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English Version
English Version
Furthermore, like another type of speech acts, a refusal is also universal and
occurs in all languages and cultures (Chojimah 2015, and Felix Brasdefer, 2006).
However, its form is varied from a language and culture to another because a language is
bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways (Kramch, 1998). The statement
supports Weirzbickas (1985) study about Different Culture, Different Language, and
Different Speech Act, in which she explained that every culture has its own speech act
system and its different from another culture. Its meant, speech act differs not only
from one language to another but also from a regional and social variety to another.
Her explanation, on the other hand, implies the existence of the refusal strategy in
a dialect because a dialect is a regional variation of a language, which is spoken in a
specific cultural norm and specific geographical area of a country (Holmes 2013, and
Chamber & Trudgill, 2004). A dialect has many variants and the diversity of a dialect is
found in vocabularies, grammars, and pronunciations. They arise because of the
speakers cultural and social distinction that resulting to the emergence of various
communication strategies (Werizbicka, 1985 and Hymes, 1974). The strategy includes
the way of performing speech act of refusal.
In relation to this, the performance of the refusal strategy in a dialect is the main
issue that will be investigated in this study. This study will be addressed to Kerinci
dialect; it is one of the regional dialects in Indonesia, which is spoken in Kerinci district.
According to Vein Reijn (1976), Kerinci dialect is a regional variation of Malay
language. Malay language and Kerinci dialect share similar features such as sound
pattern, vocabularies, and sentence structures. The similar statement also stated by
Usman (1988) and Mckinnon (2011) that Kerinci dialect has been closely linked with the
Malay language. However, the dialect has its own development and variety.
Furthermore, Asmah (2008) explained the division of Bahasa Indonesia into two
main groups namely Philippine-Formosa and Central Indonesia. Philippine-Formosa
comprises languages in Formosa, Philippine, and languages in Sabah and Brunei (Except
Malay and Lun Dayeh language). Meanwhile, Central Indonesia comprises Malay
language, languages in Sarawak, Kalimantan, and languages in some Islands of
Indonesia. Kerinci dialect belongs to the languages of Central Indonesia, which is spoken
in Sumatera Island. As the matter of fact, Kerinci dialect and other languages that are
spoken in the island have relation with the Malay Language.
This study, on the other hand, is an attempt to investigate the refusal strategy in
Kerinci dialect employed by the native speakers of the dialect in declining an offer,
request, and invitation from a person of different social status. This study consists of
three variables; the refusal strategies to a person of higher social status, to a person of
lower social status and to a person of equal social status. The study will investigate the
forms and the distinction of refusal strategy employed by the native speakers and will
examine their reason and perception regard to the refusal strategy based on politeness
theory proposed by Brown & Levinson (1987).
Based on the reviews of the previous studies, several researchers had investigated the
realization of refusal strategy from across different perspective, language and culture.
The studies encompassed various social settings, situation, and social variables and they
revealed a various form of the refusal strategy addressed by the speakers to interlocutors
from different social variable, either the study was conducted in cross-cultural,
interlanguage or intralingual studies.
Those studies did not investigate other factors that caused the selection of certain
refusal strategy addressed to a certain person in a certain situation. There was no analysis
due to the speakers reason for choosing a different strategy in different conversational
context and their perception regard to the strategy they used due to their cultural norms.
Those are the important aspects of the analysis that support quantitative finding
qualitatively but excluded in the studies. The absent of the aspects restricted the studys
outcome to quantitative findings. Thus, the outcome could not be validated in an overall
interpretation to generate a strong result.
Based on the review, there are three main gaps in previous studies. The first one,
the previous studies were quantitative-oriented. The analyses were focused on the
statistical analysis of semantic formulas that appeared in the refusal strategy. The second
one, the analysis of refusal strategy and politeness theory was joined together in a single
quantitative study, and then the politeness aspect emerged as minor analysis to interpret
quantitative findings. The last one, the study of refusal strategy in regional dialects in
Indonesia very limited in numbers, and the previous study of the refusal strategy in
Kerinci dialect did not involve specific social variables and politeness theory.
This study, however, intends to fill the gap. The study will apply both
quantitative and qualitative method and the equal weight. The quantitative method will
be used to investigate the form and to examine the distinction of the refusal strategy
based on a specific social variable. The analysis will be conducted quantitatively. Then,
unlike previous studies, this study will examine the factors, which cause the selection of
the strategy separately. It is due to the speakers reason for choosing the strategy and
their perception regard to the strategy. Then, the factors will be analyzed by applying
politeness theory. The analyses will be conducted qualitatively.
