocket.


Remarks. Of the three accusatives (1) apne dp ko, (2) apnt

ta,l and
apne (3) ko, Xos. (1) and (3) are in commoner use, in
modern Urdu.
(6) Apa, a form of up, is only used in the following phrases: ape
me hona " to be in one's proper senses" ape me ana ; ape se buhir

hona ; ape se guzarnfi. Mai ape aya (for mat ap tit/5) is vulgar.

(c) My book is lost. Men kilab jali raht.

My book was lost. Men kitab jad-rahl tin.

Wuh us ki kitab parhta hai "he is reading his, i.e. another per-
son's, book."
9 Vide also Lesson 27.
LESSON 27. 105

She keeps on advancing (going W uh age ko barhti-fifi hai aur

away from us) and keeps on murkar dekhti-jdtl hai.

looking behind the while.

Light every other lamp. Ek batti dr ek batti sulgdte jd,o

(Bombay idiom), or Ek batti

chhorkar har ek dusri batti

jaldte jd,o.

What is this called in Hindu- Yih Hindustani me kyd kahldid

stani ? hai ? or, Is ko Hindustani
nie kyd kahte hai ?
Tell them (order them) to give Unko kaho ki meri kitdbde-de.
me my book.
Inform them that their brother Un se kaho, tuinhdrd bha,i
has come (unexpectedly). ayd hai."

Tell him to go. Use jane ko kaho (not bolo).

I want to say something to Mai turn se kuchh bolna chahta

you. hu.

He is getting well (progres- Wuh achchha hotd jata hai.

sively) .

I ordered him to burn wood. Mai ne lakri jaldne ko kah-i


The house fell down suddenly. Makan dhah-pard.

The city is being pulled down Shahr dhah rahd hai.

I lay down. Mai let-rahd, or mal let-gayd.

I remained lying down. Mai letd-rahd.

Ancient writers have written Qadlrn likhne-wdle is tarah

(some time ago). likh-ga,e hai.

Or simply aya, if he were expected. Direct narration.

I composed this ghazal of my Mai ne yih ghazal kah-li.

own accord.

I composed this ghizal at some Mai ne, yih ghazal kah-di.

one's request.

His own mother (i.e. not his Us Id apni ma mar-ga.i.

sauteli mil) is dead.

Why should I do it I don't KyU karti ; apna (or merd) rlil

want to ? nahl chdhtd ?

We must maintain our own Apno ki panvarish zarnr hai.


Every one has his own fashion. Har ek ki apni apni civil dhdl
method. hai.

Every one values his own Apni jdn sab ko pynri fiai.


He thinks of his own benefit Us ko apne hi fd,id.e ka, khayal

only. hai.

T cannot quit my nature, habit. Apni 'ddat (mujh se) Icrk nahl


I came here of my own accord. Mai apne dp yaha dyd.

What, do you look on this as Kyd, yih chiz apni samaifil<

your own property ? ho?

Kindly send some one to ask Sdhib sc puchhwd-mSgd ,iye ki

the Sahib when he will go Aqre kab jd,ege*
to Agra.

The water keeps flowing away. Pdni bahtd jdtd liai. .

Ki-jatl hai "is being done"; present tense, passive voice. Vide
Lesson 47.
* Indirect narration.
LESSON 28. 107


Use of the suffix sa, se, .*.

(a) Sd, se or si (according to gender and number) added to


a substantive, or to the oblique form of personal pronouns,

converts these into adjectives denoting similitude or resem-
blance, as from haiwan, a beast, comes haiwdn-sd. like a

beast, beastly ;
kutta-sa dog-like.

(6) Milnd, intr. (takes dat. To find, to be found ;

ind abl. of person). ed ;
to meet with, to happen
on ;
to resemble ;
be mixed ;

to join ;
be connected ;
monize with (tune) : to tally

with, etc.
Milana. tr. To mix ;
introduce ;
unite ;

compare ;
check with a list,
etc., etc.

SuraL pi. surate, f. Face ;

form ;
manner ;

Is surat se. In this way.

Is surat me. In this case.

Khub-surat, adj. Of fine appearance, beautiful.

Bad-surat. adj. Of bad appearance, ugly.

BaeK, L Evil, vice.

UstacL m. Any teacher ;

also a past-
master, one skilled in any

All the same exactly alike

m-sd, H.
; ;

uniform ; identical, no dif-

Yak-sa. P.

Vide also L. 28 (t).


f. The "howness,"
Kaifiyat, pi. kaifiyate,
state, condition ; report ;

remarks (in column of re-

marks"); view, any sight

to be seen.

m. (from chalna). Invoice; certificate of des-

patch; despatch; forward-
ing a case or prisoner.

Top, pi. tope, f Gun, cannon.

Pahar, m. A watch, i e. 3 hours.

Do-pahar* f. Midday.
Tisra pahar? m Afternoon.

Jgc/i parlal karnd. To examine accounts.

Hundi or hundawt, f. Bill of exchange ; vulg. a

Nasikat, pi. nasihate,
f Admoniton.
A;, pi. salake, f. Advice; (in pi.
= ad vice on
various subjects).

Jald, adv. Soon.

Jcddi. f., subs. Quickness.
Sipahi-sd, or sipahl-ka sa. Like a soldier, soldier -like.

(c) But sa, etc., added to adjectives of size or quantity,

very," as : Bahut-sa very much " zard 6i Inl i><tr

at a very little matter, a trifle." Added to other adjectives
" "
it usually signifies somewhat," as Kdld-sd somewhat :

" "
black, blackish, black-looking b&kd-sd somewhat, rather,


Ar.kaif "how?"
Do-pahar and st-pahar are feminine, but tisra pahar is masculine.
8 There are in fact two suffixes o with different derivations vide :

"Hindustani Stumbling Blocks," V, 7, supplement.

LESSON 28 109

(d) When sd. se, si is added to Tcaun " who ? ", kaun is not
(but sd is) inflected, as: Yih kaun-se ghofe kd zin hai "of
what horse is this the saddle ? Kaun sd as compared with
kaun indicates surprise or negation, or refers to a number.
(e) Ko,i-sd means any at random, any one you like, etc." ;

" "
rnujhe ko,l,-si pinsil do give me any pencil ; koji si naukarl
bht mujhe mile to mat karugd, "no matter what work it is, I
will do it willingly."

(/) Sd is also added to a noun in the genitive, 1

as : Gtdar
kutte kd sd (or kuttd sd) ek jdnwar hai a jackal is an animal
resembling a dog." This genitive construction is to be pre-
ferred with nouns.

(g) Instead of yih-sd and wuh-sd "like this" and "like

that," aisd and waisd are used.* Mujh-8d (or colloquially
merd-ffd) "like me"; tujh-sd (or colloquially terd-sd) "like
" "
thee but ham-sd or hamdrd-sd, tum-sd or tumhdrd-sd

us," "like you." Us kd sd (not us sd) "like him." Mujh

like poor me " ;
us jaqtr sd
like that faqlr."

(h) The forms mujh ka, lujh ka, ham ka, turn ka, which may be
styled true genitive forms, are used when an adjective i? in apposition,
as: mujh kam-iakjit ke nas-'jd me ' in the fate of me the unfortunate."
" " "
(i) se means
Milnd with to pay a visit to make ac-
quaintance or to 7
say good-b} e," but with ko to happen

on," as: raste me ek ddmi mujh ko mild "I met a man on

the road (by accident) ; merd khoy'd hu,d rupiya mujh ko
" " "
mild 1 got back my lost money mujh ko in'dm mild, I :

" "
got a reward ; but wuh mujh se milne ko dyd liai he has
come to see me."

There are in fact two suffixes sa with different derivations ; vide
" Hindustani
Stumbling Blocks," V, 7, supplement.
buuiJaxly kama is for kia-aa.
" to run
Note the following idioms with parna
(7) pichhe pnrn? :

" to f.ill into the clutches of"

after,importune, pester" pale parna ;

" "
mura parna " to be undone pl<ai'> parna to be hanged
; mujh par ;

" " to be m
mar parl " I was beaten jan ke lale parna
; danger."


What particular house is this Yih kaun sd makdn hai ?

(several having been men-


To what set of horses do these Yih kaun-se ghoro ke zin hai ':

saddles belong (i.e. the rid-

ing, or the dak horses, etc.)


There is none as expert as I Mujh-sd, i* shahr me, ko,i us-

am in this city. tad nahl.

He is skilled in this. Is kdm me barf ustdd hai.

He resembles his brother in Surat me apne bhd,i se milta

appearance. hai.

Give me a smallish quantity Thofa-sd wilayatl pani (mujhe)

of soda-water. do.

Pour slowly (said as the ser- Thord thord pdni dhdlo.

vant commences to pour).

He looked like a sepoy. Us k% '

sipdhi ki si surat th%.

He looks like a sepoy, or he is Wuh sipdhi-sd ddml hai ; wnJt

like a sepoy in qualities. sipdhi led AO ddml hai.

We'll all eat it in company Sab milkar khd,ege.

I compared my watch with to- Aj do-pahar H lop se apnt
day's midday gun. ghafi mildf.

Kl as furat in feminine
LESSON 29. Ill

What do nine, and eighteen, Nau, aur aitharah, aur satta.i*

and twenty-seven, added milke kai '
hole hai ?

together, make ?

I have put my mare to the Mat ne apm ghon sarkan sand

Government stallion. se, mtta,i.
Don't let these horses smell In ghoro ko nak mat milane do.
each other (put their noses
together) .

God grant my brother may Khuda kare mera bha,l jald

soon come to see me (and mujh se mil-ja,e [but jald
then go away) ;
but [ that mujh ko mil-ja.e}.
I may find him soon].
Please arrange a meeting be- *
Ap Lat Sahib
se, inhe milwa-
tween him and the L G. de.

Mix some water with this milk. Dudh me, thora pant mila.o.
Mix the water and the milk Dudh aur pani ko mild,o.

Adding a hundred of rupees Sau, mat apne pas se milakar,

out of my own pocket I s
pure pan sau H hundaivi
will send you a bill for five- turn ko bhejta hu.*

hundred altogether.
This person's appearance tal- Is shakhs H surat chalan ki
lies with the description on kaifiyat se, milli hai.
the forwarding letter.
Both closely resemble each Dono kl ek-si surat hai, or unki
other. surate milli hai (or miltl
jultl hai).

" how
Kai,p\., many ?"
a Plural for respect.
3 "
Pun for pack five."
* Present tense to indicate immediate future.
5 Julna has no meaning the jingling phrase gives the idea of reci


Are there any flowers and fruit Us bagh me kuchh phul phrtl
in that garden ? liai ?

A smallish number. Kuchh thofe se hoi.

He is a somewhat elderly per- Wuh kuchh buiiha $a admi

son. hai.

I gave him a good ad-

lot of Mai ne bahut si nasikat ki,

vice (admonition), but he lekin us ne ek na-sum '


paid no heed. mam).

My advice to you is not to do Men saVih yih hai ki turn yih
this.' kam ni-karo.

Come, bt us consult together. A,o apas me, is bat ke bare me

salah kare.
What book do you want ? } Kaun kilab magte ho ?

Give me anv one of them. ) Ko,t st do.


(a) Bachna. intr. To save oneself, be saved ;

spared ; to be left over ;
recover, survive ;
to avoid,
shrink from.
Bach-rahjia. To be or remain over to sur-

Kist chlz se bacha s -rahna. On one's guard against, avoid.
Bacha-rahna. To remain safe.

Bach-nikalna. To get clean away, escape in


But understood.
Vulgar. " are "
Properly you asking for ?
3 Past participle, i.e. bacha
(hu.a) rahna.
LESSON 30. 118

Bachat, f.
Savings in money.
Najat paria, tr. To obtain salvation ;
to be
saved from danger.
Natii to; warna, conj. Otherwise, if not.

Go; agarchi ; harchand, conj. Although.

Samne, prep, and adv. In front of.

Amne samne, adv. Right opposite each other.

Amria samna, or samna, subs. Coming face to face with, con


Bad-nam, adj. Of ill -repute ; defamed.

Bad-narm, f., subs. Ill-repute; disgrace: defama-


Dar-ban, m. Door-keeper.
Khush, adj. Pleased, happy ; (in com-
pounds good, pleasant ").

Khush-bu ', pi. khush-bu,e, f. Scent.

Khush-bu-dar, adj. Of sweet smell.

KhusJn, pi. khushiyS, f. Rejoicing ;

f, f. Company, society, inter-
course ;
sexual intercourse
(of humans only).

f . Theft.

Chori-karna, churana, tr. To steal.

jA;/ie churana. To avoid seeing another ;

connive at.

Akhe bacharia. To avoid being seen by


Khush-bu was formerly an adjective and khush-bu,l a noun.


(b) The Present Participle of a verb, prefixed to Rahn/i,

" "
signifies to do continually and is equivalent to karnd with
the past participle, Lesson 20 (d) thus :

(1) Wuh rofi-rahtl hai "she weeps off and on" ;

times = roya karti hai. '

(2) Wuh kal se roti-raht hai she has been weeping off
and, on since yesterday."

(3) Wuh kal, din bhar, roti-rahi "she wept (remained

weeping) all yesterday off and on," Lesson 23 (d)

(3) ;
but wuh ro-rahl hai she is now weeping." '

(4) Jab tak mai waha thd wuh bardbar rold-rahd (thd)
roya kiyd whilst, as long as, 1 was there, he con-
tinued weeping definite, time fixed but
; ;

(5) Wuh ro-rahd thd "he was weeping. continually no ;

definite time.

(c) (1) The first person is more worthy than the second,
and the second than the third ;
thus in English You and I,''
but in Hindustani 1 and you." When, too. the subject con-
sists oftwo or more parsons, the verb will agree with the first
person rather than with the second and with the second rather
than with the third.

(2) This rule is, however, modified by regard for euphony ;

" "
wuh aur turn is ko karoge you and he will do this not turn ;

aur wuh karoge, as the second person plural verb sounds awk-
ward close to wuh. Similarly, ham turn jd,ege, I and you
will go," and not mai turn jd,ege. "I and ha will go" re-

quires a plural verb,and according to the rule it must agree

with the first person but mai aur wuh d,ege sounds awk-

ward write therefore mai aur wuh dono ddml d,ege.


But ro,e jati hai she weeps continuously, without a break. Vide
also L. 64.
LESSON 31. 115


Use of Ap.

(a) The word Ap literally denotes self, and it is so em-

ployed with any of the personal pronouns as, mai dp jd,Ugd, ;

I wijl go myself." It may also bs used in the same sense
without the personal pronoun ;
as :
dp jd,egd. he himself will
go," ap d,ege, we will come ourselves."

The word ap, however, is frequently employed in a very

different sense, like our terms "you sir," "your honour,''
" his " his
"your worship," honour," worship." etc., and the
verb, in such cases, is in the third person plural. The words
master, monsieur," and kuzur, and jandb-i 'all

sahib, your
honour," are used in a similar manner when a person is ad-

dressing, or speaking of, his superior in rank ;

or as a mere
matter of politeness, by strangers of respectability.

(6) Ap as an honorific requires the third person plural. In Delhi

City, however, they incorrectly use the second person plural in speak-
ing, as :
Agar ap kahte ho (for kahte hal).

(c) Avoid bad company else Burl suhbat se bacho, nahl to

you will be disgraced. (or warna) bad-ndm ho-jd,-


Keep clear of the fire, or you'll Ag se bacho, warna jal-jd,oge.

be burnt.
He escaped death. Marne se, bach-gayd.

He just escaped death.

Marte marte bach-gayd.
He nearly fell off his horse. Ghore se girte girte bach-gayd
(or rah-gayd) ; or nazdlk
thd ki ghore se gir-jd,e.

" was near that he should

Aorist or Present Subjunctive, lit. it


The door-keeper was sitting at, Darwdze par dar-bdn baifha

the door, but I evaded his thd magar mai uski akh

watchfulness and went in bachd-kar andar chald-gayd.

(without his seeing me).

Though the thief came face Go chor aur sipdhiyo kd dmnd

to face with the police, yet sdmnd hu,d, lekin wuh bacil-
li got away free. kar nikal-gayd.

He escaped punishment (either Sazd se bach-gayd.

was let off or absconded).

I have come here of my own Mai dp se dp yaha dyd hU ; or

accord. mat apni khushi fie

It is a matter of rejoicing. Ban khusht H bat hai.

am Mai bahut khush JiM.
I very pleased with him. is se

Who asks after us ? Who Ham ko kaun puchhld hai ?

cares what becomes of us ?

(d) Idioms :

This house oppresses me. Yih ghar mujhe kdttd hai.

By all means let them come. Shauq se d,e.

Return immediately (lit, if A gar roil wahd, khd,o to pdnl

you eat there, drink here

'). yah'ii pt,o.

What the devil does he care Unki bald jane 2

ki mdl kahfi
where I am dragging out para hn.
my existence.
If my book is torn you won't Agar men kitdb phat-ga,l to
care a hang. iumhdri bald se.

Easterns usually drink after they have finished their meal, not in
the middle of it.

2 Vide Lesson 13 (b).

LESSON 31. 117

To be annoyed, put out. Dil maild (lit. dirty) hond.

Everything was quite changed. Kuchh kd kuchh ho-gayd.

What has happened is the Jo hu,d,mere haqq me bihtar
best for my interests. hai.

The horse jibbed (lit, stuck, Ghord ar-gayd

came to a stop).
A moonlight night. Chdndni rat.

The day preceding the new Ghand -rat kd din.

This place (i.e. its climate) Yaha ki db o hawd mere mizdj
does not agree with me. ke muwdftq nahl hai.

This is no concern of mine Turn jdno. wuh jdne.

do you know it and
(lit. let

him, or them, know it).

The horse sank in the mud. Ghord klchar me dhas-gaya. 1

Each sepoy's share comes to Har ek sipahi ke zimme tin tin

three rupees. rupai baith-ga.e.
He's queer, not quite right in Uske dimrt-cfh. me khalal hai (or
his head (or lit. his brain has uskd dimdyh, chai-gayd).
started from its place).

Don't anger me (lit. don't Merd muh mat khulwd,o.

make me open my mouth).
He must have come by way Wuh bdzdr se hoke dyd hogd.
of the bazar.

build castles in the air (lit. Khaydli pild,o pakdnd.

to cook imaginary pilaos.)

In the Punjab khubna. Dhasan, m. (in the Punjab khuban) in

also a quicksandy place.



Use of the Infinitive

a) One use of the Infinitive or Verbal Noun is to ex-

press obligation ; thus, tum-ko wahS, jdnd hogd or paregd, you

must (or will have to) go there.
(6) Are, m.. and Art. f. (to Halloo! ho! hark!
servants and children) ;


Are are ! Good gracious !

Ajl, m. and f. ; interj. Oh Sir ! Oh Madam !

Yu, adv. Thus.

M kd tu. As it was before (/specially

with regard to quantity).

Ghdhiye, impers. verb. Is necessary, wanted :


Chdhiye thd. impers. verb. Ought to have been.

Darkdr hai. Is necessary, is wanted.

Mundsih, adj. Proper, fitting ;


Zarur, adj. and adv. Necessary ; necessarily, sure-

Jd,e zarur, m. W.C.

Zururat, f.

Intizdm, m. Management ; preparation ;

administration ; discipline ;


Hajat, pi. kajate, f Need.

Muktdj, adj. and subs. In need, in want ; pauper.


adj. Poor ; quiet, inoffensive

" " t;

Originally foreigner, stranger :

-a;I6 o yliarib rare, strange.'

Rozt, f.
Daily bread ; portion ;

grace, power.

Rozgar, m. Employment (in literary;

Urdu = zamana "time").

Qalami '

kitdb, f. A \vritten book," i.e. manu-


Guldbi (from guldb rose). Pink.

Jara, m., subs. Cold ;

also ague ;
in pi. cold

Guldbt jam. Spring and autumn cold,

mild cold.

Saj-rakhnd, tr. Put in order beforehand.

De-rakhnd, tr. To give in advance.

Le-rakhria. tr. To take or purchase before-

tr. To exceed a fixed time (tr.) ;

put off, defer, postpone ;


tr. To reject an oral request.
6rAw? machana, tr. To make a clamour ;
to raise
an alarm.
Charchd machana, tr. Spread a rumour.
Dil-bahldnd, tr. To amuse oneself.

JVaw dubona? tr. To disgrace one's name.

Thamnd, intr. To cease.

Thamnd, tr. To stop ;

catch hold of.

Qalam '
pen.' Dubona, tr., to drown.

SambJudM, intr. To pull oneself together :

save oneself from falling ;

keep ones' balance.

Sambhdlnd, tr.
To support or hold up, save
from falling take care of
; ;

maintain ; manage ;

sambhalnd = control one-

self, curb ones's emotions.

tr. To rally before death ;
mend one's way.
De-marna, tr. To dash a thing against

De-dalna, tr. To give away completely.

De-pxtaknd, or patak-denT, To dash on the ground.
(not so forcible), tr.

De-pachhdfnd or pachhdr- To throw on the back (in

dend, tr. wrestling).

(c) Chahiye and chahiye thd, either take the dative of

the person, etc.. as also do hogd and papegd or else they are ;

followed by the Aorist with ki, as tumko wahS, jdnd chahiye,


or chahiye ki turn wahS, jd,o " you ought to go there."

The past part, is also occasionally used before chahiye, as :

Yih kdm dj kiyd (or karna) chahiye.

The plural chahiye is used in the Punjab and in Delhi, but

not in Lucknow.
Remark. In the negative of "should, ought," either nahl or na is

used, but the latter is

preferable. If, however, chahiye means " want-
ed," no/it must be used.

(d) The infinitive may be used as a future imperative or

The old spelling was with m, the new is with n (m).

LESSON 32. 121


polite present imperative it is less imperious (and conse- ;

quently more polite) than the imperative. Vide L. 54 (/).

(e) The
inflected infinitive with ka, ke, expressing inten- H
tion used only in the negative, the substantive verb "I

am, he is," etc., being understood after it, as wuh nahl likhne :

ka [hai] he has no intention whatever of writing."

(/) Shukr, "thanks/' specially means Khuda ka shukr

" "
Thank you for a small obligation is taslim, or is expressed

bj' touching the forehead with the right hand and bowing.
Hindus say bandagi. Ap ka bara mamnun hu is "thanks"
for a gift, etc.

(g) (1) Nouns preceded by a cardinal number may be in

the singular or plural, latter preferable, as do larkl or do :

larkiya "two girls." If, however, the noun is masculine and

ends in a, the plural must be used, as : do ghore (not do

= "
ghora) two individual horses." With large numbers, how-
ever, the noun may be in the singular, as sau ghora hazir :

" a hundred
tha horse, i.e. a collection of a hundred horse, was
present ;
sau sipahi hazir tha.

(2) But, if the noun denotes money, measure, quantity,

time, distance, direction, manner, kind, it is generally in the
singular, as : do hafte lak "for two weeks"; das ras' ghora
" "
hai "ten head of horse do taraf se "from two sides
" " "
Chdlis ashrafi = forty ashraft," but in chalts afhrafiyd,

so many as forty ashrafi" there is emphasis on the num-
ber forty : bhat bhat ki boli ; us ke muh me do zaban hai he
is double-tongued ;
is mulk me pachas zabane (or boliya)

1 It is alsoused as an Interjection, as sunna " listen : ! ; dekhna
>e, beware !"
but ras, f., H. " rein."
2 For Ar ra*s, m., " head ;

3 Chalisd " all the ashrafis."

ashraftya forty

" there are 50 "

hat languages in this country (here the singu-
lar zaban should not be used).

(3) A
similar rule holds good after indefinite pronouns, as :

" " " "

sab tarak se in all ways ba'z jagah (/.);
in some places ;

kaj din ke ba'd
after several days sab qism machhti ;
" " "
all kinds of fish ;
kitm daf'a how often."

(h) The formative plural of certain numbers below a hun-

dred, is used without a post-position, as darjano dozens :

or blso
" scores of " '
fifties of." The
;koriyo pachasd ;

numbers one hundred and upwards are all so used, as :

saikro, hazard, lakho, karoro. A similar idiom exists in nouns

denoting quantity, and in some nouns denoting time., as :

mano anaj "maunds of grain"; sero "seers of"; dhero

" " " " "
heaps of ; hafto many weeks ;
barso guzar ga,e
passed away Sal-ha sal, hazar -ha hazar or hazard hazar ;
karor-ha karof ; lakh-ha lakh are similar idioms. The -Jta is

the Pers. pi. Vide also Appendix A.

(i) Adjectives agree with their substantives. There is,

however, an exception to this rule. If the substantive is an
object with ko, the adjective following it must be masculine
singular, as :
gari ko khara karo stop the carriage," but
gan khari karo. The particle ko destroys concord. Compare
L. 54 (d).


(a) I require a pony. Mujhe ek tattu chahiye or

darkdr hai.
We want ten books like this. Ham logo ko das aim kitabe

Plural of the cardinal number bis. "A score is 6w, f.
LESSON 33. 123

You ought to have been a Turn ko sipalii hond chal

soldier. tha, or rhdhiye tha ki turn
sipahi hole.
This is as it should be. Yu-hi chahiye.

Write an answer soon ;

if you Jawab jald likho, warna mujh
don't (otherwise), I am with ko watil maujud samajhna.

you (i.e. look on me as

present with you there).
There were ten rants present. Das rani (or ram, not so
good) maujud thl.

The work of three men. Tin admiyo (or adml) ka kam.

You ought not to have done Yih bat turn ko munasib na-

this. tht ; or yih bat turn ko chah-

iye na thi.

We must arrange for this. Is bat ka intizam karna chah-


This is an important matter. Yih ban zururat kl bat hai

(or ban zaruri bat hai).

Of what are you in need ? Turn ko kis chiz H hajat hai ?

That man is poor, he is needy Wuh admi gharib hai, muhtdj

(in want). hai.

This horse is quiet. Yih ghora gharib hai.

He is in need of even his daily Rotl tak ka muhtdj *



He has to go somewhere (lit. Us ko kaM jana hai.

there is for him the going


Hole Past Conditional tense.

Tak here is not a post-position ; vide Lesson 60 (6).

He will have to go, must go, Us ko kohl jana hoga (or pare-

God gives us our daily bread.

Khuda rozt deta hat.

I refuse to listen to such Mai aisl bate nahl sunne ka

things. [*tj.

He has gone to prison (before Wuh hajat

me gar/a hai =

trial). (kawalat).

God grant you His grace, so Khuda turn ko is bat H rozt de

ki turn ma-bap ki farma-
that you may obey your
bardan karo.

They ought to be here by now. Un ko ab tak yaha a- jana chah-

iye tha.

Look after these things, take In chtzo ko sambhalo.

care of them.

He managed this well. Yih kam us ne khub sambhala.

Hold up, pull yourself to- Sambhlo.

gether (to a person on trip-

Keep a civil tongue in your Zabdn sambhal-kar bolo.


Pulling herself together she Us ne, sambhalkar, kaha ki-

said .

The rain has stopped. Pant tham-gaya.

Hold this, keep it. Is ko thamo (or pafyo).

(b) Idioms :

It is spoken in everyday collo- Roz-marra * me bolte hai.


The origin of this curious but common idiom is obscure.
Roz-marra, adv. "daily," and subs, "colloquial speech."
LESSON 34 125

Keep the soup on the fire till Shorbe ko itni der chulhe par
the liquid is reduced by a rakho ki chautha,l pam jal-
fourth. ja,e.

Can hearsay be equal to the Kdno sum * '

bat alcho '
evidence of one's eyes ? ke barabar ho-sakii hai ?

I felt intensely jealous. Men clihati par stip-sa phir-

To be faithless. Tote 8
ki tarah &kh pherlena

(or badalnd).


(a) Yahl (emphatic). In this very place.

Wahl (emphatic). In that very place.

Kohl. Somewhere, anywhere ;
I fear lest ;
if ;
ever ;


adj. and adv. (correl. is Thus, like this, such, so.


Aise, adv. Thus, so.

Jaisa, adj. and adv. (correl. As. such.


Jaise, adv. As, such as.

Jitna, adj. (correl. utna so As much as.


1 Se understood.
2 i.e. surii hu,l and dekhl hu.i.
3 Unlike other birds, a parrot that has escaped does not return to
its cage.
* For yih-aa, vide Lesson 28 (g).

Jitne, pi. As many as.

Na to (or no) na. Neither nor.

Yd to (or yd) yd. Either or.

Tdzi, m. Greyhound
Jahdz, m. Ship (of any kind).

Jahdzi, adj. and subs. Any passenger or official in

a ship; imported; in the
Punjab also an English
Itnd, H. (for things present).
This much.
Is qadr, H. P. (correl. jilnd).

Jitnd*, H. )
As much as.
Jis qadr, H. P.

Utnd ~)
(for things ~j

That much.
f/5 ?ac?r ) ^

Jo/is (correl. is wahti *). The place where, when.

JahS, kohl Wherever.
Jidliar (correl. is udhar. thi- Whither.

Pahld, adj. First.

Pahle, adv. Firstly, at first.

Chain, m. Ease, comfort ;

also now the
English word chain." f.

Khatra, m. Danger.

The Hindi so (correl. of jo) is now rare; but taisa (correl.
is obsolete.
2 In old Urdu tahafi was the correlative.
LESSON 34. 127

Khatre me dalna. tr. To risk.

m. Colloquially a cock ; (tw wrtV-

iwf/ any bird).

Cock (domestic fowl).

,, f. Hen (domestic fowl).

Chhari, f. A light walking-stick.

f. A long heavy stick used as a
Chliarra, m. Small shot.

#o/a, m. A large ball; a cannon ball.

ofi ;
f. A small ball ;
a bullet ;

Chhurd, in. A large knife with handle.

Chhuri, f. A small- or dinner -knife.

Ja& (correl. ta& or <o). When.

Jo& kabJil. Whenever.
Jab tab. Now and then

Lai, adj. and subs. m. Red ;

an amadavat.

L'/, m. subs. Ruby.

Lai kurti, f . British regiment.

Chaura. adj. Wide, broad.

Chauraji, f. Breadth.

Lamba.i, f. Length.

Gahra, adj Deep; the surface of the

water being far from the
ground -surface (of a well).


Aisa waisa. Middling, or less than middl-

ing, not up to much, so so.

Aisa taisa. Of bad character.

Sharm-gvh, f . The privy parts.

Kitne ko (or me) ? For how much, for what


Itne me For so much : also in the


Jaha tahS. Everywhere ;

also here and

Yaha tak. Thus far ;

to such a degree.

so, such a .


The Relative and Correlative.

(a) Strictly speaking, there is no relative pronoun corres-

ponding to our "who. which, that." For example, "the
man is wise who speaks little," is expressed in Hindustani as
follows: shakhs (land so wuh) kam bolfa lini

jo liai (or ;

literally, whatever man is wise, the same speaks littlo."
Here the word jo is called the relative, and so the corrdatire.

The correlative is often omitted Examples :

That which you say is all true. Jo turn kahte ho (wuh) sach

Speak plainly whatever comes Jo kurlih (ki) tumh'ire. dil me

into your mind. awe (wuh) saf kaho.

So is practically obsolete in Urdu : wuh takes its place.
LESSON 35. 129

The man whom you saw in Jis shakhs ko turn ne kal sliahr
the city yesterday died this me dekhd thd, wuh dj fajr
morning. ko mar-gayd.

The letter which you wrote to Jo chitthi tumne mujhe likhi

me has not arrived. thi, wuh natil pahuchi.

Where there is a rose, there is Jaha gul hai, waha '

khar (bhi)
also a thorn. hai.

As you act, so will you expe- Jaisd karoge, waisd pd,oge.


As long as there is life, there Jab talak sas tab talak as.
is hope.
Wherever you go, there will Jidhar turn ja,oge, udhar mat
I also go. bhi ja,ugd.

As the master, so will the Jaisd ustdd waise hi slidgird

scholars be. hoge.

Take as much as you want. Jitnd cJiahiye utnd le-lo.

The construction of the relatives and correlatives corres-

ponds, as one writer points out. to the construction "where

the bee sucks, there suck I."

(b) There is another construction with the relative pro-

noun, which corresponds to the English, as : adm/i. jo (or

jo-ki) dana hai kam bolta hai the man who

wise speaks
little ;
or wuh ddmi jo (or jo-ki or ki 2 )
dana hai kam bolta hai
= jo ddmi ddnd hai wuh kam bolta hai. [Vide also L. 55 (a)].

The conjunction ki is often used alone for jo ki, vide
52 (e) (11).

In Forbes taha; now obsolete except in jaha taha " everywhere "

and " here and there."

2 This ki is the " that."
merely conjunction

Aisa, jaisd. waisd, jitnd, utnd, itnd. and also the inter

rogatives kaisd and kitna, are pronominal adjectives and

agree with the substantives to which they refer. They are
also adverbs. Aise and jaise are adverbs only, and indeclin-
able. As adverbs, either form aisd or aise. etc., can be used.
Vide also (/) and L. 55 (o), (3).

Remark. In the Punjab sometimes aisa alone is used for aisa waisa^
as: wuh aisa admi hat "he is so-so, not much good

(d) The negative na repeated, means neither nor, as :

wuh na hiltl hai, na dulti* "she neither moves nor stirs."

Idiomatically, however, the first na is often omitted, as uskd :

mdlik Zaid hai, na Umar ; balki mat 9 "its owner is neither '

Zaid nor Umar. but I."

The conjunction aur "and" is often prefixed to the

second na, as: na mai bolugd aur na turn "neither will I

speak nor will you."

(e) (1) Yd "or," repeated, means either or, as: yd to

apnd kdm kar, yd clialtd phirtd nazar d either do your busi-
ness or be off (lit. or appear to my sight moving away)."
As with na, the conjunction aur is sometimes prefixed to
" " "
the second yd, as yd Khwdb o ghaydl par ho aur yd Urdu

Roz-marra "read either the Khivdb o Khaydl or the Urdu
Roz-marro ; but it is better to omit the aur.

(2) Ya
ya also idiomatically used for "whereas" (halan-ki in

good Urdu), i.e. it expresses great contrast, as ya (to) pahle tAgdasti :

thl, ya ab chain hi chain hai=" at first I was poor, whereas now I live
in nothing but luxury."
Compare the use of kahd and kab, L. 38 (d)
and (e), and aur, L. 43 (b).

Hai is of course understood after dulti.
2 Hu understood after mat.
LESSON 35. 131

(/) Kya kya means whether or (inclusive), as: kya amir kya faqlr
" whether rich or
poor, high and low."
Khwah khwah and Chahe cJiahe ditto (but exclusive).
(g) When", expressing a future condition, is in English
often followed by the Present Tense, but in Hindustani the
Aorist or Future is necessary, as When (or if) he comes, :

tellme " jab wuh djd,e (not d-jd,egd) mujhe khabar dend. '

But if the first verb is future the second must be future ;

vide Lesson 61 (b).

(h) So also means "therefore, so," as: turn ne waha jane ke liye
man' kiya tha so mal waha nahl ja,uga. The correlative so is seldom
used in modern Urdu but as jo ho, ho for " happen what may would

sound ill, jo ho, so ho is used.

(i) He delights in danger. Jis kdm me khatra hai wuhl

(or wuh, or so) usko pa-sand

This is the sais whose pony Yih wuhl sd,is hai jiskd
was here yesterday (lit. tattu kal yaJifi 'thd (or jo
what pony was here yester- tattu kal yaha thd. uskd
day, its sais is this). sd,is yih hai) .

I have the pencil you had. Mere pds wuh pinsil hai jo
tumhdre pd-s thi.

Ts it in the same spot it was Kya wahl hai jaha kal thd ?

in yesterday ?

Every one eats the fruits of Jis ne jaisd kiyd waisd pdyd.
his own actions.

Is this a cock or a hen ? Yih murghd a hai yd murght ?

He has either a cock or a hen. Us ke pds yd to

murgfed hai,
yd murghi.
But 706 wuh a-ja,ega mal khabar duga; if the apodosis is an
Imperative, the Aorist is used in the protasis.
Colloquial, ride L. 34 (a).
9 Or omit to.

It is neither a cock nor a hen, A/a murghfl, hai na murgtd,

it is a pigeon. kabutar hai.

I have neither your walking Mere pas na to tumhdrl chhari

stick nor your brother's. hai na tumhdre bhd.l ki.

It is as far from here as my Itnl dur hai jitnl dur merd

house. ghar hai.

Might is right. Jis kl lathi us kl bhals.

Why he's here ! Wuh to yihl (emphatic of

yaha) hai.
As many saddles as are here. Itne zin jitne yaha Jial.

As many books as are there. Utrii kitdbe jitrii waha hai.

" " " "

What are you doing ? Kyd karte ho?". Aim
Nothing." (lit. I am seat- hi baithd [hu,d] hu."
ed thus, i.e. as you see.)

Have you a greyhound like Tumhare pas aisd tdzl Icutta

this? hai (jaisd yih hai) ?

He has a bull-terrier just like Us ke pas aisd hi bul-dak '

this. hai.

He has an English greyhound Uske pas waisd hi jahdzl hai

exactly like that. jaisd (ki) wuh hai.

It is not as large as the Cap- Wuh itnd bard nahl hai jitnd
tain Sahib's horse. ki Kaptdn Sahib kd ghord.

My chudder is not as long and chddar itnl Iambi chaurl
as wide as this one. nahl jitnl yih hai
You will get this, when you Jab turn yaha hoge (tab) tumkn
come here. yih chlz milegl.

He comes to see me now and Jab tab mere pas did' hai.


Bull kutta " bull-dog" sahib logd Jca kutta " fox-terrier."

Note the omission of aur. 3 Vide

(g), and note 1, p. 131.
LESSON 36. 133

Come to see me whenever Jab kabht jursat mile mujhse

you get leisure but He comes ;
milna ; but jab kabhi fursat
to see me whenever he gets miltl hai l
wuh mujhse
leisure. milta hai. 1

God is everywhere. Khuda jaW, taha hazir hai.

The maidan quite open, ex-
is Maiddn bi'l-kul saf hai lekin

cept that here and there yaha waha darakht hai.

there are trees.

The camel is an ungainly Ut bhaddd janwar hai.


As quickly as possible. Jaha tak jald mumkin ho ; or

jaha tak jald ho -sake

He is such a fool that he does Wuh yaha tak be-wuquf hai
not even know how to feed ki khana khana bhl nahl
himself ;
he is an utter ass. janta ; wuh bilkul gadha hai.

Neither is this right nor that. Na yih durust hai na wuh^

Hang him ! Us par tin harf. s

Hang you and your master Turn par aur tumhdre ustad
too. par bhl tin harf.

(j) Aur mera yih hai tha ki kato to badan me lohu nah~i

"and such was my state that had you cut me you would
have found no blood (
= my blood was frozen from fear)."
Here the demonstrative yih equals aisa or waisa.


(a) The phraseology Eastern languages is dramatic.


When reporting the words of a third person, the direct nar-

Vide(g), and note 1, p. 131.
2 Afo yih na wuh durust hai is bad Urdu.
3 i.e. lam, 'ayn, nun. * Direction narration.

ration is generally used, i.e. that pronoun is used which the

person himself made use of. This peculiarity alters the

structure of a Hindustani sentence compared with the Eng-
lish. For example : The prisoner told me that he would
kill Shaikh Hasan if he saw him qaidt ne mujh-se kaJid ki,
raal Shaikh Hasan ko mdr-ddlugd agar usko dekhu or dekhfigd ;
literally, "the prisoner said to me thus. '/ will kill Shaikh
Hasan if I see him."

(b) Chhutna, intr. To be set free, liberated ;

be let go; be loose; be
omitted to go off (of a

gun) be effaced (of spots)

; ;

to spout to start to run

; ;

(of colour) ;
to be left be-
hind ;
be fired (fire- works,

Chhornd (tr. of chhutna) To leave behind ; let go ;
free ;
fire a gun, etc. ; give
up a work ; pardon, etc.
Hawd chhutna, intr., To break wind.
chhofnd, tr.

Chhor or chhorke. Except; omitting; not men-

Faunvdra, m. A fountain.

Toil,* f.
Parroquet (hen).
Totd, m. Do. (cock).

Qaidi, m. Prisoner.

Qaid-khdna, Jel-khdna. m. Prison.

Qaid karnd. tr. To imprison.

But jS5if.i or tutl is the Rose-finch (a cape bird).

LESSON 36. 135

Imlikan, m. Trial; examination; test.

Kho-jdnd, intr. To be lost.

Khona, tr. To lose.

Khoya-jana, pass. To be lost.

Chiragh, m. Properly a native lamp ;

used for any light.

Lamp, m. English lamp.

Thanda, adj. Cold ;

Thanda j,, f. Cool medicinal drink.

Thandak, f. Cold (opp. to heat) ;


Thanda karnd, tr. To cool ;

to put out a lamp.

Gul karnd. tr. To put out a lamp.

Dar, m. Fear.

Darnd (kisl se), intr. To fear.

Khauf, m. Fear.

Aisd na-ho, H. )
May it not be so ;
Mabddd, P. 5

(c) Verbs of seeing, asking, replying, remonstrating, thinking,

dreaming, hearing, hoping, inferring, wishing, seeming, implying,
intending, and fearing, are usually followed by the direct narration.
(d) The indirect narration, however, is also used occasion-

ally, as : "Tell him I am ill," us se kah-do ki mat bimar hu ;

or direct, us se kah-do ki sahib bimar hai.

Remark. (1) It will be seen that sometimes a sentence may
mean two different things according to whether the hearer
takes it as direct or indirect narration.

(e)Kyukar nahl (neg.) is used in indirect questions, or in direct

questions signifying an affirmative , as: mal dekhuga ki wuh kyukar
nahi a,egl. Wuh kyukar nahl a,ega=" of course he'll como."

Kyukar (aff.) in direct or indirect questions signifies negation;

wuh kyukar a,ega ?=" he won't come," or in what manner ? mal ;

ki wuh kyukar a,ega=" you say" he'll come but / say no." It
also signifies affirmation, as: *Tum jante ho ki wuh kyukar a.ega "do
you know how he will come (i.e. by* train or on foot etc.) ?

After verbs of telling, or ordering, it is usual to use
the indirect narration as sd,is ko
kali-do ki yaJid, awe,

" tell the sais to come here

(lit. tell the sais that he should

come here to me)." Sa,is ko kah-do ki yaha a.o would '


rarely be used and might mean tell the sais to come to you,"
z ' ;

(g) If a pronoun gives rise toambiguity, it is better to

substitute a proper name ;
u# ne kahd ki turn blmdr ho might
mean that either the speaker or the addressee was ill.

(h) The Transitive verb often indicates that the action was
done on purpose, the Intransitive by accident vide examples ;

in L. 37. The Passive also (vide Lesson 47) has generally the
first signification.

(i) The Passive without an agent also often signifies im-

possibility, as :
qismat se lafd nahl, jata, none can fight
against Fate." Vide L. 47 (</).

The parrot escaped Toll Jidth se chhut-ga.t (not
from my grasp. bach-ga,i).

The horse got loose (or is Ghora chhut-gayd.


The prisoner has escaped and Qaidt nikal-bMga.

The prisoner was released. Qaidt chhut-gayd.
He escaped from the Police. Polis ke hath se chhut-gayd.

