HANDOUT #1 - Introduction To Business Research
HANDOUT #1 - Introduction To Business Research
HANDOUT #1 - Introduction To Business Research
Business Research:
The Meaning of
The Nature of Research
Ways in which research is used wrongly (Walliman, 2011):
just collecting facts or information with no clear purpose;
reassembling and reordering facts or information without
as an esoteric activity with no or little relevance to
everyday life;
as a term to get your product or idea noticed and
Source: Sanders, Lewis, and Thornill. (2016). Research methods for business students, 7/e.
The Nature of Research
Research is a process that people undertake in a systematic
way in order to find out things, thereby increasing their
Source: Sanders, Lewis, and Thornill. (2016). Research methods for business students, 7/e.
Types of Research
Trochims Classifications
o e.g., percentage of regular exercisers
o e.g., link between age and exercise
o e.g., effect of behaviour change intervention on
exercise participation
Business Research
A process of determining, acquiring, analysing,
synthesizing, and disseminating relevant business data,
information, and insights to decision makers in ways that
mobilize the organization to take appropriate business
actions that, in turn, maximize business performance
Types of hypotheses:
alternative (HA) vs. null (HO)
HA an effect (that you predict)
HO null effect
one-tailed vs. two-tailed
The Research Process
2. Convert idea into a research hypothesis
hypothesis there is a relationship between age and
exercise participation
HA there is a relationship
HO there is no relationship
Types of variables:
independent variable (IV)
- what you (or nature) manipulates in some way
dependent variable (DV)
- what you presume to be influenced by the IV
The Research Process
3. Determine how variables will be defined and measured
health status
social support
The Research Process
4. Identify the participants or subject for the study
Decide how many participants or subjects will be
needed, what characteristics they should have, and
how they will be selected
Curriculum Vitae
Formulating the Research Topic
Formulating and clarifying the research topic is the starting
point of your research project.
Once you are clear about this, you will be able to choose the
most appropriate research strategy and data collection and
analysis techniques.
Source: Sanders, Lewis, and Thornill. (2016). Research methods for business students, 7/e.
Formulating the Research Topic
Source: Sanders, Lewis, and Thornill. (2016). Research methods for business students, 7/e.
Turning research ideas into research projects
It will be important for you to turn your research idea into a
clearly defined research question before commencing the
research process.
Source: Sanders, Lewis, and Thornill. (2016). Research methods for business students, 7/e.
Turning research ideas into research projects
The research question will be at the centre of your research
project. It will influence your choice of literature to review,
your research design, the access you need to negotiate, your
approach to sampling, your choice of data collection and
analysis methods, and help to shape the way in which you
write your project report.