Then, the separate quantitative and qualitative result will be converged for overall
interpretation in order to validate and corroborate the overall outcome quantitatively and
qualitatively. This study, on the other hand, is different from Vintoni (2008) in some
aspect. Vintoni (2008) addressed his study on Kerinci dialect in Tanjung Pauh village,
while this study will be addressed on Kerinci dialect in Tanjung Tanah village. Both
dialects are distinguished by their vocabularies, sound, grammar and sentence structures.
Then, Vintoni (2008) did not use certain social variables. Conversely, this study will
apply three social variables and politeness analysis.
1. To investigate the form of the refusal strategy in Kerinci dialect based on the
speakers social distance and social power.
3. To explain the relationship of the refusal strategy in Kerinci dialect with the
politeness aspects.
There are three main contributions expected from this study. Firstly, it is expected to
give a contribution to the people of Kerinci in general. Then specifically, the outcome of
this study will give them a vivid knowledge about the realization of the speech act of
refusal in Kerinci dialect and also show them the distinction of the refusal strategy used
by native speakers based on linguistics point of views.
The second one, the outcome of the research is expected to be a reference for the
next language researchers who wish to carry out the speech act studies on another variant
of Kerinci dialect, which is spoken in a different geographical area. Then, the outcome of
this study will inform that by using precise methodological framework will give a clear
description about the realization of speech act in specific dialects.
Finally, this study is expected to be one of the information for the local and
national language and cultural department of Indonesia about the existence of Kerinci
dialect, cultural heritage, custom, and tradition. Kerinci dialect is one the regional dialect
in Indonesia that has a lot variant. Thus, the government should promote the dialect as
one of the countrys national heritage.
Kerinci is one of regional dialect in Indonesia which has many variants. There are many
linguistic issues dealing with Kerinci dialect. However, this study is a sociopragmatic
study that will examine the form and the distinction of the refusal strategy in Kerinci
dialect, which is spoken in Tanjung Tanah; it is one of the village located in a rustic area
in Kerinci.
This study will examine the form of the refusal strategy based on the
classification of semantic formulae proposed by Beebe, Takashi, and Uliss-Weltz (1990);
direct refusal, indirect refusal and the adjunct to the refusal. Direct refusal comprises
no or I refuse. Indirect refusal comprises the statement of regret, alternative or
reason. Adjunct consists of the statement of positive opinion, empathy, gratitude and
This study consists three social variables. Firstly, the refusal strategy to a person
of higher social status, second one refusal strategy to a person of lower social status and
the last one refusal strategy to a person of equal social status. The strategy will be
analyzed quantitatively based on the classification of semantic formula. Then, will be
analyzed qualitatively by using politeness theory by Brown & Levinson (1987).
This part encompasses the procedure of how this research will be conducted. It starts
with design and the instrument of research, the subject who will participate in the
research, and a brief explanation of data analyzing procedure.
A. Design of Research
This research will apply a mixed method design. A mixed method research is a
combination of a quantitative and a qualitative research design, (Creswell & Plano Clark
(2007). It emphasizes the equal weight of quantitative and qualitative analysis in a single
study. A quantitative method is used to collect and measure the accuracy of numerical
data (Piaw, 2014). Meanwhile, a qualitative method emphasizes the importance looking
at researched object, exploring the problems, and developing a detailed understanding of
The subject of this study will be selected based on purposive sampling technique.
Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique, which relies on the
judgment that a group of the respondent has certain characteristics and eligibility to be
chosen as research subjects (Piaw, 2014). In relation to this, a total of 30 subjects will be
selected to participate in the study. They are the native speakers of Kerinci dialect who
live in Tanjung Tanah village Kerinci. The age of the subject ranged from 18 to 25 years
old. They are all undergraduate students at the local college in Kerinci who actively
participate in a social organization in the village.