Ko as it is an order, vide Lesson 26 (c).
* A direct narration sometimes occurs within a direct narration.
S Bachna is to escape from a threatened evil.
LESSON 37. 137

The prisoner has been released Qaidi jel-khdne se chhut-gayd.

from jail.

The train had just started. -Eel chhut-ga,i thi.

The fountain is playing. Fawwdra chhut-rahd hai.

The fireworks have begun (or Atash-bdzi chhut-rahl hai (or

are going on). chhon-jd-rahi hai).
He is very free with his tongue. Us kd muh bahut chhut-gaya

He has taken to beating one Us ka hath bahut chhut-gaya

(or to beating people) for hai.
the slightest thing is free ;

with his hands.

He has lost heart, hope, about Is imtihdn se uska dil chhut-

this examination gaya.


(a) I left my book at home Ham ne aprii kitdb ko ghar me

on purpose. (or 'ghar par) chhord.

I left my book at home by Kitab ghar me (or ghar par]

accident ;
I forgot it. chhut-ga.i (or rah-ga.i).

He lost his book on purpose. Us ne kitab ko kho-diyd.

He lost his book by accident. Us ki kitab khoyl-ga,t.

He put out the lamp (espe- Chiragji ko thanda kar-diya.

cially means on purpose).
The lamp went out. Chiragh. thanda ho-gayd.
He lives in the next house but Ek ghar chhor-ke dusre ghar.
one. me rahtd hai = yaha se fisre

ghar me rahtd hai).

I wanted to go out. Mai ne chdhd ki " bdhir jd,u."

He wanted (or tried) to clear Us ne chdhd ki "apnl

off with his life. leke bhdg-jd.u" (or indirect

I wished never to leave him Merd ji chdhd* ki phir us se

again. kabhi judd na-hu.

I asked him in reply what Mai ne jawdb diyd ki ''tumhdri

business that was of his. is se kyd gharaz (hai) ?
Ab "
It is now proposed to go to tajiriz hai ki DilK

Tell them that what I (the Un se yih kah-do ki wuh bat

writer) told you (i.e. either jo mai ne* turn se kahi tlii

the addressee or a third per- yhalat hai.

son) was wrong.
I said to myself that you (Fir- Mai ne kahd ki Farmdn '
man Ali) would never agree qabul nahl karne kd ; or
to this. mat ne tumhdn nisbat kaha
ki wuh nahl qubul karne kd ;

or mal ne tumhdrd zikr

kiyd ki turn (F. A.) qabul

nahl karne ke.
I feared 1 might be late. Mujhe dar thd ki '
mai '

na-ho jd,u"
(in Panjab
pachhar-jd,u) ; or mai " let

ho-jd,ugd* (\vithout na in
the future).

Omit apnl and the meaning is " to go off in haste."
2 Note omission of ne: vide " Stumbling Blocks,"
p. 3.
Ja.iye Respect., or Impers Imper. " let us (or you) go."

Here, for mal ne, the writer's name (Ohalib ne) could be substi-
6 Direct narration. Indirect narration.
LESSON 37. 139

I feared he would not come Mujhe khauf thd aisa na-ho

(I wanted him to come and ki wuh na-d,e.

was expecting him).
I feared he would come (I Mujhe khauf thd ki wuh na-d-
didn't want him to come). jd.e.

Don't be disheartened at Fd " ho- jane se fi na-chhoro.

failing in your examina-


But I am already disheart- Herd dil to chhut-chukd hai.


Why did you drop the bottle Botal ko kyu girdyd ?

orwhy did you knock it

down on purpose ?

(6) Idioms :

You have merely to ask for Faqat magne ki der hai.

it to get it (i.e. in obtain-

ing it there will be only

the delay of saying the
There was a great robbery in Mere yaha sakht dakaitl
my house everything was ; hu,i ; sdre gftar me j/idru

swept clean away. phir-ga.i.

The city is now desolate. Us shahr me ab khdk urti hai.

This has caught my fancy. Yih (chlz) men nazar me khub

1 " to come unexpectedly."

A-jana is generally
Khub-jana is used metaphorically only for to
go deep into,"
of pleasant things literally .and also for unpleasant things chubhna

" to used.
prick,. pierce, etc." is

This has fascinated me and I Yih chiz men nazar par

must buy it. charh-ga,l hai.

He has become a great favour- Wuh Bddsftdh kl luizar pai

ite with the -king. charh-gayd.

The brick houses there can Khishti '

makdn yintl Av IKU

be counted (they are so

You have no knowledge of it Tere firishto ko bhi khabar

at all. nahl.

He's never seen (or experi- Us ke bap ne to ylh khwdb

enced) such a thing; lit. me bhl na-dekhd hogd.
why, his father even can't
have seen it in a dream.

How can I thank him suffi- Mai us kd shukr kis muh se

ciently ? (add) karu ?

I have sworn not to go there. Mai ne waha jane H qasam

khd,i hai.

1 have sworn to go there. Mai ne waha jdne ke liye

qasam khdj hai.

I have got what I wanted, I Merd kdm chal-gayd

have been successful.
He swallowed what I told Merd fiqra us par chal-gayd.

(c) Dur is used when there is no substantive, as : bahut

dur hai ;
otherwise the adjective is dur M, as : dur kd mulk
"a distant, far-off, country."

f., is a kiln-burnt, not a sun-dried, brick.


Every man has two recording angels, one behind each shoulder
2 :

that on the right, records his good deeds that on the left, his bad.
LESSON 38. 141


(a) Banna, intr. To be made ; repaired ; pre-

pared ;
to become ;
like ; play the part of to ;

prosper to be affected
; ;


Banana, tr. To make, etc. ;

to make a
fool of.

Banwana, caus. To cause to be made ;

to order
to be made, repaired, etc.

Banawat, f. Make ;
sham ; contrivance.

I shara, m. Sign, signal ;

hint ;
a refer-
ence to.

I shara karna (kisi ki taraf or To point out ;

kisi ko). tr.

1 shara dena, tr. To signal.

Kahl. Somewhere, anywhere : also

I fear lest ;
if. should ; far
Kohl nahl. Nowhere.
Jaha kohl. Wherever.
Jo koji. Whoever.

Jo kuchh (correl so. or wuh, Whatever.

vide Lesson 35) .

Khushk, adj. Dry ;


Khushki, f. Dryness, khushki se by land (as

opposed to tart se by water).
Malik, com. gen. Master, owner.

Milk, L Property ;
landed property.

Patd, m. Trace ;
address ; sign.

Pattd, m. Leaf (of tree) ;

also a single

playing card.

Sfidh, m. The Shah of Persia ;

the king
at chess ;
a hereditary
faqir ;
a beggar.

SJtah-zdda, m. Prince.

Shdh-zddi, m. Princess.

Sakib-zada, m. A son of any one entitled to

the address dp.
" "
(b) When jab tak means until or yaha tak ki, it re-
quires a negative verb, but when it means whilst," an
affirmative verb, as yaha thahro jab tak ( = yahil tak ki) mat

" "
na-d,u I return, or as long as I do not return
stay here till ;

but jab tak wuh yaha rahd mal bhl yaha raJia I remained

whilst, or as long as, he remained." Violations of this rule

should not be imitated. Vide also L. 61 (b).

YaJiti tak ki, itself, however, does not admit of a negative,

as :
yaha thahre raho yaha tak ki mat wdpas d,u.
(c) A Transitive Infinitive can be substituted for a Pas-
sive or for an Intransitive Infinitive, as : us ke mdrne ke liye
kukm hu,d "an order was given for killing him," or its ke

ke liye kukm hu,d an order was issued for his

being killed." Vide L. 54 (a) (3).

Regard must, however, be paid to the logical subjects.

Thus, Avadh ke chhin-jdne par Wdjid 'AU Shah Mityd Burj
me rahne lage "after the annexation of Oudh (by the Eng-
lish) Wajid AH Shah took up his abode at Mityd Burj";

" to be
Mara-jana, pass., killed," vide Leaaon 47 (a).
LESSON 38. 143

but Avadh ke chhin-lene par Sarkar ne us par apna qabza kar

liyd. If a Transitive Infinitive were used in the first example,

it would refer to the subject Wajid Ali Shah.

(d) Kahd, idiomatically expresses great contrast or differ-
ence, as kaha mm, kaha ap? = there is all the difference be-

tween Your Honour and me (lit. where am I and where is
Your Honour ? ") kahM wuh dosfi thl aur kaJiM ab yih dush-

mami. "once there was such friendship, now there is this

enmity." Compare ya-ya L. 35 (e) (2).

(e) Note the following similar signification of kab ;

ne tumhe yih kam
karne ko kab kahd thd aur turn ne kab kiya,
how long ago did I order you to do this and when did you
" =
carry out the order ? (
either you delayed doing it, or did
it at an unsuitable time).

(/) Sahib-zadi, f. Feminine of Sahib-zada.

Banda, m. Slave.

Haram-zada, adj. Illegitimate, base-born; a

rascal (in abuse).

Pir, m. A religious teacher, either

living ordinarily, or at a

Pir-zada. The son of a pir.

Palanq, m. Any bedstead.

Char-pd,i, f. Any bedstead, but specially

a wooden one.

Dunya, f. The present world the ;

earth the people of the


earth ;
a whole world ;

multitude ; worldly bless-

ings; wealth.

Dunyd-ddr, adj. Worldly, rich, a mammonist.

Dunyd-ddn. Wealth, worldliucss.

Dunyd-talab,a,dj .

Seeking after this world, am -

subs. bitious.

Ardm-talab, P. A. )

adj. Loving ease ; ease-loving.

Sukh-wdr H.

Sukh, H., m. Pleasure; happiness ;

welfare :


Dukh, H.. m. Pain: misery; grief; hard-

ship, etc

Marammat-talab, adj. In need of repairs.


(a) Send this to be repaired. Is ko banne (or bandne) ko do.

Where are such things made ? Yih kah% bantd hai ?

Mochi, make me a pair of Mocht, hamare waste ek jon

boots. juti band,o.

Bearer, order me this. Berd hamare waste

aist chiz


It is not anywhere ;
I cannot Kahl nahl hai.

find it.

It must be somewhere or Kahl na kohl to hogd.


He is very affected ; gives W uh bahut bantd hai.

himself airs.

In such compound nouns, the gender is usually that of the final

noun : thus aram is masculine, but aram-tfilabl is feminine. Vide

L. 56 (fe).
LESSON 39. 145

Ah, you are making a fool of Oh ! turn mujhe bandte ho.


Wherever his master is, there JaJtM kahl malik Jin wahl yih
will this dog be also. kuttd bM hogd.

I could not find it, there was Kuctih pat a na-thd (or na-
no trace of it. mild).

I am in one place, you are in Mai kahl, turn kahl.


There she is seated, tricked Wuh ban-than-kar '

baithl hai.
out in all her finery !

We won't get on together, he Meri* us se na-banegi.

and I won't hit it off.

This flower is dead. Yih phul khushk ho-gayd (not

mar -gay a) .

He pointed out the false Us ne bane hu,e shdhzdde ko

(made-up) prince. (or kl taraf) ishdra kiyd.

This is a made-up story. Yih bandwafi bat hai.

Wherever it may be, it cer- Kohl ho, yaha to nahl hai.

tainly is not here (lit. it

may be anywhere, here

however it is not) .

To whomsoever this mare Yih ghon kisl ki ho (or jis

belongs she is not up to kisi ki ho) achchhi nahl hai.

This is my son. Yih banda-zdda hai (polite).

has no meaning by
Thanna, meaningless appositive : itself.
Agrees with bat understood. Vide L. 16 (d) note 1. The first

person more worthy than the second, etc.


Is thisyour son ? Yih ap ka sahib -zada hai ?


Boys ! if your father comes Ay bachcho! kohl tumhara

(unexpectedly) what will bap a-ja,e to turn kya
you do ? karoge ?

1 hope you won't forget ? (Mujhedar hai) kalfi turn bhul

(b) Idioms :

What comparison is there be- Kaha Raja Bhoj aur kaha

tween Raja Bhoj and OangateR? (pro verb).
Ganga the oil-man ? (i.e.

there is a vast difference

between them).

I rated him, abused


him, M ai ne usko sakht sust '

soundly. hura bhald kaha.

Once ten needy persons were Kaha mere, ghar se das muhtaj
fed by my house whereas khdna pate the, kaha ab
now I myself am in need khud mujhe khane ko nahl
of food. miltd.

You do this ?
you can't pos- Turn kaha aur yih bat kahn '

sibly do this.

Half and half. Adho adh.

Actual cost or expenses Ldgat, f. (from lagna).
What is left over ;
also profit. Bachat, f.

From the light of the fireworks Atash-bazi se rat ne din ka

the night was as day, vied samna kiya.
with the day.

Accumulation of back pay, Charhd hu,a rupiya.

or arrears due.

Not filthy abuse.

LESSON 40. 147

If you won't give me more, Ziyada nahl, to das hi rupiya

at least give me tea rupees. do.

I will give you Rs. 50 and Tumko ziydda nahl, pachas

not more. rupiya dagd.
To demolish utterly (of build- It se it bajdnd.

ings, cities).

He has cut himself off from Wuh qaum se phir-gayd.

his people.

The candle is burning dimly, tiliarri udds jalfi Imi (lit.



(a) CJialna, intr. To start, to move get in mo-

tion ;
come along with to ;

go off (of gun. rifle) ;

to be

current (of money).

Sdth cJialnd, intr. To accompany.

Chaldna, tr. To make to start or move ;

to let off a gun or rifle.

Kdtnd, tr. To cut with a knife, sword,

etc. ;
to bite ; sting.

Katania, tr. To cut with scissors ;

also to
cut in slices.

Kar-khdna, ni. Factory, warehouse, work-


Kdfi, adj. Sufficient.

Kifdyat, L Sufficiency, economy.

Kijdyat me. At a cheap rate or cost.

Kasrat, f . Abundance; practice (in


Mashq, f ; isti'rndl, Practice.

Paidd hond, intr. To be born ; produced ;

tained ; appear ; grow up.
Bahadur, adj. Brave ;
after a noun a term
of respect = Honourable.
Baliadun, f Courage ; also the order of

Lain bahdduri, f. Good conduct medal.

Banduq, f. Gun or rifle.

tfa/o/, f. Rifle.

Banduq Mejar. D. A. A. G. for Musketry.

Bazar Kaplan . Cantonment Magistrate.

Barn-polls (Eiig.) Provost police ; sanitary

police ;
also a public latrine
in a city.

Khulnd, intr. To be opened ;

loosened ; re-

vealed ;
disclosed ;
locked ;

KJwlnd, tr. To open, etc.

4fotf, f . Sound of any footfall.

Hajdmat, f. Barber ing of any kind.

Hajjdm, A.; nd,i,

H. Barber.

Ddrhi, f. Beard and whiskers.

Hindus also u se the word napi; in Calcutta napit. A Muslim
barber is addressed
LESSON 40. 149

Mundna, tr. To shave (object of verb, the

chin, or head or any part
of the person).

Khatka, m. A slight noise (as in the dark.

of stealthy movement,
etc.) ;
also the sound of
foot-steps; suspicion; mis-
giving ;

Suraj, m. The sun.

(6) (1) Chalna amongst its other meanings signifies to

'"' " "
come along with ; jdnd is "to go and cliala-jana is "to
go away": mere sath chalo (not a,o or ja,o] "come along
with me," but if beckoning to a person behind, mere sath d,o
' '

might be used. Vide also L. 63 (d). [For chale-jdna, vide

Stumbling Blocks, p. 85].

(2) The Past Tense of chalna added to the root of another verb
" to be on the " he is
signifies point of doing," as wuh ab bol-chala :
going to speak." The Perf. and Plup. added to the Present Participle
signify commencement, as: wuh bolta chala Jtai "he has just com-
menced (started) speaking." But added to a root its signification is as
follows: wuh yih karri slkh-chala hai, "he has nearly finished mas-
" " he has
tering this business ; kitab ko parh-chala hai, nearly finished
the book."

(3) Idiomatically the Preterite of chalna is used for the Present, as:
mal ab chala phir kisl dusre waqt a-ja,uga " I'll go now and come again
some other time.

(c) (1) If a pronoun or a subject has been once men-

tioned., it is better not to repeat it in the same sentence,
unless there has been a change of subject, as : mm waha
gaya aur jab us se muldqdt hu,l tumhara paigham us se kah-
diya I went there and when (1) called on him (1) told him
your message."

(2) Note the omission of the pronoun in the Urdu of the

following :
Having caught the thief they took him to the
police station chor ko pakar-kar [usko '] thane me le-ga,e ;

"it is my custom to rise at six every day" 'men 'ddat yih

hai ki [mat '] roz svbh ko chha baje so-kar uthtd hU, lit. it

is my habit that (1) rise at six daily." The pronouns must

here be omitted as the object and subject are in each case
obvious from the context.

(d) Note the use of me and se in the following :

Kamar me kamar-band hai a kamar-band round his
" " a "
waist ; angutht
ungli me ring on his finger ; gilds me
pdm bhar-do "fill the glass with water"; pdm dudh me (or

se, or ke sdth, but better me) mild,o "mix the water with the
" "
milk dol ko rassi me (or se) badho
; fasten the bucket to
the rope."

(e) He gave him this as a t/*K bahddurl dekh-kar* i/ih

reward for his bravery. in' am diyd.


(a) The sepoy fired (on pur- Sipdhi ne goll chald.i.

The rifle went off suddenly. Rafal (or goli) rhal-pari

A thriving business. Chaltd kdr-khdna.

He became king (by force). W uh bddshdh ban-baithd.
This will do ;
I can manage Is se merd kdm nikalegd (or
with this.
This is sufficient. Yih kdfi hai.

Itwould be quite contrary to idiom to insert these pronouns.
Bahaduri ke waste is Sahib's Hindustani.
LESSON 41 151

Do you prefer walking or Paidal chalnd pasand hai yd

riding ?
(ki) ghore par sawdr hond.

I wake up very early (habitu- Merl alch bahut sawere khultl

ally). hai.

When I opened my eyes (or Jab mal ne akhe IchoU kyd

when I woke
what did
dekhtd hu ki ek '
I see but that a woman was mere palang ke pas baitht

sitting by my bedside. hai.

1 heard you ;
heard what you Mai ne tumhdri bat (not turn
said. ko) sum.
I heard you come in last Mujhe, rat, tumhdre dne ki
night. dhat miU thi.

I heard him coming, heard Mai ne uski dhat sunl (or

his foot-steps. mal ne us ko ate sund 1 ).
Barber me (i.e. shave me, or Hamdri hajdmat karo.
cut my hair, nails, corns).

Cut my hair. Hamdre bdl kdto (or tardsJio).

Shave me. Hamdri ddrhl (not ham ko)

Lathis [or swords, etc., etc.] Un-ke-dpas-ml, lathi [or

began to fly. talwdr, etc.. etc.] chdR.

My influence was nil. Merl us ke sdmne (ek) na-

The sun is far larger than the Dunyd se suraj kahi bard hai.

In Urdu, the historical or dramatic present is used. .

2 The latter may also mean " I heard the news of his coming."
3 ke " on account of apas mi."
* Bat understood.

(b) Idioms :

He has not come but he's Aya to nahl, magar amad

about to come. amad hai.
If such a thing is to be had Yih chlz Kalkatte me mile

anywhere, it is in Calcutta. to mile, warna aur kahl na-


If he comes, well and good ; Agar aya (to) aya, warna

if not, I'll have him brought pakarwa-maga tiga.
by force.

He does
nothing but loaf Wuh kuchh kam nahl karta ;

about the city. dinbhar shahr ki galiya aur

safake napta phirta hai.

About one o'clock p.m. Do pahar dhale. 1


Pighalnd, intr. To be melted (fused) by heat.

Ghulna, intr. To be dissolved in water, be-

come mixed with; met. to
become thin, waste auay
(of the body).

Galna, intr. To be cooked till soft, be

wasted a,w&y (of the body) ;

to be decayed or perished.

Pahinnd, tr. To wear cut garments, boots,

hats, ornaments.
Ghari lagana. To wear a watch.

Dhalna " to decline" (here of the sun after midday).

LESSON 42. 153

Orhna, tr. To wear a sheet, shawl, etc. ;

to cover oneself with a


Orhna, subs., m. Covering.

Samana :
intr. To be contained; to be able
to enter.

Shauq, m. Desire ; longing ; hobby ;

keenness ; custom (rare).

Shauqin, adj. Fond of ;

keen on.

Muqaddama, m. Lawsuit ; preface to a book

or any matter
to (lit. ;

means " something placed

before ").

Fish ;
a fish-shaped pendant
worn by women in the ear ;

" "
a fish-insect ;
a martin-
gale-stop on reins.

Guzara, m. Subsisting ; living with.

Guzare kl kishtl. Ferry-boat.

SJiakk, m. Doubt (and sometimes sus-

picion) .

Shubha, m. Suspicion (and sometimes


Shakki, adj. Suspicious, disbelieving ;


overscrupulous and faddy

in religion or health.

Kam-chor. Shirker of .his work; 'skrim-


Ji churana. To shirk work (of men or

horses, etc.).

Nasha, m. Intoxication (real or met.).

Mast. adj. Drunk; must (of elephants,

camels) ;
in rut ;

ous ;

Bad-mast, adj. Dead -drunk.

Mai-mast. Purse-proud.
Mastl, f. Drunkenness, etc.. etc., vide
Mazmun. m. Contents of a letter or book ;

subject matter ; also pur-


Matlab, in. Object, intention, meaning,

M attain, adj. Selfish.

Tambaku, m. Tobacco, especially country


Asl, f .
and adj. Root ;
origin ; pure ; genuine ;


Aslt, adj. Original, genuine.

NaqU. adj. Copied, i.e. forged, or not


Asil, adj. and subs. Of pure breed; also a maid-


Astl murgjhfi, m. Game-cock.

Asl me, adv. Tn reality

Ihsan, m. Favour, doing good to.

Ihsan manna. To acknowledge benefits re-

ceived ;
be grateful to.
LESSON 43. 155

Ihsdn charJtdnd or rakhna. To place a person forcibly

under an obligation.

Ihsdn jatand. To remind one of benefits

conferred, cast them in a

person's teeth.

Ihsan-mand, adj. Thankful, grateful.

Ihsdn-mandi. f. Thankfulness.

Jatand or jatldnd, tr. To caution ;

make a show of.

Thaharnd, intr. To be fixed; decided on; to

be stopped ; stay ;
rest ;

pause wait last

; ; ;
endure ;

turn out prove.



(a) The negative na at the end of a sentence shows that

an affirmative answer is expected to a question, as : mat ne
" "
kukm diyd thd.na ? I gave the order, didn't I ?

(6) (1) Like kahti and yd [vide L. 35 (e) (2), and L. 38

(d)],the conjunction aur idiomatically expresses contrast or

surprise, as merd beta aur chon ?
my son and (capable of)
theft ?

(2) It also expresses the simultaneous or nearly simulta-

neous occurrence of action, as turn ne mirch khd,i : aur btmdr '

hu,e "as soon as you eat pepper you get ill."


(3) Note these idioms phir mat hu aur turn ho " then I will settle

accounts with you (threat)"; turn jano (aur) tumhara kam jane "I
will have nothing further to do with you (or it)."

Preterite for Present.


(c) He is a keen fisherman. Us ko machhti ke shikar kd

bard shauq hai.
Such and such a Sahib too Fuldne Sahib bhi shauqin hm.
is keen.

What is your favorite occu- Turn ko kis bat kd ziydda shauq

pation ? hai ?

I can manage, get along with, Is se merd guzdra ho-mkta, hai .


I suspect
sipdhl par (or H
that sepoy of theft. Mujhe us
torn/) chon ka shubha hai.
That young fellow is drunk. Wuh jawdn nashe me hai, or
us jawan ko nasha hai.
What does he write about ? Khatt ka kyd mazmun hai ?

He is very selfish. Wuh bara matlabi ddrni hai.

I do not smoke.
Mujhe tambdku se shauq nahl.
This boy is
very particular Yih larka bara shauqin hai.
about his dress also he is ;

I can't get on
along ten Das rupiya mahine me mera
rupees a month. guzdra nahl hotd hai.
I cannot
stay in your Honour's Ap ke sdth merd guzdra nahl

Manage with this somehow. Is se kist tarah

guzdra karo.
I am very much obliged to Mai dp kd bahut bahut shuk-
you. riya add kartd hu = mat dp
kd bahut mamnun hu (ra-
ther highflown) .

I am very much obliged to kd 6am

Ap ihsdn hai (com-
LESSON 43. 157

He makes a great show of his Wuh mujhe, apni dosti jatdtd

friendship to me. hai.

Go ;
the Devil take you. Jd,o : Shaitian ke hawale '

Your children are all well, are Tumhare bal-bachche sab ach-

they not ? chhe hai, na ?

Your father dead and I not Tumhdra bdp mar-gayd aur

even hear of it ? mujhe khabar tak nahl ?

I offended with you ? Turn se aur ranj ?

You offended with me ? Turn aur ranj ?

(d) Idioms :

How shall I address him (in Us ko Munshi, Mir, Shaikh.

writing) ;
as Munshi, Mir, Khwaja kya karke likhu ?

Shaikh, or Khwaja ? (or ( kyd karke pukdru) ?

how shall I address him in

speaking ?)

To retire from military ser- Kamar kholnd.


Please let me take my small Mihrbdni karke ek ser dtdbakh-

pension. shiye.

This happened before I can Yih bate mere hosh se pahle ki

remember. hai,.

To ape a European (in dress. Sdhibi karnd.

speech, etc.) ;
be imperious.

From this it may be inferred Is se yih bat nikalti hai (or

that .
tapaktl *hai) ki .

Ml understood.
" to down
drip from the roof; to trickle
Tapakna the wall; fall-

ing of fruit from a tree," esp. of the tapka am.

I am here for this
day also ; Mai yaJm aj , ;,g ;
depart to-morrow. jaMga.
otherwise you will be -rnatn mparWa.,<fi.
I found him on good terms
Mai ne us ko us se
(or , H

I am just starting ; (the met. Merd ek pa* zamin

par /,/
From a man mounting). ek pd,o rikdb ml.
The horse jumped out of the Gl^a argar e se phaln, '
m *r-
nding school. kar nikal-aya.
I set my horse at the wall hut Mai ne ghora daura-kar diwdr
par phfldana cha/m Win
wuh df-gaya.
A hurdle (for
Jumping) .

His horse
jumped over the Uska ghora
dltch '
khan^ ko tap-*
The Agra dialect ?
why. it's
Agre H zaban kya ! /, to nn
of no account.
tin me na terah* me.
You can't vie with him, stand
Us ke m
<il ke samne turn Ma-
in front of
him, in learn- har-naM-takte.

A cornelian can't be com- 'Aqlq la'l ke tamne

pared with a ruby (in beau- har-sakta.
ty or value, etc.).

Properly for long jumps.

L g ^
Past 12
Three is a Iuck y
number, thirteen unlucky.
LESSON 44. 159



(a) A simple neuter verb is usually made transitive by

inserting a after the root, as girna "to fall." girana to make

to fall, to knock down." The insertion of ifa forms the causal,

as :
girwdnd "to cause to be thrown down by some one."
Remark. When there are two transitive forms, one form sometimes
has a special or restricted application. Thus from dabna. intr. " to be
pressed," are formed the transitives dabna and dabana. The latter
" to
is used for press down," while the former is commonly used for
" to
shampoo," though both forms are used in the latter sense (pa,6
dabna or dabana).

(b) If the simple verb is transitive, the insertion of a

makes it causal, and wa doubly causal, as parhna " to
of :

read"; parlidnd "to make one read, to teach"; parhwdnd

''to cause to be taught."

Remark. Sometimes the second and third forms of a cau-

sal formed from a simple transitive are identical in mean-
ing, as kardnd and Tcarwdnd
: to cause to do." The causal
of kahim is kahland (or rarely kahdnd) which is both intransi-

tive "to be named," and causal "to cause to say."

(c) (1) Some verbs are formed irregularly, as: Solid "to

sleep," suldnd "to lull a child to sleep and to make one

sleep": mujhe is kamre me na-suldnd "do not force me to

sleep in this room." Sulwdnd is doubly causal, as : Is larke

ko dd,i se sulwd,o "tell the dd.i to put this child to sleep."

(2) From tutnd "to be snapped," the initial hard t becomes

soft in the trans, and caus. tornd and turwdnd.
(d) Yih khatt Sdlik se parhdnd "make Salik read this

letter to you," but Sdlik ko parhdnd "make Salik read

it to himself, or "teach Salik how to read this letter."

(c) Some verbs are both transitive and intransitive, as :


Khujland "to scratch with the nails" and also "to itch" ;

harna (no ne) " lose a game, be defeated etc." The intensive
forms of such verbs leave no doubt, thus kar-jana is intr.
and hdr-dend tr.
(/) Note the following: wa'da karna.tr. "to make a pro-
mise, to promise and wa'da lend "to take a promise fit mi.
to make to promise, to cause to promise."

(g)Paknd l
intr. To be cooked to ripen to ; ;

come to a head (of a boil,

etc.) ;
to turn grey (of hair) .

tr. To cook, etc.
caus. To cause to, or order to cook.

Pakkd, adj. Cooked mature ready

; ripe ; ;

to discharge matter (of a

boil, etc.) ; grey (of the
hair) ; fully developed ; ex-
perienced expert made of ; ;

stone, brick or cement :

macadamized (of a road) ;

permanent resolute ; ; trust-

Pakkd ghar, m. A brick or masonry house:
also prison.

Kachchd, adj. Raw; unripe; unmaeadnm-

ized ;
the opposite gene rally
of pakkd.

Bhtgnd, intr. To become wet ;

to be soaked

Bhigond^ tr. To make wet ;

to soak.
Bhigwdnd, caus. To order, or to cause, to soak.

Pakna, pakana, pakwaria are regular.

Antepenultimate short; vide L. 53 (k), note.
LESSON 44. 101.

Letna, intr.

Litana, tr. To lie down.

Litwana, cans.
Dhulna, intr. To be washed.
Dkona, tr. To wash.
Dhulwdnd, caus.
Sina. tr.

Siland, tr. To sew, stitch.

Silwana, caus.
Palna, intr.

Pdlnd, tr. To be reared, tamed, nurtured

Palwana, caus.
Pitna, intr.

/^a, tr. To be beaten, struck.

Pitwdnd, cans.
Khichnd, intr. To be pulled tight, stretched,
Khlchnd, tr. To pull tight, etc. to draw

(a picture) to pull (a car


riage) to pull (a punkah)


to bear, suffer to draw a



Khichwand, caus.
Sikhnd. 1
tr. To learn to do to learn any
work or business (but not
science or literature) .

Sikhdna and sikhlana To teach.

Parhna " to learn, study literature or science." Slklina, however,

may be used for learning a language colloquially.

" to teach how to do to etc."
SamjhSna ; explain,

Khulna, intr. To be opened ; revealed ;


Kholna, tr. To open, etc.

Khulwana. caus.
Bolna. [
intr To utter sounds.

Buldna, tr. To call.

Bulwana, caus. To send for a person.

Katnd, intr. To be cut ; to be traversed (of

a road) ;
to pass (of time).

Katna, tr. To cut ; pass the time, etc. ;

to bite.
Katdnd, caus.
Rahnd, intr. To dwell ;
remain ;
to be kept
or to rest in one place (of
things) .

Rakhna, tr. To place, keep.

Rakhwaria, caus. J
Bikna. intr. To be sold.
Bechna, (kist ke hath), tr. To sell.
Bikwand, caus. To cause to sell, order to be

Phatnd. intr. To be torn (of cloth, paper,

leather) ;
to be cracked (of
a wall) ;
be burst (of over-

ripe fruit, a boiler) : to be

dispersed (of clouds) ;

curdle (of milk).

Phdfna, tr. To tear ;

to split ;
to rend.

Intransitive according to native grammarians; it does not tako
ne. It, however, requires an object, so according to English idous it is
LESSON 44. 163

Baithna, intr. To sit ;

settle down (of dregs) ;

to become fixed in the


Bithdnd, tr. To seat; cause to seat, cause

to fix in the memory
Bithwdnd, caus.

Dekhnd, tr. To see, look.

Dikhdnd, dikhldnd, caus. To show.

Nahdnd, intr. To bathe
Nahldnd, tr. (nahlwdnd, caus.) . To give a bath to ;
to order a
bath for.

Land (tor le-dnd ; without ne).\ To bring.


Liwd-ldnd, caus. To bring a person, or to cause

to be brought by a per-

Jalnd, intr. To burn.

Jaldnd, caus. To cause to burn.

Jdgnd, intr. To be awake ; to keep awake.

Jagdnd, tr. To awaken ;

to rouse.

Jagwdnd, caus. To order a person to be called

in the morning.

Jlna. intr. To live.

Jildnd. caus. To cause to live, to revive.

Jdnnd, tr. To know, think.

Jatdnd or jatldnd, caus. To warn, caution.

Find, tr. \ To drink ;

to smoke (tobacco).

Pildnd. caus. c To make or give to drink or

to smoke.
Note the change of I into r.
LESSON 44. 165

Magnet, tr. To ask for, beg; incorrectly

used for chdhnd, to want.'

Magdnd, magwdnd. caus. To send for a thing.

Gunjd,ish. f.
Capacity, room.

Intizdr, m. (karnd or khinch- Watching

nd, or me rahnd).

Manzur, Ar. p.p. Approved : sanctioned.

Khdtir. f.. subs, and prep. Heart ; pleasing ;

for the
sake of, for.

Zabar-dast, adj. Arbitrary ; powerful : some-

times strong.

Zer-dast, adj. Subordinate

Phutd rupiya. A cracked rupee.

Phutd pdm. Boiling water.

(h) The tie has been to the Gala-band dhulke aya hai.


The Sahib is very late Sahib ban der me a,e,

or ban
der karke (or lagake) a,e.

(You) made me wait a long Mujh se bard intizdr kardyd.


He forced me to do it. Us ne zabardastl (se) yih kdm

mujh se karwdyd.

They unanimously agreed to Sabho ne (or sab ne), ek zabdn

the terms. hokar, kahd ki yih bat ham
logo ko manzur hai.

Wherever the word sahib is used, the verb must be in the plural
vide Lesson 16 (d). Deri for der is vulgar.

Do you wish to please me or Tumhe men khdtir manzur hai

not ? yd nahl ?

I am as keen as ever but what Shauq to pahle H tarah hai.

can I do ? I've no time lekin kyd karU ? fursaf
now. nnhl.

His head was cut, bruised by. Patthar $e uskd sir phut-gayd.
a stone.

His head was split into two Uska, sir lathi se phat-gayd.
bits by a lalhi.

Note.'FoT one use of the causal verb vide p. 151. note fi

Eng. Tr. H. S . Part IIT.


(a) (1) A large class of compound verbs is formed by

prefixing substantives, adjectives, Arabic past participles,

prepositions, and adverbs, to verbs, especially to hona and

" " "
karnd, as :
jam' hona to be collected jam' karnd to ;

collect" chori jdnd (or hona) "to be stolen" k&ushk karna :

" " " "

to dry lamba karnd to lengthen
sawdr jdnd "to go ;

mounted, to ride"; mashyhul hona "to be bus} 7
and mash-
" " "
ghul karnd to engage one in a business bar-land to :

fulfil"; dar-dnd "to succeed"; pesh-dnd "to come before,

" "
to happen, to treat or deal with pesh karnd to bring up ;

" " " "

before bdz and
; to desist bar taraf karnd to dismiss."

Such compounds are usually regarded as single verbs, and if

transitive, the compound governs the accusative, as : usne

mulk ko fath-kiyd or kar-liyd " he conquered the country ;

mulk fath-hu.d the country was conquered."
" " "
Note. For dikhdji dend to be seen and sundj dend to
be heard etc. vide L. 22 (a).
LESSON 45. 167

(2) When speaking of big people, farmdnd (lit. to order ")
is substituted for karnd in compound verbs, and for kahnd.

(b) In some verbs, however, the first part of such a com-

pound treated as the direct object of the simple verb, as
is :

mai ne us ki (or ko) bahut taldsh ki "I searched for him ;

hamesha dp ki (not ko) ta'rif kartd hai "he always speaks

highly of you ; us ne men ghafi (not ki) chon ki "he stole
my watch." Sometimes either construction is admissible, as
with taldsh karnd. Ta'lim dend and ta'lim karria both mean
" "
to teach ;
kisi ko namdz Id ta'lim dend, but kisi ko namdz
ta'lim karnd to teach a person the Muslim prayers." There
is no rule on the point.

(c) Sometimes one construction is required in the active

and another in the passive, as Us ne usko izzat bakhshi " he:

honoured him." but wuh 'izzat bakhshd-gayd he was hon

(d) Hindustani often requires a (simple) verb different

from that used in English, thus :
kaprd sind to make
" "
clothes (not banana) ;
wuh asil murgh pdltd hai he keeps
" "
game-cocks" lawd lardtd hai he keeps fighting quails

kardmdt * dikhdnd to perform miracles."

(e) The use of the word saikre, "per cent." is illustrated

later. Sixteen annas or one rupee may, however, be taken

to represent a hundred per cent, as bimdri solah dne me ab :

sirf char dne rah-ga,i hai "the sickness has decreased to

twenty-five per cent (i.e. by seventy-five per cent)."

" and also the Rock

Lawa the " Bustard-quail
is Bueh-quail bater ;

is the " Common Quail both are used for fighting.

2 Karamat: miracle performed by a Wall or Saint, opposed to mu'-

jiza, one performed by a prophet.

(/) Do. Two.

Dorio (or dono). Both.

Tino ; chard (and so on). The three, all three ; the four
(and so on)

Kort or bisi, f . A score.

Saikra, in. A century, i.e. a hundred.

Sati, L A century of years fl sadi or


fi sad (or saikre, or saikre

jnchhe) = per cent.

[Fl, Ar., prep. In. each, per)

Sailero. Hundreds.

Hazard. Thousands.

Bar. f., daf'a. f., or -martaba. 1


$/fc 6ar, eA; fZa/'a. Once.

Do-guna, dugria, dund. adj. Double.

Tigund or si-guna, adj. Treble.

Chau-yuna, adj. Four-fold, etc.

Do-chand, adj. = Do -gund.

Si-chand (and so on), adj. = Si-gund, etc.

Ekek. One apiece, one each.

Ek ek karke adv. : One by one.

Do do, etc. Two apiece.

.Kara se A;am. At least.

Ziydda se ziydda. At most.

When martaba means " rank, position " it i* masculine: when bar
means " load " it is masculine.

Taqrib-an, adv. About, almost.

Qarib, adj. and prep. Near ;
also adv. about, nearly.

Do tin. Two or three.

Tin char. Three or four.

Qiyds se, or anddz se or anddz- At an estimate, about.

an. adv.

Qiyds (k). Guess (to).

Sau ek : or ko,i sau : ko.i About a hundred : about

barah ;
or barah ek. twelve.

Yad, f. Remembrance
Yad hond. intr. To remember ;
to be learnt

by heart.

Yad and. To come to mind.

Yad karnd, tr. To learn ;

to call to mind.

Yad rakhnd, tr. Keep in memory, remember.

Kdm ana, intr. To be useful to be killed in


Khet rahnd (rare). To be killed in battle, i.e. to

be left on the field.

Hisab, m. (k.). Account : arithmetic.

Lafz, m. (pi. alfdz). Word.

Lafzi. adj. Literal.

Hdrnd tr. and intr. To lose, be defeated ;

be tired
out. dispirited. Vide L. 44


(a) (1) J harnd. To be dispirited.

Shikast khdnd. tr. To be defeated.



jit-lend, tr. To conquer ;

to win.

Path karna, tr. To conquer.

Khushk karna. tr. To dry.
Ohirna, intr. To be surrounded.
Ghernd, tr. ; gher-lend, tr. To surround, besiege.

Jutl s\nd (or banana) ,

tr. To make boots.

Wahl (ert*,), adv. In that very place.

or woAl (ert*j J ; ad v.
In that very state ;
any special purpose.

adr. As soon as.

Zakhm khdnd. To be wounded.

Kisi par rahm khdna. To feel pity for.

Hawd khdnd. To take the air, go for an

Hawd pind. To wind -suck (horses).

Qasam khdnd. To take an oath.

Mar khdnd. To be beaten.

Jutiya khdnd. To be slippered.

Ghota khdnd. To plunge, dive, duck in-


khdnd. To carry tales to superiors,

tell tales.

Odll khdnd. To swallow or put up with


Jltna is used with or without ne : mat basl jita or mat ne bazl jiti.
* Yu " thus, in this way
ion " in that way
; tu " the time when. ;
" " at the " " tomehow
i.e. as soon as juhl ;
very moment when /u tu ;

or other."
LKSSON 40. 171

Gham khana. To endure grief patiently.

Ranj uthdnd (or jhelnd) . To endure trouble, etc.

Khushi uthdnd. To enjoy a thing.

Mihnat uthana. To undergo trouble : also to


Sadma uthana. To endure a shock ;


Maza urdnd. To live luxuriously ;

to enjoy.

TakUf khaichna. To endure trouble, hardship.

Salchtl khaichna (or uthana). Ditto.

Fdqa khaichna. To be starved.

Fdqa karnd. To abstain from feeding, vol

Intizdr khaichna. To wait for (sp. with anxiety) .

(2) Note the force of the transitive verbs in the following compounds;
" to move a " to move"
jumbish dena. tr. thing," jumbish karna,intr.
=hilna ; dukh dena " to worry, give trouble to," but dukh pana " to
be worried " bet khana " to be caned but bet khilana " to cane some

one else."

(6) I cannot recollect that Mujhe wuh lajz ydd nahl hai.


I don't know (recollect) ray Mujhe apnd sabaq ydd nahl

lesson. hai.

Remember this. Is ko ydd karo.

Keep this in mind. Is ko ydd rakho.

The Sahib has just asked for Sahib ne turn ko ydd kiyd hai
He has lakhs of rupees. Us ke pas lakho rupai hai (or

rupiya hai).

All five horses are here. Pacho ghore hazir hat.

The enemy had thousands of Dushman H hazard fauj tin (or

soldiers they were double

sipdhi the) ; hamare se (or

our numbers. hamare sipdhiyo se) dochand


At the rate of two rupees per Har mahine (me) do rupiya

hundred per month at the ;
saikre ke hisdb se ; or liar

rate of 24 per cent per mdh do rupiya fl sadi ke

annum. hisdb se.

Put them aside, one by one. Ek ek karke alay karo.

Give them twenty rupees each. Bis bis rupiya de-do.

It was a fine view. .

Ek achchhi kaifiyat nazar a. I.

This is not of quite such a good Is mdl se yih mdl unnis hai.
quality (i.e. is as 19 is to
A very slight difference Unnis bis kd farg.

There were about twenty. Taqrib-an bis the ; or andaze se

bis the ; or qiyds se bis the ;

or bis ek the ; or ko.i bis the ;

or bis ke qanb the.

Rather less than a hundred (Ek) sau rupiya (or pi. rupai)
rupees. se, kuchh kam.

Ninety-eight (lit. 100 minus Do kam sau rupiya.

2 rupees).

Five or six people came. Pach chha admi d,e.

1 waited for you an hour. Mai ne ek ghante tak, tumhari

rah dekhi.

