Smart Insights E Marketing Planning Models v1 06
Smart Insights E Marketing Planning Models v1 06
Smart Insights E Marketing Planning Models v1 06
I have developed these spreadsheets to help marketers plan their returns from digital marketing campaigns by developing more specific goals.
I hope you find them useful. If You have any comments or suggestions please contact me at the sites below.
Smart Insights Dave's company site offering best practice articles, consultancy and training Dave uses Twitter for sharing tips and tools across of all digital marketing (esp analytics, search, email marketing and
conversion optimisation)
1.Web marketing model A simple model at the level of whole site showing conversion of audiences into leads and outcomes. Includes profitability.
2.Multichannel marketing model Similar to first model, this enables top-level comparison of referrals between online and offline channels.
3.Media mix model - impression Defines conversion model for distinct digital media channels based on number of impressions serves and
costs/responsiveness of media. Doesn't include profitability
4.Media Mix model - Budget E.G. Defines conversion model for distinct digital media channels based on a % budget split between channels and
costs/responsiveness of media. Doesn't include profitability
5.Media Mix model - Vertical Defines conversion model for distinct digital media channels based on a % budget split between channels and
costs/responsiveness of media. Also include profitability, so typically best for using as starting point in assignments
where margin and revenue per sale (average order value) given.
6. E-mail objective setting A simple model for email campaigns for modelling worst and best case campaign response based on intermediate response
stages including delivery, open, clickthrough, form response and final conversion from lead to sale.
7. Ad revenue model Designed for site owners to help them forecast revenue based on pages served with different types of ad units including
affiliate (CPA), impresssion-based (CPM) or cost-per-click units on each page (assumes same across site)
8. Incremental profitability model A simple way of assessing potential improvements to site returns for an e-commerce site across the customer lifecycle
Digital Marketing benchmarking A separate spreadsheet for assessing the digital marketing capabilities of an organisation as part of strategy development.
This spreadsheet is provided in good faith for modelling budgets and performance for E-marketing. Smart Insights (Marketing Inteligence) Limited
cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any errors in, or misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for any actions taken as a result of
using this spreadsheet. Please notify me of formula errors, so that I can update. Thanks, Dave
Spreadsheet created by Internet marketing author and commentator Dave Chaffey of Smart Insights
Sign up for the latest alerts on digital marketing best practice at:
Home Web marketing model - A simplifed version of the Objective setting spreadsheet, but without the 'What if' models
See Chapter 4 of Dave Chaffey's Total E-mail Marketing for more details on customer acquisition using the web and e-mail
E-mail campaign spreadsheet designed by Dave Chaffey of Marketing Insights (
Model Scenario 1 Scenario 2
REACH of web site 1,000,000 250,000
Cost of acquisition per visitor (Average Cost per click, CPC) 0.30 2.00
Variable Total visitor acquisition cost 60,000 25,000
Gross profit margin 15.0% 20.0%
costs Total cost of goods sold 510,000 6,000
Total variable costs 570,000 31,000
Other brand and marketing costs 2,000 2,000
Fixed Site development/maintenance costs 10,000 20,000
costs Other operational costs 5,000 10,000
Total fixed costs 17,000 32,000
Total costs 587,000 63,000
A. Position mouse over cell to read the comment for cells with red triangles.
B. This model is based on a single year only. A model integrated over several years is needed for detailed investment appraisal.
C. This calculation does not allow for viral effects or reminders which may increase number of respondents - can increase CTR to
allow for this.
D. If negative amounts for nSent, CTR or completion are suggested the campaign is unrealistic in terms of input varaibles e.g. cost
sent, value per outcome.
This spreadsheet is provided in good faith for modelling e-commerce investments. Smart Insights (Marketing Inteligence) Limited
cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any errors in, or misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for any actions
taken as a result of using this spreadsheet. Please notify me of formula errors, so that I can update. Thanks.
Marketing Insights Limited 2002 <Improving performance through marketing intelligence>
E-commerce investment appraisal model 2.Multichannel marketing model
Home Totals
E-channel Traditional channels
REACH of Channel 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
Drive to traditional Drive to E-channel
Response efficiency 5.0% 1.00% 5.00% 10.0%
10,000 50,000
RESPONDENTS from Channel 100,000 Unique visitors Offline inbound enquiries 110,000 210,000
A. Position mouse over cell to read the comment for cells with red triangles.
B. This model is based on a single year only. A model integrated over several years is needed for detailed investment appraisal.
C. This calculation does not allow for viral effects or reminders which may increase number of respondents - can increase CTR to allow for this.
D. If negative amounts for nSent, CTR or completion are suggested the campaign is unrealistic in terms of input varaibles e.g. cost sent, value per outcome.
This spreadsheet is provided in good faith for modelling e-commerce investments. Smart Insights (Marketing Inteligence) Limited cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any errors in,
or misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for any actions taken as a result of using this spreadsheet.
Marketing Insights Limited 2002 <Improving performance through marketing intelligence>
Online Media Mix model - impression based
Overall total/Average 111,000 15.4 1.85 711,010 822,010 n/a 53,500,000 0.8% 445,400 8.6% 23,570 34.88 18.4% 2,747 n/a 299.2
1. CPM and CPC calculated based on total cost for comparison
2. This is not a full ROI or lifetime value model since revnue/profitability/future value not included
This spreadsheet is provided in good faith for modelling e-commerce investments. Smart Insights (Marketing Inteligence) Limited
cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any errors in, or misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for any actions
taken as a result of using this spreadsheet. Please notify me of formula errors, so that I can update. Thanks.