The reason for choosing the subject who actively participates in social
organization is to facilitate the process data collection. The students are the people who
frequently interact with other people from various social statuses in an academic setting
such the lecturers, thesis advisors, academics staff and their own classmates. Meanwhile,
their participating in a social organization implies that they are also the individual who
frequently interact with the people from different social status in the society such as the
leader of an organization, the head of villages, and other people from diverse social
C. Research Instruments
This study will apply two main instruments for data collecting procedure. The first one is
the instrument for collecting quantitative data, and another is the instrument for
collecting qualitative data. The quantitative and qualitative data will be collected at the
same time. But the process will be conducted separately. It will start with the process to
collect quantitative data, and then it will be followed by the process to collect qualitative
Close role-played instrument, which will be applied in this studies consist of nine
conversation situations, which are derived from three refusal forms; refusing to an offer,
request and invitation from a person of three different social statuses; a person of higher
social status, a person of a lower social status and a person of equal social status. Prior to
role-played, the subject will be coded and required fill demographic information about
gender, age, and educational background. Then, the researcher will explain the context
and the situation designed in the instrument. During the role-played, the subject will
interact with a friend, and the conversation will be coded and audio recorded.
The qualitative data is derived from an observation, the role-played data and from
semi-structured interviews. The interview will be addressed to the same subjects and will
be conducted immediately after the role play. The interview data will be coded and audio
recorded separately. Prior to semi-structured interview, the researcher will allow the
subjects to listen to their response in the role-played situation. Then they will be asked to
comment or give a reason about the strategy they used during the refusal interaction with
interlocutors from different social status. During the interviews, the researcher will also
use manual note-taking to save any important information during the interviews.
The data of this study will be analyzed separately by using typical quantitative and
qualitative analytic procedure.
Quantitative data is an oral interaction derived from a close role-played method. Firstly,
the data will be transcribed into written text based on Jefferson system of transcription
notation. Then, the refusal strategy will be classified by applying Beebe, Takashi, and
Uliss-Weltz (1990)s taxonomy; the direct refusal, indirect refusal and an adjunct to the
Direct refusal is a formative action such the word I refuse. Then a non-
performative action such the expression of negative willingness or the expression of
negative ability such by saying I cant and I dont so.Then, indirect refusal
comprises eight strategies; statement of regret, wish, excuse, reason, explanation,
statement of alternative, setting a condition for future or past acceptance, set a condition
for future or past acceptance, statement of principle, statement of philosophy, and the
statement of persuasion.
The last one is the adjunct, it consists of four strategies; statement of positive
opinion or positive feeling or agreement such as thats a good idea. Statement of
empathy such as I realize you are in a difficult situation. Pause and fillers such
hhmm uh Then, the expression of gratitude or appreciation (Beebe, Takashi, and
Uliss-Weltz, 1990). The classification of the semantic formula will be analyzed
quantitatively by using descriptive and inferential statistical computation.
The qualitative data is derived from a close role-played and the result of semi-
structured interviews. Firstly, the result of the interview will be transcribed into written
text. Then, the speakers comments and perception about the using of certain refusal
strategy will be noted, and then their comments will be compared with their response in
close role-played method. Then the two results will be converged and analyzed by
applying politeness theory by Brown & Levinson (1987).
This research will be conducted in Tanjung Tanah, it is one of the villages in Kerinci
Regency. The village is located in the eastern part of and about twenty kilometers from
Sungai Penuh, The Capital of Town. The residents of the village belong to various social
roles, status and job position. Most of them are rice farmers, and the others are
fishermen, traders, workers, students and civil officers who work for various government
institutions such department of education, health, statistic and other government
institutions in Sungai Penuh.
Like other villages in Kerinci, Tanjung Tanah is led by a head of village under
the auspice of three custom chiefs who referred as Depati. The Depati is responsible
for keeping the village traditional heritage, proposing and altering village legal authority.
The residents of Tanjung Tanah speak the Kerinci dialect in Tanjung Tanah accent in
their daily conversation. Most of them are monolingual and the native speakers of the
dialect who live there for generations.
a. Dialect
Chamber & Trudgill (2004) stated that, in common usage, of course, a dialect is a sub-
standard, low-status, and often rustic form of language, generally associated with the
peasantry, working class or other group lacking in prestige. Moreover, they also state
that dialect is also a term which is often applied to form a language, particularly those
spoken in more isolated part of the world, which has no written form.
Then, Holmes (2013) defined that, dialect consist of some linguistics varieties
such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The speakers of a dialect are from
different social and regional group are differed in this way. Due to the fact, Kerinci
dialect is a regional dialect. It is spoken in a specific regional area in Indonesia. It has its
own vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, and then it has no written form.
b. Refusal
c. Sociopragmatics
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