How long shall 1 have to wait Tumhard, kab tak. intizdr

for you ?
mujhe karna )>(irer/a (or

hogd) ?
LESSON 47. 173

Help me. Mujhe madad men ma-

do, or
rlad karo. or men madad ko
d,o (or pahucho).

Give me an explanation (of Is kl kiafiyat batd,o. 1

machine, your conduct),


The nearer [ got to the city Jii jU mai its shahr se nazdlk
the more T longed to see it. hota gaya fa tti its ko dekhnc
kd shauq dil me barhtd gaya.


(a) (1) The grammatical passive is formed by conjuga-

ting the past participle of a transitive or a causal verb with
jdndsis: ntdrdjdnd to be killed," 2 and metaphorically "to
be mined, undone" (but never "to be beaten") mat mar a ;

" " "

jdtdhu I am being killed wuh mdrd gaya he was killed."

or wuh man ga,i " she was killed." The passive is not as
much used as in English except in translations from Eng-
lish. The general rule is that the passive should only be
used when the subject is unknown, or when, for some special
object, it is desirable not to mention the subject.

(2) The agent of the passive, if expressed, is expressed by

ke hath se and the instrument by se, as kisi ddku ke hdth :

se talwdr se mdrd gaya he was killed by some dacoit with a
(curved) sword." Such an expression as he was killed by

Batana " to explain verbally, to point out," is, in the Panjab.


sometimes vulgarly used for dikhana, as ghore ko pant bata,o=" give


the horse some water in the bucket."

" to beat " as well as
2 In the active
voice, however, marna signifies
" to kill." Vide L. 22 footnote.

a tiger" must be turned: ek sher ne us ko mdrd, or

sher kd shikar ho -gay a.

(b) Instead of the passive, Indians idiomatically use (1)

" "
the active voice, as : kahte hai they say, it is said ; (2) an
intransitive verb, simple or compound, as: pitnd "to be
" " " "
beaten chori jdnd (or hond)
to be stolen ; fath hond to
be conquered ; (3)an Arabic or Persian past participle, as :

ma'lum (Ar. p. p.) hond "to be known mauquf (Ar. p. p.) ;

hond "to be stopped: abolished"; bar-afrokhta (P. p. p.)

hond to be angry" and (4) a transitive verb with an ob-

" "
ject, as : mar khdnd to be beaten ;
shikast khdnd or pdnd
to be defeated." Such verbs can seldom be used in the cau-
sal forms :
gham khdnd is to suffer," but gham khildnd can-
not be used. However, usne naukaro se mujhe gall (or mar)
khild,l "he made his servants abuse (or beat) me" is idio-
Remark. In gum hond to be lost," gum appears to be a
Persian adjective. Pasand is a shortened form of pasandida.

(c) The subject of the grammatical passive is usual!}' in

the nominative. As, however; this grammatical subject is
the logical object of the action, it is often, in modern Urdu,
in writing only, put in the accusative. This construction is
admissible with certain compound verbs [vide L. 45 (a) (1)],
or with simple verbs that take two objects, as: usko qatl
kiyd gayd "him was killed = wuh qatl kiyd gayd ; usko bar
taraf kiyd gayd = him was dismissed " usko dekhd jd,egd is ;

incorrect, but achchhd, uskomalika kahd jd,e "let her be called

Queen," and agar usko sach mdnd jd,e "if it be considered
true are correct.

Ravan, Ram se mara gaya, is correct Hindi but not correct Urdu.
LESSON 47. 175

(d) (1) The passive (of even neuter verbs) is idiomatically

used to express possibility or impossibility, as qismat se :

lard nahl jdtd "one cannot contend with Fate/' but mujh se

" "
lard nahl, jata I dare not, or I am unable to, fight mujh ;

" "
se yih khdnd khdyd nahl jata I cannot eat this yih kab us ;

se uthdyd jdtd thd? "he could not lift this" turn se kisl kd ;

khun hond dekhd jd.egd? "could you stand seeing a person

killed ? us se pahdr par charhd -gayd "he was able to as-

cend the mountain."

In other words the Passive Voice with a proper agent

expresses (a) I did not dare to (6) I could not bear to ,


or (c) I was unable to ,

as :
mujh se to sher ke sdmne na
gayd : mujh se to us ki gdli na-sunl-ga.i : koshish karne
par bht mujh se us pahdr par na-charhd -gayd.

Remark. Note that in such cases, i.e. to express possibility, etc..

even neuter verbs are used in the passive. Note also that yih murgh
kis se zibh 2 kiya gaya ! does not =
' " who killed this cock ? " but " who
was bold enough to kill it ?

(e) Deorhd, adj. Too much by one half ;

as much larger.

Ek ddh. A few ; only a few

Kahldnd or kahdnd, intr. and To be called, named ;
to make
caus. one say or repeat.

Kahd-jdnd, pass. =kahldnd: kahd jatdhai "it

is said" (not kahldtd hai).

'Ilm. m. Knowledge; science; learn-


Ma'lum :
AT. p. p of above. What is known.

Nazar, f Sight.
pi. nazre, .

Intransitive passive.
Zibh k. "to cast on the ground and cut the throat."

Manzur, Ar. p. p. Approved (originally the ob-

ject of sight).'

Muqdbala k. (from qabl. prep. To oppose ; to compare : to

before," of time). confront, face.

Inkdr (k.), m. Refusal, denial.

Inkdri, adj. (hond). Refusing.

Munkir, Ar. (hond). Denying; also one denying

the true faith, a kafir.

Mukarnd H. To go back on one's word.

Pahld,* adj. First.

Pahle, abv. Firstly


Dusrd, adj. Second; another.

Dusre, adv. Secondly.
77sra :

adj. Third.
Chauthd, adj. Fourth.
Pachwa?- adj. Fifth.

Chhatd,* adj. Sixth.

E,* adj. Seventh.

(Remaining numbers formed

by adding wa).*

Panja, m. Hand or foot (bunch of fives.

from Per. panj five) paw ;

of animal.

Panja marna, tr. To claw (of beasts) : met. to

sieze by violence.

These are adjectives and are inflected, as : dusri tarlbh.
2 Inflected as pachwl tarikb ; pachice mard ko.
LESSON 47. 177

Pa,o, or ek pa,o, or ek chau- One-quarter of.


Chduthd hissa. The fourth part

Ek tihaj. One-third.

Adha, adj. and subs. Half.

Do-tihaj. Two-thirds.

Tin pa,o, or tin chauthdJi. Three-quarters.

Sawa. = 1 j, or +j, as: sawa sau

Derh. = 1^, as : derh hazar 1.500.

Rar ~he. = + i, as : sarhe fin rupiya

Rs" 3-8-0.

Dhd.i or arh-d.t. = 2|, as : dim. I sa?< = 250.

Paune. _i ;
paune do
(/) What is that called in Hindustani me wuh kya kahlata
Hindustani ? hai ? ; or usko Hindustani
me kya kahte JidH ?

I cannot lift this. Yih mujh se uthaya nahl jata.

Let one be sent for from the Baza* se ek maga-liya ja.e. or

bazaar. magaya ja,e.

If they be compared side by Agar dono me muqabala kiya

will be seen that
side, it ja.e (or dono muqabala kiye

there not the slightest

is ja.e) to ma'lum ho-ja.ega ki
difference between them. kuchh bht farq nahl hai.
Have you lost your wits ?
Kyu, ten 'aql man ga.t ?

He struck him one blow with Us ne ek talwar man.

the sword.

Or milana, tr., to compats.

The bullock gored me twice. Bail ne mere '

do sing mare.

Give them 4 rupees each Unko sdrhe char char riipiya

do (not sdrhe char sdrhe

It is ten past twelve. Bdrah par das minat d,e.

Ten minutes to twelve. Bdrah me das minat bdqi hai ;

or in the Punjab das minat

Icam barah baje.

At last he consented to, agreed Akjiir (ko) is bat par rdzl hud ;

to, this. or dkhir yih bat usko man-

zur hu,i or ;
dkhir is bat ko
manzur kiyd.

1 have no objection. Mujhe inkdr (or -uzr) nah\.

I do not deny it. Mai nahi inkdr kartd hu.

I do not want such service (or Aisi naukaii karni manzur
I don't want to continue in nahi hai.
such service).

Kindly reply to my letter Mere khatt kd jawab jald bhejd-




(a) (1) The same word is repeated for emphasis, or to

signify continuous state, etc., etc. Examples: (1) Substan-
tives: ghar ghar "in every house." roz roz "every day";
" "
juq juq ddmi chale ate hai they are coming in crowds (2) ;

Badan par understood vulg. mujh ko.

2 The infinitive is made feminine to agree with naukarl. Vide L. 54.

3 Here the passive is more respectful than the active, i.e. than ap
i a ic all jald bhfie
LESSON 48. 179

Adjectives achchhe achchhe kapre
: various good cloths (or '

" "
clothes) uska chihra mare ghusse ke lal lal ho-gdyd
he got
red all over from anger "* (3) Prepositions goli mere sar
: .

ke upar upar chali ga,i the bullet passed just close over my
head"; rel pahdr ke andar andar jati hai "the train goes
through a continuous tunnel (4) Adverbs daryd ke kinare

" "
kinare gaya kept along the bank
I (5) Verbs kitab parhte ;

parhte men Hkhe dukh-ga,l "from continuous reading my

s 8

eyes began to ache (6) Numerals sau sau rupiya ki ghariya

watches costing full a hundred rupees."

(b) Sometimes an idea is repeated in a synonym, which

generally gives the idea of plurality, as naukar chdkar "ser- :

" " "

vants and domestics larke bale children and youngsters

" "
girtd parta = "falling and tottering soch samajhkar care- ;

fully considering."
The same idea is conveyed by a singular and a plural Arabic
word, as: faqir fuqard faqirs and mendicants, poor and

(2) Two adjectives, synonymous or nearly so, one Hindi
and one Persian, may be used for an intensive, as :
sdf suthra
" " "
very clean ; ujla safed very white." Compare L. 3 (a).

(c) Sometimes the idea of plurality is conveyed by a

" "
all kinds of music
meaningless appositive. as baja gaja : ;

dekhna blialria to search, or look into carefully, to examine."
The appositive alone has usually no meaning and is fixed by

Note that when the noun is pi. such a repetition gives an idea of
plurality. Compare garm garm dudh and its footnote, end of L. 4 and ;

last example L. 11.

" Hindustani
repetition of adjectives vide also
2 For the
Blocks," LXI (3), supplement.
Compare conj. part. L. 18 (g) note 3.

Another form of Meaningless -Apposition is formed by

repeating the word but changing the initial letter into w, as :

Rail wotl bread, etc.," tojn wopi "hats and such like";

yih khdtd wdtd kuchh nahl this neither eats nor drinks,

touches nothing." This last form can be applied to any



is a name given to two verbs of similar

meaning or of jingling sound conjugated together, to give an

idea of repeated or thorough action, as dekh-bhdlke having :

examined thoroughly, looked everywhere sab chhor chhdr ;

ke "having abandoned all the things" ;

bin samjhd.e bujJia.e
"without explaining at all."

Chhar is a kind of Meaningless Appositive," bhalnd is used

with dekhria only.

Two substantives coupled by "and" are often used


foran English substantive and adjective, as dtash bdzt me .

rupiya kharch karnd layby o (or aur) fazul-kharcfii hai "to

spend good money on fireworks is a wicked waste." Tn any
case a synonym strengthens the expression, as : Ten be-
sharmi aur be-kdyd.i "your utter shamelessness."

(/) Darydft, k. To find out ;

also to enquire.

Basna, intr. To be populated (of a place) ;

(also met. to be fixed, of

an idea in the heart).

Chal-basna, intr. To die.

Ba.sdna, tr. To populate.

Abdd k. } tr. To populate.
Abafa f.
Cultivation ; population.
Khud,P. Self = ap, H.
LESSON 48. 181

Khudi, f. Selfishness ;
also one's proper

Tabah hona, intr. To be ruined ; to be wrecked.

Tabahi, f . Ruin destruction downfall

; ; ;

Bhlr, f., sing. A crowd.

Sujhna (with dat. of person), To become visible, be per-

intr. ceptible; to occur to the
Hawa se larria. To scold, nag.

Shdh-kharchl, f.
Fazul-kharchi, f. ?

(gr) The whole field. Khet ka khet.

One and all. Sab kemb, (pi.).

I was one mass of sweat. Mera badan pasine pasine

[me] ho-gaya.
The whole bazar is under Sard bazar pant pdnl hai (or
water (or is nothing but pam Hi pam hai).
water) .

I canie by road the whole Mai sarak sarak (se) aya.

Crying out "bread, bread"' Wuh roil roil kahtd mar-gaya.
he died.

Shooting took so Shikar '

(us) long khelte khelte (hu,e,)

that evening came on us. sham ho-gaj.
He continued to read till he Wuh kitab parhte parhte so-
fell asleep. gaya.

Any personal pronoun in the dative is understood.


He is engaged in pulverising Kuchh pis pas

rahd hai.
All milk or all water (not Dudh kd dudh yd pdnl kd
half and half). pdrii.

He became hoarse from con- Chilldte chilldte us kd gala

tinued crying out. baith-gayd.

In a moment. Bdt kl bdt me.

They have two rupees apiece. Unke pas do do rupai hat.

They have 3J rupees each. Unke pas sdrhe fin tin rupai

They have two or three horses. Unke pas do fin ghore hai.

He quarrels with me (or 1 Us se ham se roz roz (or simply

quarrel with him) every roz) jhagrd hold hai.

Whenever he asked me for Jab jab 8 us ne magd (tab tab)
it I always gave it to him. mai ne diyd.
You are always ready to Turn hameshd zard zard si bdt

quarrel with me at the very par Idrne ko tayydr hole ho.

least thing.

To pass (at hockey). Pas pus karnd*

What various things will take Yaha par so kyd kyd hogd.
place here the day after to-
morrow ?

Sit quite still and don't stir. Ghup chap baitho, hilo mat.
I nearly fell off my horse. Mai girte girte bach-gayd.
I got a headache from long (Mujhe) dhup me baithe baithe
sitting in the sun (lit. sun- sar me dard hu,d.

Meaningless Appositive. Not sarhe tin sarhe tin.

3 Jab jab=jab kabhi. Pas karna " to pass (once).
LESSON 49. 183

I turned him out of the house Usko mdr-mdr-ke ghar se

by repeatedly beating him. mkal-diya.

Having turned the matter Soch sdch -kar kahd }

over in his mind, he said

Many good teachers. Bahutere achchhe parhdne-


Various, or many, quite nice Achchhe achchhe parhanewdle.'1


A pleasant cool breeze is now Thandl thandi hatvd chal-rahi

blowing. hai.

I lostmy money and at the Merd rupiye kd rupiya gayd

same time was thought to aur phir khud chor kd chor
be a thief band.

The whole house was ruined. Ghar kd ghar tabdh hu.d.


He was educated (in reading Us ne parh-likh 3

-liyd, magar
and writing) but remained gadhe kd gadhd rah-gayd.
as big an ass as ever.

Once every year : also a whole Sdl kd sdl.

Long years, many years. Sdl-lid sdl.

Nothing but promises. Wa'da hi wa'da hai (

= wafd
kd ndm nahl) .

Meaningless Appositive.
2 There is a degree of nicety s well >
plurality in the second of these
two sentences.
3 For
parh-liya aur likh-liya.
* Sul-ha. Persian plural of tal.

He will come this minute, Wuh dyd kd dyd hai.

Has letter after letter been Khatt 1
se khdtt likhe-ga,e
written ? hal?

He covered me with such Us ne mujhe gait si gdli


filthy abuse (that I. can't

repeat it) .

Is there a crowd there ? Waha kuchh bhir hai ?

Multitudes. Adml se ddmi hat.

A story and nothing else. Kahdnl hi kahdni.

This is a tale and moral as Kahdni H kahdni hai aur

well. nasihat ki nasihat.

Of his own accord. Ap hi dp.

Question them singly, one by Ek ek karke puchho.


By repeatedly enquiring from Gd,o-wdlo se puchh-puchh-

the villagers I guided my- kar* rasta darydft kar-liyn.
self here.

Most ignorant. Ndddn se 8

The best. Achchhe se achchhe.

In less than, not more than, Hafte ke andar andar.

a week.

Both the words are nominative plural, and se is from sa it
kh'it}. :

isnot a post-position. This idiom is always used interrogatively, in

answer to a question. Thus, to the question, " Did he abuse you ?
the reply might be, " Did he abuse me ? (i.e. he did so to his utmost).
Gall el gali means more than ordinary gall.
* For
puchh-kar puchhrkar the kar of the participle must only occur

3 Se post-position. Vide footnote 1.
LESSON 49. 185

All sorts of things took place Kal yaha kyd kyd na-hu,a.
here yesterday.

He savs one thing to one and Kisl se kuchh kahtd hai. kisl
another to another. se kuchh.

Ready made. Band -bandy d, adj.

An alreadjr populated city. Basd-basdyd shahr.

Without any cause or pur- Baithe bithd.e '.

A little water in each glass. Thord thord pdni do.

Pour a little water at a time, Thord thord pdni ddlo.

by degrees.
People are turning Muslims Log fauj fauj Islam me ddkhil
in great numbers at a time. hone lage hai.

I was absolutely alone in the Us sdre ghar me mai hi mal

house. thd.
Mangoes are sold here at a YahS, dm rupai rupai biktd

rupee apiece. hai.

She is my "chachi" 3 and at Ylh 'aural men chachi kl

the same time my khdla." chachi hai aur khdla kl

I can't see anything. Men akho se kuchh nahl

A plan has just come into my Mere dil me ek tadblr sujhl
mind. hai.

I can think of nothing else Mujhe ghar jdne ke siivd kuchh

but going home (I'm so
anxious for a holiday)

Used as an adverb ;', always inflected.
Rupai rupai is usual in this idiom and not rupiya rnpiya.
3 Chachi is a paternal uncle's wife, and khala is a maternal aunt.

Now tell me the truth and Sack sack bolo.

nothing but the truth.

She scolds from morning to Uskd, larte hi laj-te. din guzarta

night. hai ; or wuh subh se sham

tak lar-lar-kar '
din guzarti

I wrote as many as four letters Ma"i ne char char khatt bheje,

but you didn't answer one. magar turn ne ek ka jawab
bhi na-likha.

I sent my petition direct to Mai ne apni 'arzi upar upar*

(Government) ;
not through bhej-di ; Kaman Afsar ki
the Commanding Officer. ma'rifat na-bheji.

Whatever he found, he used Jo jo kuchh wuh pata tha kha-

to eat as he found it. kha-jata tha.

Wherever thou goest I will Jis jis taraf tu ja,egd (us .*

go- taraj) mat bhi ja,uga.

Who were the various people Is khun me kaun kaun admi

concerned in this murder ? sharik the ?

Whatever I gave him at any Jo jo kuchh mat ne use diya

time he used to eat directly wuh kha-kha gaya.
he got it.

I put all the things in their Mai ne tamam chize apni apni
various proper places. jagah par rakh-rakh-dl.
It is exactly opposite to
you. Tere amne samne * hai.

In such cases the kar of the conjunctive participle is placed at the
end only.
Upar upor=not in any one's control.
s '
* Samne
(simple prep, or adv.) "opposite," hut amnesatnne requires
two things to give the idea, " each other."
LESSON 49 187

He did this in imitation of Us ne men dekha dekhl (se)

me. yih kdm kiyd.

Mutual strife. Mdrd-mdn. f.

He often kept falling asleep Wuh mere kahdnl-kahte waqt

when I was telling the story so-so-jdtd thd lekin mai use
and I kept waking him up. jagd-jagd-detd tha.

For one night only ;

also every Rat kl rat.

night, by night only.

During the night, before dawn. Rdto-rdt.

The dhobi having washed and Dhobi kapre dho dhd-kar ghat
swilled the clothes well, se wdpas aya.
came back from the ghat.

From morn till night he wan- Wuh rozi kl taldsh me subh se

ders and wanders in search sham tak phird-phirtd hai.

of a living (either food or

service) .

Ready saddled. Kasa-kasdyd, adj.

Ready loaded. Ladd-laddyd, adj.

Ready furnished, adorned (of Sajd-sajdyd, adj.

table-cloth, house, etc.).

Ready cooked. Pakd-pakdyd, adj

Hear-sav. Suni-sundj bat.

I will fall asleep by the time Chirdgh. jalte jalte mat to

the lamp is lit. rahugd.

Before 8 A.M. the news spread Din charhte charhte !

yih kha.
through the city. bar shahr bhar me phail-ga,i-

Din-c.ftarhe is from about 7 to 8 A.M.


Just before sunset a she- Din dubte dubte dur se ek sadni

riding-camel appeared in dene lagi.
the distance.

I will be back home by the Nau bajte bajte mat makdn

time it strikes nine. wdpas d-jd,ugd.

[For further examples vide Lesson 65].


(a) Manna, tr. To believe, admit, suppose ;

be reconciled to (after a

quarrel) ;
to obey (hukm) ;

to esteem, respect, follow (a

religious teacher).
Kisi kd ihsdn mdnnd. To be grateful for.
Hukm ba-jd land. To obey.
Udul-hukmi karnd = hukm na
To disobey.

Ra'tyat, f.
Subject ;
tenant of a house or

Add karnd. tr. To discharge a debt ;

to per-
form (prayers, pilgrimage,

Qatl karnd. To kill a human being.

Maut, f. Death.

Apni maut marnd. To die a natural death.

Jawdm maut marnd. To die young, die an untimely

Be-waqt marnd. death.

Kutte H maut marnd. To die a disgraceful death.

LESSON 50. 180

Khun, m. Blood ;
Kisi ka khun karnd, tr. To murder.
Kisi ka khun hona, intr. . To be murdered.
Khum. 1
subs, and adj. A murderer also ; adj.. bloody.
Likaz. m. Respect, regard.

Agarchi ; go, or go-ki ; har- Although.

chand, adv.

Magar or lekin. Rut still.

Ta-ham. Yet, still never- Correla-

tives to


Mana Id. Granted that, admitted.

Halal. Lawful; lawfully killed.

Halal karria. To make lawful (i.e. to kill an

animal by Muslim or Jew-
ish rite) .

Namak-halal, adj. True to one's salt faithful.

Namak-haram, adj. Faithless.

PaheE, f. Riddle.

Bujhna, tr. To understand ;

solve a riddle.
Kafi," f. :
Qahwa, m. Coffee.

Hawa btidhna. To make a name for oneself.

Na-nb, m. pi. Fate, luck.
Nasib hona. To be obtained ;
fall to one's

Be careful not to pronounce this word kuni
2 Ya naslb P A. lottery.
, ,

Dam,m. Breath; life, moment;

strength ;
lasting (met.)

Ekdam '

(se) ,
adv. Totally, altogether ;
also di

rect, without break or me


Kisi ke dam me and. To be cajoled.

(6) Hi, adv. (can be added Very, the very same but ; ;

for emphasis to any part of alone certainly also = ita-

; ;

speech). lies or underlining.

(c) "No matter how is kaisd (or kitnd) hi....

kyu na. . . .with or without agarchi, as :

Ko,i paheli kaisi (or
kitni) hi mushkil kyu na-ho, mai bujh-jd ,Ugd = (agarchi) ko,i
paheli kaisi hi mushkil ho, mai bujh-lugd "no matter how
difficult a riddle may be, I can solve it."

(d) "Even though ; agarchi wuh basti das mil par kyu
na-ho. mai wahs tak paidal jd-saktd hu "even though the
village be ten miles off T can walk there on foot this is :

stronger than simple agarchi.

"The more.... the more" (or "the less
(e) ") is ex-
pressed as follows The nearer I got to the city,
: the more
I longed to see it ju ju (or jis qadar) mai us shahr ke qarib
hotd-gayd tu tu (or usi qadar) us ke dekhne kd shauq barhtd
gaya : the correlative tu tu (or usi qadar) may be omitted.
" "
(/) How much the more is expressed as follows :

makes you drunk how much the more will wine
If coffee

do so" /a& 2 qahwa se tumhe nashd ho-jdtd hai to shardb kd

hdl ma'lum ; or to shardb kyd karegi ?

Servants of English people say ekdam for " at onoo." but this

English not Urdu.

5 Or agar.
LESSON 51. 191

" " "

(g) How much less is expressed as follows : If wine
does not make you drunk how much less will coffee do so
jab shardb se tumhe nashd nahl hotd to kafi se kab hogd, or to
kdfl se "I would not do
hond ma'lum. this for a friend,
much less for an enemy" mai dosto ke liye to aisd karu-hl-gd

nahl, dushmano ke liye kaha tak karugd?, or dushmano ke

liye karnd ma'lum.

(h) "Much less, to say nothing of, let alone, "I
have never even heard the name of the place, much less seen
it, to say nothing of never having seen it mai ne us jagah
kd ndm bhl nahl, sund hai, dekhne kd kyd zikr? ,
or dekhnd to
ma'lum. or dekhnd todar kindr hai = us jagah kd dekhnd dar
kindr, mai ne ndm bhl nahl sund.

Uske gdne kd kyd zikr (or kahnd or puchhnd) ?. wvh bajdne

me bhi ustdd hai to say nothing of his singing, his playing
is excellent vide L. 54 (h) and 60 (6).


(a) "As soon as. or no sooner than Mai, ne idhar

parhd. udhar jawdb likhd "I

replied as soon as I read your
" "
letter." He no sooner went there than he died wahU, jdnd

(kyd) thd ki maut kd shikar hu,d = waha jdte hi (or jdte ke sdth)
mar-gayd. Merd likhnd hi thd ki wuh bol-uthd = mere likh-
chukte hi wuh bol-uthd " I had no sooner finished writing than
he cried out." Turn d,e aur khardbl d,i = tumhdre dte der na-

hu,i ki khardbi d,i "as soon as you came, there came ruin."
Us ke marte der na-hu,i ki us ke bete ne us ki sdrt daulat lutd-di
as soon as he died his son squandered all his wealth." "As
soon as I went, he came juhi mai chald-gayd wuh dyd = mere
jdte hi wuh dyd ; but wuh dne bhi na-pdyd thd ki mai chald-

men, chala-gaya "I went just

gayd = wuh ayd bhl na-tha ki
as he arrived." Us ke ate der na-hu.l ki mal chala-gaya "I

went as soon as he came.

(6) may be expressed by na,

"Hardly, barely, not quite"
with or without pana. as: "he had barely gone when you
came" wuh jane na-pdyd. thd ki turn pahuche; "he had 1

barely (not yet) completed the work
when he died = us ne
its karri ko tamdm na-kiyd thd ki mar-gaya.

. (c) "Not only.... but also....(l) Na faqat Musalman

balki Hindu bhl "not only Muslims but also Hindus"; (2)
Musalman to khair, Hindu bhl ; (3) Musalman to Musalman.
Hindu bhl.
" "
(d) . . . . rather than "1 would rather die than go
to prison mujhe jdn de-dend man%ur hai magar qaid-khanr
me jana to manzur nahl. I would rather take the office
than allow him to have it mat khud is 'uhde ko qabul karngn

magar usko to kabhi muqarrar hone na-duga.


(e) The enclitic and emphatic particle hi [' vide L. 50 (b) |

can be added to any part of speech. With pronouns or

nouns, it occurs between the pronouns and the post-posit ion.
as: tujh hi ko duga "\ will give it to you (alone)." For
euphony, however, mat ne hi is preferred to mat hi n< . l>:

the plural, hi is often hi, as tum-hl ko, unhl ko, but h<in /,"

(without the h) also yihl and wuhl< usl se and usi ko, etc.,

are without the h. In the Punjab, however, the hi follows

the post-positions. Note the position of hi in wuh yih bate

This means that he had not actually departed but uska jana lliu ;

aur tumharu pahuctma means, " he had just left when." No ne,
L. 15(o).
2 Tai ne and lal hi ne are vulgar for til ne ;ui<i tii l>~> nc.
LESSON 51. 193

ar hi rahd thd ki mat a -para he was in the very act oi
ying this when I arrived." Yih to ho-hi-gd this is certain
take place."

Note. Ab means now as opposed to past time but abhi

; '

' ' "

cans this moment with reference to the future, as wuh :

ahle gharib thd magar ab amir hai but wuh abhi amir hai ;

kin kuchh dino me gharib ho-jd,egd. Abhi jd,o "go now"

and not at some future time). Abtak (with Pres. or Past
"ense) = " still." Ab ki daf'a
this time."

You and none other com- Turn hi ne yih chori ki.

mitted the theft.

is quite close. Pas hi hai.

will write the very next Dusre hi din jawdb likhugd.

was just on the point of Mai dp ke pas dne hi ko thd

going to you when you ki dp tashrif



:ter all he did yield to his Lekin us ke dam me d-hi-gayd.


.e said he did not care how Us ne kahd ki charhdj kaisi

steep the ascent was. hi ho, mujhe kuchh parwd

you cannot come for more, Ziyada nahi' to ek hi do hafte
then come for just one or ke liye d-jd,o.
two weeks.
was in the very act of writ- Mai likhtd hi thd ki wuh bol-

ing when he cried out. utJtd.

Tashrif, lit. honouring.

Agar "if" understood. Agar and jab are often idiomatically
omitted. To if it begins a clause is a correlative.

I had no sooner finished writ- Herd likhnd hi tha ki wuh

ing than he cried out. bol-utha.

Probably no party has ever Shay ad hi aisd shikar ki-n

before had such good sport "parti ko naslb hu,d ho.
(lit. scarcely has any party

had such good sport).

He a murderer and worthy

is Wuh khunl hai, qatl ke qdbil
of death (killing). hai.

He has murdered three men. Us ne tin ddml (or pi. ddntli/o)

kd khun kiyd hai.

Well, I \vll let you off for your Achchhd, tumhdre bap k< Him:,
father's sake. se turn ko chhortd hu. 1

According to our religion, it Mazhab ke lihdz se *lmrdb

is unlawful to drink wine. jnnl Itardm hai.

I won't do it, not even if I be Mai yih kam nahl karuga-

killed. agarchi mm mara hi kyfi

I then suspected that it was Tab mujhe shubha hu,d ki
the chaukidar who had chaukl-ddr hi ne gfuin chu-
stolen the watch. 8
ra,l (hogl *).

Although J reasoned with him Mai ne us ko lakh 6

(or hazdr

to my
utmost, still he samjhayd magar Uf> ne na-
would not listen. mana (or men ek na-sunl).

The present tense to signify the immediate future The future
tense would indicate a more remote time, or an action depending on
a condition.
2 Sharab is feminine.

Churana, tr., " to steal "=chori karna.


As the word ahubha is expressed, the hogl, the sign of a doubtful


tense should properly be omitted.

Lakh 1,00,000, and hazar 1,000. in such sentences give the idea of

" " a
although" and great deal."
LESSON 52. 195

The more medicine I take, J jft dawa.i pita hti, tn tti

the more ill I become. blmari barhti jati hai.

When you happen to come (Agar or jab ') turn yahS, phir

again, bring your gun with a.o to apm banduq bht sath
you. lete-ana (or lekar ana}.

When he becomes hungry he Jab bhukha hoga wiih klid hi

will certainly eat it ;
there's lega mere kahne kl kya

no need for me to tell him. zarurat?


ChUki "because" begins a causal clause (periodic


sentence); and has for its correlative is liye "therefore/' as :

chUki turn sack bole (is liye) mat tumhe chhor-deta hn as you
have told me the truth I'll let you off."

As a rule the causal clause should precede the principal

clause. The causal clause, however, may follow the principal
clause (loose sentence) ;
in this case it is usually introduced
by kyuki, or is liye ki, as mai kal sham ghar se na-nikla,

kyEki (or is liye ki) tumhara intizar tha I did not set foot

outside my house yesterday evening, as I was expecting

Remark. Chtiki may introduce a causal clause following
the principal clause, and ky&ki and is tiye ki may introduce

a causal clause preceding the principal clause; but this is

considered inelegant.

(&) Kis liye, kis waste, are vulgarly used for is liye. etc
therefore." as : mai sham ko wahs, na-ja-saka. kis liye (for
is liye) ki d/ajtar se a-kar thak-gaya.

" If" is often, as here, idiomatically omitted.
* But tu leta ana.

Jo ki for chuki is old.

(c) Az"inasmuch as, because," is not, now, much used:

bos ki
its taken by chuki: sometimes it means simply "because,"
place is

and sometimes it gives an idea of excess as in, az baa ki mal thaka /m,a
tha mal ko,l kam na-kar saka
" as I was much tired, I was not able to

do any work."
" "
(d) Hdl-dn-ki is whereas, although." For yd whereas."
vide L. 35, (e) (2).'
" "
(e) The conjunction ki that has many significations as
may be seen from a study of the following :

(1) Ma'lum hu,d ki chor kaun hai "it became known (Ota I)
who is the thief. 1

(2) Mai gundh nahl kartd ki Khudd se dartd hu 1 do not
sin as, because, I fear God." Is sabab se mal bar bar piic/i//tn

hu ki turn mujhe sack jawdb do "I repeatedly ask this a* I

want a truthful answer."

(3) Thon
dur gaya tha ki air- para
hi he went only a short

distance, when, before, he fell."

(4) Mai nahl, jdnta hu ki (or aya, or ki aya) naliju achchha

hogd yd burd I do not know if? whether, the result will be
good*or ill : indirect narration.

(5) Is kitdb ko chdhte ho ki usko "do you want this hook

or that ?

(6) Us ne muchho ko td.o di ki, "merd muqdbala kaioi kr

saktd hai "he gave a twirl to
? his moustaches saying thai ?

none could compare to him."

In such sentences kaun is a relative pronoun.
2 Never agar. " If" when it means " whether " is aya or ki.
3 There must be some indication in the clause to show that ki has
this elliptical sense :
you could not, for instance, say mere pas a>/a ki
mal nahl ja ,uga.
LESSON 52. 197

(7) Mai hi tumhdri ta'rif nahl karta, ki '

tumhdri ta'rif to
sard zamdna karta hai "I alone am not praising you, but,
rather, nay, all the world is doing so."
(8) Mai is dar se ki *
mujhe ko,i dekh na-le darakht ki dr me
chhip-gayd for fear lest* any one should see me I hid behind
a tree."

(9) Mai darakht ki dr me chhip-gayd ki s ko.i mujhe

dekh na-le I hid behind a tree so that, no one might see


(10) Mai ne irdda kiyd ki* " Chalu " " I thought of
(lit. I made this intention that, 'Let me go ')."
(11) Wuh ddmi ki 6
(or jo ki or jo) parhnd nalii jdntd,

ndddn hai "the man that 6

(who) cannot read is ignorant, he
is an ignorant man who cannot read = jo ddmi parhnd nah~i
jdntd (wuh) ndddn hai.

(12) Mai khush hu ki or (jo) 6

turn d.e "I am glad that you
have come, in that you have come" ;
turn ne bari khair-khwdhi
6 "
ki ki (or jomufsido ko dabdyd
) you did a great service in

putting down the rioters."

Mai apni jagah par khard 7 kd khard rah-gayd
(13) ki wuh
dyd bhi, aur chald-bhi gayd "I remained standing as I was,

while he went and returned."

Ki here=balki.
2 For mabada (or vulgarly mat) or aisa na-ho ki.
3 For ta ki " so that."
* Direct narration.
5 Ki is not a relative pronoun; wuh "he" is understood after it,
and M really means " that (he)."
" "
Jo, conj., if, inasmuch, in that this is not the rel. pron. jo.

Note that idiomatically khara

1 is not inflected in such cases simi- :

larly aya ka aya soya ka soya. ;


Remark. Ki is often pleonastic as in ki jo, jo ki ['vide' L.

35 (ft)], ki aya, etc., etc. :
qasam Khuda ki ki mai turn se n<t-
bolUga by God (I swear thai) I won't speak to you."

(14) Ek adrm ka mama achchha ki tamam shahr ka? "is

it better for one man to perish or (rather than) the whole
city ?


(a) Ikhtiyar, m. Power, authority, liberty.

Oharaz, subs., f.. and adv Object in mind, purpose, mo-

tive ;
also adv. in short.

se With this object in view.

Matlab, m. Meaning, explanation : also

= yfaaraz .

Mutad, L Object, meaning, desire.

Maqsad, m. = Gharaz.
Fajda, m. Use, benefit ;
interest on
Sud, m. Interest on money.
Shukr, m. Thanks.
Munasib (with dat.) Fitting, proper.

Agar, con]. If.

Agar na ; warna, conj. If not, otherwise.

Agarchi, conj. Although

Jo, rel. pron. Which, that.
Jo, adv. When.
Jo, conj. If; in that, inasmuch.
LESSON 53. 199

Ki, conj. That ;

in that ;
inasmuch as ;

because ;
when ;
whether ;

if ;
or :
= saying that ;
over ;
lest ;
in order that ;

while ;
= of ing ;
also =
who, which.
Mat. Lest (vulg.) ;
not (prohib.).

Ayd. Whether ?

Pahle pahal. First of all.

Zanidna, m. Time ;
the world.

Ta'rif(k),t. Praise; (in writing = descrip-

tion, specification).

Muchh. muchhe, f . The moustache or mousta-

chios ;
whiskers of cat, ti-

ger, etc.
Cover from view or storm, etc.

Fasdd, m. Wickedness viciousness ; ;

pravity disorder ;
bance ;
mischief ; intrigue ;

sedition ;

Fasadi, in. Mischievous, seditious.

Mufsld, m Mischievous, seditious (man).

(6) As you please. Apko ikhtiyar hai ; or dp ki

I have no choice, power, in Is amr me merd ikhtiydt

this matter. kuchh natii hai.

He could not help laughing. Be-ikhtiydr hasne lagd.

His salam as not without a Be-g&araz salam nah\ kahd


motive. (or be-matlab or be^maqsad .

but not be-murdd).


You should give him his de- Uski murdd pun kann minia-

sire, or help him to attain sib hai.

his object.

I am much obliged, under an Mai dp kd bahut mamnun hti ;

obligation, to you. or mujh par dp kd bard

ihsdn hai.

Thanks to God. Khudd kd shukr hai.

He died at once (lit. he fell so Wuh aisd bimdr para ki pant

ill that he had no time even bhi na-magd.
to ask for water 1


May you die alone and help- Turn at'si jagah maro ki (jaha)
less (a curse) !
ko,i tumhe pdnidewd na- 11


Thank you. Ta*Rm['vide'L. 32 (/)].

He looks only to his own ob- Usfn apni hi gharaz (or mat-
ject ;
he is selfish. lab or maqsad or fd\ida] par

naqar hai.
If you mean to come, come Jo tujhe and mangur hai, to

quickly. jald a.

I was going along when sud- Mat rdste me chald-jdtd tJui

denly I saw a snake.

s &
jo (or ki) yak-d-yak ek

sap nazar dyd. ,

Since you said in your letter Turn ne jo* dne ko likhd thd
you were coming, why have ab tak kyu na-d,e ?

you not come ?

Dying people at the last generally ask for water.
Dewa, H.= dene-wala.
3 Jo here is the adv. " when "jab. In Hindi ek-a-ek.
4 Jo here is a conj.
LESSON 53. 201

When I arrived there, they Mai jo

wdhti pahuchd mujhe
all fled. dekhkar sab ke sab bhdg-


This is the first time I have Mai ne dj dp ko pahle pahal

seen you to-day. dekhd.
(c) (1) Masculine nouns ending in nasal n, such as baniya grain-
merchant," have often an alternative form in 5, as baniya. Both
forms are practically declined like kutta. To decline the first form
strike off the final nasal, decline the word like kutta (or baniya), and
then restore the nasal. Thus, gen. baniye ( ) ka, etc. So, too, with
" smoke," ru,a or " down."
dhu,a or dhu,a or dhu,a ro,a 2 m. fine hair,

" 1

Adjectives in 5 nasalized, as baya (also baya)

(2) left-hand,'
change the final syllable to e for all the oblique cases of the masc.
sing, and for the nom. pi. masc., as: ba,e hath (ko) chalo "go to the
left"; da,e-wale "those on the right." The feminine is -f, as: aj
pachwl [tarikh] hai "to-day is the fifth of the month," vide Appen-
dix A (c).

(d) (1) The final silent A (in the Roman character transliterated by
short a) of masculine nouns like banda (nom. sing, and pi.) may or
may not be inflected in the singular, thus bande ka or baiida ka. The
latter form is now usual in writing, but in any case the noun is pro-
nounced as though inflected. Note the inflection bachche-wall murghl
a hen with chicks." The final h is not inflected in Persian construc-
tions, as: zaban i rekJkta me ( j^x^ isuj )
"in the Urdu lan- ^,'oj

guage" ; bachcha-kushl " infanticide." Such forms as sube-dar ^^i^e

(for suba-dar )\& &JJAO )
are vulgar. The final his, of course,
before the formative -o of the plural, as ; bandd ka " of slaves."

Remark.The final 5 of Hindi masculine nouns is, however, inflected

insuch compounds, as pate-baz " fencer karne-wala " doer" 65 ,e-
: ; ;

wale " those on the left."

(2) In masculines in -ya, the y may optionally be changed to hamza:

as: paya Ajb )
m. "leg or foot (of an animal or inanimate thing)",

LU or pa,e " shade," ace. saye or aa,e ko.

pi. paye ( ),
( Jb ).; saya

Jo here is the adv. " when "= 706.
2 An alternative form for the sing, is rom. m.

(3) The plurals of rupaya (or rupaya),^ are rupa,e or ntpaye (or

rupa,e, rvpaye) and rupai or rfiupai. Rupai is also used in the oblique

cases sing., as: ek rupai ka " worth one rupee."

(e) (1) Some feminine nouns that end in silent h, drop the /; in the

plural, as: fabhta "the Bar-tailed Tree Dove," pi. fakhtS; daf'a
( A*'.i )
"time, etc.," pi. daf'e ( ^t*>> ) So, too, the plural of
lasha,3 f.
" carcase " is lashe, which is also the of lash. pi.

Some words do not appear to be used in the plural, as malika,*

(2) :

"queen"; tauba, f. "repentance"; u-alida, f. "mother": banaf-
" Had would be malika,?
sha, f. violet." plurals to be coined they
^xj *1* ) tauba,? ( ^xj *jy )

Remark Some other words, maso. and fern., do not seem to be

used in the plural, as: tarazu,* m. "scales" balu. f. " sand"; darii, :

f. "medicine, remedy (and vulg. gun-powder)" and a few others. :

(/) (1) A few Persian adjectives in silent h are inflected like Hindi
adjectives in 5, as: be-chara "helpless" (fern, be-charl, masc. pi. be-
chare); taza "fresh": haram-zada "bastard, blackguard": shar-
minda "ashamed"; ganda "stinking, fetid": na-kara "useless";
manda " tired, ailing" kamina " low, ignoble." ;

(2) banda = " your humble servant," etc., is bandl

The feminine of >

and of shah-zada " prince," shah-zadi. Badi (rare), and laudl are alsci
used for bandl " your humble servant."
Nouns like dih, m. "village": shah ( & ) m. (contraction
ofShah); gunah,m. "fault": rah (contraction of rah) "way," end
i n an aspirated h and are regular.

For the Hindi rupaya ;
rupaya, etc., etc.
The nom. sing, has other forms, as: rupiya, rupaya, rupaiya and

rupiya. The final 5 of the Hindi becomes silent h in Urdu.

