FX Dryer Brochure

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Atlas Copco

Refrigerant Air Dryers

60 Hz
Total capability,
total responsibility

Right at the heart of your business, Atlas Copco

delivers quality compressed air for superior op-
erational capacity. From compressed air gen-
eration to point of use, you can choose from our
wide range of products to create a complete
compressed air system tailored to your specic
needs. All Atlas Copco products are engineered
to integrate seamlessly, ensuring the highest lev-
el of reliability and energy efciency. As a result,
Atlas Copco can take full responsibility for your
compressed air infrastructure with a guarantee
of best-in-class quality. With a global presence in
over 150 countries, we can provide an unrivalled
service to maintain and continually improve your
compressed air system performance.

Backed by over 100 years at the forefront

of compressed air, Atlas Copco products offer
the nest quality and efficiency. Our goal is to
be First in MindFirst in Choice. That is why
Atlas Copcos pursuit of innovation never ceases,
driven by the dedication to not only meet but to
exceed your demands. Always working with you,
we are committed to providing the customized
and correct air solution that is the driving force
behind your business.

Atlas Copco:
Customized Quality Air Solutions through
Innovation, Interaction and Commitment.

First in MindFirst in Choice

Air treatment
a smart investment

Why invest in dry quality air?

Wherever you go in the world, whatever application you look

at, you will nd Atlas Copco dryers in silent operation around
the clock. Industry leading companies invest in dry quality air,
because they know its the best solution for a long term, trouble-
free operation. Why shouldnt you follow their example? No shop
is too small, no air requirement too low to benet from what FX
dryers have to offer: simple and reliable operation, excellent pro-
tection of your products and systems against damage or corrosion.
Size doesnt matter, results do.
FX dryers the smart choice

The hidden danger of untreated air Poor air quality costs you money

When the air that surrounds us is compressed, its vapor and

If the corrosive sludge is allowed to enter the compressed air
particle concentration increases dramatically. The compression
system, it will not be long before problems start. These are some
process causes the oil and water vapors to condense into drop-
of the most common, and most expensive:
lets, and then mix with the high concentration of particles. The
resulting mixture is an abrasive oily sludge that in many cases is Tools and equipment break down more regularly, experi-
also acidic. Without air treatment equipment, much of this cor-
ence a shorter lifetime and reduced power.
rosive sludge will enter the compressed air system, corroding the The end product, or other materials that come into contact
pipe work, damaging pneumatic tools and equipment as well as
with the contaminated air, can suffer spoilage and quality
potentially compromising nal product quality.
The compressed air pipe work will corrode, leading to leaks
and a loss of valuable compressed air/energy.

As an example, a small leak of just 1/8 inch is roughly equivalent

to wasting 3.7 kW of electricity. In a year, this would cost around

Protect your pipes.

Protect your production.
Protect your reputation.

Good air quality saves money.

The Atlas Copco FX dryer is the smart choice.
FX refrigerant dryers

The benets add up

Solid performance
Steady pressure dew point
No freezing of condensed moisture

No chance of moisture entering the compressed air system.

Simple reliability
Quality components, generously sized
Simple and proven design

Effective control system (hot gas bypass).

Easy installation
Plug and play concept
Single electrical connection

All units pre-commissioned

Self regulating.
Signicant cost savings
Increased reliability and lifetime of tools and equipment
Reduced pipe work leaks, meaning reduced energy bills
Minimal maintenance
Fewer repairs to tools, machines and pipe work
Long service intervals
Less inconvenient breakdowns and production shutdowns
Few component replacements
Minimal chance of moisture carryover and spoiled product
Ergonomic design for fast access to key components.

No installation is complete without ltration

Adding ltration to the installation will further increase 1 The prelter will protect the dryer, and also remove
the quality of the air. This results in even a lesser chance that free water, particles to 1 micron and oil to .1 ppm.
tools and machines will be damaged or nal product quality
2 The nal lter removes particles to 0.01 micron and oil
compromised. to .01 ppm.

3 The nal result is dry clean air, which allows you to

concentrate on your business, without problems.

1 2

FX refrigerant dryers
Industrial performance simple reliability

Refrigerant circuit Air circuit

10 Air inlet
1 Refrigerant separator
Hot saturated air enters the dryer and is cooled by the out
Ensures that only refrigerant gas can enter the
going air via the air-to-air heat exchanger Reducing the
compressor, as liquid would cause damage.
temperature of the inlet air reduces the load on the
refrigerant circuit.
2 Refrigerant compressor
Brings the gaseous refrigerant to a high pressure and 11 Air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger
a high temperature.
Transfers heat from the compressed air to the cold
refrigerant, forcing water vapor in the compressed
3 Max. pressure switch
air to condense. The more effective the heat transfer,
(only FX13-15)
the cooler the air becomes and the more water
vapor condenses.
4 Fan control pressure switch
(only FX13-15) 12 Air/air heat exchanger