Home Online Media Mix model - based on % budget - with example of 'average' clickthrough rates
Overall total/Average 2,000 4.6 0.33 100,000 102,000 n/a 22,300,000 1.4% 311,300 59.2% 290,750 0.35 18.2% 29,465 n/a 3.5
1. CPM and CPC calculated based on total cost for comparison
2. This is not a full ROI or lifetime value model since revenue/profitability/future value not included
3. For SEO, budget is automatically placed into setup/creative costs and you have to estimate the number of clicks this will deliver.
4. For affiliate marketing, work back from Cost per sale to calculate sales, opportunities and clicks, so changing clickthrough and conversion rates impacts cells to left rather than right.
5. The blue cells indicate the main control parameters for each media which are important to improving cost effectiveness
This spreadsheet is provided in good faith for modelling e-commerce investments. Smart Insights (Marketing Inteligence) Limited cannot be
held responsible for the consequences of any errors in, or misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for any actions taken as a result
of using this spreadsheet. Please notify me of formula errors, so that I can update. Thanks.
Source: Dave Chaffey (
This spreadsheet is provided in good faith for modelling e-commerce investments. Smart Insights (Marketing Inteligence) Limited cannot be held res
misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for any actions taken as a result of using this spreadsheet. Please notify me of formula errors, so tha
This spreadsheet is provided in good faith for modelling e-commerce investments. Smart Insights (Marketing Inteligence) Limited cannot be held res
misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for any actions taken as a result of using this spreadsheet. Please notify me of formula errors, so tha
g Inteligence) Limited cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any errors in, or
Please notify me of formula errors, so that I can update. Thanks.
g Inteligence) Limited cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any errors in, or
Please notify me of formula errors, so that I can update. Thanks.
E-mail Campaign calculator created to support E-marketing training workshops
6. E-mail objective setting
from CIM and Dave Chaffey's Total E-mail Marketing book
Home Objective setting worksheet - use to assess Return on Investment for different campaigns. Model
See Chapter 3 of Dave Chaffey's Total E-mail Marketing for more details on E-marketing campaign planning
E-mail campaign spreadsheet designed by Dave Chaffey of Marketing Insights (
A. Position mouse over cell to read the comment for cells with red triangles.
B. This sheet uses a simplification of all measures. Click on response details tab at bottom for more detailed stages of
campaign. Margin is not built into this model.
C. This calculation does not allow for viral effects or reminders which may increase number of respondents - can increase
CTR to allow for this.
D. If spreadsheet
This negative amounts for nSent,
is provided CTRfaith
in good or completion aree-mail
for modelling suggested the campaign
campaigns. is unrealistic
Smart Insights in terms
(Marketing of input varaibles
Inteligence) Limited
e.g. cost
cannot besent,
heldvalue per outcome.
responsible for the consequences of any errors in, or misinterpretation of, the spreadsheet models or for
any actions taken as a result of using this spreadsheet. Please notify me of formula errors, so that I can update. Thanks.
Ad revenue worksheet - for site owners (especially publishers, portals and affiliates) to assess potential ad revenue for
site based on number of page views and different types of ads in different containers. Assumes same number of ad units
run of site, but a version could be created readily for each site section.
369139603.xls 10/19/2017
Incremental profiltability model - gives a simple way of assessing potential returns when investing in new
promotion methods, new functionality, or conversion optimisation across the whole customer lifecycle. Use for top-
level annual planning.
Performance measure Worst case Best case
Acquisition Current unique visitors to site or section per year 1,000,000 1,000,000
Potential incremental visitors 1.00% 2.00%
Cost of increasing visitors (Year 1) 4,000 20,000
Potential incremental visits 10,000 20,000
Potential future visits total 1,010,000 1,020,000
Conversion Current conversion rate 2.00% 2.00%
Incremental conversion rate change 20.00% 5.00%
Cost of improving conversion (Year 1) 20,000 20,000
New conversion rate 2.40% 2.10%
Current sales 20,000 20,000
Potential incremental leads or sales (from conversion) 4,000 1,000
Potential future sales total (from visits and conversion) 24,240 21,420
Sales value Current average order value 50 50
Potential incremental average order value 10.00% 0.00%
Cost of improving AOV (Year 1) 10,000 10,000
New AOV 55.00 50.00
Current revenue 1,000,000 1,000,000
Potential incremental revenue (from AOV) 100,000 0
Potential future revenue total (from visits, conv and AOV) 1,333,200 1,071,000
Returns Current returns rate 10.00% 10.00%
Potential incremental returns change 5.00% 3.00%
Cost of improving returns rate 5,000 5,000
New returns rate 9.50% 9.70%
Current revenue (with returns) 900,000 900,000
Potential incremental revenue (with reduced returns) 905,000 903,000
Potential future revenue total (with all improvements abo 1,206,546 967,113
Channel profitability Margin 15% 15%
Current site profit 135,000 135,000
Future site profit 180,982 145,067
Change in profit (%) 34% 7%
Incremental profit 45,982 10,067
Total initiative costs 39,000 55,000
Return on investment 18% -82%
A high-level model for assessing potential increases in return from enhancing different parts of the sales cycle, for an e-commerce site.