Lasha is sometimes erroneously regarded as a masculine form.
+ The plural would be tin malika, lino malika, etc. Malik Ar.
"king," malikah Ar. AjJU> ) "queen." In Arabic there is no final

silent h: the aspirated final h becomes a silent h in Persian and

Urdu. So, too, walid Ar. "father" and "mother."
Words like
( ;Liu )
Ar. " good news," are in Urdu, masculine when
written bashara but feminine when written basharat
( 8jlj )
6 This must not be confused with
bandl, m. and f. " prisoner, cap-
LESSON 53. 203

(h) A few Hindi feminines in -iya (properly diminutives), form the ,

" a small
plural by adding a nasal n, as chiriya bird," pi. chiriya, 1

gen. pi. chiriyd ka. So, too, randiya (dim. of randl "woman," or
"widow," but in Urdu generally "prostitute"); dibiya "a small
" "a " " a hen
box :
guriya doll ; tiliya pullet (and contemptuously a
" an old
fat 'flapper')" ; burhiya 2 woman"; phuriya " a small boil
or a pimple." (These nouns being feminine do not inflect in the singu-


(i) Mata "mother, also small-pox ,3" has in Urdu the regular
plural mata,e, but in Hindi, mata is also used as the plural. Ghata, f.
" a dense cloud," has as a
plural ghata,e or ghataye.

(f) (1) Feminines in u or o, form the plural like those in I by add-

saru or saro, " a maina,"
ing a, as : f. pi. saru,a.*

(2) The nom. pi. of joru is joru,a, rarely joruwa,* but an alterna-
tive form joru ,e is regular.
(k) Dissyllables remain so in the plural, as: jagah, f. place," pi.
6 not jagahe) bahan or bahin, f. " sister." pi. bahne
jaghe ^.x^Xa. (and ; :

" the Indian crocodile," magro ka

magar, m. gen. pi. So, too, taraf,
f. side, direction," pi.

Also the pi. of chiri " a hen-sparrow."


Burhiya can also be the pi. of burhl an old woman." Sir George

Grierson writes: "As a general rule, both in Hindi and Urdu, the
antepenultimate of a word must be short. Hence burhiya, not
burhiya ; burhl, pi. burhiya:' Vide also L. 24 (6) foot-note.
3 "Mother," an epithet of Parvati, Durga, or* Devi, the wife of
Siva, the patroness of thags, and the goddess of small-pox.
* Note the
shortening of the final u in the plural, vide L. 59 (c) (7).
In Urdu this cannot always be indicated in writing joru,a, etc. is ;

written (
ujl^J*^ )

Note, too, that the Preterite of nikal-na is nikla and not nikal-a,
as might be expected), and the adjective from janam is janmi.
8 The Urdu plural is rarely used.



( ) (1) The Infinitive is both a verb and a substantive

masculine. As a substantive it can be used in any case. It
is occasionally used in the plural : vide Lesson 55 (e) .

In 'Aurat ko mama achchha nahl hai "it improper to


beat a 1
woman," it is a verb, as governs 'aurat in the

accusative ;
and the infinitive, or the whole phrase, is the sub-

ject to hai : in 'aurat kd mama achchha nahl it is obvioush' a

noun :
similarly too in the phrase marne ke waqt tak till
the time of dying, till death." If an infinitive is coupled
with a noun, both forming either the subject, or the object,
(without ko) of a verb, the infinitive usually agrees with the
noun, as :
jhut bolnd achchha nahl (hai) it is not good to
" "
lie ;
wuh kitdb parhni bahut pasand kartd hai he is fond of


(2) If the object have ko, the infinitive is always masculine,

as: Is kitdb ko parhnd mushkil liai = yih kitdb parhm* musli-
kil hai = is kitdb ka parhnd mushkil hai.

(3) A transitive infinite is sometimes used in an intransi-

tive sense, as Ab wuh: din dyd ki uskd beta biydhne jd-rahd
hai the day has now arrived when his son is going to be
married," vide L. 38. (c).

In Delhi, it is obligatory to make the infinitive agree with the

noun, but in Lucknow, the final verb only is made to agree with the
noun, as mujhe kitab parhna thl, which seems absurd.

If several infinitives are the one verb, the

(c) subject of
verb agrees with the last.

* But in Lucknow kitab parhna would be preferred.
LESSON 54. 205

(d) In a (2) it was shown that the post-position ko des-

troys the concord of the infinitive. A similar rule holds
l "
good in the case of adjectives, thus gari khafi Tcaro stop :

the carriage," but gari ko khard karo : again gari khafi karni
achchhi nahl. 'Vide also L. 32 (t).

(e) The infinitive is also a noun (in the Nom.) in such

expressions, as : have to go some-
mujhe kohl jdnd hai I
where, I have an appointment turn ko jana hogd (or paregd);

" " "

you must go usko jana chdhiye he ought to go."

(/) The infinitive is also an imperative future if used for ;

present time it is polite, but not respectful. It is either

preceded by na (vulgarly mat) in the negative, or followed
by natii. Vide also L. 32 (d).
(g) The infinitive with ko is equivalent to the noun of
agency in its future sense, as : mat waha jane, ko hu I intend
to go there ma? waha jdne-wdld hu ; wuh waha jane ko thd
lekin na-gayd he intended to go there but changed his mind.''
It also means to be about to," as : marne ko hu ;
vide p. 152,
note 1, Eg. Tr. H.S., Part III.
(h) (1) The infinitive is idiomatically used in such phrases,
as: tumhdri bahdduri kd kyd kahnd "what can one say of
your valour, how can one praise it enough ? ". vide L. 50 (h) ;

merd waha jana thd ki wuh mar-gay d "he died as soon as I

got there.
(2) It is also colloquially used for the Aorist, as a kind of correla-
tive to another infinitive used as an Imperative, as: jo chahna (for
" do as
chaho) so karna you please."
(3) In the two examples, rupiya to ani jani shai hai " one can't
keep money in one's purse," and yih ek an-honi bat hai this is an im-
possibility," the infinitives are colloquially used for the nown of

Note that, though definite, there is no ko. Lesson 12 (c).

It is inflected before verbs of motion, as mat dp kd :

bdgjj, dekhne ko (or ke waste) dyd "I have come to see your

garden"; mujhe mdrne (ko) daurd = "he threatened to beat

me." It is also inflected before the verbs dend, pdnd. lagnd,
vide L. 18 (a) ; and before kahnd to order," and vulgarly

before chdhnd.

(;') The Present and Past Participles can be used as (i) nouns;
(ii) infinitives ; and (iii) adjectives.

As nouns :

He awoke me from sleep, from Mujhe sole se jag ay a.


To a drowning man, the support Dubte ko lmke f kn asra (=sahara)

of a straw is ample. bahut hai.

By order. Kahe se.

Mind my words, believe what I Mera kaha man.

said (or am about to say).
His messenger. Us ka bheja hu,a.
A band of the defeated. Hazlmat kha,e hu,d ka ek guroh.

(ii) As infinitives :

Immediately on hearing this. Sunte ke sath (=aunne ke 8ath =

sunte hi).

Why have you come so late, when Kyu itn\ rat ga,e [par] turn a,e ?
so much of the night has passed ?
I rose three hours (one watch) Po/wir din charhe [par] utha.
after daylight.

(iii) As adjectives :

A speaking likeness, a life-like Muh se boUl hu,l ta*wir.


Congealed blood.

The Participles (and the cases where hu,a can be omitted and in-

serted) are fully dealt with in* " Hindustani Stumbling-Blocks."



(a) (1) The relative mayoccur as both subject and object in the
same sentence. This construction is obligatory when the subject and
object are both indefinite, conditional clauses excepted "every one, ;

any one, took away whatever fell into his hands jo jis ke hath para
le-gaya (lit. "whatever fell into whosoever's hands, he took that
away"); in such sentences the correlative is always omitted.

(2) A similar construction is required with the interrogatives as ,


kaun kis chlz ka malik hai tell me who is the owner of each
' '

bolo ki ;

thing, who is the owner of what ; bahs karte the hi kaun kya mansab-
o-'uhfla pa,ega they were discussing who would get what rank and

(3) The and jitna may take the place

relative adverbs jaha, jab, jaisa
jaha se jo kuchh mujhe hath toga mal le-aya what- '
of the relatives, as

ever I got from anywhere I brought it with me jo faqir jab mere pas :

a,ega mai uako ek paisa duga I will give a pice to any faqir when-
ever he comes to me."

Jaisa and jitna, however, admit of a correlative, as jo jaisa karega ;

waisa pa,ega "as a man acts, so will he be rewarded"; jiskl jitrii

" one should
amadanl ho utna (or usl mutjabiq) bharch kare spend ac-
cording to one's income."

For place or direction, too, an adverb may be a correlative, as:

" he went in
aya 'udhar hi ko chala
jia taraf se exactly the same direc-
tion whence he came."

(b)Naqsha m. :
Map, plan ; picture design
; ;

diagram ;
a blank form ;

drawing ;
features ; pros-
pect, state of affairs.

Mushkil, subs, f., and adj. Difficulty; difficult.

Ju.d m. Gaming and gambling :

(for oxen).

Ju,a khelna, tr. To gamble.

Parhez, m. Abstinence ; shunning ; diet

in sickness.

Parkcz-gar, adj. and subs. One who shuns altogct IHT :

one who controls his pas-


Shay, AT., f .
; (the Hindu- A thing
stani pi. not used ')

It is difficult to have all Sab nac/Kli<' kit I ink taiyar hone


the maps (or forms) ready mushkil hoi.

by to-morrow.
It is difficult to have the book Kitab kal ink taiyar horn in it* It -

kil hai
ready by to-morrow.
There is no fear he will come. Us ke ane ka kuchh an flesh a

(or dar) nahl hai.

There is no hope at all of his Uske achchhe hone H kuchh

getting well. bhi ummed natii.

It is difficult to remember so line lafz yad Icarne* mushkil

many words. hai.

I must first finish this. Mujhe pahle isko tamdm karna


] told him, ordered him, to go Mai ne us se uxiha jane ko

there but he did not listen kaJtd lekin us neek na mani. 8
in the least.

It is better to die than to live Aise bure fine se to mama

such a miserable life. achchhd hai.

A man should not turn him- Hard ko 'aural bannd* na

self into a woman. chahiye.

The Arabic plural ashyu is used by the literate
Though yad by itself is feminine, the compound verb yad karna i?

3 Feminine to agree with bat understood.
* Not bannl because the logical subject ia mard.
LESSON 55. 209

The wall on this side should Is taraf kl diwdr uchd,i me

be less in height. Team honi chdhiye.

The doors on both sides are Dono taraf ke darwdze band

better shut. hone bihtar hat.

Service is mere slavery. Naukari karm aur kisi kd gh_u-

Idm banna bardbar hai. 1

Wine, gaming, and women Shardb pirn, ju,d khelnd aur

ruin a man. bun 'aurato ki suhbat me
baithnd insdn ko tabdJi Icar-

detd hai.

She abstains from wine drink- Shardb pine se parhez karti

ing. hai.

I am going to
feed.' Mai roti khdne jdtd hu.

One can't keep money. Rupiya to dm jam shai hai?

This is an impossibility. Yih an-honi bat hai!1

This sick man is not expected Is bimdr kd naqsha, achchha

to live. nazar nahl dtd.

I am not allowed to eat beef Mujhe gd,e ke gosht se parhez

(by Doctor's orders) ;

also hai.

I never take it.

Death is better than this. Maut dm (or maut kd and) is

se bihtar 6 hai.

They began to throw many Bare bare patthar kishtiyo ki

huge stones at the boats. taraf phekne shuru' kiye.*

If dond were inserted after banna the verb would be hai, plural,
and not hai.
Idioms, for one- jane-wall, and na-hone-walt.
* Bihtar is the Persian comparative.
Kiye plural, as the object patthar phekne is plural.

(d) The Conjunctive Participle indicates that one act is


completed before another,- as: usne has-kar kaha. "he said

laughingly," i.e. he first laughed and then said. The Past
Participle (of transitive verbs always inflected)
indicates state.
while the Present Participle 8
indicates act of
doing, thus: pagri badh-kar aya, "he put on his pagri and
then came." Pagri bathe* (hu,e) aya, "he came with his
pagri on his head." Pagri badhtd* (hu,d) aya, "he came
tying on his pagfi as he came."
(2) The Past Participles of transitive verbs can be combined
with any tense of the verb '

to be
' '

and become/
The Past Participles of a few intransitive verbs
only that
indicate state can be so combined.
the latter are
baitha hu,d tha, etc.,
soya hua,para (hu,a),leta (liu,a).latka.
(hu,a). the (hu,a) of these last verbs be
omitted, they max
be either the compounds of the Past
Participles and hona. or
else the simple Perfect and
Pluperfect tenses, etc. baitha hai, :

and baitha tha may, therefore, mean " he is

sitting (is seated)."
and "he was sitting (was
seated)/' or else "he has sat" and
"hehadsat." [The Participles are fully dealt with '

in Hindu-
stani Vide also L. 63.


(a)-Namaz,L The Muslim pubjic prayer

(which is a kind of liturgy).

Passive not used, vide
Stumbling- Blocks. For repetition of Conj.
Part, i-ide L. 38
(g), foot note.
Note that the Past Part, of
transitive verbs is thus
inflected, for all genders and numbers
LESSON 56. 211

Panj-waqti namdz. Prayer at the five stated

times, the prayer five times
a day.

Namdz parhm (or add k.}. To pray.

Namdzi, adj. Punctual in prayer ;
hence re-

Du'd, f. A blessing prayer ;

in the
Christian sense.

Du'd dend. To bestow a blessing on.

Du'd karnd or magnet. To pray.

Bad-du'd (karnd or dend), f. A curse.

Marlium (
Ar. p. p. from rahm). (Lit. pitied, blessed) ; late, de-
ceased ; (generally added
to the names of deceased
Muslims but not to those of
Hindus) .

Mutawaffq. Deceased (used for iion-Mus*-


Yaqln and or hand. To believe, be believed ;

feel certain.

1'tibdr, m. Trust, reliance, confidence.

I'tibdn, mu'tabar. Trusted, trustworthy; (of

persons, a clock, etc.) ;


Tapaknd, intr. To drip, leak from above ;

throb (of a wound).

Tang, subs, and adj. A girth ; tight ;


Tanga, m.
A defile or pass.

Used on the N.-W. Frontier.


Tangi, f.
Straits ; narrowness ;
ness ;
scarcity want ;

stinginess a large sack.


Tang karnd. To contract, make narrow,

etc., etc. ; put pressure on,
worry, harass, oppress.
Tang ana. Be distressed, in difficulty.
Nisf, in.
Insaf, m. Justice.
Munsif, Ar., part. Just; an umpire; a court
munsiff, or "under sub-
Munsiji k.
Do justice ; to umpire.
Walid, Ar. m. ;
Wdlida, Ar., f.
Sab chlz.
tiab chize.
All the things.
Ghat, m. A landing place; a Hindu
bathing place in a river a ;

place on the river bank

whence water can be dra u n ;

a ferry.
Ghafi, H., f.
A defile, pass.
Ohdtd, H., in.
Deficiency, loss.
Nid, f.
To wake up be ; alert.
Chauk-parnd. To start out of
sleep (sud-
LESSON 56. 213

Saza, f. Punishment.
Bachhra, in. Calf.

Bachhera. Colt.

Bachhen. Filly.

(6) A compound of two nouns of different genders usually

follows the gender of the second, as: aram-talabi, f. "being
fond of ease"; shikdr-gdh. f. ''hunting-ground"; db-o hawd ;

f. "climate."

Sarkdr, f., follows the gender of kukumat, though both its

compounds are masculine

Qibla-gdh in the sense of "the direction faced in prayer"
is fern, according to the above rule, but in the sense of

father it is masculine.

There seems to be no good reason why pd,e-gdh, ''rank,

dignity," and khar-gdh royal tent, pavilion." should be mas-


Guft o gu or guft-gu, "conversation" is fern., though the

second noun is masculine (and the first fern.).

(c) The first tendency of the verb is to agree with the

masculine or more worthy gender, as : larke larkiya khel-rahe
hat "the children, boys and girls, are playing together";
sand aur bakriya ek sdth cMrte the the bull and the she-goats
were grazing together." Compare L. 20 (g).
In this example, the sand is by far the more
important animaL hence the verb, though plural, is mas-

(d) Therealso a second tendency of the verb to agree,


for the sake of euphony, with the last subject, and in the
case of inanimate nouns, or animals of equal value, it gener-

ally does so agree, as : sab haran aur jangll bhaise chiriyd-


kjwine se bhag-ga,l (or, not so good, bhdg-ga.e) =sab Jtaran bhag-

ga,e aur'jangK bhaise bhi.

To avoid conflict, the words dono, tino. etc., or sab, are,

when possible, inserted, and require the verb to be in the
masculine plural, as : mera Ut aur uskl hathni dono chori ga,e

(or chura,e ga,e) ;

omit the dono and the verb is preferably
feminine singular, chori ga.t.

In mat ne ek sher aur etc shernl dekhi (or dekhe), the verb
is better singular feminine for the sake of euphony, but if the
verb and the last object be separated, euphony no longer re-

quires this feminine mal ne ek sher aur ek sherni Naipdl ke


jangal me dekhe is better than dekhi.

(e) When several infinitives are the subject, the verb always agrees
with the last.

The plural is often used for respect, as Jaj Sahib bare

(/) :

" "
munsif adml hdl the judge is very just
unho m* kaha ;

" he said."

Such words as the King, the Governor, etc., may be singular,

if Sahib be added for
but respect the verb must be plural.
(g) When
the subject is a plural concrete noun, the predicating noun
must also be plural, as
fiam yaha ke rahne-wale (not
: ka rahne-wala)
nahl hat " I am not a resident of this place."

If, however, the predicating noun is abstract, it remains in the sin-

gular, as us ke qatl ka sabdb us ke doat the

" his friends were the cause
(sing.) of his death"; kale adml se merl murad turn ho "by 'black
man' I mean you."

(h} A
few adjectives (Arabic part.) require a genitive, as :

ivuh sazd ke qabil (or ld,iq) hai, " he is

worthy of punishment,"
As munsif is also a technical word for a " munsiff " it is better to
insert the word adml.
1 itself is an old form of us ne and is
Unneby sing. But in un larkd
ne, the un is the plural of the demonstrative adjective wuh.
LESSON 57. 215

but wuh sazd kd mustahiqq hai: wuli rofi kd muhtdj hai "he
is in need of bread." Like qabil and ld,iq, the adjectives
" " "
tnuwafiq like," mdtdbiq conformably with," bardbar equal
to, etc.." are equal to prepositions and govern the inflected
genitive. Wuh bat ka bard sachchd hai he is true to his word,
he keeps to his appointments, etc.," is Hindi.


(a) I don't believe it in the Is bat ka mujh ko zard bhi yaqin

least. nahl hai.

It might be inferred from \vhat Uski bdto se pay a jdtd thd ki

he said that he was in diffi- wuh tangi ki kdlat me hai.

He implied that, it might be Uski bdto se tapaktd thd ki tum-

inferred from \vhat he said hl' ne yih chori ki.
that, it was you who com-
mitted the theft

Good or bad I'm going to do Achchhd ho ki (or yd) burd.

it. magar ham is kdm ko zarur

Many pears, pomegranates, Yaha bahut si 1

guavas. peaches, musk- andr, amrud dru, kharbuze,
melons, water-melons, and tarbuz* aur bihiyS paidd

quinces are produced here. hotl hai.

I was just starting when* he Mai jane logo, ki * wuh d-pahu-

suddenly arrived. chd.

Feminine to agree with the nearest noun.
2 In Persian, and locally, amrud is " pear."
3 Tarbuz=hinduwana.
* Ki "when," denoting suddenness not here 706; but job mai jane

laga wuh a-pahucha, " he arrived (not suddenly) when I was starting."

Your mother is lying very Tumhdrt wnUda hlntnr /win

sick (i.e., is confined to her liai.


Your mother fell ill. Tumhdri wdlida blmdr pari.

My cow, his bullock, and your Men gd,e, uskd bail, aur tum-
calf have gone to graze in lidrd bacJihj-d find '
the jungle. me charne c/a,e ha7.

When I suddenly woke up. I Jab mai nld se chauk-pard,

recollected that I was (sleep- mujhe ydd dyd ki mat ghar
ing) alone in the house. me akeld papa (huj) M.
These women all deserve to Yih 'aurate sab H sab. snza /;

be punished. mustahiq<] hm.

(b) The verbal noun of agency (karne ivdld, m., "a doer")
partly a noun and partl} a verb, as admi-khane-wala sher
is :

"a man-eating tiger"; khatt ka likhne-ivdla "the writer of

the letter." In the former, ddmt is the object of khane-wala :
in ahista jdne-u'dld "a slow goer," jdne.-wdld is qualified 1\

an adverb.
The verbal noun of agency (karne-wdld, m., "a doer") is
also a future participle, as; mat jdne-ivdld hn " I am about
to go, I am going"; yih ghofi bachcha dene-wati hai "this
mare is just going to foal." By Hindus, the words hdr and
hard are often used for wdld, but lakar-hdrd wood-cutter" ;

honhdr "promising"; pan-hdri "a woman water-carrier,"

and a few others are also used by Muslims.
Wdld can be added to substantives also, but not usually to
adjectives; bail-wdld "the man driving the bullock; also a
" " "
seller of bullocks roti-wdld ;baker shahr-iodld "resident

Tind, sab, etc., is always inserted in such sentences : vide L. 56 (d).

LESSON 57. 217

of a city." [Such expressions as achchhd-wald for "the good

one," are English they are used by servants of Europeans],

(c) The particle to is a correlative of agar and also of


jab, being in modern Urdu preferred to tab. When a correla-

tive, it can begin a clause. After dekhna, it has often the force
" "
of lo ! It is often an expletive. When an enclitic, it adds
point to a speech. The instances of its very idiomatic use,
given in the previous examples, should be carefully studied.

(2) Ntz "also," can begin a clause; but bhi. like the en-
clitic to, cannot.

(d) Sahi
is a dramatic particle often difficult to translate. It usually
means us suppose, let it be admitted" but some-
let there be, let ;

times also " " never

certainly just so, very well, pray, etc." na-sahl
; ;

mind, well one cannot." In games, etc., sdhl is an exclamation =

"ready!" Raha saha=" as much as remained, the little that was

(e) Jab is often idiomatically and forcibly used for tab,

especially before ja-kar or before IcdKi, as ham charo ne, mil-


kar, mihnat ki, jab (or tab) kam pura ho-gaya "the
jakar yih
worjc was only then finished when we all three combined " ;

jab mat Dilli a,Ugd ki turn bhi wahS, ho I'll come to Delhi

only when you are there."

(/) Agar and jab are frequently idiomatically omitted,

vide L. 51 (/). footnote. The Ito of the dative, signifying
motion to, i.e., before verbs of going, sending, writing, arriv-

ing, is also often omitted. (Agar wuh d-jd,e to mai faur-an

Ilahabad 1
(ko) jafiga, "if (or when) he comes I will go
straight to Allahabad." Vide also L. 12.. (i).

(g) (1) Some nouns are of common gender, as: dushman, "ene-
my" ; dost, friend."

(2) few Hindi nouns of agency in ya are of common gender, as:

gawaiya, m., f. "singer" rakhwaiya, m. f.=rakhwal, m., f. (or rakh
; ,

wala, m. and rakhwall, f.) '-guardian"; sulwaiya, m., f., vulg.,

" one who lulls to "
sleep," and auwaiya sleeper."

The " makes no change

(h) adjective barhiya superior, excellent,"
for gender, as :
barhiya chlzS.

(i) The negative does not always immediately precede the verb,
vide L. 16 (b). Note its positions in: mai yih na-janta lha, and mal
yih junta na-tha.

(j)-Qalib, m. A mould; also the human

frame, body; body of any

Kisi la ghat me baithna (or To lie in ambush for.

rahnd or laga-rahnd).

Kharch hona, intr. To be expended, spent (of

money or anything).
Kharch, m. Expenditure, expenses.
Amadani, f. Income importation of goods.

Faur-an, adv. Immediately.

Chuhd, m. Rat.

Chuhi, f. Mouse.

Bit, m. Hole of rat. mouse, etc.

Billi, f. She-cat; also "cat"' (class-
Billd, m. Tom-cat.

Ban, H., m. Jungle (properly forest or

Jangal, P., m. bushy land).

Ban-bila,o, m. Wild cat.

The class-noun for horse ghora, m., but the class-noun for
cat" isbilli, f.
LESSON 58. 219

(a) When several roots, infinitives, or participles follow

one another in the same construction, the finite verb is ex-
pressed with the last only, as wuh mujhe dne jane detd hai,

he allows me to come and go "; jab ivuh sab kuchh khd pi-

ga,e, "when they had eaten and drunk up everything."

(b) The conjunction 'and' is frequently omitted between
two nouns, as "
: Tich nlch, f. (and adj.) ups and downs,

vicissitudes, pros, and cons." :

garm-sard (or garm o sard),
m. (and adj.) "the ups and downs of life." [This question
of is more fully dealt with in
Asyndeton Stumbling-

(c) Boys and girls. Larke larkiya.

Big and little alike refused to Chhote bard sab ne kahd ki yih
agree. manzur nahi.

Milk and sugar. Dudh shakar.

The old man had barely said Una hi kahne pdyd ki burhe kl

this, when he expired. jan nikal-ga,t.


(d) I have come to see your Ap ki bdz ko dekhne


aya hU.
I am about to die. Ab mai marne-wald hu.

The late (also the dying) Raja. Marne-wdld JRdjd.

Tell me its advantages and Is ki bura.i bhaldj batd,o.

This a very up and down, Is mulk me charhaj utra,i ba-

hilly, country. hut hai.

Note the position of burhe, and the change of subject. Such a
construction, though wrong in English, is not so in Urdu.
2 After dekhne, the ko could not be inserted, as it occurs already

after the direct object baz ko. Vide L. 54 (i).


Alas, how full of good quali- Ah, marne-wale

me kya kya
ties was our late friend. khubiyathl!
He has written to a friend in Apne ek dost ko Rawalpindi

Rawalpindi. [ko ]
khatt likha hai.

If I hear anything about the Pinshin ka lw.1 kuchh ma'liim

pension I'll tell you. 1m ja to s kahuga.

This has just happened. Yih abhi hu,a hai.

When you have yourself seen Ap khud unko khate hu,e dekh-
them eating (or if you your- le, tab to sahl.

self see them eating), you

will believe it (or allow I am


Well, if I cannot manage to Khair, agar sair-o-safar mu-

travel (for pleasure). I can- yassar nahl, na-sahi.

If not half an anna, well an Adh ana na-sahi, ek ana w/w.


Come if vou mean to. A.o to a.o.

Eat it or leave, you will get Khd,o to khd,o, yihi ham dete

nothing else. hai.

Stay or not, but I'm going. Rdho to raho, magar ham jate

If you have anything to say, Bolo to bolo, nahl to ham jate

say it ;
I cant wait. hai.

Just listen to me. Suno to sahl.

In these idioms marne-wala = "the one destined to die (and who
has died)."
Not, Rawalpindi ko.
a Here the correlative to clearly indicates that an agar is under-
LESSON 58. 221

Well do it (or just let me see Kar to sahl.

you do it).

All, big and little, said that Chhote bard '

sab ne kaha ki
they agreed to it.
yih thlk hai.
You'd better call me names. Gait do to sahl.

Pray open it. Kholo to sahl.

Ah, you just see how I'll thrash Dekho to sahl, ham kitnl mar
you. mdrte hai.
Come on if you dare, or well, A,o to sahl.

just come here.

If a corpse has already got 100 Jaha murde par sau man mitti,
maunds of earth on top of ivaha nau man aur sahi =

it, let it have 9 more (

= as Jaha ek hazdr dagh hai, ek
well be hanged for a sheep hazar ek sahl.
as for a lamb) .

Let us suppose that the earth Dunya gol sahl sahl ke kya
is round why suppose ? ma'nl ? yU kaho ki gol hai.

say rather it is round.

" "
If you won't be my lover, Turn nahl aur sahl, aur nahl
well some one else will if ;
aur sahl."
some else won't, then some
one else will."

We must love some one: Dil laga-lege ;" Farangi Ma-

" Mahall pros- hall* abad rahe"
may Farangi
per !

Note that chhote is inflected, but that the formative -o is added to
the second word only.
Ma'nl, ma'ne or ma'nq, etc., pi. masculine.
Farangi Mahall in Lucknow its women have or had a reputation

for immorality.

The little life there was left Rahi sahi jan qalih se nikal-
in me, left my body. (ja,i.

The little money I had left Raha saha rupiya bhi kharch

was also spent. lio-gaya.

Play fair and don't hit so Zior se marne H nahl w///.


I come and go here frequently. Mai yaha aya jai/n karta fifi.

Play fair and don't help him Batane H nahl ftaht.

(to an onlooker assisting an

opponent at chess, etc.).

Come, you must not ask out- Auro se pvchhne ki nahi snhi.
side help, play fair.

I am living beyond my in- Kharch,aincid,am *e zii/nda fiat


Dawson's boots are not im- Aj kal Dasan l

ke jute. Id nm<t -

ported now, are not kept dam nahl hai.

in the shops.

He is sulky with me, that's Wuh mujh se rutha* hit. a hai

why he won't come to see jabhl

wuh mujJi w milnc
me. nahl ata.

I began to do this as early as Aj mat chhe hi baje sc yih kam

six ;
that's how it is finished karne laga ; jab IK waqt tak
by now. pura huja.
I went before he had even Wuh aya bht na-tha, jabhi ma!
arrived. chald-qaya.

1 A brand of boots much in favour.

Ruthna, sp. of equals or of children : the word contains an idea of
Tabhl not so idiomatic.
LESSON 59. 223

What comparison is there (or KahU, mat kahii turn, 1

can there be) between us

two ?

It is nearly finished. Thord bdqi hai.

He nearly fell off his horse. Nazdik thd ki ghore par se gir-


(a) Balki (enhansive conj.). Moreover, nay, rather.

Magar, lekin (exceptive conj .). But.

8iwd or siwa,e, prep, and adv. With the exception of; be-

'Aldwa, prep, and adv. Besides, in addition to.

Age, prep, and adv. In front of, before (time or

place) ;
in comparison with.
Sdmne, prep. In front of, opposite ;
in com-
parison with.

( ki) ni-sbat. f .
subs, and prep. Regarding with reference to
; ;

compared with ;
relation ;

connection ; comparison ;

ratio, proportion ;

ship by marriage ; betroth-


kebi-nisbat, in. (and f.) prep. In comparison to.

Ittild', f. Information, report.

Ittild' (lend. To inform, report.

A good example of Asyndeton.

Compare example in L. 48 (/.).

Ittila' -riama m. ,
A written report.

Muttala' k. To inform.

Goya, conj. and adv. As if, as though, so to speak.

Nij kd, pron., adj. Own ; special ; personal ; pri-

vate; unofficial.

and subs. Other strange different

Ohair, adj. ; ; ;

changed for the worse :

foreign ;
another person an ;

outsider; stranger.

Begdna, adj. Strange, belonging to outside ;

of unfamiliar appearance.

BdJiar ka. Of outside, strange, not of the

house also outer.;

Ajnabi, or glsflir mulkt. A foreigner.

Bdshinda, m. An inhabitant, a dweller of a

town or country (not of a

Rahne-wala. An inhabitant, a dweller of a

town or country and also

of a house.

Be, P., prep.

Bind or bin,
H. prep.

Ba-gkair, prep. Without.

Mdnind, f., prep. Like, resembling.

Bdbat. f., prep. Concerning.

Be precedes the noun, and bin either precedes or follows the noun :

neither needs the post-position. Vide Gram. Notes VII (/).

2 If it precedes its noun, it is masculine.
LESSON 59. 225

Taraf, f., prep. Direction, towards.

Janib, f., prep. Do. do.

Tarah, f., prep. Manner, like.

Ware (in the Punjab ure) prep. On this side of, on the near
side of.

Pare, prep. On the far side of.

Warlt taraf. On the near side.

Parli tftraj. On the far side.
Zamin se lekar dsmdn tak. From (beginning from) the
earth to the sky.
Chhor-kar or chhor-ke, conj. Except, omitting, leaving out
part., and prep.
Chhor. Let alone, not to speak of.

" "
(b) Except and besides :
(1) all came except Zaid sab

a,e magar (or lekiri) Zaid nahl aya = Zaid ke siwa sab d,e, or
Zaid chhor-ke sab a,e. In negative sentences the thing ex-
cepted is sometimes totally different in kind from the general
term, as : us jangal me mai ne janwaro ke. siwa kisi adrrii ki
shakl na-dekhl in that jungle with the exception of animals
I saw no human form " ; idiomatically this is correct, but
logically ridiculous. Mai ne gham ke siwa kabhi rdhat na-
" =1
dckhl with the exception of grief I had no pleasure '

had all grief and no pleasure").

(2) Besides : "I have other books besides these in kitabo
ke 'aldwa (or wrongly siwa) mere pas aur kitdbe bhi hat : "I
have no other book except (or besides) these in kitabo ke
siwa (or 'alawa) mere pas ko,i kitdb nanl.

1 This idiom has its origin in a confusion of thought, as even a native

would not say, " all the fish died except the elephant."


(e) (1) Most Persian and Arabic masculine nouns in -a,

and certain Hindi nouns denoting relationship, titles and
professions, are exceptions as regards declension, i.e. they do
not inflect in the singular or in the nom. pi. Ex. daryd, m.. ;

" river and sea " " "

P., ddnd, P. wise, a wise man
; sakrd, ;

" desert " " "

m., Ar., chacha, m., H.,
; paternal uncle ;
H. P. (ditto );
#*#, H. P. school master" (also a title of
respect); raja, H. "a raja"; pita, S. father"; data, S.
" "
giver" ;
devtd or de,ota, S. a Hindu deity."
" a paternal grandfather, an elder brother,"
(2) Dada, H.
may or may not be inflected.

(3) Raja is in Urdu written raja, and hence occasionally

inflected. The
plural is usually, raja log. So, too, wala is
often written wala. Vide also page 3. '

(4) Nasha, m., P., "intoxication," and majara* in.
event," are declined like kuttd.

(5) Masculines in -u or -o. as bichchhu (also bichchhu.a

and bichchhuwd) "scorpion"; biju (or bijju or bijjo) "bad-
ger are practically declined like mard, but see (7). So, too,
are masculines in -?, such as moti, m. " pearl." hdthl ele-
li "
phant," bM,t brother."
malt a Hindu gardener." dhobi
" Hindu washerman " these merely insert a euphonic y ;
in the

oblique cases plural, as :

mdliyo kd. Vide also p. 2 (c).

(6) Bha,i has a vocative bhayyd

((*#) and ma,t a vocative

(lj/c). and bahin a vocative baind (luj) or bahind or

But in Urdu generally used in the Persian sense
" an old slave, an
elder brother."
2 It is never inflected in Hindi.
, * # -

s From the Arabic jiLiJ or lii.

* From the Arabic tna-jarq " that which
(^fj** U) happened."
& Said to be a good vocative in Bihar and Oudh, but not in Delhi.
LESSON 59. 227

(7) Nouns, masculine or feminine, ending in u, shorten the

u before the formative 5 of the plural, as asu. in. " tear," :

gen. pi. asftp lea,
^ri^flf OT (in Urdu written either fc &fj~tf
or but pronounced with a short u). In bu or bo f.,

"perfume," however, the final vowel remains long in the

' '

plural, as bu,e or bo,e.

: Vide also L. 53 (?').
" "
(8) Gha,o, m. wound, sore has only one o in the forma-
tive pi., as :
ghd,o kd.

(9) Naw, f., H. (vulg. nd,o), has, nom. pi. nawe. gen. pi.
nawo ka, etc.

(10) The nom. pi. of ga,o

or gd,e " cow," is gd.e. gen. pi.

gd,o^ M or gdyo Ted ;

of ra,e or ray. f.
opinion." ra,e or rdye,
gen. pi. rd,o ka or rdyo kd.
(11) Note the following: bhau (or bho), f. eyebrow, coro-
net of a horse's hoof," nom. pi. bhau,e or bhawe, gen. pi.
bhauwo kd or bhawd kd ; soh, f. H. " oath," nom. pi. so,e. gen.
pi. soho kd ; m&, f. mother," pi. md,e.
Paw. m. " foot," gaw. m. " village," naw. m. '''name,"
and m. " snare, chance, etc.," may be declined regularly.
The usual modern forms, however, are pd,o, gd,o, nd,o, and
dd,o, sing, and pi. The formative pi. pawd (kd), etc., etc., is
contracted to pd,o (kd), etc., etc., so for these words there is

usually only the one form for all cases sing, and pi.

(13) The formative pi. of khdnsdmdn (vulg. khansdma), is

khdnsdmd,o (kd, etc.),(^) o^l/cl-Jli..

(d) The logical subject of the Adverbial Participle is in

the inflected genitive, as : mere jdgte M " as soon as I awoke."

Biit in Persian gav

Jg without a hamza.

2 There is nothing to distinguish ga,d ^^ " village" from the ob-

lique cases of ga.e ^
" cow."

Its object is either in the inflected genitive or the accusative,

as mere usko (or uske) dekhte hi, wuh uth-baitJid
: as soon as
1 saw him, he sat up." Occasionally the hi is omitted, as :

fajr hole [hi] wuh rukhsat hu,a he left as soon as it was

(a) Two post-positions sometimes follow the same sub-

stantive, as ghore par se gird he fell off his horse (lit. from

on his horse)." Ghar me, subs., f., or ghar ke log, subs., m.,
" "
is a polite term for wife mere ghar me ne kahd = mere ghar

ke logo ne kahd = my wife said."

Post-positions are sometimes omitted, as : tumhare hdtho

"at your hands"; tumhdri jagah "in your place"; un he.

ndm addressed to him."
(a letter)

(b) Tak meaning " even " is not a post -position, as ghord :

tak (not ghore tak) wahS maujud thd even the horse was
there." Wuh is makdn me kahu tak hogd, wuh is shahr tak
me nahl (
= is shahr me bht nahl) " set aside his being in this
house, he is not even in this town ;
ek bd,isikal chdUs pachas
rupai tak In le-lo buy a bicycle, of not more than 40 or 50

rupees in value."
(c) Balki is it always occurs
enhansive, it means but" ;

after a negative clause, as beat the boy, but :

I didn't

(rather) your servant did mat ne larke ko nahl mdrd balki
tumhare naukar ne mdra.
Note the following Mai keld nahl khd,ugd balki dm

khd,ugd I won't eat the (or a) plantain, I'll eat the (or a)

mangoe," (said by a child who has been refused the mangoe ;

balki used here, as the conjunction understood is enhansive


and not exceptive) but mat keld nahl khd.ugd mayor dm


For " but " in such sentences, beginners generally write mayor.
LESSON 60. 229
kha,ugd I'll take a mango please not a plantain " (by a per-
son offered a choice).
When "but" means "instead of" it must be rendered by
balki. Vide Footnote, page 53.

(d) (1) Some prepositions are feminine and require kl be-

fore them, as :
purab ki taraf "towards the east." If, how-
ever, they precede their substantives they require ke. as :

taraf uske,

(2) The following prepositions are feminine Hindi or :


"towards" ( = taraf}; jagah "in place of" Persian: babat

"concerning"; zabarii "from the tongue or mouth of";
ba-jihat "by means of"; ba-dawlat "by means of" (for

favourable things only, except ironically). Arabic taraf, :

janib, samt "towards, in the direction of" khatir "for the ;

sake of"; ma'rifat "by means of"; nisbat "with reference

to, in comparison with."

(e) (1) The prepositions badle "instead " hawale " in the ;

charge of" zimme "in the security of" zan'e "by means
; ;

of," are inflected nouns with a post-position understood

With zari'e, and with hath "by the hand of," the post-posi-
tion is sometimes used.*
Similarly in such expressions as, uske goU lagl "he was
" "
hitby a bullet ghori ne uske lat mart
: the mare kicked
him" bail ne uske slg mard "the bullock gored him," the

words badan me, or badan par, are understood. Vide also

L. 20 (e).

(/) Masculine nouns in -a often have a diminutive form

in -. as: patla, m. "a big leaf," patti, f. "a small leaf."

Jihat and dawlal are Ar. subs. (fern, in Urdu) with the Persian
preposition ba prefixed. Ba-dawlat lit. by the good fortune of."
2 Kisi ke hath bechna " to sell to a "
person" hath ana or lagna to ;

come to hand."

The Persian suffix cha is also used to form diminutives.

" "
as :
sunduq, m. a large box." sunduq-cha, m. a small box."

sunduq-chi, f. H., is a still smaller box, "a casket."

(g) Take one out of these. In me se ek le-lo.

The money kept in this box Is bakas me. Tea rupiya gum
is missing. ho-gaya.
I have searched the news- Char pach mahine tak ke

papers from now up to four akhbdr dekh-liye.

or five months back.
These are my own private Yih chize men nij H hai.

For my own special riding. Mere nij H sawari ke liye.

There is no outsider, stranger, Yaftfi ghfiir admi naffi hoi .

A foreigner. Ohair mulk ka admi.
Who is it Some stranger.
? Kaun hai ? Ko,% bahir ka
admt hai .

"This belongs to some one Yih begana ma I Ixii .

else, not mine," or

it is
belongs to some one else
not of the household/'
You appear to be a stranger Tumhart swat begana ma'lum
to me, I don't think I know Jioti hai.

I mean to read (or to come, Mujh ko yahs tak ka irada Jti.
etc.). as far as this.
Thus far and no farther. Mujh ko yahl tuk ka irada hai.
Water out of this. 7,s me ka pant.

From 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Fa jar ke das baje se lekar

sham ke chha baje tak.
If I cannot dwell near them, Sath rahna, pa,s ra]ia,
never mind. hai, na-sahi.
LESSON 60. 231

All the servants with the ex- Turn ko chhof-kar sab naukar
ception of you, are scound- namak-hardm hai.

Cut down every other tree. Ek chhor-kar dusre darakht ko


Not one but ten rats came out Ek chhor (not chhor-ke) das
of the hole ;
let alone one. chuhe bil se nikle.
ten rats came out of the
He (or I, etc.) would rather go Qaid me jdnd manzur hat lekin
to prison than pay the fine. jurmdna deria qabul nahl.

Call him a thief call him CJior kyd, balki wuh to ddku
rather a robber. hai.

A slave I don't consider him, Ghuldm kya, mm to us ko beta

I consider him my son. samajhtd Titi.

Forgot you say ?

Why you Bhulnd kya ma'na ? balki jdn-
wilfully disobeyed me !
bujhkar turn ne merd kahnd
Rascal you call him ? call Pdjl kya ? yu kahiye ki pakkd
him a regular devil. shaitfin hai.

As soon as he saw me. the Mujhe dekhte hi chor bhdg

thief went off like a shot. khard hu.d.
The young man was very Jawdn uske (or usko) dekhte
pleased at seeing him. hi khush hu,d.

I have eaten Your Honour's Huzur kd namak khdyd hai.

salt (I am your servant and

under obligation to be
He made up his mind to take Dil me thdn-ll '
ki kisi dhab
them somehow or other, se inhe le-lend chdhiye.

for himself.

Feminine to agree with bat understood. All Direct Narration.