5 Condenser fan 13 Water separator

Collects and drains off condensate from the cooled air
6 Condenser
ow. The more efcient the separation, the better the
Cools the refrigerant slightly so that it changes from gas to
pressure dewpoint. Droplets which are not collected
liquid; refrigerant is more effective in the liquid state.
revaporise and degrade the pressure dewpoint. The
collected droplets are reliably evacuated from the
7 Capillary lter
separator through an electronic drain.
Protects the expansion device from harmful particles.
14 Automatic drain
8 Capillary tube
Reduces the refrigerants pressure, thereby lowering its 15 Air outlet
temperature and increasing its cooling capacity; the refrig-
Re-heats the outgoing air and prevents condensation on the
erant is now almost all liquid, with some residual gas.
factorys pipework.

9 Hot gass bypass 15

Regulates the amount of refrigerant passing through

12 11
the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, ensuring a stable
pressure dewpoint, and eliminating the chance of the
condensate freezing.



5 6 7

FX 1-5 Brazed plate heat exchanger 4

FX 6-16 Aluminium plate heat exchanger

Technical data

FX refrigerant dryer range - 60 Hz

Model Outlet Pressure Outlet Pressure Power Maximum Electrical Dimensions Weight Compressed
Number Dewpoint 41 F Dewpoint 39 F Consumption working supply air
pressure connections
Inlet Pressure Inlet Pressure
Lenght Width Height
capacity drop capacity drop

FX1 14 7 2.88 0.20 13 6 2.18 0.15 0.20 0.15 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 19.7 500 13.8 350 19.1 484 42 19 3/4" NPT
FX2 24 12 4.79 0.33 21 10 3.63 0.25 0.21 0.16 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 19.7 500 13.8 350 19.1 484 42 19 3/4" NPT
FX3 35 16 4.79 0.33 30 14 3.63 0.25 0.25 0.19 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 19.7 500 13.8 350 19.1 484 44 20 3/4" NPT
FX4 49 23 4.79 0.33 42 20 3.63 0.25 0.40 0.30 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 19.7 500 13.8 350 19.1 484 55 25 3/4" NPT
FX5 74 35 5.75 0.40 64 30 4.35 0.30 0.50 0.37 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 19.7 500 13.8 350 19.1 484 60 27 3/4" NPT
FX6 95 45 6.14 0.42 83 39 4.64 0.32 0.72 0.54 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 21.8 554 14.6 370 31.7 804 112 51 1" NPT
FX7 122 58 7.29 0.50 106 50 5.51 0.38 0.90 0.67 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 21.8 554 14.6 370 31.7 804 112 51 1" NPT
FX8 146 69 3.45 0.24 127 60 2.61 0.18 1.01 0.75 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 24.4 621 18.1 460 32.6 829 135 61 1 1/2" NPT
FX9 167 79 4.79 0.33 144 68 3.63 0.25 1.22 0.91 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 24.4 621 18.1 460 32.6 829 150 68 1 1/2" NPT
FX10 211 100 3.45 0.24 184 87 2.61 0.18 1.35 1.01 189 13 115-230/1/60Hz 24.4 621 18.1 460 32.6 829 161 73 1 1/2" NPT
FX11 264 125 3.84 0.26 229 108 2.90 0.20 1.88 1.40 189 13 230/1/60Hz 25.6 651 22.8 580 37.0 939 198 90 1 1/2" NPT
FX12 313 148 5.18 0.36 271 128 3.92 0.27 2.21 1.65 189 13 230/1/60Hz 25.6 651 22.8 580 37.0 939 198 90 1 1/2" NPT
FX13 407 192 3.77 0.26 354 167 2.90 0.20 3.35 2.50 189 13 460/3/60Hz 35.4 898 28.9 735 39.4 1002 282 148 2" NPT
FX14 488 230 4.79 0.33 424 200 3.63 0.25 3.75 2.80 189 13 460/3/60Hz 35.4 898 28.9 735 39.4 1002 322 166 2" NPT
FX15 611 288 6.67 0.46 530 250 5.08 0.35 4.43 3.3 189 13 460/3/60Hz 35.4 898 28.9 735 39.4 1002 348 178 2" NPT
FX16 731 345 6.67 0.46 636 300 5.08 0.35 6.03 4.5 189 13 460/3/60Hz 35.4 898 28.9 735 39.4 1002 408 185 2" NPT
FX17 899 424 3.92 0.27 848 400 3.63 0.25 7.34 5.5 189 13 460/3/60Hz 42.6 1082 40.2 1020 61.4 1560 717 325 3" NPT
FX18 1124 530 5.51 0.38 1060 500 4.35 0.30 7.80 5.8 189 13 460/3/60Hz 42.6 1082 40.2 1020 61.4 1560 739 335 3" NPT
FX19 1310 618 5.95 0.41 1236 583 5.08 0.35 9.74 7.3 189 13 460/3/60Hz 42.6 1082 40.2 1020 61.4 1560 772 350 3" NPT
FX20 1872 883 4.93 0.34 1766 833 4.35 0.30 12.9 9.6 189 13 460/3/60Hz 82.6 2099 40.2 1020 61.4 1560 1213 550 Flanged DN 125
FX21 2516 1187 3.92 0.27 2374 1120 3.63 0.25 16.8 12.5 189 13 460/3/60Hz 82.6 2099 40.2 1020 61.4 1560 1323 600 Flanged DN 125