The master stopped the rich Ustdd ne amir ke larke ko rok-

man's son (as he was going liyd.

out of the door).

He dashed the stone forcibly Sir par patlhar de-mdrd.*
on his head
No sooner had the schoolmas- Ustdd ne abhl patthar ko hdth
ter touched the stone than, lagdyd hi thd ki Khudd ke
by God's decree, a cobra hukm se ek kdld sap palthar
issued from underneath it ke niche se nikal-kar us ke
and coiled round his hands. hdtho me lipat-gayd.

There a village quite close,

is Pas hi gd,o hai, waha chale-

go straight on to that place. chalo.

He respectfully saluted. Adab se saldm kiyd.

Wuh 'djizi se kahne lagd. = Us ne 'djize se kahnd shuru'

" "
(a) It is a long time since I saw you the Urdu idiom is, :

" "
it is a long time since I did not see you Mat ne bahut dino
dp ko nahl dekhd (hai ) = Ap ko dekhe hu,e bahut din hu,e.
" "
(b) Jab when and jab tak " until " are not followed
by a past tense unless the verb in the Apodosis and Protasis
(jazd aur shart) are both in past time : When he has gone
I will inform you is jab wuh jd-chukegd to mm tumhe
khabar karugd. If, however, the second clause is in the Im-
perative, the first must be in the Aorist or Present Subjunc-
tive, as Jab wuh jd-chuke mujhe kjiabar do " tell me when

he goes, or has gone." Vide L. 38 (6).

Rok-liya =stopped the boy near himself.
Marria, here gives the idea of force and not of impropriety.
Better with hai.
LESSON 61. 233

(c) (1) Adjectives are used as adverbs, as : Wuh bara

" "
zakhm* hu,a he was badly wounded ghorl achchhi jati ;

" "
hai the mare goes well DilU zaban ko achchha kahte ;
H l

hat "they speak well of the Delhi dialect."

(2) In wuh 'aurat achchha gati (or siti, etc.,) hai, she
sings (or sews, etc.) well," the cognate infinitive gana (or
stna, etc.) is understood, and achchha agrees with it.

(3) Examples of adverbs
adhl rat ko : Din ko " by day ;

" "
at midnight" dkhir ko " a't last
; chard taraf se " on all ;

sides"; har tarah se "in every way"; kis tarah se? "in
" "
what manner? tin sal se for the last three years" aj

kal, or in dino me now-a-days, in these days"; waqt par
" " out "
in time" be-mahall ;
of due season us din " that ;

" " "

day ;
us sal
that year mewuh us se liyaqat me barh- ;

" "
kar (or ziyada) hai he is the more able man jaldH (for ;

" " " "

jaldl se*) quickly roz every day (for roz roz or har

roz). Vide also p. 10.

Post-positions are added to even adverbs, as

(4) Ab se :

" "
henceforth jab se
since ; (temporal) kab se ? " since ;

" " "

when ? kahS, se ? ;
whence, of what place ? jab tak ;

" "
until tab tak
so long kab tak ?
how long ? " ab ; ;

" " " "

tak till now ydha tak thus far, or to this degree
; kaha
tak ? "how far, or to what degree ?

(5) The adv. aksar, often." can be used with any tense,
but barha with a past tense only.

(d) (1) When two nouns are commonly coupled together without
aur " and," usually the second only takes the formative termination
5, as Larke larkiyo ko " to boys and girls
: chhote bard ka "of small ;

and great"; nadl natd me (more colloquial than nadiyd aur riald mS)
" in streams and nullahs."

Vide Lesson 32 (i).
* But jald is an adj. and adv.

(2) If, however, the words are coupled by aur, the full form is usual,
as: Jhagrd aur lara,iyd ko (or not so good ! "
fhagrf lara,iyd ko) quar-
relling and strife."

Remark. Pahard ke ghar aur wirand mS "in mountain caves and

wild places is more euphonious and therefore preferable to pahard

ke ghard aur wirand mS.

(e) A nominative is often, before a relative, used abso-

lutely, at the beginning of a sentence, as it were to intro-

duce the subject Mera bha,t jo janqal trie, ja-raha tJia ek

sad a ne us ke "
slg mara my brother who was going along
in the jungle, a bullock gored him (a bull gored my brother
as he was going along in the jungle)."

(/) (1) Nouns denoting number, measure, quantity,

weight, length, are put in apposition, as Ek kori ande a :

" " "

score of eggs ek gifas pdnl
; a glass of water ck </<i: ;

kapra ; ek kos zamln ; ek ser dudh.

(2) Note the following : Ek shakhs Muhammad nam a
" " "
man named Muhammad ; darya ka lafz the word darya :

" "
jnpal ka darakht a peepul tree : Dilli ka shahr or better
" '* " "
Dilll shahr Delhi City ; Gaga darya the River Ganges :

Panjab ka mulk ''the country of the Punjab"; Himalaya

PaJiar or Himalaya ka Pahar " the Himalayan Mountains."

(g) ^The izafat ("connection"). In Persian the adjective usually

follows its noun and is then '
to it by a short t (pro-
nounced in India e *) which, however, thus mard-c* is seldom written ;

tj* "good man." The izafat also supplies the place of the
nek vJjj
genitive case as I&L j^* mard-e* Sbuda
" man of God."
After an 5 or u, the izafat is written as a ye ; as Rii,e K&iib
"beautiful face." After a silent h or an \, it is written as a
hamza, as: Banda-e^ ghuda lixi. ItxL "Creature of God": mat/l-e*
" fish of the sea."
darya Uji 1*4*1*

As these two words are not habitually associated.
2 Sod " a bull or a stallion."
3 This pronunciation e is
peculiar to India and Afghanistan.
LESSON 62. 235

n classical Persian, animate nouns add an to form the plural

and inanimate ha ; as mardan "men"; sal-ha "years." Before an,
a silent h becomes g, as, banda, bandagan.
() In imitation of Arabic, -at is often added to lifeless Persian
nouns to form a plural, as: dihat, m. pi. " villages, the country" (as
opposed to town); kaghazat, m. pi. "documents" zewarat, m. pi., ;

ornaments, jewels."
In chitfhiyat " letters," it is added to a Hindi word, but such a form
is vulgar. Vulgar, too, is such a Persian form as riamajat letters," :

pi. of nama.
Remark. In Arabic, -at is the regular fern, pi., as: halut , Ar.
" circumstances," which is masc. or fern in Urdu. In Urdu, th e
gender is usually that of the singular.
(?) (I) Arabic Declension.
Singular. Dual. Regular Plural.
f - , , 9 *
Nom. jJka* hazir't", d^^ haziran*. cJjj**^ hazirun".


Remark. The final short vowels and the tanwln are dropped in
Urdu and modern colloquial Arabic. The ace. sing, with the tan-
win is used in Urdu as an adverb, as ittifaq'" " by chance." :

In Persian and Urdu, the oblique cases only of the Dual and
Plural are used (except in quotations from the Qur'an), as: farafayn
"both sides, the two parties"; walidayn "parents" (walid "fa-
ther"); nazirln "spectators"; akhirin posterity, those that come

(k) The Parsian comparative and superlative are formed by adding

bad-tar " worse : bad-tarln " worst."
tar and tarln, as : bad " bad ;

(I) Persian vocatives are :

ay dost or dosta ; ay Khuda or Khudaya.


I swear by God I don't know Vallah ! Billdh ! agar mat jan-
who he is. td hn ki kaun hat.

He didn't want to do it but I Wuh yih kdm kartd na-thd

made him ;
I sat on his head magar mat ne us ki gar dan
till he did it. par sawdr ho-ke dkhir its se

Here is eight annas as a pour- Ath ana mithdj khane ke waste

boire. (to a Muslim).

Do. do. Ath ana ghi khane ke ivdxte

(to a Hindu).

Here is a small present. Ap ke pan (or juti) ke toastc-

(to a religious guide).
You ran a great risk in going Ap ne bart jokhim uthd.t ki
to sea in such bad weather. aise mausim me daryd kd
safar kiya.
To despair of life. Jan se hath dhond.

T detest such conduct. Aisi chdl se mai 'addwat rakh-

td hu.

compelled him to write it. Mat ne its se likhivd-chhord,

or mai ne its ko likhne par

majbur kiya, or mat ne jabr-
an us se likhwaya.
What on earth shall I (say) 1
Kya khak (bolu) (or any verb).
There was not the least bene- Khak bht fa,ida na-hu,d.
fit from it.

He ;
he's a devil to sleep ;
he Wuh to bald ka sone-wdld hai ;

beats the dead. v murdo se shart badh-kar sotd


A confounded (lit. unfortu- Ek kam-bakht murgh ne bang

nate) cock woke me up by (or dzan) dekar mujhe jagd-
its crowing. diyd.
He is so ill don't even ask Wuh aisd sakht bimdr hai ki
me about it (or 1 seek mat puchh (or Khudd ki

refuge with God). pandh) !

LESSON 62. 237

To ask after a person, after his Kisi ki kjiair o 'afiyat puchhnd.

health and welfare.

Most probably he is the man. Ho na-ho uruht admi hat.

All my animals have gone Mere sab janwar lagre ho~ga,e
lame; one, and only one, le-de-ke l
ek kumait ghort
a bay mare is left. bach-ga,%.

To seek distraction from grief. Gham ghfdat karna.

Ipride myself on this. Mujh ko is par naz hai.
He has one daughter left and Allah amiti* H ek larkt us ke
she is being reared carefully. Wi rah-ga$ hai.
I brought her up by frequent Allah amlri* karke usko pala.
It is after half-past four. 8 Char baj-ga,e hai, pSch ka
'amal hai.

How nice !
Ajt wah wa*
Good gracious no !
Ajt wah.*
This district is very lightly Is zila' ka band o bast bahut
assessed. h? narm hai.

It is scarcely exaggeration to Agar mat us ko Hatim kahu

to shay ad ht mubalagha ho.
say that he is a Hatim

A nice sense of honour ; jeal- Ghairat, L

ousy in a good sense : also

shame, emulation.
Are you not ashamed to mix Bun 'aurato ke sath milne me
with bad women ? ghairat ndhl ati ?

Le-de-ke, after adding and substracting.
2 Amen.
Sometimes, incorrectly, for any time after four.
* Note the difference in meaning between these two. Vide also
L. 32 (6) lines 1 to 5.

Neither will there .be nine Na ntm man lei hogd na Radha
maunds of oil nor will Radha ndchegi ( pro verb ) .

dance (a reply to one who

makes an impossible stipu-
lation) .

Some one's house burns and Kisi kd ghar jale, ko,l tape.
another warms himself (an
ill-wind, etc.).

If you have life you have the Jan hai, to jahan hai (pro-
world (
= health is wealth) .

To get no benefit at all. Na dunyd mill, na <Iin.

He will certainly come. A-gayd par d-gayd.

I thought you would nofc come Ham to samajhle the ki turn
but you did come. na-d,oge lekin d,e par d,e.

To-day you are bullying me ;

Turn dj mujhe satdte li<>. k<il

to-morrow perhaps you too turn bhi kisi zdlim ke pale

may fall into the clutches paroge.

of a tyrant.

To be scattered ;
also to be Tin. terah, nau, atthdrah hond.
ruined, undone.

Hang, confound, this boil. Is phore kd burd ho!

Lady, you are not smiling, Hastl kyd ho, goyd bijliya
you are dazzling me with girdti ho.
lightening (of your teeth) .

The boil came to a head and Phord pak-kar phul-kar ek

burst and formed a wound zakhm zakhm kyd ekghdr
wound do I say rather ban-gayd.
it was a chasm.

He will come soon. Wuh dyd kd dyd (pi. d,e ke

What can one say of his learn- Us ke 'ilm kd kya kalind (or

ing (i.e. it is vast) ?

puchhnd) hai?
LESSON 63. 239

To concilia tea person; tocause Manana, tr.

to agree or believe; per-
suade appease
; : desire ;

pray to God or to Plrs.

Enjoy yourselves. Turn khushl mand-lo.
To celebrate (a marriage, Rachand.

This is many degrees better. Yih ba-darja-hd J

bih-tar hai.


Some Compound Verbs, etc., Prepositions, Collocation,

(a) The inflected past participle of transitive verbs pre-
fixed to ddlnd, dend and lend, has the signification of being
on the point of doing a thing, as :

Baghiche kd nds kiye-ddltd hai. He is on the point of quite

destroying the garden.

Mai uthdkar diye-detd hti. I'm just going to pick it up
and give it to you.
Mm kahe-detd, hn. Now I'm going to tell you (in
confidence) .

[Mai kah-detd M. I tell you out, plainly].

Batore-letd M. I'm just going to collect


Uthd,e-letd h%. I'm just going to pick it up or

(I'll put up with, suffer, it).

(6) (1) In L. 26 (a) (1) and L. 30 (b), it has stated that

a present participle prefixed to jdnd or rahnd indicates pro-
gression, etc. The inflected Past Participle prefixed to jdnd
indicates (i) doing a thing continually (with breaks), or (ii)

Darja-ha, Pers. pi. of darja. Bih-tar Pers. comparative of bih.

doing a thing continuously for a fixed period, or (iii) con-

tinuing an interrupted action. Frequently, but not always,
these compounds are interchangeable. Note, however, that
tu hase-jd is go on laughing," but tu hastd ja is properly
go laughing, or while laughing."
Examples :

Is kitab ko parhe-jd,o (or Continue to read this book

parhte ratio
). now and then.

7.9 kitab ko do ghante tak Continue to read this book

pa?he-ja,o (or parhte-raho)." for two hours.
Tu parhe-jd mat sone Jn ko- Go on with, continue, your
fthish kar-rahd hn. reading; I'm trying to
Tu hase-jd.
Go on laughing, don't stop.
Jab us ke sdmne jd,e to hastd When you go to him, go with
ja* a laughing countenance.
Bam par bam gire (or gird) Bomb after bomb fell, but he
magar wuh sotd ratio,. went on sleeping.

(2) The Present Participle prefixed to jdnd is used for an

action running concurrently with another. It may be used
for continuing an interrupted action, but does not give this

meaning as clearly as the previous construction.

Turn khdte-jd,o (or better You go on eating, I am read-

khd,e-jd,o), mm parh-rahd ing.


Mai parhtd jd,u, turn khate- I will read while you go on

ja,o (or khdte-raho) . with your eating.

Parhte-ja,o could be used here.
Parhte-ja,o could not be substituted here.

Hrtxtu-ja not idiomatic here.

* Not hUse-ja.
6 Parhta ja,u not so idiomatic.
LESSON 63. 241

Gafi me yahn se DilK tak sote- Go to sleep in the carriage

ja,o (or sote chale-jd,o). till you reach Delhi.
Parhte-ja,o (or parhe-ja,o). Go on with your reading.
Turn jdte to ho magar is nazm Well, you are going but go ;

ko bU parhte-ja,o. after reading these verses.


Go on W] th y ur slee P, re '
(3)So,e-ja,o, (
< sume your sleep (to one
Sote-raho. /
who has been awakened).
Pahre par wuh so so jdtd He
tha. kept on falling asleep on
his beat (or during his
So-jana. To fall asleep.

So-rahna. To go to sleep deliberately.

(c) (1) Note the constructions with the following prepo-

sitions and vide also page 11, VII.
Be mere kahe hu,e, )
mthout mv bidding.
Be mere kahne ke )

Belarke(ke). Without the boy.

Ba-g]iair kha,e hu,e.~\

Kha,e ba-g^air. L Without eating.

Ba-g^air khane ke, J

Eila, -uzr kiye hu.e.}
Without making excuses.
Bila 'uzr karne ke. )

Bild 'uzr. Without excuse.

Us ba-g&air; ?,
Without him
Ba-cfhair us ke. )
Ba-ghair ijazat (ke). Without permission.

Or ba-ghair khane kf. When bdrghair is used with a verbal noun
the ke is omitted.
Bi-gbair with both an abstract and a concrete noun.

(2) Mujh pas. (vulg., vide ,

L. 20 (e) Rem. II),

Near ine.
Mere pas,
Pas mere.
Pith (ke) pichhe. Behind the back of.

Hdjat (ke) mmvdfiq. Suitable to the needs of.

Pd,o (ke) tale. Underfoot.

Nodi (ke) par. Across the river.

Shahr (ke) bdhar. Outside the town.

Remark. Note that the prepositions in (2) follow their
noun in the examples given. If they precede their noun
they govern the full genitive, as : Bdhar shahr ke.

(3) Ha is a preposition signifying " at the abode of/' as :

Mere ha = the French chez moi)

( at my house, or il
I have."
vide L. 20 (e) (1). Rightly or wrongly. yaJtM is frequently
used for JiM.

(d) (1) Note the collocation

in the following :

(i) ek ghar hai, bahut bard " there is a cave there,

very large the position of the adjective here gives great

(ii) Waha ek ghar bard hai : less emphatic.
(iii) Waha ek bard ghar hai: least emphatic, i.e. not em-

Remark. Khdnd achchhd do is more emphatic than achchha
khdnd do. Khdna do achchhd is colloquial only.
(2) (i) Wuh ddnd hai jo kabhi dhokhd nahl khdtd
he is

a wise man who is never deceived."

(ii)Ddnd wuh hai jo kabhi dhokhd .nahl khdtd \\ ise is

he who is never deceived, or he is wise, etc. : more emphatic.

LESSON 64. 243

(3) Similarly in a relative sentence if the demonstrative

clause is placed first, emphasis is laid on it,, as : Aur wuh
kikmat jis se mlr-shikar ne bahri ko phJSLs-liya mujh se bayan
H "and the device by which the fowler snared the pere-

grine, he explained to me."

This is more emphatic than
aur mujh bayan kiya ki kis kikmat se mir -shikar ne bahri

ko pMs-liya "and he explained to me the device by which,


(4) Aj ek kulang ka ghpl sir par hokar guzra "to-day a

dock of common crane passed overhead." This should be

aj kulang ka ek ghol . Such errors in collocation, though

common, should not be imitated.

(e) The verbs harna "to lose a game or battle." jltna "to
conquer," and janna to give birth to," do not take ne, as :

Wuh yih larka jani she gave birth to this boy." Vide also
L. 44 (e), and Hind. St. Blocks."


(a) Further examples of idiomatic Repetition :

9 t

l(^j .;*- Still hungry as before.

A very fool, a fool among


In their very midst.


.jj* Ujlo ,^1 ^*u ^-e jf A5f Up with you, I mean to kill


Note the absence of the dot over n to indicate Anuswar or nasal n
of Hindi. This nasal can only be so indicated when a final letter.

t ew ma y gftin y ur

florae KWZe steam keeps con-

stantly rising.
f t

cJJoU A*$J c;fo d&* He began to beg from shop

to shop (from each shop).

\*\) _ ^i ^d Rajas of various countries.

What, are there three several


Many a mickle makes a


Jj| L jjji He caught four fish, one of

eoc^ colour.

They came out in twos, two

by two.

J^l J3\ / u^ J^ ot He separated the sticks from

one another.

Right months were passed in

hoping on

J^ Walking on and on, I reached


*J The place was quite close, so

j -A-.
they just went there on
^A UJl;4

/oo< only.

,S. and kirpa H. f.

2 Note the absence of the dot over n to indicate Amiswar or nasal n
of Hindi. This nasal can only be so indicated when a final letter.
LESSON 64. 245

^jU In their very hands, or from

hand to hand.

Ly* .
L? j They died, just as they were
in their sleep.

After these repeated blows,

blows on blows.

Various l
nice clean clothes. 1

of; ^ isil,. Let us stay here just this


Something or other.

Something quite different.

The boat sank by degrees.

The watchman ^ep< o??, fall-

ing asleep on his beat (or

during his watch).
(6) Miscellaneous idioms :

^* jy$j b ) u^>*? *J They died of hunger, were

starved to death.

<*_ 2 UU \j>
*# This dog is about to die.

L 13U. l^T j He is just coming.

^3 K v^a. At that very moment.

He was deep in the thought

of burying the corpses.

Not " very clean clothes."
2 Note this idiomatic use of jana after a past participle.
3 A reiterative, vide L. 48 (d).



following grammatical questions are based on mis-
takes actually made by pupils. The letters and numbers
that follow the questions indicate where the answers are to
be found.

(a) Correct the following :

" "
Yih kya kitab hai what book is this ? L. 5 (/>).

Mat ne bold ki shor na karta hu "1 said that I was not

making a noise." L. 13 (c) (1) and L. 7 (c).

Bara sahib aya Imi "the Deputy Commissioner (or other

senior official) has come L 16 (d).
Lajrkd! men bat suno boy! listen to me." L. 13 (h).

Us ne kahne laga ki chhoro mat "he said 'don't let it

go.'" L. 18 (a).
Darakjito par kawwe bahut kahte hai the crows are making
a great noise in the trees." L. 11 (a).
Barf pant tJianda karta hai Ice cools water." L. 12 (e).

Bahuteri dudh shakar maujud liai "there is plenty of milk

and sugar." L. 20 (</).

" "
Kaun yih kuttd hai what dog is this ? L. 5 (6).

Wuh darakht ko charhd "he climbed the tree." L. 11 (d).

Kaun wuh log hot " who are those people ? " L. 5 (b).

Ai quR ! ek rupiya hazir hai; le-lo "here, coolie, is one

rupee ;
take it." L. 9 (a).

M ai samjha '
ki. ek jan-war dekhkar bhagia hai
1 thought

In modern Urdu the ne is omitted with samajhna (but not of
course with samjhana).
LESSON 65. 247

that he was running away from some (wild) animal that he

had seen." L. 12 (e).

Sipahi ne kafia ki Jarnel Sahib Jiazir naht hai the sepoy
said that the General sahib was not at home." L. 9 (a) and
L. 16 (d).

Kisi do minit me a.o "come in about two minutes' time."

L. 8 (&)(!).
Ek naukar ko sath le-a.o bring a servant with you."
L. 12 (c).
" "
Us ne kis kutte ko bhej-diya hai what dog has he sent ?

L. 12 (d).

MujTi par bukhar charha "I've got fever." L. 11 (d).

Ka,t ate hai "several (men) are coming." L. 8 (6) (1).

Mai ne usko khd-chuka hai "I have finished it. eaten it

up." L. 15 (a).

In me se ko.i kharab Jiat "some of these are bad." L. 8

(b) (2).

Ghore ne pakrajnahi diya "the horse did not allow itself

to be caught." L. 22 (a).

Wuh to bahut bara sahib hai "he is a big person, of high

position." L. 16 (d) (1), foot-note.

Farman 'AU bhej-do "send Farman 'Ali." L. 12 (d) (2).

Ai chaudhari ! yih rupiya quliyo me bat-lo here, chau-

dhan, go and divide this money amongst the coolies." L.

22 (c) (1).
" L. 22
Mai ne us ka sath diya I accompanied him." (a).

Maius ke pas kabU kabln jata "I go and see him occa-

sionally." L. 18 (e).
In kitdbo ko turn ko paj-hnd chdhiye you must read these
books." L. 12 (/).

Mai ne dne na pdyd thd "I was not allowed to come."

L. 18 (a).
Us ko ek sahib ne mujh ko fa some sahib gave it to me."
L. 12 (/) and L. 13 (a).

Wuh kisi mem-sahib ne mujhe diyd "some English lady

gave it to me." L. 12 (g).
Wuh us ko andar ane diya he let him enter." L. 18 (a).
Mai, to jane natft sakid well, I can't go." L. 18 (/).

Ghore ko jd,o "go to the horse." L. 20 (/).

Mai ne bahut hi dsdm se us ko mkal-chhofd I expelled
him with the utmost ease." L. 23 (g).
Wuh jane chdhtd hai he wishes to go." L. 20 (6).

Dur masj id ke mandr ne dikha,l

se dl "the minaret of the

mosque was seen from a distance." L. 22 (a) and L. 13 (c)


Jaj sahib bafd 'adil hai; kabhi kabhi qaydiyo ko mar-

baithta hai "the (English) judge very just; sometimes he

flogs prisoners. L. 16 (d) (1), foot-note and L. 23 (a) (1).

Mai ne chal-diya I went right off." L. 22 (a).

Yih kutta bahut kala-sa hai "this dog is very black." L.

28 (c).

Tih pattd kis se kutte ka hai "to which dog does this
collar belong ? L. 28 (d).

Mai ne jhuk-kar saldm kar-mard " I made a profound

obeisance, I bowed low." L. 23 (b).

Mai ne us kd sdth ho-liyd "I accompanied him." L. 22

(o), foot-note.
LESSON 65. 249

Mai "
roz roz is ko kar-rahd hu I do this every day." L.
23 (d) (3).
Aj ham ne hamdre bap ko dekhd hai I saw my father to-
day." L. 27 (a).

Mai, ne us ko khd-gayd
I ate it up." L. 22 (/) foot-note.
Larki nahr me kudi aur jan bujhkar dubkar man the girl

jumped into the canal, and drowned herself." L. 23 (c) (1).

Ap kyd kahte ho what is Your Honour saying ? " L. 31

(a) (b).
Mai Khudd ka bard mamnun hu thanks to God." L. 32


P&ch ghora maujud hai there are five horses present."
L. 32 (g) (1).
Mai wahs, jane ka I intend to go there." L. 32 (e).

Mai jan bujh-kar yahti, so-jala hu "I sleep here on pur-

pose." L. 23 (d) (1).

Mere kam-bakht ka puchhne-wala kaun hai " who is there

who cares what becomes of unfortunate me ? " L. 28 (h).
An Farman AU. 1
dekho, tattu rassi tofkar bach-gaya hai
"0 Farman 'Ali, look! the pony has broken loose." L. 32

(b) and L. 36 (t) and foot-note.

Huzur kaha jate ho "whither is Your Honour going?"

L. 31 (a) (b).

PSch rds '

ghofe maujud tha "there were five 'head' of

horse there." L. 32 (g) (1).

Jab wuh did hai mujhe khabar do "tell me when he

arrives." L. 35 (g).

Raa m., for Ar. raf s
" head." Ras f., H. " rein."
(J \)

Sa,is se kah-do ki yahS, a,o "order the sais to come here."

L. 36 (e) and foot-note.

Tumhdrd bap bukhar Id ba-daulat mar-gayd "your father

died from fever." L. 60 (d) (2) and foot-note and Appendix
B (6) (5).
Jate waqt har ek ko milkar rukhsat hu,d I said good-bye
to every one and took my leave." L. 28 (?').

Ittifdq"" men gum hu,i kitab mujh se rdste me milt "I

chanced to find my book on the road. L. 28 (t).

(6) Translate :

(1) He allowed him to enter (L. 18a). Years parsed u\vu v

(L. 33h). A diamond on his finger (L. 4Qd). Heaps of ru-

pees (L. 336). I was not allowed to enter (L. 186). Thou-
sands of people (L. 336). Fill the ditch with water (L. 40e/).
Mai waha jane ko hu (L. 54#). It is a long time since I sa\v
you. L. 61 (a).

(c) Grammatical questions :

How would you remove the ambiguity in A/> k<il> la-sltrif

ld,ege? L. 36 (/).

In what circumstances can the subject of a passive verb

be in the accusative ? L. 47 (c).

What are the peculiarities about Mujh se is jmlm.r \mr

charhd nahl jata ? L. 47 (d) (1) and (2).

Instead of the grammatical passive what are generally

used ? L. 47 (6).

Give examples of the meaningless appositive.' L. 48 (c).

What are Reiteratives ? Give examples. L. 48 (d).

What is the signification of the negative na at the end <>t

a sentence ? L. 43 (a).
LESSON 65. 251

Give examples of intensive adjectives. L. 48 (b) (2) and

T, 3 (a).

What is the difference between chunki and kyfiki in con-

struction ? L. 52 (a).

How is the agent of the passive expressed ? L. 47 (a) (2)

and (d) (1) (2).

What are the transitives of tutna, phatna, and phutna ?

L. 44 (c) (2) and pp. 162 and 164.

' ' '
Construct sentences illustrating how as soon as no ;

matter how
' ' ' '
even though;
and rather than,' are ex-

pressed in Hindustani. LL. 50 and 51. and L. 60 (g).

Give the transitives and causals of sond, bJiigna, Ulna,

dhulnd, palna. lana, sina. bikna, lena. deria. L. 44.

How do you express "to sell to a person'' ? P. 162.

How is per cent expressed ? L. 45 (e) and Appendix A (g).

Give examples of verbs that are either transitive or in-

transitive. If in doubt as to whether a verb requires ne or

not, how would you get out of the difficulty ? L. 44 (e) and
L. 64 (e).

Can intransitives have a passive voice ? L. 47 (d) and


What is the difference in construction with jab talc when it

" "
means " until
and when it means whilst ?
Give examples of apposition with a noun of number, mea-
sure, etc. L. 61 (/).

Give sentences illustrating the construction with the verbs

harna and fitna. L. 63 (e).

Give examples of participles used as nouns. L. 54 (?').


What is the meaning of jab jakar. L. 57 (c).

What is the difference between balki and lekin or magar,

etc. ? L. 60 (c).

by examples how the participles are constructed

when repeated. L. 48 (a) (5) and p. 77, foot-note (2), and Ex.
on p. 245 and in L. 49.

Give an example of a nominative absolute before a rela-

tive pronoun. L. 61 (e).

Give an example of a transitive past participle used to

express state. L. 55 (d) (1) (2).

How is the antecedent to a relative clause made emphatic ?

L. 63 (d) (2).
" " " wife "
are the plurals of bu scent joru dhu,S; ;

" " " " " " " "

smoke raja raja
; pita father ;
mata mother ; ;

burhiya old woman." L 59 (c) (7) and L. 53.

How are the present and past participles constructed,

when they refer neither to the subject nor the object ?

Mention a few feminine prepositions. What is the con-

struction with these ? L. 60 (d) (1) and (2).

What the signification of an inflected past participle


prefixed to dalna, deria, lena, and jana ? L. 63 (a) and (6).

Write a short note on the use of the infinitive and illus-

trate by examples. L. 54 (a).

Parse the sentence mujhe kahl jana hai. L, 54 (e).

What is the exception to the rule that the adjective agrees

with its noun ? L. 54 (d).

Give examples of the various meanings of the verbal noun

of agency L. 57 (6) and L. 54 (g).
LESSON 65. 253

When are jab and jab tak followed by a past tense ? L.

61 (6).
" "
What is the nom. plural of jagah place ? L. 53 (k).

What are the constructions used with the adverbial parti-

ciple ? Illustrate by examples. L. 59 (d).

Give an example of an adjective, a substantive, and a

participle used for an adverb. L. 61 (c) (1) and (3), and pp.
10 and 11, and L. 18 (d) (2).

When can the substantive verb in a sentence be omitted ?

L. 18 (e).

Is tak always a post-position ? L. 60 (&).

" "
What are the nom. and gen. plural of ga,o village and
" " "
of ga,e cow," and ra,e or ray opinion ? L. 59 (c) (12)

and (10) and foot-note (2).

Give one or two examples of everyday euphemisms in

Hindustani. Appendix B (6) (1) and (c).

When does the Muslim day begin ?

App. B (a).

Give one or two examples of Arabic broken plurals used

in colloquial.

Give examples of common colloquial words on the mea-

and what do
What are the measures of pL* and fl*^>

these words mean ?


90 nawwe 95 pachanwe
91 ikdnwe or ikdnawwe '.
96 chhiyanwe
92 banwe or biranawwe 97 saJtfanwe
93 lirdnwe or tirdnawwe 98 atthanwe

94 chaurdnwe I
99 ninanawe or ninnanwe

Sau or sat. a hundred hazar, a thousand /aM a hundred

; ;

thousand karor, a hundred lakhs, or ten millions.


(6) hundred, the numbers proceed regularly

Above a

thus, do sau das, 210; ek hazar dth sau

ek sau ek, 101 ;

athtoMs. or attharah sau alhtdlis. 1 848 ek hazar do sau pat- ;

sath or barah sau paisath 1265.

The ordinal numbers, from the seventh upwards, are


regularly formed by adding the terminations wa nom. sing.

masc. we nom. pi. masc. for respect and oblique cases sing.
; ;

or wl fern. sing, or pi. The first four of the ordinals are

" " " " " third " and chautha
pahla first dusra second
lisra ; :

" fourth " " "

then pach-wa, -we, -wl
fifth is quite regular ;

but chhathd, chhaiha or chhatwa " sixth." After this they

all follow the rule, as dthwa " eighth," daswa, " tenth," and

so on. Vide L. 53 (c) (2). The Persian ordinals are also

" second " "
used, as : duwum ; siwum third," etc., etc.

(d) (1) The cardinals, especially the tens, may be used as

collectives, as : char bis " four twenties." They may be used
in the formative plural, as dono " both," lino " all three " :

dtho dth " the whole eight of them." Vide also L. 32 (h).

(2) The following are used as collectives in the same

sense as we say " a dozen," " a score " viz. ganda
" a four"
; ;

" a " " " " an

gahi five kori, or btst ;a score battisi aggregate ;

of thirty-two "; chdUsd ' ;

a forty": mikra "a hundred."


(e) The fractional numbers are :

pa,o or chauih or chau- paun or paune . .


thaj . .
i sawa . . . . 1

tihaj . .
I der/i .. . .
arfM . .
i <?Aa, or arha.i . .
Paune prefixed number denotes one quarter minus.
to a
as :
paune do, If.$cm;a denotes a quarter added, as sawa :

do, 2J. Sarhe denotes a half added, as sarhe tin, 3|. Derh. :

1|, and dha,i or arhaj, 2|, etc., denote multiplication, as:

derh-sau 150; arhaj hazar, 2,500; derh rupiya, "one rupee

eight annas, 1J rupees."

(2) The Arabic fractions up to "a tenth" are used by

the educated, especially suls, m. "a third"; rub' m. "a
fourth khums m. " a fifth." " A half " is nisf, m.

(/) The Hindus were the inventors of the ten numerical

figures of arithmetic. From India, the invention found its

way to the Arabs. The following are the three varieties of

the ten ciphers

European.. 1

23456789 10

Arabian ..I r r t* a 1 v A s \

Hindu ..^ ^ ^ 8 l ^ a c ^

These ciphers are all read from left to right.

" "
(y) Percent is expressed thus Pach rupai saikra (and :

sau ke ptchhe pach), or fl sad (or sadi) pUch five per cent."

Vide also L. 45 (e).

(It) (1) Multiplicatives are: (i) Do-guna (contrac.


yuna, dugna, and duna) m., and do-guni, etc., fern., "two-
fold"; li-guna, m., ti-gum, f., three -fold "; chau-guna or
cJiar-guna four-fold," etc., etc. (ii) Ekahra, m., and ekahri,

f., "single"; dohrd, m., ''double, two-fold," etc., etc.;

tihrd, m., triple, three-fold," etc., etc.

(2) The Persian multiplicatives are also used. These are

formed by adding id, gdna and chand, as yak-td " single :

" " " " " "

du-td double yagdna single
; du-gdna double ; ;

du-chand " two-fold si-chand " three-fold," etc., etc.

" "
(i) Yak-bar or yak-bdra once
Numeral adverbs are : ;

du-bdr or du-bdra ;^J> ) twice," etc. Also yak naubat, yak

" once " du-naubat " twice," etc., etc.

daf'a or yak martaba ;

(j) The following are the days of the week :

Urdu. Hindi.
Itwdr. Itwdr.

Pir or Soinbdr. Som-vdr.

Magal. Magal-vdr.
Budh. Budh-vdr.
Jum'a-rdt. Brihaspat-vdr .

Jum'a. tfhukr-vdr.

Sanichar or hafta. tihamchar.

The Muslim year is lunar, consisting of 12 lunar months

or about 354 days, therefore a given festival falls each year
about 1 1 days earlier than in the previous year. The months
consist of .30 and 29 days alternately but sometimes t \v< ;

consecutive months have both 30 or 29 days.

(k) Names of the Arabic months.

1. Muharram .. .. ..30

2. Safar .. . . >4 "

. . 29
3. JKabl-u-l-Awwal .. ..30
4. RabVu-s-Sdni .. .. ..29
5. Jtimada-'l-Awwal . . 30

6. Jumadq-'s-Sani . . . , 29
7. Rajab .. . . . . . . 30
8. Sha'ban . . . . 29
9. Ramazan . . . . . . 30
10. Skaivwal . . . . . . 29
11. Zi qa'dah .. .. ..30
12. ZiUjjah .. .. ..29
For mercantile and agricultural purposes the Hindi or the
English months are used.
The Hindu solar year consists of 12 solar months or 365

days. Six of the months may vary in length by a day.

Festivals are calculated by lunar months, which are given

the same names as the solar months. To recover the loss of
11-12 days in eacli year, an intercalary month (malmns) is
inserted after 2 years.

(1) The names of the Hindi months.

Baisakh (April-May) .. 31

Jeth (May- June) . . 31-32

Asarh ( June-July) . . 32
Sawn (July- August) . . 31-32
Bhado (August-September) .. 31-32
Asin or Ku,ar (September-October) . . 30-31
Katik or kartik (October-November) . . 30
Aghan (November-December) . . 29
Pus (December- January) . . 29-30

Mngh (January-February) .. 29-30

PJiagun (February-March) . . 30
Chait (March-April) .. 30

(a) (1) Hindus consider that the day begins at sunrise.

Muslims, like Jews, consider that the day begins at sunset.

The world was dark before it was light," they say, " and so
the night should precede the day." In countries under Mus-
lim rule, the watch is set daily at sunset, which is 12 o'clock.

Consequently an Englishman's Thursday night is a Muslim's

Friday night, a point to be remembered when taking evidence.
As Muslims in India use both the English and Muslim sys-
tems, misunderstandings, even amongst Muslims themselves,
are not infrequent. The night lasts till dawn 3 A.M. is rat :

ke tin baje.

(V) Sanlchar ho sham ke waqt "Saturday evening/' (Eng-

lish computation) but Sanlchar ki rat is ambiguous, and

may signify either Friday or Saturday night.

In Persian constructions, the computation is Muslim
only, thus Shab-i Shamba :
Friday (not Saturday) night."
(6) (1) Indians, partly from politeness, partly from super-
stition, are fond of euphemisms. Thus, a sweeper is styled
in address Mihtar and Jam'-dar a barber, a tailor, and a

cook, Khalifa or Caliph ;

a bearer, Sarddr ;
a water-carrier,
and Jam'-dar a muslim beggar, Shah Sahib
Bihishtl ; ;

Hindu beggar $a,f and Data; a muslim lady's maid

Idnl ;
ink is raushnaji.

Mihtar, lit. "greater," and also "prince."
A maid-servant that looks after tobacco, pan, and dresses the hair.

(2) To say " close

the shop " would be
inauspicious the :

shop might be closed for ever. Thus the verb in such cases
is "
auspiciously barhana to increase/' as Dudh barhana " to :

wean"; khana bar hana "to remove the

table-cloth, etc."
The word marna is not used of respectable individuals
by the vulgar ; vide foot-note 1,
page 263.
Before praising
(3) anything belonging to another person
it is usual for Muslims to
say Chashm-i bad dur far be the
evil eye," or Mashd' "
Allah, lit. as God wills," while Hindus
say Ishwar bun nazar se bacha.e.

(4) When introducing any unpleasant topic, it is usual, to

indicate that present "
company is
excepted, to say, May this
happen to your enemies," or " May this be far from you." or
Khuda na-khwasta "
God forbid."

(5) It
impolite to use such words as andha "blind,"

marim " to die " to any respectable man's face, even if he be

servant, either with reference to himself or his relations :

say akho se ma'zur, or basir or na-bina for "blind," and

" to
yuzarna, etc. for die" before people's faces.

(c) Examples of the above are :

hear you have been ill (lit. Suna hai

t ki dp ke dushman
I heard your enemies were bimar the.


it fall to the lot of your Nastb-i dushmanan. ap is se

enemies I hope you won't bimar na-pare.
get ill from this.

'Co put out the lamp. CMragk gul karna (seldom

bujhana to extinguish)."

^ird-catcher. Mtr-shikar.
51ind man. Bastr (lit. one that sees).

Blind man. Hafiz (lit. one that has com-

mitted the Quran to mem-

Halal-khor (lit. eater of what

Sweeper. '

is lawful).

Xa-pdk janwar (to avoid say-

ing su,ar).

The Quran. Bart chtz; vulgar (too holy

to be named) .

Far be it from thee, I am dy- Ap kt

jan mdH dp par
se dur,

marta hn (lover to mistress)

ing for love of thee.

God is kind -(i.e., and he will Allah karim hai (Muslims).

give you) (polite refusal to

a beggar) .

Forgive me (polite refusal to Chhamn karo (Hindus).

a beggar Hindu).

Forgive me (polite refusal to Mu'af karo (Muslims).

a beggar Muslim).

There is nothing in the house Ghar me barakat hai (to a beg

(lit. there is prosperity in gar).
the house ;
a Muslim refusal
to a beggar).

There is prosperity (
=I have Barakat hai.

nothing pocket; a
in my
Muslim refusal to a beggar) .

Friday and Thursday are days Jum'a,

Jum'a-rat fnro ki

for Ptrs to show miracles; karamat.

(cry of beggars on Thurs-
days and Fridays).

Friday, named first as it is the greater day.


'he eighth month of preg- An-gind mahtna ; (is 'aurat ko

nancy (lit. the unnumbered an-gind logo, hai).
month; if mentioned the
child will be born prema-

turely) .

f which God forbid you Khudd na-khwdsta agar dp na-

die, who will look after these rahe l
to in bachcho H kaun
children ?
parwarish karegd ?

hope you will be made a Agar dp Dipti ho-jd,e to mujhe

Deputy Magistrate, barl khushi ho*

"hanks, I hope so ; (reply to Tumhdre muh me ghi shakar.

above) .

The word mama is generally used only by the vulgar, except for
le death of animals. When speaking generally, mama may be used
Is shahr mS tja'un se do sou admi mare ; but talaf hu,e or halak hu,e
ould be better. Rahe preterite for a future condition.
Hogi, if he knew he was going to be a Diptl.


1. Address; dwelling-place; Thikana, m. thikane lagnc

certainty ; proper order. (to be successful to be fin ;

ished) ;
thikane lagarid (t<

kill, ironical").

2. Advertisement. Ishlihdr, m. (.).

3. Agree. Ha me hs milana
(to agre

sycophantly. to say ditt


4. Albino ;
vide Leprosy. (iora charkd rang.
5. Amusing. Vide' No. 150.
6. Annoved. Bigafnd (to be spoiled go bad , ;

also to get annoyed).

7. Anonymous. Gum-nam. adj.

8. Appreciated, to be. Dad pdna.
9. Authority. Hukm i bald (higher autho-
10. Authority; certificate, Sanad, f.

commission, etc.
11 . Avoidance ;
diet in sick- Parhez, m. (k.) (of people of
12. Awkward. Vide Clumsy.
13. Benefit, advantage : in- Fa,ida (bakhshna.}.
terest on money ;

14. Bird-catcher. Chin -mar (Hindu).

15. Blind. Kami (blind in one eye) andhd ;

(in both). Vide pp. 261-2.

16. Blue. mid
Awndni, adj. (sky blue) ;

(dark blue); firozaj, (tur-

quoise blue) ; lajawardi (col-
our of lapis lazuli)

17. Bond (promissory note) Tamassuk, m.

vide Deed.

18. Borrow. 'Ariyat lend (a thing) ; qarz

lend (money) ;
vide Lend.

19. Brisk; trade is brisk. Bazar bard garm hai.

20. Broker, any go-between. Dalldl, m.

21. Cajoled, to be. Kisi, ki bdto (or dam) me d-
22. Caricature. Kisi kd khdka urdnd.
23. Caste-fellowship; rela- Barddari, f.

24. Change (money). Parchun (in Pan jab) ; kjiurda
m. (small change including
pice) ; rezgl, f . or rezgdri
(small silver bits).
25. Clumsy, ill-shaped, awk- Bhaddd (vide Rough).
ward in appearance or
actions (of things,
animals, men).
26. Complaint. Tangi H shikdyat karnd (com-
plain of hard times).
27. Confidant. Rdz-ddr P. ;
bhedu H. (rare).

28. Connive. Chashm-poshi k. (overlook , ;

in a good or bad sense) ;

Khudd dunyd me zalinw

ko dhtl (/.) detd hal. Vide

29. Curse. La'nat, f. (from God) ;

du'a, f. (from man).

30. Cut. Qalam k. (cut off with one

blow ;
also trim a tree or


31. Catting. Vide Seedling.

32. Dare, have the courage Himmat badhnd or karnn. li.


33. Day. Shabana-roz (24 hours) : do

shdbdna-roz (2 days and 2

nights or 48 hours) .

34. Deed. Iqrar-nama, m. (any written

contract or agreement) .

Deed. Razi-nama, m. (deed of com-


35. Defective ; imperfect Naqis, adj.

hence unserviceable

36. Desist. Bdz and (from a thing

begun) bdz rahnd
; (to

avoid doing a thing).

37. Detour. Pher, m., or chakkar, 'm.,


38. Dilemma. Vide Perplexed.


39. Dismiss. Rukhsat, f. (k.) (dismiss from

service ;
see a friend off ;

to start): rukhsat (d) (to

grant leave or permission


40. Dodge. Hikmat, L

41. Dress. Darban kdpre (full dress).

42. Education, instruction. Ta'ttm, L (d.).

43. Enlistment. Bharti, (k.) ; bharti kl chtz

(stuffing, filling up ; any-

thing to fill
up space in

44. Error. Chuk. f., or bhul-chuk, f.

45. Err, to Chukna ;

dial chukna (to make
a false move).

46. Esteemed, held in esteem. 'Izzat-wdld, adj. (of persons).

47. Estimate ;
measurement ;
Anddz. m. (k.).

amount ; degree ;

jecture ; guess ; propor-


48. Exercise one's ingenuity. 'Aql daurdna.

49. Extinguished, to be Bujh-jdnd; (but bujhnd solve

a riddle guess a person's


50. Faithless. Be-wafd (in affection).

Faithless. Namak-hardm (in service).

51. Flood. Tug&ydni, f. ; saildb, m.

52. Fog. Kuhdsd, m. ; kuhr, m. ;


53. Fool, to play. Vide No. 150.

54. Forget. Bhulna (without ne).

55. Forgive, pardon ; give ;

grant (to inferior).

56. Forgiveness, pardon ; tip Bakhshish, f.

in money.
57. Fortune ;
if fortune fa- Agar men qismat laregi to
vours me.

58. Fun. Vide Mischief.

59. Gentleman. Bhala-manus, m.

60. Graft. Paiwand, lit. a joint ;
' '

Seedling (paiwand-i

zaml hond, or zamtn ka

pawand hona "to be razed
to the ground").

61. Gratis; uselessly; vide Mult, adv.

62. Greeting. tialam or tasfim (k.) ; &alam-i

niydz (k.), humble greet-

ing) ; bandagi (k.) (properly

Hindus only) .

63. Guess. Vide under Extinguished.

64. Hate. Nafrat, f.

65. Heat. Vide Twist.

66. Hideous. Darauma, adj.

67. Holiday. Ta'fil, L

68. Interest on money. Sud, m. (but be-sud = b


Interest ; influence. Wasila, m. (lit. means inter-

est, influence) ; sa'y sifdrish

se (by recommendation, by

69. Interference. Dakhl, m. ; dast-andazi, f .

70. Introduce me, please. Men taqrib



71. Irrigate. Serdb k. (but sailab, flood).

72. Jibbing, adj.

73. Lazy. Sust ; ahdi.

74. Lasting, enduring. Pdy-ddr.

75. Leave. De-jdnd (leave an article per-
sonally at a house) chhor- ;

jdnd (to leave and go wuh ;

mar-gaya dur do bete chhor-

Lend, to. Qarz, d. ; (with lend to
borrow ").

77. Leper. Korhl, m.

78. Leprosy. Korh, m. (black) ; charak

79. Loaf. Ek roti ; naM se hM bhaK

(=half a loaf better than
no bread).
80. Lose any game. Bdzt hdrna, (no ne).

81. Lucky, he has the Devil's Qismat kd sand hai, or dhani

own luck (spoken dis hai.


Taqrlb, L, lit. to make near, making near.


82. Make. Do mil lea [fastta

ek kos hota

hai; char pd,o kd [wazn ']

ek ser hota hai.

83. March off (a person, hold- (Kisi ko) gardaniya dena.

ing him by the neck) .

84. Mason. Raj-mistri, m.

85. Match, to. Tih tasmre sab sawal o jawab

hai (these pictures are op-

posite each other and

match) ghore
ki sirf

peshdni par sitdra hai ; aur

bdqi badan me us kd jawab
natii (the only white on the

horse is a staron the rest


of its body there is no

86. Mischief. Shararat se (through mischief,
in fun).

87 Mist rises from the Zamin se bukhdr uthtd hai.

88. Move. Vide Err.
89. Mutiny, perfidy, etc. Qhadr, m. (&.).

90. Narrow. Vide Wide.

91. Native; country -made. Desi, adj.

92. Nature. Tool- at, f.

93. Nervous, to be ; lose one's Ghabrdnd, intr.

head; to feel anxious;

be perplexed.


94 Nervousness; anxiety; Gfuzbrahat, i.

perplexity ; upset.
95. New, unused (of cloth or Kora.
earthenware) ; also a
new hand.
96. Obstinacy, 'cussedness Zidd :
; (k) ziddl, adj.
enmity; antonym.
97. Obstinacy. Hat dharml, f. ; hat-dharam,
adj. (not acknowledging
oneself to be in the
wrong :

= ivuh apni bat H pachh

karta hai) .

98. Obstinate, proud.

Magrd, adj.
99. Occasionally, by accident, Bhule-bhatke, adv.

100. Open uncover unlock

; :
; Kholna, tr.

reveal ; untie.

101. Orders. ke ma taht (under the orders

102. Packet. Pulanda ; parsal, m. ; pakat,
103. Path. Pag-dandi, f. (narrow foot-
path a short cut is chhota


104. Peel, to (fruit, etc.). Chhilka utarnd.

105. Premission, vide also Dis- Ijazat,i. (d).


106. Perplexed, uncertain Shash-o-panj

me hona ;

what to do. sha.sh-o-panj, m. (dilemma).

" six and five."

Shash-o-panj , P.

107. Private. Vide Secret.

108. Planned, to be. Tajunz horia.

109. Possible; if possible A gar bane to .

then .

110. Precedent (in law). Nazir (in law).

111. Prompt, to; educate, in- Ta'Um dena.


112. Railing. Jagla, m.

113. Razed. Vide. Graft.

114. Regret. Afsos m., P. pashemani, f..


P., pachiawa, H. (in the ;

Punjab arman, m.)


115. Repeat, to utter a thing Jtalnd, tr.

over and over again.

116. Right-hand. ftdha-hath.

1 17 .
Rude, rough (of artificial Angarh.

118. Save (money). Pas-andaz, k. (money) bacha- ;

rakhnd (general of money, ;

food, etc., etc.).

119. Scholarship, stipend. Wazlfa, m.

120. Screw; twist; grudge. Pech, in. ; (pech-dar twisted ;

having a screw ;
intricate ;

complicated ;
with many
121. Search. Taldsh, (k.}.

In Urdu arman, m. " " "

is longing and not regret."
122. Season. Jard kd i

garmiyo kd }

baMro '
Tea mausam (the
season of winter, summer,

spring): kjiizdn, P., pat-

jhar H. (autumn).
123. Secret. Bhed. H.. m. ; ruz, P.. m.
124. Secret. Char-darwaza (secret door) ;

chor-jahaz (pirate ship).

125. Seedling, etc.
Btju, adj. ; -paiwandi (graft-
ed) qalmi, adj. (from
; a
qalam or 'cutting').
126. Separated, to be.
Bichharna, intr. ; bichhra
(hu,a). adj.

127. Shake, move, stir; get intr.

accustomed to not to ;

feel strange with ; to be


128. Shake ; stir; tame make

; Hiland, tr.


129. Shift, to. Sarak-jand, intr.

130. Shy, to (of a horse) ;

be Bharak-jdnd.
scared; blaze up (of

fire) ; get angry.

131. Skill. Mahdrat,i

132. Skilled. Mdhir, adj.; ustdd, subs., a

These three are used either in the singular or in the plural.


133. Skinflint. Makkhi-chus, m. (lit., one

that would suck even a

fly if it fell into his food).

134. Slack (met.) ;

loose. Dhm, adj.

135. Slack, to be. Dhil k. (to be slack in work) ;

dhll d. (to slacken, and

met. to connive at for a
time only).

136. Sloping (of land or Salami, adj. and subs.

ramps) ;
also subs., f.,

complimentary money
given on certain occa-
sions ;

137. Smoke ;
and vulg. fog. Dhu,a m.

138. Son. BeiJa, gen. ;

sahib-zdda (polite
and also for son of a


139. Son. Suput, H. (dutiful son) ;


put (undutiful son).

140. Spare. Faltu, adj.

141. Spoil. Vide Annoyed

142. State ; report ;

remark Kaifit/at, f. (baifiyyat).

143. Steam. Bhap, m.

144. Storm. Adht, H., f.
(prop, blinding
dust-storm) ; tufan (gen.) ;

Nuh kd tufan (Noah's


145. Stuffing. Vide Enlistment.

146. Submit bring ; up (a case Pesh k. ; dar-pesh, h. (to be

or a person). in course of trial) ;

pesh hai (
= is on the tapis).

147. Suit, to agree with (of

; Rds ana.
climate food, etc.) to
; ;

prove auspicious.
148. Summoning before Talabi (hond), f.


149. Tamed ; brought up (of Pdla hu,a. p.p. and adj.


150. Traditionary jester ;

Shaikh Chulli ; yih bam
amusing fellow. Shaikh Chulli hai (he is an
amusing devil) Shaikh ;

Chulli -pan mat karo (don't

play the fool).

151. Training. Tarbiyat, f. (k).

152. Treat. Mere sdth akhldq se (or mihar-

bdni se) pesh dyd (he treat-
ed me courteously).

153. Twist the moustache; Td,o dend.

give heat to (in cook-

154. Twisted. Vide Screw.

155. Undertake, pledge to Kisi chiz ki hdmi '


Corruptly for haml.


156. Ungrateful. Na-shukra.

157. Uppish, to be (with dis- Sar nikdlnd or utharia.


158. Useless (of things or Nikammd, adj.


159. Vulgar; village-like. G&waru, adj.

160. Wheel. Pahya, m. ; payya, Panj.

161. Wide. Chaurd, adj. ; (kam-chaufd

162. Worldly man. Sag-i-dunya.
163. Wrongfully, wrongful, Na-haqq, adv. and adj.
uselessly; vide Gratis.

NOTE ON Hamzah.

first letter of the Arabic alphabet is
really, hamzah

compression ") and not alif. It is an abbreviation of the


guttural a It may be compared to the h in the English hour.


It is said to be the spiritus lenis of the Greeks or an aggra-

vation of it. The Arabs claim, that in endeavouring to pro-
nounce a vowel without a consonant, a slight effort is made
by the throat, and this they indicate by the sign *, called
hamzah. It requires, in writing, a support. At the begin-
ning of a word, this support is always alif but in the mid- ;

dle of a word at the beginning of a syllable, <_ and j may,

support *. The pronunciation of a medial

in certain cases,

hamzah frequently omitted in Urdu, as is shown below.


In English and in Hindi the sounds ab, ib, ub, consist of

two parts, but according to the Arabs of three. They con-
sider that the first letter is the consonant hamzah (
or I
) ;

that this is next pointed with its short vowel ;

and that
third comes the consonant 6; thus i-T -
^ ( or wf )
- .w*.

In practice, the sign * and its short vowel are omitted.

Note, that in Arabic JL, = sal but that JL. sa-oZ", words

which have not only a different sound but a different meaning.

alif, only when it is a letter

This letter of pro-
1 is properly styled
over 5.
Wgation, i.e. when it is equivalent to the long accent

Notice the pronunciation and method of writing the fol-

lowing: ^j^- jur-at and eL>*fjk jara-at "boldness"; fly
taw-am " a twin." Similarly, the Hindi word ?*rc su,ar,

" the
pig," has to be transliterated }j or^iy- : without the *
word might be pronounced )\y sawar a mounted man."

In Arabic words, hamzah may occur at the end of a syllable,

" " "
as in j&& tat-sir effect ; er*V w,u*-min believer," but in

Urdu this hamzah is ignored, both in writing and in pronun-

ciation, and l
is changed into its letter of prolongation, as :

ji& tasir, e/o^y* mumin.
In the Persian word juda-i, the
* is
merely a hyphen.
So, too, in the Arabic word l*fa fcfidah, the Persians and In-
dians ignore the pronunciation of the hamzah, which conse-

quently acts as a mere hyphen, ja-ida. In such cases, i.e.

when pronounced with i and preceded by a long vowel or by
a fathah, it is usually supported by a y without dots, as ^ji-jl^if :

"capacity, room," ^>jf "anyone," ^ kaj

In the Nagarl alphabet (Hindi), there is no hyphen, but

where one syllable ends in a vowel and the next begins with

^j w(b|
ojttibo-yt fawji, army doctors," the final hamzah

of *Ui | is ignored, as can be seen by the method of writing the iza/at ;

but in *Ufc| the hamzah is recognized.

This may also be written and pronounced jjijlso^ gunjayisk.

one, the second vowel is written in its initial or primary .form

(vide Appendix This method of writing indicates a


hyphen in English and a hamzah in Urdu, as will be seen

" "
from the following examples srre" u*? 1^ jcffi may I go ? :

*?T^t o*j\i pato "foot ; ^f^t t <
u^jy-jf (
or &*;~tf ) asu*o se
"by tears"; *t t^j* (fern.) "became"; qftt t^y to,?
" "
anyone" ; q?t c*^ ^a >* several."
It will be noticed that when hamzah is pronounced with i
and precoded by a or by a long vowel, it is usually supported
by a 4,5-
without dots.
Note the following method of writing a hamzah in Urdu,
before the Hindi vowel e (TO) or <3Jj (pa*e) " foot."*
1 The only way of transliterating into Urdu smT-^t-^I (hu,a, hu,l,

hu,e), is \jA>
^j& -
f^i* ;
this is obviously a makeshift.
speech of an Egyptian talking French be noticed
2 If the , it will be
seen that numerous hamzahs are inserted.


a) (1) Urdu abounds in Arabic words and consequently
some knowledge of Arabic roots is necessary.

Nearly every Arabic word can be traced to a triliteral

root. Quadriliterals are rare.

From the English word love, we get lov-er, lov-ing. and

be-lov-ed. An Arabic root is not only similarly expanded
by prefixes and suffixes, but also by infixes, and the seven
servile letters used to expand an Arabic root are con-

tained in the word

&? yatasammanu " they fatten."

(2) At first sight it appears that, to find a root, all that

is necessary is to strip a word of its servile letters. In

many cases this would answer however, them- Some roots,

selves consist of one or more letters that are found in this

word lji""*j, so if all such were elided, the whole word, root
and all, would some cases disappear. It is therefore

necessary to know in what order the servile and radical

letters occur, in all the different parts of speech. This is

shown " forms " and ''

in grammars by models called

I Form '

properly means the model unpointed, as :

JUi ;

denotes the model fully pointed as , : JU> or JU* or JU-.

etc.. etc.

(3) The noun that expresses the simple action gives the
root, but as this noun is variable in form, the Arabs have
found it a convenient fiction to treat all words as though
derived from the 3rd pers. sing. masc. of the Past tense of the

simple verb, and it is under this head that all words must
first be searched for in a dictionary. A difficulty occurs
when the 2nd radical is a weak letter. 1 The Arabs have

a " "
adopted J*i he did as a typical root and have expanded
" "
it in every possible
way, to form models or measures of

every possible part or form of speech. Not all the tenses of

tupto are found in any single Greek verb not all the forms :

and measures from JU are formed from any single Arabic


(4) The measure of the Passive Participle of the simple

verb is J>***. obtained by prefixing to the root or form J*,

a (servile) m., and inserting between the 2nd and 3rd radi-

cals a long u. Of this measure are fjl*-*

ma'lum " known."

* manzur "
seen, approved of," etc.. JJA&* -

etc., etc. If each one of these words be placed over the

For example, when looking out in the dictionary, the root JL?
"he said," the 2nd radical must be looked for under ^ and not

Os s s
under I , as the verbal noun is
Jji :
therefore JU must be looked for

as though it were spelt J^i. A similar rule holds good for the other
weak letters.
^ s sJ>s
2 The measure of some Past tenses is J*5 and JUJ, i.e. not all Past

tenses have the same short vowels.


model or measure Jj***>, it will be seen that it has certain

letters (servile) in common with iti(m and u), which occupy
corresponding positions, viz. 1st and 4th.
In other words,
every Arabic word of five letters, the 1st being and the m
4th M, is a passive participle of the simple verb, and is of the


(5) Conversely, cU(5 "killer "is an active participle or

agent. What is its root and measure ? It has only one ser-

vile letter, the 2nd (alif) . The form of the triliteral root is

therefore cUS (
= J*i ) .
Expand J*
by the same servile
and you get the form <_M*. Point this with the same short-

vowels and you get the measure cll*, which is the measure

of the active participle of the simple verb (or Stem I) This is .

the principle to be adopted with all derivatives and all roots.

(6) Euphonic difficulties, however, will arise when a root

contains weak consonants or semi-vowels ^ - )
any of the ; \

or when a dental and a palatal come together or when two ;

identical or two similar letters come together without the

intervention of a vowel.
The three weak consonants are homogeneous to, or sis-
ters of, the three short vowels but subordinate to them.
The general principle is, that when in a measure a weak con-
sonant follows a short vowel to which it is not homogeneous.
a conflict ensues, and the short vowel
conquers, i.e. it

changes the weak consonant into

its sister,' thus &\jj*

miivzdn becomes &\jy mizdn. These permutations of weak


consonants are a great difficulty.
the modern Arabic " from
SQ, too, J>?J4* mabntik
is bunkered,"
the English word '

If the soft dental ct follow o" -

u* or k ,
it changes into
the hard palatal . Similar euphonic changes oecur if e>
follow i - 3 or j .

(6) From the simple verb there are XIV derived forms or
Stems, sometimes called Conjugations. The participles, and
verbal nouns (styled also infinitives) of eight of these de- .

rived Stems are used in Urdu. Though the Stems (Past

tenses) themselves are not used in Urdu, it will help the stu-
dent to learn them and note their order :

"{ s ' sfs s ss

I. Simple form cU* (or cU* or el**'), as : Ji> he

killed, to kill
; ^ "
to break
; &3
to cut

" to " "

J* know ; JUo to enter."


II. <J** , Meaning : Intensive. It also makes a neuter of

I Stem, transitive ;
or if transitive, causal. Ex-
" to massacre " "
to smash
amples : (JLJ.5 ;
" " " " to
in bits jJW to cut in pieces
; ;
" " to
teach ; JL& cause to enter, insert." [Pre-
fixing a o. makes this form reflexive.]

III. J*l Meaning :

Attempting the act of the primary
(I) ; implies reciprocity ;
is always transitive.

In III a second party is possible in VI (formed from III by pre- ;

fixing e ), a second party is necessary (unless the verb is reflexive).


" "
Examples : J3tf to try to kill, to fight with ;

JJfc "to correspond with" Jj "to write"). (

[Prefixing a o, makes this form reflexive].

IV. J**t. Meaning: Causative. Examples: cUo' "to

S '<*
" " "
cause to enter ;
~Jf< to cause to write ;

" to " " to

cause to sit ( <_rW sit ").


V. cUai (
= 11 + a prefixed o ). Meaning: Reflexive
or Consequence of II. Examples :
j& he

" ,f
" to be-
thought himself great, to be proud (j$
come great"); JU3 "to be made to know, to
learn, to be taught." This form has often to be
rendered in English by a passive.

VI. cMAi (
= IH + a prefixed o ). Meaning: Reflexive
or Reciprocal of III. "
Examples : cUlSj to fight

one another"; .*&> i(

to write to and receive

letters from, to correspond with

"God made himself exalted above all (
= the
Most High God)."

In III, a second party is possible in VI (formed from III by pre-

fixing o), a second party is necessary (unless the verb is reflexive).


It has sometimes the idea of feigning, as " to

pretend to be to pretend to be a
' :

sick, to malinger ;

nasraniyy or Nazarene (i.e. a Christian)."

VII. J*&JI (
= I + prefixed in). Meaning: Neuter or Pas-

sive of I. 1 " was broken

Examples :
J-&J it ;

uiil "he showed himself 1

openly, he was re-

vealed or discovered (Ut/" to expose, reveal ").

Remark. It should be noted that the prefix in is a servile

s Cf ^C. s s s
In words "
addition. like Jl<oJI and fa[ (from -**" to

" not to
halve," and j& know, to deny "). the n is a radical

letter and is not part of a prefix.

^ ssO

VIII. J*i*f. Meaning : Reflexive of I (but occasionally

" to
its reciprocal or passive). Examples :

collect themselves, assemble (* " to collect ") ;

s ssCt
" he "
Al engaged himself, was busy in (a work)

to occupy, give work ").

IX. No derivatives in Urdu.

Originally a reflexive of I, but now a neuter or passive.

X. J*&-J ( = 1 + ista, with the omission of the a of the

1st radical). Meaning Inquiry, Desire, Opinion


or tendency with regard to the matter predicated

xX> ' G ss r

by I. Examples: ^a*i~j "to ask pardon" (j^

* * & *</
Ci " he beauti-
to pardon ") ; ^^ao-t thought it

" " t
ful ( tr**- De beautiful ").
s'<> sO
Sometimes it is merel causaL as : '-alsJ-t to make to

" = -l-
swear, to administer an oath (from tJd*. "to swear.
take an oath ").

It is also a reflexive of IV (vide Verbal Nouns of this

Stem), and the meaning is apparently neuter.

(c) Table of Stems.


Stem. Participle Participle \

Verbal Noun or
Active. Passive. Infinitive.

f ^

V. (mutafa"il) (JU&L* (mutafa"al) JUfiLe


VII. None s



X. JUil-t

Remark I. It will be seen that the participles are formed

by prefixing mu to the Stems or Past tenses, and that the
second radical is then pointed with i for the Active, and a
for the Passive.

When Stem IV is intransitive (as cXkiJ " to come towards") there
is no Passive Participle the Active form only is used.

2 Not used in Urdu and Persian.

3 The form of the Passive
Participle is not found in Stems with a
neuter or passive sense. Vide footnote 4 below.
* When VIII is intransitive, the Active form is used, as:
muttahim " accused" (not muttaham).

Remark II. Verbal nouns generally take the regular femi-

nine plural in -at. Note the introduction of an alif before
the last radical in all except II, V and VI.

Remark III. be j or ^, it is, in the

If the second radical
f , t ,
measure J*U' }
often changed to hamzah, as or
^3 :
^ ;

" " "

standing from
jtf (<?); '&* or &* fit."

If the second and third radicals be identical, they unite, as :

" " $ .
" to
u?^ khass (in Urdu khas) special (from u*^ particu-

If the third radical be hamzah (!) or j or ^5, it is changed

as :
from y ;
empty," from ^
%>?> ^ s g O^
" thrower "
*> kjiuluw) ;

^l; ( f; ) from U;, vl. noun

Remark IV. If the second radical be ), it is elided in the
9(. f
measure J>*&* but throws ;
its zammah, back on to the pre-
> f, s *(.,
" ,^

ceding silent letter, as :

J^ maqul, said," from JU> ( Jy ).

If the second radical be

^, a similar change takes place.
but the zammah is changed to kasrah,- and consequently the
/ ^ , * fi>,
servile j becomes ^. as :
i** mabt' sold/' from at ( 5^ )

to sell."

If the //urrf radical be j, it is elided, as: ^AA> mad'u,

from U^

called, invited," (^5 ) to call, etc."

These include the three cases where the Past tense begins with

(d) Verbal Nouns.

(1) The verbal nouns

or so-called infinitives are abstract
nouns '

expressing the action or state of the Stem from which

they are derived. Some have always a neuter sense, as :

>*W existence," while others have both an active and
f <,,
sive sense, as ytu i; "
helping another" or being helped b


(2) As already stated, the infinitive or verbal noun of

1 Stem, the simple verb, has varying measures, though only
a few are in common use. The
simple verb may have more
than one infinitive, sometimes with a
variety in meaning, as :

, ,<,,
**> " intending, intention." and **&.**>
"object" (>*2* "to
ft'* ^xxx
intend, to go forward ") " " rela-
; vy> nearness," and &t\js
tionship (from Jy "to be near to "). The derived forms,

however, are fixed on measures.

(3) The following are some measures *:
f /Ox fO s
I. J -\
Among the common forms are <J*>, as : <Ji*
4 ff^ J*"xx , x JTO
" "
J^' ) killing ; cU>, as : -A)c " seeking " ; <J**',

o jot <jf
" " "
as :
fi knowing, science JA, as
or :
f f* fs f *}>
" " "
dering ; J^* as :
Jj*, accepting Jyi as ;

., "acquiring."

They consequently imply the same action, state, reciprocity, etc.
as do their Stems.
Subjective or objective in sense.
Wujud"*. For this termination , vide' (n) (I) Remark, p. 305.
+ Taken chiefly from Platts.


" "
Examples on other measures are j** being small :
; &**
jf ,f _,<>,
" " " "
= J* ) guiding aright ; A^ ( O*M )
pitying ;

S t, s(,f S
v_Jia. ;
ala^ ( ) "travelling"; jv* (
o;4J )
"being able";

&j** ( i&Jj*. ) I
"moving" ajy- (*a>*^-; "stealing"; ^^.j
' & ' x
" " .
" " "
( c**** ) asserting ;
&/* remembering ;
^1L being
^^ f *f , * -
" " " "
safe ;
(lft standing ;
Uv> f = JUi ) praying ;

" " " "

being happy ilif ooltf
; ; (
writing ;

* * <*, , , <,, . o
" "
) being difficult ; A**^* (
o>*^^x> ) (
= <u^;

"pitying" ;
A!+X> ( c^U** ; "having dominion." There are
other measures not indicated above.

II. JUi3' /
e.g. ^Jo "teaching"; ^i3 "gladden-
fr<*,\. , o ^
4l*A> ^ing"; S/oj tazkirah* reminding, etc.") J

" " "

&3jiti tafriqa(h) scattering "; j*& effecting

The first measure is the commoner, and is feminine in Urdu

with the one exception of <xyt> amulet."

The infinitives of the derived forms are also called " augmented
9 The final letter jj (not silent) is in Arabic pronounced o before
a vowel, and in Urdu and Persian is often changed to o ; when not so

changed it becomes f or silent h; thus the Arabic tazlrirah.

becomes in Urdu 8 iJ tazkira, m. : or ,,fjj IdzJcfrat. f.

*":? \ .?"* ___ j>

*icUu> 7 ;<
III. e.g.
"facing"; &*U>c discussing
* '
l " " "
J *' J1
with, arument
argument ;
J& dialoue
dialogue : li*

and i'Llftx
"fighting, slaughter";
guarding." The first measure is the commoner.
Reciprocity is often implied.

Remark. If the third radical is ^ or -, it is changed to

'S ' ^ ,

alif. as: *liU> "meeting." from ^ "to meet."

f 'O sO ,-C/

IV. J^*' e.g. ^j^l "causing to go out"; ;&l "de-

nying": t^a.i "causing to flow" (from <jy? jarq

"to flow" ;
flUt "yielding, obedience. Islam" :

" " "

)\&<. making apparent : vJUit dividing into

halves, justice."

Remark. If the first radical be y, it is changed to ^-. as :

^^<j ,<j s,
#U)I (for lj}]) "performing a promise." from ^j "to keep

one's promise, pay a debt."

If the second radical be ) or ^_c, it is elided and throws
back its vowel on to the vowelless first radical, and a e* ( ;

'Kj' f s<j bs
is suffixed, as: oJU[ "help" AT. *Jl*| for e^, from ^ *

aiding ").

In Urdu, muqdbala, m. ; mubahasa, m. ; mukalama. m. :
m . ; but muhafazat f , .

* The Past tense is not in use.


If the third radical be j or <.$, it is changed into hamzah.

si, fto,
as : *liel "granting pardon," fromyi*

pardon." In Urdu

the final hamzah is usually ignored, vide Appendix D. p. 278.

& " "

V. JUA3 e.g. thinking" ;
tf* making oneself
" ; '

great, being proud ; j)*oj picturing to oneself ;

" "
ckG reflecting, demurring."

Remark. If the third radical be 3 or the zammah, or

third vowel, is changed to kasrah, as :

^JUo* "being

" to
forted," from JJL. console oneself."

Alw "
VI. J^liy e.g. resemblance, proportion" ; v;^
" " " descent ''

approaching each other ; Jf)UJ ; u*

" In this form,
feigning sickness, malingering."
if reciprocity is possible, it is clearly indicated
and not merely implied as in III.

Tke Past tense is li .

s& '
2 II Stem " "
)y* to fashion, shape : Inf.
yi^Ai making H picture."

The theoretical root

fa "he shouted, divided, demolished," is really
a different verb.

Stems II and IV "

JL._, **!** teaching and learning."'

Remark. If the third radical be > or /c, the same chanse


is made as in V, as
treating oneself medi-
^JIAJ tadawz,

cally." from ^l to be ill."

In Urdu and Persian, this final ^5- is frequently changed to (

&" $>
as Up (for Ar. UU3 *

^iJ tamanm) ; (for Ar.
^W, from c
mashq to walk, travel ").

* -
? > x.O
VII. " "
JUflJl e.gr. JlAfti! being decided (from JAJ "to

cut off, decide"); o'A&j "being uncovered, re-

vealed" (cftAf "to unveil, expose, etc., etc.") ;

" " "

ft*j| being demolished ot^l shunning, de-


Remark. If the third radical be j or <^,

it is changed to
hamzah, as: *Uaftjf
inqiza*, "the being ended, expiration.''

This hamzah is dropped in Urdu.

Jf s G / ^ O x^x
" " " to
VIII. J*A! e.g. being collected (5*^ col-

lect, add ") ; u*&l i'tiraz, putting oneself in

" "
the way, opposing ( uir* to come in the way
" J " " " to be
of ) ; ;|AV! being powerful ( ;dJI able,

Also " to

J (jfjf
intr. happen":

to be broad."

have the power over"); (*j*

A -\
x*> x X
following, allegiance (from & " to

follow ").

Remark. Certain euphonic changes occur if the first radi-

cal be _j
- ^ -
3, i.e. the radical j becomes e, and the radical

^ or j becomes *, as :
(3 *3t ittifdq, agreeing, union, coinci-

dence" (from <j "to find suitable, etc."); Uaj iddi'a,

" " ! "

claiming one's rights (from l*j to call out, pray, etc.") ;

" " " to crowd

fUoji pressing, crowding (from ^3 ").

If the first radical be u -

u* -
J. the servile o becomes i.

" "
as :
technical term, idiom, phrase (from pL* "to be

" "
good, to be suitable, etc.") :
wfjl^*J being agitated (from

" to ^i' " being informed

t_j^* strike, mix, etc.") ; (from

^li to appear, be disclosed)."

IX. This measure does not occur in Urdu.

f x& </ f x O
X. JUAJLti e.g. ,M>iiJ "getting oneself ready, apti-

tude, mental power, etc." (from the theoretical

A " "
root to count, account, etc." *) ; jUAi-i ask-

This final alif must be looked for under }
in the dictionary. The
xC/x ..'^x
verbal nouns are :
u;^ -
V>^ etc.. etc.

2 Its verbal noun of IV "

( ^|i*l ) signifies making ready."

" "
Lag pardon (_Ji* to cover, hide, pardon ") ;

" " "

JU*JLt using, use ( JU* to work, do, act ") ;

" "
tendering resignation from office (from

la* "
to pardon)." l

Remark. The same changes take place as in IV q.v.

(e) Participles.

(1) The active and passive participles are also used as

adjectives and substantives, as: ^Jl* "knowing, a learned

" "
^JI having capacity, fit ; O ^*

late" (i.e. deceased, of Muslims); ^i*.* '"mad" (^pos-

sessed by a Jinn). These are Active and Passive Participles
of I Stem.


II. J*&* f Act., and cVa* Pass., as :

"teacher" ;
pl**> mu'allam, "taught."
f sf f , ,f , >
" "
III. JeU* Act., and JUlix Pass., as : 1>*1.* guardian :

opposing, confronting :
-()U mubarak.
blessed, auspicious."

Infinitive j&e.

f ot f xO f o 9

IV. clix> Act., and JUi* Pass ,

as :
J^* " squandering,

extravagant"; &-*"<> "benefactor";


polytheist, one who implies partnership, to

" "
God ; *jpc made ambiguous, ambiguous."

" -
., and J*iix Pass., as: *t*^ expect

" " "

ing ; yaLo thinking within oneself, anxious ;

" " "

student, taught ex-
(3*i* muta'allim, ;

VI. cUiiix) Act., and JiclAL* Pas., as: v^ULc follow

" ' "

ing, successive ; o^lJ^ mutually acquaint-
ed"; oil/x> following each other, successive,

f ^f sbf
VII. eUftuo,* as: \J'** munkashif, "revealed." 4
/ ,o>> f ,,f '<*!
VIII. Jiix) Act., and d*ii* Pass., as: *ai* "one who

" " leaned

rests or leans upon, believing in ;
upon, trusted ;
J&*A watching for, expec-

"to become mutually acquainted with"; to ride "

an animal one behind another to be synonymous." Vide p. 287. foot-

notes 1 ,
3 and 4.
2 Pwfe p. 287, footnotes 3 and 4.
x * xO
fetj is neuter.

" CO-* " s'bf

tant ; u^xi/o a partner", "shared,

held in common" ;
abridged, an ab-

IX. Not used in Urdu.

X. (J*fli~* Act., and JUii..* Pass., as: j

tracting. drawing out"; JU&~-* ''coming to-

wards, the future"; "extracted";

o 9 , o ^ c ?
-Oj. " "
cU**-^ brought

i^~.^l~s> into use, used ;

"thought to be good, commendable, virtuous."

(/) Quadriliterals.

Quadriliteral verbs also occur in Arabic ; they have a ground

form and three derived forms. A feAv derivatives only are
found in Urdu from Stems I and IT.

" Os
I. Q. cU*i. This is transitive and intransitive. Ex-
amples : -i*^ to cause to swing to and fro, to
, .0^ ^ s<j,
" " " "
be wavering ; J jJj to shake ;
^y to trans-
f C,
f? f
Active Participle JU*>. Examples:

tain, wavering ; Jjb* (not used in Urdu) ;


r, the Act. Part., not used in Urdu.


f xcx.? f xo- >

Passive. Participle Jl**. Examples :
v *?i/c dangled,
' "
C J>
also hesitation, doubt." p**^*
i n "

suspended ;

terpreted, translated."
/VxGx f'.-<"

Infinitive *U*J. Examples: ***iO (not used in Urdu);

,xOx "Ox
*J>J) "earthquake"; **j3. "interpreting, transla-

cU**> vi*xi "to hesitate -

II. #. Examples :

" "
>J>J to be shaken (by an earthquake).

Participle Jia.Lc .
Example :
Jjl>** shak-
ing, quaking, agitated (perhaps not used in


Passive Participle JUUoi* .
Example :
J.)!^'* shaken
by an earthquake
f ft,,, f <,,*
" "
Infinitive Ji*iJ. Examples : v-jAooJ vacillation ; J^IP
being shaken ;
an earthquake."

(g) Relative Adjective.

(1) The Arabic relative adjective is formed by adding to

substantives, adjectives, pronouns, and particles, the suffix

cff -*yy** (which in Urdu and Persian becomes <^ -) and re-
jecting the final x of the feminine, as science, learn-

Note that the doubled ;/ is retained in Urdu in the Abstract Noun.
ing, etc."; ^ t\,
'ilmmiyy (in Urdu and Persian 'ilmi)

" "
''scientific :

,^-4^. (shamsiyy** solar

shamsi) ^LJ| hu-

man"; ^fi^ "actual, true," from Ar. &*&* (in Urdu

fk tabi'iyy (tabVi) " natural." from **i*b
from <&c '

(2) Final i -
^ ^-
are changed to j before the
suffix, as :

'asawiyy. from L^ "staff"; ^*> ma'nawiyy, from

or J>*A " " " "
meaning :
Uj, from 1*^ Delhi

If the final a be the fifth letter, it is

dropped, as :
^x "Musfcafa (chosen)."

(3) If the noun be of the measure cUi, the

following vowel
% ^
change takes place: malik '"king"; ,^U malakiyy** (in
Urdu malakl) "
Another form of the suffix
(4) is
^t principally used in

technical terms, as Urdu "

^U-^ (in jisrnani) corporeal";
^*J) spiritual."

(h) The Abstract Noun and Collective Plural.

(1) An abstract noun is formed by adding (in Urdu

-o ^
& ) to the relative adjectives, as: i^l-ol (in Urdu wtuJLJi J)

Note that the doubled y is retained in Urdu in the Abstract Noun.


"humanity"; &*& (in Urdu ^**f) "quality," from the

f <i*
" "
Arabic -a^ l
how ?
f f f fs '

(2) In theological terms o^ - is found, as o^Xc " the world :

" " " "

of angels ;
c^-ja* omnipotence ; ej*V divinity."

(3) From some relative adjectives, a. collective plural is

^ Os
formed by adding (in Urdu and Persian ). as :
f$ G,
" Urdu and Persian
materialist, atheist, etc." ;
**j*s (in

" the sect of

Ai^fci dahriyya) materialists or those that main-
tain the eternity of matter" ; *4V (in Urdu and Persian
" the sect of Sufis."

(t) The Noun of Time and Place.

*,<.,, f ^ f,,<,s f,<ss

The measures are JA*> or JLiu ;
and iii* or lUt*.* Ex-

" "
amples : wJ^c school, i.e. a place where writing is taught
s ss ' (f ' ' s -

(from v^ " to place of egress, etc." (^j^-

<J ' C. s

" to "
go or come out. depart, emerge ") Ji.j- place of in- ;

" " to enter " the

gress ( J^S ") ^j^*^ place or time where ;

people sit, an assembly" (from

must be looked for as though derived from
"-ilj in the dictionary
s s f <"
" to cut," the verbal noun being vJuf
til^ .

* The second vowel is not constant, thus

tnaqburah or maqbirah or
" " to
maqburahf" grave-yard (from _j3 bury").

mosque" (from ***- "to prostrate oneself in adoration") ;

" "
a place of slaughter, a vital Usuo 1 ''
a stage,
spot ;

<** '
place (from cU. to alight") ;
f\&> a place of standing,

place" (from ^ "

"to stand"); &^^> "a place of study, a
Muslim college ;
<u&x> " the place of giving a decision, a
court, a department."

(j) Noun of Instrument.

S'O Jf^sO Jf ,<,
The measures are J*A* ,
or al*i* ,
and JUa>o . These are

readily distinguished from the nouns of time and place by

the kasrah with which the initial servile mim is
" " "
(mi ), Examples :
jfei* shears (from (bJ to cut, arn-
' <J s 's O
Ja^xi or Ala^ixi * "
putate"); "any polishing instrument
"' ^ sss
" scales " "
(from c&o) ; ^j* mizdn or balance (from &j>j to

weigh ") ;
the proper form for the latter would be
' '

miuxan, vide (a) (6) p. 282.

(k) The Diminutive.

SOsJ> f<J
The measures are Ji* and 1&&*. Examples : *
humble slave, a slave boy, or a little son of a slave ;

" also the dimin. of hasan good, beautiful, etc."

Husayn ; ;

*(, sJ> <* *

" "
a lake or small sea (^*u sea ").

In Urdu and Persian also "a
2 Often a smooth, round stone or shell.

(/) Verbal Adjectives.

(1) Simple Adjectives denoting

an inherent quality are de-
rived from the simple triliteral but are irregular in measure.

Remark. The following words are found in Urdu: *_*ju*

" diffi-

G o f
" " zero " " .JL* "hard the loins
cult ;
^*6 (in Ar. also empty ") ; ; ,

offspring" (in Urdu, the adjective not used); ^^ "good, beauti-

" " " " " brave "

ful" ;
i^AtL rough ; yjUL cowardly ; a IsJi ; tyliJs*
" " " naked."'
thirsty ; & jj*
Verbal nouns on these measures also occur.

(2) The Participles are also used as adjectives and sub-


(3) Intensive Adjectives or Intensive Agents are on the

measures :

/G ,. fb '
el*** Examples :
^A.J very compassionate" (of God) ;

" "
fxl* very learned, omniscient (of God or man
but jJU of man only)
Remark. This measure is not alwaj-s intensive, as
; ' " "
sick" J*i* a sage, philosopher, physi-

ailing ;
cian (of Greek system of medicine) J*U " slain " = J^ifix. ;

Pass. Part. o* t ^ witness = Act. Part.

S(,J>' f<j9,
" " "
J^** Examples j^x* :
very patient ; j^i* very for-
giving" (of God); J^l "a great eater, a glut-
* f *
J^i ) ; J
an utter ignoramus." ^
<js o
The measures are of course <JU -
<J*i, etc. , etc. The beginner
need not study the measures of the simple adjectives.

f Sk f &,
JUj Examples :
: '
a great or habitual liar" (
"fa' ^s
v^^ not used in Urdu) ^f =
^1* ; ^lUs very
unjust or tyranical."
f ~
This measure is an intensive of JUtj, and so professions

are commonly on this measure, as :

l^ "
barber, etc." ;

f '$" 5> *
"a "
Jlai great mimic, an act or professional story-teller ;

" a ' " " a

money-changer, banker, sc&ro/?' :
Jl*J green-grocer
(but in Urdu used for baniya).

Greater intensiveness is given to a few adjectives by add-

ing 5
to imply unity, as :
*-*^ "a very learned man."

(4) Adjectives of Colour or Defect are :

9^ 9, *
JUii* masc. >
Examples :
>M "
red (fern. *^*. ) ; ^^i
?, O, <(' *<>,
" " "
*iUi 3
fern. )
yellow (fern. [,&*> ) ;
^ j*i lame by na-
,0s & s '
ture" (fern, ky ) :
* " blind "
^ " deaf"

(fern. *U-^).

Remark. This form undergoes no permutation of weak

letters; u^i?' "white" (not

This intensive ? is rarely found in Urdu.
? S<JS
* Jn Arabic jUif .

8 In Arabic *iUi
* i.e. a'my for ^f^

(5) The Elative

or Noun of Superiority = comparative (

and superlative) from the simple triliteral, has for the mascu-
line the same measure as the Adjective of Colour or Defect.