Notes: Limitations: FX1-16 FX17-21 Reference conditions:

Refrigerant types: R134a for FX1-5 Max. ambient temp.: 115 F 115 F Ambient temperature: 100 F
R404a for FX6-21 Min. ambient temp.: 41 F 41 F Inlet temperature: 100 F
Max. inlet temp.: 131 F 140 F Working pressure: 102 psi (g)

Filter selection Capacity calculation

Model Outlet pressure dewpoint Outlet pressure dewpoint Ambient temperature
Number 41 F 39 F
Inlet Pre After Inlet Pre After
K1 FX1-16 1 0.8 0.74
capacity filter filter capacity filter filter
K1 FX17-21 1 0.95 0.93

FX1 14 DD9 PD9 13 DD9 PD9 Inlet temperature

FX2 24 DD17 PD17 21 DD17 PD17
FX3 35 DD17 PD17 30 DD17 PD17
K2 FX1-16 1 0.82 0.69 0.58 0.45
FX4 49 DD32 PD32 42 DD32 PD32
FX5 74 DD44 PD44 64 DD32 PD32
K2 FX17-21 1 0.95 0.79 0.67 0.57 0.48
FX6 95 DD44 PD44 83 DD44 PD44
Inlet pressure
FX7 122 DD60 PD60 106 DD60 PD60
FX8 psi (g)
146 DD120 PD120 127 DD60 PD60
FX9 167 DD120 PD120 144 DD120 PD120 K3 FX1-16 0.9 0.96 1 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.13
FX10 211 DD120 PD120 184 DD120 PD120 K3 FX17-21 0.9 0.96 1 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.13
FX11 264 DD120 PD120 229 DD120 PD120
FX12 313 DD150 PD150 271 DD150 PD150
FX13 407 DD280 PD280 354 DD175 PD175
FX14 488 DD280 PD280 424 DD175 PD280 Example:
FX15 611 DD280 PD280 530 DD280 PD280 What is the capacity of an FX6 (for a PDP of 41 F) at the following conditions:
Ambient temperature: 110 F
FX16 731 DD280 PD280 636 DD280 PD280
Inlet temperature: 131 F
FX17 899 DD390 PD390 848 DD390 PD390 Inlet pressure: 145 psi (g)
FX18 1124 DD520 DD520 1060 DD520 PD520
Correction factors from the table are: K1 = 0.74 / K2 = 0.45 / K3 = 1.08:
FX19 1310 DD520 PD520 1236 DD520 PD520
FX20 1872 DD780 PD780 1766 DD780 PD780 Qactual = K1 x K2 x K3 x Qnominal
FX21 2516 DD1050 PD1050 2374 DD1050 PD1050 = 0.74 x 0.45 x 1.08 x 95 cfm
= 34 cfm
What sets Atlas Copco apart? Our belief that, to excel, we
must provide the best possible know-how and technology in
ways that our customers value. Whether were fully supporting
existing products or advancing technology through innovation,
we constantly focus on customer needs.

The Atlas Copco way of doing business grows from ongoing

interaction, long-term relationships, and a commitment to
understanding each customers process and objectives. As a
result, every compressed air solution we create helps a customer
operate with greater efficiency, economy, and productivity.

Satisfying customer needs effectively has made Atlas Copco

the number one compressor manufacturer in the world. We
will continue to attract new business through our unwavering
conviction to creating products and ideas that help our
customers succeed.

1310 9056 77 FAB 7/08 3M

Danger: Compressed air should never be supplied as breathing air unless air is properly purified for
breathing. Atlas Copco assumes no responsibility or liability related to the purchasers/users
breathing air system.

The information contained herein is general in nature and is not intended for specific construction,
installation or application purposes

Atlas Copco Compressors LLC

1800 Overview Drive
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Tel. 803-817-7200
Tel. 800-232-3234
Copyright 2008 Atlas Copco Compressors LLC. All rights reserved. Fax. 803-817-7176
Atlas Copco is a registered trademark of Atlas Copco AB www.atlascopco.us

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