^f '
* x <>s
J* '
masc. \ Examples :
4^^' "more or most beauti-
es r
^** fem. 1
ful, better &~^
" = crt-"" ; J^ 1

" " "

more or most excellent ( cUti excellent, dis-

tinguished "); jrf\ "greater, greatest" (^


Perhaps the only feminines of the elative, found in Urdu,

,<,9 ,<,> $>'

are: ^^ (fem. of rf\ ), and ^Jy *

(fem. of Jy ).

(m) Gender.

(1) There are two genders, masculine and feminine. The

place of the neuter is generally supplied by the feminine.
The ordinary method of forming a masculine from a femi-

nine is by supplying a (plural o I). Examples: Jii*

&A* 8 "queen"; "father" (from " to

king," x)|.j **j give

birth"), SJtj "mother"; ^ti "powerful," fem. *>>t>; f*fc*

The feminine is used as a superlative only.
> *,
^l,not to be confused with auk}
^1 "worthier" from

f - -

oKlx, the regular feminine plural of *?ix> is not used in Urdu.

" "
great," fern. *+J*t dear"
_v>j* fern. *#> ; ^i^> 1

served, waited on," fem. &*jsvo J^x> ^ ^ "

; teacher fern

(2) For the feminines of cU>'', vide and

(I) (4) (5) pp.

(n) Declension.

(1) The singular is as follows :


Norn. "
. .
j*i>iL kazir** present."

Gen. .

Ace. . .
"\j^(L hazir*".

Remark. When the vowels are doubled thus -^-

, they
are pronounced an, un, in. This is called tanwn 8 '

the n sound." In Urdu, the final "* of the nom. is alwavs
dropped. The gen. does not occur. The ace. (with the
tanwin] is used as an adverb.
(2) The Dual is formed by adding to the singular -an' for
the nominative, and -ayri for the oblique cases.
Remark. In Urdu the oblique case only is used, with the
* " "
final vowel omitted, as ^^'J :
walidayn parents :

janibayn both sides, the two parties."

1 " to serve," " one who serves, a servant."

^i. f&lL
2 Act. Part, of II Stem.
f <JS
3 Measure JU*j.

* In Urdu pronounced as though written with the Hindi diphthong

at, as: walidain, janibain.


is formed by adding to
(3) The regular Masculine Plural
the singular -una for the nominative, and -in for the oblique

Remark. In Urdu the oblique case only is used with the

final vowel discarded, as :
&>;<&*> hazirin those present'' ;

b nazirin ''beholders"; u^/^-T akjiinn "those that

come after, posterity"; eH/^-'J* muta*akhirin (pi. of the act.

part, of IV Stem^tf )
the moderns."

(4) The regular Feminine Plural with the final vowel end-
ings etc., dropped (-at), is also used in Urdu. It may be

added (i) to verbal nouns of any measure (in Urdu of both


M "
genders), as : oKU? kamalat** perfections (sing. JU*"); ouUjJLJ

taslimat (sing. f^~3 ;

in Urdu fern.) "salutations"; ol^i^i
ikjirajat (sing. ^iM' ;
in Urdu masc.) disbursements, ex pen

jf s s <> ' <,

ses" oU.Hk*l in Urdu " idioms, tech-

; (sing. ^^*' ; fern.)

nical terms"; (ii) to participles used as substantives, as:

/ , ,
kd*inat "entities, creatures, the universe";

" "
makjiluqdt created things, creation ; aid>^xi mawjudat
existing things, etc."

Remark I. In imitation of the Arabic, this feminine ter-

mination is, in Urdu, occasionally added to Persian and even
Hindi words, as : oUuli. kjianajat " houses " ; oU*!^. chitthi-
yat (vulgar) letters." Such plurals, however, should be

Remark II. The gender of this regular femiuiue plural is.

in Urdu, generally that of its Urdu gender in the singular,

as olii^jja., m. pi., " animals, brutes "
o^JlU^, m. pi.,
" fan-

cies" oC&o (noun of place), m. pi.. " places"

; f. :

pi., "movements, etc." (pi. of &j*. AT., in Urdu ta^A.. f.).

Vide also (o) (2).

Some of these plurals may be used as singulars in Urdu.

" "
as : - j^y* oti/j j| a criminal occurrence has occurred ;

&- (_>-*>; ^o l
ft*asu '
an investigation is going on." Some-
times even the Hindustani plural is added, as &#&* sifette.

eli*, the reg. Ar.


pi. of pi. of <&* (Urdu oJu) attributes,,

qualities." Vide also (o) (2).

(o) Broken. Inner, or Irregular Plurals.

(1) These are so irregular and various that no rules greatly

assist the memory. Though irregular, some measures are
commoner than others. The broken plurals are formed by
a change tf vowels within the word, and in some cases with
an ending as well. Some nouns have more than one broken
plural and occasionally a regular masculine or feminine
plural as well. When a noun has more than one meaning
in the singular, it usually has a different form of plural
/ o- ^ J'-p

for each, as: c^w bayt house, a couplet."


pi. o^j buyut

f *>'
houses." and olj? abyat couplets."

(2) The broken plurals are really collective nouns, or

The regular
singular nouns with a collective signification.

The regular feminine plural
is frequently added to nouns with a
neuter sense.

feminine plural in -at is sometimes added, as :
j*}+ jawhar

yM^ "Jewels, jewellery/' double


"jewel," br. pi. jaivahir

" varied kinds of

pi. et^A|^ jewels."
Broken plurals of broken plurals occur in Arabic, as ^; :

/xGx xx J>

rukn " pillar," br. pi. Jiy, pi. of pl-t^t;', but

these are prac-

tically not used in Urdu.

Remark. Broken plurals used in Urdu are not necessarily

of the same gender as their singular [vide (n) (4) Remark II],
xOx C-x
" " time "
as :
u>b, f. direction," br. pi. ot^ti, m. ; oJj, m.

" As
(from oJj to appoint a time "), br. pi. olfjl, f. in the

case of the regular feminine plural [see (n) (4), Remark II], a
few broken plurals in Urdu are sometimes singular, and some-
times singular or plural, as: lyi mouths," in Urdu fern
f 9 f+
" "
sing. rumour (from sing. ty and f " mouth ") ; Jf>-l (br.

pi. of Jl^), m. sing. ; VT"*' (br. pi. of --**-) in the sense of

implements, goods," m. sing. ;
but in the sense of " causes,"

m. pi. : oUJl (br. pi. of -i^) gen. masc. pi., but also used as
a sing. So, too, the Hindustani plural is sometimes added,

Even foreign words introduced into Arabic are given broken
" falcons" from Pers. "
plurals, as: (^fc'^i ^-^U* ; oli*^ papers" 1

from Pers. <i*

,$Ly aweak " whiskies," from Eng.
; c-j "vtafc";
Oxx J>^
"doctors," from Eng. i$t.
*>* 2
as hukkam-o "
: <- &j*Ks>> se from those in authority" (kulc-
" to "
kdm, br. pi. of hakim) ; ? y^*1 the nobles (umara*,
pi. of amir).

Lucknow differs from Delhi in the number of some broken


(3) Broken plurals are formed by adding letters, rejecting

letters, orchanging the vowels only.' Measures of those

broken plurals that occur in Urdu are :


(i) JUu'i The sing, is a triliteral of any measure, as :

.- <j <j

''bodies" (jism sing.); p&sj Borders"

'*" x
U^t a#hya " "

(hukm) ; things (rt. Pret. *Ui) ;

information, news" "

jlxkt (khabar) ; *'^f opin-
ions" (sing. ^5^).

If the 2nd radical be ^ or ^, it is retained in the plural.

as "
Jl>^l state, circumstances," pi. of Jl^. (rt. J>., Past
" "
tense Jla- intr. to change") .
&-*f 'ayn "eye (br. pi. &k*\
a'ydn) ;
as fern. pi.
= " eyes," but as m. pi.
= grandees."

A few words of the measure d*l* and J**i also take this

plural, as :
^lax^f companions," pi. of
>-^Uo ;
il^i (also

" " " "

witnesses (shahid) ; ol^A' nobles (pi. of sharif).

As Jlc moi "property," amwal: ^(!& kitab "

pi. ^\j*>\ book," pi.
fy j>

>_j;? kutub: o-l asad " lion," pi. ,>*,! tisti (pi. not used in Urdu).

ft) O
- cU*
(ii) J>** The sing, is usually of the measures t>*
>> XX *
JU* - <J* or J**, as: jyT ''matters, affairs."
" ff
(amr); ^ ''the sciences" ('Urn) ;
^y "towers.

bastions, signs of the zodiac (hurj) ;

" " "
khigs (malik) ; ^-t (also ^f v ,-'</ ]

A few words of the measure ckl may take this form, as :

" = A^\
A '
witnesses (sing, shahid).
(hi) *^U The sing, is usually the verbal adjective J*-
applicable to rational beings, without a pas-

sive signification,* and if not derived from verbs

with the 2nd and 3rd radicals identical as :

" the " il ''

(faqlr) poor ; *t^l chiefs, nobles (amir*) ;

~> xx >

l^* ''the poor" (yharib) ;

*U^A. -sages, philoso-
XX / X X.?
phers (hakim) ;
U*u " the noble ''
) ; *~^>
' : " " "
chiefs (sing. i_r**; ) ? ^*V misers (bakfill).

The plurals ^^f twtwi end ^t unSd are not used in Urdu.

* As JUSJ "slain."
3 As >LX> "
to extend, prolong."
* In Hindustani amir often means " rich."
given to a body of special Indian troopa, who even-
b This title was

tually degenerated into a lazy rabble, and henro the term became con-
temptuous when applied to soldiery.

J5" -
Some masculine adjectives of the measure Jl* with the
same restrictions as above, may take this plural, as :
" "
poets (sfa*'t>) ; *3la* the wise ('aqil) ;
*UX* " the learn-
,' f
" "
the ignorant"
ed ('alim) ; &%=* (jahil).
y~ G- f *
(iv) >JUj? The plural of <J** when applicable to rational

beings, but chiefly from verbs whose 2nd and 3rd

'& ;
radicals are identical, as : *Ufcl atibba*
(sing, tabib, rt. ^ " to
treat the sick ") ;

*lxi.i "friends" (kabib) ;

* l **il ambiya "prophets"
(sing. cj*
Pret Ui ; ; *Ujt awliya* benefactors,

saints" (sing. Jta ) ; Ijy


"relations, those near"

f *<,*,'$?, ,<,,
(v) Jl** The singular may be J** - JU> -
JUi _ a'JUi . a'LJ

" "
and other measures also, as :
v*1 3
robes (sing.

" seas " "

sawb) ; )^ (also;>su) (bahr) ; JUa.

" " " "

'tains Jl*; men (rajul) ha-
(jabal) ; ;
f ,<j ,

bits., good qualities" (sing. *J^, in Urdu ^Ui) ;

" "
J, letters (sing. *Jj ruq'ah, in Urdu rz^'a).

For Uktf

(vi) Jl* The singular is a verbal adjective of the niea -

* '.

sure cUl not derived from verbs whose 3rd radi-

f$S "
cal is 3 or as :
governors, rulers, judges
^, fX*>
/\X/ xx/
(hakim) ; Jlf=> (also ^) the ignorant"

" lovers "
('dshiq) ;

$ "

wiy nuwivab

deputies (w*t&).
/x Ox

^**i The singular is chiefly a quadriliteral whose

antepenultimate letter is a quiescent long vowel.

as: &x*jl
V Urdu azmina) "times" (zaman)
(in ;

t!J x

*lvi "examples" (misal) ; *f^t (also l*^< and

xOx ><

^Ua.1) "friends" (haKb*); *)&1 "proofs" (dart/):

^ Ox J? 'x C,

" medicines " &-J| "

Aj^if (sing. *T>> ) ; tongues,

*# "
languages" (lisari) ;
**j' or Imams, exem-

>> XX

(viii) cUl The singular is a feminine quadriliteral (final

Snot counted) whose third letter is a servile long

vowel (quiescent), whether the singular end in the

feminine 5 or not, as: _>* "islands"

But nawwab (JU* ),
intensive noun, " a govenor," in Urdu vul-
garly nawab.

* The plural JUif (No. iv) is commoner for the verbal adjectiv e

" "
pamphlets (AfL ; ) ;
tJtfuL^ " volumes

&&*XL> )
^ ( not used in

u r(i u ) noble ( sing
adj.) ; J51^S, pl. o f s&awaZ north wind ")
and of shimal "left hand"; "truths"
(sing. <&Ato. ,
in Urdu o^xa^ ) ;
wJU^ and
"rarities (sing. %?** and <u.').

This measure is the plural of a few other cases, as :

" " *..'

qualities, habits &LA

(sing. ) ; ^5Ui "personal pronouns..
f ' -
" " ..

consciences (zamir) ;
^^ '
needs (
J x-
(ix) J*y The a substantive or adjective
singular is
* -^
". *.' '. :
of the measure i_M' (or rarely <J*^') and <>icU } as :

" " "

-*J|> moulds (sing, qalib or qalab) ;
" " "
rings (khatim or khatam) :
g^ followers (tabi

" " " "

j)U ) ; v^Lr^ sides (janib) ; JL^l^ sea -shores
" "
(sakil) ; iSAf^ii witiiessess (shahid) ; u6 '^ (f r
distinguished people, the upper classes"

(sing. <kfila.) ; ;iiy "rarities" (sing. 'ij> );

"advantages" (Sx5l ) ; iXcyi "rules"


(x) JJl*i The singular is either :

(i) a quadriliteral sub-

stantive or adjective not counted), the letters


of which are all radical, or (ii) a quadriliteral (

Practically the plurals of 'aj'lb and yharib.

not counted) formed from a triliteral by a pra-

" "
fixed f - c or f,
as :
j^\ft- gems (jawhar j*j-) ;

Vjl*o "experiences" (J^J); u*)'** "colleges"

" " "
JjU* stages (*^); Jl*>
(sing. *-;>*) ; places
where one stops or dwells, quarters of a town
" "
&svx> ); ^JUx) meanings ( _*** in Pers.
( ^i**>
" "
* 9 " '

" near
ma'ni and vjji*^
ma' no) ; vJ^*'

" '

etc." (sing. ^^ a near relative, a neighbour ;

" " '

also elative nearer, nearest") ; jM\ grandees

;< "
(sing. j\ ) ; v*>^* X) or -*3tax) misfortunes

^ X.

(xi) cV^** The singular is a quinquiliteral (5 not in-

cluded) substantive or adjective of which the

penultimate letter is a long vowel (a, u, or ), as :

"sulfcans" ( vtjbL, ; ;
^^bt^ "devils

Adjectives of the measure Jif f
especially with the superlative
2 ^^
meaning, have a plural J^Uf when used as plural substantives, as :


Jlcl (in
Urdu and Persian l(e] )
"the highest parts" ,j\\ "the ;

" the end "

yrandees, nobles"; ^i.y parts "; cUlj beginnings, nrut

part "(pi. of J,l).
" "
(shaytan) ; ^li* boxes (sanduq) : Uul*3 " lit-
" " "
erary compositions (tasnif) ;
fJUl climes
" "
(iqUm) ;
keys (miftdk) .


(4) The above measures are common in Urdu. Others

less common are :

"? i, t
s, f^ * f,*
(a) cA*J The singular is
Jlj . <JUj - <J'JU* .
aJjO if not derived

from verbs whose 3rd radical " books "

j or ^, as :
S J>J> ffy
(kitab); JU^ "messengers" (rasul); ^(X* "cities" (sing.
> ,- $yy
***** ) :
o*r* "carpets, beddings" (firaah).

* *'
*. as: *f^ "wise sayings,
(6) singular is usually <$!* ,

' '
maxims, sciences" ( <*, in Urdu <+&. )

Urdu " mode

qualities, deeds, biographies" (S^-*, in o^*
of walking, manner of
living, character ").

*..": * '.

(c) AJUJ The singular is a verbal adjective, measure cUl> ,


denotes rational beings and is not from verbs with j or ^

fs" "'
as the 3rd radical, as: <uli "students" (t&libl); A!^
" "
ignorant persons (jahil).
f f
~" f . '.

(d) 4jL*J The singular is a verbal adjective, measure J^U f


denotes rational beings and is derived from verbs with ^

In Arabic <ult "schoolboys," and t_)tt (both plurals
seekers, adult students." Amongst Indians and Persians the plural
>ULt is used, but in Arabic this measure is not found from

f x f f,,S>
^ for the 3rd radical, as: SJUii (for 'S^AS ) "judges"

(sing. (jcUi ) ; Sy^* (for &Jj ) "governors" (sing. J|j

(e) aLu The singulars are commonly Jl*i

JU .
JU* as :

"gazelles" (especially when very young) (sing, ^ozai):

o o
" "
<**10 * "boys" (sing. ^Juiom); *05^ companions (raflq).

(/) <J"f The singular is commonly JU* - JU* -

JL>. as :

"souls" (sing, ^j^fti ) ; ^jJL*) (

= ^^ii ) sing. faU
small copper coin of uncertain value (the pi. also means
" scales of fish ") = " letters of the alpha-
fsfs ( d>jj*.

" hand,"

Ox ff tto*
bet" (sing, harf); ^ (for ) pi. jjl (for AJ>] ,.

This form of broken plural is very rare in Urdu.

f ,, f ,! f f .
(gr) ^JUu The singular is commonly J**' -
Jliu .
JU J**i, as :

a. "neighbours" (sing. jU ) :
^t^j "fires" ( ;l> ) ;

" crowns "

/ x ^

ayJ (sing. for "brothers"

^U ^y ) ;
/' >xx
if for^kl * "a
) ; ^UJU (sing. aJuiam boy, slave ");

Ll. When definite , aLqazl

In Urdu and Per-
sian the definite form only of such words ie used.
In Persian and Urdu
8 In Persian and Urdu i.

4 The br. pi. ^UU only is found in Urdu, in the sense of boys that

wait on the virtuous in Paradise.


(or e>U*-e) "youths, boys" (aing.

^> for
measure Jk> ) .

' <j s & <jf

(*) ^{*> J singular is generally ^i ^^ . or

JU amples:
^j\Si ( j(ii ) "judicial opinions" (sing.

'<: - ff , , ,
ISJ** ) ; J lAt '

"peoples" ( J| i

; ^ ;
lsu ^ ; lsu* )

"deserts >f (sing. ^i'*'
*1^su* ) <^l*i ( y(f& "claims" ; ) (sing.
'<" ' fb^ , ,,
} u*l)' "lands,
estates" (sing,

- ^->

" " " "
^cjLJ ) prisoners (asir) ;
^lij orphans (yatlm) .

^\*i "boon companions" (nadlm); (j|SA "gifts" (sing.

f* ' $ s
hadiyyah* AJ^A ); (j\ej subjects, etc." (
&^ i

Lli "sins" (

^h^ for <x'Ui^



(i) a'JU^ The singular is commonly a foreign substantive or ad-

jective of five or more letters with the penultimate a long

vowel. Occasionally it has four or more letters, the penul-
.' "
timate not being a long vowel. Examples: <J'LJl Gr.,
/ y ,<,, f
"philosophers" A^Jilvc "angels"
(sing. OyJL> ) ; (sing.
f ^ * *'' -^^ s, y
and ,_jJU> ) ; jji/clti (also AAxiU) "disciples" (sing.

, from the quadriliteral j.l3 "to teach");

" heretics "
(also &*.&*> ) (sing, mulhid).

In Persian and Urdu always ahali, arazi.

f '

3 For the measure of the
plural of superlatives vide (x) and foot-
note, p. 314.

(p) The Numerals.

(1) The ordinals from one to ten are :

Masc. Fern.

f xx
**J ahad**

wakid** uxihidal**

/ e/Ixil isnatdn'.

o oKro< '

* )
1 >x!x

4. awi' arba'af* '

o. *-+<* khamsat*'

6. & sittat*"

7. 4**-

In Arabic, if not before a vowel, wShidah. talatah, etc. : in Unhi
and Persian, wahida, aaluta, etc.
Declined like an ordinary Dual.

Masc. Fern.

( '(
^ samaniyat*" saman. 1



9. AA~~> tis'at*** *~J tis'**.

10. &/& 'asharat** j&e

ashr un .

From 11 to 19. the numbers are formed by prefixing

ss ^ s ^ s ^xx^lO
the units to ten. as: j&c A^.f 8
masc ,
and Sy^e tf'^^i fern.


Remark. It will be noticed that from 3 to 10, the numerals

assume the fern, form for the masc. and vice versa. There
are other peculiarities that need not be mentioned here.

(2) The Ordinals are :

*$? * -<;;
" " *
First is jy on the elative measure JUit ;
being a super-

lative it has a feminine ^^ ula [(I) (5)]. "Second" to

For ^iU!> : gen.

^ In Arabic, if not before a vowel, wahidah, salasah, etc. : in Urdu

and Persian, wahida, salasa, etc.
In Urdu and Persian, ahad 'ashar, hadl 'ashar, sani 'ashar, etc.

+ In Urdu and Persian, J,| awwal.

f ' '.
" " " "
Tenth are on the measure t>l, as :
J& (c4)
second :

/ * '
" " " "
eJ 3( l
third ; 'lj
fourth ;
the feminines are regularly

formed by suffixing 5.

Eleventh" is j^f t/^-*
" " " " " "
Twelfth to Nineteenth are formed by adding ten

to the ordinals, as :
^ ^ lj

(3) Distributives. The only measure (of three) found in

f ~? f ,f
Urdu is JU* as t
: &Jt> (in Urdu SM/OS) by threes."

(4) Multiplicatives :

f t,j>
" "
Single is *,** (Pass. Part, of IV Stem). The rest are of

$" f
the measure of the Pass. Part, of II Stem, as :
^^i* rausanwa
" *^f
double, a duplicate"; -iJU^ "threefold, triple.

" ($>,?
three-sided ;
gj^o murabba'** fourfold, square."

(5) Fractions are :

f O f <s? ff
" "
Half ^A>. Third to Tenth are on the measure J* o
/ of f tj> f(,t f fs fi,y
as tJ> or ^li' " third
" " fourth "
& or ; ;


Fern. *#(> . <jjlj .
iiwf; etc., etc.

1 In Urdu and Persian, ahad 'ashar, hadt 'cwfutr, jam 'a*/wr, etc
3 In Urdu and Persian, *ul, rub'jfushr, etc.

f ^,
The measure of the plural is jUil.

(?) (1) Some nouns are used in Arabic with a

where in English an adjective
genitive, is used, as :
Jl* ^L*\*

" rich"
(lit. possessed of property).

Other words giving the idea of possession and companion-

* s> j> s> j> /
ship, are: j'^zu masc., ot i

fem.,^! 1
\du nom.pl.; v '

/* ^o jfo

son"; oJj "daughter";


'father"; (*! ''mother"; e>?]'

^ > 0> x ^^ f
^f "brother"; o^l a
"sister." Examples: JJUV' 3 2ti

Ox >" x
" "
'l-jalal possessor of glory, glorious ; v^^l **ti 2P 'l-jamb
fstj*, 9 s
Urdu, masc.) " ' ;

(in pleurisy" :
*)+*)] el<i za^" l-'amud being
xO^, ^ >
" "
in the perpendicular ; p*^ ^jl ulu 'l-'azm ambitious, reso-
'J -9- sJ> J>

lute"; v /3 ^'
1 or v'y^ "father of dust, i.e. dusty" (a

Before the article al, zu is shortened in pronunciation to zu.
j> ^

The first vowel of

^Jy is always short (ulu) and hence is sometimes
f f
written ^Jf.
Note the shortening of the second vowel also for the
article al.
fs &J>
Compounds with if except one or two in the plural (ikhwan), /*T

4 0>
and o>^-f, do not seem to be used in Urdu. Akh.-l " my brother,"
however, occurs in Urdu.
3 Note this
shortening of the vowel u before the article al. Simi-

larly with t5 ,
as : a'UaJ)
^ fi 'Irjumlah.


nickname given to 'All by Muhammad); ^-xaeuJt^j bu 'l-'ajab

"wonderful"; <_rj*-'t t> &# 'l-hawas "capricious, sensual";

" mother of cities" >iJUsJ| pi wmm"

te\ rl (i.e. Makkah) ;

** > o
" ^^ u
'l-khaba*is the mother of vices" (i.e. wine) ; Jtf-Jf cHl

" " a
-sabil son of the road" (i.e. traveller) ; v^l vrtl G>d

knows who, a parvenu, an upstart ; ^>\^\ ol> bint* 'l-'inab

(feni in Urdu because shardb is fern.) "daughter of the

,-$*> 9 , o

grape" (i.e. wine); &\*ji'< iy!^J ikhwan* 'z*-zamdn (m.)


Remark. There appears to be no rule for the use or omis-

> .<o *j
sion of the article Jf after ji and *_,'. It is usual after ^Jy,

but in the Qiir*an there are several instances of its omission .


(2) The gen. sing, of ji is
2 ;
the gen. and ace. of
9 * '
yy the pi., is (.5^ zawi or ^\ tilt.

Remark I. Persians and Indians ignore case and number.

" " " "
as animate ^i (
(^ ; ,>|i>*l-.| capable ; ; xjilll <^)<?

'l-iqtidar powerful" ; >*J| ^Jjl uU 'l-'azm- ^\ J)\ :

\ utt 'l-'ilm "the learned."

When the article al precedes any dental, liquid, or sibilant letter,
it is assimilated with it and the letter is doubled by way of compensa.

ion,.-is: as-sabil for nl-sabll. Those 14 "solar " aro:

lottors o, >1>

^, ^. ;, 3. u-, oi, u", u, *, , J, c^.

* The aec. I ^ za is not found in Urdu.


" "
They even prefix ^i to Persian words, as :
tj*. ^& wise ;

Remark " "
II. The Persian sahib-mansab officer (Pers. pi.

sahib -mansabari) is
apparently the Arabic construction _^U>
^ Ox

V^>i*> "possessor of rank" ;

so too in sdhib-dil, though dil

is Persian. Sahib-i lakhi "king" the equivalent Persian


construction. This would account for the frequent omission

of the izafat after sahib and explain why such terms as sahib-

jamal and sahib-i jamal "beautiful" are both correct Per-

fstss fs
Remark III. After the Arabic words _>tJ>t (pi. of k_>;) ;
$ Ox
is always used in Persian and
J*f "people." etc.. the izafat

Urdu, as arbab-i nishat "dancers, singers, etc."; arbab-i


ma'ni "spiritual persons"; ahl-i mazaq "people of good


taste"; ahl-i zaban "people of the mother tongue, those

whose mother-tongue the language is."

For Ar. ma'ny.



(a) Nouns denoting males are masculine, those .denoting

females are feminine.
" tribe," khandan and
Exception. Masculine words such as qabila
gharana "lineage, household," and certain other words, remain mas-
culine even when used in the sense of " wife."

(6) MASCULINE are :

(i) Hindi nouns in a, as : him "diamond"; aid "coarse

flour" ; (jhard a globular earthen pot."
Exceptions are, diminutives in -it/5, as: chiriya "small bird."
Vide (c) (ii) p. 327.
(ii) All abstract Hindi nouns in -d,o, as: chirkd,o sprink-
ling" (from chirkdnd, tr.) bacJid.o defence" bhd,o " price ; ;

current and bhd,o flowing."

" "
^lost other nouns in u or o, as dlu, P.. potato jddu. : ;

" " " '

P. magic pahlu P. side
; ItasJiw or hashv, vulg. kasho. ;

Ar. "stuffing" (also in Rhetoric 'tautology"); bdzu P.

arm " bichchhu, H. " scorpion " bijju or bijjo " the In-
; ;

dian badger."
Balu, H.
" sand" daru, P. H. " medicine,
Exceptions. spirituous

" " boat "

liquor, gun-powder rohu, H. (a large river fish) no,o, H.
: ;

hajw, vulg. hajo, Ar. "a satire, lampoon": abrH, P. "honour";

arzu, P.
" wish " few or
bo, P.
" smell " tarazii, P. " scales " jo, jTi
; : ;

'streamlet"; feio or i&u "nature, disposition." There are other


(iii) Nouns ending in silent h, as: banda (*V) "slave";

*t "
" "
(^) anger ; qissa story, tale."

Taken from Platts.

Remark. If, however, the h (is) of an Arabic word be

changed to t in Urdu (and Persian), the word is feminine,

thus *l>vo, AT. becomes in Urdu manzila, m., or manzilat, 1


Exceptions. Banafsha "violet"; tawba "repentance": daf'a

" " " "
time, section sarfa expenditure
; fakMa " the Bar-tailed Tree ;

Dove"; feminine also are such Arabic feminines as are formed by

adding the feminine termination g to the masculine, as: malika
"queen" (malik "king"); walida "mother" (walid "father"):
shikra 2 " the female of the Indian sparrow-hawk."
Remark I.Lasha " corpse" appears to follow the regular rule and
to be masculine, but lash is feminine. The plural in common use is

Remark //.The final silent h of masculines is sometimes changed

to a and vice versa, as " household " for
gharana *J|^f gharana 1*1^4? ;

raja iA\) for raja la.|j

(iv) All (abstract) nouns in -pan, as :
larak-pan child-
hood and "childishness"; kamlna-pan (^ *'**+?} "mean-
f sO

u* 6
(v) Arabic verbal nouns of the measure JUJl if'al as :

"beneficence"; iqbal "good fortune"; iqrar

" " " denial " "
avowal : inkar ;
isbat proving, confirming."

Exceptions. Ijlas "sitting, session"; idbar "turning


back, decline of fortune" (opp. to iqbal); islah

" correction,
ment"; ikrah "aversion"; ilhah "importunity"; imdad " assist-

Manzil, also, is feminine.
2 The male is called chippak or chippakh.
or tiercel Many of the
females of the hawks are incorrectly masculine in the dictionaries.
" a bird of
Shikra seems to be a corruption from the Persian shikara
* Vide
Appendix E.

trad " Also a few more words of this measure ending

ing" ; citing."
in t o and 5 I.

(vi) Arabic verbals of the measure cUftj tafa"ul as ,

takabbur " haughtiness" taraddud "going to and fro, vacil-



Exceptions. Tawajjuh A^y "regard"; tawazzu yi "performing

the Muslim ablution"; tatvaqqu' "expectation": tamannaii+J (for

Ar. .*i*i) "desire." Also all nouns of this measure ending in t, as:
<*>x "
lasalll UJ "consolation": "
(>r taraqql promotion."

(vii) Verbals of the measure d*lA to/a'?//**, as : taddruk

I^J|A> ''punishment, remedy"; tafdivui o>li3 "difference.

Exceptions. Tawazu ^(y "civility." Also nouns of this measure

ending in -t, as:

^-ilxu tahaahi (vulg. for ,^1x6 /oAa^/K?). m. and f.

standing apart, taking exception to."
^ x O

(viii) Verbals of the* measure Jl*ii| infi'dl**. as : insirnm

" " "
ending ; in^a/ decision."

e , <,

(ix) Verbals of the measure Jl*i] t//t'5Z*". as : ikhtisnr

'' " "
abridgment ;
iliimds petition."

Exceptions. Ihtiyaj "necessity"; ihtiyak "care": isf.ilah "con-

ventional term, phrase, idiom"; ittila' "announcement"; i'tiraz
objection." Also a few words of this measure ending in 5 and t.

as: ibtida " beginning" ; iltifat " attention."

i , <,

(x) Arabic verbals of the measure Jti**-J isti'fdl**, as:

" " "
asking forgiveness isti'mal use." ;

Exceptions. Isti'dad "capacity"; istikrah "aversion"; iatimdad

" " " "
asking help ; istid'a istirza
supplicating" to ; seeking please."

(xi) The Arabic Noun of Time and Place,, measure

maj-al or maf'il"*, 1
as: masdar "source" (also the Infini-
'' "
tive) ;
habitation maqam place of standing or ;

halting, a place, etc." makan dwelling" mashriq "place ; ;

of rising, the East" mag&rib place of setting, the West."

" "
Exceptions. Majal scope, power mahsliar " place of gathering, ;

the Day of Judgment "; mahfil " place o meeting, assembly

" '

majlis ;

" a
"place of sitting, assembly "; matjid "mosque"; manzil stage,
halting place."

(xii) The Arabic Noun of Instrument, measure

mij'CLl**. as: misqal any instrument for polishing metal."
Minkhar ^s^o "

Exception. nostril."

(c) FEMININE are:

(i) Most Arabic nouns ending

in a, as: baqa perma-
nence" bald calamity." ;

A few, however, are masculine.

(ii) All Hindi diminutives in -iyd, as: chiriyd "small

bird"; dibiyd small box''; phuriyd "pimple (small boil).

Vide also (6) (i) Exceptions p 324. and L. 53 (h).

" famili-
(iii) Arabic nouns ending in o t, as :
ulfat cJ^
" " honour."
arity ;

" confirmation, proof "; sharbat "a draught.
" time " [but the br. pi. awqat is
any fruit syrup," eau awre" wogt ;

" robe of honour" yaqut " ruby."

fern.] ; khil'at ;

suffixed to these measures as in madrasa, m.

Sometimes an js
" mausoleum."
college"; maqbara, m.

t that are formed

(iv) Those Persian abstract nouns in by
dropping the n of the Infinitive, as: raft going" (from
;i " " "
raftan to go ") guft speaking (guftan
to speak ").

(v) Hindi abstract nouns terminating in -aJiat or -awal,

as :
perturbation bandwat " fabrication." ;

(vi) Persian abstract nouns in -ish. as : ddnish " wisdom ;

nalish complaint."

(vii) Abstract nouns formed by suffixing an -t, as Mul- :

tdnl "the Multan dialect" (but Multanl "a p'erson of Mul-

tan," is com. gen.); zardi "yellowness" (zard. P. "yel-
low"); la.mba,t '"length"; bandagl "slavery" (banda
slave ").

Many other nouns in -i are also feminine, as : roll


bread": surdki gugglet. a water-vessel with long thin

neck" ;
haddl bone."

Remark I. Numerous Hindi masculines in -5 form feminines or

diminutives by changing -5 into -t, as: ghorl "mare" (ghora, m.);
" " " cable
rassl rope, cord (rassa ").

II. Many nouns in -i are masculine, as halhi " elephant :

jt "life"; dahl "curds"; molt "pearl"; ght "clarified butter":

mull " a Hindu gardener "; >lh'>h~> "washerman"; bhazan-chl "trea-
surer baiour-chl " cook."

(viii) Hindi verbals formed by dropping the termination

-na of the Infinitive, as mar " '
beating" ;
lut plunder" ;

samajh understanding."
Exceptions. Khel "play"; noch "a plucking out";
" " " "
dhakel push, shove nichor extract ; ; nach " dance " ;

rang "colour." There are some others.

(ix) Arabic verbals of the measure J^niS to/'t/"", as : tar-

ib "incentive"; taslan "assuaging, tranquillizing":

ta'mil executing, "
carrying into effect ; ta'Km " instruction,

Exception. Ta'wiz ^^ " amulet." f s <J

(x) The Arabic Noun of Instrument, measure Jl*i* w/i'-

-dl un , as: miqraz minkar

-'scissors, shears"; "beak";

mizdn scales."

Exception. Minshar " hand-saw "; mismar " nail, peg ": mi'yar

(d) Twenty-one of the letters of the alphabet are femi-


(e) Generic nouns are either masculine or feminine arid

include both sexes, as: a cat"

billi, f. (billd masc.) ; chil.

;: "
f. ''a kite" (the bird) ; gidar, m. a jackal (c/idarm, f.) ;

" the Indian

haran, m. (harm, f.) antelope."
Remark The words nar and mada may be added to distinguish
sex, as nar-ga,o
" bull " ; mada fll or fil-i mada " female elephant"
= hathnl.

Hindi, like Sanskrit, employs the Deva-nagari or Ndgari
alphabet, which is written from left to right. The alpha-
betical order, is the order of the organs of utterance, begin-

ning with the throat and ending with the lips. The follow-

ing is the alphabet, with a transliteration :

Votcds (Initial Form).

Nagari ^^T*t<sW* tj^fr^ft

Roman a a

Urdu t T

t * ka

In the Arabic alphabet there is no e sound ; the method of trans-
literating this vowel in the Arabic and Persian character is a mere
a The Hindi diphthong ai has, in the Arabic character, to be trans-
literated ay.
There is no o sound in Arabic. The method of transliterating this
vowel in the Arabic and Persian character is a makeshift.
* The Hindi
diphthong au has to be transliterated aw in the Arabic
& It will be noticed
that the four letters n, as well as the Aruuwar
or nasal symbol mentioned later, have all, in Urdu, to be transliter-

ated &.

cha w chh m ja if jha *f na '

Palatals .

Cerebrals ta 3 tha * da * dha

or Linguals

to *J tha dha r
Dentals .

Labials . .

V i v
ya T ra W /

Semi vow-
els o" J

Sibilants. .

Aspirate . .

To the above must be added the nasal symbol Anuswar 1


( ) or nasal n, and the weak aspiration Visarg (

). The

It will be noticed that the four letters n, as well as the Anuswar
or nasal symbol mentioned later, have all, in Urdu, to be transliter-
ated ^.
* The distinction between Anuswar ( )
and Anunasik ( & ) may
be ignored. Before b, v, and p, anuswar is often pronounced like TO.

In Urdu, anuswar or nasal n is transliterated &, but when it is final

some writers omit the dot. In the Roman character, it is

transliterated n or . It is common after a long, but rare after a
short, vowel. This nasalization of a vowel by amiswar practically
adds another letter to the alphabet. There is no nasal n in Persian
and Arabic : it is incorrect to write qqref .for

latter is rare in Hindi: it is sometimes used to transliterate

the Persian final silent h.

The numeral ^ after a word indicates that it is repeated.

The mark indicates that a word is abbreviated, as docs

a full stop in English.

The vowel <t a is inherent in each consonant when no

other vowel is written, thus qix = nagar. The final short a

is not usually pronounced except in poetry. It is, however.

generally pronounced after a final y or a final compound
letter, as: ftn tiy "woman," ^|^{ chandr* "moon." and
also in a few monosyllables as H n "not" and w cJiJi


To denote the absence of the inherent vowel a, the symbol

viram or 'pause' (jazm or sukun in Urdu) may be written
under a consonant, thus * = & (and not kd).

[Sanskrit has three vowels and one consonant in addition

to those given, viz. : <t fl, Ifi, and ^ In (vowels) and
oj la. They may all be ignored].

The initial form of the vowels given above, is only used

to begin a word or a syllable. It thus performs one of the
offices of hamzah in Urdu, corresponding to a hyphen in Eng-
lish : thus **fc fd-ida is

The following indicates the medial and final forms of the

vowels :

Vowels following a Consonant.

bad bad bid bid bud bud



It will be seen from the above that the secondary (medial

or final) form of i, viz. f, is written before (but sounded after)
its consonant.

The vowels u and u ( and ), when in combination with

(T), are written * (ru), and ^ or T (ru) ; while the vowel
ri ( __ ) joined to h (^), is written ^.

When two or more consonants occur together without an

inherent they should, strictly speaking, be united and
written as one compound letter. These compounds are
formed :
(1) by writing one letter above the other, as qj kk- :

5 tt ;
and (2) by writing one after the other, omitting th e
upright stroke of the first, as :
^ bd, l tth.

" to hear "

The form ^"TSfT is preferable to 551, as the root
of a verb practically terminates a word.

A few compounds change the original form, as fj ksh (also :

like x in fluxion, and in Urdu

written gr) =^ + 1. pronounced

In Hindi, words are found beginning with two or more consonants.


with two consonants.

According to Arab Grammarians, no word begins
2 There is no e sound in the Arabic character. The employment
of weak consonants, j (initial) and A (medial), to represent this vowel,

is a makeshift.
* In the Arabic alphabet, the Hindi diphthong ai has to be trans-
literated ay.
* There is no o sound in the Arabic alphabet.
This employment of

the weak consonant j to represent the Hindi

vowel o, is a makeshift.
& In the Arabic character, the Hindi diphthong
au has to be trans-
literated aw.

oftener transliterated .
than ^ ;
= o^
w= r

+ f, but pro-
nounced hard like gy, as in ^rf (or i^Tf) knowledge."
The letter r (X) is common in compounds and has then
several forms :
1 )
Initial ( ) as in ^q sury* (colloquially
suraj fiscal) ',
the sun ;
note that this r is written over
and at the end of the compound letter ;
but if the compound
is followed by a vowel, the r is written after the vowel, as :

" "
*H?f dharmi religious ; (2) when the
immediately follows r

another consonant, it is a short stroke as in vniT Agra, and

eclipse (of sun or


if^W grahan moon)."

The compound letters are chiefly confined to MSS. and to
Sanskrit works.

The following are examples of some of the commoner com-

pound letters :

Some Compounds Letters

n W ^ U ^ror* i IT w
kt ky kkh gn r.hchh '

jj tt tth

II sht '
shth '
st sn ss hm hy
Each element of a compound must be distinctty enunci-
ated, whether these letters are different or the same, as:
^m pat-td
leaf" and mi* pat-thar* stone."

Note that in Hindi, these are two letters only.
2 Note that in Urdu, the tashdid doubles the first letter only of a
Hindi compound; (hus in pat-thar qu^ .
it is the t that is doubled
* v

and in ach-chha ^fT ,

it is the ch that is doubled

Compounds of three letters are

very rare. They usually
consist of a semi- vowel (* * <r or *) with a double
as -^ ntr,:
pty. m
sty. ^ Compounds of four letters
be ignored.
Pro nunc iation.
The orthography of Hindi is somewhat erratic. The
popular way of spelling a word is not always correct.
The vowels are pronounced as in Urdu, vide Introduction,
page xxvi (20). In theory only does the vowel ri (m) differ
from ri (ft) thus am kripa " compassion " is also written

faniT. Colloquially, too. ri is

pronounced and even written
ir ;
thus %T*n and faqi

The letters ^ d and ^ dh. if written with a dot under them.

(^-V) are pronounced r (

j ) and rh (AJ). For the pronuncia-
tion of these hard letters, viz. "Z t, f d, ^ r. and their aspirated

forms, vide Introduction, page xxiii (5) and (6).

'f n is a cerebral nasal and is pronounced like the above

hard letters by touching the back of the palate with the tip
of the tongue while enunciating n. as nfiftl gamt counted." :

It is pure Sanskrit. In ordinary Hindi, it is generally writ-

ten and pronounced f (o).

na is a guttural nasal as in thing or England. It is only


found immediately before a guttural. In modern Hindi,

the anuswar* is substituted for it thus ^1T danga " tumult." ;

is, in Hindi. ^JTT daga (&&).

^T is a palatal nasal as n in the English pinch or in the

French magnifique. In Hindi this is usually changed into
* n (o) is often pronounced as in the English not. It is
properly more dental than the English n. It is occasionally
- "
interchangeable with as ^TT or ^^TT
the world."

Pincott says: "The pronunciation of the four n's need

cause no trouble. When conjoined as compounds with other
consonants, their sounds are determined by the letters which
immediately follow them ;
thus, in pronouncing the words
qrT an k- ^W nitch. *w ""'/- Wfl ant it is impossible to avoid
giving to each n its proper pronunciation."
The letters ar and are common, the other letters n are

^y (csO usually pronounced as y in English, but occasion-

ally as j ; thus *r* yug " an Age is often written and pro-

nounced 5T jug ; so too sury* (tJ)j) sun," is usually ^J
written and pronounced j^r^r suraj. [In Urdu f| is often
turned into ^J. It is frequently substituted for the diph-
thong at; thus samay "time, season," is erroneously

often written w samai

and also tt same (<*?), wf sama,i
" cow "

\<jL+~), and even WT sama,i, so too, JITC ga,e is often

written JITW, *t, and even are.

T r ( ) ) must be rolled or trilled, something like the French

r. It is a distinct lingual.

^r v or w It is often interchangeable with w b thus

ten **T.'
or TO "
( ) )

jungle, forest." Note that w

(1^*) is also writ-

H sh (<Ji) is a lingual as in shut or the ss in session.

l |A ( c4 or 4> ) is palatal, but often does not differ from

H . It is often sounded and even written kh ;
thus jfa

or dokh
" fault"
; T1T bhasha or wr^I bluikha " speech, ver-
nacular." '

In Marwarl q = b, and ^ = v; ^ takes the place of * ;
and q
is the only sibilant.

^ s (<j i is a dental sibilant. It is sometimes pronounced

like *C ;
thus mmasa or <UT*n asha
hope." The general ten-
dency is to substitute 9 for the other sibilants.'

^1 ph (4$) is vulgarly pronounced like /.

a word ends in a compound letter, the final a is col-
a "
loquially transferred thus l^i murkh fool" is incorrectly

pronounced murakh.
When a termination, beginning with a vowel, is added to
a root of two syllables, as in such a verbtfis nikal-na, the
vowel a of the root is discarded ; thus, the Preterite is nikla
and not, as might be expected, nikal-a!
So too the plural
" and not magaro (ka).
of magar, crocodile." is magro (ka)
[n words like ilfr^T pyara. an i is often inserted between
the first two letters ;
thus fq^TTT piyard. but the first form is
considered the more chaste.'

Consonants are sometimes interchanged ;

thus fa^
mud "
is often ^fanc.
Corruptions such as *Nn paiya for |f%^i pahiya wheel,"

explain themselves.
The Urdu conjunction W is usually transliterated as in the
Roman, viz. f% ki.
Words like risht wf*T
m. "a sage," are transliterated ^.
The fern, m^ rishi, the wife of a rishi" is also ^;.

In Marwari q=b, and *=v :
^r takes the place of w: and ^
isthe only sibilant.
2 This
applies to Urdu
also. A similar euphonic change occurs in the
vide' L. 53 (k) and bahan. Such a change is some-
plural jagah,
times incorrectly made in Persian words.
3Uneducated Hindus sometimes change syllables in foreign words.
The name Prendergast is generally Gastpender.

Those Arabic letters that have no equivalent sound in

Nagarl, are usually distinguished by having a dot under the
nearest Nagarl equivalent thus,
= q ; j, j, a, and = ai
; ;

u* and * = ; =*: = ; t3
=* *=* = *; and
or T (thus *w 6o'rf may be written W^3, WT^, or f^l^), or
the vowel with which is pointed is written with a dot un-

der it, as :
fie =T ;
j+e =w . Note that *W* is a better

transliteration & *i; rt^'a than either **!* or ^*^ or **i^

Indians are careless about transliteration of any kind.

Hindi is written in three other alphabets besides the Deva-


And also rarely as z
Ae already stated, the symbol .

may be used for the final silent h

of Urdu and Persian.
[Unless otherwise stated, the figures indicate the number of the Lest

Agency, verbal noun of, 57 (6):

inf. with ko= verbal noun of, 54
4,=silent h, vide silent h.
A, final, inflected in compounds
Agent case, 13 (a).
53 (d) Rem. Aisa, etc., 35 (a), (c) and (i).
Ab and abhi, difference in use 51 (/). A-jana, = unexpectedly, p. 139,
Abtak, with Pres and Past tense = footnote 1 .

still, 51 (e) Note. Aksar, as adv., 61 (c) (5).

About to be, 20 (6), 54 (g), 57 Alphabet, Urdu, p. xvii :
(6). Vide Begin. App. G.
Abstract nouns in I and t, if from Already, =chukna, 16 (a).
AT. are fern., p. 1 (a). Ana, idiomatic uses of 14 in
(a) ;

Accent, in verb, p. 8 (a). compounds gen. retains its pro-

Active or trans, verb, arrangement per signification, 23 (e).
of sentence formed by, 10 (6). And, frequently omitted 58 (6).
Acquisitives, 18 (a). Annas (ana), and per cent., 45 (e).
Adh, last ex. in 9 (b), and p. 44, Antepenultimate, short, 53 (h),
3rd ex. footnote 2.
Adjectives and Degrees of Com- Aorist, =to a Pres. Subjunctive, 7
parison, 3 (a), (b) ; in ana spe- (a) Respect, and Impers. Aor.

cially adverbial, p. 11 (i); posi- (or Resp. Impera.), 7 (6) (2), p.

tion of, p. 4 (a) terminations
; 37.
of, p. 4 (b) ; that are in decl., p. .4p,=self and Your Honour, p.
4 (a) ; intensive, 3 (a) (2) qual. ; 8 (/) and 31 (a), (6); other
subj. to pi. verb, must be pi., 16 _ words like, Ap, p. 8 (/) (2).
(d) footnote two subs, for subs.
; Apa, in certain phrases, 27 (b).
and adj., 48 (e) used as ad-
; Apas, recip. pron. p. 8 (g) and p.

verbs, p. 10 (e) used as preposi-

; 151, footnote 3.
tions, 56 (h); ending in nasal Apna, possess, adj., construction
n, 53 (c) (2) and App. A (c) ; and significations, 27 (a) accu- ;

in silent h, 53 (/) when they

; satives of 27 (a) Rem. exam- ;

do not agree with their nouns, ples of, 27 (c).

32 (i) and 84 (d); intensive, 3 Appositives, 48 (b), and 61 (/).

(a) (2) (3), and 48 (b) (2), and 64 Arabic, Measures, App. E ; subs.
1st and 2nd ex. in ace. =adverb, p. 11 (h).
Adverbs, different forms of, pp. Article, def. and indef. pp. 1 and ,

10-11; examples of, 61 (c) ; as 12 (a), (c), (d).

correlative, 55 (a) (3). As soon as, how expressed, 51 (at.
Adverbial part., 59 (d) and last Aur, both a conjunc. and a
ex. in 60 (/). pronom. adj., 3 (c) expresses ;

Agar and jab, idiomatically omit- contrast, surprise, or simul-

ted, p. 193, footnote 2, and 57 taneity, 43 (6) often prefixed

(/); 52 (e) (4), of footnote 2. to a second ya or no, 35 (d), (e).


Aur bhi,=ziyada, 3 (a). Bhaga-jana and bhage-jana, 63 (b).

Auxiliary tenses, p. 9. Bha,l, voc. of, 59 (c) (6).
Ay a, vide Whether.
Bhar, 13 (g).
Az bag ki, significations of, place Bhauorbhd, 59 (c) (11).
now taken by cAtln ki, 52 (c). Bhi, "also, even," p 19, foot-
note 1 and 3 (d)
, unlike nlz ; ,

cannot begin sentence, 57 (c) (2).

Bhule se for bhiil se, p. 26 foot-
Bachna, examples of, 31 (c).
Badan, omission of, p. 75, foot- Bih-tar, Pros, comparative, 3 (a).

note 4, and 20 (e) (4) Rem.. Bin and bina. Vide Be. '

and 60 (e) (2). Bila, 63 (c).

Ba-daulat, 60 (d) (2).

Bu and bo, fern., pi. of, 59 c) (7).

Badle, prep., 60 (e). Burhiya, pi. of, 53 (h).

But, if enhansive, not exceptive,
Ba-nhair, 63 (c).
voc. of, 59 vide Balki.
Bahin, pi. of, 53 (k) ;

(c) (6).
" noun in sing, or
Bahut, many,
pi. ; its pi. 4 (a).
Bai thrui, in compounds, Perf. Cardinal numbers, App. A. (a) :

tenses and past part., 23 (a) nouns preceded by either sing,

Note. or pi., 32 (g) (1): sing, with
Baithe-bithaye, adv., p. 185, foot- nouns of manner, 32 (g) (2).
note 1. Causal verbs, examples, 44 (6), (c),
Bala ka, idioms with, 14 (b), and (d), (g); of tutna, 44 (c) (2); of
p. 76. phutna, p. 164.
Balki, "but" meaning "instead Cent per, App. A (g), and 45 (e).
of," how rendered 12 (b), foot- Chacha, 69 (c) (1).
note 1 ; enhansive, 60 (c). Chahe-chahe, whether or (exclu-
Banda, p. 8 (/) (3) : nouns like, sive), 35 (/).
ending in silent h masc. , p. 16, C'hahiye, examples, pp. 122-3:
footnote 3, and 19 (c), footnote used impersonally, 19 (b) with ;

2 fern, of, 53 (/) (2).

; na or nahi; with dat. of person
Bandagi, L. 32 (/). or followed by Aor., preceded
Bandl and laudi, 53 (/) (2). by past part. 32 (c) 20 (6). ;

Bamya, how inflected, 53 (c). Chahiye tha, p. 123. 1st ex. and
Banna, examples, p. 144-5. 32 (c).
Barely, how expressed, 51 (6). Chahiye, 32 (c).
Barha, with past tense only, 61 Chahna, 19 (o) and 20 (a), (b), (c).
(6) (5). Chala-jana, 40 (6), and 63 (b).
Barhiya, adj., not inflected, 57 Chalrdena, intr., 22 (o).
"' '

(h). Chale-jana, [ vide Stumbling-

Barhkar, adv , 18 (d) (2), and p. Blocks," p. 85], and 63 (6).
24, line 2. Chalna. 40 (6); examples, 41 (o).
Baz-e, 8 (6) (I). Charhna, constructions with. 11
Be 'and bin, prep., p. 12 (e), (/), (d).
and 63 (c) p. 224, footnote 1
; .
Chiriya, pi. of, 53 (h).
Became and was, vide Hu,a. ' '

Chhorna, in compounds, 23 (</);

Before, vide Just. added to trans, is more forcible
Begin, chalna, 40 (6) (2). Vide than -tena, 23 (g) p. 164. ;

Lagna, and About to be. Chhutna, examples. 36 ().

INDEX. 341
Chukria, how constructed, 15 (a) ;
Degrees of comparison, vide Com-
=already, 16 (a); with Pret. is
ironical, 16 (c). Dena, to allow, 18 (a) some com ;
Chunki, begins, etc., a causal pounds with, regarded as in-
clause, 52 (a).
Collective numbers, App Aid) (2)
transitive, 22 (a) ;
Irnperf. = to
offer, 22 (a) Rem ; dena and
Collocation, 63 (d), leria in Intensive compounds,
Common gender, 57 (g).
Comparison, degrees of. 3 (a); Desideratives, 20 (a), (6), (c).
Persian, 61 (k). DevanSgari, vide Alphabet.
Completives, vide Chukria. Dhu,a, how inflected, 53 (c).
Compound nouns of different gen-
Diminutives, 53 (h).
ders usually follow gender of Direct narration, generally used
last portion of compound, 56 in Hindustani, 36 (a); classes
(&) ; semi-compound nouns, of verbs usually followed
gender 20 (g).
of, the direct narration, 36 (c) a ;

Compound verbs, formation of, direct narration sometimes oc-

45 (a) object of, 45 (&); idioma-
; curs within a direct narration,
tic examples of, 46 (a) differ- :
36 (e), footnote 2.
ent construction in Act. and Dissyllables, pi. of, 53 (k) and
Pass., 45 (c); intensive com- footnote 5.
pounds, vide Intensives. Double postpositions, examples
Concord of verb, 56 (c), (d), (e),(f) :
of, 6') (a), (b), (f).
of adjectives, vide Adjectives. Dramatic present, examples of,
Conjunctive Participle, significa- p. 151, 3rd ex. and footnote 1.
tionand use, 55 (d) combines Dub-jaria, dub-mama, dubke mar-
two or more sentences into one, ria, differences in signification
18 (6); adverbial use of, p. 11 of, 23 (c).
(/); and L. 18 (d) shortened ; Dur and dur ka, distinction be-
form indicates haste, 26 (c) and tween, 37 (c).
footnote 1 repeated, p. 184,

footnote 2 and p. 1 86, footnote 1.

Correlative, vide Relative, E.

Each other, 13 (/).

D. Ek, as indef. article ; after a num-
ber=about ; emphatic, 8 (e)and
Dada, optionally inflected, 59 (c) p. 1.

(2). Ek adh, 8 (e).

Dalna, as a servile verb, 22 (/). Emphasis, the same word repeated
Dana, inflection of, 59 (c) (1). for, 48 (a) expressed by a syno-

Da,o, inflected of, 59 (c) (12). nym or appositive, 48 (&), (c),

Darya, inflection of, 59 (c) (1). (d),(e); vide also 64.
Data and de,ota, inflection of, 59 Emphatic particle hi, 51 (e) and
50 !&); examples, 51 (/) ; occa-
Day, of Hindus and Muslims, sionally omitted after Adv.
App. B (a). Part., 59 (d). For to, 'vide'
Days of the week, App. A (j). under To.
Declamatory negative, simple Enclitic particle hi, 51 (e) and 50
verb must be used, 23 (h). (b) ; enclitic to,
vide under
Declension, p. 2 (6), (c), (d). To.

Euphemisms, common, App. B of, 14 (b) and p 76 examples 6


(6), (c). to 8.
Vide Bate.
Euphony, affecting concord of U&ulam,=yonr humble servant, p.
subjects and verb, 30 (c) (2). 8 (/) (3). 'Vide' Banda and
Even though, how expressed, 50 Fidwi.
(d). Girna, conjug. of the neuter or in-
Except and besides, how ex transitive verb, 7 (a) difference ;

pressed, 59 (6). between girna and parna, p. 87

Exactly, 56 (a) (3) last ex. [and "Stumbling-Blocks"].
Extremely, 3 (a) (2). Gum, Pers. adj., 47 (b) Rem.

Farmana, when substituted for H, silent, vide silent // ; aspirated

karna, 45 (a) (2).

Feminine, Ar.
derivatives in-/, Hai, difference between hai and
hota hai, 2 (a); examples of
irrational nouns in -*, Persian
hota hai, 2 (d).
nouns in -iah p. 1 femininee in u
, ;

or o, pi. of, 53 (/) and 59 (c) (7) ;

Haiga,=}iai, p. 9, footnote, and
how formed from masculines, p. 36, footnote 2.
24 (6) to (d). Vide Gender Hal-an-ki, 52 (d).
For, expressed by dekhkar, 40 (e) Hamara, in Lucknow and Delhi
and footnote. meru is substituted, p. 18, foot-
Formative plural of certain num- note 2.
Hamrah,=8ath, p. 12 differs from
bers, etc., below a hundred,

used as nominatives, 32 (h) ;

samet, p. 12 (d).
formative termination Hamzah, note on, App. D.
added to last of a series of Ha, vide' Yaha.

nouns, 61 (d) (1). Hardly, how expressed, 51 (6).

Fractional numbers, 47 (e) and Harna, 64 (e).

Have, how expressed, 20
App. A (e).
Hawale, 60 (e).
Frequentatives, 19 (a).
Hazar = " although
' '
and a '

Future, pros, tense used for im- ,

mediate future, p. 194, footnote great deal," p. 194, footnote 5.

Hazir, difference between maw-
1; Put. Impera., 7 (b) (1), p.
37; Fut. Precative, 7 (b) (3), jSd and ; idiomatic uses 9 (a).
p. 37. 'Vide' Jab. Help to, expressed by causal verb,
vide note p. 166, end of L. 44.
HI, emphatic, 51 (e) and 50 (6):
examples of use of, 51 (/) oc- ;

casionally omitted after Adv.

Go, e and 59(c)(10).
&-5.0, Part., 59 (d).
Ga,d, how declined, 59 (c) (10). Hindi Alphabet, Appen. G.
Gander of substantives, p. 1 (a) Historical Present, example, p.
and App. F common gender,; 151, line 5 and footnote 1.
57 (g) of compound nouns 56
; Hoga,=must, 8 (d).
(6) and 20 (g). Ho-jata hai, more forcible than
Genitive, with ka, ke, kl, p. 4 (c). hota hai, p. 20, footnote 1.
Ghabrana, tr. and intr., 44 (e). Ho-lena, no ne, 22 (a), footnote 1.
Gha,o, declension of, 59 (c) (8). Hona, to be, conjugation of neu-
Qhazab ka, idiomatic significations ter verb, 7 (d).
INDEX. 343
Ho-rahna, significations of, 23 (d) vulgar, 18 (/) certain verbs ;

However much, how expressed 9 (inceptive, permissive, acquisi-

tive) govern an inflected infini-
(6), p. 45, andL. 50 (c).
tive, 18 (a).
How much the less, how ex- Intend to, expressed, by the in-
pressed, 50 <g), (h). finitive and Noun of
How much the more, how ex- Agency 54
pressed, 50 (/). Intensive adjectives, 3
(a) (2), and
Hu,a and tha, difference between 48 (6) (2).
2(6). Intensive (compound)
verbs, how-
formed, 21 (a).
' '

If, vide Agar and Whether. Interjections, some examples, p.

Immediate Future, expressed by 12 no at end of inten. sentence

Pres. tense, p. 194, footnote 1. 43 (a).

Imperative Future, 7 (b) 1 In- ; Interrogation, expressed by tone
finitive used as a Future Im- of voice, 5 (); often
perative, 54 (/) Respectful Im- ; strong negation, 5 (c).
perative, 7 (b) (2). Interrogates, 5 (a); examples,
Inasmuch as, how expressed, 52 6; interr. pronouns are both
(c). substantives and adjectives, 5
Inceptives, 18 (a). (6) : kaun and kya, used in di-
Indirect narration, usual after rect and indirect questions, 5
verbs of telling or ordering, p. (d) ; kya, used with sing, and
136 (e). pi., p. 8 (e); oblique cases of
Infinitive, always masc. when ob- kya, those of kaun, usually sub-
ject has ko, 54 (a) (2); with ko stituted, p. 8 (e) ; as both object
= the noun of agency, 54 (<?) :
and subject, 55 (a) (2) na at ;

occasionally used in the pi. , 54

end of interr. sentence, 43 (a),
(a), (1) and 55 (c) used as a ;
Intransitive verb, conjugation of,
noun, p. 28, footnote 3 and L
7 (a) indicates an action was

54 (e); as a Fut. Impera., 54

done by accident, 36 (g) pas- ;

(/); as a Fut. Impera. is less sive of, 47 (d).

Isko and usko,=him, 12
imperious than the Impera. as it, (g).
a Pres. Impera. is polite, p. 84, Is liye, correlative of chunki, 52
footnote 1, and L. 32 (d); tr. (a).
for pass, or intr. L. 38 (c) ; col- Iteration, vide Repetition.
Itna, 35 (a) and (c).
loquially used for the Aor. 54
(h) (2); concord of, 54 (b), (c),
Ittifaq-an, ace. Ar. subs., used as
(d) gen. of inf. expressing in-
adv., p. 11 (h).

tention, used in neg. only, 32 Izafat, use and signification of, 61

(e) idiomatic
; use of, 54 (h) (1), c,>.

(3) ; colloquially used for noun

of agency, 54 (h) (3); inflected Jab, introducing a future condi-
before verbs of motion, 54 (i) tion followed by Aor, or Fut.,
and 58 (a), 1st ex.; is either a 35 (g) jab and jab jakar idio-

verb or a subs., 54 (a) (1); can matic, for tab, 57 (e) with Pres. ;

be used as a subs, in any case, tense = " whenever," with Aor

54 (a) (1) expresses obligation.
; ="when," p. 69, footnote 1:
32 (a) trans inf. can be used
; frequently omitted 57 (/);
as a passive, 38 (c) and 54 (a) '
vide Agar not followed by

(3); inflected before sakna, is a past tense, 61 (b).


Jab tak, meaning yaha tak Id, re- Kaka, 59 (c) (

1 ).

quires a negative verb, but Kam dena, 22 (a). tr,

meaning "whilst" an affirma- Kama, (=to be in the habit of)
tive verb, 38 (6) ; not followed often governs a past part., 19
by a past tense, 61 (6). (a) indicating habitual action

Jagah, pi. of. 53 (ifc). is intransitive, 20 (d) and 20

Jaha, for relative, 55 (a) (3). (h) 4th ex.

Jaisa, 35 (a) (c), and 55 (a) (3). Kaun, 5 (6), (d), (h) ; not inflected
Jakar and jake, vide' Jab. si, kaun sa, how
before sa, se ;

Jan and apnl jan, difference be- it differs from kaun, 28 (d) ;

tween, p. 138. footnote 1. used in direct and indirect ques-

Jana, in compounds, significa- tions, 5 (d).
tions of, 23 (c); prefixed to Kin inn. alone does not mean
" house "
Pres. Part, expresses progres- except in Persian con-
sion, 26, (a) (1); idiomatic use structions, p. 41, and footnote
of, p. 245 and footnote 2. and
64(6). Khanzaman (vulg. kjiansama),
Jan ke lale, parna, 28 (;). how inflected, 59 (c) (13).
Janna, no ne, 63 (e). Khass-kar, adv., "especially," 18

Jata-rahna, literal and idiomatic

meanings of, 26 (2) and Re- Khud=Ap, p. 180, last line.
mark. " whether
Khwah-bhtpah, or," is
Jaya. Past Part, of jana, when exclusive, 35 (/).
used, 19 (a), footnote 5 and 47 Ki, for jo or joki, 35 (6)=balki, ;

(d) (2). 52 footnote 1

(e) (7), taki 52 ;
Jitna 35 (a) (c), and 65 (o) (3). (e) (9);other significations of,
Jo ki, for cfcun ki, 52 (6). 52; often pleonastic, 52(e) (13)
Jo ko,i, has a double inflection, Remark.
p. 8 (h). Kis liye, vulgar for is liye, 52 (6).
Joru, pis. of, 53 (/) (2). Kis waste, vulgar for is waste,
52 (b).
K. Ko, generally added when object
Kab, signifying great contrast, is definite, 12 (o), (c), (d);
38 (e).
added to indefinite nouns, 12
Kaha expressing contrast, 38 () ko of dative of motion

generally omitted. 12 () Re-

(d) ; in indirect questions, 5
mark examples of the ko of

Kaha (=kya) nom form of kahe, the indirect object, 12 (i) can ;

used in Braj dialect of Hindi, not occur twice in the same

p. 31, footnote 1. clause, 12 (/) (1) and p. 220,
Kahl, =1 fear lest, 34 (o) =far ;
2nd ex. and foot note 2 other ;

(in comparison) L. 3 (o) (2) : rules regarding use or omission

other meanings of, 39 (a). of ko, 12; destroys concord, 54
Kahlana, tr. and intr., 44 (6) Re- (d) ; ta,l=ko, p. 4 (d) Remark.
mark. Ko,t, declension of, p. 8 (h) ; when
Kahna and bolna, 11 (a) : causal =" not inflected, 8
about," is

(6) (1); requires the noun and


of, 44 (6) Remark. Vide '

Kahlana. verb to be in the sing., 8 (6)

Ka,l, must be followed by a noun (2) examples of use of, 9 (6)
; :

8 (6) (1); really distinct from = the indefinite article " a," 8
feo,t, 8 (6), footnote 1. (6) (3) and p. 1.

Kuchh, sometimes used before Mamnun, obliged to, 32 (/)

persons, 8 (c) ; examples of Manind, prep., before and after
uses of, 9 (6). a noun, p. 11 (c).
Kya, difference between kya and Marajana, ) difference in signi-
kaun, 5 (6) ;
used in direct and Mar khana, ] fication between,
indirect questions, 5 (d) ;
= 22 (/), footnote, p. 90.
"rather", 5 (c); spelling and M ar parna and mara-parna, 28 (j).

pronunciation to be noted and Mama, with and without ko,

distinguished from leiya, p. 20 .
significations of, 12 (/).
footnote 1. 'Vide' Kyu. Masculine, tendency to of verb
Kyarkya, "whether or," is in- agree with, 56 (c).
clusive, 35 (/). Mat, difference in use of mat, na,
Kyu, for kya in a question, 5 (/). and nahl, 1 (c), p. 37; = " lest"
Kyukar, and kyukar nahl, 3(> (d). (vulgar). 53 (a), p. 199.
Kyuki, when used, 52 (a). Ma/a, pi. of, 53 (i).
Maujud, and hazir, difference be-
tween, 9 (a).
takes the Meaningless appositives, 48 (c).
Lagna, to begin, 18 (a) ;
Measures, Arabic, App. E.
place of the subjunctive, 18 (c) Me, in some common expressions.
(2) idiomatic significations of,
40 (d).
18 (g) =offered, 22 (a), p. 88,
Mera, used in Lucknow and Delhi
footnote 1. instead of hamara, 2 (d), foot-
" "
Lakh, and hazar although note 2, p. 18.
and " a great deal," p. 194, Milna, with se and ko, different
footnote 5.
significations, of 28 (i).
Lala, "Schoolmaster," 59 (c) (1). Misrelated Participle, 18 (d).
Lana, causal of p. 163. ,
Miya and Sahib, as terms of res-
Lasha, pi. of, 53 (e). pect require a pi. verb,
16 (d).
Lena, in intensive compounds, 22 Months, Arabic names, App. A
other meanings, 22 (c) A (I).
(c) (1); (fc); Hindi names, App.
(7) causal of, p. 164.
More, the, 50 (e) to (h).

Le-parna, vide Parna.


Motion to, vide' Pas.


Less, vide Much less.

Much, less, how expressed, 50 (e)
Lest, expressed, 52 (e) *, and
how to (h).
footnote 2, and 34 (a); mat, and
Must, 'vide' Chahiye, Hoga
vulg. 53 (a), p. 199. Parega.
Let alone, how expressed, 50 (h). N.
Logical subject, when infinitive

transitive or passive, 38 (c). " no"

Na, for vulgar, p. 51, foot-
Liwana, causal lena, p. 164. note 1 at end of an interroga-

Liwa-lana, caus. of lana, p. 163. tive sentence indicates affirm-

Log, to form pis., 13 (e). ative answer, 43 (a); differ-
Lo,=tak in Hindi, p. 4 (d) Remark. ence in use between it and nahi

ormat,l(c),p. 37; withchahiye,

M. 32 (c) Remark.
^ a _na, neither nor, 35 (d); na
Majara, 59 (c) (4).
Ma'lum hai &nd=hota hai, 2 (a), aurna, 35 (d) idiomatically ;

the first na may be omitted .

Ma, 59 (c)( 11).
pi., of.
Ma,l, vocative, 59 (c) (6). Nagarl, alphabet, App.

Naht, difference in use between a nominative, 33 (h) of num- ;

it sad mat or na, 1 (c) inserted ; ber, weight, measure, quantity,

between aakna and its verb, Iti length, etc., put in apposition,
(6); with chahiye, 32 (c) Re- 61 (/); preceded by numerals
mark. may bo sing, or pi., 32 (g) ;

Nak me dam karria and ana, idiom , second only of two nouns
p. 78, footnote 2. usually inflected, 61 (d); ending
and ~
Na.o, Na.d, pi. of, 59 (c) (9) in nasal A ( ), how inflected,

(12). 53 (c) masculines in silent h,


Narration, direct and indirect, 36 53 (d); in final a, inflected in

(a), (c), (d), (/), (g). compounds, 53 (d) (1) Remark ;

Nasha, 59 (c) (4). masculines on -ya optionally

Ne, 13(o); omitted with certain change y to hamzah, 53 (d) (2) ;

compounds of dena, 22 (a) ; feminines in silent h, 53 (e):

omitted when any part of a nouns not used in the pi., 53 (e)
compound intensive verb is in- (2) and Remark ; in final aspi-
transitive, 22 (/), footnote 1, rated h, 53 (g) feminines in ;

p. 91; not used with bolna, 13 -iya, 53 (h) two nouns for noun

(c) (1 ) with some transifeives, ne

; and adj., 48 (c); as adverbs,
is omitted, with others it is op- p. 11 (h); feminine, in u or o,
tional, 13 (c) (3) formerly not
; 53 (?) masculines in u or o, pi.

used with lifeless subjects, 13 of, 59 (c) (5) Hindi nouns of ;

(c) (4) use and omission with

; agency in -ya, 57 (i) (2).
chahna, 20 (a); omitted with Noun of Time, Place, Instrument,
pana to be allowed," 18 (a). App. E, p. 300.
'Vide' Chal-dena, Kam dena, Numerals, cardinal and ordinal,
and Sath dena. App. A. (a) and (c) cardinals ;

Nearly, how expressed, p. 182, followed by a sing, or pi. noun,

ex. 13, and last ex. 58 (d), p. 32 (g).
223. Vide About to be. Numerical figures, the ten, App.
Negative, in declamatory nega-
tive simple verb must be used,
23 (h) (1), (2); substantive verb O.
omitted in negative sentence,
18 (e); position of negatives, Offer, to, 22 (a), Rem. and foot-
16 (6) and 57 (i). Vide Na, note 1.

Nahl, and Mat. One another, 13 (/).

Nikalna, Pret. of 53 (ifc), footnote 5. Ordinals, App. A (c).
Niz,=&\so, can begin a sentence Ought, 'vide' Chahiye, Hoga,
(but bhl cannot), 57 (c) (2). and Parega.
No matter how, how expressed,
50 (c). P.
Nominative absolute, often used
before a relative, 61 (e). Pale porno, 28 (/).
No sooner than, how expressed, Pan, all ending in, are
51 (a). masc. ,
footnote 2.
L. 1 ,

Not only but also, how ex- Pana, to be allowed, no ne. 18

pressed, 61 (c). (o); 5 l(o) (6).
Not quite, how expressed, 51 (6). Pa.d, declension of, 59 (c) (12).
Nouns, formative pi. of certain Paradigms of verbs, 7 (a) and
nouns below a hundred used as (c).
INDEX. 347
Pareg a, 32 (a). Past Participle, verbs
Pa'rhna and slkhna, governing
p. 161, foot- the past part, of another verb,
note 1. 19 (a) (6) repeated, p. 185 and

Parna, difference between and p. 187: can be combined with

girna, 21 (b), p. 87; examples the verbs " to be " and " to be-
of, 24 (a) ; in intensive com come," 55 (d) (2) parts, and ;

pounds, 22 (d) ; tut-parna, sig- state or condition 63 and 55

nification of, 22 (d) (3) ; rah- (2) ; and Conj. parts
Pres. Past,
parna, ban-parna, le-parna, 22 55 (d) (1). Vide also under
(d) (2) some idioms with par-
Participles and State.
no, 28 (/). Per cent., how expressed,
Participles, Present, Past and A (g) and 45 (e) ; examples of
Conjunctive, 55 (d) (1); error saikre, 46 (6).
of misrelated participle, 18 (d)
Permissives, 18 (o).
(1) used as adverbs, 18 (d) (2)
; ; Persian constructions, 61 (g).
shortened form of Conj. Part, Personal pronouns, when omitted,
indicates haste, 26 (c) and foot- 7 (6) (5), p. 37.
note 1 Conj. Part, repeated,
Persons, priority of, 30 (c).
p. 184, footnote 2, and p. 186, Phasi parna, idiom, 28 (;).
footnote 1 Adv. Part., subject
Pharna, tr. of phatna, meanings,
and object of, 59 (d) and last p. 162.
ex. 60; Past Partc. of trans, Phatna, tr. of pharna, meanings,
and of a few intransitives can p.' 162.
be combined with the verbs Phorna, tr. of phutna, meanings.
" to be " and " to
become," 55 p. 164.
(d) (2) Parts, and state or con-
; Phutna, intr. of phorna, mean-
dition, 63 and 55 (d) and foot- ings, p. 164.
note (2) Past Part, repeated
; , Pictihe parna, idiom, 28 (/).
pp. 185 and 187; Pres. Part, Pita, how' declined, 59 (c) (1).
repeated, 48 (a) (?>) and 55 (d), Please, how expressed, zarra. p.
footnote 3 Pres. Part, agrees ; 14, line 7.
with its subj., 55 (d), footnote 2. Plural, respect, 56 (/); pre-
Pas, with hona to have, 20 (e) = ;
dicating noun sing, or pi. 56 (g) ;

indicates motion towards things certain numbers in formative

that cannot be entered, 20 (/}. pi., 32 (h); Pers. pi., 61 (h) ;

Pasand, 47 (6) Remark. Ar. reg.pl., 61 () and (/).

Passive, may indicate that an ac- Plurality, expressed by synonym,
tion was done on purpose, 36 48 (6) (1) ; expressed by mean-
(g) ; without an agent also ex- ingless appositive, 48 (c); of
presses impossibility, 36 (h) and action expressed by Reiter-
47 (d) grammatical passive,
; ative, 48 (d), and p. 77 line 4.
how formed, 47 (a) (1); its footnote 2, L. 48 (a) (5), and
agent, how expressed, (2); sub- examples, p. 171-7.
ject of, sometimes in the ac- Possession, 20 (e). Vide Have.
cusative, 47 (c) neuter verbs ; Postpositions, added even to ad-
used in the passive, 36 (') and verbs, 61 (c) (4); sometimes
47 (d) (1), (2) and Remark; two used with one noun, 60 (a)
idiomatic substitutes for, 47 (1); sometimes omitted 60 (a)
(6) may be more respectful
; (2).

than the active, 47 (/), last ex., Potentials, 'vide Sakna.

p. 178. Precative Future 7 (6) (3).

Predicating noun, number of, 56 effort 23 (d) (4) jata-rahna to ;

(9). bo completely 23 (d) (5)lost, ;

Present participle, prefixed to some significations of , 64 (b) (2).

rahna = continually, 30 (6) ;
= Rah-jana, preceded by a pres.
karna with the past part., .'!0
part, signifies ineffectiveness,
(b) ; repeated and inflected = 26 fa) (1) and (3).
continuity, 4S(a) (5) and 55 (d), Raha-saha, 57 (d).
footnote 3; Pres., Past, and Rah-parna, vide' Parna.

Conj. participles 55 (d) (1); Rahta-hai and hota hai, 2 (a).

agrees with its subject, 55 (d), Raja, how declined, 59 (c), (1)
footnote (2). and (3).
Present tense, for immediate Rakhna, in intensive compound =
future, p. 194, footnote 1. to do beforehand, 23 (/) (.);
Progressives, 26 (a). utharakhna, 23 (/) (2); kar-
Pronominal adjectives, also used rakhna, and karna, difference
as adverbs, 35 (c). between, 23 (/) (3).
Pronouns, personal, form of, when Ranj aur gharri, no pi., = variety,
in apposition in oblique cases, p. 16, footnoote 1.
p. 6, footnote 1 : compound, Rather than, how expressed, 51
p. 8 (t) ; not repeated in sen (d) and 52 (e) (14).
tence unless subject changes, Reciprocity ,
how expressed , 1 3 (/).
40 (c) ( 1 ) omitted where sub-
; Reiteratives, 48 (d).
ject or object is obvious, 40 (c) Relative and correlative, con-
(2) declension of pronouns
; , struction, of 35 (a) and (6) ;

pp. 5 7 if ambiguous, sub-

strictly speaking no fol. pron.
stitute proper name, 36 (/). in Hindustani, 35 (a) ; as both
Proper name, requires ko t
12 (d) subj. and obj. in same sentence.
(2): to be substituted for a 55 (a) (1); adverbs may take
pronoun in (direct) narration, the place of, 55 (a) (3); rela-
36 tive sentences, 63
(g). (d) (3).
Puchhna with se. and ko. Repetition, of adjective. 48 (a),
(2): last example in 4 (6), p. 28
Q. and footnote 4, and last ex-
'vide' In-
ample in 11 (e), p. 62; repetition
Questions, Kyukar, of words 48 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e).
2nd example. Examples of 48 (/) and 64 ;

Quite, =hi, 51 (/),

repetition expressing repeated
action, vide Participles, Conj
and Present.
Rahna, suffixed to a Pres. Part. = Rom, '
continually, 30 future of(b) ; Roots, Arabic, App. E.
rahna with intr. verb indicates Ru,d, how inflected, 53 (c).
indefinite time. 23 (d) (2) in ;
Rupaya, etc., and rupai, how in-
intensive compounds suffixed flected, 53 (d) (3); expressing
to intransitives, may indicate per cent, 45 (e).

purpose or intention, 23 (d) (1) ;

suffixed to roots signifies unin- B.

terrupted continuance, 23 (d)(3) :

in Pret. signification of both Sa, se, si, 28 (a), (c),(d),(e), (/).

verbs retained, 23 (d) (3) Note :
Vide Kaun.
with Conj. Part.=to do after Sab, when declinable, p 8 (h).
INDEX. 349

Sab ko,l, = sab log, vulgar, p. 45, Superlative degree, 3 (a), (1), (2).
footnote 1. (3).
Sethi;dramatic particle, 57 (d) ;
Synonymous adjectives, force of,
examples, 58 (d). 48 (6), (2).
Sahib and Miyan, require pi. verb, Synonyms, repetition by, 48 (6).
16 (d).
Sahra, 59 (c) (1). T.
Saikra, per cent, App. A (g) ; ex- Tab, jab used for tab, 57 (e).
amples 46 (b). < '
Vide Jab.
Sakna, to be able, 15 (a). Taha, correlative of jaha, old, p.
Samajhna, no ne, p. 64 (6) and 126, footnote 2; Jala taha, p.
footnote 2. 129, footnote 1.
Same, the,=w>ttftt, 3 (d). Ta,l, in Hindi=ito, p. 4 (d) Re-
Samet and sath, difference in mark.
meaning, p. 12 (d). 'Vide' Taisa, correlative of jaisa, obso-
Hamrah. lete, p. 126, footnote 1.

Salh, vido Samet.

Tak, "even" not a postposition,
Sath dena, tr., 22 (a) Remark. 60 (6).
Scarcely, vide Hardly. Talak, =tak, p. 4 (d) Remark.
Se or ko, with kahna and bolna, Tanwin, App. E.
26 (b); se or 40 (d)m,se= ; Tal ne, and tal hi ne vulgar for
than used with comparative tu ne, etc., p. 192, footnote 2.
degree, 3 (a) (1); used with Taraf, pi. of, 53 (fc).
superlative, 3 (a) (1). Tasllm and mamntin, etc thanks. ,

Self, Selves, p. 8 (/). 32 (/).

Servile verbs, in intensive com- Tera, in Delhi for children and
pounds lay aside their prima- menial servants, in Lucknow in
tive meaning, 21 (a) how they ;
poetry only or for the deity,
affect the first verb, 22 (b). (d), p. 18, footnote
Servile letters, App. E. (a). Terminations, Arabic, Persian
Should, 'vide' Chahiye and 18 and Sanskrit adjectives in -5
(c) (2) and 32 (c). not always subject to inflection,
Shukr, specially
= thanks to God. p. 3 (2) and
59 (c) (1) abstract ;

32 (/). nouns in -t fern., p. 1 (a); cer-

tain nouns in -I masc
' 1
Sikhna vide Parhria. p. ,

Ar. roots
Silent h, inflected, etc., 53 (d) ;
(a); in -I, if from
fern, nouns in, 53 (e) (1); adjec- fern., p. 1 (a).
tives in, 53(/). Tha and hu,a, difference between.
So, correlative of jo, rare, 34 (a), 2 (b)
p. 126, footnote
1 ; =therefore, Than, 52 (d) (14). Vide also
35 (h). Comparative degree.
Solar letters, App. E. Thanks, how expressed, 32 (/).
Sdh, 59 (c), (11). The more the more, how ex
Soon as, 51 (a). pressed, 50 (e).

State or condition , how expressed, Time, vide Day.

To, 2 (c) and o7 (c);
enclitic, ;
55 (d) and 63 (b) (1).
as a correlative, 57 (c).
Still, ab tak. 51 () Note.
p. 9 and
7 (d),
To be, the verb,
Subject, vide Passive verb.
Substantives, vide Nouns. p. 38.
Substantive verb, often omitted To say nothing of. how expressed.

in negative sentence, 18 (e).

50 (h).

Too before an adjective, no word, 2 (c) Voc. sing, can be used


3 (6). with sing, or pi. verb, 13 (h):

Tori, p. 4 (d) Remark. Pers. voc., 61 (e).
To'rna, tr. of tutna, 44 (c) (2).
Transitive verbs, indication the W.
action was done on purpose, 36
Wa'da karna and teno,=trans. and
(g) ; the use of in tenses formed
caus., 44(/).
from the past part., 13 (a);
Waisa, 35 (c) and (').
trans, inf. can be substituted
Wah and wa, p. 237 and footnote.
for intr. or pass. 38 (c) and 54 ,
Wala, added to subs, and not to
(a) (3).
adjecs.,57 (b) (3).
Try, expressed by chahna,
" q.v .
Wanted, when expressed by chulii-
also by " about to q.v.
i/e the negative must be naln.
Tu.ne, tal ne vulgar for, p. 192, and not no, 32 (c) Remark.
footnote 2.
Was, 'vide' Hu,a.
We, old pi. of wuh, 5 (g).
When, requires Aor. or Fut.. 3.")
Unhd ne. 56 (/). (g) fct=when, denoting sud-

Unne, old form of u* ne, sing.. denness, p. 215. footnote 4.

56 (/) Remark. Whenever, with Aor. or Fnt., 1st
Us ko, vide' la ko.

ex., p. 133.
Ulhna=parn& in intensive com- Whereas, how expressed, 52 (d).
pounds, 22 (e) utha-rakhna to ;
Whether, how expressed, 52 (e)
postpone, 22 (e) Note. (4) and footnote 2.
Utna, 35 (a) and (c). With, sing, and pi. nom. 5 (g);
used for def. article, p. 1.


Verb, concord with subject, p. 9

(6) and 56 (c) compound verbs, Yaua, either or, 35 (e) (I);

45 (a), (6); construction with,

= whereas, 35 (e) (2).
45 (c); examples of, 46; in- Yaha, 20 (e) and 64 (c) (3).
Yaha tok ki, does not itself admit
tensive compound verbs, 21 (a),
of negative verb, 38 (b).
22(6), (c), (d), (e), (/), 23 (a).
Ye, old pi. of wuh, 5 (g).
(6), (c), (d), (e), (/), (g), (h);
when several roots, etc., follow Year, the Muslim, App. A (k):
same construction the the Hindu, App. A (I).
in the
finite verb is added to the last
Yih and wuh, sing, and pi. nom.,
some verbs both 5 (g) demonstrative pronouns
only, 58 (a),
and can be used for the definite
trans, intrans., 44 (e), 63
trans, and causal, how article, p. 1 =aiaa, 35 (/).
formed, 44 (a). (6); paradigm Z.
of girna and hona, 1.
Verbal noun of agency, partly Zarra, when used
as an adjective
verb partly noun, 57 (b) (1); is pronounced sara. p. 14. line
=a future particle, 57 (6) (2). 6; =" please" and "just," p.
Verbal , roots which are also nouns ,
14, line 6.
usually fern., p. 64, footnote 3. Zarl'a, 60 (c).
Vocabulary of additional useful Zl, App. E.
words, App. C. gimme, GO (e).
Vocative, pi. always ends in o, p. Zu, App. E.

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